#!/usr/bin/env bash # Galacticus install script. # Copyright Andrew Benson 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 # Functions function contains() { local n=$# local value=${!n} for ((i=1;i < $#;i++)) { if [ "${!i}" == "${value}" ]; then echo "y" return 0 fi } echo "n" return 1 } function logexec() { echo \-\-\> "$@" >> $glcLogFile eval "$@" >> $glcLogFile 2>&1 } function logmessage() { echo "$@" echo "$@" >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 } # Define a log file. glcLogFile=`pwd`"/galacticusInstall.log" # Get arugments. TEMP=`getopt -o t --long toolPrefix::,asRoot::,rootPwd::,suMethod::,installLevel::,packageManager::,cores::,galacticusPrefix::,setCShell::,setBash::,ignoreFailures::,catLogOnError:: -- "$@"` eval set -- "$TEMP" cmdToolPrefix= cmdAsRoot= cmdRootPwd= cmdInstallLevel= cmdPackageManager= cmdCores= cmdSuMethod= cmdGalacticusPrefix= cmdSetCShell= cmdSetBash= cmdIgnoreFailures= cmdCatLogOnError= while true; do case "$1" in --asRoot ) cmdAsRoot="$2"; shift 2 ;; --cores ) cmdCores="$2"; shift 2 ;; --galacticusPrefix ) cmdGalacticusPrefix="$2"; shift 2 ;; --installLevel ) cmdInstallLevel="$2"; shift 2 ;; --packageManager ) cmdPackageManager="$2"; shift 2 ;; --rootPwd ) cmdRootPwd="$2"; shift 2 ;; --setCShell ) cmdSetCShell="$2"; shift 2 ;; --setBash ) cmdSetBash="$2"; shift 2 ;; --ignoreFailures ) cmdIgnoreFailures="$2"; shift 2 ;; --catLogOnError ) cmdCatLogOnError="$2"; shift 2 ;; --suMethod ) cmdSuMethod="$2"; shift 2 ;; --toolPrefix ) cmdToolPrefix="$2"; shift 2 ;; -- ) shift; break ;; * ) break ;; esac done # Validate arguments. if [ ! -z ${cmdAsRoot} ]; then if [[ ${cmdAsRoot} != "no" && ${cmdAsRoot} != "yes" ]]; then logmessage "asRoot option should be 'yes' or 'no'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdSetCShell} ]; then if [[ ${cmdSetCShell} != "no" && ${cmdSetCShell} != "yes" ]]; then logmessage "setCShell option should be 'yes' or 'no'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdSetBash} ]; then if [[ ${cmdSetBash} != "no" && ${cmdSetBash} != "yes" ]]; then logmessage "setBash option should be 'yes' or 'no'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdIgnoreFailures} ]; then if [[ ${cmdIgnoreFailures} != "no" && ${cmdIgnoreFailures} != "yes" ]]; then logmessage "ignoreFailures option should be 'yes' or 'no'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdCatLogOnError} ]; then if [[ ${cmdCatLogOnError} != "no" && ${cmdCatLogOnError} != "yes" ]]; then logmessage "catLogOnError option should be 'yes' or 'no'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdSuMethod} ]; then if [[ ${cmdSuMethod} != "su" && ${cmdSuMethod} != "sudo" ]]; then logmessage "suMethod option should be 'su' or 'sudo'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdPackageManager} ]; then if [[ ${cmdPackageManager} != "no" && ${cmdPackageManager} != "yes" ]]; then logmessage "packageManager option should be 'yes' or 'no'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdInstallLevel} ]; then if [[ ${cmdInstallLevel} != "binary" && ${cmdInstallLevel} != "minimal" && ${cmdInstallLevel} != "full" ]]; then logmessage "installLevel option should be 'binary', 'minimal', or 'full'" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -z ${cmdCores} ]; then if [[ ! ${cmdCores} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then logmessage "cores option should be an integer" exit 1 fi fi # Set defaults. catLogOnError="no" if [ ! -z ${cmdCatLogOnError} ]; then catLogOnError=$cmdCatLogOnError fi # Open the log file. echo "Galacticus install log" > $glcLogFile # Write some useful machine info to the log file if possible. hash uname >& /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then uname -a >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 fi # Create an install folder, and move into it. mkdir -p galacticusInstallWork cd galacticusInstallWork # Do we want to install as root, or as a regular user? if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Script is being run as root." echo "Script is being run as root." >> $glcLogFile installAsRoot=1 runningAsRoot=1 # Set up a suitable install path. if [ -z ${cmdToolPrefix} ]; then toolInstallPath=/usr/local/galacticus read -p "Path to install tools to as root [$toolInstallPath]: " RESPONSE if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then toolInstallPath=$RESPONSE fi else toolInstallPath=${cmdToolPrefix} fi else installAsRoot=-1 runningAsRoot=0 fi while [ $installAsRoot -eq -1 ] do if [ -z ${cmdAsRoot} ]; then read -p "Install required libraries and Perl modules as root (requires root password)? [no/yes]: " RESPONSE else RESPONSE=${cmdAsRoot} fi if [ "$RESPONSE" = yes ] ; then # Installation will be done as root where possible. installAsRoot=1 # Ask whether we should use "su" or "sudo" for root installs. suCommand="null" while [[ $suCommand == "null" ]] do if [ -z ${cmdSuMethod} ]; then read -p "Use sudo or su for root installs:" suMethod else suMethod=$cmdSuMethod fi if [[ $suMethod == "su" ]]; then suCommand="su -c \"" suClose="\"" pName="root" elif [[ $suMethod == "sudo" ]]; then suCommand="sudo -E -S -- " suClose="" pName="sudo" fi done # Get the root password. if [ -z ${cmdRootPwd} ]; then read -s -p "Please enter the $pName password:" rootPassword else rootPassword=$cmdRootPwd fi echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand echo worked $suClose >& /dev/null echo if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "$pName password was incorrect, exiting" exit 1 fi echo "Libraries and Perl modules will be installed as root" echo "Libraries and Perl modules will be installed as root" >> $glcLogFile # Set up a suitable install path. if [ -z ${cmdToolPrefix} ]; then toolInstallPath=/usr/local/galacticus read -p "Path to install tools to as root [$toolInstallPath]: " RESPONSE if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then toolInstallPath=$RESPONSE fi else toolInstallPath=${cmdToolPrefix} fi elif [ "$RESPONSE" = no ] ; then # Install as regular user. installAsRoot=0 echo "Libraries and Perl modules will be installed as regular user" echo "Libraries and Perl modules will be installed as regular user" >> $glcLogFile # Set yp a suitable install path. if [ -z ${cmdToolPrefix} ]; then toolInstallPath=$HOME/Galacticus/Tools read -p "Path to install tools to [$toolInstallPath]: " RESPONSE if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then toolInstallPath=$RESPONSE fi else toolInstallPath=${cmdToolPrefix} fi else # Response invalid, try again. echo "Please enter 'yes' or 'no'" fi done # Export various environment variables with our install path prepended. if [ -n "${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}" ]; then export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH else export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib/pkgconfig fi if [ -n "${PATH}" ]; then export PATH=$toolInstallPath/bin:$PATH else export PATH=$toolInstallPath/bin fi if [ -n "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64 fi if [ -n "${LD_RUN_PATH}" ]; then export LD_RUN_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64:$LD_RUN_PATH else export LD_RUN_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64 fi if [ -n "${LDFLAGS}" ]; then export LDFLAGS="-L$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64:$LDFLAGS_PATH" else export LDFLAGS="-L$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64" fi if [ -n "${C_INCLUDE_PATH}" ]; then export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$toolInstallPath/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH else export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$toolInstallPath/include fi if [ -n "${PERLLIB}" ]; then export PERLLIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5/site_perl:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5/site_perl:$PERLLIB else export PERLLIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5/site_perl:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5/site_perl fi if [ -n "${PERL5LIB}" ]; then export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5/site_perl:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5/site_perl:$PERL5LIB else export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5:$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib/perl5/site_perl:$HOME/perl5/lib64/perl5/site_perl:$toolInstallPath/lib64/perl5/site_perl fi # Ensure that we use GNU compilers. export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ export FC=gfortran # Use a package manager? if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then usePackageManager=-1 while [ $usePackageManager -eq -1 ] do if [ -z $cmdPackageManager ]; then read -p "Use package manager for install (if available)?: " RESPONSE else RESPONSE=$cmdPackageManager fi if [ "$RESPONSE" = yes ] ; then usePackageManager=1 echo "Package manager will be used for installs if possible" echo "Package manager will be used for installs if possible" >> $glcLogFile elif [ "$RESPONSE" = no ] ; then usePackageManager=0 echo "Package manager will not be used for installs" echo "Package manager will not be used for installs" >> $glcLogFile else echo "Please enter 'yes' or 'no'" fi done else usePackageManager=0 fi # Binary, minimal, or full install? installLevel=-2 while [ $installLevel -eq -2 ] do if [ -z ${cmdInstallLevel} ]; then read -p "Binary, minimal, or full install?: " RESPONSE else RESPONSE=$cmdInstallLevel fi lcRESPONSE=${RESPONSE,,} if [ "$lcRESPONSE" = binary ] ; then