@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix skos: . @prefix skosxl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dce: . @prefix dct: . @prefix dwc: . @prefix dwciri: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix prov: . @prefix ro: . @prefix schema: . @prefix tn: . @prefix void: . @prefix wd: . # Wikibase entity @prefix wdt: . # truthy assertions @prefix taxref: . @prefix taxrefbgs: . @prefix taxrefhab: . @prefix taxrefloc: . @prefix taxrefprop: . @prefix taxrefrk: . @prefix taxrefstatus: . # DCAT Catalog for TAXREF-LD datasets in all versions taxref:Catalog a dcat:Catalog; dct:title "Catalog of TAXREF-LD datasets in all versions"@en; rdfs:label "Catalog of TAXREF-LD datasets in all versions"@en; dct:title "Catalogue des jeux de données TAXREF-LD en toutes versions"@fr; rdfs:label "Catalogue des jeux de données TAXREF-LD en toutes versions"@fr; dct:publisher taxref:INPN, "Université Côte d'Azur, Inria, CNRS"; foaf:homepage ; schema:sameAs ; dct:language , ; dct:language , ; dcat:dataset ; dcat:dataset ; dcat:dataset ; . # Publisher of the DCAT catalog and datasets taxref:INPN a foaf:Organization; foaf:name "French National Inventory of Natural Heritage"@en; foaf:name "Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel"@fr; rdfs:label "French National Inventory of Natural Heritage"@en; rdfs:label "Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel"@fr; foaf:homepage . taxref:WebService a prov:Entity; rdfs:label "TAXREF web service"; dct:description "CSV, XML and JSON query web service"; dcat:mediaType "text/csv", "application/xml", "application/json"; dcat:accessURL . taxref:xR2RML a prov:SoftwareAgent; foaf:homepage ; dct:title "Morph-xR2RML"; rdfs:label "Morph-xR2RML"; dct:description "Implementation of the xR2RML mapping language"; dct:creator taxref:franckmichel; schema:author taxref:franckmichel; dct:licence ; owl:versionInfo "1.1-RC"; schema:subjectOf taxref:hal01207828. taxref:RdfGeneration a prov:Activity; dct:title "RDF generation process"; rdfs:label "RDF generation process"; dct:description "Transformation of the JSON version of TAXREF, obtained from the web service, into RDF using the Morph-xR2RML mapping pocessing engine"; prov:used taxref:WebService; prov:wasAssociatedWith taxref:xR2RML. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bibliographic references and authors taxref:hal01207828 a , , ; dct:title "Translation of Relational and Non-Relational Databases into RDF with xR2RML"; schema:name "Translation of Relational and Non-Relational Databases into RDF with xR2RML"; dct:issued "2015"^^xsd:gYear; schema:datePublished "2015"^^xsd:gYear; dct:bibliographicCitation "Franck Michel, Loïc Djimenou, Catherine Faron Zucker, Johan Montagnat. Translation of Relational and Non-Relational Databases into RDF with xR2RML. Proceedings of the WebIST'15 Conference, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.443-454"; bibo:doi "10.5220/0005448304430454"; dct:creator taxref:franckmichel, taxref:loicdjimenou, taxref:catherinefaron, taxref:johanmontagnat; schema:author taxref:franckmichel, taxref:loicdjimenou, taxref:catherinefaron, taxref:johanmontagnat; schema:sameAs ; schema:about taxref:xR2RML. taxref:hal01617708 a , , ; dct:title "A Model to Represent Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Information as Linked Data. Application to the French Taxonomic Register, TAXREF"; schema:name "A Model to Represent Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Information as Linked Data. Application to the French Taxonomic Register, TAXREF"; dct:issued "2017"^^xsd:gYear; schema:datePublished "2017"^^xsd:gYear; dct:bibliographicCitation "Franck Michel, Olivier Gargominy, Sandrine Tercerie, Catherine Faron Zucker. A Model to Represent Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Information as Linked Data. Application to the French Taxonomic Register, TAXREF. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity (S4Biodiv) co-located with ISWC 2017, Oct 2017, Vienna, Austria. CEUR Vol. 1933, pp.1-12, 2017"; dct:creator taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron; schema:author taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron; schema:sameAs , ; schema:about , . taxref:taxrefv12methodo a , ; dct:title "TAXREF v12, référentiel taxonomique pour la France : méthodologie, mise en œuvre et diffusion"; schema:name "TAXREF v12, référentiel taxonomique pour la France : méthodologie, mise en œuvre et diffusion"; dct:issued "2018"^^xsd:gYear; schema:datePublished "2018"^^xsd:gYear; dct:bibliographicCitation "Gargominy O., Tercerie S., Régnier C., Ramage T., Dupont P., Daszkiewicz P. & Poncet L. (2018). TAXREF v12, référentiel taxonomique pour la France : méthodologie, mise en œuvre et diffusion. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris"; dct:creator taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, "Régnier C.", "Ramage T.", "Dupont P.", "Daszkiewicz P.", "Poncet L"; schema:author taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, "Régnier C.", "Ramage T.", "Dupont P.", "Daszkiewicz P.", "Poncet L"; schema:url ; . taxref:franckmichel a schema:Person; schema:name "Franck MICHEL"; foaf:name "Franck MICHEL"; foaf:hompage ; schema:sameAs , , , . taxref:catherinefaron a schema:Person; schema:name "Catherine FARON"; foaf:name "Catherine FARON"; foaf:homepage ; schema:sameAs , , . taxref:johanmontagnat a schema:Person; schema:name "Johan MONTAGNAT"; foaf:name "Johan MONTAGNAT"; foaf:hompage ; schema:sameAs . taxref:loicdjimenou a schema:Person; schema:name "Loïc DJIMENOU"; foaf:name "Loïc DJIMENOU"; schema:sameAs . taxref:sandrinetercerie a schema:Person; schema:name "Sandrine TERCERIE"; foaf:name "Sandrine TERCERIE"; schema:sameAs . taxref:oliviergargominy a schema:Person; schema:name "Olivier GARGOMINY"; foaf:name "Olivier GARGOMINY"; schema:sameAs , . taxref:antoniaettorre a schema:Person; schema:name "Antonia ETTORRE"; foaf:name "Antonia ETTORRE"; schema:sameAs . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Biota is the taxonomical classification root a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme , , ; skos:topConceptOf , , ; skos:prefLabel "Biota"; rdfs:label "Biota"; taxrefprop:isReferenceNameOf , , ; . a owl:Class; rdfs:label "Biota"; taxrefprop:hasReferenceName ; . a owl:Class; rdfs:label "Biota"; taxrefprop:hasReferenceName ; . a owl:Class; rdfs:label "Biota"; taxrefprop:hasReferenceName ; . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TAXREF-LD 13.0 dataset DCAT definition a dcat:Dataset; a owl:Ontology; a skos:ConceptScheme; skos:hasTopConcept ; dct:title "TAXREF-LD 13.0"; rdfs:label "TAXREF-LD 13.0"; schema:name "TAXREF-LD 13.0"; dct:description "Representation of the TAXREF 13.0 taxonomic register as linked data. This resource is at the same time an ontology of classes depicting the taxa and a thesaurus (SKOS concept scheme) of the scientific names attached to the taxa."@en; dct:description "Représentation du référentiel taxonomique TAXREF 13.0 comme un jeu de données liées. Cette ressource est à la fois une ontologies des classes représentant les taxons, et un thésaurus (SKOS concept scheme) des noms scientifiques désignant ces taxons."@fr; dct:licence ; owl:versionInfo "13.0"; dct:issued "2020-06-23"^^xsd:date; schema:datePublished "2020-06-23"^^xsd:date; dct:publisher taxref:INPN, "Université Côte d'Azur, Inria, CNRS"; schema:subjectOf taxref:hal01617708; dct:creator taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron, taxref:antoniaettorre; schema:author taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron, taxref:antoniaettorre; dct:language , ; dct:language , ; dcat:keyword "biodiversity", "lifesciences", "taxonomy", "species", "fauna", "flora", "lifesciences", "schemata", "lod"; dcat:keyword "deref-vocab", "vocab-mappings", "provenance-metadata", "published-by-producer", "license-metadata"; dcat:keyword "format-rdf", "format-rdfs", "format-skos", "format-dc", "format-foaf", "format-schema", "format-geonames", "format-geospecies", "format-txn", "format-ncbitaxon", "format-dwc", "format-ro", "format-bibo"; a prov:Entity; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; prov:wasGeneratedBy taxref:RdfGeneration; prov:wasGeneratedAtTime "2020-06-23"^^xsd:date; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; . # TAXREF 