package org.javacs.kt.classpath import org.javacs.kt.LOG import import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.PathMatcher import java.nio.file.FileSystems fun defaultClassPathResolver(workspaceRoots: Collection, db: Database? = null): ClassPathResolver { val childResolver = WithStdlibResolver( .or(workspaceRoots.asSequence().flatMap { workspaceResolvers(it) }.joined) ).or(BackupClassPathResolver) return db?.let { CachedClassPathResolver(childResolver, it) } ?: childResolver } /** Searches the workspace for all files that could provide classpath info. */ private fun workspaceResolvers(workspaceRoot: Path): Sequence { val ignored: List = ignoredPathPatterns(workspaceRoot, workspaceRoot.resolve(".gitignore")) return folderResolvers(workspaceRoot, ignored).asSequence() } /** Searches the folder for all build-files. */ private fun folderResolvers(root: Path, ignored: List): Collection = root.toFile() .walk() .onEnter { file -> ignored.none { it.matches(file.toPath()) } } .mapNotNull { asClassPathProvider(it.toPath()) } .toList() /** Tries to read glob patterns from a gitignore. */ private fun ignoredPathPatterns(root: Path, gitignore: Path): List = gitignore.toFile() .takeIf { it.exists() } ?.readLines() ?.map { it.trim() } ?.filter { it.isNotEmpty() && !it.startsWith("#") } ?.map { it.removeSuffix("/") } ?.let { it + listOf( // Patterns that are ignored by default ".git" ) } ?.mapNotNull { try { LOG.debug("Adding ignore pattern '{}' from {}", it, gitignore) FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:$root**/$it") } catch (e: Exception) { LOG.warn("Did not recognize gitignore pattern: '{}' ({})", it, e.message) null } } ?: emptyList() /** Tries to create a classpath resolver from a file using as many sources as possible */ private fun asClassPathProvider(path: Path): ClassPathResolver? = MavenClassPathResolver.maybeCreate(path) ?: GradleClassPathResolver.maybeCreate(path) ?: ShellClassPathResolver.maybeCreate(path)