3.0.1). */ function nntp_tracker($flds) { $c = q('SELECT id, server, newsgroup FROM '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'nntp'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { if (@file_exists($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'.nntp/'. $r[1] .'-'. $r[2])) { $tracker = (int) trim(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'.nntp/'. $r[1] .'-'. $r[2])); q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'nntp SET tracker='. $tracker .' WHERE id='. $r[0]); pf('Tracker for NNTP server '. $r[1] .', group '. $r[2] .' was moved into the DB.'); @unlink($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'.nntp/'. $r[1] .'-'. $r[2]); } else { pf('Unable to move tracker for NNTP server '. $r[1] .', group '. $r[2] .' into the DB.'); } } } /** Change birthday from NUMBER to CHAR(8) (3.0.1->3.0.2). * New format is MMDDYYYY. * Required for index lookups on leading string. I.e: WHERE birthday LIKE 'mmdd%'; */ function users_birthday($flds) { pf('About to change birthday format. This may take a while...'); $c = q('SELECT id, bday FROM '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { $bday = $yyyy = $mm = $dd = null; $bday = str_pad($r[1], 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $yyyy = substr($bday, 0, 4); $mm = substr($bday, 4, 2); $dd = substr($bday, 6, 2); $yyyy = ($yyyy == '0000') ? ' ' : $yyyy; $mm = ($mm == '00') ? ' ' : $mm; $dd = ($dd == '00') ? ' ' : $dd; q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users SET birthday=\''. $mm . $dd . $yyyy .'\' WHERE id='. $r[0]); } pf('Birthday format change completed.'); } /** Change reg_ip (encoded IPv4 address) to registration_ip (IPv6 address) (3.0.4RC2 -> 3.0.4RC3). */ function users_reg_ip($flds) { pf('Convert reg_ip to registration_ip for IPv6 compatibility'); try { $c = q('SELECT id, reg_ip FROM '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users SET registration_ip=\''. long2ip($r[1]) .'\' WHERE id='. $r[0]); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } /** Change last_known_ip (encoded IPv4 address) to last_used_ip (IPv6 address) (3.0.4RC2 -> 3.0.4RC3). */ function users_last_known_ip($flds) { pf('Convert last_known_ip to last_used_ip IPv6 compatibility'); try { $c = q('SELECT id, last_known_ip FROM '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users SET last_used_ip=\''. long2ip($r[1]) .'\' WHERE id='. $r[0]); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } /** Change reset/conf_key from '0' (VARCHAR) to NULL (no need to store & index a bunch of 0 values). */ function users_conf_key($flds) { pf('Convert reset_key & conf_key from 0 to NULL'); q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users SET conf_key =NULL WHERE conf_key =\'0\''); q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users SET reset_key=NULL WHERE reset_key=\'0\''); } function users_reset_key($flds) { users_conf_key($flds); } /* For future implementation - // Convert 'location' to a Custom Profile Field. function users_location($flds) { fud_use('custom_field_adm.inc', true); $cfield = new fud_custom_field; $cfield->name = 'Location'; $cfield->descr = NULL; $cfield->type_opt = 0; // Single line. $cfield->choice = NULL; $cfield->vieworder = NULL; $cfield->field_opt = 2; // Optional, only user can edit, everyone can see value. $locid = $cfield->add(); $c = q('SELECT id, custom_fields, location FROM '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users WHERE location IS NOT NULL and location <> \'\''); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { $x = isset($r[1]) ? unserialize($r[1]) : array(); $x[$locid] = $r[2]; q('UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'users SET custom_fields = '. _esc(serialize($x)) .' WHERE id = '. $r[0]); } } */ /* END: SQL Upgrade Functions */ function fud_ini_get($opt) { return (ini_get($opt) == '1' ? 1 : 0); } function fud_ini_set($opt, $val) { if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set($opt, $val); } } /** Print message to web browser or command line. */ function pf($msg='', $webonly=false) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { if ($webonly) return; echo strip_tags($msg) ."\n"; } else { echo $msg . (stripos($msg, ''); @ob_flush(); flush(); } } /** Print error and exit. */ function seterr($msg) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { exit($msg); } else { exit('
'. $msg .'
'); } } /** Explicitly include a file. */ function fud_use($file, $static=0) { if ($static) { include_once $GLOBALS['INCLUDE'] . $file; return; } defined('fud_theme') or define('fud_theme', 'theme/default/'); include_once $GLOBALS['INCLUDE'] . fud_theme . $file; } /** Error handler for DB driver. */ function fud_sql_error_handler($query, $error_string, $error_number, $server_version) { if (defined('fud_debug')) pf($query); throw new Exception($error_number .': '. $error_string .' @ '. $query); } /** Find the CVS or SVN ID property. This is used to check if a file was changed. * TODO: Should eventually be moved to include/fs.inc. */ function fetch_cvs_id($data) { // SVN format: $Id$ if (($s = strpos($data, '$Id: ')) === false) { return; } $s = $s + 5; if (($e = strpos($data, ' $', $s)) === false) { return; } return substr($data, $s, ($e - $s)); } /** Backup a forum file before replacing it. * TODO: Should eventually be moved to include/fs.inc. */ function backup_file($source, $theme='') { $theme .= md5($source); copy($source, $GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'.backup/'. basename($source) .'_'. $theme .'_'. __time__); } /** Create a directory * TODO: Use fud_mkdir() in include/fs.inc. We cannot currently include it as fs.inc was introduced after 3.0.0 (we may not have it yet). */ function __mkdir($dir) { $u = umask(0); if (@is_dir($dir)) { return 1; } else if (file_exists($dir)) { unlink($dir); } $ret = (mkdir($dir, 0755) || mkdir(dirname($dir, 0755))); umask($u); return $ret; } /** Recursively delete a given directory. * Copied from include/fs.inc. We cannot currently include it as fs.inc was introduced after 3.0.0 (we may not have it yet). */ function __rmdir($dir, $deleteRootToo=false) { if(!$dh = @opendir($dir)) { return; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } $file = $dir .'/'. $obj; if (is_dir($file) && !is_link($file)) { __rmdir($file, true); } else if (!unlink($file)) { return false; } } closedir($dh); if ($deleteRootToo) { @rmdir($dir); } return true; } function htaccess_handler($web_root, $ht_pass) { if (!fud_ini_get('allow_url_fopen') || strncmp(PHP_SAPI, 'apache', 6)) { unlink($ht_pass); return; } /* Opening a connection to itself should not take more then 5 seconds. */ fud_ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 5); if (@fopen($web_root . 