package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenerator, CodegenContext, ExprCode, FalseLiteral} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String /** * Adds/replaces fields in a struct. * Returns null if struct is null. * If multiple fields already exist with the one of the given fieldNames, they will all be replaced. */ // scalastyle:off line.size.limit @ExpressionDescription( usage = "_FUNC_(struct, name1, val1, name2, val2, ...) - Adds/replaces fields in struct by name.", examples = """ Examples: > SELECT _FUNC_({"a":1}, "b", 2, "c", 3); {"a":1,"b":2,"c":3} """) // scalastyle:on line.size.limit case class AddFields(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression { private lazy val struct: Expression = children.head private lazy val (nameExprs, valExprs) = children.drop(1).grouped(2).map { case Seq(name, value) => (name, value) }.toList.unzip private lazy val fieldNames =[UTF8String].toString) private lazy val pairs = override def nullable: Boolean = struct.nullable private lazy val ogStructType: StructType = struct.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType] override lazy val dataType: StructType = { val existingFields = { x => (, x) } val addOrReplaceFields = { case (fieldName, field) => (fieldName, StructField(fieldName, field.dataType, field.nullable)) } val newFields = loop(existingFields, addOrReplaceFields).map(_._2) StructType(newFields) } override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = { if (children.size % 2 == 0) { return TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(s"$prettyName expects an odd number of arguments.") } val typeName = struct.dataType.typeName val expectedStructType = StructType(Nil).typeName if (typeName != expectedStructType) { return TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"Only $expectedStructType is allowed to appear at first position, got: $typeName.") } if (nameExprs.contains(null) || nameExprs.exists(e => !(e.foldable && e.dataType == StringType))) { return TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"Only non-null foldable ${StringType.catalogString} expressions are allowed to appear at even position.") } if (valExprs.contains(null)) { return TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"Only non-null expressions are allowed to appear at odd positions after first position.") } TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = { val structValue = struct.eval(input) if (structValue == null) { null } else { val existingValues: Seq[(FieldName, Any)] =[InternalRow].toSeq(ogStructType)) val addOrReplaceValues: Seq[(FieldName, Any)] = { case (fieldName, expression) => (fieldName, expression.eval(input)) } val newValues = loop(existingValues, addOrReplaceValues).map(_._2) InternalRow.fromSeq(newValues) } } override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { val structGen = struct.genCode(ctx) val addOrReplaceFieldsGens = val resultCode: String = { val structVar = structGen.value type NullCheck = String type NonNullValue = String val existingFieldsCode: Seq[(FieldName, (NullCheck, NonNullValue))] = { case (structField, i) => val nullCheck = s"$structVar.isNullAt($i)" val nonNullValue = CodeGenerator.getValue(structVar, structField.dataType, i.toString) (, (nullCheck, nonNullValue)) } val addOrReplaceFieldsCode: Seq[(FieldName, (NullCheck, NonNullValue))] = { case (fieldName, fieldExprCode) => val nullCheck = fieldExprCode.isNull.code val nonNullValue = fieldExprCode.value.code (fieldName, (nullCheck, nonNullValue)) } val newFieldsCode = loop(existingFieldsCode, addOrReplaceFieldsCode) val rowClass = classOf[GenericInternalRow].getName val rowValuesVar = ctx.freshName("rowValues") val populateRowValuesVar = { case ((_, (nullCheck, nonNullValue)), i) => s""" |if ($nullCheck) { | $rowValuesVar[$i] = null; |} else { | $rowValuesVar[$i] = $nonNullValue; |}""".stripMargin }.mkString("\n|") s""" |Object[] $rowValuesVar = new Object[${dataType.length}]; | |${"\n")} |$populateRowValuesVar | |${ev.value} = new $rowClass($rowValuesVar); """.stripMargin } if (nullable) { val nullSafeEval = structGen.code + ctx.nullSafeExec(struct.nullable, structGen.isNull) { s""" |${ev.isNull} = false; // resultCode could change nullability. |$resultCode |""".stripMargin } ev.copy(code = code""" boolean ${ev.isNull} = true; ${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)}; $nullSafeEval """) } else { ev.copy(code = code""" ${structGen.code} ${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)}; $resultCode """, isNull = FalseLiteral) } } override def prettyName: String = "add_fields" private type FieldName = String /** * Recursively loop through addOrReplaceFields, adding or replacing fields by FieldName. */ @scala.annotation.tailrec private def loop[V](existingFields: Seq[(String, V)], addOrReplaceFields: Seq[(String, V)]): Seq[(String, V)] = { if (addOrReplaceFields.nonEmpty) { val existingFieldNames = val newField@(newFieldName, _) = addOrReplaceFields.head if (existingFieldNames.contains(newFieldName)) { loop( { case (fieldName, _) if fieldName == newFieldName => newField case x => x }, addOrReplaceFields.drop(1)) } else { loop( existingFields :+ newField, addOrReplaceFields.drop(1)) } } else { existingFields } } } object AddFields { @deprecated("use AddFields(children: Seq[Expression]) constructor.", "0.2.4") def apply(struct: Expression, fieldName: String, fieldExpression: Expression): AddFields = AddFields(struct :: Literal(fieldName) :: fieldExpression :: Nil) @deprecated("use AddFields(children: Seq[Expression]) constructor.", "0.2.4") def apply(struct: Expression, fieldNames: Seq[String], fieldExpressions: Seq[Expression]): AddFields = { val exprs = { case (name, expr) => Seq(Literal(name), expr) } AddFields(struct +: exprs) } }