installLevel=-1 echo "Binary install only (plus anything required to run the binary)" echo "Binary install only (plus anything required to run the binary)" >> $glcLogFile elif [ "$lcRESPONSE" = minimal ] ; then installLevel=0 echo "Minimal install only (just enough to compile and run Galacticus)" echo "Minimal install only (just enough to compile and run Galacticus)" >> $glcLogFile elif [ "$lcRESPONSE" = full ] ; then installLevel=1 echo "Full install" echo "Full install" >> $glcLogFile else echo "Please enter 'binary', 'minimal' or 'full'" fi done # Use multiple cores to compile. coresAvailable=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` coreCount=-1 while [ $coreCount -eq -1 ] do if [ -z ${cmdCores} ]; then read -p "How many cores should I use when compiling? ($coresAvailable available): " RESPONSE else RESPONSE=$cmdCores fi if ! [[ "$RESPONSE" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then echo "Please enter an integer" else if [ "$RESPONSE" > 0 ] ; then coreCount=$RESPONSE echo "Will use $coreCount cores for compiling" echo "Will use $coreCount cores for compiling" >> $glcLogFile else echo "Please enter a number greater than 0" fi fi done # Figure out which install options are available to us. installViaYum=0 if [[ $installAsRoot -eq 1 && $usePackageManager -eq 1 ]]; then if hash yum >& /dev/null; then installViaYum=1 fi fi installViaApt=0 if [[ $installAsRoot -eq 1 && $usePackageManager -eq 1 ]]; then if hash apt-get >& /dev/null; then installViaApt=1 echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand apt-get update $suClose fi fi installViaCPAN=0 if hash perl >& /dev/null; then perl -e "use CPAN" >& /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then installViaCPAN=1 fi fi # Specify a list of paths to search for Fortran modules and libraries. moduleDirs="-fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/finclude -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/include -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/include/gfortran -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/lib/gfortran/modules -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/local/finclude -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/local/include/gfortran -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/local/include -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/lib/gfortran/modules -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/include/gfortran -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/include -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/finclude -fintrinsic-modules-path /usr/lib64/gfortran/modules -L$toolInstallPath/lib -L$toolInstallPath/lib64" # Specify a list of paths to search for library files. libDirs="-L$toolInstallPath/lib -L$toolInstallPath/lib64" # Define packages. iPackage=-1 # sort iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="sort" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash sort && (echo 1.2.3 | sort --version-sort)" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`sort --version\`); echo \${versionString[3]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="6.99" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="coreutils" aptInstall[$iPackage]="coreutils" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/coreutils/coreutils-8.13.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # cmp iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="cmp" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash cmp" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`cmp -v\`); echo \${versionString[3]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="diffutils" aptInstall[$iPackage]="diffutils" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # wget iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="wget" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash wget" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`wget -V\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="wget" aptInstall[$iPackage]="wget" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # which iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="which" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash which" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.0.0" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="which" aptInstall[$iPackage]="which" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # patch iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="patch" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash patch" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`patch -v\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="patch" aptInstall[$iPackage]="patch" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # sed iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="sed" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash sed" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`sed --version\`); echo \${versionString[3]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="sed" aptInstall[$iPackage]="sed" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # make iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="make" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash make" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`make -v\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="make" aptInstall[$iPackage]="make" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # grep iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="grep" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash grep" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`grep --version | sed -r s/\"[^0-9]*(([0-9]+\\.)+[0-9]+)\"/\"\\1\"/\`); echo \${versionString[0]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="grep" aptInstall[$iPackage]="grep" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # gcc (initial attempt - allow install via package manager only) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGCC=$iPackage iGCCVMin="4.0.0" package[$iPackage]="gcc" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash gcc" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`gcc --version\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]=$iGCCVMin maxVersion[$iPackage]="19.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="gcc" aptInstall[$iPackage]="gcc" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=1 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # g++ (initial attempt - allow install via package manager only) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGPP=$iPackage iGPPVMin="4.0.0" package[$iPackage]="g++" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash g++" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`g++ --version\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]=$iGPPVMin maxVersion[$iPackage]="19.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="gcc-c++" aptInstall[$iPackage]="g++" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=1 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # GFortran (initial attempt - allow install via package manager only) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iFortran=$iPackage iFortranVMin="10.1.0" package[$iPackage]="gfortran" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash gfortran" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`gfortran --version\`); echo \${versionString[3]}" minVersion[$iPackage]=$iFortranVMin maxVersion[$iPackage]="19.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="gcc-gfortran" aptInstall[$iPackage]="gfortran" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=1 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # expat iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="expat" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash xmlwf" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.0.0" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="expat-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libexpat-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="https://github.com/libexpat/libexpat/releases/download/R_2_5_0/expat-2.5.0.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # Zlib iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iZLIB=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="zlib" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"int main() {}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lz" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"#include \" >> dummy.c; echo \"int main() {printf(ZLIB_VERSION);printf(\\\"\\\\n\\\");}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lz ;./a.out" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="zlib-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="zlib1g-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://zlib.net/zlib-1.3.1.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # GMP (will only be installed if we need to compile any of the GNU Compiler Collection) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGMP=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="gmp" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"int main() {}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lgmp" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"#include \" >> dummy.c; echo \"int main() {printf(\\\"%d.%d.