'blank.gif', 'r') === FALSE) { unlink($ht_pass); } } /** * Upgrade GLOBALS.php to new format (3.0.3->3.0.4). */ function upgrade_globals_php() { $new = ''; $f = fopen($GLOBALS['INCLUDE'] .'GLOBALS.php', 'r'); while($s=fgets($f)) { if (strpos($s, '$GLOBALS[') !== false) { return; // Already converted, bail out! } $new .= preg_replace('/(\s*)\$([A-Z_1-9]*)(\s*)=/i', "\t\$GLOBALS['$2']$3=", $s); } fclose($f); pf('Convert GLOBALS.php to new format.'); file_put_contents($GLOBALS['INCLUDE'] .'GLOBALS.php', $new); } function upgrade_decompress_archive($data_root, $web_root) { $clean = array('PHP_OPEN_TAG'=>''<%'); // CLI doesn't automatically change the CWD to the one the started script resides in. chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // Try to download the fudforum_archive if not available. if (!file_exists('./fudforum_archive')) { $archive_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fudforum/FUDforum/master/fudforum_archive'; @file_put_contents('./fudforum_archive', fopen($archive_url, 'r')); } /* Install from './fudforum_archive' file. */ $fp = fopen('./fudforum_archive', 'rb') or die('The upgrade script requires a "fudforum_archive" file to run. Please download it and retry again.'); $checksum = fread($fp, 32); $tmp = fread($fp, 20000); fseek($fp, (ftell($fp) - 20000), SEEK_SET); if (strpos($tmp, 'RAW_PHP_OPEN_TAG') !== FALSE) { /* No compression. */ unset($clean['PHP_OPEN_TAG']); $clean['RAW_PHP_OPEN_TAG'] = ' 100000) { $data = gzuncompress(strtr(fread($fp, $data_len), $clean), $data_len); } } fclose($fp); if (empty($data) || md5($data) != $checksum) { exit("Archive did not pass the checksum test, it is corrupt!
\nIf you've encountered this error it means that you've:\n"); } $pos = 0; do { $end = strpos($data, "\n", $pos+1); $meta_data = explode('//', substr($data, $pos, ($end-$pos))); $pos = $end; if ($meta_data[1] == 'GLOBALS.php' || !isset($meta_data[3])) { continue; } if (!strncmp($meta_data[3], 'install/forum_data', 18)) { $path = $data_root . substr($meta_data[3], 18); } else if (!strncmp($meta_data[3], 'install/www_root', 16)) { $path = $web_root . substr($meta_data[3], 16); } else { continue; } $path .= '/'. $meta_data[1]; $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path); if (isset($meta_data[5])) { $file = substr($data, ($pos + 1), $meta_data[5]); if (md5($file) != $meta_data[4]) { seterr('ERROR: file '. $meta_data[1] .' was not read properly from archive'); } if (@file_exists($path)) { if (md5_file($path) == $meta_data[4]) { // File did not change - skip it! continue; } // Compare CVS/SVN Id to ensure we do not pointlessly replace files modified by the user. if (($cvsid = fetch_cvs_id($file)) && $cvsid && $cvsid == fetch_cvs_id(file_get_contents($path))) { continue; } backup_file($path); } if ($path == $web_root .'.htaccess' && @file_exists($path)) { define('old_htaccess', 1); continue; } if (defined('fud_debug')) pf('Extracting '. $path); if (!($fp = @fopen($path, 'wb'))) { if (basename($path) != '.htaccess') { seterr('Couldn\'t open "'. $path .'" for write'); } } fwrite($fp, $file); fclose($fp); @chmod($path, 0644); } else { if (!__mkdir(preg_replace('!/+$!', '', $path))) { seterr('failed creating "'. $path .'" directory'); } } } while (($pos = strpos($data, "\n//", $pos)) !== false); } function cache_avatar_image($url, $user_id) { $ext = array(1=>'gif', 2=>'jpg', 3=>'png', 4=>'swf'); if (!isset($GLOBALS['AVATAR_ALLOW_SWF'])) { $GLOBALS['AVATAR_ALLOW_SWF'] = 'N'; } if (!isset($GLOBALS['CUSTOM_AVATAR_MAX_DIM'])) { $max_w = $max_y = 64; } else { list($max_w, $max_y) = explode('x', $GLOBALS['CUSTOM_AVATAR_MAX_DIM']); } if (!($img_info = @getimagesize($url)) || $img_info[0] > $max_w || $img_info[1] > $max_y || $img_info[2] > ($GLOBALS['AVATAR_ALLOW_SWF']!='Y'?3:4)) { return; } if (!($img_data = file_get_contents($url)) || strlen($img_data) > $GLOBALS['CUSTOM_AVATAR_MAX_SIZE']) { return; } if (!($fp = fopen($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] .'images/custom_avatars/'. $user_id .'.'. $ext[$img_info[2]], 'wb'))) { return; } fwrite($fp, $img_data); fclose($fp); return ''; } function syncronize_theme_dir($theme, $dir, $src_thm) { $path = $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $theme .'/'. $dir; $spath = $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $src_thm .'/'. $dir; if (!__mkdir($path)) { seterr('Directory "'. $path .'" does not exist, and the upgrade script failed to create it.'); } if (!($d = opendir($spath))) { seterr('Failed to open "'. $spath .'"'); } readdir($d); readdir($d); $path .= '/'; $spath .= '/'; while ($f = readdir($d)) { if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') { continue; } if (@is_dir($spath . $f) && !is_link($spath . $f)) { syncronize_theme_dir($theme, $dir .'/'. $f, $src_thm); continue; } if (!@file_exists($path . $f) && !copy($spath . $f, $path . $f)) { seterr('Failed to copy "'. $spath . $f .'" to "'. $path . $f .'", check permissions then run this scripts again.'); } else { if (md5_file($path . $f) == md5_file($spath . $f) || (($cid = fetch_cvs_id(file_get_contents($path . $f))) == fetch_cvs_id(file_get_contents($spath . $f)) && $cid)) { continue; } backup_file($path . $f, $theme); if (!copy($spath . $f, $path . $f) && file_exists($path . $f)) { unlink($path . $f); if (!copy($spath . $f, $path . $f)) { seterr('Failed to copy "'. $spath . $f .'" to "'. $path . $f .'", check permissions then run this scripts again.'); } } } } closedir($d); } function syncronize_theme($theme) { $t = array('default'); if ($theme == 'path_info' || @file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $theme .'/.path_info')) { $t[] = 'path_info'; } foreach ($t as $src_thm) { syncronize_theme_dir($theme, 'tmpl', $src_thm); syncronize_theme_dir($theme, 'i18n', $src_thm); syncronize_theme_dir($theme, 'images', $src_thm); } } /* main program */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ignore_user_abort(true); @set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(E_ALL); fud_ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); // PHP 5.3's default, old defaults too small. if (ini_get('error_log')) { @fud_ini_set('error_log', ''); } if (!fud_ini_get('display_errors')) { fud_ini_set('display_errors', 1); } if (!fud_ini_get('track_errors')) { fud_ini_set('track_errors', 1); } // Determine SafeMode limitations. define('SAFE_MODE', fud_ini_get('safe_mode')); if (SAFE_MODE && basename(__FILE__) != 'upgrade_safe.php') { $c = getcwd(); if (copy($c .'/upgrade.php', $c .'/upgrade_safe.php')) { header('Location: '. dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) .'/upgrade_safe.php'); } exit; } if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { ?> FUDforum Upgrade Wizard
FUDforum Upgrade Wizard  


