#!/bin/bash ####################################################################################################################### # # Script to download, install, configure and uninstall raspiBackup.sh using windows. # Commandline installation is also possible. Use option -h to get a list of all options. # # Visit http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/raspiBackup for latest code and other details # # Credits to following people for their translation work # FI - teemue # ZH - GoogleBeEvil # FR - mgrafr # ####################################################################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2015-2023 framp at linux-tips-and-tricks dot de # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ####################################################################################################################### if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ] ;then echo "??? ERROR: Unable to execute script. bash interpreter missing." echo "??? DEBUG: $(lsof -a -p $$ -d txt | tail -n 1)" exit 127 fi [[ "$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)" != "systemd" ]] : "${SYSTEMD_DETECTED:=$?}" # just disable some code for debugging : "${RASPIBACKUP_INSTALL_DEBUG:=0}" # just disable some code for debugging MYSELF="$(basename "$(test -L "$0" && readlink "$0" || echo "$0")")" # use linked script name if the link is used MYNAME=${MYSELF%.*} VERSION="" # -beta, -hotfix or -dev suffixes possible if [[ (( ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} < 4 )) || ( (( ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} == 4 )) && (( ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} < 3 )) ) ]]; then echo "bash version 0.4.3 or beyond is required by $MYSELF" # nameref feature, declare -n var=$v exit 1 fi # Commands used by raspiBackup and which have to be available # [command]=package declare -A REQUIRED_COMMANDS=( \ ["parted"]="parted" \ ["fsck.vfat"]="dosfstools" \ ["e2label"]="e2fsprogs" \ ["rsync"]="rsync" \ ["whiptail"]="whiptail" \ ["dosfslabel"]="dosfstools" \ ["fdisk"]="fdisk" \ ["blkid"]="util-linux" \ ["sfdisk"]="fdisk" \ ) requiredCmds=() for cmd in ${!REQUIRED_COMMANDS[@]}; do if ! hash $cmd 2>/dev/null; then requiredCmds+=($cmd) fi done if (( ${#requiredCmds[@]} > 0 )); then for cmd in ${requiredCmds[@]}; do echo "$MYSELF depends on $cmd which is available in ${REQUIRED_COMMANDS[$cmd]}" done echo -n "Install all the missing package(s)? (Y/n) " read answer answer=${answer:0:1} # first char only answer=${answer:-"y"} # set default yes answer=${answer,,*} # to lower if [[ ! "yj" =~ $answer ]]; then echo "Please install the required package(s) manually first and then invoke ./$MYSELF again." exit 1 fi apt -y install ${requiredCmds[@]} if (( $? )); then echo "Installation of missing package(s) failed. Please install them manually and then invoke ./$MYSELF again." exit 1 fi fi MYHOMEDOMAIN="www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de" MYHOMEURL="https://$MYHOMEDOMAIN" MYDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" GIT_DATE="$Date$" GIT_DATE_ONLY=${GIT_DATE/: /} GIT_DATE_ONLY=$(cut -f 2 -d ' ' <<<$GIT_DATE) GIT_TIME_ONLY=$(cut -f 3 -d ' ' <<<$GIT_DATE) GIT_COMMIT="$Sha1$" GIT_COMMIT_ONLY=$(cut -f 2 -d ' ' <<<$GIT_COMMIT | sed 's/\$//') GIT_CODEVERSION="$MYSELF $VERSION, $GIT_DATE_ONLY/$GIT_TIME_ONLY - $GIT_COMMIT_ONLY" FILE_TO_INSTALL="raspiBackup.sh" RASPIBACKUP_NAME=${FILE_TO_INSTALL%.*} CURRENT_DIR=$(pwd) NL=$'\n' IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR=":" declare -A CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_FILE=(['DE']="raspiBackup_de.conf" ['EN']="raspiBackup_en.conf") CONFIG_FILE="raspiBackup.conf" SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE="raspiBackupSampleExtensions.tgz" DEFAULT_IFS="$IFS" MASQUERADE_STRING="@@@@" [[ -n $URLTARGET ]] && URLTARGET="/$URLTARGET" PROPERTY_URL="$MYHOMEURL/raspiBackup${URLTARGET}/raspiBackup.properties" BETA_DOWNLOAD_URL="$MYHOMEURL/raspiBackup${URLTARGET}/beta/raspiBackup.sh" PROPERTY_FILE_NAME="$MYNAME.properties" LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE="/tmp/$PROPERTY_FILE_NAME" LOCAL_PROPERTY_FILE="$CURRENT_DIR/.$PROPERTY_FILE_NAME" INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_URL="$MYHOMEURL/raspiBackup${URLTARGET}/raspiBackupInstallUI.sh" STABLE_CODE_URL="$FILE_TO_INSTALL" INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX_FILE="/usr/local/etc/raspiBackup.iservices" EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX_FILE="/usr/local/etc/raspiBackup.eservices" read -r -d '' CRON_CONTENTS <<-'EOF' # # Crontab entry for raspiBackup.sh # # (C) 2017-2019 framp at linux-tips-and-tricks dot de # # Create a backup once a week on Sunday morning at 5 am (default) # #0 5 * * 0 root /usr/local/bin/raspiBackup.sh EOF read -r -d '' SYSTEMD_SERVICE <<-'EOF' [Unit] Description=Creation of a Raspberry backup with raspiBackup [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/raspiBackup.sh # For Use with Wrapper Script: ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/raspiBackupWrapper.sh [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF read -r -d '' SYSTEMD_TIMER <<-'EOF' [Unit] Description=Timer for raspiBackup.service to start backup [Timer] OnCalendar=Sun *-*-* 05:00:42 # Create a backup once a week on Sunday morning at 5 am (default) Unit=raspiBackup.service [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF if [[ -f $EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX_FILE ]]; then EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX="$(<$EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX_FILE)" else read -r -d '' EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX <<-'EOF' acpid alsa-state avahi.* argononed bluetooth colord dbus dhcpcd hciuart kernel.* LightDM lvm.* ModemManager nfs- ntp rng-tools rpcbind rsyslog ssh smartd smartmontools systemd-.* thermald triggerhappy udisks.* unattended.* upower wpa_supplicant .*@.* EOF fi if [[ -f $INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX_FILE ]]; then INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX="$(<$INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX_FILE)" else read -r -d '' INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX <<-'EOF' apache.* containerd cron cups fhem influxd iobroker lighttpd minidlna mysql mariadb nfs-kernel-server nmbd nginx smbd snapd wordpress EOF fi DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT=60 # seconds DOWNLOAD_RETRIES=3 BIN_DIR="/usr/local/bin" ETC_DIR="/usr/local/etc" CRON_DIR="/etc/cron.d" LOG_FILE="$MYNAME.log" SYSTEMD_DIR="/etc/systemd/system" CONFIG_FILE_ABS_PATH="$ETC_DIR" CONFIG_ABS_FILE="$CONFIG_FILE_ABS_PATH/$CONFIG_FILE" FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH="$BIN_DIR" FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE="$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$FILE_TO_INSTALL" CRON_ABS_FILE="$CRON_DIR/$RASPIBACKUP_NAME" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_NAME="${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE="$SYSTEMD_DIR/$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_NAME" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME="${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}.timer" SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE="$SYSTEMD_DIR/$SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME" INSTALLER_ABS_PATH="$BIN_DIR" INSTALLER_ABS_FILE="$INSTALLER_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY="/var/lib/$RASPIBACKUP_NAME" PROPERTY_REGEX='.*="([^"]*)"' # borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3685970/check-if-an-array-contains-a-value function containsElement () { local e for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } # # NLS: Either use system language if language is supported and use English otherwise # SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES=("EN" "DE" "FI" "FR" "ZH") [[ -z "${LANG}" ]] && LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LANG_EXT="${LANG^^*}" LANG_SYSTEM="${LANG_EXT:0:2}" if ! containsElement "${LANG_SYSTEM^^*}" "${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[@]}"; then LANG_SYSTEM="EN" fi # default configs CONFIG_LANGUAGE=$LANG_SYSTEM # CONFIG_LANGUAGE= will become the configured language later on CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL="0" CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE="rsync" CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS="3" DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE="0" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS="7 4 12 1" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN="1" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN" CONFIG_BACKUPPATH="/backup" CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP="0" DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP="1 2" CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP="0" CONFIG_CRON_HOUR="5" CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE="0" CONFIG_CRON_DAY="1" # Sun CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR=$CONFIG_CRON_HOUR CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE=$CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY="1" # Sun CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM="mail" CONFIG_EMAIL="" CONFIG_RESIZE_ROOTFS="1" # Whiptail box sizes ROWS_MSGBOX=20 ROWS_ABOUT=20 ROWS_MENU=20 WINDOW_COLS=60 # # Messages # # To add a new language just execute following steps: # 1) Add new language id LL (e.g. FI for Finnish) in variable SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES (see above) # 2) For every MSG_ add a new message MSG_LL # MSG_PRF="RBI" SCNT=0 MSG_UNDEFINED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UNDEFINED]="${MSG_PRF}0000E: Undefined messageid." MSG_DE[$MSG_UNDEFINED]="${MSG_PRF}0000E: Unbekannte Meldungsid." MSG_FI[$MSG_UNDEFINED]="${MSG_PRF}0000E: Viestitunnus puuttuu." MSG_FR[$MSG_UNDEFINED]="${MSG_PRF}0000E: ID de message non défini." MSG_ZH[$MSG_UNDEFINED]="${MSG_PRF}0000E: 未定义的错误ID." MSG_VERSION=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_VERSION]="${MSG_PRF}0001I: %1" MSG_DE[$MSG_VERSION]="${MSG_PRF}0001I: %1" MSG_FI[$MSG_VERSION]="${MSG_PRF}0001I: %1" MSG_FR[$MSG_VERSION]="${MSG_PRF}0001I: %1" MSG_ZH[$MSG_VERSION]="${MSG_PRF}0001I: %1" MSG_DOWNLOADING=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_DOWNLOADING]="${MSG_PRF}0002I: Downloading %1..." MSG_DE[$MSG_DOWNLOADING]="${MSG_PRF}0002I: %1 wird aus dem Netz geladen..." MSG_FI[$MSG_DOWNLOADING]="${MSG_PRF}0002I: Ladataan %1..." MSG_FR[$MSG_DOWNLOADING]="${MSG_PRF}0002I: Téléchargement %1..." MSG_ZH[$MSG_DOWNLOADING]="${MSG_PRF}0002I: 下载中 %1..." MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0003E: Download of %1 failed. HTTP code: %2." MSG_DE[$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0003E: %1 kann nicht aus dem Netz geladen werden. HTTP code: %2." MSG_FI[$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0003E: Kohteen %1 lataus epäonnistui. HTTP-koodi: %2." MSG_FR[$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0003E: Le téléchargement de %1 a échoué. Code HTTP : %2." MSG_ZH[$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0003E: 下载 %1 失败. HTTP-代码: %2." MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0004E: Installation of %1 failed. Check %2." MSG_DE[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0004E: Installation von %1 fehlerhaft beendet. Prüfe %2." MSG_FI[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0004E: Kohteen %1 asennus epäonnistui. Tarkista %2." MSG_FR[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0004E: L'installation de %1 a échoué. Vérifiez %2." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0004E: 安装 %1 失败. 检查 %2." MSG_SAVING_FILE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SAVING_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0005I: Existing file %1 saved as %2." MSG_DE[$MSG_SAVING_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0005I: Existierende Datei %1 wurde als %2 gesichert." MSG_FI[$MSG_SAVING_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0005I: Tiedosto %1 tallennettiin nimellä %2." MSG_FR[$MSG_SAVING_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0005I: Fichier existant %1 enregistré en tant que %2." MSG_ZH[$MSG_SAVING_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0005I: %1 已存在,另存为 %2." MSG_CHMOD_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CHMOD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0006E: chmod of %1 failed." MSG_DE[$MSG_CHMOD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0006E: chmod von %1 nicht möglich." MSG_FI[$MSG_CHMOD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0006E: chmod %1 epäonnistui." MSG_FR[$MSG_CHMOD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0006E: chmod de %1 a échoué." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CHMOD_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0006E: chmod %1 失败." MSG_MOVE_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_MOVE_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0007E: mv of %1 failed." MSG_DE[$MSG_MOVE_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0007E: mv von %1 nicht möglich." MSG_FI[$MSG_MOVE_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0007E: mv %1 epäonnistui." MSG_FR[$MSG_MOVE_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0007E: Impossible de faire mv à partir de %1." MSG_ZH[$MSG_MOVE_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0007E: mv %1 失败." MSG_CLEANUP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CLEANUP]="${MSG_PRF}0008I: Cleaning up..." MSG_DE[$MSG_CLEANUP]="${MSG_PRF}0008I: Räume auf..." MSG_FI[$MSG_CLEANUP]="${MSG_PRF}0008I: Puhdistetaan..." MSG_FR[$MSG_CLEANUP]="${MSG_PRF}0008I: Nettoyer..." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CLEANUP]="${MSG_PRF}0008I: 正在清理..." MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0009I: Installation of %1 finished successfully." MSG_DE[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0009I: Installation von %1 erfolgreich beendet." MSG_FI[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0009I: Kohde %1 asennettu onnistuneesti." MSG_FR[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0009I: L'installation de %1 s'est terminée avec succès." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0009I: 安装 %1 成功." MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG]="${MSG_PRF}0010I: Updating configuration in %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG]="${MSG_PRF}0010I: Konfigurationsdatei %1 wird angepasst." MSG_FI[$MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG]="${MSG_PRF}0010I: Päivitetään asetukset tiedostossa %1." MSG_FR[$MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG]="${MSG_PRF}0010I: Mise à jour de la configuration dans %1." MSG_ZH[$MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG]="${MSG_PRF}0010I: 更新设置 %1." MSG_DELETE_FILE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_DELETE_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0011I: Deleting %1..." MSG_DE[$MSG_DELETE_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0011I: Lösche %1..." MSG_FI[$MSG_DELETE_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0011I: Poistetaan %1..." MSG_FR[$MSG_DELETE_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0011I: Suppression de %1..." MSG_ZH[$MSG_DELETE_FILE]="${MSG_PRF}0011I: 删除 %1..." MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0012I: Uninstall of %1 finished successfully." MSG_DE[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0012I: Deinstallation von %1 erfolgreich beendet." MSG_FI[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0012I: Kohteen %1 asennus poistettu onnistuneesti." MSG_FR[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0012I: La désinstallation de %1 s'est terminée avec succès." MSG_ZH[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED]="${MSG_PRF}0012I: 卸载 %1 成功." MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0013E: Delete of %1 failed." MSG_DE[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0013E: Löschen von %1 fehlerhaft beendet." MSG_FI[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0013E: Kohteen %1 poisto epäonnistui." MSG_FR[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0013E: Échec de la suppression de %1." MSG_ZH[$MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0013E: 删除 %1 失败." MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA]="${MSG_PRF}0014I: Downloading %1 beta..." MSG_DE[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA]="${MSG_PRF}0014I: %1 beta wird aus dem Netz geladen..." MSG_FI[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA]="${MSG_PRF}0014I: Ladataan kohteen %1 beta-versiota..." MSG_FR[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA]="${MSG_PRF}0014I: Téléchargement de %1 bêta..." MSG_ZH[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA]="${MSG_PRF}0014I: 下载 %1 beta版本..." MSG_CODE_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CODE_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0015I: Created %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_CODE_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0015I: %1 wurde erstellt." MSG_FI[$MSG_CODE_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0015I: Kohde %1 luotu." MSG_FR[$MSG_CODE_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0015I: %1 a été créé." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CODE_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0015I: 创建 %1." MSG_NOT_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_NOT_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0016I: %1 not installed." MSG_DE[$MSG_NOT_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0016I: %1 nicht installiert." MSG_FI[$MSG_NOT_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0016I: %1 ei ole asennettu." MSG_FR[$MSG_NOT_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0016I: %1 non installé." MSG_ZH[$MSG_NOT_INSTALLED]="${MSG_PRF}0016I: %1 未安装." MSG_CHOWN_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CHOWN_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0017E: chown of %1 failed." MSG_DE[$MSG_CHOWN_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0017E: chown von %1 nicht möglich." MSG_FI[$MSG_CHOWN_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0017E: chown %1 epäonnistui." MSG_FR[$MSG_CHOWN_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0017E: Impossible d'exécuter chown %1." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CHOWN_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0017E: chown of %1 失败." MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0018E: Sample extension installation failed. %1" MSG_DE[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0018E: Beispielserweiterungsinstallation fehlgeschlagen. %1" MSG_FI[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0018E: Näytelisäosien asennus epäonnistui. %1" MSG_FR[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0018E: L'installation de l'exemple d'extension a échoué. %1" MSG_ZH[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0018E: 扩展安装失败. %1" MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0019I: Sample extensions successfully installed and enabled." MSG_DE[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0019I: Beispielserweiterungen erfolgreich installiert und eingeschaltet." MSG_FI[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0019I: Näytelisäosat asennettu ja otettu käyttöön onnistuneesti." MSG_FR[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0019I: Les exemples d'extensions ont été installés et activés avec succès." MSG_ZH[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0019I: 扩展安装成功并激活." MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0020I: Creating cron file %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0020I: Crondatei %1 wird erstellt." MSG_FI[$MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0020I: Luodaan cron-tiedosto %1." MSG_FR[$MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0020I: Création du fichier cron %1." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0020I: 创建cron文件 %1." MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND]="${MSG_PRF}0021E: Unable to connect to $MYHOMEDOMAIN. wget RC: %1" MSG_DE[$MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND]="${MSG_PRF}0021E: Es kann nicht auf $MYHOMEDOMAIN zugegriffen werden. wget RC: %1" MSG_FI[$MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND]="${MSG_PRF}0021E: Yhdistäminen kohteeseen $MYHOMEDOMAIN epäonnistui. wget RC: %1" MSG_FR[$MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND]="${MSG_PRF}0021E: Impossible de se connecter à $MYHOMEDOMAIN. Code erreur wget : %1" MSG_ZH[$MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND]="${MSG_PRF}0021E: 连接 $MYHOMEDOMAIN 失败. wget RC: %1" MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION]="${MSG_PRF}0022I: Checking internet connection." MSG_DE[$MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION]="${MSG_PRF}0022I: Teste Internetverbindung." MSG_FI[$MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION]="${MSG_PRF}0022I: Tarkistetaan verkkoyhteyttä." MSG_FR[$MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION]="${MSG_PRF}0022I: Vérification de la connexion Internet." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION]="${MSG_PRF}0022I: 检查网络连接." MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0023E: Sample extension uninstall failed. %1" MSG_DE[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0023E: Beispielserweiterungsdeinstallation fehlgeschlagen. %1" MSG_FI[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0023E: Näytelisäosien asennuksen poisto epäonnistui. %1" MSG_FR[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0023E: Échec de la désinstallation de l'extension de l'exemple. %1" MSG_ZH[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED]="${MSG_PRF}0023E: 扩展卸载失败. %1" MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0024I: Sample extensions successfully deleted." MSG_DE[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0024I: Beispielserweiterungen erfolgreich gelöscht." MSG_FI[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0024I: Näytelisäosat poistettiin onnistuneesti." MSG_FR[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0024I: Exemples d'extensions supprimés avec succès." MSG_ZH[$MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS]="${MSG_PRF}0024I: 扩展已被删除." MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0025I: Deleting cron file %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0025I: Crondatei %1 wird gelöscht." MSG_FI[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0025I: Poistetaan cron-tiedosto %1." MSG_FR[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0025I: Suppression du fichier cron %1." MSG_ZH[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0025I: 删除cron文件 %1." MSG_UPDATING_CRON=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UPDATING_CRON]="${MSG_PRF}0026I: Updating cron configuration in %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_UPDATING_CRON]="${MSG_PRF}0026I: Cron Konfigurationsdatei %1 wird angepasst." MSG_FI[$MSG_UPDATING_CRON]="${MSG_PRF}0026I: Päivitetään cron-asetukset kohteessa %1." MSG_FR[$MSG_UPDATING_CRON]="${MSG_PRF}0026I: Le fichier de configuration Cron %1 a été mis à jour." MSG_ZH[$MSG_UPDATING_CRON]="${MSG_PRF}0026I: 更新cron文件 %1." MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY]="${MSG_PRF}0027E: Missing required directory %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY]="${MSG_PRF}0027E: Erforderliches Verzeichnis %1 existiert nicht." MSG_FI[$MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY]="${MSG_PRF}0027E: Vaadittu hakemisto %1 puuttuu." MSG_FR[$MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY]="${MSG_PRF}0027E: Le répertoire requis %1 n'existe pas." MSG_ZH[$MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY]="${MSG_PRF}0027E: 缺少必要的路径 %1." MSG_CODE_UPDATED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CODE_UPDATED]="${MSG_PRF}0028I: Updated %1 with latest available release." MSG_DE[$MSG_CODE_UPDATED]="${MSG_PRF}0028I: %1 wurde mit dem letzen aktuellen Release erneuert." MSG_FI[$MSG_CODE_UPDATED]="${MSG_PRF}0028I: %1 päivitetty viimeisimpään julkaisuun." MSG_FR[$MSG_CODE_UPDATED]="${MSG_PRF}0028I: %1 a été remplacé par la version la plus récente." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CODE_UPDATED]="${MSG_PRF}0028I: 更新 %1 到最新版本." MSG_INSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0029I: Creating systemd file %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_INSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0029I: Systemddatei %1 wird erstellt." MSG_UNINSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0030I: Deleting systemd file %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_UNINSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE]="${MSG_PRF}0030I: Systemddatei %1 wird gelöscht." MSG_UPDATING_SYSTEMD=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_UPDATING_SYSTEMD]="${MSG_PRF}0031I: Updating systemd configuration in %1." MSG_DE[$MSG_UPDATING_SYSTEMD]="${MSG_PRF}0031I: Systemd Konfigurationsdatei %1 wird angepasst." MSG_SYSTEMD_ENABLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SYSTEMD_ENABLED]="${MSG_PRF}0032I: Systemd enabled." MSG_DE[$MSG_SYSTEMD_ENABLED]="${MSG_PRF}0032I: Systemd eingeschaltet." MSG_SYSTEMD_DISABLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SYSTEMD_DISABLED]="${MSG_PRF}0033I: $RASPIBACKUP_NAME systemd timer disabled." MSG_DE[$MSG_SYSTEMD_DISABLED]="${MSG_PRF}0033I: $RASPIBACKUP_NAME systemd timer ausgeschaltet." MSG_TITLE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_TITLE]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME Installation and Configuration Tool V${VERSION}" MSG_DE[$MSG_TITLE]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME Installations- und Konfigurations Tool V${VERSION}" MSG_FI[$MSG_TITLE]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME Asennus- ja määritystyökalu V${VERSION}" MSG_FR[$MSG_TITLE]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME Outil d'installation et de configuration V${VERSION}" MSG_ZH[$MSG_TITLE]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 安装和设置工具 版本V${VERSION}" BUTTON_FINISH=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_FINISH]="Finish" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_FINISH]="Beenden" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_FINISH]="Lopeta" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_FINISH]="Terminer" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_FINISH]="完成" BUTTON_SELECT=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_SELECT]="Select" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_SELECT]="Auswahl" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_SELECT]="Valitse" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_SELECT]="Valider" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_SELECT]="选择" BUTTON_BACK=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_BACK]="Back" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_BACK]="Zurück" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_BACK]="Takaisin" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_BACK]="Retour" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_BACK]="返回" SELECT_TIME=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$SELECT_TIME]="Enter time of backup in format hh:mm" MSG_DE[$SELECT_TIME]="Die Backupzeit im Format hh:mm eingeben" MSG_FI[$SELECT_TIME]="Syötä varmuuskopioinnin kellonaika muodossa hh:mm" MSG_FR[$SELECT_TIME]="Saisissez l'heure de la sauvegarde au format hh:mm" MSG_ZH[$SELECT_TIME]="输入以时间命名备份的格式 hh:mm" BUTTON_CANCEL=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_CANCEL]="Cancel" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_CANCEL]="Abbruch" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_CANCEL]="Peruuta" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_CANCEL]="Annuler" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_CANCEL]="取消" BUTTON_OK=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_OK]="Ok" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_OK]="Bestätigen" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_OK]="OK" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_OK]="Confirmer" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_OK]="确认" MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG]="Do you want to save the updated $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration now?" MSG_DE[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG]="Soll die geänderte Konfiguration von $RASPIBACKUP_NAME jetzt gespeichert werden?" MSG_FI[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG]="Haluatko tallentaa päivitetyt $RASPIBACKUP_NAME-asetukset nyt?" MSG_FR[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG]="La configuration de $RASPIBACKUP_NAME a été modifiée, Enregistrer maintenant?" MSG_ZH[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG]="是否立刻更新 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME 设置?" MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP]="There are no services stopped before starting the backup.${NL}WARNING${NL}Inconsistent backups may be created with $RASPIBACKUP_NAME.${NL}Are you sure?" MSG_DE[$MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP]="Es werden keine Services vor dem Start des Backups gestoppt.${NL}WARNUNG${NL}Dadurch können inkonsistente Backups mit $RASPIBACKUP_NAME entstehen.${NL}Ist das beabsichtigt?" MSG_FI[$MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP]="Palveluita ei ole valittu pysäytettäväksi ennen varmuuskopiointia.${NL}VAROITUS${NL}Tämä voi johtaa $RASPIBACKUP_NAME-varmuuskopioiden epäyhtenäisyyteen.${NL}Oletko varma?" MSG_FR[$MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP]="Aucun service ne sera arrêté avant le démarrage de la sauvegarde.${NL}VAROITUS${NL}Cela peut entraîner des incohérences avec $RASPIBACKUP_NAME.${NL}Etes-vous sûre?" MSG_ZH[$MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP]="备份前没有停止任何服务.${NL}警告${NL}可能会创建一个与$RASPIBACKUP_NAME名称不一致的备份.${NL}是否继续?" MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON]="Do you want to save the updated cron settings for $RASPIBACKUP_NAME now?" MSG_DE[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON]="Soll die geänderte cron Konfiguration für $RASPIBACKUP_NAME jetzt gespeichert werden?" MSG_FI[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON]="Haluatko tallentaa nyt päivitetyt cron-asetukset kohteelle $RASPIBACKUP_NAME?" MSG_FR[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON]="Voulez-vous enregistrer les paramètres cron mis à jour pour $RASPIBACKUP_NAME maintenant ?" MSG_ZH[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON]="是否保存$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 更新的cron设置?" MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_SYSTEMD=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_SYSTEMD]="Do you want to save the updated systemd settings for $RASPIBACKUP_NAME now?" MSG_DE[$MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_SYSTEMD]="Soll die geänderte systemd Konfiguration für $RASPIBACKUP_NAME jetzt gespeichert werden?" MSG_SEQUENCE_OK=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SEQUENCE_OK]="Stopcommands for services will be executed in following sequence. Startcommands will be executed in reverse sequence. Sequence OK?" MSG_DE[$MSG_SEQUENCE_OK]="Stopbefehle für die Services werden in folgender Reihenfolge ausgeführt. Startbefehle werden umgekehrt ausgeführt. Ist die Reihenfolge richtig?" MSG_FI[$MSG_SEQUENCE_OK]="Palvelut pysäytetään seuraavassa järjestyksessä ja ne käynnistetään uudelleen käänteisessä järjestyksessä. Onko järjestys OK?" MSG_FR[$MSG_SEQUENCE_OK]="Les commandes d'arrêt pour les services seront exécutées dans l'ordre suivant. Les commandes de démarrage seront exécutées dans l'ordre inverse. d'accord?" MSG_ZH[$MSG_SEQUENCE_OK]="停止服务命令将按以下顺序停止,启动服务命令按反序执行 OK?" BUTTON_YES=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_YES]="Yes" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_YES]="Ja" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_YES]="Kyllä" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_YES]="Oui" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_YES]="Yes" BUTTON_NO=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$BUTTON_NO]="No" MSG_DE[$BUTTON_NO]="Nein" MSG_FI[$BUTTON_NO]="Ei" MSG_FR[$BUTTON_NO]="Non" MSG_ZH[$BUTTON_NO]="No" MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL]="Are you sure to uninstall $RASPIBACKUP_NAME ?" MSG_DE[$MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL]="Soll $RASPIBACKUP_NAME wirklich deinstalliert werden ?" MSG_FI[$MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL]="Haluatko varmasti poistaa koko kohteen $RASPIBACKUP_NAME ?" MSG_FR[$MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL]="Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir désinstaller $RASPIBACKUP_NAME ?" MSG_ZH[$MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL]="确认卸载 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME 么?" MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME not installed." MSG_DE[$MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME ist nicht installiert" MSG_FI[$MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME ei ole asennettuna." MSG_FR[$MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME n'est pas installé." MSG_ZH[$MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 尚未安装." MSG_TIMER_NA=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_TIMER_NA]="Weekly backup disabled." MSG_DE[$MSG_TIMER_NA]="Wöchentliches Backup ist ausgeschaltet." MSG_FI[$MSG_TIMER_NA]="Viikoittainen varmuuskopiointi ei ole käytössä." MSG_FR[$MSG_TIMER_NA]="La sauvegarde hebdomadaire est désactivée." MSG_ZH[$MSG_TIMER_NA]="每周备份已禁用." MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED]="No configuration found." MSG_DE[$MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED]="Keine Konfiguration gefunden." MSG_FI[$MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED]="Asetuksia ei löytynyt." MSG_FR[$MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED]="Aucune configuration trouvée." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED]="未找到配置文件." MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED]="No cron configuration found." MSG_DE[$MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED]="Keine cron Konfiguration gefunden." MSG_FI[$MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED]="Cron-asetuksia ei löytynyt." MSG_FR[$MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED]="Aucune configuration cron trouvée.." MSG_ZH[$MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED]="Cron未找到." MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE]="(No update available)" MSG_DE[$MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE]="(Kein Update verfügbar)" MSG_FI[$MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE]="(Päivitystä ei ole saatavilla)" MSG_FR[$MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE]="(Pas de mise a jour disponible)" MSG_ZH[$MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE]="(没有可用更新)" MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND]="No extensions installed." MSG_DE[$MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND]="Keine Erweiterungen installiert." MSG_FI[$MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND]="Lisäosia ei ole asennettu." MSG_FR[$MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND]="Aucune extension installée." MSG_ZH[$MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND]="尚未安装扩展." MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="Extensions already installed." MSG_DE[$MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="Extensions sind bereits installiert." MSG_FI[$MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="Lisäosat ovat jo asennettuna." MSG_FR[$MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="Les extensions sont déjà installées." MSG_ZH[$MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="扩展已安装." MSG_SCRIPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SCRIPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME already installed.${NL}Do you want to reinstall $RASPIBACKUP_NAME ?" MSG_DE[$MSG_SCRIPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME ist bereits installiert.${NL}Soll die bestehende Installation überschrieben werden ?" MSG_FI[$MSG_SCRIPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME on jo asennettu.${NL} Haluatko uudelleenasentaa kohteen $RASPIBACKUP_NAME ?" MSG_FR[$MSG_SCRIPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED]="$RASPIBACKUP_NAME est déjà installé.${NL}Voulez-vous écraser l'installation existante ?" MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE]="Downloading version information." MSG_DE[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE]="Versionsinformationen werden runtergeladen." MSG_FI[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE]="Ladataan version tietoja." MSG_FR[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE]="Les informations de version seront téléchargées." MSG_ZH[$MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE]="下载版本信息." MSG_INVALID_KEEP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP]="Invalid number %1 entered. Number has to be between 1 and 52." MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP]="Ungültige Zahl %1 eingegeben. Sie muss zwischen 1 und 52 liegen." MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP]="Epäkelpo numero %1 syötetty. Numeron tulee olla 1:n ja 52:n väliltä." MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP]="Nombre non valide %1 saisi. Il doit être compris entre 1 et 52." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP]="输入的 %1 无效. 数字必须在1和52之间." MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Insert one number only." MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Nur eine Zahl eingeben." MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Syötä vain yksi numero." MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Entrez un seul numéro." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="请仅插入一个数字." MSG_INVALID_SMART=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_SMART]="Invalid number %1 entered. Number has to be >= 0." MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_SMART]="Ungültige Zahl %1 eingegeben. Sie muss >= 0 sein." MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_SMART]="Epäkelpo numero %1 syötetty. Numeron tulee olla >= 0." MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_SMART]="Nombre non valide %1 saisi. Il doit être >= 0." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_SMART]="输入的 %1 无效. 数字必须>= 0." MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT]="Expect four numbers separated by spaces: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly backups." MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT]="Vier durch Leerzeichen getrennte Zahlen werden erwartet: Tägliche, wöchentliche, monatliche und jährliche Backups." MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT]="Vaaditaan neljä välilyönnein erotettua numeroa: päivittäinen, viikoittainen, kuukausittainen ja vuosittainen varmuuskopiointien lukumäärä" MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT]="Quatre nombres séparés par des espaces sont attendus : sauvegardes quotidiennes, hebdomadaires, mensuelles et annuelles." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT]="四个分隔数字分别代表:按日、按周、按月、按年的备份" MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Enter one single number only." MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Nur eine einzige Zahl eingeben." MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Syötä vain yksi numero." MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="Entrez un seul numéro." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT]="请仅输入一个数字." MSG_INVALID_TIME=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_TIME]="Invalid time '%1'. Input has to be in format hh:mm and 0<=hh<24 and 0<=mm<60." MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_TIME]="Ungültige Zeit '%1'. Die Eingabe muss im Format hh:mm sein und 0<=hh<24 und 0<=mm<60." MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_TIME]="Epäkelpo kellonaika '%1'. Ajan tulee olla muodossa hh:mm ja 0<=hh<24 sekä 0<=mm<60." MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_TIME]="Heure non valide '%1'. L'entrée doit être au format hh:mm et 0<=hh<24 et 0<=mm<60." MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_TIME]="无效的时间 '%1'. 输入的格式必须为 hh:mm 0<=hh<24 且 0<=mm<60." MSG_RUNASROOT=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_RUNASROOT]="$MYSELF has to be started as root. Try 'sudo %1%2'." MSG_DE[$MSG_RUNASROOT]="$MYSELF muss als root gestartet werden. Benutze 'sudo %1%2'." MSG_FI[$MSG_RUNASROOT]="$MYSELF tulee käynnistää root-oikeuksin. Käynnistä 'sudo %1%2'." MSG_FR[$MSG_RUNASROOT]="$MYSELF doit être démarré en tant que root. Utilisez 'sudo %1%2'." MSG_ZH[$MSG_RUNASROOT]="$MYSELF 必须以root身份开启. 请尝试 'sudo %1%2'." MSG_SYSTEMD_NOT_INSTALLED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SYSTEMD_NOT_INSTALLED]="No systemd configuration found." MSG_DE[$MSG_SYSTEMD_NOT_INSTALLED]="Keine systemd Konfiguration gefunden." DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME allows to plug in custom extensions which are called before and after the backup process. \ There exist sample extensions which report the memory usage, CPU temperature and disk usage of the backup partition. \ For details see${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackupcategoryy/443-raspibackup-extensions." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME erlaubt selbstgeschriebene Erweiterungen vor und nach dem Backupprozess aufzurufen. \ Es gibt Beispielerweiterungen die die Speicherauslastung, die CPU Temperatur sowie die Speicherplatzbenutzung der Backuppartition anzeigen. \ Für weitere Details siehe${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/13-raspberry/442-raspibackup-erweiterungen." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME tukee lisäosia, joiden toimintoja voidaan suorittaa ennen ja jälkeen varmuuskopioinnin. \ Mukana tulevat näytelisäosat esittävät prosessorin lämpötilan sekä tietoja muistin ja varmuuskopiointilevyn käytöstä. \ ${NL}Lue lisätietoja osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackupcategoryy/443-raspibackup-extensions." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME vous permet d'appeler des extensions auto-écrites avant et après le processus de sauvegarde. \ Il existe des exemples d'extensions qui montrent l'utilisation de la mémoire, la température du processeur et l'utilisation de l'espace de stockage de la partition de sauvegarde. \ ${NL}Pour plus de détails voir https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackupcategoryy/443-raspibackup-extensions." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 允许插入自定义扩展,备份前后均可插入. \ 已有示例扩展报告内存占用,CPU温度和备份硬盘占用. \ ${NL}详情请 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackupcategoryy/443-raspibackup-extensions." DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME can compress dd and tar backups to reduce the size of the backup. Please note this will increase backup time and will heaten the CPU. \ Please note an option of $FILE_TO_INSTALL which will reduce the size of a dd backup also. \ For details see https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME kann dd und tar Backups kompressen um die Backupgröße zu reduzieren. Das bedeutet aber dass die Backupzeit steigt und die CPU erwärmen wird. \ $FILE_TO_INSTALL bietet auch eine Option an mit der ein dd Backup verkleinert werden kann. Siehe dazu \ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a16." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME voi pakata dd- ja tar-varmuuskopiot, jotta ne veisivät vähemmän tilaa. Huomioithan, että tämä pidentää varmuuskopioinnin aikaa ja nostaa CPU:n lämpötilaa. \ Huomioi myös vaihtoehto $FILE_TO_INSTALL, joka vähentää dd-varmuuskopioiden käyttämää tilaa. \ Lisätietoja löydät osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME peut compresser les sauvegardes dd et tar pour réduire leurs tailles . Cependant, cela signifie que le temps de sauvegarde augmentera et que le cpu se réchauffera. \ $FILE_TO_INSTALL, offre également une option avec laquelle une sauvegarde dd peut être réduite. Voir. \ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 可以压缩 dd和tar备份文件. 但是这会在备份期间增加备份时间和使CPU升温. \ 勾选 $FILE_TO_INSTALL, 开启压缩. \ 详情见 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16." DESCRIPTION_CRON=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_CRON]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME should be started on a regular base when the initial configuration and backup and restore testing was done. \ Configure the backup to be created daily or weekly. For other backup intervals you have to modify /etc/cron.d/raspiBackup manually." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_CRON]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME sollte regelmäßig gestartet werden wenn die initiale Konfiguration sowie Backup und Restore Tests beendet sind. \ Konfiguriere den Backup täglich oder wöchentlich zu erstellen. Für andere Intervalle muss die Datei /etc/cron.d/raspiBackup manuell geändert werden." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_CRON]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME tulisi ajaa äännöllisesti se jälkeen, kun asetusten määritysten jälkeen ensimmäinen varmuuskopio on suoritettu ja varmuuskopion palautus on testattu. \ Ajasta varmuuskopiointi päivittäiseksi tai viikottaiseksi. Muita varmuuskopioinnin aikavälejä varten tulee muokata tiedostoa /etc/cron.d/raspiBackup manuaalisesti." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_CRON]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME doit être démarré régulièrement lorsque les premiers tests de configuration ,de sauvegarde et de restauration sont terminés. \ Configurez la sauvegarde à exécuter quotidiennement ou hebdomadairement. Pour d'autres intervalles de sauvegardes vous devez modifier manuellement le fichier /etc/cron.d/raspiBackup ." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_CRON]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 会在完成初始配置以及备份和恢复测试后定期启动. \ 配置每天或每周创建备份。对于其他备份间隔,您必须手动修改/etc/cron.d/raspiBackup." DESCRIPTION_SYSTEMD=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_SYSTEMD]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME should be started on a regular base when the initial configuration and backup and restore testing was done. \ Configure the backup to be created daily or weekly. For other backup intervals you have to modify /etc/systemd/system/raspiBackup.timer manually." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_SYSTEMD]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME sollte regelmäßig gestartet werden wenn die initiale Konfiguration sowie Backup und Restore Tests beendet sind. \ Konfiguriere den Backup täglich oder wöchentlich zu erstellen. Für andere Intervalle muss die Datei /etc/systemd/system/raspiBackup.timer manuell geändert werden." DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE]="${NL}There exist two different ways to define the number of backups. Just by defining the maximum number of backups to keep or \ by using the smart backup strategy. See https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/ for details about the strategy." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE]="${NL}Es gibt grundsätzlich zwei Methoden, die Anzahl der vorzuhaltenden Backups festzulegen. Dies erfolgt entweder durch die Definition der maximalen Anzahl oder durch Verwendung der intelligenten Backupstrategie. \ Eine Detailbeschreibung der Strategie befindet sich auf https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/rotationsstrategie/." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE]="${NL}Voit määrittää säilytettävien varmuuskopioiden lukumäärän joko määrittämällä säilytettävien varmuuskopioiden maksimimäärän tai \ käyttämällä älykästä varmuuskopiointia.${NL}Katso lisätietoa osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE]="${NL}Il existe deux méthodes pour définir le nombre de sauvegardes à conserver : SIMPLE ou INTELLIGENTE. Cela se fait soit en définissant un nombre maximum, soit en utilisant la stratégie de sauvegarde intelligente. \ Une description détaillée de la stratégie est disponible sur https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE]="${NL}当前有两种方法定义备份数量:定义最大备份数或者用只能备份策略,策略详情: \ ${NL} https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/." DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME can either be very verbose or just write important messages. \ Usually it makes sense to turn all on when installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME the first time. Later on you can change it to write important messages only." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME kann viele Meldungen schreiben oder nur die Wichtigsten. \ Es macht Sinn alle beim ersten Installieren von $RASPIBACKUP_NAME anzuschalten. Später können sie auf die Wichtigsten reduziert werden." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME voi joko kirjoittaa yksityiskohtaiset tai vain tärkeät viestit. \ Yleensä ensimmäisen $RASPIBACKUP_NAME-asennuksen jälkeen yksityiskohtaiset viestit on hyvä näyttää. Voit myöhemmin valita kirjoitettavaksi vain tärkeät viestit." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME peut écrire de nombreux messages ou seulement les plus importants. \ Il est logique de les activer tous lors de la première installation de $RASPIBACKUP_NAME Plus tard, ils peuvent être réduits aux plus importants." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 可以非常详细或者只显示重要信息. \ 通常第一次安装$RASPIBACKUP_NAME后打开所有选项是有意义的,随后你可切换至只写入重要信息." DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP]="${NL}Before and after creating a backup important services should be stopped and started. Add the required services separated by a space which should be stopped in the correct order. \ The services will be started in reverse order when backup finished. For further details see https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a18." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP]="${NL}Vor und nach einem Backup sollten immer alle wichtigen Services gestoppt und gestartet werden. Dazu müssen die notwendigen Services die gestoppt werden sollen getrennt durch Leerzeichen in der richtigen Reihenfolge eingegeben werden. \ In umgekehrter Reihenfolge werden die Services nach dem Backup wieder gestartet. Weitere Details finden sich auf https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a18." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP]="${NL}Tärkeät palvelut tulisi pysäyttää varmuuskopioinnin ajaksi. Lisää pysäytettävät palvelut välilyönnillä erotettuna pysäytysjärjestyksessä. \ Palvelut käynnistetään käänteisessä järjestyksessä varmuuskopioinnin päättyessä. Lisätietoa löydät osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a18." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP]="${NL}Avant et après une sauvegarde, tous les services importants doivent toujours être arrêtés et démarrés. Pour ce faire, les services nécessaires qui doivent être arrêtés doivent être saisis dans le bon ordre, séparés par des espaces. \ Les services sont redémarrés dans l'ordre inverse après la sauvegarde. Vous trouverez plus de détails sur https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a18." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP]="${NL}备份前,重要服务会被停止,备份后自动重启服务.按顺序添加需要停止的服务,多个服务用空格分割 \ 服务会在备份完成后按反序重启,详情见 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a18." DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE]="${NL}Select step by step every service which should be stopped first, second, third and so on and confirm every single service with until there is no service any more. \ Actual sequence is displayed top down. \ For further details see https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a18." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE]="${NL}Wähle der Reihe nach die Services aus wie sie vor dem Backup gestoppt werden sollen und bestätige jeden einzelnen Service mit bis keine Services mehr angezeigt werden. \ Die aktuelle Reihenfolge wird von oben nach unten angezeigt. \ Weitere Details finden sich auf https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a18." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE]="${NL}Valitse pysäytettävät palvelut yksi kerrallaan painaen , kunnes listalla ei ole palveluita. \ Toteutuva järjestys näytetään ylhäältä alas. \ ${NL}Lisätietoja näet osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a18." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE]="${NL}Sélectionnez les services les uns après les autres car ils doivent être arrêtés avant la sauvegarde et confirmez chaque service individuel avec jusqu'à ce qu'aucun autre service ne s'affiche. \ L'ordre en cours est affiché de haut en bas. \ Vous trouverez plus de détails sur https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a18." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE]="${NL}一个一个的选择需要停止的服务,按确定. \ 停止顺序自上而下. \ ${NL}详情见 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a18." DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES]="${NL}Select all services in sequence how they should be stopped before the backup starts. \ Current sequence is displayed.\ They will be started in reverse sequence again when the backup finished." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES]="${NL}Wähle alle wichtigen Services aus die vor dem Backup gestoppt werden sollen. \ Sie werden wieder in umgekehrter Reihenfolge gestartet wenn der Backup beendet wurde." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES]="${NL}Palvelut pysäytetään ennen varmuuskopiointia siinä järjestyksessä, kun valitset ne. \ Listalla näytetään nykyinen järjestys. \ Palvelut käynnistetään käänteisessä järjestyksessä varmuuskopioinnin päättyessä." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES]="${NL}Sélectionnez tous les services importants qui doivent être arrêtés avant la sauvegarde. \ La séquence en cours est affichée. \ Ils sont redémarrés dans l'ordre inverse lorsque la sauvegarde est terminée." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES]="${NL}按顺序选择备份开始前应停止的所有服务. \ 当前序列已显示. \ 备份完成后会按反序重启." DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS]="${NL}Select all partitions which should be included in the backup. \ ${NL}${NL}Note: The first two partitions have to be selected all the time." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS]="${NL}Wähle alle Partitionen aus die im Backup enthalten sein sollen. \ ${NL}${NL}Hinweis: Die ersten beiden Partitionen müssen immer ausgewählt werden." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS]="${NL}Valitse kaikki varmuuskopioitavat osiot. \ ${NL}${NL}Huom: Kaksi ensimmäistä osiota tulee olla aina valittuna." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS]="${NL}Sélectionnez toutes les partitions qui doivent être incluses dans la sauvegarde. \ ${NL}${NL}Remarque : les deux premières partitions doivent toujours être sélectionnées." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS]="${NL}选择所有需要备份的分区. \ ${NL}${NL}注意:前两个分区总会默认被选中." DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME and this installer support following languages as of now. Default language is the system language.\ ${NL}${NL}Any help to add another language is welcome." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME und dieser Installer unterstützen momentan folgende Sprachen. Standardsprache ist die Systemsprache.\ ${NL}${NL}Jede Hilfe eine weitere Sprache dazuzubringen ist herzlich willkommen." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME ja tämä asennustyökalu tukevat tällä hetkellä ${NL}alla lueteltuja kieliä. Oletuksena on järjestelmän kieli.\ ${NL}${NL}Apu muiden kielien lisäämiseen on tervetullut." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME et ce programme d'installation prend actuellement en charge les langues suivantes. La langue du système est la langue standard.\ ${NL}${NL}Toute aide pour ajouter une autre langue est la bienvenue." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE]="${NL}$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 目前支持下列语言,默认使用系统语言.\ ${NL}${NL}欢迎翻译其他语言!." DESCRIPTION_KEEP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_KEEP]="${NL}Enter number of backups to keep. Number hast to be between 1 and 52." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_KEEP]="${NL}Gib die Anzahl der Beackups die vorzuhalten sind. Die Zahl muss zwischen 1 und 52 liegen." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_KEEP]="${NL}Syötä säilytettävien varmuuskopioiden lukumäärä. Numeron tulee olla 1:n ja 52:n väliltä." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_KEEP]="${NL}Entrez le nombre de sauvegardes à conserver. Le nombre doit être compris entre 1 et 52." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_KEEP]="${NL}输入保存的备份数,在1和52之间." DESCRIPTION_SMART=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_SMART]="${NL}Enter four numbers separated by spaces to define the smart recycle backup strategy parameters. The numbers define how many daily, weekly, monthly and yearly backups are kept. \ For details about the backup strategy see https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_SMART]="${NL}Gib mit vier durch Leerzeichen getrennten Zahlen die Parameter für die intelligente Rotationsstrategie ein. Die Zahlen definieren wie viele tägliche, wöchentliche, monatliche und jährliche Backups vorgehalten werden. \ Details zur Backupstrategie können auf https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/rotationsstrategie/ nachgelesen werden." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_SMART]="${NL}Syötä neljä välilyönnein erotettua numeroa määrittääksesi älykkään varmuuskopioinnin parametrit. Numerot määrittävät kuinka monta päivittäistä, viikoittaista, kuukausittaista ja vuosittaista varmuuskopiota säilytetään. \ Lisätietoa löydät osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_SMART]="${NL}Saisissez les paramètres de la stratégie intelligente avec quatre nombres séparés par des espaces. Les nombres définissent combien de sauvegardes quotidiennes, hebdomadaires, mensuelles et annuelles sont conservées. \ Des détails sur la stratégie de sauvegarde sont disponibles sur https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/rotationsstrategy/." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_SMART]="${NL}输入四个数字定义备份策略. 这决定备份周期. \ 详情见 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/smart-recycle/." DESCRIPTION_ERROR=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_ERROR]="Unrecoverable error occurred. Check logfile $LOG_FILE." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_ERROR]="Ein nicht behebbarer Fehler ist aufgetreten. Siehe Logdatei $LOG_FILE." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_ERROR]="Tapahtui peruuttamaton virhe. Tarkista lokitiedosto $LOG_FILE." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_ERROR]="Une erreur irrécupérable s'est produite. Voir le fichier journal $LOG_FILE." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_ERROR]="发生了无法恢复的错误。检查日志文件$LOG_FILE." DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH]="${NL}On the backup path a partition has to be be mounted which is used by $FILE_TO_INSTALL to store the backups. \ This can be a local partition or a mounted remote partition." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH]="${NL}Am Backuppfad muss eine Partition gemounted sein auf welcher $FILE_TO_INSTALL die Backups ablegt. \ Das kann eine lokale Partition oder eine remote gemountete Partition." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH]="${NL}Sijainti, johon $FILE_TO_INSTALL:n varmuuskopiot tallennetaan, tulee olla otettuna käyttöön. \ Sijainti voi olla otettu käyttöön joko paikallisesti tai etänä." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH]="${NL}Vous devez indiquer le chemin de sauvegarde: la partition utilisée $FILE_TO_INSTALL doit être montée. \ Cela peut être une partition locale ou une partition distante(ex:samba)." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH]="${NL}在备份路径必须挂载一个分区,用来为$FILE_TO_INSTALL存储备份文件. \ 可以是本地磁盘或者云端磁盘." DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE]="${NL}Preferred mode is the normal backup mode. If you need to save more than two partitions with tar or rsync use the partition oriented mode. \ Use normal mode and dd backup if you need a dd backup. Default is to backup the first two partitions only but it's possible to add any additional partition." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE]="${NL}Empfohlener Modus ist der normale Backup Modus. Wenn allerdings mehr als zwei Partitionen gesichert werden sollen mit tar oder rsync ist der paritionsorientiert Modus zu wählen. \ Den normalen Modus muss man aber wählen wenn man ein dd Backup haben möchte. Standard ist nur die ersten beiden Partitionen zu sichern aber es kann jede weitere Partition dazugefügt werden." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE]="${NL}Oletuksena on suositeltu normaali varmuuskopiointitila, jolloin kaksi ensimmäistä osiota varmuuskopioidaan. Jos haluat varmuuskopioida useamman kuin kaksi osiota käyttäen tar:ia tai rsync:iä, käytä jälkimmäistä, osio-orientoitua tilaa. \ Käytä normaalia tilaa ja dd-varmuuskopiointia, jos haluat dd-varmuuskopion." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE]="${NL}Le mode recommandé est le mode de sauvegarde normal. Cependant, si plus de deux partitions doivent être sauvegardées avec tar ou rsync, le mode orienté partition doit être sélectionné. \ Vous devez choisir le mode normal si vous souhaitez une sauvegarde dd. La norme est de ne sauvegarder que les deux premières partitions, mais toute partition supplémentaire peut être ajoutée." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE]="${NL}预设的是常规备份模式, 若想用tar 或rsync备份2个以上分区,请选择分区导向模式. \ 默认只备份前两个分区,但是其他分区也可以自定义." DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE]="${NL}rsync is the suggested backuptype because when using hardlinks from EXT3/4 filesystem it's fast because only changed or new files will be saved. \ tar should be used if the backup filesystem is no EXT3/4, e.g a remote mounted samba share. Don't use a FAT32 filesystem because the maximum filesize is 4GB. \ dd should be used if you want to restore the backup on a Windows OS. \ dd and tar backups can be compressed. \ For further details about backup type see${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup#butypes. \ For further details about the option for dd see${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16" MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE]="${NL}rsync ist der empfohlene Backuptyp da durch Hardlinks vom ETX3/4 Dateisystem der Backup schnell ist da nur neue oder geänderte Dateien gesichert werden. \ tar sollte man benutzen wenn das Backupdateisystem kein EXT3/4 ist, z.B. ein remotes Samba Laufwerk. Ein FAT32 Dateisystem ist ungeeignet da die maximale Dateigröße nur 4GB ist. \ dd ist die richtige Wahl wenn man den Backup auf einem Windows OS wiederherstellen will. \ dd und tar Backups können noch zusätzlich komprimiert werden. \ Weiter Details zum Backuptyp finden sich${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/raspibackup#vornach. \ Weitere Details zu der Option für dd siehe${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a16" MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE]="${NL}EXT3/4-tiedostojärjetelmässä on suositeltavaa valita rsync, sillä hardlinkit nopeuttavat varmuuskopiointia: vain uudet ja muuttuneet tiedostot kopioidaan. \ Valitse tar, jos varmuuskopioitava tiedostojärjestelmä ei ole EXT3/4 tai se on esim. etänä käyttöönotettu samba-jako. Älä käytä FAT32-tiedostojärjestelmää, koska sen maksimitiedostokoko on 4Gt. \ Valitse dd, jos haluat palauttaa varmuuskopion Windows-järjestelmässä. dd- ja tar-varmuuskopiot voidaan pakata tilan säästämiseksi. \ ${NL}${NL}Lisätietoja varmuuskopiotyypeistä löydät osoitteestahttps://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup#butypes. \ ${NL}Lisätietoja dd:n valinnoista löydät osoitteesta https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16" MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE]="${NL}rsync est le type de sauvegarde recommandé car le système de fichiers ETX3/4 rend la sauvegarde rapide, seuls les fichiers nouveaux ou modifiés sont enregistrés. \ tar doit être utilisé si le système de fichiers de sauvegarde n'est pas un EXT3/4, par exemple un lecteur Samba distant. Un système de fichiers FAT32 ne convient pas car la taille maximale du fichier n'est que de 4 Go. \ dd est le bon choix si vous souhaitez restaurer la sauvegarde sur un système d'exploitation Windows. \ les sauvegardes dd et tar peuvent également être compressées. \ Vous trouverez plus de détails sur le type de sauvegarde sur${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/raspibackup#vornach. \ Pour dd voir : ${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq#a16 " MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE]="${NL}rsync是建议的备份方法.因为ETX3/4文件系统的硬链接只有在改变时才会被保存\ 建议tar在非EXT3/4文件系统上使用,比如云端samba设备 \ 建议dd模式在有在windows系统上恢复备份需求时使用. \ dd和tar模式下生成的备份可以被压缩. \ ${NL}${NL}更多备份模式类型见:https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup#butypes. \ ${NL}更多dd模式详情见 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq#a16" DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM]="Select the mail program to use to send notification eMails." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM]="Wähle das Mailprogramm aus welches zum Versenden von Benachrichtigungen benutzt werden soll." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM]="Valitse sähköpostisovellus ilmoitussähköpostien lähettämiseen." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM]="Sélectionnez le programme de messagerie qui doit être utilisé pour envoyer des notifications." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM]="选择发送邮件的程序." DESCRIPTION_EMAIL=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$DESCRIPTION_EMAIL]="Enter the eMail address to send notifications to. Enter no eMail address to disable notifications." MSG_DE[$DESCRIPTION_EMAIL]="Gibt die eMail Adresse ein die Benachrichtigungen erhalten soll. Keine eMail Adresse schaltet Benachrichtigungen aus." MSG_FI[$DESCRIPTION_EMAIL]="Syötä sähköpostiosoite, johon ilmoitukset lähetetään. Jos et halua ilmoituksia, älä syötä lainkaan sähköpostiosoitetta." MSG_FR[$DESCRIPTION_EMAIL]="Saisissez l'adresse e-mail pour recevoir les notifications. Aucune adresse e-mail désactive les notifications." MSG_ZH[$DESCRIPTION_EMAIL]="输入邮件地址,留空则禁用邮件通知." TITLE_ERROR=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_ERROR]="Error" MSG_DE[$TITLE_ERROR]="Fehler" MSG_FI[$TITLE_ERROR]="Virhe" MSG_FR[$TITLE_ERROR]="Erreur" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_ERROR]="错误" TITLE_FIRST_STEPS=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_FIRST_STEPS]="First steps" MSG_DE[$TITLE_FIRST_STEPS]="Erste Schritte" MSG_FI[$TITLE_FIRST_STEPS]="Ensiaskeleet" MSG_FR[$TITLE_FIRST_STEPS]="En premier" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_FIRST_STEPS]="第一步" TITLE_HELP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_HELP]="Help" MSG_DE[$TITLE_HELP]="Hilfe" MSG_FI[$TITLE_HELP]="Ohje" MSG_FR[$TITLE_HELP]="Aide" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_HELP]="帮助" TITLE_WARNING=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_WARNING]="Warning" MSG_DE[$TITLE_WARNING]="Warnung" MSG_FI[$TITLE_WARNING]="Varoitus" MSG_FR[$TITLE_WARNING]="Attention" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_WARNING]="警告" TITLE_INFORMATION=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_INFORMATION]="Information" MSG_DE[$TITLE_INFORMATION]="Information" MSG_FI[$TITLE_INFORMATION]="Tietoa" MSG_FR[$TITLE_INFORMATION]="Information" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_INFORMATION]="信息" TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR]="Invalid input" MSG_DE[$TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR]="Ungültige Eingabe" MSG_FI[$TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR]="Virheellinen syöte" MSG_FR[$TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR]="Entrée invalide" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR]="无效输入" TITLE_CONFIRM=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$TITLE_CONFIRM]="Please confirm" MSG_DE[$TITLE_CONFIRM]="Bitte bestätigen" MSG_FI[$TITLE_CONFIRM]="Ole hyvä ja varmista" MSG_FR[$TITLE_CONFIRM]="SVP Confirmez" MSG_ZH[$TITLE_CONFIRM]="请确认" MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH]="Backup path %1 does not exist" MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH]="Sicherungsverzeichnis %1 existiert nicht" MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH]="Polkua %1 ei ole" MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH]="Le répertoire de sauvegarde %1 n'existe pas" MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH]="备份路径 %1 不存在" MSG_INVALID_EMAIL=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_INVALID_EMAIL]="Invalid eMail address %1" MSG_DE[$MSG_INVALID_EMAIL]="Ungültige eMail Adresse %1" MSG_FI[$MSG_INVALID_EMAIL]="Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite %1" MSG_FR[$MSG_INVALID_EMAIL]="Adresse e-mail invalide %1" MSG_ZH[$MSG_INVALID_EMAIL]="邮箱地址无效 %1" MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH]="Backup would be stored on SD card" MSG_DE[$MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH]="Backup würde auf der SD Karte gespeichert werden" MSG_FI[$MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH]="Varmuuskopio säilytetään SD-kortilla" MSG_FR[$MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH]="La sauvegarde sera enregistrée sur la carte SD" MSG_ZH[$MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH]="备份文件将被存储在SD卡" MSG_NAVIGATION=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_NAVIGATION]="Cursor keys: Move cursor to next menu item, list item or button${NL}\ Space key: Select/unselect items in a selection list${NL}\ Tab key: Jump to buttons at the bottom${NL}\ ${NL}\ Pfeiltasten: Bewege Schreibmarke zum nächsten Menueintrag, Listeneintrag oder Auswahlknopf${NL}\ Leertaste: Selektiere/Deselektieren Einträge in einer Auswahliste${NL}\ Tab Taste: Springe zu den unteren Auswahlknöpfen" MSG_DE[$MSG_NAVIGATION]="Pfeiltasten: Bewege Schreibmarke zum nächsten Menueintrag, Listeneintrag oder Auswahlknopf${NL}\ Leertaste: Selektiere/Deselektieren Einträge in einer Auswahliste${NL}\ Tab Taste: Springe zu den unteren Auswahlknöpfen${NL}\ ${NL}\ Cursor keys: Move cursor to next menu or list item${NL}\ Space key: Select/unselect items in a selection list${NL}\ Tab key: Jump to buttons at the bottom" MSG_FI[$MSG_NAVIGATION]="Nuolinäppäimet: Siirrä kursori seuraavaan valikon tai listan kohteeseen${NL}\ Välilyönti: Valitse/poista valinta${NL}\ Sarkain: Kohdista alarivin painikkeisiin${NL}\ ${NL}\ Cursor keys: Move cursor to next menu or list item${NL}\ Space key: Select/unselect items in a selection list${NL}\ Tab key: Jump to buttons at the bottom" MSG_FR[$MSG_NAVIGATION]="Les flèches du clavier, déplacent le curseur du menu, des listes ou du bouton de sélection ${NL}\ Barre d'espace : pour sélectionner/désélectionner des entrées dans une liste ${NL}\ Touche de tabulation : pour accéder aux boutons de sélection du bas ${NL}\ ${NL}\ Curseur : déplacez le curseur vers le menu ou un élément d'une liste ${NL}\ Touche d'espace : pour sélectionner/désélectionner des éléments dans une liste" MSG_ZH[$MSG_NAVIGATION]="箭头方向键:上下移动菜单选项、列表选项或者按钮${NL}\ 空格键: 选中或取消勾选${NL}\ Tab: 跳至菜单底部按钮${NL}\ ${NL}\ Cursor keys: Move cursor to next menu or list item${NL}\ Space key: Select/unselect items in a selection list${NL}\ Tab key: Jump to buttons at the bottom" MSG_ABOUT=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_ABOUT]="$GIT_CODEVERSION${NL}\ %1${NL}${NL}\ This tool provides a straight-forward way of doing installation,${NL} updating and configuration of $RASPIBACKUP_NAME.${NL}${NL}\ Visit https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}for details about all configuration options of $RASPIBACKUP_NAME.${NL}${NL}\ Visit https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup${NL}for details about $RASPIBACKUP_NAME." MSG_DE[$MSG_ABOUT]="$GIT_CODEVERSION${NL}\ %1${NL}${NL}\ Dieses Tool ermöglicht es möglichst einfach $RASPIBACKUP_NAME zu installieren,${NL} zu updaten und die Konfiguration anzupassen.${NL}${NL}\ Besuche https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/raspibackup#parameter${NL}um alle Konfigurationsoptionen von $RASPIBACKUP_NAME kennenzulernen.${NL}${NL}\ Besuche https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/raspibackup${NL}um Weiteres zu $RASPIBACKUP_NAME zu erfahren." MSG_FI[$MSG_ABOUT]="$GIT_CODEVERSION${NL}\ %1${NL}${NL}\ Tämä työkalu tarjoaa $RASPIBACKUP_NAME:n suoraviivaisen asennuksen,${NL} päivittämisen ja asetusten määrittämisen.${NL}${NL}\ Kaikista $RASPIBACKUP_NAME:n asetuksista löydät tietoa osoitteesta${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}${NL}\ Löydät lisätietoa $RASPIBACKUP_NAME:sta osoitteesta${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup" MSG_FR[$MSG_ABOUT]="$GIT_CODEVERSION${NL}\ %1${NL}${NL}\ Cet outil facilite au maximum la mise en place de $RASPIBACKUP_NAME ,la mise à jour ,${NL} et la configuration.${NL}${NL}\ Visitez https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}pour plus de détails sur toutes les options de configuration de $RASPIBACKUP_NAME.${NL}${NL}\ Visitez https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup${NL}pour plus de détails sur $RASPIBACKUP_NAME." MSG_ZH[$MSG_ABOUT]="$GIT_CODEVERSION${NL}\ %1${NL}${NL}\ 此界面提供一个$RASPIBACKUP_NAME的安装引导,${NL}更新和设置页面.${NL}${NL}\ $RASPIBACKUP_NAME的的详情设置请访问${NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}${NL}\ 获取$RASPIBACKUP_NAME详情请访问:{NL}https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup " MSG_FIRST_STEPS=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_FIRST_STEPS]="Congratulations! $RASPIBACKUP_NAME installed successfully.