# 🤖 Wrap [Wrap](https://github.com/futureprogrammer360/Wrap) is a simple but useful [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) plugin that wraps the selected text (or text under cursor) with brackets (example: pass as argument into function/method, pass as index/key into array/list). ## 🎬 Demonstration Wrap: Wrap ## 💻 Installation The easiest way to install Wrap is through [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Wrap). After it is enabled inside Sublime Text, open the command palette and find **Package Control: Install Package** and press `ENTER`. Then, find **Wrap** in the list. Press `ENTER` again, and this plugin is installed! ## 📈 Usage This plugin includes the command `wrap`, which can be run in the command palette as `Wrap: Wrap`. Running the `Wrap: Wrap` command, the text selected or under cursor will be wrapped by brackets (bracket type can be customized). A placeholder will be inserted before the starting bracket and become selected. Example: * Original code: `x` (`x` is selected or under cursor) * After `Wrap: Wrap`: `abc(x)` (`abc` selected) ## ⚙ Customization The Wrap plugin can be customized to your requirements. ### 🔧 Preferences The types of brackets used by `Wrap` can be customized via the command `Preferences: Wrap`. Change the default bracket type with the `bracket_type` setting. Change context-specific bracket types with the `contexts` setting. ### ⌨ Keybindings Keybindings can be created for the `wrap` command. * Run the `Preferences: Wrap Key Bindings` command in the command palette. * Add your keybindings! Below is an example of the keybinding file: ```json [ { "keys": ["alt+w"], "command": "wrap" } ] ```