--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2013 Patrick Grimm Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local bus = require "ubus" local string = require "string" local sys = require "luci.sys" local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state() local util = require "luci.util" local json = require "luci.json" local netm = require "luci.model.network" local sysinfo = luci.util.ubus("system", "info") or { } local boardinfo = luci.util.ubus("system", "board") or { } local table = require "table" local nixio = require "nixio" local ip = require "luci.ip" local ipairs, pairs, tonumber = ipairs, pairs, tonumber local dofile, _G = dofile, _G --- LuCI OWM-Library -- @cstyle instance module "luci.owm" -- backported from LuCI 0.11 and adapted form berlin-stats --- Returns the system type (in a compatible way to LuCI 0.11) -- @return String indicating this as an deprecated value -- (instead of the Chipset-type) -- @return String containing hardware model information -- (trimmed to router-model only) function sysinfo_for_kathleen020() local cpuinfo = nixio.fs.readfile("/proc/cpuinfo") local system = 'system is deprecated' local model = boardinfo['model'] or cpuinfo:match("machine\t+: ([^\n]+)") or cpuinfo:match("Hardware\t+: ([^\n]+)") or nixio.uname().machine or system return system, model end -- inspired by luci.version --- Returns the system version info build from /etc/openwrt_release --- switch from luci.version which always includes --- the revision in the "distversion" field and gives empty "distname" -- @ return the releasename -- (DISTRIB_ID + DISTRIB_CODENAME + DISTRIB_RELEASE) -- @ return the releaserevision -- (DISTRIB_REVISION) function get_version() local distname = "" local distrev = "" local version = {} dofile("/etc/openwrt_release") if _G.DISTRIB_ID then distname = _G.DISTRIB_ID .. " " end if _G.DISTRIB_CODENAME then distname = distname .. _G.DISTRIB_CODENAME .. " " end if _G.DISTRIB_RELEASE then distname = distname .. _G.DISTRIB_RELEASE end if _G.DISTRIB_REVISION then distrev = _G.DISTRIB_REVISION end version['distname'] = distname version['distrevision'] = distrev return version end function fetch_olsrd_config() local data = {} local IpVersion = uci:get_first("olsrd", "olsrd","IpVersion") if IpVersion == "4" or IpVersion == "6and4" then local jsonreq4 = util.exec("echo /config | nc 9090 2>/dev/null") or {} local jsondata4 = json.decode(jsonreq4) or {} if jsondata4['config'] then data['ipv4Config'] = jsondata4['config'] end end if IpVersion == "6" or IpVersion == "6and4" then local jsonreq6 = util.exec("echo /config | nc ::1 9090 2>/dev/null") or {} local jsondata6 = json.decode(jsonreq6) or {} if jsondata6['config'] then data['ipv6Config'] = jsondata6['config'] end end return data end function fetch_olsrd_links() local data = {} local IpVersion = uci:get_first("olsrd", "olsrd","IpVersion") if IpVersion == "4" or IpVersion == "6and4" then local jsonreq4 = util.exec("echo /links | nc 9090 2>/dev/null") or {} local jsondata4 = json.decode(jsonreq4) or {} local links = {} if jsondata4['links'] then links = jsondata4['links'] end for i,v in ipairs(links) do links[i]['sourceAddr'] = v['localIP'] --owm sourceAddr links[i]['destAddr'] = v['remoteIP'] --owm destAddr local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v['remoteIP'], "inet") if hostname then links[i]['destNodeId'] = string.gsub(hostname, "mid..", "") --owm destNodeId end end data = links end if IpVersion == "6" or IpVersion == "6and4" then local jsonreq6 = util.exec("echo /links | nc ::1 9090 2>/dev/null") or {} local jsondata6 = json.decode(jsonreq6) or {} --print("fetch_olsrd_links v6 "..(jsondata6['links'] and #jsondata6['links'] or "err")) local links = {} if jsondata6['links'] then links = jsondata6['links'] end for i,v in ipairs(links) do links[i]['sourceAddr'] = v['localIP'] links[i]['destAddr'] = v['remoteIP'] local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v['remoteIP'], "inet6") if hostname then links[i]['destNodeId'] = string.gsub(hostname, "mid..", "") --owm destNodeId end data[#data+1] = links[i] end end return data end function fetch_olsrd_neighbors(interfaces) local data = {} local IpVersion = uci:get_first("olsrd", "olsrd","IpVersion") if IpVersion == "4" or IpVersion == "6and4" then local jsonreq4 = util.exec("echo /links | nc 9090 2>/dev/null") or {} local jsondata4 = json.decode(jsonreq4) or {} --print("fetch_olsrd_neighbors v4 "..(jsondata4['links'] and #jsondata4['links'] or "err")) local links = {} if jsondata4['links'] then links = jsondata4['links'] end for _,v in ipairs(links) do local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v['remoteIP'], "inet") if hostname then hostname = string.gsub(hostname, "mid..", "") local index = #data+1 data[index] = {} data[index]['id'] = hostname --owm data[index]['quality'] = v['linkQuality'] --owm data[index]['sourceAddr4'] = v['localIP'] --owm data[index]['destAddr4'] = v['remoteIP'] --owm if #interfaces ~= 0 then for _,iface in ipairs(interfaces) do if iface['ipaddr'] == v['localIP'] then data[index]['interface'] = iface['name'] --owm end end end data[index]['olsr_ipv4'] = v end end end if IpVersion == "6" or IpVersion == "6and4" then local jsonreq6 = util.exec("echo /links | nc ::1 9090 2>/dev/null") or {} local jsondata6 = json.decode(jsonreq6) or {} local links = {} if jsondata6['links'] then links = jsondata6['links'] end for _, link in ipairs(links) do local hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(link['remoteIP'], "inet6") if hostname then hostname = string.gsub(hostname, "mid..", "") local index = 0 for i, v in ipairs(data) do if v.id == hostname then index = i end end if index == 0 then index = #data+1 data[index] = {} data[index]['id'] = string.gsub(hostname, "mid..", "") --owm data[index]['quality'] = link['linkQuality'] --owm if #interfaces ~= 0 then for _,iface in ipairs(interfaces) do local name = iface['.name'] local net = netm:get_network(name) local device = net and net:get_interface() if device and device:ip6addrs() then local local_ip = ip.IPv6(link.localIP) for _, a in ipairs(device:ip6addrs()) do if a:host() == local_ip:host() then data[index]['interface'] = name end end end end end end data[index]['sourceAddr6'] = link['localIP'] --owm data[index]['destAddr6'] = link['remoteIP'] --owm data[index]['olsr_ipv6'] = link end end end return data end function fetch_olsrd() local data = {} data['links'] = fetch_olsrd_links() local olsrconfig = fetch_olsrd_config() data['ipv4Config'] = olsrconfig['ipv4Config'] data['ipv6Config'] = olsrconfig['ipv6Config'] return data end function showmac(mac) if not is_admin then mac = mac:gsub("(%S%S:%S%S):%S%S:%S%S:(%S%S:%S%S)", "%1:XX:XX:%2") end return mac end function get_position() local position = {} uci:foreach("system", "system", function(s) position['latitude'] = tonumber(s.latitude) position['longitude'] = tonumber(s.longitude) end) if (position['latitude'] and position['longitude']) then return position else return nil end end function get() local root = {} local ntm = netm.init() local devices = ntm:get_wifidevs() local assoclist = {} local position = get_position() local version = get_version() for _, dev in ipairs(devices) do for _, net in ipairs(dev:get_wifinets()) do assoclist[#assoclist+1] = {} assoclist[#assoclist]['ifname'] = net:ifname() assoclist[#assoclist]['network'] = net:shortname() assoclist[#assoclist]['device'] = dev:name() assoclist[#assoclist]['list'] = net:assoclist() end end root.type = 'node' --owm root.updateInterval = 3600 --owm one hour root.system = { uptime = {sys.uptime()}, loadavg = {sysinfo.load[1] / 65536.0}, sysinfo = {sysinfo_for_kathleen020()}, } root.hostname = sys.hostname() --owm root.hardware = boardinfo['system'] --owm root.firmware = { name=version.distname, --owm revision=version.distrevision --owm } root.freifunk = {} uci:foreach("freifunk", "public", function(s) local pname = s[".name"] s['.name'] = nil s['.anonymous'] = nil s['.type'] = nil s['.index'] = nil if s['mail'] then s['mail'] = string.gsub(s['mail'], "@", "./-\\.T.") end root.freifunk[pname] = s end) root.latitude = position["latitude"] --owm root.longitude = position["longitude"] --owm devices = {} uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device",function(s) devices[#devices+1] = s devices[#devices]['name'] = s['.name'] devices[#devices]['.name'] = nil devices[#devices]['.anonymous'] = nil devices[#devices]['.type'] = nil devices[#devices]['.index'] = nil if s.macaddr then devices[#devices]['macaddr'] = showmac(s.macaddr) end end) local antennas = {} uci:foreach("antennas", "wifi-device",function(s) antennas[#antennas+1] = s antennas[#antennas]['name'] = s['.name'] antennas[#antennas]['.name'] = nil antennas[#antennas]['.anonymous'] = nil antennas[#antennas]['.type'] = nil antennas[#antennas]['.index'] = nil end) local interfaces = {} uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface",function(s) interfaces[#interfaces+1] = s interfaces[#interfaces]['.name'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['.anonymous'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['.type'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['.index'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['key'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['key1'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['key2'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['key3'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['key4'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['auth_secret'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['acct_secret'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['nasid'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['identity'] = nil interfaces[#interfaces]['password'] = nil local iwinfo = sys.wifi.getiwinfo(s.ifname) if iwinfo then for _, f in ipairs({ "channel", "txpower", "bitrate", "signal", "noise", "quality", "quality_max", "mode", "ssid", "bssid", "encryption", "ifname" }) do interfaces[#interfaces][f] = iwinfo[f] end if iwinfo['encryption'] then if iwinfo['encryption']['enabled'] then -- fingers off encrypted wifi interfaces, they are likely private table.remove(interfaces) return end end end local assoclist_if = {} for _, v in ipairs(assoclist) do if v.network == interfaces[#interfaces]['network'] and v.list then for assocmac, assot in pairs(v.list) do assoclist_if[#assoclist_if+1] = assot assoclist_if[#assoclist_if].mac = showmac(assocmac) end end end interfaces[#interfaces]['assoclist'] = assoclist_if for _, device