# Change log This change log follows the [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) spec. Every release contains the following sections: - `Added` for new features. - `Changed` for changes in existing functionality. - `Deprecated` for soon-to-be removed features. - `Removed` for now removed features. - `Fixed` for any bug fixes. - `Security` in case of vulnerabilities. The versions follow [semantic versioning](https://semver.org) for the `reuse` CLI command and its behaviour. There are no guarantees of stability for the `reuse` Python library. ## Unreleased - YYYY-MM-DD ### Added - More file types are recognised: - CSON (`.cson`) (#1002) - Hjson (`.hjson`) (#1002) - JSON5 (`.json5`) (#1002) - JSON with Comments (`.jsonc`) (#1002) - Tap (`.taprc`) (#997) - Zsh (`.zshrc`) (#997) - Perl test (`.t`) (#997) - BATS test (`.bats`) (#997) - Octave/Matlab (`.m`) (#604) - VHDL(`.vhdl`) (#564) - Support alternate spelling `--skip-unrecognized`. (#974) - In `annotate`, rename `--copyright-style` to `--copyright-prefix`. The former parameter is still supported. (#973) - Support alternate spelling `--skip-unrecognized` (#974) - `cpp` and `cppsingle` style shorthands (see changes). (#941) ### Changed - Reorganised the way that `c`, `css`, and `csingle` styles work. (#941) - `c` used to support multi-line comments; it now only supports multi-line `/* */` comments. This is identical to the old `css` style. - `cpp` has been added, which supports multi-line `/* */` comments and single-line `//` comments. This is identical to the old `c` style. - `csingle` has been renamed to `cppsingle`, and it supports only single-line `//` comments. ### Deprecated - `csingle` and `css` style shorthands (see changes). (#941) ### Removed - The PendingDeprecationWarning for the aggregation of information between DEP5 and the contents of a file has been removed. This behaviour is now explicitly specified in REUSE Specification v3.2. (#1017, related to #779) ### Fixed - In `reuse spdx`, fixed the output to be more compliant by capitalising `SPDXRef-Document DESCRIBES` appropriately. (#1013) ### Security ## 3.1.0a1 - 2024-05-28 ### Added - Added support for `REUSE.toml`. (#863) - Manpages added for all `reuse` commands. Distribution maintainers might wish to distribute the (Sphinx-built) manpages. (#975) - More file types are recognised: - Assembler (`.asm`) (#928) - GraphQL (`.graphqls`, `.gqls`) (#930) - CUDA-C++ (`.cu`, `.cuh`) (#938) - Various .NET files (`.csproj`, `.fsproj`, `.fsx`, `.props`, `.sln`, `.vbproj`) (#940) - Cargo (`Cargo.lock`) (#937) - Clang-Tidy (`.clang-tidy`) (#961) - Java `.properties` files (#968) - Apache HTTP server config `.htaccess` files (#985) - npm `.npmrc` files (#985) - LaTeX class files (`.cls`) (#971) - Added comment styles: - `man` for UNIX Man pages (`.man`) (#954) - Added `--lines` output option for `lint`. (#956) - Treat `% !TEX` and `% !BIB` as shebangs in TeX and BibTeX files, respectively (#971) ### Changed - Updated SPDX resources to 3.24.0. (#994) - Updated REUSE specification version to 3.2. (#994) - `.s` files now use the Python comment style as per GNU Assembler (gas). (#928) - Previously, any file that begins with `COPYING` or `LICENSE` was ignored. This has been changed. Now, files like `COPYING_README` are no longer ignored, but `COPYING` and `COPYING.txt` are still ignored (in other words: exact matches, or `COPYING` + a file extension). Idem ditto for `LICENSE`. (#886) - Dependencies added: - `attrs>=21.1` (#863) - `tomlkit>=0.8` (#863) ### Deprecated - `.reuse/dep5` is marked deprecated. `reuse convert-dep5` will help you switch to `REUSE.toml`. (#863) ### Fixed - Clearer instructions for `--suppress-deprecation` in deprecation warning. (#949) - The datetime value for `Created:` was wrongly formatted since 3.0.0. It now returns a correctly formatted ISO 8601 date again. (#952) - Repaired the behaviour of `reuse download` where being inside of a LICENSES/ directory should not create a deeper LICENSES/LICENSES/ directory. (#975) - Support annotating a file that contains only a shebang. (#965) - Add `CONTRIBUTING.md` to the sdist. (#987) ## 3.0.2 - 2024-04-08 ### Fixed - `annotate`'s '`--style` now works again when used for a file with an unrecognised extension. (#909) ## 3.0.1 - 2024-01-19 ### Fixed - `.qrc` and `.ui` now have the HTML comment style instead of being marked uncommentable. (#896) - This reverts behaviour introduced in v3.0.0: the contents of uncommentable files are scanned for REUSE information again. The contents of binary files are not. (#896) ## 3.0.0 - 2024-01-17 This release contains a lot of small improvements and changes without anything big per se. Rather, it is made in advance of a release which will contain a single feature: [REUSE.toml](https://github.com/fsfe/reuse-tool/issues/779), a replacement for `.reuse/dep5`. `.reuse/dep5` will still be supported as a deprecated feature for some time. That future 3.1 release will have some alpha testing in advance. ### Added - Implement handling LicenseRef in `download` and `init`. (#697) - Declared support for Python 3.12. (#846) - More file types are recognised: - TCL (`.tcl`) (#871) - Julia (`.jl`) (#815) - Modern Fortran (`.f90`) (#836) - Bazel (`.bzl`) (#870) - GNU Linker script (`.ld`) (#862) - Assembly code (`.s`) (#862) - Empty placeholders (`.empty`) (#862) - ShellCheck configuration (`.shellcheckrc`) (#862) - Pylint in-project configuration (`pylintrc`) (#862) - Lisp schemes (`.sld`, `.sls`, `.sps`) (#875) - Added comment styles: - `csingle` for Zig (`.zig`) and Hare (`.ha`) (#889) - Display recommendations for steps to fix found issues during a lint. (#698) - Add support for Pijul VCS. Pijul support is not added to the Docker image. (#858) - When running `annotate` on a file with an unrecognised file path, the tool currently exits early. To automatically create a .license file for unrecognised files, `--fallback-dot-license` has been added. (#823, #851, #853, #859; this took a while to get right.) - Ignore `.sl` directory as used by [Sapling SCM](https://sapling-scm.com/). (#867) ### Changed - Alpine Docker image now uses 3.18 as base. (#846) - The Git submodule detection was made less naïve. Where previously it detected a directory with a `.git` file as a submodule, it now uses the git command to detect submodules. This helps detect (quoted from Git man page) "[repositories] that were cloned independently and later added as a submodule or old setups", which "have the submodule's git directory inside the submodule instead of embedded into the superproject's git directory". (#687) - No longer scan binary or uncommentable files for their contents in search of REUSE information. (#825) - `--force-dot-license` and `--skip-unrecognised` are now mutually exclusive on `annotate`. (#852) - No longer create and publish `-extra` Docker images. The `openssh-client` package is now in the main image. (#849) - No longer create and publish `dev` Docker images. (#849) - The `-debian` Docker image is now based off debian:12-slim. It used to be based on the python:slim image, which used debian:slim under the hood. (#849) ### Removed - Removed deprecated `--explicit-license`. (#851) - Removed deprecated `addheader`. (#851) - No longer depend on `sphinx-autodoc-typehints` for documentation. (#772) ### Fixed - Syntax errors in .reuse/dep5 now have better error handling. (#841) - Reduced python-debian minimum version to 0.1.34. (#808) - Fix issue in `annotate` where `--single-line` and `--multi-line` would not correctly raise an error with an incompatible comment style. (#853) - Fix parsing existing copyright lines when they do not have a year (#861) - Better handling of Lisp comment styles. Now, any number of ";" characters is recognised as the prefix to a Lisp comment, and ";;;" is used when inserting comment headers, as per . (#874) ## 2.1.0 - 2023-07-18 After the yanked 2.0.0 release, we're excited to announce our latest major version packed with new features and improvements! We've expanded our file type recognition, now including Fennel, CommonJS, Qt .pro, .pri, .qrc, .qss, .ui, Textile, Visual Studio Code workspace, Application Resource