13.0 dataset DCAT definition a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "TAXREF 13.0: Taxonomic register for flora and fauna of mainland France and overseas territories"@en; dct:title "TAXREF 13.0 : Référentiel taxonomique pour la flore et la faune de France métropolitaine et outre-mer"@fr; dct:description "TAXREF est le référentiel taxonomique national pour la faune, la flore et la fonge de France métropolitaine et d’outre-mer, élaboré et diffusé par le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN). TAXREF est téléchargeable depuis le site Web du MNHN. TAXREF-LD, la représentation Linked Data de TAXREF, est une initiative conjointe du MNHN et du laboratoire I3S (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria)."@fr; dct:description "TAXREF is the national taxonomical register for fauna and flora in mainland France and overseas territories, produced by the French National Museum of Natural History (MNHN). TAXREF is downloadable from the MNHN Web site and can be queriesd through a Web service. TAXREF-LD, the Linked Data representation of TAXREF, is a joint initiative of MNHN and the I3S laboratory (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria)."@en; dcat:landingPage ; schema:sameAs ; foaf:homepage ; dct:license ; owl:versionInfo "13.0"; dct:issued "2019-12-06"^^xsd:date; dct:creator "O. Gargominy", "S. Tercerie", "C. Régnier", "T. Ramage", "C. Schoelinck", "P. Dupont", "E. Vandel", "P. Daszkiewicz"; dct:publisher taxref:INPN; schema:subjectOf taxref:taxrefv12methodo; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TAXREF-LD 12.0 dataset DCAT definition a dcat:Dataset; a owl:Ontology; a skos:ConceptScheme; skos:hasTopConcept ; dct:title "TAXREF-LD 12.0"; rdfs:label "TAXREF-LD 12.0"; schema:name "TAXREF-LD 12.0"; dct:description "Representation of the TAXREF 12.0 taxonomic register as linked data. This resource is at the same time an ontology of classes depicting the taxa and a thesaurus (SKOS concept scheme) of the scientific names attached to the taxa."@en; dct:description "Représentation du référentiel taxonomique TAXREF 12.0 comme un jeu de données liées. Cette ressource est à la fois une ontologies des classes représentant les taxons, et un thésaurus (SKOS concept scheme) des noms scientifiques désignant ces taxons."@fr; dct:licence ; owl:versionInfo "12.0"; dct:issued "2019-08-29"^^xsd:date; schema:datePublished "2019-08-29"^^xsd:date; dct:publisher taxref:INPN, "Université Côte d'Azur, Inria, CNRS"; schema:subjectOf taxref:hal01617708; dct:creator taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron, taxref:antoniaettorre; schema:author taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron, taxref:antoniaettorre; dct:language , ; dct:language , ; dcat:keyword "biodiversity", "lifesciences", "taxonomy", "species", "fauna", "flora", "lifesciences", "schemata", "lod"; dcat:keyword "deref-vocab", "vocab-mappings", "provenance-metadata", "published-by-producer", "license-metadata"; dcat:keyword "format-rdf", "format-rdfs", "format-skos", "format-dc", "format-foaf", "format-schema", "format-geonames", "format-geospecies", "format-txn", "format-ncbitaxon", "format-dwc", "format-ro", "format-bibo"; a prov:Entity; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; prov:wasGeneratedBy taxref:RdfGeneration; prov:wasGeneratedAtTime "2019-08-29"^^xsd:date; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; . # TAXREF 12.0 dataset DCAT definition a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "TAXREF 12.0: Taxonomic register for flora and fauna of mainland France and overseas territories"@en; dct:title "TAXREF 12.0 : Référentiel taxonomique pour la flore et la faune de France métropolitaine et outre-mer"@fr; dct:description "TAXREF est le référentiel taxonomique national pour la faune, la flore et la fonge de France métropolitaine et d’outre-mer, élaboré et diffusé par le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN). TAXREF est téléchargeable depuis le site Web du MNHN. TAXREF-LD, la représentation Linked Data de TAXREF, est une initiative conjointe du MNHN et du laboratoire I3S (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria)."