import asyncio import enum import errno import fcntl import grp import ipaddress import ldap import ldap.sasl import os import pwd import socket import struct import sys from ldap.controls import SimplePagedResultsControl from urllib.parse import urlparse from middlewared.schema import accepts, Bool, Dict, Int, List, Str from middlewared.service import job, private, ConfigService, ValidationError, ValidationErrors from middlewared.service_exception import CallError from middlewared.utils import run from middlewared.plugins.directoryservices import DSStatus, SSL _int32 = struct.Struct('!i') class NlscdConst(enum.Enum): NSLCD_CONF_PATH = '/usr/local/etc/nslcd.conf' NSLCD_PIDFILE = '/var/run/' NSLCD_SOCKET = '/var/run/nslcd/nslcd.ctl' NSLCD_VERSION = 0x00000002 NSLCD_ACTION_STATE_GET = 0x00010002 NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN = 1 NSLCD_RESULT_END = 2 class NslcdClient(object): def __init__(self, action): # set up the socket (store in class to avoid closing it) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) fcntl.fcntl(self.sock, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) # connect to nslcd self.sock.connect(NlscdConst.NSLCD_SOCKET.value) # self.sock.setblocking(1) self.fp = os.fdopen(self.sock.fileno(), 'r+b', 0) # write a request header with a request code self.action = action self.write_int32(NlscdConst.NSLCD_VERSION.value) self.write_int32(action) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback): self.close() def write(self, value): self.fp.write(value) def write_int32(self, value): self.write(_int32.pack(value)) def write_bytes(self, value): self.write_int32(len(value)) self.write(value) def read(self, size): value = b'' while len(value) < size: data = - len(value)) if not data: raise IOError('NSLCD protocol cut short') value += data return value def read_int32(self): return _int32.unpack([0] def read_bytes(self): return def read_string(self): value = self.read_bytes() if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: value = value.decode('utf-8') return value def get_response(self): # complete the request if required and check response header if self.action: # flush the stream self.fp.flush() # read and check response version number if self.read_int32() != NlscdConst.NSLCD_VERSION.value: raise IOError('NSLCD protocol error') if self.read_int32() != self.action: raise IOError('NSLCD protocol error') # reset action to ensure that it is only the first time self.action = None # get the NSLCD_RESULT_* marker and return it return self.read_int32() def close(self): if hasattr(self, 'fp'): try: self.fp.close() except IOError: pass def __del__(self): self.close() class LDAPQuery(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LDAPQuery, self).__init__() self.ldap = kwargs.get('conf') self.logger = kwargs.get('logger') self.hosts = kwargs.get('hosts') self.pagesize = 1024 self._isopen = False self._handle = None self._rootDSE = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback): if self._isopen: self._close() def validate_credentials(self): """ :validate_credentials: simple check to determine whether we can establish an ldap session with the credentials that are in the configuration. """ ret = self._open() if ret: self._close() return ret def _open(self): """ We can only intialize a single host. In this case, we iterate through a list of hosts until we get one that works and then use that to set our LDAP handle. SASL GSSAPI bind only succeeds when DNS reverse lookup zone is correctly populated. Fall through to simple bind if this fails. """ res = None if self._isopen: return True if self.hosts: saved_simple_error = None saved_gssapi_error = None for server in self.hosts: try: self._handle = ldap.initialize(server) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(f'Failed to initialize ldap connection to [{server}]: ({e}). Moving to next server.') continue res = None ldap.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, self.ldap['dns_timeout']) if SSL(self.ldap['ssl']) != SSL.NOSSL: if self.ldap['certificate']: ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CERTFILE, f"/etc/certificates/{self.ldap['certificate']}.crt" ) ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_KEYFILE, f"/etc/certificates/{self.ldap['certificate']}.key" ) ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, '/etc/ssl/truenas_cacerts.pem' ) if self.ldap['validate_certificates']: ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND ) else: ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW ) try: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, 0) except Exception: self.logger.warning('Failed to initialize new TLS context.', exc_info=True) if SSL(self.ldap['ssl']) == SSL.USESTARTTLS: try: self._handle.start_tls_s() except ldap.LDAPError as e: self.logger.debug('Encountered error initializing start_tls: %s', e) saved_simple_error = e continue if self.ldap['anonbind']: try: res = self._handle.simple_bind_s() break except Exception as e: saved_simple_error = e self.logger.debug('Anonymous bind failed: %s' % e) continue if self.ldap['certificate']: try: res = self._handle.sasl_non_interactive_bind_s('EXTERNAL') if['verbose_logging']: self.logger.debug('Successfully bound to [%s] using client certificate.', server) break except Exception as e: saved_simple_error = e self.logger.debug('SASL EXTERNAL bind failed.', exc_info=True) continue if self.ldap['kerberos_principal']: try: self._handle.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_SASL_NOCANON, 1) self._handle.sasl_gssapi_bind_s() res = True break except Exception as e: saved_gssapi_error = e self.logger.debug(f'SASL GSSAPI bind failed: {e}. Attempting simple bind') try: res = self._handle.simple_bind_s(self.ldap['binddn'], self.ldap['bindpw']) break except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(f'Failed to bind to [{server}] using [{self.ldap["binddn"]}]: {e}') saved_simple_error = e continue if res: self._isopen = True elif saved_gssapi_error: raise CallError(str(saved_gssapi_error)) elif saved_simple_error: raise CallError(str(saved_simple_error)) return (self._isopen is True) def _close(self): self._isopen = False if self._handle: self._handle.unbind() self._handle = None def _search(self, basedn='', scope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter='', timeout=-1, sizelimit=0): if not self._handle: self._open() result = [] serverctrls = None clientctrls = None paged = SimplePagedResultsControl( criticality=False, size=self.pagesize, cookie='' ) paged_ctrls = {SimplePagedResultsControl.controlType: SimplePagedResultsControl} page = 0 while True: serverctrls = [paged] id = self._handle.search_ext( basedn, scope, filterstr=filter, attrlist=None, attrsonly=0, serverctrls=serverctrls, clientctrls=clientctrls, timeout=timeout, sizelimit=sizelimit ) (rtype, rdata, rmsgid, serverctrls) = self._handle.result3( id, resp_ctrl_classes=paged_ctrls ) result.extend(rdata) paged.size = 0 paged.cookie = cookie = None for sc in serverctrls: if sc.controlType == SimplePagedResultsControl.controlType: cookie = sc.cookie if cookie: paged.cookie = cookie paged.size = self.pagesize break if not cookie: break page += 1 return result def parse_results(self, results): res = [] for r in results: parsed_data = {} for k, v in r[1].items(): try: v = list(i.decode() for i in v) except Exception: v = list(str(i) for i in v) parsed_data.update({k: v}) res.append({ 'dn': r[0], 'data': parsed_data }) return res def get_samba_domains(self): """ This returns a list of configured samba domains on the LDAP server. This is used to determine whether the LDAP server has The Samba LDAP schema. In this case, the SMB service can be configured to use Samba's ldapsam passdb backend. """ if not self._handle: self._open() filter = '(objectclass=sambaDomain)' results = self._search(self.ldap['basedn'], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter) return self.parse_results(results) def get_root_DSE(self): """ root DSE query is defined in RFC4512 as a search operation with an empty baseObject, scope of baseObject, and a filter of "(objectClass=*)" In theory this should be accessible with an anonymous bind. In practice, it's better to use proper auth because configurations can vary wildly. """ if not self._handle: self._open() filter = '(objectclass=*)' results = self._search('', ldap.SCOPE_BASE, filter) return self.parse_results(results) def get_dn(self, dn): if not self._handle: self._open() filter = '(objectclass=*)' results = self._search(dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter) return self.parse_results(results) class LDAPService(ConfigService): class Config: service = "ldap" datastore = 'directoryservice.ldap' datastore_extend = "ldap.ldap_extend" datastore_prefix = "ldap_" @private async def ldap_extend(self, data): data['hostname'] = data['hostname'].split(',') if data['hostname'] else [] for key in ["ssl", "idmap_backend", "schema"]: data[key] = data[key].upper() for key in ["certificate", "kerberos_realm"]: if data[key] is not None: data[key] = data[key]["id"] data['uri_list'] = await self.hostnames_to_uris(data) return data @private async def ldap_compress(self, data): data['hostname'] = ','.join(data['hostname']) for key in ["ssl", "idmap_backend", "schema"]: data[key] = data[key].lower() if not data['bindpw']: data.pop('bindpw') data.pop('uri_list') return data @accepts() async def idmap_backend_choices(self): """ Returns