${NL}${NL}\ Next steps:${NL} 1) Start $RASPIBACKUP_NAME in the commandline and create a backup${NL}\ 2) Start $RASPIBACKUP_NAME to restore the backup on a different SD card${NL}\ 3) Verify the restored backup works fine.${NL}\ 4) Read the FAQ page https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 5) Visit the options page and fine tune $RASPIBACKUP_NAME${NL}\ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}\ 6) Enable regular backup with the installer${NL}\ 7) Visit https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup for a lot more information about $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" MSG_DE[$MSG_FIRST_STEPS]="Herzlichen Glückwunsch! $RASPIBACKUP_NAME wurde erfolgreich installiert.${NL}${NL}\ Nächsten Schritte:${NL} 1) Starte $RASPIBACKUP_NAME in der Befehlszeile und erzeuge ein Backup${NL}\ 2) Starte $RASPIBACKUP_NAME um das erzeugte Backup auf einer andere SD Karte wiederherzustellen.${NL}\ 3) Verifiziere dass das System ohne Probleme läuft.${NL}\ 4) Lies die FAQ Seite https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq${NL}\ 5) Besuche die Optionsseite und konfiguriere $RASPIBACKUP_NAME genau nach Deinen Vorstellungen${NL}\ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/raspibackup#parameters${NL}\ 6) Schalte den regelmäßigen Backup mit dem Installer ein${NL}\ 7) Besuche https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup um noch wesentlich detailiertere Informationen zu $RASPIBACKUP_NAME zu erhalten" MSG_FI[$MSG_FIRST_STEPS]="Onnittelut! $RASPIBACKUP_NAME on asennettu onnistuneesti.${NL}${NL}\ Seuraavat vaiheet:${NL} 1) Käynnistä $RASPIBACKUP_NAME komentoriviltä ja luo varmuuskopio${NL}\ 2) Käynnistä $RASPIBACKUP_NAME palauttaaksesi varmuuskopion toiselle SD-kortille${NL}\ 3) Varmista, että palautettu varmuuskopio toimii oikein.${NL}\ 4) Lue FAQ-sivu osoitteessa https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 5) Käy valintasivulla ja tee $RASPIBACKUP_NAME$-hienosäädöt{NL}\ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}\ 6) Ota käyttöön säännölliset varmuuskopiot asennusohjelmalla${NL}\ 7) Käy osoitteessa https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup ja lue paljon lisää $RASPIBACKUP_NAME-tietoa" MSG_FR[$MSG_FIRST_STEPS]="Toutes nos félicitations! $RASPIBACKUP_NAME est installé avec succès.${NL}${NL}\ Prochaines étapes :${NL} 1) Démarrez $RASPIBACKUP_NAME dans la ligne de commande et créez une sauvegarde${NL}\ 2) Démarrez $RASPIBACKUP_NAME pour restaurer la sauvegarde sur une autre carte SD${NL}\ 3) Vérifiez que la sauvegarde restaurée fonctionne correctement.${NL}\ 4) Lisez la page FAQ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 5) Visitez la page des options et améliorez $RASPIBACKUP_NAME${NL}\ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}\ 6) Activez la sauvegarde régulière avec le programme raspiBackupInstallUI.sh${NL}\ 7) Visitez https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup pour avoir des informations sur $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" MSG_ZH[$MSG_FIRST_STEPS]="恭喜! $RASPIBACKUP_NAME 安装成功.${NL}${NL}\ 接下来你可以:${NL} 1) 在终端输入 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME开始备份 ${NL}\ 2) 在终端输入 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME 还原备份到SD卡${NL}\ 3) 校验备份文件.${NL}\ 4) 参考FAQ页面 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 5) 进行设置和微调项 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME${NL}\ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/raspibackup#parameters${NL}\ 6) 开启定期备份${NL}\ 7) 访问https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup 获取更多$RASPIBACKUP_NAME信息" MSG_HELP=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_HELP]="In case you have any issue or question about $RASPIBACKUP_NAME just use one of the following paths to get help${NL} 1) Read the FAQ page https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 2) Visit https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup for a lot more information about $RASPIBACKUP_NAME${NL}\ 3) Create an issue on github https://github.com/framps/raspiBackup/issues. That's my preference${NL}\ 4) Add comments on any webpage dealing with $RASPIBACKUP_NAME on $MYHOMEDOMAIN${NL}\ 5) Visit $RASPIBACKUP_NAME on Facebook" MSG_DE[$MSG_HELP]="Falls es irgendwelche Fragen oder Probleme zu $RASPIBACKUP_NAME gibt bestehen folgende Möglichkeiten Hilfe zu bekommen${NL} 1) Lies die FAQ Seite https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/de/faq${NL}\ 2) Besuche https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup um noch wesentlich detailiertere Informationen zu $RASPIBACKUP_NAME zu erhalten${NL}\ 3) Erstelle einen Fehlerbericht auf github https://github.com/framps/raspiBackup/issues. Gerne auch in Deutsch. Das ist meine Präferenz.${NL} \ 4) Erstelle einen Kommentar auf jeder Webseite zu $RASPIBACKUP_NAME auf $MYHOMEDOMAIN${NL}\ 5) Besuche $RASPIBACKUP_NAME auf Facebook" MSG_FI[$MSG_HELP]="Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä tai ongelmia $RASPIBACKUP_NAME:n kanssa, käytä jotain seuraavista tavoista saadaksesi apua${NL} 1) Lue FAQ-sivu osoitteessa https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 2) Käy osoitteessa https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup ja lue paljon lisää $RASPIBACKUP_NAME-tietoa${NL}\ 3) Luo issue githubissa https://github.com/framps/raspiBackup/issues. Tätä suosin.${NL}\ 4) Lisää kommentti $RASPIBACKUP_NAME-verkkosivuilla osoitteessa $MYHOMEDOMAIN${NL}\ 5) Käy $RASPIBACKUP_NAME:n Facebook-sivulla" MSG_FR[$MSG_HELP]="Si vous avez un problème ou une question concernant $RASPIBACKUP_NAME, utilisez simplement un des liens suivants pour obtenir une aide :${NL} 1) Lisez la page FAQ https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 2) Visitez https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup pour plus d'informations sur $RASPIBACKUP_NAME${NL}\ 3) Exposez le problème sur github https://github.com/framps/raspiBackup/issues. C'est ma préférence${NL}\ 4) Ajoutez des commentaires sur toute page Web traitant de $RASPIBACKUP_NAME sur $MYHOMEDOMAIN${NL}\ 5) Visitez $RASPIBACKUP_NAME sur Facebook" MSG_ZH[$MSG_HELP]="如果你有任何关于 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME 的问题,请用以下方式联系${NL} 1) 参考FAQ页面 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/faq${NL}\ 2) 访问 https://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/en/backup 获取更多$RASPIBACKUP_NAME$信息{NL}\ 3) 在github上创建issues https://github.com/framps/raspiBackup/issues. 通常选这项!${NL}\ 4) 在 $MYHOMEDOMAIN$上关于$RASPIBACKUP_NAME的页面留言评论{NL}\ 5) 访问$RASPIBACKUP_NAME 的Facebook页面" MSG_FIRST_PARTITIONS_NOT_SELECTED=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_FIRST_PARTITIONS_NOT_SELECTED]="At least the first two partitions have to be selected." MSG_DE[$MSG_FIRST_PARTITIONS_NOT_SELECTED]="Wenigstens die beiden ersten Partitionen müssen ausgewählt sein." MSG_SENSITIVE_WARNING=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SENSITIVE_WARNING]="| ===> A lot of sensitive information is masqueraded in this log file. Nevertheless please check the log carefully before you distribute it <=== |" MSG_DE[$MSG_SENSITIVE_WARNING]="| ===> Viele sensitive Informationen werden in dieser Logdatei maskiert. Vor dem Verteilen des Logs sollte es trotzdem ueberprueft werden <=== |" MSG_FI[$MSG_SENSITIVE_WARNING]="| ===> Sensitiivisiä tietoja on piilotettu tästä lokitiedostosta. Tarkista lisäksi loki huolellisesti ennen sen jakoa <=== |" MSG_FR[$MSG_SENSITIVE_WARNING]="| ===>De nombreuses informations sensibles sont masquées dans ce fichier journal. Avant de distribuer le log, il faut quand même le vérifier<=== |" MSG_SENSITIVE_SEPARATOR=$((SCNT++)) MSG_EN[$MSG_SENSITIVE_SEPARATOR]="+================================================================================================================================================+" declare -A MENU_EN declare -A MENU_DE declare -A MENU_FI declare -A MENU_FR declare -A MENU_ZH MCNT=0 MENU_UNDEFINED=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UNDEFINED]="Undefined menuid." MENU_DE[$MENU_UNDEFINED]="Unbekannte menuid." MENU_FI[$MENU_UNDEFINED]="Määrittämätön valikon id." MENU_FR[$MENU_UNDEFINED]="Id du menu inconnu." MENU_ZH[$MENU_UNDEFINED]="未定义的菜单id." MENU_LANGUAGE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_LANGUAGE]='"M1" "Language"' MENU_DE[$MENU_LANGUAGE]='"M1" "Sprache"' MENU_FI[$MENU_LANGUAGE]='"M1" "Kieli"' MENU_FR[$MENU_LANGUAGE]='"M1" "Choisir la langue"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_LANGUAGE]='"M1" "语言"' MENU_INSTALL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_INSTALL]='"M2" "Install components"' MENU_DE[$MENU_INSTALL]='"M2" "Installiere Komponenten"' MENU_FI[$MENU_INSTALL]='"M2" "Asenna komponentteja"' MENU_FR[$MENU_INSTALL]='"M2" "Installation des composants"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_INSTALL]='"M2" "安装组件"' MENU_CONFIGURE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIGURE]='"M3" "Configure major options"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIGURE]='"M3" "Konfiguriere die wichtigsten Optionen"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIGURE]='"M3" "Määritä pääasetukset"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIGURE]='"M3" "Configurer les options importantes"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIGURE]='"M3" "设置主要选项"' MENU_UNINSTALL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UNINSTALL]='"M4" "Delete components"' MENU_DE[$MENU_UNINSTALL]='"M4" "Lösche Komponenten"' MENU_FI[$MENU_UNINSTALL]='"M4" "Poista komponentteja"' MENU_FR[$MENU_UNINSTALL]='"M4" "Supprimer des composants"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_UNINSTALL]='"M4" "删除组件"' MENU_UPDATE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UPDATE]='"M5" "Update components"' MENU_DE[$MENU_UPDATE]='"M5" "Aktualisiere Komponenten"' MENU_FI[$MENU_UPDATE]='"M5" "Päivitä komponentteja"' MENU_FR[$MENU_UPDATE]='"M5" "Mettre à jour des composants"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_UPDATE]='"M5" "更新组件"' MENU_ABOUT=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_ABOUT]='"M9" "About and useful links"' MENU_DE[$MENU_ABOUT]='"M9" "About und hilfreiche Links"' MENU_FI[$MENU_ABOUT]='"M9" "Tietoja ja hyödyllisiä linkkejä"' MENU_FR[$MENU_ABOUT]='"M9" "A propos et liens utiles"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_ABOUT]='"M9" "关于&链接"' MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE]='"R1" "Enable regular backup"' MENU_DE[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE]='"R1" "Regelmäßiges Backup einschalten"' MENU_FI[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE]='"R1" "Ota käyttöön säännöllinen varmuuskopiointi"' MENU_FR[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE]='"R1" "Activer une sauvegarde régulière"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE]='"R1" "开启定期备份"' MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE]='"R1" "Disable regular backup"' MENU_DE[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE]='"R1" "Regelmäßiges Backup auschalten"' MENU_FI[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE]='"R1" "Poista säännöllinen varmuuskopiointi käytöstä"' MENU_FR[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE]='"R1" "Désactiver la sauvegarde régulière"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE]='"R1" "禁用定期备份"' MENU_CONFIG_DAY=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_DAY]='"R2" "Weekday of regular backup"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_DAY]='"R2" "Wochentag des regelmäßigen Backups"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_DAY]='"R2" "Säännöllisen varmuuskopioinnin viikonpäivä"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_DAY]='"R2" "Choisir le jour de la semaine de la sauvegarde"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_DAY]='"R2" "每日备份"' MENU_CONFIG_TIME=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_TIME]='"R3" "Time of regular backup"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_TIME]='"R3" "Zeit des regelmäßigen Backups"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_TIME]='"R3" "Säännöllisen varmuuskopioinnin kellonaika"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_TIME]='"R3" "Choisir une heure pour la sauvegarde "' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_TIME]='"R3" "定期备份间隔"' MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_EN=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_EN]='"EN" "English"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_EN]='"EN" "Englisch"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_EN]='"EN" "englanti"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_EN]='"EN" "Anglais"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_EN]='"EN" "英语"' MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DE]='"DE" "German"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DE]='"DE" "Deutsch"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DE]='"DE" "saksa"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DE]='"DE" "Allemand"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DE]='"DE" "德语"' MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FI=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FI]='"FI" "Finnish"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FI]='"FI" "Finnisch"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FI]='"FI" "suomi"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FI]='"FI" "Finlandais"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FI]='"FI" "芬兰语"' MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FR=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FR]='"FR" "French"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FR]='"FR" "Französisch"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FR]='"FR" "Ranskan kieli"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FR]='"FR" "Français"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_FR]='"FR" "法語"' MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_ZH=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_ZH]='"ZH" "Chinese"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_ZH]='"ZH" "Chinesisch"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_ZH]='"ZH" "Kiina"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_ZH]='"ZH" "Chinois"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_ZH]='"ZH" "中文"' MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N]='"Normal" "Display important messages only"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N]='"Normal" "Nur wichtige Meldungen anzeigen"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N]='"Normaali" "Näytä vain tärkeät viestit"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N]='"Normal" "Afficher uniquement les messages importants"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N]='"一般" "仅显示重要信息"' MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V]='"Verbose" "Display all messages"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V]='"Detailiert" "Alle Meldungen anzeigen"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V]='"Tarkka" "Näytä kaikki viestit"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V]='"Complet" "Afficher tous les messages"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V]='"详细" "显示所有信息"' MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH]='"C2" "Backup path"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH]='"C2" "Backupverzeichnispfad"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH]='"C2" "Varmuuskopioiden sijainti"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH]='"C2" "Choisir le répertoire de sauvegarde"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH]='"C2" "备份路径"' MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS]='"C3" "Backup versions"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS]='"C3" "Backupversionen"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS]='"C3" "Varmuuskopioiden versioiden säilytys"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS]='"C3" "Versions de sauvegarde"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS]='"C3" "备份版本"' MENU_CONFIG_TYPE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE]='"C4" "Backup type"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE]='"C4" "Backup Typ"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE]='"C4" "Varmuuskopiontien tyyppi"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE]='"C4" "Type de sauvegarde"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE]='"C4" "备份类型"' MENU_CONFIG_MODE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE]='"C5" "Backup mode"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE]='"C5" "Backup Modus"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE]='"C5" "Varmuuskopiointitila"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE]='"C5" "Mode de sauvegarde"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE]='"C5" "备份模式"' MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES]='"C6" "Services to stop and start"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES]='"C6" "Zu stoppende und startende Services"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES]='"C6" "Palveluiden pysäyttäminen ja uudelleenkäynnistäminen"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES]='"C6" "Services à arrêter ou à démarrer"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES]='"C6" "需要处理的系统服务"' MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE]='"C7" "Message verbosity"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE]='"C7" "Meldungsgenauigkeit"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE]='"C7" "Viestien yksityiskohtaisuus"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE]='"C7" "Affichage des messages"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE]='"C7" "信息设置"' MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL]='"C8" "eMail notification"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL]='"C8" "eMail Benachrichtigung"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL]='"C8" "Sähköposti-ilmoitus"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL]='"C8" "Notification par courrier électronique"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL]='"C8" "邮件通知"' MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR]='"C9" "Regular backup"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR]='"C9" "Regelmäßiges Backup"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR]='"C9" "Säännöllinen varmuuskopiointi"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR]='"C9" "Sauvegardes Régulières"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR]='"C9" "定期备份"' MENU_CONFIG_ZIP=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP]='"C10" "Compression"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP]='"C10" "Komprimierung"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP]='"C10" "Pakkaaminen"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP]='"C10" "Compression"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP]='"C10" "压缩"' MENU_CONFIG_ZIP_NA=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP_NA]='" " " "' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP_NA]='" " " "' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP_NA]='" " " "' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP_NA]='" " " "' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_ZIP_NA]='" " " "' MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP]='"Simple" "Keep a maximum number of backups"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP]='"Einfach" "Eine maximale Anzahl von Backups vorhalten"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP]='"Yksinkertainen" "Säilytä valitsemasi lukumäärän verran varmuuskopioita"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP]='"Simple" "En choisissant un nombre maximum de sauvegardes"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP]='"简单" "保留最大数量的备份文件"' MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART]='"Smart" "Smart backup strategy"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART]='"Intelligent" "Intelligente Backupstrategie "' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART]='"Älykäs" "Älykäs varmuuskopiointistrategia"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART]='"Intelligente" "Avec la stratégie ntelligente"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART]='"智能" "智能备份策略"' MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL]='"Standard" "Backup the two standard partitions"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL]='"Standard" "Sichere die zwei Standardpartitionen "' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL]='"Standardi" "Varmuuskopioi kaksi standardiosiota"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL]='"Standard" "Sauvegarde des deux partitions standards"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL]='"标准" "备份2个标准分区"' MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION]='"Extended" "Backup more than two partitions"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION]='"Erweitert" "Sichere mehr als zwei Partitionen"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION]='"Laajennettu" "Varmuuskopioi enemmän kuin kaksi osiota"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION]='"Elargi" "Sauvegarde de plus de deux partitions"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION]='"扩展" "备份多于2个分区"' MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL]='"I1" "Install $RASPIBACKUP_NAME using a default configuration"' MENU_DE[$MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL]='"I1" "Installiere $RASPIBACKUP_NAME mit einer Standardkonfiguration"' MENU_FI[$MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL]='"I1" "Asenna $RASPIBACKUP_NAME oletusasetuksilla"' MENU_FR[$MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL]='"I1" "Installer $RASPIBACKUP_NAME en utilisant une configuration par défaut"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL]='"I1" "使用默认设置安装 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME "' MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS]='"I2" "Install and enable sample extension"' MENU_DE[$MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS]='"I2" "Installiere Beispielerweiterungen"' MENU_FI[$MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS]='"I2" "Asenna ja ota käyttöön näytelisäosat"' MENU_FR[$MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS]='"I2" "Installer et activer l'\''exemple d'\''extension"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS]='"I2" "安装并开启示例扩展"' MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL]='"mail" ""' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL]='"mail" ""' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL]='"mail" ""' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL]='"mail" ""' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL]='"mail" ""' MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP]='"ssmtp" ""' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP]='"ssmtp" ""' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP]='"ssmtp" ""' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP]='"ssmtp" ""' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP]='"ssmtp" ""' MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP]='"msmtp" ""' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP]='"msmtp" ""' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP]='"msmtp" ""' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP]='"msmtp" ""' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP]='"msmtp" ""' MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD]='"dd" "Backup with dd and restore on Windows"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD]='"dd" "Sichere mit dd und stelle unter Windows wieder her"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD]='"dd" "dd-varmuuskopio, mahdollistaa palautuksen Windowsissa"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD]='"dd" "Sauvegarder avec dd et restaurer sous Windows"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD]='"dd" "使用dd备份并且在Windows上恢复"' MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR]='"tar" "Backup with tar"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR]='"tar" "Sichere mit tar"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR]='"tar" "tar-varmuuskopio"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR]='"tar" "Sauvegarde avec tar"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR]='"tar" "使用tar备份"' MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC]='"rsync" "Backup with rsync and use hardlinks if possible"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC]='"rsync" "Sichere