/* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ var l, aa = function (b) { var g = 0; return function () { return g < b.length ? {done: ! 1, value: b[g++]} : {done: ! 0} } }, ba = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function (b, g, m) { if (b == Array.prototype || b == Object.prototype) return b; b[g] = m.value; return b }, ca = function (b) { b = ["object" == typeof globalThis && globalThis, b, "object" == typeof window && window, "object" == typeof self && self, "object" == typeof global && global]; for (var g = 0; g < b.length; ++g) { var m = b[g]; if (m && m.Math == Math) return m } throw Error("a"); }, da = ca(this), ea = function (b, g) { if (g) a:{ var m = da; b = b.split("."); for (var k = 0; k < b.length - 1; k++) { var c = b[k]; if ( ! (c in m)) break a; m = m[c] } b = b[b.length - 1]; k = m[b]; g = g(k); g != k && null != g && ba(m, b, {configurable: ! 0, writable: ! 0, value: g}) } }; ea("Symbol", function (b) { if (b) return b; var g = function (a, n) { this.ha = a; ba(this, "description", {configurable: ! 0, writable: ! 0, value: n}) }; g.prototype.toString = function () { return this.ha }; var m = "jscomp_symbol_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0) + "_", k = 0, c = function (a) { if (this instanceof c) throw new TypeError("b"); return new g(m + (a || "") + "_" + k++, a) }; return c }); ea("Symbol.iterator", function (b) { if (b) return b; b = Symbol("Symbol.iterator"); for (var g = "Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".split(" "), m = 0; m < g.length; m++) { var k = da[g[m]]; "function" === typeof k && "function" != typeof k.prototype[b] && ba(k.prototype, b, { configurable: ! 0, writable: ! 0, value: function () { return fa(aa(this)) } }) } return b }); var fa = function (b) { b = {next: b}; b[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }; return b }, p = function (b) { var g = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && b[Symbol.iterator]; return g ? g.call(b) : {next: aa(b)} }, ha = function (b) { if ( ! (b instanceof Array)) { b = p(b); for (var g, m = []; ! (g = b.next()).done;) m.push(g.value); b = m } return b }, ia = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function (b) { var g = function () { }; g.prototype = b; return new g }, ja; if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) ja = Object.setPrototypeOf; else { var ka; a:{ var la = {a: ! 0}, ma = {}; try { ma.__proto__ = la; ka = ma.a; break a } catch (b) { } ka = ! 1 } ja = ka ? function (b, g) { b.__proto__ = g; if (b.__proto__ !== g) throw new TypeError("c`" + b); return b } : null } var na = ja, q = function (b, g) { b.prototype = ia(g.prototype); b.prototype.constructor = b; if (na) na(b, g); else for (var m in g) if ("prototype" != m) if (Object.defineProperties) { var k = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(g, m); k && Object.defineProperty(b, m, k) } else b[m] = g[m]; b.lS = g.prototype }, oa = function () { this.Bb = ! 1; this.Ca = null; this.kb = void 0; this.ha = 1; this.le = 0; this.oc = null }, pa = function (b) { if (b.Bb) throw new TypeError("e"); b.Bb = ! 0 }; oa.prototype.Sc = function (b) { this.kb = b }; var qa = function (b, g) { b.oc = {Eab: g, obb: ! 0}; b.ha = b.le }; oa.prototype.return = function (b) { this.oc = {return: b}; this.ha = this.le }; var ra = function (b, g, m) { b.ha = m; return {value: g} }, sa = function (b) { this.ha = new oa; this.Ca = b }, va = function (b, g) { pa(b.ha); var m = b.ha.Ca; if (m) return ta(b, "return" in m ? m["return"] : function (k) { return {value: k, done: ! 0} }, g, b.ha.return); b.ha.return(g); return ua(b) }, ta = function (b, g, m, k) { try { var c = g.call(b.ha.Ca, m); if ( ! (c instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("d`" + c); if ( ! c.done) return b.ha.Bb = ! 1, c; var a = c.value } catch (n) { return b.ha.Ca = null, qa(b.ha, n), ua(b) } b.ha.Ca = null; k.call(b.ha, a); return ua(b) }, ua = function (b) { for (; b.ha.ha;) try { var g = b.Ca(b.ha); if (g) return b.ha.Bb = ! 1, {value: g.value, done: ! 1} } catch (m) { b.ha.kb = void 0, qa(b.ha, m) } b.ha.Bb = ! 1; if (b.ha.oc) { g = b.ha.oc; b.ha.oc = null; if (g.obb) throw g.Eab; return {value: g.return, done: ! 0} } return {value: void 0, done: ! 0} }, wa = function (b) { this.next = function (g) { pa(b.ha); b.ha.Ca ? g = ta(b, b.ha.Ca.next, g, b.ha.Sc) : (b.ha.Sc(g), g = ua(b)); return g }; this.throw = function (g) { pa(b.ha); b.ha.Ca ? g = ta(b, b.ha.Ca["throw"], g, b.ha.Sc) : (qa(b.ha, g), g = ua(b)); return g }; this.return = function (g) { return va(b, g) }; this[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this } }, xa = function (b) { function g(k) { return b.next(k) } function m(k) { return b.throw(k) } return new Promise(function (k, c) { function a(n) { n.done ? k(n.value) : Promise.resolve(n.value).then(g, m).then(a, c) } a(b.next()) }) }, ya = function (b) { return xa(new wa(new sa(b))) }; ea("Promise", function (b) { function g() { this.ha = null } function m(n) { return n instanceof c ? n : new c(function (h) { h(n) }) } if (b) return b; g.prototype.Ca = function (n) { if (null == this.ha) { this.ha = []; var h = this; this.kb(function () { h.oc() }) } this.ha.push(n) }; var k = da.setTimeout; g.prototype.kb = function (n) { k(n, 0) }; g.prototype.oc = function () { for (; this.ha && this.ha.length;) { var n = this.ha; this.ha = []; for (var h = 0; h < n.length; ++h) { var d = n[h]; n[h] = null; try { d() } catch (e) { this.Bb(e) } } } this.ha = null }; g.prototype.Bb = function (n) { this.kb(function () { throw n; }) }; var c = function (n) { this.ha = 0; this.kb = void 0; this.Ca = []; this.le = ! 1; var h = this.Bb(); try { n(h.resolve, h.reject) } catch (d) { h.reject(d) } }; c.prototype.Bb = function () { function n(e) { return function (f) { d || (d = ! 0, e.call(h, f)) } } var h = this, d = ! 1; return {resolve: n(this.Xs), reject: n(this.oc)} }; c.prototype.Xs = function (n) { if (n === this) this.oc(new TypeError("f")); else if (n instanceof c) this.Xw(n); else { a:switch (typeof n) { case "object": var h = null != n; break a; case "function": h = ! 0; break a; default: h = ! 1 } h ? this.Jk(n) : this.Sc(n) } }; c.prototype.Jk = function (n) { var h = void 0; try { h = n.then } catch (d) { this.oc(d); return } "function" == typeof h ? this.qB(h, n) : this.Sc(n) }; c.prototype.oc = function (n) { this.Xd(2, n) }; c.prototype.Sc = function (n) { this.Xd(1, n) }; c.prototype.Xd = function (n, h) { if (0 != this.ha) throw Error("g`" + n + "`" + h + "`" + this.ha); this.ha = n; this.kb = h; 2 === this.ha && this.Wt(); this.Af() }; c.prototype.Wt = function () { var n = this; k(function () { if (n.Pk()) { var h = da.console; "undefined" !== typeof h && h.error(n.kb) } }, 1) }; c.prototype.Pk = function () { if (this.le) return ! 1; var n = da.CustomEvent, h = da.Event, d = da.dispatchEvent; if ("undefined" === typeof d) return ! 0; "function" === typeof n ? n = new n("unhandledrejection", {cancelable: ! 0}) : "function" === typeof h ? n = new h("unhandledrejection", {cancelable: ! 0}) : (n = da.document.createEvent("CustomEvent"), n.initCustomEvent("unhandledrejection", ! 1, ! 0, n)); n.promise = this; n.reason = this.kb; return d(n) }; c.prototype.Af = function () { if (null != this.Ca) { for (var n = 0; n < this.Ca.length; ++n) a.Ca(this.Ca[n]); this.Ca = null } }; var a = new g; c.prototype.Xw = function (n) { var h = this.Bb(); n.n_(h.resolve, h.reject) }; c.prototype.qB = function (n, h) { var d = this.Bb(); try { n.call(h, d.resolve, d.reject) } catch (e) { d.reject(e) } }; c.prototype.then = function (n, h) { function d(u, E) { return "function" == typeof u ? function (P) { try { e(u(P)) } catch (K) { f(K) } } : E } var e, f, v = new c(function (u, E) { e = u; f = E }); this.n_(d(n, e), d(h, f)); return v }; c.prototype.catch = function (n) { return this.then(void 0, n) }; c.prototype.n_ = function (n, h) { function d() { switch (e.ha) { case 1: n(e.kb); break; case 2: h(e.kb); break; default: throw Error("h`" + e.ha); } } var e = this; null == this.Ca ? a.Ca(d) : this.Ca.push(d); this.le = ! 0 }; c.resolve = m; c.reject = function (n) { return new c(function (h, d) { d(n) }) }; c.race = function (n) { return new c(function (h, d) { for (var e = p(n), f = e.next(); ! f.done; f = e.next()) m(f.value).n_(h, d) }) }; c.all = function (n) { var h = p(n), d = h.next(); return d.done ? m([]) : new c(function (e, f) { function v(P) { return function (K) { u[P] = K; E--; 0 == E && e(u) } } var u = [], E = 0; do u.push(void 0), E++, m(d.value).n_(v(u.length - 1), f), d = h.next(); while ( ! d.done) }) }; return c }); var za = function (b, g) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, g) }; ea("WeakMap", function (b) { function g() { } function m(d) { var e = typeof d; return "object" === e && null !== d || "function" === e } function k(d) { if ( ! za(d, a)) { var e = new g; ba(d, a, {value: e}) } } function c(d) { var e = Object[d]; e && (Object[d] = function (f) { if (f instanceof g) return f; Object.isExtensible(f) && k(f); return e(f) }) } if (function () { if ( ! b || ! Object.seal) return ! 1; try { var d = Object.seal({}), e = Object.seal({}), f = new b([[d, 2], [e, 3]]); if (2 != f.get(d) || 3 != f.get(e)) return ! 1; f.delete(d); f.set(e, 4); return ! f.has(d) && 4 == f.get(e) } catch (v) { return ! 1 } }()) return b; var a = "$jscomp_hidden_" + Math.random(); c("freeze"); c("preventExtensions"); c("seal"); var n = 0, h = function (d) { this.ha = (n += Math.random() + 1).toString(); if (d) { d = p(d); for (var e; ! (e = d.next()).done;) e = e.value, this.set(e[0], e[1]) } }; h.prototype.set = function (d, e) { if ( ! m(d)) throw Error("i"); k(d); if ( ! za(d, a)) throw Error("j`" + d); d[a][this.ha] = e; return this }; h.prototype.get = function (d) { return m(d) && za(d, a) ? d[a][this.ha] : void 0 }; h.prototype.has = function (d) { return m(d) && za(d, a) && za(d[a], this.ha) }; h.prototype.delete = function (d) { return m(d) && za(d, a) && za(d[a], this.ha) ? delete d[a][this.ha] : ! 1 }; return h }); ea("Map", function (b) { if (function () { if ( ! b || "function" != typeof b || ! b.prototype.entries || "function" != typeof Object.seal) return ! 1; try { var h = Object.seal({x: 4}), d = new b(p([[h, "s"]])); if ("s" != d.get(h) || 1 != d.size || d.get({x: 4}) || d.set({x: 4}, "t") != d || 2 != d.size) return ! 1; var e = d.entries(), f = e.next(); if (f.done || f.value[0] != h || "s" != f.value[1]) return ! 1; f = e.next(); return f.done || 4 != f.value[0].x || "t" != f.value[1] || ! e.next().done ? ! 1 : ! 0 } catch (v) { return ! 1 } }()) return b; var g = new WeakMap, m = function (h) { this.Ca = {}; this.ha = a(); this.size = 0; if (h) { h = p(h); for (var d; ! (d = h.next()).done;) d = d.value, this.set(d[0], d[1]) } }; m.prototype.set = function (h, d) { h = 0 === h ? 0 : h; var e = k(this, h); e.list || (e.list = this.Ca[e.id] = []); e.Qx ? e.Qx.value = d : (e.Qx = { next: this.ha, yK: this.ha.yK, head: this.ha, key: h, value: d }, e.list.push(e.Qx), this.ha.yK.next = e.Qx, this.ha.yK = e.Qx, this.size++); return this }; m.prototype.delete = function (h) { h = k(this, h); return h.Qx && h.list ? (h.list.splice(h.index, 1), h.list.length || delete this.Ca[h.id], h.Qx.yK.next = h.Qx.next, h.Qx.next.yK = h.Qx.yK, h.Qx.head = null, this.size--, ! 0) : ! 1 }; m.prototype.clear = function () { this.Ca = {}; this.ha = this.ha.yK = a(); this.size = 0 }; m.prototype.has = function (h) { return !! k(this, h).Qx }; m.prototype.get = function (h) { return (h = k(this, h).Qx) && h.value }; m.prototype.entries = function () { return c(this, function (h) { return [h.key, h.value] }) }; m.prototype.keys = function () { return c(this, function (h) { return h.key }) }; m.prototype.values = function () { return c(this, function (h) { return h.value }) }; m.prototype.forEach = function (h, d) { for (var e = this.entries(), f; ! (f = e.next()).done;) f = f.value, h.call(d, f[1], f[0], this) }; m.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = m.prototype.entries; var k = function (h, d) { var e = d && typeof d; "object" == e || "function" == e ? g.has(d) ? e = g.get(d) : (e = "" + ++n, g.set(d, e)) : e = "p_" + d; var f = h.Ca[e]; if (f && za(h.Ca, e)) for (h = 0; h < f.length; h++) { var v = f[h]; if (d !== d && v.key !== v.key || d === v.key) return {id: e, list: f, index: h, Qx: v} } return {id: e, list: f, index: -1, Qx: void 0} }, c = function (h, d) { var e = h.ha; return fa(function () { if (e) { for (; e.head != h.ha;) e = e.yK; for (; e.next != e.head;) return e = e.next, {done: ! 1, value: d(e)}; e = null } return {done: ! 0, value: void 0} }) }, a = function () { var h = {}; return h.yK = h.next = h.head = h }, n = 0; return m }); ea("Array.prototype.find", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { a:{ var k = this; k instanceof String && (k = String(k)); for (var c = k.length, a = 0; a < c; a++) { var n = k[a]; if (g.call(m, n, a, k)) { g = n; break a } } g = void 0 } return g } }); var Aa = function (b, g, m) { if (null == b) throw new TypeError("k`" + m); if (g instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError("l`" + m); return b + "" }; ea("String.prototype.startsWith", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { var k = Aa(this, g, "startsWith"); g += ""; var c = k.length, a = g.length; m = Math.max(0, Math.min(m | 0, k.length)); for (var n = 0; n < a && m < c;) if (k[m++] != g[n++]) return ! 1; return n >= a } }); ea("String.prototype.repeat", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g) { var m = Aa(this, null, "repeat"); if (0 > g || 1342177279 < g) throw new RangeError("Invalid count value"); g |= 0; for (var k = ""; g;) if (g & 1 && (k += m), g >>>= 1) m += m; return k } }); var Ba = function (b, g) { b instanceof String && (b += ""); var m = 0, k = ! 1, c = { next: function () { if ( ! k && m < b.length) { var a = m++; return {value: g(a, b[a]), done: ! 1} } k = ! 0; return {done: ! 0, value: void 0} } }; c[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return c }; return c }; ea("Array.prototype.keys", function (b) { return b ? b : function () { return Ba(this, function (g) { return g }) } }); ea("Array.from", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m, k) { m = null != m ? m : function (h) { return h }; var c = [], a = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && g[Symbol.iterator]; if ("function" == typeof a) { g = a.call(g); for (var n = 0; ! (a = g.next()).done;) c.push(m.call(k, a.value, n++)) } else for (a = g.length, n = 0; n < a; n++) c.push(m.call(k, g[n], n)); return c } }); ea("Array.prototype.values", function (b) { return b ? b : function () { return Ba(this, function (g, m) { return m }) } }); ea("Object.is", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { return g === m ? 0 !== g || 1 / g === 1 / m : g !== g && m !== m } }); ea("Array.prototype.includes", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { var k = this; k instanceof String && (k = String(k)); var c = k.length; m = m || 0; for (0 > m && (m = Math.max(m + c, 0)); m < c; m++) { var a = k[m]; if (a === g || Object.is(a, g)) return ! 0 } return ! 1 } }); ea("String.prototype.includes", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { return -1 !== Aa(this, g, "includes").indexOf(g, m || 0) } }); var Ca = "function" == typeof Object.assign ? Object.assign : function (b, g) { for (var m = 1; m < arguments.length; m++) { var k = arguments[m]; if (k) for (var c in k) za(k, c) && (b[c] = k[c]) } return b }; ea("Object.assign", function (b) { return b || Ca }); ea("Array.prototype.fill", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m, k) { var c = this.length || 0; 0 > m && (m = Math.max(0, c + m)); if (null == k || k > c) k = c; k = Number(k); 0 > k && (k = Math.max(0, c + k)); for (m = Number(m || 0); m < k; m++) this[m] = g; return this } }); var Da = function (b) { return b ? b : Array.prototype.fill }; ea("Int8Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Uint8Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Int16Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Uint16Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Int32Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Uint32Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Float32Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Float64Array.prototype.fill", Da); ea("Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", function () { return 9007199254740991 }); ea("String.prototype.padStart", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { var k = Aa(this, null, "padStart"); g -= k.length; m = void 0 !== m ? String(m) : " "; return (0 < g && m ? m.repeat(Math.ceil(g / m.length)).substring(0, g) : "") + k } }); ea("String.prototype.matchAll", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g) { if (g instanceof RegExp && ! g.global) throw new TypeError("m"); var m = new RegExp(g, g instanceof RegExp ? void 0 : "g"), k = this, c = ! 1, a = { next: function () { if (c) return {value: void 0, done: ! 0}; var n = m.exec(k); if ( ! n) return c = ! 0, {value: void 0, done: ! 0}; "" === n[0] && (m.lastIndex += 1); return {value: n, done: ! 1} } }; a[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return a }; return a } }); ea("String.prototype.replaceAll", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g, m) { if (g instanceof RegExp && ! g.global) throw new TypeError("n"); return g instanceof RegExp ? this.replace(g, m) : this.replace(new RegExp(String(g).replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:# g ? -m : m } }); ea("Promise.prototype.finally", function (b) { return b ? b : function (g) { return this.then(function (m) { return Promise.resolve(g()).then(function () { return m }) }, function (m) { return Promise.resolve(g()).then(function () { throw m; }) }) } }); var Ea = Ea || {}, r = this || self, Fa = function () { }, Ga = function (b) { b.EN = void 0; b.AJ = function () { return b.EN ? b.EN : b.EN = new b } }, Ha = function (b) { var g = typeof b; g = "object" != g ? g : b ? Array.isArray(b) ? "array" : g : "null"; return "array" == g || "object" == g && "number" == typeof b.length }, Ia = function (b) { var g = typeof b; return "object" == g && null != b || "function" == g }, Ja = function (b, g, m) { return b.call.apply(b.bind, arguments) }, Ka = function (b, g, m) { if ( ! b) throw Error(); if (2 < arguments.length) { var k = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); return function () { var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, k); return b.apply(g, c) } } return function () { return b.apply(g, arguments) } }, La = function (b, g, m) { Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? La = Ja : La = Ka; return La.apply(null, arguments) }, Ma = function (b, g) { var m = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { var k = m.slice(); k.push.apply(k, arguments); return b.apply(this, k) } }, Na = function (b, g) { b = b.split("."); var m = r; b[0] in m || "undefined" == typeof m.execScript || m.execScript("var " + b[0]); for (var k; b.length && (k = b.shift());) b.length || void 0 === g ? m[k] && m[k] !== Object.prototype[k] ? m = m[k] : m = m[k] = {} : m[k] = g }, Oa = function (b, g) { function m() { } m.prototype = g.prototype; b.lS = g.prototype; b.prototype = new m; b.prototype.constructor = b; b.qK = function (k, c, a) { for (var n = Array(arguments.length - 2), h = 2; h < arguments.length; h++) n[h - 2] = arguments[h]; return g.prototype[c].apply(k, n) } }, Pa = function (b) { return b }; var Qa = function (b) { this.oc = b; this.Ca = ! 1; this.kb = [] }, Ra = function (b) { if ( ! b.Ca) { b.Ca = ! 0; b = p(b.kb); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g() } }; Qa.prototype.Bb = function () { }; function Sa(b) { if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, Sa); else { var g = Error().stack; g && (this.stack = g) } b && (this.message = String(b)) } Oa(Sa, Error); Sa.prototype.name = "CustomError"; var Ta; var Ua = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function (b, g) { return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(b, g, void 0) } : function (b, g) { if ("string" === typeof b) return "string" !== typeof g || 1 != g.length ? -1 : b.indexOf(g, 0); for (var m = 0; m < b.length; m++) if (m in b && b[m] === g) return m; return -1 }, Va = Array.prototype.some ? function (b, g) { return Array.prototype.some.call(b, g, void 0) } : function (b, g) { for (var m = b.length, k = "string" === typeof b ? b.split("") : b, c = 0; c < m; c++) if (c in k && g.call(void 0, k[c], c, b)) return ! 0; return ! 1 }; function Wa(b, g) { g = Ua(b, g); var m; (m = 0 <= g) && Array.prototype.splice.call(b, g, 1); return m } function Xa(b, g, m, k) { Array.prototype.splice.apply(b, Ya(arguments, 1)) } function Ya(b, g, m) { return 2 >= arguments.length ? Array.prototype.slice.call(b, g) : Array.prototype.slice.call(b, g, m) } function Za(b, g) { for (var m = $a || ab, k = 0, c = b.length, a; k < c;) { var n = k + (c - k >>> 1); var h = m(g, b[n]); 0 < h ? k = n + 1 : (c = n, a = ! h) } return a ? k : -k - 1 } function ab(b, g) { return b > g ? 1 : b < g ? -1 : 0 } function bb(b) { for (var g = Math.random, m = b.length - 1; 0 < m; m--) { var k = Math.floor(g() * (m + 1)), c = b[m]; b[m] = b[k]; b[k] = c } };var cb = String.prototype.trim ? function (b) { return b.trim() } : function (b) { return /^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/.exec(b)[1] }, db = /&/g, eb = //g, gb = /"/g, hb = /'/g, ib = /\x00/g, jb = /[\x00&<>"']/, kb = function (b, g) { return b < g ? -1 : b > g ? 1 : 0 }; var lb; a:{ var mb = r.navigator; if (mb) { var nb = mb.userAgent; if (nb) { lb = nb; break a } } lb = "" } var x = function (b) { return -1 != lb.indexOf(b) }; function ob(b, g, m) { for (var k in b) g.call(m, b[k], k, b) } var pb = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" "); function qb(b, g) { for (var m, k, c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) { k = arguments[c]; for (m in k) b[m] = k[m]; for (var a = 0; a < pb.length; a++) m = pb[a], Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k, m) && (b[m] = k[m]) } };var rb = function () { return x("Firefox") || x("FxiOS") }, sb = function () { return (x("Chrome") || x("CriOS")) && ! x("Edge") }; var tb, ub = function () { if (void 0 === tb) { var b = null, g = r.trustedTypes; if (g && g.createPolicy) { try { b = g.createPolicy("goog#html", {createHTML: Pa, createScript: Pa, createScriptURL: Pa}) } catch (m) { r.console && r.console.error(m.message) } tb = b } else tb = b } return tb }; var xb = function (b, g) { this.ha = b === vb && g || ""; this.Ca = wb }; xb.prototype.MT = ! 0; xb.prototype.DT = function () { return this.ha }; var wb = {}, vb = {}; var yb = /[A-Za-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02b8\u0300-\u0590\u0900-\u1fff\u200e\u2c00-\ud801\ud804-\ud839\ud83c-\udbff\uf900-\ufb1c\ufe00-\ufe6f\ufefd-\uffff]/, zb = /^[^A-Za-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02b8\u0300-\u0590\u0900-\u1fff\u200e\u2c00-\ud801\ud804-\ud839\ud83c-\udbff\uf900-\ufb1c\ufe00-\ufe6f\ufefd-\uffff]*[\u0591-\u06ef\u06fa-\u08ff\u200f\ud802-\ud803\ud83a-\ud83b\ufb1d-\ufdff\ufe70-\ufefc]/, Ab = /^http:\/\/.*/, Bb = /\s+/, Cb = /[\d\u06f0-\u06f9]/; var Eb = function (b, g) { this.ha = g === Db ? b : "" }; l = Eb.prototype; l.MT = ! 0; l.DT = function () { return this.ha.toString() }; l.e7 = ! 0; l.c7 = function () { return 1 }; l.toString = function () { return this.ha + "" }; var Fb = function (b) { return b instanceof Eb && b.constructor === Eb ? b.ha : "type_error:TrustedResourceUrl" }, Db = {}, Hb = function () { var b = Gb; b = b instanceof xb && b.constructor === xb && b.Ca === wb ? b.ha : "type_error:Const"; var g = ub(); b = g ? g.createScriptURL(b) : b; return new Eb(b, Db) }; var Jb = function (b, g) { this.ha = g === Ib ? b : "" }; l = Jb.prototype; l.MT = ! 0; l.DT = function () { return this.ha.toString() }; l.e7 = ! 0; l.c7 = function () { return 1 }; l.toString = function () { return this.ha.toString() }; var Kb = function (b) { return b instanceof Jb && b.constructor === Jb ? b.ha : "type_error:SafeUrl" }, Lb = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i, Ib = {}; var Mb = {}, Nb = function (b, g, m) { this.ha = m === Mb ? b : ""; this.Ca = g; this.MT = this.e7 = ! 0 }; Nb.prototype.c7 = function () { return this.Ca }; Nb.prototype.DT = function () { return this.ha.toString() }; Nb.prototype.toString = function () { return this.ha.toString() }; var Ob = function (b) { return b instanceof Nb && b.constructor === Nb ? b.ha : "type_error:SafeHtml" }, Qb = function (b) { if (b instanceof Nb) return b; var g = "object" == typeof b, m = null; g && b.e7 && (m = b.c7()); b = g && b.MT ? b.DT() : String(b); jb.test(b) && (-1 != b.indexOf("&") && (b = b.replace(db, "&")), -1 != b.indexOf("<") && (b = b.replace(eb, "<")), -1 != b.indexOf(">") && (b = b.replace(fb, ">")), -1 != b.indexOf('"') && (b = b.replace(gb, """)), -1 != b.indexOf("'") && (b = b.replace(hb, "'")), -1 != b.indexOf("\x00") && (b = b.replace(ib, "�"))); return Pb(b, m) }, Pb = function (b, g) { var m = ub(); b = m ? m.createHTML(b) : b; return new Nb(b, g, Mb) }, Rb = new Nb(r.trustedTypes && r.trustedTypes.emptyHTML || "", 0, Mb); var Sb = function (b) { var g = ! 1, m; return function () { g || (m = b(), g = ! 0); return m } }(function () { var b = document.createElement("div"), g = document.createElement("div"); g.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); b.appendChild(g); g = b.firstChild.firstChild; b.innerHTML = Ob(Rb); return ! g.parentElement }), Ub = function (b) { a:{ var g = (b.ownerDocument && b.ownerDocument.defaultView || r).document; if (g.querySelector && (g = g.querySelector("script[nonce]")) && (g = g.nonce || g.getAttribute("nonce")) && Tb.test(g)) break a; g = "" } g && b.setAttribute("nonce", g) }, Vb = function (b) { b instanceof Jb || b instanceof Jb || (b = "object" == typeof b && b.MT ? b.DT() : String(b), Lb.test(b) || (b = "about:invalid#zClosurez"), b = new Jb(b, Ib)); r.open(Kb(b), "") }, Tb = /^[\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$/; var Wb = function () { return x("iPhone") && ! x("iPod") && ! x("iPad") }, Xb = function () { Wb() || x("iPad") || x("iPod") }; var Yb = function (b) { Yb[" "](b); return b }; Yb[" "] = Fa; var $b = function (b) { var g = Zb; return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, 9) ? g[9] : g[9] = b(9) }; var ac = x("Opera"), bc = x("Trident") || x("MSIE"), cc = x("Edge"), dc = x("Gecko") && ! (-1 != lb.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") && ! x("Edge")) && ! (x("Trident") || x("MSIE")) && ! x("Edge"), ec = -1 != lb.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") && ! x("Edge"); ec && x("Mobile"); x("Macintosh"); x("Windows"); x("Linux") || x("CrOS"); var fc = r.navigator || null; fc && (fc.appVersion || "").indexOf("X11"); x("Android"); Wb(); x("iPad"); x("iPod"); Xb(); lb.toLowerCase().indexOf("kaios"); var gc; a:{ var hc = "", ic = function () { var b = lb; if (dc) return /rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(b); if (cc) return /Edge\/([\d\.]+)/.exec(b); if (bc) return /\b(?:MSIE|rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(b); if (ec) return /WebKit\/(\S+)/.exec(b); if (ac) return /(?:Version)[ \/]?(\S+)/.exec(b) }(); ic && (hc = ic ? ic[1] : ""); if (bc) { var jc, kc = r.document; jc = kc ? kc.documentMode : void 0; if (null != jc && jc > parseFloat(hc)) { gc = String(jc); break a } } gc = hc } var lc = gc, Zb = {}, mc = function () { return $b(function () { for (var b = 0, g = cb(String(lc)).split("."), m = cb("9").split("."), k = Math.max(g.length, m.length), c = 0; 0 == b && c < k; c++) { var a = g[c] || "", n = m[c] || ""; do { a = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(a) || ["", "", "", ""]; n = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(n) || ["", "", "", ""]; if (0 == a[0].length && 0 == n[0].length) break; b = kb(0 == a[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(a[1], 10), 0 == n[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(n[1], 10)) || kb(0 == a[2].length, 0 == n[2].length) || kb(a[2], n[2]); a = a[3]; n = n[3] } while (0 == b) } return 0 <= b }) }; var nc = function () { if ( ! r.addEventListener || ! Object.defineProperty) return ! 1; var b = ! 1, g = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function () { b = ! 0 } }); try { r.addEventListener("test", Fa, g), r.removeEventListener("test", Fa, g) } catch (m) { } return b }(); function oc(b) { b && "function" == typeof b.Z6 && b.Z6() };var pc = function () { this.Pk = this.Pk; this.le = this.le }; pc.prototype.Pk = ! 1; pc.prototype.Z6 = function () { this.Pk || (this.Pk = ! 0, this.Ca()) }; var qc = function (b, g) { b.Pk ? g() : (b.le || (b.le = []), b.le.push(g)) }; pc.prototype.Ca = function () { if (this.le) for (; this.le.length;) this.le.shift()() }; var rc = function (b, g) { this.type = b; this.currentTarget = this.target = g; this.defaultPrevented = this.Ca = ! 1 }; rc.prototype.stopPropagation = function () { this.Ca = ! 0 }; rc.prototype.preventDefault = function () { this.defaultPrevented = ! 0 }; var tc = function (b, g) { rc.call(this, b ? b.type : ""); this.relatedTarget = this.currentTarget = this.target = null; this.button = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = 0; this.key = ""; this.keyCode = 0; this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey = ! 1; this.state = null; this.pointerId = 0; this.pointerType = ""; this.ha = null; if (b) { var m = this.type = b.type, k = b.changedTouches && b.changedTouches.length ? b.changedTouches[0] : null; this.target = b.target || b.srcElement; this.currentTarget = g; if (g = b.relatedTarget) { if (dc) { a:{ try { Yb(g.nodeName); var c = ! 0; break a } catch (a) { } c = ! 1 } c || (g = null) } } else "mouseover" == m ? g = b.fromElement : "mouseout" == m && (g = b.toElement); this.relatedTarget = g; k ? (this.clientX = void 0 !== k.clientX ? k.clientX : k.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== k.clientY ? k.clientY : k.pageY, this.screenX = k.screenX || 0, this.screenY = k.screenY || 0) : (this.clientX = void 0 !== b.clientX ? b.clientX : b.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== b.clientY ? b.clientY : b.pageY, this.screenX = b.screenX || 0, this.screenY = b.screenY || 0); this.button = b.button; this.keyCode = b.keyCode || 0; this.key = b.key || ""; this.ctrlKey = b.ctrlKey; this.altKey = b.altKey; this.shiftKey = b.shiftKey; this.metaKey = b.metaKey; this.pointerId = b.pointerId || 0; this.pointerType = "string" === typeof b.pointerType ? b.pointerType : sc[b.pointerType] || ""; this.state = b.state; this.ha = b; b.defaultPrevented && tc.lS.preventDefault.call(this) } }; Oa(tc, rc); var sc = {2: "touch", 3: "pen", 4: "mouse"}; tc.prototype.stopPropagation = function () { tc.lS.stopPropagation.call(this); this.ha.stopPropagation ? this.ha.stopPropagation() : this.ha.cancelBubble = ! 0 }; tc.prototype.preventDefault = function () { tc.lS.preventDefault.call(this); var b = this.ha; b.preventDefault ? b.preventDefault() : b.returnValue = ! 1 }; var uc = "closure_listenable_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0); var vc = 0; var wc = function (b, g, m, k, c) { this.listener = b; this.ha = null; this.src = g; this.type = m; this.capture = !! k; this.y_ = c; this.key = ++vc; this.removed = this.m_ = ! 1 }, xc = function (b) { b.removed = ! 0; b.listener = null; b.ha = null; b.src = null; b.y_ = null }; var yc = function (b) { this.src = b; this.ha = {}; this.Ca = 0 }; yc.prototype.add = function (b, g, m, k, c) { var a = b.toString(); b = this.ha[a]; b || (b = this.ha[a] = [], this.Ca++); var n = zc(b, g, k, c); -1 < n ? (g = b[n], m || (g.m_ = ! 1)) : (g = new wc(g, this.src, a, !! k, c), g.m_ = m, b.push(g)); return g }; var Ac = function (b, g) { var m = g.type; m in b.ha && Wa(b.ha[m], g) && (xc(g), 0 == b.ha[m].length && (delete b.ha[m], b.Ca--)) }, zc = function (b, g, m, k) { for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) { var a = b[c]; if ( ! a.removed && a.listener == g && a.capture == !! m && a.y_ == k) return c } return -1 }; var Bc = "closure_lm_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0), Cc = {}, Dc = 0, Fc = function (b, g, m, k, c) { if (k && k.once) return Ec(b, g, m, k, c); if (Array.isArray(g)) { for (var a = 0; a < g.length; a++) Fc(b, g[a], m, k, c); return null } m = Gc(m); return b && b[uc] ? Hc(b, g, m, Ia(k) ? !! k.capture : !! k, c) : Ic(b, g, m, ! 1, k, c) }, Ic = function (b, g, m, k, c, a) { if ( ! g) throw Error("o"); var n = Ia(c) ? !! c.capture : !! c, h = Jc(b); h || (b[Bc] = h = new yc(b)); m = h.add(g, m, k, n, a); if (m.ha) return m; k = Kc(); m.ha = k; k.src = b; k.listener = m; if (b.addEventListener) nc || (c = n), void 0 === c && (c = ! 1), b.addEventListener(g.toString(), k, c); else if (b.attachEvent) b.attachEvent(Lc(g.toString()), k); else if (b.addListener && b.removeListener) b.addListener(k); else throw Error("p"); Dc++; return m }, Kc = function () { var b = Mc, g = function (m) { return b.call(g.src, g.listener, m) }; return g }, Ec = function (b, g, m, k, c) { if (Array.isArray(g)) { for (var a = 0; a < g.length; a++) Ec(b, g[a], m, k, c); return null } m = Gc(m); return b && b[uc] ? b.kb.add(String(g), m, ! 0, Ia(k) ? !! k.capture : !! k, c) : Ic(b, g, m, ! 0, k, c) }, Nc = function (b, g, m, k, c) { if (Array.isArray(g)) for (var a = 0; a < g.length; a++) Nc(b, g[a], m, k, c); else (k = Ia(k) ? !! k.capture : !! k, m = Gc(m), b && b[uc]) ? (b = b.kb, g = String(g).toString(), g in b.ha && (a = b.ha[g], m = zc(a, m, k, c), -1 < m && (xc(a[m]), Array.prototype.splice.call(a, m, 1), 0 == a.length && (delete b.ha[g], b.Ca--)))) : b && (b = Jc(b)) && (g = b.ha[g.toString()], b = -1, g && (b = zc(g, m, k, c)), (m = -1 < b ? g[b] : null) && Oc(m)) }, Oc = function (b) { if ("number" !== typeof b && b && ! b.removed) { var g = b.src; if (g && g[uc]) Ac(g.kb, b); else { var m = b.type, k = b.ha; g.removeEventListener ? g.removeEventListener(m, k, b.capture) : g.detachEvent ? g.detachEvent(Lc(m), k) : g.addListener && g.removeListener && g.removeListener(k); Dc--; (m = Jc(g)) ? (Ac(m, b), 0 == m.Ca && (m.src = null, g[Bc] = null)) : xc(b) } } }, Lc = function (b) { return b in Cc ? Cc[b] : Cc[b] = "on" + b }, Mc = function (b, g) { if (b.removed) b = ! 0; else { g = new tc(g, this); var m = b.listener, k = b.y_ || b.src; b.m_ && Oc(b); b = m.call(k, g) } return b }, Jc = function (b) { b = b[Bc]; return b instanceof yc ? b : null }, Pc = "__closure_events_fn_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0), Gc = function (b) { if ("function" === typeof b) return b; b[Pc] || (b[Pc] = function (g) { return b.handleEvent(g) }); return b[Pc] }; var Qc = function () { pc.call(this); this.kb = new yc(this); this.Hqa = this; this.qB = null }; Oa(Qc, pc); Qc.prototype[uc] = ! 0; Qc.prototype.addEventListener = function (b, g, m, k) { Fc(this, b, g, m, k) }; Qc.prototype.removeEventListener = function (b, g, m, k) { Nc(this, b, g, m, k) }; Qc.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (b) { var g, m = this.qB; if (m) for (g = []; m; m = m.qB) g.push(m); m = this.Hqa; var k = b.type || b; if ("string" === typeof b) b = new rc(b, m); else if (b instanceof rc) b.target = b.target || m; else { var c = b; b = new rc(k, m); qb(b, c) } c = ! 0; if (g) for (var a = g.length - 1; ! b.Ca && 0 <= a; a--) { var n = b.currentTarget = g[a]; c = Rc(n, k, ! 0, b) && c } b.Ca || (n = b.currentTarget = m, c = Rc(n, k, ! 0, b) && c, b.Ca || (c = Rc(n, k, ! 1, b) && c)); if (g) for (a = 0; ! b.Ca && a < g.length; a++) n = b.currentTarget = g[a], c = Rc(n, k, ! 1, b) && c; return c }; Qc.prototype.Ca = function () { Qc.lS.Ca.call(this); if (this.kb) { var b = this.kb, g = 0, m; for (m in b.ha) { for (var k = b.ha[m], c = 0; c < k.length; c++) ++g, xc(k[c]); delete b.ha[m]; b.Ca-- } } this.qB = null }; var Hc = function (b, g, m, k, c) { return b.kb.add(String(g), m, ! 1, k, c) }, Rc = function (b, g, m, k) { g = b.kb.ha[String(g)]; if ( ! g) return ! 0; g = g.concat(); for (var c = ! 0, a = 0; a < g.length; ++a) { var n = g[a]; if (n && ! n.removed && n.capture == m) { var h = n.listener, d = n.y_ || n.src; n.m_ && Ac(b.kb, n); c = ! 1 !== h.call(d, k) && c } } return c && ! k.defaultPrevented }; var Sc = function (b) { try { return r.JSON.parse(b) } catch (g) { } b = String(b); if (/^\s*$/.test(b) ? 0 : /^[\],:{}\s\u2028\u2029]*$/.test(b.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/(?:"[^"\\\n\r\u2028\u2029\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)[\s\u2028\u2029]*(?=:|,|]|}|$)/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:[\s\u2028\u2029]*\[)+/g, ""))) try { return eval("(" + b + ")") } catch (g) { } throw Error("q`" + b); }; var Tc = function () { }; Tc.prototype.ha = null; Tc.prototype.getOptions = function () { var b; (b = this.ha) || (b = {}, Uc(this) && (b[0] = ! 0, b[1] = ! 0), b = this.ha = b); return b }; var Vc, Wc = function () { }; Oa(Wc, Tc); var Xc = function (b) { return (b = Uc(b)) ? new ActiveXObject(b) : new XMLHttpRequest }, Uc = function (b) { if ( ! b.Ca && "undefined" == typeof XMLHttpRequest && "undefined" != typeof ActiveXObject) { for (var g = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"], m = 0; m < g.length; m++) { var k = g[m]; try { return new ActiveXObject(k), b.Ca = k } catch (c) { } } throw Error("r"); } return b.Ca }; Vc = new Wc; var Yc = function (b, g) { this.ha = b[r.Symbol.iterator](); this.Ca = g; this.kb = 0 }; Yc.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }; Yc.prototype.next = function () { var b = this.ha.next(); return {value: b.done ? void 0 : this.Ca.call(void 0, b.value, this.kb++), done: b.done} }; var Zc = function (b, g) { return new Yc(b, g) }; var $c = function (b, g, m) { return b + m * (g - b) }; var ad = "StopIteration" in r ? r.StopIteration : {message: "StopIteration", stack: ""}, bd = function () { }; bd.prototype.next = function () { return bd.prototype.ha.call(this) }; bd.prototype.ha = function () { throw ad; }; bd.prototype.nT = function () { return this }; var gd = function (b) { if (b instanceof cd || b instanceof dd || b instanceof ed) return b; if ("function" == typeof b.next) return new cd(function () { return fd(b) }); if ("function" == typeof b[Symbol.iterator]) return new cd(function () { return b[Symbol.iterator]() }); if ("function" == typeof b.nT) return new cd(function () { return fd(b.nT()) }); throw Error("s"); }, fd = function (b) { if ( ! (b instanceof bd)) return b; var g = ! 1; return { next: function () { for (var m; ! g;) try { m = b.next(); break } catch (k) { if (k !== ad) throw k; g = ! 0 } return {value: m, done: g} } } }, cd = function (b) { this.ha = b }; cd.prototype.nT = function () { return new dd(this.ha()) }; cd.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return new ed(this.ha()) }; cd.prototype.kb = function () { return new ed(this.ha()) }; var dd = function (b) { this.Ca = b }; q(dd, bd); dd.prototype.ha = function () { var b = this.Ca.next(); if (b.done) throw ad; return b.value }; dd.prototype.next = function () { return dd.prototype.ha.call(this) }; dd.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return new ed(this.Ca) }; dd.prototype.kb = function () { return new ed(this.Ca) }; var ed = function (b) { cd.call(this, function () { return b }); this.Ca = b }; q(ed, cd); ed.prototype.next = function () { return this.Ca.next() }; var hd = function (b, g) { this.Ca = {}; this.ha = []; this.kb = this.size = 0; var m = arguments.length; if (1 < m) { if (m % 2) throw Error("t"); for (var k = 0; k < m; k += 2) this.set(arguments[k], arguments[k + 1]) } else if (b) if (b instanceof hd) for (m = b.uK(), k = 0; k < m.length; k++) this.set(m[k], b.get(m[k])); else for (k in b) this.set(k, b[k]) }; l = hd.prototype; l.BJ = function () { id(this); for (var b = [], g = 0; g < this.ha.length; g++) b.push(this.Ca[this.ha[g]]); return b }; l.uK = function () { id(this); return this.ha.concat() }; l.has = function (b) { return jd(this.Ca, b) }; l.clear = function () { this.Ca = {}; this.kb = this.size = this.ha.length = 0 }; l.delete = function (b) { return jd(this.Ca, b) ? (delete this.Ca[b], --this.size, this.kb++, this.ha.length > 2 * this.size && id(this), ! 0) : ! 1 }; var id = function (b) { if (b.size != b.ha.length) { for (var g = 0, m = 0; g < b.ha.length;) { var k = b.ha[g]; jd(b.Ca, k) && (b.ha[m++] = k); g++ } b.ha.length = m } if (b.size != b.ha.length) { var c = {}; for (m = g = 0; g < b.ha.length;) k = b.ha[g], jd(c, k) || (b.ha[m++] = k, c[k] = 1), g++; b.ha.length = m } }; l = hd.prototype; l.get = function (b, g) { return jd(this.Ca, b) ? this.Ca[b] : g }; l.set = function (b, g) { jd(this.Ca, b) || (this.size += 1, this.ha.push(b), this.kb++); this.Ca[b] = g }; l.forEach = function (b, g) { for (var m = this.uK(), k = 0; k < m.length; k++) { var c = m[k], a = this.get(c); b.call(g, a, c, this) } }; l.clone = function () { return new hd(this) }; l.keys = function () { return gd(this.nT( ! 0)).kb() }; l.values = function () { return gd(this.nT( ! 1)).kb() }; l.entries = function () { var b = this; return Zc(this.keys(), function (g) { return [g, b.get(g)] }) }; l.nT = function (b) { id(this); var g = 0, m = this.kb, k = this, c = new bd; c.ha = function () { if (m != k.kb) throw Error("u"); if (g >= k.ha.length) throw ad; var a = k.ha[g++]; return b ? a : k.Ca[a] }; c.next = c.ha.bind(c); return c }; var jd = function (b, g) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, g) }; var kd = function (b) { if (b.BJ && "function" == typeof b.BJ) return b.BJ(); if ("undefined" !== typeof Map && b instanceof Map || "undefined" !== typeof Set && b instanceof Set) return Array.from(b.values()); if ("string" === typeof b) return b.split(""); if (Ha(b)) { for (var g = [], m = b.length, k = 0; k < m; k++) g.push(b[k]); return g } g = []; m = 0; for (k in b) g[m++] = b[k]; return g }, ld = function (b) { if (b.uK && "function" == typeof b.uK) return b.uK(); if ( ! b.BJ || "function" != typeof b.BJ) { if ("undefined" !== typeof Map && b instanceof Map) return Array.from(b.keys()); if ( ! ("undefined" !== typeof Set && b instanceof Set)) { if (Ha(b) || "string" === typeof b) { var g = []; b = b.length; for (var m = 0; m < b; m++) g.push(m); return g } g = []; m = 0; for (var k in b) g[m++] = k; return g } } }, md = function (b, g, m) { if (b.forEach && "function" == typeof b.forEach) b.forEach(g, m); else if (Ha(b) || "string" === typeof b) Array.prototype.forEach.call(b, g, m); else for (var k = ld(b), c = kd(b), a = c.length, n = 0; n < a; n++) g.call(m, c[n], k && k[n], b) }; var nd = function (b, g) { this.kb = b; this.Bb = g; this.Ca = 0; this.ha = null }; nd.prototype.get = function () { if (0 < this.Ca) { this.Ca--; var b = this.ha; this.ha = b.next; b.next = null } else b = this.kb(); return b }; var od = function (b, g) { b.Bb(g); 100 > b.Ca && (b.Ca++, g.next = b.ha, b.ha = g) }; var qd = function (b, g) { ob(g, function (m, k) { m && "object" == typeof m && m.MT && (m = m.DT()); "style" == k ? b.style.cssText = m : "class" == k ? b.className = m : "for" == k ? b.htmlFor = m : pd.hasOwnProperty(k) ? b.setAttribute(pd[k], m) : 0 == k.lastIndexOf("aria-", 0) || 0 == k.lastIndexOf("data-", 0) ? b.setAttribute(k, m) : b[k] = m }) }, pd = { cellpadding: "cellPadding", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", colspan: "colSpan", frameborder: "frameBorder", height: "height", maxlength: "maxLength", nonce: "nonce", role: "role", rowspan: "rowSpan", type: "type", usemap: "useMap", valign: "vAlign", width: "width" }, rd = function (b, g) { g = String(g); "application/xhtml+xml" === b.contentType && (g = g.toLowerCase()); return b.createElement(g) }, sd = function (b) { this.ha = b || r.document || document }, td = function (b, g) { return rd(b.ha, g) }; var ud, vd = function () { var b = r.MessageChannel; "undefined" === typeof b && "undefined" !== typeof window && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener && ! x("Presto") && (b = function () { var c = rd(document, "IFRAME"); c.style.display = "none"; document.documentElement.appendChild(c); var a = c.contentWindow; c = a.document; c.open(); c.close(); var n = "callImmediate" + Math.random(), h = "file:" == a.location.protocol ? "*" : a.location.protocol + "//" + a.location.host; c = La(function (d) { if (("*" == h || d.origin == h) && d.data == n) this.port1.onmessage() }, this); a.addEventListener("message", c, ! 1); this.port1 = {}; this.port2 = { postMessage: function () { a.postMessage(n, h) } } }); if ("undefined" !== typeof b && ! x("Trident") && ! x("MSIE")) { var g = new b, m = {}, k = m; g.port1.onmessage = function () { if (void 0 !== m.next) { m = m.next; var c = m.cb; m.cb = null; c() } }; return function (c) { k.next = {cb: c}; k = k.next; g.port2.postMessage(0) } } return function (c) { r.setTimeout(c, 0) } }; function wd(b) { r.setTimeout(function () { throw b; }, 0) };var xd = function () { this.Ca = this.ha = null }; xd.prototype.add = function (b, g) { var m = yd.get(); m.set(b, g); this.Ca ? this.Ca.next = m : this.ha = m; this.Ca = m }; var Ad = function () { var b = zd, g = null; b.ha && (g = b.ha, b.ha = b.ha.next, b.ha || (b.Ca = null), g.next = null); return g }, yd = new nd(function () { return new Bd }, function (b) { return b.reset() }), Bd = function () { this.next = this.ha = this.Ca = null }; Bd.prototype.set = function (b, g) { this.Ca = b; this.ha = g; this.next = null }; Bd.prototype.reset = function () { this.next = this.ha = this.Ca = null }; var Fd = function (b, g) { Cd || Dd(); Ed || (Cd(), Ed = ! 0); zd.add(b, g) }, Cd, Dd = function () { if (r.Promise && r.Promise.resolve) { var b = r.Promise.resolve(void 0); Cd = function () { b.then(Gd) } } else Cd = function () { var g = Gd; "function" !== typeof r.setImmediate || r.Window && r.Window.prototype && ! x("Edge") && r.Window.prototype.setImmediate == r.setImmediate ? (ud || (ud = vd()), ud(g)) : r.setImmediate(g) } }, Ed = ! 1, zd = new xd, Gd = function () { for (var b; b = Ad();) { try { b.Ca.call(b.ha) } catch (g) { wd(g) } od(yd, b) } Ed = ! 1 }; var Hd = function (b) { if ( ! b) return ! 1; try { return !! b.$goog_Thenable } catch (g) { return ! 1 } }; var Jd = function (b) { this.ha = 0; this.le = void 0; this.Bb = this.Ca = this.kb = null; this.oc = this.Sc = ! 1; if (b != Fa) try { var g = this; b.call(void 0, function (m) { Id(g, 2, m) }, function (m) { Id(g, 3, m) }) } catch (m) { Id(this, 3, m) } }, Kd = function () { this.next = this.kb = this.Ca = this.Bb = this.ha = null; this.oc = ! 1 }; Kd.prototype.reset = function () { this.kb = this.Ca = this.Bb = this.ha = null; this.oc = ! 1 }; var Ld = new nd(function () { return new Kd }, function (b) { b.reset() }), Md = function (b, g, m) { var k = Ld.get(); k.Bb = b; k.Ca = g; k.kb = m; return k }; Jd.prototype.then = function (b, g, m) { return Nd(this, "function" === typeof b ? b : null, "function" === typeof g ? g : null, m) }; Jd.prototype.$goog_Thenable = ! 0; Jd.prototype.cancel = function (b) { if (0 == this.ha) { var g = new Od(b); Fd(function () { Pd(this, g) }, this) } }; var Pd = function (b, g) { if (0 == b.ha) if (b.kb) { var m = b.kb; if (m.Ca) { for (var k = 0, c = null, a = null, n = m.Ca; n && (n.oc || (k++, n.ha == b && (c = n), ! (c && 1 < k))); n = n.next) c || (a = n); c && (0 == m.ha && 1 == k ? Pd(m, g) : (a ? (k = a, k.next == m.Bb && (m.Bb = k), k.next = k.next.next) : Qd(m), Rd(m, c, 3, g))) } b.kb = null } else Id(b, 3, g) }, Td = function (b, g) { b.Ca || 2 != b.ha && 3 != b.ha || Sd(b); b.Bb ? b.Bb.next = g : b.Ca = g; b.Bb = g }, Nd = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = Md(null, null, null); c.ha = new Jd(function (a, n) { c.Bb = g ? function (h) { try { var d = g.call(k, h); a(d) } catch (e) { n(e) } } : a; c.Ca = m ? function (h) { try { var d = m.call(k, h); void 0 === d && h instanceof Od ? n(h) : a(d) } catch (e) { n(e) } } : n }); c.ha.kb = b; Td(b, c); return c.ha }; Jd.prototype.Af = function (b) { this.ha = 0; Id(this, 2, b) }; Jd.prototype.Pk = function (b) { this.ha = 0; Id(this, 3, b) }; var Id = function (b, g, m) { if (0 == b.ha) { b === m && (g = 3, m = new TypeError("v")); b.ha = 1; a:{ var k = m, c = b.Af, a = b.Pk; if (k instanceof Jd) { Td(k, Md(c || Fa, a || null, b)); var n = ! 0 } else if (Hd(k)) k.then(c, a, b), n = ! 0; else { if (Ia(k)) try { var h = k.then; if ("function" === typeof h) { Ud(k, h, c, a, b); n = ! 0; break a } } catch (d) { a.call(b, d); n = ! 0; break a } n = ! 1 } } n || (b.le = m, b.ha = g, b.kb = null, Sd(b), 3 != g || m instanceof Od || Vd(b, m)) } }, Ud = function (b, g, m, k, c) { var a = ! 1, n = function (d) { a || (a = ! 0, m.call(c, d)) }, h = function (d) { a || (a = ! 0, k.call(c, d)) }; try { g.call(b, n, h) } catch (d) { h(d) } }, Sd = function (b) { b.Sc || (b.Sc = ! 0, Fd(b.Xd, b)) }, Qd = function (b) { var g = null; b.Ca && (g = b.Ca, b.Ca = g.next, g.next = null); b.Ca || (b.Bb = null); return g }; Jd.prototype.Xd = function () { for (var b; b = Qd(this);) Rd(this, b, this.ha, this.le); this.Sc = ! 1 }; var Rd = function (b, g, m, k) { if (3 == m && g.Ca && ! g.oc) for (; b && b.oc; b = b.kb) b.oc = ! 1; if (g.ha) g.ha.kb = null, Wd(g, m, k); else try { g.oc ? g.Bb.call(g.kb) : Wd(g, m, k) } catch (c) { Xd.call(null, c) } od(Ld, g) }, Wd = function (b, g, m) { 2 == g ? b.Bb.call(b.kb, m) : b.Ca && b.Ca.call(b.kb, m) }, Vd = function (b, g) { b.oc = ! 0; Fd(function () { b.oc && Xd.call(null, g) }) }, Xd = wd, Od = function (b) { Sa.call(this, b) }; Oa(Od, Sa); Od.prototype.name = "cancel"; var Yd = function (b, g, m) { if ("function" === typeof b) m && (b = La(b, m)); else if (b && "function" == typeof b.handleEvent) b = La(b.handleEvent, b); else throw Error("w"); return 2147483647 < Number(g) ? -1 : r.setTimeout(b, g || 0) }; var Zd = /^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:([^\\/?#]*)@)?([^\\/?#]*?)(?::([0-9]+))?(?=[\\/?#]|$))?([^?#]+)?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#([\s\S]*))?$/, $d = function (b, g) { if (b) { b = b.split("&"); for (var m = 0; m < b.length; m++) { var k = b[m].indexOf("="), c = null; if (0 <= k) { var a = b[m].substring(0, k); c = b[m].substring(k + 1) } else a = b[m]; g(a, c ? decodeURIComponent(c.replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "") } } }; var ae = function (b) { Qc.call(this); this.headers = new hd; this.Jk = b || null; this.Bb = ! 1; this.Af = this.ha = null; this.Xw = ""; this.oc = this.Wt = this.Sc = this.Xs = ! 1; this.$aa = 0; this.Xd = null; this.HQ = ""; this.bba = this.xqa = ! 1 }; Oa(ae, Qc); var be = /^https?$/i, ce = ["POST", "PUT"], de = [], fe = function (b, g, m, k, c) { var a = new ae; de.push(a); g && Hc(a, "complete", g); a.kb.add("ready", a.Dsa, ! 0, void 0, void 0); ee(a, b, m, k, c) }; ae.prototype.Dsa = function () { this.Z6(); Wa(de, this) }; var ee = function (b, g, m, k, c) { if (b.ha) throw Error("x`" + b.Xw + "`" + g); m = m ? m.toUpperCase() : "GET"; b.Xw = g; b.Xs = ! 1; b.Bb = ! 0; b.ha = b.Jk ? Xc(b.Jk) : Xc(Vc); b.Af = b.Jk ? b.Jk.getOptions() : Vc.getOptions(); b.ha.onreadystatechange = La(b.uqa, b); try { b.Wt = ! 0, b.ha.open(m, String(g), ! 0), b.Wt = ! 1 } catch (n) { ge(b); return } g = k || ""; var a = b.headers.clone(); c && md(c, function (n, h) { a.set(h, n) }); c = a.uK().find(function (n) { return "content-type" == n.toLowerCase() }); k = r.FormData && g instanceof r.FormData; ! (0 <= Ua(ce, m)) || c || k || a.set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8"); a.forEach(function (n, h) { this.ha.setRequestHeader(h, n) }, b); b.HQ && (b.ha.responseType = b.HQ); "withCredentials" in b.ha && b.ha.withCredentials !== b.xqa && (b.ha.withCredentials = b.xqa); try { he(b), 0 < b.$aa && (b.bba = ie(b.ha), b.bba ? (b.ha.timeout = b.$aa, b.ha.ontimeout = La(b.OY, b)) : b.Xd = Yd(b.OY, b.$aa, b)), b.Sc = ! 0, b.ha.send(g), b.Sc = ! 1 } catch (n) { ge(b) } }, ie = function (b) { return bc && mc() && "number" === typeof b.timeout && void 0 !== b.ontimeout }; ae.prototype.OY = function () { "undefined" != typeof Ea && this.ha && (this.dispatchEvent("timeout"), this.abort(8)) }; var ge = function (b) { b.Bb = ! 1; b.ha && (b.oc = ! 0, b.ha.abort(), b.oc = ! 1); je(b); ke(b) }, je = function (b) { b.Xs || (b.Xs = ! 0, b.dispatchEvent("complete"), b.dispatchEvent("error")) }; ae.prototype.abort = function () { this.ha && this.Bb && (this.Bb = ! 1, this.oc = ! 0, this.ha.abort(), this.oc = ! 1, this.dispatchEvent("complete"), this.dispatchEvent("abort"), ke(this)) }; ae.prototype.Ca = function () { this.ha && (this.Bb && (this.Bb = ! 1, this.oc = ! 0, this.ha.abort(), this.oc = ! 1), ke(this, ! 0)); ae.lS.Ca.call(this) }; ae.prototype.uqa = function () { this.Pk || (this.Wt || this.Sc || this.oc ? le(this) : this.oza()) }; ae.prototype.oza = function () { le(this) }; var le = function (b) { if (b.Bb && "undefined" != typeof Ea && ( ! b.Af[1] || 4 != (b.ha ? b.ha.readyState : 0) || 2 != me(b))) if (b.Sc && 4 == (b.ha ? b.ha.readyState : 0)) Yd(b.uqa, 0, b); else if (b.dispatchEvent("readystatechange"), 4 == (b.ha ? b.ha.readyState : 0)) { b.Bb = ! 1; try { ne(b) ? (b.dispatchEvent("complete"), b.dispatchEvent("success")) : je(b) } finally { ke(b) } } }, ke = function (b, g) { if (b.ha) { he(b); var m = b.ha, k = b.Af[0] ? Fa : null; b.ha = null; b.Af = null; g || b.dispatchEvent("ready"); try { m.onreadystatechange = k } catch (c) { } } }, he = function (b) { b.ha && b.bba && (b.ha.ontimeout = null); b.Xd && (r.clearTimeout(b.Xd), b.Xd = null) }, ne = function (b) { var g = me(b); a:switch (g) { case 200: case 201: case 202: case 204: case 206: case 304: case 1223: var m = ! 0; break a; default: m = ! 1 } if ( ! m) { if (g = 0 === g) b = String(b.Xw).match(Zd)[1] || null, ! b && r.self && r.self.location && (b = r.self.location.protocol, b = b.substr(0, b.length - 1)), g = ! be.test(b ? b.toLowerCase() : ""); m = g } return m }, me = function (b) { try { return 2 < (b.ha ? b.ha.readyState : 0) ? b.ha.status : -1 } catch (g) { return -1 } }; var oe = function (b, g) { this.Sc = b; this.oc = g; this.ha = null; this.Pk = []; this.kb = null; this.Xd = this.Bb = this.le = ! 