format-version: 1.2 data-version: releases/2023-05-31 subsetdef: 1_STAR "" subsetdef: 2_STAR "" subsetdef: 3_STAR "" subsetdef: abnormal_slim "" subsetdef: added_for_HCA "" subsetdef: attribute_slim "" subsetdef: blood_and_immune_upper_slim "" subsetdef: cell_quality "" subsetdef: common_anatomy "" subsetdef: cumbo "" subsetdef: cyclostome_subset "" subsetdef: defined_by_ordinal_series "" subsetdef: developmental_classification "" subsetdef: disposition_slim "" subsetdef: early_development "" subsetdef: efo_slim "" subsetdef: emapa_ehdaa2 "" subsetdef: eye_upper_slim "" subsetdef: functional_classification "" subsetdef: gocheck_do_not_annotate "" subsetdef: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate "" subsetdef: goslim_agr "" subsetdef: goslim_candida "" subsetdef: goslim_chembl "" subsetdef: goslim_drosophila "" subsetdef: goslim_flybase_ribbon "" subsetdef: goslim_generic "" subsetdef: goslim_metagenomics "" subsetdef: goslim_mouse "" subsetdef: goslim_pir "" subsetdef: goslim_plant "" subsetdef: goslim_pombe "" subsetdef: goslim_synapse "" subsetdef: goslim_yeast "" subsetdef: grouping_class "" subsetdef: homology_grouping "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: "" subsetdef: human_reference_atlas "" subsetdef: inconsistent_with_fma "" subsetdef: location_grouping "" subsetdef: major_organ "" subsetdef: mpath_slim "" subsetdef: non_informative "" subsetdef: organ_slim "" subsetdef: pheno_slim "" subsetdef: phenotype_rcn "" subsetdef: prokaryote_subset "" subsetdef: relational_slim "" subsetdef: ro-eco "" subsetdef: RO:0002259 "" subsetdef: scalar_slim "" subsetdef: term_scheduled_for_obsoletion "" subsetdef: uberon_slim "" subsetdef: ubprop:upper_level "" subsetdef: unverified_taxonomic_grouping "" subsetdef: upper_level "" subsetdef: value_slim "" subsetdef: vertebrate_core "" synonymtypedef: ABBREVIATION "" synonymtypedef: abbreviation "" synonymtypedef: blast_name "" synonymtypedef: common_name "" synonymtypedef: COMPARATIVE_PREFERRED "" synonymtypedef: DEPRECATED "" synonymtypedef: DUBIOUS "" synonymtypedef: equivalent_name "" synonymtypedef: genbank_common_name "" synonymtypedef: Gene-based "" synonymtypedef: HOMOLOGY "" synonymtypedef: human "" synonymtypedef: HUMAN_PREFERRED "" synonymtypedef: in_part "" synonymtypedef: INCONSISTENT "" synonymtypedef: INN "" synonymtypedef: IUPAC_NAME "" synonymtypedef: LATIN "" synonymtypedef: PENDING_REVIEW "" synonymtypedef: PLURAL "" synonymtypedef: PRO-short-label "" synonymtypedef: scientific_name "" synonymtypedef: SENSU "" synonymtypedef: syngo_official_label "" synonymtypedef: synonym "" synonymtypedef: SYSTEMATIC "" synonymtypedef: systematic_synonym "" synonymtypedef: vertebrate "" ontology: fovt property_value: dc-description "None" xsd:string property_value: dc-description "These are the terms that are improted for FOVT to describe vertebrate traits." xsd:string property_value: dc-title "FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits" xsd:string property_value: dcterms-license property_value: owl:versionInfo "2023-05-31" xsd:string [Term] id: BCO:0000003 name: observing process def: "A process in which a person or machine sees or detects a material entity and selects it as worthy of observation, and which has as output an information content entity about the selected material entity." [] comment: An observing process is distinguished from a specimen collecting process in by having an information content entity as an output rather than a specimen. The information artifact may be written or recorded or just be stored in someone's head (specifically depenedent upon that person). In the context of a taxonomic inventory, an observing process may be called a sighting, which is an ad hoc reporting of, typically, a single taxon occurrence, usually motivated by rarity, individual interest in the taxon, or atypicality of circumstances. is_a: OBI:0000011 ! planned process relationship: OBI:0000293 BFO:0000040 ! has_specified_input material entity relationship: OBI:0000299 IAO:0000030 ! has_specified_output information content entity property_value: BCO:0000057 "sighting" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "This class replaces class bco_0000003, which was made obsolete because of identifier format." xsd:string property_value: editor_note "We are having conversation with OBI developers about how this term relates to OBI:assay (). Is it equivalent, broader, narrower? What does it mean to be the input to an observation." xsd:string property_value: "Biocode Commons Ontology Hackathon" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "A trip camera capture of an image of a jaguar is an observation, because it is \"selected\" by the camera as worthy of obsevation simply by virtue of moving in front of the camera." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "Observing and recording the presence or absence of butterflies during a transect walk." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "Seeing three pelicans flying overhead on Christmas day and report them as part of the Christmas Bird Count." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125 [Term] id: BCO:0000046 name: material target of observation role def: "A role that is borne by some material entity and is realized by the material entity being the input of an observing process." [] is_a: BFO:0000023 ! role is_a: CHEBI:50906 ! role intersection_of: BFO:0000023 ! role intersection_of: BFO:0000054 BCO:0000003 ! realized in observing process relationship: BFO:0000054 BCO:0000003 ! realized in observing process property_value: editor_note "This term replaced bco_0000046, which was made obsolete because of incorrect identifier format." xsd:string property_value: "Biocode Commons Ontology Hackathon" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role borne by a bird during a Christmas Bird Count" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125 [Term] id: BFO:0000001 name: entity disjoint_from: ObsoleteClass ! Obsolete Class property_value: BFO:0000179 "entity" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Entity" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: In all areas of empirical inquiry we encounter general terms of two sorts. First are general terms which refer to universals or types:animaltuberculosissurgical procedurediseaseSecond, are general terms used to refer to groups of entities which instantiate a given universal but do not correspond to the extension of any subuniversal of that universal because there is nothing intrinsic to the entities in question by virtue of which they – and only they – are counted as belonging to the given group. Examples are: animal purchased by the Emperortuberculosis diagnosed on a Wednesdaysurgical procedure performed on a patient from Stockholmperson identified as candidate for clinical trial #2056-555person who is signatory of Form 656-PPVpainting by Leonardo da VinciSuch terms, which represent what are called ‘specializations’ in [81" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at" xsd:string {"", comment="per discussion with Barry Smith",""} property_value: IAO:0000112 "Julius Caesar" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the Second World War" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "Verdi’s Requiem" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "your body mass index" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000600 "An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000002 name: continuant def: "An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts." [] is_a: BFO:0000001 ! entity disjoint_from: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent relationship: part_of BFO:0000002 {all_only="true"} ! continuant property_value: BFO:0000179 "continuant" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Continuant" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: Continuant entities are entities which can be sliced to yield parts only along the spatial dimension, yielding for example the parts of your table which we call its legs, its top, its nails. ‘My desk stretches from the window to the door. It has spatial parts, and can be sliced (in space) in two. With respect to time, however, a thing is a continuant.’ [60, p. 240" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000111 "continuant" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000412 property_value: IAO:0000600 "A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000003 name: occurrent def: "An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time." [] is_a: BFO:0000001 ! entity relationship: part_of BFO:0000003 {all_only="true"} ! occurrent property_value: BFO:0000179 "occurrent" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Occurrent" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: every occurrent that is not a temporal or spatiotemporal region is s-dependent on some independent continuant that is not a spatial region" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: s-dependence obtains between every process and its participants in the sense that, as a matter of necessity, this process could not have existed unless these or those participants existed also. A process may have a succession of participants at different phases of its unfolding. Thus there may be different players on the field at different times during the course of a football game; but the process which is the entire game s-depends_on all of these players nonetheless. Some temporal parts of this process will s-depend_on on only some of the players." xsd:string property_value: editor_note "Occurrent doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the sum of a process and the process boundary of another process." xsd:string {"", comment="per discussion with Barry Smith"} property_value: editor_note "Simons uses different terminology for relations of occurrents to regions: Denote the spatio-temporal location of a given occurrent e by 'spn[e]' and call this region its span. We may say an occurrent is at its span, in any larger region, and covers any smaller region. Now suppose we have fixed a frame of reference so that we can speak not merely of spatio-temporal but also of spatial regions (places) and temporal regions (times). The spread of an occurrent, (relative to a frame of reference) is the space it exactly occupies, and its spell is likewise the time it exactly occupies. We write 'spr[e]' and `spl[e]' respectively for the spread and spell of e, omitting mention of the frame." xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000600 "An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity (for example a beginning or an ending) or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region which such an entity occupies_temporal_region or occupies_spatiotemporal_region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [077-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "b is an occurrent entity iff b is an entity that has temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [079-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "Every occurrent occupies_spatiotemporal_region some spatiotemporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [108-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Occurrent x) (exists (r) (and (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x r))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [108-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (iff (Occurrent x) (and (Entity x) (exists (y) (temporalPartOf y x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [079-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000004 name: independent continuant def: "A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything." [] def: "b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002])" [] {""} is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant disjoint_from: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant disjoint_from: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant disjoint_from: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant relationship: part_of BFO:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! independent continuant property_value: BFO:0000179 "ic" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "IndependentContinuant" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a chair" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a heart" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a leg" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a molecule" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a spatial region" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an atom" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an orchestra." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an organism" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the bottom right portion of a human torso" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the interior of your mouth" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000601 "For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000006 name: spatial region is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity property_value: BFO:0000179 "s-region" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "SpatialRegion" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: Spatial regions do not participate in processes." xsd:string property_value: editor_note "Spatial region doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the union of a spatial point and a spatial line that doesn't overlap the point, or two spatial lines that intersect at a single point. In both cases the resultant spatial region is neither 0-dimensional, 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, or 3-dimensional." xsd:string {"", comment="per discussion with Barry Smith"} property_value: IAO:0000600 "A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant_part_of spaceR as defined relative to some frame R. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [035-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "All continuant parts of spatial regions are spatial regions. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [036-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x y t) (if (and (SpatialRegion x) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)) (SpatialRegion y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [036-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (SpatialRegion x) (Continuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [035-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000015 name: process def: "An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t." [] def: "p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003])" [] {""} is_a: ! Event equivalent_to: ! Event property_value: BFO:0000179 "process" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Process" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: The realm of occurrents is less pervasively marked by the presence of natural units than is the case in the realm of independent continuants. Thus there is here no counterpart of ‘object’. In BFO 1.0 ‘process’ served as such a counterpart. In BFO 2.0 ‘process’ is, rather, the occurrent counterpart of ‘material entity’. Those natural – as contrasted with engineered, which here means: deliberately executed – units which do exist in the realm of occurrents are typically either parasitic on the existence of natural units on the continuant side, or they are fiat in nature. Thus we can count lives; we can count football games; we can count chemical reactions performed in experiments or in chemical manufacturing. We cannot count the processes taking place, for instance, in an episode of insect mating behavior.Even where natural units are identifiable, for example cycles in a cyclical process such as the beating of a heart or an organism’s sleep/wake cycle, the processes in question form a sequence with no discontinuities (temporal gaps) of the sort that we find for instance where billiard balls or zebrafish or planets are separated by clear spatial gaps. Lives of organisms are process units, but they too unfold in a continuous series from other, prior processes such as fertilization, and they unfold in turn in continuous series of post-life processes such as post-mortem decay. Clear examples of boundaries of processes are almost always of the fiat sort (midnight, a time of death as declared in an operating theater or on a death certificate, the initiation of a state of war)" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a process of cell-division, \\ a beating of the heart" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a process of meiosis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a process of sleeping" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the course of a disease" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the flight of a bird" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the life of an organism" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "your process of aging." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000602 "(iff (Process a) (and (Occurrent a) (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)) (exists (c t) (and (MaterialEntity c) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [083-003] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000016 name: disposition is_a: BFO:0000017 ! realizable entity disjoint_from: BFO:0000023 ! role property_value: BFO:0000179 "disposition" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Disposition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: Dispositions exist along a strength continuum. Weaker forms of disposition are realized in only a fraction of triggering cases. These forms occur in a significant number of cases of a similar type." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an atom of element X has the disposition to decay to an atom of element Y" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "certain people have a predisposition to colon cancer" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "children are innately disposed to categorize objects in certain ways." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the cell wall is disposed to filter chemicals in endocytosis and exocytosis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000600 "b is a disposition means: b is a realizable entity & b’s bearer is some material entity & b is such that if it ceases to exist, then its bearer is physically changed, & b’s realization occurs when and because this bearer is in some special physical circumstances, & this realization occurs in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [062-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "If b is a realizable entity then for all t at which b exists, b s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [063-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x t) (if (and (RealizableEntity x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (specificallyDepends x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [063-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Disposition x) (and (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (bearerOfAt x y t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [062-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000017 name: realizable entity def: "A specifically dependent continuant that inheres in continuant entities and are not exhibited in full at every time in which it inheres in an entity or group of entities. The exhibition or actualization of a realizable entity is a particular manifestation, functioning or process that occurs under certain circumstances." [] is_a: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant disjoint_from: BFO:0000019 ! quality relationship: part_of BFO:0000017 {all_only="true"} ! realizable entity property_value: BFO:0000179 "realizable" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "RealizableEntity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the disposition of this piece of metal to conduct electricity." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the disposition of your blood to coagulate" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the function of your reproductive organs" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of being a doctor" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of this boundary to delineate where Utah and Colorado meet" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000117 "" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000600 "To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000019 name: quality is_a: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant relationship: part_of BFO:0000019 {all_only="true"} ! quality property_value: BFO:0000179 "quality" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Quality" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the ambient temperature of this portion of air" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the color of a tomato" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the length of the circumference of your waist" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the mass of this piece of gold." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the shape of your nose" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the shape of your nostril" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000600 "a quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [055-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "If an entity is a quality at any time that it exists, then it is a quality at every time that it exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [105-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (exists (t) (and (existsAt x t) (Quality x))) (forall (t_1) (if (existsAt x t_1) (Quality x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [105-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Quality x) (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [055-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000020 name: specifically dependent continuant def: "A continuant that inheres in or is borne by other entities. Every instance of A requires some specific instance of B which must always be the same." [] def: "b is a relational specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a specifically dependent continuant and there are n > 1 independent continuants c1, … cn which are not spatial regions are such that for all 1 i < j n, ci and cj share no common parts, are such that for each 1 i n, b s-depends_on ci at every time t during the course of b’s existence (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [131-004])" [] {""} def: "b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003])" [] {""} is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant disjoint_from: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant relationship: part_of BFO:0000020 {all_only="true"} ! specifically dependent continuant property_value: BFO:0000179 "sdc" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "SpecificallyDependentContinuant" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc." xsd:string {"", comment="per discussion with Barry Smith"} property_value: IAO:0000111 "specifically dependent continuant" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "of one-sided specifically dependent continuants: the mass of this tomato" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "of relational dependent continuants (multiple bearers): John’s love for Mary, the ownership relation between John and this statue, the relation of authority between John and his subordinates." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "Reciprocal specifically dependent continuants: the function of this key to open this lock and the mutually dependent disposition of this lock: to be opened by this key" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the disposition of this fish to decay" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the function of this heart: to pump blood" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the mutual dependence of proton donors and acceptors in chemical reactions [79" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the mutual dependence of the role predator and the role prey as played by two organisms in a given interaction" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the pink color of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its center" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of being a doctor" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the shape of this hole." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the smell of this portion of mozzarella" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000412 property_value: IAO:0000602 "(iff (RelationalSpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (forall (t) (exists (b c) (and (not (SpatialRegion b)) (not (SpatialRegion c)) (not (= b c)) (not (exists (d) (and (continuantPartOfAt d b t) (continuantPartOfAt d c t)))) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [131-004] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000023 name: role def: "A realizable entity the manifestation of which brings about some result or end that is not essential to a continuant in virtue of the kind of thing that it is but that can be served or participated in by that kind of continuant in some kinds of natural, social or institutional contexts." [] is_a: CHEBI:50906 ! role equivalent_to: CHEBI:50906 ! role property_value: BFO:0000179 "role" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Role" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: One major family of examples of non-rigid universals involves roles, and ontologies developed for corresponding administrative purposes may consist entirely of representatives of entities of this sort. Thus ‘professor’, defined as follows,b instance_of professor at t =Def. there is some c, c instance_of professor role & c inheres_in b at t.denotes a non-rigid universal and so also do ‘nurse’, ‘student’, ‘colonel’, ‘taxpayer’, and so forth. (These terms are all, in the jargon of philosophy, phase sortals.) By using role terms in definitions, we can create a BFO conformant treatment of such entities drawing on the fact that, while an instance of professor may be simultaneously an instance of trade union member, no instance of the type professor role is also (at any time) an instance of the type trade union member role (any more than any instance of the type color is at any time an instance of the type length).If an ontology of employment positions should be defined in terms of roles following the above pattern, this enables the ontology to do justice to the fact that individuals instantiate the corresponding universals – professor, sergeant, nurse – only during certain phases in their lives." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the priest role" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of a boundary to demarcate two neighboring administrative territories" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of a building in serving as a military target" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of a stone in marking a property boundary" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the role of subject in a clinical trial" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the student role" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000600 "b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000031 name: generically dependent continuant def: "A continuant that is dependent on one or other independent continuant bearers. For every instance of A requires some instance of (an independent continuant type) B but which instance of B serves can change from time to time." [] def: "b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001])" [] {""} is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant property_value: BFO:0000179 "gdc" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "GenericallyDependentContinuant" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "The entries in your database are patterns instantiated as quality instances in your hard drive. The database itself is an aggregate of such patterns. When you create the database you create a particular instance of the generically dependent continuant type database. Each entry in the database is an instance of the generically dependent continuant type IAO: information content entity." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the pdf file on your laptop, the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000602 "(iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000034 name: function is_a: BFO:0000016 ! disposition property_value: BFO:0000179 "function" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "Function" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: In the past, we have distinguished two varieties of function, artifactual function and biological function. These are not asserted subtypes of BFO:function however, since the same function – for example: to pump, to transport – can exist both in artifacts and in biological entities. The asserted subtypes of function that would be needed in order to yield a separate monoheirarchy are not artifactual function, biological function, etc., but rather transporting function, pumping function, etc." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the function of a hammer to drive in nails" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the function of a heart pacemaker to regulate the beating of a heart through electricity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the function of amylase in saliva to break down starch into sugar" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000600 "A function is a disposition that exists in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up and this physical make-up is something the bearer possesses because it came into being, either through evolution (in the case of natural biological entities) or through intentional design (in the case of artifacts), in order to realize processes of a certain sort. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [064-001])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (Function x) (Disposition x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [064-001] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000040 name: material entity def: "An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time." [] is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant disjoint_from: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity property_value: BFO:0000179 "material" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "MaterialEntity" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: Material entities (continuants) can preserve their identity even while gaining and losing material parts. Continuants are contrasted with occurrents, which unfold themselves in successive temporal parts or phases [60" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: Object, Fiat Object Part and Object Aggregate are not intended to be exhaustive of Material Entity. Users are invited to propose new subcategories of Material Entity." xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: ‘Matter’ is intended to encompass both mass and energy (we will address the ontological treatment of portions of energy in a later version of BFO). A portion of matter is anything that includes elementary particles among its proper or improper parts: quarks and leptons, including electrons, as the smallest particles thus far discovered; baryons (including protons and neutrons) at a higher level of granularity; atoms and molecules at still higher levels, forming the cells, organs, organisms and other material entities studied by biologists, the portions of rock studied by geologists, the fossils studied by paleontologists, and so on.Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time).According to the FMA, material entities may have immaterial entities as parts – including the entities identified below as sites; for example the interior (or ‘lumen’) of your small intestine is a part of your body. BFO 2.0 embodies a decision to follow the FMA here." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000111 "material entity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a flame" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a forest fire" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a human being" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a hurricane" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a photon" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a puff of smoke" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a sea wave" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "a tornado" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an aggregate of human beings." xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an energy wave" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "an epidemic" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000112 "the undetached arm of a human being" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000412 property_value: IAO:0000600 "A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000601 "Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002])" xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: IAO:0000602 "(forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002] " xsd:string {""} property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BFO:0000141 name: immaterial entity is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant property_value: BFO:0000179 "immaterial" xsd:string property_value: BFO:0000180 "ImmaterialEntity" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "BFO 2 Reference: Immaterial entities are divided into two subgroups:boundaries and sites, which bound, or are demarcated in relation, to material entities, and which can thus change location, shape and size and as their material hosts move or change shape or size (for example: your nasal passage; the hold of a ship; the boundary of Wales (which moves with the rotation of the Earth) [38, 7, 10" xsd:string property_value: isDefinedBy [Term] id: BSPO:0000000 name: left side namespace: spatial def: "The side of an organism that is left of the sagittal plane." [BSPO:cjm] synonym: "left" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: left_of BSPO:0000007 ! right side relationship: starts_axis BSPO:0000017 ! left-right axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000005 name: anatomical surface namespace: spatial def: "A 2D surface of an anatomical continuant." [BSPO:cjm] comment: to be merged into CARO synonym: "surface" EXACT [] xref: FMA:24137 is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical boundary [Term] id: BSPO:0000007 name: right side namespace: spatial def: "The side of an organism that is right of the sagittal plane." [BSPO:cjm, BSPO:wd] synonym: "right" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: finishes_axis BSPO:0000017 ! left-right axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000009 name: midsagittal plane namespace: spatial def: "Sagittal plane that divides bilateral body into equal left and right parts." [BSPO:mah] comment: only in bilaterally symmetrical organisms synonym: "median plane" RELATED [] synonym: "median sagittal plane" EXACT [FMA:74563] synonym: "midline plane" EXACT [] synonym: "midsagittal section" EXACT [] xref: FMA:74563 is_a: BSPO:0000417 ! sagittal plane [Term] id: BSPO:0000010 name: anatomical axis namespace: spatial def: "A straight line through space, intersecting an anatomical entity." [BSPO:cjm] comment: Axis directions are defined in terms of axes. xref: is_a: CARO:0000008 ! anatomical line relationship: passes_through CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity [Term] id: BSPO:0000013 name: anterior-posterior axis namespace: spatial def: "An axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail." [BSPO:cjm] comment: In sponges, AP is used to indicate the direction of movement [in larval stage] (as it is in other metazoans that move, e.g., the basal bilaterians). [PM] synonym: "A-P axis" EXACT [] synonym: "anteroposterior axis" EXACT [] synonym: "AP axis" EXACT [] synonym: "cephalocaudal axis" NARROW [] synonym: "craniocaudal axis" NARROW vertebrate [] synonym: "longitudinal axis" RELATED [] synonym: "rostral/caudal" NARROW vertebrate [] synonym: "rostrocaudal axis" NARROW vertebrate [] is_a: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis intersection_of: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis intersection_of: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000018 ! transverse plane relationship: approximately_perpendicular_to BSPO:0000016 ! dorsal-ventral axis relationship: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000018 ! transverse plane [Term] id: BSPO:0000015 name: proximal-distal axis namespace: spatial def: "An axis that extends from the point of attachment of a structure (proximal) to the point furthest away from the plane of attachment (distal)." [BSPO:curators,] comment: In some communities, proximal and distal are used when specifying the position of parts of elements that are contained within the body, such as gill arches or vertebral spines. In these cases, use of the classes medial-lateral axis or medial-external axis are more appropriate. synonym: "proximal/distal" EXACT [] synonym: "proximodistal" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000016 name: dorsal-ventral axis namespace: spatial def: "An axis that is approximately perpendicular to the anterior-posterior axis and that extends through the horizontal plane of the body." [BSPO:curators] synonym: "anterior-posterior axis" NARROW human [] synonym: "D-V axis" EXACT [] synonym: "dorsoventral axis" EXACT [] synonym: "DV axis" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis intersection_of: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis intersection_of: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000019 ! horizontal plane relationship: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000019 ! horizontal plane [Term] id: BSPO:0000017 name: left-right axis namespace: spatial def: "An axis that bisects an organism from left to right sides of body, through a sagittal plane." [BSPO:cjm] synonym: "dextro-sinister axis" EXACT [] synonym: "L-R axis" EXACT [] synonym: "left to right axis" EXACT [] synonym: "LR axis" EXACT [] synonym: "R-L axis" EXACT [] synonym: "right to left axis" EXACT [] synonym: "right-left axis" EXACT [] synonym: "RL axis" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis intersection_of: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis intersection_of: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000417 ! sagittal plane relationship: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000417 ! sagittal plane [Term] id: BSPO:0000018 name: transverse plane namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical plane that divides body into anterior and posterior parts." [BSPO:mah] synonym: "axial plane" EXACT [] synonym: "axial section" EXACT [] synonym: "cross-section" RELATED [] synonym: "transverse section" EXACT [] xref: FMA:12247 is_a: BSPO:0000400 ! anatomical plane [Term] id: BSPO:0000019 name: horizontal plane namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical plane that divides bilateral body into dorsal and ventral parts." [BSPO:mah] synonym: "coronal section" RELATED [] synonym: "frontal plane" EXACT [] synonym: "frontal section" RELATED [] synonym: "horizontal anatomical plane" EXACT [FMA:52810] synonym: "horizontal section" EXACT [] xref: FMA:52810 is_a: BSPO:0000400 ! anatomical plane [Term] id: BSPO:0000027 name: antero-ventral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the anterior and ventral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "anteroventral region " EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000071 ! anterior region is_a: BSPO:0000084 ! ventral region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-06-15T01:04:59Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000028 name: postero-lateral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the posterior and lateral regions of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "posterolateral region" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000072 ! posterior region is_a: BSPO:0000082 ! lateral region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-06-15T01:06:01Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000029 name: antero-lateral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the anterior and lateral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "anterolateral region" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000071 ! anterior region is_a: BSPO:0000082 ! lateral region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-06-15T01:07:18Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000035 name: postero-ventral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the posterior and ventral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "posteroventral region" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000072 ! posterior region is_a: BSPO:0000084 ! ventral region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-06-15T01:08:38Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000050 name: antero-medial region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the anterior and medial regions of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "anteromedial region" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000071 ! anterior region is_a: BSPO:0000083 ! medial region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000067 ! medial side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-09-10T08:55:32Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000054 name: anatomical side namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical region bounded by a plane perpendicular to an axis through the middle." [BSPO:cjm] xref: FBql:00005841 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region [Term] id: BSPO:0000055 name: anterior side namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure anterior to a transverse plane and bounded on one side by the same transverse plane." [BSPO:RW] synonym: "anterior" EXACT [] synonym: "rostral" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000053 xref: FBql:00005848 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: anterior_to BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side relationship: opposite_to BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side relationship: starts_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000056 name: posterior side namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure posterior to a transverse plane and bounded on one side by the same transverse plane." [BSPO:RW, BSPO:wd] synonym: "caudal" NARROW vertebrate [] synonym: "posterior" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000065 xref: FBql:00005849 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: finishes_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis relationship: posterior_to BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side [Term] id: BSPO:0000061 name: proximal side namespace: spatial synonym: "proximal" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000066 xref: FBql:00005852 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: opposite_to BSPO:0000062 ! distal side relationship: starts_axis BSPO:0000015 ! proximal-distal axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000062 name: distal side namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical side that is distally located on an organism or structure." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "distal" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000058 xref: FBql:00005853 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: distal_to BSPO:0000061 ! proximal side relationship: finishes_axis BSPO:0000015 ! proximal-distal axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000064 name: postero-medial region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the posterior and medial regions of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "posteromedial region" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000072 ! posterior region is_a: BSPO:0000083 ! medial region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000067 ! medial side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-09-10T08:56:39Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000066 name: lateral side namespace: spatial synonym: "lateral" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000063 xref: FBql:00005844 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side [Term] id: BSPO:0000067 name: medial side namespace: spatial comment: a point in the centre of the organism (where the left-right axis intersects the midsagittal plane) synonym: "medial" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000064 xref: FBql:00005847 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side [Term] id: BSPO:0000068 name: ventral side namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical region that is the entire part of an anatomical structure ventral to a horizontal plane and bounded on one side by the same horizontal plane." [BSPO:RW, BSPO:wd] synonym: "ventral" EXACT [] xref: FBcv:0000070 xref: FBql:00005843 is_a: BSPO:0000054 ! anatomical side relationship: finishes_axis BSPO:0000016 ! dorsal-ventral axis [Term] id: BSPO:0000070 name: anatomical region namespace: spatial def: "A 3D region in space without well-defined compartmental boundaries; for example, the dorsal region of an ectoderm." [BSPO:cjm] comment: to be merged into CARO xref: FBql:00005841 is_a: CARO:0000003 ! connected anatomical structure [Term] id: BSPO:0000071 name: anterior region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region anteriorly located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005848 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side [Term] id: BSPO:0000072 name: posterior region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region posteriorly located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005849 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side [Term] id: BSPO:0000077 name: proximal region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region proximally located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005852 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000061 ! proximal side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000061 ! proximal side [Term] id: BSPO:0000078 name: distal region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region distally located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005853 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000062 ! distal side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000062 ! distal side [Term] id: BSPO:0000082 name: lateral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region laterally located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005844 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side [Term] id: BSPO:0000083 name: medial region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region medially located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005847 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000067 ! medial side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000067 ! medial side [Term] id: BSPO:0000084 name: ventral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region ventrally located on the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005843 is_a: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side relationship: overlaps BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side [Term] id: BSPO:0000085 name: ventro-lateral region namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical region that overlaps the ventral and lateral regions of a body or body part." [BSPO:wd] comment: This is an example of a composition of two axis positions. synonym: "ventrolateral region" EXACT [] xref: FBql:00005846 is_a: BSPO:0000082 ! lateral region is_a: BSPO:0000084 ! ventral region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side [Term] id: BSPO:0000112 name: ventro-medial region namespace: spatial def: "The region corresponding to the ventral region of the entity, towards the midline." [BSPO:wd] synonym: "medioventral region" EXACT [] synonym: "ventromedial region" EXACT [] is_a: BSPO:0000083 ! medial region is_a: BSPO:0000084 ! ventral region intersection_of: BSPO:0000070 ! anatomical region intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000067 ! medial side intersection_of: overlaps BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side created_by: Melissa Haendel creation_date: 2009-09-10T08:57:54Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000196 name: medial-external axis namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical axis that extends from the center of the body outwards or externally." [BSPO:curators] comment: The medial-external axis could apply to a sphere-shaped body. synonym: "proximal-distal axis" RELATED [] is_a: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis created_by: wasila.dahdul creation_date: 2013-07-02T11:21:42Z [Term] id: BSPO:0000371 name: anterior surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that is located on the anterior side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005848 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000055 ! anterior side [Term] id: BSPO:0000372 name: posterior surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that is located on the posterior side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005849 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000056 ! posterior side [Term] id: BSPO:0000377 name: proximal surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that is located on the proximal side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005852 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000061 ! proximal side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000061 ! proximal side [Term] id: BSPO:0000378 name: distal surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that is located on the distal side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005853 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000062 ! distal side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000062 ! distal side [Term] id: BSPO:0000382 name: lateral surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that located on the lateral side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005844 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000066 ! lateral side [Term] id: BSPO:0000383 name: medial surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that located on the medial side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005847 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000067 ! medial side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000067 ! medial side [Term] id: BSPO:0000384 name: ventral surface namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical surface that is located on the ventral side of the body or body part." [BSPO:wd] xref: FBql:00005843 is_a: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: BSPO:0000005 ! anatomical surface intersection_of: surface_of BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side relationship: surface_of BSPO:0000068 ! ventral side [Term] id: BSPO:0000400 name: anatomical plane namespace: spatial def: "A flat 2D plane intersecting an anatomical continuant, dividing it into two adjacent portions." [BSPO:cjm] comment: These anatomical sections are applicable to most bilaterally symmetrical animals, but bipedal animals such as humans have more complex usage of these terms. For example, in post-embryonic humans a coronal plane is vertical and a transverse plane is horizontal, but for embryos and quadrupeds a coronal plane is horizontal and a transverse plane is vertical. synonym: "anatomical cross-section" EXACT [] synonym: "anatomical section" EXACT [] synonym: "cross-section" RELATED [] synonym: "plane" EXACT [] synonym: "section" EXACT [] xref: FMA:242982 is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical boundary [Term] id: BSPO:0000417 name: sagittal plane namespace: spatial def: "Anatomical plane that divides a bilateral body into left and right parts, not necessarily of even size." [BSPO:cjm, BSPO:DOS, BSPO:mah] synonym: "left/right plane" EXACT [] synonym: "median plane" EXACT [] synonym: "sagittal section" EXACT [] xref: FMA:11361 is_a: BSPO:0000010 ! anatomical axis is_a: BSPO:0000400 ! anatomical plane intersection_of: BSPO:0000400 ! anatomical plane intersection_of: BSPO:0001102 BSPO:0000013 ! parallel to anterior-posterior axis intersection_of: BSPO:0001102 BSPO:0000016 ! parallel to dorsal-ventral axis intersection_of: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000017 ! left-right axis relationship: BSPO:0001102 BSPO:0000013 ! parallel to anterior-posterior axis relationship: BSPO:0001102 BSPO:0000016 ! parallel to dorsal-ventral axis relationship: orthogonal_to BSPO:0000017 ! left-right axis [Term] id: BSPO:0001001 name: medial-lateral axis namespace: spatial def: "An axis that extends from the center of organism to one or other side." [BSPO:cjm] comment: Properly, the ML axis is a half axis; practically, its usage is less clumsy and less linguistically biased than "left-right". The terms may still be used relatively to describe locations along the LR axis. The gills are medial to the operculum, but lateral to the heart. synonym: "M-L axis" EXACT [] synonym: "medio-lateral axis" EXACT [] synonym: "mediolateral axis" EXACT [] synonym: "ML axis" EXACT [] synonym: "proximal-distal axis " RELATED [] xref: is_a: BSPO:0000196 ! medial-external axis [Term] id: CARO:0000000 name: anatomical entity namespace: spatial def: "A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity above the level of a protein complex. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex." [CAROC:Brownsville2014] def: "Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species." [CARO:MAH] comment: Following BFO, material anatomical entities may have immaterial parts (the lumen of your stomach is part of your stomach). The granularity limit follows the limits set by the Gene Ontology on the granularity limit for GO:cellular_component. Note that substances produced by an organism (sweat, feaces, urine) do not need to be part of an organism to qualify as an anatomical structure. is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant [Term] id: CARO:0000003 name: anatomical structure name: connected anatomical structure namespace: spatial def: "Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome." [CC:DOS] comment: Note that the definition does not say 'generated exclusively by the co-ordinated expression of the organism's own genome', so this is still valid for cases where normal morphogenesis requires the actions of a facultative symbiont, or some looser dependency such as the a requirement for the presence of gut flora for normal gut development. is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000006 name: material anatomical entity namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical entity that has mass." [CC:DOS] is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity disjoint_from: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000007 name: immaterial anatomical entity namespace: spatial def: "An anatomical entity that has no mass." [CC:DOS] def: "Anatomical entity that has no mass." [] is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000008 name: anatomical line namespace: spatial def: "A one dimensional, immaterial anatomical entity." [CC:DOS] is_a: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000010 name: anatomical boundary namespace: spatial def: "A non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions. Anatomical boundaries are contiguous structures." [CC:DOS] is_a: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0001001 name: neuron projection bundle def: "A fasciculated bundle of neuron projections (GO:0043005), largely or completely lacking synapses." [] is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0001010 name: organism or virus or viroid def: "Material anatomical entity that is a member of an individual species or is a viral or viroid particle." [] is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity property_value: IAO:0000117 "Melissa Haendel" xsd:string [Term] id: CARO:0010000 name: multicellular anatomical structure def: "An anatomical structure that has more than one cell as a part." [] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! connected anatomical structure property_value: IAO:0000117 "djs93" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:10545 name: electron namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Elementary particle not affected by the strong force having a spin 1/2, a negative elementary charge and a rest mass of 0.000548579903(13) u, or 0.51099906(15) MeV." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "beta" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "beta(-)" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "beta-particle" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "e" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "e(-)" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "e-" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "electron" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "electron" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "electron" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "Elektron" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "negatron" RELATED [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C05359 xref: PMID:21614077 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Electron is_a: CHEBI:36338 ! lepton property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "0.000548579903" xsd:string property_value: "0.0" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:131927 name: dicarboxylic acids and O-substituted derivatives namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A class of carbonyl compound encompassing dicarboxylic acids and any derivatives obtained by substitution of either one or both of the carboxy hydrogens." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "dicarboxylic acids and derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36586 ! carbonyl compound [Term] id: CHEBI:132153 name: hyaluronate namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A carbohydrate acid derivative anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy groups of hyaluronic acid; major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hyaluronan" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "hyaluronate polyanion" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:61469 ! polyanionic polymer is_a: CHEBI:63551 ! carbohydrate acid derivative anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:16336 ! hyaluronic acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "(C14H20NO11)n.H2O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:136889 name: 5beta steroid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any steroid that has beta-configuration at position 5." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "5beta steroids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "5beta-steroid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "5beta-steroids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35341 ! steroid [Term] id: CHEBI:138103 name: inorganic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A Bronsted acid derived from one or more inorganic compounds. Inorganic acids (also known as mineral acids) form hydrons and conjugate base ions when dissolved in water." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "mineral acid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "mineral acids" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Mineral_acid is_a: CHEBI:39141 ! Bronsted acid [Term] id: CHEBI:138366 name: bile acids namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any member of a group of hydroxy steroids occuring in bile, where they are present as the sodium salts of their amides with glycine or taurine. In mammals bile acids almost invariably have 5beta-configuration, while in lower vertebrates, some bile acids, known as allo-bile acids, have 5alpha-configuration." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:25384 ! monocarboxylic acid is_a: CHEBI:35350 ! hydroxy steroid is_a: CHEBI:36078 ! cholanoid [Term] id: CHEBI:138675 name: gas molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any main group molecular entity that is gaseous at standard temperature and pressure (STP; 0degreeC and 100 kPa)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "gas molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "gaseous molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "gaseous molecular entity" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:https\:// is_a: CHEBI:33579 ! main group molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:13941 name: carbamate namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Carbamat" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbamate" EXACT [UniProt] synonym: "carbamate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carbamate ion" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "carbamic acid, ion(1-)" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Karbamat" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:3903503 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:302-11-4 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:239604 {source="Gmelin"} is_a: CHEBI:37022 ! amino-acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:28616 ! carbamic acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "CH2NO2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/CH3NO2/c2-1(3)4/h2H2,(H,3,4)/p-1" xsd:string property_value: "KXDHJXZQYSOELW-UHFFFAOYSA-M" xsd:string property_value: "60.03212" xsd:string property_value: "60.00910" xsd:string property_value: "NC([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:142163 name: 24G7 epitope namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An antigenic epitope recognized by an anti-bilirubin monoclonal antibody designated 24G7. A substructure of bilirubin IXalpha, it is the region containing the oxo group at C-1, the methyl group at C-2, C-(4, 5, 6, 9), and N-21 and -22." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24433 ! group relationship: has_role CHEBI:53000 ! epitope property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C7H6N2O" xsd:string property_value: "134.136" xsd:string property_value: "134.04801" xsd:string property_value: "C(=CC(NC(=*)*)=*)(NC(C(C)=*)=O)*" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:15339 name: acceptor namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13699 alt_id: CHEBI:2377 def: "A molecular entity that can accept an electron, a pair of electrons, an atom or a group from another molecular entity." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "A" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "accepteur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Acceptor" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Akzeptor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Hydrogen-acceptor" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Oxidized donor" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C00028 xref: KEGG:C16722 is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:15355 name: acetylcholine namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:12686 alt_id: CHEBI:13715 alt_id: CHEBI:22197 alt_id: CHEBI:2416 alt_id: CHEBI:40559 def: "Actylcholine is an ester of acetic acid and choline, which acts as a neurotransmitter." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "2-acetyloxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ACETYLCHOLINE" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "Acetylcholine" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "acetylcholine" EXACT [UniProt] synonym: "ACh" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Azetylcholin" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "choline acetate" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "O-Acetylcholine" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: Beilstein:1764436 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:51-84-3 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:51-84-3 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Drug_Central:65 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: DrugBank:DB03128 xref: Gmelin:326108 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C01996 xref: LINCS:LSM-5888 xref: PDBeChem:ACH xref: PMID:14764638 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15014918 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15231705 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15361288 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18050502 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18407448 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19255787 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:20963497 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:21130809 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:21246223 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:21545631 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:21601579 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Acetylcholine is_a: CHEBI:35287 ! acylcholine is_a: CHEBI:47622 ! acetate ester relationship: has_role CHEBI:24621 ! hormone relationship: has_role CHEBI:25512 ! neurotransmitter relationship: has_role CHEBI:35620 ! vasodilator agent relationship: has_role CHEBI:38325 ! muscarinic agonist relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "C7H16NO2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C7H16NO2/c1-7(9)10-6-5-8(2,3)4/h5-6H2,1-4H3/q+1" xsd:string property_value: "OIPILFWXSMYKGL-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "146.20748" xsd:string property_value: "146.11756" xsd:string property_value: "CC(=O)OCC[N+](C)(C)C" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:15366 name: acetic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22169 alt_id: CHEBI:2387 alt_id: CHEBI:40486 def: "A simple monocarboxylic acid containing two carbons." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "ACETIC ACID" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "Acetic acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "acetic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "acide acetique" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "AcOH" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "CH3-COOH" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "CH3CO2H" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E 260" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E-260" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E260" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Essigsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Ethanoic acid" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "ethoic acid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Ethylic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "HOAc" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "INS No. 260" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "MeCO2H" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "MeCOOH" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Methanecarboxylic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] xref: Beilstein:506007 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:64-19-7 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:64-19-7 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:64-19-7 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: Drug_Central:4211 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: Gmelin:1380 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0000042 xref: KEGG:C00033 xref: KEGG:D00010 xref: KNApSAcK:C00001176 xref: LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA01010002 {source="LIPID MAPS"} xref: MetaCyc:ACET xref: PDBeChem:ACT xref: PDBeChem:ACY xref: PMID:12005138 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15107950 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16630552 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16774200 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17190852 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19416101 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19469536 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22153255 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22173419 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PPDB:1333 xref: Reaxys:506007 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Acetic_acid is_a: CHEBI:25384 ! monocarboxylic acid relationship: has_role CHEBI:48356 ! protic solvent relationship: has_role CHEBI:64049 ! food acidity regulator relationship: has_role CHEBI:65256 ! antimicrobial food preservative relationship: has_role CHEBI:83056 ! Daphnia magna metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:30089 ! acetate property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C2H4O2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4)" xsd:string property_value: "QTBSBXVTEAMEQO-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "60.05200" xsd:string property_value: "60.02113" xsd:string property_value: "CC(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:15379 name: dioxygen namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:10745 alt_id: CHEBI:13416 alt_id: CHEBI:23833 alt_id: CHEBI:25366 alt_id: CHEBI:30491 alt_id: CHEBI:44742 alt_id: CHEBI:7860 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[OO]" RELATED [MolBase] synonym: "dioxygen" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "dioxygene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Disauerstoff" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E 948" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E-948" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E948" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "molecular oxygen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "O2" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "O2" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "O2" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Oxygen" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "OXYGEN MOLECULE" RELATED [PDBeChem] xref: CAS:7782-44-7 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:7782-44-7 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:7782-44-7 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: Gmelin:485 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0001377 xref: KEGG:C00007 xref: KEGG:D00003 xref: MetaCyc:OXYGEN-MOLECULE xref: MolBase:750 xref: PDBeChem:OXY xref: PMID:10906528 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16977326 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18210929 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18638417 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19840863 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:7710549 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:9463773 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Oxygen is_a: CHEBI:138675 ! gas molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:25362 ! elemental molecule is_a: CHEBI:33263 ! diatomic oxygen relationship: has_role CHEBI:27027 ! micronutrient relationship: has_role CHEBI:33893 ! reagent relationship: has_role CHEBI:35472 ! anti-inflammatory drug relationship: has_role CHEBI:63248 ! oxidising agent relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77974 ! food packaging gas relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:29793 ! hydridodioxygen(1+) property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "O2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/O2/c1-2" xsd:string property_value: "MYMOFIZGZYHOMD-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "31.998" xsd:string property_value: "31.98983" xsd:string property_value: "O=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:15693 name: aldose namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13755 alt_id: CHEBI:22305 alt_id: CHEBI:2561 def: "Aldehydic parent sugars (polyhydroxy aldehydes H[CH(OH)]nC(=O)H, n >= 2) and their intramolecular hemiacetals." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Aldose" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "aldoses" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "an aldose" RELATED [UniProt] xref: KEGG:C01370 xref: Wikipedia:Aldose is_a: CHEBI:35381 ! monosaccharide property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C2H4O2(CH2O)n" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:15841 name: polypeptide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14860 alt_id: CHEBI:8314 def: "A peptide containing ten or more amino acid residues." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polipeptido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Polypeptid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Polypeptide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "polypeptides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C00403 is_a: CHEBI:16670 ! peptide is_a: CHEBI:33839 ! macromolecule property_value: "C4H6N2O3R2(C2H2NOR)n" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:15986 name: polynucleotide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13672 alt_id: CHEBI:14859 alt_id: CHEBI:8312 def: "A nucleobase-containing molecular entity with a polymeric structure comprised of a linear sequence of 13 or more nucleotide residues." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Polynucleotide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "polynucleotides" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00419 is_a: CHEBI:33695 ! information biomacromolecule is_a: CHEBI:61120 ! nucleobase-containing molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:50319 ! nucleotide residue property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "(C5H8O6PR)n.C10H17O10PR2" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:16134 name: ammonia namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13405 alt_id: CHEBI:13406 alt_id: CHEBI:13407 alt_id: CHEBI:13771 alt_id: CHEBI:22533 alt_id: CHEBI:44269 alt_id: CHEBI:44284 alt_id: CHEBI:44404 alt_id: CHEBI:7434 def: "An azane that consists of a single nitrogen atom covelently bonded to three hydrogen atoms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[NH3]" RELATED [MolBase] synonym: "AMMONIA" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "Ammonia" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "ammonia" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ammoniac" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Ammoniak" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "amoniaco" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "azane" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "NH3" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "NH3" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "NH3" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "R-717" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "spirit of hartshorn" RELATED [ChemIDplus] xref: Beilstein:3587154 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:7664-41-7 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:7664-41-7 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:7664-41-7 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: Drug_Central:4625 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: Gmelin:79 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0000051 xref: KEGG:C00014 xref: KEGG:D02916 xref: KNApSAcK:C00007267 xref: MetaCyc:AMMONIA xref: MolBase:930 xref: PDBeChem:NH3 xref: PMID:110589 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11139349 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11540049 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11746427 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11783653 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:13753780 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:14663195 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15092448 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15094021 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15554424 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15969015 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16008360 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16050680 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16348008 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16349403 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16614889 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16664306 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16842901 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17025297 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17439666 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17569513 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17737668 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18670398 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22002069 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22081570 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22088435 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22100291 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22130175 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22150211 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22240068 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22290316 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22342082 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22385337 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22443779 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22560242 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:3587154 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Ammonia is_a: CHEBI:138675 ! gas molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:35107 ! azane is_a: CHEBI:37176 ! mononuclear parent hydride relationship: has_role CHEBI:50910 ! neurotoxin relationship: has_role CHEBI:59740 ! nucleophilic reagent relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77941 ! EC (amidase) inhibitor relationship: has_role CHEBI:78433 ! refrigerant relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:29337 ! azanide relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:28938 ! ammonium property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "H3N" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3" xsd:string property_value: "QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "17.03056" xsd:string property_value: "17.02655" xsd:string property_value: "[H]N([H])[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:16189 name: sulfate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:15135 alt_id: CHEBI:45687 alt_id: CHEBI:9335 def: "A sulfur oxoanion obtained by deprotonation of both OH groups of sulfuric acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[SO4](2-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "SO4(2-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Sulfate" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "sulfate" EXACT [UniProt] synonym: "sulfate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Sulfate anion(2-)" RELATED [HMDB] synonym: "Sulfate dianion" RELATED [HMDB] synonym: "SULFATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "Sulfate(2-)" RELATED [HMDB] synonym: "Sulfuric acid ion(2-)" RELATED [HMDB] synonym: "sulphate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulphate ion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "tetraoxidosulfate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "tetraoxosulfate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "tetraoxosulfate(VI)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:3648446 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:14808-79-8 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:14808-79-8 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: Gmelin:2120 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0001448 xref: KEGG:C00059 xref: KEGG:D05963 xref: MetaCyc:SULFATE xref: PDBeChem:SO4 xref: PMID:11200094 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11452993 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11581495 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11798107 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:12166931 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:12668033 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:14597181 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15093386 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15984785 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16186560 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16345535 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16347366 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16348007 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16483812 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16534979 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16656509 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16742508 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16742518 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17120760 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17420092 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17439666 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17709180 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18398178 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18815700 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18846414 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19047345 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19244483 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19544990 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19628332 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19812358 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:30398859 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:3648446 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Sulfate is_a: CHEBI:33482 ! sulfur oxoanion is_a: CHEBI:48154 ! sulfur oxide is_a: CHEBI:79388 ! divalent inorganic anion relationship: has_role CHEBI:23357 ! cofactor relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:45696 ! hydrogensulfate property_value: "-2" xsd:string property_value: "O4S" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4)/p-2" xsd:string property_value: "QAOWNCQODCNURD-UHFFFAOYSA-L" xsd:string property_value: "96.06360" xsd:string property_value: "95.95283" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:16336 name: hyaluronic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14412 alt_id: CHEBI:24622 alt_id: CHEBI:24623 alt_id: CHEBI:5772 def: "A mucopolysaccharide composed of N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid subunits. It is found in the connective tissues of vertebrates. A principal constituent of the extracellular matrix (ECM), it mediates the growth and metastasis of tumour cells." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[beta-D-glucopyranuronosyl-(1->3)-2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1->4)]n" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "[beta-N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminyl(1,4)beta-D-glucuronosyl(1,3)]n" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "acide hyaluronique" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acido hialuronico" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hyaluronan" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Hyaluronic acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Hyaluronsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:8538277 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:9004-61-9 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:9004-61-9 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0010366 xref: KEGG:C00518 xref: KEGG:D08043 xref: KEGG:G10505 xref: PMID:11122186 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18056362 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18290544 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:8187837 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Hyaluronan is_a: CHEBI:37395 ! mucopolysaccharide is_a: CHEBI:72813 ! exopolysaccharide relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:132153 ! hyaluronate property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "(C14H21NO12)n" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:16541 name: protein polypeptide chain namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:8526 def: "A naturally occurring polypeptide synthesized at the ribosome." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a protein" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "polypeptide chain" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Protein" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "protein polypeptide chains" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00017 is_a: CHEBI:15841 ! polypeptide relationship: has_part CHEBI:33700 ! proteinogenic amino-acid residue [Term] id: CHEBI:16646 name: carbohydrate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:15131 alt_id: CHEBI:23008 alt_id: CHEBI:9318 def: "Any member of the class of organooxygen compounds that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone or a lactol resulting from their intramolecular condensation (monosaccharides); substances derived from these by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom; and polymeric products arising by intermolecular acetal formation between two or more such molecules (disaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides). Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms; prior to any oxidation or reduction, most have the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n. Compounds obtained from carbohydrates by substitution, etc., are known as carbohydrate derivatives and may contain other elements. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a carbohydrate" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "carbohidrato" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "carbohidratos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "carbohydrate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carbohydrates" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "glucide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glucides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glucido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glucidos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrates de carbone" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Kohlenhydrat" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Kohlenhydrate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "saccharide" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "saccharides" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "saccharidum" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Carbohydrate is_a: CHEBI:78616 ! carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives [Term] id: CHEBI:16670 name: peptide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14753 alt_id: CHEBI:25906 alt_id: CHEBI:7990 def: "Amide derived from two or more amino carboxylic acid molecules (the same or different) by formation of a covalent bond from the carbonyl carbon of one to the nitrogen atom of another with formal loss of water. The term is usually applied to structures formed from alpha-amino acids, but it includes those derived from any amino carboxylic acid. X = OH, OR, NH2, NHR, etc." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Peptid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Peptide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "peptides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "peptido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "peptidos" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00012 is_a: CHEBI:37622 ! carboxamide is_a: CHEBI:50047 ! organic amino compound relationship: has_part CHEBI:33708 ! amino-acid residue relationship: is_tautomer_of CHEBI:60466 ! peptide zwitterion property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "(C2H2NOR)nC2H3NOR" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:166902 name: noradrenaline(1+) namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 2_STAR synonym: "noradrenaline" RELATED [UniProt] is_a: CHEBI:25697 ! organic cation is_a: CHEBI:35274 ! ammonium ion derivative relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:33569 ! noradrenaline property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "C8H12NO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2/p+1" xsd:string property_value: "SFLSHLFXELFNJZ-UHFFFAOYSA-O" xsd:string property_value: "170.187" xsd:string property_value: "170.08117" xsd:string property_value: "C1=CC(=CC(=C1O)O)C(C[NH3+])O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:167559 name: glycan namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any oligosaccharide, polysaccharide or their derivatives consisting of monosaccharides or monosaccharide derivatives linked by glycosidic bonds. See also" [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "glycans" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:78616 ! carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives [Term] id: CHEBI:16765 name: tryptamine namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:15274 alt_id: CHEBI:27161 alt_id: CHEBI:46157 alt_id: CHEBI:9767 def: "An aminoalkylindole consisting of indole having a 2-aminoethyl group at the 3-position." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "1H-indole-3-ethanamine" RELATED [NIST_Chemistry_WebBook] synonym: "2-(1H-INDOL-3-YL)ETHANAMINE" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanamine" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "2-(3-indolyl)ethylamine" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "3-(2-Aminoethyl)indole" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Tryptamine" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: Beilstein:125513 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:61-54-1 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:61-54-1 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:61-54-1 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: DrugBank:DB08653 xref: Gmelin:603448 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0000303 xref: KEGG:C00398 xref: KNApSAcK:C00001434 xref: MetaCyc:TRYPTAMINE xref: PDBeChem:TSS xref: PMID:16126914 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22770225 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:24345948 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:24558969 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:125513 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Tryptamine is_a: CHEBI:27162 ! tryptamines is_a: CHEBI:38631 ! aminoalkylindole is_a: CHEBI:38958 ! indole alkaloid is_a: CHEBI:64365 ! aralkylamino compound relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:76924 ! plant metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:57887 ! tryptaminium property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C10H12N2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C10H12N2/c11-6-5-8-7-12-10-4-2-1-3-9(8)10/h1-4,7,12H,5-6,11H2" xsd:string property_value: "APJYDQYYACXCRM-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "160.21570" xsd:string property_value: "160.10005" xsd:string property_value: "NCCc1c[nH]c2ccccc12" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:16990 name: bilirubin IXalpha namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13898 alt_id: CHEBI:22870 alt_id: CHEBI:3099 def: "A member of the class of biladienes that is a linear tetrapyrrole with the dipyrrole units being of both exovinyl and endovinyl type. A product of heme degradation, it is produced in the reticuloendothelial system by the reduction of biliverdin and transported to the liver as a complex with serum albumin." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-3,18-divinylbiline-8,12-dipropionic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "2,17-diethenyl-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-3,7,13,18-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-3,18-divinyl-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoic acid" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "3,18-diethenyl-2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "8,12-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-3,18-divinylbiladiene-ac-1,19(21H,24H)-dione" RELATED [JCBN] synonym: "Bilirubin" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "bilirubin" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "bilirubin(Z,Z)" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "bilirubin-IXalpha" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:74376 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:635-65-4 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:635-65-4 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:411033 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0000054 xref: KEGG:C00486 xref: KNApSAcK:C00029828 xref: MetaCyc:BILIRUBIN xref: PDBeChem:BLR xref: PMID:12799017 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18442622 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:23763371 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:23768684 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:30224965 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:8605219 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:9587403 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:74376 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Bilirubin is_a: CHEBI:35692 ! dicarboxylic acid is_a: CHEBI:36735 ! biladienes relationship: has_part CHEBI:142163 ! 24G7 epitope relationship: has_role CHEBI:22586 ! antioxidant relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:57977 ! bilirubin(2-) property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C33H36N4O6" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C33H36N4O6/c1-7-20-19(6)32(42)37-27(20)14-25-18(5)23(10-12-31(40)41)29(35-25)15-28-22(9-11-30(38)39)17(4)24(34-28)13-26-16(3)21(8-2)33(43)36-26/h7-8,13-14,34-35H,1-2,9-12,15H2,3-6H3,(H,36,43)(H,37,42)(H,38,39)(H,40,41)/b26-13-,27-14-" xsd:string property_value: "BPYKTIZUTYGOLE-IFADSCNNSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "584.673" xsd:string property_value: "584.26348" xsd:string property_value: "CC1=C(C=C)\\C(NC1=O)=C\\C1=C(C)C(CCC(O)=O)=C(CC2=C(CCC(O)=O)C(C)=C(N2)\\C=C2/NC(=O)C(C=C)=C2C)N1" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:16991 name: deoxyribonucleic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13302 alt_id: CHEBI:21123 alt_id: CHEBI:33698 alt_id: CHEBI:4291 def: "High molecular weight, linear polymers, composed of nucleotides containing deoxyribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds; DNA contain the genetic information of organisms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "(Deoxyribonucleotide)m" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "(Deoxyribonucleotide)n" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "(Deoxyribonucleotide)n+m" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Deoxyribonucleic acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "deoxyribonucleic acids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "deoxyribonucleic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Desoxyribonukleinsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "desoxyribose nucleic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "DNA" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "DNA" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "DNA" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "DNAn" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "DNAn+1" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "DNS" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "thymus nucleic acid" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:9007-49-2 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:9007-49-2 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: KEGG:C00039 is_a: CHEBI:33696 ! nucleic acid relationship: has_part CHEBI:33793 ! canonical deoxyribonucleoside residue relationship: has_part CHEBI:50298 ! canonical deoxyribonucleotide residue relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:17087 name: ketone namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13427 alt_id: CHEBI:13646 alt_id: CHEBI:24974 alt_id: CHEBI:6127 alt_id: CHEBI:8742 def: "A compound in which a carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms: R2C=O (neither R may be H)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a ketone" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "cetone" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Keton" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Ketone" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "ketones" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ketones" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "R-CO-R'" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C01450 xref: Wikipedia:Ketone is_a: CHEBI:36586 ! carbonyl compound property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "COR2" xsd:string property_value: "28.010" xsd:string property_value: "27.99491" xsd:string property_value: "[*]C([*])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:17089 name: glycoprotein namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14349 alt_id: CHEBI:5481 alt_id: CHEBI:5493 def: "A compound in which a carbohydrate component is covalently bound to a protein component." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a glycoprotein" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "glicoproteina" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glicoproteinas" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Glycoprotein" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "glycoproteine" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glycoproteines" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glycoproteins" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Glykoprotein" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Glykoproteine" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00326 is_a: CHEBI:33837 ! conjugated protein is_a: CHEBI:63299 ! carbohydrate derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:17234 name: glucose namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14313 alt_id: CHEBI:24277 alt_id: CHEBI:33929 alt_id: CHEBI:5418 def: "An aldohexose used as a source of energy and metabolic intermediate." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "DL-glucose" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Glc" RELATED [JCBN] synonym: "gluco-hexose" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Glucose" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "glucose" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Glukose" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:50-99-7 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: KEGG:C00293 xref: Wikipedia:Glucose is_a: CHEBI:33917 ! aldohexose relationship: has_role CHEBI:78675 ! fundamental metabolite property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C6H12O6" xsd:string property_value: "180.15588" xsd:string property_value: "180.06339" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:17544 name: hydrogencarbonate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13363 alt_id: CHEBI:22863 alt_id: CHEBI:40961 alt_id: CHEBI:5589 def: "The carbon oxoanion resulting from the removal of a proton from carbonic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[CO2(OH)](-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Acid carbonate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Bicarbonate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "BICARBONATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "HCO3(-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "HCO3-" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "hydrogen carbonate" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "hydrogen(trioxidocarbonate)(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Hydrogencarbonate" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "hydrogencarbonate" EXACT [UniProt] synonym: "hydrogencarbonate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogencarbonate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogentrioxocarbonate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogentrioxocarbonate(IV)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydroxidodioxidocarbonate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:3903504 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:71-52-3 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:49249 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0000595 xref: KEGG:C00288 xref: MetaCyc:HCO3 xref: PDBeChem:BCT xref: PMID:17215880 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17505962 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18439416 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:28732801 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:29150416 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:29460248 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:29466234 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:4208463 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Bicarbonate is_a: CHEBI:35604 ! carbon oxoanion relationship: has_role CHEBI:23357 ! cofactor relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:76971 ! Escherichia coli metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:41609 ! carbonate relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:28976 ! carbonic acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "CHO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-1" xsd:string property_value: "BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-M" xsd:string property_value: "61.01684" xsd:string property_value: "60.99312" xsd:string property_value: "OC([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:17891 name: donor namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14202 alt_id: CHEBI:4697 def: "A molecular entity that can transfer (\"donate\") an electron, a pair of electrons, an atom or a group to another molecular entity." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Donator" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "donneur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Donor" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C01351 is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:18059 name: lipid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14517 alt_id: CHEBI:25054 alt_id: CHEBI:6486 def: "'Lipids' is a loosely defined term for substances of biological origin that are soluble in nonpolar solvents. They consist of saponifiable lipids, such as glycerides (fats and oils) and phospholipids, as well as nonsaponifiable lipids, principally steroids." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Lipid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "lipids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C01356 is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:18085 name: glycosaminoglycan namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14361 alt_id: CHEBI:24398 alt_id: CHEBI:5495 def: "Any polysaccharide containing a substantial proportion of aminomonosaccharide residues." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "glicosaminoglicano" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Glycosaminoglycan" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "glycosaminoglycan" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "glycosaminoglycane" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "glycosaminoglycans" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Glykosaminoglykan" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C02545 xref: Wikipedia:Glycosaminoglycan is_a: CHEBI:22506 ! aminoglycan [Term] id: CHEBI:18133 name: hexose namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14399 alt_id: CHEBI:24590 alt_id: CHEBI:5709 def: "Any six-carbon monosaccharide which in its linear form contains either an aldehyde group at position 1 (aldohexose) or a ketone group at position 2 (ketohexose)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Hexose" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "hexoses" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "WURCS=2.0/1,1,0/[axxxxh-1x_1-5_2*NCC/3=O]/1/" RELATED [GlyTouCan] xref: GlyGen:G70994MS xref: GlyTouCan:G70994MS xref: KEGG:C00738 is_a: CHEBI:35381 ! monosaccharide [Term] id: CHEBI:18154 name: polysaccharide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14864 alt_id: CHEBI:26205 alt_id: CHEBI:8322 def: "A biomacromolecule consisting of large numbers of monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. This term is commonly used only for those containing more than ten monosaccharide residues." