# ViewSetting Sublime text plugin which provides a command to quickly view the value of a setting in the `Preferences.sublime-settings` file. ### Usage The following option is available in the command palette `ctrl+shift+p`: - __View Setting__: A drop-down menu of available Sublime settings will be shown. Type the name of the setting to retrieve. The value assigned to that setting will be shown in the status bar or as a popup. ### Customization Go to "Preferences" > "Package Settings" > "ViewSetting" > "Settings" to configure whether the setting values should be shown in the status bar or in a popup window. ### Installation Using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ViewSetting), type `ctrl+shift+p` > "Package Control: Install Package" > "ViewSetting". Alternatively, directly clone this repository as follows: git clone https://github.com/fsaad/Sublime-ViewSetting ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/ViewSetting