Actions ======= An action is something a player can do to achieve something in the game. It has properties like cost, chance of success and effects. Some of those properties are configurable using effects and other rule set settings. To learn how to change them read README.effects and the rule set files of classic. An enabler allows a player to do an action. Generalized enablers ==================== Some actions have generalized enablers. An action like that can have zero, one or more enablers defined for it in the ruleset. The player can do the action only when at least one generalized enabler says that the action is enabled (and all its hard requirements are fulfilled). A ruleset author can therefore disable an action by not defining any enablers for it in their ruleset. A generalized enabler lives in actions.ruleset. It consists of the action it enables and two requirement vectors. The first requirement vector, actor_reqs, applies to the entity doing the action. The second, target_reqs, applies to its target. If both requirement vectors are fulfilled the action is enabled as far as the enabler is concerned. Note that an action's hard requirements still may make it impossible. In some situations an action controlled by generalized enablers may be impossible because of limitations in Freeciv it self. Those limitations are called hard requirements. The hard requirements of each action are documented below in the section called "Actions and their hard coded requirements". If the player don't have the knowledge required to find out if an action is enabled or not the action is shown to the player in case it is possible. The client will indicate the uncertainty to the player. Should the player order a unit to do an illegal action the server will inform the player that their unit was unable to perform the action. The actor unit may also lose a ruleset configurable amount of move fragments. Some enablers guard things that user is not able to initiate, but which will happen automatically. These are listed as 'internal' actions. Example ======= [enabler_veil_the_threat_of_terror] action = "Incite City" actor_reqs = { "type", "name", "range", "present" "DiplRel", "Has Casus Belli", "Local", TRUE "DiplRel", "Provided Casus Belli", "Local", FALSE "DiplRel", "Foreign", "Local", TRUE } [enabler_go_bind_your_sons_to_exile] action = "Incite City" actor_reqs = { "type", "name", "range", "present" "Tech", "Flight", "Player", TRUE "DiplRel", "Foreign", "Local", TRUE } target_reqs = { "type", "name", "range", "present" "Tech", "Writing", "Player", False } Above are two enablers. They both enable the action "Incite City". If all the conditions of at least one of them are fulfilled it will be enabled. No information is given to the player about what enabler enabled an action. The first enabler, enabler_veil_the_threat_of_terror, is simple. It allows a player to incite a city if they have a reason to declare war on its owner AND the city's owner don't have a reason to declare war on them. The second enabler, enabler_go_bind_your_sons_to_exile, is more complex. It allows a player that has Flight to bribe the cities of civilizations that don't have Writing. The complexity is caused by the requirement that the target don't know Writing. If the civilization of the target city knows Writing or not may be unknown to the acting player. To avoid this complexity a requirement that the acting player has an embassy to the target cities civilization (and therefore knowledge about its techs) can be added. Requirement vector rules ======================== An enabler has two requirement vectors that must be true at the same time. This creates some corner cases you won't find with single requirement vectors. The rules below tries to deal with them. A "DiplRel" requirement with the range "Local" should always be put in the actor requirements. * A local DiplRel requirement can always be expressed as an actor requirement. * Only having to care about local DiplRel requirements in the actor requirements allows the Freeciv code responsible for reasoning about enablers to be simpler and faster. * If player A having a diplomatic relationship to player B implies that player B has the same relationship to player A the relationship is symmetric. Examples: "Foreign" and "War" * Symmetric local DiplRel requirements can be moved directly from the target requirement vector to the actor requirement vector. * Asymmetric local DiplRel requirements must test for the same thing in the opposite direction. Example: "Hosts embassy" -> "Has embassy" A "MaxDistanceSq" requirement with the range "Tile" should always be put in the actor requirements, for the same reasons. Actions and Lua =============== Lua has some integration with enabler controlled actions. This integration allows both to implement (parts of) an action in Lua and to perform an action from Lua. The action signals ================== Right before an action is executed, but after it is known to be legal, a signal is emitted to Lua. It has access to the same information as the server. It doesn't have access to the result of the action since it isn't done yet. Another signal is emitted to lua after action has been executed, and the result is known. This latter signal often does not have access to actor or target as they may have been destroyed by the action. First signal's name starts with action_started_, then the actor kind, then another _ and in the end the target kind. The signal that is emitted when a unit performs an action on a city is therefore action_started_unit_city. The latter signal's name is constructed similarly, except that the first part is action_finished_. First signal has three parameters. The first parameter is the action that is about to get started. The second is the actor. The third parameter is the target. The parameters of action_started_unit_city is therefore action, actor_unit and finally target city. Latter signal has four parameters; action that was finished, whether action was successful, actor, and target. Actor and/or target might be nil if they got destroyed by the action. To get the rule name of an action, that is the name used in enablers, you can use the method rule_name(). To get a translated name that is nice to show to players use name_translation(). Example 1 ========= The following Lua code will log all actions done by any unit to a city, to another unit, to a unit stack, to a tile, to a tile's extras or to itself: -- Returns a function that describes a tile target function tile_desc_func_gen(kind, owner_getter) return function (target) local owner if owner_getter(target) == nil then owner = _("unowned") else owner = owner_getter(target).nation:name_translation() end return _("%s %s (%d, %d)"):format(owner, kind, target.x, target.y) end end -- Describe the target based on its kind target_describer = { ["City"] = function (target) return _("%s city %s (id: %d)"):format( target.owner.nation:name_translation(),, end, ["Unit"] = function (target) return _("%s %s (id: %d)"):format( target.owner.nation:name_translation(), target.utype:name_translation(), end, ["Stack"] = function (target) return _("unit stack at (%d, %d)"):format(target.x, target.y) end, ["Tile"] = tile_desc_func_gen("tile", function (target) return target.owner end), ["Extras"] = tile_desc_func_gen("tile extras", function (target) return target:extra_owner(Nil) end), ["Self"] = function (target) return "it self" end, } -- Log all performed actions function action_started_callback(action, actor, target) log.normal(_("%d: %s (rule name: %s) performed by %s %s (id: %d) on %s"), game.current_turn(), action:name_translation(), action:rule_name(), actor.owner.nation:name_translation(), actor.utype:name_translation(),, target_describer[action:target_kind()](target)) end