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Glycan" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Glycane" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glycans" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Glykan" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Glykane" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polisacarido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polisacaridos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Polysaccharide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "polysaccharides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C00420 is_a: CHEBI:16646 ! carbohydrate is_a: CHEBI:167559 ! glycan is_a: CHEBI:33694 ! biomacromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:18282 name: nucleobase namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13873 alt_id: CHEBI:25598 alt_id: CHEBI:2995 def: "That part of DNA or RNA that may be involved in pairing." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Base" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "nucleobases" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00701 xref: Wikipedia:Nucleobase is_a: CHEBI:38101 ! organonitrogen heterocyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:18357 name: (R)-noradrenaline namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:1 alt_id: CHEBI:14668 alt_id: CHEBI:25592 alt_id: CHEBI:258884 alt_id: CHEBI:43725 def: "The R-enantiomer of noradrenaline." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "(-)-arterenol" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "(-)-noradrenaline" RELATED [IUPHAR] synonym: "(-)-norepinephrine" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "(R)-(-)-norepinephrine" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "(R)-4-(2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl)-1,2-benzenediol" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "(R)-norepinephrine" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "4-[(1R)-2-Amino-1-hydroxyethyl]-1,2-benzenediol" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "4-[(1R)-2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl]benzene-1,2-diol" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Arterenol" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "L-Noradrenaline" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "L-NOREPINEPHRINE" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "Noradrenaline" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "norepinefrina" RELATED INN [ChEBI] synonym: "Norepinephrine" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "norepinephrine" RELATED INN [ChemIDplus] synonym: "norepinephrine" RELATED INN [WHO_MedNet] synonym: "norepinephrinum" RELATED INN [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:2804840 {source="Beilstein"} xref: Beilstein:4231961 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:51-41-2 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:51-41-2 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: Drug_Central:1960 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: DrugBank:DB00368 xref: HMDB:HMDB0000216 xref: KEGG:C00547 xref: KEGG:D00076 xref: KNApSAcK:C00001424 xref: PDBeChem:LNR xref: Reaxys:2804840 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Norepinephrine is_a: CHEBI:33569 ! noradrenaline relationship: has_role CHEBI:25512 ! neurotransmitter relationship: has_role CHEBI:35524 ! sympathomimetic agent relationship: has_role CHEBI:35569 ! alpha-adrenergic agonist relationship: has_role CHEBI:50514 ! vasoconstrictor agent relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:72587 ! (R)-noradrenaline(1+) relationship: is_enantiomer_of CHEBI:33571 ! (S)-noradrenaline property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C8H11NO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2/t8-/m0/s1" xsd:string property_value: "SFLSHLFXELFNJZ-QMMMGPOBSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "169.17780" xsd:string property_value: "169.07389" xsd:string property_value: "NC[C@H](O)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:18367 name: phosphate(3-) namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:14791 alt_id: CHEBI:45024 alt_id: CHEBI:7793 def: "A phosphate ion that is the conjugate base of hydrogenphosphate." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[PO4](3-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Orthophosphate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Phosphate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "phosphate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "PHOSPHATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "PO4(3-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "tetraoxidophosphate(3-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "tetraoxophosphate(3-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "tetraoxophosphate(V)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:3903772 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:14265-44-2 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:14265-44-2 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:1997 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C00009 xref: PDBeChem:PO4 {source="ChEBI"} xref: Reaxys:3903772 {source="Reaxys"} is_a: CHEBI:35780 ! phosphate ion is_a: CHEBI:79387 ! trivalent inorganic anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:43474 ! hydrogenphosphate property_value: "-3" xsd:string property_value: "O4P" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-3" xsd:string property_value: "NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-K" xsd:string property_value: "94.97136" xsd:string property_value: "94.95507" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]P([O-])([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:20664 name: 5beta-cholane namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "5beta-cholane" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:2048472 {source="Beilstein"} is_a: CHEBI:35519 ! cholane property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C24H42" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C24H42/c1-5-8-17(2)20-12-13-21-19-11-10-18-9-6-7-15-23(18,3)22(19)14-16-24(20,21)4/h17-22H,5-16H2,1-4H3/t17-,18+,19+,20-,21+,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1" xsd:string property_value: "QSHQKIURKJITMZ-OBUPQJQESA-N" xsd:string property_value: "330.59028" xsd:string property_value: "330.32865" xsd:string property_value: "[H][C@@]12CCCC[C@]1(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC[C@@]3([H])[C@]1([H])CC2)[C@H](C)CCC" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:22221 name: acyl group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic group formed by removing one or more hydroxy groups from an oxoacid that has the general structure RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0). Although the term is almost always applied to organic compounds, with carboxylic acid as the oxoacid, acyl groups can in principle be derived from other types of acids such as sulfonic acids or phosphonic acids." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acyl group" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "acyl groups" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alkanoyl" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "alkanoyl group" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "groupe acyle" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:22314 name: alkali metal atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alkali metal" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alkali metals" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Alkalimetall" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Alkalimetalle" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metal alcalin" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metal alcalino" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metales alcalinos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metaux alcalins" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33318 ! main group element atom is_a: CHEBI:33521 ! metal atom is_a: CHEBI:33559 ! s-block element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:22315 name: alkaloid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any of the naturally occurring, basic nitrogen compounds (mostly heterocyclic) occurring mostly in the plant kingdom, but also found in bacteria, fungi, and animals. By extension, certain neutral compounds biogenetically related to basic alkaloids are also classed as alkaloids. Amino acids, peptides, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, amino sugars and antibiotics are not normally regarded as alkaloids. Compounds in which the nitrogen is exocyclic (dopamine, mescaline, serotonin, etc.) are usually classed as amines rather than alkaloids." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alcaloide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alcaloides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Alkaloid" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "Alkaloide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alkaloids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Wikipedia:Alkaloid is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound relationship: has_role CHEBI:25212 ! metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:22506 name: aminoglycan namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "aminoglycans" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound is_a: CHEBI:65212 ! polysaccharide derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:22563 name: anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A monoatomic or polyatomic species having one or more elementary charges of the electron." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Anion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "anion" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "anion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "Anionen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "aniones" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "anions" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:24870 ! ion [Term] id: CHEBI:22586 name: antioxidant namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance that opposes oxidation or inhibits reactions brought about by dioxygen or peroxides." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "antioxidants" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antioxydant" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antoxidant" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:22695 name: base namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity having an available pair of electrons capable of forming a covalent bond with a hydron (Bronsted base) or with the vacant orbital of some other molecular entity (Lewis base)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Base" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "base" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "base" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Base1" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Base2" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Basen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "bases" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Nucleobase" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C00701 is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:22728 name: benzopyrrole namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "benzopyrroles" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:27171 ! organic heterobicyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:38101 ! organonitrogen heterocyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:38180 ! polycyclic heteroarene [Term] id: CHEBI:22868 name: bile salt namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A sodium salt of the conjugate of any bile acid with either glycine or taurine." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Bile acid" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "bile salts" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C01558 is_a: CHEBI:36078 ! cholanoid is_a: CHEBI:38700 ! organic sodium salt [Term] id: CHEBI:23004 name: carbamoyl group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "The univalent carboacyl group formed by loss of -OH from the carboxy group of carbamic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "-C(O)NH2" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "-CONH2" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "aminocarbonyl" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "carbamoyl" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carbamyl" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbamyl group" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carboxamide" RELATED [IUPAC] xref: PMID:24168430 {source="Europe PMC"} is_a: CHEBI:27207 ! univalent carboacyl group relationship: is_substituent_group_from CHEBI:28616 ! carbamic acid property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CH2NO" xsd:string property_value: "44.03272" xsd:string property_value: "44.01364" xsd:string property_value: "*C(N)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:23019 name: carbonyl group namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: ">C=O" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "carbonyl" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carbonyl group" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "carbonyl group" EXACT [UniProt] is_a: CHEBI:51422 ! organodiyl group property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CO" xsd:string property_value: "28.01010" xsd:string property_value: "27.99491" xsd:string property_value: "O=C(*)*" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:23357 name: cofactor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic molecule or ion (usually a metal ion) that is required by an enzyme for its activity. It may be attached either loosely (coenzyme) or tightly (prosthetic group)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cofactor" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "cofactors" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Wikipedia:Cofactor_(biochemistry) is_a: CHEBI:52206 ! biochemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:23367 name: molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "entidad molecular" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "entidades moleculares" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "entite moleculaire" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "molecular entities" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "molecular entity" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "molekulare Entitaet" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24431 ! chemical entity [Term] id: CHEBI:23449 name: cyclic peptide namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cyclic peptides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Cyclopeptid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "peptide cyclique" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "peptido ciclico" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Zyklopeptid" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:16670 ! peptide [Term] id: CHEBI:23888 name: drug namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any substance which when absorbed into a living organism may modify one or more of its functions. The term is generally accepted for a substance taken for a therapeutic purpose, but is also commonly used for abused substances." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "medicine" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:52217 ! pharmaceutical [Term] id: CHEBI:23906 name: monoatomic cation namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monoatomic cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24867 ! monoatomic ion is_a: CHEBI:36916 ! cation [Term] id: CHEBI:23924 name: enzyme inhibitor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A compound or agent that combines with an enzyme in such a manner as to prevent the normal substrate-enzyme combination and the catalytic reaction." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "enzyme inhibitor" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "enzyme inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inhibidor enzimatico" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inhibidores enzimaticos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inhibiteur enzymatique" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inhibiteurs enzymatiques" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35222 ! inhibitor is_a: CHEBI:52206 ! biochemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:24384 name: glycogens namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:37163 ! glucan [Term] id: CHEBI:24431 name: chemical entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A chemical entity is a physical entity of interest in chemistry including molecular entities, parts thereof, and chemical substances." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chemical entity" EXACT [UniProt] is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity [Term] id: CHEBI:24432 name: biological role namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a biological context." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "biological function" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: BFO:0000023 ! role is_a: CHEBI:50906 ! role [Term] id: CHEBI:24433 name: group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A defined linked collection of atoms or a single atom within a molecular entity." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "group" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "groupe" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "grupo" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "grupos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Gruppe" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Rest" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24431 ! chemical entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33250 ! atom [Term] id: CHEBI:24532 name: organic heterocyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of carbon and at least of one other element." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic heterocycle" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic heterocyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33285 ! heteroorganic entity is_a: CHEBI:33832 ! organic cyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:5686 ! heterocyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:24533 name: heterodetic cyclic peptide namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A heterodetic cyclic peptide is a peptide consisting only of amino-acid residues, but in which the linkages forming the ring are not solely peptide bonds; one or more is an isopeptide, disulfide, ester, or other bond." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "heterodetic cyclic peptide" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "heterodetic cyclic peptides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "peptide cyclique heterodetique" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "peptido ciclico heterodetico" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:23449 ! cyclic peptide [Term] id: CHEBI:24621 name: hormone namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Originally referring to an endogenous compound that is formed in specialized organ or group of cells and carried to another organ or group of cells, in the same organism, upon which it has a specific regulatory function, the term is now commonly used to include non-endogenous, semi-synthetic and fully synthetic analogues of such compounds." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "endocrine" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hormones" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33280 ! molecular messenger is_a: CHEBI:48705 ! agonist [Term] id: CHEBI:24651 name: hydroxides namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Hydroxides are chemical compounds containing a hydroxy group or salts containing hydroxide (OH(-))." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:25806 ! oxygen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33608 ! hydrogen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:37577 ! heteroatomic molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:43176 ! hydroxy group [Term] id: CHEBI:24663 name: hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any member of the class of 5beta-cholanic acids carrying at least one hydroxy group at unspecified position." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33822 ! organic hydroxy compound is_a: CHEBI:36248 ! 5beta-cholanic acids relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:36238 ! 5beta-cholanic acid [Term] id: CHEBI:24828 name: indoles namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any compound containing an indole skeleton." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:22728 ! benzopyrrole [Term] id: CHEBI:24833 name: oxoacid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A compound which contains oxygen, at least one other element, and at least one hydrogen bound to oxygen, and which produces a conjugate base by loss of positive hydrogen ion(s) (hydrons)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxacids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxiacids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxo acid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxoacid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "oxoacids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "oxy-acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxyacids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24651 ! hydroxides relationship: has_role CHEBI:39141 ! Bronsted acid [Term] id: CHEBI:24834 name: inorganic anion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:22563 ! anion is_a: CHEBI:36914 ! inorganic ion [Term] id: CHEBI:24835 name: inorganic molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity that contains no carbon." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "anorganische Verbindungen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inorganic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inorganic entity" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inorganic molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inorganics" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:24836 name: inorganic oxide namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic oxides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24835 ! inorganic molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:25741 ! oxide [Term] id: CHEBI:24866 name: salt namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A salt is an assembly of cations and anions." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "ionic compound" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "ionic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sal" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sales" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "salt" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "salts" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Salz" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Salze" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sel" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sels" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37577 ! heteroatomic molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:22563 ! anion relationship: has_part CHEBI:36916 ! cation [Term] id: CHEBI:24867 name: monoatomic ion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monoatomic ions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24870 ! ion is_a: CHEBI:33238 ! monoatomic entity [Term] id: CHEBI:24868 name: organic salt namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic salts" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organisches Salz" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24866 ! salt [Term] id: CHEBI:24870 name: ion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity having a net electric charge." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Ion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "ion" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "Ionen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "iones" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "ions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:25046 name: linear tetrapyrrole namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:26932 ! tetrapyrrole [Term] id: CHEBI:25212 name: metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:26619 alt_id: CHEBI:35220 def: "Any intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. The term 'metabolite' subsumes the classes commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "metabolite" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "primary metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "secondary metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:52206 ! biochemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:25213 name: metal cation namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a metal cation" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "metal cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23906 ! monoatomic cation is_a: CHEBI:36915 ! inorganic cation [Term] id: CHEBI:25362 name: elemental molecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecule all atoms of which have the same atomic number." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "homoatomic molecule" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "homoatomic molecules" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25367 ! molecule is_a: CHEBI:33259 ! elemental molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:25367 name: molecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any polyatomic entity that is an electrically neutral entity consisting of more than one atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "molecula" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "molecule" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "molecules" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Molekuel" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "neutral molecular compounds" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:36357 ! polyatomic entity [Term] id: CHEBI:25375 name: monoamine molecular messenger namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A group of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that contain one amino group that is connected to an aromatic ring by ethylene group (-CH2-CH2-). Monoamines are derived from the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine and tryptophan." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monamines" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "monoamines" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:63534 ! monoamine relationship: has_role CHEBI:33280 ! molecular messenger [Term] id: CHEBI:25384 name: monocarboxylic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An oxoacid containing a single carboxy group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monocarboxylic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33575 ! carboxylic acid relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:35757 ! monocarboxylic acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:25414 name: monoatomic monocation namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monoatomic monocations" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "monovalent inorganic cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23906 ! monoatomic cation property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "0.00000" xsd:string property_value: "[*+]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:25512 name: neurotransmitter namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An endogenous compound that is used to transmit information across the synapse between a neuron and another cell." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "neurotransmitters" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Neurotransmitter is_a: CHEBI:33280 ! molecular messenger [Term] id: CHEBI:25555 name: nitrogen atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "7N" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "azote" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "N" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "nitrogen" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "nitrogen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nitrogeno" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Stickstoff" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: WebElements:N is_a: CHEBI:25585 ! nonmetal atom is_a: CHEBI:33300 ! pnictogen relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "N" xsd:string property_value: "14.007" xsd:string property_value: "14.00307" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:25585 name: nonmetal atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Nichtmetall" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Nichtmetalle" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "no metal" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "no metales" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "non-metal" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "non-metaux" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nonmetal" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "nonmetal" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nonmetals" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33250 ! atom [Term] id: CHEBI:25696 name: organic anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organic ion with a net negative charge." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:22563 ! anion is_a: CHEBI:25699 ! organic ion [Term] id: CHEBI:25697 name: organic cation namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organic ion with a net positive charge." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25699 ! organic ion is_a: CHEBI:36916 ! cation [Term] id: CHEBI:25699 name: organic ion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic ions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24870 ! ion is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:25704 name: organic sulfate namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Compounds of the general formula SO3HOR where R is an organyl group" [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic sulfates" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:26820 ! sulfates relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:58958 ! organosulfate oxoanion [Term] id: CHEBI:25741 name: oxide namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An oxide is a chemical compound of oxygen with other chemical elements." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxide" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "oxides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25806 ! oxygen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:37577 ! heteroatomic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:25805 name: oxygen atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "8O" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "O" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "oxigeno" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxygen" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "oxygen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxygene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Sauerstoff" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00007 xref: WebElements:O is_a: CHEBI:25585 ! nonmetal atom is_a: CHEBI:33303 ! chalcogen relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "O" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/O" xsd:string property_value: "QVGXLLKOCUKJST-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "15.99940" xsd:string property_value: "15.99491" xsd:string property_value: "[O]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:25806 name: oxygen molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxygen molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxygen molecular entity" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33304 ! chalcogen molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:25805 ! oxygen atom [Term] id: CHEBI:25905 name: peptide hormone namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any peptide with hormonal activity in animals, whether endocrine, neuroendocrine, or paracrine." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "peptide hormones" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polypeptide hormone" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:16670 ! peptide relationship: has_role CHEBI:24621 ! hormone [Term] id: CHEBI:26020 name: phosphate namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Salts and esters of phosphoric and oligophosphoric acids and their chalcogen analogues. In inorganic chemistry, the term is also used to describe anionic coordination entities with phosphorus as central atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "phosphates" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "phosphates" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:26079 ! phosphoric acid derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:26078 name: phosphoric acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A phosphorus oxoacid that consists of one oxo and three hydroxy groups joined covalently to a central phosphorus atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[PO(OH)3]" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "acide phosphorique" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acidum phosphoricum" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "H3PO4" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Orthophosphoric acid" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "orthophosphoric acid" RELATED [NIST_Chemistry_WebBook] synonym: "Phosphate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Phosphoric acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "phosphoric acid" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "Phosphorsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Phosphorsaeureloesungen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "tetraoxophosphoric acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "trihydrogen tetraoxophosphate(3-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "trihydroxidooxidophosphorus" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:1921286 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:7664-38-2 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:7664-38-2 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:7664-38-2 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Drug_Central:4478 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: Gmelin:2000 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0002142 xref: KEGG:C00009 xref: KEGG:D05467 xref: KNApSAcK:C00007408 xref: PMID:11455380 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15630224 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17439666 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17518491 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22282755 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22333268 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22381614 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22401268 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:1921286 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Phosphoric_Acid is_a: CHEBI:59698 ! phosphoric acids relationship: has_role CHEBI:33287 ! fertilizer relationship: has_role CHEBI:46787 ! solvent relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:84735 ! algal metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:39745 ! dihydrogenphosphate property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "H3O4P" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)" xsd:string property_value: "NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "97.99520" xsd:string property_value: "97.97690" xsd:string property_value: "[H]OP(=O)(O[H])O[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:26079 name: phosphoric acid derivative namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:36359 ! phosphorus oxoacid derivative relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:26078 ! phosphoric acid [Term] id: CHEBI:26082 name: phosphorus molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "phosphorus molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33302 ! pnictogen molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:28659 ! phosphorus atom [Term] id: CHEBI:26708 name: sodium atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "11Na" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Na" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Natrium" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "natrium" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "sodio" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "sodium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "sodium" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:7440-23-5 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:16221 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C01330 xref: WebElements:Na is_a: CHEBI:22314 ! alkali metal atom relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "Na" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/Na" xsd:string property_value: "KEAYESYHFKHZAL-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "22.98977" xsd:string property_value: "22.98977" xsd:string property_value: "[Na]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:26712 name: sodium molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sodium compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sodium molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33296 ! alkali metal molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:26708 ! sodium atom [Term] id: CHEBI:26714 name: sodium salt namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any alkali metal salt having sodium(1+) as the cation." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Natriumsalz" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Natriumsalze" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sodium salts" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:26712 ! sodium molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:35479 ! alkali metal salt relationship: has_part CHEBI:29101 ! sodium(1+) [Term] id: CHEBI:26764 name: steroid hormone namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any steroid that acts as hormone." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hormona esteroide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hormonas esteroideas" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hormone steroide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hormones steroides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "steroid hormones" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Steroidhormon" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Steroidhormone" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35341 ! steroid relationship: has_role CHEBI:24621 ! hormone [Term] id: CHEBI:26819 name: sulfuric ester namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An ester of an alcohol and sulfuric acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sulfate ester" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfuric acid ester" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfuric acid esters" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35701 ! ester is_a: CHEBI:37826 ! sulfuric acid derivative property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "O4SR2" xsd:string property_value: "96.06300" xsd:string property_value: "95.95173" xsd:string property_value: "[*]OS(=O)(=O)O[*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:26820 name: sulfates namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Salts and esters of sulfuric acid" [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sulfates" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfuric acid derivative" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulphates" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37826 ! sulfuric acid derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:26833 name: sulfur atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "16S" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "azufre" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Elemental sulfur" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "S" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "S" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Schwefel" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "soufre" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "sulfur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "sulphur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "theion" RELATED [IUPAC] xref: CAS:7704-34-9 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:7704-34-9 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: KEGG:C00087 xref: KEGG:D06527 xref: PPDB:605 xref: WebElements:S is_a: CHEBI:25585 ! nonmetal atom is_a: CHEBI:33303 ! chalcogen relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "S" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/S" xsd:string property_value: "NINIDFKCEFEMDL-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "32.06600" xsd:string property_value: "31.97207" xsd:string property_value: "[S]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:26835 name: sulfur molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sulfur molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur molecular entity" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33304 ! chalcogen molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:26833 ! sulfur atom [Term] id: CHEBI:26836 name: sulfuric acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A sulfur oxoacid that consists of two oxo and two hydroxy groups joined covalently to a central sulfur atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[S(OH)2O2]" RELATED [MolBase] synonym: "[SO2(OH)2]" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Acide sulfurique" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Acido sulfurico" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Acidum sulfuricum" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "dihydrogen tetraoxosulfate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "dihydroxidodioxidosulfur" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "H2SO4" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogen tetraoxosulfate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogen tetraoxosulfate(VI)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Schwefelsaeureloesungen" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Sulfuric acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "sulfuric acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "sulfuric acid" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "sulphuric acid" RELATED [MolBase] synonym: "tetraoxosulfuric acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: CAS:7664-93-9 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:7664-93-9 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:7664-93-9 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: Gmelin:2122 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C00059 xref: KEGG:D05963 xref: KNApSAcK:C00007530 xref: MolBase:4 xref: PMID:13568755 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16122922 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19397353 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22047659 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22136045 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22204399 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22267186 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22296037 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22364556 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22435616 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PPDB:606 xref: Reaxys:2037554 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Sulfuric_acid is_a: CHEBI:33402 ! sulfur oxoacid relationship: has_role CHEBI:35223 ! catalyst relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:45696 ! hydrogensulfate property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "H2O4S" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4)" xsd:string property_value: "QAOWNCQODCNURD-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "98.07948" xsd:string property_value: "97.96738" xsd:string property_value: "[H]OS(=O)(=O)O[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:26932 name: tetrapyrrole namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A natural pigment containing four pyrrole rings joined by one-carbon units linking position 2 of one pyrrole ring to position 5 of the next." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a tetrapyrrole" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "tetrapyrrole" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "tetrapyrroles" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33833 ! heteroarene is_a: CHEBI:38077 ! polypyrrole [Term] id: CHEBI:27027 name: micronutrient namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any nutrient required in small quantities by organisms throughout their life in order to orchestrate a range of physiological functions." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "micronutrients" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "trace elements" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Micronutrient is_a: CHEBI:33284 ! nutrient [Term] id: CHEBI:27162 name: tryptamines namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Tryptamine and its substitution derivatives." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24828 ! indoles [Term] id: CHEBI:27171 name: organic heterobicyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "heterobicyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic heterobicyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33672 ! heterobicyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:38166 ! organic heteropolycyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:27207 name: univalent carboacyl group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A univalent carboacyl group is a group formed by loss of OH from the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "univalent acyl group" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "univalent carboacyl groups" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "univalent carboxylic acyl groups" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37838 ! carboacyl group [Term] id: CHEBI:27369 name: zwitterion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A neutral compound having formal unit electrical charges of opposite sign on non-adjacent atoms. Sometimes referred to as inner salts, dipolar ions (a misnomer)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "compose zwitterionique" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "compuestos zwitterionicos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "zwitterion" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "zwitteriones" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "zwitterionic compounds" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "zwitterions" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:51151 ! dipolar compound [Term] id: CHEBI:27594 name: carbon atom namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23009 alt_id: CHEBI:3399 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "6C" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "C" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "C" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Carbon" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "carbon" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carbon" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbone" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbonium" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbono" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Kohlenstoff" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:7440-44-0 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:7440-44-0 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: KEGG:C06265 xref: WebElements:C is_a: CHEBI:25585 ! nonmetal atom is_a: CHEBI:33306 ! carbon group element atom relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C" xsd:string property_value: "OKTJSMMVPCPJKN-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "12.01070" xsd:string property_value: "12.00000" xsd:string property_value: "[C]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:28087 name: glycogen namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:24379 alt_id: CHEBI:5466 def: "A polydisperse, highly branched glucan composed of chains of D-glucopyranose residues in alpha(1->4) glycosidic linkage, joined together by alpha(1->6) glycosidic linkages. A small number of alpha(1->3) glycosidic linkages and some cumulative alpha(1->6) links also may occur. The branches in glycogen typically contain 8 to 12 glucose residues." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "animal starch" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Glycogen" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "liver starch" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "WURCS=2.0/1,4,3/[a2122h-1a_1-5]/1-1-1-1/a4-b1_b4-c1_b6-d1" RELATED [GlyTouCan] xref: CAS:9005-79-2 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:9005-79-2 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: GlyGen:G99991IU xref: GlyTouCan:G99991IU xref: HMDB:HMDB0000757 xref: KEGG:C00182 xref: MetaCyc:CPD0-971 xref: Wikipedia:Glycogen is_a: CHEBI:24384 ! glycogens relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:76971 ! Escherichia coli metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:28616 name: carbamic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22504 alt_id: CHEBI:23002 alt_id: CHEBI:3386 alt_id: CHEBI:44573 def: "A one-carbon compound that is ammonia in which one of the hydrogens is replaced by a carboxy group. Although carbamic acid derivatives are common, carbamic acid itself has never been synthesised." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Aminoameisensaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Aminoformic acid" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Carbamate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "CARBAMIC ACID" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "Carbamic acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "carbamic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Carbamidsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:1734754 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:463-77-4 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:463-77-4 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: DrugBank:DB04261 xref: Gmelin:130345 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C01563 xref: PDBeChem:OUT xref: Wikipedia:Carbamic_acid is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound is_a: CHEBI:35605 ! carbon oxoacid is_a: CHEBI:64708 ! one-carbon compound relationship: has_role CHEBI:76971 ! Escherichia coli metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:13941 ! carbamate property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CH3NO2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/CH3NO2/c2-1(3)4/h2H2,(H,3,4)" xsd:string property_value: "KXDHJXZQYSOELW-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "61.04006" xsd:string property_value: "61.01638" xsd:string property_value: "NC(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:28659 name: phosphorus atom namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:26080 alt_id: CHEBI:8168 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "15P" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "fosforo" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "P" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "P" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Phosphor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "phosphore" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Phosphorus" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "phosphorus" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "phosphorus" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:7723-14-0 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:7723-14-0 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: Gmelin:16235 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C06262 xref: WebElements:P is_a: CHEBI:25585 ! nonmetal atom is_a: CHEBI:33300 ! pnictogen relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "P" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/P" xsd:string property_value: "OAICVXFJPJFONN-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "30.97376" xsd:string property_value: "30.97376" xsd:string property_value: "[P]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:28790 name: serotonin namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:1420 alt_id: CHEBI:26652 alt_id: CHEBI:49894 def: "A primary amino compound that is the 5-hydroxy derivative of tryptamine." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "3-(2-Aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "5-HT" RELATED [IUPHAR] synonym: "5-Hydroxytryptamine" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Enteramine" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "SEROTONIN" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "Serotonin" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "serotonine" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "thrombocytin" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "thrombotonin" RELATED [ChemIDplus] xref: Beilstein:143524 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:50-67-9 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:50-67-9 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:1861995 {source="Gmelin"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0000259 xref: KEGG:C00780 xref: KNApSAcK:C00001429 xref: LINCS:LSM-6589 xref: MetaCyc:SEROTONIN xref: PDBeChem:SRO xref: PMID:18593914 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22770225 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:24136337 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:143524 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Serotonin is_a: CHEBI:25375 ! monoamine molecular messenger is_a: CHEBI:27162 ! tryptamines is_a: CHEBI:33853 ! phenols is_a: CHEBI:50994 ! primary amino compound is_a: CHEBI:84729 ! hydroxyindoles relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:16765 ! tryptamine relationship: has_role CHEBI:25512 ! neurotransmitter relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:350546 ! serotonin(1+) property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C10H12N2O" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C10H12N2O/c11-4-3-7-6-12-10-2-1-8(13)5-9(7)10/h1-2,5-6,12-13H,3-4,11H2" xsd:string property_value: "QZAYGJVTTNCVMB-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "176.215" xsd:string property_value: "176.09496" xsd:string property_value: "C1=CC(=CC=2C(=CNC12)CCN)O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:28938 name: ammonium namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22534 alt_id: CHEBI:49783 alt_id: CHEBI:7435 def: "An onium cation obtained by protonation of ammonia." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[NH4](+)" RELATED [MolBase] synonym: "ammonium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ammonium" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "ammonium cation" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "ammonium ion" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "Ammonium(1+)" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "azanium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "NH4(+)" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "NH4(+)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "NH4+" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: CAS:14798-03-9 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:14798-03-9 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:84 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C01342 xref: MetaCyc:AMMONIUM xref: MolBase:929 xref: PDBeChem:NH4 xref: PMID:11319011 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11341317 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:12096804 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:14512268 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:14879753 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16345391 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16903292 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17392693 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18515490 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19199063 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19596600 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19682559 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19716251 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:21993530 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22265469 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22524020 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22562341 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22631217 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:16093784 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Ammonium is_a: CHEBI:35106 ! nitrogen hydride is_a: CHEBI:50313 ! onium cation is_a: CHEBI:60242 ! monovalent inorganic cation relationship: has_role CHEBI:23357 ! cofactor relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:76971 ! Escherichia coli metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:16134 ! ammonia property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "H4N" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3/p+1" xsd:string property_value: "QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-O" xsd:string property_value: "18.03850" xsd:string property_value: "18.03383" xsd:string property_value: "[H][N+]([H])([H])[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:28965 name: dicarboxylic acid dianion namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13632 alt_id: CHEBI:23688 alt_id: CHEBI:23689 alt_id: CHEBI:38711 def: "A carboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of both carboxy groups of any dicarboxylic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a dicarboxylate" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "dicarboxylate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "dicarboxylates" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "dicarboxylic acid dianion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "dicarboxylic acid dianions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35693 ! dicarboxylic acid anion is_a: CHEBI:38716 ! carboxylic acid dianion property_value: "-2" xsd:string property_value: "C2O4R" xsd:string property_value: "88.019" xsd:string property_value: "87.97966" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]C(=O)[*]C([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:28976 name: carbonic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13351 alt_id: CHEBI:23017 alt_id: CHEBI:23744 alt_id: CHEBI:3401 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[CO(OH)2]" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Carbonic acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "carbonic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Dihydrogen carbonate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "dihydroxidooxidocarbon" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "H2CO3" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "H2CO3" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Koehlensaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:463-79-6 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:463-79-6 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: Gmelin:25554 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C01353 xref: PDBeChem:CO3 is_a: CHEBI:35605 ! carbon oxoacid is_a: CHEBI:36961 ! chalcocarbonic acid relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:17544 ! hydrogencarbonate property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CH2O3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)" xsd:string property_value: "BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "62.02478" xsd:string property_value: "62.00039" xsd:string property_value: "OC(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:29067 name: carboxylic acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13626 alt_id: CHEBI:13945 alt_id: CHEBI:23026 alt_id: CHEBI:58657 def: "The conjugate base formed when the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid is deprotonated." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a carboxylate" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "carboxylic acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carboxylic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25696 ! organic anion is_a: CHEBI:35406 ! oxoanion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:33575 ! carboxylic acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "CO2R" xsd:string property_value: "44.00950" xsd:string property_value: "43.98983" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]C([*])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:29101 name: sodium(1+) namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:26717 alt_id: CHEBI:49766 alt_id: CHEBI:9175 def: "A monoatomic monocation obtained from sodium." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Na(+)" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "Na(+)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Na+" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "sodium cation" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "SODIUM ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "sodium(1+)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "sodium(1+) ion" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "sodium(I) cation" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: CAS:17341-25-2 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:17341-25-2 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: Gmelin:15196 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C01330 xref: PDBeChem:NA is_a: CHEBI:25414 ! monoatomic monocation is_a: CHEBI:33504 ! alkali metal cation is_a: CHEBI:37246 ! elemental sodium is_a: CHEBI:60242 ! monovalent inorganic cation relationship: has_role CHEBI:23357 ! cofactor relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "Na" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/Na/q+1" xsd:string property_value: "FKNQFGJONOIPTF-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "22.98977" xsd:string property_value: "22.98922" xsd:string property_value: "[Na+]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:29337 name: azanide namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "amide" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "azanide" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "dihydridonitrate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "NH2(-)" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:35106 ! nitrogen hydride is_a: CHEBI:79389 ! monovalent inorganic anion relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:29340 ! hydridonitrate(2-) relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:16134 ! ammonia property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "H2N" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H2N/h1H2/q-1" xsd:string property_value: "HYGWNUKOUCZBND-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "16.02262" xsd:string property_value: "16.01927" xsd:string property_value: "[H][N-][H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:29340 name: hydridonitrate(2-) namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A divalent inorganic anion resulting from the removal of two protons from ammonia." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "azanediide" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydridonitrate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "imide" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "NH(2-)" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:35106 ! nitrogen hydride is_a: CHEBI:79388 ! divalent inorganic anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:29337 ! azanide property_value: "-2" xsd:string property_value: "HN" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/HN/h1H/q-2" xsd:string property_value: "DZQYTNGKSBCIOE-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "15.01468" xsd:string property_value: "15.01200" xsd:string property_value: "[N--][H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:29793 name: hydridodioxygen(1+) namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[HO2](+)" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "dioxidenium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "HO2(+)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "HOO(+)" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydridodioxygen(1+)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Gmelin:508 {source="Gmelin"} is_a: CHEBI:33693 ! oxygen hydride relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:15379 ! dioxygen property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "HO2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/O2/c1-2/p+1" xsd:string property_value: "MYMOFIZGZYHOMD-UHFFFAOYSA-O" xsd:string property_value: "33.00674" xsd:string property_value: "32.99711" xsd:string property_value: "[H][O+]=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:30089 name: acetate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13704 alt_id: CHEBI:22165 alt_id: CHEBI:40480 def: "A monocarboxylic acid anion resulting from the removal of a proton from the carboxy group of acetic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acetate" EXACT [UniProt] synonym: "acetate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ACETATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "acetic acid, ion(1-)" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Azetat" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "CH3-COO(-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Ethanoat" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "ethanoate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "MeCO2 anion" RELATED [NIST_Chemistry_WebBook] xref: Beilstein:1901470 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:71-50-1 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:71-50-1 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: DrugBank:DB03166 xref: Gmelin:1379 {source="Gmelin"} xref: KEGG:C00033 xref: MetaCyc:ACET xref: PDBeChem:ACT xref: PMID:17190852 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22211106 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22371380 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:1901470 {source="Reaxys"} xref: UM-BBD_compID:c0050 {source="UM-BBD"} xref: Wikipedia:Acetate is_a: CHEBI:35757 ! monocarboxylic acid anion relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:15366 ! acetic acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "C2H3O2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4)/p-1" xsd:string property_value: "QTBSBXVTEAMEQO-UHFFFAOYSA-M" xsd:string property_value: "59.04402" xsd:string property_value: "59.01385" xsd:string property_value: "CC([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:30212 name: photon namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:10581 alt_id: CHEBI:14383 def: "Particle of zero charge, zero rest mass, spin quantum number 1, energy hnu and momentum hnu/c (h is the Planck constant, nu the frequency of radiation and c the speed of light), carrier of electromagnetic force." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "foton" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "gamma" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hnu" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hnu" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "Lichtquant" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Light" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "light quantum" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "photon" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C00205 is_a: CHEBI:36341 ! boson property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "0.0" xsd:string property_value: "0.0" xsd:string property_value: "*" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:3098 name: bile acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any member of a group of hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acids occuring in bile, where they are present as the sodium salts of their amides with glycine or taurine. In mammals bile acids almost invariably have 5beta-configuration." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "5beta-bile acid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "5beta-bile acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Bile acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "bile acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Bile salt" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Gallensaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Gallensaeuren" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C01558 is_a: CHEBI:138366 ! bile acids is_a: CHEBI:24663 ! hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acid [Term] id: CHEBI:32952 name: amine namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13814 alt_id: CHEBI:22474 alt_id: CHEBI:2641 def: "A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing one, two or three hydrogen atoms by hydrocarbyl groups." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Amin" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Amine" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "amines" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Substituted amine" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C00706 is_a: CHEBI:50047 ! organic amino compound [Term] id: CHEBI:32988 name: amide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22473 alt_id: CHEBI:2633 def: "An amide is a derivative of an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0) in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Amide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "amides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C00241 is_a: CHEBI:51143 ! nitrogen molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33232 name: application namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Intended use of the molecular entity or part thereof by humans." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: BFO:0000023 ! role is_a: CHEBI:50906 ! role [Term] id: CHEBI:33233 name: fundamental particle namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A particle not known to have substructure." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "elementary particle" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "elementary particles" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36342 ! subatomic particle [Term] id: CHEBI:33238 name: monoatomic entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A monoatomic entity is a molecular entity consisting of a single atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "atomic entity" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "monoatomic entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33259 ! elemental molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33241 name: oxoacid derivative namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxoacid derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37577 ! heteroatomic molecular entity relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:24833 ! oxoacid [Term] id: CHEBI:33242 name: inorganic hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24835 ! inorganic molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33692 ! hydrides [Term] id: CHEBI:33245 name: organic fundamental parent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic fundamental parent is a structure used as a basis for substitutive names in organic nomenclature, containing, in addition to one or more hydrogen atoms, a single atom of an element, a number of atoms (alike or different) linked together to form an unbranched chain, a monocyclic or polycyclic ring system, or a ring assembly or ring/chain system." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic fundamental parents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic parent hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37175 ! organic hydride is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33246 name: inorganic group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any substituent group which does not contain carbon." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic groups" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24433 ! group [Term] id: CHEBI:33247 name: organic group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any substituent group or skeleton containing carbon." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic groups" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24433 ! group relationship: is_substituent_group_from CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33249 name: organyl group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organic substituent group, regardless of functional type, having one free valence at a carbon atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "groupe organyle" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "grupo organilo" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "grupos organilo" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "organyl group" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "organyl groups" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:51447 ! organic univalent group [Term] id: CHEBI:33250 name: atom namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22671 alt_id: CHEBI:23907 def: "A chemical entity constituting the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "atom" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "atome" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "atomo" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "atoms" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "atomus" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "element" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "elements" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24431 ! chemical entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:10545 ! electron relationship: has_part CHEBI:33252 ! atomic nucleus [Term] id: CHEBI:33252 name: atomic nucleus namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A nucleus is the positively charged central portion of an atom, excluding the orbital electrons." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Atomkern" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Kern" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "noyau" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "noyau atomique" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nuclei" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nucleo" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "nucleo atomico" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nucleus" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "nucleus atomi" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36347 ! nuclear particle relationship: has_part CHEBI:33253 ! nucleon [Term] id: CHEBI:33253 name: nucleon namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Heavy nuclear particle: proton or neutron." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nucleon" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "nucleon" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "nucleons" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Nukleon" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Nukleonen" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36339 ! baryon is_a: CHEBI:36347 ! nuclear particle [Term] id: CHEBI:33256 name: primary amide namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A derivative of an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0) in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "primary amide" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "primary amides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:32988 ! amide [Term] id: CHEBI:33259 name: elemental molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity all atoms of which have the same atomic number." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "homoatomic entity" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "homoatomic molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "homoatomic molecular entity" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33262 name: elemental oxygen namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24835 ! inorganic molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:25806 ! oxygen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33259 ! elemental molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33263 name: diatomic oxygen namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:33262 ! elemental oxygen property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "O2" xsd:string property_value: "31.999" xsd:string property_value: "31.98983" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33273 name: polyatomic anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An anion consisting of more than one atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyatomic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:22563 ! anion is_a: CHEBI:36358 ! polyatomic ion [Term] id: CHEBI:33280 name: molecular messenger namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chemical messenger" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:33281 name: antimicrobial agent namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22582 def: "A substance that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "antibiotic" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antibiotics" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Antibiotika" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Antibiotikum" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antibiotique" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "antimicrobial" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antimicrobial agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antimicrobials" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "microbicide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "microbicides" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PMID:12964249 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22117953 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22439833 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22849268 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22849276 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22958833 {source="Europe PMC"} is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:33284 name: nutrient namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A nutrient is a food component that an organism uses to survive and grow." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nutrients" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:78295 ! food component [Term] id: CHEBI:33285 name: heteroorganic entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A heteroorganic entity is an organic molecular entity in which carbon atoms or organic groups are bonded directly to one or more heteroatoms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "heteroorganic entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organoelement compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33286 name: agrochemical namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An agrochemical is a substance that is used in agriculture or horticulture." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "agrichemical" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "agrichemicals" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "agricultural chemicals" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "agrochemicals" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Agrochemical is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application [Term] id: CHEBI:33287 name: fertilizer namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A fertilizer is any substance that is added to soil or water to assist the growth of plants." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "fertiliser" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "fertilizers" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33286 ! agrochemical [Term] id: CHEBI:33296 name: alkali metal molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an alkali metal." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alkali metal molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33674 ! s-block molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:22314 ! alkali metal atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33300 name: pnictogen namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any p-block element atom that is in group 15 of the periodic table: nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "group 15 elements" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "group V elements" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nitrogenoideos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nitrogenoides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pnictogene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pnictogenes" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pnictogens" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33560 ! p-block element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33302 name: pnictogen molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A p-block molecular entity containing any pnictogen." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "pnictogen molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pnictogen molecular entity" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33675 ! p-block molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33300 ! pnictogen [Term] id: CHEBI:33303 name: chalcogen namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any p-block element belonging to the group 16 family of the periodic table." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "anfigeno" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "anfigenos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "calcogeno" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "calcogenos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogen" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "chalcogene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogenes" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogens" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Chalkogen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Chalkogene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "group 16 elements" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "group VI elements" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PMID:17084588 {source="Europe PMC"} is_a: CHEBI:33560 ! p-block element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33304 name: chalcogen molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any p-block molecular entity containing a chalcogen." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chalcogen compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogen molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogen molecular entity" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33675 ! p-block molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33303 ! chalcogen [Term] id: CHEBI:33306 name: carbon group element atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbon group element" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbon group elements" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbonoides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cristallogene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cristallogenes" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "group 14 elements" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "group IV elements" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33560 ! p-block element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33308 name: carboxylic ester namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13204 alt_id: CHEBI:23028 alt_id: CHEBI:3408 def: "An ester of a carboxylic acid, R(1)C(=O)OR(2), where R(1) = H or organyl and R(2) = organyl." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a carboxylic ester" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "carboxylic acid esters" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Carboxylic ester" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "carboxylic esters" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C02391 xref: Wikipedia:Ester is_a: CHEBI:35701 ! ester is_a: CHEBI:36586 ! carbonyl compound property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CO2R2" xsd:string property_value: "44.010" xsd:string property_value: "43.98983" xsd:string property_value: "[*]C(=O)O[*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33318 name: main group element atom namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An atom belonging to one of the main groups (found in the s- and p- blocks) of the periodic table." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Hauptgruppenelement" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Hauptgruppenelemente" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "main group element" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "main group elements" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33250 ! atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33402 name: sulfur oxoacid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxoacids of sulfur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur oxoacids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:26835 ! sulfur molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33484 ! chalcogen oxoacid [Term] id: CHEBI:33408 name: pnictogen oxoacid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "pnictogen oxoacids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24833 ! oxoacid is_a: CHEBI:33302 ! pnictogen molecular entity relationship: has_role CHEBI:138103 ! inorganic acid [Term] id: CHEBI:33424 name: sulfur oxoacid derivative namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sulfur oxoacid derivative" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur oxoacid derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:26835 ! sulfur molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33241 ! oxoacid derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:33457 name: phosphorus oxoacid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A pnictogen oxoacid which contains phosphorus and oxygen, at least one hydrogen atom bound to oxygen, and forms an ion by the loss of one or more protons." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxoacids of phosphorus" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Oxosaeure des Phosphors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "phosphorus oxoacid" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "phosphorus oxoacids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33408 ! pnictogen oxoacid is_a: CHEBI:36360 ! phosphorus oxoacids and derivatives [Term] id: CHEBI:33459 name: pnictogen oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "pnictogen oxoanion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "pnictogen oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33302 ! pnictogen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:35406 ! oxoanion [Term] id: CHEBI:33461 name: phosphorus oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxoanions of phosphorus" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "phosphorus oxoanion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "phosphorus oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24834 ! inorganic anion is_a: CHEBI:26082 ! phosphorus molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33459 ! pnictogen oxoanion [Term] id: CHEBI:33482 name: sulfur oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxoanions of sulfur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur oxoanion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:26835 ! sulfur molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:33485 ! chalcogen oxoanion [Term] id: CHEBI:33484 name: chalcogen oxoacid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chalcogen oxoacid" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogen oxoacids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24833 ! oxoacid relationship: has_role CHEBI:138103 ! inorganic acid [Term] id: CHEBI:33485 name: chalcogen oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chalcogen oxoanion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogen oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35406 ! oxoanion [Term] id: CHEBI:33504 name: alkali metal cation namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alkali metal cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25213 ! metal cation [Term] id: CHEBI:33521 name: metal atom namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:25217 alt_id: CHEBI:6788 def: "An atom of an element that exhibits typical metallic properties, being typically shiny, with high electrical and thermal conductivity." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "elemental metal" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "elemental metals" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metal element" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metal elements" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "metals" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00050 xref: PMID:21784043 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Metal is_a: CHEBI:33250 ! atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33558 name: alpha-amino-acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An amino-acid anion obtained by deprotonation of any alpha-amino acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alpha-amino acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alpha-amino-acid anion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "alpha-amino-acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37022 ! amino-acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:33704 ! alpha-amino acid [Term] id: CHEBI:33559 name: s-block element atom namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "s-block element" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "s-block elements" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33250 ! atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33560 name: p-block element atom namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any main group element atom belonging to the p-block of the periodic table." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "p-block element" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "p-block elements" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33318 ! main group element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33566 name: catechols namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:134187 alt_id: CHEBI:13628 alt_id: CHEBI:18862 def: "Any compound containing an o-diphenol component." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "1,2-benzenediols" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "a catechol" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "benzene-1,2-diols" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C15571 is_a: CHEBI:33570 ! benzenediols property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C6H2O2R4" xsd:string property_value: "106.079" xsd:string property_value: "106.00548" xsd:string property_value: "OC1=C(O)C(*)=C(*)C(*)=C1*" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33567 name: catecholamine namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23056 alt_id: CHEBI:3468 def: "4-(2-Aminoethyl)pyrocatechol [4-(2-aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol] and derivatives formed by substitution." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Catecholamine" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "catecholamines" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "catecholamines" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C02012 is_a: CHEBI:25375 ! monoamine molecular messenger is_a: CHEBI:33566 ! catechols property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C8H9NO2R2" xsd:string property_value: "151.163" xsd:string property_value: "151.06333" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33569 name: noradrenaline namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A catecholamine in which C-1 of the aminoethyl side-chain is hydroxy-substituted." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "4-(2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl)benzene-1,2-diol" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "noradrenalina" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "norepinephrine" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:2210994 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:138-65-8 {source="NIST Chemistry WebBook"} xref: CAS:138-65-8 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:863925 {source="Gmelin"} xref: LINCS:LSM-5181 is_a: CHEBI:33567 ! catecholamine relationship: has_role CHEBI:76967 ! human xenobiotic metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:166902 ! noradrenaline(1+) property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C8H11NO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2" xsd:string property_value: "SFLSHLFXELFNJZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "169.17788" xsd:string property_value: "169.07389" xsd:string property_value: "NCC(O)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33570 name: benzenediols namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22705 alt_id: CHEBI:22711 subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:33853 ! phenols [Term] id: CHEBI:33571 name: (S)-noradrenaline namespace: chebi_ontology def: "The S-enantiomer of noradrenaline." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "4-[(1S)-2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl]benzene-1,2-diol" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:2937999 {source="Beilstein"} xref: LINCS:LSM-37072 xref: Reaxys:2937999 {source="Reaxys"} is_a: CHEBI:33569 ! noradrenaline relationship: is_enantiomer_of CHEBI:18357 ! (R)-noradrenaline property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C8H11NO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2/t8-/m1/s1" xsd:string property_value: "SFLSHLFXELFNJZ-MRVPVSSYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "169.17788" xsd:string property_value: "169.07389" xsd:string property_value: "NC[C@@H](O)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33575 name: carboxylic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13428 alt_id: CHEBI:13627 alt_id: CHEBI:23027 def: "A carbon oxoacid acid carrying at least one -C(=O)OH group and having the structure RC(=O)OH, where R is any any monovalent functional group. Carboxylic acids are the most common type of organic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acide carboxylique" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "acides carboxyliques" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "acido carboxilico" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "acidos carboxilicos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Carbonsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Carbonsaeuren" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carboxylic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carboxylic acids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Karbonsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "RC(=O)OH" RELATED [IUPAC] xref: PMID:17147560 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18433345 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Carboxylic_acid is_a: CHEBI:35605 ! carbon oxoacid is_a: CHEBI:36586 ! carbonyl compound is_a: CHEBI:64709 ! organic acid relationship: has_part CHEBI:46883 ! carboxy group relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CHO2R" xsd:string property_value: "45.01740" xsd:string property_value: "44.99765" xsd:string property_value: "OC([*])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33579 name: main group molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity containing one or more atoms from any of groups 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 of the periodic table." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "main group compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "main group molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33318 ! main group element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33582 name: carbon group molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbon group molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbon group molecular entity" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33675 ! p-block molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33306 ! carbon group element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33595 name: cyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any molecule that consists of a series of atoms joined together to form a ring." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Cyclic_compound is_a: CHEBI:25367 ! molecule [Term] id: CHEBI:33608 name: hydrogen molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hydrogen compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrogen molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33674 ! s-block molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:49637 ! hydrogen atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33635 name: polycyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polycyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33595 ! cyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33636 name: bicyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecule that features two fused rings." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "bicyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33595 ! cyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33655 name: aromatic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A cyclically conjugated molecular entity with a stability (due to delocalization) significantly greater than that of a hypothetical localized structure (e.g. Kekule structure) is said to possess aromatic character." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "aromatic compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "aromatic molecular entity" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "aromatics" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "aromatische Verbindungen" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33595 ! cyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33659 name: organic aromatic compound namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic aromatic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33655 ! aromatic compound is_a: CHEBI:33832 ! organic cyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33671 name: heteropolycyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A polycyclic compound in which at least one of the rings contains at least one non-carbon atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "heteropolycyclic compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "polyheterocyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33635 ! polycyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:5686 ! heterocyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33672 name: heterobicyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A bicyclic compound in which at least one of the rings contains at least one skeletal heteroatom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "heterobicyclic compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33636 ! bicyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:5686 ! heterocyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33674 name: s-block molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An s-block molecular entity is a molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an s-block element." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "s-block compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "s-block molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "s-block molecular entity" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33579 ! main group molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33559 ! s-block element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33675 name: p-block molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A main group molecular entity that contains one or more atoms of a p-block element." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "p-block compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "p-block molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "p-block molecular entitiy" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33579 ! main group molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:33560 ! p-block element atom [Term] id: CHEBI:33692 name: hydrides namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Hydrides are chemical compounds of hydrogen with other chemical elements." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:33608 ! hydrogen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:37577 ! heteroatomic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33693 name: oxygen hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hydrides of oxygen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxygen hydride" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "oxygen hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36902 ! chalcogen hydride [Term] id: CHEBI:33694 name: biomacromolecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A macromolecule formed by a living organism." