! Title: No Apple ads ! Version: 20220522.1 ! Description: Block Apple advertising on Apple devices. ! Adblock format compatible with AdGuard Home. ! Information gathered from multiple adblocking forums, and Apple official SSL certificates. ||advertising.apple.com^ ||banners.itunes.apple.com^ ||iad.apple.com^ ||iadcontent.apple.com^ ||iadctest.qwapi.com^ ||iadmoo.apple.com^ ||iadworkbench.apple.com^ ||launch.apple.com^ ||metrics.apple.com^ ||qwapi.apple.com^ ||securemetrics.apple.com^ ! multiple known subdomains are covered by the definition below ||iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||news.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||ca.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||cf.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||cs.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||su.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||tr.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! ||ut.iadsdk.apple.com^ ! comscoreresearch is used for analystics for other customers than Apple, and uses several tld; this blocks them all ||comscoreresearch.*^ ! ||apple.comscoreresearch.com^ ! multiple known subdomains are covered by the definition below ||advp.apple.com^ ! ||ls.advp.apple.com^ ! ||proxy.advp.apple.com^ ! ||webproxy.advp.apple.com^ ! multiple known domains are covered by the definition below; also blocks other potential candidates that would use a distribution network ||iad-apple.com*^ ! ||webproxy-advp.iad-apple.com^ ! ||webproxy-advp.iad-apple.com.akadns.net^