#!/bin/bash #mig-installer.sh #Bootstrap to GIT REPO TEXTRESET=$(tput sgr0) RED=$(tput setaf 1) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) USER=$(whoami) MAJOROS=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -Eo "[0-9]" | sed '$d') #Checking for user permissions if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then echo " " else echo ${RED}"This program must be run as root ${TEXTRESET}" echo "Exiting" sleep 2 exit fi #Checking for version Information #if [ "$MAJOROS" = "9" ]; then # echo " " #else # echo ${RED}"Sorry, but this installer only works on Rocky 9.X ${TEXTRESET}" # echo "Please upgrade to ${GREEN}Rocky 9.x${TEXTRESET}" # echo "Exiting the installer..." # sleep 2 # exit #fi cat <<EOF ${GREEN} *************************************** Please wait while we gather some files *************************************** ${TEXTRESET} ${YELLOW}Installing wget and git${TEXTRESET} EOF sleep 1 dnf -y install wget git dialog cat <<EOF ${YELLOW} ***************************** Retrieving Files from GitHub ***************************** ${TEXTRESET} EOF sleep 1 #Clone MIG mkdir /root/MIGInstaller git clone https://github.com/fumatchu/CMDS.git /root/MIGInstaller chmod 700 /root/MIGInstaller/MIG* clear #cat <<EOF # ********************************************* # This script was created for ${GREEN}Rocky 9.x${TEXTRESET} # This will install # 1. CMDS with C9300 Migration capabilities # 2. CMDS with Catalyst Wireless Monitoring (setup) capabilities # What this script does: # 1. Apply appropriate SELinux context and Firewall rules # 2. Install the REPO(s) needed and dependencies needed # 3. Configure the system as needed, based on your answers # 4. Provides an (optional) Name Server # 5. Provides an (optional) DHCP Server # 6. Provides a tftp collection server # 7. Provides all the scripts to migrate the c9300's # 8. Provides all the scripts to setup Catalyst Monitoring for c9800s #********************************************* #EOF #read -p "Press Enter to Continue" items=(1 "Deploy CMDS for Rocky 8 - STABLE" ) while choice=$(dialog --title "$TITLE" \ --backtitle "Server Installer" \ --menu "Please select the install type" 15 65 3 "${items[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty); do case $choice in 1) /root/MIGInstaller/MIGInstall8.sh ;; esac done clear # clear after user pressed Cancel