list of available idmap backends. """ return await'directoryservices.idmap_backend_choices', 'LDAP') @accepts() async def schema_choices(self): """ Returns list of available LDAP schema choices. """ return await'directoryservices.nss_info_choices', 'LDAP') @accepts() async def ssl_choices(self): """ Returns list of SSL choices. """ return await'directoryservices.ssl_choices', 'LDAP') @private async def hostnames_to_uris(self, data): ret = [] for h in data['hostname']: proto = 'ldaps' if SSL(data['ssl']) == SSL.USESSL else 'ldap' parsed = urlparse(f"{proto}://{h}") try: port = parsed.port host = parsed.netloc if not parsed.port else parsed.netloc.rsplit(':', 1)[0] except ValueError: """ ParseResult.port will raise a ValueError if the port is not an int Ignore for now. ValidationError will be raised in common_validate() """ host, port = h.rsplit(':', 1) if port is None: port = 636 if SSL(data['ssl']) == SSL.USESSL else 389 uri = f"{proto}://{host}:{port}" ret.append(uri) return ret @private async def common_validate(self, new, old, verrors): if not new["enable"]: return if not new["bindpw"] and not new["kerberos_principal"] and not new["anonbind"]: verrors.add( "ldap_update.binddn", "Bind credentials or kerberos keytab are required for an authenticated bind." ) if new["bindpw"] and new["kerberos_principal"]: self.logger.warning("Simultaneous keytab and password authentication " "are selected. Clearing LDAP bind password.") new["bindpw"] = "" if not new["basedn"]: verrors.add( "ldap_update.basedn", "The basedn parameter is required." ) if not new["hostname"]: verrors.add( "ldap_update.hostname", "The LDAP hostname parameter is required." ) for idx, uri in enumerate(new["uri_list"]): parsed = urlparse(uri) try: port = parsed.port except ValueError: verrors.add(f"ldap_update.hostname.{idx}", f"Invalid port number: [{port}].") @private async def ldap_validate(self, data): for h in data['uri_list']: host, port = urlparse(h).netloc.rsplit(':', 1) await'ldap.port_is_listening', host, int(port), data['dns_timeout']) await'ldap.validate_credentials', data) @accepts(Dict( 'ldap_update', List('hostname', required=True), Str('basedn', required=True), Str('binddn'), Str('bindpw', private=True), Bool('anonbind', default=False), Str('ssl', default='OFF', enum=['OFF', 'ON', 'START_TLS']), Int('certificate', null=True), Bool('validate_certificates', default=True), Bool('disable_freenas_cache'), Int('timeout', default=30), Int('dns_timeout', default=5), Str('idmap_backend', default='LDAP', enum=['SCRIPT', 'LDAP']), Int('kerberos_realm', null=True), Str('kerberos_principal'), Bool('has_samba_schema', default=False), Str('auxiliary_parameters', default=False, max_length=None), Str('schema', default='RFC2307', enum=['RFC2307', 'RFC2307BIS']), Bool('enable'), update=True )) async def do_update(self, data): """ `hostname` list of ip addresses or hostnames of LDAP servers with which to communicate in order of preference. Failover only occurs if the current LDAP server is unresponsive. `basedn` specifies the default base DN to use when performing ldap operations. The base must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP format. `binddn` specifies the default bind DN to use when performing ldap operations. The bind DN must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP format. `anonbind` use anonymous authentication. `ssl` establish SSL/TLS-protected connections to the LDAP server(s). GSSAPI signing is disabled on SSL/TLS-protected connections if kerberos authentication is used. `certificate` LDAPs client certificate to be used for certificate- based authentication. `validate_certificates` specifies whether to perform checks on server certificates in a TLS session. If enabled, TLS_REQCERT demand is set. The server certificate is requested. If no certificate is provided or if a bad certificate is provided, the session is immediately terminated. If disabled, TLS_REQCERT allow is set. The server certificate is requested, but all errors are ignored. `kerberos_realm` in which the server is located. This parameter is only required for SASL GSSAPI authentication to the remote LDAP server. `kerberos_principal` kerberos principal to use for SASL GSSAPI authentication to the remote server. If `kerberos_realm` is specified without a keytab, then the `binddn` and `bindpw` are used to perform to obtain the ticket necessary for GSSAPI authentication. `timeout` specifies a timeout (in seconds) after which calls to synchronous LDAP APIs will abort if no response is received. `dns_timeout` specifies the timeout (in seconds) after which the poll(2)/select(2) following a connect(2) returns in case of no activity for openldap. For nslcd this specifies the time limit (in