1; this.Af = []; this.Ca = null }, te = function (b, g) { if (pe && ! b.ha) { b.ha = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext); b.kb = b.ha.createGain(); b.kb.connect(b.ha.destination); for (var m in b.Sc) b.Sc[m].Sc = b.ha; for (var k in b.oc) qe(b.oc[k], b.ha, b.kb); b.ha.onstatechange = function () { re(b) }; re(b); se(b); Ec(g, ["click", "pointerup", "mouseup", "touchend"], function () { b.ha.resume(); se(b) }, ! 0) } }, re = function (b) { if ("running" == b.ha.state && ! b.Xd) { b.Xd = ! 0; for (var g = 0; g < b.Af.length; g++) b.Af[g]() } }, ue = function (b) { b.Ca = b.ha.createBufferSource(); var g = b.ha.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); b.Ca.buffer = g; b.Ca.connect(b.ha.destination); b.Ca.start(0); b = p(b.Pk); for (g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g() }, se = function (b) { b.ha && (null == b.Ca ? ue(b) : void 0 === b.Ca.playbackState ? ue(b) : b.Ca.playbackState !== b.Ca.PLAYING_STATE && b.Ca.playbackState !== b.Ca.FINISHED_STATE && ue(b)) }; oe.prototype.destroy = function () { this.ha.close(); this.ha = null }; oe.prototype.reset = function () { for (var b in this.Sc) this.Sc[b].kb = []; for (var g in this.oc) this.oc[g].stop() }; var we = function () { var b = ve; b.kb && b.kb.gain.setValueAtTime(0, b.ha.currentTime); b.le = ! 0 }, xe = function () { var b = ve; b.kb && b.kb.gain.setValueAtTime(1, b.ha.currentTime); b.le = ! 1 }, ye = function (b) { Promise.resolve(); b.Bb && b.ha.resume(); b.Bb = ! 1 }; oe.prototype.isMuted = function () { return this.le && !! this.kb && 0 == this.kb.gain.value }; var pe = ! ( ! window.AudioContext && ! window.webkitAudioContext) && !! window.GainNode, y = function (b, g, m, k) { this.le = b; this.Xd = g; this.Sc = m; this.Af = k; this.Ca = {}; this.Bb = this.oc = this.ha = this.kb = null; this.Pk = 0 }; y.prototype.clone = function () { var b = new y(this.le, this.Xd, this.Sc, this.Af); qe(b, this.ha, this.oc); return b }; var qe = function (b, g, m) { b.ha = g; b.oc = m }, ze = function (b) { if (b.ha) for (var g in b.Ca) { var m = b.Ca[g]; ! m.cqa && 1E3 * b.ha.currentTime > m.Gaa + b.Sc && delete b.Ca[g] } }, Ae = function (b) { ! b.kb && b.ha.createGain && (b.kb = b.ha.createGain()) }; y.prototype.play = function (b, g, m, k, c, a) { b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b; g = void 0 === g ? ! 1 : g; m = void 0 === m ? 0 : m; c = void 0 === c ? ! 1 : c; if ( ! this.ha || ! this.oc) return -1; ze(this); a = void 0 === a ? this.ha.currentTime + b / 1E3 : a; k || (k = this.ha.createBufferSource(), k.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(1, this.ha.currentTime)); Ae(this); this.Bb && k.connect(this.Bb); this.kb ? (this.Bb ? this.Bb.connect(this.kb) : k.connect(this.kb), this.kb.connect(this.oc)) : this.Bb ? this.Bb.connect(this.oc) : k.connect(this.oc); this.Bb = null; k.loop = g; try { k.buffer = this.le.le } catch (h) { return -1 } b = this.Xd / 1E3; var n = this.Sc / 1E3 / k.playbackRate.value; g ? (k.loopStart = b + (c ? m / 1E3 : 0), k.loopEnd = b + n, k.start(a, b + m / 1E3)) : k.start(a, b + m / 1E3, n); c = this.Pk++; this.Ca[c] = {node: k, Gaa: 1E3 * a - m, cqa: g}; return c }; var Be = function (b) { for (var g in b.Ca) { var m = b.Ca[g]; if (m && (m.cqa || ! (1E3 * b.ha.currentTime > m.Gaa + b.Sc))) return ! 0 } return ! 1 }; y.prototype.stop = function (b) { ze(this); if (void 0 !== b) { if (this.Ca[b]) { try { this.Ca[b].node.stop(0) } catch (m) { } var g = (1E3 * this.ha.currentTime - this.Ca[b].Gaa) % this.Sc; delete this.Ca[b]; return [g] } return [] } b = []; for (g in this.Ca) b = b.concat(this.stop(g)); return b }; var Ce = document.createElement("audio"), De = "function" === typeof Ce.canPlayType && "" != Ce.canPlayType("audio/mpeg") ? ".mp3" : ".ogg", Ee = function (b, g) { Qa.call(this, b + g + De); this.Sc = this.le = null; this.ha = 0 }; q(Ee, Qa); Ee.prototype.Bb = function () { var b = this, g = new Promise(function (k) { b.Ca ? k() : b.kb.push(k) }); if (0 != this.ha) return Promise.resolve(); //if (!this.Sc) return Promise.reject("Must call Audio.init before preloading audio."); if (!this.Sc) return Promise.resolve(); var m = new XMLHttpRequest; m.open("GET", this.oc, ! 0); m.responseType = "arraybuffer"; m.onload = function () { b.Sc.decodeAudioData(m.response, function (k) { k && (b.le = k, b.ha = 3, Ra(b)) }); b.ha = 2 }; m.send(); this.ha = 1; return g }; var Fe = function () { oe.call(this, z, A) }; q(Fe, oe); var z = {}; z.RU = new Ee(window.root, "archery"); z.BS = new Ee(window.root, "climbing"); z.bK = new Ee(window.root, "marathon"); z.nX = new Ee(window.root, "overworld"); z.vJ = new Ee(window.root, "pingpong"); z.cL = new Ee(window.root, "rugby"); z.iN = new Ee(window.root, "skate"); z.c1 = new Ee(window.root, "ballad"); z.K1 = new Ee(window.root, "disco"); z.j5 = new Ee(window.root, "rock"); z.xJ = new Ee(window.root, "shared"); var A = {}; A.yqa = new y(z.RU, 0, 666.6669921875, 0); A.zqa = new y(z.RU, 1666.6669921875, 187.5, 0); A.Aqa = new y(z.RU, 2854.1669921875, 187.5, 0); A.dba = new y(z.RU, 5541.6669921875, 19200.021484375, 0); A.Bqa = new y(z.RU, 4041.6669921875, 500, 0); A.c1 = new y(z.c1, 0, 55272.73046875, 0); A.d1 = new y(z.xJ, 0, 625, 0); A.Asa = new y(z.xJ, 1625, 1125, 0); A.kza = new y(z.BS, 0, 500, 0); A.jda = new y(z.BS, 1500, 500, 0); A.lza = new y(z.BS, 3E3, 500, 0); A.mza = new y(z.BS, 4500, 500, 0); A.nza = new y(z.BS, 6E3, 250, 0); A.kda = new y(z.BS, 7250, 19692.33203125, 0); A.bCa = new y(z.xJ, 11E3, 83.33300018310547, 0); A.K1 = new y(z.K1, 0, 62365.0625, 0); A.A2 = new y(z.xJ, 12083.3330078125, 83.33300018310547, 0); A.zfa = new y(z.nX, 4E3, 13500, 0); A.idb = new y(z.bK, 0, 125, 0); A.zOa = new y(z.bK, 2250, 125, 0); A.AOa = new y(z.bK, 3375, 125, 0); A.BOa = new y(z.bK, 1125, 125, 0); A.COa = new y(z.bK, 4500, 500, 0); A.DOa = new y(z.bK, 6E3, 125, 0); A.jdb = new y(z.bK, 7125, 250, 0); A.EOa = new y(z.bK, 8375, 187.5, 0); A.Cia = new y(z.bK, 9562.5, 18285.70703125, 0); A.Dia = new y(z.xJ, 13166.6669921875, 83.33300018310547, 0); A.H3 = new y(z.xJ, 3750, 250, 0); A.FOa = new y(z.xJ, 5E3, 250, 0); A.GOa = new y(z.xJ, 6250, 250, 0); A.kdb = new y(z.nX, 0, 1500, 0); A.uja = new y(z.nX, 2500, 500, 0); A.vja = new y(z.nX, 18500, 36324.33203125, 0); A.bWa = new y(z.vJ, 6511.5830078125, 105.29199981689453, 0); A.cWa = new y(z.vJ, 0, 96.91699981689453, 0); A.mdb = new y(z.vJ, 1096.9169921875, 96.91699981689453, 0); A.dWa = new y(z.vJ, 2193.8330078125, 133.375, 0); A.eWa = new y(z.vJ, 7616.875, 126.39600372314453, 0); A.fWa = new y(z.vJ, 8743.271484375, 180.22900390625, 0); A.Sja = new y(z.vJ, 9923.5, 21942.853515625, 0); A.ndb = new y(z.vJ, 3261.5830078125, 2250, 0); A.gWa = new y(z.vJ, 32866.35546875, 3518.2919921875, 0); A.hWa = new y(z.vJ, 37384.64453125, 1544.10400390625, 0); A.pdb = new y(z.xJ, 7500, 500, 0); A.$Za = new y(z.xJ, 9E3, 1E3, 0); A.j5 = new y(z.j5, 0, 57333.33203125, 0); A.qdb = new y(z.nX, 55824.33203125, 500, 0); A.a_a = new y(z.cL, 0, 500, 0); A.b_a = new y(z.cL, 1500, 1500, 0); A.rdb = new y(z.cL, 4E3, 250, 0); A.sdb = new y(z.cL, 5250, 2E3, 0); A.c_a = new y(z.cL, 8250, 500, 0); A.Rka = new y(z.cL, 12750, 22325.58203125, 0); A.d_a = new y(z.cL, 9750, 500, 0); A.e_a = new y(z.cL, 11250, 500, 0); A.r1a = new y(z.iN, 0, 250, 0); A.F5 = new y(z.iN, 1250, 500, 0); A.s1a = new y(z.iN, 2750, 250, 0); A.Kla = new y(z.iN, 8875.9580078125, 20210.521484375, 0); A.t1a = new y(z.iN, 4E3, 750, 0); A.tdb = new y(z.iN, 5750, 500, 0); A.u1a = new y(z.iN, 7250, 625.9580078125, 0); Ga(Fe); var Ge = "en ja af am ar az be bg bn bs ca cs da de el en-GB es es-419 et eu fa fi fil fr fr-ca gl gu hi hr hu hy id is it iw ka kk km kn ko ky lo lt lv mk ml mn mr ms my ne nl no pa pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sl sq sr sv sw ta te th tr uk ur uz vi zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW zu".split(" "); var Je = function (b) { var g = new Image; g.onerror = g.onload = g.onabort = function () { delete He[Ie] }; He[Ie] = g; g.src = "/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=doodle&cad=" + b + "&zx=" + Date.now(); Ie++ }, He = [], Ie = 0; var Ke = function (b, g) { this.kb = this.le = this.Bb = ""; this.Xd = null; this.Sc = this.Ca = ""; this.oc = ! 1; var m; b instanceof Ke ? (this.oc = void 0 !== g ? g : b.oc, Le(this, b.Bb), this.le = b.le, this.kb = b.kb, Me(this, b.Xd), this.Ca = b.Ca, Ne(this, b.ha.clone()), this.Sc = b.Sc) : b && (m = String(b).match(Zd)) ? (this.oc = !! g, Le(this, m[1] || "", ! 0), this.le = Oe(m[2] || ""), this.kb = Oe(m[3] || "", ! 0), Me(this, m[4]), this.Ca = Oe(m[5] || "", ! 0), Ne(this, m[6] || "", ! 0), this.Sc = Oe(m[7] || "")) : (this.oc = !! g, this.ha = new Pe(null, this.oc)) }; Ke.prototype.toString = function () { var b = [], g = this.Bb; g && b.push(Qe(g, Re, ! 0), ":"); var m = this.kb; if (m || "file" == g) b.push("//"), (g = this.le) && b.push(Qe(g, Re, ! 0), "@"), b.push(encodeURIComponent(String(m)).replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")), m = this.Xd, null != m && b.push(":", String(m)); if (m = this.Ca) this.kb && "/" != m.charAt(0) && b.push("/"), b.push(Qe(m, "/" == m.charAt(0) ? Se : Te, ! 0)); (m = this.ha.toString()) && b.push("?", m); (m = this.Sc) && b.push("#", Qe(m, Ue)); return b.join("") }; Ke.prototype.resolve = function (b) { var g = this.clone(), m = !! b.Bb; m ? Le(g, b.Bb) : m = !! b.le; m ? g.le = b.le : m = !! b.kb; m ? g.kb = b.kb : m = null != b.Xd; var k = b.Ca; if (m) Me(g, b.Xd); else if (m = !! b.Ca) { if ("/" != k.charAt(0)) if (this.kb && ! this.Ca) k = "/" + k; else { var c = g.Ca.lastIndexOf("/"); -1 != c && (k = g.Ca.substr(0, c + 1) + k) } c = k; if (".." == c || "." == c) k = ""; else if (-1 != c.indexOf("./") || -1 != c.indexOf("/.")) { k = 0 == c.lastIndexOf("/", 0); c = c.split("/"); for (var a = [], n = 0; n < c.length;) { var h = c[n++]; "." == h ? k && n == c.length && a.push("") : ".." == h ? ((1 < a.length || 1 == a.length && "" != a[0]) && a.pop(), k && n == c.length && a.push("")) : (a.push(h), k = ! 0) } k = a.join("/") } else k = c } m ? g.Ca = k : m = "" !== b.ha.toString(); m ? Ne(g, b.ha.clone()) : m = !! b.Sc; m && (g.Sc = b.Sc); return g }; Ke.prototype.clone = function () { return new Ke(this) }; var Le = function (b, g, m) { b.Bb = m ? Oe(g, ! 0) : g; b.Bb && (b.Bb = b.Bb.replace(/:$/, "")) }, Me = function (b, g) { if (g) { g = Number(g); if (isNaN(g) || 0 > g) throw Error("y`" + g); b.Xd = g } else b.Xd = null }, Ne = function (b, g, m) { g instanceof Pe ? (b.ha = g, Ve(b.ha, b.oc)) : (m || (g = Qe(g, We)), b.ha = new Pe(g, b.oc)) }, Xe = function (b) { var g = window.location; return (g instanceof Ke ? g.clone() : new Ke(g, void 0)).ha.get(b) }, Oe = function (b, g) { return b ? g ? decodeURI(b.replace(/%25/g, "%2525")) : decodeURIComponent(b) : "" }, Qe = function (b, g, m) { return "string" === typeof b ? (b = encodeURI(b).replace(g, Ye), m && (b = b.replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")), b) : null }, Ye = function (b) { b = b.charCodeAt(0); return "%" + (b >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (b & 15).toString(16) }, Re = /[#\/\?@]/g, Te = /[#\?:]/g, Se = /[#\?]/g, We = /[#\?@]/g, Ue = /#/g, Pe = function (b, g) { this.Ca = this.ha = null; this.kb = b || null; this.Bb = !! g }, Ze = function (b) { b.ha || (b.ha = new hd, b.Ca = 0, b.kb && $d(b.kb, function (g, m) { b.add(decodeURIComponent(g.replace(/\+/g, " ")), m) })) }; Pe.prototype.add = function (b, g) { Ze(this); this.kb = null; b = $e(this, b); var m = this.ha.get(b); m || this.ha.set(b, m = []); m.push(g); this.Ca += 1; return this }; var af = function (b, g) { Ze(b); g = $e(b, g); b.ha.has(g) && (b.kb = null, b.Ca -= b.ha.get(g).length, b.ha.delete(g)) }; Pe.prototype.clear = function () { this.ha = this.kb = null; this.Ca = 0 }; var bf = function (b, g) { Ze(b); g = $e(b, g); return b.ha.has(g) }; l = Pe.prototype; l.forEach = function (b, g) { Ze(this); this.ha.forEach(function (m, k) { m.forEach(function (c) { b.call(g, c, k, this) }, this) }, this) }; l.uK = function () { Ze(this); for (var b = this.ha.BJ(), g = this.ha.uK(), m = [], k = 0; k < g.length; k++) for (var c = b[k], a = 0; a < c.length; a++) m.push(g[k]); return m }; l.BJ = function (b) { Ze(this); var g = []; if ("string" === typeof b) bf(this, b) && (g = g.concat(this.ha.get($e(this, b)))); else { b = this.ha.BJ(); for (var m = 0; m < b.length; m++) g = g.concat(b[m]) } return g }; l.set = function (b, g) { Ze(this); this.kb = null; b = $e(this, b); bf(this, b) && (this.Ca -= this.ha.get(b).length); this.ha.set(b, [g]); this.Ca += 1; return this }; l.get = function (b, g) { if ( ! b) return g; b = this.BJ(b); return 0 < b.length ? String(b[0]) : g }; l.toString = function () { if (this.kb) return this.kb; if ( ! this.ha) return ""; for (var b = [], g = this.ha.uK(), m = 0; m < g.length; m++) { var k = g[m], c = encodeURIComponent(String(k)); k = this.BJ(k); for (var a = 0; a < k.length; a++) { var n = c; "" !== k[a] && (n += "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(k[a]))); b.push(n) } } return this.kb = b.join("&") }; l.clone = function () { var b = new Pe; b.kb = this.kb; this.ha && (b.ha = this.ha.clone(), b.Ca = this.Ca); return b }; var $e = function (b, g) { g = String(g); b.Bb && (g = g.toLowerCase()); return g }, Ve = function (b, g) { g && ! b.Bb && (Ze(b), b.kb = null, b.ha.forEach(function (m, k) { var c = k.toLowerCase(); if (k != c && (af(this, k), af(this, c), 0 < m.length)) { this.kb = null; k = this.ha; var a = k.set; c = $e(this, c); var n = m.length; if (0 < n) { for (var h = Array(n), d = 0; d < n; d++) h[d] = m[d]; n = h } else n = []; a.call(k, c, n); this.Ca += m.length } }, b)); b.Bb = g }; Pe.prototype.extend = function (b) { for (var g = 0; g < arguments.length; g++) md(arguments[g], function (m, k) { this.add(k, m) }, this) }; var cf = navigator.userAgent, df = new Ke(location.href), ef = "sdoodles" === document.documentElement.id, ff = function () { return "MacIntel" === navigator.platform && 1 < navigator.maxTouchPoints }, gf = function () { return cf.includes("iPad") || cf.includes("iPhone") || cf.includes("iPod") || ff() }, hf = function () { return cf.toLowerCase().includes("gsa") || cf.includes("GoogleApp") }, jf = function () { return hf() && gf() }, kf = function () { return gf() || cf.includes("Android") || cf.includes("Mobile") || cf.includes("Silk") || cf.includes("UCBrowser") || cf.includes("UCWEB") }; cf.includes("GT-I9300") && cf.includes("Chrome"); /* Gameblabla - Fullscreen hack */ /* Change it to 0 for windowed mode */ var lf = function () { return true // df.Ca.includes("/logos/") && df.Ca.includes(".html") }, nf = function () { return !! document.getElementById("fkbx") || mf() }, mf = function () { var b = df.ha.get("ntp"); return "1" === b || "2" === b }, of = function () { return "1" === df.ha.get("fpdoodle") && !! document.getElementById("fpdoodle") }, pf = function () { return !! document.querySelector("body#iframedoodle") }, qf = function () { return ! kf() && ! ef && ! nf() && ! of() && ! lf() }, rf = ff() && ! ef && ! nf() && ! of() && ! lf(); var sf = {}; var tf = function () { }, uf = function (b, g) { if (g !== sf) throw Error("A"); this.ha = b }; q(uf, tf); uf.prototype.toString = function () { return this.ha }; var vf = new uf("about:invalid#zTSz", sf); function wf(b) { if (b instanceof tf) if (b instanceof uf) b = b.ha; else throw Error("B"); else b = Kb(b); return b };var xf = function (b) { this.qbb = b }; function yf(b) { return new xf(function (g) { return g.substr(0, b.length + 1).toLowerCase() === b + ":" }) } var zf = [yf("data"), yf("http"), yf("https"), yf("mailto"), yf("ftp"), new xf(function (b) { return /^[^:]*([/?#]|$)/.test(b) })]; var Af = function (b, g) { for (var m = [], k = 1; k < arguments.length; ++k) m[k - 1] = arguments[k]; if (b) for (k = 0; k < m.length; k += 2) { var c = m[k], a = m[k + 1], n = b.style; n && c in n ? n[c] = a : c in b && (b[c] = a) } }, Bf = Date.now, Cf = function () { return self.performance.now() }, Df = ["Moz", "ms", "O", "webkit"], Ef = function (b, g, m) { if (b) { for (var k = p(Df), c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) b.style[c.value + g] = m; b.style[g.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + g.substr(1)] = m } }, Ff = ["", "moz", "ms", "o", "webkit"], Gf = function (b, g) { if ( ! b) return null; for (var m = p(Ff), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = k.value; var c = g; 0 < k.length && (c = g.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + g.substr(1)); k += c; if ("undefined" != typeof b[k]) return k } return null }, Hf = function (b, g) { if (g = (g = g && ! jf()) || mf()) Vb(b); else { g = window.top.location; var m = void 0 === m ? zf : m; a:{ m = void 0 === m ? zf : m; for (var k = 0; k < m.length; ++k) { var c = m[k]; if (c instanceof xf && c.qbb(b)) { b = new uf(b, sf); break a } } b = void 0 } g.assign(wf(b || vf)) } }, If = function () { return window.google && void 0 !== window.google.doodle ? window.google.doodle : null }, Jf = function (b, g) { var m = If(); return m && void 0 != m[b] ? m[b] : g }, Kf = function (b) { If() || (window.google.doodle = {}); window.google.doodle.pvc = b }, Lf = function (b, g) { b = Jf("doodle_args", {})[b]; return null != b ? b : g }, Mf = function () { return !! Lf("is_dogfood", ! 1) }, Nf = Jf("alt", ""), Of = Jf("hl", "en"), Pf = Jf("gl", ""), Qf = /^(ar|ckb|dv|he|iw|fa|nqo|ps|sd|ug|ur|yi|.*[-_](Adlm|Arab|Hebr|Nkoo|Rohg|Thaa))(?!.*[-_](Latn|Cyrl)($|-|_))($|-|_)/i.test(Of), Sf = function (b, g, m) { var k = Math.max(0, m - 230) + (document.querySelector("div.og-pdp") ? 36 : 12); Af(b, "width", g + "px", "height", m + "px"); Rf(k) }, Rf = function (b) { b += "px"; var g = document.getElementById("lga"); g && Af(g, "marginBottom", b); nf() || ((g = document.getElementById("searchform")) && Af(g, "transform", "translateY(" + b + ")"), b = new UIEvent("resize", { bubbles: ! 1, udb: ! 1, view: window, detail: 0 }), window.dispatchEvent(b)) }, Tf = null, Uf = null, Vf = null, Wf = function () { Vf || (window.google && window.google.kEI && window.google.kEI.length ? Vf = window.google.kEI : pf() && bf(df.ha, "ei") && (Vf = df.ha.get("ei"))); return Vf }, Xf = function () { if ( ! Tf) { var b = document.getElementById("hplogoved"); b ? Tf = b.getAttribute("data-ved") : pf() && bf(df.ha, "ved") && (Tf = df.ha.get("ved")) } return Tf }, Zf = function () { var b = Yf, g = new Ke("/"); g.ha.set("fpdoodle", "1"); g.ha.set("doodle", String(b)); Of && g.ha.set("hl", Of); Pf && g.ha.set("gl", Pf); Hf(g.toString(), ! 1) }; var Yf = Jf("id", "144867217"), Gb = new xb(vb, window.root+"kitsune_compiled_deferred_module.js"), $f = 1 / 30, ag = 1E3 * $f, bg = new createjs.Rectangle(0, 0, 960, 540), cg = ["PixelMplus10"], dg = void 0 != Xe("debug"), eg = [{TeamId: 0, GlobalScore: 32940, RecordCount: 590}, { TeamId: 1, GlobalScore: 30938, RecordCount: 510 }, {TeamId: 2, GlobalScore: 36028, RecordCount: 650}, {TeamId: 3, GlobalScore: 31865, RecordCount: 550}], fg = "archery climbing marathon pingpong rugby skate swim".split(" "), gg = new Map([["archery", 0], ["climbing", 1], ["marathon", 2], ["pingpong", 3], ["rugby", 4], ["skate", 5], ["swim", 6]]), hg = new Map([["blue", 0], ["red", 1], ["green", 2], ["yellow", 3]]), ig = ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow"]; var jg = function (b, g) { this.x = b; this.y = g }; jg.prototype.add = function (b) { return B(this.x + b.x, this.y + b.y) }; jg.prototype.sub = function (b) { return B(this.x - b.x, this.y - b.y) }; var kg = function (b, g) { return B(b.x * g, b.y * g) }, C = function (b) { return Math.sqrt(b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y) }, lg = function (b, g) { return 0 == C(b) || 0 == g ? B(0, 0) : kg(b, g / C(b)) }; jg.prototype.toJSON = function () { return {x: this.x, y: this.y} }; jg.prototype.toString = function () { return "vec2(x: " + this.x + ", y: " + this.y + ")" }; var B = function (b, g) { return "number" === typeof b && "number" === typeof g ? new jg(b, g) : new jg(b.x, b.y) }; var mg = {}, ng = function (b, g, m) { return g && b in g ? g[b] : m }, D = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; this.IC = ng("findable", b, ! 0) }, G = function (b, g) { if (b in mg) throw Error("C`" + b); mg[b] = g }; var og = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.RL = []; this.type = b.type || "normal"; this.Bx = b.team || "none" }; q(og, D); G("arrow", og); var pg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.tick = 1799; this.jC = this.bB = this.zx = 0 }; q(pg, D); G("archeryGame", pg); var qg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Pw = this.zN = 0; this.u_ = "normal"; this.ut = 0 }; q(qg, D); G("archeryPlayer", qg); var rg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.ut = this.Caa = this.Pw = this.zN = 0 }; q(rg, D); G("archeryChampion", rg); var sg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(sg, D); G("archeryHud", sg); var tg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.type = b.type; this.left = ! 1 }; q(tg, D); G("archeryTarget", tg); var ug = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.altitude = this.v_ = this.PL = NaN; this.acb = 16 }; q(ug, D); G("altitudeMeter", ug); var vg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(vg, D); G("groundBounds", vg); var wg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(wg, D); G("goalBounds", wg); var xg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(xg, D); G("obstacleBounds", xg); var yg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(yg, D); G("climbingHold", yg); var zg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.speed = b.speed || 1; this.sab = b.directionNormal || B(1, 0); this.distance = b.distance || 100; this.jS = null; this.hJ = 0 }; q(zg, D); G("movingClimbingHold", zg); var Ag = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.speed = b.speed || .5; this.gab = b.clockwise || ! 1; this.radius = b.radius || 25; this.start = b.start || 0; this.jS = null; this.hJ = 0 }; q(Ag, D); G("circlingClimbingHold", Ag); var Bg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.PL = NaN; this.$T = ! 1; this.CT = 0; this.Kab = 60; this.W_ = 0; this.mcb = 120 }; q(Bg, D); G("fallingClimbingHold", Bg); var Cg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Jab = 50; this.mY = ! 1; this.delay = 0; this.Rpa = 1 }; q(Cg, D); G("checkpoint", Cg); var Dg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.mode = "ground"; this.Y6 = ! 1; this.zY = 0; this.zaa = ! 1; this.d7 = 0; this.kC = this.DY = null; this.EL = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; this.D_ = null; this.b7 = 0 }; q(Dg, D); G("climber", Dg); var Eg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.state = 0 }; q(Eg, D); G("climbingCamera", Eg); var Fg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.KY = b.seconds || 0 }; q(Fg, D); G("clock", Fg); var Gg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Vpa = b.factor || B(0, 0); this.yY = ! 1; this.Daa = B(0, 0); this.Hpa = B(0, 0) }; q(Gg, D); G("parallax", Gg); var Hg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Hg, D); G("dialog", Hg); var Ig = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.next = null }; q(Ig, D); G("dialogOption", Ig); var Jg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Jg, D); G("dialogNext", Jg); var Kg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Kg, D); G("dialogAvatar", Kg); var Lg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Lg, D); G("joystick", Lg); var Mg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.fcb = b.positionMultiplier || 0 }; q(Mg, D); G("joystickControl", Mg); var Ng = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ng, D); G("actionButton", Ng); var Og = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Og, D); G("pauseButton", Og); var Pg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Pg, D); G("overworldButton", Pg); var Qg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Qg, D); G("closeButton", Qg); var Rg = function (b) { switch (b) { case "n": return "s"; case "s": return "n"; case "e": return "w"; case "w": return "e"; case "nw": return "se"; case "sw": return "ne"; case "ne": return "sw"; case "se": return "ne" } return null }; var Sg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Q_ = ! 0; this.eqa = this.vK = this.KQ = this.U_ = 0 }; q(Sg, D); G("marathonPlayer", Sg); var Tg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Tg, D); G("marathonHud", Tg); var Ug = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.tick = 0; this.LL = 1; this.UB = 0; this.$_ = 1 }; q(Ug, D); G("marathonMap", Ug); var Vg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Vg, D); G("marathonTile", Vg); var Wg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Wg, D); G("marathonSpeedLine", Wg); var Xg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.speed = b.speed; this.name = b.name; this.oab = b.cursorColor; this.nC = this.cursor = null }; q(Xg, D); G("marathonOpponent", Xg); var Yg = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Yg, D); G("marathonWaypoint", Yg); var Zg = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.aba = b.toSpawn || null; this.Dcb = b.spawnFrame; this.direction = b.direction }; q(Zg, D); G("marathonSpawn", Zg); var $g = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q($g, D); G("marathonObstacle", $g); var ah = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.start = b.start; this.end = b.end; this.width = b.width }; q(ah, D); G("marathonPath", ah); var bh = function (b, g, m) { return g >= b && g <= m || g <= b && g >= m }, ch = function (b, g, m) { return Math.max(b, Math.min(m, g)) }, dh = function (b, g) { return C(b.sub(g)) }, eh = function (b, g, m) { return b + (m - b) * g }, fh = function (b, g, m) { return (g - b) / (m - b) }, gh = function (b, g, m) { return b.add(kg(m.sub(b), g)) }, ih = function (b, g) { "number" != typeof b && (b = hh(b) || 0); "number" != typeof g && (g = hh(g) || 0); b = g - b; 180 < b ? b -= 360 : -180 > b && (b += 360); return b }, hh = function (b) { return b && 0 != C(b) ? (Math.atan2(b.y, b.x) + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) * 180 / Math.PI : NaN }, jh = function (b) { switch (b) { case "e": return 0; case "se": return 45; case "s": return 90; case "sw": return 135; case "w": return 180; case "nw": return 225; case "n": return 270; case "ne": return 315 } return NaN }, kh = function (b) { return "string" == typeof b ? jh(b) : hh(b) }, lh = function (b, g) { b %= 360; if (void 0 === g ? 0 : g) { if (bh(0, b, 45) || bh(315, b, 360)) return "e"; if (bh(45, b, 135)) return "s"; if (bh(135, b, 225)) return "w"; if (bh(225, b, 315)) return "n" } else { if (bh(0, b, 22.5) || bh(337.5, b, 360)) return "e"; if (bh(22.5, b, 67.5)) return "se"; if (bh(67.5, b, 112.5)) return "s"; if (bh(112.5, b, 157.5)) return "sw"; if (bh(157.5, b, 202.5)) return "w"; if (bh(202.5, b, 247.5)) return "nw"; if (bh(247.5, b, 292.5)) return "n"; if (bh(292.5, b, 337.5)) return "ne" } return null }, mh = function (b, g) { g = void 0 === g ? ! 1 : g; return "number" != typeof b ? lh(hh(b), g) : lh(b, g) }, nh = function (b) { b = b * Math.PI / 180; return lg(B(Math.cos(b), Math.sin(b)), 1) }, oh = function (b) { return "string" == typeof b ? nh(jh(b)) : nh(b) }, ph = function (b, g) { return b + Math.random() * (g - b) }, qh = function (b, g) { return Math.floor(ph(b, g)) }, rh = function (b) { if (0 != b.length) return b[qh(0, b.length)] }; var sh = !! self.localStorage; var th = function (b, g) { a:if (sh) { try { var m = window.localStorage.getItem("KITSUNE_" + b) } catch (k) { b = g; break a } b = null == m ? g : JSON.parse(m) } else b = g; return b }, uh = function (b, g) { if (sh) try { window.localStorage.setItem("KITSUNE_" + b, JSON.stringify(g)) } catch (m) { } }, vh = function () { var b = Object.keys(self.localStorage).filter(function (m) { return m.startsWith("KITSUNE_") }); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) self.localStorage.removeItem(g.value) }; var wh = { ad: ["ca"], ae: ["ar", "en", "fa", "hi", "ur"], af: ["ps", "fa"], ag: ["en"], ai: ["en"], al: ["sq", "en"], am: ["hy", "ru"], ao: ["pt-PT"], ar: ["es-419", "es"], as: ["en"], at: ["de"], au: ["en"], az: ["az", "ru"], ba: ["bs", "hr", "sr"], bd: ["bn", "en"], be: ["nl", "de", "en", "fr"], bf: ["fr"], bg: ["bg"], bh: ["ar", "en"], bi: ["fr"], bj: ["fr"], bn: ["ms", "en", "zh-CN"], bo: ["es-419", "es"], br: ["pt-BR", "en"], bs: ["en"], bt: ["en"], bw: ["tn", "en"], by: ["be", "ru"], bz: ["en", "es", "es-419"], ca: ["en", "fr", "fr-CA"], cd: ["fr", "sw"], cf: ["fr"], cg: ["fr"], ch: ["de", "en", "fr", "it"], ci: ["fr"], ck: ["en"], cl: ["es-419", "es"], cm: ["fr", "en"], cn: ["zh-CN"], co: ["es-419", "es"], cr: ["es-419", "en", "es"], cu: ["es-419", "es"], cv: ["pt-PT"], cy: ["en", "el", "tr"], cz: ["cs"], de: ["de", "en", "fr"], dj: ["fr", "ar", "so"], dk: ["da"], dm: ["en"], "do": ["es-419", "es"], dz: ["fr", "ar"], ec: ["es-419", "es"], ee: ["et", "ru"], eg: ["ar", "en"], es: ["es", "ca", "en", "eu", "gl"], et: ["am", "en", "so"], fi: ["fi", "sv"], fj: ["en"], fr: ["fr"], ga: ["fr"], ge: ["ka", "en"], gg: ["en", "fr"], gh: ["en"], gi: ["en", "es", "it", "pt-PT"], gl: ["da", "en"], gm: ["en", "wo"], gr: ["el"], gt: ["es-419", "es"], gy: ["en"], hk: ["zh-TW", "en", "zh-CN", "zh-HK"], hn: ["es-419", "es"], hr: ["hr"], ht: ["fr", "en", "ht"], hu: ["hu"], id: ["id", "en", "nl"], ie: ["en-GB", "ga"], il: ["iw", "ar", "en"], im: ["en"], "in": "en bn gu hi kn ml mr ne or pa ta te".split(" "), iq: ["ar", "en"], is: ["is", "en"], it: ["it", "en"], je: ["en", "fr"], jm: ["en"], jo: ["ar", "en"], jp: ["ja"], ke: ["sw", "en"], kg: ["ky", "ru"], kh: ["km", "en"], ki: ["en"], kr: ["ko"], kw: ["ar", "en"], kz: ["kk", "ru"], la: ["lo", "en"], lb: ["ar", "en", "fr", "hy"], lk: ["en", "si", "ta"], ls: ["st", "en", "zu"], lt: ["lt"], lu: ["de", "fr"], lv: ["lv", "lt", "ru"], ly: ["ar", "en", "it"], ma: ["fr", "ar"], md: ["ro", "ro-MD", "ru"], me: ["sr-ME", "bs", "sr"], mg: ["mg", "fr"], mk: ["mk"], ml: ["fr"], mm: ["my", "en"], mn: ["mn"], mt: ["mt", "en"], mu: ["en", "fr"], mv: ["en"], mw: ["ny", "en"], mx: ["es-419", "es"], my: ["en", "ms"], mz: ["pt-PT", "ny", "sn", "sw"], na: ["en", "af", "de"], ne: ["fr"], ng: ["en"], ni: ["es-419", "en", "es"], nl: ["nl", "en"], no: ["no", "nn"], np: ["ne", "en"], nr: ["en"], nu: ["en"], nz: ["en-GB"], om: ["ar", "en"], pa: ["es-419", "en", "es"], pe: ["es-419", "es"], pg: ["en"], ph: ["en"], pk: ["en", "pa", "ur"], pl: ["pl"], pn: ["en"], pr: ["es-419", "en", "es"], ps: ["ar", "en"], pt: ["pt-PT"], py: ["es-419", "es"], qa: ["ar", "en"], ro: ["ro", "de", "hu"], rs: ["sr", "sr-Latn"], ru: ["ru"], rw: ["en", "fr", "sw"], sa: ["ar", "en"], sb: ["en"], sc: ["crs", "en", "fr"], se: ["sv"], sg: ["en", "ms", "ta", "zh-CN"], si: ["sl"], sk: ["sk", "hu"], sl: ["en"], sm: ["it"], sn: ["fr", "wo"], so: ["so", "ar", "en"], sr: ["nl", "en"], st: ["pt-PT"], sv: ["es-419", "es"], td: ["fr", "ar"], tg: ["fr"], th: ["th", "en"], tj: ["tg", "ru"], tl: ["pt-PT", "en", "id"], tm: ["tk", "ru", "uz"], tn: ["ar", "fr"], to: ["en"], tr: ["tr"], tt: "en es es-419 fr hi zh-TW".split(" "), tw: ["zh-TW", "en"], tz: ["sw", "en"], ua: ["uk", "ru"], ug: ["en"], uk: ["en-GB"], us: ["en", "es", "es-419", "zh-CN"], uy: ["es-419", "es"], uz: ["uz", "ru"], vc: ["en"], ve: ["es-419", "es"], vi: ["en"], vn: ["vi", "en", "fr", "zh-TW"], vu: ["en", "fr"], ws: ["en"], za: ["en", "af", "st", "tn", "zu"], zm: ["en", "ny", "sn"], zw: ["en", "ny", "sn", "tn", "zu"] }; var xh = function (b) { if (b.EN && b.hasOwnProperty("EN")) return b.EN; var g = new b; return b.EN = g }; var yh = function () { this.ha = this.Ca = null }; yh.prototype.load = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = this; b = zh(this, b, g, m); if (null == b) return Promise.resolve(); var a = k + "messages." + b + ".nocache.json", n = new ae; n.HQ = "text"; return new Promise(function (h, d) { Hc(n, "success", function () { try { var e = n.ha ? n.ha.responseText : "" } catch (f) { e = "" } c.Ca = JSON.parse(e.substring(5)); h() }); Hc(n, "error", d); ee(n, a) }) }; var zh = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = g + "-" + m; if (k.includes(c)) return b.ha = g, c; if (g && k.includes(g)) return b.ha = g; if (m && wh[m]) for (g = p(wh[m]), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) if (m = m.value, k.includes(m)) return b.ha = m, b.ha; return k.includes("en") ? (b.ha = "en", b.ha) : b.ha = null }; var Ah = xh(yh), Bh = { en: 1, bn: .84, "en-GB": 1, de: 1, hi: .84, id: 1, mr: 1, ar: .84, es: .84, "es-419": .84, it: .84, ja: .84, ko: .84, nl: .84, "pt-BR": .84, "pt-PT": .84, th: .84, tr: .84, "zh-CN": .84, "zh-HK": .84, "zh-TW": .84 }, Ch; Ch = 0 <= Ua(["vi", "tr", "zh-HK", "zh-CN", "zh-TW"], Of); var Dh = function (b) { var g = b.split(""); b = b.substring(0, Math.min(b.length, 1)); for (var m = 1; m < g.length; m++) { if (g[m].match("[\u3400-\u9fbf]|[\u3000-\u303f]|[\u3040-\u309f]|[\u30a0-\u30ff]|[\uff00-\uffef]|[\u4e00-\u9faf]|[\u2605-\u2606]|[\u2190-\u2195]|[\u0e00-\u0e7f]")) { var k = 0 <= '\u3008\u300a\u300c\u300e\u3010\u3014\u3016$(\u00a3\u00a5\u00b7\u2018"\u301d\ufe59\ufe5b\uff04\uff08\uff0e\uff3b\uff5b\uffe1\uffe5'.indexOf(g[m - 1]), c = 0 <= '\u3009\u300b\u300d\u3015\u3017!%),.:;?]}\u00a2\u00b0\u00b7\u2019""\u2020\u2021\u203a\u2103\u2236\u3001\u3002\u3003\u3006\u301e\ufe5a\ufe5c\uff01\uff02\uff05\uff07\uff09\uff0c\uff0e\uff1a\uff1b\uff1f\uff01\uff3d\uff5d\uff5e'.indexOf(g[m]), a = g[m].match("[\u0e31-\u0e3a]|[\u0e47-\u0e4e]"); k || c || a || (b += "\u200a") } b += g[m] } return b }, Eh = function (b) { for (var g = 0; g < cg.length; g++) { var m = document.createElement("div"); m.textContent = "."; m.style.position = "absolute"; m.style.left = "0px"; m.style.top = "0px"; m.style.opacity = "0.01"; m.style.fontFamily = cg[g]; b.appendChild(m) } }, L = function (b, g) { g = void 0 === g ? "" : g; if ( ! Ah.Ca || void 0 === Ah.Ca[b]) return g ? g : b; try { if (null == Ah.Ca) throw Error("E"); for (var m = void 0 === Ah.Ca[b] ? "" : Ah.Ca[b], k = g = 0, c = ! 1, a = m.split(Bb), n = 0; n < a.length; n++) { var h = a[n]; zb.test(h) ? (g++, k++) : Ab.test(h) ? c = ! 0 : yb.test(h) ? k++ : Cb.test(h) && (c = ! 0) } b = 0 == k ? c ? 1 : 0 : .4 < g / k ? -1 : 1; return 1 == b ? "\u202a" + m + "\u202c" : -1 == b ? "\u202b" + m + "\u202c" : m } catch (d) { console.error("Incorrect translate id: " + b) } }; var Fh = new createjs.Rectangle(48, 108, 336, 405), Gh = new createjs.Rectangle(624, 108, 288, 405), Kh = function () { this.le = new Hh(this); this.oc = new Ih(this); this.Bb = new Jh(this); this.Xd = []; this.Af = [this.oc, this.le, this.Bb]; this.ha = B(0, 0); this.Sc = 0; this.Pk = null; this.kb = {}; this.Ca = {} }, Lh = function (b, g) { b.Xd.push(g) }, Mh = function (b) { b = p(b.Xd); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g() }; Kh.prototype.tick = function () { for (var b = this, g = p(this.Af), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) m.value.tick(); this.ha = B(0, 0); g = p(this.Af); for (m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) m = m.value, m.oc && (this.ha = this.ha.add(m.pZ())); 1 < C(this.ha) && (this.ha = lg(this.ha, 1)); m = mh(this.ha); m != this.Pk && (this.Sc = 0); this.Sc++; this.Pk = m; g = function (h, d) { b.Ca[h] = d && ! b.kb[h]; b.kb[h] = d }; var k = p([4, 5]); for (m = k.next(); ! m.done; m = k.next()) { var c = m.value, a = ! 1, n = p(this.Af); for (m = n.next(); ! m.done; m = n.next()) m = m.value, m.oc && m.ZB(c) && (a = ! 0); g(c, a) } g(0, -.1 > this.ha.x); g(1, .1 < this.ha.x); g(2, -.1 > this.ha.y); g(3, .1 < this.ha.y) }; var Nh = function () { this.oc = ! 0; this.ha = null }; l = Nh.prototype; l.pZ = function () { }; l.ZB = function () { }; l.tick = function () { }; l.enable = function () { this.oc = ! 0 }; l.disable = function () { this.oc = ! 1 }; var Ih = function (b) { Nh.call(this); var g = this; this.le = b; this.Ca = {}; this.kb = {}; Oh(this); Ph(this); this.Sc = { 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 65: "a", 87: "w", 68: "d", 83: "s", 32: " ", 13: "Enter", 27: "Escape", 8: "Backspace", 49: "1", 46: "Delete" }; this.Bb = {}; b = document.querySelector("#hplogo2"); b.addEventListener("keydown", function (m) { var k = m.which; if (null != g.ha) { m.preventDefault(); g.Sc[k] = m.key; if (k in g.kb) { m = g.kb[k]; var c = g.Ca[m].indexOf(k); g.Ca[m][c] = g.Ca[g.ha][0] } g.Ca[g.ha][0] = k; Oh(g); g.ha = null } else k in g.kb && (m.preventDefault(), g.Bb[k] = ! 0) }); b.addEventListener("blur", function () { for (var m = p(Object.keys(g.Bb)), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) g.Bb[Number(k.value)] = ! 1 }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function (m) { var k = g.ZB(4); m.which in g.kb && (m.preventDefault(), g.Bb[m.which] = ! 1); k && ! g.ZB(4) && Mh(g.le) }) }; q(Ih, Nh); var Ph = function (b) { b.Ca[2] = [38, 87]; b.Ca[3] = [40, 83]; b.Ca[0] = [37, 65]; b.Ca[1] = [39, 68]; b.Ca[4] = [32, 13]; b.Ca[5] = [8, 49, 46]; Oh(b) }, Oh = function (b) { b.kb = {}; for (var g in b.Ca) for (var m = parseInt(g, 10), k = p(b.Ca[m]), c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) b.kb[c.value] = m }; Ih.prototype.pZ = function () { var b = B(0, 0); this.ZB(0) && b.x--; this.ZB(2) && b.y--; this.ZB(1) && b.x++; this.ZB(3) && b.y++; 1 < C(b) && (b = lg(b, 1)); return b }; Ih.prototype.ZB = function (b) { for (var g in this.kb) if (g = parseInt(g, 10), this.kb[g] == b && this.Bb[g]) return ! 0; return ! 1 }; var Hh = function (b) { Nh.call(this); var g = this; this.Af = b; this.Xd = {}; this.Jk = Fh; this.Pk = Gh; this.le = B(120, 445.5); this.Sc = this.Bb = null; this.Ca = B(0, 0); this.kb = document.querySelector("#hpcanvas"); this.kb.addEventListener("touchstart", function (m) { return g.register(m) }); this.kb.addEventListener("touchmove", function (m) { return g.register(m) }); this.kb.addEventListener("touchend", function (m) { var k = ! 1; m = p(m.changedTouches); for (var c = m.next(); ! c.done; c = m.next()) c = c.value, delete g.Xd[c.identifier], c.identifier === g.Bb && (g.Bb = null), c.identifier === g.Sc && (g.Sc = null, k = ! 0); k && Mh(g.Af) }) }; q(Hh, Nh); Hh.prototype.register = function (b) { if (this.oc) for (var g = p(b.changedTouches), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) { m = m.value; var k = b; var c = m; k = (k = k || window.event) ? (c = c || k.targetTouches && k.targetTouches[0] || k.changedTouches && k.changedTouches[0]) && void 0 !== c.pageX ? [c.pageX, c.pageY] : void 0 !== k.clientX ? [k.clientX + ("rtl" == document.dir ? -1 : 1) * (document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || 0), k.clientY + (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0)] : void 0 !== k.pageX ? [k.pageX, k.pageY] : [0, 0] : [0, 0]; c = this.kb.getBoundingClientRect(); k[0] -= c.x; k[1] -= c.y; if (c.width < c.height) { var a = k[0]; k[0] = k[1]; k[1] = c.width - a } c = parseInt(this.kb.style.width, 10) / this.kb.width; k = B(k[0] / c, k[1] / c); this.Xd[m.identifier] = k; "touchstart" === b.type && (this.Jk.contains(k.x, k.y) && null === this.Bb ? (this.Bb = m.identifier, 1 < C(this.le.sub(k)) && (this.le = k)) : this.Pk.contains(k.x, k.y) && null === this.Sc && (this.Sc = m.identifier)) } }; Hh.prototype.tick = function () { this.Ca = B(0, 0); if (null !== this.Bb) { var b = this.Xd[this.Bb].sub(this.le); 15 <= C(b) && (this.Ca = kg(b.sub(lg(b, 10.5)), 1 / 45), 1 < C(this.Ca) && (this.Ca = lg(this.Ca, 1))) } }; Hh.prototype.pZ = function () { return this.Ca }; Hh.prototype.ZB = function (b) { if (4 == b) return null !== this.Sc; if (5 != b) { if (0 == b) return "w" == mh(this.Ca, ! 0); if (1 == b) return "e" == mh(this.Ca, ! 0); if (2 == b) return "n" == mh(this.Ca, ! 0); if (3 == b) return "s" == mh(this.Ca, ! 0) } return ! 1 }; var Qh = function (b, g) { this.type = b; this.eJ = g }; Qh.prototype.key = function () { return this.type + "_" + this.eJ }; var Rh = function (b) { return new Qh(0, b) }, Sh = function (b) { return new Qh(1, b) }, Jh = function (b) { Nh.call(this); this.Xd = b; this.Ca = {}; Th(this); this.le = 0; this.kb = B(0, 0); this.Bb = {}; this.Sc = {}; this.Sc[0] = {}; this.Sc[1] = {} }; q(Jh, Nh); var Th = function (b) { b.Ca[2] = [Rh(-2), Rh(-4), Sh(12)]; b.Ca[3] = [Rh(2), Rh(4), Sh(13)]; b.Ca[0] = [Rh(-1), Rh(-3), Sh(14)]; b.Ca[1] = [Rh(1), Rh(3), Sh(15)]; b.Ca[4] = [Sh(0)]; b.Ca[5] = [Sh(1), Sh(9)] }; Jh.prototype.tick = function () { for (var b = {}, g = p(navigator.getGamepads()), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) if (m = m.value, null != m) { for (var k = 0; k < m.buttons.length; k++) b[Sh(k).key()] = m.buttons[k].pressed ? 1 : 0; for (k = 0; k < m.axes.length; k++) { var c = m.axes[k], a = k + 1; b[Rh(a).key()] = 0; b[Rh(-a).key()] = 0; .2 < c ? b[Rh(a).key()] = c : -.2 > c && (b[Rh(-a).key()] = Math.abs(c)) } } if (null != this.ha) { g = this.ha; for (var n in b) if (.5 <= b[n] && .5 > this.Sc[n]) { for (var h in this.Ca) for (h = parseInt(h, 10), m = 0; m < this.Ca[h].length; m++) n == this.Ca[h][m].key() && (this.Ca[h][m] = this.Ca[g][0]); k = p(n.split("_")); m = k.next().value; k = k.next().value; this.Ca[g][0] = new Qh(parseInt(m, 10), parseInt(k, 10)); this.ha = null } this.le = 15 } this.Sc = b; if (0 < this.le) this.le--; else { h = this.ZB(4); this.Bb = {}; this.kb = B(0, 0); g = p([4, 5]); for (n = g.next(); ! n.done; n = g.next()) for (m = n.value, k = p(this.Ca[m]), n = k.next(); ! n.done; n = k.next()) n = n.value, n.key() in b && (this.Bb[m] = this.Bb[m] || !! b[n.key()]); h && ! this.ZB(4) && Mh(this.Xd); h = p(this.Ca[2]); for (n = h.next(); ! n.done; n = h.next()) n = n.value, n.key() in b && (this.kb.y -= b[n.key()]); h = p(this.Ca[3]); for (n = h.next(); ! n.done; n = h.next()) n = n.value, n.key() in b && (this.kb.y += b[n.key()]); h = p(this.Ca[0]); for (n = h.next(); ! n.done; n = h.next()) n = n.value, n.key() in b && (this.kb.x -= b[n.key()]); h = p(this.Ca[1]); for (n = h.next(); ! n.done; n = h.next()) n = n.value, n.key() in b && (this.kb.x += b[n.key()]); this.Bb[0] = -.2 > this.kb.x; this.Bb[1] = .2 < this.kb.x; this.Bb[2] = -.2 > this.kb.y; this.Bb[3] = .2 < this.kb.y } }; Jh.prototype.pZ = function () { return this.kb }; Jh.prototype.ZB = function (b) { return !! this.Bb[b] }; var Uh = function (b) { this.ha = this.duration = b; this.Ca = ! 0; this.loop = ! 1; this.O_ = null }; Uh.prototype.tick = function () { this.Ca && (this.ha--, 0 >= this.ha && (this.O_ && this.O_(), this.ha = this.duration, this.loop || (this.Ca = ! 1))) }; Uh.prototype.reset = function () { this.ha = this.duration; this.Ca = ! 0 }; var Vh = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.ha = ng("positionalDrawOrder", b, ! 0); this.currentFrame = 0 }; q(Vh, D); G("map", Vh); var Wh = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Tpa = b.drawOrder || 0 }; q(Wh, D); G("drawOrderOverride", Wh); var Xh = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Qw = b.pos || B(0, 0); this.Aab = b.ease || .6; this.speed = b.speed || 60; this.Baa = ! 0; this.viewport = null }; q(Xh, D); G("camera", Xh); var Yh = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.offset = b.offset || B(0, 0) }; q(Yh, D); G("cameraTarget", Yh); var Zh = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Zh, D); G("deleteOffScreen", Zh); var $h = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.aba = b.toSpawn || null; this.hJ = new Uh(b.duration); this.hJ.loop = ! 0 }; q($h, D); G("spawner", $h); var ai = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ai, D); G("randomize", ai); var M = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.velocity = b.velocity || B(0, 0); this.pC = b.zVelocity ? b.zVelocity : 0 }; q(M, D); G("velocity", M); var bi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.direction = b.direction || "s" }; q(bi, D); G("direction", bi); var ci = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ci, D); G("spritable", ci); var di = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(di, D); G("sprite", di); var ei = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ei, D); G("boundable", ei); var fi = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(fi, D); G("bounds", fi); var gi = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(gi, D); G("untraversable", gi); var hi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.tick = 0; this.uY = ng("frameCount", b, 0); this.Wpa = ng("frameDuration", b, 0); this.frames = [] }; q(hi, D); G("tileBackground", hi); var ii = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Qpa = b.deathFrame }; q(ii, D); G("ephemeral", ii); var ji = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.CY = b.mc || null }; q(ji, D); G("addFx", ji); var ki = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.CY = b.mc || null }; q(ki, D); G("removeFx", ki); var li = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.speed = ng("speed", b, 3) }; q(li, D); G("playerMovement", li); var mi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.speed = 0; this.n0 = b.targetPos || B(0, 0) }; q(mi, D); G("waypoint", mi); var ni = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.id = b.id || "" }; q(ni, D); G("translatable", ni); var oi = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(oi, D); G("cutscene", oi); var qi = function (b, g) { if ( ! g(b) && b.children && ! pi(b, gi)) { b = p(b.children); for (var m = b.next(); ! m.done; m = b.next()) qi(m.value, g) } }, pi = function (b, g) { if ( ! b.ec) return ! 1; if ( ! Array.isArray(g)) return b.ec.has(g) && b.ec.get(g).IC; g = p(g); for (var m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) { m = m.value; if (void 0 === m) throw Error("F"); if ( ! b.ec.has(m) || ! b.ec.get(m).IC) return ! 1 } return ! 0 }, ri = function (b, g) { var m = []; qi(b, function (k) { pi(k, g) && m.push(k) }); return m }, si = function (b, g) { qi(b, function (m) { if (pi(m, Mg)) return g(m) }) }, ti = function (b, g) { var m = []; b = p(b.children); for (var k = b.next(); ! k.done; k = b.next()) k = k.value, pi(k, g) && m.push(k); return m }, ui = function (b, g) { var m; qi(b, function (k) { if (pi(k, g)) return m = k, ! 0 }); return m }, vi = function (b, g, m) { return b.parent && 0 != m ? pi(b.parent, g) ? b.parent : vi(b.parent, g, m - 1) : null }; var xi = function (b, g) { b = ti(b, wi).filter(function (m) { return m.ec.get(wi).eventId == g }); return 0 < b.length ? b[0] : null }, wi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.HC = ! 1; this.eventId = ng("eventId", b, null); this.pK = "" }; q(wi, D); G("button", wi); var yi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.id = ng("id", b, null); this.lC = null; this.pK = ""; this.j_ = ! 0; this.C_ = ! 1 }; q(yi, D); G("menu", yi); var zi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.button = 4 }; q(zi, D); G("controlsMenuButton", zi); var Ai = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.order = b.order || 0 }; q(Ai, D); G("keyboardNav", Ai); var Bi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Jaa = 0 }; q(Bi, D); G("overworldPlayer", Bi); var Ci = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.name = b.name }; q(Ci, D); G("scenePortal", Ci); var Di = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.name = b.name }; q(Di, D); G("menuPortal", Di); var Ei = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Eaa = ! 1 }; q(Ei, D); G("region", Ei); var Fi = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Fi, D); G("interiorExit", Fi); var Gi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.R6 = 0; this.name = b.name; this.R_ = ! 1; this.fqa = b.node; this.node = "" }; q(Gi, D); G("npc", Gi); var Hi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.label = b.label }; q(Hi, D); G("ariaBillboard", Hi); var Ii = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Tbb = b.npc; this.node = b.node }; q(Ii, D); G("dialogTrigger", Ii); var Ji = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.name = b.name }; q(Ji, D); G("sceneTrigger", Ji); var Ki = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.name = b.name }; q(Ki, D); G("location", Ki); var Li = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Pcb = b.tileWidth; this.Ocb = b.tileHeight }; q(Li, D); G("repeatableTiles", Li); var Mi = function (b, g) { return B(Math.round(fh(b.Pa.x, g.x, b.Pa.x + b.Pa.width) * b.width), Math.round(fh(b.Pa.y, g.y, b.Pa.y + b.Pa.height) * b.height)) }, Ni = function (b, g) { return B(eh(b.Pa.x, g.x / b.width, b.Pa.x + b.Pa.width), eh(b.Pa.y, g.y / b.height, b.Pa.y + b.Pa.height)) }, Oi = function (b, g) { var m = g.Qw.x - b.Qw.x; b = g.Qw.y - b.Qw.y; return m * m + b * b }, $a = function (b, g) { return b.f - g.f }, Pi = function (b, g, m) { var k = void 0 === k ? 100 : k; var c = [g], a = [g], n = g; g.h = Oi(g, m); for (g = 0; 0 < a.length && g <= k;) { g++; var h = a.shift(); if (h == m) { n = h; break } h.closed = ! 0; var d = b, e = [], f = h.Qw.x, v = h.Qw.y; d.rm[f - 1] && d.rm[f - 1][v] && e.push(d.rm[f - 1][v]); d.rm[f + 1] && d.rm[f + 1][v] && e.push(d.rm[f + 1][v]); d.rm[f] && d.rm[f][v - 1] && e.push(d.rm[f][v - 1]); d.rm[f] && d.rm[f][v + 1] && e.push(d.rm[f][v + 1]); d.rm[f - 1] && d.rm[f - 1][v - 1] && e.push(d.rm[f - 1][v - 1]); d.rm[f + 1] && d.rm[f + 1][v - 1] && e.push(d.rm[f + 1][v - 1]); d.rm[f - 1] && d.rm[f - 1][v + 1] && e.push(d.rm[f - 1][v + 1]); d.rm[f + 1] && d.rm[f + 1][v + 1] && e.push(d.rm[f + 1][v + 1]); d = p(e); for (e = d.next(); ! e.done; e = d.next()) if (e = e.value, ! e.closed && 0 != e.type && (f = h.BN + dh(e.Qw, h.Qw), ! e.ha || f < e.BN)) { e.ha ? (v = Za(a, e), 0 <= v && Array.prototype.splice.call(a, v, 1)) : c.push(e); e.ha = ! 0; e.parent = h; e.h = e.h || Oi(e, m); e.BN = f; e.f = e.BN + e.h; if (e.h < n.h || e.h === n.h && e.BN < n.BN) n = e; f = Za(a, e); 0 > f && Xa(a, -(f + 1), 0, e) } } m = n; for (b = []; m.parent;) b.unshift(m), m = m.parent; c = p(c); for (m = c.next(); ! m.done; m = c.next()) m.value.clear(); return b }, Ri = function (b) { this.rm = []; this.nodes = []; for (var g = 0; g < b.length; g++) { this.rm[g] = []; for (var m = 0, k = b[g]; m < k.length; m++) { var c = new Qi(B(g, m), k[m]); this.rm[g][m] = c; this.nodes.push(c) } } }, Qi = function (b, g) { this.Qw = b; this.h = this.BN = this.f = 0; this.closed = this.ha = ! 1; this.parent = null; this.type = g }; Qi.prototype.clear = function () { this.h = this.BN = this.f = 0; this.closed = this.ha = ! 1; this.parent = null }; var Si = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.rm = []; this.Pa = this.DN = null; this.height = this.width = 0 }; q(Si, D); G("pathMap", Si); var Ti = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.end = this.start = this.target = null; this.nodes = []; this.path = [] }; q(Ti, D); G("pathfinder", Ti); var Vi = function (b, g) { b = b.ec.get(Ui); b.Gp && (b.Gp.collisionFilterMask = g) }, Xi = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.world = new CANNON.World; this.world.broadphase = new CANNON.NaiveBroadphase; this.world.gravity.set(0, 0, -400); this.world.solver.iterations = 40; this.Yaa = 4; this.ha = new Map; this.contacts = new Map; this.Ffa = new Map; this.kb = new CANNON.Material("groundMaterial"); this.Bb = new CANNON.Material("bodyMaterial"); this.ha.set("groundMaterial", this.kb); this.ha.set("bodyMaterial", this.Bb); b = { friction: 0, restitution: 0, contactEquationStiffness: 1E7, contactEquationRelaxation: 3 }; this.addContactMaterial("groundMaterial", "bodyMaterial", b); this.addContactMaterial("bodyMaterial", "bodyMaterial", b); this.Ca = new CANNON.Body({mass: 0, material: this.kb, collisionFilterGroup: 1, collisionFilterMask: 4}); this.Ca.addShape(new CANNON.Plane); this.world.addBody(this.Ca); Wi(this, "character", "bodyMaterial", {mass: 10, collisionFilterGroup: 4, collisionFilterMask: 7, linearDamping: .4}); Wi(this, "prop", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 0, collisionFilterGroup: 2, collisionFilterMask: 4, linearDamping: .4 }) }; q(Xi, D); var Wi = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = b.ha.get(m); c || (c = new CANNON.Material(m), b.ha.set(m, c)); k.material = c; b.Ffa.set(g, k); k.collisionFilterMask && k.collisionFilterGroup && k.collisionFilterMask & 1 && (b.Ca.collisionFilterMask |= k.collisionFilterGroup) }; Xi.prototype.addContactMaterial = function (b, g, m) { b = this.ha.get(b); g = this.ha.get(g); b && g && this.world.addContactMaterial(new CANNON.ContactMaterial(b, g, m)) }; G("cannonWorld", Xi); var Yi = function (b) { this.U6 = b; this.Iaa = [] }, Zi = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Zi, D); G("zSprite", Zi); var $i = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q($i, D); G("shadow", $i); var aj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.z = b.z || 0; this.KT = null }; q(aj, D); G("zObject", aj); var bj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.height = b.height || 100; this.shape = b.shape || "box" }; q(bj, D); G("zBoundable", bj); var Ui = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Gp = null; this.NT = ! 1; this.contacts = new Map; this.l_ = b.bodyId || "" }; q(Ui, D); G("collidable", Ui); var cj = function () { D.call(this); this.Taa = 1; this.DL = this.state = 0; this.sleep = ! 1; this.jU = ! 0; this.iS = null; this.vqa = ! 1 }; q(cj, D); G("pingpongBall", cj); var dj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.state = 0 }; q(dj, D); G("pingponger", dj); var ej = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.currentTarget = null }; q(ej, D); G("pingpongTarget", ej); var fj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(fj, D); G("pingpongPaddleBounds", fj); var gj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(gj, D); G("playerSide", gj); var hj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(hj, D); G("enemySide", hj); var ij = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this); this.eu = this.Dab = this.wp = this.MY = this.Haa = 0; this.dJ = ng("maxPoints", b, 30); this.ha = ng("maxBalls", b, 5); this.tY = 1E4 }; q(ij, D); G("pingpongGame", ij); var jj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(jj, D); G("pingpongCourt", jj); var kj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(kj, D); G("pingpongTable", kj); var lj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(lj, D); G("smoke", lj); var mj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(mj, D); G("flame", mj); var nj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(nj, D); G("superMoveBackground", nj); var oj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.nC = this.sB = null; this.V_ = 0; this.Aaa = B(0, 1); this.FC = []; this.iJ = []; this.Zpa = this.r0 = this.distance = this.Hf = this.tick = 0; this.Ppa = ! 