signal.connect("action_started_unit_city", "action_started_callback") signal.connect("action_started_unit_unit", "action_started_callback") signal.connect("action_started_unit_stack", "action_started_callback") signal.connect("action_started_unit_tile", "action_started_callback") signal.connect("action_started_unit_extras", "action_started_callback") signal.connect("action_started_unit_self", "action_started_callback") Example 2 ========= The following Lua code will make a player that poisons the population of cities risk civil war: function action_started_callback(action, actor, target) if action:rule_name() == "Poison City" then edit.civil_war(actor.owner, 5); end end signal.connect("action_started_unit_city", "action_started_callback") Forcing a unit to (try to) perform an action from Lua ===================================================== A unit can be forced to try to perform an enabler controlled action from Lua. The action is subject to the same rules as if the player ordered it performed themself. This respects the ruleset rules about when an action is enabled and what consequences performing the action has. actor_unit:perform_action(action[, target[, sub_target]]) Units have a perform_action() method. This takes the action to perform as a parameter. Depending on the action's target and sub target kind it may also require a target parameter and a sub target parameter. The action parameter is an action. You can use find.action(rule_name) to get a reference to an action. The target parameter is the target unit, city or - for unit stacks, tiles and tile extras - tile the actor unit should perform the action to. The sub_target parameter is the last part of the target "address" for actions performed against a target and a sub target. It can be the name of an extra, a Building_Type or a Tech_Type. Examples: ========= actor:perform_action(find.action("Disband Unit")) actor:perform_action(find.action("Establish Embassy Stay"), target) actor:perform_action(find.action("Targeted Sabotage City Escape"), target, find.building_type("City Walls")) actor:perform_action(find.action("Targeted Steal Tech Escape Expected"), target, find.tech_type("Banking")) actor:perform_action(find.action("Build Road"), target, "Road") Actions and their hard requirements =================================== Freeciv can only allow a player to perform an action when the action's hard requirements are fulfilled. Some, but not all, hard requirements can be expressed in an enabler. Putting them there makes it clearer what the rule actually is. Parts of Freeciv reasons about enablers. Examples are self contradicting rule detection and the help system. Including the hard requirements rules in each enabler of its action is therefore obligatory for some hard requirements. Those hard requirements are marked with an exclamation mark (!). Actions done by a unit against a city ===================================== "Establish Embassy" - Establish a real embassy to the target player * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor can't have a real embassy to the target player (!) * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Establish Embassy Stay" - Establish a real embassy to the target player * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor can't have a real embassy to the target player (!) * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Investigate City" - Look at the city dialog of a foreign city * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Investigate City Spend Unit" - Look at the city dialog of a foreign city * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Sabotage City" - Destroy a building or the production in the target city. * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Sabotage City Escape" - Destroy a building or the production in the target city. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Targeted Sabotage City" - Destroy a building in the target city. * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Targeted Sabotage City Escape" - Destroy a building in the target city. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Sabotage City Production" - Sabotage the city's production. * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Sabotage City Production Escape" - Sabotage the city's production. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Poison City" - Kill a citizen in the target city. * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Poison City Escape" - Kill a citizen in the target city and escape. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Spread Plague" - Bio-terrorism. Infect the target city with an illness. * set if the actor unit is spent with spread_plague_actor_consuming_always * may infect trade route connected cities if illness.illness_on is TRUE * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Steal Tech" - Steal a random tech from the targets owner. * spends the actor unit * will always fail when the tech theft is expected. Tech theft is expected when the number of previous tech thefts from the target city is above the limit set by the "Stealings_Ignore" effect. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Steal Tech Escape Expected" - Escape version of the above. * more likely to fail when the tech theft is expected. Tech theft is expected when the number of previous tech thefts from the target city is above the limit set by the "Stealings_Ignore" effect. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Targeted Steal Tech" - Steal a specific tech from the targets owner. * spends the actor unit * will always fail when the tech theft is expected. Tech theft is expected when the number of previous tech thefts from the target city is above the limit set by the "Stealings_Ignore" effect. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * actor must know what techs target owns * target must be foreign. (!) "Targeted Steal Tech Escape Expected" - Escape version of the above. * more likely to fail when the tech theft is expected. Tech theft is expected when the number of previous tech thefts from the target city is above the limit set by the "Stealings_Ignore" effect. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * actor must know what techs target owns * target must be foreign. (!) "Incite City" - Pay the target city to join the actors owners side. * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Incite City Escape" - Pay the target city to join the actors owners side. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Steal Gold" - Steal some gold from the owner of the target city. * adjustable with the Max_Stolen_Gold_Pm effect and with the Thiefs_Share_Pm effect * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * the targets owner must have more than 0 gold. * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Steal Gold Escape" - Steal some gold from the owner of the target city. * adjustable with the Max_Stolen_Gold_Pm effect and with the Thiefs_Share_Pm effect * actor must be aware that the target exists * the targets owner must have more than 0 gold. * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Steal Maps" - Steal parts of the owner of the target city's map. * adjustable with the effect Maps_Stolen_Pct and the ruleset setting steal_maps_reveals_all_cities * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Steal Maps Escape" - Steal parts of the owner of the target city's map. * adjustable with the effect Maps_Stolen_Pct and the ruleset setting steal_maps_reveals_all_cities * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) "Spy Escape" - Just escape without doing anything else first. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * the actor player must have a city to escape to. * target must be foreign. (!) "Suitcase Nuke" - Cause a nuclear explosion in the target city. * spends the actor unit * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * Blast radius can be set with Nuke_Blast_Radius_1_Sq "Suitcase Nuke Escape" - Cause a nuclear explosion in the target city. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * Blast radius can be set with Nuke_Blast_Radius_1_Sq "Destroy City" - Destroys the target city. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. "Establish Trade Route" - Establish a trade route to the target city. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * actor must have a home city. (!) * target must be foreign or trademindist tiles away from that home city. * trade route type pct (see "Trade settings") can't be 0%. * it is possible to establish a trade route between the cities as far as the two cities them self are concerned. (Example: If one of the cities can't have any trade routes at all it is impossible to establish a new one.) "Enter Marketplace" - Get a one time bonus without creating a trade route. * actor must be aware that the target exists * any action listed in enter_marketplace_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * actor must have a home city. (!) * target must be foreign or trademindist tiles away from that home city. * trade route type (see Trade settings) can't be 0%. "Help Wonder" - Add the shields used to build the actor to the target city. * adjustable with the Unit_Shield_Value_Pct effect * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target unless help_wonder_max_range allows it to be further away. (Default help_wonder_max_range is 1) * target city must need the extra shields to complete its production. "Disband Unit Recover" - Add half the shields used to build the unit to target * adjustable with the Unit_Shield_Value_Pct effect * actor must be aware that the target exists * "Help Wonder" must be impossible * actor must be on the same tile as the target unless disband_unit_recover_max_range allows it to be further away. (Default disband_unit_recover_max_range is 1) * target city must need the extra shields to complete its production. "Join City" - Add the actor to the target city's population. * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must have population to add (set in pop_cost) * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target city population must not become higher that the add_to_size_limit setting permits. * target must be able to grow to the size that adding the unit would result in. "Home City" - Set target city as the actor unit's new home city * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target * can't set existing home city as new home city * target city has enough unused unit maintenance slots to support the actor unit. (No problem if the actor unit spends 0 city slots) "Upgrade Unit" - Upgrade the actor unit using the target's facilities. * adjustable with the Unit_Shield_Value_Pct effect * actor must be aware that the target exists * actor must be on the same tile as the target. * actor player must have enough gold to pay for the upgrade. * actor unit must have a type to upgrade to (obsoleted_by). * actor unit's upgraded form must be able to exist at its current location. * actor unit's upgraded form must have room for its current cargo. * target player must be able to build the unit upgraded to * target city must be domestic. (!) "Airlift Unit" - Airlift actor unit to target city. * max legal distance to the target can be set using airlift_max_range * actor must be aware that the target exists * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit isn't inside the target city * the actor unit can exist in the target city (outside a transport) * the actor unit is in a city (!) * the city the actor unit is in - is domestic or, if airliftingstyle permits it, allied - has Airlift (see the Airlift effect and the airliftingstyle setting) * the target city is domestic or, if airliftingstyle permits it, allied * the target city has Airlift "Conquer City Shrink" - Shrink target city by one and conquer it. * actor must be aware that the target exists * any action listed in conquer_city_shrink_blocked_by must be impossible * "Attack" must be impossible * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor player's nation can't be an animal barbarian. (!) * the actor unit's current transport, if the actor unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in disembarks. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target city is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the tile of the target city. * the actor unit has the "CanOccupyCity" unit class flag (!) * the actor can't have the "NonMil" unit type flag (!) * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * the actor's relationship to the target is War (!) * actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target's tile. * the target must be foreign (!) * the target city contains 0 units (!) "Conquer City Shrink 2" - Shrink target city by one and conquer it. * any action listed in conquer_city_shrink_2_blocked_by must be impossible * A copy of "Conquer City Shrink". * See "Conquer City Shrink" for everything else. "Conquer City Shrink 3" - Shrink target city by one and conquer it. * any action listed in conquer_city_shrink_3_blocked_by must be impossible * A copy of "Conquer City Shrink". * See "Conquer City Shrink" for everything else. "Conquer City Shrink 4" - Shrink target city by one and conquer it. * any action listed in conquer_city_shrink_4_blocked_by must be impossible * A copy of "Conquer City Shrink". * See "Conquer City Shrink" for everything else. "Surgical Strike Building" - Destroy a specific building. * actor must be aware that the target exists * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. "Surgical Strike Production" - Destroy the city production. * actor must be aware that the target exists * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. Actions done by a unit against another unit =========================================== "Sabotage Unit" - Halve the target unit's hit points. * spends the actor unit * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be visible for the actor. "Sabotage Unit Escape" - Halve the target unit's hit points. * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be visible for the actor. "Bribe Unit" - Make the target unit join the actors owners side. * forced actions after success can be set with bribe_unit_post_success_forced_actions * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) * target must be visible for the actor. "Expel Unit" - Expel the target unit to its owner's capital. * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be visible for the actor. * target's owner must have a capital "Heal Unit" - Restore the target unit's health. * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * the amount healed is set by the "Heal_Unit_Pct" effect. * the target unit can't be at full health * target must be visible for the actor. "Heal Unit 2" - Restore the target unit's health. * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be visible for the actor. * A copy of "Heal Unit" "Transport Deboard" - Exit target transport to same tile. * actor must be on the same tile as the target * actor must be transported (!) * actor must be on a livable tile (!) * target must be transporting (!) * target must be in a city or in a native base if the target's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the target's unit class in disembarks. * target must be visible for the actor. "Transport