# 📔 Dictionary [Dictionary](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Dictionary) is a convenient [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) plugin that shows detailed definitions of words, including phonetics, parts-of-speech, definitions, and examples. ## 🎬 Demonstration Dictionary in dark color scheme Dictionary in light color scheme ## 💻 Installation The easiest way to install Dictionary is through [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Dictionary). After it is enabled inside Sublime Text, open the command palette and find **Package Control: Install Package** and press `ENTER`. Then, find **Dictionary** in the list. Press `ENTER` again, and this plugin is installed! ## 📈 Usage The plugin includes the command `dictionary_define`, which can be run in the command palette as `Dictionary: Define`. **To see the definition of a word:** * Click on or select that word * Run the `Dictionary: Define` command in the command palette or run the command with custom keybindings (see below) * Read and/or copy the definition on the popup ## ⚙ Customization The Dictionary plugin is fully customizable. ### 🔧 Preferences There are several settings in `Dictionary.sublime-settings` that you can change to make Dictionary work as you want. The file can be accessed via the `Preferences: Dictionary` command in the command palette. #### Support languages The following languages are supported by this plugin, and can be used in the settings: * `en`: US English (default) * `en-uk`: UK English * `ar`: Arabic * `cs`: Czech * `de`: German * `es`: Spanish * `fr`: French * `hi`: Hindi * `it`: Italian * `ja`: Japanese * `ko`: Korean * `nl`: Dutch * `pt-BR`: Brazilian Portuguese * `ru`: Russian * `sk`: Slovak * `tr`: Turkish #### Hover mode When `hover_mode` is set to `true` in settings, definitions of text under mouse will be shown on hover without having to run a command. Hover mode can also be toggled via the `Dictionary: Toggle Hover Mode` (`dictionary_toggle_hover_mode`) command in the command palette. ### ⌨ Keybindings Custom keybindings can be created for the commands. * Run the `Preferences: Dictionary Key Bindings` command in the command palette. * Add your keybindings! Below is an example of the keybinding file: ```json [ { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+d"], "command": "dictionary_define" } ] ``` ## Acknowledgment This plugin is made possible by the [Free Dictionary API](https://dictionaryapi.dev/), which is used for the definitions.