1; this.LT = ! 0 }; q(oj, D); G("rugbyPlayer", oj); var pj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b) }; q(pj, D); G("rugbyAlly", pj); var qj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b) }; q(qj, D); G("rugbyObstacle", qj); var rj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.nC = null }; q(rj, D); G("rugbyBall", rj); var sj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.type = b.type; this.S6 = this.p_ = 0 }; q(sj, D); G("rugbyEnemy", sj); var tj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(tj, D); G("rugbyHud", tj); var uj = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.name = b.name }; q(uj, D); G("rugbyPowerup", uj); var vj = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(vj, D); G("rugbyEnd", vj); var wj = function (b, g) { b.visible != g && (b.visible = g, b.tickEnabled = g) }, xj = function (b) { pi(b, Vh) || qi(b, function (g) { g.Bb = null; g.kb = null }) }, yj = function (b, g) { return b.timeline ? void 0 !== b.timeline.resolve(g) : ! 1 }, zj = function (b) { return B(b.x, b.y) }, Aj = function (b, g) { b.x = g.x; b.y = g.y; xj(b) }, Bj = function (b, g) { b = b.localToLocal(0, 0, g); if (null == b) throw Error("G"); return B(b) }, Cj = function (b) { if (b.parent) return Bj(b, b.parent); throw Error("H"); }, Dj = function (b, g) { var m = b.getMatrix(null); null != g.x && (b.x = g.x + b.regX * m.a); null != g.y && (b.y = g.y + b.regY * m.d); xj(b) }, Ej = function (b) { return b ? b.ec && b.ec.has(Vh) ? b : null != b.parent ? Ej(b.parent) : null : null }, N = function (b) { var g = Ej(b); if (b.kb && g) return B(b.kb); if (g && (b.kb = Bj(b, g), b.kb)) return B(b.kb); throw Error("I"); }, Fj = function (b, g) { var m = Ej(b); null != m && (g = m.localToLocal(g.x, g.y, b.parent), null != g && Dj(b, B(g))) }, Ij = function (b, g, m, k, c) { m = void 0 === m ? 0 : m; k = void 0 === k ? ! 1 : k; c = void 0 === c ? ! 1 : c; b = b.ec.get(Xh).viewport; if (k) return k = Gj(g, c), k || (g = N(g), k = new createjs.Rectangle(g.x, g.y, 0, 0)), Hj(b, m).intersects(k); g = N(g); return Hj(b, m).contains(g.x, g.y) }, Jj = function (b) { return b.labels.map(function (g) { return g.label }) }, Lj = function (b, g) { var m = ! 0; m = void 0 === m ? ! 1 : m; if ( ! yj(b, g)) if ("ne" == g || "se" == g) if (yj(b, "e")) g = "e"; else return; else if ("nw" == g || "sw" == g) if (yj(b, "w")) g = "w"; else return; else return; Kj(b, g, m) }, Kj = function (b, g, m) { if ( ! b.gotoAndStop) return ! 1; if (b.currentLabel == g) return b.paused || (b.paused = ! 0), ! 1; if (void 0 === m || ! m || 1 != b.children.length) return b.gotoAndStop(g), ! 0; m = b.children[0]; var k = m.totalFrames, c = m.currentFrame, a = m.paused; b.gotoAndStop(g); b = b.children[0]; b != m && b.totalFrames == k && (a && b.gotoAndStop ? b.gotoAndStop(c) : b.gotoAndPlay && b.gotoAndPlay(c)); return ! 0 }, Nj = function (b, g, m, k) { return Kj(b, g, void 0 === k ? ! 1 : k) ? (Mj(m, b, ! 0, ! 0), ! 0) : ! 1 }, Oj = function (b, g, m) { if ( ! g) return null; a:if (m = void 0 === m ? ! 1 : m, void 0 === m ? 0 : m) m = b.getBounds(); else { if (b.ec && b.ec.has(ei) && (m = ui(b, fi))) { m = m.getTransformedBounds(); break a } m = null } if ( ! m) return null; var k = b.localToLocal(m.x, m.y, g); b = b.localToLocal(m.x + m.width, m.y + m.height, g); m.width = k.x < b.x ? b.x - k.x : k.x - b.x; m.height = k.y < b.y ? b.y - k.y : k.y - b.y; m.x = k.x < b.x ? k.x : b.x; m.y = k.y < b.y ? k.y : b.y; return m }, Gj = function (b, g) { g = void 0 === g ? ! 1 : g; if (b.Bb) return b.Bb.clone(); var m = Ej(b); return m ? (b.Bb = Oj(b, m, g), b.Bb) : null }, Rj = function (b, g, m) { b = Pj(g, b); var k = Q(g, Vh); b && k && (Qj(g, b, k), m && Fj(b, m)); return b }, Sj = function (b, g) { var m = void 0 === m ? null : m; var k = void 0 === k ? null : k; var c = Gj(b); if ( ! c) { c = N(b); if ( ! c) return ! 1; c = new createjs.Rectangle(c.x, c.y, 0, 0) } b = Gj(g); if ( ! b) { g = N(g); if ( ! g) return ! 1; b = new createjs.Rectangle(g.x, g.y, 0, 0) } m && (c = Hj(c, m)); k && (b = Hj(b, k)); return c.intersects(b) }, Tj = function (b) { return B(qh(b.x, b.x + b.width), qh(b.y, b.y + b.height)) }, Hj = function (b, g) { if (0 == g) return b; g = void 0 != g.left && void 0 != g.right && void 0 != g.top && void 0 != g.bottom ? g : { left: g, right: g, top: g, bottom: g }; b = b.clone(); b.x -= g.left; b.y -= g.top; b.width += g.left + g.right; b.height += g.top + g.bottom; return b }, Uj = function (b, g) { var m = b.timeline.duration; b.gotoAndStop(ch(0, Math.floor(g * (m - 1)), m - 1)) }, Vj = function (b, g) { return b.children.find(function (m) { return m.name === g }) }; var Wj = {name: "fakie", Hf: 100, multiplier: 1, text: "FAKIE", frame: null, actions: [], duration: 0}, Xj = {name: "hideAndSeek", Hf: 5E3, multiplier: 1, text: "Hide and Seek", frame: null, actions: [], duration: 0}, Yj = { name: "noseGrab", Hf: 100, multiplier: 1, text: "Nose Grab", frame: "nose_grab", actions: ["action"], duration: 10 }, Zj = function (b, g) { this.ha = b; this.actions = g }, bk = function (b, g) { var m = b.ec.get(ak), k = b.ec.get(M), c = b.ec.get(bi), a = b.ec.get(aj); this.type = g; this.Qw = N(b) || B(0, 0); this.direction = c.direction; this.z = a.z; this.velocity = B(k.velocity); this.pC = k.pC; this.TB = m.TB }, ak = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.CN = 2700; this.bx = this.IY = this.Hf = 0; this.TB = ! 0; this.Ca = this.Bb = this.sK = 0; this.ha = null; this.actions = []; this.a7 = ! 1; this.CK = []; this.oc = this.kb = 0 }; q(ak, D); G("skatePlayer", ak); var ck = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.ha = [] }; q(ck, D); G("skateHud", ck); var dk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.points = b.points; this.ha = b.respawn }; q(dk, D); G("skateCoin", dk); var ek = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ek, D); G("skateRail", ek); var fk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.z = b.z }; q(fk, D); G("skateRailMarker", fk); var gk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.active = ! 1 }; q(gk, D); G("skateChamp", gk); var hk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.direction = b.direction || 3; this.speed = b.speed }; q(hk, D); G("speedBoost", hk); var ik = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.speed = b.speed || 3 }; q(ik, D); G("bouncePad", ik); var jk = function (b) { return b.split(",").map(function (g) { return g.trim() }).filter(function (g) { return 0 < g.length }) }, kk = function (b) { return isNaN(b) ? "true" == b.toLowerCase() ? ! 0 : "false" == b.toLowerCase() ? ! 1 : "null" == b.toLowerCase() ? null : b : Number(b) }, lk = function (b) { return parseInt(b / 1800 % 60, 10) + ":" + parseInt(b / 30 % 60, 10).toString().padStart(2, "0") + "." + parseInt(b % 30 / 30 * 100, 10).toString().padStart(2, "0") }, mk = function (b, g) { if (b.length != g.length) return ! 1; for (var m = 0; m < b.length; m++) if (b[m] != g[m]) return ! 1; return ! 0 }; var nk = /\$[A-z_0-9]+/g, ok = function (b) { if ("" == b.trim()) return "true"; b = b.replace(/!(\$[A-z_0-9]+)/g, "(not $1)"); b = b.replace(/&&/g, " and "); b = b.replace(/\|\|/g, " or "); return b = b.replace(/null/g, "false") }, pk = function (b) { var g = Array.from(b.matchAll(nk), function (c) { return c[0] }), m = {}; g = p(g); for (var k = g.next(); ! k.done; k = g.next()) k = k.value, m[k] = th(k.replace("$", ""), ! 1); return !! exprEval.Parser.evaluate(b, m) }, qk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.conditions = []; this.nodes = []; for (var g = 1; 10 >= g; g++) { var m = b["condition" + g], k = b["node" + g]; k && (this.conditions.push(ok(m)), this.nodes.push(k)) } }; q(qk, D); G("storageNpc", qk); var rk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.conditions = []; this.frames = []; for (var g = 1; 10 >= g; g++) { var m = b["condition" + g], k = b["frame" + g]; k && (this.conditions.push(ok(m)), this.frames.push(k)) } }; q(rk, D); G("storageSprite", rk); var sk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.key = b.key.replace(/^(\$)/, ""); this.value = kk(b.value) }; q(sk, D); G("storageTrigger", sk); var tk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.key = b.key.replace(/^(\$)/, ""); this.value = kk(b.value) }; q(tk, D); G("storageOnAction", tk); var uk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Mpa = ok(b.condition) }; q(uk, D); G("conditionallyVisible", uk); var vk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.rqa = this.Faa = this.T6 = null; this.rab = this.RB = this.FL = this.zL = 0; this.currentFrame = -1 }; q(vk, D); G("clockState", vk); var wk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.rY = 0 }; q(wk, D); G("playbackState", wk); var xk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.type = null; this.time = -1; this.state = 0; this.Opa = ! 1; this.track = this.Ts = null }; q(xk, D); G("danceMoveArrow", xk); var yk = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(yk, D); G("redBg", yk); var zk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.yY = ! 1; this.GQ = this.sqa = this.ut = this.wp = 0; this.xL = new Map([[3, NaN], [1, NaN], [0, NaN], [2, NaN]]) }; q(zk, D); G("swimState", zk); var Ak = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.V6 = null }; q(Ak, D); G("player", Ak); var Bk = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Bk, D); G("champion", Bk); var Ck = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ck, D); G("oldMan", Ck); var Dk = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Dk, D); G("turtle", Dk); var Ek = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Ypa = null }; q(Ek, D); G("character", Ek); var Fk = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Fk, D); G("beatTarget", Fk); var Gk = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.tqa = jk(b.triggerComponent).map(function (g) { return mg[g] }); this.ex = []; this.bdb = ng("zMin", b, -1E5) - .1; this.adb = ng("zMax", b, 1E5) + .1 }; q(Gk, D); G("trigger", Gk); var Hk = function () { D.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Hk, D); G("triggerArea", Hk); var Ik = function (b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; D.call(this, b); this.Qcb = b.triggerFrame || null; this.Tcb = b.untriggerFrame || null }; q(Ik, D); G("jumpToFrameOnTrigger", Ik); var Jk = {}, Kk = function () { throw Error("J"); }; Kk.prototype.Npa = null; Kk.prototype.toString = function () { return this.ha }; var Lk = function () { Kk.call(this) }; Oa(Lk, Kk); Lk.prototype.iab = Jk; var Mk = function (b) { function g(m) { this.ha = m } g.prototype = b.prototype; return function (m, k) { m = new g(String(m)); void 0 !== k && (m.Npa = k); return m } }(Lk); var Nk = function () { var b = Mk(""); var g = td(Ta || (Ta = new sd), "DIV"); if (Ia(b)) if (b instanceof Kk) { if (b.iab !== Jk) throw Error("K"); b = Pb(b.toString(), b.Npa || null) } else b = Qb("zSoyz"); else b = Qb(String(b)); if (Sb()) for (; g.lastChild;) g.removeChild(g.lastChild); g.innerHTML = Ob(b); 1 == g.childNodes.length && (b = g.firstChild, 1 == b.nodeType && (g = b)); return g }; var Ok = [[{U: [], nodeName: "cabinet1", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Magic Cat Academy"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "cabinet2", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Pangolin Love" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "cabinet3", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Great Ghoul Duel"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "cabinet4", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "The Pony Express" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "cabinet5", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "The Doodle Fruit Games"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "cabinet6", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "The Pony Express" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "cabinet7", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Garden Gnomes" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "cabinet8", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "The Great Candy Cup"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "cabinet9", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Loteria" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "dome", V: "arcade", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "I've never seen games like this before..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "ufo", V: "arcade", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Wow, so many great prizes!" }], [{U: [{next: "rawr", text: null}], nodeName: "yarn", V: "arcade", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Yarn Master"}, { U: [], nodeName: "rawr", V: "arcade", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "This one looks fun!" }], [{U: [{next: "dotdotdot2", text: null}], nodeName: "banyanTree", V: "banyanTree", tags: {}, text: "..."}, { U: [], nodeName: "dotdotdot2", V: "banyanTree", tags: {}, text: "...leaf me alone." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "backBigCat1", V: "bigCat", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "(oh no, I think I'm going to lose!)" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "backBigCat2", V: "bigCat", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "I prefer this game to the other sports." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bigCat1", V: "bigCat", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Are you feeling...lucky?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bigCat2", V: "bigCat", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Please don't sit next to me." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bigCat3", V: "bigCat", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Have you beaten all 7 sports yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bigCat1", V: "bigCat1", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Are you feeling...lucky?" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "bigCat2", V: "bigCat2", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Please don't sit next to me."}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bigCat3", V: "bigCat3", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Have you beaten all 7 sports yet?" }], [{ U: [{next: "read", text: null}], nodeName: "bookKarasu", V: "bigKarasu", tags: {}, text: "Welcome to the Library" }, { U: [{next: "orelse", text: null}], nodeName: "read", V: "bigKarasu", tags: {}, text: "Read anything you like, but please don't take anything with you." }, {U: [], nodeName: "orelse", V: "bigKarasu", tags: {}, text: "(or else...)"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "blueBook", V: "blueBook", tags: {}, text: "THE BLUE TEAM: Stronger Every Day" }], [{ U: [{ next: "read", text: null }], nodeName: "bookKeepr", V: "bookKeeper", tags: {}, text: "Welcome to the Library" }, { U: [{next: "orelse", text: null}], nodeName: "read", V: "bookKeeper", tags: {}, text: "Read anything you like, but please don't take anything with you." }, {U: [], nodeName: "orelse", V: "bookKeeper", tags: {}, text: "(or else...)"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bookArcheryCombos", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "The Secret to Combos in Archery" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "bookBlue", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "THE BLUE TEAM: Stronger Every Day"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bookGreen", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "THE GREEN TEAM: Kappable of Anything" }], [{ U: [{next: "secret", text: null}], nodeName: "bookHiddenForest", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "The Four Team Leaders" }, { U: [{next: "leaders", text: null}], nodeName: "secret", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "Each team has a headquarters somewhere on the island..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "leaders", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "The Great Leaders of the Four Teams can be found there, but only if you are strong enough.." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bookMagicCat", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "Magic Cat Academy III: Momo's Revenge" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "bookRed", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "THE RED TEAM: Researching Victory"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bookTanookiCitySubway", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "Subway Guide to Tanooki City" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "bookTwoKappas", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "A Tale Of Two Kappas"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bookUnderwaterCastle", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "Underwater Castles: Myth or Marvelous?" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "bookYellow", V: "bookStore", tags: {}, text: "THE YELLOW TEAM: (content redacted)"}], [{ U: [{next: "cantgo", text: null}], nodeName: "catBoat", V: "catBoat", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "..." }, {U: [], nodeName: "dotdotdot2", V: "catBoat", tags: {}, text: "Empty Text"}, { U: [{next: "still", text: null}], nodeName: "cantgo", V: "catBoat", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I can't leave now..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "still", V: "catBoat", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "There are still Sports to win!!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "covenienceClerk1", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {}, text: "Welcome! Please let me know if you need any help." }], [{ U: [{next: "money", text: null}], nodeName: "freezer1", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, they have so many great sports drinks!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "money", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "...if only I had money." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hotFood1", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {}, text: "Hot Veggie Buns: Please ask attendant for assistance." }], [{ U: [{next: "healthy", text: null}], nodeName: "shelf1", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {}, text: "Green Tea Chips" }, { U: [], nodeName: "healthy", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "These sound healthy! But I'm not too hungry." }], [{ U: [{next: "spicy", text: null}], nodeName: "shelf2", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {}, text: "Instant Ramen - EXTRA spicy!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "spicy", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "...am I spicy enough to handle this?" }], [{ U: [{next: "hatebath", text: null}], nodeName: "shelf3", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {}, text: "Fur Shampoo - Keep your fur aerodynamic for maximum speed!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "hatebath", V: "convenienceStore1", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "That sounds useful, but I hate getting my fur wet!" }], [{ U: [{next: "books", text: null}], nodeName: "bookFox", V: "fox", tags: {}, text: "I used to think I was the Chosen One, but that was a long time ago." }, { U: [{next: "wonder", text: null}], nodeName: "books", V: "fox", tags: {}, text: "Now I'm happy just reading books." }, { U: [], nodeName: "wonder", V: "fox", tags: {}, text: "But sometimes I can't help but wonder what could have been..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "greenBook", V: "greenBook", tags: {}, text: "THE GREEN TEAM: Kappable of Anything" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "diffteam", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Hey you're not on Team Yellow... Stop staring at me!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "invisible", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "You can't see me because I'm invisible." }], [{ U: [{next: "beach", text: null}], nodeName: "running", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The Kijimuna all love running races together on the beach." }, { U: [], nodeName: "beach", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "But the beach has a lot of obstacles, be careful if you join them!" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "sameteam", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "You're on Team Yellow!"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "skateAllDay", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Skate all day!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "skater1", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the Skateboarding Dojo!" }], [{ U: [{next: "whereisthepark", text: "Where?"}], nodeName: "skater2", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "We have a secret skatepark, members only!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "whereisthepark", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Across the train tracks North of town. But SHHH don't tell anyone." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "spies", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The Yellow Team has spies everywhere..." }], [{ U: [{next: "joinYellow", text: "Join Yellow!"}, {next: "noThanks", text: "Nah."}, { next: "tellMeMore", text: "Who?" }], nodeName: "teamPickerYellow", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Pst, wanna join the super secret Team Yellow?" }, { U: [{ next: "followPath", text: null }], nodeName: "joinYellow", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "yellow"]}, text: "Welcome to Team Yellow! Your first assignment: find and defeat a Legendary Champion." }, { U: [{next: "mapShow", text: null}], nodeName: "followPath", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Follow the paths to find the Champions and play the sports." }, { U: [{next: "soSneaky", text: null}], nodeName: "mapShow", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["map"]}, text: "Or press ESC to use the map!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "soSneaky", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Good luck and stay sneaky out there!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "noThanks", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Ok, but shhhhhh, you never saw me!" }, { U: [{next: "joinYellow", text: "I'll Join!"}, {next: "noThanks", text: "No thanks."}], nodeName: "tellMeMore", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I'm an Inari, the trickster fox mascot of Team Yellow. Life's just more fun if you're sneaky." }], [{ U: [{next: "fanoff", text: null}], nodeName: "yoichi", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Captain Yoichi is the greatest archer in the world!" }, { U: [{next: "challengehim", text: null}], nodeName: "fanoff", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "He once shot a fan off the mast of a boat while on horseback, can you believe it??" }, { U: [], nodeName: "challengehim", V: "inari", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "One day I'll challenge him one-on-one but I don't think I'm strong enough yet." }], [{ U: [{next: "hiding", text: null}], nodeName: "inari1", V: "inari1", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Shhhhh!" }, { U: [{ next: "sneaky", text: null }], nodeName: "hiding", V: "inari1", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I'm hiding so the other teams don't see me." }, { U: [], nodeName: "join", V: "inari1", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "yellow"]}, text: "Welcome to the YELLOW TEAM! Shhhh" }, { U: [], nodeName: "nothanks", V: "inari1", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Ok, but don't tell anyone you saw me..." }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "I'll join."}, {next: "nothanks", text: "No thanks..."}], nodeName: "tellmemore", V: "inari1", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I'm an Inari, the trickster fox mascot of the Yellow Team. Life's just more fun if you're sneaky!" }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "Join!"}, {next: "nothanks", text: "No thanks."}, {next: "tellmemore", text: "Who?"}], nodeName: "sneaky", V: "inari1", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "But if you saw me you must be pretty sneaky, do you want to join our secret team?" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "diffteam", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "...no kappa..."}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "kappa", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa!" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "sameteam", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa \u2665"}], [{ U: [{ next: "how", text: null }], nodeName: "smart", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "My brothers sit by content in ignorance, and yet I, the Smart Kappa, must carry the burden of my intellegence alone." }, { U: [{next: "search", text: null}], nodeName: "how", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "The simple Kappa knows not the difficulties of intellect, the burden of existential dread." }, { U: [{next: "find", text: null}], nodeName: "search", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "I stare out at the vast abyss in front of me and wonder...is this really all there is? Sure it can't be this simple." }, { U: [], nodeName: "find", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "But listen to me, going on about nothing. Please, enjoy your games. You've no idea how lucky you really are." }], [{ U: [{next: "kappaJoin", text: null}], nodeName: "teamPickerGreen", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa." }, { U: [{next: "joinGreen", text: "Join Team Green."}, {next: "noThanks", text: "No."}, { next: "tellMeMore", text: "Who?" }], nodeName: "kappaJoin", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Join kappa?" }, { U: [{next: "followPath", text: null}], nodeName: "joinGreen", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "green"]}, text: "KAPPA! KAPPA!" }, {U: [], nodeName: "noThanks", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "K-kappa?"}, { U: [{ next: "joinGreen", text: "Join Green." }, {next: "noThanks", text: "No Thanks."}], nodeName: "tellMeMore", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa kappa kappa. Kappa? Kappa!! Kappa ka-PPA! kappa kappa. KAPPA!" }, { U: [{next: "mapShow", text: null}], nodeName: "followPath", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "(Follow the paths to find the Champions and play the sports.)" }, { U: [{next: "byeKappa", text: null}], nodeName: "mapShow", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["map"]}, text: "(Or press ESC to use the map!)" }, {U: [], nodeName: "byeKappa", V: "kappa", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa!"}], [{ U: [{ next: "recruit", text: null }], nodeName: "kappa1", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa." }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "Join Green!"}, {next: "nothanks", text: "No thanks?"}, { next: "tellmemore", text: "Kappa??" }], nodeName: "recruit", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa kappa?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "join", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "KAPPA! KAPPA!" }, {U: [], nodeName: "nothanks", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "k-kappa?"}, { U: [{ next: "join", text: "Join." }, {next: "nothanks", text: "NO!"}], nodeName: "tellmemore", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa kappa kappa. Kappa? Kappa!! Kappa ka-PPA! kappa kappa. KAPPA!" }], [{ U: [{next: "Sports", text: "Sports!"}], nodeName: "Start", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Hi there! What? Not a lot of Kappas where you're from? Well you look sort of out of place yourself. What brings you here?" }, { U: [{next: "TableTennis", text: "Table Tennis"}, {next: "Skiing", text: "Skiing"}], nodeName: "Sports", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "So you like sports eh? Lucky for you there's a sports tournament happening on this island. Got any favorite sports?" }, { U: [{next: "TableTennis2", text: null}], nodeName: "TableTennis", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Table tennis? I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing. Though if you want a sport that's a lot like tennis, I'd suggest ping pong." }, { U: [], nodeName: "Skiing", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "I have bad news for you. This island doesn't offer any skiing at the moment. Check back on www.google.com in 2 years." }, { U: [], nodeName: "TableTennis2", V: "kappa1", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "There's a guy EAST of here who's playing ping pong pretty passionately. You should challenge him!" }], [{ U: [{next: "momotaro", text: null}], nodeName: "beware", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The ogres of Oni Island love to play Rugby, no one can beat them." }, { U: [{next: "maybeJoin", text: null}], nodeName: "momotaro", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Today they are playing against Momotaro and his friends." }, { U: [], nodeName: "maybeJoin", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Maybe you can join them!" }], [{ U: [{next: "cannotreach", text: null}], nodeName: "climbing", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The great Fukuro, Champion of Climbing, awaits at the top of this mountain." }, { U: [{next: "imabird", text: null}], nodeName: "cannotreach", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "No matter how hard we try, none have been able to reach him." }, { U: [], nodeName: "imabird", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Even birds like me can't get close, who could possibly stand a chance??" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "diffteam", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Good luck with your other team..." }], [{ U: [{next: "yesa", text: "Yes!"}, {next: "noa", text: "Not really.."}], nodeName: "goodBooks", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Read any good books recently?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yesa", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Good work! Keep that mind sharp and the Red Team on top!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "noa", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Me either...please don't tell anyone." }], [{ U: [{next: "dancetogether", text: null}], nodeName: "otohime", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Princess Otohime lives in a beautiful underwater castle, you can see it from the red bridge west of here." }, { U: [], nodeName: "dancetogether", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "She welcomes all to join her in her sychronized swimming dances, but I could never keep up." }], [{ U: [{next: "yes", text: "Really?"}, {next: "no", text: "No way."}], nodeName: "research", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The Red Team's research is going well. did you know there are hidden sports all over the island?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "They say the real difficulties lie on the edges of this world. I think I'd rather stay at home!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "A doubtful mind will bear no fruit." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "sameteam", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Happy to have you with us on Team Red!" }], [{ U: [{next: "wonder", text: null}], nodeName: "smartKappa", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "I've heard there's a Kappa somewhere who can speak." }, {U: [], nodeName: "wonder", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "I wonder what it has to say..."}], [{ U: [{next: "joinRed", text: "Join Red!"}, { next: "noThanks", text: "Nah." }, {next: "tellMeMore", text: "Who?"}], nodeName: "teamPickerRed", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Salutations. A new student for Team Red?" }, {U: [], nodeName: "noThanks", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "..."}, { U: [{ next: "joinRed", text: "Join Red!" }, {next: "noThanks", text: "No thanks."}], nodeName: "tellMeMore", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "I'm a Karasu, the noble crow mascot of Team Red. Knowledge is the only path to victory!" }, { U: [{next: "followPath", text: null}], nodeName: "joinRed", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "red"]}, text: "A wise choice, welcome to Team Red. Your first assignment: find and defeat a Legendary Champion." }, { U: [{next: "mapShow", text: null}], nodeName: "followPath", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Follow the paths to find the Champions and play the sports." }, { U: [{next: "soSharp", text: null}], nodeName: "mapShow", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["map"]}, text: "Or press ESC to use the map." }, { U: [], nodeName: "soSharp", V: "karasu", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Stay sharp, I know you'll make Team Red proud." }], [{ U: [{next: "recruit", text: null}], nodeName: "karasu1", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Well well. A new student, I presume?" }, { U: [{next: "study", text: null}], nodeName: "recruit", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Knowledge is the only path to victory. The RED TEAM is dedicated to the studying the games through participation and domination." }, { U: [], nodeName: "join", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "red"]}, text: "Welcome to the RED TEAM! Let the learning begin!" }, {U: [], nodeName: "nothanks", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "..."}, { U: [{ next: "balance", text: null }], nodeName: "tellmemore", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "I'm a Karasu, the noble crow mascot of the Red Team." }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "Join Red!"}, {next: "nothanks", text: "No thanks."}, { next: "tellmemore", text: "Who?" }], nodeName: "study", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Do you want to join our altruistic academic pursuit?" }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "Join!"}, {next: "nothanks", text: "No thanks."}], nodeName: "balance", V: "karasu1", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "We believe winning them could unlock the key to restoring balance to Champion Island. Are you ready to join us in academic glory?" }], [{ U: [{next: "banyandtree", text: null}], nodeName: "marathonDojo", V: "kijimuna", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "All the other sports have dojos, but the kijimuna would rather be outside running than in some stuffy building." }, { U: [], nodeName: "banyandtree", V: "kijimuna", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Closest thing we have is the big banyan tree we all like to hang out it. You can get to any part of the beach from it!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "treeFriend", V: "kijimuna", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "They say The Chosen One can hear the banyan tree speak..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "waterRun", V: "kijimuna", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Just hearing the ocean waves makes me want to go for a run!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "koma1", V: "koma1", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Head North to play the games!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "house", V: "koma1", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Find the Red Gate if you want to play the games!" }], [{ U: [{next: "explore", text: null}], nodeName: "koma1tanooki", V: "koma1tanooki", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Tanooki City!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "explore", V: "koma1tanooki", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "There's lots to see here, you should explore!" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "koma2", V: "koma2", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Head North to play the games!"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "house", V: "koma2", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "The sports are outside, go find the Red Gates to play!" }], [{ U: [{next: "meet", text: null}], nodeName: "koma2tanooki", V: "koma2tanooki", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Tanooki City is the largest city on the island." }, { U: [], nodeName: "meet", V: "koma2tanooki", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "The Grand Champion Tanooki sits in the Dojo at the center of the city." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "firstTime", V: "leaderboard", tags: { W: ["koma2Neutral"], zd: ["LEADERBOARD_FIRST", ! 0] }, text: "Join a team to see the Leaderboard!" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "leaderboard", V: "leaderboard", tags: {}, text: "Leaderboard coming soon!"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "archery", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Archery: Lucky the Cat'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "climb", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Climbing: Lucky the Cat'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "marathon", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Marathon: Lucky the Cat'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "pingpong", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Table Tennis: Lucky the Cat'" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "rugby", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Rugby: Lucky the Cat'"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "skate", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Skateboarding: Lucky the Cat'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "swim", V: "luckystatue", tags: {}, text: "'Grand Champion of Synchronized Swimming: Lucky the Cat'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hotSpring1", V: "monkey", tags: {W: ["littleMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "My doctor says the natural hot springs of Champion Island are the perfect remedy for my aching bones..." }], [{ U: [{next: "cantRemember", text: null}], nodeName: "hotSpring2", V: "monkey", tags: {W: ["littleMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "I was passing through and decided to take a quick dip..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "cantRemember", V: "monkey", tags: {W: ["littleMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "I can't remember where I was supposed to be going." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hotSpring3", V: "monkey", tags: {W: ["littleMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "A new Champion already? Goodness, time flies when you're soaking in a hot bath..." }], [{ U: [{next: "tooComfy", text: null}], nodeName: "hotSpring4", V: "monkey", tags: {W: ["littleMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "I thought I heard a big explosion just now..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "tooComfy", V: "monkey", tags: {W: ["littleMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "...I was too comfortable to go check, though." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "blueOniChampion", V: "oni", tags: {W: ["blueOniNeutral"]}, text: "You really think you can defeat us? Hahaha." }], [{ U: [{next: "rematch", text: null}], nodeName: "blueOniChampionBeaten", V: "oni", tags: {W: ["blueOniNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro won? This can't be!!" }, {U: [], nodeName: "rematch", V: "oni", tags: {W: ["blueOniNeutral"]}, text: "We demand a rematch!!"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "redOniChampion", V: "oni", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro and his friends are no match for the Oni! Look how big we are!!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "redOniChampionBeaten", V: "oni", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "Oni...lost?? How can this be? We are so much bigger than you!" }], [{ U: [{next: "activehurry", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Find me 5 Blue Arrows and then bring them back here!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "activehurry", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "And be quick about it! The sun is starting to set!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Search the North West Docks for five blue arrows! And you better hurry, sunset is approaching, hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bluearrow1", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "blue1"]}, text: "A blue arrow! That's one, four to go." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bluearrow2", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "blue2"]}, text: "Another blue arrow! Two down, three to go." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bluearrow3", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "blue3"]}, text: "Another blue arrow! Three down, two to go." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bluearrow4", V: "questArrows", tags: { W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "blue4"] }, text: "Another blue arrow! That's four, I just need one more!" }], [{ U: [{next: "bettertake", text: null}], nodeName: "bluearrow5", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "At last! Five blue arrows!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "bettertake", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "found"]}, text: "Better take them all back to that arrow collector, he seemed to really want them." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Thank you for your service, Lucky. Yoichi will be an even stronger champion now!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Royal Arrow Collector Intern"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "yoichiProud", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Oh! Five blue arrows, and so fast!" }, { U: [{next: "dotdotdot", text: null}], nodeName: "yoichiProud", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Yoichi will be so proud of me!" }, { U: [{next: "imeanus", text: null}], nodeName: "dotdotdot", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "thankyouservice", text: null}], nodeName: "imeanus", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Us! I mean us, of course!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thankyouservice", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "complete"]}, text: "Thank you for your service, Lucky. Yoichi will be an even stronger champion now!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've found all five blue arrows, just take them back to the Royal Arrow Collector to collect your reward, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "whatWrong", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Arrows... arrows everywhere..." }, { U: [{ next: "lookAround", text: null }], nodeName: "whatWrong", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Are you ok?" }, { U: [{next: "cleanUp", text: null}], nodeName: "lookAround", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Of course not!! Look around, there are arrows everywhere! What a mess!" }, { U: [{next: "noTime", text: null}], nodeName: "cleanUp", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "I am the Royal Arrow Collector. Yoichi trusts me to collect all the arrows and bring them to him for target practice..." }, { U: [{next: "help", text: "Help"}, {next: "sorry", text: "Sorry"}], nodeName: "noTime", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "But there are too many! I'll never get them all in time!" }, { U: [{next: "you", text: null}], nodeName: "help", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I can help you collect them!" }, { U: [{next: "iHavent", text: null}], nodeName: "you", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "You? You look like you've never picked up an arrow in your life..." }, { U: [{ next: "veryWell", text: null }], nodeName: "iHavent", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "Well thats probably because I haven't. But I'm willing to learn." }, { U: [{next: "hurryUp", text: null}], nodeName: "veryWell", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "Very well, I suppose I've no choice. Find me 5 Blue Arrows and then bring them back here!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "hurryUp", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"], zd: ["ARROWS", "active"]}, text: "And be quick about it! The sun is starting to set!" }, { U: [{next: "noIdea", text: null}], nodeName: "sorry", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Sorry, that sounds like quite the problem" }, { U: [], nodeName: "noIdea", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["arrowCollectorNeutral"]}, text: "You've no idea...how can I do it all alone..." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "The Royal Arrow Collector in the North West Docks is running behind schedule. Maybe a swift little cat can help, hee hee." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questArrows", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "LetUsDown", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayKidSad"]}, text: "There's still no Super Mountain Girl..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "LetUsDown", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayMomNeutral"]}, text: "Don't worry dear, the Champion won't let us down..." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Super Mountain Girl was last seen in the mountains, investigating trees...how odd. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "YouWereRight", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayKidHappy"]}, text: "Wow!! Super Mountain Girl! You're the best!!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "YouWereRight", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["superMountainGirlNeutral"]}, text: "I couldn't have done it without you Lucky, you really ARE the Champion!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Super Mountain Rescue'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "check", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished! Keep going!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "check", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Check to see if Super Mountain Girl made it to the party safely!" }], [{ U: [{next: "mom response", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayKidSad"]}, text: "Mom! Where is Super Mountain Girl?!" }, { U: [{next: "kid whining", text: null}], nodeName: "mom response", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayMomNeutral"]}, text: "She'll be here soon, honey..." }, { U: [{next: "mom to lucky", text: null}], nodeName: "kid whining", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayKidSad"]}, text: "I WANT SUPER MOUNTAIN GIRL NOW!" }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "I'm busy, sorry."}], nodeName: "mom to lucky", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayMomNeutral"]}, text: "Excuse me! You're the champion right? Could you go look for Super Mountain Girl? She was supposed to perform at my son's birthday party an hour ago..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayMomNeutral"], zd: ["BIRTHDAY", "active"]}, text: "Oh thank you!! She has a purple and gold uniform." }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["birthdayMomNeutral"]}, text: "I guess we'll just have to make do without her... don't worry sweetie..." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw plans for a big Birthday Party in the northern Mountains, but something is wrong..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "SMG response", text: null}], nodeName: "superMountainGirl", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Excuse me, are you Super Mountain Girl?" }, { U: [{next: "LuckyResponse", text: null}], nodeName: "SMG response", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["superMountainGirlNeutral"]}, text: "Um... no." }, { U: [{next: "SMG confesses", text: null}], nodeName: "LuckyResponse", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "Really?" }, { U: [{next: "SMG continues", text: null}], nodeName: "SMG confesses", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["superMountainGirlNeutral"]}, text: "Please don't make me go to the party! I'm just a babysitter." }, { U: [{next: "SMG happy", text: null}], nodeName: "lucky reassures", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Being a hero doesn't mean you're not afraid... It means you'll show up even if you're scared!" }, { U: [{next: "SMG heads out", text: null}], nodeName: "SMG happy", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["superMountainGirlNeutral"]}, text: "You know what... you're right. Seems like Super Mountain Girl has a thing or two to learn from you." }, { U: [{next: "lucky reassures", text: null}], nodeName: "SMG continues", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["superMountainGirlNeutral"]}, text: "I'm not a real hero. The kids are going to hate me." }, { U: [], nodeName: "SMG heads out", V: "questBirthdayHero", tags: {W: ["superMountainGirlNeutral"], zd: ["BIRTHDAY", "complete"]}, text: "Thank you. I'll head over now!" }], [{ U: [{next: "firstHint", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }, {U: [], nodeName: "firstHint", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX"}], [{ U: [{ next: "trophyHint", text: null }], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, {U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "XXX"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"TROPHYNAME"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "thanks", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thanks", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""], zd: ["NAME", "complete"]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Finish up and come back to see your reward, see hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "No."}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""], zd: ["NAME", "active"]}, text: "XXX" }, { U: [{next: "changeMind", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There's someone on the island who needs the Champion's help. YOUR help." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questBoatCastle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "Any luck? Shouldn't have given her that candy this morning..." }], [{ U: [{next: "escapes lucky", text: null}], nodeName: "activeKid1", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiKidNeutral"]}, text: "You found me! Okay, ready set go!!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "escapes lucky", V: "questChase", tags: { W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["CHASE", "active2"] }, text: "Hey! Get back here!" }], [{ U: [{next: "escapes again", text: null}], nodeName: "activeKid2", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiKidNeutral"]}, text: "You lost! Okay let's race again!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "escapes again", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["CHASE", "active3"]}, text: "So close that time..." }], [{ U: [{next: "kid agrees", text: null}], nodeName: "activeKid3", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Okay kid, let's get you back to your dad now..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "kid agrees", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiKidNeutral"], zd: ["CHASE", "found"]}, text: "Okay! I'll meet you there! Bye!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find that speed Kijimura child running around on Marathon Beach!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "Heh... She's a bit of a handful, but she sure is fast..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeKid", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiKidNeutral"]}, text: "I'm going to be the Grand Champion of Marathon when I grow up!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Marathon Babysitter"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "found", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"], zd: ["CHASE", "complete"]}, text: "Thanks for your help, I can't believe you actually caught her!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Make sure father and daughter Kijimura are reunited after your long chase!" }], [{ U: [{next: "kijikid", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "*huff* ... *wheeze* ... All right, how about a new game where we just stay in one place...?" }, { U: [{next: "ohnonnot", text: null}], nodeName: "kijikid", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiKidNeutral"]}, text: "Heeheehee! That's boring! Try and catch me Papa!" }, { U: [{next: "tolucky", text: null}], nodeName: "ohnonnot", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "*huff* Oh no... not again..." }, { U: [{next: "tolucky2", text: null}], nodeName: "tolucky", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "Darned kid... can't keep up..." }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "Sorry..."}], nodeName: "tolucky2", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "You there... can you go see where she went?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"], zd: ["CHASE", "active"]}, text: "You're a lifesaver... Let me just sit down a second..