Bundle, Svelte components, AES encrypted files, Jakarta Server Page, Clang format, Browserslist config, Prettier config and ignored files, Flutter pubspec.lock, .metadata, Terraform and HCL, Typst and more. We've also added the ability to detect SPDX snippet tags in files and introduced additional license metadata for the Python package. A new `--json` flag has been added to the `lint` command, marking the first step towards better integration of REUSE output with other tools. On the changes front, we've bumped the SPDX license list to v3.21 and made significant updates to our Sphinx documentation. Please note that Python 3.6 and 3.7 support has been dropped in this release. We've fixed several issues including automatic generation of Sphinx documentation via readthedocs.io and a compatibility issue where reuse could not be installed if gettext is not installed. This update is all about making your experience better. Enjoy adding copyright and licensing information to your code! ### Added - Detect SPDX snippet tags in files. (#699) - More file types are recognised: - Fennel (`.fnl`) (#638) - CommonJS (`.cjs`) (#632) - Qt .pro (`.pro`) (#632) - Qt .pri (`.pri`) (#755) - Qt .qrc (`.qrc`) (#755) - Qt .qss(`.qss`) (#755) - Qt .ui (`.ui`) (#755) - Textile (`.textile`) (#712) - Visual Studio Code workspace (`.code-workspace`) (#747) - Application Resource Bundle (`.arb`) (#749) - Svelte components (`.svelte`) - AES encrypted files (`.aes`) (#758) - Jakarte Server Page (`.jsp`) (#757) - Clang format (`.clang-format`) (#632) - Browserslist config (`.browserslist`) - Prettier config (`.prettierrc`) and ignored files (`.prettierignore`) - Flutter pubspec.lock (`pubspec.lock`) (#751) - Flutter .metadata (`.metadata`) (#751) - Terraform (`.tf`, `tfvars`) and HCL (`.hcl`). (#756) - Typst (`.typ`) - Added loglevel argument to pytest and skip one test if loglevel is too high (#645). - `--add-license-concluded`, `--creator-person`, and `--creator-organization` added to `reuse spdx`. (#623) - Additional license metadata for the Python package has been added. The actual SPDX license expression remains the same: `Apache-2.0 AND CC0-1.0 AND CC-BY-SA-4.0 AND GPL-3.0-or-later`. (#733) - Added `--contributor` option to `annotate`. (#669) - Added `--json` flag to `lint` command (#654). - `reuse.ReuseInfo` now has `copy` and `union` methods. (#759) - `reuse.ReuseInfo` now stores information about the source from which the information was gathered. (#654, #787) - Added Ukrainian and Czech translations (#767) - Added `--suppress-deprecation` to hide (verbose) deprecation warnings. (#778) ### Changed - Bumped SPDX license list to v3.20. (#692) - `reuse.SpdxInfo` was renamed to `reuse.ReuseInfo`. It is now a (frozen) dataclass instead of a namedtuple. This is only relevant if you're using reuse as a library in Python. Other functions and methods were similarly renamed. (#669) - Sphinx documentation: Switched from RTD theme to Furo. (#673, #716) - Removed dependency on setuptools' `pkg_resources` to determine the installed version of reuse. (#724) - Bumped SPDX license list to v3.21. (#763) - `Project.reuse_info_of` now returns a list of `ReuseInfo` objects instead of a single one. This is because the source information is now stored alongside the REUSE information. (#787) ### Deprecated - Pending deprecation of aggregation of file sources. Presently, when copyright and licensing information is defined both within e.g. the file itself and in the DEP5 file, then the information is merged or aggregated for the purposes of linting and BOM generation. In the future, this will no longer be the case unless explicitly defined. The exact mechanism for this is not yet concrete, but a `PendingDeprecationWarning` will be shown to the user to make them aware of this. (#778) ### Removed - Python 3.6 and 3.7 support has been dropped. (#673, #759) - Removed runtime and build time dependency on `setuptools`. (#724) ### Fixed - Fixed automatic generation of Sphinx documentation via readthedocs.io by adding a `.readthedocs.yaml` configuration file (#648) - Fixed