# This file contains a list of clips which will be excluded from the game if user selects the "Max Twitch-friendly mode" during installation. # Lines starting with # are omitted from parsing. # If you are installing the pack manually, you can still perform the exclusion. # Navigate to the clips folder and delete clips which are listed below. # Clips folder location: # What The Dub: "WhatTheDub/WhatTheDub_Data/StreamingAssets/VideoClips" # RiffTrax: "RiffTraxTheGame/RiffTraxTheGame_Data/StreamingAssets/VideoClips" # One line - one clip name. No folder names, no nothing. Just clip name. forsen-another_swedish_streamer forsen-bannedword forsen-comedycd forsen-isay forsen-pms forsen-sleep forsen-swedistan forsen-trihard