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["kijiDadNeutral"]}, text: "Fair enough... I'll go look when I catch my breath..." }], [{ U: [{ next: "questDescription", text: null }], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "One of the Kijimura on Marathon Beach seems to be having a hard time keeping up with his daughter..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questChase", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "Daichi ususally hangs out in the Noodle Bar to the West, always eating and making excuses..." }], [{ U: [{next: "areYouTaro", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yum yum yum." }, { U: [{next: "whoWantsTo", text: null}], nodeName: "areYouTaro", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hey, are you Daichi?" }, { U: [{next: "SupposedToBe", text: null}], nodeName: "whoWantsTo", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "...who wants to know?" }, { U: [{next: "CoachSent", text: null}], nodeName: "SupposedToBe", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "You're supposed to be at your workout!" }, { U: [{next: "StopEat", text: null}], nodeName: "CoachSent", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Oh no, did Coach send you? She is relentless..." }, { U: [{next: "NotLikeThat", text: null}], nodeName: "StopEat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "She's waiting for you while you sit here and relax!" }, { U: [{ next: "ForgotShoes", text: null }], nodeName: "NotLikeThat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Hey, it's not like that! I'd LOVE to go work out, but I....uh..." }, { U: [{next: "WhereShoes", text: null}], nodeName: "ForgotShoes", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "I forgot my running shoes! Can't work out without proper shoes!" }, { U: [{next: "MarathonBeach", text: null}], nodeName: "WhereShoes", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "Oh no! Where did you leave them?" }, { U: [{next: "SeeAbout", text: null}], nodeName: "MarathonBeach", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Unm...all the way over in Marathon Beach! Way too far for anyone to go get them." }, { U: [{next: "cantTakeHint", text: null}], nodeName: "SeeAbout", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "We'll see about that! Wait here, I'll find them!" }, { U: [{next: "ohGreat", text: null}], nodeName: "cantTakeHint", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Oh, great!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "ohGreat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"], zd: ["COACH", "shoes"]}, text: "(Oh, great...)" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Tanooki Gym's Coach is missing her trainee Daichi! Help find him in the Noodle Shop before he misses his workout." }], [{ U: [{next: "sniff", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "I don't know what you said, but I've never seen Daichi work so hard!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "sniff", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "It's moments like these that make coaching worth it. *sniff*" }], [{ U: [{next: "goodworkthere", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeRun"]}, text: "*huff huff* ONE TWO! ONE TWO! *huff huff*" }, { U: [{next: "tthankscoach", text: null}], nodeName: "goodworkthere", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "Good work there, Daichi, nice hustle!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "tthankscoach", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeRun"]}, text: "*huff huff* T-Thanks Coach! *huff huff*" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Gym Motivater"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Daichi seems a little unwilling to return to the gym, see if you can help convince him to work out again!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hareComplete", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Finally that cat left, I can enjoy my noodles in peace." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hareIncomplete", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "That cat is always in here eating noodles..." }], [{ U: [{next: "nowWhere", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "Good Work everyone! Good effort!" }, { U: [{next: "WhoLooking", text: null}], nodeName: "nowWhere", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "Now where did Daichi go..." }, { U: [{next: "soLazy", text: null}], nodeName: "WhoLooking", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Who are you looking for?" }, { U: [{next: "soLazy1", text: null}], nodeName: "soLazy", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, my new trainee didn't show up for his workout!" }, { U: [{next: "lookBut", text: null}], nodeName: "soLazy1", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "He's so lazy, always looking to get out of our workout sessions. How can he expect results??" }, { U: [{next: "help", text: "Help"}, {next: "sorry", text: "Sorry"}], nodeName: "lookBut", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "I'd go look for him, but I've got other trainees to help!" }, { U: [{next: "getUpAndGo", text: null}], nodeName: "help", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Training is important! I can go help find him!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "getUpAndGo", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"], zd: ["COACH", "active"]}, text: "Now THAT'S the attitude of a winner! Daichi ususally hangs out in the Noodle Bar to the East." }, { U: [{next: "whoCanHelp", text: null}], nodeName: "sorry", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Sorry, wish I could help..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whoCanHelp", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["coachNeutral"]}, text: "If only someone had the time to go look for him..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveConvini", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome! Let me know if you need anything." }], [{ U: [{next: "stopDistracting", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yum yum yum" }, { U: [{next: "soSorry", text: null}], nodeName: "stopDistracting", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Noodles are great! So much better than going to the gym." }, { U: [], nodeName: "soSorry", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "...but don't tell Coach I said that." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Tanooki Gym's Coach seems to be missing one of her trainees..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "takeBackShoes", text: null}], nodeName: "shoes", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "These must be Taro's shoes! Wow, they look brand new!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "takeBackShoes", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["COACH", "shoesFound"]}, text: "I better take them back to him in the noodle shop!" }], [{ U: [{next: "greatnewsshoes", text: null}], nodeName: "shoesFoundTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yum yum yum." }, { U: [{next: "ohhowgreat", text: null}], nodeName: "greatnewsshoes", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Great news Daichi! I found your shoes!" }, { U: [{next: "nowtrain", text: null}], nodeName: "ohhowgreat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "...oh. That's great news..." }, { U: [{next: "wishicouldbut", text: null}], nodeName: "nowtrain", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Now you can go train at the gym!" }, { U: [{next: "butwhat", text: null}], nodeName: "wishicouldbut", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Well, I wish I could but..." }, { U: [{next: "waterbottle", text: null}], nodeName: "butwhat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "But what?" }, { U: [{next: "stayHydrated", text: null}], nodeName: "waterbottle", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "I don't have a water bottle! I can't work out without one." }, { U: [{next: "stayHere", text: null}], nodeName: "stayHydrated", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "That's true...it's very important to stay hydrated...." }, { U: [{next: "findWater", text: null}], nodeName: "stayHere", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "I had better stay here hydrating myself with more noodles!" }, { U: [{next: "closeby", text: null}], nodeName: "findWater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I'm sure I can find a water bottle for you! I'll go check at the convenience store!" }, { U: [{next: "justcantTakeHint", text: null}], nodeName: "closeby", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "...oh good. There's one just south of here." }, { U: [], nodeName: "justcantTakeHint", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"], zd: ["COACH", "water"]}, text: "(This cat just can't take a hint...)" }], [{ U: [{ next: "leftshoeswhat", text: null }], nodeName: "shoesTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yum yum yum." }, { U: [{next: "swmb", text: null}], nodeName: "leftshoeswhat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hey, where did you say you left your shoes?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "swmb", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "...oh, on Marathon Beach in the South West. Probably too far to try and find..." }], [{ U: [{next: "needWater", text: null}], nodeName: "waterConvini", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome! How can I help you?" }, { U: [{next: "ohyes", text: null}], nodeName: "needWater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Hello, I'm looking for a water bottle..." }, { U: [{next: "noMoney", text: null}], nodeName: "ohyes", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Oh PERFECT!" }, { U: [{next: "ohno", text: null}], nodeName: "noMoney", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Perfect?" }, { U: [{next: "takeasmany", text: null}], nodeName: "ohno", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "We had a bunch of extra water bottles delivered and now we have way too many." }, { U: [{next: "justone", text: null}], nodeName: "takeasmany", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Take as many as you want!" }, { U: [{next: "takemore", text: null}], nodeName: "justone", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Thanks but I just need one." }, { U: [{next: "ahook", text: null}], nodeName: "takemore", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "No please take more! 10 at least!" }, { U: [{next: "comeback", text: null}], nodeName: "ahook", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Ah, um...ok! Happy to help." }, { U: [], nodeName: "comeback", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"], zd: ["COACH", "waterFound"]}, text: "Oh thank you! And come back if you ever need more!" }], [{ U: [{next: "greatnewswater", text: null}], nodeName: "waterFoundTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yum yum yum." }, { U: [{next: "somuchwater", text: null}], nodeName: "greatnewswater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Great news Daichi! I got you LOTS of water! You'll be hydrated for weeks!" }, { U: [{next: "nowtrainWater", text: null}], nodeName: "somuchwater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "...oh. That's great news..." }, { U: [{next: "wishicouldbutWater", text: null}], nodeName: "nowtrainWater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Now you can go train at the gym!" }, { U: [{next: "butwhatWater", text: null}], nodeName: "wishicouldbutWater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Well, I wish I could but..." }, { U: [{next: "luckybandana", text: null}], nodeName: "butwhatWater", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "But what?" }, { U: [{next: "wherebandana", text: null}], nodeName: "luckybandana", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "I don't have my lucky bandana! How could I work out without luck on my side??" }, { U: [{next: "waterfire", text: null}], nodeName: "wherebandana", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Oh no...where did you lose it?" }, { U: [{next: "ohmywhat", text: null}], nodeName: "waterfire", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "It fell in the ocean, was eaten by a fish, and then the fish exploded." }, { U: [{next: "cantfind", text: null}], nodeName: "ohmywhat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "Oh my!" }, { U: [{next: "hmmmmmm1", text: null}], nodeName: "cantfind", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yes it's sadly lost forever. DON'T LOOK FOR IT." }, { U: [{next: "giveup", text: "Give Up"}, {next: "givebandana", text: "Give Bandana"}], nodeName: "hmmmmmm1", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Hmmm...." }, { U: [{next: "nomnomonom", text: null}], nodeName: "giveup", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "I guess there's nothing to be done..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "nomnomonom", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "That's right! *yum yum yum*" }, { U: [{next: "xban", text: null}], nodeName: "givebandana", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Well I have some good news for you!" }, { U: [{next: "givetoyou", text: null}], nodeName: "xban", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "I've got an extra bandana!" }, { U: [{next: "youddothat", text: null}], nodeName: "givetoyou", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I always keep it for good luck, but I'd be happy to give it to you!" }, { U: [{next: "ofcourseiwould", text: null}], nodeName: "youddothat", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Oh...you'd really do that? For me?" }, { U: [{next: "overwhelemed", text: null}], nodeName: "ofcourseiwould", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Well of course! Sports aren't just competition, athletes like us have to look out for each other too!" }, { U: [{next: "greatfuel", text: null}], nodeName: "overwhelemed", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "You really see me as an athlete? All I'm doing is avoiding work and eating noodles." }, { U: [{next: "thankyoulucky", text: null}], nodeName: "greatfuel", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Noodles are great fuel for excercise, I see nothing but potential!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thankyoulucky", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"], zd: ["COACH", "complete"]}, text: "Thank you for beleiving in me Lucky, I'm gonna go to the gym right now!" }], [{ U: [{next: "areYouTarow", text: null}], nodeName: "waterTrainee", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "Yum yum yum." }, { U: [{next: "probclosed", text: null}], nodeName: "areYouTarow", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hey, where the nearest convenience store?" }, { U: [{next: "thankscheck", text: null}], nodeName: "probclosed", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "There's one to south, but I think it's um...probably closed..." }, { U: [{next: "ofcourseyouwill", text: null}], nodeName: "thankscheck", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Thanks! I'll go check" }, { U: [], nodeName: "ofcourseyouwill", V: "questCoach", tags: {W: ["traineeNoodle"]}, text: "(Of course you will...)" }], [{ U: [{next: "tightSchedule", text: null}], nodeName: "activeFreshWater", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, here's some fresh water already in a bottle! How thoughtful!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "tightSchedule", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["CONSTRUCTION", "found"]}, text: "I better take this back to the construction worker in Tanooki City, he seemed to be on a tight schedule." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "The construction workers need fresh water from the Mountain Hot Springs in the North." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "activeWorker", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "The Hot Springs are North in the mountains. It seems so dangerous...be careful!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Construction Employee of the Year'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "quiteRelaxing", text: null}], nodeName: "completeWorker", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I can't believe how brave you were to go to the hot springs." }, { U: [{ next: "lurkingDangers", text: null }], nodeName: "quiteRelaxing", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Brave? It was really quite relaxing...you should try!" }, { U: [{next: "eachOwn", text: null}], nodeName: "lurkingDangers", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "L-l-l-leave the city?? Are you crazy?...w-who knows what dangers are l-l-lurking out there!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "eachOwn", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hm...to each their own I guess." }], [{ U: [{next: "returnWater", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "returnWater", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Take the fresh water you found to the construction workers and call it a day, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "difficultFind", text: null}], nodeName: "foundWorker", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Oh! You brought the fresh water from the spring!" }, { U: [{next: "clang", text: null}], nodeName: "difficultFind", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I can't imagine how difficult it was to find, you really might be the Chosen One!" }, { U: [{next: "openUp", text: null}], nodeName: "clang", V: "questConstruction", tags: {}, text: "*clang clang clang *" }, { U: [], nodeName: "openUp", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["CONSTRUCTION", "complete"]}, text: "The construction is finished, right on schedule! Tanooki City can never thank you enough!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Tanooki City's construction project is falling behind schedule!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Talk to the construction workers to see what's wrong. I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{ next: "behindSchedule", text: null }], nodeName: "inactiveWorker", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Oh dear...so behind schedule..." }, { U: [{next: "whatConstruction", text: null}], nodeName: "behindSchedule", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry kid, can't let you in. This part of the city is closed for construction." }, { U: [{next: "noWater", text: null}], nodeName: "whatConstruction", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, when will it be open again?" }, { U: [{next: "freshWater", text: null}], nodeName: "noWater", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I'm afraid you might be waiting awhile. We've run out of fresh water to mix the cement." }, { U: [{next: "tooSoft", text: null}], nodeName: "freshWater", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "If only we had fresh water from the hot springs in the mountains..." }, { U: [{next: "illHelp", text: "I'll Help!"}, {next: "soundsHard", text: "Sorry..."}], nodeName: "tooSoft", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "But urban life has made us too soft! No one from the city would dare climbing the mountains to get it." }, { U: [{next: "thankYou", text: null}], nodeName: "illHelp", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I can find the Hot Springs and bring back the water!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thankYou", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["CONSTRUCTION", "active"]}, text: "Oh! Thank you! We might just finish on schedule after all!" }, { U: [{next: "neverFinish", text: null}], nodeName: "soundsHard", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Yikes, that sounds pretty tough." }, { U: [], nodeName: "neverFinish", V: "questConstruction", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "We'll never finish at this rate..." }], [{ U: [{next: "hint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeArtisan", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Let me know when you've found three pieces of wood." }, { U: [], nodeName: "hint", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "You can find them on the beach when the tide is low." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find three pieces of driftwood on the Southwest beach for the driftwood artist, hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "branch1", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["DRIFTWOOD", "second"]}, text: "Yay! This is a nice piece of driftwood." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "branch2", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["DRIFTWOOD", "third"]}, text: "Two down, one to go!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "branch3", V: "questDriftwood", tags: { W: ["luckyHappy"], zd: ["DRIFTWOOD", "found"] }, text: "That's three! I can take these back to the artisan now!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeArtisan", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Nothing is more inspiring than our Champion! Thank you Lucky!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Artist's Apprentice'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "dragon", text: null}], nodeName: "foundArtisan", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Oh! You found three wonderful pieces!" }, { U: [{next: "atOnce", text: null}], nodeName: "dragon", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Hm what's this I'm seeing? A dragon, perhaps... or the curve of a tortoise's shell..." }, { U: [{next: "clangs", text: null}], nodeName: "atOnce", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "No! I see something even more inspiring! I must work at once!" }, { U: [{next: "masterpiece", text: null}], nodeName: "clangs", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {}, text: "*clang clang clang*" }, { U: [], nodeName: "masterpiece", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"], zd: ["DRIFTWOOD", "complete"]}, text: "Behold! My greatest masterpiece!!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Take the driftwood back to the artist's studio for your beautiful reward, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "continue", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveArtisan", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to my studio. New Champion, I presume? Not many visitors out here... the Kijimuna scare most people off." }, { U: [{next: "request", text: null}], nodeName: "continue", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "As you can see, my specialty is in sculpture. I use driftwood that washes up on the beach." }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "Sorry"}], nodeName: "request", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "I'd like to start a new sculpture, but my poor knees are killing me. Would you grant me a kindness and bring me some wood?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"], zd: ["DRIFTWOOD", "first"]}, text: "Excellent! Three pieces should be enough." }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "Very well then... Feel free to keep browsing." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "The driftwood artist in the Southwest Beach seems to have artist's block..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Maybe you're the inspiration she needs. I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "sculpture1", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh my, such interesting shapes." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "sculpture2", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, is this all driftwood?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "sculpture3", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I'm not sure I understand art..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "sculpture4", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "It's beautiful...I think?" }], [{ U: [{next: "soHonored", text: null}], nodeName: "sculptureLucky", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Is that me???" }, { U: [], nodeName: "soHonored", V: "questDriftwood", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh wow, I'm so honored. I better keep practicing so I can live up to this scupture!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The Tengu is in the Table Tennis Dojo north of here, switch his fan to stop the wind!" }], [{ U: [{next: "whatdoing", text: null}], nodeName: "activeFan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "(There's the fan...I've almost got it...)" }, { U: [{next: "nothing", text: "Nothing"}, {next: "trade", text: "Trade"}, { next: "beautifulfan", text: "Beautiful Fan" }], nodeName: "whatdoing", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" }, { U: [{next: "stayawayfan", text: null}], nodeName: "nothing", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "N-nothing!! I was just looking around." }, { U: [{next: "nevertrade", text: null}], nodeName: "trade", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyRawr"]}, text: "Was jsut admiring your fan...care to trade for it?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "nevertrade", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Hah! I'd NEVER trade my beautiful fan, it's one of a kind!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "stayawayfan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Well look around further from my beautiful fan. No one can take it from me!" }, { U: [{next: "everyonewantsit", text: null}], nodeName: "beautifulfan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "I was just admiring your fan, it's so beautiful!" }, { U: [{next: "takeit", text: null}], nodeName: "everyonewantsit", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Ohohoh, you have very good taste! Everyone admires my fan, some have even tried to take it!" }, { U: [{next: "invisiblecloak", text: null}], nodeName: "takeit", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "Oh, but who could ever take the fan from you, you are so fast and observant!" }, { U: [{next: "remindsme", text: null}], nodeName: "invisiblecloak", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Exactly! You'd have to be invisble to get past me!" }, { U: [{next: "cloak", text: null}], nodeName: "remindsme", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Which reminds me...where is invisibility cloak??" }, { U: [{next: "missing", text: null}], nodeName: "cloak", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "You have an invisibility cloak too??" }, { U: [{next: "stolen", text: null}], nodeName: "missing", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "I did, but it's been missing since that little octopus came to visit me and was admiring it." }, { U: [{next: "dotdotdot", text: null}], nodeName: "stolen", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Oh, do you think the octopus stole it??" }, { U: [{next: "idonow", text: null}], nodeName: "dotdotdot", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "eventhefan", text: null}], nodeName: "idonow", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "WELL NOW I DO! How dare that octopus take my cloak! I'd give anything to have it back!" }, { U: [{next: "findmycloak", text: null}], nodeName: "eventhefan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyRawr"]}, text: "...Even your fan?" }, { U: [{next: "howfind", text: null}], nodeName: "findmycloak", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Yes! It's a deal! Bring me my cloak and I'll give you my precious fan!" }, { U: [{next: "sparkles", text: null}], nodeName: "howfind", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "But how am I supposed to find someone who's invisible??" }, { U: [{next: "searchforest", text: null}], nodeName: "sparkles", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "You can tell the cloak is nearby if you see sparkles in the air." }, { U: [], nodeName: "searchforest", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"], zd: ["FAN", "search"]}, text: "Search the Bamboo Forest!! Bring my beautiful cloak back to me!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "The Tengu's Table Tennis games are creating too much wind for the villagers nearby, maybe you can take his fan and solve the problem!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The wind has stopped and the villagers are safe to return! You really are incredible, Lucky!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeFan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "The fan's wind was just a trick I did for fun! I'll play without it from now on." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeOctopus", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["invisibleOctopusNeutral"]}, text: "I'll have to think of some other way to scare the Kijimura...khehehe." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Wind Stopper"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "somethingtosay", text: null}], nodeName: "foundFan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, my beautiful cloak, you found it!" }, { U: [{next: "sosorry", text: null}], nodeName: "somethingtosay", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Yes, and this little octopus has something she wants to say to you..." }, { U: [{next: "sonoharmdonesorry", text: null}], nodeName: "sosorry", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["invisibleOctopusNeutral"]}, text: "S-sorry I took your cloack without asking, Mr. Tengu." }, { U: [{next: "absolutelynot", text: null}], nodeName: "sonoharmdonesorry", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "There! Now that it's back, can I have the fan?" }, { U: [{next: "hadadeal", text: null}], nodeName: "absolutelynot", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, absolutely not!" }, { U: [{next: "cantplay", text: null}], nodeName: "hadadeal", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "What?? But we had a deal!!" }, { U: [{next: "butthewind", text: null}], nodeName: "cantplay", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "But I can't play Table Tennis without my fan, you don't want me to be unable to play, do you??" }, { U: [{next: "thatwhyempty", text: null}], nodeName: "butthewind", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyHide"]}, text: "No but...the wind from your fan is so strong the villagers had to leave, the town is empty!" }, { U: [{next: "notscared", text: null}], nodeName: "thatwhyempty", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "...That's why everyone left??? I thought they were all scared of me." }, { U: [{next: "inthatcase", text: null}], nodeName: "notscared", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "No, they want to come watch you play!" }, { U: [{next: "didnttellme", text: null}], nodeName: "inthatcase", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Well the wind is just a trick I do for fun! I can play without it if the people prefer." }, { U: [{next: "straghtforward", text: null}], nodeName: "didnttellme", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Why didn't anyone ask me? We could have solved the problem long ago, ohohoho." }, { U: [], nodeName: "straghtforward", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"], zd: ["FAN", "complete"]}, text: "...You're right, I'll try to be more straightforward next time." }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Return the stolen Invisibility Cloak to the Tengu in the Table Tennis Dojo in the North East!" }], [{ U: [{next: "whygo", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Everyone left this village after the Tengu arrive..." }, { U: [{next: "strongwind", text: null}], nodeName: "whygo", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Why? The Tengu seems friendly, and he's very good at Table Tennis!" }, { U: [{next: "toostrongwind", text: null}], nodeName: "strongwind", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Well that's the problem. Everyone loves the Tengu, but he plays Table Tennis with his fan." }, { U: [{next: "howterrible", text: null}], nodeName: "toostrongwind", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "He plays so well it creates tremendous wind and it's too strong for anyone to live near by." }, { U: [{next: "gethisfan", text: null}], nodeName: "howterrible", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Oh, how terrible! Has anyone aked him to stop??" }, { U: [{next: "illtry", text: "I'll Try!"}, {next: "soundshard", text: "Sounds hard."}], nodeName: "gethisfan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I tried sneaking into the Dojo and swapping his fan, but he's too fast and caught me!" }, { U: [{next: "neverstop", text: null}], nodeName: "soundshard", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Sounds like it's an impossible situation." }, { U: [], nodeName: "neverstop", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I guess the winds will never stop..." }, { U: [{next: "goodluck", text: null}], nodeName: "illtry", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I don't know if I'll have any better luck, but I'm happy to try!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "goodluck", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["FAN", "active"]}, text: "Wow you are so brave! The Tengu is in the Table Tennis Dojo north of here, good luck!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveFan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "That's the fan the Tengu uses as a paddle. It looks so powerful!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "The Village in the Bamboo Forest in the North East is all but abandoned, I wonder why..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "sparkles2", text: null}], nodeName: "searchFan", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Find the octopus that stole my invisibility cloak and the fan is yours!" }, { U: [{next: "searchforest2", text: null}], nodeName: "sparkles2", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "You can tell if the invisibility cloak is nearby if you see sparkles in the air." }, { U: [], nodeName: "searchforest2", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Search the Bamboo Forest!! Bring my beautiful cloak back to me!" }], [{ U: [{next: "howididyousee", text: null}], nodeName: "searchOctopus", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyRawr"]}, text: "Aha!" }, { U: [{next: "seesparkles", text: null}], nodeName: "howididyousee", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["invisibleOctopusNeutral"]}, text: "W-what?? How can you see me??" }, { U: [{next: "whatkindof", text: null}], nodeName: "seesparkles", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyBigGrin"]}, text: "I just followed the sparkles." }, { U: [{next: "youstole", text: null}], nodeName: "whatkindof", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["invisibleOctopusNeutral"]}, text: "...what good is an invisibility cloak if you can see the sparkles??" }, { U: [{next: "kijimuna", text: null}], nodeName: "youstole", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "Well it's not your cloak it in the first place! Why did you take it from the Tengu??" }, { U: [{next: "notnice", text: null}], nodeName: "kijimuna", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["invisibleOctopusNeutral"]}, text: "I was gonna use it to scare the Kijimuna on Marathon Beach! We're always playing tricks on each other, khehehe." }, { U: [{next: "awwman", text: null}], nodeName: "notnice", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Well that's no reason to steal! Let's take this back to the Tengu right now." }, { U: [], nodeName: "awwman", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["invisibleOctopusNeutral"], zd: ["FAN", "found"]}, text: "Aw darn, you're no fun...khehehe." }], [{ U: [{next: "searchHint", text: null}], nodeName: "searchTrophy", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You're right in the middle of this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "searchHint", V: "questFan", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find the Octopus that stole the Tengu's Invisiblity cloak in the Bamboo Forest in the North East." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "Precious child, thank you. I buried the letter between two stone lanterns safekeeping..." }], [{ U: [{next: "directionstothecastle", text: null}], nodeName: "activeLetter", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "This must be the letter! Wait, there's something on the scroll..." }, { U: [{next: "luckyconfused", text: null}], nodeName: "directionstothecastle", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["scrollNeutral"]}, text: "'THE PATH TO THE CASTLE IS AT YOUR FEET'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "luckyconfused", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["GHOST", "active2"]}, text: "What could that mean?" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find the letter under the Maple Tree in Bridge Garden to the East and deliver it to Urashima Taro in the underwater castle!" }], [{ U: [{next: "urashimaresponds", text: null}], nodeName: "activeUrashima", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Excuse me... are you Urashima Taro?" }, { U: [{next: "luckydeliver", text: null}], nodeName: "urashimaresponds", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["UrashimaNeutral"]}, text: "Lucky! What a pleasant surprise! Here for another dance battle?" }, { U: [{next: "Urashimareads", text: null}], nodeName: "luckydeliver", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Actually... I have something for you. A letter." }, { U: [{next: "urashima emotion", text: null}], nodeName: "Urashimareads", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["UrashimaNeutral"]}, text: "... ... ..." }, { U: [{next: "stammer", text: null}], nodeName: "urashima emotion", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["UrashimaNeutral"]}, text: "My mother... I'd nearly forgotten. Is she well?" }, { U: [{next: "Urashimaokay", text: null}], nodeName: "stammer", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "She... um... she's been waiting for you. But she just wants to know that you're okay." }, { U: [{next: "willdo", text: null}], nodeName: "Urashimaokay", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["UrashimaNeutral"]}, text: "Tell her I miss her. And that I'm happy, down here in the Castle. Will you do that, Lucky?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "willdo", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"], zd: ["GHOST", "found"]}, text: "Yes, I will." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Ghostly Delivery"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "ghost happy", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "I gave him the letter. He says he misses you, and he's happy." }, { U: [], nodeName: "ghost happy", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"], zd: ["GHOST", "complete"]}, text: "I shall be eternally in your debt, Lucky. At last I can move on..." }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I'm sure the ghost of Urashima Taro's mother is eagerly awaiting word from her son, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "yeswilldo", text: null}], nodeName: "foundUrashima", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["UrashimaNeutral"]}, text: "Tell her I miss her. And that I'm happy, down here in the Castle. Will you do that, Lucky?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yeswilldo", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Yes, I will." }], [{ U: [{next: "what", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "So close... yet so far away...!" }, { U: [{next: "momexplains", text: null}], nodeName: "what", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "What's close?" }, { U: [{next: "momcontinue", text: null}], nodeName: "momexplains", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "A long time ago... I had a son, Urashima Taro." }, { U: [{ next: "momexplains2", text: null }], nodeName: "momcontinue", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "He went down to the Undersea Castle there... on the back of a turtle, so I was told." }, { U: [{next: "oldman", text: null}], nodeName: "momexplains2", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "I waited for his return. A week, a year, a lifetime... and now I wait still." }, { U: [{next: "momsigh", text: null}], nodeName: "oldman", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "He must be all grown up by now..." }, { U: [{ next: "luckyresponse", text: null }], nodeName: "momsigh", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "When I was alive, I wrote him a letter. I wanted to get it to him somehow... If I could just do that, then I could rest." }, { U: [{next: "momrequest", text: null}], nodeName: "luckyresponse", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I could probably bring the letter to the Undersea Castle..." }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Of course!"}, {next: "no", text: "On second thought..."}], nodeName: "momrequest", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "Oh, really?? Will you help me?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"], zd: ["GHOST", "active"]}, text: "Precious child, thank you. I buried it between two stone lanterns for safekeeping..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["TaroMomSad"]}, text: "I thought it might be too much to ask..." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There's been reports of a ghostly figure in the pagodas of the Bridge Garden to the East." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I wonder if there's actually a ghost there. I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveUrashima", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["UrashimaNeutral"]}, text: "Lucky! What a pleasant surprise! Here for another dance battle?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "otohime", V: "questGhost", tags: {W: ["otohimeNeutral"]}, text: "Hello Lucky, have you come to dance with us?" }], [{ U: [{next: "tightSchedule", text: null}], nodeName: "activeLava", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, here's some lava already in a bottle! How thoughtful!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "tightSchedule", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["HOT_SPRING", "found"]}, text: "I better take this to the Arrow Shop right away!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "activeOwner", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Fluffy's Arrow Shop is Northwest docks, a big boat with a red roof. I hope Fluffy can help us!" }], [{ U: [{next: "needHelp", text: null}], nodeName: "activeShop", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Fluffy's Arrow Shop" }, { U: [{next: "haveArrow", text: null}], nodeName: "needHelp", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Do you have a Super Fire Arrow??" }, { U: [{next: "hotSpringBlocked", text: null}], nodeName: "haveArrow", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Super Fire Arrow?? Oh my...why do you need something so rare and dangerous?" }, { U: [{next: "vacation", text: null}], nodeName: "hotSpringBlocked", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "A giant snowball has blocked the Mountain Hot Spings! We need it to-" }, { U: [{next: "illDoAnything", text: null}], nodeName: "vacation", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "The Hot Springs are closed?!? But where will I go on vacation??" }, { U: [{next: "giveArrow", text: null}], nodeName: "illDoAnything", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "I'll do anything to help it reopen! Free of charge!" }, { U: [{next: "specialComponents", text: null}], nodeName: "giveArrow", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Amazing! So you'll give us the Super Fire Arrow?" }, { U: [{next: "needLava", text: null}], nodeName: "specialComponents", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "For an arrow so powerful, I need special components..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "needLava", V: "questHotSpring", tags: { W: ["bigCatNeutral"], zd: ["HOT_SPRING", "lava"] }, text: "Bring me lava from Oni Island in the East, and the arrow shall be yours!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "A Super Fire Arrow is hard to come by, maybe Fluffy in the Arrow Shop in the Northwest Docks can help, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{ next: "memberForLife", text: null }], nodeName: "completeOwner", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "I can never repay you for all your help." }, { U: [{next: "youForReal", text: null}], nodeName: "memberForLife", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Please enjoy the hot spring free of charge...forever!" }, { U: [{next: "notGoodBusiness", text: null}], nodeName: "youForReal", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "Really??" }, { U: [], nodeName: "notGoodBusiness", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "It's not good business, but sometimes you have to do what's right!" }], [{ U: [{next: "discount", text: null}], nodeName: "completeShop", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Fluffy's Arrow Shop. Oh it's you again..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "discount", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Is the Hot Spring open yet? Hopefully I'll get a nice discount next time I'm there..." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Hot Spring Savior'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "wasntEasy", text: null}], nodeName: "foundOwner", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "The arrow! I can't believe you actaully found it!" }, { U: [{next: "standBack", text: null}], nodeName: "wasntEasy", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "It wasn't easy, but I hope it works!" }, { U: [{next: "boom", text: null}], nodeName: "standBack", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Stand Back!" }, { U: [{next: "backInBusiness", text: null}], nodeName: "boom", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {}, text: "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!" }, { U: [{next: "safe", text: null}], nodeName: "backInBusiness", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"], zd: ["HOT_SPRING", "complete"]}, text: "It worked!! I'm back in business!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "safe", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "...oh, and hopefully everyone inside is safe too!" }], [{ U: [{next: "gotTheLava", text: null}], nodeName: "foundShop", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Fluffy's Arrow-" }, { U: [{next: "exactlyRight", text: null}], nodeName: "gotTheLava", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I found the lava! Take it, it's hot!!" }, { U: [{next: "clangs", text: null}], nodeName: "exactlyRight", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Oh my. Yes...this is exactly what I need..." }, { U: [{next: "carefulWithIt", text: null}], nodeName: "clangs", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {}, text: "*clang clang clang*" }, { U: [{ next: "toTheHotSpring", text: null }], nodeName: "carefulWithIt", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Here you are! But be careful, it's quite...explosive." }, { U: [], nodeName: "toTheHotSpring", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["HOT_SPRING", "arrow"]}, text: "Thank you! I'll take it to the hot springs right away!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Take the Super Fire Arrow back to Wooly at the hot spring in the North mountains, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "unfortunate", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveOwner", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Greetings, weary traveler." }, { U: [{next: "owlSnow", text: null}], nodeName: "unfortunate", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "I wish I could invite you to relax in to my humble hot spring, but alas..." }, { U: [{next: "poorBusiness", text: null}], nodeName: "owlSnow", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "One of Fukuro's snowballs has BLOCKED THE ENTRANCE!! There's no way in or out!" }, { U: [{next: "noWayIn", text: null}], nodeName: "poorBusiness", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "My poor humble business venture...I'LL BE RUINED!!" }, { U: [{next: "fireArrow", text: null}], nodeName: "noWayIn", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Is there no way in??" }, { U: [{next: "help", text: "Help"}, {next: "sorry", text: "Sorry..."}], nodeName: "fireArrow", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "No!! We'd need something like a Super Fire Arrow to melt that much snow. How can I afford that??" }, { U: [{next: "arrowShop", text: null}], nodeName: "help", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hm..I don't have any money, but maybe I can find one!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "arrowShop", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"], zd: ["HOT_SPRING", "active"]}, text: "Oh, you sweet child. Check with Fluffy at the Arrow Shop in the Northwest Docks, he might be able to help!" }, { U: [{next: "willNoOneTry", text: null}], nodeName: "sorry", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, I can't afford it either!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "willNoOneTry", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Oh dear...can no one help? Where is the Chosen One?" }], [{ U: [{next: "manyArrows", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveShop", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Fluffy's Arrow Shop." }, { U: [{next: "fineCraft", text: null}], nodeName: "manyArrows", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow I've never seen so many arrows!" }, { U: [{next: "noMoney", text: null}], nodeName: "fineCraft", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Only the finest craftmanship at competitive prices." }, { U: [{next: "unfortune", text: null}], nodeName: "noMoney", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh...but I have no money." }, { U: [{next: "browse", text: null}], nodeName: "unfortune", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Ah...how unfortunate." }, { U: [], nodeName: "browse", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Well you are welcome to browse, but...please don't touch anything." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Snowfall has blocked the Hot Springs in the North mountains. Poor Wooly is bound to go out of business!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Maybe your warm personality can help? I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "findLava", text: null}], nodeName: "lavaShop", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Fluffy's Arrow Shop. ...oh it's you." }, { U: [{next: "oldSaying", text: null}], nodeName: "findLava", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Where can I find lava?" }, { U: [{next: "checkBetweenEyes", text: null}], nodeName: "oldSaying", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "Oni Island is the only place with lava...there's an old saying:" }, { U: [{next: "wonderWhat", text: null}], nodeName: "checkBetweenEyes", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "'Look between The Eyes for your sweet lava prize.'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "wonderWhat", V: "questHotSpring", tags: {W: ["bigCatNeutral"]}, text: "I wonder what that could possibly mean..." }], [{ U: [{next: "checkinside", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "You made it! Thanks for bringing the trophy all this way!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "checkinside", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"], zd: ["INTRO", "complete"]}, text: "Check inside with the Trophy Master if you want to help more people!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Check inside with the Trophy Master if you want to help more people!" }], [{ U: [{next: "moreways", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, you're new here aren't you?" }, { U: [{next: "actsofkindness", text: null}], nodeName: "moreways", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "All the sports on the island are great, but there are more ways to show you are a true champion." }, { U: [{next: "heavy", text: null}], nodeName: "actsofkindness", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Acts of kindness go a long way with the people here." }, { U: [{next: "lookstrong", text: null}], nodeName: "heavy", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Like me! I have this trophy for the Trophy Master, but its too heavy for me to carry!" }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Of course!"}, {next: "no", text: "No way."}], nodeName: "lookstrong", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Would you take it to the Trophy House for me?" }, { U: [{next: "justNorth", text: null}], nodeName: "yes", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "I'd be happy to!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "justNorth", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"], zd: ["INTRO", "active"]}, text: "Oh thank you! I'll meet you at the Trophy House, it's just north of here." }, { U: [{next: "getit", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Sorry, not interested." }, { U: [], nodeName: "getit", V: "questIntro", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, ok. Well let me know if you change your mind, helping people frequently pays off!