a compatibility issue where reuse could not be installed (built) if gettext is not installed. (#691) - Translations are available in Docker images. (#701) - Marked the `/data` directory in Docker containers as safe in Git, preventing errors related to linting Git repositories. (#720) - Repaired error when using Galician translations. (#719) ### Security ## 2.0.0 - 2023-06-21 [YANKED] This version was yanked because of an unanticipated workflow that we broke. The breaking change is the fact that an order of precedence was defined for copyright and licensing information sources. For instance, if a file contained the `SPDX-License-Identifier` tag, and if that file was also (explicitly or implicitly) covered by DEP5, then the information from the DEP5 setting would no longer apply to that file. While the intention of the breaking change was sound (don't mix information sources; define a single source of truth), there were legitimate use-cases that were broken as a result of this. Apologies to everyone whose CI broke. We'll get this one right before long. ## 1.1.2 - 2023-02-09 ### Fixed - Note to maintainers: It is now possible/easier to use the `build` module to build this module. Previously, there was a namespace conflict. (#640) ## 1.1.1 - 2023-02-05 ### Fixed - Don't include documentation files (e.g. `README.md`) in top-level (i.e., `site-packages/`). (#657) - Include documentation directory in sdist. (#657) ## 1.1.0 - 2022-12-01 ### Added - Added support for Python 3.11. (#603) - More file types are recognised: - Kotlin script (`.kts`) - Android Interface Definition Language (`.aidl`) - Certificate files (`.pem`) - Added comment styles: - Apache Velocity Template (Extensions: `.vm`, `.vtl`) (#554) - XQuery comment style (Extensions: `.xq(l|m|y|uery|)`) (#610) - Some special endings are always stripped from copyright and licensing statements (#602): - `">` (and variations such as `'>`, `" >`, and `"/>`) - `] ::` ### Changed - Removed `setup.py` and replaced it with a Poetry configuration. Maintainers beware. (#600) - Updated PyPI development status to 'production/stable' (#381) - The pre-commit hook now passes `lint` as an overridable argument. (#574) - `addheader` has been renamed to `annotate`. The functionality remains the same. (#550) - Bumped SPDX license list to v3.19. ### Deprecated - `addheader` has been deprecated. It still works, but is now undocumented. (#550) ### Removed - `setup.py`. (#600) - Releases to PyPI are no longer GPG-signed. Support for this is not present in Poetry and not planned. (#600) - Dependency on `requests` removed; using `urllib.request` from the standard library instead. (#600) ### Fixed - Repair tests related to CVE-2022-39253 changes in upstream Git. New versions of Git no longer allow `git submodule add repository path` where repository is a file. A flag was added to explicitly allow this in the test framework. (#619) - Sanitize xargs input in scripts documentation. (#525) - License identifiers in comments with symmetrical ASCII art frames are now properly detected (#560) - Fixed an error where copyright statements contained within a multi-line comment style on a single line could not be parsed (#593). - In PHP files, add header after `=0.X.Y` in your requirements.txt, you will get the latest version of `reuse` when you install `fsfe-reuse`. You may like to change the name to `reuse` explicitly, but this is not strictly necessary. - If you depend on `fsfe-reuse==0.X.Y`, then you will keep getting that version. When you bump the version you depend on, you will need to change the name to `reuse`. - If you depend on `fsfe-reuse>=0.X.Y<1.0.0`, then 0.6.0 will be the latest version you receive. In order to get a later version, you will need to change the name to `reuse`. ## 0.6.0 - 2019-11-19 ### Added - `--include-submodules` is added to also include submodules when linting et cetera. - `addheader` now also recognises the following extensions: - .kt - .xml - .yaml - .yml ### Changed - Made the workaround for `MachineReadableFormatError` introduced in 0.5.2 more generic. - Improved