No longer updated. This is a list trying to showcase at least some of the US police brutality and misconduct during the George Floyd protests. Count in the list: 299. Video achieve available. If you’d like to contribute please visit [/r/2020PoliceBrutality]( Quick notes: ‘shot’ here does NOT mean with “live ammo” unless specified as such. “Shot” simply means that a gun was fired, ‘gassed’ means that some sort of gas was used, and “spray” means pepper spray or mace. “Real gun” denotes what looks to be like one, I’m not an expert. ‘Reporter’ is used as an umbrella term. “Law enforcement” is used as an umbrella term. Finally, understand that these videos are only snippets of what is happening and there can always be more context that we are not aware of from watching. If you are a constituent of any of these areas do your part and contact government / police / news to investigate these incidents. Other resources: • [GeorgeFloyd Protest - police brutality videos on Twitter](*R-ESfwVIHLiLqRGD6GuLMQ#) • [Police Abuse of Power Instances]( • [/r/2020PoliceBrutality]( and [github]( ____________________ >**Alabama** Huntsville, law enforcement step on woman that fell as a result of them pushing protesters. [Twitter]( Huntsville, law enforcement officer casually walking around randomly spraying people. [Tweet]( Huntsville, law enforcement gas crowd and reporters and bloc their path away from the gas. [Tweet]( >**Arizona** Phoenix, law enforcement arrest man walking home, ‘scream stop resisting’ and he calmly replies ‘I’m not’. [Tweet]( >**Arkansas** Bentonville, law enforcement gas a crowd chanting “we want peace”. [Tweet angle 1]( ) - [Tweet angle 2]( – [Tweet angle 3]( Little Rock, law enforcement shoot at and gas kneeling protesters. [Tweet angle 1]( - [Tweet angle 2]( >**California** Clayton, law enforcement gas kids at a park. [Tweet angle 1]( – [Tweet angle 2]( Compton, law enforcement beat a man during an arrest, seemingly first check if anyone is watching. [Reddit]( Costa Mesa, law enforcement concealing badge. [Reddit]( El Centro, law enforcement points guns at residents in their apartments. [Tweet angle 1]( – [Tweet angle 2]( Hollywood, law enforcement arrest people walking, you can hear on the radio “You should not be driving past anybody, stop and take somebody into custody”. [Tweet]( Huntington Beach, law enforcement fire at protesters laying on the ground chanting. [Tweet]( La Mesa, law enforcement shoot woman in the face. [Tweet]( La Mesa, law enforcement shoot and throw tear gas at protesters. [Tweet]( Long Beach, law enforcement shot reporter in the throat. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement almost drives over a man. [Tweet angle 1]( - [Reddit angle 2]( Los Angeles, law enforcement shoots rubber bullets at people watching from apartment [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement initiate physical violence then start gassing protesters. [Tweet -1]( - [Tweet – 2 longer]( – [Reddit – angle 2]( Los Angeles, law enforcement shot at a man on his own balcony. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement shot a man in the head. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement beat protesters for no apparent reason. [Tweet angle 1]( – [Tweet angle 2]( Los Angeles, law enforcement beat protesters for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement gassed ABC7 reporters. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement drive-by shoot at teenagers. [Reddit]( ) Los Angeles, law enforcement destroy stopped car’s windows and arrest passengers. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement block road and start arresting people seemingly at random. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement shot woman in the head. [Tweet]( Los Angeles, law enforcement shoot homeless man, not part of the protests, in the face. [Reddit]( – [Facebook]( – [Tweet]( Oakland, law enforcement shoot a reporter. [Tweet]( Oakland, law enforcement seize face masks intended for protesters. [Tweet]( – [Article]( Riverside, law enforcement break a car window for no apparent reason. [Reddit]( Sacramento, law enforcement shoot protester in the head. [Tweet]( Sacramento, law enforcement shoot protesters and THEN announce their assembly unlawful. [Facebook]( Santa Ana, law enforcement fire upon protesters when one of them is injured on the ground. [Tweet]( San Diego, law enforcement kettle protesters into other law enforcement officers and they open fire. [Tweet]( San Diego, law enforcement gas protesters playing music. [Tweet]( San Diego, law enforcement arrest protesters walking home, throw them in unmarked vehicles, refuse to tell anyone where the arrested are being taken, say ‘You follow us and you will get shot’ [Reddit]( San Jose, law enforcement enjoying himself. [Reddit]( San Jose, the same law enforcement officer from above shooting at a man for saying "fuck you". [Reddit]( San