in ipairs(devices) do if s['device'] == device.name then interfaces[#interfaces]['wirelessdevice'] = device end end for _, antenna in ipairs(antennas) do if s['device'] == antenna.name then interfaces[#interfaces]['wirelessdevice']['antenna'] = antenna --owm end end end) root.interfaces = {} --owm uci:foreach("network", "interface",function(vif) if 'lo' == vif.ifname then return end local name = vif['.name'] if ('wan' == name) or ('wan6' == name) then -- fingers off wan as this will be the private internet uplink return end local net = netm:get_network(name) local device = net and net:get_interface() root.interfaces[#root.interfaces+1] = vif root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].name = name --owm root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].ifname = vif.ifname --owm root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].ipv4Addresses = {vif.ipaddr} --owm local ipv6Addresses = {} if device and device:ip6addrs() then for _, a in ipairs(device:ip6addrs()) do table.insert(ipv6Addresses, a:string()) end end root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].ipv6Addresses = ipv6Addresses --owm root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].physicalType = 'ethernet' --owm root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['.name'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['.anonymous'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['.type'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['.index'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['username'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['password'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['password'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['clientid'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['reqopts'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['pincode'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['tunnelid'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['tunnel_id'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['peer_tunnel_id'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['session_id'] = nil root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['peer_session_id'] = nil if vif.macaddr then root.interfaces[#root.interfaces]['macaddr'] = showmac(vif.macaddr) end local wireless_add = {} for _, interface in ipairs(interfaces) do if interface['network'] == name then root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].physicalType = 'wifi' --owm root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].mode = interface.mode root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].encryption = interface.encryption root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].access = 'free' root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].accessNote = "everyone is welcome!" root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].channel = interface.wirelessdevice.channel root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].txpower = interface.wirelessdevice.txpower root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].bssid = interface.bssid root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].ssid = interface.ssid root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].antenna = interface.wirelessdevice.antenna wireless_add[#wireless_add+1] = interface --owm end end root.interfaces[#root.interfaces].wifi = wireless_add end) local neighbors = fetch_olsrd_neighbors(root.interfaces) local arptable = sys.net.arptable() or {} if #root.interfaces ~= 0 then for idx,iface in ipairs(root.interfaces) do local neigh_mac = {} for _, arpt in ipairs(arptable) do local mac = showmac(arpt['HW address']:lower()) local ip_addr = arpt['IP address'] if iface['ifname'] == arpt['Device'] then if not neigh_mac[mac] then neigh_mac[mac] = {} neigh_mac[mac]['ip4'] = {} elseif not neigh_mac[mac]['ip4'] then neigh_mac[mac]['ip4'] = {} end neigh_mac[mac]['ip4'][#neigh_mac[mac]['ip4']+1] = ip_addr for i, neigh in ipairs(neighbors) do if neigh['destAddr4'] == ip_addr then neighbors[i]['mac'] = mac neighbors[i]['ifname'] = iface['ifname'] end end end end for _, v in ipairs(assoclist) do if v.ifname == iface['ifname'] and v.list then for assocmac, assot in pairs(v.list) do local mac = showmac(assocmac:lower()) if not neigh_mac[mac] then neigh_mac[mac] = {} end if not neigh_mac[mac]['ip4'] then neigh_mac[mac]['ip4'] = {} end if not neigh_mac[mac]['ip6'] then neigh_mac[mac]['ip6'] = {} end neigh_mac[mac]['wifi'] = assot for i, neigh in ipairs(neighbors) do for _, ip_addr in ipairs(neigh_mac[mac]['ip4']) do if neigh['destAddr4'] == ip_addr then neighbors[i]['mac'] = mac neighbors[i]['ifname'] = iface['ifname'] neighbors[i]['wifi'] = assot neighbors[i]['signal'] = assot.signal neighbors[i]['noise'] = assot.noise end end for _, ip_addr in ipairs(neigh_mac[mac]['ip6']) do if neigh['destAddr6'] == ip_addr then neighbors[i]['mac'] = mac neighbors[i]['ifname'] = iface['ifname'] neighbors[i]['wifi'] = assot neighbors[i]['signal'] = assot.signal neighbors[i]['noise'] = assot.noise end end end end end end root.interfaces[idx].neighbors = neigh_mac end end root.links = neighbors root.olsr = fetch_olsrd() root.script = 'luci-app-owm' root.api_rev = '1.0' return root end