#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # apache-top # Copyright (C) 2006 Carles Amigó # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from HTMLParser import HTMLParser import operator import sys import urllib import curses import traceback import getopt import time class ApacheStatusParser(HTMLParser): """ Clase que parseja la sortida del handler server-status de apache """ performance_info = 2 scoreboard = 3 proceses = 4 status = 0 store = False # defineix si el contingut s'ha de guardar o no append = False # defineix si els seguents caracters s'han d'afegir o posar en un altre camp performance_info_data = [] scoreboard_data = [] proceses_data = [] def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.performance_info_data = [] self.scoreboard_data = [] self.proceses_data = [] self.store = False self.append = False self.status = 1 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == "b": return self.store = False if self.status <= self.performance_info: if tag == "dt": self.store = True elif self.status <= self.scoreboard: if tag == "pre": self.store = True elif self.status <= self.proceses: if tag == "tr": #if len(self.proceses_data[-1]) != 0: if len (self.proceses_data) == 0: self.proceses_data.append([]) else: if len(self.proceses_data[-1]) > 0: self.proceses_data.append([]) elif tag == "td": self.store = True def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == "b": return self.store = False self.append = False if self.status <= self.performance_info and tag == "dl": self.status += 1 elif self.status <= self.scoreboard and tag == "pre": self.status += 1 elif self.status <= self.proceses and tag == "table": self.status += 1 def handle_data(self,data): if self.store and data != "\n": if self.status <= self.performance_info: self.performance_info_data.append(data.replace("\n","")) elif self.status <= self.scoreboard: self.scoreboard_data.append(data.replace("\n","")) elif self.status <= self.proceses: if not self.append: self.proceses_data[-1].append(data.replace("\n","")) else: self.proceses_data[-1][-1] += data.replace("\n","") def handle_charref(self, ref): self.append = True self.handle_data("&#%s;" % ref) def handle_entityref(self, ref): self.append = True self.handle_data("&%s;" % ref) def eval_data(self): for process in self.proceses_data: # PID try: process[1] = eval(process[1]) except: process[1] = 0 # Acc Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot process[2] = process[2].split("/") process[2][0] = eval(process[2][0]) process[2][1] = eval(process[2][1]) process[2][2] = eval(process[2][2]) # M Mode of operation #pass # CPU CPU usage, number of seconds process[4] = eval(process[4]) # SS Seconds since beginning of most recent request process[5] = eval(process[5]) # Req Milliseconds required to process most recent request process[6] = eval(process[6]) # Conn Kilobytes transferred this connection process[7] = eval(process[7]) # Child Megabytes transferred this child process[8] = eval(process[8]) # Slot Total megabytes transferred this slot process[9] = eval(process[9]) def usage(exit = 1): print main.__doc__ sys.exit(exit) def print_screen(screen, url, show_scoreboard): screen = stdscr.subwin(0, 0) screen.nodelay(1) end = False sort = 5 message = "" reverse = True show_only_active = True y = 0 c = "" while not end: try: data = ApacheStatusParser() statusdata = urllib.urlopen(url).read() data.feed(statusdata) data.eval_data() #width = curses.tigetnum('cols') or 80 #height = curses.tigetnum('lines') or 24 (height, width) = screen.getmaxyx() screen.clear() # imprimim el header screen.addstr(0,0,data.performance_info_data[5].replace("Server uptime: ","Uptime:").replace(" days","d").replace(" day","d").replace(" hours","h").replace(" hour","h").replace(" minutes","m").replace(" minute","m").replace(" seconds","s").replace("second","s") + ", " + data.performance_info_data[3]) screen.addstr(1,0,data.performance_info_data[7]) screen.addstr(2,0,data.performance_info_data[8].replace("request","req").replace("second","sec") + ", Active/Idle: " + data.performance_info_data[9].split()[0] + "/" + data.performance_info_data[9].split()[5]) # evaluar scoreboard if show_scoreboard: y = 6 screen.addstr(3,0," +-------------------------Scoreboard Key-------------------------+") screen.addstr(4,0," | _ Waiting for Connection, S Starting up, R Reading Request |") screen.addstr(5,0," | W Sending Reply, K Keepalive (read), D DNS Lookup |") screen.addstr(6,0," | C Closing connection, L Logging, G Gracefully finishing |") screen.addstr(7,0," | I Idle cleanup of worker, . Open slot with no current process |") screen.addstr(8,0," +----------------------------------------------------------------+") # imprimim el scoreboard for num in range(0,len(data.scoreboard_data[0]),width): screen.addstr(y+4+num/width,0, data.scoreboard_data[0][num:num+width]) if len(message) > 0: screen.addstr(y+5+num/width,0,message, curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_REVERSE) message = "" print_proceses(y+6+num/width,0,screen, data.proceses_data, columns=[ 1, 3, 5, 4, 11, 10, 12 ], sort=sort, reverse=reverse, width=width, show_only_active=show_only_active ) #screen.hline(2, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, 77) screen.refresh() time.sleep(2) try: c = screen.getkey() except: pass if c == "q": # sortir end = True elif c == "P": # ordenar per PID sort = 1 message = "Sort by PID" elif c == "C": # ordenar per cpu sort = 4 message = "Sort by CPU usage" elif c == "S": # ordenar per SS" sort = 5 message = "Sort by Seconds since beginning of most recent request" elif c == "V": # ordenar per vhost sort = 11 message = "Sort by VirtualHost" elif c == "M": # ordenar per Mode of operation sort = 3 message = "Sort by Mode of operation" elif c == "R": # ordenar per request sort = 12 message = "Sort by Request" elif c == "I": # ordenar per ip sort = 10 message = "Sort by IP" elif c == "s": # mostrar scoreboard" if show_scoreboard == 0: show_scoreboard = 1 message = "Showing mod_status scoreboard" else: show_scoreboard = 0 message = "Hiding mod_status scoreboard" y = 0 elif c == "a": # mostra els actius if show_only_active: show_only_active = False message = "Show all processes" else: show_only_active = True message = "Show only active processes" elif c == "r": # cambiar l'ordre if reverse: reverse = False message = "Reversed sorting" else: reverse = True message = "Normal sorting" c = "" except IndexError: raise except: pass def print_proceses(y,x,screen, proceses, columns, sort, reverse, width, show_only_active = True): header = "PID M SS CPU VHost IP Request" screen.addstr(y,x,header + " "*(width-len(header)), curses.A_REVERSE) n = 1 if sort != None: for process in sorted(proceses, key=operator.itemgetter(sort), reverse=reverse): n += print_process(y+n,x,screen,process,columns,show_only_active,width) else: for process in proceses: n += print_process(y+n,x,screen,process,columns,show_only_active,width) try: screen.addstr(y+n,x, " "*width) except: pass def print_process(y,x,screen,process,columns,show_only_active,width): if not show_only_active or (process[3] != "." and process[3] != "_"): try: screen.addstr(y,x, " "*width) n = x; screen.addstr(y,n, str(process[columns[0]])) # SS n = n+ 6 screen.addstr(y,n, process[columns[1]]) # M n = n+ 2 screen.addstr(y,n, str(process[columns[2]])) # PID n = n+ 6 cpu = str(process[columns[3]]) if len(cpu.split('.')[1]) < 2: cpu = cpu + "0"*(2-len(cpu.split('.')[1])) screen.addstr(y,n+(4-len(cpu)), cpu) # CPU n = n+ 6 screen.addstr(y,n, str(process[columns[4]])) # VHOST n = n+ 16 screen.addstr(y,n, str(process[columns[5]])) # IP n = n+ 15 screen.addstr(y,n, " " + str(process[columns[6]])) # REQUEST return 1 except: return 1 else: return 0 def main(url, stdscr, show_scoreboard): """Shows the actual status of the Apache web server using the server-status url. It needs the ExtendedStatus flag Usage: apache-top [-s] -u url -u url Url where apache-status is located Example: apache-top.py -u http://www.domain.com/server-status -s Show scoreboard Interactive keys: q Exit P Sort by PID C Sort by CPU usage S Sort by Seconds since beginning of most recent request V Sort by VirtualHost M Sort by Mopde of operation R Sort by Request I Sort by Ip s Show/Hide mod_status scoreboard a Switch between show all processes and show only active processes (default) r Reverse sort """ cols = { "srv": 0, "pid": 1, "acc": 2, "m": 3, "cpu": 4, "ss": 5, "req": 6, "conn": 7, "child": 8, "slot": 9, "client": 10, "vhost": 11, "request": 12 } try: print_screen(stdscr,url,show_scoreboard) except: raise if __name__ == "__main__": url = None show_scoreboard = False try: opt_list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "u:h:s") except: usage() for opt in opt_list[0]: if opt[0]=="-h": usage(0) elif opt[0]=="-s": show_scoreboard = True elif opt[0]=="-u": url = opt[1] else: usage if url == None: print "*** ERROR: Url missing\n" usage() try: # Initialize curses stdscr=curses.initscr() # Turn off echoing of keys, and enter cbreak mode, # where no buffering is performed on keyboard input curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) # In keypad mode, escape sequences for special keys # (like the cursor keys) will be interpreted and # a special value like curses.KEY_LEFT will be returned stdscr.keypad(1) try: main(url,stdscr,show_scoreboard) # Enter the main loop except: raise # Set everything back to normal curses.curs_set(1) stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.endwin() # Terminate curses except: # In event of error, restore terminal to sane state. stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.endwin() #traceback.print_exc() # Print the exception print "ERROR parsing the data. Please, make sure you are alowed to read the server-status page and you have ExtendedStatus flag activated"