# Felix language support for the Sublime Text editor This package provides syntax highlighting for the [Felix programming language](http://felix-lang.org/). Currently, only simple syntax highlighting is provided. Please contribute if you would like to add more editing support. ## Installation This package can be installed via [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/). If Package Control is installed already, you can simply: * Open the Command Pallete (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`). * Type "Install Package" and hit return. * Type "Felix" and hit return. If not, Package Control can be installed following [these simple instructions](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) If you wish to install manually, you can clone this repository in your [Sublime Text Packages](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/basic_concepts.html#the-packages-directory). Next time you open a script with the `.flx` extension, Sublime Text will properly syntax highlight the code. ## Binding `cmd+/' to comment out current or selected line(s) Create a `Comments.tmPreferences` XML file in `Packages/User` (`~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User` in MacOS) with the following code. If the file exists already, add the outer `` block to it. ``` name Comments scope source.felix settings shellVariables name TM_COMMENT_START value // name TM_COMMENT_START_2 value {/* name TM_COMMENT_END_2 value */} uuid F9BFFF1F-1999-4722-B094-52E8AFD234D1 ```