Part name = "GT_TROOP_POD" description = "GT_TROOP_POD_DESC" class = Troops capacity = 2 mountableSlotTypes = [External Internal] buildcost = 3 * [[FLEET_UPKEEP_MULTIPLICATOR]] buildtime = 1 tags = "COMFORTABLE" location = And [ OwnedBy empire = Source.Owner Not HasTag name = "NO_ATTACKTROOPS" Troops low = 2 ] // consumption = Troops consumption = 1 condition = Source icon = "icons/ship_parts/troops.png" Part name = "GT_TROOP_POD_2" description = "GT_TROOP_POD_2_DESC" class = Troops capacity = 4 mountableSlotTypes = [External Internal] buildcost = 6 * [[FLEET_UPKEEP_MULTIPLICATOR]] buildtime = 1 location = And [ OwnedBy empire = Source.Owner Not HasTag name = "NO_ATTACKTROOPS" Troops low = 4 ] // consumption = Troops consumption = 2 condition = Source icon = "icons/meter/rebels.png" #include "../common/shared.macros"