openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: BSB-LAN API version: '2.1' description: BSB-LAN JSON API Specification termsOfService: '' contact: name: BSB-LAN url: '' servers: - url: http://bsb tags: - name: 'General' - name: 'Parameter' - name: 'Category' - name: 'Configuration' paths: /JB: get: summary: List all writeable parameters description: '' operationId: listWritableParametersUsingGET tags: - 'Parameter' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WritableParameterMap' /JC: post: summary: List parameter definitions description: '' operationId: listParameterDefinitionsUsingPOST tags: - 'Parameter' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterFilterList' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterDefinitionMap' /JC={parameterIds}: get: summary: 'List parameter definitions' description: '' operationId: listParameterDefinitionsUsingGET tags: - 'Parameter' parameters: - name: parameterIds in: path required: true description: One or more comma separated parameter ids schema: type: string responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterDefinitionMap' /JI: get: summary: 'Query configuration of BSB-LAN' description: '' operationId: getInfo tags: - 'General' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeneralInfo' /JK={categoryId}: get: summary: 'Query a specific category' description: '' operationId: getCategory tags: - 'Category' parameters: - name: categoryId in: path required: true description: 'ID of category' schema: type: integer format: int32 responses: '401': description: 'Unauthorized' '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterDefinitionMap' /JK=ALL: get: summary: 'Get all categories' description: '' operationId: getCategories tags: - 'Category' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CategoryMap' /JL: get: summary: 'Get all BSB-LAN configuration values' description: 'For the usage of this function the module "JSONCONFIG" (see file BSB_lan_config.h) has to be compiled!' operationId: getConfiguration tags: - 'Configuration' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationList' /JQ: post: summary: List parameters description: '' operationId: listParametersPost tags: - 'Parameter' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterFilterList' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterMap' /JQ={parameterIds}: get: summary: List parameters description: '' operationId: listParameters tags: - 'Parameter' parameters: - name: parameterIds in: path required: true description: One or more comma separated parameter ids schema: type: string example: 700,710 responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterMap' /JQ2: get: summary: List parameters description: '' operationId: listParameters2 tags: - 'Parameter' parameters: - name: parameter in: query required: true description: One or more comma separated parameter ids explode: false schema: type: array items: type: integer minimum: 1 example: 700,710 responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterMap' /JR: post: summary: 'Queries the reset/default-value of parameter' description: 'Within the integrated operational unit of the heating system there arereset options available for some parameters. A reset is done by asking the system for the reset value and setting it afterwards (JSON: via/JS).' operationId: getResetValuePost tags: - 'Parameter' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetValueFilterList' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetValueMap' /JR={parameterIds}: get: summary: 'Queries the reset/default-value of parameter' description: 'Within the integrated operational unit of the heating system there arereset options available for some parameters. A reset is done by asking the system for the reset value and setting it afterwards (JSON: via/JS).' operationId: getResetValue tags: - 'Parameter' parameters: - name: parameterIds in: path required: true description: One or more comma separated parameter ids schema: type: string responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetValueMap' /JS: post: summary: 'Write parameter value' description: '' operationId: writeParameter tags: - 'Parameter' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterWrite' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterWriteResult' /JV: get: summary: Queries the JSON-API version description: '' operationId: getApiVersion tags: - 'General' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiVersion' /JW: post: summary: 'Write new BSB-LAN configuration values' description: 'For the usage of this function the module "JSONCONFIG" (see file BSB_lan_config.h) has to be compiled!' operationId: writeConfiguration tags: - 'Configuration' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationWriteList' responses: '401': description: Unauthorized '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationWriteResultMap' components: schemas: ApiVersion: title: ApiVersion description: 'Object containing API Version' type: object properties: api_version: type: string example: api_version: '2.0' Average: title: Average description: 'For this object 24h average values will be gathered' type: object properties: parameter: type: integer format: int32 example: parameter: 700 AverageList: title: AverageList description: 'List of average configurations' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Average' example: [parameter: 700, parameter: 701] Category: title: Category description: 'Category definition' type: object properties: name: description: Name of category type: string min: format: int32 description: Min parameter ID for category type: integer max: format: int32 description: Max parameter ID for category type: integer example: name: 'Uhrzeit und Datum' min: 0 max: 6 CategoryMap: title: Categories description: 'HashMap of multiple categories with category ID as key' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Category' example: '0': name: 'Uhrzeit und Datum' min: 0 max: 6 '1': name: 'Bedieneinheit' min: 20 max: 70 Configuration: title: Configuration description: 'Details of a BSB-LAN configuration object' type: object properties: parameter: description: 'Configuration ID' type: string type: description: | Data type 0 - CDT_VOID // byte array (for internal using. Never sent through JSON) 1 - CDT_BYTE //unsigned byte. can be various format (text, switch, dropdown) 2 - CDT_UINT16 //CPI_TEXT field with format for unsigned integer 3 - CDT_UINT32 //CPI_TEXT field with format for unsigned long integer 4 - CDT_STRING //CPI_TEXT field 5 - CDT_MAC //CPI_TEXT field with format for MAC input/output 6 - CDT_IPV4 //CPI_TEXT field with format for IPv4 input/output 7 - CDT_PROGNRLIST //CPI_TEXT field with format for programs list input/output 8 - CDT_MAXDEVICELIST //CPI_TEXT field with format for MAX! devices list input/output 9 - CDT_DHTBUS //CPI_TEXT field with format for DHT bus type: integer format: int32 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 format: description: | HTML Input type 0 - none 1 - text field 2 - switch 3 - dropdown type: integer format: int32 minimum: 0 maximum: 3 category: description: 'Category of configuration object' type: string name: description: 'Name of configuration object' type: string value: description: 'Value of configuration object' type: string possibleValues: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PossibleValueList' example: parameter: '0' type: 1 format: 2 category: 'CAT_GENERAL_TEXT' name: 'CF_USEEEPROM_TEXT' value: '150' possibleValues: [ { enumValue: '105', desc: 'MENU_TEXT_OFF' }, { enumValue: '150', desc: 'MENU_TEXT_ON' } ] ConfigurationList: title: ConfigurationList description: 'List of multiple BSB-LAN configuration objects' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Configuration' example: [ { parameter: '0', type: 1, format: 2, category: 'CAT_GENERAL_TEXT', name: 'CF_USEEEPROM_TEXT', value: '150', possibleValues: [ { enumValue: '105', desc: 'MENU_TEXT_OFF' }, { enumValue: '150', desc: 'MENU_TEXT_ON' } ] }, { parameter: '6', type: 1, format: 3, category: 'CAT_GENERAL_TEXT', name: 'CF_BUSTYPE_TEXT', value: '0', possibleValues: [ { enumValue: '0', desc: 'BSB' }, { enumValue: '1', desc: 'LPB' }, { enumValue: '2', desc: 'PPS' } ] }, ] ConfigurationWriteResult: title: ConfigurationWriteResult description: 'Write result of BSB-LAN configuration object' type: object properties: status: description: | Write status 1 - OK 2 - Not found type: integer format: int32 minimum: 1 maximum: 2 example: status: 1 ConfigurationWriteResultMap: title: ConfigurationWriteResultMap description: 'Multiple write results of BSB-LAN configurations as hash map with parameter ID as key' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationWriteResult' example: - '0': {status: 1} - '6': {status: 0} ConfigurationWrite: title: ConfigurationWrite description: 'Write BSB-LAN configuration object' type: object properties: parameter: description: 'Parameter ID' type: integer format: int32 value: description: 'New value of configuration parameter' type: string required: - parameter - value example: parameter: 0 value: '150' ConfigurationWriteList: title: ConfigurationWriteList description: 'Write multiple BSB-LAN configuration objects' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationWrite' example: [{parameter: 0, value: '150'}, {parameter: 6, value: "0"}] GeneralInfo: title: GeneralInfo description: 'Basic information about BSB-LAN device' type: object properties: name: description: 'Name of device' type: string version: description: 'Firmware version' type: string hardware: description: 'Hardware type' freeram: description: 'Free RAM' type: integer format: int32 uptime: description: 'Device uptime' type: integer format: int32 MAC: description: 'MAC address of device' type: string pattern: '^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$' freespace: description: 'Free ROM space' type: integer format: int32 bus: description: 'Configured Bus type' type: string buswritable: description: 'Can data be written on the bus' type: integer format: int32 busaddr: description: 'Bus address' type: integer format: int32 busdest: description: 'Bus destination' type: integer format: int32 monitor: description: '' type: integer format: int32 verbose: description: '' type: integer format: int32 logvalues: description: 'Number of values to log' type: integer format: int32 loginterval: description: 'Loginterval in seconds' type: integer format: uint64 logged: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LoggedList' averages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AverageList' example: name: 'BSB-LAN' version: '2.1.8-20220731102301' hardware: 'Due' freeram: 81279 uptime: 264494 MAC: 'DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE' freespace: 0 bus: 'BSB' buswritable: 1 busaddr: 66 busdest: 0 monitor: 0 verbose: 1 logvalues: 0 loginterval: 3600 logged: [parameter: 8700, parameter: 8743] averages: [parameter: 700, parameter: 701] LoggedParameter: title: LoggedParameter description: '' type: object properties: parameter: type: integer format: int32 example: parameter: 8700 LoggedList: title: LoggedList description: '' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LoggedParameter' example: [parameter: 8700, parameter: 8743] Parameter: title: Parameter description: 'Contains the value of a parameter and some more details' type: object properties: name: description: 'Name of the parameter' type: string dataType_name: description: 'Name of the data content (e.g. TEMP, POWER, STRING)' type: string dataType_family: description: 'Name of the value type (e.g. VALS, ENUM)' type: string error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' value: description: 'Value of the parameter (--- for disabled / not available)' type: string desc: description: 'Description of the value' type: string precision: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Precision' dataType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterType' readonly: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IsReadOnly' readwrite: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReadWrite' unit: description: 'Unit of the parameter' type: string example: name: 'Betriebsart' error: 0 value: '1' desc: 'Automatik' dataType: 1 readonly: 0 unit: '' ParameterMap: title: ParameterMap description: 'HashMap of parameters as with parameter ID as key' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Parameter' example: '700': name: 'Betriebsart' error: 0 value: '1' desc: 'Automatic' dataType: 1 readonly: 0 unit: '' ParameterDefinition: title: ParameterDefinition description: 'Object containing parameter definition' type: object properties: name: description: 'Name of the parameter' type: string possibleValues: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PossibleValueList' isswitch: description: | Parameter is a switch 0 - No 1 = Yes, ONOFF or YESNO type: integer format: int32 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 dataType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterType' readonly: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IsReadOnly' unit: description: 'Unit of the parameter' type: string example: name: 'Betriebsart' possibleValues: [{enumValue: 0, desc: 'Schutzbetrieb'}, {enumValue: 1, desc: 'Automatik'}] isswitch: 0 dataType: 1 readonly: 0 unit: '' ParameterDefinitionMap: title: ParameterDefinitionMap description: 'HashMap of parameter definition with parameter ID as key' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterDefinition' example: '700': name: 'Betriebsart' possibleValues: [{"enumValue": 0, "desc": "Schutzbetrieb" }, { "enumValue": 1, "desc": "Automatik" }] isswitch: 0 dataType: 1 readonly: 0 unit: '' ParameterFilter: title: ParameterFilter description: 'Filter for requesting parameter' type: object properties: parameter: type: string destination: type: integer format: int32 required: - parameter example: parameter: '700' ParameterFilterList: title: ParameterFilterList description: 'List of filters to request multiple parameters' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParameterFilter' example: [parameter: '700', parameter: '701'] ParameterWrite: title: ParameterWrite description: 'Object for updating parameter value' type: object properties: parameter: description: 'Id of parameter' type: string value: description: 'New parameter value' type: string type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WriteType' destination: description: 'Destination of parameter' type: integer format: int32 required: - Parameter - Value - Type example: Parameter: '700' Value: '1' Type: '1' ParameterWriteResult: title: ParameterWriteResult description: 'Conains result of write request' type: object properties: parameter: description: 'Id of parameter' type: string status: description: | Status of write request 0 - Error 1 - OK 2 - parameter read-only type: integer format: int32 minimum: 0 maximum: 2 example: Parameter: "700" Status: 1 PossibleValue: title: PossibleValue description: 'Contains possible Enum Values' type: object properties: enumValue: description: Enum Value type: integer format: int32 desc: description: Description of Enum Value type: string example: enumValue: 1 desc: 'Automatik' PossibleValueList: title: PossibleValueList description: 'List of possible values' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PossibleValue' example: [{enumvalue: 0, desc: 'Schutzbetrieb'}, {enumvalue: 1, desc: 'Automatik'}] Precision: title: Precision description: 'Digits after the decimal dot' type: number example: precision: 0.1 ResetValue: title: ResetValue description: 'Reset value of parameter' type: object properties: error: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' value: description: 'Reset value' type: string example: error: 0 value: '3' ResetValueMap: title: ResetValueMap description: 'HashMap of reset values with parameter ID as key' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetValue' example: '700': error: 0 value: "3" ResetValueFilter: title: ResetValueFilter description: 'Filter for query reset value of parameter' type: object properties: parameter: description: 'Id of the parameter' type: string destination: description: '' type: integer format: int32 required: - parameter example: parameter: '700' Destination: 0 ResetValueFilterList: title: ResetValueFilterList description: 'List of filters to query reset values for multiple parameters' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResetValueFilter' example: [parameter: '700', parameter: '701'] WritableParameterMap: title: WritableParameterMap description: 'HashMap of writable parameters with parameter ID as key' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WritableParameter' example: '70': parameter: '70' value: '4.2' type: '1' '130': parameter: '130' value: '65535' type: '1' WritableParameter: title: WritableParameter description: 'A parameter which can be written' type: object properties: value: description: 'Current value of the parameter' type: string type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WriteType' example: parameter: '70' value: '4.2' type: '1' Error: title: Error description: | Current state of parameter value 0 - ok 7 - parameter not supported 1..255 - LPB/BSB bus errors 256 - decoding error 257 - unknown command 258 - not found 259 - no enum str 260 - unknown type 261 - query failed type: integer format: int32 minimum: 0 maximum: 261 IsReadOnly: title: IsReadOnly description: | Parameter is readonly 0 - read/write 1 - readonly type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 1 format: int32 deprecated: true ParameterType: title: ParameterType description: | Data type of parameter 0 - Number ("1", "20.5", "---" for value not available) 1 - ENUM (Integer value of Enum "2") 2 - Bit value ("01000101") 3 - Weekday 4 - Hour:Minute 5 - Date and time ("09.01.2021 12:42:02") 6 - Day and month ("25.10") 7 - String 8 - PPS time (day of week, hour:minute) type: integer format: int32 minimum: 0 maximum: 8 ReadWrite: title: ReadWrite description: | 0 - read/write 1 - readonly 2 - write only type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 2 format: int32 WriteType: title: WriteType description: | 0 - INF 1 - SET type: string securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http scheme: basic security: - basicAuth: []