Unload" - Unload the target unit to same tile. * actor must be on the same tile as the target * actor must have a transport_cap greater than 0 * actor must be transporting (!) * actor must be in a city or in a native base if the actor's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the target's unit type doesn't list the actor's unit class in disembarks. * target must be transported (!) * target must be on a livable tile (!) * target must be visible for the actor. "Transport Load" - Load the target unit into the actor unit. * actor must be on the same tile as the target * actor must have a transport_cap greater than 0 * the actor unit must be domestic, allied or on the same team as the target unit is. (!) * actor must be in a city or in a base native to it if the actor's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the target's unit type doesn't list the actor's unit class in the embarks field. * the actor must be transporting fewer units than its unit type's transport_cap field. * the target unit can't currently be transported by the actor unit. * the target unit's current transport, if the target unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the target's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in the disembarks field. * the target's unit class must appear in the target unit type's cargo field. * the target unit unit type must be different from the actor unit type * the target unit or its (recursive) cargo, if it has cargo, must be unable to transport itself, the actor unit or the actor unit's transporters. See unit_transport_check() * loading won't cause a situation with more than 5 recursive transports * target must be visible to the actor. "Transport Load 2" - Load the target unit into the actor unit. * A copy of "Transport Load". * See "Transport Load" for everything else. "Transport Load 3" - Load the target unit into the actor unit. * A copy of "Transport Load". * See "Transport Load" for everything else. "Transport Board" - Enter target transport on the same tile. * the actor unit can't currently be transported by the target unit. * the actor unit's current transport, if the actor unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in the disembarks field. * the actor's unit class must appear in the target unit type's cargo field. * the actor unit unit type must be different from the target unit type * the actor unit or its (recursive) cargo, if it has cargo, must be unable to transport itself, the target unit or the target unit's transporters. See unit_transport_check() * boarding won't cause a situation with more than 5 recursive transports * the target unit must be domestic, allied or on the same team as the actor unit is. (!) * target must be in a city or in a base native to it if the target's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the target's unit class in the embarks field. * the target must be transporting fewer units than its unit type's transport_cap field. * target must be visible to the actor. "Transport Board 2" - Enter target transport on the same tile. * A copy of "Transport Board". * See "Transport Board" for everything else. "Transport Board 3" - Enter target transport on the same tile. * A copy of "Transport Board". * See "Transport Board" for everything else. "Transport Embark" - Enter target transport on a different tile. * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * the actor unit can't currently be transported by the target unit. * the actor unit's current transport, if the actor unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in the disembarks field. * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * actor unit must be able to move to the target tile. * the actor's unit class must appear in the target unit type's cargo field. * the actor unit unit type must be different from the target unit type * the actor unit or its (recursive) cargo, if it has cargo, must be unable to transport itself, the target unit or the target unit's transporters. See unit_transport_check() * boarding won't cause a situation with more than 5 recursive transports * the target unit must be domestic, allied or on the same team as the actor unit is. (!) * target must be in a city or in a base native to it if the target's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the target's unit class in the embarks field. * the target must be transporting fewer units than its unit type's transport_cap field. * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * target must be visible to the actor. "Transport Embark 2" - Enter target transport on a different tile. * A copy of "Transport Embark". * See "Transport Embark" for everything else. "Transport Embark 3" - Enter target transport on a different tile. * A copy of "Transport Embark". * See "Transport Embark" for everything else. "Transport Embark 4" - Enter target transport on a different tile. * A copy of "Transport Embark". * See "Transport Embark" for everything else. Actions done by a unit against all units at a tile ================================================== "Bribe Stack" - Make the target units join the actors owners side. * forced actions after success can be set with bribe_stack_post_success_forced_actions * actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it. * target must be foreign. (!) * target must be visible for the actor. "Capture Units" - steal the target units. * actor must be on a tile next to the target. * target must be foreign. (!) * target cannot be transporting other units. (!) "Bombard" - bombard the units (and city) at the tile. * can't kill target units * any action listed in bombard_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must have a bombard_rate > 0 * actor must have an attack > 0 * actor must be on a tile next to the target or, if bombard_max_range allows it, further away. * target owner must be at war with actor. (!) * if target tile is fully seen, it must have reachable units "Bombard 2" - bombard the units (and city) at the tile. * can't kill target units * any action listed in bombard_2_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must be on a tile next to the target or, if bombard_2_max_range allows it, further away. * A copy of "Bombard". * See "Bombard" for everything else. "Bombard 3" - bombard the units (and city) at the tile. * can't kill target units * any action listed in bombard_3_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must be on a tile next to the target or, if bombard_3_max_range allows it, further away. * A copy of "Bombard". * See "Bombard" for everything else. "Bombard 4" - bombard the units (and city) at the tile. * can't kill target units * any action listed in bombard_4_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must be on a tile next to the target or, if bombard_4_max_range allows it, further away. * A copy of "Bombard". * See "Bombard" for everything else. "Bombard Lethal" - bombard the units (and city) at the tile. * any action listed in bombard_lethal_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must be on a tile next to the target or, if bombard_lethal_max_range allows it, further away. * can kill target units * actor must have a bombard_rate > 0 * actor must have an attack > 0 * target owner must be at war with actor. (!) * if target tile is fully seen, it must have reachable units "Bombard Lethal 2" - bombard the units (and city) at the tile. * any action listed in bombard_lethal_2_blocked_by must be impossible * actor must be on a tile next to the target or, if bombard_lethal_2_max_range allows it, further away. * See "Bombard Lethal" for everything else. "Attack" * any action listed in attack_blocked_by must be impossible * forced actions after success