#Composer integration for Sublime Text 2 & 3 __ST3 support is still beta, please report issues__ With this plugin you can manage your dependencies with [composer](http://www.getcomposer.org/) Currently the following features are supported: * Execute composer install * Execute composer update * Execute composer self-update * Execute composer dump-autoload * Package management: * Add package * Remove package * Edit composer.json file * Validate a composer.json file ##Instalation ### Via Package Control First install [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation) if you haven't done so yet. Then go to Preferences -> Package Control -> Install Package and type **composer** to install this plugin. This is the recommended installation method. ### Manual Instalation Go to your sublime package folder and type: ```git clone git@github.com:francodacosta/composer-sublime.git``` ##Running Composer Just open the command prompt (ctrl + shifp + p) and type composer, context menus are also provided ##Features Help ###Composer install executes the composer install command, with the default settings the following command will be executed ```composer.phar install -n -v``` ###Composer update executes the composer update command, with the default settings the following command will be executed ```composer.phar update -n -v``` ###Composer self update executes the composer self update command, updating the composer binary to the latest version. With the default settings the following command will be executed ```composer.phar self-update -n -v``` ###Composer dump autoload executes the composer dump autoload command to regenerate the autloader configuration With the default settings the following command will be executed ```composer.phar dump-autoload -n -v``` ###Composer validade executes the composer validate command With the default settings the following command will be executed ```composer.phar validate -n -v``` ###Composer Add Package You can add a package to the required package list. When you execute this command a prompt is presented (in the bottom of the screen) allowing you to specify the package name and version contraints The syntax for adding a package is as follows: ```package name : version``` if you do not specify a version the default will be ```*``` ###Composer Remove Package Removes a package from the required packages section in *composer.json* When you select this option a list of required packages will pop up, you only need to select the package to be removed __Note__: this just removes the reference from _composer.json__ it will not remove any files ###Edit composer.json file this option will open a new window pointing to the composer.json file ##Configuration Options * __show_status__: show messages in the status bar * __show_output__: opens an output window and shows composer working * __composer_command__: Path to composer.phar file * __composer_install_extra__: extra arguments to pass to the *install* command * __composer_update_extra__: extra arguments to pass to the *update* command * __composer_dumpautoload_extra__: extra arguments to pass to the *dump-autoload* command * __composer_selfupdate_extra__: extra arguments to pass to the *self-update* command ##How is composer.json found? The plugin tries to locate the *composer.json* file. It starts at the same folder of the file beeing edited and goes all the way up to the root folder. If you do not specify the __composer_command__ option the default is to look for *composer.phar* on the same folder where *composer.json* was found