{ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", "description": "Information about the response that could be relevant for the Beacon client in order to interpret the results.", "properties": { "apiVersion": { "$ref": "../../common/beaconCommonComponents.json#/$defs/ApiVersion" }, "beaconId": { "$ref": "../../common/beaconCommonComponents.json#/$defs/BeaconId" }, "receivedRequestSummary": { "$ref": "./beaconReceivedRequestSummary.json" }, "returnedGranularity": { "$ref": "../../common/beaconCommonComponents.json#/$defs/Granularity", "description": "Granularity of the Beacon response which may differ from the requested one. For details see the prototype definition." }, "returnedSchemas": { "$ref": "../../common/beaconCommonComponents.json#/$defs/ListOfSchemas", "description": "The `returnedSchemas` parameter indicates that the request has been interpreted for the indicated entity. This helps to disambiguate between negative responses due to e.g. no hit on a well understood request and failures to interpret or answer the request due to a missing entity. " }, "testMode": { "$ref": "../../common/beaconCommonComponents.json#/$defs/TestMode" } }, "required": [ "beaconId", "apiVersion", "returnedSchemas", "returnedGranularity", "receivedRequestSummary" ], "type": "object" }