#!/bin/tcsh -f # # dmri_bids_config # # Generate a TRACULA configuration file from BIDS-formatted diffusion MRI data # # BIDS MRI specification: # https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/04-modality-specific-files/01-magnetic-resonance-imaging-data.html # # Example DWI dataset: # https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000206/versions/1.0.0 # # # Original Author: Anastasia Yendiki # # Copyright © 2021 The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA) "MGH" # # Terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and contribution # are found in the 'FreeSurfer Software License Agreement' contained # in the file 'LICENSE' found in the FreeSurfer distribution, and here: # # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferSoftwareLicense # # Reporting: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # # set VERSION = 'dmri_bids_config @FS_VERSION@'; set inputargs = ($argv); set PWDCMD = `getpwdcmd`; set inroot = (); set RCF = (); set FSGD = (); set fsdir = (); set trdir = (); set acq = (); set n = `echo $argv | grep version | wc -l` if($n != 0) then echo $VERSION exit 0; endif if($#argv == 0) then goto usage_exit; exit 1; endif source $FREESURFER_HOME/sources.csh goto parse_args; parse_args_return: goto check_params; check_params_return: # Find all subjects in the input BIDS dataset set subjids = `cd $inroot; echo sub-*` if ($#subjids == 0) then echo "WARN: No subjects found in $inroot" endif set dcmroot = `cd $inroot; pwd` set subjlist = () set baselist = () set dcmlist = () set bveclist = () set bvallist = () set b0mlist = () set b0plist = () set dTE = () set echospacing = () set pedir = () set epifactor = () foreach subj ($subjids) echo "INFO: Parsing subject $subj" # Find all sessions with diffusion MRI scans for this subject if (-d $inroot/$subj/dwi) then # Single session set dwilist = dwi else set seslist = `cd $inroot/$subj; echo ses-*` set dwilist = () foreach ses ($seslist) if (-d $inroot/$subj/$ses/dwi) then # Multiple sessions set dwilist = ($dwilist $ses/dwi) endif end endif if ($#dwilist == 0) then echo "WARN: No DWI scans found for subject $subj" endif foreach dwi ($dwilist) if ($#acq > 0) then set scanlist = `cd $inroot/$subj/$dwi; echo *_acq-${acq}_run-*_dwi.nii*` else set scanlist = `cd $inroot/$subj/$dwi; echo *_run-*_dwi.nii*` endif if ($#scanlist == 0) then if ($#acq > 0) then echo "WARN: No DWI volumes found in $inroot/$subj/$dwi with acq-$acq" else echo "WARN: No DWI volumes found in $inroot/$subj/$dwi" endif endif if ($dwi == dwi) then set ses = () else set ses = `echo $dwi | sed 's/\/dwi$//'` endif foreach scan ($scanlist) # List of subjects (or time-points and subjects) if ($#ses == 0) then set subjlist = ($subjlist $subj) else set subjlist = ($subjlist $ses) endif set baselist = ($baselist $subj) # List of input DWI scans set dcmlist = ($dcmlist $subj/$dwi/$scan) # List of input gradient tables set fname = `echo $scan | awk -v FS=.nii '{print $1}'`.bvec if (! -e $inroot/$subj/$dwi/$fname) then echo "ERROR: Missing $inroot/$subj/$dwi/$fname" exit 1; endif set bveclist = ($bveclist $subj/$dwi/$fname) # List of input b-value tables set fname = `echo $scan | awk -v FS=.nii '{print $1}'`.bval if (! -e $inroot/$subj/$dwi/$fname) then echo "ERROR: Missing $inroot/$subj/$dwi/$fname" exit 1; endif set bvallist = ($bvallist $subj/$dwi/$fname) # Information needed to correct for B0 inhomogeneity distortions set fname = `echo $scan | awk -v FS=.nii '{print $1}'`.json set json = $inroot/$subj/$dwi/$fname if (! -e $json) continue set esp = `awk '$1~/"EffectiveEchoSpacing":/ {print $2}' $json` set esp = `echo $esp | sed 's/,$//'` set echospacing = ($echospacing $esp) set ped = `awk '$1~/"PhaseEncodingDirection":/ {print $2}' $json` set ped = `echo $ped | sed 's/,$//'` if ($#ped) then set dim = `echo $ped | awk '{if ($0~/i/) print 1; \ if ($0~/j/) print 2; \ if ($0~/k/) print 3'}` set sgn = `echo $ped | awk '{if ($0~/-/) {print -1} \ else print 1'}` set orient = `mri_info --orientation $inroot/$subj/$dwi/$scan` set orient = $orient[$#orient] set pemax = `echo $orient | awk -v dim=$dim '{print substr($0,dim,1)}'` set