#!/bin/bash # Fred Denis -- fred.denis3@gmail.com -- June 22nd 2018 # # Please have a look at https://unknowndba.blogspot.com/2018/07/lspatchessh-oracle-patch-reporting-tool.html for detailed explanations # # Provide information on the installed and missing patches on ORACLE_HOMEs # $0 -h for more information # # The version of the script is 20190906 # 20190906 - Fred Denis - A new -V option to show the version of the script # 20191401 - Fred Denis - opatchauto report: show Homes with -s option properly, fixed GREP/UNGREP # - Fixed issue with GI HOMe with no olsnodes (non-RAC) # 20190401 - Fred Denis - Implement opatchauto report instead of lsinventory -all_nodes for versions > 1220112 or for 11g # 20180809 - Fred Denis - Add the desription of a patch if available # 20180704 - Fred Denis - GREP and UNGREP now works when a file is specified # A new -o option to only get the opatch output on a file # The -s option is now compatible with the -f one # 20180626 - Fred Denis - Started the opatch version management by showing a warning when the special and versions are used # see https://unknowndba.blogspot.com/2018/06/deprecation-of-opatch-command-option.html for more information # Shows an error when opatch raises an error (when another user owns the ORACLE_HOME for example) # 20180625 - Fred Denis - Different OS support : (the script is developed under Linux) # --- Solaris : # - grep "^[Aa-Zz|+]" does not work on Solaris so I moved to grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" when reading oratab # - default Solaris awk is the original awk and nawk lacks features from gawk (the script definitely does not work with nawk due to array management features) # gawk is installed by default with Solaris 11 and is available for Solaris < 11, the script then expects gawk to be here for Solaris and if not it cannot continue # --- HP-UX and AIX : # - The "case" to support other OS is also HP-UX and AIX ready but I have not tested it as I have no such OS handy # 20180622 - Fred Denis - Initial release # # # Default values # ALL_NODES="Yes" # RAC system GREP="." # What we grep -- default is everything UNGREP="nothing_to_ungrep_unless_v_option_is_used$$" # What we don't grep (grep -v) -- default is nothing FILE="" # No input file OUT="" # No output file TMP=/tmp/fictemplspatches$$ # A tempfile TMP2=/tmp/fictemplspatches2$$ # Another tempfile SHOW_HOMES="NO" # YES or NO we want to show the Homes from /etc/oratab or the input file $FILE ONLY # # Show the version of the script (-V) # show_version() { VERSION=`awk '{if ($0 ~ /^# 20[0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9]/) {print $2; exit}}' $0` printf "\n\t\033[1;36m%s\033[m\n" "The current version of "`basename $0`" is "$VERSION"." ; } # # An usage function # usage() { printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "NAME" ; cat << END $0 -- Provide information on the installed and missing patches on ORACLE_HOMEs END printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "SYNOPSIS" ; cat << END $0 [-f] [-o] [-g] [-l] [-v] [-s] [-h] END printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "DESCRIPTION" ; cat << END $0 relies on the content of the /etc/oratab file to look at the installed patch on the ORACLE_HOMEs It uses the opatch installed on each Home to list the installed patches and find the missing ones in case of RAC system A file containing some opatch outputs can also be provided to $0; it will then not use opatch but rely on the input file oraenv has to work as it is used to check if it is a RAC installation with olsnodes If olsnodes from the ASM Home returns no rows then we go with local opatch END printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n" "OPTIONS" ; cat << END -f A file containing one or more opatch outputs (no opatch command is performed in this mode) - not compatible with the -o