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "biomacromolecules" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "biopolymer" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Biopolymere" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "biopolymers" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33839 ! macromolecule is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33695 name: information biomacromolecule namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "genetically encoded biomacromolecules" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "genetically encoded biopolymers" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "information biomacromolecules" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "information biopolymers" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "information macromolecule" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "information macromolecules" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33694 ! biomacromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:33696 name: nucleic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A macromolecule made up of nucleotide units and hydrolysable into certain pyrimidine or purine bases (usually adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, uracil), D-ribose or 2-deoxy-D-ribose and phosphoric acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acide nucleique" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acides nucleiques" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acido nucleico" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acidos nucleicos" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "NA" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nucleic acids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Nukleinsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Nukleinsaeuren" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:15986 ! polynucleotide relationship: has_part CHEBI:33791 ! canonical nucleoside residue relationship: has_part CHEBI:50297 ! canonical nucleotide residue [Term] id: CHEBI:33697 name: ribonucleic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "High molecular weight, linear polymers, composed of nucleotides containing ribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds; RNA is central to the synthesis of proteins." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "pentosenucleic acids" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "ribonucleic acid" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "ribonucleic acids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "ribonucleic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Ribonukleinsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "ribose nucleic acid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "RNA" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "RNA" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "RNS" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "yeast nucleic acid" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:63231-63-0 {source="ChemIDplus"} is_a: CHEBI:33696 ! nucleic acid relationship: has_part CHEBI:33792 ! canonical ribonucleoside residue relationship: has_part CHEBI:50299 ! canonical ribonucleotide residue [Term] id: CHEBI:33700 name: proteinogenic amino-acid residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical amino-acid residue" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "canonical amino-acid residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "common amino acid residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "proteinogenic amino-acid residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "standard amino acid residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "standard amino-acid residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33710 ! alpha-amino-acid residue [Term] id: CHEBI:33702 name: polyatomic cation namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A cation consisting of more than one atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyatomic cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36358 ! polyatomic ion is_a: CHEBI:36916 ! cation [Term] id: CHEBI:33704 name: alpha-amino acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:10208 alt_id: CHEBI:13779 alt_id: CHEBI:22442 alt_id: CHEBI:2642 def: "An amino acid in which the amino group is located on the carbon atom at the position alpha to the carboxy group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alpha-amino acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "alpha-amino acids" RELATED [JCBN] synonym: "alpha-amino acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alpha-amino carboxylic acids" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Amino acid" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Amino acids" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C00045 xref: KEGG:C05167 is_a: CHEBI:33709 ! amino acid relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:33558 ! alpha-amino-acid anion relationship: is_tautomer_of CHEBI:78608 ! alpha-amino acid zwitterion property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C2H4NO2R" xsd:string property_value: "74.05870" xsd:string property_value: "74.02420" xsd:string property_value: "NC([*])C(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33708 name: amino-acid residue namespace: chebi_ontology def: "When two or more amino acids combine to form a peptide, the elements of water are removed, and what remains of each amino acid is called an amino-acid residue." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "amino acid residue" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amino-acid residue" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "amino-acid residues" RELATED [JCBN] is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group relationship: is_substituent_group_from CHEBI:33709 ! amino acid [Term] id: CHEBI:33709 name: amino acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13815 alt_id: CHEBI:22477 def: "A carboxylic acid containing one or more amino groups." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "amino acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Aminocarbonsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Aminokarbonsaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Aminosaeure" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Amino_acid is_a: CHEBI:33575 ! carboxylic acid is_a: CHEBI:50047 ! organic amino compound relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:37022 ! amino-acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:33710 name: alpha-amino-acid residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alpha-amino-acid residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33708 ! amino-acid residue relationship: is_substituent_group_from CHEBI:33704 ! alpha-amino acid [Term] id: CHEBI:33720 name: carbohydrate acid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrate acid" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "carbohydrate acids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:16646 ! carbohydrate is_a: CHEBI:33575 ! carboxylic acid relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:33721 ! carbohydrate acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:33721 name: carbohydrate acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrate acid anion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "carbohydrate acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:33720 ! carbohydrate acid [Term] id: CHEBI:33791 name: canonical nucleoside residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical nucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "common nucleoside residues" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "nucleoside residue" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "standard nucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50320 ! nucleoside residue [Term] id: CHEBI:33792 name: canonical ribonucleoside residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical ribonucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "common ribonucleoside residue" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "common ribonucleoside residues" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "N" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "Nuc" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "standard ribonucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33791 ! canonical nucleoside residue [Term] id: CHEBI:33793 name: canonical deoxyribonucleoside residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical deoxyribonucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "common 2'-deoxyribonucleoside residue" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "common 2'-deoxyribonucleoside residues" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "dN" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "dNuc" RELATED [CBN] synonym: "standard deoxyribonucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33791 ! canonical nucleoside residue [Term] id: CHEBI:33822 name: organic hydroxy compound namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:64710 def: "An organic compound having at least one hydroxy group attached to a carbon atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hydroxy compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "organic alcohol" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic hydroxy compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24651 ! hydroxides is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33832 name: organic cyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organic molecule that consists of atoms connected in the form of a ring." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic cyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33595 ! cyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:72695 ! organic molecule [Term] id: CHEBI:33833 name: heteroarene namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A heterocyclic compound formally derived from an arene by replacement of one or more methine (-C=) and/or vinylene (-CH=CH-) groups by trivalent or divalent heteroatoms, respectively, in such a way as to maintain the continuous pi-electron system characteristic of aromatic systems and a number of out-of-plane pi-electrons corresponding to the Hueckel rule (4n+2)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hetarenes" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "heteroarenes" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:24532 ! organic heterocyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:33659 ! organic aromatic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:33837 name: conjugated protein namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Conjugated protein is a protein that contains a non-peptide component, usually in stoichiometric proportion." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "complex protein" RELATED [COMe] synonym: "conjugated proteins" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: COMe:PRX000001 is_a: CHEBI:36080 ! protein is_a: PR:000000001 ! protein [Term] id: CHEBI:33839 name: macromolecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A macromolecule is a molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "macromolecule" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "macromolecules" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polymer" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polymer molecule" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "polymers" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Macromolecule is_a: CHEBI:36357 ! polyatomic entity [Term] id: CHEBI:33853 name: phenols namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13664 alt_id: CHEBI:13825 alt_id: CHEBI:25969 alt_id: CHEBI:2857 def: "Organic aromatic compounds having one or more hydroxy groups attached to a benzene or other arene ring." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a phenol" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "arenols" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Aryl alcohol" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "phenols" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C15584 xref: MetaCyc:Phenols xref: Wikipedia:Phenols is_a: CHEBI:33659 ! organic aromatic compound is_a: CHEBI:33822 ! organic hydroxy compound property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C6HOR5" xsd:string property_value: "89.072" xsd:string property_value: "89.00274" xsd:string property_value: "C1(=C(C(=C(C(=C1*)*)*)*)*)O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:33893 name: reagent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "reactif" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "reactivo" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "reagent" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "reagents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application [Term] id: CHEBI:33917 name: aldohexose namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:2558 def: "A hexose with a (potential) aldehyde group at one end." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "aldohexose" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "aldohexoses" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:15693 ! aldose is_a: CHEBI:18133 ! hexose [Term] id: CHEBI:33937 name: macronutrient namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any nutrient required in large quantities by organisms throughout their life in order to orchestrate a range of physiological functions. Macronutrients are usually chemical elements (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur) that humans consume in the largest quantities. Calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium are sometimes included as macronutrients because they are required in relatively large quantities compared with other vitamins and minerals." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "macronutrients" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33284 ! nutrient [Term] id: CHEBI:350546 name: serotonin(1+) namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An ammonium ion that is the conjugate acid of serotonin; major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "2-(5-hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethanaminium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "serotonin" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "serotonin cation" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35274 ! ammonium ion derivative relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:28790 ! serotonin property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "C10H13N2O" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C10H12N2O/c11-4-3-7-6-12-10-2-1-8(13)5-9(7)10/h1-2,5-6,12-13H,3-4,11H2/p+1" xsd:string property_value: "QZAYGJVTTNCVMB-UHFFFAOYSA-O" xsd:string property_value: "177.22250" xsd:string property_value: "177.10224" xsd:string property_value: "[NH3+]CCc1c[nH]c2ccc(O)cc12" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:35106 name: nitrogen hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nitrogen hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35881 ! pnictogen hydride is_a: CHEBI:51143 ! nitrogen molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:35107 name: azane namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Saturated acyclic nitrogen hydrides having the general formula NnHn+2." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "azanes" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35106 ! nitrogen hydride [Term] id: CHEBI:35222 name: inhibitor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance that diminishes the rate of a chemical reaction." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inhibidor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inhibiteur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "inhibitor" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:35223 name: catalyst namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance that increases the rate of a reaction without modifying the overall standard Gibbs energy change in the reaction." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "catalizador" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "catalyseur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "catalyst" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Katalysator" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:35238 name: amino acid zwitterion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "The zwitterionic form of an amino acid having a negatively charged carboxyl group and a positively charged amino group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "amino acid zwitterion" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:27369 ! zwitterion [Term] id: CHEBI:35267 name: quaternary ammonium ion namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:26470 alt_id: CHEBI:8693 def: "A derivative of ammonium, NH4(+), in which all four of the hydrogens bonded to nitrogen have been replaced with univalent (usually organyl) groups." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a quaternary ammonium" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "Quaternary amine" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "quaternary ammonium ion" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "quaternary ammonium ions" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C06703 is_a: CHEBI:25697 ! organic cation is_a: CHEBI:35274 ! ammonium ion derivative property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "NR4" xsd:string property_value: "14.00670" xsd:string property_value: "14.00307" xsd:string property_value: "[*][N+]([*])([*])[*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:35274 name: ammonium ion derivative namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A derivative of ammonium, NH4(+), in which one (or more) of the hydrogens bonded to the nitrogen have been replaced with univalent organyl groups. The substituting carbon of the organyl group must not itself be directly attached to a heteroatom (thereby excluding protonated amides, hemiaminals, etc)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "ammonium ion derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "azanium ion derivative" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "azanium ion derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33702 ! polyatomic cation is_a: CHEBI:51143 ! nitrogen molecular entity relationship: has_parent_hydride CHEBI:28938 ! ammonium [Term] id: CHEBI:35287 name: acylcholine namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13245 alt_id: CHEBI:22227 alt_id: CHEBI:2463 def: "A choline ester formed from choline and a carboxylic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acylcholines" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "an acylcholine" RELATED [UniProt] xref: KEGG:C01777 is_a: CHEBI:35267 ! quaternary ammonium ion property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "C6H13NO2R" xsd:string property_value: "131.17290" xsd:string property_value: "131.09463" xsd:string property_value: "C[N+](C)(C)CCOC([*])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:35341 name: steroid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13687 alt_id: CHEBI:26768 alt_id: CHEBI:9263 def: "Any of naturally occurring compounds and synthetic analogues, based on the cyclopenta[a]phenanthrene carbon skeleton, partially or completely hydrogenated; there are usually methyl groups at C-10 and C-13, and often an alkyl group at C-17. By extension, one or more bond scissions, ring expansions and/or ring contractions of the skeleton may have occurred. Natural steroids are derived biogenetically from squalene which is a triterpene." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a steroid" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "Steroid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "steroids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: KEGG:C00377 xref: MetaCyc:Steroids is_a: CHEBI:18059 ! lipid is_a: CHEBI:51958 ! organic polycyclic compound property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C19H31R" xsd:string property_value: "259.450" xsd:string property_value: "259.24258" xsd:string property_value: "C12C(C3C(C(CC3)*)(C)CC1)CCC4C2(CCCC4)C" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:35350 name: hydroxy steroid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:24748 alt_id: CHEBI:5814 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hydroxy steroids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Hydroxysteroid" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "hydroxysteroids" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C02159 is_a: CHEBI:33822 ! organic hydroxy compound is_a: CHEBI:35341 ! steroid [Term] id: CHEBI:35352 name: organonitrogen compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any heteroorganic entity containing at least one carbon-nitrogen bond." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organonitrogen compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "organonitrogens" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33285 ! heteroorganic entity is_a: CHEBI:51143 ! nitrogen molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:35381 name: monosaccharide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:25407 alt_id: CHEBI:6984 def: "Parent monosaccharides are polyhydroxy aldehydes H[CH(OH)]nC(=O)H or polyhydroxy ketones H-[CHOH]n-C(=O)[CHOH]m-H with three or more carbon atoms. The generic term 'monosaccharide' (as opposed to oligosaccharide or polysaccharide) denotes a single unit, without glycosidic connection to other such units. It includes aldoses, dialdoses, aldoketoses, ketoses and diketoses, as well as deoxy sugars, provided that the parent compound has a (potential) carbonyl group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monosacarido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "monosacaridos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Monosaccharid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Monosaccharide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "monosaccharides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Monosacharid" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C06698 is_a: CHEBI:16646 ! carbohydrate [Term] id: CHEBI:35406 name: oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:33274 alt_id: CHEBI:33436 def: "An oxoanion is an anion derived from an oxoacid by loss of hydron(s) bound to oxygen." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxoacid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxoanion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25741 ! oxide is_a: CHEBI:33273 ! polyatomic anion [Term] id: CHEBI:35472 name: anti-inflammatory drug namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance that reduces or suppresses inflammation." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "anti-inflammatory drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antiinflammatory agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antiinflammatory drug" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antiinflammatory drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23888 ! drug is_a: CHEBI:67079 ! anti-inflammatory agent [Term] id: CHEBI:35479 name: alkali metal salt namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alkali metal salts" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24866 ! salt is_a: CHEBI:33296 ! alkali metal molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:35507 name: natural product fundamental parent namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "natural product fundamental parents" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33245 ! organic fundamental parent [Term] id: CHEBI:35508 name: steroid fundamental parent namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "steroid fundamental parents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35341 ! steroid is_a: CHEBI:35507 ! natural product fundamental parent [Term] id: CHEBI:35519 name: cholane namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cholane" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:35508 ! steroid fundamental parent property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C24H42" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C24H42/c1-5-8-17(2)20-12-13-21-19-11-10-18-9-6-7-15-23(18,3)22(19)14-16-24(20,21)4/h17-22H,5-16H2,1-4H3/t17-,18?,19+,20-,21+,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1" xsd:string property_value: "QSHQKIURKJITMZ-BRPMRXRMSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "330.59028" xsd:string property_value: "330.32865" xsd:string property_value: "[H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:35524 name: sympathomimetic agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A drug that mimics the effects of stimulating postganglionic adrenergic sympathetic nerves. Included in this class are drugs that directly stimulate adrenergic receptors and drugs that act indirectly by provoking the release of adrenergic transmitters." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sympathomimetic" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sympathomimetics" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37962 ! adrenergic agent [Term] id: CHEBI:35554 name: cardiovascular drug namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A drug that affects the rate or intensity of cardiac contraction, blood vessel diameter or blood volume." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cardiovascular agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cardiovascular drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23888 ! drug [Term] id: CHEBI:35569 name: alpha-adrenergic agonist namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An agent that selectively binds to and activates alpha-adrenergic receptors." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alpha-adrenergic agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "alpha-adrenoceptor agonists" RELATED [IUPHAR] is_a: CHEBI:37886 ! adrenergic agonist is_a: CHEBI:48539 ! alpha-adrenergic drug [Term] id: CHEBI:35604 name: carbon oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A negative ion consisting solely of carbon and oxygen atoms, and therefore having the general formula CxOy(n-) for some integers x, y and n." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbon oxoanion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "carbon oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxocarbon anion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxocarbon anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25696 ! organic anion is_a: CHEBI:35406 ! oxoanion is_a: CHEBI:36963 ! organooxygen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:35605 name: carbon oxoacid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbon oxoacids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxoacids of carbon" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24833 ! oxoacid is_a: CHEBI:36963 ! organooxygen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:35620 name: vasodilator agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A drug used to cause dilation of the blood vessels." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "vasodilator" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "vasodilator agents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35554 ! cardiovascular drug [Term] id: CHEBI:35692 name: dicarboxylic acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23692 alt_id: CHEBI:36172 alt_id: CHEBI:4501 def: "Any carboxylic acid containing two carboxy groups." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Dicarboxylic acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "dicarboxylic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C02028 is_a: CHEBI:131927 ! dicarboxylic acids and O-substituted derivatives is_a: CHEBI:33575 ! carboxylic acid relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:35693 ! dicarboxylic acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:35693 name: dicarboxylic acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "dicarboxylic acid anion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "dicarboxylic acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:35692 ! dicarboxylic acid [Term] id: CHEBI:35701 name: ester namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23960 alt_id: CHEBI:4859 def: "A compound formally derived from an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l > 0) and an alcohol, phenol, heteroarenol, or enol by linking with formal loss of water from an acidic hydroxy group of the former and a hydroxy group of the latter." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Ester" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "esters" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00287 xref: Wikipedia:Ester is_a: CHEBI:36963 ! organooxygen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:35722 name: sulfated glycosaminoglycan namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "glycosaminoglycan sulfate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "glycosaminoglycan sulfates" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfated glycosaminoglycans" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:18085 ! glycosaminoglycan is_a: CHEBI:35724 ! carbohydrate sulfate [Term] id: CHEBI:35724 name: carbohydrate sulfate namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrate sulfates" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbohydrate sulphates" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25704 ! organic sulfate is_a: CHEBI:26819 ! sulfuric ester is_a: CHEBI:63299 ! carbohydrate derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:35757 name: monocarboxylic acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13657 alt_id: CHEBI:25382 alt_id: CHEBI:3407 def: "A carboxylic acid anion formed when the carboxy group of a monocarboxylic acid is deprotonated." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a monocarboxylate" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "Carboxylate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Monocarboxylate" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "monocarboxylates" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "monocarboxylic acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00060 is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:25384 ! monocarboxylic acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "CO2R" xsd:string property_value: "44.01000" xsd:string property_value: "43.98983" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]C([*])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:35780 name: phosphate ion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A phosphorus oxoanion that is the conjugate base of phosphoric acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "phosphate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "phosphate ions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Pi" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33461 ! phosphorus oxoanion relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:26078 ! phosphoric acid [Term] id: CHEBI:35881 name: pnictogen hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "pnictogen hydride" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "pnictogen hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33242 ! inorganic hydride is_a: CHEBI:33302 ! pnictogen molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:35942 name: neurotransmitter agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance used for its pharmacological action on any aspect of neurotransmitter systems. Neurotransmitter agents include agonists, antagonists, degradation inhibitors, uptake inhibitors, depleters, precursors, and modulators of receptor function." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "neurotransmitter agents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23888 ! drug is_a: CHEBI:52210 ! pharmacological role [Term] id: CHEBI:36078 name: cholanoid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22867 alt_id: CHEBI:50419 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "bile acids and derivatives" RELATED [LIPID_MAPS] synonym: "cholanoids" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: LIPID_MAPS_class:LMST04 {source="LIPID MAPS"} is_a: CHEBI:35341 ! steroid relationship: has_parent_hydride CHEBI:35519 ! cholane [Term] id: CHEBI:36080 name: protein namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13677 alt_id: CHEBI:14911 def: "A biological macromolecule minimally consisting of one polypeptide chain synthesized at the ribosome." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "proteins" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: PR:000000001 ! protein equivalent_to: PR:000000001 ! protein [Term] id: CHEBI:36235 name: bile acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "bile acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35757 ! monocarboxylic acid anion is_a: CHEBI:50160 ! steroid acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:36237 name: cholanic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A steroid acid that consists of cholane having a carboxy group in place of the methyl group at position 24." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cholan-24-oic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: CAS:25312-65-6 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Patent:JP2008069152 xref: Reaxys:13246008 {source="Reaxys"} is_a: CHEBI:36278 ! cholanic acids property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C24H40O2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C24H40O2/c1-16(7-12-22(25)26)19-10-11-20-18-9-8-17-6-4-5-14-23(17,2)21(18)13-15-24(19,20)3/h16-21H,4-15H2,1-3H3,(H,25,26)/t16-,17?,18+,19-,20+,21+,23+,24-/m1/s1" xsd:string property_value: "RPKLZQLYODPWTM-KBMWBBLPSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "360.57320" xsd:string property_value: "360.30283" xsd:string property_value: "[H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:36238 name: 5beta-cholanic acid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "(5beta)-cholan-24-oic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "(5beta,17beta)-gamma-methylandrostane-17-butanoic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "5beta-cholan-24-oic acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "5beta-cholanic acid" EXACT [ChemIDplus] synonym: "5beta-cholanoic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "ursocholanic acid" RELATED [ChemIDplus] xref: Beilstein:3214794 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:546-18-9 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST04010441 {source="LIPID MAPS"} is_a: CHEBI:36237 ! cholanic acid is_a: CHEBI:36248 ! 5beta-cholanic acids property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C24H40O2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C24H40O2/c1-16(7-12-22(25)26)19-10-11-20-18-9-8-17-6-4-5-14-23(17,2)21(18)13-15-24(19,20)3/h16-21H,4-15H2,1-3H3,(H,25,26)/t16-,17+,18+,19-,20+,21+,23+,24-/m1/s1" xsd:string property_value: "RPKLZQLYODPWTM-LVVAJZGHSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "360.57320" xsd:string property_value: "360.30283" xsd:string property_value: "[H][C@@]12CCCC[C@]1(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC[C@@]3([H])[C@]1([H])CC2)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:36248 name: 5beta-cholanic acids namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Members of the class of cholanic acids based on a 5beta-cholane skeleton." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:136889 ! 5beta steroid is_a: CHEBI:36278 ! cholanic acids relationship: has_parent_hydride CHEBI:20664 ! 5beta-cholane [Term] id: CHEBI:36277 name: bile acid salt namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A salt of a bile acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "bile acid salts" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24868 ! organic salt is_a: CHEBI:36078 ! cholanoid [Term] id: CHEBI:36278 name: cholanic acids namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23166 alt_id: CHEBI:23211 subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:36078 ! cholanoid is_a: CHEBI:47891 ! steroid acid [Term] id: CHEBI:36338 name: lepton namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Lepton is a fermion that does not experience the strong force (strong interaction). The term is derived from the Greek lambdaepsilonpitauomicronsigma (small, thin)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "leptons" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33233 ! fundamental particle is_a: CHEBI:36340 ! fermion [Term] id: CHEBI:36339 name: baryon namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Baryon is a fermion that does experience the strong force (strong interaction). The term is derived from the Greek betaalpharhoupsilonsigma (heavy)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "baryons" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36340 ! fermion is_a: CHEBI:36344 ! hadron [Term] id: CHEBI:36340 name: fermion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Particle of half-integer spin quantum number following Fermi-Dirac statistics. Fermions are named after Enrico Fermi." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "fermion" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "fermions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36342 ! subatomic particle [Term] id: CHEBI:36341 name: boson namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Particle of integer spin quantum number following Bose-Einstein statistics. Bosons are named after Satyendra Nath Bose." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "boson" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "bosons" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36342 ! subatomic particle [Term] id: CHEBI:36342 name: subatomic particle namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A particle smaller than an atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "subatomic particles" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Subatomic_particle [Term] id: CHEBI:36343 name: composite particle namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A subatomic particle known to have substructure (i.e. consisting of smaller particles)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "composite particles" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36342 ! subatomic particle [Term] id: CHEBI:36344 name: hadron namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Hadron is a subatomic particle which experiences the strong force." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hadrons" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36343 ! composite particle [Term] id: CHEBI:36347 name: nuclear particle namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A nucleus or any of its constituents in any of their energy states." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nuclear particle" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:36342 ! subatomic particle [Term] id: CHEBI:36357 name: polyatomic entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any molecular entity consisting of more than one atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyatomic entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:23367 ! molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:24433 ! group [Term] id: CHEBI:36358 name: polyatomic ion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An ion consisting of more than one atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyatomic ions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24870 ! ion is_a: CHEBI:36357 ! polyatomic entity [Term] id: CHEBI:36359 name: phosphorus oxoacid derivative namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "phosphorus oxoacid derivative" EXACT [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33241 ! oxoacid derivative is_a: CHEBI:36360 ! phosphorus oxoacids and derivatives relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:33457 ! phosphorus oxoacid [Term] id: CHEBI:36360 name: phosphorus oxoacids and derivatives namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:26082 ! phosphorus molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:36586 name: carbonyl compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any compound containing the carbonyl group, C=O. The term is commonly used in the restricted sense of aldehydes and ketones, although it actually includes carboxylic acids and derivatives." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbonyl compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:36587 ! organic oxo compound is_a: CHEBI:36963 ! organooxygen compound relationship: has_part CHEBI:23019 ! carbonyl group [Term] id: CHEBI:36587 name: organic oxo compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Organic compounds containing an oxygen atom, =O, doubly bonded to carbon or another element." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic oxo compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxo compounds" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:72695 ! organic molecule relationship: has_part CHEBI:46629 ! oxo group [Term] id: CHEBI:36735 name: biladienes namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Compounds based on a biladiene skeleton." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:25046 ! linear tetrapyrrole [Term] id: CHEBI:36902 name: chalcogen hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chalcogen hydride" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcogen hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33242 ! inorganic hydride is_a: CHEBI:33304 ! chalcogen molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:36914 name: inorganic ion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic ions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24835 ! inorganic molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:24870 ! ion [Term] id: CHEBI:36915 name: inorganic cation namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "inorganic cations" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36914 ! inorganic ion is_a: CHEBI:36916 ! cation [Term] id: CHEBI:36916 name: cation namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23058 alt_id: CHEBI:3473 def: "A monoatomic or polyatomic species having one or more elementary charges of the proton." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Cation" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "cation" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "cation" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "cationes" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cations" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Kation" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Kationen" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C01373 is_a: CHEBI:24870 ! ion [Term] id: CHEBI:36961 name: chalcocarbonic acid namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chalcocarbonic acid" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "chalcocarbonic acids" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "chalcocarbonic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36962 ! organochalcogen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:36962 name: organochalcogen compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organochalcogen compound is a compound containing at least one carbon-chalcogen bond." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organochalcogen compound" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "organochalcogen compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33285 ! heteroorganic entity is_a: CHEBI:33304 ! chalcogen molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:36963 name: organooxygen compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organochalcogen compound containing at least one carbon-oxygen bond." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organooxygen compound" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "organooxygen compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PMID:17586126 {source="Europe PMC"} is_a: CHEBI:25806 ! oxygen molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:36962 ! organochalcogen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:37022 name: amino-acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "amino acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amino-acid anion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "amino-acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:33709 ! amino acid [Term] id: CHEBI:37163 name: glucan namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:24255 alt_id: CHEBI:5392 def: "A polysaccharide composed of glucose residues." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Glucan" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "glucan" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "glucans" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: CAS:9037-91-6 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: KEGG:C01379 is_a: CHEBI:37164 ! homopolysaccharide property_value: "C12H22O11(C6H10O5)n" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:37164 name: homopolysaccharide namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Glycans composed of a single type of monosaccharide residue. They are named by replacing the ending '-ose' of the sugar by '-an'." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "homoglycan" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "homopolysaccharide" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "homopolysaccharides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:18154 ! polysaccharide [Term] id: CHEBI:37175 name: organic hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic hydrides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33692 ! hydrides [Term] id: CHEBI:37176 name: mononuclear parent hydride namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "mononuclear hydride" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "mononuclear hydrides" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "mononuclear parent hydrides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:33692 ! hydrides [Term] id: CHEBI:37246 name: elemental sodium namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:26712 ! sodium molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:37395 name: mucopolysaccharide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:25425 alt_id: CHEBI:7011 def: "Any of the group of polysaccharides composed of alternating units from uronic acids and glycosamines, and commonly partially esterified with sulfuric acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "mucopolisacarido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "mucopolisacaridos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Mucopolysaccharid" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Mucopolysaccharide" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "mucopolysaccharides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Mukopolysaccharid" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C05114 is_a: CHEBI:18085 ! glycosaminoglycan [Term] id: CHEBI:37527 name: acid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13800 alt_id: CHEBI:13801 alt_id: CHEBI:22209 alt_id: CHEBI:2426 def: "An acid is a molecular entity capable of donating a hydron (Bronsted acid) or capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron pair (Lewis acid)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Acid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "acide" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "acido" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acids" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Saeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Saeuren" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C00174 is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:37577 name: heteroatomic molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity consisting of two or more chemical elements." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "chemical compound" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "heteroatomic molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36357 ! polyatomic entity [Term] id: CHEBI:37622 name: carboxamide namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:35354 alt_id: CHEBI:35355 def: "An amide of a carboxylic acid, having the structure RC(=O)NR2. The term is used as a suffix in systematic name formation to denote the -C(=O)NH2 group including its carbon atom." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carboxamides" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carboxamides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "primary carboxamide" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33256 ! primary amide is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound is_a: CHEBI:36963 ! organooxygen compound relationship: has_part CHEBI:23004 ! carbamoyl group property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CNOR3" xsd:string property_value: "42.01680" xsd:string property_value: "41.99799" xsd:string property_value: "[*]C(=O)N([*])[*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:37826 name: sulfuric acid derivative namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "sulfuric acid derivative" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfuric acid derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33424 ! sulfur oxoacid derivative relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:26836 ! sulfuric acid [Term] id: CHEBI:37838 name: carboacyl group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A carboacyl group is a group formed by loss of at least one OH from the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carboacyl groups" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carboxylic acyl group" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "carboxylic acyl groups" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:22221 ! acyl group relationship: is_substituent_group_from CHEBI:33575 ! carboxylic acid [Term] id: CHEBI:37886 name: adrenergic agonist namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An agent that selectively binds to and activates adrenergic receptors." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "adrenergic agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenergic receptor agonist" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenoceptor agonists" RELATED [IUPHAR] synonym: "adrenomimetic" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenomimetics" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37962 ! adrenergic agent [Term] id: CHEBI:37962 name: adrenergic agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any agent that acts on an adrenergic receptor or affects the life cycle of an adrenergic transmitter." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "adrenergic agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenergic drug" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenergic drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenergic neuron agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "adrenergics" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35942 ! neurotransmitter agent [Term] id: CHEBI:38077 name: polypyrrole namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A compound composed of two or more pyrrole units." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "poly(pyrrole)s" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polypyrroles" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "PPys" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Beilstein:8538310 {source="Beilstein"} is_a: CHEBI:38101 ! organonitrogen heterocyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:38101 name: organonitrogen heterocyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organonitrogen compound containing a cyclic component with nitrogen and at least one other element as ring member atoms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "heterocyclic organonitrogen compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organonitrogen heterocyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24532 ! organic heterocyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:38166 name: organic heteropolycyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:25429 alt_id: CHEBI:38075 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic heteropolycyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24532 ! organic heterocyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:33671 ! heteropolycyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:38180 name: polycyclic heteroarene namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polycyclic heteroarenes" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33833 ! heteroarene [Term] id: CHEBI:38323 name: cholinergic drug namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any drug used for its actions on cholinergic systems. Included here are agonists and antagonists, drugs that affect the life cycle of acetylcholine, and drugs that affect the survival of cholinergic neurons." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cholinergic agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cholinergic drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cholinomimetic" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35942 ! neurotransmitter agent [Term] id: CHEBI:38324 name: cholinergic agonist namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any drug that binds to and activates cholinergic receptors." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acetylcholine agonist" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acetylcholine agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acetylcholine receptor agonist" RELATED [IUPHAR] synonym: "cholinergic agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cholinomimetic" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "cholinomimetics" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:38323 ! cholinergic drug [Term] id: CHEBI:38325 name: muscarinic agonist namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any drug that binds to and activates a muscarinic cholinergic receptor." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "muscarinic agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "muscarinic cholinergic agonist" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "muscarinic cholinergic agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:38324 ! cholinergic agonist [Term] id: CHEBI:38631 name: aminoalkylindole namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:22503 alt_id: CHEBI:24792 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "aminoalkylindoles" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24828 ! indoles [Term] id: CHEBI:38700 name: organic sodium salt namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic sodium salt" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "organic sodium salts" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24868 ! organic salt is_a: CHEBI:26714 ! sodium salt [Term] id: CHEBI:38716 name: carboxylic acid dianion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any dianion containing at least one carboxy group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carboxylic acid dianion" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "carboxylic acid dianions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:38958 name: indole alkaloid namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:24795 alt_id: CHEBI:5901 def: "An alkaloid containing an indole skeleton." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Indole alkaloid" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "indole alkaloids" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: KEGG:C06073 xref: Wikipedia:Indole_alkaloid is_a: CHEBI:22315 ! alkaloid relationship: has_part CHEBI:73398 ! indole skeleton [Term] id: CHEBI:39141 name: Bronsted acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity capable of donating a hydron to an acceptor (Bronsted base)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acide de Bronsted" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Bronsted acid" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Bronsted-Saeure" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "donneur d'hydron" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hydron donor" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:17891 ! donor is_a: CHEBI:37527 ! acid [Term] id: CHEBI:39142 name: Bronsted base namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity capable of accepting a hydron from a donor (Bronsted acid)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "accepteur d'hydron" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "base de Bronsted" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "Bronsted base" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Bronsted-Base" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydron acceptor" RELATED [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:15339 ! acceptor is_a: CHEBI:22695 ! base [Term] id: CHEBI:39144 name: Lewis base namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A molecular entity able to provide a pair of electrons and thus capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron-pair acceptor (Lewis acid), thereby producing a Lewis adduct." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "base de Lewis" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "donneur d'une paire d'electrons" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "electron donor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Lewis base" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "Lewis-Base" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:17891 ! donor is_a: CHEBI:22695 ! base [Term] id: CHEBI:39745 name: dihydrogenphosphate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:29137 alt_id: CHEBI:39739 def: "A monovalent inorganic anion that consists of phosphoric acid in which one of the three OH groups has been deprotonated." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[PO2(OH)2](-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "dihydrogen(tetraoxidophosphate)(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "dihydrogenphosphate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "DIHYDROGENPHOSPHATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "dihydrogentetraoxophosphate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "dihydrogentetraoxophosphate(V)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "dihydroxidodioxidophosphate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "H2PO4(-)" RELATED [IUPAC] xref: DrugBank:DB02831 xref: Gmelin:1999 {source="Gmelin"} xref: PDBeChem:2HP is_a: CHEBI:35780 ! phosphate ion is_a: CHEBI:79389 ! monovalent inorganic anion relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:43474 ! hydrogenphosphate property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "H2O4P" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-1" xsd:string property_value: "NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-M" xsd:string property_value: "96.98724" xsd:string property_value: "96.96962" xsd:string property_value: "[H]OP([O-])(=O)O[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:41609 name: carbonate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:29201 alt_id: CHEBI:41605 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[CO3](2-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "carbonate" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "CARBONATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "CO3(2-)" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Karbonat" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "trioxidocarbonate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Beilstein:3600898 {source="Beilstein"} xref: CAS:3812-32-6 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Gmelin:1559 {source="Gmelin"} xref: PDBeChem:CO3 is_a: CHEBI:35604 ! carbon oxoanion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:17544 ! hydrogencarbonate property_value: "-2" xsd:string property_value: "CO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-2" xsd:string property_value: "BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-L" xsd:string property_value: "60.00890" xsd:string property_value: "59.98584" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]C([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:43176 name: hydroxy group namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:24706 alt_id: CHEBI:43171 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "-OH" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hydroxy" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "HYDROXY GROUP" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "hydroxy group" EXACT [UniProt] synonym: "hydroxyl" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydroxyl group" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PDBeChem:OH is_a: CHEBI:33246 ! inorganic group property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "HO" xsd:string property_value: "17.00734" xsd:string property_value: "17.00274" xsd:string property_value: "*O[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:43474 name: hydrogenphosphate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:29139 alt_id: CHEBI:43470 def: "A phosphate ion that is the conjugate base of dihydrogenphosphate." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[P(OH)O3](2-)" RELATED [MolBase] synonym: "[PO3(OH)](2-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "HPO4(2-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogen phosphate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrogen(tetraoxidophosphate)(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogenphosphate" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "HYDROGENPHOSPHATE ION" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "hydrogentetraoxophosphate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogentetraoxophosphate(V)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydroxidotrioxidophosphate(2-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "INORGANIC PHOSPHATE GROUP" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "phosphate" RELATED [UniProt] xref: Gmelin:1998 {source="Gmelin"} xref: MolBase:1628 xref: PDBeChem:PI xref: PDBeChem:PO4 is_a: CHEBI:35780 ! phosphate ion is_a: CHEBI:79388 ! divalent inorganic anion relationship: has_role CHEBI:23357 ! cofactor relationship: has_role CHEBI:75772 ! Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:18367 ! phosphate(3-) relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:39745 ! dihydrogenphosphate property_value: "-2" xsd:string property_value: "HO4P" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-2" xsd:string property_value: "NBIIXXVUZAFLBC-UHFFFAOYSA-L" xsd:string property_value: "95.97930" xsd:string property_value: "95.96234" xsd:string property_value: "OP([O-])([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:45696 name: hydrogensulfate namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:29199 alt_id: CHEBI:45693 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "[SO3(OH)](-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "HSO4(-)" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "HYDROGEN SULFATE" RELATED [PDBeChem] synonym: "hydrogen(tetraoxidosulfate)(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogensulfate" EXACT [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogensulfate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogentetraoxosulfate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogentetraoxosulfate(VI)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydroxidotrioxidosulfate(1-)" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: Gmelin:2121 {source="Gmelin"} is_a: CHEBI:33482 ! sulfur oxoanion relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:16189 ! sulfate relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:26836 ! sulfuric acid property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "HO4S" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4)/p-1" xsd:string property_value: "QAOWNCQODCNURD-UHFFFAOYSA-M" xsd:string property_value: "97.07154" xsd:string property_value: "96.96010" xsd:string property_value: "[H]OS([O-])(=O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:46629 name: oxo group namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:29353 alt_id: CHEBI:44607 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "=O" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "oxo" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "OXO GROUP" EXACT [PDBeChem] xref: PDBeChem:O is_a: CHEBI:33246 ! inorganic group property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "O" xsd:string property_value: "15.99940" xsd:string property_value: "15.99491" xsd:string property_value: "O=*" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:46662 name: mineral namespace: chebi_ontology def: "In general, a mineral is a chemical substance that is normally crystalline formed and has been formed as a result of geological processes. The term also includes metamict substances (naturally occurring, formerly crystalline substances whose crystallinity has been destroyed by ionising radiation) and can include naturally occurring amorphous substances that have never been crystalline ('mineraloids') such as georgite and calciouranoite as well as substances formed by the action of geological processes on bigenic compounds ('biogenic minerals')." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "mineral" EXACT [ChEBI] synonym: "Minerale" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "minerales" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "minerals" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "mineraux" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Mineral is_a: CHEBI:59999 ! chemical substance [Term] id: CHEBI:46723 name: phosphate mineral namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "phosphate minerals" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:46662 ! mineral [Term] id: CHEBI:46787 name: solvent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A liquid that can dissolve other substances (solutes) without any change in their chemical composition." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Loesungsmittel" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "solvant" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "solvents" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Solvent is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:46883 name: carboxy group namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:23025 alt_id: CHEBI:41420 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "-C(O)OH" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "-CO2H" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "-COOH" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "carboxy" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "CARBOXY GROUP" EXACT [PDBeChem] synonym: "carboxyl group" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PDBeChem:FMT is_a: CHEBI:33249 ! organyl group property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "CHO2" xsd:string property_value: "45.01744" xsd:string property_value: "44.99765" xsd:string property_value: "*C(=O)O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:47622 name: acetate ester namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:13244 alt_id: CHEBI:13799 alt_id: CHEBI:22189 alt_id: CHEBI:2406 def: "Any carboxylic ester where the carboxylic acid component is acetic acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acetate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acetate esters" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acetates" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Acetic ester" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Acetyl ester" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "acetyl esters" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "an acetyl ester" RELATED [UniProt] xref: KEGG:C01883 xref: Wikipedia:Acetate#Esters is_a: CHEBI:33308 ! carboxylic ester relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:15366 ! acetic acid property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C2H3O2R" xsd:string property_value: "59.04400" xsd:string property_value: "59.01330" xsd:string property_value: "CC(=O)O[*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:47891 name: steroid acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any steroid substituted by at least one carboxy group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "steroid acids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35341 ! steroid is_a: CHEBI:64709 ! organic acid relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:50160 ! steroid acid anion [Term] id: CHEBI:48154 name: sulfur oxide namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxides of sulfur" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Schwefeloxide" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "sulfur oxides" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24836 ! inorganic oxide is_a: CHEBI:26835 ! sulfur molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:48354 name: polar solvent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A solvent that is composed of polar molecules. Polar solvents can dissolve ionic compounds or ionisable covalent compounds." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polar solvent" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "polar solvents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:46787 ! solvent [Term] id: CHEBI:48356 name: protic solvent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A polar solvent that is capable of acting as a hydron (proton) donor." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "protogenic solvent" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] is_a: CHEBI:39141 ! Bronsted acid is_a: CHEBI:48354 ! polar solvent [Term] id: CHEBI:48539 name: alpha-adrenergic drug namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any drug that acts on an alpha-adrenergic receptor." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "alpha-adrenergic drugs" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:37962 ! adrenergic agent [Term] id: CHEBI:48705 name: agonist namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Substance which binds to cell receptors normally responding to naturally occurring substances and which produces a response of its own." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "agonist" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "agonista" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "agoniste" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "agonists" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:52210 ! pharmacological role [Term] id: CHEBI:49637 name: hydrogen atom namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:24634 alt_id: CHEBI:49636 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "1H" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "H" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "hidrogeno" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrogen" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "hydrogen" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrogene" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Wasserstoff" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: WebElements:H is_a: CHEBI:24835 ! inorganic molecular entity is_a: CHEBI:25585 ! nonmetal atom is_a: CHEBI:33559 ! s-block element atom relationship: has_role CHEBI:33937 ! macronutrient property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "H" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/H" xsd:string property_value: "YZCKVEUIGOORGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "1.00794" xsd:string property_value: "1.00783" xsd:string property_value: "[H]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:50047 name: organic amino compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing one, two or three hydrogen atoms by organyl groups." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic amino compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:35352 ! organonitrogen compound relationship: has_parent_hydride CHEBI:16134 ! ammonia relationship: has_role CHEBI:39142 ! Bronsted base [Term] id: CHEBI:50160 name: steroid acid anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any anion formed by loss of a proton from a steroid acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "steroid acid anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:47891 ! steroid acid [Term] id: CHEBI:50297 name: canonical nucleotide residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical nucleotide residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50319 ! nucleotide residue [Term] id: CHEBI:50298 name: canonical deoxyribonucleotide residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical deoxyribonucleotide residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50297 ! canonical nucleotide residue [Term] id: CHEBI:50299 name: canonical ribonucleotide residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "canonical ribonucleotide residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50297 ! canonical nucleotide residue [Term] id: CHEBI:50312 name: onium compound namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:37577 ! heteroatomic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:50313 name: onium cation namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Mononuclear cations derived by addition of a hydron to a mononuclear parent hydride of the pnictogen, chalcogen and halogen families." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "onium cations" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "onium cations" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "onium ion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "onium ions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50312 ! onium compound [Term] id: CHEBI:50319 name: nucleotide residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nucleotide residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:50320 name: nucleoside residue namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nucleoside residues" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:50514 name: vasoconstrictor agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Drug used to cause constriction of the blood vessels." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:35554 ! cardiovascular drug [Term] id: CHEBI:50860 name: organic molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:25700 alt_id: CHEBI:33244 def: "Any molecular entity that contains carbon." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic entity" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33582 ! carbon group molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:27594 ! carbon atom [Term] id: CHEBI:50906 name: role namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A role is particular behaviour which a material entity may exhibit." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: BFO:0000023 ! role [Term] id: CHEBI:50910 name: neurotoxin namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:50911 def: "A poison that interferes with the functions of the nervous system." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "agente neurotoxico" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nerve poison" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nerve poisons" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "neurotoxic agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "neurotoxic agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "neurotoxicant" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "neurotoxins" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Neurotoxin is_a: CHEBI:52209 ! aetiopathogenetic role is_a: CHEBI:64909 ! poison [Term] id: CHEBI:50994 name: primary amino compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing one hydrogen atom by an organyl group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "primary amino compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50047 ! organic amino compound relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:65296 ! primary ammonium ion [Term] id: CHEBI:51086 name: chemical role namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a chemical context." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: BFO:0000023 ! role is_a: CHEBI:50906 ! role [Term] id: CHEBI:51143 name: nitrogen molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:25556 alt_id: CHEBI:7594 subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nitrogen compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nitrogen molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Nitrogenous compounds" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] xref: KEGG:C06061 is_a: CHEBI:33302 ! pnictogen molecular entity relationship: has_part CHEBI:25555 ! nitrogen atom [Term] id: CHEBI:51151 name: dipolar compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic molecule that is electrically neutral carrying a positive and a negative charge in one of its major canonical descriptions. In most dipolar compounds the charges are delocalized; however the term is also applied to species where this is not the case." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "dipolar compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:72695 ! organic molecule [Term] id: CHEBI:51422 name: organodiyl group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organic substituent group, regardless of functional type, having two free valences at carbon atom(s)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organodiyl groups" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:51446 ! organic divalent group [Term] id: CHEBI:51446 name: organic divalent group namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:51447 name: organic univalent group namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:51958 name: organic polycyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic polycyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33635 ! polycyclic compound is_a: CHEBI:33832 ! organic cyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:52206 name: biochemical role namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A biological role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a biochemical context." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:52209 name: aetiopathogenetic role namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof which causes the development of a pathological process." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "etiopathogenetic agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "etiopathogenetic role" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:52210 name: pharmacological role namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A biological role which describes how a drug interacts within a biological system and how the interactions affect its medicinal properties." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:52211 name: physiological role namespace: chebi_ontology subset: 1_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:52217 name: pharmaceutical namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:33293 alt_id: CHEBI:33294 def: "Any substance introduced into a living organism with therapeutic or diagnostic purpose." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "farmaco" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "medicament" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pharmaceuticals" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application [Term] id: CHEBI:52254 name: apatite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A phosphate mineral with the general formula Ca5(PO4)3X where X = OH, F or Cl." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "hydroxyapatite" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: HMDB:HMDB0033610 is_a: CHEBI:46723 ! phosphate mineral [Term] id: CHEBI:52255 name: hydroxylapatite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A phosphate mineral with the formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH)." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:52254 ! apatite property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "Ca5HO13P3" xsd:string property_value: "502.312" xsd:string property_value: "501.67595" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:52845 name: cyclic organic group namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic group that consists of a closed ring. It may be a substituent or a skeleton." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "cyclic organic groups" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33247 ! organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:53000 name: epitope namespace: chebi_ontology def: "The biological role played by a material entity when bound by a receptor of the adaptive immune system. Specific site on an antigen to which an antibody binds." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "antigenic determinant" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "epitope function" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "epitope role" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:53309 name: polyanionic macromolecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A polymer carrying multiple negative charges." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyanion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polyanions" RELATED [SUBMITTER] is_a: CHEBI:53368 ! ionic macromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:53368 name: ionic macromolecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A macromolecule containing ionic groups." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "ionic polymer" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polyionic macromolecule" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33839 ! macromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:5391 name: glucagon namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A 29-amino acid peptide hormone consisting of His, Ser, Gln, Gly, Thr, Phe, Thr, Ser, Asp, Tyr, Ser, Lys, Tyr, Leu, Asp, Ser, Arg, Arg, Ala, Gln, Asp, Phe, Val, Gln, Trp, Leu, Met, Asn and Thr residues joined in sequence." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Glucagon" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "glucagon" RELATED INN [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Glucagone" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "glucagonum" RELATED INN [ChemIDplus] synonym: "His-Ser-Gln-Gly-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Asp-Tyr-Ser-Lys-Tyr-Leu-Asp-Ser-Arg-Arg-Ala-Gln-Asp-Phe-Val-Gln-Trp-Leu-Met-Asn-Thr" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "His-ser-glu(nh2)-gly-thr-phe-thr-ser-asp-tyr-ser-lys-tyr-leu-asp-ser-arg-arg-ala-glu(NH2)-asp-phe-val-glu(NH2)-trp-leu-met-asp(NH2)-thr" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNT" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "L-histidyl-L-seryl-L-glutaminylglycyl-L-threonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-threonyl-L-seryl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-tyrosyl-L-seryl-L-lysyl-L-tyrosyl-L-leucyl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-seryl-L-arginyl-L-arginyl-L-alanyl-L-glutaminyl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-valyl-L-glutaminyl-L-tryptophyl-L-leucyl-L-methionyl-L-asparaginyl-L-threonine" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] xref: CAS:16941-32-5 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: CAS:9007-92-5 {source="KEGG COMPOUND"} xref: CAS:9007-92-5 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Drug_Central:2994 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: DrugBank:DB00040 xref: KEGG:C01501 xref: KEGG:D00116 xref: PMID:21940356 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22014161 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22154917 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22166985 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22167521 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22214853 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22227186 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22286080 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22294753 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22318544 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22334714 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22399501 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22438981 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22454291 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:13191924 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Glucagon is_a: CHEBI:25905 ! peptide hormone property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C153H225N43O49S" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C153H225N43O49S/c1-72(2)52-97(133(226)176-96(47-51-246-11)132(225)184-104(60-115(159)209)143(236)196-123(78(10)203)151(244)245)179-137(230)103(58-83-64-167-89-29-19-18-28-87(83)89)183-131(224)95(43-46-114(158)208)177-148(241)120(74(5)6)194-141(234)101(54-79-24-14-12-15-25-79)182-138(231)105(61-117(211)212)185-130(223)94(42-45-113(157)207)171-124(217)75(7)170-127(220)91(31-22-49-165-152(160)161)172-128(221)92(32-23-50-166-153(162)163)174-146(239)110(69-199)191-140(233)107(63-119(215)216)186-134(227)98(53-73(3)4)178-135(228)99(56-81-33-37-85(204)38-34-81)180-129(222)90(30-20-21-48-154)173-145(238)109(68-198)190-136(229)100(57-82-35-39-86(205)40-36-82)181-139(232)106(62-118(213)214)187-147(240)111(70-200)192-150(243)122(77(9)202)195-142(235)102(55-80-26-16-13-17-27-80)188-149(242)121(76(8)201)193-116(210)66-168-126(219)93(41-44-112(156)206)175-144(237)108(67-197)189-125(218)88(155)59-84-65-164-71-169-84/h12-19,24-29,33-40,64-65,71-78,88,90-111,120-123,167,197-205H,20-23,30-32,41-63,66-70,154-155H2,1-11H3,(H2,156,206)(H2,157,207)(H2,158,208)(H2,159,209)(H,164,169)(H,168,219)(H,170,220)(H,171,217)(H,172,221)(H,173,238)(H,174,239)(H,175,237)(H,176,226)(H,177,241)(H,178,228)(H,179,230)(H,180,222)(H,181,232)(H,182,231)(H,183,224)(H,184,225)(H,185,223)(H,186,227)(H,187,240)(H,188,242)(H,189,218)(H,190,229)(H,191,233)(H,192,243)(H,193,210)(H,194,234)(H,195,235)(H,196,236)(H,211,212)(H,213,214)(H,215,216)(H,244,245)(H4,160,161,165)(H4,162,163,166)/t75-,76+,77+,78+,88-,90-,91-,92-,93-,94-,95-,96-,97-,98-,99-,100-,101-,102-,103-,104-,105-,106-,107-,108-,109-,110-,111-,120-,121-,122-,123-/m0/s1" xsd:string property_value: "MASNOZXLGMXCHN-ZLPAWPGGSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "3482.74700" xsd:string property_value: "3480.61570" xsd:string property_value: "CSCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1c[nH]c2ccccc12)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccccc1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccccc1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)Cc1cnc[nH]1)[C@@H](C)O)[C@@H](C)O)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:5686 name: heterocyclic compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of at least two different elements." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "compuesto heterociclico" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "compuestos heterociclicos" RELATED [IUPAC] synonym: "heterocycle" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Heterocyclic compound" EXACT [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "heterocyclic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33595 ! cyclic compound [Term] id: CHEBI:57887 name: tryptaminium namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An ammonium ion that is the conjugate acid of tryptamine arising from protonation of the primary amino group; major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanaminium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "tryptamine" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "tryptaminium cation" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "tryptaminium(1+)" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Gmelin:533978 {source="Gmelin"} is_a: CHEBI:65296 ! primary ammonium ion relationship: has_role CHEBI:75771 ! mouse metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:76924 ! plant metabolite relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:16765 ! tryptamine property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "C10H13N2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C10H12N2/c11-6-5-8-7-12-10-4-2-1-3-9(8)10/h1-4,7,12H,5-6,11H2/p+1" xsd:string property_value: "APJYDQYYACXCRM-UHFFFAOYSA-O" xsd:string property_value: "161.22310" xsd:string property_value: "161.10732" xsd:string property_value: "[NH3+]CCc1c[nH]c2ccccc12" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:57977 name: bilirubin(2-) namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A dicarboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of the two carboxy groups of bilirubin; major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-3,18-divinyl-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "bilirubin dianion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "bilirubin IXalpha" RELATED [UniProt] xref: Beilstein:4083310 {source="Beilstein"} is_a: CHEBI:28965 ! dicarboxylic acid dianion is_a: CHEBI:59252 ! linear tetrapyrrole anion relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:16990 ! bilirubin IXalpha property_value: "-2" xsd:string property_value: "C33H34N4O6" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C33H36N4O6/c1-7-20-19(6)32(42)37-27(20)14-25-18(5)23(10-12-31(40)41)29(35-25)15-28-22(9-11-30(38)39)17(4)24(34-28)13-26-16(3)21(8-2)33(43)36-26/h7-8,13-14,34-35H,1-2,9-12,15H2,3-6H3,(H,36,43)(H,37,42)(H,38,39)(H,40,41)/p-2/b26-13-,27-14-" xsd:string property_value: "BPYKTIZUTYGOLE-IFADSCNNSA-L" xsd:string property_value: "582.64630" xsd:string property_value: "582.24893" xsd:string property_value: "CC1=C(C=C)\\C(NC1=O)=C\\c1[nH]c(Cc2[nH]c(\\C=C3NC(=O)C(C=C)=C/3C)c(C)c2CCC([O-])=O)c(CCC([O-])=O)c1C" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:58958 name: organosulfate oxoanion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic anion of general formula RS(=O)2O(-) where R is an organyl group." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organosulfate oxoanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25696 ! organic anion is_a: CHEBI:33482 ! sulfur oxoanion relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:16189 ! sulfate relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:25704 ! organic sulfate property_value: "-1" xsd:string property_value: "O4SR" xsd:string property_value: "96.06300" xsd:string property_value: "95.95173" xsd:string property_value: "[O-]S(=O)(=O)O[*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:59252 name: linear tetrapyrrole anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic anion arising from deprotonation of a acyclic tetrapyrrole compound." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acyclic tetrapyrrole anion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acyclic tetrapyrrole anions" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "linear tetrapyrrole anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25696 ! organic anion [Term] id: CHEBI:59698 name: phosphoric acids namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Compounds containing one or more phosphoric acid units." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:33457 ! phosphorus oxoacid [Term] id: CHEBI:59740 name: nucleophilic reagent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A reagent that forms a bond to its reaction partner (the electrophile) by donating both bonding electrons." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nucleophile" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nucleophiles" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nucleophilic reagents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33893 ! reagent is_a: CHEBI:39144 ! Lewis base [Term] id: CHEBI:59999 name: chemical substance namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A chemical substance is a portion of matter of constant composition, composed of molecular entities of the same type or of different types." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Chemische Substanz" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24431 ! chemical entity [Term] id: CHEBI:60004 name: mixture namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A mixture is a chemical substance composed of multiple molecules, at least two of which are of a different kind." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Mischung" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:59999 ! chemical substance [Term] id: CHEBI:60027 name: polymer namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A polymer is a mixture, which is composed of macromolecules of different kinds and which may be differentiated by composition, length, degree of branching etc.." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Kunststoff" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Polymer" EXACT [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Polymer is_a: CHEBI:60004 ! mixture relationship: has_part CHEBI:33839 ! macromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:60164 name: ionic polymer namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An ionic polymer is a polymer, composed of ionic macromolecules." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyionic polymer" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:60027 ! polymer relationship: has_part CHEBI:53368 ! ionic macromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:60242 name: monovalent inorganic cation namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An atom or small molecule with a positive charge that does not contain carbon in covalent linkage, with a valency of one." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a monovalent cation" RELATED [UniProt] is_a: CHEBI:36915 ! inorganic cation [Term] id: CHEBI:60466 name: peptide zwitterion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Zwitterionic form of any peptide where, in general, the amino terminus is positively charged and the carboxy terminus is negatively charged." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a peptide" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "peptide zwitterions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:27369 ! zwitterion relationship: is_tautomer_of CHEBI:16670 ! peptide property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C2H4NO2R(C2H2NOR)n" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:61120 name: nucleobase-containing molecular entity namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any compound that has a nucleobase as a part." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "nucleobase-containing compound" RELATED [SUBMITTER] synonym: "nucleobase-containing compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "nucleobase-containing molecular entities" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33833 ! heteroarene is_a: CHEBI:51143 ! nitrogen molecular entity relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:18282 ! nucleobase [Term] id: CHEBI:61469 name: polyanionic polymer namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A polymer, composed of polyanion macromolecules." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polyanion" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "polyanions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:60164 ! ionic polymer relationship: has_part CHEBI:53309 ! polyanionic macromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:63248 name: oxidising agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance that removes electrons from another reactant in a redox reaction." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "oxidant" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidants" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidiser" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidisers" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidising agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidizer" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidizers" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidizing agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "oxidizing agents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:51086 ! chemical role [Term] id: CHEBI:63299 name: carbohydrate derivative namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organooxygen compound derived from a carbohydrate by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by an amino group, a thiol group or similar heteroatomic groups. The term also includes derivatives of these compounds." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrate derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "derivatised carbohydrate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "derivatised carbohydrates" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "derivatized carbohydrate" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "derivatized carbohydrates" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:78616 ! carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:16646 ! carbohydrate [Term] id: CHEBI:63436 name: carbohydrate acid derivative namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A carbohydrate derivative that is formally obtained from a carbohydrate acid." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrate acid derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:63299 ! carbohydrate derivative relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:33720 ! carbohydrate acid relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:63551 ! carbohydrate acid derivative anion [Term] id: CHEBI:63534 name: monoamine namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An aralylamino compound which contains one amino group connected to an aromatic ring by a two-carbon chain. Monoamines are derived from aromatic amino acids like phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, and the thyroid hormones by the action of aromatic amino acid decarboxylase enzymes." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monoamines" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "naturally occurring monoamine" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "naturally occurring monoamines" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PMID:21822758 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:21993877 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22005599 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22082101 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22153577 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22213370 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22218931 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22342987 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22371656 {source="Europe PMC"} is_a: CHEBI:64365 ! aralkylamino compound [Term] id: CHEBI:63551 name: carbohydrate acid derivative anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A carboxylic acid anion resulting from the deprotonation of the carboxy group of a carbohydrate acid derivative." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrate acid anion derivative" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbohydrate acid anion derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbohydrate acid derivative anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:29067 ! carboxylic acid anion relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:33721 ! carbohydrate acid anion relationship: is_conjugate_base_of CHEBI:63436 ! carbohydrate acid derivative [Term] id: CHEBI:64047 name: food additive namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any substance which is added to food to preserve or enhance its flavour and/or appearance." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "food additives" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Food_additive is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application is_a: CHEBI:78295 ! food component [Term] id: CHEBI:64049 name: food acidity regulator namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A food additive that is used to change or otherwise control the acidity or alkalinity of foods. They may be acids, bases, neutralising agents or buffering agents." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acidity regulator" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acidity regulators" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "food acidity regulators" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pH control agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "pH control agents" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Acidity_regulator is_a: CHEBI:64047 ! food additive [Term] id: CHEBI:64365 name: aralkylamino compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic amino compound in which an aminoalkyl group is linked to an arene." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "aralkylamino compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50047 ! organic amino compound [Term] id: CHEBI:64628 name: somatostatin namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A fourteen-membered heterodetic cyclic peptide comprising the sequence Ala-Gly-Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys cyclised by a disulfide bridge between the two Cys residues at positions 3 and 14." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Ala-Gly-cyclo-[Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys]" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "L-alanyl-N-[(4R,7S,10S,13S,16S,19S,22S,25S,28S,31S,34S,37R)-19,34-bis(4-aminobutyl)-31-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-13,25,28-tribenzyl-4-carboxy-10,16-bis[(1R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-7-(hydroxymethyl)-22-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36-undecaoxo-1,2-dithia-5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35-undecaazacyclooctatriacontan-37-yl]glycinamide" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "L-alanylglycyl-L-cysteinyl-L-lysyl-L-asparaginyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-tryptophyl-L-lysyl-L-threonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-threonyl-L-seryl-L-cysteine cyclic (3-14) disulfide" RELATED [ChemIDplus] synonym: "somatostatin" RELATED INN [KEGG_DRUG] synonym: "Somatostatin-1" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "Somatostatin-14" RELATED [KEGG_COMPOUND] synonym: "somatostatina" RELATED INN [ChemIDplus] synonym: "somatostatine" RELATED INN [ChemIDplus] synonym: "somatostatinum" RELATED INN [ChemIDplus] synonym: "Synthetic growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone" RELATED [ChemIDplus] xref: CAS:38916-34-6 {source="KEGG DRUG"} xref: CAS:38916-34-6 {source="ChemIDplus"} xref: Drug_Central:2997 {source="DrugCentral"} xref: HMDB:HMDB0013072 xref: KEGG:C16022 xref: KEGG:D07431 xref: LINCS:LSM-5326 xref: PMID:21922516 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22129035 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22147011 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22251942 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22483686 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:22509294 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Reaxys:10148626 {source="Reaxys"} xref: Wikipedia:Somatostatin is_a: CHEBI:24533 ! heterodetic cyclic peptide is_a: CHEBI:25905 ! peptide hormone property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C76H104N18O19S2" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C76H104N18O19S2/c1-41(79)64(100)82-37-61(99)83-58-39-114-115-40-59(76(112)113)92-72(108)57(38-95)91-75(111)63(43(3)97)94-71(107)54(33-46-23-11-6-12-24-46)90-74(110)62(42(2)96)93-66(102)51(28-16-18-30-78)84-69(105)55(34-47-36-81-49-26-14-13-25-48(47)49)88-68(104)53(32-45-21-9-5-10-22-45)86-67(103)52(31-44-19-7-4-8-20-44)87-70(106)56(35-60(80)98)89-65(101)50(85-73(58)109)27-15-17-29-77/h4-14,19-26,36,41-43,50-59,62-63,81,95-97H,15-18,27-35,37-40,77-79H2,1-3H3,(H2,80,98)(H,82,100)(H,83,99)(H,84,105)(H,85,109)(H,86,103)(H,87,106)(H,88,104)(H,89,101)(H,90,110)(H,91,111)(H,92,108)(H,93,102)(H,94,107)(H,112,113)/t41-,42+,43+,50-,51-,52-,53-,54-,55-,56-,57-,58-,59-,62-,63-/m0/s1" xsd:string property_value: "NHXLMOGPVYXJNR-ATOGVRKGSA-N" xsd:string property_value: "1637.87800" xsd:string property_value: "1636.71666" xsd:string property_value: "C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2c[nH]c3ccccc23)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2ccccc2)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2ccccc2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2ccccc2)NC1=O)[C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](C)N" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:64708 name: one-carbon compound namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic molecular entity containing a single carbon atom (C1)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "one-carbon compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:64709 name: organic acid namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organic molecular entity that is acidic and contains carbon in covalent linkage." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic acids" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:64909 name: poison namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any substance that causes disturbance to organisms by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by the organism." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "poisonous agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "poisonous agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "poisonous substance" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "poisonous substances" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "poisons" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "toxic agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "toxic agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "toxic substance" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "toxic substances" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Poison is_a: CHEBI:24432 ! biological role [Term] id: CHEBI:65212 name: polysaccharide derivative namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A carbohydrate derivative that is any derivative of a polysaccharide." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "polysaccharide derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:167559 ! glycan is_a: CHEBI:33694 ! biomacromolecule is_a: CHEBI:63299 ! carbohydrate derivative relationship: has_functional_parent CHEBI:18154 ! polysaccharide [Term] id: CHEBI:65255 name: food preservative namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Substances which are added to food in order to prevent decomposition caused by microbial growth or by undesirable chemical changes." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "food preservatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:64047 ! food additive [Term] id: CHEBI:65256 name: antimicrobial food preservative namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A food preservative which prevents decomposition of food by preventing the growth of fungi or bacteria. In European countries, E-numbers for permitted food preservatives are from E200 to E299, divided into sorbates (E200-209), benzoates (E210-219), sulfites (E220-229), phenols and formates (E230-239), nitrates (E240-259), acetates (E260-269), lactates (E270-279), propionates (E280-289) and others (E290-299)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "antimicrobial food preservatives" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antimicrobial preservative" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antimicrobial preservatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33281 ! antimicrobial agent is_a: CHEBI:65255 ! food preservative [Term] id: CHEBI:65296 name: primary ammonium ion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An ammonium ion derivative resulting from the protonation of the nitrogen atom of a primary amino compound. Major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "a primary amine" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "substituted ammonium" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25697 ! organic cation is_a: CHEBI:35274 ! ammonium ion derivative relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:50994 ! primary amino compound property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "H3NR" xsd:string property_value: "17.031" xsd:string property_value: "17.02655" xsd:string property_value: "[NH3+][*]" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:67079 name: anti-inflammatory agent namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any compound that has anti-inflammatory effects." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "anti-inflammatory agents" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antiinflammatory agent" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "antiinflammatory agents" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application [Term] id: CHEBI:72587 name: (R)-noradrenaline(1+) namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An organic cation that is the conjugate acid of (R)-noradrenaline, obtained by protonation of the priamry amino group; major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "(2R)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-hydroxyethanaminium" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC] synonym: "(R)-noradrenaline" RELATED [UniProt] synonym: "(R)-noradrenaline cation" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "(R)-noradrenalinium cation" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "(R)-noradrenalinium(1+)" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: PDBeChem:E5E is_a: CHEBI:166902 ! noradrenaline(1+) relationship: has_role CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:18357 ! (R)-noradrenaline property_value: "+1" xsd:string property_value: "C8H12NO3" xsd:string property_value: "InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2/p+1/t8-/m0/s1" xsd:string property_value: "SFLSHLFXELFNJZ-QMMMGPOBSA-O" xsd:string property_value: "170.187" xsd:string property_value: "170.08117" xsd:string property_value: "C=1(C=CC(=CC1O)[C@H](C[NH3+])O)O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:72695 name: organic molecule namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any molecule that consists of at least one carbon atom as part of the electrically neutral entity." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic compound" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic compounds" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "organic molecules" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25367 ! molecule is_a: CHEBI:50860 ! organic molecular entity [Term] id: CHEBI:72813 name: exopolysaccharide namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A biomacromolecule composed of carbohydrate residues which is secreted by a microorganism into the surrounding environment." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "exopolysaccharides" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "extracellular polymeric substance" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "extracellular polymeric substances" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: MetaCyc:Exopolysaccharides xref: PMID:11160795 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:11785425 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:1444258 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:15738217 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:16075348 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:17440912 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:18097339 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:19453747 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:20172021 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:20631870 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:20718297 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:2688547 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: PMID:6354590 {source="Europe PMC"} xref: Wikipedia:Exopolysaccharide xref: Wikipedia:Extracellular_polymeric_substance is_a: CHEBI:33694 ! biomacromolecule [Term] id: CHEBI:73398 name: indole skeleton namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A mancude heterobicyclic organic group consisting of a benzene ring fused to a pyrrole ring." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:73541 ! organic heterobicyclic ring property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C8N" xsd:string property_value: "110.09230" xsd:string property_value: "110.00307" xsd:string property_value: "C1(=C(C(=C2C(=C1*)N(C(=C2*)*)*)*)*)*" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:73541 name: organic heterobicyclic ring namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A bicyclic organic group that contains both carbon and hetero atoms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "organic heterobicyclic rings" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:52845 ! cyclic organic group [Term] id: CHEBI:75763 name: eukaryotic metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in eukaryotes, the taxon that include members of the fungi, plantae and animalia kingdoms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "eukaryotic metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25212 ! metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:75767 name: animal metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:77721 alt_id: CHEBI:77743 def: "Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in animals that include diverse creatures from sponges, insects to mammals." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "animal metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75763 ! eukaryotic metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:75768 name: mammalian metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:77464 alt_id: CHEBI:77744 def: "Any animal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in mammals." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "mammalian metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75767 ! animal metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:75771 name: mouse metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in a mouse (Mus musculus)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "mouse metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Mus musculus metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Mus musculus metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75768 ! mammalian metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:75772 name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:76949 alt_id: CHEBI:76951 def: "Any fungal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "baker's yeast metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "baker's yeast metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "baker's yeast secondary metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "baker's yeast secondary metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "S. cerevisiae metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "S. cerevisiae metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "S. cerevisiae secondary metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "S. cerevisiae secondary metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Saccharomyces cerevisiae secondary metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:76946 ! fungal metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:75787 name: prokaryotic metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in prokaryotes, the taxon that include members of domains such as the bacteria and archaea." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "prokaryotic metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25212 ! metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:76206 name: xenobiotic metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any metabolite produced by metabolism of a xenobiotic compound." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "xenobiotic metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25212 ! metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:76759 name: EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any enzyme inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase (EC 3.*.*.*)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.* inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.* inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.*.*.* inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.*.*.* inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrolase (EC 3.*) inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrolase (EC 3.*) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrolase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "hydrolase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Hydrolase is_a: CHEBI:23924 ! enzyme inhibitor [Term] id: CHEBI:76764 name: EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any hydrolase inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds (EC 3.5.*.*)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "EC 3.5.* (hydrolase acting on non-peptide C-N bond) inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.* (hydrolase acting on non-peptide C-N bond) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds) inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.* inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.* inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:76759 ! EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitor [Term] id: CHEBI:76807 name: EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.1.* inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC 3.5.1.* inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*) inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:76764 ! EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor [Term] id: CHEBI:76924 name: plant metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:75766 alt_id: CHEBI:76925 def: "Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in plants, the kingdom that include flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "plant metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "plant secondary metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75763 ! eukaryotic metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:76946 name: fungal metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:75765 alt_id: CHEBI:76947 def: "Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in fungi, the kingdom that includes microorganisms such as the yeasts and moulds." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "fungal metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75763 ! eukaryotic metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:76967 name: human xenobiotic metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any human metabolite produced by metabolism of a xenobiotic compound in humans." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "human xenobiotic metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:76206 ! xenobiotic metabolite is_a: CHEBI:77746 ! human metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:76969 name: bacterial metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:75760 alt_id: CHEBI:76970 def: "Any prokaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in bacteria." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:75787 ! prokaryotic metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:76971 name: Escherichia coli metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any bacterial metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Escherichia coli." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "E.coli metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "E.coli metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Escherichia coli metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:76969 ! bacterial metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:77746 name: human metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:75770 alt_id: CHEBI:77123 def: "Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in humans (Homo sapiens)." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "H. sapiens metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "H. sapiens metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Homo sapiens metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "Homo sapiens metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75768 ! mammalian metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:77941 name: EC (amidase) inhibitor namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of amidase (EC" [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "acylamidase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acylamidase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acylamide amidohydrolase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "acylamide amidohydrolase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amidase (EC inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amidase (EC inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amidase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amidase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amidohydrolase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "amidohydrolase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "deaminase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "deaminase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC (amidase) inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "EC inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "fatty acylamidase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "fatty acylamidase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "N-acetylaminohydrolase inhibitor" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "N-acetylaminohydrolase inhibitors" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Amidase is_a: CHEBI:76807 ! EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor [Term] id: CHEBI:77974 name: food packaging gas namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A food additive that is a (generally inert) gas which is used to envelop foodstuffs during packing and so protect them from unwanted chemical reactions such as food spoilage or oxidation during subsequent transport and storage. The term includes propellant gases, used to expel foods from a container." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "food packaging gases" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Packaging_gas is_a: CHEBI:64047 ! food additive [Term] id: CHEBI:78295 name: food component namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A physiological role played by any substance that is distributed in foodstuffs. It includes materials derived from plants or animals, such as vitamins or minerals, as well as environmental contaminants." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "dietary component" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "dietary components" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "food components" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:52211 ! physiological role [Term] id: CHEBI:78433 name: refrigerant namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A substance used in a thermodynamic heat pump cycle or refrigeration cycle that undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid and back. Refrigerants are used in air-conditioning systems and freezers or refrigerators and are assigned a \"R\" number (by ASHRAE - formerly the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers), which is determined systematically according to their molecular structure." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "refrigerants" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Refrigerant is_a: CHEBI:33232 ! application [Term] id: CHEBI:78608 name: alpha-amino acid zwitterion namespace: chebi_ontology alt_id: CHEBI:83409 def: "An amino acid zwitterion obtained by transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of any alpha-amino acid; major species at pH 7.3." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "an alpha-amino acid" RELATED [UniProt] xref: MetaCyc:Alpha-Amino-Acids {source="SUBMITTER"} is_a: CHEBI:35238 ! amino acid zwitterion relationship: is_tautomer_of CHEBI:33704 ! alpha-amino acid property_value: "0" xsd:string property_value: "C2H4NO2R" xsd:string property_value: "74.059" xsd:string property_value: "74.02420" xsd:string property_value: "[NH3+]C([*])C([O-])=O" xsd:string [Term] id: CHEBI:78616 name: carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any organooxygen compound that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone, or a compound derived from one. Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and usually have an empirical formula Cm(H2O)n; carbohydrate derivatives may contain other elements by substitution or condensation." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "carbohydrates and derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "carbohydrates and their derivatives" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:36963 ! organooxygen compound [Term] id: CHEBI:78675 name: fundamental metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any metabolite produced by all living cells." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "essential metabolite" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "essential metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] synonym: "fundamental metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:25212 ! metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:79387 name: trivalent inorganic anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any inorganic anion with a valency of three." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "trivalent inorganic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24834 ! inorganic anion [Term] id: CHEBI:79388 name: divalent inorganic anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any inorganic anion with a valency of two." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "divalent inorganic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24834 ! inorganic anion [Term] id: CHEBI:79389 name: monovalent inorganic anion namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any inorganic anion with a valency of one." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "monovalent inorganic anions" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:24834 ! inorganic anion [Term] id: CHEBI:83039 name: crustacean metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "An animal metabolite produced by arthropods such as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimps and krill." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "crustacean metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75767 ! animal metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:83056 name: Daphnia magna metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A Daphnia metabolite produced by the species Daphnia magna." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Daphnia magna metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:83057 ! Daphnia metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:83057 name: Daphnia metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "A crustacean metabolite produced by the genus of small planktonic arthropods, Daphnia" [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "Daphnia metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] xref: Wikipedia:Daphnia is_a: CHEBI:83039 ! crustacean metabolite [Term] id: CHEBI:84729 name: hydroxyindoles namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any member of the class of indoles carrying at least one hydroxy group." [] subset: 3_STAR is_a: CHEBI:24828 ! indoles is_a: CHEBI:33822 ! organic hydroxy compound [Term] id: CHEBI:84735 name: algal metabolite namespace: chebi_ontology def: "Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in algae including unicellular organisms like chlorella and diatoms to multicellular organisms like giant kelps and brown algae." [] subset: 3_STAR synonym: "algal metabolites" RELATED [ChEBI] is_a: CHEBI:75763 ! eukaryotic metabolite [Term] id: CL:0000000 name: cell def: "A material entity of anatomical origin (part of or deriving from an organism) that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [CARO:mah] comment: The definition of cell is intended to represent all cells, and thus a cell is defined as a material entity and not an anatomical structure, which implies that it is part of an organism (or the entirety of one). subset: ubprop:upper_level xref: CALOHA:TS-2035 xref: FBbt:00007002 xref: FMA:68646 xref: GO:0005623 xref: KUPO:0000002 xref: MESH:D002477 xref: VHOG:0001533 xref: WBbt:0004017 xref: XAO:0003012 is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure disjoint_from: GO:0031012 ! extracellular matrix disjoint_from: GO:0032991 ! protein-containing complex disjoint_from: GO:0043226 ! organelle relationship: has_part GO:0005634 {gci_filler="PATO:0001407", gci_relation="has_characteristic"} ! nucleus relationship: has_part GO:0005634 {gci_filler="PATO:0001908", gci_relation="has_characteristic"} ! nucleus relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:131567 ! cellular organisms [Term] id: CL:0000003 name: native cell def: "A cell that is found in a natural setting, which includes multicellular organism cells 'in vivo' (i.e. part of an organism), and unicellular organisms 'in environment' (i.e. part of a natural environment)." [CARO:mah] comment: To accommodate unicellular organisms better, 'cell in vivo' has been re-labeled 'native cell' to better represent its intended meaning - that is, that it is a cell in the context of a multicellular organism or in a natural environment. 'Native' is intended to contrast with 'in vitro', which refers to cells or other biological entities that have been intentionally placed in a controlled, non-natural setting for the purpose of study or manipulation. (MAH 1.12.12). subset: ubprop:upper_level synonym: "cell in vivo" NARROW [] xref: CARO:0000013 is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CL:0000005 name: fibroblast neural crest derived def: "Any fibroblast that is deriived from the neural crest." [] is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000008 ! migratory cranial neural crest cell [Term] id: CL:0000006 name: neuronal receptor cell synonym: "neuronal receptor cell (sensu Animalia)" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron is_a: CL:0000197 ! sensory receptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000197 ! sensory receptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception [Term] id: CL:0000007 name: early embryonic cell (metazoa) def: "A cell found in the embryo before the formation of all the gem layers is complete." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0002321 ! embryonic cell (metazoa) [Term] id: CL:0000008 name: migratory cranial neural crest cell def: "Cell that is part of the migratory cranial neural crest population. Migratory cranial neural crest cells develop from premigratory cranial neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [, ZFA:0007091] is_a: CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell [Term] id: CL:0000011 name: migratory trunk neural crest cell def: "Cell that is part of the migratory trunk neural crest population. Migratory trunk neural crest cells develop from premigratory trunk neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination." [, ZFA:0007095] is_a: CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell [Term] id: CL:0000014 name: germ line stem cell def: "A stem cell that is the precursor of gametes." [doi:10.1016/j.stem.2012.05.016] synonym: "germline stem cell" EXACT [] xref: FBbt:00004861 is_a: CL:0000034 {is_inferred="true"} ! stem cell is_a: CL:0000039 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ line cell intersection_of: CL:0000039 ! germ line cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0017145 ! stem cell division [Term] id: CL:0000015 name: male germ cell def: "A germ cell that supports male gamete production. In some species, non-germ cells known as Sertoli cells also play a role in spermatogenesis." [, PMID:29462262] xref: FMA:72290 xref: MA:0002765 xref: ncithesaurus:Spermatogenic_Cell xref: VHOG:0001531 is_a: CL:0000586 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ cell relationship: capable_of_part_of GO:0007283 ! spermatogenesis property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: CL:0000017 name: spermatocyte def: "A male germ cell that develops from spermatogonia. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to spermatids." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D013090] xref: BTO:0001275 xref: CALOHA:TS-0951 xref: EMAPA:31484 xref: FBbt:00004936 xref: FMA:84049 xref: WBbt:0006799 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000015 {is_inferred="true"} ! male germ cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000015 ! male germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048137 ! spermatocyte division relationship: capable_of GO:0048137 ! spermatocyte division relationship: develops_from CL:0000020 ! spermatogonium [Term] id: CL:0000018 name: spermatid def: "A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa." [MESH:D013087] synonym: "nematoblast" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001274 xref: CALOHA:TS-0950 xref: EMAPA:31486 xref: FBbt:00004942 xref: FMA:72294 xref: WBbt:0006800 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000015 {is_inferred="true"} ! male germ cell is_a: CL:0000413 ! haploid cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000015 ! male germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0001675 ! acrosome assembly intersection_of: capable_of GO:0007288 ! sperm axoneme assembly intersection_of: capable_of GO:0007289 ! spermatid nucleus differentiation intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001375 ! haploid relationship: capable_of GO:0001675 ! acrosome assembly relationship: capable_of GO:0007288 ! sperm axoneme assembly relationship: capable_of GO:0007289 ! spermatid nucleus differentiation relationship: develops_from CL:0000657 ! secondary spermatocyte [Term] id: CL:0000019 name: sperm def: "A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D013094] synonym: "sperm cell" EXACT [] synonym: "spermatozoid" EXACT [] synonym: "spermatozoon" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001277 xref: BTO:0002046 xref: CALOHA:TS-0949 xref: FBbt:00004954 xref: FMA:67338 xref: WBbt:0006798 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000408 {is_inferred="true"} ! male gamete relationship: develops_from CL:0000018 ! spermatid [Term] id: CL:0000020 name: spermatogonium def: "An euploid male germ cell of an early stage of spermatogenesis." [MESH:D013093] synonym: "spermatogonial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000958 xref: CALOHA:TS-2193 xref: EMAPA:31482 xref: FBbt:00004934 xref: FBbt:00004935 xref: FMA:72291 is_a: CL:0000015 ! male germ cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000015 ! male germ cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001394 ! diploid intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001501 ! immature relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001394 ! diploid relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001501 ! immature [Term] id: CL:0000021 name: female germ cell def: "Female germ cell is a germ cell that supports female gamete production." [GOC:tfm, PMID:11023867, PMID:20454446] xref: MA:0000388 xref: ncithesaurus:Egg xref: VHOG:0001530 is_a: CL:0000586 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ cell intersection_of: CL:0000586 ! germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048477 ! oogenesis relationship: capable_of GO:0048477 ! oogenesis [Term] id: CL:0000022 name: female germ line stem cell def: "A stem cell that is the precursor of female gametes." [doi:10.1016/j.stem.2012.05.016] xref: FBbt:00004873 is_a: CL:0000014 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ line stem cell is_a: CL:0000021 {is_inferred="true"} ! female germ cell intersection_of: CL:0000021 ! female germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0017145 ! stem cell division [Term] id: CL:0000023 name: oocyte def: "A female germ cell that has entered meiosis." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "oogonium" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0000964 xref: CALOHA:TS-0711 xref: FBbt:00004886 xref: FMA:18644 xref: MESH:D009865 xref: WBbt:0006797 is_a: CL:0000021 {is_inferred="true"} ! female germ cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: participates_in GO:0007143 ! female meiotic nuclear division [Term] id: CL:0000024 name: oogonial cell def: "An undifferentiated germ cell that proliferates rapidly and gives rise to oocytes." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] xref: FMA:83673 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000021 {is_inferred="true"} ! female germ cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000021 ! female germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0000278 ! mitotic cell cycle relationship: capable_of GO:0000278 ! mitotic cell cycle relationship: develops_from CL:0000670 ! primordial germ cell [Term] id: CL:0000025 name: egg cell def: "A female gamete where meiosis has progressed to metaphase II and is able to participate in fertilization." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "mature oocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "ovum" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000369 xref: BTO:0003801 xref: CALOHA:TS-2191 xref: FBbt:00057012 xref: FMA:67343 xref: MA:0000388 xref: MESH:D010063 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: CL:0000675 {is_inferred="true"} ! female gamete relationship: develops_from CL:0000023 ! oocyte relationship: participates_in GO:0007143 ! female meiotic nuclear division [Term] id: CL:0000027 name: smooth muscle cell neural crest derived def: "A smooth muscle cell derived from the neural crest." [] is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000008 ! migratory cranial neural crest cell [Term] id: CL:0000029 name: neural crest derived neuron synonym: "neuron neural crest derived" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000540 {is_inferred="true"} ! neuron is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell relationship: develops_from CL:0002676 ! neural crest derived neuroblast [Term] id: CL:0000030 name: glioblast is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell [Term] id: CL:0000031 name: neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) def: "A cell that will develop into a neuron often after a migration phase." [GOC:NV,] synonym: "neuroblast" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000930 xref: FMA:70563 is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:7742 ! Vertebrata [Term] id: CL:0000034 name: stem cell def: "A relatively undifferentiated cell that retains the ability to divide and proliferate throughout life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D013234] comment: This term applies to metazoan. For plant stem cells, consider using PO:0004011 ‘initial cell’ or its parent PO:0004010 ‘meristematic cell’. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "animal stem cell" EXACT [] xref: CALOHA:TS-2086 xref: FMA:63368 is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: CL:0011115 ! precursor cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0017145 ! stem cell division relationship: capable_of GO:0017145 ! stem cell division relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000035 name: single fate stem cell def: "A stem cell that self-renews as well as give rise to a single mature cell type." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "unipotent stem cell" EXACT [] synonym: "unipotential stem cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:70569 is_a: CL:0000723 ! somatic stem cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0017145 ! stem cell division intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001400 ! unipotent relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001400 ! unipotent [Term] id: CL:0000037 name: hematopoietic stem cell def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages develop, including blood cells and cells of the immune system. Hematopoietic stem cells lack cell markers of effector cells (lin-negative). Lin-negative is defined by lacking one or more of the following cell surface markers: CD2, CD3 epsilon, CD4, CD5 ,CD8 alpha chain, CD11b, CD14, CD19, CD20, CD56, ly6G, ter119." [GOC:add, GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm,, PMID:19022770] comment: Markers differ between species, and two sets of markers have been described for mice. HSCs are reportedly CD34-positive, CD45-positive, CD48-negative, CD150-positive, CD133-positive, and CD244-negative. subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "blood forming stem cell" EXACT [] synonym: "colony forming unit hematopoietic" RELATED [] synonym: "hemopoietic stem cell" EXACT [] synonym: "HSC" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000725 xref: CALOHA:TS-0448 xref: FMA:70337 xref: FMA:86475 xref: MESH:D006412 xref: VHOG:0001485 is_a: CL:0000723 ! somatic stem cell is_a: CL:0008001 ! hematopoietic precursor cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0002244 ! hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048103 ! somatic stem cell division intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) relationship: capable_of GO:0002244 ! hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) relationship: develops_from CL:0000566 ! angioblastic mesenchymal cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000038 name: erythroid progenitor cell def: "A progenitor cell committed to the erythroid lineage." [GOC:add, ISBN:0721601464] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim synonym: "BFU-E" RELATED [] synonym: "blast forming unit erythroid" RELATED [] synonym: "burst forming unit erythroid" RELATED [] synonym: "CFU-E" RELATED [] synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid" RELATED [] synonym: "erythroid stem cell" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0004911 is_a: CL:0000764 ! erythroid lineage cell is_a: CL:0000839 {is_inferred="true"} ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000050 ! megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell [Term] id: CL:0000039 name: germ line cell def: "A cell that is within the developmental lineage of gametes and is able to pass along its genetic material to offspring." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] comment: Originally this term had some plant germ line cell children. subset: ubprop:upper_level is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell disjoint_from: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell relationship: capable_of GO:0022414 ! reproductive process [Term] id: CL:0000048 name: multi fate stem cell def: "A stem cell that can give rise to multiple lineages of cells." [GOC:add] synonym: "multi-fate stem cell" EXACT [] synonym: "multifate stem cell" EXACT [] synonym: "multipotent cell" EXACT [] synonym: "multipotent stem cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84789 is_a: CL:0000034 ! stem cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0017145 ! stem cell division intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001402 ! multipotent relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001402 ! multipotent [Term] id: CL:0000049 name: common myeloid progenitor def: "A progenitor cell committed to myeloid lineage, including the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages." [GOC:add, ISBN:0878932437, MESH:D023461] comment: This cell type is intended to be compatible with any vertebrate common myeloid progenitor. For mammalian CMP known to be CD34-positive, please use the term 'common myeloid progenitor, CD34-positive' (CL_0001059). subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "CFU-GEMM" RELATED [ISBN:0878932437] synonym: "CFU-S" RELATED [ISBN:0878932437] synonym: "CMP" EXACT [ISBN:0878932437] synonym: "colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte" RELATED [ISBN:0878932437] synonym: "common myeloid precursor" EXACT [] synonym: "multipotential myeloid stem cell" RELATED [ISBN:0878932437] synonym: "myeloid stem cell" RELATED [ISBN:0878932437] synonym: "pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow)" RELATED [ISBN:0878932437] xref: BTO:0004730 is_a: CL:0002032 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell disjoint_from: CL:0000050 ! megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell disjoint_from: CL:0000051 ! common lymphoid progenitor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000050 name: megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell def: "A progenitor cell committed to the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages." [GOC:add, GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm,, MESH:D055015, PMID:16647566] comment: MEPs are reportedly CD19-negative, CD34-negative, CD45RA-negative, CD110-positive, CD117-positive, and SCA1-negative and reportedly express the transcription factors GATA-1 and NF-E2. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "CFU-EM" EXACT [] synonym: "CFU-MegE" EXACT [] synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid megakaryocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "Meg/E progenitor" EXACT [] synonym: "megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitor" EXACT [] synonym: "megakaryocyte/erythroid progenitor cell" EXACT [] synonym: "MEP" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000763 ! myeloid cell is_a: CL:0002032 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030218 ! erythrocyte differentiation intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030219 ! megakaryocyte differentiation relationship: capable_of GO:0030218 ! erythrocyte differentiation relationship: capable_of GO:0030219 ! megakaryocyte differentiation property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000051 name: common lymphoid progenitor def: "A oligopotent progenitor cell committed to the lymphoid lineage." [GOC:add, GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm, PMID:10407577, PMID:16551251] comment: CLP are CD7-positive, CD10-positive, CD19-negative, CD34-positive, CD45RA-positive, CD79a-negative, CD127-positive, AA4.1-positive, RAG-negative, Sca-1-low, sIgM-negative, sIgD-negative, TdT-negative, Vpre-B-negative, and pre-BCR-negative. Expression of transcription factors include E2A-positive, EBF-positive, Ikaros-negative, PU.1-negative, and Pax5-negative. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "CLP" EXACT [] synonym: "committed lymphopoietic stem cell" RELATED [] synonym: "common lymphocyte precursor" EXACT [] synonym: "common lymphocyte progenitor" EXACT [] synonym: "common lymphoid precursor" EXACT [] synonym: "early lymphocyte progenitor" RELATED [] synonym: "ELP" RELATED [] synonym: "lymphoid stem cell" RELATED [] synonym: "lymphopoietic stem cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0002032 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030098 ! lymphocyte differentiation relationship: capable_of GO:0030098 ! lymphocyte differentiation property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000052 name: totipotent stem cell def: "A stem cell from which all cells of the body can form." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm] synonym: "totipotential stem cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84790 xref: MESH:D039901 is_a: CL:0000723 ! somatic stem cell [Term] id: CL:0000055 name: non-terminally differentiated cell def: "A precursor cell with a limited number of potential fates." [SANBI:mhl] comment: define using PATO mulit-potent or oligopotent? synonym: "blast cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000125 xref: FMA:84782 is_a: CL:0011115 ! precursor cell [Term] id: CL:0000056 name: myoblast def: "A cell that is commited to differentiating into a muscle cell. Embryonic myoblasts develop from the mesoderm. They undergo proliferation, migrate to their various sites, and then differentiate into the appropriate form of myocytes. Myoblasts also occur as transient populations of cells in muscles undergoing repair." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D032446, PMID:21849021] xref: BTO:0000222 xref: CALOHA:TS-0650 xref: FBbt:00005083 xref: FMA:70335 xref: VHOG:0001529 is_a: CL:0000680 ! muscle precursor cell [Term] id: CL:0000057 name: fibroblast def: "A connective tissue cell which secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules. Flattened and irregular in outline with branching processes; appear fusiform or spindle-shaped." [, ISBN:0517223651, MESH:D005347] comment: These cells may be vimentin-positive, fibronectin-positive, fsp1-positive, MMP-1-positive, collagen I-positive, collagen III-positive, and alpha-SMA-negative. subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0000452 xref: CALOHA:TS-0362 xref: FMA:63877 xref: VHOG:0001482 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000058 name: chondroblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that is typically non-terminally differentiated, secretes an avascular, GAG rich matrix; is not buried in cartilage tissue matrix, retains the ability to divide, located adjacent to cartilage tissue (including within the perichondrium), and develops from prechondroblast (and thus prechondrogenic) cell." [GO_REF:0000034, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] synonym: "chrondoplast" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0003607 xref: FMA:66783 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell relationship: develops_from CL:0007009 ! prechondroblast relationship: produces UBERON:0002418 ! cartilage tissue [Term] id: CL:0000059 name: ameloblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that produces enamel, overlies the odontogenic papilla, and arises from the differentiation of a preameloblast cell." [GO_REF:0000034, GOC:tfm, MESH:D000565] comment: non-encoded relationship from VSAO produces VSAO:0000066 synonym: "amelocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "enamel secreting cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001663 xref: FMA:70576 is_a: CL:0000146 ! simple columnar epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0002077 ! ecto-epithelial cell relationship: adjacent_to UBERON:0001763 ! odontogenic papilla relationship: capable_of GO:0097186 ! amelogenesis relationship: develops_from CL:0007000 ! preameloblast relationship: part_of UBERON:0005176 ! tooth enamel organ relationship: produces UBERON:0001752 ! enamel [Term] id: CL:0000060 name: odontoblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that secretes dentine matrix, is derived from the odontogenic papilla, and develops from a preodontoblast cell." [GO_REF:0000034, ISBN:0618947256] comment: legacy def: One of the cells forming the outer surface of dental pulp that produces tooth dentin. xref: BTO:0001769 xref: CALOHA:TS-0696 xref: FMA:62999 xref: MESH:D009804 is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000710 ! neurecto-epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002148 ! dental pulp cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell relationship: develops_from CL:0007003 ! preodontoblast relationship: part_of UBERON:0005176 ! tooth enamel organ relationship: produces UBERON:0001751 ! dentine [Term] id: CL:0000064 name: ciliated cell def: "A cell that has a filiform extrusion of the cell surface." [GOC:tfm] xref: VHOG:0001532 xref: XAO:0000031 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_part GO:0005929 ! cilium relationship: has_part GO:0005929 ! cilium [Term] id: CL:0000066 name: epithelial cell def: "A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface. The cell has a cytoskeleton that allows for tight cell to cell contact and for cell polarity where apical part is directed towards the lumen and the basal part to the basal lamina." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm, MESH:D004847] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "epitheliocyte" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000414 xref: CALOHA:TS-2026 xref: CARO:0000077 xref: FBbt:00000124 xref: FMA:66768 xref: WBbt:0003672 is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell disjoint_from: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte relationship: part_of UBERON:0000483 ! epithelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000067 name: ciliated epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell that has a cilia." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:70605 is_a: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: has_part GO:0005929 ! cilium [Term] id: CL:0000068 name: duct epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell that is part of a duct." [] is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000058 ! duct relationship: part_of UBERON:0000058 ! duct [Term] id: CL:0000069 name: branched duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0000071 name: blood vessel endothelial cell def: "An endothelial cell that lines the vasculature." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "cuboidal endothelial cell of vascular tree" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000076 {is_inferred="true"} ! squamous epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002139 ! endothelial cell of vascular tree intersection_of: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004638 ! blood vessel endothelium relationship: develops_from CL:0002546 ! embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0004638 ! blood vessel endothelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000072 name: non-branched duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002078 ! meso-epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0000075 name: columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell def: "A columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell is a cell usually found in a two dimensional sheet with a free surface. Columnar/cuboidal epithelial cells take on the shape of a column or cube." [GO:0002065,] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000076 name: squamous epithelial cell xref: CALOHA:TS-1249 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0000077 name: mesothelial cell def: "A flattened epithelial cell of mesenchymal origin that lines the serous cavity." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "mesotheliocyte" EXACT [] xref: FMA:66773 is_a: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000213 ! lining cell is_a: CL:0002078 ! meso-epithelial cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000080 name: circulating cell def: "A cell which moves among different tissues of the body, via blood, lymph, or other medium." [GOC:add] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000179 ! haemolymphatic fluid relationship: part_of UBERON:0000179 ! haemolymphatic fluid [Term] id: CL:0000081 name: blood cell def: "A cell found predominately in the blood." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:62844 xref: MESH:D001773 is_a: CL:0000988 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0008015 ! blood circulation relationship: capable_of GO:0008015 ! blood circulation [Term] id: CL:0000082 name: epithelial cell of lung def: "An epithelial cell of the lung." [] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "lung epithelial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004299 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: part_of UBERON:0000115 ! lung epithelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000083 name: epithelial cell of pancreas def: "An epithelial cell of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "pancreas epithelial cell" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic epithelial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000028 is_a: CL:0000066 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas relationship: develops_from CL:0000223 ! endodermal cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas [Term] id: CL:0000084 name: T cell def: "A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0781735149] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "immature T cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mature T cell" RELATED [] synonym: "T lymphocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "T-cell" EXACT [] synonym: "T-lymphocyte" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000782 xref: CALOHA:TS-1001 xref: FMA:62870 xref: MESH:D013601 xref: VHOG:0001479 is_a: CL:0000542 {is_inferred="true"} ! lymphocyte intersection_of: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte intersection_of: capable_of GO:0002456 ! T cell mediated immunity relationship: capable_of GO:0002456 ! T cell mediated immunity relationship: develops_from CL:0000827 ! pro-T cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000095 name: neuron associated cell is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell [Term] id: CL:0000098 name: sensory epithelial cell def: "A specialized epithelial cell involved in sensory perception. Restricted to special sense organs of the olfactory, gustatory, and vestibulocochlear receptor systems; contain sensory cells surrounded by supportive, non-receptive cells." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651, ISBN:0721662544] comment: The term "neuroepithelial cell" is used to describe both this cell type and neurecto-epithelial cell (CL:0000710). synonym: "neuroepithelial cell" BROAD [] xref: BTO:0004301 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000197 ! sensory receptor cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception [Term] id: CL:0000099 name: interneuron def: "Most generally any neuron which is not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose axons remain within a particular brain region as contrasted with projection neurons which have axons projecting to other brain regions." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D007395] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0003811 xref: FBbt:00005125 xref: FMA:67313 xref: WBbt:0005113 is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000100 name: motor neuron def: "An efferent neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes or inhibits movement." [MESH:D009046, PMID:16875686] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "motoneuron" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000312 xref: FBbt:00005123 xref: FMA:83617 xref: WBbt:0005409 is_a: CL:0000527 ! efferent neuron property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000101 name: sensory neuron def: "Any neuron having a sensory function; an afferent neuron conveying sensory impulses." [ISBN:0721662544] xref: BTO:0001037 xref: FBbt:00005124 xref: FMA:84649 xref: MESH:D011984 xref: WBbt:0005759 is_a: CL:0000526 ! afferent neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception relationship: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception [Term] id: CL:0000107 name: autonomic neuron def: "A neuron whose cell body is within an autonomic ganglion." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:80121 is_a: CL:2000032 ! peripheral nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0002410 ! autonomic nervous system relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0002410 ! autonomic nervous system [Term] id: CL:0000108 name: cholinergic neuron def: "A neuron that uses acetylcholine as a vesicular neurotransmitter." [GOC:tfm] xref: BTO:0004902 xref: FBbt:00007173 xref: FMA:84796 xref: MESH:D059329 xref: WBbt:0006840 is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0014055 ! acetylcholine secretion, neurotransmission relationship: capable_of GO:0014055 ! acetylcholine secretion, neurotransmission [Term] id: CL:0000115 name: endothelial cell def: "An endothelial cell comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures and can be squamous or cuboidal. In mammals, endothelial cell has vimentin filaments and is derived from the mesoderm." [GOC:tfm,,, MESH:D042783, PMID:21275341] comment: From FMA: 9.07.2001: Endothelial cell has always been classified as a kind of epithelial cell, specifically a squamous cell but that is not true. First, endothelial cell can either be squamous or cuboidal (e.g. high-endothelial cell) and secondly, it has different embryological derivation (mesodermal) than a true epithelial cell (ectodermal and endodermal). The basis for present classification is the fact that it comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures (location-based) but a better structural basis for the differentia is the cytoskeleton of the cell. Endothelial cell has vimentin filaments while an epithelial cell has keratin filaments. [Onard]. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endotheliocyte" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001176 xref: CALOHA:TS-0278 xref: FMA:66772 is_a: CL:0000213 ! lining cell is_a: CL:0002078 ! meso-epithelial cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000117 name: CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: part_of UBERON:0001017 ! central nervous system [Term] id: CL:0000123 name: neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:0000095 ! neuron associated cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:7742 ! Vertebrata [Term] id: CL:0000125 name: glial cell def: "A non-neuronal cell of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons." [MESH:D009457] comment: Not all glial cells develop from glioblasts, with microglia developing from the mesoderm instead. See synonym: "neuroglia" RELATED [] synonym: "neuroglial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0002606 xref: CALOHA:TS-0415 xref: FBbt:00005144 xref: FMA:54536 is_a: CL:0000095 ! neuron associated cell [Term] id: CL:0000126 name: macroglial cell def: "A neuroglial cell of ectodermal origin, i.e., the astrocytes and oligodendrocytes considered together." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "macrogliocyte" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000771 xref: CALOHA:TS-2027 xref: FMA:54538 is_a: CL:0000125 ! glial cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0000339 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) [Term] id: CL:0000128 name: oligodendrocyte def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system. Form the insulating myelin sheath of axons in the central nervous system." [, MESH:D009836] comment: Oligodendrocytes are reportedly MDP-positive and CD4-negative. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "oligodendroglia" RELATED [] synonym: "OLs" EXACT [PMID:8734446] xref: BTO:0000962 xref: CALOHA:TS-0709 xref: FMA:54540 is_a: CL:0000126 {is_inferred="true"} ! macroglial cell is_a: CL:4023154 ! myelinating glial cell relationship: develops_from CL:0002453 ! oligodendrocyte precursor cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0001017 ! central nervous system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000133 name: neurectodermal cell def: "Ectoderm destined to be nervous tissue." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:068340007X] synonym: "neurectoderm cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000221 ! ectodermal cell [Term] id: CL:0000134 name: mesenchymal stem cell def: "A connective tissue cell that normally gives rise to other cells that are organized as three-dimensional masses. In humans, this cell type is CD73-positive, CD90-positive, CD105-positive, CD45-negative, CD34-negative, and MHCII-negative. They may further differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes, myocytes, neurons, or chondroblasts in vitro. Originally described as residing in the bone marrow, this cell type is now known to reside in many, if not all, adult organs." [FB:ma, GOC:dsd,,, PMCID:PMC2613570, PMID:10102814, PMID:16923606, PMID:17986482, PMID:19960544] comment: Many but not all mesenchymal cells derive from the mesoderm. MSCs are reportedly CD3-negative, CD4-negative, CD5-negative, CD8-negative, CD11a-negative, CD11b-negative, CD14-negative, CD19-negative, CD29-positive, CD31-negative, CD34-negative, CD38-negative, CD40-negative, CD44-positive, CD45-negative, CD49-positive, CD54-positive, CD66b-negative, CD79a-negative, CD80-negative, CD102-positive, CD106-positive, CD117-positive, CD121a-positive, CD121b-positive, CD123-positive, CD124-positive, CD133-negative, CD146-positive, CD166-positive, CD271-positive, B220-negative, Gr1-negative, MHCI-positive, MHCII-negative, SSEA4-negative, sca1-positive, Ter119-negative, and glycophorin A-negative. Cultured MSCs are capable of producing stem cell factor, IL7, IL8, IL11, TGF-beta, cofilin, galectin-1, laminin-receptor 1, cyclophilin A, and MMP-2. synonym: "BMSC" NARROW [] synonym: "bone marrow stromal cells" NARROW [] synonym: "CFU-F" RELATED [] synonym: "colony-forming unit-fibroblast" NARROW [] synonym: "marrow stromal cells" NARROW [PMID:11378515] synonym: "mesenchymal precursor cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mesenchymal progenitor cells" RELATED PLURAL [MESH:D044982] synonym: "mesenchymal stem cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mesenchymal stromal cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mesenchymal stromal cells" RELATED PLURAL [] synonym: "MSC" RELATED [PMID:11378515] synonym: "stem cells, mesenchymal" RELATED PLURAL [MESH:D044982] xref: BTO:0002625 xref: BTO:0003298 xref: FMA:70546 is_a: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell is_a: CL:0002320 {is_inferred="true"} ! connective tissue cell property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: CL:0000136 name: fat cell def: "A fat-storing cell found mostly in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue of mammals. Fat is usually stored in the form of triglycerides." [MESH:D017667] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "adipocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "adipose cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000443 xref: CALOHA:TS-0012 xref: FMA:63880 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000325 ! stuff accumulating cell is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000138 name: chondrocyte def: "Skeletogenic cell that is terminally differentiated, secretes an avascular, GAG-rich matrix, is embedded in cartilage tissue matrix, retains the ability to divide, and develops from a chondroblast cell." [GO_REF:0000034, MESH:D019902] synonym: "cartilage cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000249 xref: CALOHA:TS-0138 xref: FMA:66782 is_a: CL:0000153 ! glycosaminoglycan secreting cell is_a: CL:0000667 ! collagen secreting cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000058 ! chondroblast relationship: located_in UBERON:0002418 ! cartilage tissue [Term] id: CL:0000145 name: professional antigen presenting cell def: "A cell capable of processing and presenting lipid and protein antigens to T cells in order to initiate an immune response." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149] comment: Note change of name; nearly all somatic cells can present antigens to T cells via MHC Class I complexes leading to effector responses, but professional antigen presenting cells constitutively express MHC Class II as well as costimulatory molecules, and thus can initiate immune responses via T cells. subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim synonym: "APC" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: capable_of GO:0002504 ! antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II relationship: capable_of GO:0002504 ! antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II [Term] id: CL:0000146 name: simple columnar epithelial cell subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000147 name: pigment cell def: "A pigment cell is a cell that contains pigment granules." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "chromatocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "chromatophore" EXACT [] xref: VHOG:0001678 is_a: CL:0000325 ! stuff accumulating cell [Term] id: CL:0000149 name: visual pigment cell synonym: "pigment cell" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000147 ! pigment cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell [Term] id: CL:0000150 name: glandular epithelial cell def: "A specialized epithelial cell that is capable of synthesizing and secreting certain biomolecules." [GOC:tfm] xref: CALOHA:TS-2085 xref: FMA:86494 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0006799 ! glandular epithelium [Term] id: CL:0000151 name: secretory cell def: "A cell that specializes in controlled release of one or more substances." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0003659 xref: FMA:86916 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0032940 ! secretion by cell relationship: capable_of GO:0032940 ! secretion by cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000152 name: exocrine cell def: "A cell of an exocrine gland; i.e. a gland that discharges its secretion via a duct." [ISBN:0198547684] xref: FMA:16014 is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002365 ! exocrine gland relationship: part_of UBERON:0002365 ! exocrine gland [Term] id: CL:0000153 name: glycosaminoglycan secreting cell def: "A cell that secretes glycosaminoglycans." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "GAG secreting cell" EXACT [] synonym: "hyaluronic acid secreting cell" NARROW [] is_a: CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell is_a: CL:0000447 ! carbohydrate secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000154 name: protein secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0009306 ! protein secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0009306 ! protein secretion [Term] id: CL:0000157 name: surfactant secreting cell def: "A cell that specializes in secretion of surfactant in the alveoli of the lung." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] is_a: CL:0000151 {is_inferred="true"} ! secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0043129 ! surfactant homeostasis relationship: capable_of GO:0043129 ! surfactant homeostasis [Term] id: CL:0000158 name: club cell def: "A non-mucous, epithelial secretory cell that is part of the tracheobronchial tree. A club cell has short microvilli but no cilia. A club cell is able to multiply and differentiate into ciliated cells to regenerate the bronchiolar epithelium and it also protects the tracheobronchial epithelium." [DOI:10.1183/09031936.00146609, DOI:https\://, GOC:tfm, PMID:28128362, PMID:29874100, PMID:7905712] def: "Epithelial progenitor cell of the lung. Club cells are dome-shaped with short microvilli but no cilia. They function to protect the bronchiolar epithelium. Club cells also multiply and differentiate into ciliated cells to regenerate the bronchiolar epithelium." [DOI:10.1183/09031936.00146609, DOI:https\://, GOC:tfm, PMID:28128362, PMID:7905712] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "bronchiolar non-ciliated cell" EXACT [] synonym: "Clara cell" EXACT [] synonym: "club cell of bronchiole" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004811 xref: FMA:14119 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000157 ! surfactant secreting cell is_a: CL:0002328 {is_inferred="true"} ! bronchial epithelial cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0002328 ! bronchial epithelial cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0032940 ! secretion by cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0043129 ! surfactant homeostasis intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001789 ! domed intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part GO:0005902 ! microvillus relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001789 ! domed relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part GO:0005902 ! microvillus property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000159 name: seromucus secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell [Term] id: CL:0000161 name: acid secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 {is_inferred="true"} ! secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0046717 ! acid secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0046717 ! acid secretion [Term] id: CL:0000163 name: endocrine cell def: "A cell of an endocrine gland, ductless glands that secrete substances which are released directly into the circulation and which influence metabolism and other body functions." [MESH:D055098] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endocrinocyte" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83809 is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0000164 {gci_relation="part_of", gci_filler="UBERON:0000945"} ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000164 {gci_filler="UBERON:0000160", gci_relation="part_of"} ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000164 {gci_filler="UBERON:0001264", gci_relation="part_of"} ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0000949 ! endocrine system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000164 name: enteroendocrine cell def: "An endocrine cell that is located in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract or in the pancreas." [GOC:tfm, SANBI:mhl] xref: BTO:0003865 xref: FMA:62930 xref: MESH:D019858 is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000163 ! endocrine cell [Term] id: CL:0000165 name: neuroendocrine cell def: "A neuron that is capable of some hormone secretion in response to neuronal signals." [MESH:D055099] comment: The neurosecretory cell is neither an ordinary neuron nor an endocrine cell, but a combination of both. Its neuronal features resemble those of ordinary neurons concerning both structure and function. The production of a visible secretory material marks the neurosecretory neuron as a gland cell, and the fact that extractable cellular products act in the manner of hormones places it in the realm of endocrine elements. \n\nThe modern definition of neurosecretion has evolved to include the release of any neuronal secretory product from a neuron. {xref="!/content/book/3-s2.0-B9780323555968000073", xref="PMID:5342440"} subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "neurosecretory cell" RELATED [] synonym: "neurosecretory neuron" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0002691 xref: FBbt:00005130 xref: FMA:83810 is_a: CL:0000163 ! endocrine cell is_a: CL:0000527 ! efferent neuron is_a: CL:0000710 ! neurecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0046879 ! hormone secretion property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000167 name: peptide hormone secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030072 ! peptide hormone secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0030072 ! peptide hormone secretion [Term] id: CL:0000168 name: insulin secreting cell xref: BTO:0000783 is_a: CL:0000154 ! protein secreting cell is_a: CL:0000167 ! peptide hormone secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030073 ! insulin secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0030073 ! insulin secretion [Term] id: CL:0000169 name: type B pancreatic cell def: "A cell that secretes insulin and is located towards the center of the islets of Langerhans." [GOC:tfm,, ISBN:0517223651] comment: Pancreatic beta cells are also reportedly CD284-positive. Upon activation, they upregulate their CD14 expression. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "B-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT [FMA:70586] synonym: "beta cell" BROAD [ZFA:0009102] synonym: "beta cell islet" RELATED [MA:0002419] synonym: "beta cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT [FMA:70586] synonym: "insulin-secreting cell" EXACT [FMA:70586] synonym: "pancreatic B cell" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic B-cell" EXACT [FMA:70586] synonym: "pancreatic beta cell" EXACT [FMA:70586] synonym: "pancreatic islet core" EXACT [MA:0002419] synonym: "type B enteroendocrine cell" EXACT [FMA:70586] xref: BTO:0000783 xref: EV:0200009 xref: FMA:70586 xref: MA:0002419 xref: ncithesaurus:Beta_Cell is_a: CL:0000168 {is_inferred="true"} ! insulin secreting cell is_a: CL:0008024 ! pancreatic endocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030073 ! insulin secretion intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000006 ! islet of Langerhans relationship: develops_from CL:0002351 ! progenitor cell of endocrine pancreas relationship: part_of UBERON:0000006 ! islet of Langerhans property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000170 name: glucagon secreting cell def: "A cell that secretes glucagon." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "glucagon-secreting cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84045 is_a: CL:0000167 ! peptide hormone secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0070091 ! glucagon secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0070091 ! glucagon secretion [Term] id: CL:0000171 name: pancreatic A cell def: "A type of enteocrine cell found in the periphery of the islets of Langerhans that secretes glucagon." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "alpha cell of islet of Langerhans" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic alpha cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000990 xref: FMA:70585 xref: MESH:D050416 is_a: CL:0002067 ! type A enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0008024 ! pancreatic endocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0002067 ! type A enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas relationship: develops_from CL:0002351 ! progenitor cell of endocrine pancreas relationship: part_of UBERON:0000006 ! islet of Langerhans property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000172 name: somatostatin secreting cell is_a: CL:0000167 ! peptide hormone secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0070253 ! somatostatin secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0070253 ! somatostatin secretion [Term] id: CL:0000173 name: pancreatic D cell def: "A D cell located in the pancreas. Peripherally placed within the islets like type A cells; contains somatostatin." [FMA:0517223651, GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "D-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT [] synonym: "delta cell of islet" EXACT [] synonym: "delta cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic D-cell" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic delta cell" EXACT [] synonym: "somatostatin-secreting pancreatic cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000803 xref: FMA:70587 is_a: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0008024 ! pancreatic endocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas relationship: develops_from CL:0002351 ! progenitor cell of endocrine pancreas relationship: part_of UBERON:0000006 ! islet of Langerhans property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000174 name: steroid hormone secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0035929 ! steroid hormone secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0035929 ! steroid hormone secretion [Term] id: CL:0000182 name: hepatocyte def: "The main structural component of the liver. They are specialized epithelial cells that are organized into interconnected plates called lobules. Majority of cell population of liver, polygonal in shape, arranged in plates or trabeculae between sinusoids; may have single nucleus or binucleated." [GOC:tfm,, ISBN:0412046911, MESH:D022781, PMID:19717280] comment: Hepatocytes are reportedly MHC Class I-positive and MHC Class II-positive. subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0000575 xref: CALOHA:TS-0454 xref: FMA:14515 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000417 ! endopolyploid cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure relationship: capable_of GO:0006699 ! bile acid biosynthetic process relationship: capable_of GO:0098754 ! detoxification relationship: develops_from CL:0005026 ! hepatoblast relationship: part_of UBERON:0002107 ! liver property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000183 name: contractile cell def: "A cell whose primary function is to shorten." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000187 name: muscle cell def: "A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte. This cell has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns." [MESH:D032342] synonym: "muscle fiber" EXACT [] synonym: "myocyte" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000888 xref: BTO:0000902 xref: CALOHA:TS-2032 xref: FBbt:00005074 xref: FMA:67328 xref: WBbt:0003675 is_a: CL:0000183 ! contractile cell is_a: CL:0000393 ! electrically responsive cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0000056 ! myoblast [Term] id: CL:0000188 name: cell of skeletal muscle def: "A somatic cell located in skeletal muscle." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "skeletal muscle cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004392 xref: CALOHA:TS-2158 xref: FMA:9727 is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001134 ! skeletal muscle tissue relationship: part_of UBERON:0001134 ! skeletal muscle tissue property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000192 name: smooth muscle cell def: "A non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cell found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They develop from specialized myoblasts (smooth muscle myoblast)." [, MESH:D032389, PMID:9315361] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "myocytes, smooth muscle" EXACT [MESH:D032389] synonym: "non-striated muscle cell" BROAD [] synonym: "SMCs" EXACT [PMID:9315361] synonym: "smooth muscle fiber" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004576 xref: CALOHA:TS-2159 xref: FMA:14072 is_a: CL:0008000 ! non-striated muscle cell is_a: CL:0008007 ! visceral muscle cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000514 ! smooth muscle myoblast property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000197 name: sensory receptor cell def: "A cell that is capable of detection of a stimulus involved in sensory perception." [] synonym: "receptor cell" EXACT [] xref: MESH:D011984 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000000 ! cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001032 ! sensory system relationship: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception relationship: part_of UBERON:0001032 ! sensory system [Term] id: CL:0000199 name: mechanoreceptor cell def: "A cell specialized to transduce mechanical stimuli and relay that information centrally in the nervous system." [MESH:D008465] synonym: "mechanoreceptor" RELATED [MP:0000972] is_a: CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050974 ! detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception relationship: capable_of GO:0050974 ! detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception [Term] id: CL:0000200 name: touch receptor cell is_a: CL:0000006 ! neuronal receptor cell is_a: CL:0000199 ! mechanoreceptor cell is_a: CL:4023168 ! somatosensory neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050976 ! detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of touch relationship: capable_of GO:0050976 ! detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of touch [Term] id: CL:0000206 name: chemoreceptor cell def: "A cell specialized to detect chemical substances and relay that information centrally in the nervous system. Chemoreceptors may monitor external stimuli, as in taste and olfaction, or internal stimuli, such as the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood." [MESH:D002628] is_a: CL:0000197 ! sensory receptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000197 ! sensory receptor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050907 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception relationship: capable_of GO:0050907 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception [Term] id: CL:0000207 name: olfactory receptor cell synonym: "odorant receptor cell" EXACT [] synonym: "olfactory receptor neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "Schultze's cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004185 xref: FMA:67860 xref: MESH:D018034 xref: Wikipedia:Olfactory_receptor_neuron is_a: CL:0000006 ! neuronal receptor cell is_a: CL:0000206 ! chemoreceptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050911 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell relationship: capable_of GO:0050911 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell relationship: part_of UBERON:0005725 ! olfactory system [Term] id: CL:0000209 name: taste receptor cell def: "A specialized cell involved in gustatory sensory perception." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] synonym: "taste bud cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:67910 is_a: CL:0000098 ! sensory epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000206 ! chemoreceptor cell is_a: CL:0002076 ! endo-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000206 ! chemoreceptor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050912 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of taste relationship: capable_of GO:0050912 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of taste [Term] id: CL:0000210 name: photoreceptor cell def: "A cell specialized to detect and transduce light." [MESH:D010786] xref: BTO:0001060 xref: CALOHA:TS-0868 xref: FMA:86740 is_a: CL:0000006 {is_inferred="true"} ! neuronal receptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050962 ! detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception relationship: capable_of GO:0050962 ! detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception [Term] id: CL:0000211 name: electrically active cell def: "A cell whose function is determined by the generation or the reception of an electric signal." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000213 name: lining cell def: "A cell within an epithelial cell sheet whose main function is to act as an internal or external covering for a tissue or an organism." [JB:jb] synonym: "boundary cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000215 ! barrier cell [Term] id: CL:0000214 name: synovial cell def: "A cell located in the synovial joint." [] synonym: "synoviocyte" EXACT [] xref: CALOHA:TS-0995 is_a: CL:0000213 ! lining cell is_a: CL:0002078 {is_inferred="true"} ! meso-epithelial cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0002217 ! synovial joint [Term] id: CL:0000215 name: barrier cell def: "A cell whose primary function is to prevent the transport of stuff across compartments." [JB:jb] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000216 name: Sertoli cell def: "A supporting cell projecting inward from the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules. They surround and nourish the developing male germ cells and secrete androgen binding protein. Their tight junctions with the spermatogonia and spermatocytes provide a blood-testis barrier." [MESH:D012708] xref: BTO:0001238 xref: CALOHA:TS-0922 xref: FMA:72298 xref: VHOG:0001348 is_a: CL:0000511 ! androgen binding protein secreting cell is_a: CL:0000630 {is_inferred="true"} ! supporting cell is_a: CL:0002625 ! seminiferous tubule epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000630 ! supporting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001343 ! seminiferous tubule of testis [Term] id: CL:0000217 name: insulating cell is_a: CL:0000215 ! barrier cell [Term] id: CL:0000218 name: myelinating Schwann cell def: "A neuroglial cell of the peripheral nervous system which forms the insulating myelin sheaths of peripheral axons." [GOC:cvs, GOC:tfm, MESH:D012583] synonym: "neurilemmal cell" EXACT [] synonym: "peripheral neuroglial cell" BROAD [] synonym: "Schwann cell" BROAD [] xref: CALOHA:TS-0898 xref: FMA:62121 is_a: CL:0000217 ! insulating cell is_a: CL:0002573 ! Schwann cell is_a: CL:4023154 ! myelinating glial cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0002377 ! immature Schwann cell [Term] id: CL:0000219 name: motile cell def: "A cell that moves by its own activities." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048870 ! cell motility relationship: capable_of GO:0048870 ! cell motility [Term] id: CL:0000221 name: ectodermal cell def: "A cell of the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo." [MESH:D004475] synonym: "ectoderm cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:72549 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002321 ! embryonic cell (metazoa) relationship: part_of UBERON:0000924 ! ectoderm [Term] id: CL:0000222 name: mesodermal cell def: "A cell of the middle germ layer of the embryo." [MESH:D008648] synonym: "mesoblast" EXACT [] synonym: "mesoderm cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:72554 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002321 ! embryonic cell (metazoa) relationship: part_of UBERON:0000926 ! mesoderm [Term] id: CL:0000223 name: endodermal cell def: "A cell of the inner of the three germ layers of the embryo." [MESH:D004707] synonym: "endoderm cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:72555 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002321 ! embryonic cell (metazoa) relationship: part_of UBERON:0000925 ! endoderm [Term] id: CL:0000225 name: anucleate cell def: "A cell that lacks a nucleus." [FB:ma] synonym: "non-nucleated cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:68647 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001405 ! anucleate disjoint_from: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001405 ! anucleate [Term] id: CL:0000226 name: single nucleate cell def: "A cell with a single nucleus." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001407 ! mononucleate relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001407 ! mononucleate [Term] id: CL:0000227 name: binucleate cell is_a: CL:0000228 ! multinucleate cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001406 ! binucleate relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001406 ! binucleate [Term] id: CL:0000228 name: multinucleate cell def: "A cell with more than one nucleus." [FB:ma] synonym: "syncitium" EXACT [] synonym: "syncytial cell" EXACT [] synonym: "syncytium" EXACT [] xref: AEO:0000203 xref: WBbt:0008074 is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate [Term] id: CL:0000232 name: erythrocyte def: "A red blood cell. In mammals, mature erythrocytes are biconcave disks containing hemoglobin whose function is to transport oxygen." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D004912] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "RBC" EXACT [] synonym: "red blood cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000424 xref: CALOHA:TS-0290 xref: FMA:81100 is_a: CL:0000081 ! blood cell is_a: CL:0000329 ! oxygen accumulating cell is_a: CL:0000764 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroid lineage cell intersection_of: CL:0000764 ! erythroid lineage cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0008015 ! blood circulation intersection_of: capable_of GO:0015671 ! oxygen transport intersection_of: CL:4030045 GO:0005840 ! lacks_part ribosome intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001945 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part transferrin receptor protein 1 intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002039 ! biconcave relationship: CL:4030045 GO:0005840 ! lacks_part ribosome relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001945 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part transferrin receptor protein 1 relationship: develops_from CL:0000558 ! reticulocyte relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002039 ! biconcave property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000255 name: eukaryotic cell xref: MESH:D005057 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:2759 ! Eukaryota relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:2759 ! Eukaryota [Term] id: CL:0000257 name: Eumycetozoan cell is_a: CL:0000255 ! eukaryotic cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:142796 ! Eumycetozoa relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:142796 ! Eumycetozoa [Term] id: CL:0000287 name: eye photoreceptor cell subset: eye_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000210 ! photoreceptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000210 ! photoreceptor cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000970 ! eye relationship: part_of UBERON:0000970 ! eye property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000293 name: structural cell def: "A cell whose primary function is to provide structural support, to provide strength and physical integrity to the organism." [TAIR:sr] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000300 name: gamete def: "A mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "haploid germ cell" RELATED [] synonym: "haploid nucleated cell" EXACT [] xref: CALOHA:TS-0395 xref: FBbt:00005412 xref: FMA:18649 is_a: CL:0000413 ! haploid cell is_a: CL:0000586 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ cell intersection_of: CL:0000586 ! germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0009566 ! fertilization intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001375 ! haploid relationship: capable_of GO:0009566 ! fertilization [Term] id: CL:0000306 name: crystallin accumulating cell subset: eye_upper_slim synonym: "lens cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000325 ! stuff accumulating cell [Term] id: CL:0000307 name: tracheal epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell found in the trachea." [GOC:tfm] comment: This class is for the vertebrate tracheal structure. For the analagous insect cell type, see 'respiratory tube epithelial cell' subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "tracheocyte" EXACT [] xref: FBbt:00005038 xref: FMA:74793 is_a: CL:0002202 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003126 ! trachea relationship: develops_from CL:0000377 ! tracheoblast relationship: part_of UBERON:0003126 ! trachea property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000313 name: serous secreting cell def: "Columnar glandular cell with irregular nucleus, copious granular endoplasmic reticulum and supranuclear granules. Secretes a watery fluid containing proteins known as serous fluid." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651, ISBN:0721662544] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "serous cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0003687 xref: FMA:62511 is_a: CL:0000159 ! seromucus secreting cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000319 name: mucus secreting cell synonym: "mucous cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0003689 is_a: CL:0000159 ! seromucus secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0070254 ! mucus secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0070254 ! mucus secretion [Term] id: CL:0000325 name: stuff accumulating cell def: "A cell that is specialised to accumulate a particular substance(s)." [FB:ma] subset: ubprop:upper_level is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000327 name: extracellular matrix secreting cell is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell [Term] id: CL:0000329 name: oxygen accumulating cell is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0015671 ! oxygen transport relationship: capable_of GO:0015671 ! oxygen transport [Term] id: CL:0000333 name: migratory neural crest cell def: "A cell derived from the specialized ectoderm flanking each side of the embryonic neural plate, which after the closure of the neural tube, forms masses of cells that migrate out from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube to spread throughout the body." [MESH:A16.254.600] xref: FMA:86667 is_a: CL:0000219 ! motile cell is_a: CL:0011012 ! neural crest cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0007004 ! premigratory neural crest cell [Term] id: CL:0000335 name: mesenchyme condensation cell def: "A mesenchymal cell in embryonic development found in a contracting mass and that gives rise to osteoprogenitors." [GOC:tfm, PMID:5025404] is_a: CL:0008019 ! mesenchymal cell [Term] id: CL:0000339 name: glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) def: "An early neural cell developing from the early ependymal cell of the neural tube." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] synonym: "spongioblast" EXACT [] xref: FMA:70564 is_a: CL:0000030 ! glioblast is_a: CL:0000123 ! neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell [Term] id: CL:0000347 name: scleral cell def: "A cell of the sclera of the eye." [GOC:add] subset: eye_upper_slim is_a: CL:0000293 ! structural cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000293 ! structural cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001773 ! sclera relationship: develops_from CL:0000008 ! migratory cranial neural crest cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0001773 ! sclera [Term] id: CL:0000348 name: choroidal cell of the eye def: "A cell of the choroid of the eye." [GOC:add] def: "A structural cell that is part of optic choroid." [GOC:add] subset: eye_upper_slim is_a: CL:0000293 ! structural cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000293 ! structural cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001776 ! optic choroid relationship: develops_from CL:0000008 ! migratory cranial neural crest cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0001776 ! optic choroid [Term] id: CL:0000349 name: extraembryonic cell is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000478 ! extraembryonic structure relationship: part_of UBERON:0000478 ! extraembryonic structure [Term] id: CL:0000351 name: trophoblast cell def: "A cell lining the outside of the blastocyst. After binding to the endometrium, trophoblast cells develop into two distinct layers, an inner layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblast cells and an outer layer of continuous multinuclear cytoplasm, the syncytiotrophoblast cells, which form the early fetal-maternal interface." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D014327] synonym: "trophoblastic cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83028 is_a: CL:0000349 {is_inferred="true"} ! extraembryonic cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0000358 ! blastocyst [Term] id: CL:0000352 name: epiblast cell def: "A cell of the outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] is_a: CL:0000052 ! totipotent stem cell [Term] id: CL:0000353 name: blastoderm cell def: "An undifferentiated cell produced by early cleavages of the fertilized egg (zygote)." [MESH:D001756] synonym: "blastomere" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001473 xref: FMA:72551 is_a: CL:0000007 ! early embryonic cell (metazoa) [Term] id: CL:0000354 name: blastemal cell synonym: "blastema cell" EXACT [] xref: ncithesaurus:Blastemal_Cell is_a: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell [Term] id: CL:0000355 name: multi-potent skeletal muscle stem cell def: "A multifate stem cell found in skeletal muscle than can differentiate into many different cell types, including muscle. Distinct cell type from satellite cell." [PMID:18282570] comment: Multi-potency demonstrated ex vivo. At the time of writing, it is unclear whether the endogenous population differentiates into multiple cell types in vivo. xref: FMA:86767 is_a: CL:0000048 {is_inferred="true"} ! multi fate stem cell is_a: CL:0000188 ! cell of skeletal muscle intersection_of: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001134 ! skeletal muscle tissue [Term] id: CL:0000358 name: sphincter associated smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of a sphincter. A sphincter is a typically circular muscle that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage or orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning." [GOC:cjm] is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004590 ! sphincter muscle relationship: part_of UBERON:0004590 ! sphincter muscle [Term] id: CL:0000359 name: vascular associated smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell associated with the vasculature." [GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "vascular smooth muscle cell" EXACT [] synonym: "VSMC" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002049 ! vasculature relationship: part_of UBERON:0002049 ! vasculature property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000362 name: epidermal cell def: "An epithelial cell of the integument (the outer layer of an organism)." [Flybase:dsj, MA:ma] synonym: "cell of epidermis" EXACT [FMA:62411] synonym: "epithelial cell of skin" NARROW [FMA:62411] xref: BTO:0001470 xref: CALOHA:TS-0283 xref: FMA:62411 xref: MESH:D000078404 is_a: CL:0002159 ! general ecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007376 ! outer epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0007376 ! outer epithelium [Term] id: CL:0000365 name: animal zygote def: "Diploid cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and egg cell." [ISBN:0471245208] synonym: "zygote" BROAD [] xref: BTO:0000854 xref: EHDAA2:0004546 xref: FMA:72395 is_a: CL:0000007 ! early embryonic cell (metazoa) is_a: CL:0010017 ! zygote intersection_of: CL:0010017 ! zygote intersection_of: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa [Term] id: CL:0000377 name: tracheoblast is_a: CL:0000069 ! branched duct epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0000393 name: electrically responsive cell def: "A cell whose function is determined by its response to an electric signal." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000211 ! electrically active cell [Term] id: CL:0000397 name: ganglion interneuron is_a: CL:0000099 {is_inferred="true"} ! interneuron intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0000045 ! ganglion relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0000045 ! ganglion [Term] id: CL:0000402 name: CNS interneuron def: "An interneuron that has its cell body in a central nervous system." [doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-817424-1.00001-X] comment: Interneurons are commonly described as being only found in the central nervous system. However, in CL we define 'interneuron' more broadly as any neuron that is neither a motor neuron nor a sensory neuron, regardless of its location, so we need this term to refer strictly to interneurons of the central nervous system. subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000099 {is_inferred="true"} ! interneuron is_a: CL:0000117 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0001017 ! central nervous system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000404 name: electrically signaling cell def: "A cell that initiates an electrical signal and passes that signal to another cell." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000211 ! electrically active cell [Term] id: CL:0000408 name: male gamete xref: BTO:0001277 xref: CALOHA:TS-0949 is_a: CL:0000015 {is_inferred="true"} ! male germ cell is_a: CL:0000300 {is_inferred="true"} ! gamete is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000015 ! male germ cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0009566 ! fertilization intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001375 ! haploid [Term] id: CL:0000412 name: polyploid cell def: "A cell whose nucleus, or nuclei, each contain more than two haploid genomes." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000413 name: haploid cell def: "A cell whose nucleus contains a single haploid genome." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001375 ! haploid relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001375 ! haploid [Term] id: CL:0000417 name: endopolyploid cell is_a: CL:0000412 ! polyploid cell [Term] id: CL:0000447 name: carbohydrate secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell [Term] id: CL:0000451 name: dendritic cell def: "A cell of hematopoietic origin, typically resident in particular tissues, specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation. These cells are lineage negative (CD3-negative, CD19-negative, CD34-negative, and CD56-negative)." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "interdigitating cell" RELATED [] synonym: "veiled cell" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0002042 xref: CALOHA:TS-0194 xref: FMA:83036 xref: MESH:D003713 is_a: CL:0000145 ! professional antigen presenting cell is_a: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: capable_of GO:0001816 ! cytokine production intersection_of: capable_of GO:0002504 ! antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II intersection_of: capable_of GO:0019882 ! antigen processing and presentation intersection_of: capable_of GO:0045580 ! regulation of T cell differentiation intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001003 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD34 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001407 ! mononucleate intersection_of: has_part GO:0042613 ! MHC class II protein complex disjoint_from: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte relationship: capable_of GO:0001816 ! cytokine production relationship: capable_of GO:0045580 ! regulation of T cell differentiation relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001003 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD34 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: has_part GO:0042613 ! MHC class II protein complex property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000457 name: biogenic amine secreting cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell [Term] id: CL:0000458 name: serotonin secreting cell def: "A cell type that secretes 5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)." [GOC:tfm, PMID:19630576] synonym: "5-HT secreting cell" EXACT [] synonym: "5-Hydroxytryptamine secreting cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000457 ! biogenic amine secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0001820 ! serotonin secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0001820 ! serotonin secretion [Term] id: CL:0000459 name: noradrenergic cell def: "A cell capable of producting norepiniphrine. Norepiniphrine is a catecholamine with multiple roles including as a hormone and a neurotransmitter. In addition, epiniphrine is synthesized from norepiniphrine by the actions of the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase enzyme." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:068340007X] synonym: "noradrenaline secreting cell" EXACT [] synonym: "norepinephrin secreting cell" EXACT [] synonym: "norepinephrine secreting cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000457 ! biogenic amine secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048243 ! norepinephrine secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0048243 ! norepinephrine secretion [Term] id: CL:0000488 name: visible light photoreceptor cell def: "A photoreceptor cell that detects visible light." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000210 ! photoreceptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000210 ! photoreceptor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0009584 ! detection of visible light relationship: capable_of GO:0009584 ! detection of visible light [Term] id: CL:0000499 name: stromal cell def: "A connective tissue cell of an organ found in the loose connective tissue. These are most often associated with the uterine mucosa and the ovary as well as the hematopoietic system and elsewhere." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D017154] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0002064 xref: FMA:83624 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000502 name: type D enteroendocrine cell def: "A cell found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and in the pancreas. They secrete somatostatin in both an endocrine and paracrine manner. Somatostatin inhibits gastrin, cholecystokinin, insulin, glucagon, pancreatic enzymes, and gastric hydrochloric acid. A variety of substances which inhibit gastric acid secretion (vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, cholecystokinin, beta-adrenergic agonists, and gastric inhibitory peptide) are thought to act by releasing somatostatin." [MESH:D019864] synonym: "D cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:62935 is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000172 ! somatostatin secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000506 name: enkephalin secreting cell def: "An endorphine cell that secretes enkephalin." [GO:tfm] is_a: CL:0000507 ! endorphin secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000507 name: endorphin secreting cell def: "A peptide hormone secreting cell that secretes endorphin." [GO:tfm] is_a: CL:0000167 ! peptide hormone secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000508 name: type G enteroendocrine cell def: "An endocrine cell found in the pyloric gland mucosa (antral mucosa) of the stomach of mammals and responsible for the secretion of gastrin and enkephalin. Most abundant in pyloric antrum, pyramidal in form with a narrow apex bearing long microvilli." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651, MESH:D019863] synonym: "G cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004108 xref: FMA:67609 is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000506 ! enkephalin secreting cell is_a: CL:0000509 ! gastrin secreting cell is_a: CL:0002180 ! mucous cell of stomach relationship: part_of UBERON:0004997 ! mucosa of pyloric antrum [Term] id: CL:0000509 name: gastrin secreting cell def: "A peptide hormone secreting cell that secretes gastrin." [GO:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000167 ! peptide hormone secreting cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000511 name: androgen binding protein secreting cell def: "A peptide hormone secreting cell that secretes androgen binding protein." [GO:tfm] is_a: CL:0000154 ! protein secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000513 name: cardiac muscle myoblast def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into cardiac muscle cell." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D032386] synonym: "cardiac muscle progenitor cell" EXACT [] synonym: "cardiomyocyte progenitor cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84797 is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte is_a: CL:0010021 ! cardiac myoblast intersection_of: CL:0000056 ! myoblast intersection_of: develops_into CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001133 ! cardiac muscle tissue relationship: part_of UBERON:0001133 ! cardiac muscle tissue [Term] id: CL:0000514 name: smooth muscle myoblast def: "A precursor cell destined to differentiate into smooth muscle myocytes." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D032390] synonym: "myoblast, smooth muscle" EXACT [MESH:D032390] synonym: "satellite cell" RELATED [] xref: FMA:84798 is_a: CL:0000056 {is_inferred="true"} ! myoblast intersection_of: CL:0000056 ! myoblast intersection_of: develops_into CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell relationship: develops_into CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000515 name: skeletal muscle myoblast def: "A myoblast that differentiates into skeletal muscle fibers." [SANBI:mhl] synonym: "skeletal myoblast" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84799 is_a: CL:0000056 {is_inferred="true"} ! myoblast is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0000056 ! myoblast intersection_of: develops_into CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber relationship: develops_from CL:0000355 ! multi-potent skeletal muscle stem cell relationship: develops_into CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber [Term] id: CL:0000521 name: fungal cell is_a: CL:0000255 ! eukaryotic cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4751 ! Fungi disjoint_from: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4751 ! Fungi [Term] id: CL:0000525 name: syncytiotrophoblast cell def: "A cell from the outer syncytial layer of the trophoblast of an early mammalian embryo, directly associated with the maternal blood supply. It secretes hCG in order to maintain progesterone secretion and sustain a pregnancy." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "plasmidotrophoblast" EXACT [] synonym: "syncytial trophoblast" EXACT [] synonym: "syntrophoblast" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83043 is_a: CL:0000228 ! multinucleate cell is_a: CL:2000060 ! placental villous trophoblast intersection_of: CL:0000351 ! trophoblast cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000526 name: afferent neuron def: "A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery." [GOC:tfm, MESH:D009475] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "input neuron" EXACT [] xref: FMA:87653 is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000527 name: efferent neuron def: "A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells." [MESH:D009476] synonym: "output neuron" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000530 name: primary neuron is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000531 name: primary sensory neuron is_a: CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron is_a: CL:0000530 ! primary neuron intersection_of: CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron intersection_of: CL:0000530 ! primary neuron [Term] id: CL:0000540 name: neuron def: "The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system." [, MESH:D009474] comment: These cells are also reportedly CD4-negative and CD200-positive. They are also capable of producing CD40L and IFN-gamma. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "nerve cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000938 xref: CALOHA:TS-0683 xref: FBbt:00005106 xref: FMA:54527 xref: VHOG:0001483 xref: WBbt:0003679 is_a: CL:0000393 ! electrically responsive cell is_a: CL:0000404 ! electrically signaling cell is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell relationship: capable_of GO:0019226 ! transmission of nerve impulse relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 {gci_relation="in_taxon", gci_filler="NCBITaxon:7742", xref=""} ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000542 name: lymphocyte def: "A lymphocyte is a leukocyte commonly found in the blood and lymph that has the characteristics of a large nucleus, a neutral staining cytoplasm, and prominent heterochromatin." [GOC:add, ISBN:0683073696, ISBN:0781735149] comment: Editors note: consider adding taxon constraint to vertebrata (PMID:18025161) subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0000775 xref: CALOHA:TS-0583 xref: FMA:62863 xref: MESH:D008214 xref: VHOG:0001535 is_a: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001407 ! mononucleate intersection_of: has_part CL:0017500 ! neutrophillic cytoplasm intersection_of: has_part CL:0017505 ! increased nucleus size intersection_of: has_part GO:0000792 ! heterochromatin disjoint_from: CL:0000766 ! myeloid leukocyte relationship: develops_from CL:0000051 ! common lymphoid progenitor relationship: has_part CL:0017500 ! neutrophillic cytoplasm relationship: has_part CL:0017505 ! increased nucleus size relationship: has_part GO:0000792 ! heterochromatin property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000547 name: proerythroblast def: "An immature, nucleated erythrocyte occupying the stage of erythropoeisis that follows formation of erythroid progenitor cells. This cell is CD71-positive, has both a nucleus and a nucleolus, and lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers." [ISBN:0721601464, MESH:A11.118.290.350.200, PMID:1638021] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim synonym: "pronormoblast" RELATED [] synonym: "rubriblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] xref: FMA:83518 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000764 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroid lineage cell is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000764 ! erythroid lineage cell intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002505 ! nucleated intersection_of: has_part CL:0017503 ! basophilic cytoplasm intersection_of: has_part CL:0017505 ! increased nucleus size intersection_of: has_part GO:0005730 ! nucleolus intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: develops_from CL:0000038 ! erythroid progenitor cell relationship: has_part CL:0017503 ! basophilic cytoplasm relationship: has_part CL:0017505 ! increased nucleus size relationship: has_part GO:0005730 ! nucleolus relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 [Term] id: CL:0000548 name: animal cell def: "A native cell that is part of some Metazoa." [] subset: ubprop:upper_level synonym: "metazoan cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000255 ! eukaryotic cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa [Term] id: CL:0000549 name: basophilic erythroblast def: "A nucleated immature erythrocyte, having cytoplasm generally similar to that of the earlier proerythroblast but sometimes even more basophilic, and usually regular in outline. The nucleus is still relatively large, but the chromatin strands are thicker and more deeply staining, giving a coarser appearance; the nucleoli have disappeared. This cell is CD71-positive and lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "basophilic normoblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "early erythroblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "early normoblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "prorubricyte" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] xref: FMA:83505 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000765 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroblast is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000765 ! erythroblast intersection_of: has_part CL:0017503 ! basophilic cytoplasm intersection_of: has_part GO:0000792 ! heterochromatin intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 relationship: has_part CL:0017503 ! basophilic cytoplasm relationship: has_part GO:0000792 ! heterochromatin relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 [Term] id: CL:0000550 name: polychromatophilic erythroblast def: "A nucleated, immature erythrocyte in which the nucleus occupies a relatively smaller part of the cell than in its precursor, the basophilic erythroblast. The cytoplasm is beginning to acquire hemoglobin and thus is no longer a purely basophilic, but takes on acidophilic aspects, which becomes progressively more marked as the cell matures. The chromatin of the nucleus is arranged in coarse, deeply staining clumps. This cell is CD71-positive and lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers." [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "intermediate erythroblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "intermediate normoblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "polychromatic erythroblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "polychromatic normoblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "polychromatophilic normoblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "rubricyte" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] xref: FMA:83506 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000765 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroblast is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000765 ! erythroblast intersection_of: has_part CL:0017504 ! polychromatophilic cytoplasm intersection_of: has_part GO:0000792 ! heterochromatin intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 relationship: develops_from CL:0000549 ! basophilic erythroblast relationship: has_part CL:0017504 ! polychromatophilic cytoplasm relationship: has_part GO:0000792 ! heterochromatin relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 [Term] id: CL:0000552 name: orthochromatic erythroblast def: "The final stage of the nucleated, immature erythrocyte, before nuclear loss. Typically the cytoplasm is described as acidophilic, but it still shows a faint polychromatic tint. The nucleus is small and initially may still have coarse, clumped chromatin, as in its precursor, the polychromatophilic erythroblast, but ultimately it becomes pyknotic, and appears as a deeply staining, blue-black, homogeneous structureless mass. The nucleus is often eccentric and sometimes lobulated." [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "acidophilic erythroblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "eosinophilic erythroblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "late erythoblast" EXACT [] synonym: "orthochromatic normoblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "pyknotic eto enrythroblast" EXACT [ISBN:0721601464] xref: FMA:84646 is_a: CL:0000765 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroblast intersection_of: CL:0000765 ! erythroblast intersection_of: has_part CL:0017502 ! acidophilic cytoplasm intersection_of: participates_in GO:0030263 ! apoptotic chromosome condensation relationship: develops_from CL:0000550 ! polychromatophilic erythroblast relationship: has_part CL:0017502 ! acidophilic cytoplasm relationship: participates_in GO:0030263 ! apoptotic chromosome condensation [Term] id: CL:0000553 name: megakaryocyte progenitor cell def: "The earliest cytologically identifiable precursor in the thrombocytic series. This cell is capable of endomitosis and lacks expression of hematopoieitic lineage markers (lin-negative)." [GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721601464] comment: Lineage negative is described here as CD2-negative, CD3-negative, CD4-negative, CD5-negative, CD8a-negative, CD14-negative, CD19-negative, CD20-negative, CD56-negative, Ly6g-negative, and Ter119-negative. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "CFU-Meg" EXACT [PMID:11722431, PMID:12482498] synonym: "colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "Meg-CFC" EXACT [PMCID:PMC1794060] synonym: "megacaryoblast" EXACT [] synonym: "megacaryocyte progenitor cell" EXACT [] synonym: "megakaryoblast" EXACT [] synonym: "megakaryocytic progenitor cell" EXACT [PMID:12482498] synonym: "MkP" EXACT [PMID:21116988] synonym: "promegacaryocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "promegakaryocyte" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0001164 xref: CALOHA:TS-0610 xref: FMA:84235 xref: MESH:D055016 is_a: CL:0000763 ! myeloid cell is_a: CL:0000839 {is_inferred="true"} ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0000839 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0007113 ! endomitotic cell cycle intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030219 ! megakaryocyte differentiation intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) relationship: capable_of GO:0007113 ! endomitotic cell cycle relationship: capable_of GO:0030219 ! megakaryocyte differentiation relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) relationship: develops_from CL:0000050 ! megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000556 name: megakaryocyte def: "A large hematopoietic cell (50 to 100 micron) with a lobated nucleus. Once mature, this cell undergoes multiple rounds of endomitosis and cytoplasmic restructuring to allow platelet formation and release." [, ISBN:0721601464, MESH:D008533, PMID:31043076] comment: Megakaryocytes are reportedly CD181-positive and CD182-positive. subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "megacaryocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "megalocaryocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "megalokaryocyte" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000843 xref: CALOHA:TS-0611 xref: FMA:83555 is_a: CL:0000763 {is_inferred="true"} ! myeloid cell is_a: CL:4033018 {gci_relation="part_of", gci_filler="UBERON:0000114"} ! lung megakaryocyte disjoint_from: CL:0000764 ! erythroid lineage cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000553 ! megakaryocyte progenitor cell relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001393 ! euploid property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000558 name: reticulocyte def: "An immature erythrocyte that changes the protein composition of its plasma membrane by exosome formation and extrusion. The types of protein removed differ between species though removal of the transferrin receptor is apparent in mammals and birds." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm, PMID:15946868, PMID:2037622] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim xref: BTO:0001173 xref: CALOHA:TS-0864 xref: MESH:D012156 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000764 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroid lineage cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000764 ! erythroid lineage cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0071971 ! extracellular exosome assembly intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 relationship: capable_of GO:0071971 ! extracellular exosome assembly relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: develops_from CL:0000552 ! orthochromatic erythroblast relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 [Term] id: CL:0000562 name: nucleate erythrocyte def: "An erythrocyte having a nucleus." [GOC:add, GOc:tfm] synonym: "RBC" BROAD [] synonym: "red blood cell" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000232 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythrocyte is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell intersection_of: CL:0000232 ! erythrocyte intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002505 ! nucleated relationship: develops_from CL:0002421 ! nucleated reticulocyte [Term] id: CL:0000566 name: angioblastic mesenchymal cell def: "A mesenchymal stem cell capable of developing into blood vessel endothelium." [GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm, PMID:12768659] comment: These cells are reportedly CD31-positive, CD34-positive, CD144-positive, CD309-positive, and TAL1-positive. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "angioblast" EXACT [] synonym: "chondroplast" EXACT [] is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000134 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001444 ! cadherin-5 intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000002112 ! vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000016043 ! T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 relationship: develops_from CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001444 ! cadherin-5 relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000002112 ! vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000016043 ! T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000569 name: cardiac mesenchymal cell def: "A mesenchymal cell found in the developing heart and that develops into some part of the heart. These cells derive from intra- and extra-cardiac sources, including the endocardium, epicardium, neural crest, and second heart field." [PMID:18816864] is_a: CL:0008019 ! mesenchymal cell is_a: CL:2000073 ! migratory cardiac neural crest cell intersection_of: CL:0008019 ! mesenchymal cell intersection_of: develops_into CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte relationship: develops_into CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte [Term] id: CL:0000573 name: retinal cone cell def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types in the vertebrate retina. In cones the photopigment is in invaginations of the cell membrane of the outer segment. Cones are less sensitive to light than rods, but they provide vision with higher spatial and temporal acuity, and the combination of signals from cones with different pigments allows color vision." [MESH:D017949] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0001036 xref: CALOHA:TS-0866 xref: FMA:67748 is_a: CL:0010009 ! camera-type eye photoreceptor cell relationship: develops_from CL:0002672 ! retinal progenitor cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000575 name: corneal epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell of the cornea." [GOC:tfm] subset: eye_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "epithelial cell of cornea" EXACT [FMA:70551] xref: BTO:0004298 xref: CALOHA:TS-0173 xref: FMA:70551 is_a: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002159 ! general ecto-epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001772 ! corneal epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0001772 ! corneal epithelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000586 name: germ cell def: "The reproductive cell in multicellular organisms." [MESH:D005854] xref: BTO:0000535 xref: VHOG:0001534 xref: WBbt:0006796 is_a: CL:0000039 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ line cell relationship: capable_of_part_of GO:0009566 ! fertilization [Term] id: CL:0000593 name: androgen secreting cell def: "A steroid hormone secreting cell that secretes androgen." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000174 ! steroid hormone secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0035935 ! androgen secretion relationship: capable_of GO:0035935 ! androgen secretion [Term] id: CL:0000595 name: enucleate erythrocyte def: "An erythrocyte lacking a nucleus." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm] synonym: "RBC" BROAD [] synonym: "red blood cell" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000225 ! anucleate cell is_a: CL:0000232 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythrocyte intersection_of: CL:0000232 ! erythrocyte intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001405 ! anucleate relationship: develops_from CL:0002422 ! enucleated reticulocyte [Term] id: CL:0000604 name: retinal rod cell def: "One of the two photoreceptor cell types of the vertebrate retina. In rods the photopigment is in stacks of membranous disks separate from the outer cell membrane. Rods are more sensitive to light than cones, but rod mediated vision has less spatial and temporal resolution than cone vision." [MESH:D017948] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0001024 xref: CALOHA:TS-0870 xref: FMA:67747 is_a: CL:0010009 ! camera-type eye photoreceptor cell relationship: develops_from CL:0002672 ! retinal progenitor cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000622 name: acinar cell def: "A secretory cell that is grouped together with other cells of the same type to form grape shaped clusters known as acini (singular acinus)." [GOC:tfm,] synonym: "acinic cell" EXACT [] synonym: "acinous cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83625 xref: MESH:D061354 is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000154 ! protein secreting cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0009842 ! glandular acinus [Term] id: CL:0000630 name: supporting cell def: "A cell whose primary function is to support other cell types." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm] synonym: "supportive cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0002315 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell [Term] id: CL:0000656 name: primary spermatocyte def: "A diploid cell that has derived from a spermatogonium and can subsequently begin meiosis and divide into two haploid secondary spermatocytes." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] xref: BTO:0001115 xref: CALOHA:TS-2194 xref: FMA:72292 is_a: CL:0000017 {is_inferred="true"} ! spermatocyte intersection_of: CL:0000017 ! spermatocyte intersection_of: capable_of GO:0007140 ! male meiotic nuclear division intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001394 ! diploid relationship: capable_of GO:0007140 ! male meiotic nuclear division relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001394 ! diploid [Term] id: CL:0000657 name: secondary spermatocyte def: "One of the two haploid cells into which a primary spermatocyte divides, and which in turn gives origin to spermatids." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] xref: BTO:0000709 xref: CALOHA:TS-2195 xref: FBbt:00004941 xref: FMA:72293 is_a: CL:0000017 {is_inferred="true"} ! spermatocyte is_a: CL:0000413 ! haploid cell intersection_of: CL:0000017 ! spermatocyte intersection_of: capable_of GO:0007142 ! male meiosis II intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001375 ! haploid relationship: capable_of GO:0007142 ! male meiosis II relationship: develops_from CL:0000656 ! primary spermatocyte [Term] id: CL:0000667 name: collagen secreting cell def: "An extracellular matrix secreting cell that secretes collagen." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000670 name: primordial germ cell def: "A primordial germ cell is a diploid germ cell precursors that transiently exist in the embryo before they enter into close association with the somatic cells of the gonad and become irreversibly committed as germ cells." [GOC:tfm, PMID:1381289] synonym: "gonocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "primitive germ cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:70567 is_a: CL:0000039 {is_inferred="true"} ! germ line cell is_a: CL:0000219 {is_inferred="true"} ! motile cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000039 ! germ line cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048870 ! cell motility intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000922 ! embryo relationship: part_of UBERON:0000922 ! embryo [Term] id: CL:0000675 name: female gamete def: "A mature sexual reproductive cell of the female germline." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000021 {is_inferred="true"} ! female germ cell is_a: CL:0000300 ! gamete [Term] id: CL:0000680 name: muscle precursor cell def: "A non-terminally differentiated cell that is capable of developing into a muscle cell." [GOC:add] is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0011115 ! precursor cell intersection_of: develops_into CL:0000187 ! muscle cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000222 ! mesodermal cell relationship: develops_into CL:0000187 ! muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000696 name: PP cell def: "A cell that stores and secretes pancreatic polypeptide hormone." [GOC:tfm, JB:jb, PMID:15153415] synonym: "type F enteroendocrine cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:62938 xref: FMA:83409 is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000167 ! peptide hormone secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000710 name: neurecto-epithelial cell def: "Epithelial cells derived from neural plate and neural crest." [GOC:tfm] comment: The term "neuroepithelial cell" is used to describe both this cell type and sensory epithelial cell (CL:0000098). synonym: "neuroepithelial cell" BROAD [] xref: BTO:0004301 xref: FMA:70557 is_a: CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002077 ! ecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002077 ! ecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell relationship: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell [Term] id: CL:0000723 name: somatic stem cell def: "A stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line." [GO:0048103] xref: CALOHA:TS-2086 xref: FMA:63368 xref: MESH:D053687 is_a: CL:0000034 {is_inferred="true"} ! stem cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0000034 ! stem cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0048103 ! somatic stem cell division relationship: capable_of GO:0048103 ! somatic stem cell division [Term] id: CL:0000737 name: striated muscle cell def: "Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments organized into sarcomeres." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] xref: BTO:0002916 xref: CALOHA:TS-2157 xref: FMA:86936 is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001410 ! striated intersection_of: has_part GO:0030017 ! sarcomere disjoint_from: CL:0008000 ! non-striated muscle cell relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001410 ! striated relationship: has_part GO:0030017 ! sarcomere [Term] id: CL:0000738 name: leukocyte def: "An achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages capable of ameboid movement, found in blood or other tissue." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm, ISBN:978-0-323-05290-0] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "immune cell" RELATED [] synonym: "leucocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "white blood cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000751 xref: CALOHA:TS-0549 xref: FMA:62852 xref: MESH:D007962 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000219 ! motile cell is_a: CL:0000988 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic cell is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0001667 ! ameboidal-type cell migration intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002505 ! nucleated relationship: capable_of GO:0001667 ! ameboidal-type cell migration relationship: develops_from CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:7742 ! Vertebrata relationship: part_of UBERON:0002405 ! immune system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000740 name: retinal ganglion cell def: "The set of neurons that receives neural inputs via bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells. The axons of these cells make up the optic nerve." [GOC:dph] subset: eye_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "gangliocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "ganglion cell of retina" EXACT [] synonym: "RGC" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001800 xref: FMA:67765 xref: MESH:D012165 is_a: CL:0000117 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0000966 ! retina property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000746 name: cardiac muscle cell alt_id: FMA:83808 def: "Cardiac muscle cells are striated muscle cells that are responsible for heart contraction. In mammals, the contractile fiber resembles those of skeletal muscle but are only one third as large in diameter, are richer in sarcoplasm, and contain centrally located instead of peripheral nuclei." [GOC:mtg_cardiacconduct_nov11, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908, PMID:22426062, PMID:4711263] comment: This class encompasses the muscle cells responsible for heart* contraction in both vertebrates and arthropods. The ultrastucture of a wide range of arthropod heart cells has been examined including spiders, horseshoe crabs, crustaceans (see Sherman, 1973 and refs therein) and insects (see Lehmacher et al (2012) and refs therein). According to these refs, the cells participating in heart contraction in all cases are transversely striated. Insects hearts additionally contain ostial cells, also transversely striated muscle cells, but which do not participate in heart contraction. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "cardiac muscle fiber" EXACT [GO:0048739] synonym: "cardiac myocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "cardiocyte" BROAD [] synonym: "cardiomyocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "heart muscle cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001539 xref: CALOHA:TS-0115 xref: FMA:14067 xref: MESH:D032383 is_a: CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 ! transversely striated intersection_of: has_part GO:0030017 ! sarcomere intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007100 ! primary circulatory organ intersection_of: participates_in GO:0060047 ! heart contraction relationship: develops_from CL:0000513 ! cardiac muscle myoblast relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 ! transversely striated relationship: participates_in GO:0060047 ! heart contraction property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000763 name: myeloid cell def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, mast cell, megakaryocyte, or erythroid lineage." [GOC:add] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0001441 xref: CALOHA:TS-0647 xref: MESH:D022423 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000988 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000049 ! common myeloid progenitor relationship: develops_from CL:0000049 ! common myeloid progenitor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000764 name: erythroid lineage cell def: "A immature or mature cell in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm] comment: Note that in FMA erythropoietic cells are types of nucleated erythrocytes and thus don't include erythrocytes. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "erythropoietic cell" EXACT [] xref: CALOHA:TS-0290 xref: FMA:62845 xref: FMA:83516 is_a: CL:0000763 ! myeloid cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000765 name: erythroblast def: "A nucleated precursor of an erythrocyte that lacks hematopoietic lineage markers." [GOC:add, ISBN:0721601464, PMID:18174176] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim synonym: "normoblast" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001571 xref: CALOHA:TS-0289 xref: FMA:83504 xref: MESH:D004900 is_a: CL:0000764 {is_inferred="true"} ! erythroid lineage cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0000764 ! erythroid lineage cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030218 ! erythrocyte differentiation intersection_of: CL:4030045 GO:0005730 ! lacks_part nucleolus intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: has_part GO:0005634 ! nucleus relationship: capable_of GO:0030218 ! erythrocyte differentiation relationship: CL:4030045 GO:0005730 ! lacks_part nucleolus relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: develops_from CL:0000547 ! proerythroblast relationship: has_part GO:0005634 ! nucleus [Term] id: CL:0000766 name: myeloid leukocyte def: "A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, or mast cell lineage." [GOC:add] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000738 {is_inferred="true"} ! leukocyte is_a: CL:0000763 ! myeloid cell intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000049 ! common myeloid progenitor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000827 name: pro-T cell def: "A lymphoid progenitor cell of the T cell lineage, with some lineage specific marker expression, but not yet fully committed to the T cell lineage." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149] synonym: "DN1 cell" NARROW [] synonym: "DN1 thymocyte" NARROW [] synonym: "pro-T lymphocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "progenitor T cell" EXACT [] synonym: "TN1 cell" NARROW [] is_a: CL:0000838 {is_inferred="true"} ! lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0000838 ! lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030217 ! T cell differentiation relationship: capable_of GO:0030217 ! T cell differentiation relationship: develops_from CL:0000051 ! common lymphoid progenitor [Term] id: CL:0000837 name: hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell def: "A hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell is multipotent, but not capable of long-term self-renewal. These cells are characterized as lacking lineage cell surface markers and being CD34-positive in both mice and humans." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm, PMID:19022770] comment: Markers differ between mouse and human. subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "hemopoietic progenitor cell" EXACT [] synonym: "MPP" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000725 xref: CALOHA:TS-0448 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0008001 ! hematopoietic precursor cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001869 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001402 ! multipotent intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001003 ! CD34 molecule disjoint_from: CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001869 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) relationship: develops_from CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001402 ! multipotent relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001003 ! CD34 molecule property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0000838 name: lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell def: "A progenitor cell restricted to the lymphoid lineage." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm] comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type. synonym: "lymphoid progenitor cell" BROAD [] xref: BTO:0004731 xref: CALOHA:TS-2025 xref: FMA:70338 is_a: CL:0002031 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0002031 ! hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030098 ! lymphocyte differentiation disjoint_from: CL:0000839 ! myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell relationship: capable_of GO:0030098 ! lymphocyte differentiation [Term] id: CL:0000839 name: myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell def: "A progenitor cell restricted to the myeloid lineage." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm, PMID:19022770] comment: Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type. synonym: "myeloid progenitor cell" BROAD [] xref: BTO:0004730 xref: CALOHA:TS-2099 xref: FMA:70339 is_a: CL:0002031 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0002031 ! hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030099 ! myeloid cell differentiation relationship: capable_of GO:0030099 ! myeloid cell differentiation [Term] id: CL:0000842 name: mononuclear cell def: "A leukocyte with a single non-segmented nucleus in the mature form." [GOC:add] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim synonym: "mononuclear leukocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "peripheral blood mononuclear cell" NARROW [] xref: BTO:0000878 xref: CALOHA:TS-0768 xref: FMA:86713 is_a: CL:0000226 ! single nucleate cell is_a: CL:0000738 {is_inferred="true"} ! leukocyte intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001407 ! mononucleate [Term] id: CL:0000847 name: ciliated olfactory receptor neuron def: "An olfactory receptor cell in which the apical ending of the dendrite is a pronounced ciliated olfactory knob." [PMID:16841163] synonym: "ciliated olfactory sensory neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "ciliated sensory neuron" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell is_a: CL:0000207 ! olfactory receptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000207 ! olfactory receptor cell intersection_of: has_part GO:0005929 ! cilium [Term] id: CL:0000850 name: serotonergic neuron def: "A neuron that releases serotonin as a neurotransmitter." [SANBI:mhl] synonym: "5-HT neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "5-hydroxytryptamine neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "serotinergic neuron" RELATED [] xref: FBbt:00005133 xref: MESH:D059326 xref: WBbt:0006837 is_a: CL:0000458 ! serotonin secreting cell is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0060096 ! serotonin secretion, neurotransmission relationship: capable_of GO:0060096 ! serotonin secretion, neurotransmission [Term] id: CL:0000988 name: hematopoietic cell def: "A cell of a hematopoietic lineage." [GO_REF:0000031, GOC:add] synonym: "haematopoietic cell" EXACT [] synonym: "haemopoietic cell" EXACT [] synonym: "hemopoietic cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000574 xref: CALOHA:TS-2017 xref: FMA:70366 xref: FMA:83598 is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0001035 name: bone cell def: "A connective tissue cell found in bone." [GO_REF:0000034, GOC:add] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000548 {is_inferred="true"} ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001474 ! bone element relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001474 ! bone element property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-11-16T04:28:16Z [Term] id: CL:0001060 name: hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell, lineage-negative def: "A hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell that has the ability to differentiate into limited cell types but lacks lineage cell markers and self renewal capabilities. Cell lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers." [GOC:tfm, PMID:19022770] is_a: CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001401 ! oligopotent relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002981 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-01-06T03:43:27Z [Term] id: CL:0001066 name: erythroid progenitor cell, mammalian def: "A progenitor cell committed to the erythroid lineage. This cell is ter119-positive but lacks expression of other hematopoietic lineage markers (lin-negative)." [GOC:add, ISBN:0721601464] synonym: "BFU-E" RELATED [] synonym: "blast forming unit erythroid" RELATED [] synonym: "burst forming unit erythroid" RELATED [] synonym: "CFU-E" RELATED [] synonym: "colony forming unit erythroid" RELATED [] synonym: "erythroid stem cell" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0004911 is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000038 ! erythroid progenitor cell is_a: PR:000050567 ! protein-containing material entity intersection_of: CL:0000038 ! erythroid progenitor cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030218 ! erythrocyte differentiation intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule intersection_of: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G intersection_of: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 relationship: capable_of GO:0030218 ! erythrocyte differentiation relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001002 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD19 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001004 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD4 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001012 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part integrin alpha-M relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001020 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD3 epsilon relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001024 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part neural cell adhesion molecule 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001083 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD2 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001084 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001289 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001839 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000001889 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part CD14 molecule relationship: CL:4030046 PR:000002978 ! lacks_plasma_membrane_part lymphocyte antigen 6G relationship: has_plasma_membrane_part PR:000001945 ! transferrin receptor protein 1 [Term] id: CL:0002031 name: hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell def: "A hematopoietic progenitor cell that is capable of developing into only one lineage of hematopoietic cells." [GOC:tfm, PMID:19022770] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0008001 ! hematopoietic precursor cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001400 ! unipotent disjoint_from: CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0002032 ! hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001400 ! unipotent creation_date: 2010-01-06T03:43:20Z [Term] id: CL:0002032 name: hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell def: "A hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell that has the ability to differentiate into limited cell types but lacks lineage cell markers and self renewal capabilities." [GOC:tfm,, PMID:19022770] comment: This cell type is intended to be compatible with any vertebrate hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell. For mammalian hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cells known to be lineage-negative, please use the term 'hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell' (CL_0001060). subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0008001 ! hematopoietic precursor cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001401 ! oligopotent relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000837 ! hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0001401 ! oligopotent creation_date: 2010-01-06T03:43:27Z [Term] id: CL:0002064 name: pancreatic acinar cell def: "A secretory cell found in pancreatic acini that secretes digestive enzymes and mucins. This cell is a typical zymogenic cell, have a basal nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm consisting of regular arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum with mitochondria and dense secretory granules." [GOC:tfm,, ISBN:0517223651, PMID:20395539] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "acinar cell of pancreas" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000028 xref: CALOHA:TS-0737 xref: FMA:63032 is_a: CL:0000622 {is_inferred="true"} ! acinar cell is_a: CL:1001599 ! pancreas exocrine glandular cell intersection_of: CL:0000622 ! acinar cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001263 ! pancreatic acinus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_part GO:0042589 ! zymogen granule membrane relationship: part_of UBERON:0001263 ! pancreatic acinus property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-06-24T03:16:29Z [Term] id: CL:0002067 name: type A enteroendocrine cell def: "An enteroendocrine cell that produces glucagon." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0412046911] xref: FMA:62939 is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000170 ! glucagon secreting cell intersection_of: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0070091 ! glucagon secretion relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-10T10:48:54Z [Term] id: CL:0002068 name: Purkinje myocyte def: "Specialized cardiac myocyte that is subendocardially interspersed with the regular cardiac muscle cell. They are uninucleate cylindrical cells, associated end-to-end in long rows, continue from the node to the atrioventricular bundle; relatively short compared to ordinary myocytes but are nearly twice their diameter." [FMA:0412046911, GOC:tfm, PMID:19939742] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "myocytus conducens cardiacus" EXACT [] synonym: "Purkinje cell fiber" EXACT [] synonym: "Purkinje muscle cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001032 xref: FMA:14146 is_a: CL:0002086 ! specialized cardiac myocyte relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-06-28T08:36:15Z [Term] id: CL:0002072 name: nodal myocyte def: "A specialized cardiac myocyte in the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes. The cell is slender and fusiform confined to the nodal center, circumferentially arranged around the nodal artery." [FMA:67101, GOC:tfm] synonym: "cardiac pacemaker cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] synonym: "myocytus nodalis" EXACT [] synonym: "P cell" EXACT [] synonym: "pacemaker cell" BROAD [] xref: BTO:0004190 xref: FMA:67101 is_a: CL:0002086 ! specialized cardiac myocyte relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-06-29T11:41:37Z [Term] id: CL:0002073 name: transitional myocyte def: "Specialized cardiac myocyte which is in the internodal tract and atrioventricular node. The cell is more slender than ordinary atrial myocytes and has more myofibrils than nodal myocytes." [FMA:67142, GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:67142 is_a: CL:0002086 ! specialized cardiac myocyte relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-06-29T02:39:32Z [Term] id: CL:0002074 name: myocardial endocrine cell def: "The myoendocrine cellis a specialized myocyte localized mainly in the right and left atrial appendages, and also scattered within other areas of the atria and along the conductive system in the ventricular septum. The most conspicuous feature distinguishing myoendocrine cells from other atrial myoctyes is the presence of membane-bounded secretory granules (these granules contain precursor of cardiodilatins or atrial natriuretic polypeptides)." [FMA:67111, GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:67111 is_a: CL:0000163 ! endocrine cell is_a: CL:0002086 ! specialized cardiac myocyte relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-06-29T11:50:47Z [Term] id: CL:0002076 name: endo-epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell derived from endoderm." [FMA:69075, GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:69075 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000223 ! endodermal cell creation_date: 2010-06-29T03:38:14Z [Term] id: CL:0002077 name: ecto-epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell derived from ectoderm." [FMA:69074, GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:69074 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000221 ! ectodermal cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000221 ! ectodermal cell creation_date: 2010-06-29T03:38:22Z [Term] id: CL:0002078 name: meso-epithelial cell def: "Epithelial cell derived from mesoderm or mesenchyme." [FMA:69076, GOC:tfm] synonym: "epithelial mesenchymal cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:69076 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000222 ! mesodermal cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000222 ! mesodermal cell creation_date: 2010-06-29T03:49:14Z [Term] id: CL:0002079 name: pancreatic ductal cell def: "Epithelial cell found in the ducts of the pancreas. This cell type contributes to the high luminal pH." [FMA:63099, GOC:tfm, PMID:14740223] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:63099 is_a: CL:0000069 ! branched duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:1001433 ! epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas intersection_of: CL:0000083 ! epithelial cell of pancreas intersection_of: capable_of GO:0015106 ! bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001064 ! ventral pancreatic duct relationship: capable_of GO:0015106 ! bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001064 ! ventral pancreatic duct property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-06-30T08:49:43Z [Term] id: CL:0002080 name: pancreatic centro-acinar cell def: "A cubodial epithelial cell that is continuous with the lining of intercalated ducts that drain the acinus. This cell type secretes a high pH solution to aid in activation of zymogens, and can differentiate into endocrine and exocrine pancreatic cell types." [GOC:tfm, PMID:12142741, PMID:20018761, PMID:8185160] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "centroacinar cell of Langerhans" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic centroacinar cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:62455 is_a: CL:1001433 ! epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas intersection_of: CL:0000083 ! epithelial cell of pancreas intersection_of: capable_of GO:0015106 ! bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001263 ! pancreatic acinus relationship: capable_of GO:0015106 ! bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001263 ! pancreatic acinus property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-06-30T08:49:52Z [Term] id: CL:0002086 name: specialized cardiac myocyte def: "A cardiac myocyte that is an excitable cells in the myocardium, specifically in the conducting system of heart." [FMA:67968, GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:67968 is_a: CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-07-21T01:33:38Z [Term] id: CL:0002087 name: nongranular leukocyte def: "A leukocyte that lacks granules." [GOC:tfm] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim synonym: "agranular leukocyte" EXACT [] xref: FMA:62855 is_a: CL:0000738 {is_inferred="true"} ! leukocyte intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: CL:4030045 GO:0030141 ! lacks_part secretory granule relationship: CL:4030045 GO:0030141 ! lacks_part secretory granule relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-07-22T11:30:33Z [Term] id: CL:0002088 name: interstitial cell of Cajal def: "This is a cell found in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals and serves as a pacemaker that triggers gut contraction. ICCs mediate inputs from the enteric nervous system to smooth muscle cells and are thought to be the cells from which gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) arise." [GOC:tfm, PMID:16460275, PMID:19520112] comment: Some argue this cell type is of mesenchymal origin. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "ICC" EXACT [] synonym: "intestinal pacemaker cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] xref: BTO:0003914 xref: FMA:86573 is_a: CL:0000710 {is_inferred="true"} ! neurecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000710 ! neurecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0043134 ! regulation of hindgut contraction relationship: capable_of GO:0043134 ! regulation of hindgut contraction relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-07-22T03:26:00Z [Term] id: CL:0002092 name: bone marrow cell def: "A cell found in the bone marrow. This can include fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, endothelial cells and hematopoietic cells." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] comment: MH consider whether bone marrow cells are bone cells in the structural sense vs. being part of bone organ sense. xref: BTO:0004850 xref: FMA:83621 xref: MESH:D001854 is_a: CL:0001035 {is_inferred="true"} ! bone cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0001035 ! bone cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow creation_date: 2010-07-22T04:48:15Z [Term] id: CL:0002095 name: hilus cell of ovary def: "A cell in the hilum of the ovary that produces androgens." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:068340007X] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "hilar cell of ovary" EXACT [] xref: FMA:18710 is_a: CL:0000593 ! androgen secreting cell is_a: CL:0002132 ! stromal cell of ovary relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-08-23T11:18:18Z [Term] id: CL:0002132 name: stromal cell of ovary def: "A stomal cell of the ovary" [GOC:tfm] synonym: "ovarian stromal cell" EXACT [GOC:cjm] xref: FMA:72299 is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary creation_date: 2010-08-23T12:10:31Z [Term] id: CL:0002139 name: endothelial cell of vascular tree def: "An endothelial cell of the vascular tree, which includes blood vessels and lymphatic vessels." [GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm, PMID:12768659] comment: These cells are reportedly CD31-positive, CD34-positive, CD144-positive, TAL1-positive. synonym: "cubodial endothelial cell of vascular tree" NARROW [] synonym: "vascular endothelial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001854 xref: CALOHA:TS-1106 xref: FMA:67755 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-08-24T02:06:40Z [Term] id: CL:0002144 name: capillary endothelial cell def: "An endothelial cell found in capillaries." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0004956 xref: CALOHA:TS-0112 xref: FMA:67756 is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001915 ! endothelium of capillary relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001915 ! endothelium of capillary property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-08-24T10:15:00Z [Term] id: CL:0002145 name: ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree def: "A ciliated columnar cell found in the trachea and bronchus. Vary from low to tall columnar; possesses up to 300 cilia at its surface, interspersed with long irregular microvilli with the cilia varying in length from about 6um in the trachea to about 4um in the terminal bronchioles; driving force of the ciliary current in the bronchial tree." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:70542 is_a: CL:0002202 ! epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree is_a: CL:0005012 ! multi-ciliated epithelial cell is_a: CL:4030034 ! respiratory ciliated cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0002209 ! intermediate epitheliocyte property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-08-24T03:38:29Z [Term] id: CL:0002148 name: dental pulp cell def: "A cell found within the dental pulp." [GOC:tfm, PMID:36267574] xref: CALOHA:TS-0195 xref: FMA:87170 is_a: CL:0002159 ! general ecto-epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0002159 ! general ecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001754 ! dental pulp relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001754 ! dental pulp creation_date: 2010-08-24T02:52:09Z [Term] id: CL:0002149 name: epithelial cell of uterus def: "An epithelial cell of the uterus." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:256161 is_a: CL:0002076 {is_inferred="true"} ! endo-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002076 ! endo-epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000995 ! uterus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000995 ! uterus creation_date: 2010-08-24T10:45:54Z [Term] id: CL:0002159 name: general ecto-epithelial cell def: "Epithelial cells derived from general body ectoderm and ectoderm placodes." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:70556 is_a: CL:0002077 ! ecto-epithelial cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-08-26T08:31:08Z [Term] id: CL:0002166 name: epithelial cell of Malassez def: "An epithelial cell that remains from the disintegration of the epithelial root sheath involved in the development of teeth." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651, ISBN:0815129521] synonym: "epithelial cell rests of Malassez" EXACT [] synonym: "epithelial debris of Malassez" EXACT [] xref: FMA:62987 is_a: CL:0002159 {is_inferred="true"} ! general ecto-epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002251 ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0011595 ! jaw region creation_date: 2010-08-26T08:51:27Z [Term] id: CL:0002167 name: olfactory epithelial cell def: "A specialized cell involved in sensory perception of smell." [GOC:tfm, PMID:7143026] xref: FMA:67870 is_a: CL:0000098 ! sensory epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000206 ! chemoreceptor cell is_a: CL:0000710 ! neurecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050911 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell relationship: capable_of GO:0050911 ! detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-08-26T01:47:13Z [Term] id: CL:0002178 name: epithelial cell of stomach def: "An epithelial cell found in the lining of the stomach." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:62948 is_a: CL:0002251 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000945 ! stomach relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000945 ! stomach creation_date: 2010-08-25T03:22:08Z [Term] id: CL:0002180 name: mucous cell of stomach def: "A mucous cell in the epithelium of the stomach." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:63464 is_a: CL:0002659 ! glandular cell of stomach intersection_of: CL:0002178 ! epithelial cell of stomach intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001199 ! mucosa of stomach relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001199 ! mucosa of stomach creation_date: 2010-08-25T03:38:51Z [Term] id: CL:0002183 name: stem cell of gastric gland def: "A stomach epithelial cell that is olumnar in form with a few short apical microvilli; relatively undifferentiated mitotic cell from which other types of gland are derived; few in number, situated in the isthmus region of the gland and base of the gastric pit." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651] xref: FMA:62953 is_a: CL:0000048 {is_inferred="true"} ! multi fate stem cell is_a: CL:0000152 ! exocrine cell is_a: CL:0002180 ! mucous cell of stomach intersection_of: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000325 ! gastric gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000325 ! gastric gland creation_date: 2010-08-25T03:57:08Z [Term] id: CL:0002195 name: hepatic stem cell def: "A stem cell that can give rise to the cells of the liver. The term usually refers to the self-renewing pool of hepatocyte precursors in the adult liver (differently from 'hepatoblast', often used for fetal precursors of hepatocytes)." [GOC:tfm, PMID:26798363] synonym: "HpSC" EXACT abbreviation [PMID:18442648] xref: FMA:86577 is_a: CL:0000048 {is_inferred="true"} ! multi fate stem cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002107 ! liver relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002107 ! liver property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string creation_date: 2010-08-30T02:00:42Z [Term] id: CL:0002202 name: epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree def: "An epithelial cell of the tracheobronchial tree." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:66816 is_a: CL:0002632 ! epithelial cell of lower respiratory tract intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-02T02:09:14Z [Term] id: CL:0002209 name: intermediate epitheliocyte def: "An epithelial cell present in the trachea and bronchi; columnar in shape; generally lack cilia; immature forms of ciliated or secretory cells which have been formed from stem cells." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0517223651] synonym: "undifferentiated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree" EXACT [] xref: FMA:69060 is_a: CL:0002202 ! epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-02T02:53:59Z [Term] id: CL:0002222 name: vertebrate lens cell def: "A cell comprising the transparent, biconvex body separating the posterior chamber and vitreous body, and constituting part of the refracting mechanism of the mammalian eye." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] subset: eye_upper_slim xref: FMA:70950 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000306 ! crystallin accumulating cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000965 ! lens of camera-type eye creation_date: 2010-09-07T10:38:03Z [Term] id: CL:0002224 name: lens epithelial cell def: "A cell of the cuboidal epithelium that covers the lens. The cells of the lens epithelium regulate most of the homeostatic functions of the lens. As ions, nutrients, and liquid enter the lens from the aqueous humor, Na+/K+ ATPase pumps in the lens epithelial cells pump ions out of the lens to maintain appropriate lens osmolarity and volume, with equatorially positioned lens epithelium cells contributing most to this current. The activity of the Na+/K+ ATPases keeps water and current flowing through the lens from the poles and exiting through the equatorial regions. The cells of the lens epithelium also serve as the progenitors for new lens fibers. It constantly lays down fibers in the embryo, fetus, infant, and adult, and continues to lay down fibers for lifelong growth." [GOC:tfm,, ISBN:0721662544] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:67559 is_a: CL:0000075 {is_inferred="true"} ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002222 ! vertebrate lens cell intersection_of: CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001803 ! epithelium of lens relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001803 ! epithelium of lens property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-07T10:45:47Z [Term] id: CL:0002240 name: marrow fibroblast def: "A fibroblast in the bone marrow." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:84377 is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: CL:0002092 ! bone marrow cell intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-07T02:25:18Z [Term] id: CL:0002241 name: pulmonary interstitial fibroblast def: "A fibroblasts found in interstitial spaces in the pulmonary tract. Greater numbers of these cells are found in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "pulmonary myofibroblast" EXACT [] synonym: "pulmonary septal cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84467 is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast is_a: CL:4030031 ! interstitial cell intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001004 ! respiratory system intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005169 ! interstitial tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001004 ! respiratory system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-07T02:29:38Z [Term] id: CL:0002242 name: nucleate cell def: "A cell containing at least one nucleus." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:67513 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002505 ! nucleated relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002505 ! nucleated creation_date: 2010-09-07T03:32:33Z [Term] id: CL:0002243 name: smooth muscle cell of sphincter of pupil def: "A circular smooth muscle cell of the iris, innervated by the ciliary nerves (parasympathetic), and acting to contract the pupil. This muscle cell derives from neuroectoderm. This smooth muscle cell results from transformation of epithelial cells to smooth muscle cells." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544, ISBN:0721694128] synonym: "smooth muscle fiber of sphincter of pupil" EXACT [] synonym: "smooth muscle fibre of sphincter of pupil" RELATED [] xref: FMA:70611 is_a: CL:0000358 {is_inferred="true"} ! sphincter associated smooth muscle cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001607 ! sphincter pupillae relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0001607 ! sphincter pupillae creation_date: 2010-09-08T08:53:42Z [Term] id: CL:0002246 name: peripheral blood stem cell def: "A hematopoeitic stem cell found in the blood. Normally found in very limited numbers in the peripheral circulation (less than 0.1% of all nucleated cells)." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "PBSC" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0002669 xref: FMA:86711 xref: MESH:D000072916 is_a: CL:0000037 {is_inferred="true"} ! hematopoietic stem cell is_a: CL:0000080 ! circulating cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000178 ! blood relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000178 ! blood creation_date: 2010-09-07T03:57:09Z [Term] id: CL:0002251 name: epithelial cell of alimentary canal def: "An epithelial cell of the musculomembranous digestive tube extending from the mouth to the anus." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] is_a: CL:0002076 ! endo-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001555 ! digestive tract relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001555 ! digestive tract creation_date: 2010-09-08T09:26:53Z [Term] id: CL:0002252 name: epithelial cell of esophagus def: "An epithelial cell of the esophagus." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:63071 is_a: CL:0002251 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001043 ! esophagus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001043 ! esophagus creation_date: 2010-09-08T09:28:20Z [Term] id: CL:0002253 name: epithelial cell of large intestine def: "An epithelial cell of the large intestine." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "epithelial cell of colon" RELATED [] xref: BTO:0004297 xref: FMA:256157 is_a: CL:0002563 {is_inferred="true"} ! intestinal epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002563 ! intestinal epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000059 ! large intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000059 ! large intestine creation_date: 2010-09-08T09:28:22Z [Term] id: CL:0002254 name: epithelial cell of small intestine def: "An epithelial cell of the small intestine." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:256159 is_a: CL:0002563 {is_inferred="true"} ! intestinal epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002563 ! intestinal epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine creation_date: 2010-09-08T09:41:46Z [Term] id: CL:0002255 name: stromal cell of endometrium def: "A stromal cell of the endometrium that is fibroblastic in appearance. During decidualization this cell may differentiate into a decidual stromal cell." [, PMID:11331626, PMID:30013421, PMID:30309298, Wiki:Decidualization&oldid=908981933#Endometrial_stromal_cells_(ESCs)] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endometrial stromal cell" EXACT [] synonym: "endometrial stromal fibroblast" EXACT [PMID:30309298] xref: CALOHA:TS-1266 xref: FMA:86490 is_a: CL:0000499 {is_inferred="true"} ! stromal cell intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001295 ! endometrium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_potential_to_directly_develop_into CL:2000002 ! decidual cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0002337 ! endometrial stroma property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-08T09:50:04Z [Term] id: CL:0002262 name: endothelial cell of sinusoid def: "An endothelial cell that lines any of the venous cavities through which blood passes in various glands and organs such as the spleen and liver." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:63134 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003909 ! sinusoid relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0003909 ! sinusoid property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-14T10:57:26Z [Term] id: CL:0002264 name: type A cell of stomach def: "A type of enteroendocrine cell found in the stomach that secretes glucagon." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:83411 is_a: CL:0002067 ! type A enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0002659 ! glandular cell of stomach intersection_of: CL:0002067 ! type A enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000945 ! stomach relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-10T10:54:42Z [Term] id: CL:0002265 name: type D cell of colon def: "A D cell located in the colon." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "colon D-cell" EXACT [] synonym: "colonic delta cell" EXACT [] synonym: "delta cell of colon" EXACT [] xref: FMA:268744 is_a: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0009042 ! enteroendocrine cell of colon intersection_of: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-10T11:37:35Z [Term] id: CL:0002266 name: type D cell of small intestine def: "A type D cell of the small intestine." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "delta cell of small intestine" EXACT [] synonym: "small intestine D-cell" EXACT [] synonym: "small intestine delta cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:268736 is_a: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0009006 ! enteroendocrine cell of small intestine intersection_of: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-10T01:34:22Z [Term] id: CL:0002267 name: type D cell of stomach def: "A type D cell found in the stomach." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "delta cell of stomach" EXACT [] synonym: "stomach D-cell" EXACT [] synonym: "stomach delta cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83410 is_a: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0002659 ! glandular cell of stomach intersection_of: CL:0000502 ! type D enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000945 ! stomach relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-10T01:36:03Z [Term] id: CL:0002275 name: pancreatic PP cell def: "A PP cell located in the islets of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm] comment: The term PP cell of pancreatic acinus was obsoleted due to a lack of evidence, making PP cell of pancreatic islets synonymous with pancreatic PP cell. subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "pancreatic polypeptide-secreting cell" EXACT [] synonym: "PP cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT [] synonym: "PP-cell of pancreatic islet" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0000805 xref: FMA:70588 xref: MESH:D050418 is_a: CL:0000696 ! PP cell is_a: CL:0008024 ! pancreatic endocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0000696 ! PP cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000006 ! islet of Langerhans intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000006 ! islet of Langerhans property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-10T03:30:31Z [Term] id: CL:0002308 name: epithelial cell of skin gland def: "An epithelial cell of a skin gland." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "epithelial cell of gland of skin" EXACT [] xref: FMA:70657 is_a: CL:0002159 ! general ecto-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002419 ! skin gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002419 ! skin gland creation_date: 2010-09-14T12:00:07Z [Term] id: CL:0002319 name: neural cell def: "A cell that is part of the nervous system." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] xref: CALOHA:TS-2040 xref: FMA:70333 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001016 ! nervous system relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001016 ! nervous system creation_date: 2010-09-15T01:34:57Z [Term] id: CL:0002320 name: connective tissue cell def: "A cell of the supporting or framework tissue of the body, arising chiefly from the embryonic mesoderm and including adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: CALOHA:TS-2096 xref: FMA:63875 xref: MESH:D003239 is_a: CL:0002371 {is_inferred="true"} ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002384 ! connective tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002384 ! connective tissue property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-15T03:01:54Z [Term] id: CL:0002321 name: embryonic cell (metazoa) def: "A cell of the embryo." [FMA:0618947256] xref: CALOHA:TS-0263 xref: FMA:82840 xref: FMA:82841 xref: WBbt:0007028 is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-15T03:39:21Z [Term] id: CL:0002328 name: bronchial epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell of the bronchus." [GOC:tfm] xref: BTO:0002922 is_a: CL:0002202 ! epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002185 ! bronchus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002031 ! epithelium of bronchus creation_date: 2010-09-20T02:00:00Z [Term] id: CL:0002332 name: ciliated cell of the bronchus def: "A ciliated cell of the bronchus." [GOC:tfm, PMID:18757316] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0002145 ! ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree is_a: CL:0002328 ! bronchial epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002185 ! bronchus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-20T02:21:12Z [Term] id: CL:0002333 name: neural crest derived fat cell def: "A fat cell derived from a neural crest cell." [GOC:tfm, PMID:17507398] is_a: CL:0000136 ! fat cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000136 ! fat cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000005 ! fibroblast neural crest derived creation_date: 2010-09-20T02:25:25Z [Term] id: CL:0002350 name: endocardial cell def: "An endothelial cell that lines the intracavitary lumen of the heart, separating the circulating blood from the underlying myocardium. This cell type releases a number of vasoactive substances including prostacyclin, nitrous oxide and endothelin." [GOC:tfm, ISSN:0452-3458] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endocardial endothelial cell" EXACT [] synonym: "endothelial cell of endocardium" EXACT [FMA:75621] xref: FMA:75621 is_a: CL:0010008 ! cardiac endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002165 ! endocardium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002165 ! endocardium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-21T04:33:05Z [Term] id: CL:0002351 name: progenitor cell of endocrine pancreas def: "A progenitor cell that is able to differentiate into the pancreas alpha, beta and delta endocrine cells. This cell type expresses neurogenin-3 and Isl-1." [GOC:tfm, PMID:20025937, PMID:20217494, PMID:22728667] synonym: "pancreatic endocrine progenitor" EXACT [] synonym: "pancreatic islet progenitor cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-21T04:41:06Z [Term] id: CL:0002352 name: gestational hematopoietic stem cell def: "A hematopoietic stem cell that exists during embryogenesis." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:978-60327-246-6] is_a: CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell intersection_of: CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000922 ! embryo relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000922 ! embryo creation_date: 2010-09-22T09:05:13Z [Term] id: CL:0002359 name: placental hematopoietic stem cell def: "A hematopoietic stem cell of the placenta. This cell type is first observed E10.5 This cell type may give rise to fetal liver hematopoietic stem cells." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:978-1-60327-346-6] is_a: CL:0002352 ! gestational hematopoietic stem cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta creation_date: 2010-09-22T10:30:02Z [Term] id: CL:0002363 name: keratocyte def: "A keratocyte is a specialized fibroblast residing in the cornea stroma that has a flattened, dendritic cell located between the lamellae with a large flattened nucleus and lengthy processes which communicate with neighboring cells. This corneal layer, representing about 85-90% of corneal thickness, is built up from highly regular collagenous lamellae and extracellular matrix components. Keratocytes play the major role in keeping it transparent, healing its wounds, and synthesizing its components. This cell type secretes collagen I, V, VI, and keratin sulfate." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:978-0-7020-2958-5] subset: eye_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "corneal fibroblast" EXACT [] synonym: "corneal keratocyte" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000005 ! fibroblast neural crest derived intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001777 ! substantia propria of cornea relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001777 ! substantia propria of cornea property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-09-22T01:57:40Z [Term] id: CL:0002368 name: respiratory epithelial cell def: "An endo-epithelial cell of the respiratory tract." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "airway epithelial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004533 is_a: CL:0002076 {is_inferred="true"} ! endo-epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002076 ! endo-epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000065 ! respiratory tract relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000065 ! respiratory tract creation_date: 2010-09-23T04:38:49Z [Term] id: CL:0002371 name: somatic cell def: "A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell)." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] subset: ubprop:upper_level xref: BTO:0001268 xref: FMA:72300 xref: WBbt:0008378 is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-09-24T09:44:42Z [Term] id: CL:0002372 name: myotube def: "A transversely striated, synctial muscle cell, formed by the fusion of myoblasts." [GOC:dos, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908, PMID:22274696] synonym: "myotubule" EXACT [] synonym: "single cell sarcomere" EXACT [] xref: FBbt:00005812 is_a: CL:0000228 ! multinucleate cell is_a: CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 ! transversely striated intersection_of: has_part GO:0030017 ! sarcomere relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 ! transversely striated creation_date: 2010-09-24T01:13:01Z [Term] id: CL:0002375 name: Schwann cell precursor def: "A giioblast cell that develops from a migratory neural crest cell. The SCP is embedded among neurons (axons) with minimal extracellular spaces separating them from nerve cell membranes and has no basal lamina. In rodents SCPs are the only cells in the Schwann cell linage that expresses Cdh19." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "Schwann cell precursor cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000030 ! glioblast is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell creation_date: 2010-09-24T02:06:10Z [Term] id: CL:0002377 name: immature Schwann cell def: "A glial cell that develops from a Schwann cell precursor. The immature Schwann cell is embedded among neurons (axons) with minimal extracellular spaces separating them from nerve cell membranes and has a basal lamina. Cells can survive without an axon present. Immature Schwann cell can be found communally ensheathing large groups of axons." [GOC:cvs, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "Schwann cell" BROAD [] xref: ZFA:0001725 is_a: CL:0002573 ! Schwann cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0002375 ! Schwann cell precursor creation_date: 2010-09-24T02:10:31Z [Term] id: CL:0002421 name: nucleated reticulocyte def: "A reticulocyte that retains the nucleus and other organelles. Found in birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles." [GOC:tfm, PMID:18182572, PMID:9011180, PMID:9046052] is_a: CL:0000558 {is_inferred="true"} ! reticulocyte is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell intersection_of: CL:0000558 ! reticulocyte intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002505 ! nucleated relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-10-15T09:24:05Z [Term] id: CL:0002422 name: enucleated reticulocyte def: "A reticulocyte lacking a nucleus and showing a basophilic reticulum under vital staining due to the presence of ribosomes." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0-12203-052-4, ISBN:0721601464] xref: CALOHA:TS-0864 xref: FMA:66785 is_a: CL:0000225 ! anucleate cell is_a: CL:0000558 {is_inferred="true"} ! reticulocyte intersection_of: CL:0000558 ! reticulocyte intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001405 ! anucleate intersection_of: has_part GO:0005840 ! ribosome relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_part GO:0005840 ! ribosome creation_date: 2010-10-15T09:24:08Z [Term] id: CL:0002453 name: oligodendrocyte precursor cell def: "A progenitor cell of the central nervous system that can differentiate into oligodendrocytes or type-2 astrocytes. This cell originates from multiple structures within the developing brain including the medial ganglion eminence and the lateral ganglionic eminence. These cells migrate throughout the central nervous system and persist into adulthood where they play an important role in remyelination of injured neurons." [GOC:tfm, PMID:10704434, PMID:11756508, PMID:20142420, PMID:2182078, PMID:24133281, PMID:9826671] comment: This cell type can be purified from optic nerves and other regions of the embryonic, postnatal and adult rat CNS and can be differentiated in vitro to oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes. Some references use the terms 'oligodendrocyte precursor cell' and 'oligodendrocyte type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor' to refer to the same entity (e.g., PMID:10704434), while others describe an oligodendrocyte type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cell as the precurosr to oligodendrocyte- and type-2 astrocyte- progenitor cells (e.g, ISBN:9780702028991). {xref="PMID:10704434", xref="ISBN:9780702028991", xref="PMID:2182078"} subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "O-2A/OPC" BROAD [PMID:24133281] synonym: "O2A/OPC" BROAD [PMID:11756508] synonym: "oligodendrocyte-type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cell" BROAD [PMID:2253328] synonym: "oligodendrocyte/type-2 astrocyte progenitor cell" BROAD [PMID:24133281] {""} xref: MESH:D000073637 is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000339 ! glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2010-11-10T02:51:34Z [Term] id: CL:0002491 name: auditory epithelial cell def: "A specialized cell involved in auditory sensory perception." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000098 ! sensory epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050910 ! detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sound relationship: capable_of GO:0050910 ! detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sound relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2010-12-06T03:18:43Z [Term] id: CL:0002494 name: cardiocyte def: "A cell located in the heart, including both muscle and non muscle cells." [GOC:tfm] comment: From Onard of the FMA: Cardiac muscle cell or cardiac myocyte is a striated muscle cell. Cardiocyte on the other hand is any cell in the heart which includes cells other than muscle cells (e.g. endothelial cell of endocardium). Unless there is a consensus among anatomists that cardiocytes refer only to muscle cells, we will treat them as a general class of cells in the heart. synonym: "heart cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0001539 xref: CALOHA:TS-0115 xref: FMA:83808 xref: FMA:84791 is_a: CL:0002371 {is_inferred="true"} ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007100 ! primary circulatory organ relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0007100 ! primary circulatory organ creation_date: 2010-12-07T09:37:22Z [Term] id: CL:0002503 name: adventitial cell def: "A cell of the adventitial layer of ductal structures such as the uterer, defent duct, biliary duct, etc" [GOC:tfm] xref: BTO:0002441 xref: FMA:84639 is_a: CL:0000630 ! supporting cell is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell intersection_of: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005742 ! adventitia relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0005742 ! adventitia creation_date: 2010-12-07T04:03:56Z [Term] id: CL:0002504 name: enteric smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell of the intestine." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "intestinal smooth muscle cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000160 ! intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000160 ! intestine creation_date: 2011-01-17T03:39:38Z [Term] id: CL:0002518 name: kidney epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell of the kidney." [GOC:tfm, KUPO:SJ] xref: KUPO:0001019 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000497 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002113 ! kidney relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-02-08T10:46:34Z [Term] id: CL:0002521 name: subcutaneous fat cell def: "A fat cell that is part of subcutaneous adipose tissue." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "subcutaneous adipocyte" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000136 {is_inferred="true"} ! fat cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000136 ! fat cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002190 ! subcutaneous adipose tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002190 ! subcutaneous adipose tissue property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-02-21T02:51:22Z [Term] id: CL:0002538 name: intrahepatic cholangiocyte def: "An epithelial cell of the intrahepatic portion of the bile duct. These cells are flattened or cuboidal in shape, and have a small nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio relative to large/extrahepatic cholangiocytes." [GOC:tfm, PMID:23720296] synonym: "small bile duct cholangiocyte" EXACT [PMID:23720296] is_a: CL:1000488 {is_inferred="true"} ! cholangiocyte intersection_of: CL:1000488 ! cholangiocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004823 ! intrahepatic bile duct epithelium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0004823 ! intrahepatic bile duct epithelium creation_date: 2011-02-28T01:20:20Z [Term] id: CL:0002539 name: aortic smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell of the aorta." [GOC:tfm] xref: BTO:0004577 is_a: CL:0019018 ! blood vessel smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004178 ! aorta smooth muscle tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0004178 ! aorta smooth muscle tissue creation_date: 2011-02-28T01:42:12Z [Term] id: CL:0002540 name: mesenchymal stem cell of the bone marrow def: "A mesenchymal stem cell that is part of the bone marrow." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: CL:0002092 ! bone marrow cell intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-02-28T01:47:47Z [Term] id: CL:0002541 name: chorionic membrane mesenchymal stem cell def: "A mesenchymal stem cell of the chorionic membrane." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003124 ! chorion membrane relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0003124 ! chorion membrane creation_date: 2011-02-28T03:04:35Z [Term] id: CL:0002543 name: vein endothelial cell def: "An endothelial cell that is part of the vein." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endothelial cell of vein" EXACT [] synonym: "venous endothelial cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:62104 xref: KUPO:0001099 is_a: CL:0000071 {is_inferred="true"} ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001638 ! vein relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001638 ! vein property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-02-28T03:48:11Z [Term] id: CL:0002546 name: embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell def: "An endothelial progenitor cell that participates in angiogenesis during development." [GOC:tfm] comment: See CL:0002619. is_a: CL:0000222 ! mesodermal cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-02-28T04:20:39Z [Term] id: CL:0002547 name: fibroblast of the aortic adventitia def: "A fibroblast of the aortic adventitia." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:1000306 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast of tunica adventitia of artery intersection_of: CL:1000306 ! fibroblast of tunica adventitia of artery intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004664 ! aorta tunica adventitia relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0004664 ! aorta tunica adventitia creation_date: 2011-02-28T04:43:41Z [Term] id: CL:0002548 name: fibroblast of cardiac tissue def: "A fibroblast that is part of the heart." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "cardiac fibroblast" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast is_a: CL:0002494 {is_inferred="true"} ! cardiocyte is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart creation_date: 2011-02-28T04:57:44Z [Term] id: CL:0002551 name: fibroblast of dermis is_a: CL:0002620 {is_inferred="true"} ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002067 ! dermis relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002067 ! dermis creation_date: 2011-02-28T05:05:33Z [Term] id: CL:0002552 name: fibroblast of gingiva is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001828 ! gingiva relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001828 ! gingiva creation_date: 2011-02-28T05:09:12Z [Term] id: CL:0002553 name: fibroblast of lung def: "A fibroblast that is part of lung." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0000764 xref: CALOHA:TS-0575 is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-02-28T05:11:03Z [Term] id: CL:0002556 name: fibroblast of periodontium def: "A fibroblast of the periodontium." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001758 ! periodontium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001758 ! periodontium creation_date: 2011-02-28T05:19:48Z [Term] id: CL:0002557 name: fibroblast of pulmonary artery def: "A fibroblast of pulmonary artery." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002012 ! pulmonary artery relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002012 ! pulmonary artery creation_date: 2011-02-28T05:22:27Z [Term] id: CL:0002563 name: intestinal epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell of the intestine." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0002251 ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000160 ! intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001277 ! intestinal epithelium creation_date: 2011-03-01T05:18:31Z [Term] id: CL:0002569 name: mesenchymal stem cell of umbilical cord def: "A mesenchymal stem cell of the umbilical cord." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: CL:0000349 ! extraembryonic cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003422 ! mesenchyme of umbilical cord relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0003422 ! mesenchyme of umbilical cord creation_date: 2011-03-01T09:55:12Z [Term] id: CL:0002570 name: mesenchymal stem cell of adipose tissue def: "A mesenchymal stem cell of adipose tissue." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "mesenchymal stem cell of adipose" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001013 ! adipose tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001013 ! adipose tissue creation_date: 2011-03-01T09:57:17Z [Term] id: CL:0002571 name: hepatic mesenchymal stem cell def: "A mesenchymal stem cell of liver." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000134 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: CL:0002195 ! hepatic stem cell intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002107 ! liver relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-03-01T09:58:51Z [Term] id: CL:0002572 name: vertebral mesenchymal stem cell def: "A mesenchymal stem cell of the vertebrae." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000134 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: CL:0001035 ! bone cell intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002412 ! vertebra relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002412 ! vertebra creation_date: 2011-03-01T10:40:27Z [Term] id: CL:0002573 name: Schwann cell def: "A glial cell that myelinates or ensheathes axons in the peripheral nervous system." [GOC:tfm, PMID:16807057] comment: A myelinating Schwann cell wraps around a single axon. Myelination occurs in larger diameter axons, while a process called ensheathment occurs on smaller diameter axons in which a single cell wraps around multiple small, unmyelinated axons separating them with a thin layer of cytoplasm. The structure formed is called a Remak bundle. {xref="PMID:16807057"} subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0001220 xref: CALOHA:TS-0898 xref: MESH:D012583 is_a: CL:0000125 ! glial cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000010 ! peripheral nervous system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-02T01:19:27Z [Term] id: CL:0002574 name: stromal cell of pancreas def: "A stromal cell of the pancreas." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000499 {is_inferred="true"} ! stromal cell intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-02T02:40:41Z [Term] id: CL:0002577 name: placental epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell of the placenta." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000349 {is_inferred="true"} ! extraembryonic cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta creation_date: 2011-03-02T03:21:30Z [Term] id: CL:0002584 name: renal cortical epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell of the kidney cortex." [GOC:tfm] xref: KUPO:0001016 is_a: CL:0002518 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002681 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cortical cell intersection_of: CL:0002518 ! kidney epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001225 ! cortex of kidney [Term] id: CL:0002585 name: retinal blood vessel endothelial cell def: "A blood vessel endothelial cell that is part of the retina." [GOC:tfm] subset: eye_upper_slim subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000071 {is_inferred="true"} ! blood vessel endothelial cell is_a: CL:0009004 ! retinal cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000966 ! retina relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000966 ! retina property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-06T03:28:27Z [Term] id: CL:0002589 name: smooth muscle cell of the brachiocephalic vasculature def: "A smooth muscle cell of the bachiocephalic vasculature." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0019018 ! blood vessel smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001529 ! brachiocephalic artery relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001529 ! brachiocephalic artery creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:00:58Z [Term] id: CL:0002590 name: smooth muscle cell of the brain vasculature def: "A vascular associated smooth muscle cell of the brain vasculature." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000359 {is_inferred="true"} ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000955 ! brain relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000955 ! brain creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:01:20Z [Term] id: CL:0002591 name: smooth muscle cell of the pulmonary artery def: "A smooth muscle of the pulmonary artery." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0003336 is_a: CL:0019018 ! blood vessel smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002012 ! pulmonary artery relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002012 ! pulmonary artery property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:01:28Z [Term] id: CL:0002594 name: smooth muscle cell of the umbilical artery def: "A smooth muscle cell of the umbilical artery." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0019018 ! blood vessel smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001310 ! umbilical artery relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001310 ! umbilical artery creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:01:48Z [Term] id: CL:0002595 name: smooth muscle cell of the subclavian artery def: "A smooth muscle cell of the subclavian artery." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0019018 ! blood vessel smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001533 ! subclavian artery relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001533 ! subclavian artery creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:01:52Z [Term] id: CL:0002596 name: smooth muscle cell of the carotid artery def: "Smooth muscle cell of the carotid artery." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0019018 ! blood vessel smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005396 ! carotid artery segment relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0005396 ! carotid artery segment creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:01:56Z [Term] id: CL:0002597 name: smooth muscle cell of bladder def: "A smooth muscle cell of the bladder." [GC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: KUPO:0001122 is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell is_a: CL:1001319 ! bladder cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001255 ! urinary bladder relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:43:24Z [Term] id: CL:0002598 name: bronchial smooth muscle cell subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0004402 is_a: CL:0019019 ! tracheobronchial smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002185 ! bronchus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002185 ! bronchus property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:46:39Z [Term] id: CL:0002599 name: smooth muscle cell of the esophagus def: "A smooth muscle cell of the esophagus." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001043 ! esophagus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001043 ! esophagus creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:48:17Z [Term] id: CL:0002600 name: smooth muscle cell of trachea def: "A smooth muscle cell of the trachea." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0019019 ! tracheobronchial smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003126 ! trachea relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0003126 ! trachea creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:50:28Z [Term] id: CL:0002601 name: uterine smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell of the uterus." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000995 ! uterus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000995 ! uterus creation_date: 2011-03-06T05:53:28Z [Term] id: CL:0002610 name: raphe nuclei neuron def: "A neuron of the raphe nuclei." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000117 {is_inferred="true"} ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000117 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0004684 ! raphe nuclei relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0004684 ! raphe nuclei creation_date: 2011-03-06T07:42:06Z [Term] id: CL:0002612 name: neuron of the ventral spinal cord def: "A neuron of the ventral spinal cord." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000117 {is_inferred="true"} ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000117 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0002257 ! ventral horn of spinal cord relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0002257 ! ventral horn of spinal cord creation_date: 2011-03-06T07:46:03Z [Term] id: CL:0002620 name: skin fibroblast def: "A fibroblast of skin." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: BTO:0001255 xref: CALOHA:TS-0935 is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002097 ! skin of body relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002097 ! skin of body property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2011-03-14T12:31:49Z [Term] id: CL:0002621 name: gingival epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002251 ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001949 ! gingival epithelium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001949 ! gingival epithelium creation_date: 2011-03-14T12:46:28Z [Term] id: CL:0002625 name: seminiferous tubule epithelial cell def: "A cell of the seminiferous tubule epithelium." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000077 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001343 ! seminiferous tubule of testis relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0004813 ! seminiferous tubule epithelium creation_date: 2011-03-15T11:59:23Z [Term] id: CL:0002631 name: epithelial cell of upper respiratory tract is_a: CL:0002368 {is_inferred="true"} ! respiratory epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002368 ! respiratory epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001557 ! upper respiratory tract relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001557 ! upper respiratory tract creation_date: 2011-06-21T12:28:55Z [Term] id: CL:0002632 name: epithelial cell of lower respiratory tract is_a: CL:0002368 {is_inferred="true"} ! respiratory epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002368 ! respiratory epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001558 ! lower respiratory tract relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001558 ! lower respiratory tract creation_date: 2011-06-21T12:29:31Z [Term] id: CL:0002656 name: glandular cell of endometrium def: "A glandular epithelial cell of the endometrium." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:86489 is_a: CL:1001591 ! oviduct glandular cell intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001295 ! endometrium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001295 ! endometrium creation_date: 2011-07-08T03:54:08Z [Term] id: CL:0002657 name: glandular cell of esophagus def: "A glandular epithelial cell of the esophagus." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:86548 is_a: CL:0000150 {is_inferred="true"} ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002252 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell of esophagus intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001043 ! esophagus relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-07-08T03:55:57Z [Term] id: CL:0002658 name: glandular cell of the large intestine def: "A glandular epithelial cell of the large intestine." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:87194 is_a: CL:0000150 {is_inferred="true"} ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002253 ! epithelial cell of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000059 ! large intestine relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-07-08T04:03:01Z [Term] id: CL:0002659 name: glandular cell of stomach def: "A glandular epithelial cell that is part of the stomach." [GOC:tfm] xref: CALOHA:TS-1284 xref: FMA:86554 is_a: CL:0000150 {is_inferred="true"} ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002178 ! epithelial cell of stomach intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000945 ! stomach relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-07-11T01:20:35Z [Term] id: CL:0002663 name: myocardial endocrine cell of atrium def: "A myocardial endocrine cell that is part of the atrium." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:83389 is_a: CL:0002074 {is_inferred="true"} ! myocardial endocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0002074 ! myocardial endocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002081 ! cardiac atrium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002081 ! cardiac atrium creation_date: 2011-07-11T02:45:39Z [Term] id: CL:0002664 name: cardioblast def: "A stem cell that can give rise to multiple cell types (i.e. smooth muscle, endothelial) in the developing heart." [GOC:tfm, PMID:19745164] comment: Discrepancy in develops from origins prevents me from making the assertion that cardioblasts give rise to all instances of cardiocytes as we state cardiac muscle cells develop from cardiac myoblast, which in turn develop from muscle stem cell. synonym: "cardiovascular progenitor cell" EXACT [PMID:17519333, PMID:19745164] synonym: "CPC" EXACT [PMID:19745164] is_a: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-07-11T03:15:38Z [Term] id: CL:0002672 name: retinal progenitor cell def: "A multi-fate stem cell that can give rise to different retinal cell types including rod and cone cells." [GOC:tfm, PMID:20959166, PMID:21148186] is_a: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell creation_date: 2011-08-16T02:38:01Z [Term] id: CL:0002673 name: tongue muscle cell def: "A skeletal muscle cell that is part of the tongue." [GOC:tfm, PMID:18816858] is_a: CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber intersection_of: CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000378 ! tongue muscle relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000378 ! tongue muscle creation_date: 2011-08-16T03:10:02Z [Term] id: CL:0002676 name: neural crest derived neuroblast def: "A neuroblast derived from a neural crest cell." [GOC:tfm, PMID:17407019] is_a: CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell creation_date: 2011-08-22T09:24:15Z [Term] id: CL:0002680 name: PP cell of intestine def: "A PP cell found in intestine." [GOC:tfm, PMID:2420136, PMID:728970] is_a: CL:0000696 {is_inferred="true"} ! PP cell is_a: CL:1001516 ! intestinal enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0000696 ! PP cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000160 ! intestine relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2011-09-27T11:59:01Z [Term] id: CL:0002681 name: kidney cortical cell is_a: CL:1000497 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cell intersection_of: CL:1000497 ! kidney cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001225 ! cortex of kidney relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001225 ! cortex of kidney creation_date: 2011-10-25T03:49:41Z [Term] id: CL:0005000 name: spinal cord interneuron def: "A CNS interneuron located in the spinal cord." [CL:CVS] comment: Is_a interneuron, part_of UBERON:0002240. is_a: CL:0000402 {is_inferred="true"} ! CNS interneuron intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0002240 ! spinal cord relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0002240 ! spinal cord [Term] id: CL:0005009 name: renal principal cell def: "A cuboidal epithelial cell of the kidney which regulates sodium and potassium balance. The activity of sodium and potassium channels on the apical membrane of the cell is regulated by aldosterone and vasopressin. In mammals this cell type is located in the renal collecting duct system." [CL:CVS] is_a: CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002518 ! kidney epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0005012 name: multi-ciliated epithelial cell def: "A ciliated epithelial cell with many cilia." [CL:CVS] synonym: "MCC" BROAD [] synonym: "multi-ciliated cell" BROAD [] synonym: "multiciliated cell" BROAD [] synonym: "multiciliated epithelial cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000067 ! ciliated epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0005024 name: somatomotor neuron def: "A motor neuron that innervates a skeletal muscle. These motor neurons are all excitatory and cholinergic." [ZFIN:CVS] synonym: "somatic motor neuron" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000100 ! motor neuron is_a: CL:0000108 ! cholinergic neuron intersection_of: CL:0000100 ! motor neuron intersection_of: synapsed_to CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber relationship: part_of RO:0002577 ! system relationship: synapsed_to CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber [Term] id: CL:0005026 name: hepatoblast def: "Multi fate stem cell that gives rise to both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes as descendants. The term often refers to fetal precursors of hepatocytes (differently from 'hepatic stem cell', usually applied to the self-renewing pool of hepatocyte precursors in the adult liver). Hepatoblasts may also be endogenous, as some stem cells found in the liver come from the bone marrow via blood circulation." [GOC:CVS,, PMID:18356246, PMID:20483998, PMID:26798363] is_a: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: CL:0007000 name: preameloblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that has the potential to develop into an ameloblast. Located in the inner enamel epithelium, these cells elongate, their nuclei shift distally (away from the dental papilla), and their cytoplasm becomes filled with organelles needed for synthesis and secretion of enamel proteins." [GO_REF:0000034, PMCID:PMC2737325] comment: unsure of neural crest contribution. In VSAO we have develops_from CL:0000008 is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: adjacent_to UBERON:0001763 ! odontogenic papilla relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0002077 ! ecto-epithelial cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0005176 ! tooth enamel organ creation_date: 2012-06-15T01:27:01Z [Term] id: CL:0007001 name: skeletogenic cell def: "Cell that has the potential to form a skeletal cell type (e.g. cells in periosteum, cells in marrow) and produce extracellular matrix (often mineralized) and skeletal tissue (often mineralized)." [GO_REF:0000034] comment: Needs logical definition. Should be capable_of skeletal system morphogenesis? or skeletal tissue development? needs to be added to GO. NOTES:a cell type of the early embryo (see also: mesenchymal cells) that will give rise to mineralized connective tissue. Scleroblasts can differentiate into osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), chondroblasts (cartilage-forming cells), odontoblasts (dentin-forming cells), ameloblasts (enamel-forming cells). The mesenchymal cells developing into osteoblasts and chondroblasts are derived from the mesoderm. Those developing into odontoblasts are neural crest cells. Those developing into ameloblasts are derived from the ectoderm. ( synonym: "scleroblast" EXACT [GO_REF:0000034] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2012-06-15T02:51:27Z [Term] id: CL:0007002 name: precementoblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that has the potential to develop into a cementoblast." [GO_REF:0000034] is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0005176 ! tooth enamel organ creation_date: 2012-06-15T04:37:13Z [Term] id: CL:0007003 name: preodontoblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that has the potential to form an odontoblast, deposits predentine, and arises from a cranial neural crest cell." [GO_REF:0000034] is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000008 ! migratory cranial neural crest cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0005176 ! tooth enamel organ creation_date: 2012-06-15T05:15:11Z [Term] id: CL:0007004 name: premigratory neural crest cell def: "Cell that is part of the neural crest region of the neuroepithelium, prior to migration. Note that not all premigratory neural crest cells may become migratory neural crest cells." [UBERONREF:0000002] is_a: CL:0011012 ! neural crest cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000133 ! neurectodermal cell relationship: part_of UBERON:0002342 ! neural crest creation_date: 2012-06-27T08:27:35Z [Term] id: CL:0007009 name: prechondroblast def: "Skeletogenic cell that has the potential to develop into a chondroblast; and arises from neural crest, meseosdermal and notochordal and connective tissue cells." [GO_REF:0000034] is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2012-06-27T10:44:01Z [Term] id: CL:0008000 name: non-striated muscle cell def: "Any muscle cell in which the fibers are not organised into sarcomeres." [GOC:DOS] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0008001 name: hematopoietic precursor cell def: "Any hematopoietic cell that is a precursor of some other hematopoietic cell type." [GOC:dos] is_a: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell [Term] id: CL:0008002 name: skeletal muscle fiber def: "A transversely striated, synctial cell of skeletal muscle. It is formed when proliferating myoblasts exit the cell cycle, differentiate and fuse." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908] xref: MESH:D018485 is_a: CL:0000188 ! cell of skeletal muscle is_a: CL:0002372 ! myotube intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001908 ! multinucleate intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 ! transversely striated intersection_of: has_part GO:0030017 ! sarcomere intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001134 ! skeletal muscle tissue relationship: develops_from CL:0000515 ! skeletal muscle myoblast [Term] id: CL:0008007 name: visceral muscle cell def: "A muscle cell that is part of some visceral muscle." [GOC:dos] xref: FBbt:00005070 is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8600004 ! visceral muscle tissue relationship: part_of UBERON:8600004 ! visceral muscle tissue [Term] id: CL:0008008 name: striated visceral muscle cell def: "A visceral muscle cell that is striated. Examples include the visceral muscle cells of arhtropods." [GOC:dos] is_a: CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell is_a: CL:0008007 ! visceral muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0008007 ! visceral muscle cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0001410 {all_some="true"} ! striated [Term] id: CL:0008009 name: transversely striated visceral muscle cell def: "A visceral muscle that is transversely striated. Examples include the visceral muscle cells of arthropods." [GOC:dos] is_a: CL:0008008 ! striated visceral muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0008007 ! visceral muscle cell intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 {all_some="true"} ! transversely striated relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002478 ! transversely striated [Term] id: CL:0008017 name: adult skeletal muscle myoblast def: "A skeletal muscle myoblast that is part of a skeletal mucle. These cells are formed following acivation and division of skeletal muscle satellite cells. They form a transient population that is lost when they fuse to form skeletal muscle fibers." [PMID:23303905] comment: The vast majority of these cells develop from skeletal muscle satellite cells, although there are some reports of other origins. synonym: "myogenic precursor cell" BROAD [PMID:23303905] is_a: CL:0000188 ! cell of skeletal muscle is_a: CL:0000515 ! skeletal muscle myoblast intersection_of: CL:0000056 ! myoblast intersection_of: develops_into CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001134 ! skeletal muscle tissue [Term] id: CL:0008019 name: mesenchymal cell def: "A non-polarised cell precursor cell that is part of some mesenchyme, is associated with the cell matrix but is not connected to other cells and is capable of migration." [] synonym: "mesenchyme cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000219 ! motile cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell relationship: capable_of GO:0016477 ! cell migration relationship: part_of UBERON:0003104 ! mesenchyme [Term] id: CL:0008022 name: endocardial cushion cell def: "A mesenchymal cell of the endocardial cushion. These cells develop via an epithelial to mesenchymal transition when endocardial cells break cell-to-cell contacts and migrate into the cardiac jelly. Cells from this population form the heart septa and valves." [PMID:18816864] is_a: CL:0000569 ! cardiac mesenchymal cell is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000569 ! cardiac mesenchymal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002062 ! endocardial cushion relationship: part_of UBERON:0002062 ! endocardial cushion [Term] id: CL:0008024 name: pancreatic endocrine cell def: "An endocrine cell that is part of the pancreas." [GOC:dos] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000083 ! epithelial cell of pancreas is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0000163 ! endocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001264 ! pancreas property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0008025 name: noradrenergic neuron def: "A neuron that release noradrenaline (noriphinephrine) as a neurotransmitter." [GOC:dos] is_a: CL:0000459 ! noradrenergic cell is_a: CL:4033050 ! catecholaminergic neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0061533 ! norepinephrine secretion, neurotransmission relationship: capable_of GO:0061533 ! norepinephrine secretion, neurotransmission [Term] id: CL:0008028 name: visual system neuron is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of_part_of GO:0007601 ! visual perception relationship: capable_of_part_of GO:0007601 ! visual perception relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2017-07-09T19:12:36Z [Term] id: CL:0008031 name: cortical interneuron def: "An interneuron that has its soma located in the cerebral cortex." [] synonym: "cerebral cortex interneuron" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000402 ! CNS interneuron is_a: CL:0010012 ! cerebral cortex neuron is_a: CL:0012001 ! neuron of the forebrain intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex [Term] id: CL:0008034 name: mural cell def: "Mural cells are pericytes and the vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs) of the microcirculation." [Wiki:Mural_cell&oldid=930603194] subset: added_for_HCA subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2020-02-29T17:33:55Z [Term] id: CL:0008035 name: microcirculation associated smooth muscle cell is_a: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell is_a: CL:0008034 ! mural cell intersection_of: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0010523 ! microcirculatory vessel relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0010523 ! microcirculatory vessel creation_date: 2020-02-29T17:37:00Z [Term] id: CL:0009000 name: sensory neuron of spinal nerve def: "A sensory neuron of the spinal nerve that senses body position and sends information about how much the muscle is stretched to the spinal cord." [GOC:nv, GOC:pr] synonym: "spinal sensory neuron" EXACT [] is_a: CL:3000004 ! peripheral sensory neuron intersection_of: CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0001780 ! spinal nerve relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0001780 ! spinal nerve [Term] id: CL:0009001 name: compound eye retinal cell def: "Any cell in the compound eye, a light sensing organ composed of ommatidia." [] xref: GOC:pr xref: PMID:12021768 is_a: CL:0009004 ! retinal cell [Term] id: CL:0009004 name: retinal cell def: "Any cell in the retina, the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates." [GOC:pr] xref: PMID:10702418 is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell intersection_of: CL:0002319 ! neural cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005388 ! photoreceptor array relationship: part_of UBERON:0005388 ! photoreceptor array [Term] id: CL:0009006 name: enteroendocrine cell of small intestine def: "An enteroendocrine cell that is located in the small intestine." [] subset: location_grouping synonym: "small intestine enteroendocrine cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:1001516 ! intestinal enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:1001598 ! small intestine glandular cell intersection_of: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0009018 name: lymphocyte of large intestine lamina propria def: "A lymphocyte that resides in the lamina propria of the large intestine." [] comment: This is a general grouping term created for use in the EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas anatomograms. Please use a more specific cell type term for annotation if possible, given the information available to you. subset: human_reference_atlas subset: location_grouping synonym: "lamina propria lymphocyte of large intestine" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte intersection_of: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0011189 ! lamina propria of large intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0011189 ! lamina propria of large intestine property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0009019 name: nephrogenic zone cell def: "A kidney cortical cell that is part of the nephrogenic zone." [, PMID:29449449] subset: added_for_HCA synonym: "cortical nephrogenic niche cell" EXACT [] synonym: "cortical nephrogenic zone cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0002681 ! kidney cortical cell intersection_of: CL:0002681 ! kidney cortical cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0009871 ! nephrogenic zone relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0009871 ! nephrogenic zone [Term] id: CL:0009021 name: stromal cell of lamina propria of large intestine def: "A stromal cell found in the lamina propria of the large intestine." [] subset: location_grouping is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0011189 ! lamina propria of large intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0011189 ! lamina propria of large intestine [Term] id: CL:0009022 name: stromal cell of lamina propria of small intestine def: "A stromal cell found in the lamina propria of the small intestine." [] subset: location_grouping is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001238 ! lamina propria of small intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001238 ! lamina propria of small intestine [Term] id: CL:0009024 name: mesothelial cell of small intestine def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the small intestine." [] subset: location_grouping is_a: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell is_a: CL:0002254 ! epithelial cell of small intestine is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0009025 name: mesothelial cell of colon def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the colon." [,] subset: location_grouping synonym: "mesothelial cell of large intestine" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell is_a: CL:0011108 ! colon epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0009040 name: stromal cell of lamina propria of colon def: "A stromal cell found in the lamina propria of the colon." [] subset: location_grouping synonym: "stromal cell of colon lamina propria" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0009021 ! stromal cell of lamina propria of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007177 ! lamina propria of mucosa of colon relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0007177 ! lamina propria of mucosa of colon [Term] id: CL:0009042 name: enteroendocrine cell of colon def: "An enteroendocrine cell that is located in the colon." [] subset: location_grouping synonym: "colon enteroendocrine cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:1001516 ! intestinal enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:1001588 ! colon glandular cell intersection_of: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0009044 name: lymphocyte of small intestine lamina propria def: "A lymphocyte that resides in the lamina propria of the small intestine. Lamina propria leukocytes and intraepithelial lymphocytes are the effector compartments of the gut mucosal immune system. Lymphocytes circulate through gut associated lymphoid tissues until recruitment by intestinal antigens. They are involved in the gut immune response." [, PMID:26551552] comment: This is a general grouping term created for use in the EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas anatomograms. Please use a more specific cell type term for annotation if possible, given the information available to you. subset: location_grouping synonym: "gastrointestinal tract (lamina propria) lymphocyte of small intestine" EXACT [] synonym: "gastrointestinal tract small intestine (lamina propria) leukocyte" BROAD [] synonym: "lamina propria lymphocyte of small intestine" EXACT [] synonym: "small intestine lamina propria leukocyte" BROAD [] synonym: "small intestine lamina propria leukocyte (LPL)" BROAD [] synonym: "small intestine lamina propria lymphocyte" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte intersection_of: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001238 ! lamina propria of small intestine relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001238 ! lamina propria of small intestine [Term] id: CL:0009051 name: T cell of anorectum def: "A T cell that is located in the anorectum." [] comment: This is a general grouping term created for use in the EMBL-EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas anatomograms. Please use a more specific cell type term for annotation if possible, given the information available to you. subset: location_grouping is_a: CL:0000084 ! T cell intersection_of: CL:0000084 ! T cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum [Term] id: CL:0009052 name: smooth muscle cell of anorectum def: "A smooth muscle cell that is located in the anorectum." [] subset: location_grouping synonym: "anorectum smooth muscle cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:1000279 ! smooth muscle cell of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum [Term] id: CL:0009053 name: stromal cell of anorectum lamina propria def: "A stromal cell found in the lamina propria of the anorectum." [] subset: location_grouping is_a: CL:0009021 ! stromal cell of lamina propria of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0011189 ! lamina propria of large intestine intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum [Term] id: CL:0009063 name: enteroendocrine cell of anorectum def: "An enteroendocrine cell that is located in the anorectum." [] subset: location_grouping synonym: "anorectum enteroendocrine cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0002658 ! glandular cell of the large intestine is_a: CL:1001516 ! intestinal enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410050 ! anorectum [Term] id: CL:0009084 name: epithelial cell of endometrial gland def: "An epithelial cell that is part of an endometrial gland." [,] subset: location_grouping synonym: "endometrial glandular epithelial cell" EXACT [] xref: EFO:0010710 is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002451 ! endometrial gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002451 ! endometrial gland property_value: "2021-11-30T16:13:30Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0009092 name: endothelial cell of placenta def: "An endothelial cell that is part of a placenta." [,] subset: location_grouping synonym: "placental endothelial cell" EXACT [] xref: EFO:0010708 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell is_a: CL:0002577 ! placental epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-12-13T13:53:01Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0009093 name: smooth muscle cell of placenta def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of a placenta." [,] subset: location_grouping synonym: "placental smooth muscle cell" EXACT [] xref: EFO:0010709 is_a: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta property_value: "2021-12-13T13:56:42Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0009094 name: endothelial cell of hepatic portal vein def: "An endothelial cell that is part of a hepatic portal vein." [,, PMID:30348985] subset: location_grouping synonym: "portal endothelial cell" BROAD [] xref: EFO:0010704 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001639 ! hepatic portal vein relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001639 ! hepatic portal vein property_value: "2021-12-13T14:01:05Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0009095 name: endothelial cell of uterus def: "An endothelial cell that is part of a uterus." [,] subset: location_grouping synonym: "uterine endothelial cell" EXACT [] xref: EFO:0010711 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000995 ! uterus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000995 ! uterus property_value: "2021-12-13T14:39:25Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0009097 name: embryonic skeletal muscle fiber def: "A skeletal muscle fiber found in an embryo. In mammalian embryos, skeletal muscle expresses myosin heavy chain-embryonic (MyHC-emb, encoded by the MYH3 gene), which regulates skeletal muscle development." [, PMID:32094117, PMID:7196501] is_a: CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber intersection_of: CL:0008002 ! skeletal muscle fiber intersection_of: existence_starts_and_ends_during UBERON:0000068 ! embryo stage relationship: dc-contributor relationship: existence_starts_and_ends_during UBERON:0000068 ! embryo stage property_value: "2022-02-21T15:39:10Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0009100 name: hepatic portal fibroblast def: "A fibroblast located in the portal triad. Hepatic portal fibroblast are a non-parenchymal cell population located adjacent to bile duct epithelia in liver and are distinct from stellate cells. They differentiate into fibrogenic myofibroblasts during chronic injury states producing high levels of collagen." [, PMID:20209607, PMID:24814904] synonym: "portal fibroblast" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001279 ! portal triad relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001279 ! portal triad property_value: "2022-03-17T12:00:44Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0010001 name: stromal cell of bone marrow def: "A stromal cell that is part_of a bone marrow." [] synonym: "bone marrow stromal cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell is_a: CL:0002092 ! bone marrow cell intersection_of: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0010002 name: epithelial cell of umbilical artery def: "An epithelial cell that is part_of a umbilical artery." [] synonym: "umbilical artery epithelial cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001310 ! umbilical artery relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001310 ! umbilical artery [Term] id: CL:0010004 name: mononuclear cell of bone marrow def: "A mononuclear cell that is part_of a bone marrow." [] synonym: "bone marrow mononuclear cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell is_a: CL:1001610 ! bone marrow hematopoietic cell intersection_of: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0010006 name: cardiac blood vessel endothelial cell is_a: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell is_a: CL:0010008 ! cardiac endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart [Term] id: CL:0010007 name: His-Purkinje system cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004146 ! His-Purkinje system relationship: part_of UBERON:0004146 ! His-Purkinje system [Term] id: CL:0010008 name: cardiac endothelial cell subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart relationship: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0010009 name: camera-type eye photoreceptor cell synonym: "camera type eye photoreceptor cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000287 ! eye photoreceptor cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000210 ! photoreceptor cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000019 ! camera-type eye relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: part_of UBERON:0000019 ! camera-type eye [Term] id: CL:0010012 name: cerebral cortex neuron def: "A CNS neuron of the cerebral cortex." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "cortical neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "neuron of cerebral cortex" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004102 xref: FMA:84104 is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: CL:0010017 name: zygote def: "A zygote in a plant or an animal." [] xref: MESH:D015053 is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell property_value: seeAlso [Term] id: CL:0010020 name: cardiac glial cell is_a: CL:0000125 ! glial cell is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000125 ! glial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart relationship: part_of UBERON:0000948 ! heart [Term] id: CL:0010021 name: cardiac myoblast xref: MESH:D032386 is_a: CL:0000056 ! myoblast intersection_of: CL:0000056 ! myoblast intersection_of: develops_into CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell relationship: develops_into CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0010022 name: cardiac neuron def: "A neuron that has its soma in the heart." [PMID:12486170, PMID:29265764] comment: This term is used in 3 GO terms that were created as part of the heart development focus project. is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0000948 ! heart relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0000948 ! heart property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string [Term] id: CL:0011001 name: spinal cord motor neuron def: "A motor neuron that passes from the spinal cord toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement." [GOC:nv] is_a: CL:0000100 {is_inferred="true"} ! motor neuron is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000100 ! motor neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0002240 ! spinal cord relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0002240 ! spinal cord [Term] id: CL:0011007 name: paraxial cell def: "A cell in the area of mesoderm in the neurulating embryo that flanks and forms simultaneously with the neural tube. The cells of this region give rise to somites." [GOC:NV, PMID:11687492] synonym: "paraxial mesoderm cell" EXACT [] synonym: "presomitic mesoderm cell" NARROW [] synonym: "somitic mesoderm cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000222 ! mesodermal cell intersection_of: CL:0000222 ! mesodermal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003059 ! presomitic mesoderm relationship: part_of UBERON:0003059 ! presomitic mesoderm [Term] id: CL:0011012 name: neural crest cell def: "A cell of the neural crest. Neural crest cells are multipotent. Premigratory neural crest cells are found at the neural plate boarder, some of which will undergo ectomesynchymal transition and delamination to form migratory neural crest cells." [,] is_a: CL:0000048 ! multi fate stem cell is_a: CL:0002321 ! embryonic cell (metazoa) [Term] id: CL:0011013 name: motile sperm cell def: "A sperm cell that is cabaple of motion (motility)." [PMID:30612620] is_a: CL:0000019 ! sperm is_a: CL:0000219 ! motile cell intersection_of: CL:0000019 ! sperm intersection_of: capable_of GO:0097722 ! sperm motility relationship: capable_of GO:0097722 ! sperm motility relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0011016 name: flagellated sperm cell def: "A motile sperm cell that contains a slender threadlike microscopic appendage that enables motion." [, PMID:30612620] is_a: CL:0011013 ! motile sperm cell intersection_of: CL:0011013 ! motile sperm cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030317 ! flagellated sperm motility relationship: capable_of GO:0030317 ! flagellated sperm motility relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0011019 name: mesothelial cell of epicardium def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the epicardium." [] is_a: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002348 ! epicardium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002348 ! epicardium [Term] id: CL:0011021 name: fibroblast of upper back skin def: "A fibroblast that is part of upper back skin." [] is_a: CL:0011022 ! fibroblast of skin of back intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0009015 ! upper back skin relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0009015 ! upper back skin [Term] id: CL:0011022 name: fibroblast of skin of back def: "A fibroblast that is part of skin of back." [] is_a: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001068 ! skin of back relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001068 ! skin of back [Term] id: CL:0011026 name: progenitor cell def: "A precursor cell that has a tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell. They are descendants of stem cells, only they are more constrained in their differentiation potential or capacity for self-renewal, and are often more limited in both senses." [, ISBN:978-1-62808-994-3] is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0011115 ! precursor cell intersection_of: CL:0011115 ! precursor cell intersection_of: develops_from CL:0000034 ! stem cell relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000034 ! stem cell [Term] id: CL:0011027 name: skeletal muscle fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of skeletal muscle tissue." [, PMID:28369879] synonym: "skeleton muscle fibroblast" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000188 ! cell of skeletal muscle is_a: CL:1001609 ! muscle fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001134 ! skeletal muscle tissue relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0011030 name: dermal microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any microvascular endothelial cell that is part of the dermis." [BTO:0004574, CL:patterns/cellPartOfAnatomicalEntity] synonym: "dermal microvascular endothelium cell" EXACT [] synonym: "DMEC cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell is_a: CL:2000010 ! dermis blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002067 ! dermis relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: CL:0011101 name: chorionic trophoblast cell def: "Cells of the uterine chorion that acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize chorionic trophoblasts. These cells will migrate towards the spongiotrophoblast layer and give rise to syncytiotrophoblasts of the labyrinthine layer." [GOC:NV] is_a: CL:0000351 ! trophoblast cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000351 ! trophoblast cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003124 ! chorion membrane relationship: part_of UBERON:0003124 ! chorion membrane [Term] id: CL:0011108 name: colon epithelial cell def: "Epithelial cell that is part of the colon epithelium." [GOC:NV] synonym: "colonic epithelial cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0002253 ! epithelial cell of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon relationship: part_of UBERON:0000397 ! colonic epithelium [Term] id: CL:0011115 name: precursor cell def: "A cell that, by division or terminal differentiation, can give rise to other cell types." [GOC:dos] comment: Work is needed on GO 'cell differentiation' before it is clear whether the equivalent class definition 'native cell' that capable_of some 'cell differentiation' works. Also, may want to consider merging this with non-terminally differentiated cell. is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation relationship: capable_of GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation [Term] id: CL:0012001 name: neuron of the forebrain def: "A CNS neuron of the forebrain." [] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "forebrain neuron" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000117 {is_inferred="true"} ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000117 ! CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0001890 ! forebrain relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0001890 ! forebrain property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0017500 name: neutrophillic cytoplasm def: "Cytoplasm that exhibits a characteristic staining and color, pale-pink, with Wright-Giemsa stain." [GOC:add] is_a: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0070046 ! neutrophillic relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0070046 ! neutrophillic creation_date: 2010-05-25T01:36:34Z [Term] id: CL:0017502 name: acidophilic cytoplasm def: "Cytoplasm that exhibits a characteristic staining and color, red or pink, with Eosin stain." [GOC:add] synonym: "eosinophilic" NARROW [] is_a: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002418 ! acidophilic relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002418 ! acidophilic creation_date: 2009-12-22T04:23:25Z [Term] id: CL:0017503 name: basophilic cytoplasm def: "Cytoplasm that exhibits molecular interaction for basic dyes under specific pH conditions." [GOC:tfm] is_a: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0002094 ! basophilic relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0002094 ! basophilic creation_date: 2009-12-22T04:24:54Z [Term] id: CL:0017504 name: polychromatophilic cytoplasm def: "Cytoplasm that exhibits affinity for both basic and acid stains under specific pH conditions." [GOC:tfm] is_a: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0070047 ! polychromatophilic relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0070047 ! polychromatophilic creation_date: 2009-12-28T04:25:23Z [Term] id: CL:0017505 name: increased nucleus size def: "A nucleus size quality which is relatively high compared to the amount of cytoplasm present in the same cell." [GOC:tfm] is_a: GO:0005634 ! nucleus intersection_of: GO:0005634 ! nucleus intersection_of: has_characteristic PATO:0000586 ! increased size relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_characteristic PATO:0000586 ! increased size creation_date: 2009-12-23T10:53:24Z [Term] id: CL:0019001 name: tracheobronchial serous cell def: "Any serous secreting cell that is part of the tracheobronchial epithelium." [] subset: added_for_HCA synonym: "serous cell of tracheobronchial tree" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000313 ! serous secreting cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000313 ! serous secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree property_value: "2020-05-07T16:03:27Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0019002 name: tracheobronchial chondrocyte def: "Any chondrocyte that is part of the tracheobronchial tree." [] subset: added_for_HCA subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "chondrocyte of tracheobronchial tree" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000138 ! chondrocyte is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000138 ! chondrocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree property_value: "2020-05-07T17:29:51Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0019018 name: blood vessel smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of any blood vessel." [PMID:9108778] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "smooth muscle cell of blood vessel" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000359 ! vascular associated smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001981 ! blood vessel relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001981 ! blood vessel property_value: "2020-07-21T12:42:48Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0019019 name: tracheobronchial smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the tracheobronchial tree." [PMID:10853867] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "smooth muscle cell of tracheobronchial tree" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree property_value: "2020-07-21T12:50:22Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:0019020 name: extrahepatic cholangiocyte def: "An epithelial cell of the extrahepatic bile ducts, including the left and right hepatic duct, common hepatic duct, and common bile duct. They are columnar in shape, and have a large nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio relative to small/intrahepatic cholangiocytes." [PMID:23720296] synonym: "large bile duct cholangiocyte" EXACT [PMID:23720296] is_a: CL:1000488 ! cholangiocyte intersection_of: CL:1000488 ! cholangiocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004822 ! extrahepatic bile duct epithelium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0004822 ! extrahepatic bile duct epithelium property_value: "2020-09-03T12:24:24Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0019021 name: endothelial cell of periportal hepatic sinusoid def: "An endothelial cell found in the periportal region hepatic sinusoid, near the portal triad. The fenestrae of these cells are larger but fewer in number compared with those of endothelial cells near the centrilobular region of the hepatic sinusoid." [PMID:27423426] synonym: "periportal hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cell" EXACT [PMID:30348985] synonym: "periportal LSEC" EXACT [PMID:28287163] xref: EFO:0010705 is_a: CL:1000398 ! endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid intersection_of: CL:1000398 ! endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid intersection_of: adjacent_to UBERON:0001279 ! portal triad relationship: adjacent_to UBERON:0001279 ! portal triad relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2020-09-09T13:56:47Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:0019022 name: endothelial cell of pericentral hepatic sinusoid def: "An endothelial cell found in the centrilobular region hepatic sinusoid, near the central vein. The fenestrae of these cells are smaller but more numerous compared with those of endothelial cells near the periportal region of the hepatic sinusoid." [PMID:27423426] synonym: "central venous hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cell" EXACT [PMID:30348985] synonym: "pericentral LSEC" EXACT [PMID:28287163] xref: EFO:0010706 is_a: CL:1000398 ! endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid intersection_of: CL:1000398 ! endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid intersection_of: adjacent_to UBERON:0006841 ! central vein of liver relationship: adjacent_to UBERON:0006841 ! central vein of liver relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2020-09-10T12:38:29Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:1000042 name: forebrain neuroblast is_a: CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001890 ! forebrain relationship: part_of UBERON:0001890 ! forebrain [Term] id: CL:1000090 name: pronephric nephron tubule epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000449 ! epithelial cell of nephron is_a: CL:1000507 ! kidney tubule cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005310 ! pronephric nephron tubule relationship: part_of UBERON:0005310 ! pronephric nephron tubule [Term] id: CL:1000123 name: metanephric nephron tubule epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000449 ! epithelial cell of nephron is_a: CL:1000507 ! kidney tubule cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005146 ! metanephric nephron tubule relationship: part_of UBERON:0005146 ! metanephric nephron tubule [Term] id: CL:1000222 name: stomach neuroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0000165 ! neuroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0002659 ! glandular cell of stomach intersection_of: CL:0000165 ! neuroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000945 ! stomach relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) [Term] id: CL:1000223 name: lung neuroendocrine cell subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000082 ! epithelial cell of lung is_a: CL:0000165 ! neuroendocrine cell is_a: CL:1000272 ! lung secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000165 ! neuroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000271 name: lung ciliated cell subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: CL:4030034 ! respiratory ciliated cell intersection_of: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000272 name: lung secretory cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung [Term] id: CL:1000274 name: trophectodermal cell synonym: "trophectoderm cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000349 ! extraembryonic cell [Term] id: CL:1000275 name: smooth muscle cell of small intestine def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the small intestine." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "non-striated muscle fiber of small intestine" EXACT [FMA:15050] xref: FMA:15050 is_a: CL:0002504 {is_inferred="true"} ! enteric smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0002504 ! enteric smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine relationship: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine [Term] id: CL:1000276 name: smooth muscle fiber of duodenum def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the duodenum." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "non-striated muscle fiber of duodenum" EXACT [FMA:15058] xref: FMA:15058 is_a: CL:1000275 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell of small intestine intersection_of: CL:1000275 ! smooth muscle cell of small intestine intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002114 ! duodenum relationship: part_of UBERON:0002114 ! duodenum [Term] id: CL:1000279 name: smooth muscle cell of large intestine def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the large intestine." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "non-striated muscle fiber of large intestine" EXACT [FMA:15653] xref: FMA:15653 is_a: CL:0002504 {is_inferred="true"} ! enteric smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0002504 ! enteric smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000059 ! large intestine relationship: part_of UBERON:0000059 ! large intestine property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000280 name: smooth muscle cell of colon def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the colon." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "non-striated muscle fiber of colon" EXACT [FMA:15663] xref: FMA:15663 is_a: CL:1000279 ! smooth muscle cell of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0002504 ! enteric smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon relationship: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon [Term] id: CL:1000285 name: smooth muscle cell of sigmoid colon def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the sigmoid colon." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "non-striated muscle fiber of sigmoid colon" EXACT [FMA:17521] xref: FMA:17521 is_a: CL:1000280 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell of colon intersection_of: CL:1000280 ! smooth muscle cell of colon intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001159 ! sigmoid colon relationship: part_of UBERON:0001159 ! sigmoid colon [Term] id: CL:1000286 name: smooth muscle cell of rectum def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the rectum." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "non-striated muscle fiber of rectum" EXACT [FMA:17522] synonym: "smooth muscle fiber of rectum" EXACT [] xref: FMA:17522 is_a: CL:1000279 ! smooth muscle cell of large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001052 ! rectum relationship: part_of UBERON:0001052 ! rectum [Term] id: CL:1000296 name: epithelial cell of urethra def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the urethra." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:256165 is_a: CL:0000066 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: CL:1001320 ! urethra cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000057 ! urethra [Term] id: CL:1000298 name: mesothelial cell of dura mater def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the dura mater." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "squamous mesothelial cell of dura mater" EXACT [FMA:256516] xref: FMA:256516 is_a: CL:0000077 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesothelial cell is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002363 ! dura mater relationship: part_of UBERON:0002363 ! dura mater [Term] id: CL:1000303 name: fibroblast of areolar connective tissue def: "A fibroblast that is part of the areolar connective tissue." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:261279 is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0006815 ! areolar connective tissue relationship: part_of UBERON:0006815 ! areolar connective tissue [Term] id: CL:1000306 name: fibroblast of tunica adventitia of artery def: "A fibroblast that is part of the tunica adventitia of artery." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:261285 is_a: CL:0000057 {is_inferred="true"} ! fibroblast is_a: CL:0002503 ! adventitial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005734 ! tunica adventitia of blood vessel relationship: part_of UBERON:0005734 ! tunica adventitia of blood vessel [Term] id: CL:1000307 name: fibroblast of dense regular elastic tissue def: "A fibroblast that is part of the dense regular elastic tissue." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:261287 is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007846 ! dense regular connective tissue relationship: part_of UBERON:0002521 ! elastic tissue relationship: part_of UBERON:0007846 ! dense regular connective tissue [Term] id: CL:1000309 name: epicardial adipocyte def: "A fat cell that is part of the epicardial fat." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "adipocyte of epicardial fat" EXACT [FMA:261293] synonym: "epicardial fat cell" EXACT [FMA:261293] xref: FMA:261293 is_a: CL:0000136 ! fat cell is_a: CL:0002494 ! cardiocyte is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure relationship: part_of UBERON:0002348 ! epicardium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000310 name: adipocyte of epicardial fat of right ventricle def: "A fat cell that is part of the epicardial fat of right ventricle." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "epicardial adipocyte of right ventricle" EXACT [FMA:261297] synonym: "epicardial fat cell of right ventricle" EXACT [FMA:261297] xref: FMA:261297 is_a: CL:1000309 ! epicardial adipocyte intersection_of: CL:1000309 ! epicardial adipocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002080 ! heart right ventricle relationship: part_of UBERON:0002080 ! heart right ventricle [Term] id: CL:1000311 name: adipocyte of epicardial fat of left ventricle def: "A fat cell that is part of the epicardial fat of left ventricle." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "epicardial adipocyte of left ventricle" EXACT [FMA:261300] synonym: "epicardial fat cell of left ventricle" EXACT [FMA:261300] xref: FMA:261300 is_a: CL:1000309 ! epicardial adipocyte intersection_of: CL:1000309 ! epicardial adipocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002084 ! heart left ventricle relationship: part_of UBERON:0002084 ! heart left ventricle [Term] id: CL:1000330 name: serous cell of epithelium of trachea def: "A serous secreting cell that is part of the epithelium of trachea." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:263078 is_a: CL:0019001 ! tracheobronchial serous cell intersection_of: CL:0000313 ! serous secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001901 ! epithelium of trachea relationship: part_of UBERON:0001901 ! epithelium of trachea property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000331 name: serous cell of epithelium of bronchus def: "A serous secreting cell that is part of the epithelium of bronchus." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:263080 is_a: CL:0019001 ! tracheobronchial serous cell intersection_of: CL:0000313 ! serous secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002031 ! epithelium of bronchus relationship: part_of UBERON:0002031 ! epithelium of bronchus property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000332 name: serous cell of epithelium of terminal bronchiole def: "A serous secreting cell that is part of the epithelium of terminal bronchiole." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:263082 is_a: CL:0019001 ! tracheobronchial serous cell is_a: CL:1000272 ! lung secretory cell intersection_of: CL:0000313 ! serous secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001958 ! terminal bronchiole epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0001958 ! terminal bronchiole epithelium [Term] id: CL:1000361 name: transitional myocyte of interatrial septum def: "A transitional myocyte that is part of the interatrial septum." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:263152 is_a: CL:0002073 {is_inferred="true"} ! transitional myocyte is_a: CL:2000022 ! cardiac septum cell intersection_of: CL:0002073 ! transitional myocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002085 ! interatrial septum relationship: part_of UBERON:0002085 ! interatrial septum [Term] id: CL:1000362 name: transitional myocyte of interventricular septum def: "A transitional myocyte that is part of the interventricular septum." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:263154 is_a: CL:0002073 {is_inferred="true"} ! transitional myocyte is_a: CL:2000022 ! cardiac septum cell intersection_of: CL:0002073 ! transitional myocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002094 ! interventricular septum relationship: part_of UBERON:0002094 ! interventricular septum [Term] id: CL:1000376 name: Purkinje myocyte of interventricular septum def: "A Purkinje myocyte that is part of the interventricular septum." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:263182 is_a: CL:0002068 {is_inferred="true"} ! Purkinje myocyte is_a: CL:2000022 ! cardiac septum cell intersection_of: CL:0002068 ! Purkinje myocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002094 ! interventricular septum relationship: part_of UBERON:0002094 ! interventricular septum [Term] id: CL:1000398 name: endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid def: "An endothelial cell that is part of the hepatic sinusoid. These cells possess flattened areas containing perforations about 0.1 micrometers in diameter, known as fenestrae. The fenestrae are arranged in groups known as sieve plates." [GOC:tfm, PMID:3926620] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endotheliocyte of hepatic sinusoid" EXACT [FMA:62911] synonym: "liver sinusoidal endothelial cell" EXACT [PMID:30348985] synonym: "LSEC" EXACT [PMID:30348985] xref: BTO:000125 xref: FMA:62911 is_a: CL:0002262 ! endothelial cell of sinusoid is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001281 ! hepatic sinusoid relationship: part_of UBERON:0001281 ! hepatic sinusoid property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000409 name: myocyte of sinoatrial node def: "A muscle cell that is part of the sinoatrial node." [FMA:67102, GOC:tfm] synonym: "myocyte of sinoatrial node" EXACT [FMA:67102] synonym: "SA nodal myocyte" EXACT [FMA:67102] synonym: "SA node cardiac muscle cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] synonym: "sinoatrial node cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] synonym: "sinoatrial node myocyte" EXACT [] synonym: "sinuatrial node myocyte" EXACT [FMA:67102] xref: FMA:67102 is_a: CL:0002072 ! nodal myocyte is_a: CL:0008009 ! transversely striated visceral muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002351 ! sinoatrial node relationship: part_of UBERON:0002351 ! sinoatrial node [Term] id: CL:1000410 name: myocyte of atrioventricular node def: "A muscle cell that is part of the atrioventricular node." [FMA:67106, GOC:tfm] synonym: "atrioventricular node cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] synonym: "atrioventricular node myocyte" EXACT [FMA:67106] synonym: "AV nodal myocyte" EXACT [FMA:67106] synonym: "AV node cardiac muscle cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] synonym: "AV node cell" EXACT [GOC:pr] xref: FMA:67106 is_a: CL:0002072 ! nodal myocyte is_a: CL:0008009 ! transversely striated visceral muscle cell is_a: CL:2000022 ! cardiac septum cell intersection_of: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002352 ! atrioventricular node relationship: part_of UBERON:0002352 ! atrioventricular node [Term] id: CL:1000412 name: endothelial cell of arteriole def: "An endothelial cell that is part of the arteriole." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:67760 xref: KUPO:0001097 is_a: CL:0000071 {is_inferred="true"} ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001980 ! arteriole relationship: part_of UBERON:0001980 ! arteriole property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000413 name: endothelial cell of artery def: "A blood vessel endothelial cell that is part of an arterial endothelium." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "arterial endothelial cell" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0004758 xref: FMA:67761 xref: KUPO:0001095 is_a: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001637 ! artery relationship: part_of UBERON:0001917 ! endothelium of artery property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000414 name: endothelial cell of venule def: "An endothelial cell that is part of the venule." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:67762 is_a: CL:0002139 {is_inferred="true"} ! endothelial cell of vascular tree intersection_of: CL:0002139 ! endothelial cell of vascular tree intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001979 ! venule relationship: part_of UBERON:0001979 ! venule property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000415 name: epithelial cell of gallbladder def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the gallbladder." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:67780 is_a: CL:0000066 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002110 ! gallbladder relationship: part_of UBERON:0002110 ! gallbladder [Term] id: CL:1000428 name: stem cell of epidermis def: "A somatic stem cell that is part of the epidermis." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "epidermal stem cell" EXACT [FMA:70541] xref: FMA:70541 is_a: CL:0000723 {is_inferred="true"} ! somatic stem cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000723 ! somatic stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001003 ! skin epidermis relationship: part_of UBERON:0001003 ! skin epidermis [Term] id: CL:1000434 name: epithelial cell of external acoustic meatus def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the external acoustic meatus." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:70555 is_a: CL:0000066 {is_inferred="true"} ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001352 ! external acoustic meatus relationship: part_of UBERON:0001352 ! external acoustic meatus [Term] id: CL:1000443 name: ciliary muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of the ciliary body." [GOC:tfm] subset: eye_upper_slim synonym: "smooth muscle cell of ciliary body" EXACT [FMA:70610] xref: FMA:70610 is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001775 ! ciliary body relationship: part_of UBERON:0001775 ! ciliary body [Term] id: CL:1000444 name: mesothelial cell of anterior chamber of eye def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the anterior chamber of eyeball." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:70615 is_a: CL:0000077 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesothelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001766 ! anterior chamber of eyeball relationship: part_of UBERON:0001766 ! anterior chamber of eyeball [Term] id: CL:1000449 name: epithelial cell of nephron def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the nephron." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:70965 is_a: CL:0002518 ! kidney epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001285 ! nephron relationship: part_of UBERON:0001285 ! nephron [Term] id: CL:1000454 name: kidney collecting duct epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the collecting duct of renal tubule." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "epithelial cell of renal collecting tubule" EXACT [FMA:70982] xref: FMA:70982 xref: KUPO:0001059 is_a: CL:0000072 {is_inferred="true"} ! non-branched duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000449 ! epithelial cell of nephron is_a: CL:1001225 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney collecting duct cell intersection_of: CL:0000072 ! non-branched duct epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001232 ! collecting duct of renal tubule property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000456 name: mesothelial cell of parietal peritoneum def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the parietal peritoneum." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:72142 is_a: CL:1000490 ! mesothelial cell of peritoneum intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001366 ! parietal peritoneum relationship: part_of UBERON:0001366 ! parietal peritoneum [Term] id: CL:1000457 name: mesothelial cell of visceral peritoneum def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the visceral peritoneum." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:72143 is_a: CL:1000490 ! mesothelial cell of peritoneum intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001178 ! visceral peritoneum relationship: part_of UBERON:0001178 ! visceral peritoneum property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000478 name: transitional myocyte of sinoatrial node def: "A transitional myocyte that is part of the sinoatrial node." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "transitinal myocyte of sinuatrial node" EXACT [] xref: FMA:83384 is_a: CL:0002073 {is_inferred="true"} ! transitional myocyte is_a: CL:1000409 ! myocyte of sinoatrial node intersection_of: CL:0002073 ! transitional myocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002351 ! sinoatrial node [Term] id: CL:1000479 name: Purkinje myocyte of atrioventricular node def: "A Purkinje myocyte that is part of the atrioventricular node." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:83386 is_a: CL:0002068 {is_inferred="true"} ! Purkinje myocyte is_a: CL:1000410 ! myocyte of atrioventricular node intersection_of: CL:0002068 ! Purkinje myocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002352 ! atrioventricular node [Term] id: CL:1000482 name: myocardial endocrine cell of interventricular septum def: "A myocardial endocrine cell that is part of the interventricular septum." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:83390 is_a: CL:0002074 {is_inferred="true"} ! myocardial endocrine cell is_a: CL:2000022 ! cardiac septum cell intersection_of: CL:0002074 ! myocardial endocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002094 ! interventricular septum relationship: part_of UBERON:0002094 ! interventricular septum [Term] id: CL:1000488 name: cholangiocyte def: "An epithelial cell that is part of the bile duct. Cholangiocytes contribute to bile secretion via net release of bicarbonate and water. They are cuboidal epithelium in the small interlobular bile ducts, but become columnar and mucus secreting in larger bile ducts approaching the porta hepatis and the extrahepatic ducts." [GOC:tfm, PMID:16550043, PMID:18356246] synonym: "epithelial cell of bile duct" EXACT [] xref: FMA:86481 is_a: CL:0000069 {is_inferred="true"} ! branched duct epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000069 ! branched duct epithelial cell intersection_of: capable_of GO:0015106 ! bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002394 ! bile duct relationship: develops_from CL:0005026 ! hepatoblast relationship: part_of UBERON:0002394 ! bile duct [Term] id: CL:1000490 name: mesothelial cell of peritoneum def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the peritoneum." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "peritoneal mesothelial cell" EXACT [FMA:86736] xref: FMA:86736 is_a: CL:0000077 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002358 ! peritoneum relationship: part_of UBERON:0002358 ! peritoneum [Term] id: CL:1000491 name: mesothelial cell of pleura def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the pleura." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "pleural mesothelial cell" EXACT [FMA:86737] xref: FMA:86737 is_a: CL:0000077 {is_inferred="true"} ! mesothelial cell is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000977 ! pleura relationship: part_of UBERON:0000977 ! pleura [Term] id: CL:1000492 name: mesothelial cell of parietal pleura def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the parietal pleura." [GOC:tfm] xref: FMA:86738 is_a: CL:1000491 ! mesothelial cell of pleura intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002400 ! parietal pleura relationship: part_of UBERON:0002400 ! parietal pleura [Term] id: CL:1000493 name: mesothelial cell of visceral pleura def: "A mesothelial cell that is part of the visceral pleura." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas xref: FMA:86739 is_a: CL:0000082 ! epithelial cell of lung is_a: CL:1000491 ! mesothelial cell of pleura intersection_of: CL:0000077 ! mesothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002401 ! visceral pleura relationship: part_of UBERON:0002401 ! visceral pleura property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000494 name: nephron tubule epithelial cell def: "An epithelial cell that is part of a nephron tubule." [GOC:tfm] comment: This needs to be further defined as a juxtamedullary nephron. Will request the juxtamedullary nephron tubule class from UBERON. synonym: "kidney tubule epithelial cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:86785 xref: KUPO:0001022 is_a: CL:1000449 ! epithelial cell of nephron is_a: CL:1000507 ! kidney tubule cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004810 ! nephron tubule epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0004810 ! nephron tubule epithelium [Term] id: CL:1000497 name: kidney cell xref: KUPO:0001010 is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002113 ! kidney relationship: part_of UBERON:0002113 ! kidney [Term] id: CL:1000500 name: kidney interstitial cell xref: KUPO:0001013 is_a: CL:1000497 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cell is_a: CL:4030031 ! interstitial cell intersection_of: CL:1000497 ! kidney cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005215 ! kidney interstitium relationship: part_of UBERON:0005215 ! kidney interstitium [Term] id: CL:1000505 name: kidney pelvis cell xref: KUPO:0001018 is_a: CL:1000497 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cell intersection_of: CL:1000497 ! kidney cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001224 ! renal pelvis relationship: part_of UBERON:0001224 ! renal pelvis [Term] id: CL:1000507 name: kidney tubule cell xref: KUPO:0001020 is_a: CL:1000497 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cell intersection_of: CL:1000497 ! kidney cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001231 ! nephron tubule relationship: part_of UBERON:0001231 ! nephron tubule [Term] id: CL:1000549 name: kidney cortex collecting duct epithelial cell xref: KUPO:0001063 is_a: CL:0002681 ! kidney cortical cell is_a: CL:1001225 ! kidney collecting duct cell intersection_of: CL:1000497 ! kidney cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004203 ! cortical collecting duct relationship: part_of UBERON:0004203 ! cortical collecting duct [Term] id: CL:1000600 name: lower urinary tract cell xref: KUPO:0001115 is_a: CL:0000548 {is_inferred="true"} ! animal cell intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001556 ! lower urinary tract relationship: part_of UBERON:0001556 ! lower urinary tract [Term] id: CL:1000601 name: ureteral cell xref: KUPO:0001116 is_a: CL:0000548 {is_inferred="true"} ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000056 ! ureter relationship: part_of UBERON:0000056 ! ureter [Term] id: CL:1000606 name: kidney nerve cell xref: KUPO:0001015 is_a: CL:1000500 ! kidney interstitial cell is_a: CL:2000032 ! peripheral nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0002113 ! kidney relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0002113 ! kidney [Term] id: CL:1000681 name: kidney cortex interstitial cell xref: KUPO:0001091 is_a: CL:0002584 ! renal cortical epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000500 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney interstitial cell intersection_of: CL:1000500 ! kidney interstitial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005270 ! renal cortex interstitium relationship: part_of UBERON:0005270 ! renal cortex interstitium [Term] id: CL:1000692 name: kidney interstitial fibroblast subset: human_reference_atlas xref: KUPO:0001102 is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: CL:1000500 ! kidney interstitial cell intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005215 ! kidney interstitium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000702 name: kidney pelvis smooth muscle cell xref: KUPO:0001113 is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell is_a: CL:1000505 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney pelvis cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004227 ! kidney pelvis smooth muscle relationship: part_of UBERON:0004227 ! kidney pelvis smooth muscle [Term] id: CL:1000708 name: ureter adventitial cell subset: human_reference_atlas xref: KUPO:0001119 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell is_a: CL:0002503 ! adventitial cell is_a: CL:1000601 {is_inferred="true"} ! ureteral cell intersection_of: CL:1000601 ! ureteral cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001252 ! adventitia of ureter relationship: part_of UBERON:0001252 ! adventitia of ureter property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000714 name: kidney cortex collecting duct principal cell subset: human_reference_atlas xref: KUPO:0001130 is_a: CL:0002584 ! renal cortical epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000549 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cortex collecting duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:1001431 ! kidney collecting duct principal cell intersection_of: CL:0005009 ! renal principal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004203 ! cortical collecting duct property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1000979 name: ureter smooth muscle cell xref: KUPO:0001118 is_a: CL:0000192 {is_inferred="true"} ! smooth muscle cell is_a: CL:1000601 {is_inferred="true"} ! ureteral cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0006855 ! muscular coat of ureter relationship: part_of UBERON:0006855 ! muscular coat of ureter [Term] id: CL:1001225 name: kidney collecting duct cell xref: KUPO:0001012 xref: Wikipedia:Kidney_collecting_duct_cell is_a: CL:1000497 {is_inferred="true"} ! kidney cell intersection_of: CL:1000497 ! kidney cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001232 ! collecting duct of renal tubule relationship: part_of UBERON:0001232 ! collecting duct of renal tubule [Term] id: CL:1001319 name: bladder cell subset: human_reference_atlas xref: KUPO:0001120 is_a: CL:1000600 ! lower urinary tract cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001255 ! urinary bladder relationship: part_of UBERON:0001255 ! urinary bladder property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1001320 name: urethra cell xref: KUPO:0001123 is_a: CL:1000600 ! lower urinary tract cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000548 ! animal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000057 ! urethra relationship: part_of UBERON:0000057 ! urethra [Term] id: CL:1001431 name: kidney collecting duct principal cell subset: human_reference_atlas xref: KUPO:0001128 is_a: CL:0005009 {is_inferred="true"} ! renal principal cell is_a: CL:1000454 ! kidney collecting duct epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0005009 ! renal principal cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001232 ! collecting duct of renal tubule property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1001433 name: epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas def: "An epithelial cell of the exocrine pancreas." [GOC:tfm] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "exocrine pancreas cell" EXACT [] xref: FMA:70986 is_a: CL:0000083 ! epithelial cell of pancreas intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000017 ! exocrine pancreas relationship: part_of UBERON:0000017 ! exocrine pancreas property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1001516 name: intestinal enteroendocrine cell def: "The various hormone- or neurotransmitter-secreting cells present throughout the mucosa of the intestinal tract." [MP:0010802] is_a: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell is_a: CL:0002563 ! intestinal epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000164 ! enteroendocrine cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001242 ! intestinal mucosa [Term] id: CL:1001567 name: lung endothelial cell subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "endothelial cell of lung" RELATED [] synonym: "pulmonary vessel endothelial cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000082 ! epithelial cell of lung is_a: CL:0002139 ! endothelial cell of vascular tree is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0002139 ! endothelial cell of vascular tree intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: part_of UBERON:0000102 ! lung vasculature property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1001568 name: pulmonary artery endothelial cell subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "PAEC cell" RELATED [BTO:0001141] xref: BTO:0001141 is_a: CL:1000413 ! endothelial cell of artery intersection_of: CL:0002139 ! endothelial cell of vascular tree intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002012 ! pulmonary artery relationship: part_of UBERON:0005317 ! pulmonary artery endothelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1001572 name: colon endothelial cell def: "A vascular endothelial cell found in colon blood vessels." [, NPX:PDR] synonym: "colon endothelial cells" RELATED PLURAL [CALOHA:TS-2397] synonym: "colonic endothelial cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-2397] xref: CALOHA:TS-2397 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell is_a: CL:0011108 ! colon epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0000077 ! mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon relationship: part_of UBERON:0013695 ! colon endothelium [Term] id: CL:1001573 name: nasopharyngeal epithelial cell def: "Cell of the nasopharyngeal epithelium." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "nasopharynx respiratory epithelial cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-2398] xref: CALOHA:TS-2398 is_a: CL:0002251 ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal is_a: CL:0002631 ! epithelial cell of upper respiratory tract intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001728 ! nasopharynx relationship: part_of UBERON:0001951 ! epithelium of nasopharynx [Term] id: CL:1001576 name: oral mucosa squamous cell def: "Squamous cell of oral epithelium." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "oral cavity mucosa squamous cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1252] synonym: "oral cavity mucosa squamous epithelial cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1252] synonym: "oral mucosa squamous epithelial cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1252] synonym: "oral mucosa squamous epithelial cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1252] xref: CALOHA:TS-1252 is_a: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002251 ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal intersection_of: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002424 ! oral epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0002424 ! oral epithelium [Term] id: CL:1001579 name: cerebral cortex glial cell def: "Glial cell of cerebral cortex." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "brain cortex glial cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1256] synonym: "cerebral cortex glial cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1256] synonym: "cerebrum cortex glial cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1256] xref: CALOHA:TS-1256 is_a: CL:0000125 ! glial cell intersection_of: CL:0000125 ! glial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex relationship: part_of UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex [Term] id: CL:1001588 name: colon glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of colon epithelium. Example: Goblet cells; enterocytes or absorptive cells; enteroendocrine and M cells." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "colon glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1274] xref: CALOHA:TS-1274 is_a: CL:0002658 ! glandular cell of the large intestine is_a: CL:0011108 ! colon epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001155 ! colon [Term] id: CL:1001589 name: duodenum glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of duodenal epithelium. Example: Enterocytes, Goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells; Paneth cells; M cells; Brunner's gland cell." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "duodenum glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1275] xref: CALOHA:TS-1275 is_a: CL:1001598 ! small intestine glandular cell intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002114 ! duodenum relationship: part_of UBERON:0008346 ! duodenal epithelium [Term] id: CL:1001590 name: epididymis glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of epididymal epithelium." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "epididymal glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1276] synonym: "epididymis glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1276] xref: CALOHA:TS-1276 is_a: CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001301 ! epididymis relationship: part_of UBERON:0004544 ! epididymis epithelium [Term] id: CL:1001591 name: oviduct glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of oviduct epithelium. Example: peg cells, ciliated cells." [HPA:HPA, NPX:PDR] synonym: "fallopian tube glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1277] synonym: "fallopian tube glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1277] synonym: "uterine tube glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1277] xref: CALOHA:TS-1277 is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000993 ! oviduct relationship: part_of UBERON:0004804 ! oviduct epithelium [Term] id: CL:1001592 name: gallbladder glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of gallbladder epithelium." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "gall bladder glandular cell" EXACT [FMA:7202] synonym: "gall bladder glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1278] synonym: "gallbladder glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1278] xref: CALOHA:TS-1278 is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:1000415 ! epithelial cell of gallbladder intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002110 ! gallbladder relationship: part_of UBERON:0002029 ! epithelium of gall bladder [Term] id: CL:1001595 name: rectum glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of rectal epithelium. Example: Goblet cell; enterocytes or absorptive cells; enteroendocrine and M cells." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "rectal glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1281] synonym: "rectum glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1281] xref: CALOHA:TS-1281 is_a: CL:0002658 ! glandular cell of the large intestine intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001052 ! rectum relationship: part_of UBERON:0003354 ! epithelium of rectum [Term] id: CL:1001597 name: seminal vesicle glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of seminal vesicle epithelium." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "seminal vesicle glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1283] xref: CALOHA:TS-1283 is_a: CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000998 ! seminal vesicle relationship: part_of UBERON:0004805 ! seminal vesicle epithelium [Term] id: CL:1001598 name: small intestine glandular cell def: "A glandular cell found in the epithelium of the small intestine. Example: Enterocytes, Goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells; Paneth cells; M cells; Somatostatin-secreting Cells (D-cells) ." [NCI_Thesaurus:Small_Intestinal_Glandular_Cell, NPX:PDR] synonym: "small bowel glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1286] synonym: "small intestinal glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1286] synonym: "small intestine glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1286] xref: CALOHA:TS-1286 xref: FMA:86928 is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002254 ! epithelial cell of small intestine intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002108 ! small intestine relationship: part_of UBERON:0001902 ! epithelium of small intestine [Term] id: CL:1001599 name: pancreas exocrine glandular cell def: "Glandular cell of exocrine pancreas epithelium. Example: pancreatic acinar cell, glandular cells in pancreatic canaliculi, glandular cells in pancreatic ducts." [HPA:HPA, NPX:PDR] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "exocrine pancreas glandular cell" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1242] synonym: "pancreas exocrine glandular cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-1242] xref: BTO:0000028 xref: CALOHA:TS-1242 is_a: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000152 ! exocrine cell is_a: CL:1001433 ! epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas intersection_of: CL:0000150 ! glandular epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000017 ! exocrine pancreas relationship: part_of UBERON:0013697 ! exocrine pancreas epithelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:1001602 name: cerebral cortex endothelial cell def: "Endothelial cells forming the walls of the capillaries within the cerebral cortex." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "cerebral cortex endothelial cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-2372] synonym: "endothelial cells of cerebral cortex" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-2372] xref: CALOHA:TS-2372 is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex relationship: part_of UBERON:0000956 ! cerebral cortex relationship: part_of UBERON:0013694 ! brain endothelium [Term] id: CL:1001609 name: muscle fibroblast def: "Fibroblast from muscle organ." [NPX:PDR] xref: CALOHA:TS-0643 is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001630 ! muscle organ relationship: part_of UBERON:0001630 ! muscle organ [Term] id: CL:1001610 name: bone marrow hematopoietic cell def: "Hematopoietic cells resident in the bone marrow. Include: hematopoietic stem cells (lymphoid stem cells and myeloid stem cells) and the precursor cells for thrombocytes, erythrocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes." [NPX:PDR] synonym: "bone marrow hematopoietic cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-2109] synonym: "bone marrow poietic cells" RELATED [CALOHA:TS-2109] xref: CALOHA:TS-2109 is_a: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell is_a: CL:0002092 ! bone marrow cell intersection_of: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002371 ! bone marrow relationship: part_of UBERON:0012429 ! hematopoietic tissue [Term] id: CL:2000001 name: peripheral blood mononuclear cell def: "A leukocyte with a single non-segmented nucleus in the mature form found in the circulatory pool of blood." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000080 ! circulating cell is_a: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000178 ! blood relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000178 ! blood creation_date: 2014-02-11T17:29:04Z [Term] id: CL:2000002 name: decidual cell def: "A specialized, enlarged, connective tissue cell of the decidua with enlarged nucleus, dense membrane‐bound secretory granules and cytoplasmic accumulation of glycogen and lipid droplets. These cells develop by the transformation of endometrial stromal cells during decidualization." [BTO:0002770, NCIT:C32429, PMID:30013421, PMID:30429548, Wiki:Decidual_cells&oldid=937509751, Wiki:Decidualization&oldid=908981933] synonym: "decidua cell" EXACT [BTO:0002770, NCIT:C32429] synonym: "decidual stromal cell" EXACT [BTO:0005756, PMID:11719592] xref: BTO:0002770 xref: BTO:0005756 xref: NCIT:C32429 is_a: CL:0000349 ! extraembryonic cell is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure relationship: develops_from CL:0002255 ! stromal cell of endometrium relationship: part_of UBERON:0002450 ! decidua creation_date: 2014-02-20T23:06:41Z [Term] id: CL:2000005 name: brain macroglial cell def: "Any macroglial cell that is part of a brain." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000126 ! macroglial cell intersection_of: CL:0000126 ! macroglial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000955 ! brain relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000955 ! brain creation_date: 2014-03-28T21:35:27Z [Term] id: CL:2000008 name: microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any blood vessel endothelial cell that is part of a microvascular endothelium." [GOC:TermGenie] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0008339 ! microvascular endothelium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0008339 ! microvascular endothelium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2014-06-04T15:07:42Z [Term] id: CL:2000010 name: dermis blood vessel endothelial cell def: "Any blood vessel endothelial cell that is part of a dermis." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002067 ! dermis relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002067 ! dermis creation_date: 2014-06-04T15:12:06Z [Term] id: CL:2000012 name: fibroblast of pedal digit skin def: "Any skin fibroblast that is part of a pedal digit skin." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003530 ! pedal digit skin relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0003530 ! pedal digit skin creation_date: 2014-06-04T15:16:44Z [Term] id: CL:2000013 name: fibroblast of skin of abdomen def: "Any skin fibroblast that is part of a skin of abdomen." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001416 ! skin of abdomen relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001416 ! skin of abdomen creation_date: 2014-06-04T15:18:16Z [Term] id: CL:2000014 name: fibroblast of upper leg skin def: "Any skin fibroblast that is part of a upper leg skin." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004262 ! upper leg skin relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0004262 ! upper leg skin creation_date: 2014-06-04T15:19:44Z [Term] id: CL:2000015 name: fibroblast of arm def: "Any skin fibroblast that is part of a arm." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0002620 ! skin fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001460 ! arm relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001460 ! arm creation_date: 2014-06-04T15:29:06Z [Term] id: CL:2000016 name: lung microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any lung endothelial cell that is part of a microvascular endothelium." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:1001567 ! lung endothelial cell is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:1001567 ! lung endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0008339 ! microvascular endothelium relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2014-06-04T16:00:56Z [Term] id: CL:2000017 name: fibroblast of peridontal ligament def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a periodontal ligament." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002556 ! fibroblast of periodontium is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0008266 ! periodontal ligament relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0008266 ! periodontal ligament creation_date: 2014-06-04T16:50:33Z [Term] id: CL:2000019 name: compound eye photoreceptor cell def: "Any photoreceptor cell that is part of a compound eye." [GOC:TermGenie] xref: FBbt:00004211 is_a: CL:0000287 ! eye photoreceptor cell intersection_of: CL:0000210 ! photoreceptor cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000018 ! compound eye relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000018 ! compound eye creation_date: 2014-06-24T23:16:45Z [Term] id: CL:2000020 name: inner cell mass cell def: "Any native cell that is part of a inner cell mass." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000087 ! inner cell mass relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000087 ! inner cell mass creation_date: 2014-06-24T23:16:53Z [Term] id: CL:2000022 name: cardiac septum cell def: "Any native cell that is part of a cardiac septum." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000548 ! animal cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002099 ! cardiac septum relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002099 ! cardiac septum creation_date: 2014-06-24T23:17:07Z [Term] id: CL:2000025 name: spinal cord oligodendrocyte def: "Any oligodendrocyte that is part of a spinal cord." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000128 ! oligodendrocyte intersection_of: CL:0000128 ! oligodendrocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002240 ! spinal cord relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002240 ! spinal cord creation_date: 2014-06-25T00:23:50Z [Term] id: CL:2000029 name: central nervous system neuron def: "Any neuron that is part of a central nervous system." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0001017 ! central nervous system relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0001017 ! central nervous system creation_date: 2014-06-25T01:17:43Z [Term] id: CL:2000032 name: peripheral nervous system neuron def: "A neuron that is part of a peripheral nervous system." [GOC:TermGenie, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "peripheral neuron" EXACT [] synonym: "PNS neuron" EXACT [] xref: FMA:84664 is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0000010 ! peripheral nervous system relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0000010 ! peripheral nervous system creation_date: 2014-06-25T02:28:17Z [Term] id: CL:2000040 name: bladder microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any microvascular endothelial cell that is part of a urinary bladder." [GOC:TermGenie] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:1001319 ! bladder cell is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001255 ! urinary bladder relationship: dc-contributor property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2014-07-09T00:04:47Z [Term] id: CL:2000042 name: embryonic fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a embryo." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000922 ! embryo relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000922 ! embryo creation_date: 2014-07-09T00:12:00Z [Term] id: CL:2000044 name: brain microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any microvascular endothelial cell that is part of a brain." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000955 ! brain relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000955 ! brain creation_date: 2014-07-09T00:24:53Z [Term] id: CL:2000046 name: ventricular cardiac muscle cell def: "Any cardiac muscle cell that is part of a cardiac ventricle." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002082 ! cardiac ventricle relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002082 ! cardiac ventricle creation_date: 2014-08-12T20:50:28Z [Term] id: CL:2000047 name: brainstem motor neuron def: "Any motor neuron that is part of a brainstem." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000100 ! motor neuron is_a: CL:2000029 ! central nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:0000100 ! motor neuron intersection_of: has_soma_location UBERON:0002298 ! brainstem relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_soma_location UBERON:0002298 ! brainstem creation_date: 2014-10-02T23:52:53Z [Term] id: CL:2000051 name: splenic fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a spleen." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002106 ! spleen relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002106 ! spleen creation_date: 2014-10-06T18:58:47Z [Term] id: CL:2000052 name: umbilical artery endothelial cell def: "Any endothelial cell of artery that is part of a umbilical cord." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0000349 ! extraembryonic cell is_a: CL:1000413 ! endothelial cell of artery intersection_of: CL:1000413 ! endothelial cell of artery intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002331 ! umbilical cord relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002331 ! umbilical cord creation_date: 2014-10-06T19:01:48Z [Term] id: CL:2000053 name: splenic endothelial cell def: "Any endothelial cell that is part of a spleen." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000115 ! endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002106 ! spleen relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002106 ! spleen property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2014-10-06T19:06:04Z [Term] id: CL:2000055 name: liver dendritic cell def: "Any dendritic cell that is part of a liver." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: synonym: "hepatic dendritic cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000451 ! dendritic cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000451 ! dendritic cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002107 ! liver relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002107 ! liver creation_date: 2014-10-06T19:16:11Z [Term] id: CL:2000060 name: placental villous trophoblast def: "A trophoblast of placental villi. These cells fuse to form synctial trophoplast - the placental side of the interface between the placenta and maternal blood sinusoids in the decidua." [PMID:31049600] comment: Same as synctial trophoblast? synonym: "vCTB" EXACT [PMID:31049600] synonym: "villous cytotrophoblast" EXACT [] xref: BTO:0006119 xref: BTO:0006208 is_a: CL:0000351 ! trophoblast cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000351 ! trophoblast cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0010005 ! placental labyrinth villous relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0010005 ! placental labyrinth villous property_value: seeAlso "" xsd:string creation_date: 2014-10-07T17:48:27Z [Term] id: CL:2000061 name: placental amniotic mesenchymal stromal cell def: "Any mesenchymal stem cell that is part of a placenta." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001987 ! placenta creation_date: 2014-10-07T17:51:11Z [Term] id: CL:2000062 name: placental villus capillary endothelial cell def: "Any capillary endothelial cell that is part of a placenta." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0002144 ! capillary endothelial cell is_a: CL:0009092 ! endothelial cell of placenta intersection_of: CL:0002144 ! capillary endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0010005 ! placental labyrinth villous relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0010005 ! placental labyrinth villous property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2014-10-07T17:55:56Z [Term] id: CL:2000063 name: ovarian fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a female gonad." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary creation_date: 2014-10-07T17:57:42Z [Term] id: CL:2000064 name: ovarian surface epithelial cell def: "Any epithelial cell that is part of a female gonad." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary creation_date: 2014-10-07T17:59:13Z [Term] id: CL:2000065 name: ovarian microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any microvascular endothelial cell that is part of a female urethra." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:1000296 ! epithelial cell of urethra is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001334 ! female urethra relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001334 ! female urethra creation_date: 2014-10-07T18:18:01Z [Term] id: CL:2000066 name: cardiac ventricle fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a cardiac ventricle." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0002548 ! fibroblast of cardiac tissue intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002082 ! cardiac ventricle relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002082 ! cardiac ventricle property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2014-10-07T18:35:38Z [Term] id: CL:2000067 name: cardiac atrium fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a cardiac atrium." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0002548 ! fibroblast of cardiac tissue intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002081 ! cardiac atrium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002081 ! cardiac atrium property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2014-10-07T18:36:54Z [Term] id: CL:2000068 name: pericardium fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a pericardium." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002407 ! pericardium relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002407 ! pericardium creation_date: 2014-10-07T18:38:06Z [Term] id: CL:2000069 name: gallbladder fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a gallbladder." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002110 ! gallbladder relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002110 ! gallbladder creation_date: 2014-10-07T18:41:43Z [Term] id: CL:2000070 name: optic choroid fibroblast def: "Any fibroblast that is part of a optic choroid." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast is_a: UBERON:0010313 ! neural crest-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001776 ! optic choroid relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001776 ! optic choroid creation_date: 2014-10-07T18:50:43Z [Term] id: CL:2000072 name: adipose microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any microvascular endothelial cell that is part of a adipose tissue." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001013 ! adipose tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001013 ! adipose tissue creation_date: 2014-10-07T22:13:45Z [Term] id: CL:2000073 name: migratory cardiac neural crest cell def: "Any migratory neural crest cell that is part of a cardiac neural crest." [GOC:TermGenie] synonym: "cardiac neural crest cell" EXACT [PMID:33060096] is_a: CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell intersection_of: CL:0000333 ! migratory neural crest cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000095 ! cardiac neural crest relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000095 ! cardiac neural crest creation_date: 2014-11-05T01:18:43Z [Term] id: CL:2000074 name: splenocyte def: "Any leukocyte that is part of a spleen." [GOC:TermGenie] comment: Splenocytes is a vague term that refers to any one of the different white blood cell types in the spleen. This name is seen many references as such and is not explained further, necessitating a need for this terminology. is_a: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000738 ! leukocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002106 ! spleen relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002106 ! spleen creation_date: 2014-11-05T01:26:50Z [Term] id: CL:2000076 name: hindlimb stylopod vein endothelial cell def: "Any vein endothelial cell that is part of a hindlimb stylopod." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002543 ! vein endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002543 ! vein endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000376 ! hindlimb stylopod relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000376 ! hindlimb stylopod creation_date: 2014-12-02T18:40:47Z [Term] id: CL:2000079 name: mesenchymal stem cell of femoral bone marrow def: "Any mesenchymal stem cell of the bone marrow that is part of a femur." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002540 ! mesenchymal stem cell of the bone marrow intersection_of: CL:0002540 ! mesenchymal stem cell of the bone marrow intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000981 ! femur relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000981 ! femur creation_date: 2014-12-02T19:07:31Z [Term] id: CL:2000080 name: mesenchymal stem cell of abdominal adipose tissue def: "Any mesenchymal stem cell of adipose tissue that is part of an abdomen." [GOC:TermGenie] synonym: "mesenchymal stem cell of abdominal adipose" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0002570 ! mesenchymal stem cell of adipose tissue intersection_of: CL:0002570 ! mesenchymal stem cell of adipose tissue intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000916 ! abdomen relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0000916 ! abdomen creation_date: 2014-12-02T19:10:34Z [Term] id: CL:2000085 name: mononuclear cell of umbilical cord def: "Any mononuclear cell that is part of a umbilical cord." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0000349 ! extraembryonic cell is_a: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000842 ! mononuclear cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002331 ! umbilical cord relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002331 ! umbilical cord creation_date: 2014-12-02T20:14:16Z [Term] id: CL:2000091 name: endometrial microvascular endothelial cell def: "Any microvascular endothelial cell that is part of a endometrial blood vessel." [GOC:TermGenie] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0009095 ! endothelial cell of uterus is_a: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:2000008 ! microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0015172 ! endometrial blood vessel relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0015172 ! endometrial blood vessel property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 creation_date: 2015-03-31T21:02:36Z [Term] id: CL:2000093 name: bronchus fibroblast of lung def: "Any fibroblast of lung that is part of a bronchus." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002553 ! fibroblast of lung intersection_of: CL:0002553 ! fibroblast of lung intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002185 ! bronchus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002185 ! bronchus creation_date: 2015-03-31T21:16:22Z [Term] id: CL:2000095 name: cord blood hematopoietic stem cell def: "Any hematopoietic stem cell that is part of a umbilical cord blood." [GOC:TermGenie] is_a: CL:0002246 ! peripheral blood stem cell is_a: CL:0002352 ! gestational hematopoietic stem cell intersection_of: CL:0000037 ! hematopoietic stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0012168 ! umbilical cord blood relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0012168 ! umbilical cord blood creation_date: 2015-05-26T18:58:34Z [Term] id: CL:3000000 name: ciliated epithelial cell of esophagus def: "A ciliated epithelial cell of the esophagus." [GOC:CellBLAST, PMID:29802404] is_a: CL:0000067 ! ciliated epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002252 ! epithelial cell of esophagus intersection_of: CL:0000067 ! ciliated epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001976 ! epithelium of esophagus relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001976 ! epithelium of esophagus creation_date: 2019-02-09T16:40:30Z [Term] id: CL:3000004 name: peripheral sensory neuron def: "Peripheral sensory neuron." [GOC:CellBLAST, PMID:30096314] is_a: CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron is_a: CL:2000032 ! peripheral nervous system neuron intersection_of: CL:2000032 ! peripheral nervous system neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0050906 ! detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2019-02-25T19:34:33Z [Term] id: CL:4023072 name: brain vascular cell def: "A cell that is part of the brain vasculature." [DOI:10.1101/2022.10.12.511898] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0008998 ! vasculature of brain relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0008998 ! vasculature of brain property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4023079 name: midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron def: "A GABAergic inhibitory neuron that is derived from the midbrain." [DOI:10.1101/2022.10.12.511898] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron is_a: UBERON:0004121 ! ectoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: develops_from UBERON:0001891 ! midbrain relationship: dc-contributor relationship: develops_from CL:0000031 ! neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: develops_from UBERON:0001891 ! midbrain property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4023154 name: myelinating glial cell def: "A glial cell that myelinates axonal processes." [DOI:10.1007/3-540-29623-9_3240] is_a: CL:0000125 ! glial cell intersection_of: CL:0000125 ! glial cell intersection_of: has_part GO:0043209 ! myelin sheath relationship: dc-contributor relationship: has_part GO:0043209 ! myelin sheath [Term] id: CL:4023168 name: somatosensory neuron def: "A neuron that is part of the somatic sensory system. Somatosensory neurons innervate the skin or integument to detect different types of thermal, chemical, and mechanical touch stimuli." [PMID:22865660] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0003942 ! somatosensory system relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0003942 ! somatosensory system [Term] id: CL:4028001 name: pulmonary capillary endothelial cell def: "Any capillary endothelial cell that is part of a lung." [] synonym: "lung capillary endothelial cell" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0002144 ! capillary endothelial cell is_a: CL:2000016 ! lung microvascular endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002144 ! capillary endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002048 ! lung relationship: dc-contributor creation_date: 2021-11-23T02:31:40Z [Term] id: CL:4030025 name: renal cortical fibroblast def: "A fibroblast that is located in the renal cortical interstitium." [PMID:10559635] comment: Renal cortical fibroblasts have key roles in mediating intercellular communication with neighboring/infiltrating cells and extracellular matrix and maintenance of renal tissue architecture. They additionally have an endocrine function in the production of epoetin. {xref="PMID:16230044"} synonym: "kidney cortical fibroblast" EXACT [] is_a: CL:1000681 ! kidney cortex interstitial cell is_a: CL:1000692 ! kidney interstitial fibroblast intersection_of: CL:0000057 ! fibroblast intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005270 ! renal cortex interstitium relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2022-07-05T15:50:17Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4030029 name: blood lymphocyte def: "A lymphocyte located in blood." [] subset: blood_and_immune_upper_slim is_a: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte is_a: CL:2000001 ! peripheral blood mononuclear cell intersection_of: CL:0000542 ! lymphocyte intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000178 ! blood relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2022-11-04T14:40:00Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4030031 name: interstitial cell def: "Any cell that is located within the interstitium between the cells most prominent in defining a given tissue. \"Interstitial cell\" is a morphological term and refers to a variety of cells with differing origins and phenotypes." [PMID:24987007] is_a: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: CL:0000003 ! native cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005169 ! interstitial tissue relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0005169 ! interstitial tissue property_value: "2022-11-30T14:35:08Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4030034 name: respiratory ciliated cell def: "A ciliated cell of the respiratory system. Ciliated cells are present in airway epithelium." [PMID:18757316, PMID:21364219] synonym: "ciliated cell of the respiratory tract" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell is_a: UBERON:0004119 ! endoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004802 ! respiratory tract epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0004802 ! respiratory tract epithelium property_value: "2023-01-25T11:06:01Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4030035 name: dental pulp stem cell def: "A dental pulp cell that possesses stem-cell-like qualities, including self-renewal capability and multi-lineage differentiation." [DOI:10.1177/154405910208100806,] synonym: "DPSC" EXACT abbreviation [] is_a: CL:0000034 ! stem cell is_a: CL:0002148 ! dental pulp cell intersection_of: CL:0000034 ! stem cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001754 ! dental pulp property_value: "2023-01-10T14:02:02Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4030040 name: endometrial ciliated epithelial cell def: "A ciliated cell of the endometrial epithelium. The cilia of this cell type help move mucus from glandular tissue of the endometrium." [,] comment: In human samples, the expression of FOXJ1 protein, a regulator for motile cilia with epithelial lineage identity, has been noted. {xref="ttps://"} synonym: "ciliated cell of the endometrium" EXACT [] synonym: "ciliated cell of the uterus" BROAD [] synonym: "endometrium ciliated epithelial cell" EXACT [] synonym: "uterine ciliated cell" BROAD [] is_a: CL:0000067 ! ciliated epithelial cell is_a: UBERON:0004120 ! mesoderm-derived structure intersection_of: CL:0000064 ! ciliated cell intersection_of: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0004811 ! endometrium epithelium relationship: part_of UBERON:0004811 ! endometrium epithelium property_value: "2023-02-09T11:25:14Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4033005 name: serous secreting cell of bronchus submucosal gland def: "A(n) serous secreting cell that is part of a(n) bronchus submucosal gland." [PMID:5487122, PMID:9651178] is_a: CL:0000152 ! exocrine cell is_a: CL:0019001 ! tracheobronchial serous cell intersection_of: CL:0000313 ! serous secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410043 ! bronchus submucosal gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410043 ! bronchus submucosal gland [Term] id: CL:4033008 name: vein endothelial cell of respiratory system def: "A(n) vein endothelial cell that is part of a(n) respiratory system." [PMID:34030460] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0002543 ! vein endothelial cell intersection_of: CL:0002543 ! vein endothelial cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0001004 ! respiratory system relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0001004 ! respiratory system property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4033017 name: bronchiolar smooth muscle cell def: "A smooth muscle cell that is part of a bronchiole." [ISBN:9781260462982, PMID:15347627] subset: human_reference_atlas is_a: CL:0019019 ! tracheobronchial smooth muscle cell intersection_of: CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0002186 ! bronchiole relationship: dc-contributor relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0002186 ! bronchiole property_value: "2023-03-16T09:38:17Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4033018 name: lung megakaryocyte def: "A megakaryocyte that is resident in the lung connective tissue." [PMID:33351116] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "lung MKs" RELATED PLURAL [PMID:33351116] is_a: CL:0000556 ! megakaryocyte relationship: dc-contributor relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2023-03-16T11:31:23Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4033020 name: mucus secreting cell of trachea gland def: "A mucus secreting cell that is part of a submucosal gland of the trachea." [PMID:18931053, PMID:29656943] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "tracheal submucosal gland mucous cell" EXACT [PMID:18931053] is_a: CL:0000307 ! tracheal epithelial cell is_a: CL:4033037 ! mucus secreting cell of tracheobronchial tree submucosal gland intersection_of: CL:0000319 ! mucus secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0005203 ! trachea gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0005203 ! trachea gland property_value: "2023-03-16T13:03:13Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4033022 name: mucus secreting cell of bronchus submucosal gland def: "A mucus secreting cell of a submucosal gland of the bronchus." [PMID:19965983] subset: human_reference_atlas synonym: "bronchial gland mucous cell" EXACT [PMID:5487122] is_a: CL:0002328 ! bronchial epithelial cell is_a: CL:4033037 ! mucus secreting cell of tracheobronchial tree submucosal gland intersection_of: CL:0000319 ! mucus secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410043 ! bronchus submucosal gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410043 ! bronchus submucosal gland property_value: "2023-03-16T15:12:52Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: RO:0002175 NCBITaxon:9606 [Term] id: CL:4033037 name: mucus secreting cell of tracheobronchial tree submucosal gland def: "A mucus secreting cell of a submucosal gland of the tracheobronchial tree." [PMID:30864819] is_a: CL:0000152 ! exocrine cell is_a: CL:0000319 ! mucus secreting cell is_a: CL:0002202 ! epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree intersection_of: CL:0000319 ! mucus secreting cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0007196 ! tracheobronchial tree intersection_of: part_of UBERON:8410077 ! airway submucosal gland relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:8410077 ! airway submucosal gland property_value: "2023-04-20T10:55:50Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4033049 name: taste receptor cell of tongue def: "A taste receptor cell that is part of a taste bud of a tongue." [DOI:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1981.tb01137.x,, PMID:10052456, PMID:28655883] synonym: "gustatory cell of tongue" RELATED [DOI:10.1016/s0022-5320(69)80043-2] is_a: CL:0000209 ! taste receptor cell is_a: CL:0002251 ! epithelial cell of alimentary canal is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell intersection_of: CL:0000209 ! taste receptor cell intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0014451 ! tongue taste bud relationship: dc-contributor relationship: part_of UBERON:0014451 ! tongue taste bud property_value: "2023-05-03T07:59:58Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: CL:4033050 name: catecholaminergic neuron def: "A neuron that releases catecholamine as a neurotransmitter." [ISBN:0521442516, PMID:12094209] comment: Frequently used when describing the developing nervous system in zebrafish. A catecholaminergic neuron expresses tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), tyrosine hydroxylase 2 (TH2), aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), dopamine b-hydroxylase (DBH), and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase (PEMT), which are enzymes necessary for catecholamine synthesis. {xref="", xref="PMID:12128258", xref="PMID:10191060", xref="PMID:34880760"} is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: CL:0000540 ! neuron intersection_of: capable_of GO:0160043 ! catecholamine secretion, neurotransmission relationship: capable_of GO:0160043 ! catecholamine secretion, neurotransmission relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2023-05-18T12:07:45Z" xsd:dateTime [Term] id: FOVT:0000001 name: body length with tail def: "The length of a body that includes the tail." [] comment: This is measured from the snout to the end of the tail along the anterior-posterior axis in four-legged vertebrates. synonym: "total length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0001256 ! body length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000002 name: body length without tail def: "The length of a body that excludes a tail." [] comment: This is measured from the snout to before the tail, usually ending at the anus in four-legged vertebrates. synonym: "head-body length" EXACT [] synonym: "snout-vent length" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:VT0001256 ! body length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000003 name: pes length with nail def: "A length measurement of a hindfoot that includes the nail." [] def: "The length of a hindfoot that includes the nail." [] synonym: "hindfoot length" RELATED [] synonym: "hindfoot length length with nail" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000049 ! pes length property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0000004 name: pes length without nail def: "The length of a hindfoot that excludes the nail." [] synonym: "hindfoot length" RELATED [] synonym: "hindfoot length without nail" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000049 ! pes length property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0000005 name: ear length to notch def: "The length of a line of an ear from a helix of the outer ear to an intertragus insicusure of an ear." [] is_a: OBA:0003426 ! external ear length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000006 name: femur length from greater trochanter to lateral condyle def: "The length from a lateral condyle of femur to a greater trochanter of a femur." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur lateral length" EXACT [] synonym: "femur maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004348 ! femur length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000007 name: obsolete femur length from caput to medial condyle def: "OBSOLETE The length from a medial condyle of femur to a head of femur." [, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term doesn't exist, it should be lateral condyle synonym: "femur greatest length from caput femoris (GLC)" EXACT [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur medial length" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001070 [Term] id: FOVT:0000008 name: humerus length from trochlea to caput def: "The length from a trochlea of a humerus to a proximal head of a humerus (caput)." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus greatest length from caput (GLC)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus maximal length from caput (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004350 ! humerus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000009 name: humerus length from trochlea to greater tubercle def: "The length from a trochlea of a humerus to a ventral tubercle (greater tubercle) of a humerus." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus length from trochlea to ventral tubercle" EXACT [] synonym: "humerus maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004350 ! humerus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000010 name: obsolete talus distal articular breadth def: "OBSOLETE Medial-lateral width of the distal end of an astragalus." [] comment: astragalus head breadth comment: Redundant with FOVT:0000017 synonym: "astragalus greatest breadth distal" EXACT [] synonym: "talus distal width ML" EXACT [] synonym: "talus head width" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0000017 [Term] id: FOVT:0000012 name: obsolete width of the trochlea of talus def: "OBSOLETE Length between the proximal-most points of the medial and lateral trochlear ridges of an astragalus." [] comment: This is not a measurement FOVT has a need for. synonym: "breadth of the trochlea" EXACT [] synonym: "breadth of the trochlea of talus" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0000013 name: astragalus lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of an astragalus (talus) along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus greatest length of the lateral half (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "talus lateral length" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000020 ! astragalus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:91561 [Term] id: FOVT:0000014 name: obsolete talus medial depth def: "OBSOLETE The depth of the medial ridge of a trochlea of an astragalus along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: duplicate term synonym: "astragalus medial depth" EXACT [] synonym: "astragalus medial width AP" EXACT [] synonym: "talus medial width AP" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001043 [Term] id: FOVT:0000015 name: obsolete length of the lateral side of talus def: "OBSOLETE Length of the lateral side of an astragalus." [] comment: Redundant term property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0000013 [Term] id: FOVT:0000016 name: astragalus medial length def: "The length of the medial side of an astragalus (talus) along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus greatest length of the medial half (GLm)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "talus medial length" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000020 ! astragalus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:91561 [Term] id: FOVT:0000017 name: astragalus distal articular breadth def: "The length an astragalus head (distal articular facet, facet for the navicular) along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: The points for this measurement are the medial-most point on the articular surface for the calcaneum on the astragalus (talus) to the lateral-most point of the trochleated head of an astragalus (talus). synonym: "astragalus breadth of the facies articularis distalis (BFd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus distal articular breadth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "astragalus distal articular width" EXACT [] synonym: "talus distal articular breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000021 ! astragalus breadth intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:4200181 ! astragalus head relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:4200181 ! astragalus head relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0000018 name: astragalus distal articular depth def: "The length of an astragalus head (distal articular facet, facet for the navicular)." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] comment: This measurement is perpendicular to the astragalus distal articular breadth measurement. synonym: "astragalus distal articular depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "talus distal articular depth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0005110 ! talus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:4200181 ! astragalus head relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:4200181 ! astragalus head relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000020 name: astragalus length {xref="ISBN:9780873659505"} def: "The length of an astragalus (talus) along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus greatest height (GH)" EXACT [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus maximal length (M1)" EXACT [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "talus length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0005110 ! talus size trait is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002395 ! talus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0000021 name: astragalus breadth def: "The width of an astragalus (talus) along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "astragalus greatest breadth (GB)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus maximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "astragalus width" EXACT [] synonym: "talus breadth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0005110 ! talus size trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002395 ! talus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0000022 name: calcaneus length def: "The maximal length of a calcaneus along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "calcaneus greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "calcaneus maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001450 ! calcaneus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000023 name: calcaneus distal breadth def: "The length of a distal end of a caclcaneus along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This measurement is taken from the lateral side of the middle articular facet for talus of calcaneus to the medial side of the curboid facet of calcaneum. synonym: "calcaneus distal maximal breadth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "calcaneus distal width" EXACT [] synonym: "calcaneus greatest breadth (GB)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0000025 name: tibia lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a tibia along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia length of the lateral part (LI)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004357 ! tibia length property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0000026 name: obsolete tibia diaphysis width def: "OBSOLETE The width of shaft or diaphysis of a tibia." [] comment: unneeded term synonym: "tibia width" BROAD [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:VT1000289 [Term] id: FOVT:0000027 name: obsolete tibia proximal width def: "OBSOLETE The width of the proximal end of a tibia." [] comment: not needed synonym: "breadth of proximal end of tibia" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001006 [Term] id: FOVT:0000028 name: obsolete tibia distal width def: "OBSOLETE The width of the distal end of a tibia." [] comment: not needed synonym: "breadth of distal end of tibia" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001004 [Term] id: FOVT:0000029 name: obsolete tibia distal breadth def: "OBSOLETE The depth of the distal end of a tibia." [] comment: duplicate term synonym: "tibia distal width ML" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001004 [Term] id: FOVT:0000030 name: tooth row length def: "The length of a tooth row." [] is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0009678 ! tooth row relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0009678 ! tooth row property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0000032 name: snout-vent length def: "Body length from tip of nose (snout) to cloaca." [] synonym: "body length without tail" RELATED [] synonym: "head-body length" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:VT0001256 ! body length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:8292 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:8504 [Term] id: FOVT:0001003 name: ear length to tragus def: "The length of a line of an ear from a helix of the outer ear to a tragus of an ear." [] comment: This measurement is often taken in bats. is_a: OBA:0003426 ! external ear length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001004 name: tibia distal breadth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a tibia along the medial-lateral axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia distal maximal breadth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia distal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000196 ! distal epiphysis of tibia quality is_a: OBA:VT1000289 ! tibia width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004405 ! distal epiphysis of tibia relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004405 ! distal epiphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001005 name: tibia distal depth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a tibia along the anterior-posterior axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [] synonym: "tibia distal maximal depth (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000196 ! distal epiphysis of tibia quality is_a: OBA:VT0100001 ! tibia size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004405 ! distal epiphysis of tibia relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004405 ! distal epiphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9979 [Term] id: FOVT:0001006 name: tibia proximal breadth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a tibia along the medial-lateral axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia proximal maximal breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia proximal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0003298 ! proximal epiphysis of tibia size is_a: OBA:VT1000289 ! tibia width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0008772 ! proximal epiphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001007 name: tibia proximal depth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a tibia along the anterior-posterior axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia proximal maximal depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003298 ! proximal epiphysis of tibia size is_a: OBA:VT0100001 ! tibia size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0008772 ! proximal epiphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001008 name: tibia diaphysis breadth def: "The length of a diaphysis of a tibia along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia diaphysis width" EXACT [] synonym: "tibia minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia smallest diameter of diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT1000289 ! tibia width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0013280 ! diaphysis of tibia relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013280 ! diaphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001009 name: tibia diaphysis depth def: "The length of a diaphysis of a tibia along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia minimal depth of diaphysis (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT0100001 ! tibia size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0013280 ! diaphysis of tibia relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013280 ! diaphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001021 name: tibia medial length def: "The length of the medial side of a tibia along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia medial length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004357 ! tibia length property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001022 name: obsolete tibia greatest length def: "OBSOLETE The greatest length of a tibia from the proximal-most point of a tibia to the distal-most point of a tibia." [] {"Eisenmann, Véra, and V. Eisenmann Michael O. Woodburne PY. Studying Fossil Horses: Collected Papers After the New York International Hipparion Conference, 1981. Vol. 1. Brill Archive, 1988.","von den Driesch, Angela. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich . Vol. 1. Peabody Museum Press, 1976."} comment: duplicate of a term in OBA property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:VT0004357 [Term] id: FOVT:0001023 name: tibia diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of a diaphysis of a tibia." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tibia smallest circumference of the diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT0100001 ! tibia size trait is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0013280 ! diaphysis of tibia relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013280 ! diaphysis of tibia property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 [Term] id: FOVT:0001024 name: femur proximal breadth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a femur along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur proximal maximal breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur proximal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002389 ! proximal epiphysis of femur size is_a: OBA:VT1000666 ! femur width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004412 ! proximal epiphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001025 name: femur trochanter breadth def: "The length of the lesser trochanter of femur along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur breadth of the region of the trochanter tertius (BTr)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur trochanter width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002863 ! lesser trochanter size is_a: OBA:VT1000666 ! femur width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002504 ! lesser trochanter relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001026 name: femur caput depth def: "The length of a head of femur along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur depth of the caput femoris (DC)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur maximal depth of caput femoris (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002864 ! head of femur size is_a: OBA:VT1000369 ! femur size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006767 ! head of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001027 name: femur diaphysis breadth def: "The length of a diaphysis of femur along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur diaphysis width" EXACT [] synonym: "femur minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT1000666 ! femur width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006862 ! diaphysis of femur relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0006862 ! diaphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001028 name: femur diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of the diaphysis of a femur." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur circumference of the diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT0010014 ! femur circumference intersection_of: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006862 ! diaphysis of femur relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0006862 ! diaphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001029 name: femur distal breadth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a femur along the medial-lateral axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur distal maximal breadth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur distal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002726 ! distal epiphysis of femur size is_a: OBA:VT1000666 ! femur width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004406 ! distal epiphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001030 name: femur proximal depth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a femur along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur proximal maximal depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002389 ! proximal epiphysis of femur size is_a: OBA:VT1000369 ! femur size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004412 ! proximal epiphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001031 name: femur distal depth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a femur along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur distal maximal depth (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002726 ! distal epiphysis of femur size is_a: OBA:VT1000369 ! femur size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004406 ! distal epiphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001032 name: femur trochlea breadth def: "The length of the medial condyle (trochlea) of a femur along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur maximal breadth of the trochlea (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur trochlea with" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000180 ! distal epiphysis of femur quality is_a: OBA:VT1000666 ! femur width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0009984 ! medial condyle of femur relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0009984 ! medial condyle of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001033 name: femur diaphysis depth def: "The length of a diaphysis of femur along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur diameter perpendicular to, and at the level of, femur diaphysis breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT1000369 ! femur size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006862 ! diaphysis of femur relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0006862 ! diaphysis of femur relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001034 name: humerus diaphysis breadth def: "The length of a diaphysis of humerus along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus diaphysis width" EXACT [] synonym: "humerus minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus smallest breadth of diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002474 ! humerus diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT1000280 ! humerus width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004652 ! humerus diaphysis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001035 name: humerus proximal breadth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a humerus along the medial-lateral axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This is often measured at the epicondyles. synonym: "humerus breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus proximal maximal breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus proximal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000394 ! proximal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT1000280 ! humerus width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004411 ! proximal epiphysis of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004411 ! proximal epiphysis of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: not_measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9611 property_value: not_measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9979 [Term] id: FOVT:0001036 name: humerus trochlea breadth def: "The length of a trochlea of a humerus along the medial-lateral axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus breadth of trochlea (BT)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus maximal breadth of the trochlea (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus trochlea width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000568 ! distal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT1000280 ! humerus width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000144 ! trochlea of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0000144 ! trochlea of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001037 name: humerus distal depth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a humerus along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus distal maximal depth (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000568 ! distal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT0100000 ! humerus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004404 ! distal epiphysis of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004404 ! distal epiphysis of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001038 name: humerus proximal depth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a humerus along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This is measured at the level of the median tubercle. synonym: "humerus depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus proximal depth at the level of the median turbecle (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000394 ! proximal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT0100000 ! humerus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004411 ! proximal epiphysis of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004411 ! proximal epiphysis of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9611 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9979 [Term] id: FOVT:0001039 name: humerus distal breadth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a humerus along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This is often measured across the distal trochlea. {xref="ISBN:9780873659505"} synonym: "humerus breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "humerus distal trochlear breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "humerus distal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000568 ! distal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT1000280 ! humerus width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004404 ! distal epiphysis of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004404 ! distal epiphysis of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001040 name: humerus diaphysis depth def: "The length of the diaphysis of a humerus along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus diameter perpendicular to, and at the level of, humerus diaphysis breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002474 ! humerus diaphysis size is_a: OBA:VT0100000 ! humerus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004652 ! humerus diaphysis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001041 name: obsolete astragalus width def: "OBSOLETE The width of an astragalus (talus)." [] comment: same as astragalus breadth synonym: "talus width" EXACT [] property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: IAO:0000117 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0000021 [Term] id: FOVT:0001042 name: astragalus lateral depth def: "The length of the lateral side of an astragalus (talus) along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus depth of the lateral half (DI)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "talus lateral depth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0005110 ! talus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:91561 [Term] id: FOVT:0001043 name: astragalus medial depth def: "The length of the medial side of an astragalus (talus) along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus depth of medial half (DM)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus maximal medial depth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "talus medial depth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0005110 ! talus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:91561 [Term] id: FOVT:0001044 name: astragalus distal breadth def: "The length of the distal end of an astragalus (talus) along the medial-lateral axis." [DOI:10.1007/s00267-006-0240-8, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus AST4" RELATED [DOI:10.1007/s00267-006-0240-8] synonym: "astragalus breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus distal width" EXACT [] synonym: "talus distal breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000021 ! astragalus breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:91561 [Term] id: FOVT:0001045 name: trochlea tali length def: "The length of the trochlea tali (medial condyle) of an astragulas (talus) along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus diameter of medial condyle" EXACT [] synonym: "astragalus length of the medial part of the trochlea tali (LmT)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "astragalus maximal diameter of the medial condyle (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "astragalus medial trochlea tali length" EXACT [] synonym: "talus medial condyle length" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000020 ! astragalus length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500066 ! medial condyle of talus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500066 ! medial condyle of talus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001046 name: astragalus trochlea breadth def: "The length of the trochlea of an astragalus (talus) along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] {comment="ISBN:9780873659505"} synonym: "astragalus condylar breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "astragalus trochlea width" EXACT [] synonym: "atragalus breadth of the trochlea (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "talus condylar breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "talus trochlea breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000021 ! astragalus breadth intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500063 ! trochlea of talus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500063 ! trochlea of talus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001047 name: calcaneus proximal length def: "The length of the proximal end of a calcaneus along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] comment: This measurement is from the posterior articular facet for talus of calcaneus to calcaneal tuber. synonym: "calcaneus length of the proximal part (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0000022 ! calcaneus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001048 name: calcaneus distal depth def: "The length of a distal end of a caclcaneus along the anterior-posterior axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] comment: The anterior-most feature is the tubercle of calcaneus. synonym: "calcaneus distal maximal depth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "calcaneus lateral depth (CALD)" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001053 name: gutted body mass def: "The mass of a multicellur organism after removing internal organs." [] is_a: OBA:VT0001259 ! body mass relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001054 name: skinned body mass def: "The mass of a multicellular organism after being skinned." [] is_a: OBA:VT0001259 ! body mass relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001055 name: mass of skeleton def: "The mass of a multicellur organism skeletal elements (i.e., bones) without skin, internal organs, or other soft tissue." [] synonym: "bone mass" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:VT0001259 ! body mass relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001056 name: gutted and skinned body mass def: "The mass of a mutlicellular organism after being both gutted (i.e., internal organs removed) and skinned." [] is_a: OBA:VT0001259 ! body mass relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001057 name: testis length comment: The length of a testis. {xref=""} is_a: FOVT:0001060 ! gonad length is_a: OBA:VT0001148 ! testes size trait intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000473 ! testis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001058 name: right testis length comment: The length of a testis on the right side. {xref=""} is_a: FOVT:0001057 ! testis length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004534 ! right testis relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004534 ! right testis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001059 name: left testis length comment: The length of a testis on the left side. {xref=""} is_a: FOVT:0001057 ! testis length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004533 ! left testis relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004533 ! left testis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001060 name: gonad length comment: The length of a gonad. {xref=""} is_a: OBA:0002017 ! gonad size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000991 ! gonad relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001061 name: humerus lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a humerus along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This measurement is from lateral tuberosity to lateral border of the trochlea. synonym: "humerus greatest length of lateral part (GLI)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004350 ! humerus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001062 name: ovary length def: "The length of an ovary." [] is_a: FOVT:0001060 ! gonad length is_a: OBA:VT0001127 ! ovary size trait intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001063 name: right ovary length def: "The length of an ovary on the right side." [] is_a: FOVT:0001062 ! ovary length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002118 ! right ovary relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0002118 ! right ovary relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001064 name: left ovary length def: "The length of an ovary on the left side." [] is_a: FOVT:0001062 ! ovary length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002119 ! left ovary relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0002119 ! left ovary relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001065 name: anterior tibial tuberosity length def: "The length of the anterior tibial tuberosity (fossa digitalis) along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "tibia length of the fossa digitalis (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000148 ! proximal epiphysis of tibia quality is_a: OBA:VT0004357 ! tibia length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500062 ! tibial tuberosity relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500062 ! tibial tuberosity relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001066 name: obsolete humerus proximal depth at median tubercle def: "OBSOLETE The length along the medial-lateral axis of the caput of the humerus." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: Redundant with another term synonym: "humerus proximal length AP at median tubercule" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001038 [Term] id: FOVT:0001067 name: humerus trochlear sulcus height def: "The length of the trochlear sulcus (trochlear groove) of a humerus along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus minimal trochlear height (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0100000 ! humerus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:3000785 ! trochlear groove of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:3000785 ! trochlear groove of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001068 name: humerus medial trochlear height def: "The length of the distal medial trochlea of a humerus along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus maximal trochlear height (H9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus medial trochlear depth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000568 ! distal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT0100000 ! humerus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000144 ! trochlea of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0000144 ! trochlea of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001069 name: humerus trochlear height at sagittal crest def: "The length of the sagittal crest of a trochlea of a humerus along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "humerus trochlear depth" EXACT [] synonym: "humerus trochlear depth at sagittal crest" EXACT [] synonym: "trochlear height at the sagittal creast (near the condyle) (M11)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000568 ! distal epiphysis of humerus quality is_a: OBA:VT0100000 ! humerus size trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500061 ! trochlear ridge of humerus relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500061 ! trochlear ridge of humerus relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001070 name: femur length from caput to lateral condyle def: "The length from a head of femur (caput) to a lateral condyle of femur." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "femur greatest length from caput femoris (GLC)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "femur length from caput femoris to lateral condyle (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004348 ! femur length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001071 name: olecranon length def: "The length of an olecranon of an ulna along the proximal-distal axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ulna length of the olecranon (LO)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ulna length of the olecranon (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004370 ! ulna length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006810 ! olecranon relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0006810 ! olecranon relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001072 name: ulna proximal articular breadth def: "The length of the humeral facet of an ulna along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ulna facies articularis proximalis breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "ulna breadth across the coronoid process, breadth of the proximal articular surface (BPC)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ulna coronoid process breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "ulna maximal articular breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "ulna proximal articula width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002379 ! ulna size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:4200203 ! humeral facet on the ulna relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:4200203 ! humeral facet on the ulna relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001073 name: obsolete ulna width {xref=""} comment: not needed relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001074 name: olecranon depth def: "The length of an olecranon of an ulna along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: Olecranon depth is often measured at the epicondyles. synonym: "ulna minimal depth of the olecranon (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "ulna smallest depth of the olecranon (SDO)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002379 ! ulna size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006810 ! olecranon relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0006810 ! olecranon relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001075 name: ulna lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of an ulna along the proximal-distal axis." [, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ulna greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004370 ! ulna length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001076 name: ulna depth across the process anaconaeus def: "The length of the humeral facet of an ulna along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "depth across the processus anconaeus (M5) (DPA)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002379 ! ulna size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:4200203 ! humeral facet on the ulna relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:4200203 ! humeral facet on the ulna relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001077 name: length of astragalus along the midline def: "The length along the midline of an astragalus (talus) along the proximal-distal axis." [DOI:10.1007/s00267-006-0240-8] comment: This measurement is from the astragalus head (distal articular facet for the navicular) to sulcus tali. synonym: "astragalus AST3" RELATED [DOI:10.1007/s00267-006-0240-8] synonym: "length of talus along the midline" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000020 ! astragalus length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001078 name: breadth of calcaneal body def: "The length of a calcaneal body along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] comment: This is the narrowest section of the calcaneus. synonym: "calcaneus minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "width of calcaneal body" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500093 ! calcaneal body relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500093 ! calcaneal body relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001079 name: obsolete calcaneus width def: "OBSOLETE The width of a calcaneus." [] comment: not needed synonym: "calcaneus breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "calcaneus CALD" EXACT [DOI:10.1007/s00267-006-0240-8] synonym: "calcaneus length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001080 name: calcaneus proximal breadth def: "The length of the proximal end of a calcaneus along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "calcaneus proximal maximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "calcaneus proximal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001081 name: calcaneus proximal depth def: "The length of the proximal end of a calcaneus from a lateral tubercle of calcaneus to a medial tubercle of calcaneus." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "calcaneus maximal depth" EXACT [] synonym: "calcaneus proximal maximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001082 name: depth of calcaneal body def: "The length of a calcaneal body along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500093 ! calcaneal body relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500093 ! calcaneal body relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001123 name: radius medial length def: "The length of the medial side of a radius along the proximal-distal axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius medial length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004355 ! radius length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001124 name: radius lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a radius along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius length of the lateral part (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004355 ! radius length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001125 name: radius diaphysis breadth def: "The length of a diaphysis of a radius along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius diaphysis width" EXACT [] synonym: "radius minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius smallest breadth of diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000380 ! diaphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001028 ! diaphysis of radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001028 ! diaphysis of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001126 name: radius diaphysis depth def: "The length of a diaphysis of a radius along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius depth of diaphysis at level of radius diaphysis breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000380 ! diaphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001028 ! diaphysis of radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001028 ! diaphysis of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001127 name: radius proximal articular breadth def: "The length of an articular surface on the proximal end of a radius that interacts with the humerus along the medial-lateral axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "proximal articular width" EXACT [] synonym: "radius greatest breadth of the facies articularis proximalis (humeral articular surface (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius proximal articular width" EXACT [] synonym: "radius proximal artiuclar breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:4200204 ! humeral facet on radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:4200204 ! humeral facet on radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001128 name: radius proximal articular depth def: "The length of an articular surface on the proximal end of a radius that interacts with a humerus along the anterior-posterior axis." [, ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius proximal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:4200204 ! humeral facet on radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:4200204 ! humeral facet on radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001129 name: radius proximal breadth def: "The length of a proximal epiphysis of a radius along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius greatest breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius proximal maximal breadth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius proximal width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:1000304 ! proximal epiphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004413 ! proximal epiphysis of radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004413 ! proximal epiphysis of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001130 name: radius distal articular breadth def: "The width along the medial-lateral axis of the distal end of a radius." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius distal articular width" EXACT [] synonym: "radius facies articularis distalis breadth (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius greatest breadth of the facies articularis distalis (BFd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:1000600 ! distal epiphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500080 ! articular surface for carpals relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500080 ! articular surface for carpals relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001131 name: radius distal articular depth def: "The length of the articular surface on the distal end of a radius that interacts with the carpals along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius distal articular depth (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:1000600 ! distal epiphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: PATO:0001595 ! depth intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500080 ! articular surface for carpals relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500080 ! articular surface for carpals property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001132 name: radius distal breadth def: "The length of a distal epiphysis of a radius along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This is often measured across the epicondyles. synonym: "radius distal maximal breadth (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius distal width" EXACT [] synonym: "radius greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:0002716 ! distal epiphysis of radius size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004407 ! distal epiphysis of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001133 name: radius length from the proximal articular surface to the distal articular surface def: "The length of a radius from the proximal articular surface to the distal articular surface." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius physiological length (PL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004355 ! radius length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001134 name: radius diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of a diaphysis of a radius." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "radius smallest circumference of diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000380 ! diaphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001028 ! diaphysis of radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001028 ! diaphysis of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001135 name: DEPRECATED metatarsal bone length comment: already in OBA property_value: seeAlso OBA:0004033 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001136 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 length def: "OBSOLETE The length of the metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the proximal-distal axis." [] {"Eisenmann, Véra, and V. Eisenmann Michael O. Woodburne PY. Studying Fossil Horses: Collected Papers After the New York International Hipparion Conference, 1981. Vol. 1. Brill Archive, 1988.","von den Driesch, Angela. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich . Vol. 1. Peabody Museum Press, 1976."} comment: already exists relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-06-03T22:41:34Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:0003272 [Term] id: FOVT:0001137 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 3 length def: "OBSOLETE The length of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [] {"Eisenmann, Véra, and V. Eisenmann Michael O. Woodburne PY. Studying Fossil Horses: Collected Papers After the New York International Hipparion Conference, 1981. Vol. 1. Brill Archive, 1988.","von den Driesch, Angela. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich . Vol. 1. Peabody Museum Press, 1976."} comment: class already exists relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-06-03T22:44:56Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:0002565 [Term] id: FOVT:0001138 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 4 length def: "OBSOLETE The length of the metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [] {"Eisenmann, Véra, and V. Eisenmann Michael O. Woodburne PY. Studying Fossil Horses: Collected Papers After the New York International Hipparion Conference, 1981. Vol. 1. Brill Archive, 1988.","von den Driesch, Angela. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich . Vol. 1. Peabody Museum Press, 1976."} comment: class already exists relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-06-03T22:46:16Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:0002567 [Term] id: FOVT:0001139 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 5 length def: "OBSOLETE The length of a metatarsal bone of digit 5 along the proximal-distal axis." [] {"von den Driesch, Angela. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich . Vol. 1. Peabody Museum Press, 1976."} comment: class already exists relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-06-03T22:50:27Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:0002569 [Term] id: FOVT:0001140 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 length def: "The length of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001143 ! fused metapodial bones 3 and 4 length is_a: OBA:0003047 ! metacarpal bone length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001141 name: metapodial bone length def: "The length of a metapodial bone." [] synonym: "length of metapodial bone" EXACT [] is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0003821 ! metapodium bone relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003821 ! metapodium bone relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001142 name: metapodial bone of digit 2 length def: "The length of a metapodial bone of digit 2." [] synonym: "length of metapodial bone of digit 2" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001141 ! metapodial bone length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001143 name: fused metapodial bones 3 and 4 length def: "The length of fused metapodial bones 3 and 4." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "length of fused metapodial bones 3 and 4" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001141 ! metapodial bone length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0013586 ! fused metapodial bones 3 and 4 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013586 ! fused metapodial bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001144 name: metapodial bone of digit 4 length def: "The length of a metapodial bone of digit 4." [] synonym: "length of metapodial bone of digit 4" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001141 ! metapodial bone length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001145 name: metapodial bone of digit 5 length def: "The length of a metapodial bone of digit 5." [] synonym: "length of metapodial bone of digit 5" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001141 ! metapodial bone length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001146 name: metapodial bone of digit 3 length def: "The length of a metapodial bone of digit 3." [] synonym: "length of metapodial bone of digit 3." EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001141 ! metapodial bone length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001147 name: obsolete radius width def: "OBSOLETE The width of a radius." [] synonym: "radius breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "width of radius bone" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001148 name: obsolete radius distal width def: "OBSOLETE The width of the distal end of a radius." [] comment: not needed relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001132 [Term] id: FOVT:0001149 name: obsolete radius proximal width def: "OBSOLETE The width of the proximal end of a radius." [] comment: unneeded term relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-06-17T00:54:08Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001147 [Term] id: FOVT:0001150 name: obsolete radius proximal articular width def: "OBSOLETE The width of the arcitular surface that articulates with the humerus located on the proximal end of a radius." [] comment: unneeded term relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-06-17T00:57:18Z" xsd:dateTime property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001147 [Term] id: FOVT:0001151 name: obsolete fibula length def: "OBSOLETE The length of a fibula along the proximal-distal axis." [] {"von den Driesch, Angela. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich . Vol. 1. Peabody Museum Press, 1976."} comment: Already exists in OBA. synonym: "length of fibula" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-07-22T21:20:50Z" xsd:dateTime is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:VT0000482 [Term] id: FOVT:0001152 name: scapula dorsal length def: "The length of the dorsal side of a scapula along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "scapula greatest dorsal length (Ld)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004340 ! scapula length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001153 name: scapula spine length def: "The length of a scapular spine along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "scapula height along the spine (HS)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0004340 ! scapula length is_a: OBA:VT0004347 ! scapular spine morphology trait intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004651 ! scapula spine relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0004651 ! scapula spine relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001154 name: scapula neck breadth def: "The length of the neck of a scapula." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: In non-apes (not Hominoidea), this is measured along the medial-lateral axis; in Apes (Hominoidea) this is measured along the anterior-posterior axis. synonym: "collum scapulae length" EXACT [] synonym: "scapula minimal breadth at the neck (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "scapula neck width" EXACT [] synonym: "smallest length of the collum scapulae (SLC)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001157 ! scapula depth intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018667 ! neck of scapula relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018667 ! neck of scapula relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001155 name: glenoid cavity length def: "The length of a glenoid cavity." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: In non-anatomical humans (i.e., not Homo), this is measured along the anterior-posterior axis; in anatomical humans (Homo) this is measured along the superior-inferior (upper-lower) axis. synonym: "scapula articular maximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "scapula length of glenoid cavity (LG)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002741 ! glenoid fossa size is_a: OBA:VT0004340 ! scapula length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006657 ! glenoid fossa relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001156 name: glenoid cavity breadth def: "The length of a glenoid cavity (glenoid fossa) along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "scapula articular maximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "scapula breadth of glenoid cavity (BG)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001157 ! scapula depth is_a: OBA:0002741 ! glenoid fossa size intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006657 ! glenoid fossa relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001157 name: scapula depth def: "The depth of a scapula along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "scapula maximal depth of spina (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:VT0004343 ! scapula size trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006849 ! scapula relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001158 name: obsolete radius diaphysis width def: "OBSOLETE The width of the diaphysis of a radius." [ORCID: 0000-0003-2699-3066] comment: unneeded synonym: "IAO:0000423" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-07-27T23:38:42Z" xsd:dateTime is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001147 [Term] id: FOVT:0001159 name: mass of viscera def: "The mass of the viscera (internal organs)." [] is_a: OBA:VT0001259 ! body mass relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001160 name: obsolete skin mass def: "OBSOLETE The mass of the skin of an organism." [] {"ORCID: 0000-0003-2699-3066"} comment: IAO:0000423 comment: Term already exists. relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2021-07-27T23:59:50Z" xsd:dateTime is_obsolete: true replaced_by: OBA:VT1000425 [Term] id: FOVT:0001161 name: radial condyle breadth def: "The length of a radial condyle (styloid notch) of a radius along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radial condyle width" EXACT [] synonym: "radial notch breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "radius breadth of the radial condyle (M11)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "radius lateral distal condyle breadth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:1000600 ! distal epiphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500078 ! styloid process of radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500078 ! styloid process of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001162 name: ulnar condyle breadth def: "The length of the ulnar codyle (ulnar notch) of a radius along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "medial distal condyle breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "radius breadth of the ulnar condyle (M12)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "ulnar condyle width" EXACT [] synonym: "ulnar notch breadth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002374 ! radius bone size is_a: OBA:1000600 ! distal epiphysis of radius quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500079 ! ulnar notch of radius relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500079 ! ulnar notch of radius relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001163 name: patella length def: "The length of a patella along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "patella greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002386 ! patella size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002446 ! patella relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001164 name: patella breadth def: "The length of a patella along th medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "patella greatest breadth (GB)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "patella width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002386 ! patella size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0002446 ! patella relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001165 name: obsolete scapula lateral depth def: "OBSOLETE The length on the lateral edge of a scapula along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: does not exist relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001166 name: secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width synonym: "molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018376 ! molar tooth 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018376 ! molar tooth 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: dc-description "The length of the occlusal surface of a molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." xsd:string {xref=""} property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001167 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a upper molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add upper molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001169 [Term] id: FOVT:0001168 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add lower molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001171 [Term] id: FOVT:0001169 name: upper secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001166 ! secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001170 name: obsolete upper primary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "upper primary molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001171 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001166 ! secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001172 name: obsolete lower primary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary molar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "lower primary molar tooth 1 length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001173 name: secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018376 ! molar tooth 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018376 ! molar tooth 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001174 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001176 [Term] id: FOVT:0001175 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of lower molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001178 [Term] id: FOVT:0001176 name: upper secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001173 ! secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001177 name: obsolete upper primary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "upper primary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001178 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001173 ! secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001179 name: obsolete lower primary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary molar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "lower primary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001180 name: secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018606 ! molar tooth 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018606 ! molar tooth 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001181 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001183 [Term] id: FOVT:0001182 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001185 [Term] id: FOVT:0001183 name: upper secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001180 ! secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001184 name: obsolete upper primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001185 name: lower secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001180 ! secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001186 name: obsolete lower primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary molar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "lower primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001187 name: secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface a molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018606 ! molar tooth 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018606 ! molar tooth 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001188 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001190 [Term] id: FOVT:0001189 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001192 [Term] id: FOVT:0001190 name: upper secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001187 ! secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001191 name: obsolete upper primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "upper primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001192 name: lower secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001187 ! secondary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001193 name: obsolete lower primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary molar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "lower primary molar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001194 name: secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of molar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018377 ! molar tooth 3 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018377 ! molar tooth 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001195 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001197 [Term] id: FOVT:0001196 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001199 [Term] id: FOVT:0001197 name: upper secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001194 ! secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001198 name: DEPRECATED upper primary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width comment: not a tooth is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001199 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001194 ! secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001200 name: secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018377 ! molar tooth 3 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018377 ! molar tooth 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 1" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001201 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001203 [Term] id: FOVT:0001202 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001204 [Term] id: FOVT:0001203 name: upper secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001200 ! secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001204 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001200 ! secondary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001205 name: secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of molar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500055 ! molar tooth 4 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500055 ! molar tooth 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001206 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral surface." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001208 [Term] id: FOVT:0001207 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001209 [Term] id: FOVT:0001208 name: upper secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001205 ! secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001209 name: lower secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondry molar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001205 ! secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001210 name: secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a molar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500055 ! molar tooth 4 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500055 ! molar tooth 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001211 name: obsolete upper molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of an upper molar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "upper molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001213 [Term] id: FOVT:0001212 name: obsolete lower molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the occlusal surface of a lower molar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: redundant synonym: "lower molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001214 [Term] id: FOVT:0001213 name: upper secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary molar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001210 ! secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001214 name: lower secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary molar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001210 ! secondary molar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001215 name: premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018294 ! premolar 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018294 ! premolar 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001216 name: upper premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width intersection_of: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001217 name: lower premolar tooth 1 occlusal suface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001218 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001219 name: upper primary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface or an upper primary premolar 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001220 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001221 name: lower primary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001215 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001222 name: premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018294 ! premolar 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018294 ! premolar 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001223 name: upper premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001222 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001224 name: lower premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001222 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001222 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001225 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001223 ! upper premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001226 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 1 occlusal tooth length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001222 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001227 name: lower primary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001222 ! premolar tooth 1 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001228 name: premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018640 ! premolar 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018640 ! premolar 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001229 name: upper premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width intersection_of: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001230 name: lower premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001231 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001232 name: upper primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001233 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001234 name: lower primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001228 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001235 name: premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018640 ! premolar 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018640 ! premolar 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001236 name: upper premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior surface." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length intersection_of: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001237 name: lower premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001238 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001239 name: upper primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior surface." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001240 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001241 name: lower primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 2 along the anterior-posterior surface." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001235 ! premolar tooth 2 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001242 name: premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500056 ! premolar 3 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500056 ! premolar 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001243 name: upper premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width intersection_of: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001244 name: lower premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001245 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001246 name: upper primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001247 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001248 name: lower primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001242 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001249 name: premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500056 ! premolar 3 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500056 ! premolar 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001250 name: upper premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length intersection_of: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001251 name: lower premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001252 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondry premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001253 name: upper primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001254 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001255 name: lower primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior reference." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001249 ! premolar tooth 3 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001256 name: premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018647 ! premolar tooth 4 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018647 ! premolar tooth 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001257 name: upper premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width intersection_of: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001258 name: lower premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001259 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001260 name: upper primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surfce of an upper primary premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001261 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondry premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001262 name: lower primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001256 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001263 name: premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior surface." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018647 ! premolar tooth 4 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018647 ! premolar tooth 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001264 name: upper premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length intersection_of: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001265 name: lower premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001266 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001267 name: upper primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001268 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001269 name: lower primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001263 ! premolar tooth 4 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001270 name: premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 4 length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018646 ! premolar tooth 5 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018646 ! premolar tooth 5 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001271 name: upper premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width intersection_of: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001272 name: lower premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 5 occlusal suface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001273 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001274 name: upper primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001275 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower secondary premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001276 name: lower primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001270 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface width is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001277 name: premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "premolar tooth 5 occlusal surfce length AP" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018646 ! premolar tooth 5 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018646 ! premolar tooth 5 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001278 name: upper premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length intersection_of: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001279 name: lower premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001280 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper secondary premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001281 name: upper primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of an upper primary premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001282 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001283 name: lower primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of a lower primary premolar tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001277 ! premolar tooth 5 occlusal surface length is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001284 name: upper tooth row length def: "The length of an upper tooth row along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper tooth row length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length intersection_of: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001285 name: lower tooth row length def: "The length of a lower tooth row along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower tooth row length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001286 name: canine tooth crown height def: "The height of a canine tooth crown along the superior-anterior axis." [] synonym: "cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: OBA:VT0002100 ! tooth morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001287 name: lower canine tooth crown height def: "The height of a lower canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "lower cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018622 ! lower canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018622 ! lower canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001288 name: upper canine tooth crown height def: "The height of an upper canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "upper cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018621 ! upper canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018621 ! upper canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001289 name: upper secondary canine tooth crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "upper seconday cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001288 ! upper canine tooth crown height is_a: FOVT:0001293 ! secondary canine tooth crown height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018561 ! upper secondary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018561 ! upper secondary canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001290 name: lower secondary canine tooth crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: The measurement number and genus from von den Driesch (1979): 21 Canis, 17 Ursus. {xref="ISBN:9780873659505"} synonym: "height of the canine" EXACT [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "lower secondary cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001287 ! lower canine tooth crown height is_a: FOVT:0001293 ! secondary canine tooth crown height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018562 ! lower secondary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018562 ! lower secondary canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001291 name: upper primary canine tooth crown height def: "The height of an upper primary canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "upper primary cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001288 ! upper canine tooth crown height is_a: FOVT:0001294 ! primary canine tooth crown height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018597 ! upper primary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018597 ! upper primary canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001292 name: lower primary canine tooth crown height def: "The height of a lower primary canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "lower primary cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001287 ! lower canine tooth crown height is_a: FOVT:0001294 ! primary canine tooth crown height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018598 ! lower primary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018598 ! lower primary canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001293 name: secondary canine tooth crown height def: "The height of a secondary canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "secondary cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018584 ! secondary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018584 ! secondary canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001294 name: primary canine tooth crown height def: "The height of a primary canine tooth crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "primary cuspid crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018583 ! primary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018583 ! primary canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001295 name: premolar tooth row length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of premolars along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length is_a: OBA:0003215 ! premolar tooth morphology relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001296 name: molar tooth row length def: "The length of the occlusal surface of molars along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001300 ! upper molar tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001297 name: upper premolar tooth row length def: "The length of an upper premolar tooth row along the anterior-posterior length." [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length is_a: OBA:0003215 ! premolar tooth morphology is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001298 name: lower premolar tooth row length def: "The length of a lower premolar tooth row along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001299 name: lower molar tooth row length def: "The length of a lower molar tooth row along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001300 name: upper molar tooth row length def: "The length of an upper tooth row along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length is_a: OBA:VT0002689 ! molar morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001301 name: canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a canine tooth along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "cuspid diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "cuspid tooth anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003674 ! cuspid relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001302 name: upper canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of an upper canine tooth along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper cuspid anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper cuspid diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001301 ! canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001303 name: lower canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a lower canine tooth along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower cuspid anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower cuspid diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001301 ! canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"alveolar process of mandible\" for logical definition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001304 name: upper secondary canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of an upper secondary canine tooth along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: The measurement number and genus from von den Driesch (1979): 21 Sus {xref="ISBN:9780873659505"} synonym: "greatest diameter of the canine alveolus" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary cuspid anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "upper secondary cuspid diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001301 ! canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001305 name: lower secondary canine anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a lower secondary canine tooth along the anterior-posterior diameter." [] synonym: "lower secondaray canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondry cuspid anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001301 ! canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"alveolar process of mandible\" for logical definition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001306 name: upper primary canine anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of an upper primary canine tooth along the anterior-posterior diameter." [] synonym: "upper primary canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper primary cuspid anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper primary cuspid diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001301 ! canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter is_a: OBA:0002703 ! primary dentition size relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001307 name: lower primary canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a lower primary canine tooth along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower primary canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower primary cuspid anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower primary cuspid diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001301 ! canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter is_a: OBA:0002703 ! primary dentition size is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"alveolar process of mandible\" for logical definition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001308 name: canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "canine tooth diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003674 ! cuspid relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001309 name: upper canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at a base (alveoli) of an upper canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: The measurement number and genus from von den Driesch (1979): 27 Felis synonym: "cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper canine tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001308 ! canine tooth medial-lateral diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001310 name: lower canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a lower canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower canine tooth diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001308 ! canine tooth medial-lateral diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"alveolar process of mandible\" for logical definition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001311 name: upper secondary canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of an upper secondary canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] comment: The measurement number and genus from von den Driesch (1979): 27 Felis {xref="ISBN:9780873659505"} synonym: "breadth of the canine alveoli" EXACT [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "upper secondary canine tooth diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001308 ! canine tooth medial-lateral diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001312 name: lower secondary canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a lower secondary canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary canine tooth diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001308 ! canine tooth medial-lateral diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"alveolar process of mandible\" for logical definition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001313 name: upper primary canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of an upper primary canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "upper primary canine tooth diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper primary cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper primary cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000112 ! tooth size is_a: OBA:1000335 ! cuspid quality is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018583 ! primary canine tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018621 ! upper canine tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001314 name: lower primary canine tooth medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base (alveoli) of a lower primary canine tooth along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower primary canine tooth diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower primary cuspid diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower primary cuspid medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001308 ! canine tooth medial-lateral diameter is_a: OBA:0002703 ! primary dentition size is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add \"alveolar process of mandible\" for logical definition" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add \"canine tooth size trait\" for this term to be nested under" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001315 name: upper left tooth row length def: "The length of a tooth row on the left side along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper left tooth row length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001316 name: upper right tooth row length def: "The length of an upper tooth row on the right side along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper right tooth row length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001284 ! upper tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001317 name: molar tooth 1-2 length def: "The length of molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001318 name: molar tooth 1-3 length def: "The length of molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001319 name: molar tooth 1-4 length def: "The length of molar teeth 1-4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "molar tooth 1-4 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001320 name: upper molar tooth 1-2 length def: "The length of upper molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001284 ! upper tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001321 name: lower molar tooth 1-2 length def: "The length of lower molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001322 name: upper secondary molar tooth 1-2 length def: "The length of upper secondary molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001176 ! upper secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001323 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1-2 length def: "The length of lower secondary molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001345 ! lower secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001324 name: obsolete upper primary molar tooth 1-2 length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of upper primary molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "upper primary molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001325 name: obsolete lower primary molar tooth 1-2 length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of lower primary molar teeth 1-2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "lower primary molar tooth 1-2 length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001326 name: upper molar tooth 1-3 length def: "The length of upper molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001284 ! upper tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001327 name: lower molar tooth 1-3 length def: "The length of lower molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001328 name: upper secondary molar tooth 1-3 length def: "The length of upper secondary molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001176 ! upper secondary molar tooth 1 occlusal surface length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001329 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1-3 length def: "The length of lower secondary molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001345 ! lower secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001330 name: obsolete upper primary molar tooth 1-3 length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of upper primary molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "upper primary molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001331 name: obsolete lower primary molar tooth 1-3 length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of lower primary molar teeth 1-3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] comment: no primary molars, term should not exist synonym: "lower primary molar tooth 1-3 length AP" EXACT [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001332 name: upper molar tooth 1-4 length def: "The length of upper molar teeth 1-4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper molar tooth 1-4 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001284 ! upper tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001333 name: lower molar tooth 1-4 length def: "The length of lower molar teeth 1-4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower molar tooth 1-4 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001334 name: premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "premolar 4 to molar 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001335 name: upper premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of upper premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001284 ! upper tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001336 name: lower premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of lower premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001337 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of upper secondary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001344 ! upper secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001338 name: upper primary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of upper primary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper primary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001339 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of lower secondary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001300 ! upper molar tooth row length is_a: FOVT:0001345 ! lower secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001340 name: lower primary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length def: "The length of lower primary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower primary premolar tooth 4 to molar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001341 name: canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length def: "The length of canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] synonym: "cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length" EXACT [] synonym: "cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001342 name: upper canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length def: "The length of upper canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length" EXACT [] synonym: "upper cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001284 ! upper tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001343 name: lower canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length def: "The length of lower canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length" EXACT [] synonym: "lower cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001285 ! lower tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001344 name: upper secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length def: "The length of upper secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary cuspid tooth to premolar tooth 3 length" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001345 name: lower secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length def: "The length of lower secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower secondary canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary cuspid to premolar tooth 3 length AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0000030 ! tooth row length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001346 name: diastema between central incisors length def: "The length of diastema between central incisors along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0035115 ! diastema between central incisors relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0035115 ! diastema between central incisors relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001347 name: diastema between lower central incisors length def: "The length of diastema between lower central incisors along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001346 ! diastema between central incisors length is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001346 ! diastema between central incisors length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001348 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary premolar tooth 3 along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001405 ! premolar tooth 3 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001349 name: upper secondary premolar tooth 4 crown height def: "The length of an upper secondary premolar tooth 4 along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0016452 ! upper secondary premolar tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001350 name: lower premolar tooth 3 anterior width def: "The length of the anterior side of a lower premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 3 anterior length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001351 name: lower premolar tooth 3 posterior width def: "The length of the posterior side of a lower premolar tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "lower premolar tooth 3 posterior length ML" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001354 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 diaphysis depth def: "The length of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis" [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal III smallest depth of diaphysis (DD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third metacarpal depth of the diaphysis at the level of M3 (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002097 ! metacarpal bone diaphysis depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001355 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The length of the shaft of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third metacarpal miniaml breadth (near the middle of the body) (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002102 ! metacarpal bone diaphysis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001356 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 proximal articular breadth def: "The length of the articular surface on the proximal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III distal breadth (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III proximal articular breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001357 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 distal articular breadth def: "The length of the articular surface on the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal distal maximal articular breadth (M11)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001358 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 lateral condyle depth def: "The length of the lateral condyle on the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal distal minimal depth of the lateral condyle (13)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001359 name: pelvis length def: "The length of a pelvis along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "pelvis greatest length of one half (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002413 ! pelvic girdle bone/zone size is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0007830 ! pelvic girdle bone/zone relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001360 name: acetabulum length (including the lip) def: "The length of an acetabulum along the upper-lower axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This measurement includes the lip of the acetabulum. synonym: "length of the acetabulum including the lip (LA)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002413 ! pelvic girdle bone/zone size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001361 name: acetabulum length (to the rim) def: "The length of an acetabulum up to the rim of an acetabulum along the upper-lower axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This measurement does not include the lip. synonym: "diameter of the acetabulum (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "length of the acetabulum to the rim (LAR)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002413 ! pelvic girdle bone/zone size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001362 name: pubic symphysis length def: "The length of a pubic symphysis along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN: 9780873659505] comment: This is only measured when the two halves of the pubis are fused. synonym: "length of the symphysis (LS)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001359 ! pelvis length is_a: OBA:0002395 ! pubic symphysis size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0003699 ! pubic symphysis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001363 name: ilial shaft height def: "The length of an ilial shaft along the dorsal-ventral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "smallest height of the shaft of ilium (SH)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001359 ! pelvis length is_a: OBA:0002162 ! ilium size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:3000774 ! ilial shaft relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:3000774 ! ilial shaft relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001364 name: ilial shaft breadth def: "The length of an ilial shaft along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ilial shaft width" EXACT [] synonym: "smallest breadth of the shaft of ilium (SB)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002162 ! ilium size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:3000774 ! ilial shaft relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:3000774 ! ilial shaft relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001365 name: scapula lateral breadth def: "The length of the articular process on the lateral end of a scapula along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] comment: This is measured from the articular process. synonym: "scapula geatest length of the processus articularis (glenoid process) (GLP)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "scapula maximal breadth of the articular process (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0001157 ! scapula depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001366 name: obsolete right testis length def: "OBSOLETE The length of a testis on the right side." [] comment: made an error, made new term synonym: "testis length" RELATED [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2022-05-05T23:24:47Z" xsd:dateTime is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001058 [Term] id: FOVT:0001367 name: obsolete right testis length comment: made error, term already exists relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2022-05-05T23:27:11Z" xsd:dateTime is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001058 [Term] id: FOVT:0001368 name: testis width def: "The width of a testis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001369 ! gonad width is_a: OBA:VT0001148 ! testes size trait intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000473 ! testis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001369 name: gonad width def: "The width of a gonad." [] is_a: OBA:0002017 ! gonad size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000991 ! gonad relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001370 name: obsolete right ovary length def: "OBSOLETE The length of an ovary on the right side." [] comment: didn't realize the term already existed synonym: "ovary length" RELATED [] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: "2022-05-05T23:45:43Z" xsd:dateTime is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001063 [Term] id: FOVT:0001371 name: ovary width def: "The width of an ovary." [] is_a: FOVT:0001369 ! gonad width is_a: OBA:VT0001127 ! ovary size trait intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000992 ! ovary relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001372 name: ilial shaft circumference def: "The circumference of an ilial shaft." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "smallest circumference of the shaft of ilium (SC)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002162 ! ilium size is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: PATO:0001648 ! circumference intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:3000774 ! ilial shaft relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:3000774 ! ilial shaft relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001373 name: foramen obturatum length def: "The length of a formaen obturatum along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "inner foramen obturatum length (LFo)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001359 ! pelvis length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0006803 ! obturator foramen relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0006803 ! obturator foramen relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001374 name: tubera coxarum breadth def: "The length of a tubera coxarum." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "greatest breadth across the tubera coxarum (GBTc)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tubera coxarum width" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002413 ! pelvic girdle bone/zone size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001375 name: acetabula breadth def: "The length of an acetabula along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "acetablua width" EXACT [] synonym: "greatest breadth across the acetabula (GBA)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002412 ! acetabular part of hip bone size is_a: OBA:0002413 ! pelvic girdle bone/zone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001269 ! acetabular part of hip bone relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001376 name: tubera ischiadica breadth def: "The length of an ischial tuberosity along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "greatest breadth across the tubera ischiadica (GBTi)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "tubera ischiadica width" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001359 ! pelvis length is_a: OBA:0002391 ! ischium size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0034983 ! ischial tuberosity relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0034983 ! ischial tuberosity relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001377 name: ischia breadth def: "The length across both ischia along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "ischia width" EXACT [] synonym: "smallest breadth across the bodies of the ischia (SBI)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002391 ! ischium size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001274 ! ischium relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001378 name: calcaneus lateral depth def: "The length of the lateral side of a calcaneus along the proximal-distal axis." [] synonym: "lateral depth of the calcaneum (CALD)" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:0003330 ! calcaneus size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001379 name: forearm length def: "The length of a forearm." [DOI:10.1080/00445096.1965.11447303] comment: This is measured from the end of the ulna to the end of the carpus. {xref="DOI:10.1080/00445096.1965.11447303"} synonym: "fore-arm length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:VT0010023 ! forelimb length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001380 name: secondary molar tooth 1 crown height def: "The height of a secondary molar tooth 1 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] comment: need to add secondary molar tooth 1 is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018376 ! molar tooth 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018376 ! molar tooth 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001381 name: upper secondary molar tooth 1 crown height def: "The height of an upper molar tooth 1 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] comment: need to add secondary molar tooth 1 synonym: "M1 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001380 ! secondary molar tooth 1 crown height intersection_of: FOVT:0001380 ! secondary molar tooth 1 crown height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001382 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 crown height def: "The height of a lower molar tooth 1 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] comment: need to add secondary molar tooth 1 synonym: "m1 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001380 ! secondary molar tooth 1 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001380 ! secondary molar tooth 1 crown height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001383 name: secondary molar tooth 2 crown height def: "The height of a secondary molar tooth 2 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018606 ! molar tooth 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018606 ! molar tooth 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 2" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001384 name: lower secondary molar tooth 2 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary molar tooth 2 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "m2 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001383 ! secondary molar tooth 2 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001385 name: upper secondary molar tooth 2 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary molar tooth 2 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "M2 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001383 ! secondary molar tooth 2 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001386 name: secondary molar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a secondary molar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018377 ! molar tooth 3 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018377 ! molar tooth 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add secondary molar tooth 3 to logical definition" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001387 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "m3 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001386 ! secondary molar tooth 3 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait intersection_of: FOVT:0001386 ! secondary molar tooth 3 crown height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001388 name: upper secondary molar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary molar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "M3 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001386 ! secondary molar tooth 3 crown height intersection_of: FOVT:0001386 ! secondary molar tooth 3 crown height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001389 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 trigonid width def: "The width of a lower secondary molar tooth 1 trigonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001390 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 trigonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 1 trigonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001391 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 talonid width def: "The width of a lower secondary molar tooth 1 talonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001392 name: lower secondary molar tooth 1 talonid length def: "The lenght of a lower secondary molar tooth 1 talonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001393 name: lower secondary molar tooth 2 trigonid width def: "The widht of a lower secondary molar tooth 2 trigonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001394 name: lower secondary molar tooth 2 trigonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 2 trigonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001395 name: lower secondary molar 2 talonid width def: "The widht of a lower secondary molar 2 talonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001396 name: lower secondary molar tooth 2 talonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 2 talonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001397 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 trigonid width def: "The width of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 trigonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001398 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 trigonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 trigonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001399 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 talonid width def: "The width of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 talonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001400 name: lower secondary molar tooth 3 talonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 3 talonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001401 name: lower secondary molar tooth 4 trigonid width def: "The width of a lower secondary molar tooth 4 trigonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001402 name: lower secondary molar tooth 4 trigonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 4 trigonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001403 name: lower secondary molar tooth 4 talonid width def: "The width of a lower secondary molar tooth 4 talonid along the left-right axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001404 name: lower secondary molar tooth 4 talonid length def: "The length of a lower secondary molar tooth 4 talonid along the anterior-posterior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0004257 ! molar tooth size relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add talonid" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001405 name: premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:0002710 ! premolar tooth size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:7500056 ! premolar 3 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:7500056 ! premolar 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001406 name: upper premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of an upper premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001405 ! premolar tooth 3 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001407 name: lower premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a lower premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001405 ! premolar tooth 3 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001408 name: obsolete upper secondary premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "OBSOLETE. The height of an upper secondary premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] comment: term already exists relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001348 [Term] id: FOVT:0001409 name: lower secondary premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a secondary premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001405 ! premolar tooth 3 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001410 name: upper primary premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of an upper primary premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001405 ! premolar tooth 3 crown height is_a: OBA:0002703 ! primary dentition size relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001411 name: lower primary premolar tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a lower primary premolar tooth 3 crown along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: FOVT:0001405 ! premolar tooth 3 crown height is_a: OBA:0002703 ! primary dentition size is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001500 name: incisor tooth 1 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) tooth along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "central incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "central incisor diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "incisor 1 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018551 ! central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001501 name: upper incisor tooth 1 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "upper central incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper central incisor diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper incisor tooth 1 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018603 ! upper central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001502 name: lower incisor tooth 1 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "lower central incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower central incisor diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower incisor tooth 1 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018601 ! lower central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001503 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 1 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "I1 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "I1 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary central incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary central incisor diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 1 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018603 ! upper central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001504 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 1 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "i1 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "i1 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary central incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary central incisor diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 1 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000454 ! jaw morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018601 ! lower central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001505 name: incisor tooth 1 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "central incisor diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "central incisor medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "incisor tooth 1 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018551 ! central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001506 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 1 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "I1 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "I1 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary central incisor diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary central tooth medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 1 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018551 ! central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001507 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 1 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "i1 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "i1 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary central incisor diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary central incisor medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 1 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018551 ! central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001508 name: incisor tooth 1 crown height def: "The height of an incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "central incisor crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018551 ! central incisor tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018551 ! central incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001509 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 1 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary incisor tooth (central incisor) along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "I1 crown height" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary central incisor crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001508 ! incisor tooth 1 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001510 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 1 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary incisor tooth 1 (central incisor) along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "i1 crown height" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary central incisor crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001508 ! incisor tooth 1 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001511 name: incisor tooth 2 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 2 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lateral incisor tooth anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lateral incisor tooth diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001512 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 2 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "I2 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "I2 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 2 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary lateral incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary lateral incisor diameter AP'has exact synonym'" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001513 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 2 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "i2 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "i2 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 2 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary lateral incisor anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary lateral incisor diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001514 name: incisor tooth 2 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 2 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lateral incisor diameter ML'has exact synonym'" EXACT [] synonym: "lateral incisor medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001515 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 2 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "I2 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "I2 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 2 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary lateral incisor diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary lateral incisor medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001516 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 2 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "i2 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "i2 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 2 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary lateral incisor diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary lateral incisor medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001517 name: incisor tooth 2 crown height def: "The height of an incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "lateral incisor crown height" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0018552 ! lateral incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001518 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 2 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary incisor tooth 2 (lateral incisor) along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "I2 crown height" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary lateral incisor crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001517 ! incisor tooth 2 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001519 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 2 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary incisor tooth (lateral incisor) along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "i2 crown height" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary lateral incisor crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001517 ! incisor tooth 2 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001520 name: incisor tooth 3 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 3 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001521 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 3 anterior-posteior diameter def: "The diameter of an upper secondary incisor tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "I3 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "I3 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 3 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001522 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 3 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "i3 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "i3 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 3 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001523 name: incisor tooth 3 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 3 diamter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001524 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 3 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "I3 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "I3 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 3 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001525 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 3 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "i3 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "i3 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 3 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001526 name: incisor tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of an incisor tooth 3 along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001527 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary incisor tooth 3 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "I3 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001526 ! incisor tooth 3 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001528 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 3 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary incisor tooth 3 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "i3 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001526 ! incisor tooth 3 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 3" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001529 name: incisor tooth 4 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 4 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001530 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 4 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "I4 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "I4 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 4 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001531 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 4 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "i4 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "i4 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 4 diamter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001532 name: incisor tooth 4 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 4 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001533 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 4 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "I4 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "I4 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 4 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001534 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 4 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "i4 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "i4 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 4 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001535 name: incisor tooth 4 crown height def: "The height of an incisor tooth 4 along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001536 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 4 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary incisor tooth 4 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "I4 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001535 ! incisor tooth 4 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001537 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 4 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary incisor tooth 4 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "i4 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001535 ! incisor tooth 4 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 4" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001538 name: incisor tooth 5 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 5 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001539 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 5 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "I5 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "I5 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 5 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001540 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 5 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "i5 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "i5 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 5 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001541 name: incisor tooth 5 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 5 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001542 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 5 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diamter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "I5 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "I5 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 5 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001543 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 5 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "i5 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "i5 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 5 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001544 name: incisor tooth 5 crown height def: "The height of an incisor tooth 5 along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001545 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 5 crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary incisor tooth 5 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "I5 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001544 ! incisor tooth 5 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001546 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 5 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary incisor tooth 5 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "i5 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001544 ! incisor tooth 5 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 5" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001547 name: incisor tooth 6 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 6 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 6 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001548 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 6 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 6 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "I6 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "I6 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 6 diamter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001549 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 6 anterior-posterior diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 6 along the anterior-posterior axis." [] synonym: "i6 anterior-posterior diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "i6 diameter AP" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 6 diameter AP" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0000013 ! anterior-posterior axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001550 name: incisor tooth 6 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an incisor tooth 6 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "incisor tooth 6 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001551 name: upper secondary incisor tooth 6 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of an upper secondary incisor tooth 6 along the medial-latearl axis." [] synonym: "I6 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "I6 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "upper secondary incisor tooth 6 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001552 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 6 medial-lateral diameter def: "The diameter at the base of a lower secondary incisor tooth 6 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "i6 diameter ML" EXACT [] synonym: "i6 medial-lateral diameter" EXACT [] synonym: "lower secondary incisor tooth 6 diameter ML" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001556 ! incisor tooth diameter is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor relationship: follows_axis BSPO:0001001 ! medial-lateral axis property_value: editor_note "need to add alveolar ridge mandible" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001553 name: incisor tooth 6 crown height def: "The height of an incisor tooth 6 along the superior-inferior axis." [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0000119 ! height relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001554 name: upper secondary incisor 6 tooth crown height def: "The height of an upper secondary incisor tooth 6 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "I6 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001553 ! incisor tooth 6 crown height relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001709 ! upper jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001555 name: lower secondary incisor tooth 6 crown height def: "The height of a lower secondary incisor tooth 6 along the superior-inferior axis." [] synonym: "i6 crown height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001553 ! incisor tooth 6 crown height is_a: OBA:VT0000458 ! mandible morphology trait relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001710 ! lower jaw region relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0007774 ! secondary dentition relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add incisor tooth 6" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001556 name: incisor tooth diameter def: "The diameter of an incisor tooth." [] is_a: OBA:1000113 ! incisor size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter intersection_of: PATO:0001334 ! diameter intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001098 ! incisor tooth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001557 name: metapodial bone of digit 2 proximal articular breadth def: "The breadth along the medial-lateral axis of the proximal end of a metapodial bone of digit 2." [] synonym: "metapodial II proximal articular breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "Metapodial II proximal breadth (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003646 ! metacarpal bone of digit 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add logical def" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001558 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 medial length def: "The length of the medial side of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal medial length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001559 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 proximal articular depth def: "The depth of the proximal articular surface of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal proximal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001560 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 articular facet for the third carpal diameter def: "The diameter of the articular facet of the third carpal of a metacarpal of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal maximal diameter of the articular facet for the third carpal (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add facet" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001561 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 anterior facet for the fourth carpal diameter def: "The diameter of the anterior facet for the fourth carpal of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the superior-inferior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal diameter of the anterior facet for the fourth carpal (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add facet" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001562 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 articular facet for the second carpal diameter def: "The diameter of the articular facet for the second carpal of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the superior-inferior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal diameter of the articular facet for the second carpal (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add facet" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001563 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 distal supra-articular breadth def: "The breadth of the distal supra-articular of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal distal maximal supra-articular breadth (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add supra-articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001564 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 keel depth def: "The depth of the keel of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal distal maximal depth of the keel (M12)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add keel" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001565 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 medial condyle depth def: "The depth of the medial condyle of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal distal minimal depth of the medial condyle (M14)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add medial condyle" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001566 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 posterior facet for the fourth carpal diameter def: "The diameter of the posterior facet for the fourth carpal of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metacarpal diameter of the posterior facet for the fourth carpal (M16)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003647 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add facet" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001567 name: metacarpal bone of digit 2 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal II minimal depth of the diaphysis (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002097 ! metacarpal bone diaphysis depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001568 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal IV minimal depth of the diaphysis (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal IV smallest depth of diaphysis (DD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003648 ! metacarpal bone of digit 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001569 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 length def: "The length of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III+IV greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0001140 ! fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001570 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III+IV smallest depth of diaphysis (DD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001571 name: metacarpal bone of digit 2 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal side of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal II proximal maximal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001572 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal side of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal IV greatest breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal IV proximal maximal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001573 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal side of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III+IV greatest breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor [Term] id: FOVT:0001574 name: metacarpal bone of digit 2 proximal depth def: "The length of the proximal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal II proximal maximal depth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002099 ! metacarpal bone proximal depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001575 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 proximal depth def: "The length of the proximal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal IV proximal maximal depth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002099 ! metacarpal bone proximal depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001576 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 proximal depth def: "The length of the proximal end of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III+IV greatest depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001577 name: metacarpal bone of digit 2 distal articular breadth def: "The breadth of the distal articular surface of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal II distal articular breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003646 ! metacarpal bone of digit 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001578 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 distal articular breadth def: "The breadth of the distal articular surface of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal IV distal articular breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003648 ! metacarpal bone of digit 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001579 name: metacapral bone of digit 2 distal articular depth def: "The depth of the distal articular of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal II distal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003646 ! metacarpal bone of digit 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001580 name: metacapral bone of digit 4 distal articular depth def: "The depth of the distal articular of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metacarpal II distal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003648 ! metacarpal bone of digit 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001581 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 2 lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The greatest length of the lateral side of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: measurement not taken synonym: "metacarpal II greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001582 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 4 lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The greatest length of the lateral side of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: measurement not taken synonym: "metacarpal IV greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001583 name: obsolete fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The greatest length of the lateral side of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 from the articular facet for the distal carpal bone 3 and anterior facet for the anterio facet for carpal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacarpal III&IV greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001584 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 outer lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 from the anterior facet for distal carpal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III&IV lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001585 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 2 outer lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the lateral side of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacapral II lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001586 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 4 outer lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the lateral side of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacapral IV lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001587 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 2 diaphysis breadth def: "OBSOLETE. The width of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacarpal II smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001588 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal IV breadth in the middle of the diaphysis (B)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002102 ! metacarpal bone diaphysis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001589 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III&IV smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001590 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of the diaphysis of a fused metacarpal boned 3 and 4." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III&IV smallest circumference of the diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001591 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 2 diaphysis circumference def: "OBSOLETE. The circumference of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 2." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacarpal II smallest circumference of the diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001592 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 4 diaphysis circumference def: "OBSOLETE. The circumference of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 4." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacarpal IV smallest circumference of the diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001593 name: obsolete metacarpal bone of digit 2 distal breadth def: "OBSOLETE. The width of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacarpal II greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001594 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal IV greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001595 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III&IV greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001596 name: fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 distal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III&IV greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001597 name: metacarpal bone of digit 2 distal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metacarpal II greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003646 ! metacarpal bone of digit 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001598 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 distal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal IV greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001599 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 outer lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 from the anterior facet for distal carpal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001600 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of the diaphysis of a metacarpal bone of digit 3." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III smallest circumference of the diaphysis (CD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT1000361 ! cannon bone circumference relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001601 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001602 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 distal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add distal" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001603 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 medial length def: "The length on the medial size of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal medial length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001604 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The breadth of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third metatarsal minimal breadth (near the middle of the bone) (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002106 ! metatarsal bone diaphysis breadth is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001605 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III minimal depth of the diaphysis (DD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third metatarsal depth of the diaphysis at the level of M3 (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002105 ! metatarsal bone diaphysis depth is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001606 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 proximal articular breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III greatest breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third metatarsal proximal articular breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001607 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 proximal articular depth def: "The depth of the articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal proximal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001608 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 aricular facet for third tarsal diameter def: "The diameter of the articular facet for the third tarsal on a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal maximal diameter of the articular facet for the third tarsal (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001609 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 aricular facet for fourth tarsal diameter def: "The diameter of the articular facet for fourth tarsal of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal diameter of the articular facet for the fourth tarsal (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001610 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 aricular facet for second tarsal diameter synonym: "The diameter of the articular facet for second tarsal of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metarsal diameter of the articular facet for the second tarsal (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0001334 ! diameter relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001611 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 supra-articular breadth def: "The breadth of the supra-articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal distal maximal supra-articular breadth (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add supra-articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001612 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 distal articular breadth def: "The breadth of the distal articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal distal maximal articular breadth (M11)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001613 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 keel depth def: "The depth of the keel (on the distal end) of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third metatarsal distal maximal depth of the keel (M12)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add keel" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001614 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 lateral condyle depth def: "The depth of the lateral condyle of a metatarsal boen of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal distal minimal dpeth of the lateral condyle (M13)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001615 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 medial condyle depth def: "The depth of the medial condyle of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third metatarsal distal maximal depth of the medial condyle (M14)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003652 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001616 name: metatarsal bone of digit 2 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal II minimal depth of the diaphysis (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002105 ! metatarsal bone diaphysis depth is_a: OBA:1000491 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001617 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV minimal depth of the diaphysis (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal IV smallest depth of diaphysis (DD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002105 ! metatarsal bone diaphysis depth is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001618 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 diaphysis depth def: "The depth of the diaphysis of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV smallest depth of diaphysis (DD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001619 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 proximal depth def: "The depth of the proximal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal IV proximal maximal depth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002108 ! metatarsal bone proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001620 name: metatarsal bone of digit 2 proximal depth def: "The depth of the proximal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal II proximal maximal depth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002108 ! metatarsal bone proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000491 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001621 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 proximal depth def: "The depth of the proximal end of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV greatest depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001622 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV greatest breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV proximal maximal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001623 name: metatarsal bone of digit 2 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal II proximal maximal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:1000491 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001624 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal end of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV greatest breadth of the proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001625 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 distal articular breadth def: "The breadth of the distal articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal II distal articular breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003653 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001626 name: metatarsal bone of digit 2 distal articular breadth def: "The breadth of the distal articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal II distal articular breadth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000491 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 quality is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003651 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001627 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 distal articular depth def: "The depth of the distal articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal IV distal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003653 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001628 name: metatarsal bone of digit 2 distal articular depth def: "The depth of the distal articular of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "metatarsal II distal articular depth (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000491 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 quality is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003651 ! metatarsal bone of digit 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001629 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 4 lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The greatest length of the lateral side of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal IV greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001630 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 4 outer lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the lateral side of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 from the lateral border of articular facet for distal carpal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal IV lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001631 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The greatest length of the lateral side of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal II greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001632 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 outer lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The length of the lateral side of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal II lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001633 name: obsolete fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 lateral length def: "OBSOLETE. The greatest length of the lateral side of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal III&IV greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001634 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 outer lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 from the lateral border of articular facet for distal tarsal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001635 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 diaphysis breadth def: "The breadth of the diaphysis of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001636 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 diaphysis breadth def: "The breadth of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV breadth in the middle of the diaphysis (B)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002106 ! metatarsal bone diaphysis breadth is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001637 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 diaphysis breadth def: "OBSOLETE. The breadth of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal II smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001638 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 4." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV smallest circumference of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002251 ! metatarsal bone size is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0003653 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001639 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 diaphysis circumference def: "OBSOLETE. The circumference of the diaphysis of a metatarsal bone of digit 2." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal II smallest circumference of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001640 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 diaphysis circumference def: "The circumference of the diaphysis of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV smallest circumference of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002195 ! metacarpal bone size is_a: PATO:0001648 ! circumference relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0013587 ! fused metacarpal bones 3 and 4 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001641 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:1000611 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001642 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 distal breadth def: "OBSOLETE. The breadth of the distal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal II greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001643 name: fused metatarsals 3 and 4 distal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the anterior-posteriod axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001644 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 4 distal depth def: "OBSOLETE. The depth of the distal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 along the anterior-posteriod axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not mreasured synonym: "metatarsal IV greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001645 name: obsolete metatarsal bone of digit 2 distal depth def: "OBSOLETE. The depth of the distal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 along the anterior-posteriod axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] comment: term not measured synonym: "metatarsal II greatest depth of the distal end (Dd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 is_obsolete: true [Term] id: FOVT:0001646 name: fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a fused metatarsal bones 3 and 4 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III&IV greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9845 [Term] id: FOVT:0001648 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 lateral length def: "The greatest length of the lateral side of a metacarpal bone 3 from the articular facet for the distal carpal bone 3 and anterior facet for the anterio facet for carpal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001649 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 lateral length def: "The greatest length of the lateral side of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 from the articular facet for distal tarsal bone 3 and anterior facet for distal tarsal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III greatest length of the lateral part (GLl)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001650 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 outer lateral length def: "The length of the lateral side of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 from the lateral border of articular facet for distal tarsal bone 4 to the lateral condyle." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III lateral length on the outer side (Ll)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 [Term] id: FOVT:0001651 name: metacarpal bone of digit 5 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a metacarpal bone of digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal V greatest breadth of the distal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003763 ! metacarpal bone morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33554 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9975 [Term] id: FOVT:0001652 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "metatarsal III greatest breadth of the distal (Bp)" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:1000413 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9789 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001653 name: metatarsal bone of digit 5 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a metatarsal bone of digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [] synonym: "metatarsal V greatest breadth of the distal (Bp)" RELATED [] is_a: OBA:1000254 ! metatarsal bone of digit 5 quality is_a: OBA:VT0003072 ! metatarsus morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33554 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9975 [Term] id: FOVT:0001654 name: metacarpal bone of digit 3 length excluding plantar projection def: "The length of a metacarpal bone of digit 3 from the distal articular facets to the axial border of the proximal end." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal III length excepting the plantar projection (LeP)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003044 ! metacarpal bone of digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001655 name: metacarpal bone of digit 4 length excluding plantar projection def: "The length of a metacarpal bone of digit 4 from the distal articular facets to the axial border of the proximal end." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metacarpal IV length excepting the plantar projection (LeP)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003045 ! metacarpal bone of digit 4 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001656 name: metatarsal bone of digit 3 length excluding plantar projection def: "The length of a metatarsal bone of digit 3 from the distal articular facets to the axial border of the proximal end." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal III length excepting the plantar projection (LeP)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002565 ! metatarsal bone of digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001657 name: metatarsal bone of digit 4 length excluding plantar projection def: "The length of a metatarsal bone of digit 4 from the distal articular facets to the axial border of the proximal end." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "metatarsal IV length excepting the plantar projection (LeP)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002567 ! metatarsal bone of digit 4 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9822 [Term] id: FOVT:0001658 name: atlas breadth def: "The widht of an axis along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas greatest breadth over wings (GB)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 breadth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004026 ! vertebral bone 1 morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001092 ! vertebral bone 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001092 ! vertebral bone 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001659 name: atlas length def: "The length of an atlas along the dorsal-ventral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 length" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0002823 ! vertebra size is_a: OBA:0004026 ! vertebral bone 1 morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001092 ! vertebral bone 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001092 ! vertebral bone 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001660 name: atlas cranial articular surface breadth def: "The width of the cranial articular surface of an atlas along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas greatest breadth of the Facies articularis cranialis (BFcr)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 cranial articular surface breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 cranial articular surface breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001658 ! atlas breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001661 name: atlas caudal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the caudal articular surface of an atlas along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas greatest breadth of the Facies articularis caudalis (BFcd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 caudal articular surface breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 caudal articular surface breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001658 ! atlas breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001662 name: atlas length between cranial and caudal articular surface def: "The length from the cranial articular surface of an atlas to the caudal articular surface of an atlas." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas greatest length from the Facies articularis cranialis to the Facies articularis caudalis (GLF)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 length between cranial and caudal articular surface" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 length between cranial and caudal articular surface" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001659 ! atlas length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001663 name: atlas dorsal arch length def: "The length of the arch of atlas along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas length of the Arcus dorsalis (LAd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 dorsal arch length" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 dorsal arch length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004026 ! vertebral bone 1 morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0005814 ! arch of atlas relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0005814 ! arch of atlas relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001664 name: atlas height def: "The height of an atlas along the dorsal-ventral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "atlas height (H)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C1 height" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 1 height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0002132 ! vertebra height is_a: OBA:0004026 ! vertebral bone 1 morphology intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001092 ! vertebral bone 1 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001092 ! vertebral bone 1 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001665 name: axis body length def: "The length of the body of an axis along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest length in the region of the corpus including the dens (LCDe)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 body length" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 body length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004027 ! vertebral bone 2 morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:2001984 ! centrum 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:2001984 ! centrum 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001666 name: axis arch length def: "The length of the arch of an axis along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest length of the arch including the Processus articulares caudales (LAPa)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 arch length" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 arch length" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004027 ! vertebral bone 2 morphology is_a: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0000218 ! vertebral arch of axis relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0000218 ! vertebral arch of axis relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add arch" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001667 name: axis cranial articular surface breadth def: "The width of the cranial articular surface of an atlas along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest breadth of the Facis articularis cranialis (BFcr)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 cranial articular surface breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 cranial articular surface breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001670 ! axis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001668 name: axis caudal articular process breadth def: "The width of the caudal articular process of an axis along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest breadth across the Processus articularis caudales (BPacd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 caudal articular process breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 caudal articular process breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001670 ! axis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add process" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001669 name: axis transverse articular process breadth def: "The width of the transverse process of an axis along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest breadth across the Processus transversi (BPtr)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 transverse articular process breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 transverse articular process breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001670 ! axis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add process" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add transverse process" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001670 name: axis breadth def: "The width of an axis along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "smallest breadth of the vertebra (SBV)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 breadth" EXACT [] is_a: OBA:0004027 ! vertebral bone 2 morphology is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: PATO:0000921 ! width intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001093 ! vertebral bone 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001093 ! vertebral bone 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001671 name: axis caudal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the caudal articular surface of an atlas along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest breadth of the Facis terminalis caudalis (BFcd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 caudal articular surface breadth" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 caudal articular surface breadth" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0001670 ! axis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: editor_note "need to add process" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001672 name: axis height def: "The height of an axis along the dorsal-ventral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "axis greatest height (H)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "C2 height" EXACT [] synonym: "vertebral bone 2 height" EXACT [] is_a: FOVT:0002132 ! vertebra height is_a: OBA:0004027 ! vertebral bone 2 morphology intersection_of: PATO:0000119 ! height intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0001093 ! vertebral bone 2 relationship: characteristic_of UBERON:0001093 ! vertebral bone 2 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001673 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the proximal end of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002130 ! phalanx of manus proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000178 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001674 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002952 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001675 name: obsolete proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal breadth comment: already exists relationship: dc-contributor is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001673 [Term] id: FOVT:0001676 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002086 ! proximal phalanx of manus distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000178 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001677 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 distal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the distal articular surface of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of the facies articularis distalis (BFd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal articular breadth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002952 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001678 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000178 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0000550 ! forelimb morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0005306 ! phalanx morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001679 name: obsolete proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 distal breadth comment: already exists relationship: dc-contributor is_obsolete: true replaced_by: FOVT:0001676 [Term] id: FOVT:0001680 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest length of the peripheral half (GLpe)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit anterior length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002137 ! proximal phalanx of manus anterior length is_a: OBA:1000178 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001681 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 distal articular surface depth def: "The depth of the distal articular surface of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal articular depth (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002952 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001682 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 trigonum phalangis length def: "The length of the trigonum phalangis of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal length of the trigonum phalangis (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002956 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonum phalangis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001683 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 medial supratuberosity length def: "The length of the medial surpatuberosity of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit medial supratuberosital length (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002956 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add supraturberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001684 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 lateral supratuberosity length def: "The length of the lateral surpatuberosity of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit lateral supratuberosital length (M11)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002956 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add supraturberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001685 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 lateral infratuberosity length def: "The length of the lateral infratuberosity of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit lateral infratuberosital length (M13)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002956 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add infraturberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001686 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 medial infratuberosity length def: "The length of the medial infratuberosity of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit medial infratuberosital length (M12)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002956 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add infraturberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001687 name: proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal depth def: "The depth of the proximal end of a proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002131 ! phalanx of manus proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000178 ! proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001688 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length def: "The length of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003281 ! proximal phalanx of pes length is_a: OBA:0003372 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004334 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001689 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal breadth def: "The width of the proximal end of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002126 ! phalanx of pes proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000422 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001690 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003372 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001691 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal depth def: "The depth of the proximal end of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002123 ! phalanx proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000422 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001692 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000422 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0005306 ! phalanx morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001693 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002088 ! proximal phalanx of pes distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000422 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001694 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 distal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the distal articular surface of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest breadth of the facies articularis distalis (BFd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal articular breadth (M7)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003372 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001695 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 1 greatest length of the peripheral half (GLpe)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit anterior length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002138 ! proximal phalanx of pes anterior length is_a: OBA:1000422 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001696 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 distal articular surface depth def: "The depth of the distal articular surface of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal articular depth (M8)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0003372 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0001595 ! depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001697 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 trigonum phalangis length def: "The length of a trigonum phalangis of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal length of the trigonum phalangis (M9)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0001688 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add trigonum phalangis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001698 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 medial supratuberosity length def: "The length of a medial supratuberosity of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit medial supratuberosital length (M10)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0001688 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular supratuberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001699 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 lateral supratuberosity length def: "The length of a lateral supratuberosity of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit lateral supratuberosital length (M11)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0001688 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular supratuberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001700 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 medial infratuberosity length def: "The length of a medial infratuberosity of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit medial infratuberosital length (M12)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0001688 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular infratuberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001701 name: proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 lateral infratuberosity length def: "The length of a lateral infratuberosity of a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the proximal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit lateral infratuberosital length (M13)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0001688 ! proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular infratuberosity" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001702 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the middle end of a middle phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002130 ! phalanx of manus proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000526 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001703 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a middle phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002943 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001705 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 3 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a middle phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002083 ! middle phalanx of manus distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000526 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001706 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a middle phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000526 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0000550 ! forelimb morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0005306 ! phalanx morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001707 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 3 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a middle phalanx of manual digit 3 along the middle-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit anterior length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002128 ! phalanx of manus anterior length is_a: OBA:1000382 ! middle phalanx of manus quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001714 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal depth def: "The depth of the middle end of a middle phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002131 ! phalanx of manus proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000526 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001715 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 length def: "The length of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the middle-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002452 ! middle phalanx of pes length is_a: OBA:0003369 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004325 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001716 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal breadth def: "The width of the middle end of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002126 ! phalanx of pes proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000419 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001717 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003369 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001718 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal depth def: "The depth of the middle end of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002127 ! phalanx of pes proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000419 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001719 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000419 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality is_a: OBA:VT0005306 ! phalanx morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001720 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002084 ! middle phalanx of pes distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000419 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001722 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the middle-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit anterior length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002125 ! phalanx of pes anterior length is_a: OBA:1000419 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001723 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third phalanx of central digit proximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002079 ! distal phalanx of manus proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000210 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001724 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 3 articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a distal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of facies articularis (BF)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third phalanx of central digit articular breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002939 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 property_value: measured_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9788 [Term] id: FOVT:0001725 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 3 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third phalanx of central digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002077 ! distal phalanx of manus distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000210 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001726 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a distal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth (GB)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third phalanx of central digit maximal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002076 ! distal phalanx of manus diaphysis breadth is_a: OBA:1000210 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001727 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 3 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a distal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the distal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "third phalanx of central digit anterior length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002075 ! distal phalanx of manus anterior length is_a: OBA:1000210 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001728 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 3 proximal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of manual digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "third phalanx of central digit proximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002080 ! distal phalanx of manus proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000210 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001729 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 length def: "The length of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the distal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002267 ! distal phalanx of pes length is_a: OBA:0003366 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004317 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001730 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal breadth (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002073 ! distal phalanx of pes proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000328 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001731 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003366 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001732 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 proximal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit proximal depth (M5)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002074 ! distal phalanx of pes proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000328 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001733 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit minimal breadth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002070 ! distal phalanx of pes diaphysis breadth is_a: OBA:1000328 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001734 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 3 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M6)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002071 ! distal phalanx of pes distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000328 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001735 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 along the distal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of central digit anterior length (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002069 ! distal phalanx of pes anterior length is_a: OBA:1000328 ! distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001736 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 5 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the middle end of a middle phalanx of manual digit 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit proximal breadth (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002130 ! phalanx of manus proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000555 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 5 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001737 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 5 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a middle phalanx of manual digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002895 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 5 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001738 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 5 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a middle phalanx of manual digit 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002083 ! middle phalanx of manus distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000555 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 5 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001739 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 5 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a middle phalanx of manual digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000555 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 5 quality is_a: OBA:VT0000550 ! forelimb morphology trait is_a: OBA:VT0005306 ! phalanx morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001741 name: middle phalanx of manual digit 5 proximal depth def: "The depth of the middle end of a middle phalanx of manual digit 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit proximal depth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002131 ! phalanx of manus proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000555 ! middle phalanx of manual digit 5 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001742 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 length def: "The length of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 along the middle-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit maximal length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: OBA:0002452 ! middle phalanx of pes length is_a: OBA:0003371 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 size intersection_of: PATO:0000122 ! length intersection_of: characteristic_of UBERON:0004327 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001743 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 proximal breadth def: "The width of the middle end of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit proximal breadth (M2)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002126 ! phalanx of pes proximal breadth is_a: OBA:1000175 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001744 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0003371 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001745 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 proximal depth def: "The depth of the middle end of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit proximal depth (M3)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002127 ! phalanx of pes proximal depth is_a: OBA:1000175 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001746 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002587 ! diaphysis size is_a: OBA:1000175 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 quality is_a: OBA:VT0005306 ! phalanx morphology trait is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001747 name: middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 distal breadth def: "The width of the distal end of a middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166, ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 5 phalanx 2 greatest breadth of the distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "first phalanx of fifth digit distal breadth at the tuberosities (M4)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002084 ! middle phalanx of pes distal breadth is_a: OBA:1000175 ! middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 quality relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001748 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 1 proximal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of manual digit 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 1 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of proximal end (Bp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002079 ! distal phalanx of manus proximal breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001749 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 1 proximal articular surface breadth def: "The width of the proximal articular surface of a distal phalanx of manual digit 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 1 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of facies articularis proximalis (BFp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002990 ! distal phalanx of manual digit 1 size is_a: PATO:0000921 ! width relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add articular surface" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001750 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 1 distal breadth def: "The breadth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of manual digit 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 1 phalanx 3 greatest breadth of distal end (Bd)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002077 ! distal phalanx of manus distal breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001751 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 1 diaphysis breadth def: "The width of the diaphysis of a distal phalanx of manual digit 1 along the medial-lateral axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 1 phalanx 3 smallest breadth of the diaphysis (SD)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002076 ! distal phalanx of manus diaphysis breadth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: editor_note "need to add diaphysis" xsd:string property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001752 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 1 anterior length def: "The length of the anterior side of a distal phalanx of manual digit 1 along the distal-distal axis." [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] synonym: "first phalanx of first digit anterior length (M1)" RELATED [ISBN:9004086161\, 9789004086166] is_a: FOVT:0002075 ! distal phalanx of manus anterior length relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001753 name: distal phalanx of manual digit 1 proximal depth def: "The depth of the distal end of a distal phalanx of manual digit 1 along the anterior-posterior axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 1 phalanx 3 depth of the proximal end (Dp)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: FOVT:0002080 ! distal phalanx of manus proximal depth relationship: dc-contributor property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000423 [Term] id: FOVT:0001754 name: distal phalanx of pedal digit 1 length def: "The length of a distal phalanx of pedal digit 1 along the distal-distal axis." [ISBN:9780873659505] synonym: "digit 1 phalanx 3 greatest length (GL)" RELATED [ISBN:9780873659505] is_a: OBA:0002267 ! distal phalanx of pes length is_a: OBA