INSERT INTO `xsltconverter` (`creation_time`, `description`, `visibility`, `name`, `stylesheet`, `owner_name`) VALUES (0,'Conversion of the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) format to HTML, for further processing with e-Services.',1,'tei2temp-html',' dummy title

@@@delim@@@name: @@@value: @@@delim@@@
','admin'), (0,'Conversion of the input to identical output. Can be used e.g. to transform HTML5 to XHTML5.',1,'identity-transformation',' ','admin'), (0,'A stylesheet that uses XSLT 3.0 functionality.',1,'xslt-30-test',' <its:locQualityIssues xml:id="lq1" xmlns:its=""> <its:locQualityIssue locQualityIssueType="misspelling" locQualityIssueComment="''c''es'' is unknown. Could be ''c''est''" locQualityIssueSeverity="50"/> <its:locQualityIssue locQualityIssueType="typographical" locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization" locQualityIssueSeverity="30"/> </its:locQualityIssues> ','admin'), (0,'Conversion of XLIFF 2.0 to HTML, for further processing with e-Services.',1,'xliff20-to-html',' @@@

n @@@delim@@@name: @@@value: @@@delim@@@
','admin'), (0,'Stylesheet with global parameter. The parameter can be set while calling the stylesheet.',1,'xslt-with-param',' set internally ','admin'), (0,'Conversion of HTML to XLIFF 2.0. The stylesheet currently processes only e-Entity output.',1,'html-to-xliff20',' n ','admin');