//Author: //Date: //Description: 2-1 parameterization assignment $fn = 40; //Read through the example and change paramets notice how the model grows and retains its over all structure. //Make a parameterized mickey mouse shape face_size = 10; ear_size = 4; thickness = 1; cylinder(h = thickness, d = face_size, center = true); translate([-face_size/3, face_size/3, 0]) cylinder(h = thickness, d = ear_size, center = true); translate([face_size/3, face_size/3, 0]) cylinder(h = thickness, d = ear_size, center = true); //PROBLEM //Choose a model from Lesson 1-0 and 1-1 (top, stair case, yo-yo) and parameterize it. Every parameter you use should have a descriptive name and you should be able to change the whole model correctly by chaning the parameters.