Please backup your forum
and review the documentation
before proceeding!

Upgrade steps:

This wizard will guide you
through the steps required
to upgrade your forum:

Step 1: Admin login

Step 2: Perform upgrade

Step 3: Consistency check

Thank you for keeping
your forum up-to-date!

=')) { seterr('The upgrade script requires that you have PHP version 7.0.0 or higher.'); } /* Mbstring hackery, necessary if function overload is enabled. */ if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') > 0) { mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); } // We need to verify that GLOBALS.php exists in current directory & that we can open it. $gpath = getcwd() .'/GLOBALS.php'; if (!@file_exists($gpath)) { seterr('Unable to find GLOBALS.php inside the current ('. getcwd() .') directory. Please place the upgrade script ('. basename(__FILE__) .') inside the main web directory of your forum.'); } else if (!@is_writable($gpath)) { seterr('No permission to read/write to '. getcwd() .' /GLOBALS.php. Please make sure this script had write access to all of the forum files.'); } /* GLOBALS.php may not be a symlink, but contains an include to a different location. */ if (preg_match('/<\?php include_once (.+)\; \?>/i', file_get_contents($gpath), $m)) { eval('$gpath = ' .$m[1] .';'); // May include variables (i.e. with FUD2Go). } $input = preg_replace('!(require|include)\(([^;]+)\);!m', '', file_get_contents($gpath)); $input = trim(str_replace(array(''), array('','',''), $input)); eval($input); /* This check is here to ensure the data from GLOBALS.php was parsed correctly. */ if (!isset($GLOBALS['COOKIE_NAME'])) { seterr('Failed to parse GLOBALS.php at "'. $gpath .'" correctly'); } /* Check FUDforum version. */ $core = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'include/core.inc'); $FORUM_VERSION = preg_replace('/.*FORUM_VERSION = \'(.*?)\';.*/s', '\1', $core); if (version_compare($FORUM_VERSION, '3.0.0', '<')) { seterr('FUDforum '. $FORUM_VERSION .' must be upgraded to FUDforum version 3.0.0 before it can be upgraded to later release.'); } /* Determine if this upgrade script was previously ran. */ if (@file_exists($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'UPGRADE_STATUS') && (float) trim(file_get_contents($ERROR_PATH .'UPGRADE_STATUS')) >= $__UPGRADE_SCRIPT_VERSION) { seterr('


If you wish to run it again, use the File Manager to remove file: '. $GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'UPGRADE_STATUS.