option - compatible with the -g and -v options -o An output file if you just want to generate the opatch output (no patch analysis shown) - not compatible with the -f option - compatible with the -g and -v options -l Run opatch as Local only (default is opatch is run using the -all_nodes option) -g Act as a grep command to grep the Homes you want to have the patches information Examples : $0 -g 12 # Will only consider the Homes that contain "12" in their name $0 -g /u01/app/oracle/product/ # Will only consider this home $0 -g dbhome_1 # Will only consider the Homes containing "dbhome_1" $0 -g dbhome_1 -f /tmp/opatchoutput # Will only consider the Homes containing "dbhome_1"in the /tmp/opatchoutput file -v Act as a grep -v comnmand when selecting the Homes you want the patches information from; it can be combined with the -g option Examples : $0 -v 12 # Will NOT consider the Homes which have"12" in their name $0 -g dbhome_1 -v 12 # Will consider the "dbhome_1" Homes BUT those containing "12" in their name $0 -v grid # All the Homes but the "grid" ones -s Show the ORACLE_HOMEs that would be considered by the script, it can be used in conjunction with the -g and -v options You can then test your -g and -v combination here Examples : $0 -s # Show all Homes from /etc/oratab $0 -g 12 -v oa -s # Show all "12" Homes BUT the "oa" ones $0 -f /tmp/opatchoutput -g 12 -s # Show the Homes from an opatch output file for the "12" Homes only -V Shows the version of the script -h Shows this help END exit 123 } # # Parameters management # while getopts "lg:v:f:o:hsV" OPT; do case ${OPT} in f) FILE=${OPTARG} ;; o) OUT=${OPTARG} ;; g) GREP=${OPTARG} ;; l) ALL_NODES="" ;; v) UNGREP=${OPTARG} ;; s) SHOW_HOMES="YES" ;; V) show_version; exit 567 ;; h) usage ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2; usage ;; esac done # # Different OS support # OS=`uname` case ${OS} in SunOS) ORATAB=/var/opt/oracle/oratab AWK=/usr/bin/gawk ;; Linux) ORATAB=/etc/oratab AWK=`which awk` ;; HP-UX) ORATAB=/etc/oratab AWK=`which awk` ;; AIX) ORATAB=/etc/oratab AWK=`which awk` ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS, cannot continue." exit 666 ;; esac if [ ! -f ${ORATAB} ] then cat << ! Unable to find oratab file in ${ORATAB}, cannot continue. ! exit 667 fi if [ ! -f ${AWK} ] then cat << ! Cannot find a modern version of awk in ${AWK}, cannot continue. ! exit 668 fi if [[ -n ${FILE} && -n ${OUT} ]] then cat << END The -f and -o options cannot be used together; cannot continue. $0 -h for help END exit 669 fi # # Show Homes only if -s option specified # if [ ${SHOW_HOMES} = "YES" ] then if [[ -f ${FILE} ]] then printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n\n" "ORACLE_HOMEs that would be considered (${FILE}) :" ; cat ${FILE} | grep "^Oracle Home" | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { printf("\t%s\n", $NF)}' | grep ${GREP} | grep -v ${UNGREP} | sort | uniq cat ${FILE} | grep "homes path=" | uniq | sed s'/" .*$//' | sed s'/.*"//' | sort | grep ${GREP} | grep -v ${UNGREP} else printf "\n\033[1;37m%-8s\033[m\n\n" "ORACLE_HOMEs that would be considered (${ORATAB}) :" ; cat ${ORATAB} | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" | grep -v agent | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { printf("\t%s\n", $2)}' | grep ${GREP} | grep -v ${UNGREP} | sort | uniq fi printf "\n" exit 0 fi # # Check that the file in parameter exists # if [ ! -f ${FILE} ] then cat << ! File ${FILE} does not exist, cannot proceed. ! exit 123 fi # # Check if we could write in the out file # if [[ -n ${OUT} ]] then if [ -d ${OUT} ]; then echo "${OUT} is a directory, please specify a regular file; cannot continue."; exit 670; fi if [ ! -w `dirname ${OUT}` ] ; then echo "`dirname ${OUT}` is not writable; cannot continue."; exit 671; fi fi # # Set the ASM env to be able to use crsctl commands as well