mit rsync und benutze Hardlinks wenn möglich"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC]='"rsync" "rsync-varmuuskopio ja hardlinkkien käyttö"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC]='"rsync" "Sécuriser avec rsync en utilisant si possible des liens physiques"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC]='"rsync" "使用rsync备份,如果可能,使用硬链接"' MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL]='"U1" "Uninstall $RASPIBACKUP_NAME"' MENU_DE[$MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL]='"U1" "Lösche $RASPIBACKUP_NAME"' MENU_FI[$MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL]='"U1" "Poista $RASPIBACKUP_NAME -asennus"' MENU_FR[$MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL]='"U1" "Supprimer $RASPIBACKUP_NAME -asennus"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL]='"U1" "卸载 $RASPIBACKUP_NAME"' MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION]='"U2" "Uninstall and disable sample extensions"' MENU_DE[$MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION]='"U2" "Lösche Extensions"' MENU_FI[$MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION]='"U2" "Poista käytöstä ja pura näytelisäosien asennukset"' MENU_FR[$MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION]='"U2" "Supprimer les Extensions"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION]='"U2" "卸载并禁用示例扩展"' MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD_NA=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD_NA]='"" "Backup with dd not possible with this mode"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD_NA]='"" "Sichern mit dd nicht möglich bei diesem Modus"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD_NA]='"" "DD-varmuuskopio ei ole mahdollista tässä tilassa"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD_NA]='"" "Un enregistrement avec dd ne peut se faire dans ce mode"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD_NA]='"" "此模式不可使用dd备份"' MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF]='"off" "No backup compression"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF]='"aus" "Keine Backup Komprimierung"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF]='"off" "Ei varmuuskopion pakkausta"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF]='"off" "Pas de compression de sauvegarde"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF]='"off" "不压缩"' MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON]='"on" "Compress $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE backup"' MENU_DE[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON]='"an" "Komprimiere den $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE Backup"' MENU_FI[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON]='"on" "Pakkaa $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE -varmuuskopio"' MENU_FR[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON]='"on" "Compresser la sauvegarde $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON]='"on" "压缩 $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE 备份"' MENU_DAYS_SHORT=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_DAYS_SHORT]='"Daily" "Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat"' MENU_DE[$MENU_DAYS_SHORT]='"Täglich" "So" "Mo" "Di" "Mi" "Do" "Fr" "Sa"' MENU_FI[$MENU_DAYS_SHORT]='"Päivittäin" "Su" "Ma" "Ti" "Ke" "To" "Pe" "La"' MENU_FR[$MENU_DAYS_SHORT]='"Journalier" "Di" "Lu" "Ma" "Me" "Je" "Ve" "Sa"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_DAYS_SHORT]='"Daily" "Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat"' MENU_DAYS_LONG=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_DAYS_LONG]='"Daily" "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday"' MENU_DE[$MENU_DAYS_LONG]='"Täglich" "Sonntag" "Montag" "Dienstag" "Mittwoch" "Donnerstag" "Freitag" "Samstag"' MENU_FI[$MENU_DAYS_LONG]='"Päivittäin" "Sunnuntai" "Maanantai" "Tiistai" "Keskiviikko" "Torstai" "Perjantai" "Lauantai"' MENU_FR[$MENU_DAYS_LONG]='"Journalier" "Dimanche" "Lundi" "Mardi" "Mercredi" "Jeudi" "Vendredi" "Samedi"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_DAYS_LONG]='"Daily" "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday"' MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT]='"P1" "Update $FILE_TO_INSTALL"' MENU_DE[$MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT]='"P1" "Aktualisiere $FILE_TO_INSTALL"' MENU_FI[$MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT]='"P1" "Päivitä $FILE_TO_INSTALL"' MENU_FR[$MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT]='"P1" "Mettre à jour $FILE_TO_INSTALL"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT]='"P1" "更新 $FILE_TO_INSTALL"' MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER=$((MCNT++)) MENU_EN[$MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER]='"P2" "Update $MYSELF"' MENU_DE[$MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER]='"P2" "Aktualisiere $MYSELF"' MENU_FI[$MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER]='"P2" "Päivitä $MYSELF"' MENU_FR[$MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER]='"P2" "Mettre à jour $MYSELF"' MENU_ZH[$MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER]='"P2" "更新 $MYSELF"' declare -A MSG_HEADER=(['I']="---" ['W']="!!!" ['E']="???") INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFULL=0 INSTALLATION_STARTED=0 CONFIG_INSTALLED=0 SCRIPT_INSTALLED=0 EXTENSIONS_INSTALLED=0 CRON_INSTALLED=0 SYSTEMD_INSTALLED=0 PROGRESSBAR_DO=0 INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=0 BETA_INSTALL=0 CRONTAB_ENABLED="undefined" SYSTEMD_ENABLED="undefined" function findUser() { local u if [[ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]]; then u="$SUDO_USER" else u="$USER" fi echo "$u" } function existsLocalPropertiesFile() { [[ -e "$LOCAL_PROPERTY_FILE" ]] } function checkRequiredDirectories() { local dirs=( "$BIN_DIR" "$ETC_DIR" "$CRON_DIR") for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do logItem "Checking for $d" if [[ ! -d $d ]]; then unrecoverableError $MSG_MISSING_DIRECTORY "$d" return fi done } # Create message and substitute parameters function getMessageText() { # messagenumber parm1 parm2 ... local msg p i s msgVar="MSG_${CONFIG_LANGUAGE}" if [[ -n ${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[$CONFIG_LANGUAGE]} ]]; then msgVar="$msgVar[$1]" msg=${!msgVar} if [[ -z $msg ]]; then # no translation found msg="${MSG_EN[$1]}" # fallback into english fi else msg="${MSG_EN[$1]}" # fallback into english fi shift for ((i = 1; $i <= $#; i++)); do # substitute all message parameters p=${!i} let s=$i s="%$s" msg="$(sed "s|$s|$p|" <<<"$msg" 2>/dev/null)" # have to use explicit command name done msg="$(sed "s/%[0-9]+//g" <<<"$msg" 2>/dev/null)" # delete trailing %n definitions local msgPref=${msg:0:3} if [[ $msgPref == "RBK" ]]; then # RBK0001E local severity=${msg:7:1} if [[ "$severity" =~ [EWI] ]]; then local msgHeader=${MSG_HEADER[$severity]} echo "$msgHeader $msg" else echo "$msg" fi else echo "$msg" fi } function getMenuText() { # menutextnumber varname local menu varname local menuVar="MENU_${CONFIG_LANGUAGE}" declare -n varname=$2 if [[ -n ${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[$CONFIG_LANGUAGE]} ]]; then menuVar="$menuVar[$1]" menu="${!menuVar}" if [[ -z $menu ]]; then # no translation found menu="${MENU_EN[$1]}" # fallback into english fi else menu="${MENU_EN[$1]}" # fallback into english fi eval "varname=( ${menu[@]} )" } function writeToConsole() { local msg="$(getMessageText "$@")" echo "MSG: $msg" >>"$LOG_FILE" if (( $MODE_UNATTENDED )); then echo "$msg" fi } function log() { # logtype message local lineno=${BASH_LINENO[1]} local dte=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) local indent=$(printf '%*s' "$LOG_INDENT") printf "%s: DBG: %04d - %s %s\n" "$dte" "$lineno" "$indent" "$@" >> "$LOG_FILE" } function logItem() { # message log "$@" } function downloadURL() { # fileName logEntry "$1" local u="$MYHOMEURL/raspiBackup$URLTARGET/$1" echo "$u" logExit "$u" } function check4InternetAvailable() { if (( ! RASPIBACKUP_INSTALL_DEBUG )); then writeToConsole $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $MSG_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION isInternetAvailable if (( $? != 0 )); then writeToConsole $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND exit fi fi } function isInternetAvailable() { logEntry wget -q --spider -t 1 -T 3 $MYHOMEDOMAIN local rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function logEntry() { log "-> ${FUNCNAME[1]} $@" (( LOG_INDENT+=3 )) } function logExit() { (( LOG_INDENT-=3 )) log "<- ${FUNCNAME[1]} $@" } function finished() { : } function center() { # local columns="$1" shift 1 while IFS= read -r line; do printf "%*s\n" $(((${#line} + columns) / 2)) "$line" done <<<"$@" } function isTimerEnabled() { logEntry local rc if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then isSystemdEnabled else isCrontabEnabled fi rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function isCrontabEnabled() { logEntry $CRONTAB_ENABLED if [[ "$CRONTAB_ENABLED" == "undefined" ]]; then if isCrontabConfigInstalled; then local l="$(tail -n 1 < $CRON_ABS_FILE)" logItem "$l" [[ ${l:0:1} != "#" ]] CRONTAB_ENABLED=$? else CRONTAB_ENABLED=0 fi fi logExit $CRONTAB_ENABLED return $CRONTAB_ENABLED } function isSystemdEnabled() { logEntry $SYSTEMD_ENABLED if [[ "$SYSTEMD_ENABLED" == "undefined" ]]; then if isSystemdConfigInstalled; then local state="$(systemctl show --no-pager $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME | grep -i "ActiveState" | cut -f 2 -d '=')" logItem "Current systemd state: $state" [[ $state == "active" ]] SYSTEMD_ENABLED=$? else SYSTEMD_ENABLED=0 fi fi logExit $SYSTEMD_ENABLED return $SYSTEMD_ENABLED } function isCrontabConfigInstalled() { logEntry local rc [[ -f $CRON_ABS_FILE ]] rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function isSystemdConfigInstalled() { logEntry local rc [[ -f $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE && -f $SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE ]] rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function isConfigInstalled() { [[ -f $CONFIG_ABS_FILE ]] return } function isExtensionInstalled() { ls $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}_*.sh 2>/dev/null &>>"$LOG_FILE" return } function isRaspiBackupInstalled() { [[ -f $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE ]] return } function isStartStopDefined() { [[ ! -z $CONFIG_STOPSERVICES ]] && [[ "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" != "$IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR" ]] return } function createSymLink() { # create link from /usr/local/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/.sh local fileName="$1" local linkName="${fileName%.*}" rm -f $linkName &>/dev/null if ! ln -s $fileName $linkName; then unrecoverableError $MSG_MOVE_FAILED "$linkName" return 1 fi } function deleteSymLink() { # delete link from /usr/local/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/.sh local fileName="$1" local linkName="${fileName%.*}" rm -f $linkName &>/dev/null } function code_download_execute() { logEntry local newName if [[ -f "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" ]]; then oldVersion=$(grep -o -E "^VERSION=\".+\"" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" | sed -e "s/VERSION=//" -e "s/\"//g") newName="$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE.$oldVersion.sh" writeToConsole $MSG_SAVING_FILE "$FILE_TO_INSTALL" "$newName" mv "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" "$newName" &>>"$LOG_FILE" fi if (($BETA_INSTALL)); then FILE_TO_INSTALL_URL="$BETA_CODE_URL" writeToConsole $MSG_DOWNLOADING_BETA "$FILE_TO_INSTALL" else FILE_TO_INSTALL_URL="$STABLE_CODE_URL" writeToConsole $MSG_DOWNLOADING "$FILE_TO_INSTALL" fi local httpCode="$(downloadFile "$(downloadURL "$FILE_TO_INSTALL")" "/tmp/$FILE_TO_INSTALL")" if (( $? )); then unrecoverableError $MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED "$(downloadURL "$FILE_TO_INSTALL")" "$httpCode" logExit return fi if ! mv "/tmp/$FILE_TO_INSTALL" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_MOVE_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" logExit return fi SCRIPT_INSTALLED=1 writeToConsole $MSG_CODE_INSTALLED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" if ! chmod 755 $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" logExit return fi if ! createSymLink "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE"; then logExit return fi if [[ -e "$MYDIR/$MYSELF" && "$MYDIR/$MYSELF" != "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" ]]; then if (( ! $RASPIBACKUP_INSTALL_DEBUG )); then if ! mv -f "$MYDIR/$MYSELF" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH" &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_MOVE_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" logExit return fi else cp "$MYDIR/$MYSELF" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH" &>>"$LOG_FILE" fi fi writeToConsole $MSG_CODE_INSTALLED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" if ! chmod 755 $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" logExit return fi local chownArgs=$(stat -c "%U:%G" $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH | sed 's/\n//') if ! chown $chownArgs "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHOWN_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" logExit return fi if ! createSymLink "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF"; then logExit return fi logExit } function update_script_execute() { logEntry local newName if [[ -f "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" ]]; then oldVersion=$(grep -o -E "^VERSION=\".+\"" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" | sed -e "s/VERSION=//" -e "s/\"//g") newName="$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}.${oldVersion}.sh" writeToConsole $MSG_SAVING_FILE "$FILE_TO_INSTALL" "$newName" mv "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" "$newName" &>>"$LOG_FILE" fi local httpCode="$(downloadFile "$(downloadURL "$FILE_TO_INSTALL")" "/tmp/$FILE_TO_INSTALL" )" if (( $? )); then unrecoverableError $MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED "$(downloadURL "$FILE_TO_INSTALL")" "$httpCode" logExit return fi if ! mv "/tmp/$FILE_TO_INSTALL" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_MOVE_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" return fi writeToConsole $MSG_CODE_INSTALLED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" if ! chmod 755 $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" return fi logExit } function downloadFile() { # url, targetFileName logEntry "URL: $1, file: $2" local url="$1" local file="$2" local f=$(mktemp) local httpCode=$(curl -sSL -o "$f" -m $DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT -w %{http_code} -L "$url" 2>>$LOG_FILE) local rc=$? logItem "httpCode: $httpCode RC: $rc" if [[ $rc != 0 || ${httpCode:0:1} != "2" ]]; then rm $f &>>$LOG_FILE logExit $httpCode return $httpCode fi if head -n 1 "$f" | grep -q "^"; then # Download plugin doesn't return 404 if file not found but a HTML doc rm $f &>>$LOG_FILE logExit 404 return 404 fi mv $f $file &>>$LOG_FILE logExit 0 return 0 } function update_installer_execute() { logEntry local newName local httpCode="$(downloadFile "$(downloadURL "$MYSELF")" "/tmp/$MYSELF")" if (( $? )); then unrecoverableError $MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED "$(downloadURL "$MYSELF")" "$httpCode" return fi if ! mv "/tmp/$MYSELF" "$INSTALLER_ABS_FILE" &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_MOVE_FAILED "$INSTALLER_ABS_FILE" return fi if (( MODE_UPDATE )); then writeToConsole $MSG_CODE_UPDATED "$INSTALLER_ABS_FILE" else writeToConsole $MSG_CODE_INSTALLED "$INSTALLER_ABS_FILE" fi if ! chmod 755 $INSTALLER_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$INSTALLER_ABS_FILE" return fi logExit } function config_download_execute() { logEntry local newName http_code if [[ -f "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" && -f "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" ]]; then oldVersion=$(grep -o -E "^VERSION=\".+\"" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" | sed -e "s/VERSION=//" -e "s/\"//g") local m=${CONFIG_ABS_FILE##*/} n=${m%.*} newName="$n.$oldVersion.conf" writeToConsole $MSG_SAVING_FILE "$CONFIG_FILE" "$CONFIG_FILE_ABS_PATH/$newName" [[ "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" != "$newName" ]] && mv "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" "$CONFIG_FILE_ABS_PATH/$newName" &>>"$LOG_FILE" fi writeToConsole $MSG_DOWNLOADING "$CONFIG_FILE" CONFIG_INSTALLED=1 case $CONFIG_LANGUAGE in DE) local confFile=${CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_FILE["DE"]} ;; *) local confFile=${CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_FILE["EN"]} ;; esac httpCode="$(downloadFile "$(downloadURL "$confFile")" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE")" if (( $? )); then unrecoverableError $MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED "$(downloadURL "$confFile")" "$httpCode" return fi if ! chmod 600 $CONFIG_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" return fi writeToConsole $MSG_CODE_INSTALLED "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" logExit } function extensions_install_do() { logEntry if ! isRaspiBackupInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi if isExtensionInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_EXTENSIONS_ALREADY_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Installing extensions ...") progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Installing extensions" extensions_install_execute logExit } function extensions_install_execute() { logEntry local extensions="mem temp disk" writeToConsole $MSG_DOWNLOADING "${SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE%.*}" local httpCode="$(downloadFile "$(downloadURL "$SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE")" "$SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE")" if (( $? )); then unrecoverableError $MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED "$(downloadURL "$SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE")" "$httpCode" return fi if ! tar -xzf "$SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE" -C "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH" &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED "tar -x" return fi if ! chmod 755 $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}_*.sh &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED "chmod extensions" return fi if ! chown root.root $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}_*.sh &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED "chmod extensions" return fi if ! rm -f "$SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE" 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE" return fi sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS=.*\$/DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS=\"$extensions\"/" $CONFIG_ABS_FILE EXTENSIONS_INSTALLED=1 writeToConsole $MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_INSTALL_SUCCESS logExit } function extensions_uninstall_do() { logEntry if ! isExtensionInstalled; then local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_NO_EXTENSIONS_FOUND)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$a") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi UNINSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Uninstalling extensions ...") progressbar_do "UNINSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Uninstalling extensions" extensions_uninstall_execute logExit } function extensions_uninstall_execute() { logEntry local extensions="mem temp disk" if ls $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}_*.sh >&/dev/null; then if ! rm -f $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}_*.sh &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_FAILED "rm extensions" return fi writeToConsole $MSG_SAMPLEEXTENSION_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS fi if [[ -f CONFIG_ABS_FILE ]]; then sed -i -E "s/DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS=.*\$/DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS=\"\"/" $CONFIG_ABS_FILE fi EXTENSIONS_INSTALLED=0 logExit } function getActiveServices() { logEntry logItem "$EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX" local as="" IFS=" " while read s r; do if [[ $s == *".service" ]]; then as+=" $(sed 's/.service//' <<< "$s")" fi done < <(systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active | grep "active running" | grep -v "$EXCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX" | awk '{print $1}' ) echo "$as" logExit "$as" } function getPartitionNumbers() { # device, e.g. /dev/mmcblk0 # /dev/sda1 256M c W95 # /dev/sda2 14.3G 83 Linux # /dev/sda5 265G 83 Linux logEntry $1 local ap="" ap="$(LANG=C fdisk -l $1 | grep ^/dev | awk '{ print $1,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10}' | grep -v -E " 8?5 " | sed -E "s@${1}p?@@" )" # "1 256M c W95" # "2 14.3G 83 Linux" # "5 265G 83 Linux" logItem "Partitions: $ap" # now remove partition type info local apr="$(cut -d ' ' -f 1-2,4- <<< "$ap")" # "1 256M W95" # "2 14.3G Linux" # "5 265G Linux" echo "$apr" logExit "$apr" } function isPathMounted() { # dir logEntry "$1" local path local rc=1 path=$1 while [[ "$path" != "" ]]; do logItem "Path: $path" if mountpoint -q "$path"; then rc=0 break fi path=${path%/*} done logExit "$rc" return $rc } function getStartStopCommands() { # listOfServicesToStop pcommandvarname scommandvarname logEntry "$1" IFS=" " local startServices=( $1 ) logItem "Number of entries: ${#startServices[@]}" local sc="" pc="" and="" for s in "${startServices[@]}"; do logItem "Processing $s" pc="$pc $and systemctl stop $s" sc="systemctl start $s $and $sc" [[ -z $and ]] && and="&&" done #pc="systemctl stop $1" #sc="systemctl start $1" pc=$(sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' <<< $pc | xargs) sc=$(sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' <<< $sc | xargs) printf -v "${2}" "%s" "$pc" printf -v "${3}" "%s" "$sc" logItem "$2: $pc" logItem "$3: $sc" logExit } function parseConfig() { logEntry IFS="" matches=$(grep -E "DEFAULT_(MSG_LEVEL|KEEPBACKUPS|BACKUPPATH|BACKUPTYPE|ZIP_BACKUP|PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP|PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP|LANGUAGE|STARTSERVICES|STOPSERVICES|EMAIL|MAIL_PROGRAM|SMART_RECYCLE|SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN|SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS|RESIZE_FS)=" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE") while IFS="=" read key value; do key=${key//\"/} key=${key/DEFAULT/CONFIG} value=${value//\"/} if [[ $key =~ .*SERVICES.* ]]; then if [[ "$value" == "$IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR" ]]; then value="" else value=$(sed -e 's/start//g' -e 's/stop//g' -e 's/systemctl//g' -e 's/\&\&//g' -e 's/ \+/ /g' <<< "$value" | xargs ) fi fi logItem "$key=$value" eval "$key=\"$value\"" if [[ $key == "CONFIG_LANGUAGE" ]]; then [[ -z "$value" ]] && CONFIG_LANGUAGE="${LANG_SYSTEM^^}" fi done <<< "$matches" logExit } function config_update_execute() { logEntry writeToConsole $MSG_UPDATING_CONFIG "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" logItem "Language: $CONFIG_LANGUAGE" logItem "Mode: $CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP" logItem "Partitions: $CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" logItem "Type: $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE" logItem "Zip: $CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" logItem "Keep: $CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS" logItem "Recycle: $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" logItem "Recycleoptions: $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" logItem "Dryrun: $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN" logItem "Msglevel: $CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL" logItem "Backuppath: $CONFIG_BACKUPPATH" logItem "Stop: $CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" logItem "Start: $CONFIG_STARTSERVICES" logItem "eMail: $CONFIG_EMAIL" logItem "mailProgram: $CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM" logItem "Resize: $CONFIG_RESIZE_ROOTFS" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=.*\$/DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=\"$CONFIG_LANGUAGE\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP=.*\$/DEFAULT_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP=\"$CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP=.*\$/DEFAULT_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP=\"$CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_BACKUPTYPE=.