# AddRemoveFolder Sublime text plugin which provides command palette entries to add or remove a folder from current project. It is also possible to open a file/folder in a new window. The main features of this plugin are (i) a folder can be added without needing to open an external file manager, and (ii) a folder can be removed without needing to use the mouse. ### Usage The following options are available in the command palette `ctrl+shift+p`: - __Add Folder__: Type the name of the file/folder to add to the project. Suggestions are shown in the status bar. - __Remove Folder__: Type the name of the folder to remove from the project. Suggestions are shown in the quick panel. ### Default Shortcuts - __Open File/Folder in New Window__: `ctrl+alt+shift+n` - __Add File/Folder To Current Project__: `ctrl+alt+shift+m` - __Remove Folder__: `ctrl+alt+shift+u` ### Installation Using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/AddRemoveFolder), type `ctrl+shift+p` > "Package Control: Install Package" > "AddRemoveFolder". Alternatively, clone this repository directly into `~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/`.