Alternatively, delete "upgrade.php" and "fudforum_archive"!'); } /* Load glob.inc for functions like change_global_settings(). */ require($INCLUDE .'glob.inc'); /* The mysql driver was removed from PHP 7. */ if ($GLOBALS['DBHOST_DBTYPE'] == 'mysql' && extension_loaded('mysqli') ) { pf('Switching from depricated MySQL to new MySQLi driver.'); change_global_settings(array('DBHOST_DBTYPE' => 'mysqli')); $GLOBALS['DBHOST_DBTYPE'] = 'mysqli'; } /* Include appropriate database functions. */ $dbinc = $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'sql/'. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_DBTYPE'] .'/db.inc'; if (!file_exists($dbinc)) { seterr('Unable to load database driver: '. $dbinc); } // Here's a good hack for ya! // Function get_fud_table_list() was moved from 'db.inc' to 'dbadmin.inc' in 3.0.2. // We need to remove it from old db.inc files to prevent previously declared errors. file_put_contents($dbinc, preg_replace('/function get_fud_table_list\(.*?function/s', 'function', file_get_contents($dbinc))); include_once $dbinc; // Another hack: q_bitand() was introduced in 3.0.2 and is used in this script. // but the possibly older driver we've loaded may not have it yet. if (!function_exists('q_bitand')) { $driver = $GLOBALS['DBHOST_DBTYPE']; if( !strcasecmp( $driver, 'mysql' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'mysqli' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'mssql' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'pgsql' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'sqlsrv' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'pdo_mysql' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'pdo_pgsql' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'pdo_sqlite' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'pdo_sqlsrv' ) ) { // mysql, mysqli, mssql, pgsql, sqlsrv // pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pdo_sqlsrv function q_bitand($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) { return $fieldLeft .' & '. $fieldRight; } } else if( !strcasecmp( $driver, 'db2' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'interbase' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'oci8' ) OR !strcasecmp( $driver, 'pdo_oci' ) ) { // db2, interbase, oci8, pdo_oci function q_bitand($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) { return 'BITAND('. $fieldLeft .', '. $fieldRight .')'; } } else { // Unknown driver! // TODO: manage error properly die('Unknown database driver '. $driver .': cannot define q_bitand() properly.'); } } // Another temp hack. Manually check MySQL DB version . // Should be replaced by validate_db_version() in dbadmin.inc. // This file may not be present yet (introduced in 3.0.2), and cannot be included yet. if (!function_exists('db_version')) { // get_version() was renamed to db_version() in FUDforum v3.0.2. function db_version() { return get_version(); } } $dbver = db_version(); if (__dbtype__ == 'mysql' && version_compare($dbver, '5.0.0', '<')) { seterr('DBHOST_DBNAME', 'MySQL version '. $dbver .' is not supported. Please upgrade to MySQL Version 5.0.0 or higher.'); } /* Only allow the admin user to upgrade the forum. */ $auth = 0; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && (!empty($_SERVER['argv'][1]) || !empty($_SERVER['argv'][2]))) { $_POST['login'] = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $_POST['passwd'] = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; } if (count($_POST)) { // Authenticate user & password against the database. try { // Try with password 'salt' - introduced in 3.0.1. $r = @db_sab('SELECT id, users_opt, passwd, salt FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users WHERE login=\''. addslashes($_POST['login']) .'\''); } catch (Exception $e) { // It didn't work, try without salt. $r = db_sab('SELECT id, users_opt, passwd, NULL FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users WHERE login=\''. addslashes($_POST['login']) .'\''); } if ($r && ($r->users_opt & 1048576) && (empty($r->salt) && $r->passwd == md5($_POST['passwd']) || $r->passwd == sha1($r->salt . sha1($_POST['passwd'])))) { $auth = $r->id; } else { $auth = 0; pf('Authentification failed. Please try again.'); } } if (!$auth) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { seterr('Usage: upgrade.php admin_user admin_password'); } pf('

Step 1: Admin login

', true); ?>

Please enter the login and password of the administration account:

Advanced settings:

Step 3: Consistency check', true); /* Insert update script marker. */ $fp = fopen($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'UPGRADE_STATUS', 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $__UPGRADE_SCRIPT_VERSION); fclose($fp); /* Flag for consistency check. */ touch($GLOBALS['TMP'] .'RUN_CONSISTENCY_CHECK'); /* Get session details to construct link to consistency checker. */ $pfx = db_sab('SELECT u.sq, s.ses_id FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users u INNER JOIN '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'ses s ON u.id=s.user_id WHERE u.id='. $auth); if ($pfx && $pfx->sq) { $pfxs = '&S='. $pfx->ses_id .'&SQ='. $pfx->sq; } else { $pfxs = ''; } ?>

The last step is to run the consistency checker and re-enable your forum. To continue, click on the link below or navigate to your forum's Admin Control Panel -> Forum Consistency to run it.

