#!/usr/bin/env bash # 当前脚本版本号 VERSION='1.6.5 (2024.05.20)' # 各变量默认值 GH_PROXY='https://ghproxy.agrayman.gay/' WS_PATH_DEFAULT='argox' WORK_DIR='/etc/argox' TEMP_DIR='/tmp/argox' TLS_SERVER=addons.mozilla.org METRICS_PORT='3333' CDN_DOMAIN=("cn.azhz.eu.org" "acjp.cloudflarest.link" "xn--b6gac.eu.org" "dash.cloudflare.com" "skk.moe" "visa.com") SUBSCRIBE_TEMPLATE="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/client_template/main" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive trap "rm -rf $TEMP_DIR; echo -e '\n' ;exit 1" INT QUIT TERM EXIT mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR E[0]="Language:\n 1. English (default) \n 2. 简体中文" C[0]="${E[0]}" E[1]="1. Add Github CDN; 2. Remove subscription template 2." C[1]="1. 添加 Github 加速 CDN; 2. 去掉订阅模板2" E[2]="Project to create Argo tunnels and Xray specifically for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox]\n Features:\n\t • Allows the creation of Argo tunnels via Token, Json and ad hoc methods. User can easily obtain the json at https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc .\n\t • Extremely fast installation method, saving users time.\n\t • Support system: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Alpine and Arch Linux 3.\n\t • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x\n" C[2]="本项目专为 VPS 添加 Argo 隧道及 Xray,详细说明: [https://github.com/fscarmen/argox]\n 脚本特点:\n\t • 允许通过 Token, Json 及 临时方式来创建 Argo 隧道,用户通过以下网站轻松获取 json: https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc\n\t • 极速安装方式,大大节省用户时间\n\t • 智能判断操作系统: Ubuntu 、Debian 、CentOS 、Alpine 和 Arch Linux,请务必选择 LTS 系统\n\t • 支持硬件结构类型: AMD 和 ARM\n" E[3]="Input errors up to 5 times.The script is aborted." C[3]="输入错误达5次,脚本退出" E[4]="UUID should be 36 characters, please re-enter \(\${a} times remaining\)" C[4]="UUID 应为36位字符,请重新输入 \(剩余\${a}次\)" E[5]="The script supports Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Alpine or Arch systems only. Feedback: [https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" C[5]="本脚本只支持 Debian、Ubuntu、CentOS、Alpine 或 Arch 系统,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" E[6]="Curren operating system is \$SYS.\\\n The system lower than \$SYSTEM \${MAJOR[int]} is not supported. Feedback: [https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" C[6]="当前操作是 \$SYS\\\n 不支持 \$SYSTEM \${MAJOR[int]} 以下系统,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" E[7]="Install dependence-list:" C[7]="安装依赖列表:" E[8]="All dependencies already exist and do not need to be installed additionally." C[8]="所有依赖已存在,不需要额外安装" E[9]="To upgrade, press [y]. No upgrade by default:" C[9]="升级请按 [y],默认不升级:" E[10]="(3/8) Please enter Argo Domain (Default is temporary domain if left blank):" C[10]="(3/8) 请输入 Argo 域名 (如果没有,可以跳过以使用 Argo 临时域名):" E[11]="Please enter Argo Token or Json ( User can easily obtain the json at https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc ):" C[11]="请输入 Argo Token 或者 Json ( 用户通过以下网站轻松获取 json: https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc ):" E[12]="\(6/8\) Please enter Xray UUID \(Default is \$UUID_DEFAULT\):" C[12]="\(6/8\) 请输入 Xray UUID \(默认为 \$UUID_DEFAULT\):" E[13]="\(7/8\) Please enter Xray WS Path \(Default is \$WS_PATH_DEFAULT\):" C[13]="\(7/8\) 请输入 Xray WS 路径 \(默认为 \$WS_PATH_DEFAULT\):" E[14]="Xray WS Path only allow uppercase and lowercase letters and numeric characters, please re-enter \(\${a} times remaining\):" C[14]="Xray WS 路径只允许英文大小写及数字字符,请重新输入 \(剩余\${a}次\):" E[15]="ArgoX script has not been installed yet." C[15]="ArgoX 脚本还没有安装" E[16]="ArgoX is completely uninstalled." C[16]="ArgoX 已彻底卸载" E[17]="Version" C[17]="脚本版本" E[18]="New features" C[18]="功能新增" E[19]="System infomation" C[19]="系统信息" E[20]="Operating System" C[20]="当前操作系统" E[21]="Kernel" C[21]="内核" E[22]="Architecture" C[22]="处理器架构" E[23]="Virtualization" C[23]="虚拟化" E[24]="Choose:" C[24]="请选择:" E[25]="Curren architecture \$(uname -m) is not supported. Feedback: [https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" C[25]="当前架构 \$(uname -m) 暂不支持,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" E[26]="Not install" C[26]="未安装" E[27]="close" C[27]="关闭" E[28]="open" C[28]="开启" E[29]="View links (argox -n)" C[29]="查看节点信息 (argox -n)" E[30]="Change the Argo tunnel (argox -t)" C[30]="更换 Argo 隧道 (argox -t)" E[31]="Sync Argo and Xray to the latest version (argox -v)" C[31]="同步 Argo 和 Xray 至最新版本 (argox -v)" E[32]="Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (argox -b)" C[32]="升级内核、安装BBR、DD脚本 (argox -b)" E[33]="Uninstall (argox -u)" C[33]="卸载 (argox -u)" E[34]="Install ArgoX script (argo + xray)" C[34]="安装 ArgoX 脚本 (argo + xray)" E[35]="Exit" C[35]="退出" E[36]="Please enter the correct number" C[36]="请输入正确数字" E[37]="successful" C[37]="成功" E[38]="failed" C[38]="失败" E[39]="ArgoX is not installed." C[39]="ArgoX 未安装" E[40]="Argo tunnel is: \$ARGO_TYPE\\\n The domain is: \$ARGO_DOMAIN" C[40]="Argo 隧道类型为: \$ARGO_TYPE\\\n 域名是: \$ARGO_DOMAIN" E[41]="Argo tunnel type:\n 1. Try\n 2. Token or Json" C[41]="Argo 隧道类型:\n 1. Try\n 2. Token 或者 Json" E[42]="\(5/8\) Please select or enter the preferred domain, the default is \${CDN_DOMAIN[0]}:" C[42]="\(5/8\) 请选择或者填入优选域名,默认为 \${CDN_DOMAIN[0]}:" E[43]="\$APP local verion: \$LOCAL.\\\t The newest verion: \$ONLINE" C[43]="\$APP 本地版本: \$LOCAL.\\\t 最新版本: \$ONLINE" E[44]="No upgrade required." C[44]="不需要升级" E[45]="Argo authentication message does not match the rules, neither Token nor Json, script exits. Feedback:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" C[45]="Argo 认证信息不符合规则,既不是 Token,也是不是 Json,脚本退出,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" E[46]="Connect" C[46]="连接" E[47]="The script must be run as root, you can enter sudo -i and then download and run again. Feedback:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" C[47]="必须以root方式运行脚本,可以输入 sudo -i 后重新下载运行,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" E[48]="Downloading the latest version \$APP failed, script exits. Feedback:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" C[48]="下载最新版本 \$APP 失败,脚本退出,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/argox/issues]" E[49]="\(8/8\) Please enter the node name. \(Default is \${NODE_NAME_DEFAULT}\):" C[49]="\(8/8\) 请输入节点名称 \(默认为 \${NODE_NAME_DEFAULT}\):" E[50]="\${APP[@]} services are not enabled, node information cannot be output. Press [y] if you want to open." C[50]="\${APP[@]} 服务未开启,不能输出节点信息。