can be set with attack_post_success_forced_actions * the actor must be on the tile next to the target. * the actor's attack must be above 0 * the actor can't have the "NonMil" unit type flag (!) * the actor must be native to the target tile unless it has the "AttackNonNative" unit class flag and not the "Only_Native_Attack" unit type flag. * the target tile has no non enemy units, or actor is Flagless * the target tile has no non enemy city. * one or all (unreachableprotects) non transported units at the target tile must be reachable. A unit is reachable if any of the following is true: - it doesn't have the "Unreachable" unit class flag - it is listed in the actor unit's targets - it is in a city - it is on a tile with a native Extra "Attack 2" * any action listed in attack_2_blocked_by must be impossible * forced actions after success can be set with attack_2_post_success_forced_actions * See "Attack" for everything else. "Suicide Attack" * any action listed in suicide_attack_blocked_by must be impossible * spends the actor unit * the actor must be on the tile next to the target. * the actor's attack must be above 0 * the actor can't have the "NonMil" unit type flag (!) * the actor must be native to the target tile unless it has the "AttackNonNative" unit class flag and not the "Only_Native_Attack" unit type flag. * the target tile has no non enemy units, or actor is Flagless * the target tile has no non enemy city. * one or all (unreachableprotects) non transported units at the target tile must be reachable. A unit is reachable if any of the following is true: - it doesn't have the "Unreachable" unit class flag - it is listed in the actor unit's targets - it is in a city - it is on a tile with a native Extra "Suicide Attack 2" * any action listed in suicide_attack_2_blocked_by must be impossible * See "Suicide Attack" for everything else. "Wipe Units" * any action listed in wipe_units_blocked_by must be impossible * forced actions after success can be set with wipe_units_post_success_forced_actions * the actor must be on the tile next to the target. * the actor's attack must be above 0 * the actor can't have the "NonMil" unit type flag (!) * the actor must be native to the target tile unless it has the "AttackNonNative" unit class flag and not the "Only_Native_Attack" unit type flag. * the target tile has no non enemy units, or actor is Flagless * the target tile has no non enemy city. * the target tile has no units with positive defense strength * all units at the target tile must be reachable. A unit is reachable if any of the following is true: - it doesn't have the "Unreachable" unit class flag - it is listed in the actor unit's targets - it is in a city - it is on a tile with a native Extra "Collect Ransom" * any action listed in collect_ransom_blocked_by must be impossible * forced actions after success can be set with collect_ransom_post_success_forced_actions * the actor must be on the tile next to the target. * the actor's attack must be above 0 * the actor can't have the "NonMil" unit type flag (!) * the actor must be native to the target tile unless it has the "AttackNonNative" unit class flag and not the "Only_Native_Attack" unit type flag. * the target tile has no non enemy units. (!) * the target tile has no non enemy city. * the target must be barbarian * the actor must have "CollectRansom" unit class flag * one or all (unreachableprotects) non transported units at the target tile must be reachable. A unit is reachable if any of the following is true: - it doesn't have the "Unreachable" unit class flag - it is listed in the actor unit's targets - it is in a city - it is on a tile with a native Extra "Nuke Units" - Detonate at the target unit stack. Cause a nuclear explosion. * set if the actor unit is spent with nuke_units_consuming_always * any action listed in nuke_units_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target the actor units must be between nuke_units_min_range and nuke_units_max_range * the actor must be native to the target tile unless it has the "AttackNonNative" unit class flag and not the "Only_Native_Attack" unit type flag. * one or all (unreachableprotects) non transported units at the target tile must be reachable. A unit is reachable if any of the following is true: - it doesn't have the "Unreachable" unit class flag - it is listed in the actor unit's targets - it is in a city - it is on a tile with a native Extra * Blast radius can be set with Nuke_Blast_Radius_1_Sq "Spy Attack" - trigger a diplomatic battle to eliminate tile defenders. * the actor must be on the tile next to the target. * the target tile must have at least 1 diplomatic defender. Actions done by a unit against a tile ===================================== "Found City" - Found a city at the target tile. * set if the actor unit is spent with found_city_consuming_always * city name must be legal * the scenario setting prevent_new_cities must be false. * actor must be on the same tile as the target. * target must not have the NoCities terrain flag. (!) * target must not be closer than citymindist to nearest city. "Explode Nuclear" - Detonate at the target tile. Cause a nuclear explosion. * set if the actor unit is spent with explode_nuclear_consuming_always * target kind can be changed with explode_nuclear_target_kind * any action listed in explode_nuclear_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target the actor units must be between explode_nuclear_min_range and explode_nuclear_max_range * Blast radius can be set with Nuke_Blast_Radius_1_Sq "Nuke City" - Detonate at the target tile. Cause a nuclear explosion. * set if the actor unit is spent with nuke_city_consuming_always * target kind can be changed with nuke_city_target_kind * any action listed in nuke_city_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target the actor units must be between nuke_city_min_range and nuke_city_max_range * Blast radius can be set with Nuke_Blast_Radius_1_Sq "Paradrop Unit" - move the actor unit to the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a terrain type the actor unit can't exist on and - if paradrop_to_transport is set - it couldn't load into a transport at the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied unit * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied city * the distance between actor and target is from 1 to paratroopers_range * the actor unit hasn't paradropped this turn * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. (!) * the target tile is known (doesn't have to be seen) by the actor * if the target tile is seen: - the actor unit must be able to exist outside a transport on the target tile if the target tile doesn't have a visible transport the actor unit is able to load into on landing - the target tile can't contain a city belonging to a player the actor has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. - the target tile can't contain any seen unit belonging to a player the actor player has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. "Paradrop Unit Conquer" - move the actor unit to the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a terrain type the actor unit can't exist on and - if paradrop_to_transport is set - it couldn't load into a transport at the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied unit * can result in the conquest of the city at the target tile if the target tile has a city * can result in the conquest of the extras at the target tile if one of the extras at the target tile claims territory and is native to the actor unit. * the distance between actor and target is from 1 to paratroopers_range * the actor unit hasn't paradropped this turn * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. (!) * the actor unit doesn't have the NonMil unit type flag unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor unit has the CanOccupyCity unit class flag unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor owner must be at war with the target owner unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor owner can't be an animal unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the target tile is foreign or unclaimed. (!) * the target tile is known (doesn't have to be seen) by the actor * if the target tile is seen: - the actor unit must be able to exist outside a transport on the target tile if the target tile doesn't have a visible transport the actor unit is able to load into on landing - the target tile can't contain a city belonging to a player the actor has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. - the target tile can't contain any seen unit belonging to a player the actor player has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. "Paradrop Unit Frighten" - move the actor unit to the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a terrain type the actor unit can't exist on and - if paradrop_to_transport is set - it couldn't load into a transport at the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied unit * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied city * can result in hut frightening if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled * the distance between actor and target is from 1 to paratroopers_range * the actor unit hasn't paradropped this turn * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. (!) * the actor unit has the unit class flag "HutFrighten" (!) * the target tile is known (doesn't have to be seen) by the actor * if the target tile is seen: - the actor unit must be able to exist outside a transport on the target tile if the target tile doesn't have a visible transport the actor unit is able to load into on landing - the target tile can't contain a city belonging to a player the actor has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. - the target tile can't contain any seen unit belonging to a player the actor player has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. "Paradrop Unit Frighten Conquer" - move the actor unit to the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a terrain type the actor unit can't exist on and - if paradrop_to_transport is set - it couldn't load into a transport at the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied unit * can result in the conquest of the city at the target tile if the target tile has a city * can result in the conquest of the extras at the target tile if one of the extras at the target tile claims territory and is native to the actor unit. * can result in hut frightening if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled * the distance between actor and target is from 1 to paratroopers_range * the actor unit hasn't paradropped this turn * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. (!) * the actor unit has the unit class flag "HutFrighten" (!) * the actor unit doesn't have the NonMil unit type flag unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor unit has the CanOccupyCity unit class flag unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor owner must be at war with the target owner unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor owner can't be an animal unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the target tile is foreign or unclaimed. (!) * the target tile is known (doesn't have to be seen) by the actor * if the target tile is seen: - the actor unit must be able to exist outside a transport on the target tile if the target tile doesn't have a visible transport the actor unit is able to load into on landing - the target tile can't contain a city belonging to a player the actor has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. - the target tile can't contain any seen unit belonging to a player the actor player has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. "Paradrop Unit Enter" - move the actor unit to the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a terrain type the actor unit can't exist on and - if paradrop_to_transport is set - it couldn't load into a transport at the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied unit * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied city * can result in hut entry if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled * the distance between actor and target is from 1 to paratroopers_range * the actor unit hasn't paradropped this turn * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. (!) * the target tile is known (doesn't have to be seen) by the actor * if the target tile is seen: - the actor unit must be able to exist outside a transport on the target tile if the target tile doesn't have a visible transport the actor unit is able to load into on landing - the target tile can't contain a city belonging to a player the actor has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. - the target tile can't contain any seen unit belonging to a player the actor player has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. "Paradrop Unit Enter Conquer" - move the actor unit to the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a terrain type the actor unit can't exist on and - if paradrop_to_transport is set - it couldn't load into a transport at the target tile. * kills the actor unit if the target tile has a non-allied unit * can result in the conquest of the city at the target tile if the target tile has a city * can result in the conquest of the extras at the target tile if one of the extras at the target tile claims territory and is native to the actor unit. * can result in hut entry if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled * the distance between actor and target is from 1 to paratroopers_range * the actor unit hasn't paradropped this turn * the actor unit isn't transporting another unit (!) * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. (!) * the actor unit doesn't have the NonMil unit type flag unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor unit has the CanOccupyCity unit class flag unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor owner must be at war with the target owner unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the actor owner can't be an animal unless the target tile doesn't have a city. (!) * the target tile is foreign or unclaimed. (!) * the target tile is known (doesn't have to be seen) by the actor * if the target tile is seen: - the actor unit must be able to exist outside a transport on the target tile if the target tile doesn't have a visible transport the actor unit is able to load into on landing - the target tile can't contain a city belonging to a player the actor has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. - the target tile can't contain any seen unit belonging to a player the actor player has peace, cease-fire or armistice with. "Transform Terrain" - Transform tile terrain type. * the actor unit has "Workers" flag (!) * terrain type must be one that can be transformed "Transform Terrain 2" - Transform tile terrain type. * See "Transform Terrain" for everything else. "Cultivate" - Transform tile terrain type by cultivating * the actor unit has "Workers" flag (!) * terrain type must be one that can be cultivated "Cultivate 2" - Transform tile terrain type by cultivating * See "Cultivate" for everything else. "Plant" - Transform tile terrain type by planting * the actor unit has "Workers" flag (!) * terrain type must be one on which units can plant "Plant 