When done, please remove the upgrade script to prevent hackers from running it. The script is located at
Step 2: Perform upgrade', true); // Determine open_basedir limitations. define('open_basedir', ini_get('open_basedir')); if (open_basedir) { if (strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'win', 3)) { $dirs = explode(':', open_basedir); } else { $dirs = explode(';', open_basedir); } $safe = 1; foreach ($dirs as $d) { if (!strncasecmp($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'], $d, strlen($d))) { $safe = 0; break; } } if ($safe) { seterr('Your php\'s open_basedir limitation ('. open_basedir .') will prevent the upgrade script from writing to ('. $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'). Please make sure that access to ('. $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .') is permitted.'); } if ($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] != $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK']) { $safe = 1; foreach ($dirs as $d) { if (!strncasecmp($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'], $d, strlen($d))) { $safe = 0; break; } } if ($safe) { seterr('Your php\'s open_basedir limitation ('. open_basedir .') will prevent the upgrade script from writing to ('. $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] .'). Please make sure that access to ('. $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] .') is permitted.'); } } } /* Disable the forum. */ if ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'] & 1) { pf('Disabling the forum.'); change_global_settings(array('FUD_OPT_1' => ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'] &~ 1))); pf('Forum is now disabled.'); } /* Rename old language name directories to language codes (3.0.0->3.0.1). */ $langmap = array('afrikaans' => 'af', 'arabic' => 'ar', 'breton' => 'br', 'bulgarian' => 'bg', 'catalan' => 'ca', 'chinese' => 'zh-hans', 'czech' => 'cs', 'danish' => 'da', 'dutch' => 'nl', 'english' => 'en', 'esperanto' => 'eo', 'finnish' => 'fi', 'french' => 'fr', 'galician' => 'gl', 'german' => 'de', 'german_formal' => 'de-formal', 'greek' => 'el', 'hungarian' => 'hu', 'indonesian' => 'id', 'italian' => 'it', 'japanese' => 'ja', 'korean' => 'ko', 'latvian' => 'lv', 'lithuanian' => 'lt', 'norwegian' => 'no', 'occitan' => 'oc', 'polish' => 'pl', 'portuguese' => 'pt', 'portuguese_br' => 'pt-br', 'romanian' => 'ro', 'russian' => 'ru', 'slovak' => 'sk', 'spanish' => 'es', 'swedish' => 'sv', 'swiss_german' => 'gsw', 'turkish' => 'tr', 'upper_sorbian' => 'hsb', 'vietnamese' => 'vi'); $tp = opendir($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'); while ($te = readdir($tp)) { $tdir = $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $te .'/i18n/'; if (!@is_dir($tdir)) { continue; } $lp = opendir($tdir); while ($le = readdir($lp)) { if (!array_key_exists($le, $langmap)) { // Not in convertion map. continue; } // Remove old unused 'pspell_lang' files (3.0.0->3.0.1). if (file_exists($tdir . $le .'/pspell_lang')) { @unlink($tdir . $le .'/pspell_lang'); } pf('Rename directory '. $te .'/i18n/'. $le .' to '. $langmap[$le]); @rename($tdir.$le, $tdir.$langmap[$le]); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes SET lang=\''. addslashes($langmap[$le]) .'\' WHERE lang=\''. addslashes($le) .'\''); } closedir($lp); } closedir($tp); /* Upgrade globals variable to $_GLOBALS["xxx"] style (3.0.3->3.0.4). */ upgrade_globals_php(); /* Upgrade files. */ __mkdir($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] .'.backup'); define('__time__', time()); pf('Beginning to decompress the archive.'); upgrade_decompress_archive($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'], $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK']); /* Determine if this host can support .htaccess directives. */ if (!defined('old_htaccess')) { htaccess_handler($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'], $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] .'.htaccess'); } pf('Finished decompressing the archive.'); pf('File upgrade completed.'); /* Update database. */ // NOTE: dbadmin.inc becomes available in 3.0.2. We cannot use it until we've unpacked the new files. // Checking of SQL permisions should actuallty be done BEFORE we unpack - a catch 22. //TODO: Remember to move the code up in a later version again. include_once $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'include/dbadmin.inc'; //TODO: Better late than never, move version checks up in future release (with loading of dbadmin.inc). /* Validate database version. */ if (!isset($GLOBALS['errors'])) { $err = validate_db_version(); if (!empty($err)) { seterr($err); } } /* Check SQL permissions. */ pf('Checking SQL permissions.'); drop_table('fud_forum_install_test_table', true); try { create_table('CREATE TABLE fud_forum_install_test_table (test_val INT)'); } catch (Exception $e) { seterr('Please grant your database user access to create tables and try again.'); } try { create_index('fud_forum_install_test_table', 'fud_forum_install_test_index', false, 'test_val'); } catch (Exception $e) { seterr('Please grant your database user access to create indexes and try again.'); } try { drop_table('fud_forum_install_test_table', false); } catch (Exception $e) { seterr('Please grant your database user access to drop tables and try again.'); } /* Compare table definitions with what's in the DB and make corrections. */ $db_tables = array_flip(get_fud_table_list()); foreach (glob($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'/sql/*.tbl', GLOB_NOSORT) as $v) { $tbl = get_stbl_from_file($v); if (defined('fud_debug')) pf('Check table: '. $tbl['name']); $out_of_line_pks = array(); // Skip thread view tables. if ($tbl['name'] == $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'tv_') { continue; } if (!isset($db_tables[$tbl['name']])) { /* Add new table. */ pf('Create new database table '. $v .'