// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0 (function() { var BEST_URL, BLOCKS, BLOCK_ELEMENTS, COMMENT_NODE, DEBUG, ELEMENT_NODE, IRRELEVANT_ELEMENTS, JQ, JQUERY_UI_CSS, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, MIN_LINK_RATIO, NAV_CONTAINING_ELEMENTS, PUNCTUATION, QUOTES, SECTION, SHORTENABLE_WORDS, TEXTISH_ELEMENTS, TEXT_NODE, WORD_REGEX, debug, getBestURL, key, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; console.log("Evaluating: init.coffee"); SECTION = "init.coffee"; DEBUG = true; debug = function(message) { if (DEBUG) { return console.log("" + SECTION + ": " + message); } }; MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 117; ELEMENT_NODE = 1; TEXT_NODE = 3; COMMENT_NODE = 8; MIN_LINK_RATIO = 2; JQUERY_UI_CSS = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.23/themes/ui-lightness/jquery-ui.css'; JQ = window.JQ; if (typeof $ !== "undefined" && $ !== null) { debug("\"$\" is assigned as:\n" + $); } else { debug("\"$\" is not assigned"); } BLOCKS = ['block', 'inline-block', 'table-cell', 'table-caption', 'list-item', 'none']; BLOCK_ELEMENTS = ['H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'BODY', 'SPAN']; TEXTISH_ELEMENTS = ['EM', 'B', 'STRONG', 'I', 'TT', 'ABBR', 'ACRONYM', 'BIG', 'CITE', 'CODE', 'DFN', 'LABEL', 'Q', 'SAMP', 'SMALL', 'SUB', 'SUP', 'VAR', 'DEL', 'INS', 'BR']; IRRELEVANT_ELEMENTS = ['IMG', 'OBJECT', 'EMBED', 'IFRAME', 'SCRIPT', 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'HEAD', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'STYLE', 'LINK']; NAV_CONTAINING_ELEMENTS = ['DIV', 'UL', 'OL', 'LI', 'P']; PUNCTUATION = ['.', '?', '!', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}']; QUOTES = ['"', '“', '”']; SHORTENABLE_WORDS = { 'one': 1, 'first': "1st", 'two': 2, 'second': "2nd", 'three': 3, 'third': "3rd", 'four': 4, 'fourth': "4th", 'five': 5, 'fifth': "5th", 'six': 6, 'sixth': "6th", 'seven': 7, 'seventh': "7th", 'eight': 8, 'eighth': "8th", 'nine': 9, 'ninth': "9th", 'ten': 10, 'tenth': "10th", 'eleven': 11, 'twelve': 12, 'thirteen': 13, 'fourteen': 14, 'fifteen': 15, 'sixteen': 16, 'seventeen': 17, 'eighteen': 18, 'nineteen': 19, 'twenty': 20, 'thirty': 30, 'forty': 40, 'fifty': 50, 'sixty': 60, 'seventy': 70, 'eighty': 80, 'ninety': 90, 'hundred': 100, 'thousand': "1k", 'million': "mm", 'billion': "bn", 'trillion': "trln", 'monday': "Mon", 'tuesday': "Tue", 'wednesday': "Wed", 'thursday': "Thu", 'friday': "Fri", 'saturday': "Sat", 'sunday': "Sun", 'january': "Jan", 'february': "Feb", 'march': "Mar", 'april': "Apr", 'may': "May", 'june': "Jun", 'july': "Jul", 'august': "Aug", 'september': "Sep", 'october': "Oct", 'november': "Nov", 'december': "Dec", 'every': "vry", 'see': "C", 'cool': "k", 'overheard': "OH", 'whatever': "wtv", 'your': "Ur", 'you': "U", 'about': "abt", 'because': "b/c", 'before': "b4", 'chk': "chk", 'to': "2", 'and': "&", 'their': "thr", 'from': "frm", 'them': "thm", 'be': "B", 'large': "lrg", 'absolute': "abs.", 'becomes': "bcms", 'equal': "=", 'which': "whch", 'for': "4", 'are': "R", 'great': "gr8", 'at': "@", 'that': "th@", 'quarter': "1/4", 'half': "1/2", 'Alabama': "AL", 'Alaska': "AK", 'Arizona': "AZ", 'Arkansas': "AR", 'California': "CA", 'Colorado': "CO", 'Connecticut': "CT", 'Delaware': "DE", 'District of Columbia': "DC", 'Florida': "FL", 'Georgia': "GA", 'Hawaii': "HI", 'Idaho': "ID", 'Illinois': "IL", 'Indiana': "IN", 'Iowa': "IA", 'Kansas': "KS", 'Kentucky': "KY", 'Louisiana': "LA", 'Maine': "ME", 'Maryland': "MD", 'Massachusetts': "MA", 'Michigan': "MI", 'Minnesota': "MN", 'Mississippi': "MS", 'Missouri': "MO", 'Montana': "MT", 'Nebraska': "NE", 'Nevada': "NV", "New Hampshire": "NH", "New Jersey": "NJ", "New Mexico": "NM", "New York": "NY", "North Carolina": "NC", "North Dakota": "ND", 'Ohio': "OH", 'Oklahoma': "OK", 'Oregon': "OR", 'Pennsylvania': "PA", "Rhode Island": "RI", "South Carolina": "SC", "South Dakota": "SD", 'Tennessee': "TN", 'Texas': "TX", 'Utah': "UT", 'Vermont': "VT", 'Virginia': "VA", 'Washington': "WA", "West Virginia": "WV", 'Wisconsin': "WI", 'Wyoming': "WY", "American Samoa": "AS", 'Guam': "GU", "Northern Mariana Islands": "MP", "Puerto Rico": "PR", "Virgin Islands": "VI" }; WORD_REGEX = new RegExp("(\\b)(" + ((function() { var _results; _results = []; for (key in SHORTENABLE_WORDS) { _results.push(key); } return _results; })()).sort(function(a, b) { return b.length - a.length; }).join("\|") + ")(\\b)", "gi"); getBestURL = function() { var canonical, url; url = location.href; canonical = JQ('link[rel="canonical"]'); debug(canonical); if (canonical) { if (canonical.attr('href')) { url = canonical.attr('href'); } if (!url.match(/^http/)) { url = "" + location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/" + url; } } debug("The best URL for this page is: " + url); return url; }; BEST_URL = getBestURL(); console.log("Evaluating: document.coffee"); SECTION = 'document.coffee'; HTMLDocument.prototype.loadCSS = function(url) { var date, link; link = this.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; date = (new Date).getTime(); link.href = "" + url + "?bust=" + date; if (this.createStyleSheet) { return this.createStyleSheet(url); } else { return this.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(link); } }; console.log("Evaluating: array.coffee"); SECTION = "array.coffee"; Array.prototype.merge = function() { var node, spans, strings, t, text, tweet, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref; debug("Merging text array..."); strings = (function() { var _i, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = this.length; _i < _len; _i++) { node = this[_i]; _results.push(node.toText()); } return _results; }).call(this); for (_i = 0, _len = this.length; _i < _len; _i++) { node = this[_i]; node.emptyNode(); } text = strings.join(""); debug("Full merged string is " + text); spans = JQ(""); _ref = text.getStatements(); for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { tweet = _ref[_j]; debug("This tweet is apparently: " + tweet); t = tweet.enTweeten(); spans.append(t); } return spans; }; console.log("Evaluating: node.coffee"); SECTION = 'node.coffee'; Node.prototype.containsElements = function() { var node; return __indexOf.call((function() { var _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.childNodes; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { node = _ref[_i]; _results.push(node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE); } return _results; }).call(this), true) >= 0; }; Node.prototype.isGoodLink = function() { return (this.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) && (this.nodeName === 'A') && (this.isNavLike() === false) && (this.containsElements() === false); }; Node.prototype.isTextish = function() { var _ref; return this.nodeType === TEXT_NODE || (_ref = this.nodeName, __indexOf.call(TEXTISH_ELEMENTS, _ref) >= 0) || this.isGoodLink(); }; Node.prototype.isElementish = function() { var _ref; return this.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && !(_ref = this.nodeName, __indexOf.call(TEXTISH_ELEMENTS, _ref) >= 0); }; Node.prototype.isBR = function() { return this.isElementish() && this.nodeName === 'BR'; }; Node.prototype.isIrrelevant = function() { var _ref; return _ref = this.nodeName, __indexOf.call(IRRELEVANT_ELEMENTS, _ref) >= 0; }; Node.prototype.isComment = function() { return this.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE; }; Node.prototype.isWhitespace = function() { return (this.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) && (/^[\t\n\r ]+$/.test(this.data)); }; Node.prototype.isNavLike = function() { var _ref; return (_ref = this.nodeName, __indexOf.call(NAV_CONTAINING_ELEMENTS, _ref) >= 0) && (this.className.isNavLike() || this.id.isNavLike()); }; Node.prototype.getAllChars = function() { return JQ(this).text().length; }; Node.prototype.getLinkChars = function() { var length, link, links, total, _i, _len; total = 0; links = JQ(this).children('a'); for (_i = 0, _len = links.length; _i < _len; _i++) { link = links[_i]; length = JQ(link).text().length; total += length; } return total; }; Node.prototype.getLinkRatio = function() { var all, link; link = this.getLinkChars(); if (link > 0) { all = this.getAllChars(); return all / link; } }; Node.prototype.isLinkish = function() { var ratio; ratio = this.getLinkRatio(); return MIN_LINK_RATIO > ratio; }; Node.prototype.isBlockLike = function() { var _ref, _ref1; return (_ref = JQ(this).css('display') != null, __indexOf.call(BLOCKS, _ref) >= 0) || (_ref1 = this.nodeName, __indexOf.call(BLOCK_ELEMENTS, _ref1) >= 0); }; Node.prototype.toText = function() { var n, rtext, text; if (this.