%d\\\\n\\\",__GNU_MP_VERSION,__GNU_MP_VERSION_MINOR,__GNU_MP_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL);}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lgmp; ./a.out" minVersion[$iPackage]="4.3.2" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="gmp-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libgmp3-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # MPFR (will only be installed if we need to compile any of the GNU Compiler Collection) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iMPFR=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="mpfr" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"int main() {}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lmpfr" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"#include \" >> dummy.c; echo \"int main() {printf(\\\"%s\\\\n\\\",MPFR_VERSION_STRING);}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lmpfr; ./a.out" minVersion[$iPackage]="2.3.0999" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="mpfr-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libmpfr-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # MPC (will only be installed if we need to compile any of the GNU Compiler Collection) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iMPC=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="mpc" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"int main() {}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lmpc" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"#include \" >> dummy.c; echo \"int main() {printf(\\\"%s\\\\n\\\",MPC_VERSION_STRING);}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lmpc; ./a.out" minVersion[$iPackage]="1.0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="libmpc-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libmpc-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="null" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # bison iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iBison=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="bison" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash bison" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.0.0" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.9.9" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="bison" aptInstall[$iPackage]="bison" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-3.0.1.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # flex iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iFlex=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="flex" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash flex" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.0.0" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.9.9" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="flex" aptInstall[$iPackage]="flex" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/flex/flex-2.5.37.tar.bz2" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" #! #! makeTest[$iPackage]="make check" #! test suite currently fails due to unsupported directive #! http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2013-10/msg00008.html #! makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # gcc (second attempt - install from source) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGCCsource=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="gcc" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash gcc" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`gcc --version\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]=$iGCCVMin maxVersion[$iPackage]="19.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="null" aptInstall[$iPackage]="null" sourceURL[$iPackage]="git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git" gitBranch[$iPackage]="releases/gcc-12" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="cd ../\$dirName; ./contrib/download_prerequisites; cd -" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=1 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath --enable-languages= --disable-multilib" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # g++ (second attempt - install from source) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGPPsource=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="g++" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash g++" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`g++ --version\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]=$iGPPVMin maxVersion[$iPackage]="19.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="null" aptInstall[$iPackage]="null" sourceURL[$iPackage]="git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git" gitBranch[$iPackage]="releases/gcc-12" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="cd ../\$dirName; ./contrib/download_prerequisites; cd -" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=1 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath --enable-languages= --disable-multilib" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # GFortran (second attempt - install from source) iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iFortranSource=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="gfortran" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash gfortran" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`gfortran --version\`); echo \${versionString[3]}" minVersion[$iPackage]=$iFortranVMin maxVersion[$iPackage]="19.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="null" aptInstall[$iPackage]="null" sourceURL[$iPackage]="git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git" gitBranch[$iPackage]="releases/gcc-12" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="cd ../\$dirName; ./contrib/download_prerequisites; cd -" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=1 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath --enable-languages= --disable-multilib" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # GSL iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGSL=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="gsl" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash gsl-config && hash gsl-histogram" getVersion[$iPackage]="gsl-config --version" minVersion[$iPackage]="1.15" maxVersion[$iPackage]="2.7.1" yumInstall[$iPackage]="gsl-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libgsl0-dev gsl-bin" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-2.6.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # FoX iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) package[$iPackage]="FoX" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"program dummy; end program\" > dummy.F90; gfortran dummy.F90 $moduleDirs $libDirs -lFoX_dom" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"program test; use FoX_common; write (*,'(a)') FoX_version; end program\" > dummy.F90; gfortran dummy.F90 $moduleDirs $libDirs -lFoX_dom; ./a.out" minVersion[$iPackage]="" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="null" aptInstall[$iPackage]="null" sourceURL[$iPackage]="https://github.com/andreww/fox/archive/4.1.0.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="export FC=gfortran" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # HDF5 iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iHDF5=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="hdf5" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"program test; use hdf5; end program test\" > dummy.F90; gfortran dummy.F90 $moduleDirs $libDirs -lhdf5" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"#include \" >> dummy.c; echo \"int main() {printf(\\\"%d.%d.%d.%d\\\\n\\\",H5_VERS_MAJOR,H5_VERS_MINOR,H5_VERS_RELEASE,H5_VERS_SUBRELEASE);}\" >> dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lhdf5 &> /dev/null;./a.out" minVersion[$iPackage]="1.8.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="1.10.11" yumInstall[$iPackage]="hdf5-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="hdf5-tools" sourceURL[$iPackage]="https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8/hdf5-1.8.20/src/hdf5-1.8.20.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="export F9X=gfortran" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath --enable-fortran --enable-production" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # FFTW3 iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iFFTW3=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="fftw3" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=1 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash fftw-wisdom" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`fftw-wisdom -V\`); echo \${versionString[5]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="3.3.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="fftw3-devel" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libfftw3-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://www.fftw.org/fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="export F9X=gfortran" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="check" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # ANN iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iANN=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="ann" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=1 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"int main() {}\" > dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lANN" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.1.2" minVersion[$iPackage]="1.1.1" maxVersion[$iPackage]="1.1.3" yumInstall[$iPackage]="null" aptInstall[$iPackage]="null" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/Files/1.1.2/ann_1.1.2.