seconds) to use when connecting to the directory server. This directly impacts the length of time that the LDAP service tries before failing over to a secondary LDAP URI. `idmap_backend` provides a plugin interface for Winbind to use varying backends to store SID/uid/gid mapping tables. The correct setting depends on the environment in which the NAS is deployed. The default is to use idmap_ldap with the same LDAP configuration as the main LDAP service. `has_samba_schema` determines whether to configure samba to use the ldapsam passdb backend to provide SMB access to LDAP users. This feature requires the presence of Samba LDAP schema extensions on the remote LDAP server. """ verrors = ValidationErrors() must_reload = False old = await self.config() new = old.copy() new.update(data) new['uri_list'] = await self.hostnames_to_uris(new) await self.common_validate(new, old, verrors) verrors.check() if old != new: must_reload = True if new['enable']: try: await'ldap.ldap_validate', new) except Exception as e: raise ValidationError('ldap_update', str(e)) await self.ldap_compress(new) await 'datastore.update', 'directoryservice.ldap', old['id'], new, {'prefix': 'ldap_'} ) if must_reload: if new['enable']: await'ldap.start') else: await'ldap.stop') return await self.config() @private def port_is_listening(self, host, port, timeout=1): ret = False try: ipaddress.IPv6Address(host) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except ipaddress.AddressValueError: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if timeout: s.settimeout(timeout) try: s.connect((host, port)) ret = True except Exception as e: raise CallError(e) finally: s.close() return ret @private def validate_credentials(self, ldap=None): ret = False if ldap is None: ldap = self.middleware.call_sync('ldap.config') with LDAPQuery(conf=ldap, logger=self.logger, hosts=ldap['uri_list']) as LDAP: ret = LDAP.validate_credentials() return ret @private def get_samba_domains(self, ldap=None): ret = [] if ldap is None: ldap = self.middleware.call_sync('ldap.config') with LDAPQuery(conf=ldap, logger=self.logger, hosts=ldap['uri_list']) as LDAP: ret = LDAP.get_samba_domains() return ret @private def get_root_DSE(self, ldap=None): """ root DSE is defined in RFC4512, and must include the following: `namingContexts` naming contexts held in the LDAP sever `subschemaSubentry` subschema entries known by the LDAP server `altServer` alternative servers in case this one is unavailable `supportedExtension` list of supported extended operations `supportedControl` list of supported controls `supportedSASLMechnaisms` recognized Simple Authentication and Security layers (SASL) [RFC4422] mechanisms. `supportedLDAPVersion` LDAP versions implemented by the LDAP server In practice, this full data is not returned from many LDAP servers """ ret = [] if ldap is None: ldap = self.middleware.call_sync('ldap.config') with LDAPQuery(conf=ldap, logger=self.logger, hosts=ldap['uri_list']) as LDAP: ret = LDAP.get_root_DSE() return ret @private def get_dn(self, dn=None, ldap=None): """ Outputs contents of specified DN in JSON. By default will target the basedn. """ ret = [] if ldap is None: ldap = self.middleware.call_sync('ldap.config') if dn is None: dn = ldap['basedn'] with LDAPQuery(conf=ldap, logger=self.logger, hosts=ldap['uri_list']) as LDAP: ret = LDAP.get_dn(dn) return ret @private async def started(self): """ Returns False if disabled, True if healthy, raises exception if faulted. """ verrors = ValidationErrors() ldap = await self.config() if not ldap['enable']: return False await self.common_validate(ldap, ldap, verrors) try: verrors.check() except Exception: await 'datastore.update', 'directoryservice.ldap', ldap['id'], {'ldap_enable': False} ) raise CallError('Automatically disabling LDAP service due to invalid configuration.', errno.EINVAL) try: await asyncio.wait_for('ldap.get_root_DSE', ldap), timeout=ldap['timeout']) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise CallError(f'LDAP status check timed out after {ldap["timeout"]} seconds.', errno.ETIMEDOUT) except Exception as e: raise CallError(e) return True @private async def get_workgroup(self, ldap=None): ret = None smb = await'smb.config') if ldap is None: ldap = await self.config() try: ret = await asyncio.wait_for('ldap.get_samba_domains', ldap), timeout=ldap['timeout']) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise CallError(f'ldap.get_workgroup timed out after {ldap["timeout"]} seconds.', errno.ETIMEDOUT) if len(ret) > 1: raise CallError(f'Multiple Samba Domains detected in LDAP environment: {ret}', errno.EINVAL) ret = ret[0]['data']['sambaDomainName'][0] if ret else [] if ret and smb['workgroup'] != ret: self.logger.debug(f'Updating