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Light all four lanterns and your true test will begin!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I wonder what will happen when you the lanterns around the ancient Table Tennis Table, hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Well done, your new challenger awaits. Touch the gate to play the game." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Lighter of Lanterns'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "found", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["LANTERN_LIGHT", "complete"]}, text: "Well done, your new challenger awaits. Touch the gate to play the game." }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Now that the lanterns are lit, speak to the gaurdian for your reward, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "doyoudare", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Legend says the true masters of Table Tennis would light lanterns around their tables to call forth stronger spirits to compete against." }, { U: [{ next: "yes", text: "Yes!" }, {next: "no", text: "N-no."}], nodeName: "doyoudare", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Do you dare to try the same?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["LANTERN_LIGHT", "active"]}, text: "You are brave. Take this flame and light the four lanterns around the table." }, { U: [{next: "changeMind", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "...I see." }, { U: [], nodeName: "changeMind", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Come back to me when you feel you are strong enough!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Legend tells of an ancient Table Tennis found only but lantern light." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find the guardian in the bamboo forest to see if it's all true. I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "lantern1lit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "The flame is so bright!" }], [{ U: [{next: "return", text: null}], nodeName: "lantern1unlit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {}, text: "You light the stone lantern." }, { U: [], nodeName: "return", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["LANTERN_1", ! 0]}, text: "The flame is so bright!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "lantern2lit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "It seems so powerful." }], [{ U: [{next: "powerful", text: null}], nodeName: "lantern2unlit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {}, text: "You light the stone lantern." }, { U: [], nodeName: "powerful", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["LANTERN_2", ! 0]}, text: "It seems so powerful." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "lantern3lit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "It's not casting any heat..." }], [{ U: [{next: "noheat", text: null}], nodeName: "lantern3unlit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {}, text: "You light the stone lantern." }, { U: [], nodeName: "noheat", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["LANTERN_3", ! 0]}, text: "It's not casting any heat..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "lantern4lit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I can't stop looking at it." }], [{ U: [{next: "cantstop", text: null}], nodeName: "lantern4unlit", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {}, text: "You light the stone lantern." }, { U: [], nodeName: "cantstop", V: "questLanternLight", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["LANTERN_4", ! 0]}, text: "I can't stop looking at it." }], [{ U: [{next: "hint", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "D-did you find my book yet?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "hint", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "The bookstore Southeast of here is where I last had it..." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Check the Bookstore in Tanooki City to find Nyan-Chan's lost book, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "return", text: null}], nodeName: "book", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Aha! Looks like the lost book." }, { U: [{next: "note", text: null}], nodeName: "return", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, there's a note inside..." }, { U: [{next: "um", text: null}], nodeName: "note", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "'My love, how I miss your face. Meet me at the secret beach tonight, alone.'" }, { U: [{next: "owner", text: null}], nodeName: "um", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "owner", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["LOST_BOOK", "found"]}, text: "I should take this book back to its owner." }], [{ U: [{next: "thankYou", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "(The secret beach...yes...)" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thankYou", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "OH HELLO! Um, yes, thank you again for returning...my book..." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Book Enthusiast'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "thanks", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "MY BOOK! GIVE IT TO ME!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thanks", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"], zd: ["LOST_BOOK", "complete"]}, text: "Oh I'm so relieved. I can't thank you enough." }], [{ U: [{next: "giveBookBack", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "giveBookBack", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Just return the book you found to Olive the Otter in Tanooki City!" }], [{ U: [{next: "youOK", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh dear where could it be?" }, { U: [{next: "missingBook", text: null}], nodeName: "youOK", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "What's wrong?" }, { U: [{next: "bookstore", text: null}], nodeName: "missingBook", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "I can't find a very important book!" }, { U: [{next: "help", text: null}], nodeName: "bookstore", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "I could have sworn I had it in the bookstore..." }, { U: [{ next: "yes", text: "Sure!" }, {next: "no", text: "Nah"}], nodeName: "help", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "Could you help me find my precious book??" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"], zd: ["LOST_BOOK", "active"]}, text: "Oh thank you! If you find it, don't show anyone and bring it back to me." }, { U: [{next: "changeMind", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "...oh. Of course, I'm sorry to bother you asking." }, { U: [], nodeName: "changeMind", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["otterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh dear, if only someone would help me..." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Olive the Otter in Tanooki City has lost his book. Someone needs to help him find it." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questLostBook", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Funny tho...I never remember Olive liking to read before. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "hint", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Any luck finding my table tennis paddle?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "hint", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I could have sworn I had it at the beach West of here..." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I think I saw the lost paddle on the West alcove of Marathon Beach, hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I can't wait to get back to training, thanks again!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Paddle Fetcher'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "thanks", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "My beautiful paddle! You found it!!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "thanks", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["LOST_PADDLE", "complete"]}, text: "I wish this game had an inventory system in place so I could thank you!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've found the lost paddle, now just return it to the wayard Inari on Marathon Beach, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "Nah"}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I've lost my table tennis paddle! Can you help me find it?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["LOST_PADDLE", "active"]}, text: "Oh thank you! I think I last had it on the beach." }, { U: [{next: "changeMind", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "...I see." }, { U: [], nodeName: "changeMind", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Well let me know if you change your mind!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "It seems a warward Inari has lost her Table Tennis Paddle." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find her on the southwest beach to help. I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "return", text: null}], nodeName: "paddle", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, what a nice table tennis paddle..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "return", V: "questLostPaddle", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["LOST_PADDLE", "found"]}, text: "I should take it back to its owner!" }], [{ U: [{next: "notnotyet", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "Did you find my lucky arrow?" }, { U: [{next: "roofagain", text: null}], nodeName: "notnotyet", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Not yet, but I'm trying my best!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "roofagain", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "It landed on the roof of Yoichi's Castle...will I ever hit a bullseye again??" }], [{ U: [{ next: "looksnormal", text: null }], nodeName: "activeArrow", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "The lucky arrow, this must be it!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "looksnormal", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"], zd: ["LUCKY_ARROW", "found"]}, text: "(...It looks like any other arrow to me...)" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Get to the top of Yoichi's Castle in the North West docks to find the young archer's lost lucky arrow!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "I've got a great feeling about this, maybe I can get this arrow all the way to the top of the mountains!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Lucky Arrow Retriever"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "whatarrow", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "You won't believe it, I found the arrow!" }, { U: [{next: "yourluckyarrow", text: null}], nodeName: "whatarrow", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "What arrow?" }, { U: [{next: "tooktoolong", text: null}], nodeName: "yourluckyarrow", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "Your lucky arrow, the one you lost on the roof!" }, { U: [{next: "yourekidding", text: null}], nodeName: "tooktoolong", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, but that was SO LONG ago! I found a new lucky arrow in the meantime!" }, { U: [{next: "isntitbeuatiful", text: null}], nodeName: "yourekidding", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "...what?" }, { U: [{next: "looksjustlikeold", text: null}], nodeName: "isntitbeuatiful", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "Yeah, isn't it beautiful??" }, { U: [{next: "butitslucky", text: null}], nodeName: "looksjustlikeold", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "...It looks just like all the other arrows." }, { U: [{next: "ohbrother", text: null}], nodeName: "butitslucky", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "Yeah, but its lucky! I've got a great feeling about this, maybe I can get it all the way to the top of the mountains!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "ohbrother", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"], zd: ["LUCKY_ARROW", "complete"]}, text: "Oh great..." }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Return the lucky arrow to the young archer outside Yoichi's Castle in the North West docks." }], [{ U: [{next: "whatswrong", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "Oh no...what am I gonna do??" }, { U: [{next: "arrowonroof", text: null}], nodeName: "whatswrong", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "What seems to be the problem?" }, { U: [{next: "greatnews", text: null}], nodeName: "arrowonroof", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "I shot my lucky arrow higher than I ever have!" }, { U: [{next: "awful", text: null}], nodeName: "greatnews", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Oh, but that's great news!" }, { U: [{next: "neverseeagain", text: null}], nodeName: "awful", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "No, it's awful! It landed on the roof of the Yochi's Castle!" }, { U: [{next: "illhelp", text: "I'll Help"}, {next: "sorry", text: "Sorry..."}], nodeName: "neverseeagain", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "I can't go that far away from the water. I'll never see my lucky arrow again!" }, { U: [{next: "poorluckyarrow", text: null}], nodeName: "sorry", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I'm sorry, I wish I could help." }, { U: [], nodeName: "poorluckyarrow", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["youngArcherNeutral"]}, text: "My poor lucky arrow..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "illhelp", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {zd: ["LUCKY_ARROW", "active"]}, text: "Maybe I can find a way up to the roof! Wait here!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "A young archer seems to have lost his lucky arrow at Yoichi's Castle in then Docks in the North West." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questLuckyArrow", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDogNeutral"]}, text: "Monkey last saw Momotaro heading north up Climbing Mountain. We hope you find him fast!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro was last seen heading into the Bamboo Forest in the North West. See if you can track him down, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Peach Hunter"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{ next: "wishedforachild", text: null }], nodeName: "dad", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDadNeutral"]}, text: "My wife and I had wished for a child for years." }, { U: [{next: "offintheworld", text: null}], nodeName: "wishedforachild", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDadNeutral"]}, text: "Then one day we found a peach floating down the river..." }, { U: [{next: "wheverpeaches", text: null}], nodeName: "offintheworld", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDadNeutral"]}, text: "We cut it open and inside was a baby! That's how we found our son, Momotaro." }, { U: [], nodeName: "wheverpeaches", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDadNeutral"]}, text: "Whereever there are peaches, you know Momotaro isn't far behind!" }], [{ U: [{next: "wereSoWorried", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDogNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro, you're back!" }, { U: [{next: "broughtPeaches", text: null}], nodeName: "wereSoWorried", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "We were so worried!" }, { U: [{next: "myFav", text: null}], nodeName: "broughtPeaches", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry everyone, but I brought us all peaches!" }, { U: [{next: "yummy", text: null}], nodeName: "myFav", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoBirdNeutral"]}, text: "Peaches, my favorite!" }, { U: [{next: "anythingTeam", text: null}], nodeName: "yummy", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDogNeutral"]}, text: "So yummy! Thank you for finding him Lucky!" }, { U: [{next: "canIHave", text: null}], nodeName: "anythingTeam", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Anything to help the team out!" }, { U: [{next: "ofCourse", text: null}], nodeName: "canIHave", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "...can I have a peach too?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "ofCourse", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"]}, text: "Of course!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Go back to Oni Island to see if Momotaro made it back to his team safely, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "whatsWrong", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDogNeutral"]}, text: "Oh no..." }, { U: [{next: "momoMissing", text: null}], nodeName: "whatsWrong", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "What's wrong?" }, { U: [{next: "doomed", text: null}], nodeName: "momoMissing", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDogNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro has gone missing! And he's our team captain, how can we play without him?" }, { U: [{next: "help", text: "Help"}, {next: "sorry", text: "Sorry"}], nodeName: "doomed", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoMonkeyNeutral"]}, text: "And it's the day of the big game! WE'RE DOOMED!!" }, { U: [{next: "ohThankYou", text: null}], nodeName: "help", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Everybody stay calm, maybe I can help find him!" }, { U: [{next: "teamPlayer", text: null}], nodeName: "ohThankYou", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoBirdNeutral"]}, text: "You would do that for us?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "teamPlayer", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDogNeutral"], zd: ["MOMOTARO", "peach1"]}, text: "What a team player! Monkey last saw him heading north up Climibng Mountain." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sorry", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, I hope you find him..." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro, Captain of the Rugby Team, has gone missing on Oni Island in the East. Where could he be..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "backsoon", text: null}], nodeName: "mom", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoMomNeutral"]}, text: "Our son Momotaro left for Oni Island to play rugby." }, { U: [], nodeName: "backsoon", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoMomNeutral"]}, text: "I hope he comes to visit us soon." }], [{ U: [{next: "doingHere", text: null}], nodeName: "momotaro", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Momotaro, here you are!" }, { U: [{next: "teamWorried", text: null}], nodeName: "doingHere", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, hello Lucky! What are you doing all the way out here?" }, { U: [{next: "parents", text: null}], nodeName: "teamWorried", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["MOMOTARO", "peach3"]}, text: "You teammates are worried about you, they are getting ready for the big game!" }, { U: [{next: "momDad", text: null}], nodeName: "parents", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"]}, text: "Oh no, well there's nothing to worry about! I just came to visit my parents." }, { U: [{next: "whyHello", text: null}], nodeName: "momDad", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"]}, text: "Mom, Dad...this is Lucky, the amazing athlete I was telling you about!" }, { U: [{next: "heardAlot", text: null}], nodeName: "whyHello", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoDadNeutral"]}, text: "Why hello Lucky, nice to meet you." }, { U: [{next: "blush", text: null}], nodeName: "heardAlot", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoMomNeutral"]}, text: "We've heard a lot about you, our son is very thankful for all your help." }, { U: [{ next: "betterGetBack", text: null }], nodeName: "blush", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh my...well it's nice to meet you both!" }, { U: [{next: "dontForget", text: null}], nodeName: "betterGetBack", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"]}, text: "Well, we better get back to the rugby game." }, { U: [{next: "thanksBye", text: null}], nodeName: "dontForget", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momoMomNeutral"]}, text: "Be careful with the Oni, and don't forget these peaches for your friends." }, { U: [], nodeName: "thanksBye", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["momotaroNeutral"], zd: ["MOMOTARO", "complete"]}, text: "Right! Thanks Mom, see you both soon!" }], [{ U: [{next: "mustBe", text: null}], nodeName: "peach1", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "What's this, a peach?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "mustBe", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["MOMOTARO", "peach2"]}, text: "Momotaro must be this way!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "peach2", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["MOMOTARO", "peach3"]}, text: "Another peach! I must be on the right track!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "peach3", V: "questMomotaro", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["MOMOTARO", "found"]}, text: "More peaches! I've got to be getting close now!" }], [{U: [{next: "firstHint", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX"}, { U: [], nodeName: "firstHint", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "XXX" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX"}], [{ U: [{ next: "StillWatching", text: null }], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"TROPHYNAME"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{U: [{next: "thanks", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX"}, { U: [], nodeName: "thanks", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: [""], zd: ["NAME", "complete"]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Finish up and come back to see your reward, see hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{ next: "IllBeWatching", text: null }], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There's someone on the island who needs the Champion's help. YOUR help." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questNAME", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "activewhatswrongbaker", text: null}], nodeName: "activeBaker", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "*Sigh*" }, { U: [{next: "activereadytoretire", text: null}], nodeName: "activewhatswrongbaker", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "What's wrong?" }, { U: [{next: "activewarmallthetime", text: null}], nodeName: "activereadytoretire", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "I've been a baker for so long, I feel ready to call it quits." }, { U: [{next: "howwarm", text: null}], nodeName: "activewarmallthetime", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "I'd love to retire someplace where it's warm all the time and I can just relax." }, { U: [{next: "whereisthat", text: null}], nodeName: "howwarm", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hm...how about somewhere very VERY warm?" }, { U: [{next: "ihaveafriend", text: null}], nodeName: "whereisthat", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "The warmer the better! Do you have something in mind?" }, { U: [{next: "wonderfulbring", text: null}], nodeName: "ihaveafriend", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I have a friend who wants to become a baker! But he's-" }, { U: [{next: "butihavent", text: null}], nodeName: "wonderfulbring", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "Oh how wonderful! My wildest dreams are coming true! Bring your friend here as soon as you can!" }, { U: [{next: "whocares", text: "He's Big"}, {next: "whocares", text: "He's Red"}, { next: "whocares", text: "He's an Oni" }], nodeName: "butihavent", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "But I haven't told you anything about him..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whocares", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"], zd: ["ONI", "found"]}, text: "Who cares?? If he has the baking spirit, that's all that matters. I can't wait to meet him!" }], [{ U: [{next: "stilllooking", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Any luck on finding a place for me to work in Tanooki City?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "stilllooking", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Still looking!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Help find a place in Tanooki City for an Oni to pursue his dream of becoming a baker!" }], [{ U: [{next: "bakingisbetter", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniBaker"]}, text: "Baking is better than I even imagined, everyone is so happy!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "bakingisbetter", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniBaker"]}, text: "You were right Lucky, I'm so happy I finally made my dream come true!" }], [{ U: [{next: "oniisbetter", text: null}], nodeName: "completeBaker", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyRetired"]}, text: "Retirement on Oni Island is better than I could have dreamed!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "oniisbetter", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyRetired"]}, text: "Being surrounded by boiling hot lava all day long...what could be more relaxing??" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Bakery Real Estate Agent"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "sosudden", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Great news! The baker in Tanooki City wants to retire, he's willing to give you his shop!" }, { U: [{next: "waitingforyou", text: null}], nodeName: "sosudden", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Oh my...I can't believe it!" }, { U: [{next: "wowsosudden", text: null}], nodeName: "waitingforyou", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Let's go, he's waiting for you!" }, { U: [{next: "leavehome", text: null}], nodeName: "wowsosudden", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "It's so sudden...can I really do this?" }, { U: [{next: "nogood", text: null}], nodeName: "leavehome", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Leave my home and everything I've ever known?" }, { U: [{next: "dreamsarehard2", text: null}], nodeName: "nogood", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "What if I'm no good?? What if I get homesick?" }, { U: [{next: "ilefteverything", text: null}], nodeName: "dreamsarehard2", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "No one ever said following your dream is easy..." }, { U: [{next: "noregrets", text: null}], nodeName: "ilefteverything", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I left everything to come here, because I had a dream!" }, { U: [{next: "ibelieveinyou", text: null}], nodeName: "noregrets", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "It's challenging, but I've grown so much and I have no regets!" }, { U: [{next: "yourerightlucky", text: null}], nodeName: "ibelieveinyou", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "I believe in you! You could be the best baker this island ever saw!" }, { U: [{next: "givemestength", text: null}], nodeName: "yourerightlucky", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "You believe in me..." }, { U: [{next: "meetyouthere", text: null}], nodeName: "givemestength", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Just hearing that give me stength. OK! Let's go!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "meetyouthere", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"], zd: ["ONI", "complete"]}, text: "I'll meet you in Tanooki City!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "foundBaker", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "Is your friend here yet? hurry up, I've already started packing!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Tell the Oni on Oni Island you've found a spot in Tanooki City that needs a new baker!" }], [{ U: [{next: "whatswrong", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "*Sigh*" }, { U: [{next: "everyonescared", text: null}], nodeName: "whatswrong", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "W-what's wrong?" }, { U: [{next: "neverdream", text: null}], nodeName: "everyonescared", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Being an Oni is tough. Everyone is always so scared of me." }, { U: [{next: "dream", text: "Dream?"}, {next: "sorry", text: "S-sorry"}], nodeName: "neverdream", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "After all these years of playing Rugby, I'll never make my dream come true..." }, { U: [{next: "ofcoursewont", text: null}], nodeName: "sorry", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "S-s-sorry...please d-don't hurt m-me..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "ofcoursewont", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Of course I wouldn't hurt you *sigh*" }, { U: [{next: "bigcity", text: null}], nodeName: "dream", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "What's your dream?" }, { U: [{next: "makepeoplehappy", text: null}], nodeName: "bigcity", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "I've always wanted to move to Tanooki City and become a baker!" }, { U: [{next: "howwonderful", text: null}], nodeName: "makepeoplehappy", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "I'd rather use my stength to punch dough! What better way to make people happy than giving them delicious food." }, { U: [{next: "noonewould", text: null}], nodeName: "howwonderful", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "How wonderful! Why don't you do it?" }, { U: [{next: "help", text: "Help"}, {next: "sorryno", text: "Sorry"}], nodeName: "noonewould", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "Who would trust an Oni in the city? I could never even find shop to start in." }, { U: [{next: "sodoi", text: null}], nodeName: "sorryno", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I'm sorry, I wish I could help." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sodoi", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"]}, text: "*sigh* It was a silly dream anyway..." }, { U: [{next: "doforme", text: null}], nodeName: "help", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "I can try and help! I'll check Tanooki City to see if anyone might need a new baker!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "doforme", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["oniDreamer"], zd: ["ONI", "active"]}, text: "Oh..that would be so wonderful! Thank you for beleiving in my dream!" }], [{ U: [{next: "whatswrongbaker", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveBaker", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "*Sigh*" }, { U: [{next: "readytoretire", text: null}], nodeName: "whatswrongbaker", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "What's wrong?" }, { U: [{next: "warmallthetime", text: null}], nodeName: "readytoretire", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "I've been a baker for so long, I feel ready to call it quits." }, { U: [{next: "soundslovely", text: null}], nodeName: "warmallthetime", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "I'd love to retire someplace where it's warm all the time and I can just relax." }, { U: [{next: "whowillbread", text: null}], nodeName: "soundslovely", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "That sounds very nice, and like you've earned it!" }, { U: [{next: "sighdream", text: null}], nodeName: "whowillbread", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "But who will make the bread if its not me?? THe city would go hungry." }, { U: [{next: "luckyhmm", text: null}], nodeName: "sighdream", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["monkeyBaker"]}, text: "*sigh* Some dreams aren't meant to come true." }, {U: [], nodeName: "luckyhmm", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Hmm..."}], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "One of the strongest Oni on Oni Island in the east is thinking about a career change..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questOni", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "sssorry", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "What are you talking to me for? Delivery my letter to the locksmith in Oni Island in the East!" }, { U: [{next: "forgiveyou", text: null}], nodeName: "sssorry", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "S-sorry." }, { U: [], nodeName: "forgiveyou", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "I forgive you. Now get going!" }], [{ U: [{next: "letterforyou", text: null}], nodeName: "activeLocksmith", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Hiro's Locks!" }, { U: [{next: "inages", text: null}], nodeName: "letterforyou", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hi Hiro! I have a letter for you from the porcupine in the North West Docks." }, { U: [{next: "ohmymy", text: null}], nodeName: "inages", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "From Petunia? I haven't seen her in ages! Thank you!" }, { U: [{next: "everythingok", text: null}], nodeName: "ohmymy", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "....Hm. Oh my my, that's quite a request." }, { U: [{ next: "onemoment", text: null }], nodeName: "everythingok", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Everything OK?" }, { U: [{next: "deliverPet", text: null}], nodeName: "onemoment", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "Yes, just one moment!" }, { U: [{next: "soheavy", text: null}], nodeName: "deliverPet", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "Here you go! Could you please deliver this package to Petunia?" }, { U: [{next: "fivehundred", text: null}], nodeName: "soheavy", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "It's so heavy!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "fivehundred", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"], zd: ["PORCUPINE", "found"]}, text: "Yes, five hundred locks seems like an odd request, but who am I to argue with a customer?" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Petunia the Porcupine wants you to deliver a letter to the Locksmith in Tanooki City in the South West, hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "click", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: [""], zd: ["PORCUPINE", "complete"]}, text: "*click*" }], [{ U: [{next: "whatshewants", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "...the door's locked." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whatshewants", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Oh well, I guess she got what she wanted." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeLocksmith", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "I hope Petunia likes those locks, they should last a lifetime!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Hermit Enabler"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "delivered", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "You can leave now. I really wish you would." }], [{ U: [{next: "foundlock", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "You again?" }, { U: [{next: "fantastic", text: null}], nodeName: "foundlock", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I delivered the letter, the locksmith gave me this package for you." }, { U: [], nodeName: "fantastic", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"], zd: ["PORCUPINE", "delivered"]}, text: "Oh how splendid. You can leave now." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "foundLocksmith", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "Five hundred locks seems like an odd request, but who am I to argue with a customer?" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Deliver the Locksmith's package to Petunia the Porcupine in the North East Docks, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "haventyouheard", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "There's so much terrible noise outside, what's going on?" }, { U: [{next: "lastyear", text: null}], nodeName: "haventyouheard", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Haven't you heard? The Champion Games are happening!" }, { U: [{next: "wanttojoin", text: null}], nodeName: "lastyear", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "Again?? I thought they were supposed to happen last year..." }, { U: [{next: "ofcoursenot", text: null}], nodeName: "wanttojoin", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Don't you want to join everyone?" }, { U: [{next: "lonely", text: null}], nodeName: "ofcoursenot", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "Of course not! I'm quite happy inside." }, { U: [{next: "wayilike", text: null}], nodeName: "lonely", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "That sounds very lonely..." }, { U: [{next: "lockthedoor", text: null}], nodeName: "wayilike", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "And that's just the way I like it!" }, { U: [{next: "goodpoint", text: null}], nodeName: "lockthedoor", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "If you like being alone, why do you leave your front door open?" }, { U: [{next: "favor", text: null}], nodeName: "goodpoint", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Yes"}, {next: "no", text: "No"}], nodeName: "favor", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "...I wonder if you might do me a favor?" }, { U: [{next: "wonderful", text: null}], nodeName: "yes", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "A favor, of course! I'm happy to help." }, { U: [{next: "ssure", text: null}], nodeName: "wonderful", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "Wonderful. There's a locksmith in Oni Island in the East, could you take him this letter from me?" }, { U: [{next: "goodcat", text: null}], nodeName: "ssure", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Letter? S-sure." }, { U: [], nodeName: "goodcat", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"], zd: ["PORCUPINE", "active"]}, text: "Splendid. I will enjoy the peace and quiet until you return." }, { U: [{next: "useless", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, I don't think I can." }, { U: [], nodeName: "useless", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "*Sigh* As I expected, never rely on anyone but yourself." }], [{ U: [{next: "sorryno", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveLocksmith", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Hiro's Locks, the key to success! Can I help you?" }, { U: [{next: "alwayshere", text: null}], nodeName: "sorryno", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, I don't need any locks or keys. Thank you though!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "alwayshere", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["locksmithNeutral"]}, text: "No problem, come anytime, my door is always open!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There's a lonely porcupine living in the North West Docks. Maybe you can help her conquer her fear of the outside." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "locked", V: "questPorcupine", tags: {W: ["porcupineNeutral"]}, text: "You can leave now. I really wish you would." }], [{ U: [{next: "meneither", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerAMad"]}, text: "I'm not moving until you say I won!" }, { U: [{next: "geez", text: null}], nodeName: "meneither", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBMad"]}, text: "I'm not moving until YOU say I won!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "geez", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyHide"]}, text: "Yikes, maybe I'd better leave..." }], [{ U: [{next: "blockingbeach", text: null}], nodeName: "activeCrab", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "All that bickering... those two must be at it again. I can hear it from out here!" }, { U: [{next: "toobad", text: null}], nodeName: "blockingbeach", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Yes! Seems like they're refusing to move aside until one of them gives up." }, { U: [{next: "hangry", text: null}], nodeName: "toobad", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "Too bad... the secret beach is lovely this time of year." }, { U: [{next: "conveniencestore", text: null}], nodeName: "hangry", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "Those two are best friends, but they fight a lot. Running makes them hungry, and hunger makes them angry." }, { U: [], nodeName: "conveniencestore", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "I bet you could get them to move if you brought them a snack from the bakery in Tanooki City..." }], [{ U: [{next: "nomoney", text: null}], nodeName: "activeMelonBread", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to our bakery! Today we're selling a special melon bread. It's delicious!" }, { U: [{next: "freesample", text: null}], nodeName: "nomoney", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Oh wow! Too bad I don't have any money..." }, { U: [{next: "decision", text: null}], nodeName: "freesample", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "No money? No problem! Here's a free sample!" }, { U: [{ next: "shouldi", text: null }], nodeName: "decision", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Yum! It smells amazing!" }, { U: [{next: "eatit", text: "Eat it."}, {next: "saveit", text: "Save it."}, {next: "refuse", text: "Refuse it."}], nodeName: "shouldi", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I could eat this now... or I could save it for those two racers to unblock the path to the beach..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "eatit", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "It smells too good! I gotta try it!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "saveit", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["RACE", "found"]}, text: "This will be the perfect thing to patch things up between those two racers." }, { U: [{next: "suitthyself", text: null}], nodeName: "refuse", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "Um..no thank you." }, { U: [], nodeName: "suitthyself", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "Oh...I'm sorry it's not to your liking." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Calm the quarreling friends at Marathon Beach with a tasty treat at the Conveince Store in Tanooki City in the South East." }], [{ U: [{next: "next time", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerANeutral"]}, text: "Heh... another squabble caused by not bringing a snack." }, { U: [], nodeName: "next time", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBNeutral"]}, text: "We'll know better next time." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeCrab", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "Did you save any of the melon bread for me...?" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Race Tie Breaker"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "racer2rebuttal", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerAMad"]}, text: "Either I go in first, or neither of us does!" }, { U: [{next: "ahem", text: null}], nodeName: "racer2rebuttal", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBMad"]}, text: "You're so immature! If you would just admit I win then this would all be over." }, { U: [{next: "tryit", text: null}], nodeName: "ahem", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyRawr"]}, text: "Ahem... excuse me... do you two want to try this fresh melon bread?" }, {U: [{next: "fine2", text: null}], nodeName: "tryit", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBMad"]}, text: "Fine."}, { U: [{next: "eating", text: null}], nodeName: "fine2", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerAMad"]}, text: "Fine." }, { U: [{next: "soothed", text: null}], nodeName: "eating", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBNeutral"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "longtime", text: null}], nodeName: "soothed", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerANeutral"]}, text: "Wow, that's delicious. I didn't realize how hungry I was..." }, { U: [{next: "goon", text: null}], nodeName: "longtime", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBNeutral"]}, text: "Me neither... how long were we standing here fighting?" }, { U: [{next: "noyou", text: null}], nodeName: "goon", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerANeutral"]}, text: "You know, I just realized something. It really doesn't matter who won... you're my best friend. I want you to go first." }, { U: [{next: "tolucky", text: null}], nodeName: "noyou", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBNeutral"]}, text: "No, I want YOU to go first! You're MY best friend!" }, { U: [{next: "thanks", text: null}], nodeName: "tolucky", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerANeutral"], zd: ["RACE", "complete"]}, text: "Actually, why don't you go on through? We'll follow you." }, { U: [], nodeName: "thanks", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Oh - me? Thanks! I'll see you on the other side!" }], [{ U: [{next: "taketothem", text: null}], nodeName: "foundCrab", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "Oh wow, you got melon bread? My favorite!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "taketothem", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["crabNeutral"]}, text: "Take it to the tree and see if the racers get out of the way." }], [{ U: [{next: "toolong", text: null}], nodeName: "foundMelonBread", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, you're saving the melon bread?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "toolong", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Don't wait too long or it will go stale!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Take the Melon Bread to the bickering friends racing at Marathon Beach in the South East. ." }], [{ U: [{ next: "nome", text: null }], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerAMad"]}, text: "I was first!" }, { U: [{next: "mynose", text: null}], nodeName: "nome", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBMad"]}, text: "No, I was! My toe was over the line!" }, { U: [{next: "no way", text: null}], nodeName: "mynose", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerAMad"]}, text: "But my nose was already in front!" }, { U: [{next: "waiting", text: null}], nodeName: "no way", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerBMad"]}, text: "Well there's no way I'm letting us go on to the secret beach until you admit I won fair and square." }, { U: [], nodeName: "waiting", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["racerAMad"], zd: ["RACE", "active"]}, text: "You'll be waiting a long time, buddy!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveMelonBread", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["conviniNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to our bakery! Let me know if I can help you with anything." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Two friends racing at Marathon Beach in the South West seem to be taking the competition a little too far..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questRace", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "sunnyDay2", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "If you want to cross the bridge, talk to the strange boy outside the Table Tennis Dojo north of here, deep in the bamboo grove." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sunnyDay2", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "Best of luck, after so much rain I think we all could use a sunny day." }], [{ U: [{next: "excuseMe", text: null}], nodeName: "activeRainBoy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Rain...yes...keep raining..." }, { U: [{next: "helloKitty", text: null}], nodeName: "excuseMe", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "E-excuse me?" }, { U: [{next: "lessRain", text: null}], nodeName: "helloKitty", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh hello kitty cat. Isn't today a wonderful day?" }, { U: [{next: "loveRain", text: null}], nodeName: "lessRain", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "It is, but it might be even better if without the rain." }, { U: [{next: "itDoes", text: null}], nodeName: "loveRain", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh but that's what makes it so wonderful, I LOVE the rain! I'm Amefuri Kozo and rain follows me everywhere!" }, { U: [{next: "sharing", text: null}], nodeName: "itDoes", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Follows you?" }, { U: [{ next: "whyHere", text: null }], nodeName: "sharing", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Yes, and I love sharing it wherever I go!" }, { U: [{next: "lostMap", text: null}], nodeName: "whyHere", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "Hm, well if you love sharing it why have you stayed here so long?" }, { U: [{next: "illHelp", text: "I'll Help"}, {next: "tooBad", text: "Too bad"}], nodeName: "lostMap", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh...well my plan was to share the Rain all over the island, but after I arrived here the wind from the Tengu's table tennis swings blew my train ticket away." }, { U: [{next: "wow", text: null}], nodeName: "illHelp", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Hmm, maybe I can help you get a new one! I'll check the train station in Tanooki City!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "wow", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"], zd: ["RAIN", "ticket"]}, text: "Wow...you must love rain as much as I do." }, { U: [{next: "stillHaveRain", text: null}], nodeName: "tooBad", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh that's too bad..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "stillHaveRain", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Well, at least I'll always have the rain." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find the strange boy behind the Table Tennis Dojo and see if you can get to the bottom of why it keeps raining." }], [{ U: [{next: "happyHelp", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "The rain has stopped, the sun is shining and the bridge is open again! You really are a champion, Lucky!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "happyHelp", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Aw, I'm just happy to help." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Rain Stopper"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{ next: "maybeLater", text: null }], nodeName: "foundCook", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Hi Lucky! You're looking a little skinny, are you ready for your 50 bowls of noodles?? Ohoho." }, { U: [{next: "YouGotIt", text: null}], nodeName: "maybeLater", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "Oh, um...maybe later?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "YouGotIt", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Ohoho, any time! but don't forget, a true champion always eats well!" }], [{ U: [{next: "foundIt", text: null}], nodeName: "foundRainBoy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Rain, rain, beautiful Rain." }, { U: [{next: "TourIsland", text: null}], nodeName: "foundIt", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Amefuri Kozo! Good news, I found you a train ticket!" }, { U: [{next: "letsGoRain", text: null}], nodeName: "TourIsland", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh my, a tour of the whole island, how wonderful!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "letsGoRain", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"], zd: ["RAIN", "complete"]}, text: "Let's go, rain! Everyone is gonna be so excited to see us!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Finish up and come back to see your reward, see hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "stranger", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "You want to cross? Sorry, with all this rain the water has completely covered the bridge!" }, { U: [{next: "connection", text: null}], nodeName: "stranger", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "It's been raining since that strange boy arrived behind the Table Tennis Dojo..." }, { U: [{next: "neverThought", text: null}], nodeName: "connection", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Stranger? Do you think there's some connection?" }, { U: [{next: "askThem", text: null}], nodeName: "neverThought", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "Hm, connection? I never thought of that...maybe he can make it stop!" }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "No"}], nodeName: "askThem", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "Would you ask the boy? The whole village would be in your debt!" }, { U: [{next: "sunnyDay", text: null}], nodeName: "yes", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"], zd: ["RAIN", "active"]}, text: "Oh thank you! The Table Tennis Dojo is north of here, deep in the bamboo grove." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sunnyDay", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "Best of luck, after so much rain I think we all could use a sunny day." }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "I see. I guess even the Chosen One can't stop the rain from falling..." }], [{ U: [{next: "notHungryRightNow", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveCook", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Ohoho, welcome to the Noodle Shop! What can I get you?" }, { U: [{next: "whatacrime", text: null}], nodeName: "notHungryRightNow", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I'm not hungry right now, thank you!