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # QHull iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iQHull=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="qhull" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=1 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"int main() {}\" > dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lqhull_r" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo \"#include \" > dummy.c; echo \"#include \" >> dummy.c; echo \"int main() {printf(\\\"%s\n\\\",qh_version2);}\" >> dummy.c; g++ dummy.c -L$toolInstallPath/lib -L$toolInstallPath/lib64 -I$toolInstallPath/include -lqhull_r; ./a.out | awk '{print $2}'" minVersion[$iPackage]="8.0.1" maxVersion[$iPackage]="8.0.3" yumInstall[$iPackage]="null" aptInstall[$iPackage]="null" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://www.qhull.org/download/qhull-2020-src-8.0.2.tgz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="export PREFIX=$toolInstallPath" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="skip" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=1 # blas iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iBLAS=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="blas" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"program dummy; end program\" > dummy.F90; gfortran dummy.F90 $moduleDirs $libDirs -lblas" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.0.0" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="99.99" yumInstall[$iPackage]="" aptInstall[$iPackage]="libblas-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="http://netlib.org/blas/blas.tgz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # bzip2 iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iBZIP2=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="bzip2" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="echo \"int main() {}\" > dummy.c; gcc dummy.c $libDirs -lbz2" getVersion[$iPackage]="echo 1.0.0" minVersion[$iPackage]="0.9.9" maxVersion[$iPackage]="1.0.1" yumInstall[$iPackage]="bzip2 bzip2-devel bzip2-libs" aptInstall[$iPackage]="bzip2 libbz2-dev" sourceURL[$iPackage]="https://sourceware.org/pub/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.8.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="skip" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install PREFIX=$toolInstallPath" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # git iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iGIT=$iPackage package[$iPackage]="git" packageAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 testPresence[$iPackage]="hash git" getVersion[$iPackage]="versionString=(\`git version\`); echo \${versionString[2]}" minVersion[$iPackage]="2.0.0" maxVersion[$iPackage]="9.9.9" yumInstall[$iPackage]="git" aptInstall[$iPackage]="git-all" sourceURL[$iPackage]="https://github.com/git/git/archive/refs/tags/v2.40.0.tar.gz" buildEnvironment[$iPackage]="" buildInOwnDir[$iPackage]=0 configOptions[$iPackage]="--prefix=$toolInstallPath" makeTest[$iPackage]="" makeInstall[$iPackage]="install" parallelBuild[$iPackage]=0 # Install packages. echo "Checking for required tools and libraries..." echo "Checking for required tools and libraries..." >> $glcLogFile for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#package[@]} ; i++ )) do # Test if this module should be installed at this level. if [ ${packageAtLevel[$i]} -le $installLevel ]; then # Check if package is installed. echo " Testing presence of ${package[$i]}" >> $glcLogFile installPackage=1 eval ${testPresence[$i]} >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Check installed version. echo " ${package[$i]} is present - testing version" >> $glcLogFile version=`eval ${getVersion[$i]}` >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 echo " Found version $version of ${package[$i]}" >> $glcLogFile testLow=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$i]}:${maxVersion[$i]}" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$i]}:${maxVersion[$i]}" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" != "test" && "$testHigh" != "test" ]]; then installPackage=0 fi echo " Test results for ${package[$i]}: $testLow $testHigh" >> $glcLogFile fi # Check if installation is to be forced for this package. test $(contains "$@" "--force-${package[$i]}") == "y" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then installPackage=1 fi # Install package if necessary. if [ $installPackage -eq 0 ]; then echo ${package[$i]} - found echo ${package[$i]} - found >> $glcLogFile else echo ${package[$i]} - not found - will be installed echo ${package[$i]} - not found - will be installed >> $glcLogFile installDone=0 # Try installing via yum. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && $installViaYum -eq 1 && ${yumInstall[$i]} != "null" ]]; then # Check for presence in yum repos. for yumPackage in ${yumInstall[$i]} do if [ $installDone -eq 0 ]; then versionString=(`echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand yum -q -y list $yumPackage $suClose | tail -1`) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then version=${versionString[1]} testLow=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$i]}:${maxVersion[$i]}" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$i]}:${maxVersion[$i]}" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" != "test" && "$testHigh" != "test" ]]; then echo " Installing via yum" echo " Installing via yum" >> $glcLogFile echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand yum -y install $yumPackage $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if ! eval ${testPresence[$i]} >& /dev/null; then logmessage " ...failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi installDone=1 fi fi fi done fi # Try installing via apt-get. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && $installViaApt -eq 1 && ${aptInstall[$i]} != "null" ]]; then # Check for presence in apt repos. aptPackages=(${aptInstall[$i]}) for aptPackage in ${aptInstall[$i]} do if [ $installDone -eq 0 ]; then packageInfo=`apt-cache show $aptPackage` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then versionString=(`apt-cache show $aptPackage | sed -n '/Version/p' | sed -r s/"[0-9]+:"//`) version=${versionString[1]} testLow=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$i]}:${maxVersion[$i]}" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$i]}:${maxVersion[$i]}" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" != "test" && "$testHigh" != "test" ]]; then echo " Installing via apt-get" echo " Installing via apt-get" >> $glcLogFile echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand apt-get -y install $aptPackage $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if ! eval ${testPresence[$i]} >& /dev/null; then logmessage " ...failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi installDone=1 fi fi fi done fi # Try installing via source. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && ${sourceURL[$i]} != "null" ]]; then if [[ ${sourceURL[$i]} =~ "fail:" ]]; then abort="yes" if [ -z ${cmdIgnoreFailures} ]; then abort=$cmdIgnoreFailures fi if [ "$abort" = yes ]; then logmessage "This installer can not currently install ${package[$i]} from source. Please install manually and then re-run this installer." if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 else logmessage "This installer can not currently install ${package[$i]} from source. Ignoring and continuing, but errors may occur." fi else logmessage " Installing from source" if [[ ${sourceURL[$i]} =~ "git:" ]]; then logexec git clone checkout \"${sourceURL[$i]}\" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Trying git checkout again using http protocol instead" baseName=`basename ${sourceURL[$i]}` logexec rm -rf $baseName logexec git clone "${sourceURL[$i]/git:/http:}" fi if [ -z "${gitBranch[$i]}" ]; then logexec git checkout ${gitBranch[$i]} fi else logexec wget \"${sourceURL[$i]}\" fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Could not download ${package[$i]}" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi baseName=`basename ${sourceURL[$i]}` if [[ ${sourceURL[$i]} =~ "git:" ]]; then dirName=`echo $baseName | sed s/"\.git"//` else unpack=`echo $baseName | sed -e s/.*\.bz2/j/ -e s/.*\.gz/z/ -e s/.*\.tgz/z/ -e s/.*\.tar//` logexec tar xvf$unpack $baseName if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Could not unpack ${package[$i]}" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi dirName=`tar tf$unpack $baseName | grep "/" | head -1 | sed s/"\/.