Jose, law enforcement rams a protester with a motorbike. [Tweet]( San Luis Obispo, law enforcement fire on crowd with their arms up chanting. [Tweet]( San Francisco, law enforcement shove man off the sidewalk onto the ground. [Tweet]( Walnut Creek, law enforcement gas seemingly peaceful protesters. [Tweet]( Walnut Creek, law enforcement ‘if you don’t move, you will be dead’ [Tweet]( >**Colorado** Colorado Springs, law enforcement smash man’s head against the pavement then repeatedly punch him. [Article]( Denver, law enforcement shoves reporters into fire. [Tweet]( – [Youtube]( Denver, law enforcement shoot at a man and pregnant woman in their car. [Reddit]( Denver, law enforcement shoot at reporters. [Tweet]( Denver, law enforcement spray man recording form his car. [Tweet]( Denver, law enforcement shoot at person filming for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Denver, law enforcement shoot at reporter standing on the sidewalk. [Youtube]( Denver, law enforcement gas protesters at a park. [Tweet]( Denver, law enforcement shot at reporter. [Instagram]( Denver, law enforcement shot a member of the Denver “Use of Force committee”. [Tweet]( Denver, law enforcement throw a grenade at a kid, it explodes inches form his head. Lost consciousness, lost hearing. [Reddit]( >**Florida** Fort Lauderdale, law enforcement shove woman that is on her knees. [Tweet]( Fort Lauderdale, law enforcement shoot woman in the head, fractured her skull. [Article / Video]( Miami, law enforcement arrest a man for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Orlando, law enforcement trap people trying to leave before curfew. [Tweet]( Orlando, law enforcement spray a protester seemingly at random. [Tweet]( Orlando, law enforcement covering body cam with his hand. [Tweet]( Orlando, law enforcement spray crowd. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement starts shooting at protesters because they asked why are they being shot. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement shoot at peaceful protesters and medics providing first aid to a woman shot in the head. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement shoot a medic providing aid. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement shoot man in the head. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement shoot at peaceful protesters running away. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement shoot peaceful protesters even as they are running away. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement shoot peaceful protesters. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement spray man in the face for kneeling in front of them. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement spray people for filming arrest. [Tweet]( Tampa, law enforcement spray people for filming the same arrest. [Tweet]( >**Georgia** Atlanta, law enforcement shoves people with his bike. [Tweet]( Atlanta, law enforcement taze a man and a woman in their car. [Tweet]( Atlanta, law enforcement beat a man already on the ground then tackle a woman. [Tweet]( Atlanta, law enforcement arrest reporter on air. [Tweet]( >**Illinois** Chicago, law enforcement repeatedly hitting protesters with batons. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement spray reporter. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement beat a person in the parking lot near his car. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement harass a man and swing at his bike. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement officer starts beating on a man on the ground. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement officer converse badge number. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement officers all remove their badges, reportedly started attacking protests soon after. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement officers harass protesters going home, one screaming ‘who did this to my face’. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement officers hide badge numbers, names, don’t have body cams. [Tweet]( Chicago, law enforcement officer flips off protesters. [Tweet]( – [Tweet 2]( Chicago, law enforcement beat Police Board President. [Article]( Joliet, law enforcement arrests protesters leaving. [Youtube]( Streamwood, law enforcement arrests come knocking on doors because they saw a social media post planning a peaceful protest. [Tweet]( >**Indiana** Fort Wayne, law enforcement used tear gas on crowd for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Fort Wayne, law enforcement shoot a man’s eye out. [Tweet]( Fort Wayne, law enforcement spray a person for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Indianapolis, law enforcement beat and shove two women. [Reddit]( – [Tweet]( >**Iowa** Des Moines, law enforcement arrest reporter. [Tweet]( Des Moines, law enforcement spray reporter that is constantly