如需打开请按 [y]: " E[51]="Install Sing-box multi-protocol scripts [https://github.com/fscarmen/sing-box]" C[51]="安装 Sing-box 协议全家桶脚本 [https://github.com/fscarmen/sing-box]" E[52]="Memory Usage" C[52]="内存占用" E[53]="The xray service is detected to be installed. Script exits." C[53]="检测到已安装 xray 服务,脚本退出!" E[54]="Warp / warp-go was detected to be running. Please enter the correct server IP:" C[54]="检测到 warp / warp-go 正在运行,请输入确认的服务器 IP:" E[55]="The script runs today: \$TODAY. Total: \$TOTAL" C[55]="脚本当天运行次数: \$TODAY,累计运行次数: \$TOTAL" E[56]="\(4/8\) Please enter the Reality port \(Default is \${REALITY_PORT_DEFAULT}\):" C[56]="\(4/8\) 请输入 Reality 的端口号 \(默认为 \${REALITY_PORT_DEFAULT}\):" E[57]="Install sba scripts (argo + sing-box) [https://github.com/fscarmen/sba]" C[57]="安装 sba 脚本 (argo + sing-box) [https://github.com/fscarmen/sba]" E[58]="No server ip, script exits. Feedback:[https://github.com/fscarmen/sing-box/issues]" C[58]="没有 server ip,脚本退出,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/sing-box/issues]" E[59]="\(2/8\) Please enter VPS IP \(Default is: \${SERVER_IP_DEFAULT}\):" C[59]="\(2/8\) 请输入 VPS IP \(默认为: \${SERVER_IP_DEFAULT}\):" E[60]="Quicktunnel domain can be obtained from: http://\${SERVER_IP_1}:\${METRICS_PORT}/quicktunnel" C[60]="临时隧道域名可以从以下网站获取: http://\${SERVER_IP_1}:\${METRICS_PORT}/quicktunnel" E[61]="Ports are in used: \$REALITY_PORT" C[61]="正在使用中的端口: \$REALITY_PORT" E[62]="Create shortcut [ argox ] successfully." C[62]="创建快捷 [ argox ] 指令成功!" E[63]="The full template can be found at:\n https://t.me/ztvps/67\n https://github.com/chika0801/sing-box-examples/tree/main/Tun" C[63]="完整模板可参照:\n https://t.me/ztvps/67\n https://github.com/chika0801/sing-box-examples/tree/main/Tun" E[64]="subscribe" C[64]="订阅" E[65]="To uninstall Nginx press [y], it is not uninstalled by default:" C[65]="如要卸载 Nginx 请按 [y],默认不卸载:" E[66]="Adaptive Clash / V2rayN / NekoBox / ShadowRocket / SFI / SFA / SFM Clients" C[66]="自适应 Clash / V2rayN / NekoBox / ShadowRocket / SFI / SFA / SFM 客户端" E[67]="template" C[67]="模版" E[68]="(1/8) Output subscription QR code and https service, need to install nginx\n If not, please enter [n]. Default installation:" C[68]="(1/8) 输出订阅二维码和 https 服务,需要安装依赖 nginx\n 如不需要,请输入 [n],默认安装:" E[69]="Set SElinux: enforcing --> disabled" C[69]="设置 SElinux: enforcing --> disabled" # 自定义字体彩色,read 函数 warning() { echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$*\033[0m"; } # 红色 error() { echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$*\033[0m" && exit 1; } # 红色 info() { echo -e "\033[32m\033[01m$*\033[0m"; } # 绿色 hint() { echo -e "\033[33m\033[01m$*\033[0m"; } # 黄色 reading() { read -rp "$(info "$1")" "$2"; } text() { grep -q '\$' <<< "${E[$*]}" && eval echo "\$(eval echo "\${${L}[$*]}")" || eval echo "\${${L}[$*]}"; } # 自定义谷歌翻译函数,使用两个翻译 api,如均不能翻译,则返回原英文 translate() { [ -n "$@" ] && local EN="$@" [ -z "$ZH" ] && local ZH=$(curl -km8 -sSL "https://translate.google.com/translate_a/t?client=any_client_id_works&sl=en&tl=zh&q=${EN//[[:space:]]/%20}" 2>/dev/null | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') [ -z "$ZH" ] && local ZH=$(curl -km8 -sSL "https://findmyip.net/api/translate.php?text=${EN//[[:space:]]/%20}" 2>/dev/null | awk -F '"' '{print $16}') [ -z "$ZH" ] && echo "$EN" || echo "$ZH" } # 检测是否需要启用 Github CDN,如能直接连通,则不使用 check_cdn() { [ -n "$GH_PROXY" ] && wget --server-response --quiet --output-document=/dev/null --no-check-certificate --tries=2 --timeout=3 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/ArgoX/main/README.md >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset GH_PROXY } # 检测是否解锁 chatGPT,以决定是否使用 warp 链式代理或者是 direct out check_chatgpt() { local CHECK_STACK=$1 local SUPPORT_COUNTRY=(AD AE AF AG AL AM AO AR AT AU AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BN BO BR BS BT BW BZ CA CD CF CG CH CI CL CM CO CR CV CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG ER ES ET FI FJ FM FR GA GB GD GE GH GM GN GQ GR GT GW GY HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IN IQ IS IT JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KR KW KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MG MH MK ML MM MN MR MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NE NG NI NL NO NP NR NZ OM PA PE PG PH PK PL PS PT PW PY QA RO RS RW SA SB SC SD SE SG SI SK SL SM SN SO SR SS ST SV SZ TD TG TH TJ TL TM TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG US UY UZ VA VC VN VU WS YE ZA ZM ZW) [[ "${SUPPORT_COUNTRY[@]}" =~ $(wget --no-check-certificate -$CHECK_STACK -qO- --tries=3 --timeout=2 https://chat.openai.com/cdn-cgi/trace | awk -F '=' '/loc/{print $2}') ]] && echo 'unlock' || echo 'ban' } # 脚本当天及累计运行次数统计 statistics_of_run-times() { local COUNT=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- --tries=2 --timeout=2 "https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/ArgoX/main/argox.sh" 2>&1 | grep -m1 -oE "[0-9]+[ ]+/[ ]+[0-9]+") && TODAY=$(cut -d " " -f1 <<< "$COUNT") && TOTAL=$(cut -d " " -f3 <<< "$COUNT") } # 选择中英语言 select_language() { if [ -z "$L" ]; then case $(cat $WORK_DIR/language 2>&1) in E ) L=E ;; C ) L=C ;; * ) [ -z "$L" ] && L=E && hint "\n $(text 0) \n" && reading " $(text 24) " LANGUAGE [ "$LANGUAGE" = 2 ] && L=C ;; esac fi } # 只允许 root 用户安装脚本 check_root() { [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ] && error "\n $(text 47) \n" } # 判断处理器架构 check_arch() { case $(uname -m) in aarch64|arm64 ) ARGO_ARCH=arm64; XRAY_ARCH=arm64-v8a; JQ_ARCH=arm64; QRENCODE_ARCH=arm64 ;; x86_64|amd64 ) ARGO_ARCH=amd64; XRAY_ARCH=64; JQ_ARCH=amd64; QRENCODE_ARCH=amd64 ;; armv7l ) ARGO_ARCH=arm; XRAY_ARCH=arm32-v7a; JQ_ARCH=armhf; QRENCODE_ARCH=arm ;; * ) error " $(text 25) " esac } # 查安装及运行状态,下标0: argo,下标1: xray,下标2:docker;状态码: 26 未安装, 27 已安装未运行, 28 运行中 check_install() { [ -s $WORK_DIR/nginx.conf ] && IS_NGINX=is_nginx || IS_NGINX=no_nginx STATUS[0]=$(text 26) && [[ -s /etc/systemd/system/argo.service ]] && grep -q "^ExecStart=$WORK_DIR" /etc/systemd/system/argo.service && STATUS[0]=$(text 27) && [ "$(systemctl is-active argo)" = 'active' ] && STATUS[0]=$(text 28) STATUS[1]=$(text 26) # xray systemd 文件存在的话,检测一下是否本脚本安装的,如果不是则提示并提出 if [ -s /etc/systemd/system/xray.service ]; then ! grep -q "$WORK_DIR" /etc/systemd/system/xray.service && error " $(text 53)\n $(grep 'ExecStart=' /etc/systemd/system/xray.service) " STATUS[1]=$(text 27) && [ "$(systemctl is-active xray)" = 'active' ] && STATUS[1]=$(text 28) fi [[ ${STATUS[0]} = "$(text 26)" ]] && [ ! -s $WORK_DIR/cloudflared ] && { wget --no-check-certificate -qO $TEMP_DIR/cloudflared ${GH_PROXY}https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-$ARGO_ARCH >/dev/null 2>&1 && chmod +x $TEMP_DIR/cloudflared >/dev/null 2>&1; }& [[ ${STATUS[1]} = "$(text 26)" ]] && [ ! -s $WORK_DIR/xray ] && { wget --no-check-certificate -qO $TEMP_DIR/Xray.zip ${GH_PROXY}https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/latest/download/Xray-linux-$XRAY_ARCH.zip >/dev/null 2>&1; unzip -qo $TEMP_DIR/Xray.zip xray *.dat -d $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null 2>&1; }& { wget --no-check-certificate --continue -qO $TEMP_DIR/jq ${GH_PROXY}https://github.com/jqlang/jq/releases/download/jq-1.7.1/jq-linux-$JQ_ARCH >/dev/null 2>&1 && chmod +x $TEMP_DIR/jq >/dev/null 2>&1; }& { wget --no-check-certificate --continue -qO $TEMP_DIR/qrencode ${GH_PROXY}https://github.com/fscarmen/client_template/raw/main/qrencode-go/qrencode-go-linux-$QRENCODE_ARCH >/dev/null 2>&1 && chmod +x $TEMP_DIR/qrencode >/dev/null 2>&1; }& } # 为了适配 alpine,定义 cmd_systemctl 的函数 cmd_systemctl() { [ -s $WORK_DIR/nginx.conf ] && local IS_NGINX=is_nginx || local IS_NGINX=no_nginx local ENABLE_DISABLE=$1 local APP=$2 if [ "$ENABLE_DISABLE" = 'enable' ]; then if [ "$SYSTEM" = 'Alpine' ]; then systemctl start $APP cat > /etc/local.d/$APP.start << EOF #!