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "whatacrime", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Not hungry? Then why would you come in a Noodle Shop..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveRainBoy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Rain...yes....beautiful rain....forever..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveTrainStation", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Tanooki City Station!" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{ next: "wonderBridge", text: null }], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "It's been raining non-stop in the Bamboo Forest to the North East....very strange." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "wonderBridge", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Someone should check to see if any of the bridges have flooded..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "mightHaveOne", text: null}], nodeName: "noodleCook", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Ohoho, welcome! What can I get you?" }, { U: [{next: "trainTicketPromo", text: null}], nodeName: "mightHaveOne", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I'm looking for a train ticket, I heard you might have one?" }, { U: [{next: "fiftyBowls", text: null}], nodeName: "trainTicketPromo", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "OH yes! We are having a special promotion, one free train ticket for every 50 bowls of ramen you order!" }, { U: [{next: "championSpecial", text: null}], nodeName: "fiftyBowls", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "50?? I could never eat that much, I have to be in top shape to compete!" }, { U: [{next: "thatsMe", text: null}], nodeName: "championSpecial", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Compete? Oh, are you the new Champion that arrived??" }, { U: [{next: "luckyDay", text: null}], nodeName: "thatsMe", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyBigGrin"]}, text: "That's me, Lucky the Cat!" }, { U: [{next: "ohMy", text: null}], nodeName: "luckyDay", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Well then today is your lucky day! We have the Champion Discount, 50 bowls free to help you train!" }, { U: [{next: "allAtOnce", text: null}], nodeName: "ohMy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyHide"]}, text: "Oh my..." }, { U: [{next: "haveYourTicket", text: null}], nodeName: "allAtOnce", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "Oh don't worry, you don't have to eat them all at once! But you have them waiting!" }, { U: [{next: "thankNoodle", text: null}], nodeName: "haveYourTicket", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"]}, text: "And don't forget your free train ticket! A Champion should travel in style, ohoho." }, { U: [{next: "backNoodles", text: null}], nodeName: "thankNoodle", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyBigGrin"]}, text: "Oh! Thank you, this is perfect!" }, { U: [{next: "anyTime", text: null}], nodeName: "backNoodles", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "And, um, I'll be back later for all those noodles!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "anyTime", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["noodleCookNeutral"], zd: ["RAIN", "found"]}, text: "Any time! Tell your friends about us, and good luck in the games!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "noodleTrainStation", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "The Noodle Shop is just east of here, hopefully you find a ticket there!" }], [{ U: [{next: "trophymasterbychance", text: null}], nodeName: "searchTrainStation", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Tanooki City Station!" }, { U: [{next: "whatmaster", text: null}], nodeName: "trophymasterbychance", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Excuse me for asking, but are you the Trophy Master by chance?" }, { U: [{next: "othercats", text: null}], nodeName: "whatmaster", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "The what? Sorry, I just watch the train station..." }, { U: [{next: "calvin", text: null}], nodeName: "othercats", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I see. I'm looking for another cat on the island that watches the Trophy House." }, { U: [], nodeName: "calvin", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "Only other cat I know is Calvin, he's always asleep over on Oni Island." }], [{ U: [{next: "stillLooking", text: null}], nodeName: "ticketRainBoy", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "Any luck finding my train ticket?" }, { U: [{next: "noRush", text: null}], nodeName: "stillLooking", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyWideEyeSweat"]}, text: "I'm still looking!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "noRush", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["rainBoyNeutral"]}, text: "No rush, I don't mind waiting in the rain." }], [{ U: [{next: "oneTicket", text: null}], nodeName: "ticketTrainStation", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" }, { U: [{next: "soldOut", text: null}], nodeName: "oneTicket", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hello, I'd like a train ticket to tour the island please!" }, { U: [{next: "whatToDo", text: null}], nodeName: "soldOut", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "Oh I'm so sorry, with all the sport events we're sold out..." }, { U: [{next: "noodleShopDiscount", text: null}], nodeName: "whatToDo", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "Oh no! There's no way to get a ticket at all??" }, { U: [{next: "checkNoodleShop", text: null}], nodeName: "noodleShopDiscount", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["trainWorkerNeutral"]}, text: "Hmm...the owner of the Noodle Shop down the street is having a promotion, maybe she can help?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "checkNoodleShop", V: "questRain", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["RAIN", "noodle"]}, text: "I'll check, thank you so much!" }], [{ U: [{next: "leave2", text: null}], nodeName: "active1", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "...go away coach... I'm too sleepy to compete..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "leave2", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"], zd: ["SLEEPING_CAT", "active2"]}, text: "...zzz..." }], [{ U: [{next: "lucky1", text: null}], nodeName: "active2", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "...zzz... ehh?! Ugh, fine, I'm awake now. What do you want? Did Coach send you?" }, { U: [{next: "champstory", text: null}], nodeName: "lucky1", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Who are you?" }, { U: [{next: "lucky2", text: null}], nodeName: "champstory", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "I'm the chosen one. The one who will bring balance to the island." }, { U: [{next: "champstory2", text: null}], nodeName: "lucky2", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "I thought I was the chosen one..." }, { U: [{next: "warm", text: null}], nodeName: "champstory2", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I guess they already found a new athlete." }, { U: [{ next: "lucky3", text: null }], nodeName: "warm", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "I came here a while back to defeat all the champions and gather all the scrolls, but the lava flows here on Oni Island are just too warm and cozy..." }, { U: [{next: "champstory3", text: null}], nodeName: "lucky3", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wanna team up and compete together?" }, { U: [{next: "sashimi", text: null}], nodeName: "champstory3", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "Don't know how much you've explored yet, but this island isn't really big enough for two Chosen Ones, champ." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sashimi", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"], zd: ["SLEEPING_CAT", "complete"]}, text: "I'll sit this one out. Now leave me alone, I was having a really nice dream about some sashimi..." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "The Former Champion is sleeping?? Well sounds like you better keep bothering him, hee hee.." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"], zd: ["SLEEPING_CAT", "complete"]}, text: "...zzz..." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Cat Nap Enabler'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "leave", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "zzz... don't mind if I do..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "leave", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"], zd: ["SLEEPING_CAT", "active1"]}, text: "Oops, sorry." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There was another Chosen One before you, poor thing. I wonder what happened to him, he was always sleeping..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "And I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "wakeup", text: null}], nodeName: "searchSleepingCat", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "zzzz" }, { U: [{next: "youagain", text: null}], nodeName: "wakeup", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Hey, wake up!" }, { U: [{next: "youtrophy", text: null}], nodeName: "youagain", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, it's you again..." }, { U: [{next: "agirl", text: null}], nodeName: "youtrophy", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Sorry to bother you, but by any chance are you the Trophy Master?" }, { U: [{next: "seenher", text: null}], nodeName: "agirl", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "Me? Of course not, the Trophy Master is a girl." }, { U: [{next: "boat", text: null}], nodeName: "seenher", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Oh! So you've seen her?" }, { U: [{ next: "check", text: null }], nodeName: "boat", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"]}, text: "Last I saw her she was heading to one of the boat houses in the Archery Docks in the North West, but that was months ago." }, { U: [{next: "suresure", text: null}], nodeName: "check", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Oh, thank you! I'll go check!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "suresure", V: "questSleepingCat", tags: {W: ["sleepyCatNeutral"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "boat"]}, text: "Sure sure, just don't wake me up again." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced1", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Have you found the secret skate park yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced2", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "There are 3 different songs in the synchonised swimming area." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced3", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "The secret beach is where the long distance runners like to hang out, have you been yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced4", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Powerups are the key to winning Rugby." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced5", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "The more obstacles you avoid in Marathon, the faster you run!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced6", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Be careful of the green handholds on Climbing Mountain, they tend to fall!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite1", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Our team leader always keeps her eye on who's in first place." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite2", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, you must be the cat everyone's been talking about. It's an honor!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite3", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Team Yellow is gonna be in first place, I just know it!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite4", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "No one's ever become an Elite Memeber besides the Team Leader, we're only here as guards!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite5", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "The Team Leader has been waiting to meet you." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite6", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I have to go to the bathroom but I'm on duty..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "frontGuardLocked", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "This is Team Blue's private gym, only members allowed!" }], [{ U: [{next: "welcometohq", text: null}], nodeName: "frontGuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Oho, I see you're a member of Team Blue." }, { U: [], nodeName: "welcometohq", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to our private gym, come on in!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardLocked", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Advanced Members only. You need 3 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Advanced Members! Team Blue thanks you for your hard work!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardLocked", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Elite Members only. You need 6 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Elite Members! Our Team Leader is excited to meet you!" }], [{ U: [{next: "notforme", text: null}], nodeName: "lockedFrontDoor", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "It's locked..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notforme", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Maybe I should find my own team's headquarters instead." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member1", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "This is our private gym, it's the best place to get strong!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member2", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "If I keep practicing, I know one day I can beat a Champion and earn a scroll!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member3", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "There are rumors that some sports have more difficult versions hidden throughout the island..." }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderLosing", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "notdone", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Blue, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notdone", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "But our work is not done! Team Blue is behind on the leaderboard. We cannot rest until we are the strongest!" }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader2", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderWinning", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "winning", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader2", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Blue, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [{next: "keepgoodwork", text: null}], nodeName: "winning", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "And Team Blue is currently in first place!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "keepgoodwork", V: "questTeamBlue", tags: {W: ["leaderBlueNeutral"]}, text: "Keep up your hard work to the very end, and Team Blue will win the Champion Island Games!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced1", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Have you found the secret skate park yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced2", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "There are 3 different songs in the synchonised swimming area." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced3", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "The secret beach is where the long distance runners like to hang out, have you been yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced4", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Powerups are the key to winning Rugby." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced5", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "The more obstacles you avoid in Marathon, the faster you run!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced6", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Be careful of the green handholds on Climbing Mountain, they tend to fall!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite1", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Our team leader always keeps her eye on who's in first place." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite2", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, you must be the cat everyone's been talking about. It's an honor!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite3", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Team Green is gonna be in first place, I just know it!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite4", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "No one's ever become an Elite Memeber besides the Team Leader, we're only here as guards!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite5", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "The Team Leader has been waiting to meet you." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite6", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "I have to go to the bathroom but I'm on duty..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "frontGuardLocked", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa!" }], [{ U: [{next: "welcometohq", text: null}], nodeName: "frontGuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa!" }, { U: [{next: "comeonin", text: null}], nodeName: "welcometohq", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Oh wait, you're a member of Team Green aren't you? I can talk normally." }, { U: [], nodeName: "comeonin", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Come on in to our headquarters and relax!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardLocked", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Advanced Members only. You need 3 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Advanced Members! Team Green thanks you for your hard work!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardLocked", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Elite Members only. You need 6 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Elite Members! Our Team Leader is excited to meet you!" }], [{ U: [{next: "notforme", text: null}], nodeName: "lockedFrontDoor", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "It's locked..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notforme", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Maybe I should find my own team's headquarters instead." }], [{ U: [{next: "inwater", text: null}], nodeName: "member1", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to our headquarters!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "inwater", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "Kappa are most comfortable in water, I hope you don't mind." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member2", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "If I keep practicing, I know one day I can beat a Champion and earn a scroll!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member3", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["kappaNeutral"]}, text: "There are rumors that some sports have more difficult versions hidden throughout the island..." }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderLosing", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "notdone", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Green, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notdone", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "But our work is not done! Team Green is behind on the leaderboard. We cannot rest until we are on top!" }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader2", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderWinning", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "winning", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader2", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Green, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [{next: "keepgoodwork", text: null}], nodeName: "winning", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "And Team Green is currently in first place!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "keepgoodwork", V: "questTeamGreen", tags: {W: ["leaderGreenNeutral"]}, text: "Keep up your hard work to the very end and Team Green is sure to triumph. Kappa!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced1", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Have you found the secret skate park yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced2", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "There are 3 different songs in the synchonised swimming area." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced3", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The secret beach is where the long distance runners like to hang out, have you been yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced4", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Powerups are the key to winning Rugby." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced5", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The more obstacles you avoid in Marathon, the faster you run!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced6", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Be careful of the green handholds on Climbing Mountain, they tend to fall!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite1", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Our team leader always keeps her eye on who's in first place." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite2", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, you must be the cat everyone's been talking about. It's an honor!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite3", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Team Red is gonna be in first place, I just know it!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite4", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "No one's ever become an Elite Memeber besides the Team Leader, we're only here as guards!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite5", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The Team Leader has been waiting to meet you." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite6", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "I have to go to the bathroom but I'm on duty..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "frontGuardLocked", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "The Research Library is only for members of Team Red. Kindly leave." }], [{ U: [{next: "welcometohq", text: null}], nodeName: "frontGuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Oho, I see you're a member of Team Red." }, { U: [], nodeName: "welcometohq", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to our Research Library, please feel free to come in and relax." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardLocked", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Advanced Members only. You need 3 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Advanced Members! Team Red thanks you for your hard work!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardLocked", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Elite Members only. You need 6 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Elite Members! Our Team Leader is excited to meet you!" }], [{ U: [{next: "notforme", text: null}], nodeName: "lockedFrontDoor", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "It's locked..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notforme", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Maybe I should find my own team's headquarters instead." }], [{ U: [{next: "knowledge", text: null}], nodeName: "member1", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Team Red loves reading so much we made our headquarters a Library." }, { U: [], nodeName: "knowledge", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "Please take advantage of all the knowledge there is learn here." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member2", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "If I keep practicing, I know one day I can beat a Champion and earn a scroll!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member3", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["karasuNeutral"]}, text: "There are rumors that some sports have more difficult versions hidden throughout the island..." }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderLosing", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "notdone", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Red, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notdone", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "But our work is not done! Team Red is behind on the leaderboard. We cannot rest until our numbers improve!" }], [{ U: [{ next: "theleader2", text: null }], nodeName: "teamLeaderWinning", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "winning", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader2", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Red, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [{next: "keepgoodwork", text: null}], nodeName: "winning", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "And Team Red is currently in first place!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "keepgoodwork", V: "questTeamRed", tags: {W: ["leaderRedNeutral"]}, text: "Keep up your hard work to the very end, and Team Red will triumph!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced1", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Have you found the secret skate park yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced2", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "There are 3 different songs in the synchonised swimming area." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced3", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The secret beach is where the long distance runners like to hang out, have you been yet?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced4", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Powerups are the key to winning Rugby." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced5", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The more obstacles you avoid in Marathon, the faster you run!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "advanced6", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Be careful of the green handholds on Climbing Mountain, they tend to fall!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite1", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Our team leader always keeps her eye on who's in first place." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite2", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, you must be the cat everyone's been talking about. It's an honor!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite3", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Team Yellow is gonna be in first place, I just know it!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite4", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "No one's ever become an Elite Memeber besides the Team Leader, we're only here as guards!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite5", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "The Team Leader has been waiting to meet you." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "elite6", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I have to go to the bathroom but I'm on duty..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "frontGuardLocked", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "This is a totally normal house and has nothing to do with Team Yellow. Off you go!" }], [{ U: [{next: "welcometohq", text: null}], nodeName: "frontGuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Oho, I see you're a member of Team Yellow." }, { U: [], nodeName: "welcometohq", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to our secret headquarters, come right in." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardLocked", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Advanced Members only. You need 3 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq1GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Advanced Members! Team Yellow thanks you for your hard work!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardLocked", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry, this room is for Elite Members only. You need 6 Champion Scrolls to gain access." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hq2GuardUnlocked", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "You've won enough scrolls to join to the Elite Members! Our Team Leader is excited to meet you!" }], [{ U: [{next: "notforme", text: null}], nodeName: "lockedFrontDoor", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "It's locked..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notforme", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Maybe I should find my own team's headquarters instead." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member1", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "This is our secret headqueaters, don't tell anyone about it!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member2", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "If I keep practicing, I know one day I can beat a Champion and earn a scroll!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "member3", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "There are rumors that some sports have more difficult versions hidden throughout the island..." }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderLosing", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "notdone", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Yellow, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [], nodeName: "notdone", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "But our work is not done! Team Yellow is behind on the leaderboard. We cannot rest until we are number 1!" }], [{ U: [{next: "theleader2", text: null}], nodeName: "teamLeaderWinning", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, Lucky. I've heard a lot about you." }, { U: [{next: "winning", text: null}], nodeName: "theleader2", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "I am the leader of Team Yellow, and I'm very proud of what you've done for our team." }, { U: [{next: "keepgoodwork", text: null}], nodeName: "winning", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "And Team Yellow is currently in first place!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "keepgoodwork", V: "questTeamYellow", tags: {W: ["leaderYellowNeutral"]}, text: "Keep up your hard work to the very end, and Team Yellow will win the Champion Island Games!" }], [{ U: [{next: "hint", text: "No..."}], nodeName: "active", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "You learn the password yet?" }, { U: [{next: "impress", text: null}], nodeName: "hint", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "The skaters at the Dojo in the center of town might be willing to let you in..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "impress", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "If you impress them, that is." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Need the password for the Secret Skate Park across the train tracks? Check at the Skate Dojo." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Click on the Red Gate to try the secret skatepark!" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "'Secret Skatepark Membership'" }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "teakettle", text: "Tea Kettle!"}], nodeName: "found", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "You learn the password yet?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "teakettle", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["TRAIN_TRACKS", "complete"]}, text: "That's it! Follow the gate and enjoy the new park!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "TEA KETTLE is the password to the Secret Skate Park across the train tracks in Tanooki City. Go check it out, hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "password", text: "Yeah!"}, {next: "no", text: "Nah."}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Curious about the other side of the train tracks?" }, { U: [{next: "wronganswer", text: "Tanooki?"}, {next: "wronganswer", text: "Skateboard?"}, { next: "dontknow", text: "I dunno." }], nodeName: "password", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "That's the EXCLUSIVE Skatepark. You need the secret password to get in, I assume you know it?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "no", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "...then you better move along." }, { U: [{next: "askaround", text: null}], nodeName: "wronganswer", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["TRAIN_TRACKS", "active"]}, text: "HA! Nice try. No entry without the password." }, { U: [{next: "askaround", text: null}], nodeName: "dontknow", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["TRAIN_TRACKS", "active"]}, text: "No entry without the password!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "askaround", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Members hang out at the Dojo in the center of town, maybe ask them." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Did you ever notice how the train tracks in Tanooki City are always down?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questTrainTracks", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I wonder if there's anything on the other side..hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "whatsthepassword", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "Hehehe I'm so excited, I just got access to the secret skatepark!" }, { U: [{next: "dotdotdot", text: null}], nodeName: "whatsthepassword", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "What's the password? I'll never tell. And who would ever guess...TEA KETTLE, it's brilliant!." }, { U: [{next: "slipup", text: null}], nodeName: "dotdotdot", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "slipup", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"], zd: ["TRAIN_TRACKS", "found"]}, text: "... you didn't hear that from me. Hehehe." }], [{ U: [{next: "greatmoves", text: null}], nodeName: "complete", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "I saw you at the secret skatepark..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "greatmoves", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "...you've got some great moves!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "found", V: "questTrainTracksPassword", tags: {W: ["inariNeutral"]}, text: "hehehe...TEA KETTLE...hehehe" }], [{ U: [{next: "firstHint", text: null}], nodeName: "active", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }, {U: [], nodeName: "firstHint", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX"}], [{ U: [{ next: "trophyHint", text: null }], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, {U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "XXX"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"TROPHYNAME"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{U: [{next: "thanks", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX"}, { U: [], nodeName: "thanks", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""], zd: ["NAME", "complete"]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Finish up and come back to see your reward, see hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "yes", text: "Sure!"}, {next: "no", text: "No."}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }, {U: [], nodeName: "yes", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""], zd: ["NAME", "active"]}, text: "XXX"}, { U: [{next: "changeMind", text: null}], nodeName: "no", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "XXX" }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questTrophy", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Hee hee hee hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "visisting", text: null}], nodeName: "active2Lions", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Lucky...what are you doing in there?" }, { U: [{next: "whattrophy", text: null}], nodeName: "visisting", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Huh? I was just visiting the Trophy Master." }, { U: [{next: "missing2", text: "Missing?"}, {next: "thenwho", text: "Not True"}], nodeName: "whattrophy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Trophy Master? But...the Trophy Master has been missing for months!" }, { U: [{next: "dissapeared", text: null}], nodeName: "missing2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Missing? What happened?" }, { U: [{next: "thenwho", text: null}], nodeName: "dissapeared", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "No one knows, she just disappeared!" }, { U: [{next: "whatbird", text: null}], nodeName: "thenwho", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "That's not true, the Trophy Master is in there now! A nice old crane who watches my every move." }, { U: [{next: "imposter", text: null}], nodeName: "whatbird", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "A crane? Lucky...the Trophy Master is a cat, same as you!" }, { U: [{next: "howcanthisbe", text: null}], nodeName: "imposter", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "An imposter!" }, { U: [{next: "betternot2", text: null}], nodeName: "howcanthisbe", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "This can't be true...all this time..." }, { U: [{next: "maybecheck2", text: null}], nodeName: "betternot2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "It sounds like something fishy is going on...you better not go back in there." }, { U: [{next: "butwhere2", text: null}], nodeName: "maybecheck2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "You have to find the true Trophy Master!" }, { U: [{next: "cat2", text: null}], nodeName: "butwhere2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "But where do I even begin to look?" }, { U: [{next: "hmmm2", text: null}], nodeName: "cat2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Think! Have you seen an other cats anywhere on the island?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "hmmm2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: { W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "search"] }, text: "Hmmm, as a matter of fact I have..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "active2Master", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "donttrust", text: null}], nodeName: "active2Trophy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You'd better stay away from there Lucky, hee hee." }, { U: [], nodeName: "donttrust", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "It says 'Don't trust the bird.'" }], [{ U: [{next: "doMyBest", text: null}], nodeName: "activeMaster", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Check back here any time you want to see the trophies you've earned. Or if you need a reminder of what to do next!" }], [{ U: [{next: "donttrust2", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "There's something written here..." }, { U: [{next: "whatdoing2", text: null}], nodeName: "donttrust2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "'Don't trust the bird.'" }, { U: [{next: "nnothing2", text: "Nothing!"}, {next: "whatisthis2", text: "What's this?"}], nodeName: "whatdoing2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "active"]}, text: "...what are you doing over there Lucky?" }, { U: [{next: "heeheehee2", text: null}], nodeName: "whatisthis2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Why does this spot say 'Don't trust the bird'" }, { U: [{next: "heeheeheehee2", text: null}], nodeName: "heeheehee2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "What? Oh....well you can't believe everything you read. Hee hee." }, { U: [], nodeName: "heeheeheehee2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "active2"]}, text: "Hee hee hee hee." }, { U: [], nodeName: "nnothing2", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "N-nothing!" }], [{ U: [{next: "catshate", text: null}], nodeName: "boatBoatHouse", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "A whirlpool? I think see something at the bottom..." }, { U: [{next: "jump", text: "Jump in!"}, {next: "stay", text: "No way."}], nodeName: "catshate", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyHide"]}, text: "But could the Trophy Master be down there? Cats hate water..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "jump", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "underwater"]}, text: "Only one way to find out!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "stay", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyHide"]}, text: "I don't think I'm ready yet..." }], [{ U: [{next: "getgoingboat", text: null}], nodeName: "boatLions", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "The Trophy Master was last seen heading to a boat house in the North West Docks!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "getgoingboat", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Well don't tell us that, head to the North West Docks!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "boatSleepingCat", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["sleepingCatNeutral"]}, text: "Zzz...last saw the Trophy Master in the North West Docks...zzz" }], [{ U: [{next: "wherefindher", text: null}], nodeName: "completeLions", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Lucky, you did it! The Trophy Master just returned." }, { U: [{next: "longstoryyy", text: null}], nodeName: "wherefindher", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Where did you find her??" }, { U: [], nodeName: "longstoryyy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "It's kind of a long story..." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Trophy Master Locator"' }, { U: [{next: "mag", text: null}], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoNeutral"]}, text: "Thank you Lucky!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "mag", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You were...a true Champion!" }], [{ U: [{next: "thankyoufor", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophyMaster", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Momo, you made it back!" }, { U: [{next: "appo", text: null}], nodeName: "thankyoufor", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Yes, thank you for finding her Lucky, hee hee." }, { U: [{next: "embarssed", text: null}], nodeName: "appo", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Apologies if my warning note was alarming, but I promised Momo I wouldn't say she had left." }, { U: [{next: "gettingworried", text: null}], nodeName: "embarssed", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "So it was you who wrote the warning!" }, { U: [{next: "stillfinish", text: null}], nodeName: "gettingworried", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Hee hee, yes. But it turns out I had nothing to worry about, Momo is safe and sound!" }, { U: [{next: "plentyoftime", text: null}], nodeName: "stillfinish", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoNeutral"]}, text: "But I still have to finish the game..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "plentyoftime", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Don't worry, you still have plenty of time!" }], [{ U: [{next: "withme", text: null}], nodeName: "computer", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "A computer..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "withme", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "...with me on the screen??" }], [{ U: [{next: "whoAre", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveMaster", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh. Hello Lucky." }, { U: [{next: "whoAm", text: null}], nodeName: "whoAre", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "H-how do you know my name?" }, { U: [{next: "myJob", text: null}], nodeName: "whoAm", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh I'm a BIG fan, hee hee." }, { U: [{next: "beautifulTrophy", text: null}], nodeName: "myJob", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I've been watching all the amazing things you've been doing since you arrived. That's my job, I'm the Trophy Master." }, { U: [{next: "wow", text: null}], nodeName: "beautifulTrophy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I keep track of everything that happens on the island. When someone does something amazing, I make sure they are rewarded with a beautiful trophy!" }, { U: [{next: "notOnlyThat", text: null}], nodeName: "wow", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, that sounds like a fun job!" }, { U: [{next: "youHave", text: null}], nodeName: "notOnlyThat", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "It's very rewarding, hee hee. And I've already seen the amazing things that YOU have accomplished." }, { U: [{next: "goodFeeling", text: null}], nodeName: "youHave", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "M-me?" }, { U: [{next: "moreWays", text: null}], nodeName: "goodFeeling", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh yes, I've got a good feeling about you." }, { U: [{next: "checkBack", text: null}], nodeName: "moreWays", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There are more ways to get trophies than just winning sports. Helping people deserves rewarding too." }, { U: [{next: "doMyBest", text: null}], nodeName: "checkBack", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Check back here any time you want to see the trophies you've earned. Or if you need a reminder of what to do next!" }, { U: [{next: "ohIKnow", text: null}], nodeName: "doMyBest", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Thanks, I'll do my best!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "ohIKnow", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "idle"]}, text: "Oh, I know. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Hm, what's this one for?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, don't worry about that one. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "maybecheck3", text: null}], nodeName: "searchLions", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "It sounds like something fishy is going on...you better not go back in there." }, { U: [{ next: "othercats3", text: null }], nodeName: "maybecheck3", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "The Trophy Master is a cat, same as you." }, { U: [{next: "matofac3", text: null}], nodeName: "othercats3", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Have you seen an other cats anywhere on the island?" }, { U: [{next: "sleepingcat3", text: null}], nodeName: "matofac3", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Hmmm, as a matter of fact I have..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sleepingcat3", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "There was a sleeping cat on Oni Island! I'll go check!" }], [{ U: [{next: "imlucky", text: null}], nodeName: "unterwaterTrophyMaster", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "W-who are you?" }, { U: [{next: "immomo", text: null}], nodeName: "imlucky", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyHide"]}, text: "I'm Lucky the cat. A-are you the Trophy Master?" }, { U: [{next: "fromhere", text: null}], nodeName: "immomo", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "Oh, yes...but that was more of a side job. My name's Momo." }, { U: [{next: "halloweendoodle", text: null}], nodeName: "fromhere", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Momo? That sounds familiar..." }, { U: [{next: "lovedreally", text: null}], nodeName: "halloweendoodle", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyShocked"]}, text: "Oh! You're the cat from the Halloween Google Doodle! I loved that game!!" }, { U: [{next: "smallworld", text: null}], nodeName: "lovedreally", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "Wait...does that mean you're Lucky from the Champion Island Google Doodle? I've been playing it for days!" }, { U: [{next: "controllingme", text: null}], nodeName: "smallworld", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyHappy"]}, text: "Wow, what a small world!" }, { U: [{next: "controlmomo", text: null}], nodeName: "controllingme", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Wait...does that mean you've been controlling me this whole time?" }, { U: [{next: "dotdotdotlucky", text: null}], nodeName: "controlmomo", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "But wouldn't that mean you were controlling me??" }, { U: [{ next: "dotdotdotmomo", text: null }], nodeName: "dotdotdotlucky", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "notexistential", text: null}], nodeName: "dotdotdotmomo", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "everyoneslooking", text: null}], nodeName: "notexistential", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckySmileSweatdrop"]}, text: "Well, let's not get too existential!" }, { U: [{next: "hiding", text: null}], nodeName: "everyoneslooking", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Everyone on Champion Island has been looking for you!" }, { U: [{next: "askedcrane", text: null}], nodeName: "hiding", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "Oh, I guess I lost track of time." }, { U: [{next: "comeback", text: null}], nodeName: "askedcrane", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "I asked my friend the crane to watch the Trophy House while I tried to finish your game, but it's very long!" }, { U: [{next: "notsobadcrane", text: null}], nodeName: "comeback", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "The crane is your friend? He seemed so creepy..." }, { U: [{next: "comebackup", text: null}], nodeName: "notsobadcrane", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"]}, text: "Oh he's not so bad, just has a funny laugh." }, { U: [{next: "sure", text: null}], nodeName: "comebackup", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Would you like to come back to the island with me? Everyone will be excited to see you!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "sure", V: "questTrophyMaster", tags: {W: ["momoBlue"], zd: ["TROPHY_MASTER", "complete"]}, text: "Of course, they must all be so worried! I'll meet you at the Trophy House!" }], [{ U: [{next: "areYouThe", text: null}], nodeName: "activeSister1", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Leave me alone...I can't stand all this competition." }, { U: [{next: "longBehindMe", text: null}], nodeName: "areYouThe", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Excuse me, are you one of the sisters who built the red gate in the water?" }, { U: [{next: "gateSankAfter", text: null}], nodeName: "longBehindMe", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Bah, a mistake of my youth, yes." }, { U: [{next: "goodRiddance", text: null}], nodeName: "gateSankAfter", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "You must return to the gate, it sank after you and your sisters left!" }, { U: [{next: "why", text: null}], nodeName: "goodRiddance", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Good riddance! That gate and all sports are nothing but trouble!" }, { U: [{next: "why2", text: null}], nodeName: "why", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Trouble? Why? I love sports!" }, { U: [{ next: "discipline", text: "Discipline" }, {next: "fun", text: "Fun!"}, {next: "accomplishment", text: "Accomplishment"}], nodeName: "why2", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "They're all nothing but needless competition. What good has sports ever done anyone?" }, { U: [{next: "zzz", text: null}], nodeName: "fun", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Fun?? You know what's more fun than sports? Sleeping all day. Which reminds me..." }, {U: [], nodeName: "zzz", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Zzzzzzz..."}, { U: [], nodeName: "accomplishment", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Accomplishment? For every winner there's a loser, I don't want to be a part of that." }, { U: [{next: "okIllGo", text: null}], nodeName: "discipline", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Discipline? Hmm...maybe you're right. A lot of young people these days could use more discipline" }, { U: [{next: "climbingMountainNext", text: null}], nodeName: "okIllGo", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Alright, I'll go back! But good luck getting my other sisters to come. One of them is up on top of Climbing Mountain!