as olsnodes # ORACLE_SID=`ps -ef | grep pmon | grep asm | awk '{print $NF}' | sed s'/asm_pmon_//' | egrep "^[+]"` # # No ASM then we go local (I would need a RAC config with FS to test) # if [ -z ${ORACLE_SID} ] then ALL_NODES="" else export ORAENV_ASK=NO . oraenv > /dev/null 2>&1 # # Check if it is a RAC installtion, if not we go Local with opatch # if [ ! -f ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/olsnodes ] then ALL_NODES="" else if [[ $(olsnodes | wc -l) -eq "0" ]] # No RAC installed so we go local only then ALL_NODES="" fi fi fi if [ -z ${FILE} ] # If a file as parameter we do not do the opatch then cat /dev/null > ${TMP} for OH in `cat ${ORATAB} | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" | grep -v agent | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $2}' | grep ${GREP} | grep -v ${UNGREP} | sort | uniq` do printf "%-80s" "Proceeding with ${OH} . . ." if [ -f $OH/OPatch/opatch ] && [ -x $OH/OPatch/opatch ] then OPATCH_DOTTED_VERSION=`$OH/OPatch/opatch version | grep Version | awk '{print $NF}'` ERR=$? if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ] then OPATCH_VERSION=`echo ${OPATCH_DOTTED_VERSION} | sed s'/\.//g'` if [[ "${OPATCH_VERSION:0:2}" -eq "12" && "${OPATCH_VERSION}" -gt 1220112 ]] || [[ "${OPATCH_VERSION:0:2}" -eq "11" && "${OPATCH_VERSION}" -gt 1120318 ]] then # remote if [ "${ALL_NODES}" = "Yes" ] then ALL_NODES_OPTION=" -remote " else ALL_NODES_OPTION="" fi echo "Oracle Interim Patch Installer version "$OPATCH_DOTTED_VERSION >> ${TMP} $OH/OPatch/opatchauto report -type patches -format xml ${ALL_NODES_OPTION} >> ${TMP} 2>${TMP2} ERR=$? else # lsinventory if [ "${ALL_NODES}" = "Yes" ] then ALL_NODES_OPTION=" -all_nodes " else ALL_NODES_OPTION="" fi $OH/OPatch/opatch lsinventory ${ALL_NODES_OPTION} -oh ${OH} >> ${TMP} 2>${TMP2} ERR=$? fi if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ] then printf "\t\033[1;32m%-8s\033[m\n" "OK" ; else printf "\t\033[1;31m%-8s" "Error $ERR" ; cat ${TMP2} ; printf "\033[m\n" "" ; fi else printf "\t\033[1;31m%-8s" "Error " ; fi #if (((substr(OPATCH_VERSION_NUMERIC,1,2) == 12) && (OPATCH_VERSION_NUMERIC > 1220112)) || # ((substr(OPATCH_VERSION_NUMERIC,1,2) == 11) && (OPATCH_VERSION_NUMERIC > 1120318))) #$OH/OPatch/opatch lsinventory ${ALL_NODES} -oh ${OH} >> ${TMP} 2>${TMP2} #ERR=$? #if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ] #then # printf "\t\033[1;32m%-8s\033[m\n" "OK" ; #else # printf "\t\033[1;31m%-8s" "Error " ; # cat ${TMP2} ; # printf "\033[m\n" "" ; #fi else #if [ -f $OH/OPatch/opatch ] && [ -x $OH/OPatch/opatch ] printf "\t\033[1;31m%-8s" "Cannot find $OH/OPatch/opatch " ; printf "\033[m\n" "" ; fi done else cp ${FILE} ${TMP} fi #echo $TMP #exit # # An output file is specified, we just want the opatch output so we exit before analyzing the opatch output # if [[ -n ${OUT} ]] then if [ -f ${TMP} ] then cp ${TMP} ${OUT} if [ $? -ne 0 ] then cat << END Could not copy the tempfile into ${OUT}; the opatch output should be in ${TMP}; END fi rm -f ${TMP} exit $? fi fi printf "\n" ; ${AWK} -v GREP="$GREP" -v UNGREP="$UNGREP" -v OPATCH_DOTTED_VERSION="$OPATCH_DOTTED_VERSION"\ 'BEGIN { FS = ":" ; # some colors COLOR_BEGIN = "\033[1;" ; COLOR_END = "\033[m" ; RED = "31m" ; GREEN = "32m" ; YELLOW = "33m" ; BLUE = "34m" ; TEAL = "36m" ; WHITE = "37m" ; UNKNOWN = "-" ; # Something to print when the status is unknown # Default columns size COL_NODE = 16 ; COL_PATCH = 12 ; COL_VER = 14 ; } # # A function to center the outputs with colors # function center( str, n, color, sep) { right = int((n - length(str)) / 2) ; left = n - length(str) - right ; return sprintf(COLOR_BEGIN color "%" left "s%s%" right "s" COLOR_END sep, "", str, "" ) ; } # # A function that just print a "---" white line # function print_a_line() { printf("%s", COLOR_BEGIN WHITE) ; for (k=1; k<=WIDTH; k++) {printf("%s", "-");} ; # n = number of nodes printf("%s", COLOR_END"\n") ; } # # The function that prints the output in nice tables # function print_output() { WIDTH = COL_PATCH+COL_NODE*n+n+1 ; printf(COLOR_BEGIN BLUE" %s"COLOR_END, OH) ; # OH as a title if (OPATCH_VERSION == "") { OPATCH_VERSION="unknown; opatchauto report does not provide the opatch version"; } printf(" %s\n", "(opatch version " OPATCH_VERSION")") ; # Opatch version # A header print_a_line() ; printf("%s", center("Patch ID", COL_PATCH, WHITE, "|")) ; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { printf("%s", center(nodes[i], COL_NODE, WHITE, "|")) ; # Hostname / nodes } printf("\n") ; print_a_line() ; some_patches=0 ; p=asort(all_patches) ; for (i = 1; i <= p; i++) { some_patches=1 ; printf("%s", center(all_patches[i], COL_PATCH, WHITE, "|")) ; for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) # for each node { if (patch_tab[nodes[j], all_patches[i]] == all_patches[i]) # Patch is here { printf("%s", center("-", COL_NODE, GREEN, "|")) ; } else # Patch is missing { printf("%s", center("Missing", COL_NODE, RED, "|")) ; } } printf ("%s", descr[all_patches[i]]) ; # Patch description printf "\n" ; } if (some_patches == 0) { printf("%s\n", center("No patch installed ", WIDTH-1, TEAL, "|")) ; } delete all_patches ; delete patch_tab ; delete nodes ; delete descr ; NB_PATCHES_INSTALLED=0 ; print_a_line() ; printf "\n" ; } # # Main awk # { if ($0 ~ /^Oracle Interim Patch Installer version/) { gsub(/([aA-zZ])| /, "", $0) ; OPATCH_VERSION=$0 ; gsub(/\./, "", $0) ; OPATCH_VERSION_NUMERIC=$0 ; } if ($1 ~ /^Oracle Home/) # opatch lsinventory output { gsub(" ", "", $2) ; OH=$2 ; oh_tab[oh_nb++]=OH ; if ((OH !~ GREP) || (OH ~ UNGREP)) { next ; } while (getline) { if ($1 ~ /^Hostname/) # The hostname in case it is a local opatch { gsub(" ", "", $2) ; sub(/\..*$/, "", $2) ; SERVER = $2 ; nodes[1] = $2 ; n = 1 ; } if (($1 ~ /^Rac system comprising/) && (! NB_PATCHES_INSTALLED)) # RAC Home { cpt=1 ; while(getline) { if ($0 ~ /^$/) { break ; } gsub(" ", "", $0) ; gsub(/^.*=/, "", $0) ; nodes[cpt] = $0 ; cpt++ ; } n=asort(nodes) ; # sort array nodes } if (($1 ~ /^Patch level status of Cluster node/) && (! NB_PATCHES_INSTALLED)) # Grid Homes { getline; getline; getline; nodes_list = "" ; while(getline) { if ($0 ~ /^$/) { split(nodes_list, nodes, ",") ; n=asort(nodes) ; # sort array nodes break ; } if ($1 ~ /^ *[0-9]* /) { sub(/^ *[0-9]* /, "", $1); gsub(" ", "", $1) ; gsub("\t", "", $1) ; if (nodes_list == "") { nodes_list = $1 ; } else { nodes_list=nodes_list","$1 ; } } } } if ($1 ~ /^Node Name/) { gsub(" ", "", $2) ; SERVER=$2 ; } if ($1 ~ /^Interim patches/) { gsub(/^.*\(/, "", $1) ; gsub(/\).*$/, "", $1) ; NB_PATCHES_INSTALLED = $1 ; NB_PATCHES_FOUND = 0 ; while(getline) { if (($1 ~ /^Patch/) && ($0 ~ /applied on/)) # Patch id { NB_PATCHES_FOUND++ ; patch_id = $1 ; sub("Patch", "", patch_id) ; gsub(" ", "", patch_id) ; patch_tab[SERVER, patch_id]=patch_id ; # Patches per server if (patch_id in all_patches) { cpt++; } else { all_patches[patch_id] = patch_id ; # All patches accross all nodes } getline; getline ; if ($1 ~ /^Patch description/) # Get the patch descr if available { sub("Patch description: ", "", $0) ; gsub("\"", "", $0) ; descr[patch_id] = $0 ; } } if (NB_PATCHES_FOUND == NB_PATCHES_INSTALLED) { break ; } } } if (($1 ~ /^OPatch succeeded/) || ($1 ~ /^OPatch completed with warnings/)) { print_output() ; break ; } } } # End if ($1 ~ /^Oracle Home/) if ($0 ~ /OPatchAuto report result/) # opatchauto report output { n=0 ; # Number of nodes while (getline) { if ($0 ~ /host name=/) { sub(/^.*name="/, "", $0) ; sub(/".*$/, "", $0) ; SERVER=$0 ; n++ ; nodes[n]=SERVER ; } if ($0 ~ /homes path/) { sub(/^.*path="/, "", $0) ; sub(/".*$/, "", $0) ; OH=$0 ; if ((OH !~ GREP) || (OH ~ UNGREP)) { next ; } } if($0 ~ /patch id/) { patch_id = $0 ; sub(/^ *