/usr/bin/env bash systemctl start $APP EOF chmod +x /etc/local.d/$APP.start rc-update add local >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$IS_CENTOS" = 'CentOS7' ]; then systemctl enable --now $APP [[ "$APP" = 'argo' && "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ]] && $(type -p nginx) -c $WORK_DIR/nginx.conf else systemctl enable --now $APP fi elif [ "$ENABLE_DISABLE" = 'disable' ]; then if [ "$SYSTEM" = 'Alpine' ]; then systemctl stop $APP [[ "$APP" = 'argo' && "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ]] && ss -nltp | grep "$(cat /var/run/nginx.pid)" | tr ',' '\n' | awk -F '=' '/pid/{print $2}' | sort -u | xargs kill -15 >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /etc/local.d/$APP.start elif [ "$IS_CENTOS" = 'CentOS7' ]; then systemctl disable --now $APP [[ "$APP" = 'argo' && "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ]] && ss -nltp | grep "$(cat /var/run/nginx.pid)" | tr ',' '\n' | awk -F '=' '/pid/{print $2}' | sort -u | xargs kill -15 >/dev/null 2>&1 else systemctl disable --now $APP fi fi } check_system_info() { # 判断虚拟化 if [ -x "$(type -p systemd-detect-virt)" ]; then VIRT=$(systemd-detect-virt) elif [ -x "$(type -p hostnamectl)" ]; then VIRT=$(hostnamectl | awk '/Virtualization/{print $NF}') elif [ -x "$(type -p virt-what)" ]; then VIRT=$(virt-what) fi [ -s /etc/os-release ] && SYS="$(awk -F '"' 'tolower($0) ~ /pretty_name/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)" [[ -z "$SYS" && -x "$(type -p hostnamectl)" ]] && SYS="$(hostnamectl | awk -F ': ' 'tolower($0) ~ /operating system/{print $2}')" [[ -z "$SYS" && -x "$(type -p lsb_release)" ]] && SYS="$(lsb_release -sd)" [[ -z "$SYS" && -s /etc/lsb-release ]] && SYS="$(awk -F '"' 'tolower($0) ~ /distrib_description/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release)" [[ -z "$SYS" && -s /etc/redhat-release ]] && SYS="$(cat /etc/redhat-release)" [[ -z "$SYS" && -s /etc/issue ]] && SYS="$(sed -E '/^$|^\\/d' /etc/issue | awk -F '\\' '{print $1}' | sed 's/[ ]*$//g')" REGEX=("debian" "ubuntu" "centos|red hat|kernel|alma|rocky" "arch linux" "alpine" "fedora") RELEASE=("Debian" "Ubuntu" "CentOS" "Arch" "Alpine" "Fedora") EXCLUDE=("---") MAJOR=("9" "16" "7" "" "" "37") PACKAGE_UPDATE=("apt -y update" "apt -y update" "yum -y update" "pacman -Sy" "apk update -f" "dnf -y update") PACKAGE_INSTALL=("apt -y install" "apt -y install" "yum -y install" "pacman -S --noconfirm" "apk add --no-cache" "dnf -y install") PACKAGE_UNINSTALL=("apt -y autoremove" "apt -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "pacman -Rcnsu --noconfirm" "apk del -f" "dnf -y autoremove") for int in "${!REGEX[@]}"; do [[ "${SYS,,}" =~ ${REGEX[int]} ]] && SYSTEM="${RELEASE[int]}" && break done [ -z "$SYSTEM" ] && error " $(text 5) " # 针对各厂商的订制系统 if [ -z "$SYSTEM" ]; then [ -x "$(type -p yum)" ] && int=2 && SYSTEM='CentOS' || error " $(text 5) " fi # 先排除 EXCLUDE 里包括的特定系统,其他系统需要作大发行版本的比较 for ex in "${EXCLUDE[@]}"; do [[ ! "{$SYS,,}" =~ $ex ]]; done && [[ "$(echo "$SYS" | sed "s/[^0-9.]//g" | cut -d. -f1)" -lt "${MAJOR[int]}" ]] && error " $(text 6) " # 针对部分系统作特殊处理 [ "$SYSTEM" = 'CentOS' ] && IS_CENTOS="CentOS$(echo "$SYS" | sed "s/[^0-9.]//g" | cut -d. -f1)" } # 检测 IPv4 IPv6 信息 check_system_ip() { local DEFAULT_LOCAL_INTERFACE4=$(ip -4 route show default | awk '/default/ {for (i=0; i/dev/null 2>&1 & if grep -qi 'cloudflare' <<< "$ASNORG4$ASNORG6"; then local a=6 until [ -n "$SERVER_IP" ]; do ((a--)) || true [ "$a" = 0 ] && error "\n $(text 3) \n" reading "\n $(text 54) " SERVER_IP done if [[ "$SERVER_IP" =~ : ]]; then WARP_ENDPOINT=2606:4700:d0::a29f:c101 else WARP_ENDPOINT= fi elif [ -n "$WAN4" ]; then SERVER_IP_DEFAULT=$WAN4 WARP_ENDPOINT= elif [ -n "$WAN6" ]; then SERVER_IP_DEFAULT=$WAN6 WARP_ENDPOINT=2606:4700:d0::a29f:c101 fi # 检测是否解锁 chatGPT CHAT_GPT_OUT_V4=warp-IPv4; CHAT_GPT_OUT_V6=warp-IPv4; [ "$(check_chatgpt ${DOMAIN_STRATEG: -1})" = 'unlock' ] && CHAT_GPT_OUT_V4=direct && CHAT_GPT_OUT_V6=direct # 输入服务器 IP,默认为检测到的服务器 IP,如果全部为空,则提示并退出脚本 [ -z "$SERVER_IP" ] && reading "\n $(text 59) " SERVER_IP SERVER_IP=${SERVER_IP:-"$SERVER_IP_DEFAULT"} [ -z "$SERVER_IP" ] && error " $(text 58) " # 处理可能输入的错误,去掉开头和结尾的空格,去掉最后的 : [ -z "$ARGO_DOMAIN" ] && reading "\n $(text 10) " ARGO_DOMAIN ARGO_DOMAIN=$(sed 's/[ ]*//g; s/:[ ]*//' <<< "$ARGO_DOMAIN") if [[ -n "$ARGO_DOMAIN" && -z "$ARGO_AUTH" ]]; then local a=5 until [[ "$ARGO_AUTH" =~ TunnelSecret || "${ARGO_AUTH,,}" =~ ^[a-z0-9=]{120,250}$ || "${ARGO_AUTH,,}" =~ .*cloudflared.*service[[:space:]]+install[[:space:]]+[a-z0-9=]{1,100} ]]; do [ "$a" = 0 ] && error "\n $(text 3) \n" || reading "\n $(text 11) " ARGO_AUTH if [[ "$ARGO_AUTH" =~ TunnelSecret ]]; then ARGO_JSON=${ARGO_AUTH//[ ]/} elif [[ "${ARGO_AUTH,,}" =~ ^[a-z0-9=]{120,250}$ ]]; then ARGO_TOKEN=$ARGO_AUTH elif [[ "{$ARGO_AUTH,,}" =~ .*cloudflared.*service[[:space:]]+install[[:space:]]+[a-z0-9=]{1,100} ]]; then ARGO_TOKEN=$(awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}' <<< "$ARGO_AUTH") else warning "\n $(text 45) \n" fi ((a--)) || true done fi } # 定义 Xray 变量 xray_variable() { local a=6 until [ -n "$REALITY_PORT" ]; do ((a--)) || true [ "$a" = 0 ] && error "\n $(text 3) \n" REALITY_PORT_DEFAULT=$(shuf -i 1000-65535 -n 1) reading "\n $(text 56) " REALITY_PORT REALITY_PORT=${REALITY_PORT:-"$REALITY_PORT_DEFAULT"} ss -nltup | grep -q ":$REALITY_PORT" && warning "\n $(text 61) \n" && unset REALITY_PORT done # 提供网上热心网友的anycast域名 if [ -z "$SERVER" ]; then echo "" for c in "${!CDN_DOMAIN[@]}"; do hint " $[c+1]. ${CDN_DOMAIN[c]} " done reading "\n $(text 42) " CUSTOM_CDN case "$CUSTOM_CDN" in [1-${#CDN_DOMAIN[@]}] ) SERVER="${CDN_DOMAIN[$((CUSTOM_CDN-1))]}" ;; ?????