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "climbingMountainNext", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"], zd: ["WATER_GATE", "sister2"]}, text: "Hm, sounds like I should try Climbing Mountain next..." }], [{ U: [{next: "behindMe", text: null}], nodeName: "activeSister2", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Excuse me? Are you one of the sisters who built the red gate in the water?" }, { U: [{next: "whyLeftBehind", text: null}], nodeName: "behindMe", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Oh...um, yes. But I'm afraid I left all that behind me." }, { U: [{next: "quiteImpossible", text: null}], nodeName: "whyLeftBehind", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "You should come back! The gate sank after you and your sisters left." }, { U: [{next: "foundPeace", text: null}], nodeName: "quiteImpossible", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Oh how dreadful. But I'm afraid returning would be quite impossible." }, { U: [{next: "whyReturn", text: null}], nodeName: "foundPeace", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "I used to love climbing, but once I reached the top I looked out on the land below and I found peace." }, { U: [{next: "family", text: "Family"}, {next: "fame", text: "Fame"}, {next: "money", text: "Money"}], nodeName: "whyReturn", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Why would I possibly want to return?" }, { U: [{next: "sorryIllStay", text: null}], nodeName: "family", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Family? My sisters you mean? To be honest I've enjoyed the quiet without them." }, { U: [{next: "sorryIllStay", text: null}], nodeName: "fame", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Fame? Tempting, but it sounds very noisy, I like the quiet." }, { U: [], nodeName: "sorryIllStay", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Sorry, I think I'll stay put." }, { U: [{next: "theresMoney", text: null}], nodeName: "money", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "..." }, { U: [{next: "unexpected", text: null}], nodeName: "theresMoney", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "....there's money involved? I'll be right there!" }, { U: [{next: "notForMe", text: null}], nodeName: "unexpected", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "Really? Money is what you want?" }, { U: [{next: "whatBirds", text: null}], nodeName: "notForMe", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Not for me! I want to build a beautiful bird house for all the little birds up here." }, { U: [{next: "seeYouThere", text: null}], nodeName: "whatBirds", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyAnnoyed"]}, text: "I don't see any birds...." }, { U: [], nodeName: "seeYouThere", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"], zd: ["WATER_GATE", "sister3"]}, text: "Well you should be looking for my last sister, she moved to Tanooki City in the South West!" }], [{ U: [{next: "sorryToWakeYou", text: null}], nodeName: "activeSister3", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Zzz..." }, { U: [{next: "hmwhat", text: null}], nodeName: "sorryToWakeYou", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Um, excuse me ma'am?" }, { U: [{next: "sorrytodisturb", text: null}], nodeName: "hmwhat", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Zzz...hm what?? Who's there??" }, { U: [{next: "ohThatOldThing", text: null}], nodeName: "sorrytodisturb", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry to disturb you, I'm looking for the sisters who built the red gate out in the water." }, { U: [{next: "soTired", text: null}], nodeName: "ohThatOldThing", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "You woke me to talk about that old thing?? Please leave me be, I just want to sleep." }, { U: [{next: "ranTooMuch", text: null}], nodeName: "soTired", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Sleep in the middle of a festival? Don't you want to join in the fun?" }, { U: [{next: "reallyFast", text: null}], nodeName: "ranTooMuch", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Oh I had plenty of fun back in my day. I ran so much I used up all my energy. Just the thought of standing is enough to make me drowsy." }, { U: [{next: "iwasthefast", text: null}], nodeName: "reallyFast", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, you must have been really fast to make tired all these years later." }, { U: [{next: "ibelieve", text: "I believe you!"}, {next: "iheard", text: "I heard..."}], nodeName: "iwasthefast", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "I was the FASTEST! And don't let my sisters tell you otherwise." }, { U: [{next: "yougotthatright", text: null}], nodeName: "ibelieve", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "I believe you, you must have been incredible!" }, { U: [{next: "bigzs", text: null}], nodeName: "yougotthatright", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "You got that right. And I've earned...zzz...a little....zzz....nap..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "bigzs", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Zzzzzzzzz..." }, { U: [{next: "whosaidwhat", text: null}], nodeName: "iheard", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, that's not what I heard..." }, { U: [{next: "lostit", text: "Lost it"}, {next: "cheater", text: "Cheater"}, { next: "respect", text: "Respect you" }], nodeName: "whosaidwhat", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "What! What have my sisters been saying about me??" }, { U: [{next: "somadicould", text: null}], nodeName: "lostit", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "They said you've lost it, you're all washed up." }, { U: [{next: "bigzs", text: null}], nodeName: "somadicould", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "WHAT? Why those two...they make me so angry I could just....just..." }, { U: [{next: "illshowthem", text: null}], nodeName: "cheater", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "They said you were cheating the whole time." }, { U: [{next: "bigzs", text: null}], nodeName: "illshowthem", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "CHEATING?? Why I'll show them...what...cheating...zz...is..." }, { U: [{ next: "theysaidwha", text: null }], nodeName: "respect", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "They both said they love and respect you." }, { U: [{next: "sonice", text: null}], nodeName: "theysaidwha", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "THEY SAID WHA-" }, { U: [{next: "alltheseyears", text: null}], nodeName: "sonice", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Wait...really? That's...that's so nice of them." }, { U: [{next: "umthewatergate", text: null}], nodeName: "alltheseyears", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "After all these years, they must have changed. I must see them! Where did you say they are?" }, { U: [{next: "reunion", text: null}], nodeName: "umthewatergate", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "At the sunken water gate!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "reunion", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"], zd: ["WATER_GATE", "found"]}, text: "Oh, the perfect spot for a reunion. Thank you sweet child." }], [{ U: [{next: "trophyHint", text: null}], nodeName: "activeTrophy", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Looks like you're in the middle of helping out with this one." }, { U: [], nodeName: "trophyHint", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Find the three sister who built the sunken red gate and convince them to return home!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "complete", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "The gate is so beautiful, I wonder where it leads..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeSister1", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "It's good to be home." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "completeSister2", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "Wait...where's the money?" }], [{ U: [{next: "zzzsagain", text: null}], nodeName: "completeSister3", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "My sisters! How I missed them! I'm so happy I could...could..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "zzzsagain", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Zzzzzzzzz..." }], [{ U: [{next: "StillWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "completeTrophy", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: '"Sister Reunion Organizer"' }, { U: [], nodeName: "StillWatching", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I saw the whole thing, you were magnificent. Hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "lookatthegate", text: null}], nodeName: "found", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Incredible, all three sisters have returned!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lookatthegate", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"], zd: ["WATER_GATE", "complete"]}, text: "The Gate! Look, it's moving!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lastHint", text: null}], nodeName: "foundTrophy", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "You've almost got this one finished!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "lastHint", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Return to the sunken red gate to see if the three sisters can make it rise!." }], [{ U: [{next: "sameday", text: null}], nodeName: "inactive", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Long ago there was once a beautiful red gate out in the water, but one day it sunk into the water..." }, { U: [{next: "threeSisters", text: null}], nodeName: "sameday", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyCurious"]}, text: "Oh my! Does anyone know what happened to it?" }, { U: [{next: "leftGarden", text: null}], nodeName: "threeSisters", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "The gate was built by three sisters, each one a great athlete." }, { U: [{next: "afterThat", text: null}], nodeName: "leftGarden", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "But as time went on, they won games less and less. Eventually they all stopped playing sports completely." }, { U: [{next: "stillLive", text: null}], nodeName: "afterThat", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Not long after that the sisters all moved away and the gate disappeared." }, { U: [{next: "returnGate", text: null}], nodeName: "stillLive", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Each still lives on the island, although they are now quite old. The gate disappeared not long after they left." }, { U: [{next: "hadntThought", text: null}], nodeName: "returnGate", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Maybe if the sisters return, the gate would appear again!" }, { U: [{next: "doYouDare", text: null}], nodeName: "hadntThought", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "I think you're right. Many have tried, but they always refuse. They've become quite stubborn I'm afraid." }, { U: [{next: "yes", text: "Yes"}, {next: "no", text: "No"}], nodeName: "doYouDare", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Would you be willing to try to convince them?" }, { U: [{next: "soBrave", text: null}], nodeName: "yes", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Of course, I'll do anything I can!" }, { U: [{next: "firstSister", text: null}], nodeName: "soBrave", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, you are so eager! Maybe your optimistic spirit is just what they need to hear." }, { U: [], nodeName: "firstSister", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"], zd: ["WATER_GATE", "sister1"]}, text: "The first sister lives in a small hut out on Marathon Beach in the South East. Start there!" }, { U: [{ next: "changeMind", text: null }], nodeName: "no", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Hmm, I don't know if I can help." }, { U: [], nodeName: "changeMind", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Definitely not with that attitude! Come back when you feel more confident." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveSister1", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister1Neutral"]}, text: "Leave me alone...I can't stand all this competition." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveSister2", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister2Neutral"]}, text: "So nice to be up here away from it all..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "inactiveSister3", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["sister3Neutral"]}, text: "Zzz..." }], [{ U: [{next: "questDescription", text: null}], nodeName: "inactiveTrophy", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "Oh, I'm saving that spot." }, { U: [{next: "IllBeWatching", text: null}], nodeName: "questDescription", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "There's a sunken red gate in the Bridge Garden in the West. I wonder if it could rise again..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "IllBeWatching", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["trophyMasterNeutral"]}, text: "I'll be watching to see when the task is resolved. Hee hee hee." }], [{ U: [{next: "findfirstSister", text: null}], nodeName: "sister1Gatekeeper", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Find the three sisters and the gate will rise again!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "findfirstSister", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "The first sister lives in a small hut out on Marathon Beach in the South East. Start there!" }], [{ U: [{ next: "findsecondSister", text: null }], nodeName: "sister2Gatekeeper", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Find the three sisters and the gate will rise again!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "findsecondSister", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "The second sister was last seen on top of Climbing Mountain!" }], [{ U: [{next: "findthirdSister", text: null}], nodeName: "sister3Gatekeeper", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "Find the three sisters and the gate will rise again!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "findthirdSister", V: "questWaterGate", tags: {W: ["gatekeeperNeutral"]}, text: "The third sister moved to Tanooki City in the South West!" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "redBook", V: "redBook", tags: {}, text: "THE RED TEAM: Researching Victory"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "archery", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2191 Archery" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "climbing", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2191 Climbing"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "marathon", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2193 Marathon" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "pingpong", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2192 Table Tennis"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "rugby", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2192 Rugby" }], [{U: [], nodeName: "skate", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2190 Skateboarding"}], [{ U: [], nodeName: "swim", V: "sign", tags: {}, text: "\u2190 Synchronized Swimming" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "archery", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueArchery"]}, text: "'Yoichi: Grand Champion of Archery'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "climbing", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueClimbing"]}, text: "'Fukuro: Grand Champion of Climbing'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "marathon", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueMarathon"]}, text: "'Kijimuna: Grand Champion of Marathon'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "rugby", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueRugby"]}, text: "'Red & Blue Oni: Grand Champions of Rugby'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "skate", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueSkate"]}, text: "'Tanooki: Grand Champion of Skateboarding'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "swim", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueSwim"]}, text: "'Otohime: Grand Champion of Synchronized Swimming'" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "tabletennisstatue", V: "statue", tags: {W: ["statueTableTennis"]}, text: "'Tengu: Grand Champion of Table Tennis'" }], [{ U: [{next: "playagain", text: null}], nodeName: "beaten", V: "tanooki", tags: {W: ["tanookiNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, you're even better at skateboarding than me!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "playagain", V: "tanooki", tags: {W: ["tanookiNeutral"]}, text: "Meet me at the gate if you want to skate together again!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "unbeaten", V: "tanooki", tags: {W: ["tanookiNeutral"]}, text: "Think you can catch me? Meet me at the red gate and let's skate together!" }], [{ U: [{next: "lonely", text: null}], nodeName: "goBoard", V: "teahouse", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "This game looks fun." }, { U: [], nodeName: "lonely", V: "teahouse", tags: {W: ["luckyWorried"]}, text: "Too bad there's no one to play with..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "teaSet", V: "teahouse", tags: {W: ["luckyNeutral"]}, text: "Mmm! This tea smells delicious!" }], [{ U: [{next: "braveEnough", text: null}], nodeName: "tengu", V: "tengu", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "None can defeat me at Table Tennis!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "braveEnough", V: "tengu", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "Are YOU brave enough to face me?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "tenguAsleep", V: "tengu", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "zzz...it's your serve...zzz..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "tenguDefeated", V: "tengu", tags: {W: ["tenguNeutral"]}, text: "I underestimated you...maybe you really are The Chosen One." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "allergic", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["deerNeutral"]}, text: "Go away! I'm allergic to cats." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowballs", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["grandpaNeutral"]}, text: "Watch out for snowballs up here!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "arcade", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["dangoKidNeutral"]}, text: "Play sports? I'd rather go to the arcade..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "arcadeOwner", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["batNeutral"]}, text: "Not many people come to the arcade during the Champion Island Games..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "bat1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["batNeutral"]}, text: "Be careful, it's easy to get lost in these caves." }], [{ U: [{next: "oldturtle", text: null}], nodeName: "bat2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["batNeutral"]}, text: "Wow, I haven't seen anyone from outside come through here in a long time." }, { U: [], nodeName: "oldturtle", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["batNeutral"]}, text: "Except that old turtle who was trying to get to the top..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "blueOni1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["blueOniNeutral"]}, text: "He better stay on his side of the room..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "blueOni2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["blueOniNeutral"]}, text: "Little Cat wants to play rugby? Hahaha!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "blueOni3", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["blueOniNeutral"]}, text: "Blue Oni and Red Oni don't agree on much...except Rugby!!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "cold", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["deerNeutral"]}, text: "I love climbing, but the mountain is too cold with all that snow!" }], [{ U: [{next: "betterplay", text: null}], nodeName: "dangoKid", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["dangoKidNeutral"]}, text: "I love the Champion Games because we get dango!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "betterplay", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["dangoKidNeutral"]}, text: "The better you play, the more dango you get. So delicous!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "darkWolfieBlueTeam", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["darkWolfieNeutral"]}, text: "Team Blue's Headquarters is somehwere in town...but only memebers are allowed inside." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "deerAnimals", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["deerNeutral"]}, text: "All animals are welcome at the Champion Island Games!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "deerSkate1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["deerNeutral"]}, text: "Have you found the Tanooki while skateboarding yet? He likes to hide in a tea kettle." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "eggs", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: [""]}, text: "Do kijimuna hatch from eggs?" }], [{ U: [{next: "whatsft", text: null}], nodeName: "fastTravel", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["wolfieNeutral"]}, text: "Have you tried warping around the world yet?" }, { U: [], nodeName: "whatsft", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["wolfieNeutral"]}, text: "You can do it by clicking the sport icons on the main menu. It's much faster than walking!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "fish1SyncSwim1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["fish1Neutral"]}, text: "I hope they play my favorite song tonight." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "fish1SyncSwim2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["fish1Neutral"]}, text: "No one can dance like Otohime." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "fish2SyncSwim1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["fish2Neutral"]}, text: "What is that strange human doing down here?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "fish2SyncSwim2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["fish2Neutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the Synchronized Swimming Dojo. The show is about to begin!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "froggy", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["froggyNeutral"]}, text: "The water is so clear here, you can see all the way to the bottom." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "fukuro", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["darkWolfieNeutral"]}, text: "Fukuro will only return to the Climbing Dojo once someone else reaches the top of the mountain." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "hareArchery", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the Archery Dojo!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "looking", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["grandpaNeutral"]}, text: "What're you looking at?" }], [{ U: [{next: "read", text: null}], nodeName: "novaBookeeper", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["novaNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the bookstore!" }, { U: [{next: "orelse", text: null}], nodeName: "read", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["novaNeutral"]}, text: "Read anything you like, but please don't take anything with you." }, { U: [], nodeName: "orelse", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["novaNeutral"]}, text: "(or else...)" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "pango", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["pangoNeutral"]}, text: "Oh. Don't mind me. I'm just waiting here for someone special." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "redOni1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "He better stay on his side of the room..." }], [{ U: [{next: "whyplaynotrg", text: null}], nodeName: "redOni2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "I can see the whole island from this spot..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whyplaynotrg", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "But I'd rather be playing Rugby!!" }], [{ U: [{next: "whynotrug", text: null}], nodeName: "redOni3", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "I've heard there are seven sport on the island..." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whynotrug", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["redOniNeutral"]}, text: "But why would you want to play anything but Rugby??" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "rent", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["novaNeutral"]}, text: "My roommates and I rent out our place during the Champion Island Games. It's an easy way to make some cash!" }], [{ U: [{next: "moremore", text: null}], nodeName: "scroll", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "If you defeat a Champion, you'll be rewarded with a sacred scroll." }, { U: [], nodeName: "moremore", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["hareNeutral"]}, text: "Not only that, but you'll get a statue of yourself in the main plaza. What an honor." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "seahorseSyncSwim1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["seahorseNeutral"]}, text: "I think I feel a draft coming from this door..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "seahorseSyncSwim2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["seahorseNeutral"]}, text: "Combos are the secret to getting a high score in Synchronized Swimming." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "shiba", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["shibaNeutral"]}, text: "I've been training all year, I know this time I'll win a scroll!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "shibaArchery", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["shibaNeutral"]}, text: "Yoichi's aim is too good, I can't keep up!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "shibaSkate1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["shibaNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the Skateboarding Dojo!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "shibaSkate2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["shibaNeutral"]}, text: "Grinding on rails is a good way to earn easy points!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the Climbing Dojo!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "I like being inside, I don't have to worry about falling snowballs." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl3", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "One day I'll fly as high as Fukuro." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl4", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "I miss Fukuro, will he ever come back to the dojo?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl5", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "The lanterns on the mountain serve as check points in case you slip and fall!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl6", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "No one will ever climb as high as Fukuro!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "snowOwl7", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "I'm scared of heights..." }], [{ U: [{next: "sorrybut", text: null}], nodeName: "snowOwlLeader", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "Looking for Climbing Champion Fukuro?" }, { U: [{next: "perchoutside", text: null}], nodeName: "sorrybut", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "Sorry but he's still on top of the mountain." }, { U: [], nodeName: "perchoutside", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["snowOwlNeutral"]}, text: "If anyone ever reaches him, there's a perch on top of the dojo waiting for him." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "strayArrows", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["grandpaNeutral"]}, text: "I don't go to the docks anymore. I keep stepping on stray arrows." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "travel", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["fish1Neutral"]}, text: "Animals travel from all over the world to challenge the Champions." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "whiteOniRugby1", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["whiteOniNeutral"]}, text: "Welcome to the Rugby Dojo! Rawr!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "whiteOniRugby2", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["whiteOniNeutral"]}, text: "One day I'll be big enough to play rugby too!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "whiteOniRugby3", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["whiteOniNeutral"]}, text: "Powerups can help even tiny players do well in Rugby." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "wolfieArchery", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["wolfieNeutral"]}, text: "Hitting more than one target with the same arrow gets you more points!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "wolfieLanterns", V: "townspeople", tags: {W: ["wolfieNeutral"]}, text: "During the Champion Island Games, the lanterns in town change color to match the winning team!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "treeFriend", V: "treeFriend", tags: {W: ["kijimunaNeutral"]}, text: "They say The Chosen One can hear the banyan tree speak..." }], [{ U: [{next: "everyFourYears", text: null}], nodeName: "start", V: "tutorial", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Welcome to Champion Island!" }, { U: [{next: "whatItTakes", text: null}], nodeName: "everyFourYears", V: "tutorial", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Every four years the strongest athletes in the world gather here to compete." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whatItTakes", V: "tutorial", tags: { W: ["koma1Neutral"], zd: ["TUTORIAL_BEGIN", ! 0] }, text: "Step forward to the Red Gate and we will test your skills!" }], [{ U: [{next: "chosenOne", text: null}], nodeName: "tutorialPartTwo", V: "tutorial", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "You're much stronger than you look..." }, { U: [{next: "SevenChampions", text: null}], nodeName: "chosenOne", V: "tutorial", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "(Could it be...The Chosen One?)" }, { U: [{next: "defeat", text: null}], nodeName: "SevenChampions", V: "tutorial", tags: {W: ["koma1Neutral"]}, text: "Seven Sport Champions await on this island." }, { U: [], nodeName: "defeat", V: "tutorial", tags: {W: ["koma2Neutral"]}, text: "Can you defeat them all and restore balance?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "wall", V: "tutorial", tags: {}, text: "You are blocked from exiting by a wall. You should go back for now." }], [{ U: [{next: "whathappend", text: "Why?"}, {next: "dontcare", text: "OK..."}], nodeName: "abandonedTown", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "This town is completely abandoned..." }, { U: [{next: "tengu", text: "Tengu?"}, {next: "whatcity", text: "Tanooki City?"}], nodeName: "whathappend", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "After the Tengu arrived the winds were too strong, everyone left for the Tanooki City." }, { U: [], nodeName: "dontcare", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I'd be careful if I were you." }, { U: [], nodeName: "whatcity", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Tanooki City is to the Southwest, a modern metropolis! I'm not cool enough for that place." }, { U: [], nodeName: "tengu", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Tengu are part human, part bird! Very powerful and mysterious creatures, they love Table Tennis." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "diffteam", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Who is this weakling that's not on Team Blue? I want nothing to do with you!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "noOneStronger", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "No one is stronger than The Blue Team! NO ONE!!" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "notStrong", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Every now and them I worry I'm not actually strong..." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "sameteam", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Team Blue is lucky to have you, get out there and win!" }], [{ U: [{next: "changingshape", text: null}], nodeName: "tanookiCity", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "This way to Tanooki City, metropolis of Champion Island and home to our Skateboarding Champion!" }, { U: [{next: "tryskateboarding", text: null}], nodeName: "changingshape", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "But good luck finding him. He's always changing shape and hiding around the city." }, { U: [], nodeName: "tryskateboarding", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "If you try skateboarding, you might be good enough to catch him!" }], [{ U: [{next: "joinBlue", text: "Join Blue!"}, {next: "noThanks", text: "Nah."}, {next: "tellMeMore", text: "Who?"}], nodeName: "teamPickerBlue", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "HELLO! Are you strong enough to join Team Blue??" }, { U: [], nodeName: "noThanks", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Wow...you don't know what you're missing..." }, { U: [{next: "joinBlue", text: "I'll Join!"}, {next: "noThanks", text: "No thanks."}], nodeName: "tellMeMore", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I'm an Ushi, strong bull mascot of the Team Blue. Hard work is the only path to victory, can you keep up?" }, { U: [{next: "followPath", text: null}], nodeName: "joinBlue", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "blue"]}, text: "WELL DONE! Welcome to Team Blue. Your first assignment: find and defeat a Legendary Champion!" }, { U: [{next: "mapShow", text: null}], nodeName: "followPath", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Follow the paths to find the Champions and play the sports." }, { U: [{next: "soMuscles", text: null}], nodeName: "mapShow", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["map"]}, text: "Or press ESC to use the map!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "soMuscles", V: "ushi", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "May the muscles be with you." }], [{ U: [{next: "recruit", text: null}], nodeName: "ushi1", V: "ushi1", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "WELL WELL! A new recruit!" }, { U: [{next: "tiny", text: null}], nodeName: "recruit", V: "ushi1", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "The BLUE TEAM is the strongest of them all! Those other teams don't stand a chance against our incredible muscles." }, { U: [], nodeName: "join", V: "ushi1", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"], zd: ["PLAYER_TEAM", "blue"]}, text: "Welcome to the BLUE TEAM! Now get out there and start winning!" }, { U: [], nodeName: "nothanks", V: "ushi1", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "Wow...you don't know what you're missing..." }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "Join."}, {next: "nothanks", text: "Yikes. No."}], nodeName: "tellmemore", V: "ushi1", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "I'm an Ushi, strong bull mascot of the Blue Team. Hard work is the only path to victory, can you keep up?" }, { U: [{next: "join", text: "Join Blue!"}, {next: "nothanks", text: "No thanks."}, { next: "tellmemore", text: "Who?" }], nodeName: "tiny", V: "ushi1", tags: {W: ["ushiNeutral"]}, text: "You might be tiny, but I sense great power in you. Will you join the BLUE TEAM?" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "yellowBook", V: "yellowBook", tags: {}, text: "THE YELLOW TEAM: (content redacted)" }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "beaten", V: "yoichi", tags: {W: ["yoichiNeutral"]}, text: "Your archery skills impress even me! But if you ever want another game, you know where to find me." }], [{ U: [], nodeName: "unbeaten", V: "yoichi", tags: {W: ["yoichiNeutral"]}, text: "I'm always up for a game of Archery! Meet me outside at the red gate on the beach if you want to challenge me." }]]; createjs.Bitmap.prototype.initialize = function (b) { if (b && "sprite" in b) { var g = b.sprite; this.image = b.sheet.xY[Rk(g)].ha; this.sourceRect = new createjs.Rectangle(g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4]) } else this.image = b, this.sourceRect = new createjs.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10) }; var Sk = {}; var Tk = Sk; (function (b, g) { function m() { var d = this._cloneProps(new this.constructor(this.mode, this.startPosition, this.loop)); d.gotoAndStop(this.currentFrame); d.paused = this.paused; d.framerate = this.framerate; return d } function k(d, e, f) { d = b.extend(d, b.MovieClip); d.clone = m; d.j = e; d.frameBounds = f; return d } var c, a = {}, n = {}, h = {}; a.uB = []; (a.EK = function () { this.initialize(h.ArrowArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 3, 5); (a.fsa = function () { this.initialize(h.ArrowCollectorNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 68); (a.Lsa = function () { this.initialize(h.Baker_Portrait_001) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 59); (a.Msa = function () { this.initialize(h.Baker_Retired_Portait_001) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 66); (a.m1 = function () { this.initialize(h.BigCatNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 44); (a.qua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap12311) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 12, 8); (a.Uxa = function () { this.initialize(h.BlueOniNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 46, 54); (a.eBa = function () { this.initialize(h.CoachNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 58, 52); (a.CBa = function () { this.initialize(h.ConviniNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 63); (a.qab = function () { this.initialize(h.deer_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 62, 56); (a.xCa = function () { this.initialize(h.DialogueFillArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 228, 68); (a.$ab = function () { this.initialize(h.gatekeeper_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 48); (a.D2 = function () { this.initialize(h.InariNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 52); (a.aFa = function () { this.initialize(h.InvisibleOctopusNeutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 51, 45); (a.F2 = function () { this.initialize(h.KappaNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 54, 44); (a.G2 = function () { this.initialize(h.KarasuNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 53, 49); (a.ybb = function () { this.initialize(h.kijimunaNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 54, 49); (a.I2 = function () { this.initialize(h.Koma1NeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 53, 47); (a.K2 = function () { this.initialize(h.Koma2NeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 51, 49); (a.WGa = function () { this.initialize(h.LittleMonkeyNeutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 50); (a.Jbb = function () { this.initialize(h.locksmith_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 48); (a.rHa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyAnnoyedArt11) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.Mbb = function () { this.initialize(h.luckyCuriousArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 50); (a.HHa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyGrinArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.WHa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyHappyArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.ZHa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyHideArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 44); (a.IIa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyNeutralArt11111) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.MIa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyRawrArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.MJa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyShockedArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.ALa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckySmileSweatArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.rOa = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyWideEyedSweatArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.G3 = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyWorriedArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.Rbb = function () { this.initialize(h.momoBlueArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 46); (a.qPa = function () { this.initialize(h.MomoNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 46); (a.kQa = function () { this.initialize(h.MonkeyNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 51, 51); (a.pUa = function () { this.initialize(h.NoodleCookArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 47, 48); (a.gVa = function () { this.initialize(h.OniBakerArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 51); (a.rVa = function () { this.initialize(h.OniPortraitArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 51); (a.Xbb = function () { this.initialize(h.otter_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 54); (a.T4 = function () { this.initialize(h.OverworldMenuButtonBrown) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.aWa = function () { this.initialize(h.OwlNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 61, 46); (a.ccb = function () { this.initialize(h.porcupine_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 71, 52); (a.JXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitbirthdaykidhappy) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 55, 53); (a.KXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitbirthdaykidsad) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 55, 53); (a.LXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitbirthdaymom) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 46, 44); (a.rXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitBlackWolfie) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 46); (a.MXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitblueleader) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 50); (a.sXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitCrab) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 44); (a.tXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitDustyScroll) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 44); (a.uXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitFroggy) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 44); (a.NXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitgreenleader) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 45); (a.vXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitKijiDad1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 65, 49); (a.wXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitKijiKid) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 65, 45); (a.OXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitkijimunastatue1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 65, 46); (a.AXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitMomobird) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.BXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitMomodadneutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 50); (a.yXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitMomoDog) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 51); (a.CXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitMomomomneutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 44); (a.zXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitMomoMonkey) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 46, 44); (a.DXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitMomotaro) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 49); (a.EXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitOtohimeNeutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 52); (a.PXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitotohimestatue) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 52); (a.QXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitowlstatue) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 72, 46); (a.FXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitRacerAmad) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 51, 53); (a.GXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitRacerAneutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 51, 53); (a.RXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitracerBmad) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 50); (a.SXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitracerBneutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 50); (a.TXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitredleader) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 47); (a.UXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraitrugbystatue) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 55, 53); (a.HXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitSupermountaingirl) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 51, 48); (a.VXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraittanukistatue) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 44); (a.WXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraittengustatue) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 57, 47); (a.IXa = function () { this.initialize(h.PortraitWolfie) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 46, 47); (a.XXa = function () { this.initialize(h.Portraityoichistatue) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 54, 44); (a.t_a = function () { this.initialize(h.RainBoyNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 55); (a.W_a = function () { this.initialize(h.RedOniNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 53); (a.tcb = function () { this.initialize(h.sister1_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 45, 48); (a.ucb = function () { this.initialize(h.sister2_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 49); (a.xcb = function () { this.initialize(h.sister3_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 47); (a.I2a = function () { this.initialize(h.SleepyCatNeutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 46); (a.G3a = function () { this.initialize(h.SnowOwlAvatarArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 44); (a.O4a = function () { this.initialize(h.TanookiNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 44); (a.x5a = function () { this.initialize(h.TenguNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 57, 47); (a.N5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_bat_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 46, 54); (a.Q5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_fish_handicap_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 46); (a.R5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_fish_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 45); (a.U5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_grandpa_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 57); (a.X5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_hare_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 47, 44); (a.Y5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_kid_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 54, 54); (a.Z5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_nova_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 52, 54); (a.$5a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_pango_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 44); (a.c6a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_seahorse_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 49); (a.f6a = function () { this.initialize(h.Town_people_shiba_portrait) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 46, 47); (a.y6a = function () { this.initialize(h.TraineeNoodlesArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 58, 52); (a.A6a = function () { this.initialize(h.TraineeRunArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 62, 52); (a.u6a = function () { this.initialize(h.TrainWorkerArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50); (a.v7a = function () { this.initialize(h.TrophyMasterArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 49, 50); (a.T8a = function () { this.initialize(h.UrashimaANeutralrt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 52); (a.Z8a = function () { this.initialize(h.UrashimaMomNeutral) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 48); (a.d9a = function () { this.initialize(h.UshiNeutralArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 54, 49); (a.P9a = function () { this.initialize(h.WhiteOniAvatarArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 52, 59); (a.$cb = function () { this.initialize(h.yellowleader) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 57); (a.g$a = function () { this.initialize(h.YouichiNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 54, 44); (a.k$a = function () { this.initialize(h.YoungArcherNeutralArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 58, 48); (a.tBa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.qua; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(29.5, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(8).to({x: 30.5}, 0).wait(4).to({x: 34.5}, 0).wait(4).to({x: 35.5}, 0).wait(8).to({x: 34.5}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 30.5}, 0).wait(4)); this.g = new a.T4; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(3, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(31)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(3, -16, 44.5, 22); (a.Yda = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.xCa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(0, 0, 1, .9999); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Yda, new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 228, 68), null); (a.nV = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#ffffff").s().p("AlEBfIAAi9IKJAAIAAC9g"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.nV, new b.Rectangle(-32.5, -9.5, 65, 19), null); (a.lX = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.EK; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-1.5, -2.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.lX, new b.Rectangle(-1.5, -2.5, 3, 5), null); (a.ct = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.lX; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-1.5, 0); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(5).to({alpha: .5898}, 0).wait(5)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-3, -2.5, 3, 5); (a.tCa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {dialogOption: {}, button: {eventId: "option3"}, keyboardNav: {order: 4}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-4, 0, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.nV; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(30, -2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)); this.text = new b.Text("option", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#e7dbac"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 210; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6.45); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(2).to({color: "#ffffff", lineWidth: 68}, 0).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-5.5, -11.5, 218.5, 19); (a.sCa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {dialogOption: {}, button: {eventId: "option2"}, keyboardNav: {order: 3}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-4, 0, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.nV; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(30, -2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)); this.text = new b.Text("option", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#e7dbac"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 210; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6.45); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(2).to({color: "#ffffff", lineWidth: 68}, 0).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-5.5, -11.5, 218.3, 19); (a.rCa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {dialogOption: {}, button: {eventId: "option1"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-4, 0, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.nV; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(30, -2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)); this.text = new b.Text("option", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#e7dbac"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 210; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6.45); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(2).to({color: "#ffffff", lineWidth: 68}, 0).