.'); create_table(file_get_contents($v)); } else { /* Handle DB columns. */ $db_col = get_fud_col_list($tbl['name']); foreach ($tbl['flds'] as $k => $v2) { if (defined('fud_debug')) pf(' - check column: '. $k .' = '. json_encode($v2)); // Queue "out of line PK's" for later processing. if ($v2['primary'] && !$v2['auto'] ) { // Primary, but not auto number. $out_of_line_pks[] = $k; $v2['primary'] = 0; // Don't consider on col level. $db_col[$k]['primary'] = 0; } if (!isset($db_col[$k])) { /* New column. */ pf('Add new database column '. $k .' to table '. $tbl['name'] .'.'); add_column($tbl['name'], $k, $v2); $f = substr("{$tbl['name']}_{$k}", strlen($DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX)); if (function_exists($f)) { // Run SQL conversion after add. $f($db_col); } } else if (array_diff_assoc($db_col[$k], $v2)) { /* Column definition has changed. */ pf('Alter database column '. $k .' in table '. $tbl['name'] .'.'); if (defined('fud_debug')) pf(' - FROM: '. json_encode($db_col[$k])); if (defined('fud_debug')) pf(' - TO : '. json_encode($v2)); $f = substr("{$tbl['name']}_{$k}", strlen($DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX)); alter_column($tbl['name'], $k, $v2); if (function_exists($f)) { // Run SQL conversion after alter. $f($db_col); } } unset($db_col[$k]); // Column still in use, no need to drop it. } /* Remove unused columns. */ foreach (array_keys($db_col) as $v) { $f = substr("{$tbl['name']}_{$v}", strlen($DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX)); if (function_exists($f)) { // Run SQL conversion before drop. $f($db_col); } if (empty($_POST['custom_sql'])) { // Standard or customized DB schema? pf('Drop unused database column '. $v .' from table '. $tbl['name'] .'.'); drop_column($tbl['name'], $v); } else { pf('WARNING: Unused database column '. $v .' in table '. $tbl['name'] .'. Unless you\'ve added it, it should now be dropped!'); } } /* Handle indexes. */ $idx_l = get_fud_index_list($tbl['name']); foreach ($tbl['index'] as $k => $v) { /* Add a new index. */ if (!isset($idx_l[$k])) { pf('Add new database index '. $k .' to table '. $tbl['name'] .'('. $v['cols'] .').'); create_index($tbl['name'], $k, $v['unique'], $v['cols']); } else { /* Index already exists, but is of wrong type. */ if ($v['unique'] != $idx_l[$k]['unique']) { pf('Recreate database index '. $k .' on table '. $tbl['name'] .'('. $v['cols'] .').'); drop_index($tbl['name'], $k); create_index($tbl['name'], $k, $v['unique'], $v['cols']); } /* Remove from list so it doesn't get dropped. */ unset($idx_l[$k]); } } /* Remove old un-unsed indexes. */ foreach ($idx_l as $k => $v) { /* Skip SQLite's auto indexes. */ if (__dbtype__ == 'sqlite' && strpos($k, 'sqlite_autoindex') !== FALSE) { continue; } pf('Drop unused database index '. $k .' from table '. $tbl['name'] .'.'); drop_index($tbl['name'], $k); } /* Apply out of line PK's. */ // Check for PK's after dropping indexes as MySQL can report UNIQUE keys as primary!?! foreach ($out_of_line_pks as $pk) { // Add if it's not a PK on the DB. $db_col = get_fud_col_list($tbl['name']); if (! $db_col[$pk]['primary']) { // Several PK's were added in 3.0.2. // We will worry about removing before recreating them in a later release. // q('ALTER TABLE '. $tbl['name'] .' DROP PRIMARY KEY'); $col_list = implode(',', $out_of_line_pks); pf('Create composite primary key on '. $tbl['name'] .'('. $col_list .').'); create_primary_key($tbl['name'], $col_list); break; } } unset($db_tables[$tbl['name']]); } } /* Drop old tables that is not used any more. */ if (isset($db_tables[$DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'mod_que'])) { // Table removed from 3.0.2. pf('Drop unused database table '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'mod_que.'); drop_table($DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'mod_que'); } // Change catch-all mime extention to '*'. To use '' in a NOT NULL column is wrong (FUDforum 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2). q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'mime SET fl_ext=\'*\' WHERE fl_ext=\'\''); // Password is NOT NULL. We should not use '' is a NOT NULL column (FUDforum 3.0.4). q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users SET passwd=\'*\' WHERE passwd=\'\''); // Ensure all search terms are lowercase (bug in releases prior to 3.0.2). $c = q('SELECT id FROM '. $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] .'search WHERE lower(word) <> word'); while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) { try { q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'search SET word = lower(word) WHERE id = '. $r->id); } catch (Exception $e) { q('DELETE FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'search WHERE id = '. $r->id); } } // Fix gravatars (add missing quote; bug in gravatar.plugin prior to 3.0.9). q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users SET avatar_loc=REPLACE(avatar_loc, \'r=g alt=\', \'r=g" alt=\') WHERE avatar_loc LIKE \'%gravatar.com%\''); pf('SQL upgrades completed.'); // FUDforum 3.0.3 redefined FUD_OPT_3=536870912 as PAGES_ENABLED. require($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'include/page_adm.inc'); fud_page::enable_disable_pages_icon(); if (!q_singleval(q_limit('SELECT id FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes WHERE '. q_bitand('theme_opt', 3) .' > 0', 1))) { pf('Setting default theme'); if (!q_singleval('SELECT id FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes WHERE id=1')) { q('INSERT INTO '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes (id, name, theme, lang, locale, theme_opt, pspell_lang) VALUES(1, \'default\', \'default\', \'en\', \'C\', 3, \'en\')'); } else { q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes SET name=\'default\', theme=\'default\', lang=\'en\', locale=\'C\', theme_opt=3, pspell_lang=\'en\' WHERE id=1'); } q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users SET theme=1'); } /* Theme fixer upper for the admin users lacking a proper theme. * this is essential to ensure the admin user can login. */ $df_theme = q_singleval(q_limit('SELECT id FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes WHERE '. q_bitand('theme_opt', 3) .' > 0', 1)); $c = q('SELECT u.id FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users u LEFT JOIN '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes t ON t.id=u.theme WHERE '. q_bitand('u.users_opt', 1048576) .' > 0 AND t.id IS NULL'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { $bt[] = $r[0]; } unset($c); if (isset($bt)) { q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'users SET theme='. $df_theme .' WHERE id IN('. implode(',', $bt) .')'); } pf('Checking GLOBAL variables.'); /* New GLOBALS.php settings to add. */ $default = array( 'FUD_OPT_4' => 3, // New in 3.0.2. 'MAX_CALLS_FROM_IP' => 10000, // New 3.1.4 ); foreach ($default as $k => $v) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[$k])) { pf('Add variable '. $k .' with default value '. $v); change_global_settings(array($k => $v)); } } /* Enable USE_ANON_TURING. */ change_global_settings(array('FUD_OPT_3' => ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_3'] | 8192))); /* List of obsolete files in WWW_ROOT_DISK that should be removed. */ // JavaScript files moved to '/js' directory in 3.0.2. $rm_wwwroot = array('jquery.js', 'lib.js'); foreach ($rm_wwwroot as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] . $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] . $f); } } /* Remove obsolete ACP scripts. */ $rm_adm = array('adm.css', // Moved to 'style' subdirectory (3.0.1). 'admadduser.php', // Renamed to admuseradd.php (3.0.1). 'admpanel.php', // Renamed to header.php (3.0.1). 'admclose.html', // Renamed to footer.php (3.0.1). 'admaprune.php', // Renamed to admpruneattch.php (3.0.2). 'admbatch.php', // Renamed to admjobs.php (3.0.2). 'admdelfrm.php', // Renamed to admforumdel.php (3.0.3). 'admaccapr.php', // Renamed to admuserapr.php (3.0.3). 'admapprove_avatar.php', // Renamed to admavatarapr.php (3.0.3). 'admslist.php', // Renamed to admprivlist.php (3.0.5). 'admprune.php', // Renamed to admtopic.php (3.1.0). 'admpruneusers.pgp' // Renamed to admuserprune.php (3.1.0). ); foreach ($rm_adm as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] .'adm/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT_DISK'] .'adm/'. $f); } } /* Remove obsolete include files. */ $rm_inc = array('file_adm.inc'); // Renamed to fs.inc (3.0.5). foreach ($rm_inc as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'include/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'include/'. $f); } } /* Remove obsolete SQL files. */ $rm_sql = array('def_users.sql', // Merge into install.php (3.0.2). 'fud_thread_view.tbl', // Renamed to fud_tv_1.tbl (3.0.2). 'fud_style.tbl'); // Left over from an ancient release. foreach ($rm_sql as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'sql/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'sql/'. $f); } } /* Remove obsolete plugin files. */ $rm_plugins = array('apc_cache.plugin', // Renamed to apccache.plugin (3.0.2). 'irc.plugin', // Renamed to ircbot/ircbot.plugin (3.0.4RC2). 'google_adsense.plugin', // Moved to 'google/' subdir in 3.0.5 'google_analytics.plugin', // Moved to 'google/' subdir in 3.0.5 'google_cdn.plugin', // Moved to subdir 'google/' in 3.0.5 'youtube_tag.plugin', // Moved to video_tags.plugin in 3.0.5 'recaptcha/recaptchalib.php', // Not needed for reCAPTCHA v2 in 3.0.9 'ie6_update.plugin', // Removed in 3.1.0 'addthis.plugin'); // Removed in 3.1.4, service terminated as of 21 May '23 foreach ($rm_plugins as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'plugins/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'plugins/'. $f); q('DELETE FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins WHERE name = \''. $f .'\''); } } /* Move plugin config files. */ $mv_plugins = array('google_adsense.ini', // Moved to google/ subdir in 3.0.5 'google_analytics.ini'); // Moved to google/ subdir in 3.0.5 foreach ($mv_plugins as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'plugins/'. $f)) { rename($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'plugins/'. $f, $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'plugins/google/'. $f); } } /* Update DB with new plugin locations. */ q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins SET name = \'apccache.plugin\' WHERE name = \'apc_cache.plugin\''); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins SET name = \'ircbot/ircbot.plugin\' WHERE name = \'irc.plugin\''); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins SET name = \'google/google_analytics.plugin\' WHERE name = \'google_analytics.plugin\''); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins SET name = \'google/google_cdn.plugin\' WHERE name = \'google_cdn.plugin\''); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins SET name = \'google/google_adsense.plugin\' WHERE name = \'google_adsense.plugin\''); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'plugins SET name = \'video_tags.plugin\' WHERE name = \'youtube_tag.plugin\''); /* Remove obsolete SRC files. */ $rm_src = array('tz.inc.t', 'portal.php.t'); // Remove from 3.0.2 and 3.1.0. foreach ($rm_src as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'src/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'src/'. $f); } } /* Remove obsolete DEFAULT template files. */ $rm_default_tmpl = array('tz.tmpl', 'portal.tmpl'); // Remove from 3.0.2 and 3.1.0. foreach ($rm_default_tmpl as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/default/tmpl/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/default/tmpl/'. $f); } } /* Remove obsolete PATH_INFO templates. */ $rm_pathinfo_tmpl = array('header.tmpl'); // PATH_INFO doesn't have a header.tmpl any more. foreach ($rm_pathinfo_tmpl as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/path_info/tmpl/'. $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/path_info/tmpl/'. $f); } } /* Delete old NNTP and MLIST error logs (moved one directory up in 3.0.2). */ $rm_err = array('.nntp/error_log', '.mlist/error_log'); foreach ($rm_err as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] . $f)) { unlink($GLOBALS['ERROR_PATH'] . $f); } } /* Remove 'firebird' directory. Renamed to 'interbase' in 3.0.3. */ if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'sql/firebird/db.inc')) { __rmdir($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'sql/firebird', true); } /* Correct language code for Norwegian from no to nb in 3.0.4. */ if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/default/i18n/no/msg')) { q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes SET lang = \'nb\' WHERE lang = \'no\''); __rmdir($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/default/i18n/no', true); } /* Avatar validator. */ $list = glob($WWW_ROOT_DISK ."images/custom_avatars/*.[pP][hH][pP]"); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $v) { unlink($v); q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX. 'users SET users_opt = '. q_bitor( q_bitand('users_opt', ~(16777216|8388608)), 4194304) .' WHERE id='. (int)basename(strtolower($v), '.php')); } } /* Forum icon checker. */ $list = array(); $c = q('SELECT id, forum_icon FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'forum WHERE forum_icon IS NOT NULL AND forum_icon != \'\''); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { if (($n = basename($r[1])) != $r[1]) { $list[$r[0]] = $n; } } foreach ($list as $k => $v) { q('UPDATE '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'forum SET forum_icon=\''. addslashes($v) .'\' WHERE id='. $k); } /* Loop through themes for maintenance. */ require($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'include/compiler.inc'); $c = q('SELECT theme, lang, name, theme_opt FROM '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'themes WHERE '. q_bitand('theme_opt', 1) .' > 0 OR id=1'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { // See if custom themes need to have their files updated. if ($r[0] != 'default' && $r[0] != 'path_info' && $r[0] != 'user_info_left' && $r[0] != 'user_info_right' && $r[0] != 'forestgreen' && $r[0] != 'slateblue' && $r[0] != 'twilightgrey') { if (empty($_POST['custom_tmpl'])) { pf('Please manually update custom theme '. $r[2] .'.'); } else { pf('Updating files of custom theme '. $r[2] .'.'); syncronize_theme($r[0]); } } foreach ($rm_default_tmpl as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/tmpl/'. $f)) { if (empty($_POST['custom_tmpl'])) { pf('Check if file '. $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/tmpl/'. $f .' is required, as it is not part of the parent theme.'); } else { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/tmpl/'. $f); } } } if (@file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/.path_info')) { foreach ($rm_pathinfo_tmpl as $f) { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/tmpl/'. $f)) { if (empty($_POST['custom_tmpl'])) { pf('Check if file '. $GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/tmpl/'. $f .' is required, as it is not part of the parent theme.'); } else { unlink($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] .'thm/'. $r[0] .'/tmpl/'. $f); } } } } try { compile_all($r[0], $r[1], $r[2], $r[3]); pf('Theme '. $r[2] .' was successfully compiled.'); } catch (Exception $e) { pf('Unable to compile theme '. $r[2] .'. Please fix it manually: '. $e->getMessage() .''); if ($r[2] == 'default') { pf('FATAL ERROR: The consistency checker requires components from the default theme. You will have to fix this theme or switch to a valid template set before you can finalize the upgrade!'); die(); } } } unset($c); /* Log upgrade action. */ q('INSERT INTO '. $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX .'action_log (logtime, logaction, user_id, a_res) VALUES ('. __time__ .', \'Forum\', '. $auth .', \'Upgraded from '. $FORUM_VERSION .'\')'); if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { pf('Almost done! Please run the consistency checker to complete the upgrade process.'); exit; } ?>
All changed files were backed up to: .
If everything went well, you may click on the button below to continue to step 3.