saying she’s a reporter. [Tweet]( Des Moines, law enforcement arrest residents in the elevator of their apartment complex, one carrying a child. [Tweet]( Des Moines, law enforcement raid bar and arrest people providing first aid. [Twitter]( – [Facebook]( Iowa City, law enforcement gas crowd chanting ‘don’t shoot’. [Tweet]( >**Kentucky** Louisville, law enforcement destroy supplies for peaceful protestors. [Reddit]( Louisville, law enforcement shoots at a reporter while live. [Tweet]( - [Reddit]( Louisville, law enforcement shot a man DEAD (David McAtee). [Article / Video]( Louisville, law enforcement swarm and beat a man screaming on the ground. [Reddit]( Louisville, law enforcement shot child in the eye. [Tweet]( Louisville, law enforcement start shooting at cars in traffic. [Tweet]( Louisville, law enforcement shoot at peaceful marchers. [Reddit]( >**Maryland** Prince George County, law enforcement beat a man on the ground. [Youtube]( >**Massachusetts** Boston, law enforcement beat a man for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Boston, law enforcement destroy protester’s sign ( private property ) [Tweet]( >**Michigan** Detroit, law enforcement shove a man to the ground. [Tweet]( Detroit, law enforcement beat protesters. [Tweet]( Detroit, law enforcement sprays reporter holding badge. [Tweet]( Grand Rapids, law enforcement fire flare at a man’s face. [Reddit]( – [Article]( Grand Rapids, law enforcement push and shove crowd. [Tweet angle 1]( [Tweet angle 2]( Kalamazoo, law enforcement shoot gas canisters at protesters laying down 5 feet away from them. [Tweet]( >**Minnesota** Minneapolis, law enforcement throw tear gas at crowd for no apparent reason. [Facebook]( Minneapolis, law enforcement fire on a crod as they say “don’t shoot” with arms in the air. [Facebook]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shout “light ‘em up” and fire rubber bullets at people sitting on their private property. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement sprays people while driving by. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement arresting a CNN reporter live. [Reddit]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot a reporter in the face and blind her with tracer rounds. [Tweet]( - [Reddit]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoots tear gas and rubber bullets at reporters. [Tweet describing]( - [Tweet showing bullet damage]( Minneapolis, law enforcement spray reporter while he’s face down on the ground. [Tweet Angle 1]( - [Tweet Angle 2]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot at a reporter’s car – injure him and break the window. [Tweet talking and showing cuts]( - [Tweet showing inside the car]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot at and arrest reporter. [Youtube]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot Reuters reporters with rubber bullets. [Article / video]( Minneapolis, law enforcement spray drive-by. [Reddit]( Minneapolis, law enforcement fired rubber bullets at CBC reporters. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot at CBS reporters. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement throws flash bang at reporters that are complying with orders. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot at CNA that was helping a bleeding man. [Reddit]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot and gas a medical tent. [Youtube, describing the event]( Minneapolis, law enforcement call reporters “the entire problem”. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement slash car tires. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shooting at and harassing DW reporters. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement shoot a reporter with a huge camera and a helmet labeled PRESS. [Tweet]( Minneapolis, law enforcement seemingly violate citizen’s 2nd amendment rights. [Facebook](¬if_id=1590031733032682¬if_t=group_activity) Minneapolis, law enforcement spray, gas, beat reporters clearly identified as such. [Tweet]( >**Missouri** Kansas City, law enforcement attempt to arrest a man leading the protest then spray the crowd. [Reddit]( - [Location](,-94.5882468,3a,75y,219.8h,93.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5H5h0Wa7QPedvhrfodas7g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US) Kansas City, law enforcement spray and arrest a man talking at them from 15 feet. [Tweet]( Kansas City, law enforcement spray man holding up a sign. [Tweet]( >**Nebraska** Lincoln, law enforcement arrest protesters for no apparent reason. [Article]( Omaha, law enforcement officer kicks protester already on the ground. [Tweet]( Omaha, law enforcement disrupt peaceful protest with gas and bullets. As protesters get out of their way, one officer shoves a woman to the ground. [Youtube]( >**Nevada** Las Vegas, law enforcement beating protesters. [Tweet]( Las Vegas, law enforcement drag and arrest a man trying to get to his car. [Instagram]( Las Vegas, law enforcement randomly get out of their car and start arresting peaceful protesters. [Tweet]( Las Vegas, law enforcement choke man, have badge taped. [Tweet]( >**New York** Buffalo, law enforcement shove an old man trying to return riot helmet, he hits his head and starts bleeding out on the ground. [Tweet angle 1]( [Tweet angle 2]( New York, law enforcement spray protesters for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement arrest a medic for no clear reason. [Reddit]( New York, law enforcement beat people with batons. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement bloody woman’s head. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement bloody a woman’s face. [Reddit]( New York, law enforcement kettle protesters before curfew, proceed to with violent arrests. [Tweet 1]( – [Tweet 2]( – [Tweet 3]( – [Tweet 4]( – [Tweet 5]( – [Tweet 6]( – [Tweet 7]( – [Tweet 8]( – [Tweet 9]( New York, law enforcement charge and tackle a man with his hands up giving an interview. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement driving into protestors. [Angle 1]( [Angle 2]( New York, law enforcement shoving a person to the ground towards metal trash bins. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement shoved a woman onto the pavement. [Tweet Angle 1]( - [Tweet Angle 2]( New York, law enforcement shoves a guy into a metal fence. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement rips mask and sprays a guy with his hands in the air. [Tweet]( - [Reddit]( New York, law enforcement drives by man and slams him with car door. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement attempts to run over a cyclist in a park after he seemingly threw something at the car. [Reddit]( New York, law enforcement continuously beat a protester on the ground [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement spray Senator. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement arrest a HuffPost reporter with press badge around his neck. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement push several people to the ground, drag one of them while on the ground. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement officer pulls out his pistol (‘real gun’) and aims at protesters. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement beat people on the street. [Article – video]( New York, law enforcement block off subway entrance before curfew. [Reddit]( New York, law enforcement toss a woman around (arrest) as she’s complying with orders to disperse. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement officer swings at a woman’s face. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement knock out a man by throwing him at a vehicle. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement use fake taxi to arrest protesters going home. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement beat on a man going home. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement walks up to a car and tells the driver to turn it off and give him the keys. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement stealing private property. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement beat and harass faith leaders authorized to be there. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement officers they are given orders to remove name tag and obscure badge number. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement spray man to death in his cell. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement beating on a guy walking away with his bike, asking ‘what did I do’ [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement arrest a man delivering food, exempt from curfew. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement arrest a person standing on their stoop. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement arrest a man that just got off work. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement harass press. [Tweet]( New York, law enforcement arrest man and woman on the stoop of their home. [Twitter](   New York, law enforcement attack a man asking why they are randomly arresting cyclists. [Tweet]( Rochester, law enforcement shoot people filming. [Tweet]( >**North Carolina** Asheville, law enforcement destroy water supplies of medics. [Tweet 1]( – [Tweet 2]( – [Tweet 3]( Charlotte, law enforcement kettle protesters then start shooting and gassing them. [Tweet]( Raleigh, law enforcement shoot and gas crowd. [Tweet]( Raleigh, law enforcement shoot at a crowd. [Tweet]( Raleigh, law enforcement shoot and throw a man to the ground as he is walking away from them. [Tweet]( Raleigh, law enforcement harass business owner providing first aid, scream ‘The game is over. Get out!