*"//` fi if [ ${buildInOwnDir[$i]} -eq 1 ]; then mkdir -p $dirName-build cd $dirName-build else cd $dirName fi # Hardwired magic. # For HDF5, fix non-compliant comments (by simply removing such comment lines). if [ $i -eq $iHDF5 ]; then find . -name "*.c" | xargs sed -r -i~ /"^\s*\/\/"/d fi # Check for special package. if [ -z "${buildEnvironment[$i]}" ]; then isPerl=0 isCopy=0 else if [ "${buildEnvironment[$i]}" = "perl" ]; then isPerl=1 else isPerl=0 fi if [ "${buildEnvironment[$i]}" = "copy" ]; then isCopy=1 else isCopy=0 fi fi if [ $isCopy -eq 1 ]; then # This is a package that we simply copy. if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then # Copy executable as root. echo "$rootPassword" | $suCommand cp ${package[$i]} $toolInstallPath/bin/ $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else # Copy executable as regular user. cp ${package[$i]} $toolInstallPath/bin/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 fi elif [[ $i -eq $iBLAS ]]; then patch -p1 <>$glcLogFile 2>&1 make libblas.so >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to make libblas.so" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi mkdir -p $toolInstallPath/lib/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 cp -f libblas.so $toolInstallPath/lib/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 elif [[ $i -eq $iANN ]]; then sed -i~ -r s/"CFLAGS = \-O3"/"CFLAGS = \-O3 -fPIC"/ Make-config if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmesage "Failed to patch make.inc in blas" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make linux-g++ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to make libann" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi mkdir -p $toolInstallPath/bin/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 mkdir -p $toolInstallPath/lib/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 mkdir -p $toolInstallPath/include/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 cp -f bin/* $toolInstallPath/bin/. >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 cp -f lib/* $toolInstallPath/lib/. >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 cp -f include/* $toolInstallPath/include/. >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else # This is a regular (configure|make|make install) package. # Test whether we have an m4 installed. hash m4 >& /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "No m4 is present - will attempt to install prior to configuring" echo "No m4 is present - will attempt to install prior to configuring" >>$glcLogFile m4InstallDone=0 # Try installing via yum. if [[ $m4InstallDone -eq 0 && $installViaYum -eq 1 ]]; then echo "$rootPassword" | $suCommand yum -y install m4 $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 hash m4 >& /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then m4InstallDone=1 fi fi # Try installing via apt-get. if [[ $m4InstallDone -eq 0 && $installViaApt -eq 1 ]]; then echo "$rootPassword" | $suCommand apt-get -y install m4 $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 hash m4 >& /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then m4InstallDone=1 fi fi # Try installing from source. if [[ $m4InstallDone -eq 0 ]]; then currentDir=`pwd` cd .. wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/m4/m4-1.4.17.tar.gz >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to download m4 source" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi tar xvfz m4-1.4.17.tar.gz >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to unpack m4 source" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi cd m4-1.4.17 ./configure --prefix=$toolInstallPath >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to configure m4 source" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to make m4" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make check >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to check m4" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make install >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to install m4" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi cd $currentDir fi fi # Configure the source. if [ $isPerl -eq 1 ]; then if [ -e ../$dirName/Makefile.PL ]; then if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then perl ../$dirName/Makefile.PL >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else perl ../$dirName/Makefile.PL PREFIX=$toolInstallPath >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 fi else echo "Can not locate Makefile.PL for ${package[$i]}" echo "Can not locate Makefile.PL for ${package[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not build Makefile for ${package[$i]}" echo "Could not build Makefile for ${package[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi else # Hardwired magic. # For HDF5 on older kernel versions we need to reduce optimization to prevent bug HDFFV-7829 # from occuring during testing. preConfig=" " if [ $i -eq $iHDF5 ]; then version=`uname -r` testLow=`echo "$version test:3.4.999:9.9.9" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:3.4.999:9.9.9" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" == "test" ]]; then preConfig="env CFLAGS=-O0 " fi fi eval ${buildEnvironment[$i]} if [ -e ../$dirName/configure ]; then logexec $preConfig ../$dirName/configure ${configOptions[$i]} elif [ -e ../$dirName/config ]; then logexec $preConfig ../$dirName/config ${configOptions[$i]} elif [[ ${configOptions[$i]} -ne "skip" ]]; then echo "Can not locate configure script for ${package[$i]}" echo "Can not locate configure script for ${package[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not configure ${package[$i]}" echo "Could not configure ${package[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi fi # Make the package. makeOptions=" " if [ ${parallelBuild[$i]} -eq 1 ]; then makeOptions=" -j$coreCount" fi logexec make $makeOptions if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not make ${package[$i]}" echo "Could not make ${package[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi # Run any tests of the package. logexec make ${makeTest[$i]} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Testing ${package[$i]} failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi # Install the package. if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand make ${makeInstall[$i]} $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else logexec make ${makeInstall[$i]} fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not install ${package[$i]}" echo "Could not install ${package[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi # Hardwired magic. # For bzip2 we have to compile and install shared libraries manually...... if [ $i -eq $iBZIP2 ]; then if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand make clean $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 1" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand make -f Makefile-libbz2_so $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 2" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand cp libbz2.so* $toolInstallPath/lib/ $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 3" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand chmod a+r $toolInstallPath/lib/libbz2.so* $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 4" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi else make clean >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 1" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make -f Makefile-libbz2_so >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 2" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi cp libbz2.so* $toolInstallPath/lib/ >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 3" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi chmod a+r $toolInstallPath/lib/libbz2.so* >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed building shared libraries for ${package[$i]} at stage 4" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi fi fi fi fi cd .. # Re-export the PATH so that the newly installed executable gets picked up. export PATH=$PATH installDone=1 fi # No install methods worked - nothing else we can do (unless this was an # initial attempt at installed a GNU compiler). if [[ $installDone -eq 0 ]]; then echo " no installation method exists" echo " no installation method exists" >>$glcLogFile if [[ $i -eq $iFortran || $i -eq $iGCC || $i -eq $iGPP ]]; then echo " postponing" echo " postponing" >>$glcLogFile else if [[ $i -eq $iMPFR || $i -eq $iMPC || $i -eq $iGMP ]]; then echo " ignoring [will be installed with GCC]" echo " ignoring [will be installed with GCC]" >>$glcLogFile else if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi fi fi fi # Hardwired magic. # Check if GCC/G++/Fortran are installed - delist MPFR, GMP and MPC if so. if [ $i -eq $iFortran ]; then eval ${testPresence[$iFortran]} | test $(contains "$@" "--force-gfortran") == "y" >& /dev/null gotFortran=$? eval ${testPresence[$iGCC]} | test $(contains "$@" "--force-gcc") == "y" >& /dev/null gotGCC=$? eval ${testPresence[$iGPP]} | test $(contains "$@" "--force-g++") == "y" >& /dev/null gotGPP=$? if [[ $gotFortran -eq 0 && $gotGCC -eq 0 && $gotGPP -eq 0 ]]; then # Check installed versions. version=`eval ${getVersion[$iFortran]}` testLow=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$iFortran]}:${maxVersion[$iFortran]}" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$iFortran]}:${maxVersion[$iFortran]}" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" = "test" || "$testHigh" = "test" ]]; then gotFortran=1 fi version=`eval ${getVersion[$iGCC]}` testLow=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$iGCC]}:${maxVersion[$iGCC]}" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$iGCC]}:${maxVersion[$iGCC]}" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" = "test" || "$testHigh" = "test" ]]; then gotGCC=1 fi version=`eval ${getVersion[$iGPP]}` testLow=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$iGPP]}:${maxVersion[$iGPP]}" | sed s/:/\\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` testHigh=`echo "$version test:${minVersion[$iGPP]}:${maxVersion[$iGPP]}" | sed s/:/\\\n/g | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2` if [[ "$testLow" = "test" || "$testHigh" = "test" ]]; then gotGPP=1 fi fi if [[ $gotFortran -eq 0 && $gotGCC -eq 0 && $gotGPP -eq 0 ]]; then # We have all GNU Compiler Collection