*\$/DEFAULT_BACKUPTYPE=\"$CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_ZIP_BACKUP=.*\$/DEFAULT_ZIP_BACKUP=\"$CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_KEEPBACKUPS=.*$/DEFAULT_KEEPBACKUPS=\"$CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_SMART_RECYCLE=.*$/DEFAULT_SMART_RECYCLE=\"$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS=.*$/DEFAULT_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS=\"$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN=.*$/DEFAULT_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN=\"$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_MSG_LEVEL=.*$/DEFAULT_MSG_LEVEL=\"$CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_EMAIL=.*$/DEFAULT_EMAIL=\"$CONFIG_EMAIL\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_MAIL_PROGRAM=.*$/DEFAULT_MAIL_PROGRAM=\"$CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" local f=$(sed 's_/_\\/_g' <<< "$CONFIG_BACKUPPATH") sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_BACKUPPATH=.*$/DEFAULT_BACKUPPATH=\"$f\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" local pline sline if [[ "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" != "$IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR" && -n "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" ]]; then getStartStopCommands "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" "pline" "sline" pline=$(sed 's/\&/\\\&/g' <<< "$pline") sline=$(sed 's/\&/\\\&/g' <<< "$sline") else pline="$IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR" sline="$IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR" fi logItem "pline: $pline" logItem "sline: $sline" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_STOPSERVICES=.*$/DEFAULT_STOPSERVICES=\"$pline\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" sed -i -E "s/^(#?\s?)?DEFAULT_STARTSERVICES=.*$/DEFAULT_STARTSERVICES=\"$sline\"/" "$CONFIG_ABS_FILE" logExit } function cron_update_execute() { logEntry writeToConsole $MSG_UPDATING_CRON "$CRON_ABS_FILE" logItem "cron: $CONFIG_CRON_DAY $CONFIG_CRON_HOUR $CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE" local l="$(tail -n 1 < $CRON_ABS_FILE)" local disabled="" if ! isCrontabEnabled; then disabled="#" fi local cron_day="$(daynum_to_config_string "$CONFIG_CRON_DAY")" local v=$(awk -v disabled=$disabled -v minute=$CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE -v hour=$CONFIG_CRON_HOUR -v day=$cron_day ' {print disabled minute, hour, $3, $4, day, $6, $7, $8}' <<< "$l") logItem "cron update: $v" local t=$(mktemp) head -n -1 "$CRON_ABS_FILE" > $t echo "$v" >> $t mv $t $CRON_ABS_FILE rm $t 2>/dev/null logExit } function systemd_timer_execute() { logEntry logItem "Reload systemd daemon" systemctl daemon-reload &>>$LOG_FILE local enable="" if isSystemdEnabled; then enable="enable" logItem "Starting $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME" systemctl start $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME &>>$LOG_FILE writeToConsole $MSG_SYSTEMD_ENABLED else enable="disable" logItem "Stoping $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME" systemctl stop $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME &>>$LOG_FILE writeToConsole $MSG_SYSTEMD_DISABLED fi logItem "$enable $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME" systemctl $enable $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME &>>$LOG_FILE systemctl status $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME &>>$LOG_FILE logExit } function systemd_update_execute() { logEntry writeToConsole $MSG_UPDATING_SYSTEMD "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" logItem "systemd: $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE" # OnCalendar=Sun *-*-* 05:00:42 # on sunday # OnCalendar=*-*-* 05:00:42 # daily local l="$(grep "^OnCalendar" $SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE)" local systemd_day="$(daynum_to_config_string "$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY")" logItem "Day: $systemd_day" local v=$(awk -v minute=$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE -v hour=$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR -v day=$systemd_day ' { print "OnCalendar="day "*-*-*", hour":"minute":42" }' <<< "$l") logItem "systemd update: $v" sed -i "/^OnCalendar/c$v" "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" logItem "$(cat $SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE)" logExit } function cron_install_execute() { logEntry writeToConsole $MSG_INSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE "$CRON_ABS_FILE" echo "$CRON_CONTENTS" >"$CRON_ABS_FILE" if ! chmod 644 $CRON_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$CRON_ABS_FILE" logExit return fi CRON_INSTALLED=1 if (( $MODE_FORCE_TIMER )); then systemd_uninstall_execute fi logExit } function systemd_install_execute() { logEntry writeToConsole $MSG_INSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" echo "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE" >"$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" if ! chmod 755 $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" logExit return fi writeToConsole $MSG_INSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" echo "$SYSTEMD_TIMER" >"$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" if ! chmod 755 $SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_CHMOD_FAILED "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" logExit return fi SYSTEMD_INSTALLED=1 systemctl disable $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME &>>$LOG_FILE systemctl status $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_NAME &>>$LOG_FILE if (( $MODE_FORCE_TIMER )); then cron_uninstall_execute fi logExit } function timer_uninstall_execute() { logEntry cron_uninstall_execute systemd_uninstall_execute logExit } function cron_uninstall_execute() { logEntry if [[ -e "$CRON_ABS_FILE" ]]; then writeToConsole $MSG_UNINSTALLING_CRON_TEMPLATE "$CRON_ABS_FILE" if ! rm -f "$CRON_ABS_FILE" 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$CRON_ABS_FILE" return fi fi CRON_INSTALLED=0 logExit } function systemd_uninstall_execute() { logEntry local foundConfig if [[ -e "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" ]]; then foundConfig=1 writeToConsole $MSG_UNINSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" if ! rm -f "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE" return fi fi if [[ -e "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" ]]; then foundConfig=1 writeToConsole $MSG_UNINSTALLING_SYSTEMD_TEMPLATE "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" if ! rm -f "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE" return fi fi if (( $foundConfig )); then if isSystemdEnabled; then writeToConsole $MSG_SYSTEMD_DISABLED logItem "Stopping $FILE_TO_INSTALL" systemctl stop $FILE_TO_INSTALL &>>$LOG_FILE logItem "Disable $FILE_TO_INSTALL" systemctl disable $FILE_TO_INSTALL &>>$LOG_FILE logItem "Relaod systemd daemon" systemctl daemon-reload &>>$LOG_FILE fi fi SYSTEMD_INSTALLED_INSTALLED=0 logExit } function config_uninstall_execute() { logEntry # all config files starting with raspiBackup local pre=${CONFIG_ABS_FILE%%.*} if ls $pre* &>/dev/null; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$pre*" if ! rm -f $pre* &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$pre*" return fi fi logExit } function misc_uninstall_execute() { logEntry # tmp files if ls /tmp/$RASPIBACKUP_NAME* &>/dev/null; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "/tmp/$RASPIBACKUP_NAME*" if ! rm -f /tmp/$RASPIBACKUP_NAME* &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "/tmp/$RASPIBACKUP_NAME*" return fi fi # reminder status file if ls $VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY/* &>/dev/null; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY/*" if ! rm -f $VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY/* &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY/*" return fi if [[ -d $VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY ]]; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY" if ! rmdir $VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY &>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$VAR_LIB_DIRECTORY" return fi fi fi logExit } function uninstall_script_execute() { logEntry pre=${FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE%%.*} post=${FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE##*.} if ls $pre.$post* &>/dev/null; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$pre.$post*" if ! rm -f $pre.$post* 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$pre.$post*" return fi fi if [[ -e "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" ]]; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" if ! rm -f "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" 2>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" return fi fi deleteSymLink "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFULL=0 logExit } function uninstall_execute() { logEntry if [[ -e "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" ]]; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" if ! rm -f "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" 2>>$LOG_FILE; then unrecoverableError $MSG_UNINSTALL_FAILED "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" return fi deleteSymLink "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF" if [[ -f "$LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE" ]]; then writeToConsole $MSG_DELETE_FILE "$LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE" rm -f "$LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE" 2>>$LOG_FILE fi rm /tmp/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}*.* 2>>$LOG_FILE rm /${FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH}/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}*.* 2>>$LOG_FILE writeToConsole $MSG_UNINSTALL_FINISHED "$RASPIBACKUP_NAME" else writeToConsole $MSG_NOT_INSTALLED "$RASPIBACKUP_NAME" fi INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFULL=0 logExit } # NOTE: make sure to return just after calling this function in order to terminate when first error occurs function unrecoverableError() { # messagenumber messageparms logEntry "$@" if (( $PROGRESSBAR_DO )); then logItem "Progressbar error occured $@" echo "$@" return fi clear calc_wt_size logStack local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_ERROR)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_ERROR)" local id="$1" shift logItem "Id: $id" logItem "Msg: $@" if (( $MODE_UNATTENDED )); then echo d="$(getMessageText $id $@ )${NL}${NL}$d" logItem "$d" echo "$d" else local m="$(getMessageText $id $@ )${NL}${NL}$d" logItem "$m" local t=$(center $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) "$m") whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) 1 fi logExit exit 1 } function calc_wt_size() { # NOTE: it's tempting to redirect stderr to /dev/null, so supress error # output from tput. However in this case, tput detects neither stdout or # stderr is a tty and so only gives default 80, 24 values WT_HEIGHT=20 WT_WIDTH=$(tput cols) if [ -z "$WT_WIDTH" ] || [ "$WT_WIDTH" -lt 60 ]; then WT_WIDTH=80 fi if [ "$WT_WIDTH" -gt 178 ]; then WT_WIDTH=120 fi #WT_HEIGHT=0 #WT_WIDTH=0 WT_MENU_HEIGHT=$(($WT_HEIGHT - 7)) #WT_MENU_HEIGHT=13 } function testIfServicesExist() { # list of services logEntry "$1" IFS=" " local services=( $1 ) local fails="" for s in ${services[@]}; do if ! systemd-analyze verify $s.service &>/dev/null; then [[ -n "$fails" ]] && fails+="," fails+="$s" fi done echo "$fails" logExit "$fails" } function extractVersionFromFile() { # fileName type (VERSION|VERSION_CONFIG) local v="$(grep -E "^$2=" "$1" | cut -f 2 -d = | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*#.*$//g' -e 's/\"//g')" [[ -z "$v" ]] && v="" echo "$v" } function about_do() { logEntry if [[ -f $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE ]]; then local RASPI_GIT_DATE="$(grep "^GIT_DATE=" $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE)" local RASPI_GIT_DATE_ONLY="${RASPI_GIT_DATE/: /}" local RASPI_GIT_DATE_ONLY="$(cut -f 2 -d ' ' <<< "$RASPI_GIT_DATE")" local RASPI_GIT_TIME_ONLY="$(cut -f 3 -d ' ' <<< "$RASPI_GIT_DATE")" local RASPI_GIT_COMMIT="$(grep "^GIT_COMMIT=" $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE)" local RASPI_GIT_COMMIT_ONLY="$(cut -f 2 -d ' ' <<< "$RASPI_GIT_COMMIT" | sed 's/\$//' | sed "s/'//" )" local RASPI_VERSION="$(extractVersionFromFile $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE VERSION)" local RASPI_GIT_CODEVERSION="$FILE_TO_INSTALL $RASPI_VERSION, $RASPI_GIT_DATE_ONLY/$RASPI_GIT_TIME_ONLY - $RASPI_GIT_COMMIT_ONLY" fi local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_ABOUT "$RASPI_GIT_CODEVERSION")" local t=$(center $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) "$a") whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "About" $ROWS_ABOUT $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) 1 logExit } function navigation_do() { local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_NAVIGATION)" local t=$(center $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) "$a") whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "Navigation" $ROWS_ABOUT $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) 1 } function do_finish() { logEntry (( RASPIBACKUP_INSTALL_DEBUG )) && exit 0 if isRaspiBackupInstalled ; then if ! isStartStopDefined; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_QUESTION_IGNORE_MISSING_STARTSTOP)" local y="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_YES)" local n="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_NO)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_WARNING)" if ! whiptail --yesno "$t" --title "$tt" --yes-button "$y" --no-button "$n" --defaultno $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 1 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3; then return fi fi if (( $INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFULL )); then first_steps fi help reset fi logExit exit 0 } function help() { local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_HELP)" local t=$(center $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) "$a") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_HELP)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_ABOUT $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) 1 } function trapWithArg() { # function trap1 trap2 ... trapn local func="$1" shift for sig; do trap "$func $sig" "$sig" done } function cleanup() { logEntry trap '' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT local rc=$? local signal="$1" logItem "Signal: $signal" logItem "rc: $rc" TAIL=0 if (($INSTALLATION_STARTED)); then if ((!$INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFULL)); then writeToConsole $MSG_CLEANUP (($CONFIG_INSTALLED)) && rm $CONFIG_ABS_FILE &>>"$LOG_FILE" || true (($SCRIPT_INSTALLED)) && rm $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE &>>"$LOG_FILE" || true (($CRON_INSTALLED)) && rm $CRON_ABS_FILE &>>"$LOG_FILE" || true if (($SYSTEMD_INSTALLED)); then rm $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_ABS_FILE &>>"$LOG_FILE" || true rm $SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE &>>"$LOG_FILE" || true fi (($EXTENSIONS_INSTALLED)) && rm -f $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_PATH/${RASPIBACKUP_NAME}_*.sh &>>"$LOG_FILE" || true fi fi (($EXTENSIONS_INSTALLED)) && rm $SAMPLEEXTENSION_TAR_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE || true masqueradeSensitiveInfoInLog # and masquerade sensitive details in log file if [[ "$signal" != "EXIT" ]]; then writeToConsole $MSG_INSTALLATION_FAILED "$RASPIBACKUP_NAME" "$LOG_FILE" logExit rc=127 fi chown "$CALLING_USER:$CALLING_USER" "$LOG_FILE" &> $LOG_FILE exit $rc } function config_menu() { logEntry if ! isConfigInstalled; then local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "No $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration found.") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi CONFIG_UPDATED=0 TIMER_UPDATED=0 if isConfigInstalled; then parseConfig fi if isCrontabConfigInstalled; then local l="$(tail -n 1 < $CRON_ABS_FILE)" logItem "last line: $l" local v=$(awk ' {print $1, $2, $5}' <<< "$l") logItem "parsed $v" CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE="$(cut -f 1 -d ' ' <<< $v)" [[ ${CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE:0:1} == "#" ]] && CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE="${CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE:1}" CONFIG_CRON_HOUR="$(cut -f 2 -d ' ' <<< $v)" local day=$(cut -f 3 -d ' ' <<< $v) CONFIG_CRON_DAY=$(daynum_from_config_string "$day") logItem "parsed hour: $CONFIG_CRON_HOUR" logItem "parsed minute: $CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE" logItem "parsed day: $CONFIG_CRON_DAY" elif isSystemdConfigInstalled; then # OnCalendar=Sun *-*-* 05:00:00 # OnCalendar= *-*-* 05:00:00 local l="$(grep "^OnCalendar" $SYSTEMD_TIMER_ABS_FILE | cut -f 2 -d "=")" # Sun *-*-* 05:00:00 or *-*-* 05:00:00 logItem "parsed $l" local day="$(cut -f 1 -d ' ' <<< $l)" # Sun or *-*-* logItem "day: $day" local t="$(cut -f 3 -d " " <<< $l)" # 05:00:00 or empty logItem "parsed time $t" if [[ -z "$t" ]]; then t="$(cut -f 2 -d " " <<< $l)" # 05:00:00 day="" fi logItem "parsed time $t" CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY="$(daynum_from_config_string "$day")" CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR="$(cut -f 1 -d ':' <<< $t)" # 05 CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE="$(cut -f 2 -d ':' <<< $t)" # 00 logItem "parsed hour: $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR" logItem "parsed minute: $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE" logItem "parsed day: $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY" fi while :; do local b1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_BACK)" local sel1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT)" local y="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_YES)" local n="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_NO)" getMenuText $MENU_LANGUAGE m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH m2 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS m3 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TYPE m4 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE m5 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES m6 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE m7 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL m8 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR m9 local p="${m1[0]}" m1[0]="C${p:1}" local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" local s3="${m3[0]}" local s4="${m4[0]}" local s5="${m5[0]}" local s6="${m6[0]}" local s7="${m7[0]}" local s8="${m8[0]}" local s9="${m9[0]}" local mx=( \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ "${m3[@]}" \ "${m4[@]}" \ "${m5[@]}" \ "${m6[@]}" \ "${m7[@]}" \ "${m8[@]}" \ "${m9[@]}" \ ) if [[ $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE == "dd" || $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE == "tar" ]]; then getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_ZIP mcp local scp="${mcp[0]}" mx+=("${mcp[@]}") else local scp="" fi getMenuText $MENU_CONFIGURE tt FUN=$(whiptail --title "${tt[1]}" --menu "" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button "$b1" --ok-button "$sel1" \ "${mx[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if (($CONFIG_UPDATED)); then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CONFIG)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_CONFIRM)" if whiptail --yesno "$t" --title "$ttm" --yes-button "$y" --no-button "$n" --defaultno $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 1 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3; then config_update_do fi fi if (($TIMER_UPDATED)); then local m if isCrontabConfigInstalled; then m="$(getMessageText $MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_CRON)" else m="$(getMessageText $MSG_QUESTION_UPDATE_SYSTEMD)" fi local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_CONFIRM)" if whiptail --yesno "$t" --title "$ttm" --yes-button "$y" --no-button "$n" --defaultno $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 1 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3; then timer_update_do fi fi logExit return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) config_language_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s2) config_backuppath_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s3) config_keep_selection_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s4) config_backuptype_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s5) config_backupmode_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s6) config_services_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s7) config_message_detail_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s8) config_email_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; $s9) config_timer_menu; TIMER_UPDATED=$? ;; $scp) config_compress_do; CONFIG_UPDATED=$(( CONFIG_UPDATED|$? )) ;; \ *) : ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 fi done logExit } function config_keep_selection_do() { logEntry "$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" local smart_mode=off local keep_mode=off local old="$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" local rc case "$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" in 0) keep_mode=on ;; 1) smart_mode=on ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized smart mode $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE_KEEP m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE_SMART m2 local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS tt local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_SMARTMODE)" local updated=0 ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 \ "${m1[@]}" $keep_mode \ "${m2[@]}" $smart_mode \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" case "$ANSWER" in $s1) logItem "$s1" config_keep_do 0 updated=$? ;; $s2) logItem "$s2" config_keep_do 1 updated=$? ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized smart mode $ANSWER" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit 1 return 1 ;; esac fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" ]] && (( $updated == 0 )) rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function config_keep_do() { # smartRecycle logEntry $1 local isSmartRecycle=$1 local current while :; do local error=0 if (( $isSmartRecycle )); then current="$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" else current="$CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS" fi getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPS tt local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local d if (( $isSmartRecycle )); then d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_SMART)" else d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_KEEP)" fi ANSWER=$(whiptail --inputbox "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS "$current" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" IFS=$DEFAULT_IFS local srNumbers=( $ANSWER ) local srNumberCount=${#srNumbers[@]} local n if (( $srNumberCount == 4 || $srNumberCount == 1 )); then for n in ${srNumbers[@]}; do if [[ ! "$n" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then local m if (( $isSmartRecycle )); then m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_SMART "$n")" else m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_KEEP "$n")" fi local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 error=1 break fi done else local m if (( $isSmartRecycle )); then m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_SMART_NUMBER_COUNT)" else m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_KEEP_NUMBER_COUNT)" fi local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 error=1 fi if (( ! $error )); then if (( $isSmartRecycle )); then # smart recycle local old="$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS="$ANSWER" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN="0" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE="1" isSmartRecycle=1 else # normal keep local old="$CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS" CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS="$ANSWER" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN" CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" isSmartRecycle=0 fi break fi else logExit "aborted" return 0 fi done logItem "isSmartRecycle: $isSmartRecycle" logItem "CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS: $CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS" logItem "CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS: $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" logItem "CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE: $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" logItem "CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN: $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN" ( (( ! $isSmartRecycle )) && [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS" ]] ) || ( (( $isSmartRecycle )) && [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS" ]] ) local rc=$? if (( $isSmartRecycle )); then logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_SMART_RECYCLE" else logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_KEEPBACKUPS" fi return $rc } function config_backuppath_do() { logEntry local current="$CONFIG_BACKUPPATH" local old="$current" while :; do getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_BACKUPPATH tt local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_BACKUPPATH)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --inputbox "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS "$current" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" current="$ANSWER" if [[ -z "$ANSWER" || ! -d "$ANSWER" ]]; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_BACKUPPATH "$ANSWER")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 elif ! isPathMounted "$ANSWER"; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_LOCAL_BACKUPPATH "$ANSWER")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else CONFIG_BACKUPPATH="$ANSWER" break fi else break fi done [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_BACKUPPATH" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc -$CONFIG_BACKUPPATH" return $rc } function config_time_do() { logEntry local rc if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then config_systemdtime_do else config_crontime_do fi rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function config_crontime_do() { local old=$(printf "%02d:%02d" $CONFIG_CRON_HOUR $CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE) current="$old" logEntry "$old" local b1="$(getMessageText $SELECT_TIME)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TIME tt while :; do ANSWER=$(whiptail --inputbox "$b" --title "${tt[1]}" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" "$current" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" current="$ANSWER" if [[ ! "$ANSWER" =~ ^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}$ ]]; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_TIME "$ANSWER")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else CONFIG_CRON_HOUR=$(cut -f1 -d: <<< "$ANSWER") CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE=$(cut -f2 -d: <<< "$ANSWER") if (( CONFIG_CRON_HOUR > 23 || CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE > 59 )); then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_TIME "$ANSWER")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else logItem "hour: $CONFIG_CRON_HOUR minute: $CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE" break fi fi else break fi done [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_CRON_HOUR:$CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_CRON_HOUR:$CONFIG_CRON_MINUTE" return $rc } function config_systemdtime_do() { local old=$(printf "%02d:%02d" $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE) current="$old" logEntry "$old" local b1="$(getMessageText $SELECT_TIME)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TIME tt while :; do ANSWER=$(whiptail --inputbox "$b" --title "${tt[1]}" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" "$current" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" current="$ANSWER" if [[ ! "$ANSWER" =~ ^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}$ ]]; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_TIME "$ANSWER")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR=$(cut -f1 -d: <<< "$ANSWER") CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE=$(cut -f2 -d: <<< "$ANSWER") if (( CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR > 23 || CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE > 59 )); then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_TIME "$ANSWER")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else logItem "hour: $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR minute: $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE" break fi fi else break fi done [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR:$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_HOUR:$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_MINUTE" return $rc } function config_email_do() { getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_EMAIL tt c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local current="$CONFIG_EMAIL" local oldeMail="$current" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_EMAIL)" while :; do ANSWER=$(whiptail --inputbox "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS "$current" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" current="$ANSWER" if [[ -n "$current" ]]; then if ! [[ "$current" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$ ]]; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_INVALID_EMAIL "$current")" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local ttm="$(getMessageText $TITLE_VALIDATIONERROR)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$ttm" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else CONFIG_EMAIL="$ANSWER" break fi else CONFIG_EMAIL="$ANSWER" break fi else logExit return 0 fi done logItem "eMail: $CONFIG_EMAIL" if [[ -z $CONFIG_EMAIL ]]; then [[ "$oldeMail" == "$CONFIG_EMAIL" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc" return $rc fi local mail_=off local ssmtp_=off local msmtp_=off local old="$CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM" logEntry "$old" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MAIL m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_SSMTP m2 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MAIL_MSMTP m3 local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" local s3="${m3[0]}" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" case "$CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM" in mail) mail_=on ;; ssmtp) ssmtp_=on ;; msmtp) msmtp_=on ;; esac local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_MAIL_PROGRAM)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH 3 \ "${m1[@]}" "$mail_" \ "${m2[@]}" "$ssmtp_" \ "${m3[@]}" "$msmtp_" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" case "$ANSWER" in $s3) CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM="msmtp" ;; $s2) CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM="ssmtp" ;; $s1) CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM="mail" ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized backup type" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM" ]] && [[ "$oldeMail" == "$CONFIG_EMAIL" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $old:$CONFIG_MAIL_PROGRAM $oldeMail:$CONFIG_EMAIL" return $rc } function config_backuptype_do() { local dd_=off local tar_=off local rsync_=off local old="$CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE" logEntry "$old" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_RSYNC m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_TAR m2 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TYPE_DD m3 local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" local s3="${m3[0]}" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" case "$CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE" in dd) dd_=on ;; tar) tar_=on ;; rsync) rsync_=on ;; esac getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TYPE tt logItem "$b1" logItem "$t" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_BACKUPTYPE)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH 3 \ "${m1[@]}" "$rsync_" \ "${m2[@]}" "$tar_" \ "${m3[@]}" "$dd_" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" case "$ANSWER" in $s3) CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE="dd" ;; $s2) CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE="tar" ;; $s1) CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE="rsync" CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP=0 ;; "") : ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized backup type" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE" return $rc } function config_services_do() { local current="$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" local old="$current" logEntry "$current" wtv=$(whiptail -v | cut -d " " -f 3) IFS=" " local as=( $(getActiveServices) ) # sorted alphabetically local state logItem "Active services: ${as[*]}" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_SERVICES tt logItem "INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX: "${INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX[@]}"" local ci=() # list of included servcices local cu=() # unselected services local css=( ${CONFIG_STOPSERVICES[*]} ) # already configured services local srvc for srvc in ${as[@]}; do if grep -q -i "$INCLUDE_SERVICES_REGEX" <<< "$srvc"; then # service should be included ci+=( "$srvc" ) elif containsElement "$srvc" "${css[@]}"; then ci+=( "$srvc" ) # service was already configured to be included else cu+=( "$srvc" ) # service was not included fi done local oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort <<<"${ci[*]}")) # sort list of included services IFS="$oldIFS" ci+=( ${cu[@]} ) # append unselected sevices (already sorted) # now build whiptail list, selected services first followed by unselected services local c=() for s in ${ci[@]}; do if containsElement "$s" "${cu[@]}"; then if [[ "$wtv" < "0.52.19" ]]; then # workaround for whiptail issue in 0.52.19 c+=("$s" "" "off") else c+=("$s" "$s" "off") fi else if [[ "$wtv" < "0.52.19" ]]; then # workaround for whiptail issue in 0.52.19 c+=("$s" "" "on") else c+=("$s" "$s" "on") fi fi done local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SERVICES)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --checklist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 7 \ "${c[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" local current=${ANSWER//\"} CONFIG_STOPSERVICES="$current" if [[ -n $CONFIG_STOPSERVICES ]]; then config_service_sequence_do [ $? -ne 0 ] && CONFIG_STOPSERVICES="$old" else CONFIG_STOPSERVICES="$IGNORE_START_STOP_CHAR" fi fi logExit "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" ]] return } function config_service_sequence_do() { local current="$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" logEntry "$current" while :; do IFS=" " local src=( $current ) local tgt=() local aborted=0 while :; do local sl=() for s in ${src[@]}; do if [[ "$wtv" < "0.52.19" ]]; then # workaround for whiptail issue in 0.52.19 sl+=("$s" "" "") else sl+=("$s" "$s" "$s") fi done local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_STARTSTOP_SEQUENCE)" local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "$tt" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 5 \ "${sl[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" local a=${ANSWER//\"} tgt+=( $a ) local del=( $a ) src=( ${src[@]/$del} ) (( ${#src[@]} <= 0 )) && break else aborted=1 break fi done if (( $aborted )); then logExit "aborted" return 1 fi local pline sline t sel="${tgt[@]}" getStartStopCommands "$sel" "pline" "sline" pline=$(sed 's/\&/\\\&/g' <<< "$pline") sline=$(sed 's/\&/\\\&/g' <<< "$sline") logItem "Commands: $pline" local tl=() local i=1 for t in ${tgt[@]}; do if [[ "$wtv" < "0.52.19" ]]; then # workaround for whiptail issue in 0.52.19 tl+=("$i: $t" "" on) else tl+=("$i: $t" "$i: $t" on) fi (( i++ )) done local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SEQUENCE_OK)" local t=$(center $(( $WINDOW_COLS*2 )) "$m") local y="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_YES)" local n="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_NO)" local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_CONFIRM)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --checklist "$m" --title "$tt" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 7 \ "${tl[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" CONFIG_STOPSERVICES="${tgt[@]}" break fi done logExit "$CONFIG_STOPSERVICES" } function config_partitions_do() { local old="$CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" logEntry "$old" IFS="$DEFAULT_IFS" wtv=$(whiptail -v | cut -d " " -f 3) local rootPartition=$(findmnt / -o source -n | sed -E 's/p?[0-9]+$//') # /dev/sda or /dev/mmcblk0 logItem "Rootpartition: $rootPartition" local done=0 while ((! $done)); do local current="$CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" logItem "Current: $current" local c=($current) # 1 256M c W95 # 2 14.3G 83 Linux # 5 265G 83 Linux local ps=() local line while IFS= read -r line; do ps+=("$line") done <<< "$(getPartitionNumbers $rootPartition)" local numberOfPartitions=${#ps[@]} logItem "Partitions: $numberOfPartitions" local pn=() local -A pn_desc local state s IFS="$DEFAULT_IFS" for s in "${ps[@]}"; do local n="$(cut -f1 -d " " <<< "$s")" pn+=($n) pn_desc[$n]="$(cut -f2- -d " " <<< "$s")" done getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION tt local cl=() # add all partitions in list for s in ${pn[@]}; do if containsElement "$s" "${c[@]}"; then state=on else state=off fi if [[ "$wtv" < "0.52.19" ]]; then # workaround for whiptail issue in 0.52.19 cl+=("$s" "" "$state") else local desc="$(printf "%6s %s" $(cut -d ' ' -f 1 <<< "${pn_desc[$s]}") $(cut -d ' ' -f 2- <<< "${pn_desc[$s]}"))" cl+=("$s" "$s: ${desc}" "$state") fi done local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_PARTITIONS)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --checklist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 7 \ "${cl[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" local current=${ANSWER//\"} # make sure the first two partitions are included local orgCurrent="$current" current="1 2 $current" # add first two partitions current="$(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$current" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" # remove duplicates CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP="$current" [[ "$orgCurrent" == "$current" ]] # check the first partitions were not deselected done=$(( ! $? )) if (( ! $done )); then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_FIRST_PARTITIONS_NOT_SELECTED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 fi else CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP="$old" done=1 fi done [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" return $rc } function config_cronday_do() { local old="$CONFIG_CRON_DAY" logEntry "$old" local days_=(off off off off off off off off) local i getMenuText $MENU_DAYS_SHORT s getMenuText $MENU_DAYS_LONG l getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_DAY tt days_[$CONFIG_CRON_DAY]=on # 0 = Daily, 1 = Sun, 2 = Mon ... ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "" --title "${tt[1]}" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 5 \ "${s[0]}" "${l[0]}" "${days_[0]}" \ "${s[1]}" "${l[1]}" "${days_[1]}" \ "${s[2]}" "${l[2]}" "${days_[2]}" \ "${s[3]}" "${l[3]}" "${days_[3]}" \ "${s[4]}" "${l[4]}" "${days_[4]}" \ "${s[5]}" "${l[5]}" "${days_[5]}" \ "${s[6]}" "${l[6]}" "${days_[6]}" \ "${s[7]}" "${l[7]}" "${days_[7]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" for (( i=0; i< ${#s[@]}; i++ )); do if [[ "${s[$i]}" == "$ANSWER" ]]; then CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY=$i break; fi done CONFIG_CRON_DAY="$i" fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_CRON_DAY" ]] rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_CRON_DAY" return $rc } function config_systemday_do() { local old="$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY" logEntry "$old" local days_=(off off off off off off off off) local i getMenuText $MENU_DAYS_SHORT s getMenuText $MENU_DAYS_LONG l getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_DAY tt days_[$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY]=on # 0 = Daily, 1 = Sun, 2 = Mon ... ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "" --title "${tt[1]}" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 5 \ "${s[0]}" "${l[0]}" "${days_[0]}" \ "${s[1]}" "${l[1]}" "${days_[1]}" \ "${s[2]}" "${l[2]}" "${days_[2]}" \ "${s[3]}" "${l[3]}" "${days_[3]}" \ "${s[4]}" "${l[4]}" "${days_[4]}" \ "${s[5]}" "${l[5]}" "${days_[5]}" \ "${s[6]}" "${l[6]}" "${days_[6]}" \ "${s[7]}" "${l[7]}" "${days_[7]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" for (( i=0; i< ${#s[@]}; i++ )); do if [[ "${s[$i]}" == "$ANSWER" ]]; then CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY=$i break; fi done fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY" ]] rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_SYSTEMD_DAY" return $rc } function config_compress_do() { logEntry "$CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" local old="$CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" if [ $CONFIG_BACKUPTYPE == "rsync" ]; then local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "rsync backups cannot be compressed.") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 else local yes_=off local no_=off case "$CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" in "1") yes_=on ;; "0") no_=on ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized compress mode $CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_ON m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_COMPRESS_OFF m2 local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_COMPRESS)" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_ZIP tt ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $WT_HEIGHT $(($WT_WIDTH/2)) 2 \ "${m1[@]}" "$yes_" \ "${m2[@]}" "$no_" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" case "$ANSWER" in $s1) CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP="1" ;; $s2) CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP="0" ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized compress mode $ANSWER" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac fi fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_ZIP_BACKUP" return $rc } function progressbar_do() { # logEntry local descArrayName="$1" eval "$descArrayName+=(\"Done\")" shift local title="$1" shift declare todo=("${@}") todo+=("finished") num_todo=${#todo[*]} local step=$((100 / (num_todo - 1 ))) local idx=0 local counter=0 local desc PROGRESSBAR_DO=1 rm /tmp/$MYSELF.err &>/dev/null local ERROR_FILE="/tmp/$MYSELF.err" ( while : eval "desc=\${$descArrayName[\$idx]}" do desc=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$desc") cat < $ERROR_FILE break fi else break fi ((idx += 1)) ((counter += step)) sleep 1 done ) | whiptail --title "$title" --gauge "Please wait" 6 70 0 logExit PROGRESSBAR_DO=0 if [[ -f /tmp/$MYSELF.err ]]; then m="$(<$ERROR_FILE)" logItem "Detected error $m" rm $ERROR_FILE &>/dev/null local id="$(cut -f1 -d' ' <<< $m)" local msg="$(cut -f2- -d' ' <<< $m)" logItem "Rethrowing error from progressbar id: $id - msg: $msg" unrecoverableError "$id" "$msg" fi } function uninstall_menu() { logEntry while :; do getMenuText $MENU_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL m1 getMenuText $MENU_UNINSTALL_EXTENSION m2 local b1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_BACK)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT)" getMenuText $MENU_UNINSTALL tt local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" FUN=$(whiptail --title "${tt[1]}" --menu "" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button "$b1" --ok-button "$o1" \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then logExit return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) uninstall_do ;; $s2) extensions_uninstall_do ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 fi done logExit } function isUpdatePossible() { logEntry logItem "script: c:$VERSION_CURRENT p:$VERSION_PROPERTY" if isNewerVersion "$VERSION_CURRENT" "$VERSION_PROPERTY"; then logExit 0 return 0 fi logItem "installer: c:$VERSION_CURRENT_INSTALLER p:$VERSION_PROPERTY_INSTALLER" if isNewerVersion "$VERSION_CURRENT_INSTALLER" "$VERSION_PROPERTY_INSTALLER"; then logExit 0 return 0 fi logExit 1 return 1 } function uninstall_do() { logEntry if ! isRaspiBackupInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi help local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_QUESTION_UNINSTALL)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local y="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_YES)" local n="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_NO)" local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_CONFIRM)" if ! whiptail --yesno "$t" --title "$tt" --yes-button "$y" --no-button "$n" --defaultno $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3; then logExit return fi UNINSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Deleting $RASPIBACKUP_NAME extensions ..." "Deleting $RASPIBACKUP_NAME timer configuration ..." "Deleting $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configurations ..." "Deleting misc files ..." "Deleting $FILE_TO_INSTALL ..." "Deleting $RASPIBACKUP_NAME installer ...") progressbar_do "UNINSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Uninstalling $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" extensions_uninstall_execute timer_uninstall_execute config_uninstall_execute misc_uninstall_execute uninstall_script_execute uninstall_execute logExit } function config_timer_menu() { logEntry local rc if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then systemd_timer_menu else cron_timer_menu fi rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function cron_timer_menu() { logEntry if ! isCrontabConfigInstalled; then INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME crond configurations ..." ) progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME crond configuration" cron_install_execute fi if ! isCrontabConfigInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 fi local enabled isTimerEnabled enabled=$(( !$? )) local old=$enabled local cron_updated=0 while :; do local b1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_BACK)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT)" local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_TIMER_NA)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_CRON)" getMenuText $MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE ct getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_DAY m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TIME m2 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TIME tt if (( $enabled )); then getMenuText $MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE ct local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" else getMenuText $MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE ct m1=(" " " ") m2=(" " " ") fi FUN=$(whiptail --title "${tt[1]}" --menu "$d" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $((WT_MENU_HEIGHT-5)) --cancel-button "$b1" --ok-button "$o1" \ "${ct[@]}" \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then break elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) config_cronday_do; cron_updated=$(( $cron_updated|$? )) ;; $s2) config_crontime_do; cron_updated=$(( $cron_updated|$? )) ;; $ct) CRONTAB_ENABLED=$((!$CRONTAB_ENABLED)); enabled=$((!$enabled)); cron_updated=$(( $old != $enabled || $cron_updated )) ;; \ *) whiptail --msgbox "$t" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 fi done logExit $cron_updated return $cron_updated } function systemd_timer_menu() { logEntry if ! isSystemdConfigInstalled; then INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME systemd configurations ..." ) progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" systemd_install_execute fi if ! isSystemdConfigInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SYSTEMD_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 fi local enabled isSystemdEnabled enabled=$(( !$? )) local old=$enabled local systemd_updated=0 while :; do local b1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_BACK)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT)" local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_TIMER_NA)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_SYSTEMD)" getMenuText $MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE ct getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_DAY m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_TIME m2 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_REGULAR tt if (( $enabled )); then getMenuText $MENU_REGULARBACKUP_DISABLE ct local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" else getMenuText $MENU_REGULARBACKUP_ENABLE ct m1=(" " " ") m2=(" " " ") fi FUN=$(whiptail --title "${tt[1]}" --menu "$d" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $((WT_MENU_HEIGHT-5)) --cancel-button "$b1" --ok-button "$o1" \ "${ct[@]}" \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then break elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) config_systemday_do; systemd_updated=$(( $systemd_updated|$? )) ;; $s2) config_systemdtime_do; systemd_updated=$(( $systemd_updated|$? )) ;; $ct) SYSTEMD_ENABLED=$((!