# Discussion available on ClarionHub! Read the announcment and join the discussion at [ClarionHub](http://clarionhub.com/t/clarion-syntax-highlighting-support-in-vscode/480) # Installation - VSCode > Install the VSCode extention via the market place. Either download it directly and [install manually](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/install-extension) or from within VSCode as described on the [Getting Started page](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-gallery?pub=Fushnisoft&ext=Clarion). # Installation - SublimeText ## via Package Control > This is the recommended installation method. If you have Sublime Package Control, you should know what to do. [read about it here](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). After installing the package and restarting the editor: * Open the Command Pallete (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`). * Type "Install Package" and hit return. * Type "Clarion" and hit return. ------------------------ CompileCW.cmd usage Project->EditProject to open your .sublime-project and add the following, where you alter give the absolute path to YOUR .sln "build_systems": [ { "name": "Clarion", //name your sublime-project the same as your .sln "cmd": [ "${packages}\\Clarion\\CompileCW.cmd", // What to build, convention is the same folder and basename as this sublime-project file, but with a .sln instead "${project/\\.sublime-project/\\.sln/}", //or hard code the absolute path to the sln, for example; // "c:\\HG\\TSI\\CW\\Est\\B47.sln", // Build Configuration typcially Debug|Release "Debug", // "Release", //CWRoot "C:\\SV\\Clarion8", //(Optional) CW_Ver, such as "8.0.9579" will default to current "" ], //Appropriate for MSBuild in general //uses perl style regex: (maybe this) http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/perl/regexp.html "file_regex": "^\\s*(.*)\\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*)" //"working_dir": "${project_path}:${folder}}", //"shell" : true, //Documentation on build systems: see http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/reference/build_systems.html } ] Then you can use CTRL+B or F7 to compile You can double click on error lines to navigate to the bug