* ) SERVER="$CUSTOM_CDN" ;; * ) SERVER="${CDN_DOMAIN[0]}" esac fi local a=6 until [[ "${UUID,,}" =~ ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$ ]]; do (( a-- )) || true [ "$a" = 0 ] && error "\n $(text 3) \n" UUID_DEFAULT=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) reading "\n $(text 12) " UUID UUID=${UUID:-"$UUID_DEFAULT"} [[ ! "${UUID,,}" =~ ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$ ]] && warning "\n $(text 4) " done [ -z "$WS_PATH" ] && reading "\n $(text 13) " WS_PATH local a=5 until [[ -z "$WS_PATH" || "${WS_PATH,,}" =~ ^[a-z0-9]+$ ]]; do (( a-- )) || true [ "$a" = 0 ] && error " $(text 3) " || reading " $(text 14) " WS_PATH done WS_PATH=${WS_PATH:-"$WS_PATH_DEFAULT"} # 输入节点名,以系统的 hostname 作为默认 if [ -z "$NODE_NAME" ]; then if [ -x "$(type -p hostname)" ]; then NODE_NAME_DEFAULT="$(hostname)" elif [ -s /etc/hostname ]; then NODE_NAME_DEFAULT="$(cat /etc/hostname)" else NODE_NAME_DEFAULT="ArgoX" fi reading "\n $(text 49) " NODE_NAME NODE_NAME="${NODE_NAME:-"$NODE_NAME_DEFAULT"}" fi } check_dependencies() { # 如果是 Alpine,先升级 wget ,安装 systemctl-py 版 if [ "$SYSTEM" = 'Alpine' ]; then local CHECK_WGET=$(wget 2>&1 | head -n 1) grep -qi 'busybox' <<< "$CHECK_WGET" && ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} wget >/dev/null 2>&1 local DEPS_CHECK=("bash" "rc-update" "virt-what" "python3") local DEPS_INSTALL=("bash" "openrc" "virt-what" "python3") for g in "${!DEPS_CHECK[@]}"; do [ ! -x "$(type -p ${DEPS_CHECK[g]})" ] && DEPS_ALPINE+=(${DEPS_INSTALL[g]}) done if [ "${#DEPS_ALPINE[@]}" -ge 1 ]; then info "\n $(text 7) $(sed "s/ /,&/g" <<< ${DEPS_ALPINE[@]}) \n" ${PACKAGE_UPDATE[int]} >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} ${DEPS_ALPINE[@]} >/dev/null 2>&1 [[ -z "$VIRT" && "${DEPS_ALPINE[@]}" =~ 'virt-what' ]] && VIRT=$(virt-what | tr '\n' ' ') fi [ ! -x "$(type -p systemctl)" ] && wget --no-check-certificate --quiet ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gdraheim/docker-systemctl-replacement/master/files/docker/systemctl3.py -O /bin/systemctl && chmod a+x /bin/systemctl fi # 检测 Linux 系统的依赖,升级库并重新安装依赖 local DEPS_CHECK=("wget" "systemctl" "ss" "unzip" "bash") local DEPS_INSTALL=("wget" "systemctl" "iproute2" "unzip" "bash") for g in "${!DEPS_CHECK[@]}"; do [ ! -x "$(type -p ${DEPS_CHECK[g]})" ] && DEPS+=(${DEPS_INSTALL[g]}) done if [ "${#DEPS[@]}" -ge 1 ]; then info "\n $(text 7) $(sed "s/ /,&/g" <<< ${DEPS[@]}) \n" [ "$SYSTEM" != 'CentOS' ] && ${PACKAGE_UPDATE[int]} >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} ${DEPS[@]} >/dev/null 2>&1 else info "\n $(text 8) \n" fi # 不需要 nginx 原来的服务 [[ "${DEPS[@]}" =~ 'nginx' ]] && cmd_systemctl disable nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 } # 检查并安装 nginx check_nginx() { if [ ! -x "$(type -p nginx)" ]; then info "\n $(text 7) nginx \n" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 # 如果新安装的 Nginx ,先停掉服务 systemctl disable --now nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } # 处理防火墙规则 check_firewall_configuration() { if [[ -s /etc/selinux/config && -x "$(type -p getenforce)" && $(getenforce) = 'Enforcing' ]]; then hint "\n $(text 69) \n" setenforce 0 sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/# &/; /SELINUX=/a\SELINUX=disabled' /etc/selinux/config fi } # Nginx 配置文件 json_nginx() { if [ -s $WORK_DIR/*inbound*.json ]; then JSON=$(cat $WORK_DIR/*inbound*.json) WS_PATH=$(expr "$JSON" : '.*path":"/\(.*\)-vl.*') SERVER_IP=${SERVER_IP:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"SERVER_IP"/{print $4}' <<< "$JSON")"} UUID=$(awk -F '"' '/"password"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON") fi [[ "$SERVER_IP" =~ : ]] && REVERSE_IP="[$SERVER_IP]" || REVERSE_IP="$SERVER_IP" cat > $WORK_DIR/nginx.conf << EOF user root; worker_processes auto; error_log /dev/null; pid /var/run/nginx.pid; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { map \$http_user_agent \$path { default /; # 默认路径 ~*v2rayN|Neko /base64; # 匹配 V2rayN / NekoBox 客户端 ~*clash /clash; # 匹配 Clash 客户端 ~*ShadowRocket /shadowrocket; # 匹配 ShadowRocket 客户端 ~*SFM /sing-box-pc; # 匹配 Sing-box pc 客户端 ~*SFI|SFA /sing-box-phone; # 匹配 Sing-box phone 客户端 # ~*Chrome|Firefox|Mozilla /; # 添加更多的分流规则 } include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main '\$remote_addr - \$remote_user [\$time_local] "\$request" ' '\$status \$body_bytes_sent "\$http_referer" ' '"\$http_user_agent" "\$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log /dev/null; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; keepalive_timeout 65; #gzip on; #include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; server { listen proxy_protocol; # xray fallbacks # 来自 /auto 的分流 location ~ ^/${UUID}/auto { default_type 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; alias ${WORK_DIR}/subscribe/\$path; } location ~ ^/${UUID}/(.*) { autoindex on; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$proxy_protocol_addr; default_type 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; alias ${WORK_DIR}/subscribe/\$1; } } } EOF } # Json 生成两个配置文件 json_argo() { [ ! -s $WORK_DIR/tunnel.json ] && echo $ARGO_JSON > $WORK_DIR/tunnel.json [ ! -s $WORK_DIR/tunnel.yml ] && cat > $WORK_DIR/tunnel.yml << EOF tunnel: $(cut -d\" -f12 <<< $ARGO_JSON) credentials-file: $WORK_DIR/tunnel.json ingress: - hostname: ${ARGO_DOMAIN} service: http://localhost:8080 - service: http_status:404 EOF } install_argox() { argo_variable xray_variable [ "$SYSTEM" = 'CentOS' ] && check_firewall_configuration wait # 生成 reality 的公私钥 [[ -z "$REALITY_PRIVATE" || -z "$REALITY_PUBLIC" ]] && REALITY_KEYPAIR=$($TEMP_DIR/xray x25519) [ -z "$REALITY_PRIVATE" ] && REALITY_PRIVATE=$(awk '/Private/{print $NF}' <<< "$REALITY_KEYPAIR") [ -z "$REALITY_PUBLIC" ] && REALITY_PUBLIC=$(awk '/Public/{print $NF}' <<< "$REALITY_KEYPAIR") [ ! -d /etc/systemd/system ] && mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system mkdir -p $WORK_DIR/subscribe && echo "$L" > $WORK_DIR/language [ -s "$VARIABLE_FILE" ] && cp $VARIABLE_FILE $WORK_DIR/ wait [[ ! -s $WORK_DIR/cloudflared && -x $TEMP_DIR/cloudflared ]] && mv $TEMP_DIR/cloudflared $WORK_DIR [[ ! -s $WORK_DIR/jq && -x $TEMP_DIR/jq ]] && mv $TEMP_DIR/jq $WORK_DIR [[ "$INSTALL_NGINX" != 'n' && ! -s $WORK_DIR/qrencode && -x $TEMP_DIR/qrencode ]] && mv $TEMP_DIR/qrencode $WORK_DIR if [[ -n "${ARGO_JSON}" && -n "${ARGO_DOMAIN}" ]]; then ARGO_RUNS="$WORK_DIR/cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version auto --config $WORK_DIR/tunnel.yml run" json_argo elif [[ -n "${ARGO_TOKEN}" && -n "${ARGO_DOMAIN}" ]]; then ARGO_RUNS="$WORK_DIR/cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version auto run --token ${ARGO_TOKEN}" else ARGO_RUNS="$WORK_DIR/cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version auto --no-autoupdate --metrics${METRICS_PORT} --url http://localhost:8080" fi # Argo 生成守护进程文件 local ARGO_SERVER="[Unit] Description=Cloudflare Tunnel After=network.target [Service] Type=simple NoNewPrivileges=yes TimeoutStartSec=0" [[ "$INSTALL_NGINX" != 'n' && "$IS_CENTOS" != 'CentOS7' ]] && ARGO_SERVER+=" ExecStartPre=$(type -p nginx) -c $WORK_DIR/nginx.conf" ARGO_SERVER+=" ExecStart=$ARGO_RUNS Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" echo "$ARGO_SERVER" > /etc/systemd/system/argo.service # 生成配置文件及守护进程文件 local i=1 [ ! -s $WORK_DIR/xray ] && wait && while [ "$i" -le 20 ]; do [[ -s $TEMP_DIR/xray && -s $TEMP_DIR/geoip.dat && -s $TEMP_DIR/geosite.dat ]] && mv $TEMP_DIR/xray $TEMP_DIR/geo*.dat $WORK_DIR && break; ((i++)); sleep 2; done [ "$i" -ge 20 ] && local APP=Xray && error "\n $(text 48) " cat > $WORK_DIR/inbound.json << EOF // "SERVER_IP":"${SERVER_IP}" // "REALITY_PUBLIC":"${REALITY_PUBLIC}" // "SERVER":"${SERVER}" { "log":{ "access":"/dev/null", "error":"/dev/null", "loglevel":"none" }, "inbounds":[ { "tag":"${NODE_NAME} reality-vision", "protocol":"vless", "port":${REALITY_PORT}, "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${UUID}", "flow":"xtls-rprx-vision" } ], "decryption":"none", "fallbacks":[ { "dest":"3001", "xver":1 } ] }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"tcp", "security":"reality", "realitySettings":{ "show":true, "dest":"${TLS_SERVER}:443", "xver":0, "serverNames":[ "${TLS_SERVER}" ], "privateKey":"${REALITY_PRIVATE}", "publicKey":"${REALITY_PUBLIC}", "maxTimeDiff":70000, "shortIds":[ "" ] } }, "sniffing":{ "enabled":true, "destOverride":[ "http", "tls" ] } }, { "port":3001, "listen":"", "protocol":"vless", "tag":"${NODE_NAME} reality-grpc", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${UUID}", "flow":"" } ], "decryption":"none" }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"grpc", "grpcSettings":{ "serviceName":"grpc", "multiMode":true }, "sockopt":{ "acceptProxyProtocol":true } }, "sniffing":{ "enabled":true, "destOverride":[ "http", "tls" ] } }, { "listen":"", "port":8080, "protocol":"vless", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${UUID}", "flow":"xtls-rprx-vision" } ], "decryption":"none", "fallbacks":[ { "path":"/${WS_PATH}-vl", "dest":3002 }, { "path":"/${WS_PATH}-vm", "dest":3003 }, { "path":"/${WS_PATH}-tr", "dest":3004 }, { "path":"/${WS_PATH}-sh", "dest":3005 }, { "dest":3006, "alpn": "", "xver": 1 } ] }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"tcp" } }, { "port":3002, "listen":"", "protocol":"vless", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${UUID}", "level":0 } ], "decryption":"none" }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "security":"none", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${WS_PATH}-vl" } }, "sniffing":{ "enabled":true, "destOverride":[ "http", "tls", "quic" ], "metadataOnly":false } }, { "port":3003, "listen":"", "protocol":"vmess", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${UUID}", "alterId":0 } ] }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${WS_PATH}-vm" } }, "sniffing":{ "enabled":true, "destOverride":[ "http", "tls", "quic" ], "metadataOnly":false } }, { "port":3004, "listen":"", "protocol":"trojan", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "password":"${UUID}" } ] }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "security":"none", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${WS_PATH}-tr" } }, "sniffing":{ "enabled":true, "destOverride":[ "http", "tls", "quic" ], "metadataOnly":false } }, { "port":3005, "listen":"", "protocol":"shadowsocks", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "method":"chacha20-ietf-poly1305", "password":"${UUID}" } ], "decryption":"none" }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${WS_PATH}-sh" } }, "sniffing":{ "enabled":true, "destOverride":[ "http", "tls", "quic" ], "metadataOnly":false } } ], "dns":{ "servers":[ "https+local://" ] } } EOF cat > $WORK_DIR/outbound.json << EOF { "outbounds":[ { "protocol":"freedom", "tag":"direct" }, { "protocol":"blackhole", "settings":{ }, "tag":"block" }, { "protocol":"wireguard", "settings":{ "secretKey":"YFYOAdbw1bKTHlNNi+aEjBM3BO7unuFC5rOkMRAz9XY=", "address":[ "", "2606:4700:110:8a36:df92:102a:9602:fa18/128" ], "peers":[ { "publicKey":"bmXOC+F1FxEMF9dyiK2H5/1SUtzH0JuVo51h2wPfgyo=", "allowedIPs":[ "", "::/0" ], "endpoint":"${WARP_ENDPOINT}:2408" } ], "reserved":[ 78, 135, 76 ], "mtu":1280 }, "tag":"wireguard" }, { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv4" }, "proxySettings":{ "tag":"wireguard" }, "tag":"warp-IPv4" }, { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv6" }, "proxySettings":{ "tag":"wireguard" }, "tag":"warp-IPv6" } ], "routing":{ "domainStrategy":"AsIs", "rules":[ { "type":"field", "domain":[ "api.openai.com" ], "outboundTag":"$CHAT_GPT_OUT_V4" }, { "type":"field", "domain":[ "geosite:openai" ], "outboundTag":"$CHAT_GPT_OUT_V6" } ] } } EOF cat > /etc/systemd/system/xray.service << EOF [Unit] Description=Xray Service Documentation=https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core After=network.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=$WORK_DIR/xray run -confdir $WORK_DIR/ Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=23 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF # 生成 Nginx 配置文件 [ "$INSTALL_NGINX" != 'n' ] && json_nginx # 再次检测状态,运行 Argo 和 Xray check_install case "${STATUS[0]}" in "$(text 26)" ) warning "\n Argo $(text 28) $(text 38) \n" ;; "$(text 27)" ) cmd_systemctl enable argo && info "\n Argo $(text 28) $(text 37) \n" ;; "$(text 28)" ) info "\n Argo $(text 28) $(text 37) \n" esac case "${STATUS[0]}" in "$(text 26)" ) warning "\n Xray $(text 28) $(text 38) \n" ;; "$(text 27)" ) cmd_systemctl enable xray && info "\n Xray $(text 28) $(text 37) \n" ;; "$(text 28)" ) info "\n Xray $(text 28) $(text 37) \n" esac } # 创建快捷方式 create_shortcut() { cat > $WORK_DIR/ax.sh << EOF #!/usr/bin/env bash bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/argox/main/argox.sh) \$1 EOF chmod +x $WORK_DIR/ax.sh ln -sf $WORK_DIR/ax.sh /usr/bin/argox [ -s /usr/bin/argox ] && hint "\n $(text 62) " } export_list() { check_install #### v1.6.3 处理的 jq 和 qrencode 二进制文件代替系统依赖的问题,此处预计6月30日删除 if [ "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ]; then [[ ! -s $WORK_DIR/jq && -s /usr/bin/jq ]] && cp /usr/bin/jq $WORK_DIR/ if [ ! -s $WORK_DIR/qrencode ]; then check_arch wget -qO $WORK_DIR/qrencode ${GH_PROXY}https://github.com/fscarmen/client_template/raw/main/qrencode-go/qrencode-go-linux-$QRENCODE_ARCH && chmod +x $WORK_DIR/qrencode fi fi # 没有开启 Argo 和 Xray 服务,将不输出节点信息 local APP [ "${STATUS[0]}" != "$(text 28)" ] && APP+=(Argo) [ "${STATUS[1]}" != "$(text 28)" ] && APP+=(Xray) if [ "${#APP[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then reading "\n $(text 50) " OPEN_APP if [ "${OPEN_APP,,}" = 'y' ]; then [ "${STATUS[0]}" != "$(text 28)" ] && cmd_systemctl enable argo [ "${STATUS[1]}" != "$(text 28)" ] && cmd_systemctl enable xray else exit fi fi if grep -q "^ExecStart=.*8080$" /etc/systemd/system/argo.service; then local a=5 until [[ -n "$ARGO_DOMAIN" || "$a" = 0 ]]; do sleep 2 ARGO_DOMAIN=$(wget -qO- http://localhost:$(ps -ef | awk -F '' '/cloudflared.*:8080/{print $2}' | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')/quicktunnel | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') ((a--)) || true done else ARGO_DOMAIN=${ARGO_DOMAIN:-"$(grep -m1 '^vless.*host=.*' $WORK_DIR/list | sed "s@.*host=\(.*\)&.*@\1@g")"} fi JSON=$(cat $WORK_DIR/*inbound*.json) SERVER_IP=${SERVER_IP:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"SERVER_IP"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} REALITY_PORT=${REALITY_PORT:-"$(awk -F '[:,]' '/"port"/{print $2; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} REALITY_PUBLIC=${REALITY_PUBLIC:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"publicKey"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} REALITY_PRIVATE=${REALITY_PRIVATE:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"privateKey"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} TLS_SERVER=${TLS_SERVER:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"server_name"/{print $4}' <<< "$JSON")"} SERVER=${SERVER:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"SERVER"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} UUID=${UUID:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"password"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} WS_PATH=${WS_PATH:-"$(expr "$JSON" : '.