# 📸 Python Computer Vision Snippets [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagecontrol/dt/Python%20Computer%20Vision%20Snippets)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Python%20Computer%20Vision%20Snippets) [![Tag](https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets?sort=semver)](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets/tags) [![Repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets)](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets/blob/master/LICENSE) [Python Computer Vision Snippets](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets) is a collection of [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) snippets for computer vision and image processing in Python. ## 💻 Installation The easiest way to install Python Computer Vision Snippets is through [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Python%20Computer%20Vision%20Snippets). After it is enabled inside Sublime Text, open the command palette and find **Package Control: Install Package** and press `ENTER`. Then, find **Python Computer Vision Snippets** in the list. Press `ENTER` again, and this package is installed! ## 📈 Snippets * [Imports](#imports) * [OpenCV](#opencv) * [Pillow](#pillow) ### Imports Import snippets start with `i` followed by the package/module's import alias. | Trigger | Description | |----------|-------------------------| | `icv2` | `import cv2` | | `iImage` | `from PIL import Image` | ### OpenCV | Trigger | Description | |---------------------|-------------------------| | `circle` | `cv2.circle` | | `cvtColor` | `cv2.cvtColor` | | `destroyAllWindows` | `cv2.destroyAllWindows` | | `imread` | `cv2.imread` | | `imshow` | `cv2.imshow` | | `imwrite` | `cv2.imwrite` | | `line` | `cv2.line` | | `putText` | `cv2.putText` | | `rectangle` | `cv2.rectangle` | | `resize` | `cv2.resize` | | `rotate` | `cv2.rotate` | | `VideoCapture` | `cv2.VideoCapture` | | `waitKey` | `cv2.waitKey` | ### Pillow | Trigger | Description | |-------------|-----------------------| | `convert` | `Image.convert` | | `crop` | `Image.crop` | | `fromarray` | `PIL.Image.fromarray` | | `open` | `PIL.Image.open` | | `resize` | `Image.resize` | | `rotate` | `Image.rotate` | | `save` | `Image.save` | The snippet files are in the [`snippets`](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets/tree/master/snippets) folder of [this GitHub repository](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Python-Computer-Vision-Snippets).