2" - Transform tile terrain type by planting * See "Plant" for everything else. "Pillage" - Pillage extra from tile * target kind can be changed with pillage_target_kind * terrain type must be one where pillaging is possible * the target extra must be present at the target tile * the terrain of the target tile must have a non 0 pillage_time * no other unit can be pillaging the target extra * the target extra must have the Pillage removal cause * the target extra's rmreqs must be fulfilled * the target extra can't be a dependency of another extra present at the target tile * the target extra can't have the AlwaysOnCityCenter extra flag if the target tile has a city * the target extra can't have the AutoOnCityCenter extra flag if the target tile has a city and the city's owner can rebuild it * the target extra must be the rule chosen extra if the civstyle section's pillage_select is FALSE "Pillage 2" - Pillage extra from tile * target kind can be changed with pillage_2_target_kind ** See "Pillage" for everything else. "Clean" - Clean extra from the target tile. * actor must be on the same tile as the target. * the actor unit has the "Workers" unit type flag (!) * the target extra must be present at the target tile * the terrain of the target tile must have a non 0 clean_pollution_time or non 0 clean_fallout_time, depending on the removal cause of the extra * the target extra must have the Clean removal cause * the target extra's rmreqs must be fulfilled * the target extra can't have the AlwaysOnCityCenter extra flag if the target tile has a city * the target extra can't have the AutoOnCityCenter extra flag if the target tile has a city and the city's owner can rebuild it "Clean 2" - Clean extra from the target tile. * See "Clean" for everything else. "Build Road" - Build road at the target tile. * actor must be on the same tile as the target. * the actor unit has the "Workers" unit type flag (!) * the target tile can't have an extra that the target extra must bridge over (see extra type's bridged_over) unless the actor player knows a tech with the "Bridge" tech flag * the target extra (the extra to be built) is an road * the target tile doesn't already have the target extra * the target extra is buildable (see extra type's buildable) * the target tile's terrain's road_time is above 0 (!) * if the target extra is both a road and a base the target tile's terrain's base_time isn't 0 * if the target extra is both a road and a base the target extra can't claim land (see base type's border_sq) if the target tile has a city * to begin a road the build requirements of the target road (see road type's first_reqs) must be fulfilled. Building a road when no (cardinal) adjacent tile has the target extra is considered beginning it. * the build requirements of the target extra (see extra type's reqs) must be fulfilled "Build Road 2" - Build road at the target tile. * See "Build Road" for everything else. "Build Base" - Build base at the target tile. * the actor unit has the "Workers" unit type flag (!) * the target tile can't have an extra that the target extra must bridge over (see extra type's bridged_over) unless the actor player knows a tech with the "Bridge" tech flag * the target extra (the extra to be built) is an base * the target tile doesn't already have the target extra * the target extra is buildable (see extra type's buildable) * the target tile's terrain's base_time is above 0 (!) * the target extra can't claim land (see base type's border_sq) if the target tile has a city * if the target extra is both a road and a base the target tile's terrain's road_time isn't 0 * the build requirements of the target extra (see extra type's reqs) must be fulfilled "Build Base 2" - Build base at the target tile. * See "Build Base" for everything else. "Build Mine" - Build mine at the target tile. * actor must be on the same tile as the target. * the actor unit has the "Workers" unit type flag (!) * the target tile can't have an extra that the target extra must bridge over (see extra type's bridged_over) unless the actor player knows a tech with the "Bridge" tech flag * the target extra (the extra to be built) is a mine * the target tile doesn't already have the target extra * the target extra is buildable (see extra type's buildable) * the target tile's terrain's mining_time is above 0 (!) * if the target extra is both a mine and a base the target tile's terrain's base_time isn't 0 * if the target extra is both a mine and a base the target extra can't claim land (see base type's border_sq) if the target tile has a city * if the target extra is both a mine and a road the target tile's terrain's road_time isn't 0 * the build requirements of the target extra (see extra type's reqs) must be fulfilled "Build Mine 2" - Build mine at the target tile. * See "Build Mine" for everything else. "Build Irrigation" - Build irrigation at the target tile. * actor must be on the same tile as the target. * the actor unit has the "Workers" unit type flag (!) * the target tile can't have an extra that the target extra must bridge over (see extra type's bridged_over) unless the actor player knows a tech with the "Bridge" tech flag * the target extra (the extra to be built) is an irrigation * the target tile doesn't already have the target extra * the target extra is buildable (see extra type's buildable) * the target tile's terrain's irrigation_time is above 0 (!) * if the target extra is both an irrigation and a base the target tile's terrain's base_time isn't 0 * if the target extra is both an irrigation and a base the target extra can't claim land (see base type's border_sq) if the target tile has a city * if the target extra is both an irrigation and a road the target tile's terrain's road_time isn't 0 * the build requirements of the target extra (see extra type's reqs) must be fulfilled "Build Irrigation 2" - Build irrigation at the target tile. * See "Build Irrigation" for everything else. "Transport Disembark" - Exit transport to target tile. * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * actor must be transported (!) * the actor unit's transport must be in a city or in a native base if the transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the target's unit class in disembarks. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * actor unit must be able to move to the target tile. * the target tile isn't blocked for the actor unit by some other unit's zone of control (ZOC) * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. "Transport Disembark 2" - Exit transport to target tile. * A copy of "Transport Disembark". * See "Transport Disembark" for everything else. "Transport Disembark 3" - Exit transport to target tile. * A copy of "Transport Disembark". * See "Transport Disembark" for everything else. "Transport Disembark 4" - Exit transport to target tile. * A copy of "Transport Disembark". * See "Transport Disembark" for everything else. "Enter Hut" - Enter a Hut, destroying it in the process. * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to move to the target tile. * the actor unit's current transport, if the actor unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in disembarks. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) * the target tile's Hut's rmreqs must be fulfilled * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * the target tile isn't blocked for the actor unit by some other unit's zone of control (ZOC) "Enter Hut 2" - Enter a Hut, destroying it in the process. * A copy of "Enter Hut" * See "Enter Hut" for everything else. "Enter Hut 3" - Enter a Hut, destroying it in the process. * A copy of "Enter Hut" * See "Enter Hut" for everything else. "Enter Hut 4" - Enter a Hut, destroying it in the process. * A copy of "Enter Hut" * See "Enter Hut" for everything else. "Frighten Hut" - Frighten a Hut, destroying it in the process. * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor unit has the unit class flag "HutFrighten" (!) * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to move to the target tile. * the actor unit's current transport, if the actor unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in disembarks. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) * the target tile's Hut's rmreqs must be fulfilled * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * the target tile isn't blocked for the actor unit by some other unit's zone of control (ZOC) "Frighten Hut 2" - Frighten a Hut, destroying it in the process. * A copy of "Frighten Hut" * See "Frighten Hut" for everything else. "Frighten Hut 3" - Frighten a Hut, destroying it in the process. * A copy of "Frighten Hut" * See "Frighten Hut" for everything else. "Frighten Hut 4" - Frighten a Hut, destroying it in the process. * A copy of "Frighten Hut" * See "Frighten Hut" for everything else. "Unit Move" - a regular move to the target tile. * any action listed in move_blocked_by must be impossible * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * the target tile isn't blocked for the actor unit by some other unit's zone of control (ZOC) "Unit Move 2" - a regular move to the target tile. * any action listed in move_2_blocked_by must be impossible * A copy of "Unit Move" * See "Unit Move" for everything else. "Unit Move 3" - a regular move to the target tile. * any action listed in move_3_blocked_by must be impossible * A copy of "Unit Move" * See "Unit Move" for everything else. "Teleport" - teleport unit to the target tile. * any action listed in teleport_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_min_range and teleport_max_range * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. "Teleport 2" - teleport unit to the target tile. * any action listed in teleport_2_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_2_min_range and teleport_2_max_range * See "Teleport" for everything else. "Teleport 3" - teleport unit to the target tile. * any action listed in teleport_3_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_3_min_range and teleport_3_max_range * See "Teleport" for everything else. "Teleport Conquer" - teleport unit to the target tile and conquer it * any action listed in teleport_conquer_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_conquer_min_range and teleport_conquer_max_range * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. "Teleport Frighten" - teleport unit to the target tile. * any action listed in teleport_frighten_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_frighten_min_range and teleport_frighten_max_range * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * can result in hut frightening if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled "Teleport Frighten Conquer" - teleport unit to the target tile and conquer it * any action listed in teleport_frighten_conquer_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_frighten_conquer_min_range and teleport_frighten_conquer_max_range * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * can result in hut frightening if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled "Teleport Enter" - teleport unit to the target tile. * any action listed in teleport_enter_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_enter_min_range and teleport_enter_max_range * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * can result in hut entry if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled "Teleport Enter Conquer" - teleport unit to the target tile and conquer it * any action listed in teleport_enter_conquer_blocked_by must be impossible * the range of legal distance between actor unit and target tile must be between teleport_enter_conquer_min_range and teleport_enter_conquer_max_range * the actor unit may not be transported (!) * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the target tile can't contain any units not allied to the actor unit and all its cargo. * can result in hut entry if - the target tile has an extra with "Enter" in its rmcauses (a Hut) - the target tile's Hut's rmreqs are fulfilled Actions done by a unit against all extras at a tile =================================================== "Conquer Extras" - Claim ownership of an extra. * the actor unit must be on a tile next to the target. * the actor unit has at least one move fragment left (!) * the actor unit's current transport, if the actor unit is transported, must be in a city or in a base native to the current transport if the current transport's unit class has the Unreachable unit class flag and the actor's unit type doesn't list the current transport's unit class in disembarks. * the actor unit must be able to move to the target tile. * the actor unit's type must be the target tile's terrain animal if the player's nation is an animal barbarian. * the actor unit must be able to exist outside of a transport at the target tile. * the actor unit can't be diplomatically forbidden from entering the target tile. * the actor unit doesn't have the "CoastStrict" unit type flag or the target tile is on or adjacent to a tile that doesn't have the "UnsafeCoast" terrain flag. * one of the target extras must claim territory and be native to the actor unit. * the target tile can't contain any city or units not allied to the actor unit. * the target tile isn't blocked for the actor unit by some other unit's zone of control (ZOC) "Conquer Extras 2" - Claim ownership of an extra. * A copy of "Conquer Extras" * See "Conquer Extras" for everything else. "Conquer Extras 3" - Claim ownership of an extra. * A copy of "Conquer Extras" * See "Conquer Extras" for everything else. "Conquer Extras 4" - Claim ownership of an extra. * A copy of "Conquer Extras" * See "Conquer Extras" for everything else. Actions done by a unit to it self ================================= "Disband Unit" - Disband the unit. * spends the actor unit - gives nothing in return. No shields spent to build the unit is added to the shield stock of any city even if the unit is located inside it. * "Help Wonder" must be impossible * "Disband Unit Recover" must be impossible "Fortify" - Fortify at tile * the actor unit can't already be fortified (!) "Fortify 2" - Fortify at tile * See "Fortify" for everything else. "Convert Unit" - Convert the unit to another unit type. * actor unit must have a type to convert to (convert_to). * actor unit's converted form must be able to exist at its current location. * actor unit's converted form must have room for its current cargo. "Unit Make Homeless" - unhome the actor unit. * the actor unit must have a home city. (!) Internal actions ================ "Gain Veterancy" - unit can get new veterancy levels * Unit's veterancy system must have veterancy levels for the unit to advance to. Ruleset defined actions ======================= User actions are "blank". The ruleset does everything they do. The following ruleset variables allows user action number n to be further customized: * user_action_n_target_kind The kind of target the action is done to. See target_reqs. Legal values: "City", "Unit", "Stack", "Tile" or "Self" * user_action_n_min_range and user_action_n_max_range What distance from the actor to the target is permitted for the action. * user_action_n_actor_consuming_always TRUE if Freeciv should make sure that the actor is spent after the action is successfully done. The current ruleset defined actions are "User Action 1", "User Action 2", "User Action 3", and "User Action 4".