shebang detection in `addheader`. - For `addheader`, the SPDX comment block now need not be the first thing in the file. It will find the SPDX comment block and deal with it in-place. - Git submodules are now ignored by default. - `addheader --explicit-license` now no longer breaks on unsupported filetypes. ## 0.5.2 - 2019-10-27 ### Added - `python3 -m reuse` now works. ### Changed - Updated license list to 3.6-2-g2a14810. ### Fixed - Performance of `reuse lint` improved by at least a factor of 2. It no longer does any checksums on files behind the scenes. - Also handle `MachineReadableFormatError` when parsing DEP5 files. Tries to import that error. If the import is unsuccessful, it is handled. ## 0.5.1 - 2019-10-24 [YANKED] This release was replaced by 0.5.2 due to importing `MachineReadableFormatError`, which is not a backwards-compatible change. ## 0.5.0 - 2019-08-29 ### Added - TeX and ML comment styles added. - Added `--year` and `--exclude-year` to `reuse addheader`. - Added `--template` to `reuse addheader`. - Added `--explicit-license` to `reuse addheader`. - `binaryornot` added as new dependency. - Greatly improved the usage documentation. ### Changed - `reuse addheader` now automatically adds the current year to the copyright notice. - `reuse addheader` preserves the original header below the new header if it did not contain any SPDX information. - `reuse addheader` now correctly handles `.license` files. - Bad licenses are no longer resolved to LicenseRef-Unknown. They are instead resolved to the stem of the path. This reduces the magic in the code base. - `.gitkeep` files are now ignored by the tool. - Changed Lisp's comment character from ';;' to ';'. ## 0.4.1 - 2019-08-07 ### Added - `--all` argument help to `reuse download`, which downloads all detected missing licenses. ### Fixed - When using `reuse addheader` on a file that contains a shebang, the shebang is preserved. - Copyright lines in `reuse spdx` are now sorted. - Some publicly visible TODOs were patched away. ## 0.4.0 - 2019-08-07 This release is a major overhaul and refactoring of the tool. Its primary focus is improved usability and speed, as well as adhering to version 3.0 of the REUSE Specification. ### Added - `reuse addheader` has been added as a way to automatically add copyright statements and license identifiers to the headers of files. It is currently not complete. - `reuse init` has been added as a way to initialise a REUSE project. Its functionality is currently scarce, but should improve in the future. ### Changed - `reuse lint` now provides a helpful summary instead of merely spitting out non-compliant files. - `reuse compile` is now `reuse spdx`. - In addition to `Copyright` and `©`, copyright lines can be marked with the tag `SPDX-FileCopyrightText:`. This is the new recommended default. - Project no longer depends on pygit2. - The list of SPDX licenses has been updated. - `Valid-License-Identifier` is no longer used, and licenses and exceptions can now only live inside of the LICENSES/ directory. ### Removed - Removed `--ignore-debian`. - Removed `--spdx-mandatory`, `--copyright-mandatory`, `--ignore-missing` arguments from `reuse lint`. - Remove `reuse license`. - GPL-3.0 and GPL-3.0+ (and all other similar GPL licenses) are no longer detected as SPDX identifiers. Use GPL-3.0-only and GPL-3.0-or-later instead. ### Fixed - Scanning a Git directory is a lot faster now. - Scanning binary files is a lot faster now. ## 0.3.4 - 2019-04-15 This release should be a short-lived one. A new (slightly backwards-incompatible) version is in the works. ### Added - Copyrights can now start with `©` in addition to `Copyright`. The former is now recommended, but they are functionally similar. ### Changed - The source code of reuse is now formatted with black. - The repository has been moved from to . ## 0.3.3 - 2018-07-15 ### Fixed - Any files with the suffix `.spdx` are no longer considered licenses. ## 0.3.2 - 2018-07-15 ### Fixed - The documentation now builds under Python 3.7. ## 0.3.1 - 2018-07-14 ### Fixed - When using reuse from a child