*path":"/\(.*\)-vl.*')"} NODE_NAME=${NODE_NAME:-"$(sed -n 's/.*tag":"\(.*\) reality-vision.*/\1/gp' <<< "$JSON")"} SS_METHOD=${SS_METHOD:-"$(awk -F '"' '/"method"/{print $4; exit}' <<< "$JSON")"} # IPv6 时的 IP 处理 if [[ "$SERVER_IP" =~ : ]]; then SERVER_IP_1="[$SERVER_IP]" SERVER_IP_2="[[$SERVER_IP]]" else SERVER_IP_1="$SERVER_IP" SERVER_IP_2="$SERVER_IP" fi # 若为临时隧道,处理查询方法 grep -q 'metrics.*url' /etc/systemd/system/argo.service && QUICK_TUNNEL_URL=$(text 60) # # 生成 vmess 文件 VMESS="{ \"v\": \"2\", \"ps\": \"${NODE_NAME}-Vm\", \"add\": \"${SERVER}\", \"port\": \"443\", \"id\": \"${UUID}\", \"aid\": \"0\", \"scy\": \"none\", \"net\": \"ws\", \"type\": \"none\", \"host\": \"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\", \"path\": \"/${WS_PATH}-vm?ed=2048\", \"tls\": \"tls\", \"sni\": \"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\", \"alpn\": \"\" }" # 生成各订阅文件 # 生成 Clash proxy providers 订阅文件 local CLASH_SUBSCRIBE="proxies: - {name: \"${NODE_NAME} reality-vision\", type: vless, server: ${SERVER_IP}, port: ${REALITY_PORT}, uuid: ${UUID}, network: tcp, udp: true, tls: true, servername: ${TLS_SERVER}, flow: xtls-rprx-vision, client-fingerprint: chrome, reality-opts: {public-key: ${REALITY_PUBLIC}, short-id: \"\"} } - {name: \"${NODE_NAME} reality-grpc\", type: vless, server: ${SERVER_IP}, port: ${REALITY_PORT}, uuid: ${UUID}, network: grpc, udp: true, tls: true, servername: ${TLS_SERVER}, flow: , client-fingerprint: chrome, reality-opts: {public-key: ${REALITY_PUBLIC}, short-id: \"\"}, grpc-opts: {grpc-service-name: \"grpc\"} } - {name: \"${NODE_NAME}-Vl\", type: vless, server: ${SERVER}, port: 443, uuid: ${UUID}, udp: true, tls: true, servername: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}, skip-cert-verify: false, network: ws, ws-opts: {path: \"/${WS_PATH}-vl\", headers: {Host: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}}, \"max_early_data\":2408, \"early_data_header_name\":\"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol\"} } - {name: \"${NODE_NAME}-Vm\", type: vmess, server: ${SERVER}, port: 443, uuid: ${UUID}, udp: true, alterId: 0, cipher: none, tls: true, servername: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}, skip-cert-verify: true, network: ws, ws-opts: {path: \"/${WS_PATH}-vm\", headers: {Host: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}}, \"max_early_data\":2408, \"early_data_header_name\":\"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol\"}} - {name: \"${NODE_NAME}-Tr\", type: trojan, server: ${SERVER}, port: 443, password: ${UUID}, udp: true, tls: true, servername: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}, sni: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}, skip-cert-verify: false, network: ws, ws-opts: { path: \"/${WS_PATH}-tr\", headers: {Host: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}}, \"max_early_data\":2408, \"early_data_header_name\":\"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol\" } } - {name: \"${NODE_NAME}-Sh\", type: ss, server: ${SERVER}, port: 443, cipher: ${SS_METHOD}, password: ${UUID}, udp: true, plugin: v2ray-plugin, plugin-opts: { mode: websocket, host: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}, path: \"/${WS_PATH}-sh\", tls: true, servername: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}, skip-cert-verify: false, mux: false } }" echo -n "${CLASH_SUBSCRIBE}" > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/proxies # 生成 clash 订阅配置文件 wget --no-check-certificate -qO- --tries=3 --timeout=2 ${SUBSCRIBE_TEMPLATE}/clash | sed "s#NODE_NAME#${NODE_NAME}#g; s#PROXY_PROVIDERS_URL#http://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/proxies#" > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/clash # 生成 Shadowrocket 订阅文件 local SHADOWROCKET_SUBSCRIBE="vless://$(echo -n "auto:${UUID}@${SERVER_IP_2}:${REALITY_PORT}" | base64 -w0)?remarks=${NODE_NAME}%20reality-vision&obfs=none&tls=1&peer=${TLS_SERVER}&xtls=2&pbk=${REALITY_PUBLIC} vless://$(echo -n "auto:${UUID}@${SERVER_IP_2}:${REALITY_PORT}" | base64 -w0)?remarks=${NODE_NAME}%20reality-grpc&path=grpc&obfs=grpc&tls=1&peer=${TLS_SERVER}&pbk=${REALITY_PUBLIC} vless://${UUID}@${SERVER}:443?encryption=none&security=tls&type=ws&host=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&path=/${WS_PATH}-vl?ed=2048&sni=${ARGO_DOMAIN}#${NODE_NAME}-Vl vmess://$(echo -n "none:${UUID}@${SERVER}:443" | base64 -w0)?remarks=${NODE_NAME}-Vm&obfsParam=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&path=/${WS_PATH}-vm?ed=2048&obfs=websocket&tls=1&peer=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&alterId=0 trojan://${UUID}@${SERVER}:443?peer=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&plugin=obfs-local;obfs=websocket;obfs-host=${ARGO_DOMAIN};obfs-uri=/${WS_PATH}-tr?ed=2048#${NODE_NAME}-Tr" echo -n "${SHADOWROCKET_SUBSCRIBE}" | base64 -w0 > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/shadowrocket # 生成 V2rayN / NekoBox 订阅文件 local V2RAYN_SUBSCRIBE="vless://${UUID}@${SERVER_IP_1}:${REALITY_PORT}?encryption=none&flow=xtls-rprx-vision&security=reality&sni=${TLS_SERVER}&fp=chrome&pbk=${REALITY_PUBLIC}&type=tcp&headerType=none#${NODE_NAME} reality-vision vless://${UUID}@${SERVER_IP_1}:${REALITY_PORT}?security=reality&sni=${TLS_SERVER}&fp=chrome&pbk=${REALITY_PUBLIC}&type=grpc&serviceName=grpc&encryption=none#${NODE_NAME} reality-grpc vless://${UUID}@${SERVER}:443?encryption=none&security=tls&sni=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&type=ws&host=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&path=%2F${WS_PATH}-vl%3Fed%3D2048#${NODE_NAME}-Vl vmess://$(echo -n "$VMESS" | base64 -w0) trojan://${UUID}@${SERVER}:443?security=tls&sni=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&type=ws&host=${ARGO_DOMAIN}&path=/${WS_PATH}-tr?ed%3D2048#${NODE_NAME}-Tr" echo -n "${V2RAYN_SUBSCRIBE}" | base64 -w0 > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/base64 # 生成 Sing-box 订阅文件 local INBOUND_REPLACE="{ \"type\":\"vless\", \"tag\":\"${NODE_NAME} reality-vision\", \"server\":\"${SERVER_IP}\", \"server_port\": ${REALITY_PORT}, \"uuid\":\"${UUID}\", \"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-vision\", \"packet_encoding\":\"xudp\", \"tls\":{ \"enabled\":true, \"server_name\":\"${TLS_SERVER}\", \"utls\":{ \"enabled\":true, \"fingerprint\":\"chrome\" }, \"reality\":{ \"enabled\":true, \"public_key\":\"${REALITY_PUBLIC}\", \"short_id\":\"\" } } }, { \"type\": \"vless\", \"tag\":\"${NODE_NAME} reality-grpc\", \"server\": \"${SERVER_IP}\", \"server_port\": ${REALITY_PORT}, \"uuid\": \"${UUID}\", \"packet_encoding\":\"xudp\", \"tls\": { \"enabled\": true, \"server_name\": \"${TLS_SERVER}\", \"utls\": { \"enabled\": true, \"fingerprint\": \"chrome\" }, \"reality\": { \"enabled\": true, \"public_key\": \"${REALITY_PUBLIC}\", \"short_id\": \"\" } }, \"transport\": { \"type\": \"grpc\", \"service_name\": \"grpc\" } }, { \"type\":\"vless\", \"tag\":\"${NODE_NAME}-Vl\", \"server\":\"${SERVER}\", \"server_port\":443, \"uuid\":\"${UUID}\", \"tls\": { \"enabled\":true, \"server_name\":\"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\", \"utls\": { \"enabled\":true, \"fingerprint\":\"chrome\" } }, \"transport\": { \"type\":\"ws\", \"path\":\"/${WS_PATH}-vl\", \"headers\": { \"Host\": \"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\" }, \"max_early_data\":2048, \"early_data_header_name\":\"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol\" } }, { \"type\":\"vmess\", \"tag\":\"${NODE_NAME}-Vm\", \"server\":\"${SERVER}\", \"server_port\":443, \"uuid\":\"${UUID}\", \"tls\": { \"enabled\":true, \"server_name\":\"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\", \"utls\": { \"enabled\":true, \"fingerprint\":\"chrome\" } }, \"transport\": { \"type\":\"ws\", \"path\":\"/${WS_PATH}-vm\", \"headers\": { \"Host\": \"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\" }, \"max_early_data\":2048, \"early_data_header_name\":\"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol\" } }, { \"type\":\"trojan\", \"tag\":\"${NODE_NAME}-Tr\", \"server\": \"${SERVER}\", \"server_port\": 443, \"password\": \"${UUID}\", \"tls\": { \"enabled\":true, \"server_name\":\"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\", \"utls\": { \"enabled\":true, \"fingerprint\":\"chrome\" } }, \"transport\": { \"type\":\"ws\", \"path\":\"/${WS_PATH}-tr\", \"headers\": { \"Host\": \"${ARGO_DOMAIN}\" }, \"max_early_data\":2048, \"early_data_header_name\":\"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol\" } }" local NODE_REPLACE="\"${NODE_NAME} reality-vision\", \"${NODE_NAME} reality-grpc\", \"${NODE_NAME}-Vl\", \"${NODE_NAME}-Vm\", \"${NODE_NAME}-Tr\"" # 模板 local SING_BOX_JSON1=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- --tries=3 --timeout=2 ${SUBSCRIBE_TEMPLATE}/sing-box1) echo $SING_BOX_JSON1 | sed 's#, {[^}]\+"tun-in"[^}]\+}##' | sed "s#\"\"#$INBOUND_REPLACE#; s#\"\"#$NODE_REPLACE#g" | $WORK_DIR/jq > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/sing-box-pc echo $SING_BOX_JSON1 | sed 's# {[^}]\+"mixed"[^}]\+},##; s#, "auto_detect_interface": true##' | sed "s#\"\"#$INBOUND_REPLACE#; s#\"\"#$NODE_REPLACE#g" | $WORK_DIR/jq > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/sing-box-phone # 生成二维码 url 文件 [ "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ] && cat > $WORK_DIR/subscribe/qr << EOF $(text 66): $(text 67): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/auto $(text 67): $(text 64) QRcode: https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=200x200&data=https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/auto $(text 67): $($WORK_DIR/qrencode "https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/auto") EOF # 生成客户端配置文件 EXPORT_LIST_FILE="******************************************* ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ $(warning "V2rayN") │ │ $(warning "NekoBox") │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ ---------------------------- $(info "$(sed "G" <<< "${V2RAYN_SUBSCRIBE}") ss://$(echo -n "${SS_METHOD}:${UUID}" | base64 -w0)@${SERVER}:443#${NODE_NAME}-Sh 由于该软件导出的链接不全,请自行处理如下: 传输协议: WS , 伪装域名: ${ARGO_DOMAIN} , 路径: /${WS_PATH}-sh?ed=2048 , 传输层安全: tls , sni: ${ARGO_DOMAIN}") ******************************************* ┌────────────────┐ │ │ │ $(warning "Shadowrocket") │ │ │ └────────────────┘ ---------------------------- $(hint "$(sed "G" <<< "${SHADOWROCKET_SUBSCRIBE}")") ******************************************* ┌────────────────┐ │ │ │ $(warning "Clash Meta") │ │ │ └────────────────┘ ---------------------------- $(info "$(sed '1d;G' <<< "$CLASH_SUBSCRIBE")") ******************************************* ┌────────────────┐ │ │ │ $(warning "Sing-box") │ │ │ └────────────────┘ ---------------------------- $(hint "$(echo "{ \"outbounds\":[ ${INBOUND_REPLACE%,} ] }" | $WORK_DIR/jq) $(text 63)") " [ "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ] && EXPORT_LIST_FILE+=" ******************************************* $(info "Index: https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/ QR code: https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/qr V2rayN / Nekoray $(text 66): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/base64") $(info "Clash $(text 66): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/clash sing-box for pc $(text 66): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/sing-box-pc sing-box for cellphone $(text 66): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/sing-box-phone Shadowrocket $(text 66): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/shadowrocket") ******************************************* $(hint " $(text 66): $(text 67): https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/auto $(text 64) QRcode: $(text 67): https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=200x200&data=https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/auto") $($WORK_DIR/qrencode https://${ARGO_DOMAIN}/${UUID}/auto) " EXPORT_LIST_FILE+=" $(info "\n******************************************* ${QUICK_TUNNEL_URL} ") " # 生成并显示节点信息 echo "$EXPORT_LIST_FILE" > $WORK_DIR/list cat $WORK_DIR/list # 显示脚本使用情况数据 hint "\n $(text 55) \n" } # 更换 Argo 隧道类型 change_argo() { check_install [[ ${STATUS[0]} = "$(text 26)" ]] && error " $(text 39) " case $(grep "ExecStart=" /etc/systemd/system/argo.service) in *--config* ) ARGO_TYPE='Json'; ARGO_DOMAIN="$(grep -m1 '^vless' $WORK_DIR/list | sed "s@.*host=\(.*\)&.*@\1@g")" ;; *--token* ) ARGO_TYPE='Token'; ARGO_DOMAIN="$(grep -m1 '^vless' $WORK_DIR/list | sed "s@.*host=\(.*\)&.*@\1@g")" ;; * ) ARGO_TYPE='Try'; ARGO_DOMAIN=$(wget -qO- http://localhost:$(ps -ef | awk -F '' '/cloudflared.*:8080/{print $2}' | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')/quicktunnel | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') esac hint "\n $(text 40) \n" unset ARGO_DOMAIN hint " $(text 41) \n" && reading " $(text 24) " CHANGE_TO case "$CHANGE_TO" in 1 ) cmd_systemctl disable argo [ -s $WORK_DIR/tunnel.json ] && rm -f $WORK_DIR/tunnel.{json,yml} sed -i "s@ExecStart=.*@ExecStart=$WORK_DIR/cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version auto --no-autoupdate --metrics${METRICS_PORT} --url http://localhost:8080@g" /etc/systemd/system/argo.service ;; 2 ) SERVER_IP=$(awk -F '"' '/"SERVER_IP"/{print $4}' $WORK_DIR/*inbound*.json) argo_variable cmd_systemctl disable argo if [ -n "$ARGO_TOKEN" ]; then [ -s $WORK_DIR/tunnel.json ] && rm -f $WORK_DIR/tunnel.{json,yml} sed -i "s@ExecStart=.