namespace WeatherConsole { [DataContract] public class Coordinates { [DataMember(Name = "lat")] public string Latituide { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = "long")] public string Longitude { get; set; } } [DataContract] public class CurrentWeather { [DataMember(Name = "coord")] public Coordinates Coordinates { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = "weather")] public WeatherCondition[] Weathers { get; set; } /// /// Grab first element out of Weathers array, usually only one on current weather. /// public WeatherCondition FirstCondition => Weathers?[0]; [DataMember(Name = "main")] public Main Main { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = "wind")] public WindInfo Wind { get; set; } [DataContract] public class WindInfo { /// /// Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec, Metric: meter/sec, Imperial: miles/hour. /// [DataMember(Name = "speed")] public double WindSpeed { get; set; } /// /// Wind direction, degrees (meteorological) /// [DataMember(Name = "deg")] public double WindDirection { get; set; } } [DataMember(Name = "clouds")] public CloudsInfo Clouds { get; set; } [DataContract] public class CloudsInfo { /// /// % Cloudiness /// [DataMember(Name = "all")] public int Cloudiness { get; set; } } [DataMember(Name = "snow")] public VolumeInfo Snow { get; set; } [DataContract] public class VolumeInfo { [DataMember(Name = "3h")] public double LastThreeHours { get; set; } } [DataMember(Name = "rain")] public VolumeInfo Rain { get; set; } /// /// Time of data calculation, unix, UTC /// [DataMember(Name = "dt")] public int Date { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = "name")] public string CityName { get; set; } public string WeatherIconUrl() => Weathers[0]?.IconUrl; } [DataContract] public class Main { [DataMember(Name = "temp")] public double Temperature { get; set; } /// /// Humidity percent /// [DataMember(Name = "humidity")] public int Humidity { get; set; } /// /// Minimum temperature at the moment. This is deviation from current temp that is possible for large cities and /// megalopolises geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally). Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, /// Imperial: Fahrenheit. /// [DataMember(Name = "temp_min")] public double MinTemperature { get; set; } /// /// Maximum temperature at the moment. This is deviation from current temp that is possible for large cities and /// megalopolises geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally). Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, /// Imperial: Fahrenheit. /// [DataMember(Name = "temp_max")] public double MaxTemperature { get; set; } } [DataContract] public class WeatherCondition { /// /// Weather condition id. /// [DataMember(Name = "id")] public string Id { get; set; } /// /// Weather icon id /// [DataMember(Name = "icon")] public string Icon { get; set; } /// /// Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.) /// [DataMember(Name = "main")] public string Main { get; set; } /// /// Weather condition within the group /// [DataMember(Name = "description")] public string Description { get; set; } /// /// Weather icon url /// public string IconUrl => $"{Icon}.png"; } }