@fr; dct:description "TAXREF is the national taxonomical register for fauna and flora in mainland France and overseas territories, produced by the French National Museum of Natural History (MNHN). TAXREF is downloadable from the MNHN Web site and can be queriesd through a Web service. TAXREF-LD, the Linked Data representation of TAXREF, is a joint initiative of MNHN and the I3S laboratory (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria)."@en; dcat:landingPage ; schema:sameAs ; foaf:homepage ; dct:license ; owl:versionInfo "12.0"; dct:issued "2018-10-23"^^xsd:date; dct:creator "O. Gargominy", "S. Tercerie", "C. Régnier", "T. Ramage", "C. Schoelinck", "P. Dupont", "E. Vandel", "P. Daszkiewicz"; dct:publisher taxref:INPN; schema:subjectOf taxref:taxrefv12methodo; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TAXREF-LD 10.0 dataset DCAT definition a dcat:Dataset; a owl:Ontology; a skos:ConceptScheme; skos:hasTopConcept ; dct:title "TAXREF-LD 10.0"; rdfs:label "TAXREF-LD 10.0"; schema:name "TAXREF-LD 10.0"; dct:description "Representation of the TAXREF 10.0 taxonomic register as linked data. This resource is at the same time an ontology of classes depicting the taxa and a thesaurus (SKOS concept scheme) of the scientfic names attached to the taxa."@en; dct:description "Représentation du référentiel taxonomique TAXREF 10.0 comme un jeu de données liées. Cette ressource est à la fois une ontologies des classes représentant les taxons, et un thésaurus (SKOS concept scheme) des noms scientifiques désignant ces taxons."@fr; dct:licence ; owl:versionInfo "10.0"; dct:issued "2017"^^xsd:gYear; schema:datePublished "2017"^^xsd:gYear; dct:publisher taxref:INPN, "Université Côte d'Azur, Inria, CNRS"; schema:subjectOf taxref:hal01617708; dct:creator taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron; schema:author taxref:franckmichel, taxref:oliviergargominy, taxref:sandrinetercerie, taxref:catherinefaron; dct:language , ; dct:language , ; dcat:keyword "biodiversity", "lifesciences", "taxonomy", "species", "fauna", "flora", "lifesciences", "schemata", "lod"; dcat:keyword "deref-vocab", "vocab-mappings", "provenance-metadata", "published-by-producer", "license-metadata"; dcat:keyword "format-rdf", "format-rdfs", "format-skos", "format-dc", "format-foaf", "format-schema", "format-geonames", "format-geospecies", "format-txn", "format-ncbitaxon", "format-dwc"; a prov:Entity; prov:wasDerivedFrom ; prov:wasGeneratedBy taxref:RdfGeneration; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; dct:spatial ; . # TAXREF 10.0 dataset DCAT definition a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "TAXREF 10.0: Taxonomic register for flora and fauna of mainland France and overseas territories"@en; dct:title "TAXREF 10.0 : Référentiel taxonomique pour la flore et la faune de France métropolitaine et outre-mer"@fr; dct:description ; dct:description "TAXREF est le référentiel taxonomique national pour la faune, la flore et la fonge de France métropolitaine et d’outre-mer, élaboré et diffusé par le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN). TAXREF est téléchargeable depuis le site Web du MNHN. TAXREF-LD, la représentation Linked Data de TAXREF, est une initiative conjointe du MNHN et du laboratoire I3S (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria)."@fr; dct:description "TAXREF is the national taxonomical register for fauna and flora in mainland France and overseas territories, produced by the French National Museum of Natural History (MNHN). TAXREF is downloadable from the MNHN Web site and can be queriesd through a Web service. TAXREF-LD, the Linked Data representation of TAXREF, is a joint initiative of MNHN and the I3S laboratory (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria)."@en; dcat:landingPage ; schema:sameAs ; foaf:homepage ; dct:license ; owl:versionInfo "10.0"; dct:issued "2016-11-03"^^xsd:date; dct:creator "O. Gargominy", "S. Tercerie", "C. Régnier", "T. Ramage", "C. Schoelinck", "P. Dupont", "E. Vandel", "P. Daszkiewicz"; dct:publisher taxref:INPN; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; .