pemin = `echo $pemax | awk '{if ($0~/L/) print "R"; \ if ($0~/R/) print "L"; \ if ($0~/A/) print "P"; \ if ($0~/P/) print "A"; \ if ($0~/S/) print "I"; \ if ($0~/I/) print "S"'}` if ($sgn == 1) then set ped = $pemin$pemax else set ped = $pemax$pemin endif set pedir = ($pedir $ped) endif set rot = `awk '$1~/"TotalReadoutTime":/ {print $2}' $json` set rot = `echo $rot | sed 's/,$//'` if ($#esp && $#rot) then set epif = `echo "$rot / ($esp * .001) + 1" | bc -l` set epifactor = ($epifactor $epif) endif # Check if a separate field map scan was acquired in this session set fmap = `echo $dwi | sed 's/dwi$/fmap/'` if (! -d $inroot/$subj/$fmap) continue # Check if there is a specific field map intended for this DWI scan set flist = () foreach json (`cd $inroot/$subj/$fmap; echo *.json`) grep -q \"$dwi/$scan\" $inroot/$subj/$fmap/$json if (! $status) then set fname = `echo $json | sed 's/json$/nii/'` set fname = `cd $inroot/$subj/$fmap; echo $fname*` set flist = ($flist $fname) endif end # If not, use the first available field map if ($#flist == 0) then set flist = (`cd $inroot/$subj/$fmap; echo *.nii.gz *.nii`) endif # Check if there is a phase difference volume set pname = `printf '%s\n' $flist | awk '{if ($0~/phasediff.nii/) print}'` if ($#pname) then # Find a corresponding magnitude volume set stem = `echo $pname | awk -v FS=_phasediff.nii '{print $1}'` set mname = `cd $inroot/$subj/$fmap; echo ${stem}_magnitude[12].nii*` if ($#mname) then set mname = $mname[1] set json = `echo $pname | awk -v FS=.nii '{print $1}'`.json set json = $inroot/$subj/$fmap/$json if (-e $json) then set te1 = `awk '$1~/"EchoTime1":/ {print $2}' $json` set te1 = `echo $te1 | sed 's/,$//'` set te2 = `awk '$1~/"EchoTime2":/ {print $2}' $json` set te2 = `echo $te2 | sed 's/,$//'` if ($#te1 && $#te2) then set tediff = `echo "$te2 - $te1" | bc -l | sed 's/-//'` set dTE = ($dTE $tediff) set b0mlist = ($b0mlist $subj/$fmap/$mname) set b0plist = ($b0plist $subj/$fmap/$pname) continue endif endif endif endif # Check if there are two phase volumes set pname1 = `printf '%s\n' $flist | awk '{if ($0~/phase1.nii/) print}'` set pname2 = `printf '%s\n' $flist | awk '{if ($0~/phase2.nii/) print}'` if ($#pname1 && $#pname2) then # Find a corresponding magnitude volume set stem = `echo $pname1 | awk -v FS=_phase1.nii '{print $1}'` set mname = `cd $inroot/$subj/$fmap; echo ${stem}_magnitude[12].nii*` if ($#mname) then set mname = $mname[1] set json = `echo $pname1 | awk -v FS=.nii '{print $1}'`.json set json = $inroot/$subj/$fmap/$json set te1 = () if (-e $json) then set te1 = `awk '$1~/"EchoTime":/ {print $2}' $json` set te1 = `echo $te1 | sed 's/,$//'` endif set json = `echo $pname2 | awk -v FS=.nii '{print $1}'`.json set json = $inroot/$subj/$fmap/$json set te2 = () if (-e $json) then set te2 = `awk '$1~/"EchoTime":/ {print $2}' $json` set te2 = `echo $te2 | sed 's/,$//'` endif if ($#te1 && $#te2) then # Concatenate the two phase volumes and save under derivatives set deriv = derivatives/freesurfer mkdir -p $inroot/$deriv/$subj/$fmap set pname = ${stem}_phase12.nii.gz set cmd = mri_concat set cmd = ($cmd --i $inroot/$subj/$fmap/$pname1) set cmd = ($cmd $inroot/$subj/$fmap/$pname2) set cmd = ($cmd --o $inroot/$deriv/$subj/$fmap/$pname) echo $cmd $cmd set tediff = `echo "$te2 - $te1" | bc -l | sed 's/-//'` set dTE = ($dTE $tediff) set b0mlist = ($b0mlist $subj/$fmap/$mname) set b0plist = ($b0plist $deriv/$subj/$fmap/$pname) endif endif endif end end end if (`printf '%s\n' $dTE | sort --unique | wc -w` == 1) then set dTE = $dTE[1] endif if (`printf '%s\n' $echospacing | sort --unique | wc -w` == 1) then set echospacing = $echospacing[1] endif if (`printf '%s\n' $pedir | sort --unique | wc -w` == 1) then set pedir = $pedir[1] endif if (`printf '%s\n' $epifactor | sort --unique | wc -w` == 1) then set epifactor = $epifactor[1] endif # Is this a cross-sectional study? set subjids = `printf '%s\n' $baselist | sort --unique` set sesids = `printf '%s\n' $subjlist | sort --unique` if ($#subjids == $#sesids) then set baselist = () echo "INFO: This is a cross-sectional study (one session per subject)" echo "INFO: Found $#subjlist DWI scans, $#subjids subjects" else echo "INFO: This is a longitudinal study (multiple sessions per subject)" echo "INFO: Found $#subjlist DWI scans, $#sesids sessions, $#subjids subjects" endif if ($#RCF) then echo "INFO: Writing TRACULA config file $RCF" echo "# TRACULA configuration file created by dmri_bids_config" > $RCF echo >> $RCF echo "# FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR" >> $RCF echo "# Outputs of recon-all are expected to be here" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $fsdir" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF if ($#trdir) then echo "# TRACULA output directory" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set dtroot = ($trdir)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif echo "# Subject IDs" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set subjlist = ($subjlist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF if ($#baselist) then echo "# Longitudinal base template subject IDs" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set baselist = ($baselist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif echo "# Input DWI volumes (file names relative to dcmroot)" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set dcmroot = ($dcmroot)" >> $RCF echo "set dcmlist = ($dcmlist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF echo "# Input gradient tables (file names relative to dcmroot)" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set bveclist = ($bveclist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF echo "# Input b-value tables (file names relative to dcmroot)" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set bvallist = ($bvallist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF if ($#b0mlist) then echo "# Input B0 field map magnitude volumes" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set b0mlist = ($b0mlist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif if ($#b0plist) then echo "# Input B0 field map phase volumes" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set b0plist = ($b0plist)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif if ($#dTE) then echo "# Field mapping TE difference" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set dTE = ($dTE)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif if ($#echospacing) then echo "# Echo spacing" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set echospacing = ($echospacing)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif if ($#pedir) then echo "# Phase-encode direction" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set pedir = ($pedir)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif if ($#epifactor) then echo "# EPI factor" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set epifactor = ($epifactor)" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif if ($#pedir && $#epifactor && ($#pedir > 1 || $#epifactor > 1)) then echo "# Correct B0 inhomogeneity distortions with topup" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set dob0 = 2" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF else if ($#b0mlist && $#b0plist && $#echospacing && $#dTE) then echo "# Correct B0 inhomogeneity distortions with field maps" >> $RCF echo "#" >> $RCF echo "set dob0 = 1" >> $RCF echo >> $RCF endif echo "# For more options that you can set in this file, see:" >> $RCF echo "# https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/dmrirc" >> $RCF endif # Convert BIDS participants to FSGD if (-e $inroot/participants.tsv) then echo "INFO: Parsing $inroot/participants.tsv" set varlist = `awk 'NR==1' $inroot/participants.tsv` set nrec = `awk 'NR>1' $inroot/participants.tsv | wc -l` # Find discrete v. continous variables set idisc = () set icont = () set contvars = () @ ivar = 2 while ($ivar <= $#varlist) set nalpha = `awk -v ivar=$ivar \ '{if (NR > 1 && $ivar ~ /[a-zA-Z]/) print $ivar}' \ $inroot/participants.tsv | wc -l` if ($nalpha == $nrec) then set idisc = ($idisc $ivar) else set icont = ($icont $ivar) set contvars = ($contvars $varlist[$ivar]) endif @ ivar = $ivar + 1 end set classids = () foreach subj ($subjids) set values = `grep "^${subj}[ ]" $inroot/participants.tsv` set class = () foreach ivar ($idisc) set class = ${class}$values[$ivar] end set classids = ($classids $class) end echo "INFO: Writing FreeSurfer Group Descriptor (FSGD) file $FSGD" echo "GroupDescriptorFile 1" > $FSGD echo "Title "`basename $inroot` >> $FSGD foreach class (`printf '%s\n' $classids | sort --unique`) echo "Class $class" >> $FSGD end echo "Variables $contvars" >> $FSGD @ isubj = 1 while ($isubj <= $#subjids) set subj = $subjids[$isubj] set class = $classids[$isubj] set values = `grep "^${subj}[ ]" $inroot/participants.tsv` set cvalues = () foreach ivar ($icont) set cvalues = (${cvalues} $values[$ivar]) end echo "Input $subj $class $cvalues" >> $FSGD @ isubj = $isubj + 1 end else echo "INFO: No participants.tsv file found in $inroot" endif echo "Done" exit 0; ############--------------################## parse_args: set cmdline = ($argv); while( $#argv != 0 ) set flag = $argv[1]; shift; switch($flag) case "--in" if ($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set inroot = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $inroot) then echo "ERROR: $inroot does not exist" exit 1; endif if(! -d $inroot) then echo "ERROR: $inroot is not a directory" exit 1; endif if(! -e $inroot/dataset_description.json) then echo "ERROR: $inroot does not appear to be a top-level BIDS directory" echo "ERROR: (no dataset_description.json file found)" exit 1; endif breaksw case "--c" if ($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set RCF = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--f" if ($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set FSGD = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--fsdir" if ($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fsdir = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--trdir" if ($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set trdir = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--acq" if ($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set acq = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-verbose": set verbose = 1; breaksw case "-echo": set echo = 1; breaksw case "-debug": set verbose = 1; set echo = 1; breaksw default: echo "ERROR: $flag not regocnized" exit 1; breaksw endsw end goto parse_args_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## check_params: if(! $#inroot) then echo "ERROR: must specify input BIDS directory" exit 1; endif if(! $#RCF && ! $#FSGD) then echo "ERROR: must specify an output (TRACULA config file or FSGD file)" exit 1; endif if ($#RCF && ! $#FSGD) then set FSGD = $RCF.fsgd endif if (-e $RCF) mv -f $RCF $RCF.orig if (-e $FSGD) mv -f $FSGD $FSGD.orig if(! $#fsdir) then if(! $?SUBJECTS_DIR) then echo "ERROR: must specify FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR" exit 1; else set fsdir = $SUBJECTS_DIR endif endif goto check_params_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg1err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires one argument" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## usage_exit: echo "" echo "USAGE: dmri_bids_config" echo "" echo "Required arguments" echo " --in <directory>:" echo " Path to the input data (the top-level BIDS directory for the" echo " study, not a single subject or session directory)" echo "" echo "At least one of the following two arguments is required" echo " --c <file>:" echo " Output TRACULA configuration file" echo " --f <file>:" echo " Output FSGD file (default: append .fsgd to the argument of --c)" echo "" echo "Optional arguments" echo " --fsdir <directory>:" echo " FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR for this study" echo " (Must be specified, either here or with: setenv SUBJECTS_DIR ...)" echo " --trdir <directory>:" echo " Output TRACULA directory for this study" echo " (If not specified, TRACULA will use the FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR)" echo " --acq <name>:" echo " Only use diffusion MRI scans collected with this acquisition" echo " (The name of the NIfTI volumes in BIDS must include the string" echo " acq- followed by this name)" echo "" exit 1;