*@ExecStart=$WORK_DIR/cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version auto run --token ${ARGO_TOKEN}@g" /etc/systemd/system/argo.service elif [ -n "$ARGO_JSON" ]; then [ -s $WORK_DIR/tunnel.json ] && rm -f $WORK_DIR/tunnel.{json,yml} json_argo sed -i "s@ExecStart=.*@ExecStart=$WORK_DIR/cloudflared tunnel --edge-ip-version auto --config $WORK_DIR/tunnel.yml run@g" /etc/systemd/system/argo.service fi ;; * ) exit 0 esac [ "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ] && json_nginx cmd_systemctl enable argo export_list } # 卸载 ArgoX uninstall() { if [ -d $WORK_DIR ]; then cmd_systemctl disable argo cmd_systemctl disable xray [[ -s $WORK_DIR/nginx.conf && $(ps -ef | grep 'nginx' | wc -l) -le 1 ]] && reading "\n $(text 65) " REMOVE_NGINX [ "${REMOVE_NGINX,,}" = 'y' ] && ${PACKAGE_UNINSTALL[int]} nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $WORK_DIR $TEMP_DIR /etc/systemd/system/{xray,argo}.service /usr/bin/argox info "\n $(text 16) \n" else error "\n $(text 15) \n" fi # 如果 Alpine 系统,删除开机自启动和python3版systemd if [ "$SYSTEM" = 'Alpine' ]; then rm -f /etc/local.d/argo.start /etc/local.d/xray.start rc-update add local >/dev/null 2>&1 [ ! $(ls /etc/systemd/system/*.service) ] && rm -f /bin/systemctl fi } # Argo 与 Xray 的最新版本 version() { # Argo 版本 local ONLINE=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "${GH_PROXY}https://api.github.com/repos/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest" | grep "tag_name" | cut -d \" -f4) local LOCAL=$($WORK_DIR/cloudflared -v | awk '{for (i=0; i&1 | sed "s#.*/#Version: #") OPTION[1]="1. $(text 29)" if [ ${STATUS[0]} = "$(text 28)" ]; then AEGO_MEMORY="$(text 52): $(awk '/VmRSS/{printf "%.1f\n", $2/1024}' /proc/$(awk '/\/etc\/argox\/cloudflared/{print $1}' <<< "$PS_LIST")/status) MB" [ "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ] && NGINX_MEMORY="$(text 52): $(awk '/VmRSS/{printf "%.1f\n", $2/1024}' /proc/$(awk '/\/etc\/argox\/nginx/{print $1}' <<< "$PS_LIST")/status) MB" OPTION[2]="2. $(text 27) Argo (argox -a)" else OPTION[2]="2. $(text 28) Argo (argox -a)" fi [ ${STATUS[1]} = "$(text 28)" ] && XRAY_MEMORY="$(text 52): $(awk '/VmRSS/{printf "%.1f\n", $2/1024}' /proc/$(awk '/\/etc\/argox\/xray.*\/etc\/argox/{print $1}' <<< "$PS_LIST")/status) MB" && OPTION[3]="3. $(text 27) Xray (argox -x)" || OPTION[3]="3. $(text 28) Xray (argox -x)" OPTION[4]="4. $(text 30)" OPTION[5]="5. $(text 31)" OPTION[6]="6. $(text 32)" OPTION[7]="7. $(text 33)" OPTION[8]="8. $(text 51)" OPTION[9]="9. $(text 57)" ACTION[1]() { export_list; exit 0; } [[ ${STATUS[0]} = "$(text 28)" ]] && ACTION[2]() { cmd_systemctl disable argo; [[ "$(systemctl is-active argo)" =~ 'inactive'|'unknown' ]] && info "\n Argo $(text 27) $(text 37)" || error " Argo $(text 27) $(text 38) "; } || ACTION[2]() { cmd_systemctl enable argo && [ "$(systemctl is-active argo)" = 'active' ] && info "\n Argo $(text 28) $(text 37)" || error " Argo $(text 28) $(text 38) "; } [[ ${STATUS[1]} = "$(text 28)" ]] && ACTION[3]() { cmd_systemctl disable xray; [[ "$(systemctl is-active xray)" =~ 'inactive'|'unknown' ]] && info "\n Xray $(text 27) $(text 37)" || error " Xray $(text 27) $(text 38) "; } || ACTION[3]() { cmd_systemctl enable xray && [ "$(systemctl is-active xray)" = 'active' ] && info "\n Xray $(text 28) $(text 37)" || error " Xray $(text 28) $(text 38) "; } ACTION[4]() { change_argo; exit; } ACTION[5]() { version; exit; } ACTION[6]() { bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcp.sh); exit; } ACTION[7]() { uninstall; exit; } ACTION[8]() { bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/sing-box/main/sing-box.sh) -$L; exit; } ACTION[9]() { bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/sba/main/sba.sh) -$L; exit; } else OPTION[1]="1. $(text 34)" OPTION[2]="2. $(text 32)" OPTION[3]="3. $(text 51)" OPTION[4]="4. $(text 57)" ACTION[1]() { install_argox; export_list; create_shortcut; exit; } ACTION[2]() { bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcp.sh); exit; } ACTION[3]() { bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/sing-box/main/sing-box.sh) -$L; exit; } ACTION[4]() { bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen/sba/main/sba.sh) -$L; exit; } fi [ "${#OPTION[@]}" -ge '10' ] && OPTION[0]="0 . $(text 35)" || OPTION[0]="0. $(text 35)" ACTION[0]() { exit; } } menu() { clear ### hint " $(text 2) " echo -e "======================================================================================================================\n" info " $(text 17):$VERSION\n $(text 18):$(text 1)\n $(text 19):\n\t $(text 20):$SYS\n\t $(text 21):$(uname -r)\n\t $(text 22):$ARGO_ARCH\n\t $(text 23):$VIRT " info "\t IPv4: $WAN4 $WARPSTATUS4 $COUNTRY4 $ASNORG4 " info "\t IPv6: $WAN6 $WARPSTATUS6 $COUNTRY6 $ASNORG6 " info "\t Argo: ${STATUS[0]}\t $ARGO_VERSION\t $AEGO_MEMORY\t $ARGO_CHECKHEALTH\n\t Xray: ${STATUS[1]}\t $XRAY_VERSION\t\t $XRAY_MEMORY " [ "$IS_NGINX" = 'is_nginx' ] && info "\t Nginx: ${STATUS[0]}\t $NGINX_VERSION\t $NGINX_MEMORY " echo -e "\n======================================================================================================================\n" for ((b=1;b<${#OPTION[*]};b++)); do hint " ${OPTION[b]} "; done hint " ${OPTION[0]} " reading "\n $(text 24) " CHOOSE # 输入必须是数字且少于等于最大可选项 if grep -qE "^[0-9]$" <<< "$CHOOSE" && [ "$CHOOSE" -lt "${#OPTION[*]}" ]; then ACTION[$CHOOSE] else warning " $(text 36) [0-$((${#OPTION[*]}-1))] " && sleep 1 && menu fi } check_cdn statistics_of_run-times # 传参 [[ "${*,,}" =~ -e ]] && L=E [[ "${*,,}" =~ -c ]] && L=C while getopts ":AaXxTtUuNnVvBbF:f:" OPTNAME; do case "${OPTNAME,,}" in a ) select_language; check_system_info; check_install; [ "${STATUS[0]}" = "$(text 28)" ] && { cmd_systemctl disable argo; [[ "$(systemctl is-active argo)" =~ 'inactive'|'unknown' ]] && info "\n Argo $(text 27) $(text 37)" || error " Argo $(text 27) $(text 38) "; } || { cmd_systemctl enable argo; [ "$(systemctl is-active argo)" = 'active' ] && info "\n Argo $(text 28) $(text 37)" || error " Argo $(text 28) $(text 38) "; } ; exit 0 ;; x ) select_language; check_system_info; check_install; [ "${STATUS[1]}" = "$(text 28)" ] && { cmd_systemctl disable xray; [[ "$(systemctl is-active xray)" =~ 'inactive'|'unknown' ]] && info "\n Xray $(text 27) $(text 37)" || error " Xray $(text 27) $(text 38) "; } || { cmd_systemctl enable xray; [ "$(systemctl is-active xray)" = 'active' ] && info "\n Xray $(text 28) $(text 37)" || error " Xray $(text 28) $(text 38) "; } ; exit 0 ;; t ) select_language; change_argo; exit 0 ;; u ) select_language; check_system_info; uninstall; exit 0;; n ) select_language; check_system_info; export_list; exit 0 ;; v ) select_language; check_arch; version; exit 0;; b ) select_language; bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "${GH_PROXY}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcp.sh"); exit ;; f ) VARIABLE_FILE=$OPTARG; . $VARIABLE_FILE ;; esac done select_language check_root check_arch check_system_info check_dependencies check_system_ip check_install menu_setting [ -z "$VARIABLE_FILE" ] && menu || ACTION[1]