‘ [Article]( – [Tweet]( Raleigh, law enforcement arrested man after he told the city council he will sue on behalf of protesters. [Article]( Wilmington law enforcement kneel in front of protesters, then when protesters cheerfully come closer they are met with gas. [Reddit angle 1]( – [Tweet angle 2]( >**North Dakota** Fargo, law enforcement Deputy Chief infiltrates process and attempts to incite violence. [Tweet]( Fargo, law enforcement randomly arrest a protester while letting others pass. [Tweet]( >**Ohio** Cleavland, law enforcement beat man trying to calm down the crowd. [Tweet]( Cleavland, law enforcement gas protesters chanting ‘don’t shoot’ [Tweet]( Cincinnati, law enforcement pulled down the US flag and put up the thin blue line flag. [Tweet]( Cincinnati, law enforcement denying a woman insulin, laughing during arrest. [Tweet]( Cincinnati, law enforcement arrested protesters and left them outside without food, water, shelter, or bathrooms for 10 hours. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement sprays woman walking away from him. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement spray photographer who is calmly standing on the curb. [Reddit]( - [Instagram]( Columbus, law enforcement shove and spray protesters. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement spray Congresswoman, City Council President, and County Commissioner during protest. [Youtube]( - [Tweet talking about it]( Columbus, law enforcement spray a medic showing her credentials. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement spray protesters for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement spray protesters that are sitting on the ground for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement shoot protesters standing 20 feet away from them. [Tweet]( Columbus, law enforcement spray protesters kneeling 15 feet away from them. [Tweet]( [Location](,-82.9910611,3a,75y,308.88h,84.65t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sxNAz8kuQ72YrZ6yBykgzxw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-US) Columbus, law enforcement spray and harass reporters. [Tweet 1]( – [Tweet 2]( Columbus, law enforcement destroy water supplies. [Tweet]( >**Oregon** Eugene, law enforcement shoot gas canister directly at a reporter. [Reddit]( Portland, law enforcement gas and beat protesters with batons before curfew. [Tweet]( Portland, law enforcement disperse protesters before curfew. [Tweet]( Portland, law enforcement spray paint people’s cars. [Tweet]( Portland, law enforcement seemingly gas a homeless camp then walk away. [Tweet]( Salem, law enforcement having a nice chat with armed vigilantes and request for them to stay in their cars so it doesn’t look like cops are playing favorites when they will start gassing protesters. [Tweet]( >**Pennsylvania** Harrisburg, law enforcement sprays people helping a man get up from the ground. [Tweet]( Erie, law enforcement sprays and kicks woman on the ground. [Tweet angle 1]( [Youtube angle 2]( Philadelphia, law enforcement hits a cooperating man as he exists his car. [Youtube]( Philadelphia, law enforcement beat man and forcefully put his fingers on their baton.[Tweet]( Philadelphia, law enforcement throwing gas at people trapped between police and a fence. [Twitter]( Philadelphia, law enforcement harassing reporter as he’s filming arrest. [Tweet]( Philadelphia, law enforcement with his badge taped. [Reddit]( Philadelphia, law enforcement gasses a residential street with no protesters in sight. [Tweet]( Philadelphia, law enforcement spray and shove protesters. [Tweet]( Philadelphia, law enforcement with professional language during arrest. [Tweet]( Philadelphia, law enforcement officer strikes woman to the head. [Tweet]( Pittsburgh, law enforcement gas peaceful protesters, spray a man on his keens. Allegedly attempt to intimidate woman that shared their misconduct. [Tweet 1]( – [Tweet 2]( – [Article]( >**South Carolina** Charleston, law enforcement take man into custody for peacefully speaking. [Reddit]( >**Tennessee** Memphis, law enforcement tackle a woman to the ground. [Tweet]( Nashville, law enforcement attempt to disperse protesters with false tornado warning. [Tweet]( Memphis, law enforcement shove a woman to the ground. [Facebook]( Murfreesboro, law enforcement throw tear gas at protesters protesting. [Tweet]( >**Texas** Austin, law enforcement shoot rubber bullets at protesters chanting “hands up don’t shoot”. [Tweet]( Austin, law enforcement spray a man in the face while he stands still ~3 feet away from them. [Reddti]( Austin, law enforcement shoot a pregnant woman, get her out and shoot the crowd again. [Tweet]( Austin, law enforcement shoot a pregnant woman. [Tweet]( Austin, law enforcement shoot a teen in the head and leave him lying on the ground. [Youtube angle 1]( – [Tweet angle 2]( Austin, law enforcement shoot a man in the head, critically injuring him, and then shoot at the people trying to bring him up to get help, injuring a volunteer medic [Article + Video]( Austin, law