package org.javacs.kt import import import import import import org.eclipse.lsp4j.InitializeParams import org.eclipse.lsp4j.DiagnosticSeverity import java.lang.reflect.Type import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.Paths public data class SnippetsConfiguration( /** Whether code completion should return VSCode-style snippets. */ var enabled: Boolean = true ) public data class CompletionConfiguration( val snippets: SnippetsConfiguration = SnippetsConfiguration() ) public data class DiagnosticsConfiguration( /** Whether diagnostics are enabled. */ var enabled: Boolean = true, /** The minimum severity of enabled diagnostics. */ var level: DiagnosticSeverity = DiagnosticSeverity.Hint, /** The time interval between subsequent lints in ms. */ var debounceTime: Long = 250L ) public data class JVMConfiguration( /** Which JVM target the Kotlin compiler uses. See Compiler.jvmTargetFrom for possible values. */ var target: String = "default" ) public data class CompilerConfiguration( val jvm: JVMConfiguration = JVMConfiguration() ) public data class IndexingConfiguration( /** Whether an index of global symbols should be built in the background. */ var enabled: Boolean = true ) public data class ExternalSourcesConfiguration( /** Whether kls-URIs should be sent to the client to describe classes in JARs. */ var useKlsScheme: Boolean = false, /** Whether external classes should be automatically converted to Kotlin. */ var autoConvertToKotlin: Boolean = false ) data class InlayHintsConfiguration( var typeHints: Boolean = false, var parameterHints: Boolean = false, var chainedHints: Boolean = false ) data class KtfmtConfiguration( var style: String = "google", var indent: Int = 4, var maxWidth: Int = 100, var continuationIndent: Int = 8, var removeUnusedImports: Boolean = true, ) data class FormattingConfiguration( var formatter: String = "ktfmt", var ktfmt: KtfmtConfiguration = KtfmtConfiguration() ) fun getStoragePath(params: InitializeParams): Path? { params.initializationOptions?.let { initializationOptions -> val gson = GsonBuilder().registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(, GsonPathConverter()).create() val options = gson.fromJson(initializationOptions as JsonElement, return options?.storagePath } return null } data class InitializationOptions( // A path to a directory used by the language server to store data. Used for caching purposes. val storagePath: Path? ) class GsonPathConverter : JsonDeserializer { @Throws(JsonParseException::class) override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement, type: Type?, context: JsonDeserializationContext?): Path? { return try { Paths.get(json.asString) } catch (ex: InvalidPathException) { LOG.printStackTrace(ex) null } } } public data class Configuration( val compiler: CompilerConfiguration = CompilerConfiguration(), val completion: CompletionConfiguration = CompletionConfiguration(), val diagnostics: DiagnosticsConfiguration = DiagnosticsConfiguration(), val scripts: ScriptsConfiguration = ScriptsConfiguration(), val indexing: IndexingConfiguration = IndexingConfiguration(), val externalSources: ExternalSourcesConfiguration = ExternalSourcesConfiguration(), val inlayHints: InlayHintsConfiguration = InlayHintsConfiguration(), val formatting: FormattingConfiguration = FormattingConfiguration(), )