# 0.4.1 (05/14/2019) - updates gitlab to use version 4 (@edvinbasil) - fixes import statement to use the correct casing (effects unix systems) # 0.4.0 (05/14/2019) - moves from npm to pacote - bumps dependencies # 0.3.1 (11/27/2018) - fix linting errors # 0.3.0 (11/26/2018) - adds user-prompt component to show users how to get to their page - remove unnecessary package - uses `woof` to parse argv - updates `webpack@3` -> `webpack@4` # 0.2.1 (12/12/2017) - ensures process.env.PORT will effect the app on startup # 0.2.0 (12/12/2017) - don't cache anything that isn't a statusCode 200 - removes commander - ./index or starbuck now responds with a promise when executed - adds option to pass in a specific port `-p, --port [port]` - updates dependencies - when package is not found, throw up a page that actually highlights that, instead of the generic error page - updates main page to show example of how to use the service # 0.1.5 (10/23/2017) - uses badgeit to create and serve badges instead of static assets - properly handles errors from the UI - caches at the routing level, much more reliable - gets npm url from config file, can be overridden from override file or environment variable # 0.1.4 (10/23/2017) - updates ui framework # 0.1.3 (10/21/2017) - Overall site is using the correct `viewport` config which allows it to intelligently scale on devices - DependenciesTable empty value now shows `No ${name} Found` instead of `No Entries Found` - Dependencies page now has a better design on mobile and is more responsive. # 0.1.2 (10/19/2017) - fixes overriding args, can be done like `github__token=hello npm start` # 0.1.1 (10/19/2017) - removes reference of original idea for name (helo) # 0.1.0 (10/16/2017) - updates dependencies - fixes case sensitive bug in `src/router.js` - add page to show all users repos `/:service/:owner` - cleans up router logic - adds the ability to select the table using hashes (github/gabrielcsapo/compress-object/peerDependencies) - properly handles errors on the server and client side - make github and gitlab endpoints configurable (be able to add authorization credentials) # 0.0.0 (10/09/2017) - adds storybook and basic doc page - works with github and gitlab for basic use cases - can serve badges for all dependency types