enforcement open fire at close range for being splashed with water. [Tweet]( Austin, law enforcement shoot man in the head. [Tweet]( Baytown, law enforcement beat and arrest a man for “cussing in public”. [Tweet]( Dallas, law enforcement shot a woman in the face, she was coming home with groceries. [Tweet]( Dallas, law enforcement laughing and singing “America Fuck Yeah”, 50 feet away from there a wounded person is being treated on the ground. [Tweet]( Dallas, law enforcement shoot a man’s eye. [Twitter]( – [Article]( Dallas, law enforcement shoot at peaceful protesters. [Tweet]( Dallas, law enforcement box protesters, proceed to shoot and gas the crowd. [Tweet]( f El Paso, law enforcement shooting and throwing gas at crowd. [Tweet]( Houston, law enforcement ran over a woman on his horse. [Tweet]( Houston, law enforcement shoved a woman onto the pavement. [Tweet]( Houston, law enforcement continuously beat a man on the ground then spray the man filming. [Tweet]( San Antonio, law enforcement shoots a man twice that isn’t doing anything. [Reddit]( San Antonio, law enforcement open fire, gas a crowd as a man is addressing the crowd. [Tweet]( >**Utah** Salt Lake City, law enforcement shoves old man with a walking cane to the ground. [Reddit]( Salt Lake City, law enforcement shoots man with a beanbag point-blank while he is on the ground. [Reddit]( Salt Lake City, law enforcement shoot at a peaceful protester point blank range. [Tweet]( >**Vermont** Saint Johnsbury, law enforcement shoves woman off the stairs. [Facebook]( >**Virginia** Manassas, law enforcement flash bang and gas a crowd and State Senator. [Tweet]( Richmond, law enforcement shoot at a man in his apartment. [Facebook]( Richmond, law enforcement spray women passing by for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Fredericksburg, law enforcement gas seemingly peaceful crowd. [Tweet]( Richmond, law enforcement stop a reporter’s car with real gun out. [Tweet]( Richmond, law enforcement gas crowd. [Tweet]( Richmond, law enforcement gas and shoot at protesters. [Tweet]( – [Tweet angle 2]( Richmond, law enforcement gas a park, one officer is seen sprinting to spray a protester’s face. [Tweet]( >**Washington** Seattle, law enforcement spray protestors without provocation. [Reddit]( Seattle, law enforcement spray young child. [Article / video]( - [Tweet aftermath]( Seattle, law enforcement continuously beats man on the ground. [Tweet]( Seattle, law enforcement destroying building glass after protests. [Tweet]( Seattle, law enforcement beat a person on the ground. [Tweet]( Seattle, law enforcement gas a crowd for no apparent reason. [Tweet]( Seattle, law enforcement arrests man because cop brushed against him. [Tweet]( Seattle, law enforcement yank a protester’s umbrella then start spraying the crowd. [Reddit angle 1]( – [Instagram angle 2]( Seattle, law enforcement hit MSNBC reporter with a gas canister on air. [Tweet]( – [Tweet, longer]( Seattle, law enforcement pep talk - 'don’t kill them, but hit them hard' [Tweet]( Spokane, law enforcement fire on peaceful protesters. [Tweet]( >**Washington, D.C.** D.C. , law enforcement attack camera crew. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement ping reporter and hit him with a baton. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement disperse a crowd, fire tear gas to let the president have a photo op. [Article + Video]( – [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement is seen with neatly packed bricks in their vehicle. [Reddit]( – [Youtube explanation]( D.C. , law enforcement throw tear gas a man’s house that is sheltering protesters on his private property. [Tweet talking about it]( – [Article]( D.C. , law enforcement spray reporters on air. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement leave about a grenade. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement gas seemingly peaceful crowd. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement throw grenade at a guy and it explodes on top of him. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement start shooting at a crowd near a fence. [Tweet]( D.C. , “ law enforcement “ (private security) falsely identify as “police”. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement telling voters to go home without voting. [Tweet]( D.C. , law enforcement charge a crowd, an officer strikes a protester’s head with a shield, blood starts gushing out of the man’s head. [Tweet]( >**Unknown Location** Law enforcement rush and hit protesters after they waved signs and blocked their gun sight view. [Gfycat]( Law enforcement shoots a guy twice for no apparent reason. [Reddit]( Law enforcement officers shoot two guys standing 100 feet away from them. [Tweet]( Law enforcement officer spits on man in custody. [Tweet]( Law enforcement cut off women’s blood circulation with zip ties. [Tweet]( Law enforcement randomly shooting into traffic. [Tweet](