$SYSTEMD_ENABLED)); enabled=$((!$enabled)); systemd_updated=$(( $old != $enabled || $systemd_updated )) ;; \ *) whiptail --msgbox "$t" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 fi done logExit $systemd_updated return $systemd_updated } function install_menu() { logEntry isInternetAvailable local rc=$? if (( $rc )); then local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND $rc)" whiptail --msgbox "$a" --title "Error" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 0 fi while :; do local b1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_BACK)" local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_INSTALLATION)" getMenuText $MENU_INSTALL_INSTALL m1 getMenuText $MENU_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS m2 local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" getMenuText $MENU_INSTALL tt FUN=$(whiptail --title "${tt[1]}" --menu "$d" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $((WT_MENU_HEIGHT-5)) --cancel-button "$b1" --ok-button "$o1" \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then logExit return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) install_do ;; $s2) extensions_install_do ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 fi done logExit } function update_menu() { logEntry isInternetAvailable local rc=$? if (( $rc )); then local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION_FOUND $rc)" whiptail --msgbox "$a" --title "$TITLE_ERROR" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit retrun 0 fi while :; do local b1=$(getMessageText $BUTTON_BACK) local o1=$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT) getMenuText $MENU_UPDATE_SCRIPT m1 getMenuText $MENU_UPDATE_INSTALLER m2 getMenuText $MENU_UPDATE tt local nua="$(getMessageText $MSG_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE)" local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" if isNewerVersion "$VERSION_CURRENT" "$VERSION_PROPERTY"; then m1[1]="${m1[1]} ($VERSION_CURRENT -> $VERSION_PROPERTY)" else m1[1]="${m1[1]} $nua" fi if isNewerVersion "$VERSION_CURRENT_INSTALLER" "$VERSION_PROPERTY_INSTALLER"; then m2[1]="${m2[1]} ($VERSION_CURRENT_INSTALLER -> $VERSION_PROPERTY_INSTALLER)" else m2[1]="${m2[1]} $nua" fi FUN=$(whiptail --title "${tt[1]}" --menu "" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button "$b1" --ok-button "$o1" \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then logExit return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) update_script_do ;; $s2) update_installer_do ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 parseCurrentVersions fi done logExit } function update_script_do() { logEntry if ! isRaspiBackupInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SCRIPT_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local y="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_YES)" local n="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_NO)" local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_CONFIRM)" if ! whiptail --yesno "$t" --title "$tt" --yes-button "$y" --no-button "$n" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2; then logExit return fi fi INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Downloading $FILE_TO_INSTALL ...") progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Updating $FILE_TO_INSTALL" update_script_execute logExit } function update_installer_do() { logEntry INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Downloading $MYSELF ...") progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Updating $MYSELF" update_installer_execute exec $INSTALLER_ABS_PATH/$MYSELF # restart installer, no return logExit } function install_do() { logEntry if isRaspiBackupInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SCRIPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local y="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_YES)" local n="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_NO)" local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_CONFIRM)" if ! whiptail --yesno "$t" --title "$tt" --yes-button "$y" --no-button "$n" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2; then logExit return fi fi INSTALLATION_STARTED=1 if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Downloading $FILE_TO_INSTALL ..." "Downloading $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration template ..." "Creating default $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration ..." "Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME systemd config ...") progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" code_download_execute config_download_execute config_update_execute systemd_install_execute else INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=("Downloading $FILE_TO_INSTALL ..." "Downloading $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration template ..." "Creating default $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration ..." "Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME cron config ...") progressbar_do "INSTALL_DESCRIPTION" "Installing $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" code_download_execute config_download_execute config_update_execute cron_install_execute fi INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFULL=1 logExit } function config_download_do() { logEntry DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION=("Downloading $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration ...") progressbar_do "DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION" "Downloading $FILE_TO_INSTALL configuration template" config_download_execute logExit } function config_update_do() { logEntry if ! isConfigInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_CONFIG_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi UPDATE_DESCRIPTION=("Updating $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration ...") progressbar_do "UPDATE_DESCRIPTION" "Updating $RASPIBACKUP_NAME configuration" config_update_execute logExit } function timer_update_do() { logEntry local rc if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then systemd_update_do else cron_update_do fi rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function cron_update_do() { logEntry if ! isCrontabConfigInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_CRON_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi UPDATE_DESCRIPTION=("Updating $RASPIBACKUP_NAME crontab configuration ...") progressbar_do "UPDATE_DESCRIPTION" "Updating $RASPIBACKUP_NAME crontab configuration" cron_update_execute logExit } function systemd_update_do() { logEntry if ! isSystemdConfigInstalled; then local m="$(getMessageText $MSG_SYSTEMD_NOT_INSTALLED)" local t=$(center $WINDOW_COLS "$m") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_INFORMATION)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_MSGBOX $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return fi UPDATE_DESCRIPTION=("Updating $RASPIBACKUP_NAME systemd configuration ..." "Configure systemd timer") progressbar_do "UPDATE_DESCRIPTION" "Updating $RASPIBACKUP_NAME systemd configuration" systemd_update_execute systemd_timer_execute logExit } function config_backupmode_do() { local normal_mode=off local partition_mode=off local old="$CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP" local rc logEntry "$old" case "$CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP" in 0) normal_mode=on ;; 1) partition_mode=on ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized backup mode $CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE_NORMAL m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE_PARTITION m2 local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MODE tt local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_BACKUPMODE)" local partitionsUpdated=0 ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 \ "${m1[@]}" $normal_mode \ "${m2[@]}" $partition_mode \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" case "$ANSWER" in $s1) CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP="0" CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP="$DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP" # reset default ;; $s2) CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP="1" config_partitions_do if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then partitionsUpdated=1 fi ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized backup mode $ANSWER" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit 1 return 1 ;; esac fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP" ]] && (( $partitionsUpdated == 0 )) rc=$? logExit $rc return $rc } function config_message_detail_do() { local detailed_=off local normal_=off local old="$CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL" logEntry "$old" case $CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL in "1") detailed_=on ;; "0") normal_=on ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized message level $CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_N m1 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE_V m2 local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_MESSAGEDETAIL)" getMenuText $MENU_CONFIG_MESSAGE tt local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 \ "${m1[@]}" $normal_ \ "${m2[@]}" $detailed_ \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" case "$ANSWER" in $s1) CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL="0";; $s2) CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL="1" ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error, unrecognized message level $ANSWER" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 logExit return 1 ;; esac fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_MSG_LEVEL" return $rc } function config_language_do() { local old="$CONFIG_LANGUAGE" logEntry "$old" [[ -z "$CONFIG_LANGUAGE" ]] && CONFIG_LANGUAGE="$LANG_SYSTEM" if ! containsElement "$CONFIG_LANGUAGE" "${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[@]}"; then whiptail --msgbox "Unsupported language \"$CONFIG_LANGUAGE\". Falling back to EN (English)" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 2 CONFIG_LANGUAGE="EN" fi local lng=() local l m state for l in "${SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[@]}"; do local menuLang="MENU_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_$l" getMenuText ${!menuLang} m [[ "$l" == "$CONFIG_LANGUAGE" ]] && state=on || state=off lng+=(${m[@]} $state) done getMenuText $MENU_LANGUAGE tt local o1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_OK)" local c1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_CANCEL)" local d="$(getMessageText $DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE)" local listSize=${#SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[@]} (( $listSize > 7 )) && listSize=7 ANSWER=$(whiptail --notags --radiolist "$d" --title "${tt[1]}" --ok-button "$o1" --cancel-button "$c1" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS $listSize \ "${lng[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then logItem "Answer: $ANSWER" CONFIG_LANGUAGE="${ANSWER^^*}" fi [[ "$old" == "$CONFIG_LANGUAGE" ]] local rc=$? logExit "$rc - $CONFIG_LANGUAGE" return $rc } # Borrowed from http://blog.yjl.im/2012/01/printing-out-call-stack-in-bash.html function logStack() { local i=0 local FRAMES=${#BASH_LINENO[@]} # FRAMES-2 skips main, the last one in arrays echo >>"$LOG_FILE" for ((i = FRAMES - 2; i >= 0; i--)); do echo ' File' \"${BASH_SOURCE[i + 1]}\", line ${BASH_LINENO[i]}, in ${FUNCNAME[i + 1]} >>"$LOG_FILE" # Grab the source code of the line sed -n "${BASH_LINENO[i]}{s/^/ /;p}" "${BASH_SOURCE[i + 1]}" >> "$LOG_FILE" done } # 0 -> yes (current is older than actual) # 1 -> no (current is actual) # 2 -> no (current is newer) function isNewerVersion() { # current actual logEntry "$1 $2" local version="$1" local newVersion="$2" local suffix="" local rc=99 if [[ -z "$1" || -z "$2" ]]; then rc=1 logExit "isNewVersion $1 <-> $2 - RC: $rc" return $rc fi local suffix="" if [[ "$version" =~ ^([^-]*)(-(.*))?$ ]]; then version=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} suffix=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} fi grep -iq beta <<< "$version" local IS_BETA=$((! $? )) grep -iq dev <<< "$version" local IS_DEV=$((! $? )) grep -iq hotfix <<< "$version" local IS_HOTFIX=$((! $? )) if [[ $version < $newVersion ]]; then rc=0 # new version available elif [[ $version > $newVersion ]]; then rc=2 # current version is a newer version else # versions are identical if [[ -z $suffix ]]; then rc=1 # no suffix, current version is latest version else if (( $IS_BETA || $IS_DEV )); then rc=0 # current is beta or development version, replace with final version elif (( $IS_HOTFIX )); then rc=2 # current version is hotfix, keep it until new version is available else rc=1 # current version is latest version fi fi fi logExit "isNewVersion $1 <-> $2 - RC: $rc" return $rc } #VERSION="" #INCOMPATIBLE="" #BETA="" #VERSION_INSTALLER="0.4" #INCOMPATIBLE_INSTALLER="" #BETA_INSTALLER="" function parsePropertiesFile() { # propertyFileName logEntry local properties=$(grep "^VERSION=" "$1" 2>/dev/null) [[ $properties =~ $PROPERTY_REGEX ]] && VERSION_PROPERTY=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} properties=$(grep "^INCOMPATIBLE=" "$1" 2>/dev/null) [[ $properties =~ $PROPERTY_REGEX ]] && INCOMPATIBLE_PROPERTY=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} properties=$(grep "^BETA=" "$1" 2>/dev/null) [[ $properties =~ $PROPERTY_REGEX ]] && BETA_PROPERTY=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} logItem "Script properties: v: $VERSION_PROPERTY i: $INCOMPATIBLE_PROPERTY b: $BETA_PROPERTY" local properties=$(grep "^VERSION_INSTALLER=" "$1" 2>/dev/null) [[ $properties =~ $PROPERTY_REGEX ]] && VERSION_PROPERTY_INSTALLER=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} properties=$(grep "^INCOMPATIBLE_INSTALLER=" "$1" 2>/dev/null) [[ $properties =~ $PROPERTY_REGEX ]] && INCOMPATIBLE_PROPERTY_INSTALLER=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} properties=$(grep "^BETA_INSTALLER=" "$1" 2>/dev/null) [[ $properties =~ $PROPERTY_REGEX ]] && BETA_PROPERTY_INSTALLER=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} logItem "Installer properties: v: $VERSION_PROPERTY_INSTALLER i: $INCOMPATIBLE_PROPERTY_INSTALLER b: $BETA_PROPERTY_INSTALLER" logExit } function parseCurrentVersions() { logEntry [[ -f $FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE ]] && VERSION_CURRENT=$(grep -o -E "^VERSION=\".+\"" "$FILE_TO_INSTALL_ABS_FILE" | sed -e "s/VERSION=//" -e "s/\"//g") [[ -f $INSTALLER_ABS_FILE ]] && VERSION_CURRENT_INSTALLER=$(grep -o -E "^VERSION=\".+\"" "$INSTALLER_ABS_FILE" | sed -e "s/VERSION=//" -e "s/\"//g") logItem "Current script version: $VERSION_CURRENT" logItem "Current installer version: $VERSION_CURRENT_INSTALLER" logExit } function downloadPropertiesFile_do() { logEntry if shouldRenewDownloadPropertiesFile; then DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION=("Updating latest version information ...") progressbar_do "DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION" "Downloading version information" downloadPropertiesFile_execute fi logExit } function downloadPropertiesFile_execute() { logEntry NEW_PROPERTIES_FILE=0 if (( ! $RASPIBACKUP_INSTALL_DEBUG )); then writeToConsole $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $MSG_DOWNLOADING_PROPERTYFILE local httpCode="$(downloadFile "$PROPERTY_URL" "$LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE")" if (( ! $? )); then NEW_PROPERTIES_FILE=1 else unrecoverableError $MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED "$(downloadURL "$PROPERTY_URL")" "$httpCode" logExit fi fi logExit "$NEW_PROPERTIES_FILE" return } function shouldRenewDownloadPropertiesFile() { logEntry local rc local lastCheckTime if [[ -e $LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE ]]; then lastCheckTime=$(stat -c %y $LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed 's/-//g') else lastCheckTime="00000000" fi local currentTime=$(date +%Y%m%d) logItem "$currentTime : $lastCheckTime" if [[ $currentTime == $lastCheckTime && "$1" != "FORCE" ]]; then logItem "Skip download" rc=1 # download already done today else rc=0 fi logExit "$rc" return $rc } function error() { logStack cat "$LOG_FILE" } DAYNUM_TO_MENU=("Daily" "Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat") declare -A DAYNUM_FROM_MENU for ((i=0; i<${#DAYNUM_TO_MENU[@]}; i++)); do DAYNUM_FROM_MENU[${DAYNUM_TO_MENU[$i]}]=$i done function daynum_to_config_string() { logEntry "$1" local ret if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then if (( $1 == 0 )); then ret="" else ret="${DAYNUM_TO_MENU[$1]} " # addtl space to separate day fi else if (( $1 == 0 )); then ret="*" else (( ret = $1 - 1 )) fi fi logExit "$ret" echo "$ret" } function daynum_from_config_string() { logEntry "$1" local ret if [[ -z $1 || "$1" == "*" ]]; then ret="0" else if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then ret=${DAYNUM_FROM_MENU[$1]} else (( ret = $1 + 1 )) fi fi logExit "$ret" echo "$ret" } function daynum_to_menu_string() { logEntry "$1" local ret=${DAYNUM_TO_MENU[$1]} logExit "$ret" echo "$ret" } # return text masqueraded # # Algorithm: # # if string lenght < 8 return @@@@() # if string lenght < 16 return first char followed by @* followed by last char # otherwise return first char followed by @@@@ followed by last char and () function masquerade() { # text [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1 local t="$1" local l="${#t}" local lm="\($l\)" if (( $l < 4 )); then echo "$MASQUERADE_STRING$l" return 0 fi local s=${t:0:1} local e=${t: -1} if (( $l < 8 )); then local m="$(yes ${MASQUERADE_STRING:0:1} | head -n $(($l-2)) | tr -d "\n" )" echo "$s$m$e" else echo "$s$MASQUERADE_STRING$e$lm" fi return 0 } function masqueradeSensitiveInfoInLog() { local xEnabled=0 if [ -o xtrace ]; then # disable xtrace xEnabled=1 set +x fi # no logging any more local m # email if [[ -n "$CONFIG_EMAIL" ]]; then logItem "Masquerading eMail" m="$(masquerade "$CONFIG_EMAIL")" sed -i -E "s/$CONFIG_EMAIL/${m}/g" $LOG_FILE fi # In home directories usually first names are used logItem "Masquerading home directory name" sed -i -E "s/\/home\/([^\\/])+\/(.)/\/home\/@USER@\/\2/g" $LOG_FILE # hostname may expose domain names logItem "Masquerading hostname" sed -i -E "s/$HOSTNAME/@HOSTNAME@/g" $LOG_FILE if (( $xEnabled )); then # enable xtrace again set -x fi } # # Interactive use loop # function uiInstall() { logEntry clear calc_wt_size local configFound=0 if isConfigInstalled; then parseConfig configFound=1 fi if isInternetAvailable; then if existsLocalPropertiesFile; then parsePropertiesFile "$LOCAL_PROPERTY_FILE" else downloadPropertiesFile_do parsePropertiesFile "$LATEST_TEMP_PROPERTY_FILE" fi fi parseCurrentVersions if (( ! $configFound )); then navigation_do fi while :; do getMenuText $MENU_LANGUAGE m1 getMenuText $MENU_INSTALL m2 getMenuText $MENU_CONFIGURE m3 getMenuText $MENU_UNINSTALL m4 getMenuText $MENU_UPDATE m5 getMenuText $MENU_ABOUT m9 local f1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_FINISH)" local sel1="$(getMessageText $BUTTON_SELECT)" local s1="${m1[0]}" local s2="${m2[0]}" local s3="${m3[0]}" local s4="${m4[0]}" local s5="${m5[0]}" local s9="${m9[0]}" local mx=( \ "${m1[@]}" \ "${m2[@]}" \ ) if isRaspiBackupInstalled; then mx+=("${m3[@]}" "${m4[@]}") fi if isUpdatePossible; then mx+=("${m5[@]}") fi mx+=("${m9[@]}") TITLE="$(getMessageText $MSG_TITLE)" FUN=$(whiptail --title "$TITLE" --menu "" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $((WT_MENU_HEIGHT-3)) --cancel-button "$f1" --ok-button "$sel1"\ "${mx[@]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then do_finish elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then logItem "$FUN" case "$FUN" in $s1) config_language_do local r=$? logItem "rc: $r" if (( $r )); then if isConfigInstalled; then config_update_do parseConfig fi fi ;; $s2) install_menu ;; $s3) config_menu ;; $s4) uninstall_menu ;; $s5) update_menu ;; $s9) about_do ;; \ *) : ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programm error: unrecognized option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" $ROWS_MENU $WINDOW_COLS 1 else logExit exit 1 fi done logExit } function unattendedInstall() { logEntry if (( MODE_INSTALL )); then check4InternetAvailable code_download_execute config_download_execute config_update_execute if (( $USE_SYSTEMD )); then systemd_install_execute else cron_install_execute fi if (( MODE_EXTENSIONS )); then extensions_install_execute fi writeToConsole $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $MSG_INSTALLATION_FINISHED $RASPIBACKUP_NAME elif (( MODE_UPDATE )); then check4InternetAvailable update_installer_execute elif (( MODE_EXTENSIONS )); then check4InternetAvailable extensions_install_execute else # uninstall extensions_uninstall_execute systemd_uninstall_execute cron_uninstall_execute config_uninstall_execute uninstall_script_execute uninstall_execute fi logExit } function first_steps() { logEntry local a="$(getMessageText $MSG_FIRST_STEPS)" local t=$(center $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) "$a") local tt="$(getMessageText $TITLE_FIRST_STEPS)" whiptail --msgbox "$t" --title "$tt" $ROWS_ABOUT $(($WINDOW_COLS * 2)) 1 logExit } function show_help() { echo $GIT_CODEVERSION echo "$MYSELF ( -i [-e]? | -u | -U | -t [crond|systemd] )" echo "-e: unattended (re)install of $RASPIBACKUP_NAME extensions" echo "-i: unattended (re)install of $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" echo "-h: display this help" echo "-U: unattended update of $MYSELF" echo "-u: unattended uninstall of $RASPIBACKUP_NAME" echo "-t: use either crond or systemd for backup timer" } function askYesNo() { # message message_parms local yes_no=$(getMessage $MSG_QUERY_CHARS_YES_NO) local addtlMsg=0 if [[ $# > 1 ]]; then local m="$1" shift addtlMsg=1 local args="$@" fi local answer if (( $addtlMsg )); then noNL=1 writeToConsole $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $m "$args" "$yes_no" else writeToConsole $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $MSG_ARE_YOU_SURE "$yes_no" fi if (( $NO_YES_QUESTION )); then answer=$(getMessage $MSG_ANSWER_CHARS_YES) else read answer fi answer=${answer:0:1} # first char only answer=${answer:-"n"} # set default no local yes=$(getMessage $MSG_ANSWER_CHARS_YES) if [[ ! $yes =~ $answer ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } CALLING_USER="$(findUser)" INVOCATIONPARMS="" # save passed opts for logging invocationParms=() # and restart for (( i=1; i<=$#; i++ )); do p=${!i} INVOCATIONPARMS="$INVOCATIONPARMS $p" done CLEANUP_LOG=0 MODE_UNATTENDED=0 MODE_UNINSTALL=0 MODE_INSTALL=0 MODE_UPDATE=0 # force install MODE_EXTENSIONS=0 MODE_FORCE_TIMER=0 # flag that option -t was used to override default behavior USE_SYSTEMD=$SYSTEMD_DETECTED # use SYTEMD if detected if isCrontabConfigInstalled; then # use cron if already installed USE_SYSTEMD=0 fi if [[ $1 == "--version" ]]; then echo $GIT_CODEVERSION exit fi while getopts "t:h?uUei" opt; do case "$opt" in h|\?) show_help exit 0 ;; i) MODE_INSTALL=1 MODE_UNATTENDED=1 ;; e) MODE_EXTENSIONS=1 MODE_UNATTENDED=1 ;; U) MODE_UPDATE=1 MODE_UNATTENDED=1 ;; u) MODE_UNINSTALL=1 MODE_UNATTENDED=1 ;; t) case $OPTARG in crond) USE_SYSTEMD=0 MODE_FORCE_TIMER=1 ;; systemd) USE_SYSTEMD=1 MODE_FORCE_TIMER=1 ;; *) echo "Invalid parameter$OPTARG for option -t" show_help exit 1 ;; esac ;; *) echo "Unknown option $op" show_help exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if (( $UID != 0 )); then t=$(getMessageText $MSG_LEVEL_MINIMAL $MSG_RUNASROOT "$0" "$INVOCATIONPARMS") echo "$t" exit 1 fi trapWithArg cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT writeToConsole $MSG_VERSION "$GIT_CODEVERSION" rm $LOG_FILE &>/dev/null logItem "$GIT_CODEVERSION" sep="$(getMessageText $MSG_SENSITIVE_SEPARATOR)" warn="$(getMessageText $MSG_SENSITIVE_WARNING)" logItem "$sep" logItem "$warn" logItem "$sep" logItem "whiptail version: $(whiptail -v)" logItem "SYSTEMD_DETECTED: $SYSTEMD_DETECTED" checkRequiredDirectories if (( $MODE_UNATTENDED )); then unattendedInstall else uiInstall fi