SMB workgroup to match the LDAP domain name [{ret}]') await'datastore.update', 'services.cifs', smb['id'], {'cifs_srv_workgroup': ret}) return ret @private async def set_state(self, state): return await'directoryservices.set_state', {'ldap':}) @accepts() async def get_state(self): """ Wrapper function for 'directoryservices.get_state'. Returns only the state of the LDAP service. """ return (await'directoryservices.get_state'))['ldap'] @private def get_nslcd_status(self): """ Returns internal nslcd state. nslcd will preferentially use the first LDAP server, and only failover if the current LDAP server is unreachable. """ with NslcdClient(NlscdConst.NSLCD_ACTION_STATE_GET.value) as ctx: while ctx.get_response() == NlscdConst.NSLCD_RESULT_BEGIN.value: nslcd_status = ctx.read_string() return nslcd_status @private async def nslcd_cmd(self, cmd): nslcd = await run(['service', 'nslcd', cmd], check=False) if nslcd.returncode != 0: raise CallError(f'nslcd failed to {cmd} with errror: {nslcd.stderr.decode()}', errno.EFAULT) @private async def nslcd_status(self): nslcd = await run(['service', 'nslcd', 'onestatus'], check=False) return True if nslcd.returncode == 0 else False @private async def start(self): """ Refuse to start service if the service is alreading in process of starting or stopping. If state is 'HEALTHY' or 'FAULTED', then stop the service first before restarting it to ensure that the service begins in a clean state. """ ldap = await self.config() ldap_state = await'ldap.get_state') if ldap_state in ['LEAVING', 'JOINING']: raise CallError(f'LDAP state is [{ldap_state}]. Please wait until directory service operation completes.', errno.EBUSY) await'datastore.update', self._config.datastore, ldap['id'], {'ldap_enable': True}) if ldap['kerberos_realm']: await'kerberos.start') await'etc.generate', 'rc') await'etc.generate', 'nss') await'etc.generate', 'ldap') await'etc.generate', 'pam') has_samba_schema = True if (await'ldap.get_workgroup')) else False if not await self.nslcd_status(): await self.nslcd_cmd('onestart') else: await self.nslcd_cmd('onerestart') if has_samba_schema: await'etc.generate', 'smb') await'smb.store_ldap_admin_password') await'service.restart', 'cifs') await self.set_state(DSStatus['HEALTHY']) await'ldap.fill_cache') @private async def stop(self): ldap = await self.config() await'datastore.update', self._config.datastore, ldap['id'], {'ldap_enable': False}) await self.set_state(DSStatus['LEAVING']) await'etc.generate', 'rc') await'etc.generate', 'nss') await'etc.generate', 'ldap') await'etc.generate', 'pam') if ldap['has_samba_schema']: await'etc.generate', 'smb') await'service.restart', 'cifs') await'cache.pop', 'LDAP_cache') await self.nslcd_cmd('onestop') await self.set_state(DSStatus['DISABLED']) @private @job(lock='fill_ldap_cache') def fill_cache(self, job, force=False): user_next_index = group_next_index = 100000000 cache_data = {'users': {}, 'groups': {}} if self.middleware.call_sync('cache.has_key', 'LDAP_cache') and not force: raise CallError('LDAP cache already exists. Refusing to generate cache.') self.middleware.call_sync('cache.pop', 'LDAP_cache') if (self.middleware.call_sync('ldap.config'))['disable_freenas_cache']: self.middleware.call_sync('cache.put', 'LDAP_cache', cache_data) self.logger.debug('LDAP cache is disabled. Bypassing cache fill.') return pwd_list = pwd.getpwall() grp_list = grp.getgrall() local_uid_list = list(u['uid'] for u in self.middleware.call_sync('user.query')) local_gid_list = list(g['gid'] for g in self.middleware.call_sync('group.query')) for u in pwd_list: is_local_user = True if u.pw_uid in local_uid_list else False if is_local_user: continue cache_data['users'].update({u.pw_name: { 'id': user_next_index, 'uid': u.pw_uid, 'username': u.pw_name, 'unixhash': None, 'smbhash': None, 'group': {}, 'home': '', 'shell': '', 'full_name': u.pw_gecos, 'builtin': False, 'email': '', 'password_disabled': False, 'locked': False, 'sudo': False, 'microsoft_account': False, 'attributes': {}, 'groups': [], 'sshpubkey': None, 'local': False }}) user_next_index += 1 for g in grp_list: is_local_user = True if g.gr_gid in local_gid_list else False if is_local_user: continue cache_data['groups'].update({g.gr_name: { 'id': group_next_index, 'gid': g.gr_gid, 'group': g.gr_name, 'builtin': False, 'sudo': False, 'users': [], 'local': False }}) group_next_index += 1 self.middleware.call_sync('cache.put', 'LDAP_cache', cache_data) self.middleware.call_sync('dscache.backup') @private async def get_cache(self): if not await'cache.has_key', 'LDAP_cache'): await'ldap.fill_cache') self.logger.debug('cache fill is in progress.') return {'users': {}, 'groups': {}} return await'cache.get', 'LDAP_cache')