Defines a Galaxy External Display Application (GEDA). Defines a set of dynamically generated links. A parameter that is created dynamically from the values of this dynamic link entry. Name of parameter. Field of dynamic entry to use for parameter value. Should this string parameter value be split into a list of strings. Use this separator when splitting parameter value into a list. Load dynamic content from named tool data table. Load dynamic content from named file. Load dynamic content from name site_type. Field of dynamic entry to use for internal link ID. Field of dynamic entry to use for link text displayed to user. Defines a GEDA link. ID internally used to identify link for this GEDA. Link text displayed to user. ID used to identify this GEDA. Version of this GEDA. Text displayed to user that identifies this GEDA. A Permissive Boolean value. Sets the type of the parameter to be created. ``` A data param for a BAI metadata element for a BAM file: ```xml ``` A data param that uses format conversion to create a 'bedstrict' file from e.g. a generic 'interval' datatype: ```xml ``` A template parameter that generates an initial position from a BED file, this content is used internally, but cannot be loaded by URL due to the viewable=False setting: ```xml #set chrom, start, end = $bed_file.datatype.get_estimated_display_viewport( $bed_file ) #if $chrom is not None: ${chrom}:${start}-${int( end ) + 1} #else: :- #end if ``` A data param that provides a BGZIP file (from an initial VCF file), with a Tabix index built ontop of the BGZIP file, followed by a custom track definition created using Cheetah templating and made accessible (viewable) to the external resource over a URL: ```xml track type="vcfTabix" name="${ '\\', '\\\\' ).replace( '"', '\\"' )}" bigDataUrl="${bgzip_file.url}" db="${bgzip_file.dbkey}" ```]]> Name of parameter that is used in Cheetah templates. Name used in url for display purposes defaults to value of name. Is a Cheetah template. Manually declare the mimetype set when serving the content of this parameter. Try to guess the mimetype based upon the value of url. Enable access to non-primary files of composite datatypes. Is this parameter viewable by access over URL. Defaults to true for data and false for template parameter types. Strip surrounding whitespace from parameter content. Particularly useful for multi-line template types that use e.g. control statements. Some external applications are not able to consume HTTPS-based content. If the Galaxy server is under HTTPS and this is true, the URL provided for the parameter content will be forced to http. Force the action snippet for this parameter's URL to be "param". Force this data parameter to be converted to first available path as listed in format attribute. Comma separated list of potential formats for conversion. Provide named metadata element to as content instead of dataset. 'dataset' is default name assigned to dataset to be displayed