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { text = JQ(this).text(); n = this.nodeName; rtext = text; if (n === 'A') { rtext = "" + text; } else if (n === 'B' || n === 'STRONG') { rtext = "*" + text + "*"; } else if (n === 'EM' || n === 'I') { rtext = "_" + text + "_"; } else if (n === 'BR') { rtext = "__BR__"; } rtext = rtext.clean(); if (rtext.isWhitespace()) { rtext = null; } return rtext; } else { return this.nodeValue; } }; Node.prototype.isUseful = function() { debug("\n\tnodename......" + this.nodeName + "\n\tclassName....." + this.className + "\n\tid............" + this.id + "\n\tnodetype......" + this.nodeType + "\n\tisElement....." + (this.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) + "\n\tisIrrelevant.." + (this.isIrrelevant()) + "\n\tisNavLike....." + (this.isNavLike()) + "\n\tisLinkish....." + (this.isLinkish()) + "\n\tisTextish....." + (this.isTextish()) + "\n\tisWhitespace.." + (this.isWhitespace()) + "\n\tisComment....." + (this.isComment())); return !(this.isWhitespace() || this.isComment() || this.isIrrelevant() || this.isLinkish() || this.isGoodLink()); }; Node.prototype.emptyNode = function() { if (this.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) { this.nodeValue = ""; return true; } else { JQ(this).html(""); return true; } }; Node.prototype.unwrap = function() { var node, texts, _i, _len, _ref; debug("Running unwrap..."); texts = []; _ref = this.childNodes; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { node = _ref[_i]; if (node.isTextish()) { texts.push(node); debug("node " + node.nodeName + " is textish. Pushing real good."); } else { debug("node " + node.nodeName + " is not textish: checking for usefulness."); JQ(texts[0]).replaceWith(texts.merge()); texts = []; if (node.isUseful()) { node.unwrap(); } } } return JQ(texts[0]).replaceWith(texts.merge()); }; console.log("Evaluating: string.coffee"); SECTION = "string.coffee"; String.prototype.isNavLike = function() { var match; match = this.match(/head|breadcrumb|addthis|share|nav|mast|social|twitter|reddit|facebook|fb/i); if (match) { return true; } else { return false; } }; String.prototype.addXMLEntities = function() { var replace; replace = function(char) { switch (char) { case '&': return '&'; case '"': return '"'; case '>': return '>'; case '<': return '<'; } }; return this.replace(/[&\"><]/g, function(a) { return replace(a); }); }; String.prototype.shrinkSpaces = function() { return this.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); }; String.prototype.stripNewlines = function() { return this.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, ' '); }; String.prototype.emptyWhitespace = function() { return this.replace(/^[\s\r]*$/, ''); }; String.prototype.clean = function() { return this.stripNewlines().emptyWhitespace().shrinkSpaces().addXMLEntities(); }; String.prototype.isWhitespace = function() { return /^[\t\n\r ]+$/.test(this); }; String.prototype.toAbbreviation = function(left, word, right) { return "" + left + SHORTENABLE_WORDS[word.toLowerCase()] + right; }; String.prototype.toFirstSlash = function(str) { return "" + (str.charAt(0)) + "/"; }; String.prototype.squeeze = function() { return this.replace(word_regex, function(a, b, c, d) { return this.toAbbreviation(b, c, d); }).replace(/(with|of)\W/g, function(m) { return this.toFirstSlash(m); }).replace(/\s+the\s+/g, " ").replace(/(without)/g, "w/out").replace(/e(r|d)(\W)/g, "$1$2").replace(RegExp(" has", "g"), "'s ").replace(/est/g, "st").replace(/\sam\b/g, "’m").replace(/\b(will|shall)/g, "’ll").replace(/\bnot/g, "n’t").replace(/e(r|n)(\b)/g, "$1$2").replace(/\sfor/g, " 4").replace(RegExp(" have", "g"), "'ve").replace(/(1[0-9]|20)/g, function(a) { return "&#" + (parseInt(a) + 9311) + ";"; }); }; String.prototype.compareLength = function(comparison) { return this.length < comparison; }; String.prototype.fixQuotes = function() { var ret; ret = this; if (this.match(/“/)) { ret = this.replace(/“/g, '‘').replace(/”/g, '’'); } else if (this.match(/"/)) { debug("Before: " + this); ret = this.replace(/"([^"]+)"/gm, '‘$1’'); debug("After: " + ret); } return ret; }; String.prototype.enTweeten = function() { var after, afterNoBR, afterWithBR, before, final, length, orig, params, short, span, _ref; _ref = this.match(/^([\s\r\n]*)([\s\S]+)/), orig = _ref[0], before = _ref[1], after = _ref[2]; length = after.length; short = length <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH; afterNoBR = after.replace(/__BR__/g, ''); afterWithBR = after.replace(/__BR__/g, '