directory using pygit2, correctly find the root. ## 0.3.0 - 2018-05-16 ### Changed - The output of `reuse compile` is now deterministic. The files, copyright lines and SPDX expressions are sorted alphabetically. ### Fixed - When a GPL license could not be found, the correct `-only` or `-or-later` extension is now used in the warning message, rather than a bare `GPL-3.0`. - If you have a license listed as `SPDX-Valid-License: GPL-3.0-or-later`, this now correctly matches corresponding SPDX identifiers. Still it is recommended to use `SPDX-Valid-License: GPL-3.0` instead. ## 0.2.0 - 2018-04-17 ### Added - Internationalisation support added. Initial support for: - English. - Dutch. - Esperanto. - Spanish. ### Fixed - The license list of SPDX 3.0 has deprecated `GPL-3.0` and `GPL-3.0+` et al in favour of `GPL-3.0-only` and `GPL-3.0-or-later`. The program has been amended to accommodate sufficiently for those licenses. ### Changed - `Project.reuse_info_of` now extracts, combines and returns information both from the file itself and from debian/copyright. - `ReuseInfo` now holds sets instead of lists. - As a result of this, `ReuseInfo` will not hold duplicates of copyright lines or SPDX expressions. - click removed as dependency. Good old argparse from the library is used instead. ## 0.1.1 - 2017-12-14 ### Changed - The `reuse --help` text has been tidied up a little bit. ### Fixed - Release date in change log fixed. - The PyPI homepage now gets reStructuredText instead of Markdown. ## 0.1.0 - 2017-12-14 ### Added - Successfully parse old-style C and HTML comments now. - Added `reuse compile`, which creates an SPDX bill of materials. - Added `--ignore-missing` to `reuse lint`. - Allow to specify multiple paths to `reuse lint`. - `chardet` added as dependency. - `pygit2` added as soft dependency. reuse remains usable without it, but the performance with `pygit2` is significantly better. Because `pygit2` has a non-Python dependency (`libgit2`), it must be installed independently by the user. In the future, when reuse is packaged natively, this will not be an issue. ### Changed - Updated to version 2.0 of the REUSE recommendations. The most important change is that `License-Filename` is no longer used. Instead, the filename is deducted from `SPDX-License-Identifier`. This change is **NOT** backwards compatible. - The conditions for linting have changed. A file is now non-compliant when: - The license associated with the file could not be found. - There is no SPDX expression associated with the file. - There is no copyright notice associated with the file. - Only read the first 4 KiB (by default) from code files rather than the entire file when searching for SPDX tags. This speeds up the tool a bit. - `Project.reuse_info_of` no longer raises an exception. Instead, it returns an empty `ReuseInfo` object when no reuse information is found. - Logging is a lot prettier now. Only output entries from the `reuse` module. ### Fixed - `reuse --ignore-debian compile` now works as expected. - The tool no longer breaks when reading a file that has a non-UTF-8 encoding. Instead, `chardet` is used to detect the encoding before reading the file. If a file still has errors during decoding, those errors are silently ignored and replaced. ## 0.0.4 - 2017-11-06 ### Fixed - Removed dependency on `os.PathLike` so that Python 3.5 is actually supported ## 0.0.3 - 2017-11-06 ### Fixed - Fixed the link to PyPI in the README. ## 0.0.2 - 2017-11-03 This is a very early development release aimed at distributing the program as soon as possible. Because this is the first release, the changelog is a little empty beyond "created the program". The program can do roughly the following: - Detect the license of a given file through one of three methods (in order of precedence): - Information embedded in the .license file. - Information embedded in its header. - Information from the global debian/copyright file. - Find and report all files in a project tree of which the license could not be found. - Ignore files ignored by Git. - Do some logging into STDERR.