components, so we don't need GMP, MPFR, MPC, flex, or bison. packageAtLevel[$iGMP]=100 packageAtLevel[$iMPFR]=100 packageAtLevel[$iMPC]=100 packageAtLevel[$iFlex]=100 packageAtLevel[$iBison]=100 else # We will need to install some GNU Compiler Collection components. # Select those components now. if [ $gotFortran -ne 0 ]; then configOptions[$iFortranSource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iFortranSource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=fortran,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` configOptions[$iGCCsource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iGCCsource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=fortran,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` configOptions[$iGPPsource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iGPPsource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=fortran,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` fi if [ $gotGCC -ne 0 ]; then configOptions[$iFortranSource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iFortranSource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=c,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` configOptions[$iGCCsource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iGCCsource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=c,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` configOptions[$iGPPsource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iGPPsource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=c,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` fi if [ $gotGPP -ne 0 ]; then configOptions[$iFortranSource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iFortranSource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=c++,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` configOptions[$iGCCsource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iGCCsource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=c++,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` configOptions[$iGPPsource]=`echo ${configOptions[$iGPPsource]} | sed -r s/"\-\-enable\-languages="/"--enable-languages=c++,"/ | sed -r s/", "/" "/` fi # Hardwired magic. # On Ubuntu, we need to ensure that gcc-multilib is installed so that we can compile the gcc compilers. uname -v | grep -i ubuntu >& /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -e /usr/include/asm/errno.h ]; then # gcc-multilib is not installed. If we don't have root access, we have a problem. if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand apt-get -y install gcc-multilib $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ ! -e /usr/include/asm/errno.h ]; then logmessage "Failed to install gcc-multilib needed for compiling GNU Compiler Collection." if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi else echo "I need to compile some of the GNU Compiler Collection." echo "That requires that gcc-multilib be installed which requires root access." echo "Please do: sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib" echo "or ask your sysadmin to install it for you if necessary, then run this script again." echo "I need to compile some of the GNU Compiler Collection." >>$glcLogFile echo "That requires that gcc-multilib be installed which requires root access." >>$glcLogFile echo "Please do: sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib" >>$glcLogFile echo "or ask your sysadmin to install it for you if necessary, then run this script again." >>$glcLogFile exit 1 fi fi fi fi fi # Hardwired magic. # If we installed GFortran from source, don't allow HDF5 installs via yum or apt. # We need to build it from source to ensure we make the correct module version. if [ $i -eq $iFortran ]; then if [ -e $toolInstallPath/bin/gfortran ]; then yumInstall[iHDF5]="null" aptInstall[iHDF5]="null" fi fi # Hardwired magic. # If we installed GCC or G++ from source, don't allow other installs via yum or apt. if [ $i -eq $iFortran ]; then if [[ -e $toolInstallPath/bin/gcc || -e $toolInstallPath/bin/g++ ]]; then yumInstall[iGSL]="null" aptInstall[iGSL]="null" yumInstall[iZLIB]="null" aptInstall[iZLIB]="null" yumInstall[iHDF5]="null" aptInstall[iHDF5]="null" fi fi fi done # Set environment path for HDF5 if we installed our own copy. if [ -e $toolInstallPath/lib/libhdf5.so ]; then export HDF5_PATH=$toolInstallPath fi # Specify the list of Perl modules and their requirements. gotPerlLocalLibEnv=0 iPackage=-1 # CPAN iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="CPAN" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-CPAN" modulesApt[$iPackage]="perl-modules" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Clone iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Clone" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-Clone" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libclone-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Text::Table iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Text::Table" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-Text-Table" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libtext-table-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Text::Template iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Text::Template" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-Text-Template" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libtext-template-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # NestedMap iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="NestedMap" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Regexp::Common iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Regexp::Common" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-Regexp-Common" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libregexp-common-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # LaTeX::Encode #! #! Global symbols are not correctly imported with a modern Perl #! https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=87908 #! iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) iLaTeXEncode=$iPackage modules[$iPackage]="LaTeX::Encode" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesSource[$iPackage]="http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AN/ANDREWF/LaTeX-Encode-0.08.tar.gz" modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="liblatex-encode-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # File::Copy iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="File::Copy" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # XML::SAX iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="XML::SAX" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-XML-SAX" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libxml-sax-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # XML::Simple iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="XML::Simple" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=-1 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-XML-Simple" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libxml-simple-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Cwd iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Cwd" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=1 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Data::Dumper iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Data::Dumper" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=-1 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-Data-Dump" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # DateTime iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="DateTime" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-DateTime" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libdatetime-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Date::Format iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Date::Format" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=1 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libdatetime-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Exporter iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Exporter" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=1 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Fcntl iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Fcntl" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=-1 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # File::Slurp iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="File::Slurp" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libfile-slurp-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Scalar::Util iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="Scalar::Util" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # List::Uniq iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="List::Uniq" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # XML::Validator::Schema iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="XML::Validator::Schema" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="null" modulesApt[$iPackage]="null" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # List::MoreUtils iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="List::MoreUtils" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-List-MoreUtils" modulesApt[$iPackage]="liblist-moreutils-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # IO::Scalar iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="IO::Scalar" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-IO-stringy" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libio-stringy-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # File::Which iPackage=$(expr $iPackage + 1) modules[$iPackage]="File::Which" modulesAtLevel[$iPackage]=0 modulesForce[$iPackage]=0 modulesYum[$iPackage]="perl-File-Which" modulesApt[$iPackage]="libfile-which-perl" interactive[$iPackage]=0 # Install required Perl modules. echo "Checking for Perl modules..." echo "Checking for Perl modules..." >> $glcLogFile for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#modules[@]} ; i++ )) do # Test if this module should be installed at this level. if [ ${modulesAtLevel[$i]} -le $installLevel ]; then # Get the name of the module. module=${modules[$i]} # Test if the module is already present. echo "Testing for Perl module $module" >>$glcLogFile if [[ $module == "Inline::C" ]]; then # Hardwired magic to test for Inline::C. perl -e 'use Inline C=>q{void testpres(){printf("inline c present\n");}};testpres' >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else perl -e "use $module" >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Module already exists. echo $module - found echo $module - found >> $glcLogFile else # Module must be installed. echo $module - not found - will be installed echo $module - not found - will be installed >> $glcLogFile installDone=0 # Try installing via yum. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && $installViaYum -eq 1 && ${modulesYum[$i]} != "null" ]]; then # Check for presence in yum repos. echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand yum -y list ${modulesYum[$i]} $suClose >& /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo " Installing via yum" echo " Installing via yum" >> $glcLogFile echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand yum -y install ${modulesYum[$i]} $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 perl -e "use $module" >& /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage " ...failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi installDone=1 fi fi # Try installing via apt. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && $installViaApt -eq 1 && ${modulesApt[$i]} != "null" ]]; then echo " Installing via apt-get" echo " Installing via apt-get" >> $glcLogFile echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand apt-get -y install ${modulesApt[$i]} $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 perl -e "use $module" >& /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage " ...failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi installDone=1 fi # Try installing from source. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && ${modulesSource[$i]} != "" ]]; then echo " Installing from source" echo " Installing from source" >>$glcLogFile wget "${modulesSource[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not download ${modules[$i]}" echo "Could not download ${modules[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi baseName=`basename ${modulesSource[$i]}` unpack=`echo $baseName | sed -e s/.*\.bz2/j/ -e s/.*\.gz/z/ -e s/.*\.tgz/z/ -e s/.*\.tar//` tar xvf$unpack $baseName >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not unpack ${modules[$i]}" echo "Could not unpack ${modules[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi dirName=`tar tf$unpack $baseName | head -1 | sed s/"\/.*"//` cd $dirName # Hardwired magic. #! #! Global symbols are not correctly imported with a modern Perl #! https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=87908 #! # Apply a patch to LaTeX::Encode to fix symbol import issues. if [ $i -eq $iLaTeXEncode ]; then cd lib/LaTeX sed -i~ s/"use LaTeX::Encode::EncodingTable;"/"#use LaTeX::Encode::EncodingTable;"/ Encode.pm sed -i~ s/"use base qw(Exporter);"/"use base qw(Exporter);\nuse LaTeX::Encode::EncodingTable;"/ Encode.pm cd - fi # Configure the source. if [ -e ../$dirName/Makefile.PL ]; then if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then perl ../$dirName/Makefile.PL >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else perl -Mlocal::lib ../$dirName/Makefile.PL >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 fi else echo "Can not locate Makefile.PL for ${modules[$i]}" echo "Can not locate Makefile.PL for ${modules[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not build Makefile for ${modules[$i]}" echo "Could not build Makefile for ${modules[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi # Make the package. make -j >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not make ${modules[$i]}" echo "Could not make ${modules[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi # Run any tests of the package. make -j ${makeTest[$i]} >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Testing ${modules[$i]} failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi # Install the package. if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand make PATH=${PATH} install $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else make install >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not install ${modules[$i]}" echo "Could not install ${modules[$i]}" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi fi # Try installing via CPAN. if [[ $installDone -eq 0 && $installViaCPAN -eq 1 ]]; then logmessage " Installing via CPAN" if [ ${modulesForce[$i]} -eq 1 ]; then cpanInstall="'force(\"install\",\"${modules[$i]}\")'" else cpanInstall="'install(\"${modules[$i]}\")'" fi if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then # Install as root. export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 if [ ${interactive[$i]} -eq 0 ]; then echo $suCommand perl -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand perl -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else echo $suCommand perl -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} $suClose >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand perl -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} $suClose fi else # Check for local::lib. logexec perl -e \"use local::lib\" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then wget https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/H/HA/HAARG/local-lib-2.000029.tar.gz >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to download local-lib-2.000029.tar.gz" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi tar xvfz local-lib-2.000029.tar.gz >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to unpack local-lib-2.000029.tar.gz" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi cd local-lib-2.000029 perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to bootstrap local-lib-2.000029" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to make local-lib-2.000029" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make test >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Tests of local-lib-2.000029 failed" >>$glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi make install >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "Failed to install local-lib-2.000029" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi fi # Ensure that we're using the local::lib environment. if [ $gotPerlLocalLibEnv -eq 0 ]; then eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib) gotPerlLocalLibEnv=1 fi # Install as regular user. export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 if [ ${interactive[$i]} -eq 0 ]; then logexec perl -Mlocal::lib -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} else echo perl -Mlocal::lib -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} >>$glcLogFile perl -Mlocal::lib -MCPAN -e ${cpanInstall} fi fi # Check that the module was installed successfully. logexec perl -e \"use $module\" >>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage " ...failed" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi installDone=1 fi # We were unable to install the module by any method. if [ $installDone -eq 0 ]; then echo "no method exists to install this module" echo "no method exists to install this module" >> $glcLogFile if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1; fi fi # If we installed CPAN then make this an available method for future installs. if [[ $installViaCPAN -eq 0 && $module -eq "CPAN" ]]; then installViaCPAN=1 fi fi done # Retrieve Galacticus via Git. if [[ $runningAsRoot -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Script is running as root - if you want to install Galacticus itself as a regular user, just quit (Ctrl-C) now." fi if [ -z ${cmdGalacticusPrefix} ]; then galacticusInstallPath=$HOME/Galacticus/galacticus read -p "Path to install Galacticus to [$galacticusInstallPath]: " RESPONSE if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then galacticusInstallPath=$RESPONSE fi else galacticusInstallPath=$cmdGalacticusPrefix fi if [ ! -e $galacticusInstallPath ]; then mkdir -p `dirname $galacticusInstallPath` if [[ $installLevel -eq -1 ]]; then logmessage "downloading Galacticus datasets tarball" cd `dirname $galacticusInstallPath` logexec wget https://github.com/galacticusorg/datasets/archive/masterRelease.tar.gz logexec tar xvfz masterRelease.tar.bz2 mv datasets-masterRelease datasets cd - else logmessage "cloning Galacticus" cd `dirname $galacticusInstallPath` logexec git clone https://github.com/galacticusorg/galacticus.git galacticus if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "failed to download Galacticus" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi logexec git clone https://github.com/galacticusorg/datasets.git datasets if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "failed to download Galacticus datasets" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi cd - fi fi # Add commands to .bashrc and/or .cshrc. envSet=0 if [ -z ${cmdSetBash} ]; then read -p "Add a Galacticus environment alias to .bashrc? [no/yes]: " RESPONSE else RESPONSE=$cmdSetBash fi if [ "$RESPONSE" = yes ] ; then envSet=1 if [ -e $HOME/.bashrc ]; then awk 'BEGIN {inGLC=0} {if (index($0,"Alias to configure the environment to compile and run Galacticus") > 0) inGLC=1;if (inGLC == 0) print $0; if (inGLC == 1 && index($0,"'"'"'")) inGLC=0}' $HOME/.bashrc > $HOME/.bashrc.tmp mv -f $HOME/.bashrc.tmp $HOME/.bashrc fi echo "# Alias to configure the environment to compile and run Galacticus" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "function galacticus() {" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " if [ -n \"\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\" ]; then" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " else" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " fi" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " if [ -n \"\${PATH}\" ]; then" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export PATH=$toolInstallPath/bin:\$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " else" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export PATH=$toolInstallPath/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " fi" >> $HOME/.bashrc if [ -e $HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/local/lib.pm ]; then echo " eval \$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)" >> $HOME/.bashrc fi echo " export GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS=\"-fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/finclude -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/include -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/include/gfortran -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/lib/gfortran/modules $libDirs\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export GALACTICUS_CFLAGS=\"$libDirs -I$toolInstallPath/include\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export GALACTICUS_CPPFLAGS=\"$libDirs -I$toolInstallPath/include\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export GALACTICUS_EXEC_PATH=`dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/galacticus" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo " export GALACTICUS_DATA_PATH=`dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/datasets" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "}" >> $HOME/.bashrc fi if [ -z ${cmdSetCShell} ]; then read -p "Add a Galacticus environment alias to .cshrc? [no/yes]: " RESPONSE else RESPONSE=$cmdSetCShell fi if [ "$RESPONSE" = yes ] ; then envSet=1 if [ -e $HOME/.cshrc ]; then awk 'BEGIN {inGLC=0} {if (index($0,"Alias to configure the environment to compile and run Galacticus") > 0) inGLC=1;if (inGLC == 0) print $0; if (inGLC == 1 && index($0,"'"'"'")) inGLC=0}' $HOME/.cshrc > $HOME/.cshrc.tmp mv -f $HOME/.cshrc.tmp $HOME/.cshrc fi echo "# Alias to configure the environment to compile and run Galacticus" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "alias galacticus 'if ( \$?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo " setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "else \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo " setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $toolInstallPath/lib:$toolInstallPath/lib64 \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "endif \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "if ( \$?PATH ) then \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo " setenv PATH $toolInstallPath/bin:\$PATH \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "else \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo " setenv PATH $toolInstallPath/bin \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "endif \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc if [ -e $HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/local/lib.pm ]; then echo "eval \`perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib\` \\" >> $HOME/.cshrc fi echo "setenv GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS \"-fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/finclude -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/include -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/include/gfortran -fintrinsic-modules-path $toolInstallPath/lib/gfortran/modules $libDirs\"" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "setenv GALACTICUS_CFLAGS \"$libDirs -I$toolInstallPath/include\"" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "setenv GALACTICUS_CPPFLAGS \"$libDirs -I$toolInstallPath/include\"" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "setenv GALACTICUS_EXEC_PATH `dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/galacticus" >> $HOME/.cshrc echo "setenv GALACTICUS_DATA_PATH `dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/datasets'" >> $HOME/.cshrc fi # Determine if we want to install from source, or use the static binary. cd $galacticusInstallPath if [[ $installLevel -eq -1 ]]; then # Install the binary executable. logexec wget https://github.com/galacticusorg/galacticus/releases/download/bleeding-edge/Galacticus.exe -O $galacticusInstallPath/Galacticus.exe logexec chmod u+rx $galacticusInstallPath/Galacticus.exe else # Hardwired magic. # Figure out which libstdc++ we should use. This is necessary because some # distributions (Ubuntu.....) don't find -lstdc++ when linking using gfortran. echo "int main() {}" > dummy.c logexec gcc dummy.c -lstdc++ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then stdcppLibInfo=(`ldd a.out | grep libstdc++`) stdcppLib=${stdcppLibInfo[2]} if [ ! -e $toolInstallPath/lib/lidstdc++.so ]; then if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then echo "$rootPassword" | eval $suCommand ln -sf $stdcppLib $toolInstallPath/lib/lidstdc++.so >>$glcLogFile 2>&1 else ln -sf $stdcppLib $toolInstallPath/lib/libstdc++.so fi fi fi # Build Galacticus. if [ ! -e Galacticus.exe ]; then logmessage "building Galacticus" export GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS="$moduleDirs" export GALACTICUS_CFLAGS="$libDirs -I$toolInstallPath/include" export GALACTICUS_CPPFLAGS="$libDirs -I$toolInstallPath/include" export GALACTICUS_EXEC_PATH=`dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/galacticus logexec make -j$coreCount Galacticus.exe if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "failed to build Galacticus" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi fi fi # Run a test case. echo "Running a quick test of Galacticus - should take around 1 minute on a single core (less time if you have multiple cores)" echo "Running a quick test of Galacticus - should take around 1 minute on a single core (less time if you have multiple cores)" >> $glcLogFile export GALACTICUS_EXEC_PATH=`dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/galacticus export GALACTICUS_DATA_PATH=`dirname $galacticusInstallPath`/datasets logexec ./Galacticus.exe parameters/quickTest.xml if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then logmessage "failed to run Galacticus" if [ "$catLogOnError" = yes ]; then cat $glcLogFile fi exit 1 fi cd - # Write a final message. echo "Completed successfully" echo "Completed successfully" >> $glcLogFile echo echo "You can delete the \"galacticusInstallWork\" folder if you want" echo "You can delete the \"galacticusInstallWork\" folder if you want" >> $glcLogFile echo if [ $envSet -eq 1 ]; then echo "You should execute the command \"galacticus\" before attempting to use Galacticus to configure all environment variables, library paths etc." echo "You should execute the command \"galacticus\" before attempting to use Galacticus to configure all environment variables, library paths etc." >> $glcLogFile else if [ $installAsRoot -eq 1 ]; then echo "If you installed Galacticus libraries and tools in a non-standard location you may need to set environment variables appropriately to find them. You will also need to set appropriate -fintrinsic-modules-path and -L options in the GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS variable of Galacticus' Makefile so that it know where to find installed modules and libraries." echo "If you installed Galacticus libraries and tools in a non-standard location you may need to set environment variables appropriately to find them. You will also need to set appropriate -fintrinsic-modules-path and -L options in the GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS variable of Galacticus' Makefile so that it know where to find installed modules and libraries." >> $glcLogFile else echo "You may need to set environment variables to permit libraries and tools installed to be found. You will also need to set appropriate -fintrinsic-modules-path and -L options in the GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS variable of Galacticus' Makefile so that it know where to find installed modules and libraries." echo "You may need to set environment variables to permit libraries and tools installed to be found. You will also need to set appropriate -fintrinsic-modules-path and -L options in the GALACTICUS_FCFLAGS variable of Galacticus' Makefile so that it know where to find installed modules and libraries." >> $glcLogFile fi fi exit 0