'); final = afterNoBR.fixQuotes(); params = "text=%E2%80%9C" + (encodeURIComponent(final)) + "%E2%80%9D&url=" + (encodeURIComponent(BEST_URL)); span = JQ("" + before + "" + afterWithBR + ""); span.data('length', length); span.attr('title', length); return span; }; String.prototype.getStatements = function() { var char, chars, closing, current, currentLast, doBreak, isCloseToCap, isContinuation, isVeryShort, lastCap, lastCapDelta, nextIsText, prevIsComma, statements, text; chars = []; current = []; statements = []; closing = "."; lastCap = null; chars = this.split(""); while (chars.length > 0) { char = chars.shift(); current.push(char); currentLast = current.length - 1; if (/[A-Z]/.test(char)) { lastCap = currentLast; } if ((__indexOf.call(QUOTES, char) >= 0 && __indexOf.call(QUOTES, closing) >= 0) || (__indexOf.call(PUNCTUATION, char) >= 0 && __indexOf.call(PUNCTUATION, closing) >= 0) || (chars.length === 0)) { isContinuation = /\s/.test(chars != null ? chars[0] : void 0) && /[a-z]/.test(chars != null ? chars[1] : void 0); lastCapDelta = lastCap > -1 ? currentLast - lastCap : null; isCloseToCap = lastCapDelta < 4; isVeryShort = currentLast < 15; nextIsText = /[^\s_]/.test(chars != null ? chars[0] : void 0); prevIsComma = /,/.test(current[current.length - 2]); doBreak = !(isContinuation || isVeryShort || isCloseToCap || nextIsText || prevIsComma); if (chars.length === 0 || doBreak) { if (current.length > 0) { text = current.join(""); if (!(text.isWhitespace())) { statements.push(current.join("")); } current = []; closing = "."; lastCap = null; } } else { closing = "."; } } else if ((__indexOf.call(QUOTES, char) >= 0)) { closing = char; } } return statements; }; console.log("Evaluating: run.coffee"); SECTION = 'run.coffee'; Document.prototype.styles = function() { debug('Adding CSS styles'); JQ('.true').css({ color: '#F00', 'border-bottom': 'none', 'text-decoration': 'none', background: 'white' }); JQ('.true').mouseenter(function() { return JQ(this).css({ background: '#FAA' }); }).mouseleave(function() { return JQ(this).css({ background: 'white' }); }); JQ('.false').css({ color: '#aaaaaa', 'border-bottom': 'none', 'text-decoration': 'none' }); return JQ('a').css({ 'text-decoration': 'none' }); }; Document.prototype.widget = function() { var boxStyles, savePublishingDiv, savePublishingWrapper, spSubTitle, spTitle, wrapperStyles; wrapperStyles = { 'z-index': 9999999, 'position': 'fixed', 'top': '10px', 'width': '100%' }; boxStyles = { 'width': '600px', 'height': '85px', 'margin-left': 'auto', 'margin-right': 'auto', 'padding': '10px 0px 0px 10px', 'text-align': 'left', 'font-size': '14px', 'line-height': '20px', 'color': '#6AC', 'background-color': 'white', 'font-family': '"Gill Sans","Helvetica Neue","Arial",sans-serif', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'border': '1px solid #ccc', '-webkit-border-radius': '3px', '-moz-border-radius': '3px', 'border-radius': '3px', '-webkit-background-clip': 'padding-box', 'background-clip': 'padding-box', '-moz-box-shadow': '3px 3px 9px #888888', '-webkit-box-shadow': '1px 0px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)', 'box-shadow': '3px 3px 9px #888888', '-ms-filter': "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=135, Color='#888888')", 'filter': "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=135, Color='#888888')" }; spTitle = JQ("
SavePublishing.com version 0α
").css({ 'font-size': '18px' }); spSubTitle = JQ("
A bookmarklet by @ftrain\n· follow on Twitter\n· get the source ·\n
\nReport parse problems on github\nor email bugs\n· Credits
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