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-5.5, -11.5, 218.5, 19); (a.Zda = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {dialogNext: {}, button: {eventId: "next"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.nV; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(6.5, -3.85, 3.4125, 3.2164, 0, 0, 0, -.1, -.1); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Zda, new b.Rectangle(-104, -34.1, 221.8, 61.1), null); (a.b1 = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { koma1Neutral: 0, koma2Neutral: 1, inariNeutral: 2, ushiNeutral: 3, karasuNeutral: 4, kappaNeutral: 5, luckyNeutral: 6, luckyWorried: 7, luckyHappy: 8, luckyBigGrin: 9, luckyAnnoyed: 10, luckyRawr: 11, luckyCurious: 12, luckyShocked: 13, luckyHide: 14, luckyWideEyeSweat: 15, luckySmileSweatdrop: 16, bigCatNeutral: 17, statueMarathon: 18, kijimunaNeutral: 19, statueSwim: 20, otohimeNeutral: 21, statueClimbing: 22, owlNeutral: 23, statueRugby: 24, statueSkate: 25, tanookiNeutral: 26, statueTableTennis: 27, tenguNeutral: 28, statueArchery: 29, yoichiNeutral: 30, monkey: 31, littleMonkeyNeutral: 32, trophyMasterNeutral: 33, rainBoyNeutral: 34, map: 35, trainWorkerNeutral: 36, noodleCookNeutral: 37, invisibleOctopusNeutral: 38, coachNeutral: 39, traineeNoodle: 40, traineeRun: 41, conviniNeutral: 42, UrashimaNeutral: 43, TaroMomSad: 44, arrowCollectorNeutral: 45, sleepyCatNeutral: 46, kijiDadNeutral: 47, kijiKidNeutral: 48, oniDreamer: 49, oniBaker: 50, monkeyBaker: 51, monkeyRetired: 52, sister1Neutral: 53, sister2Neutral: 54, sister3Neutral: 55, gatekeeperNeutral: 56, superMountainGirlNeutral: 57, birthdayMomNeutral: 58, birthdayKidSad: 59, birthdayKidHappy: 60, racerANeutral: 61, racerAMad: 62, racerBNeutral: 63, racerBMad: 64, crabNeutral: 65, momoDadNeutral: 66, momoMomNeutral: 67, locksmithNeutral: 68, porcupineNeutral: 69, youngArcherNeutral: 70, momoBirdNeutral: 71, momotaroNeutral: 72, momoDogNeutral: 73, momoMonkeyNeutral: 74, scrollNeutral: 75, wolfieNeutral: 76, darkWolfieNeutral: 77, momoBlue: 78, momoNeutral: 79, novaNeutral: 80, dangoKidNeutral: 81, deerNeutral: 82, grandpaNeutral: 83, froggyNeutral: 84, blueOniNeutral: 85, redOniNeutral: 86, shibaNeutral: 87, hareNeutral: 88, fish2Neutral: 89, fish1Neutral: 90, seahorseNeutral: 91, batNeutral: 92, pangoNeutral: 93, otterNeutral: 94, snowOwlNeutral: 95, whiteOniNeutral: 96, leaderGreenNeutral: 97, leaderBlueNeutral: 98, leaderYellowNeutral: 99, leaderRedNeutral: 100 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {dialogAvatar: {}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(101)); this.instance = new a.I2; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(7, 7); this.g = new a.K2; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(7, 4); this.i = new a.D2; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(7, 4); this.o = new a.d9a; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(4, 6); this.H = new a.G2; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(5, 4); this.O = new a.F2; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(4, 11); this.$ = new a.IIa; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(11, 3); this.ka = new a.G3; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(11, 3); this.ta = new a.WHa; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(11, 3); this.va = new a.HHa; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(11, 3); this.wa = new a.rHa; this.wa.parent = this; this.wa.setTransform(11, 3); this.ya = new a.MIa; this.ya.parent = this; this.ya.setTransform(11, 3); this.Aa = new a.Mbb; this.Aa.parent = this; this.Aa.setTransform(11, 4); this.Ba = new a.MJa; this.Ba.parent = this; this.Ba.setTransform(11, 3.05); this.Da = new a.ZHa; this.Da.parent = this; this.Da.setTransform(11, 10); this.Ea = new a.rOa; this.Ea.parent = this; this.Ea.setTransform(11, 3); this.Ga = new a.ALa; this.Ga.parent = this; this.Ga.setTransform(11, 3); this.Ha = new a.m1; this.Ha.parent = this; this.Ha.setTransform(11, 9.85); this.Ia = new a.OXa; this.Ia.parent = this; this.Ia.setTransform(-2, 7); this.Ja = new a.ybb; this.Ja.parent = this; this.Ja.setTransform(4, 5); this.Ka = new a.PXa; this.Ka.parent = this; this.Ka.setTransform(11, 2); this.La = new a.EXa; this.La.parent = this; this.La.setTransform(11, 2); this.Ma = new a.QXa; this.Ma.parent = this; this.Ma.setTransform(-6, 8); this.Na = new a.aWa; this.Na.parent = this; this.Na.setTransform(-1.75, 8); this.Oa = new a.UXa; this.Oa.parent = this; this.Oa.setTransform(2, 1); this.Qa = new a.VXa; this.Qa.parent = this; this.Qa.setTransform(9, 10); this.Ua = new a.O4a; this.Ua.parent = this; this.Ua.setTransform(9, 10); this.Va = new a.WXa; this.Va.parent = this; this.Va.setTransform(2, 7); this.Wa = new a.x5a; this.Wa.parent = this; this.Wa.setTransform(2, 7); this.Xa = new a.XXa; this.Xa.parent = this; this.Xa.setTransform(1, 10); this.Ya = new a.g$a; this.Ya.parent = this; this.Ya.setTransform(1, 10); this.Za = new a.kQa; this.Za.parent = this; this.Za.setTransform(7, 3); this.$a = new a.WGa; this.$a.parent = this; this.$a.setTransform(2, 4); this.ab = new a.v7a; this.ab.parent = this; this.ab.setTransform(8, 6); this.hb = new a.t_a; this.hb.parent = this; this.hb.setTransform(11, 0); this.mb = new a.tBa; this.mb.parent = this; this.mb.setTransform(12, 13, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11); this.nb = new a.u6a; this.nb.parent = this; this.nb.setTransform(5, 5); this.rb = new a.pUa; this.rb.parent = this; this.rb.setTransform(8, 7); this.tb = new a.aFa; this.tb.parent = this; this.tb.setTransform(8, 10); this.ub = new a.eBa; this.ub.parent = this; this.ub.setTransform(1, 2); this.wb = new a.y6a; this.wb.parent = this; this.wb.setTransform(0, 2); this.yb = new a.A6a; this.yb.parent = this; this.yb.setTransform(-2, 2); this.Ab = new a.CBa; this.Ab.parent = this; this.Ab.setTransform(7, -9); this.Cb = new a.T8a; this.Cb.parent = this; this.Cb.setTransform(11, 2); this.Db = new a.Z8a; this.Db.parent = this; this.Db.setTransform(11, 6); this.Eb = new a.fsa; this.Eb.parent = this; this.Eb.setTransform(1, -14); this.Fb = new a.I2a; this.Fb.parent = this; this.Fb.setTransform(11, 8); this.Gb = new a.vXa; this.Gb.parent = this; this.Gb.setTransform(-2, 5); this.Hb = new a.wXa; this.Hb.parent = this; this.Hb.setTransform(-2, 9); this.Jb = new a.rVa; this.Jb.parent = this; this.Jb.setTransform(8, 3); this.Lb = new a.gVa; this.Lb.parent = this; this.Lb.setTransform(7, 3); this.Mb = new a.Lsa; this.Mb.parent = this; this.Mb.setTransform(7, 3); this.Pb = new a.Msa; this.Pb.parent = this; this.Pb.setTransform(8, -1); this.Nb = new a.tcb; this.Nb.parent = this; this.Nb.setTransform(11, 6); this.Qb = new a.ucb; this.Qb.parent = this; this.Qb.setTransform(11, 5); this.Ob = new a.xcb; this.Ob.parent = this; this.Ob.setTransform(8, 7); this.Rb = new a.$ab; this.Rb.parent = this; this.Rb.setTransform(11, 10); this.Sb = new a.HXa; this.Sb.parent = this; this.Sb.setTransform(6, 6); this.Tb = new a.LXa; this.Tb.parent = this; this.Tb.setTransform(10, 10); this.Ub = new a.KXa; this.Ub.parent = this; this.Ub.setTransform(3, 1); this.Zb = new a.JXa; this.Zb.parent = this; this.Zb.setTransform(3, 1); this.Wb = new a.GXa; this.Wb.parent = this; this.Wb.setTransform(7, -1); this.Xb = new a.FXa; this.Xb.parent = this; this.Xb.setTransform(7, -1); this.Yb = new a.SXa; this.Yb.parent = this; this.Yb.setTransform(8, 2); this.$b = new a.RXa; this.$b.parent = this; this.$b.setTransform(8, 2); this.ac = new a.sXa; this.ac.parent = this; this.ac.setTransform(2, 8); this.bc = new a.BXa; this.bc.parent = this; this.bc.setTransform(11, 2); this.hc = new a.CXa; this.hc.parent = this; this.hc.setTransform(11, 8); this.jc = new a.Jbb; this.jc.parent = this; this.jc.setTransform(7.2, 3.65); this.kc = new a.ccb; this.kc.parent = this; this.kc.setTransform(-9, 2); this.lc = new a.k$a; this.lc.parent = this; this.lc.setTransform(0, 4); this.nc = new a.AXa; this.nc.parent = this; this.nc.setTransform(10, 1); this.tc = new a.DXa; this.tc.parent = this; this.tc.setTransform(8, 3); this.uc = new a.yXa; this.uc.parent = this; this.uc.setTransform(10, 1); this.xc = new a.zXa; this.xc.parent = this; this.xc.setTransform(9, 8); this.zc = new a.tXa; this.zc.parent = this; this.zc.setTransform(10, 8); this.Ac = new a.IXa; this.Ac.parent = this; this.Ac.setTransform(10, 5); this.Bc = new a.rXa; this.Bc.parent = this; this.Bc.setTransform(9, 6); this.yc = new a.Rbb; this.yc.parent = this; this.yc.setTransform(10, 6); this.Dc = new a.qPa; this.Dc.parent = this; this.Dc.setTransform(10, 6); this.Ec = new a.Z5a; this.Ec.parent = this; this.Ec.setTransform(6, 2); this.Fc = new a.Y5a; this.Fc.parent = this; this.Fc.setTransform(6, 2); this.Gc = new a.qab; this.Gc.parent = this; this.Gc.setTransform(-2.1, -3.75); this.Jc = new a.U5a; this.Jc.parent = this; this.Jc.setTransform(10, -1); this.Kc = new a.uXa; this.Kc.parent = this; this.Kc.setTransform(10, 9); this.Lc = new a.Uxa; this.Lc.parent = this; this.Lc.setTransform(9.25, .5); this.Ic = new a.W_a; this.Ic.parent = this; this.Ic.setTransform(5.5, .5); this.Nc = new a.f6a; this.Nc.parent = this; this.Nc.setTransform(11, 7.25); this.Oc = new a.X5a; this.Oc.parent = this; this.Oc.setTransform(11, 10); this.Rc = new a.R5a; this.Rc.parent = this; this.Rc.setTransform(59, 9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 180); this.Uc = new a.Q5a; this.Uc.parent = this; this.Uc.setTransform(10, 10); this.Xc = new a.c6a; this.Xc.parent = this; this.Xc.setTransform(8, 3); this.jd = new a.N5a; this.jd.parent = this; this.jd.setTransform(9, 1); this.$c = new a.$5a; this.$c.parent = this; this.$c.setTransform(9, 10); this.kd = new a.Xbb; this.kd.parent = this; this.kd.setTransform(10, 0); this.hd = new a.G3a; this.hd.parent = this; this.hd.setTransform(10, 10); this.ld = new a.P9a; this.ld.parent = this; this.ld.setTransform(2, -5); this.nd = new a.NXa; this.nd.parent = this; this.nd.setTransform(2, 8); this.od = new a.MXa; this.od.parent = this; this.od.setTransform(2, 4); this.rd = new a.$cb; this.rd.parent = this; this.rd.setTransform(4.8, -3.9); this.vd = new a.TXa; this.vd.parent = this; this.vd.setTransform(8.8, 4.1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ka}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.va}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.wa}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ya}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Aa}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ba}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Da}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ea}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ga}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ha}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ia}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ja}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ka}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.La}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ma}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Na}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Oa}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Qa}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ua}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Va}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Wa}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Xa}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ya}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Za}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$a}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ab}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.hb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.mb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.nb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.rb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.tb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ub}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.wb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.yb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ab}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Cb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Db}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Eb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Fb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Gb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Hb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Jb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Lb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Mb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Pb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Nb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Qb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ob}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Rb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Sb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Tb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ub}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Zb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Wb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Xb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Yb}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$b}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ac}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.bc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.hc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.jc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.kc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.lc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.nc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.tc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.uc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.xc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.zc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ac}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Bc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.yc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Dc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ec}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Fc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Gc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Jc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Kc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Lc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Ic}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Nc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Oc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Rc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Uc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Xc}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.jd}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$c}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.kd}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.hd}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.ld}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.nd}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.od}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.rd}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.vd}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-9, -14, 75, 79); (a.RWa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(0, 0, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(9).to({alpha: .6484}, 0).wait(5)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-1.5, -2.5, 3, 5); (a.Xda = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {avatar: 0}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {}, dialog: {}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.W = new a.b1; this.W.name = "avatar"; this.W.parent = this; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.W).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.rCa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(45.6, 61, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 31.6, -2); this.g = new a.tCa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(45.6, 93, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 31.6, -2); this.i = new a.sCa; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(45.6, 77, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 31.6, -2); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}, {t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}]}).wait(1)); this.text = new b.Text("text", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#e7dbac"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 163; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(62, 11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1)); this.JQ = new a.RWa; this.JQ.name = "pointer"; this.JQ.parent = this; this.JQ.setTransform(225, 63); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.JQ).wait(1)); this.next = new a.Zda; this.next.name = "next"; this.next.parent = this; this.next.setTransform(111.6, 75.65, 1, 1.982, 0, 0, 0, -1.5, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.next).wait(1)); this.qK = new a.Yda; this.qK.name = "base"; this.qK.parent = this; this.qK.setTransform(5.5, 5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.qK).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Xda, new b.Rectangle(5.5, 5, 228, 124), null); (a.Spa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Xda; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(1.6, -.8, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, .4, -.2); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(502, 290, 432, 225.89999999999998); a.properties = { id: "B6B0DC09A20D455BAB815F8FE24BCF08", width: 960, height: 540, fps: 30, color: "#ffffff", opacity: 1, aB: [{src: "images_dialog/ArrowArt.png", id: "ArrowArt"}, { src: "images_dialog/ArrowCollectorNeutralArt.png", id: "ArrowCollectorNeutralArt" }, { src: "images_dialog/Baker_Portrait_001.png", id: "Baker_Portrait_001" }, { src: "images_dialog/Baker_Retired_Portait_001.png", id: "Baker_Retired_Portait_001" }, {src: "images_dialog/BigCatNeutralArt.png", id: "BigCatNeutralArt"}, { src: "images_dialog/Bitmap12311.png", id: "Bitmap12311" }, {src: "images_dialog/BlueOniNeutralArt.png", id: "BlueOniNeutralArt"}, { src: "images_dialog/CoachNeutralArt.png", id: "CoachNeutralArt" }, {src: "images_dialog/ConviniNeutralArt.png", id: "ConviniNeutralArt"}, { src: "images_dialog/deer_portrait.png", id: "deer_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/DialogueFillArt1.png", id: "DialogueFillArt1" }, { src: "images_dialog/gatekeeper_portrait.png", id: "gatekeeper_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/InariNeutralArt.png", id: "InariNeutralArt" }, { src: "images_dialog/InvisibleOctopusNeutral.png", id: "InvisibleOctopusNeutral" }, {src: "images_dialog/KappaNeutralArt.png", id: "KappaNeutralArt"}, { src: "images_dialog/KarasuNeutralArt.png", id: "KarasuNeutralArt" }, { src: "images_dialog/kijimunaNeutralArt.png", id: "kijimunaNeutralArt" }, {src: "images_dialog/Koma1NeutralArt.png", id: "Koma1NeutralArt"}, { src: "images_dialog/Koma2NeutralArt.png", id: "Koma2NeutralArt" }, { src: "images_dialog/LittleMonkeyNeutral.png", id: "LittleMonkeyNeutral" }, { src: 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"Town_people_grandpa_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/Town_people_hare_portrait.png", id: "Town_people_hare_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/Town_people_kid_portrait.png", id: "Town_people_kid_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/Town_people_nova_portrait.png", id: "Town_people_nova_portrait" }, {src: "images_dialog/Town_people_pango_portrait.png", id: "Town_people_pango_portrait"}, { src: "images_dialog/Town_people_seahorse_portrait.png", id: "Town_people_seahorse_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/Town_people_shiba_portrait.png", id: "Town_people_shiba_portrait" }, { src: "images_dialog/TraineeNoodlesArt1.png", id: "TraineeNoodlesArt1" }, {src: "images_dialog/TraineeRunArt1.png", id: "TraineeRunArt1"}, { src: "images_dialog/TrainWorkerArt.png", id: "TrainWorkerArt" }, { src: "images_dialog/TrophyMasterArt.png", id: "TrophyMasterArt" }, {src: "images_dialog/UrashimaANeutralrt1.png", id: "UrashimaANeutralrt1"}, { src: "images_dialog/UrashimaMomNeutral.png", id: "UrashimaMomNeutral" }, {src: "images_dialog/UshiNeutralArt1.png", id: "UshiNeutralArt1"}, { src: "images_dialog/WhiteOniAvatarArt.png", id: "WhiteOniAvatarArt" }, {src: "images_dialog/yellowleader.png", id: "yellowleader"}, { src: "images_dialog/YouichiNeutralArt.png", id: "YouichiNeutralArt" }, {src: "images_dialog/YoungArcherNeutralArt.png", id: "YoungArcherNeutralArt"}], tB: [] }; (a.Stage = function (d) { createjs.Stage.call(this, d) }).prototype = c = new createjs.Stage; c.Ca = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = d }; c.play = function () { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndPlay(this.vp()) }; c.stop = function (d) { d && this.seek(d); this.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; c.seek = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(a.properties.fps * d / 1E3) }; c.getDuration = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).totalFrames / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; c.vp = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).currentFrame / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; g.Zd = g.Zd || []; g.Ve || (g.Ve = []); g.oB = function (d) { g.Ve.push(d); if (0 < g.Zd.length) for (var e = 0; e < g.Zd.length; ++e) d(g.Zd[e]) }; g.Kf = g.Kf || {}; g.Kf.B6B0DC09A20D455BAB815F8FE24BCF08 = { getStage: function () { return (void 0).getStage() }, getLibrary: function () { return a }, pB: function () { return n }, Sx: function () { return h } }; g.Px = function (d) { g.Zd.push(d); for (var e = 0; e < g.Ve.length; e++) g.Ve[e](d) }; g.kp = function (d) { return g.Kf[d] }; g.rB = function (d, e, f, v, u) { function E() { var F = a.properties.width, H = a.properties.height, I = window.innerWidth, J = window.innerHeight, U = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, O = I / F, R = J / H, w = 1; if (d) if ("width" == e && P == I || "height" == e && K == J) w = T; else if (f) 1 == v ? w = Math.min(O, R) : 2 == v && (w = Math.max(O, R)); else if (I < F || J < H) w = Math.min(O, R); u[0].width = F * U * w; u[0].height = H * U * w; u.forEach(function (W) { W.style.width = F * w + "px"; W.style.height = H * w + "px" }); P = I; K = J; T = w; (void 0).update() } var P, K, T = 1; window.addEventListener("resize", E); E() } })(createjs = createjs || {}, Tk = Tk || {}); var Uk = Sk; (function (b, g) { function m() { var d = this._cloneProps(new this.constructor(this.mode, this.startPosition, this.loop)); d.gotoAndStop(this.currentFrame); d.paused = this.paused; d.framerate = this.framerate; return d } function k(d, e, f) { d = b.extend(d, b.MovieClip); d.clone = m; d.j = e; d.frameBounds = f; return d } var c, a = {}, n = {}, h = {}; a.uB = []; (a.Sva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap4) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 18); (a.$va = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap5) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32); (a.awa = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap6) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.cBa = function () { this.initialize(h.CloseButtonBrown) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.T4 = function () { this.initialize(h.OverworldMenuButtonBrown) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.oWa = function () { this.initialize(h.PauseButtonBrown) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.wka = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.$va; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.wka, new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 96, 96), null); (a.jka = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#66ff00").s().p("At0MCIAA4DIbpAAIAAYDg"); this.shape.setTransform(57.55, 45); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.oWa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-33, -33, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).to({_off: ! 0}, 3).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-33, -33, 179.1, 155); (a.Pja = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.T4; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11, -22); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Pja, new b.Rectangle(-11, -22, 22, 22), null); (a.Hfa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {joystickControl: {positionMultiplier: 60}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Sva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-26.85, -26.85, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Hfa, new b.Rectangle(-37, -37, 74, 74), null); (a.HK = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#66ff00").s().p("AprH5IAAvxITXAAIAAPxg"); this.shape.setTransform(1, 1.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.cBa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-33, -33, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).to({_off: ! 0}, 3).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-61, -49, 124, 101); (a.gba = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#00ff00").s().p("EgfPAnEMAAAhOHMA+fAAAMAAABOHg"); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.awa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-39, -39, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).to({_off: ! 0}, 3).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-200, -250, 400, 500); (a.kka = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {pauseButton: {}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.button = new a.jka; this.button.name = "button"; this.button.parent = this; new b.ButtonHelper(this.button, 0, 1, 2, ! 1, new a.jka, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.button).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.kka, new b.Rectangle(-33, -33, 66, 66), null); (a.RVa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Yab = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).wait(44).call(this.Yab).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Pja; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(0, -11, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11); this.instance.alpha = 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(20).to({alpha: 1}, 24).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -22, 22, 22); (a.Qja = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.RVa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#66ff00").s().p("Aj5DSIAAmjIHzAAIAAGjg"); this.shape.setTransform(14.075, 10); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.shape}]}, 3).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -11, 50.1, 42); (a.Gfa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {joystick: {}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Hfa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-1, -1.9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1.9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.g = new a.wka; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 48, 48); this.g.alpha = .3008; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Gfa, new b.Rectangle(-78, -78, 156, 156), null); (a.Eda = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {closeButton: {}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.button = new a.HK; this.button.name = "button"; this.button.parent = this; new b.ButtonHelper(this.button, 0, 1, 2, ! 1, new a.HK, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.button).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Eda, new b.Rectangle(-33, -33, 66, 66), null); (a.hba = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {actionButton: {}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.button = new a.gba; this.button.name = "button"; this.button.parent = this; new b.ButtonHelper(this.button, 0, 1, 2, ! 1, new a.gba, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.button).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.hba, new b.Rectangle(-39, -39, 78, 78), null); (a.Rja = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {overworldButton: {}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.button = new a.Qja; this.button.name = "button"; this.button.parent = this; new b.ButtonHelper(this.button, 0, 1, 2, ! 1, new a.Qja, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.button).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Rja, new b.Rectangle(-11, -11, 22, 22), null); (a.Ap = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Rja; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(36, 36, 3, 3); this.instance.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.g = new a.kka; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(36, 36); this.g.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1)); this.i = new a.Eda; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(924, 36); this.i.visible = ! 1; this.o = new a.hba; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(855, 453); this.o.visible = ! 1; this.H = new a.Gfa; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(114, 453); this.H.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.H}, {t: this.o}, {t: this.i}]}).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(483, 273, 474, 228); a.properties = { id: "0E30EA04F8F04E9B8B08CAC42EEA149E", width: 960, height: 540, fps: 30, color: "#cccccc", opacity: 1, aB: [{src: "images_hud/Bitmap4.png", id: "Bitmap4"}, { src: "images_hud/Bitmap5.png", id: "Bitmap5" }, {src: "images_hud/Bitmap6.png", id: "Bitmap6"}, { src: "images_hud/CloseButtonBrown.png", id: "CloseButtonBrown" }, { src: "images_hud/OverworldMenuButtonBrown.png", id: "OverworldMenuButtonBrown" }, {src: "images_hud/PauseButtonBrown.png", id: "PauseButtonBrown"}], tB: [] }; (a.Stage = function (d) { createjs.Stage.call(this, d) }).prototype = c = new createjs.Stage; c.Ca = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = d }; c.play = function () { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndPlay(this.vp()) }; c.stop = function (d) { d && this.seek(d); this.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; c.seek = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(a.properties.fps * d / 1E3) }; c.getDuration = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).totalFrames / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; c.vp = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).currentFrame / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; g.Zd = g.Zd || []; g.Ve || (g.Ve = []); g.oB = function (d) { g.Ve.push(d); if (0 < g.Zd.length) for (var e = 0; e < g.Zd.length; ++e) d(g.Zd[e]) }; g.Kf = g.Kf || {}; g.Kf["0E30EA04F8F04E9B8B08CAC42EEA149E"] = { getStage: function () { return (void 0).getStage() }, getLibrary: function () { return a }, pB: function () { return n }, Sx: function () { return h } }; g.Px = function (d) { g.Zd.push(d); for (var e = 0; e < g.Ve.length; e++) g.Ve[e](d) }; g.kp = function (d) { return g.Kf[d] }; g.rB = function (d, e, f, v, u) { function E() { var F = a.properties.width, H = a.properties.height, I = window.innerWidth, J = window.innerHeight, U = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, O = I / F, R = J / H, w = 1; if (d) if ("width" == e && P == I || "height" == e && K == J) w = T; else if (f) 1 == v ? w = Math.min(O, R) : 2 == v && (w = Math.max(O, R)); else if (I < F || J < H) w = Math.min(O, R); u[0].width = F * U * w; u[0].height = H * U * w; u.forEach(function (W) { W.style.width = F * w + "px"; W.style.height = H * w + "px" }); P = I; K = J; T = w; (void 0).update() } var P, K, T = 1; window.addEventListener("resize", E); E() } })(createjs = createjs || {}, Uk = Uk || {}); var Vk = Sk; (function (b, g) { var m, k = {}, c = {}, a = {}; k.uB = []; (k.eL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt0) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 14); (k.fL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt1) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 14); (k.gL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt2) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 6, 14); (k.hL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt3) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 14); (k.iL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt4) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 14); (k.jL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt5) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 14); (k.kL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt6) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 7, 14); (k.lL = function () { this.initialize(a.ScrollRotateArt7) }).prototype = m = new b.Bitmap; m.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 14); (k.Dm = function (n, h, d) { this.initialize(n, h, d, {}); this.instance = new k.eL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new k.fL; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-5, -14); this.i = new k.gL; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-3, -14); this.o = new k.hL; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-5, -14); this.H = new k.iL; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-7, -14); this.O = new k.jL; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-5, -14); this.$ = new k.kL; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(-3.5, -14); this.ka = new k.lL; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-5.5, -14); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.ka}]}, 3).wait(3)) }).prototype = m = new b.MovieClip; m.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (k.CJ = function (n, h, d) { this.initialize(n, h, d, {}); this.instance = new k.Dm; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(480, 280, 3, 2.9999, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#000000").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.shape.setTransform(480, 270); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = m = new b.MovieClip; m.j = new b.Rectangle(480, 270, 480, 270); k.properties = { id: "348D233EE4ED48398F13A42B3BD73D9C", width: 960, height: 540, fps: 24, color: "#ffffff", opacity: 1, aB: [{ src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt0.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt0" }, { src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt1.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt1" }, {src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt2.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt2"}, { src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt3.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt3" }, { src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt4.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt4" }, { src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt5.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt5" }, { src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt6.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt6" }, {src: "images_loading/ScrollRotateArt7.png", id: "ScrollRotateArt7"}], tB: [] }; (k.Stage = function (n) { createjs.Stage.call(this, n) }).prototype = m = new createjs.Stage; m.Ca = function (n) { this.tickEnabled = n }; m.play = function () { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndPlay(this.vp()) }; m.stop = function (n) { n && this.seek(n); this.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; m.seek = function (n) { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(k.properties.fps * n / 1E3) }; m.getDuration = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).totalFrames / k.properties.fps * 1E3 }; m.vp = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).currentFrame / k.properties.fps * 1E3 }; g.Zd = g.Zd || []; g.Ve || (g.Ve = []); g.oB = function (n) { g.Ve.push(n); if (0 < g.Zd.length) for (var h = 0; h < g.Zd.length; ++h) n(g.Zd[h]) }; g.Kf = g.Kf || {}; g.Kf["348D233EE4ED48398F13A42B3BD73D9C"] = { getStage: function () { return (void 0).getStage() }, getLibrary: function () { return k }, pB: function () { return c }, Sx: function () { return a } }; g.Px = function (n) { g.Zd.push(n); for (var h = 0; h < g.Ve.length; h++) g.Ve[h](n) }; g.kp = function (n) { return g.Kf[n] }; g.rB = function (n, h, d, e, f) { function v() { var K = k.properties.width, T = k.properties.height, F = window.innerWidth, H = window.innerHeight, I = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, J = F / K, U = H / T, O = 1; if (n) if ("width" == h && u == F || "height" == h && E == H) O = P; else if (d) 1 == e ? O = Math.min(J, U) : 2 == e && (O = Math.max(J, U)); else if (F < K || H < T) O = Math.min(J, U); f[0].width = K * I * O; f[0].height = T * I * O; f.forEach(function (R) { R.style.width = K * O + "px"; R.style.height = T * O + "px" }); u = F; E = H; P = O; (void 0).update() } var u, E, P = 1; window.addEventListener("resize", v); v() } })(createjs = createjs || {}, Vk = Vk || {}); var Wk = Sk; (function (b, g) { function m() { var d = this._cloneProps(new this.constructor(this.mode, this.startPosition, this.loop)); d.gotoAndStop(this.currentFrame); d.paused = this.paused; d.framerate = this.framerate; return d } function k(d, e, f) { d = b.extend(d, b.MovieClip); d.clone = m; d.j = e; d.frameBounds = f; return d } var c, a = {}, n = {}, h = {}; a.uB = []; (a.Mra = function () { this.initialize(h.ArcheryIcon) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.EK = function () { this.initialize(h.ArrowArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 3, 5); (a.back = function () { this.initialize(h.back) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.T$a = function () { this.initialize(h.backfocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.rua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap129) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.sua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap129_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.tua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap131) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.uua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap131_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.vua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap132) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.wua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap132_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.xua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap133) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.yua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap133_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.zua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap134) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Aua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap134_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Bua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap135) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Cua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap135_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Dua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap136) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Eua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap136_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Fua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap137) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Gua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap137_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 27); (a.Hua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap138) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Iua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap138_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Jua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap139) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Kua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap139_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Lua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap140) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Mua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap140_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Nua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap141) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Oua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap141_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Pua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap142) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Qua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap142_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Rua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap143) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.Sua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap143_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 27); (a.mca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap147) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 26); (a.nca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap148) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 30); (a.oca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap149) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 30); (a.qca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap150) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 26); (a.rca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap151) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 26); (a.sca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap152) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 26); (a.tca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap153) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 26); (a.Tua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap178) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 32); (a.Vua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap180) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 29); (a.Wua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap181) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 29); (a.Xua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap182) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 29); (a.Yua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap183) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); (a.Zua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap186) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); (a.$ua = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap187) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); (a.ava = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap188) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); (a.bva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap189) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 29); (a.dva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap191) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 24); (a.eva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap192) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 25); (a.fva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap196) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 25); (a.gva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap197) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 25); (a.hva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap198) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 25); (a.uca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap235) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 23); (a.vca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap236) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 20); (a.wca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap237) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 29); (a.xca = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap238) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 30); (a.mva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap239) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 22); (a.nva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap240) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 21); (a.ova = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap241) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 22); (a.pva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap242) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 22); (a.qva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap243) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 22); (a.rva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap244) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 22); (a.sva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap245) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 23); (a.tva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap247) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 23); (a.uva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap248) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 26); (a.vva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap249) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 24); (a.wva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap250) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 25); (a.xva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap251) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 28); (a.yva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap252) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 31); (a.zva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap253) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 29, 29); (a.Ava = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap254) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 27, 23); (a.Bva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap255) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 28, 23); (a.Cva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap256) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 25); (a.Dva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap257) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 29); (a.Eva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap258) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 37, 40); (a.Fva = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap259) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 25, 30); (a.WB = function () { this.initialize(h.Bitmap81) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20); (a.YL = function () { this.initialize(h.BlackDotArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 14); (a.xAa = function () { this.initialize(h.ClimbIcon1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.Vt = function () { this.initialize(h.closeButton) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.Lpa = function () { this.initialize(h.closeButtonFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22); (a.AT = function () { this.initialize(h.controllerFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 11); (a.jab = function () { this.initialize(h.controllerIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 11); (a.Jda = function () { this.initialize(h.ControlsButtonBG) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 119, 21); (a.wBa = function () { this.initialize(h.ControlsFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.xBa = function () { this.initialize(h.ControlsIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.mab = function () { this.initialize(h.copyFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.nab = function () { this.initialize(h.copyIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.dCa = function () { this.initialize(h.DangoStickArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 133, 8); (a.Bab = function () { this.initialize(h.emailFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.Cab = function () { this.initialize(h.emailIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.Fab = function () { this.initialize(h.exitFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.Gab = function () { this.initialize(h.exitIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.Hab = function () { this.initialize(h.facebookFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.Iab = function () { this.initialize(h.facebookIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.u2 = function () { this.initialize(h.GreenDangoArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30); (a.v2 = function () { this.initialize(h.GreenDangoArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 43); (a.w2 = function () { this.initialize(h.GreenDangoArt3) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 34, 27); (a.OEa = function () { this.initialize(h.HighlightDotArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 9); (a.OT = function () { this.initialize(h.inariArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 20); (a.jbb = function () { this.initialize(h.inariArt_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 20); (a.WV = function () { this.initialize(h.InariArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 18); (a.PT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorAction) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.QT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorActionMobile) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.RT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorActionMobilePressed) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.ST = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorActionPressed) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 10); (a.TT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorDown) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.UT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorJoystick) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); (a.VT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorJoystickBase) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.kbb = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorLeft) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.WT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorLeft_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.lbb = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorRight) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.XT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorRight_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.ZT = function () { this.initialize(h.indicatorUp) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 11); (a.gM = function () { this.initialize(h.KappaArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); (a.bFa = function () { this.initialize(h.KappaArt_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16); (a.hM = function () { this.initialize(h.KappaArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 17); (a.aW = function () { this.initialize(h.KarasuArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 20); (a.gFa = function () { this.initialize(h.KarasuArt_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 20); (a.bW = function () { this.initialize(h.KarasuArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20); (a.gU = function () { this.initialize(h.keyboardFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 11); (a.ubb = function () { this.initialize(h.keyboardIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 11); (a.yFa = function () { this.initialize(h.Koma1Art) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 99, 49); (a.AFa = function () { this.initialize(h.Koma2Art) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 91, 51); (a.pGa = function () { this.initialize(h.LeaderFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.qGa = function () { this.initialize(h.LeaderIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.lM = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyIdleS) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 22); (a.ZJ = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyIdleSArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 22); (a.$J = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyIdleSArt3) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 22); (a.Ep = function () { this.initialize(h.LuckyLocationIconArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 13); (a.POa = function () { this.initialize(h.MarathonIcon) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.K_ = function () { this.initialize(h.menuBG) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 308, 168); (a.Nbb = function () { this.initialize(h.menuBGMapBG) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 308, 168); (a.jUa = function () { this.initialize(h.NoStarsArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 4); (a.fVa = function () { this.initialize(h.OneStarArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 6); (a.EWa = function () { this.initialize(h.PinkDangoArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30); (a.FWa = function () { this.initialize(h.PinkDangoArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 34, 27); (a.GWa = function () { this.initialize(h.PinkDangoArt3) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 43); (a.TWa = function () { this.initialize(h.PongIcon1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.ncb = function () { this.initialize(h.replayFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.ocb = function () { this.initialize(h.replayIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.Z0a = function () { this.initialize(h.RugbyIcon11) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.eL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt0) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 14); (a.fL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 14); (a.gL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 6, 14); (a.hL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt3) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 14); (a.iL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt4) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 14); (a.jL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt5) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 14); (a.kL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt6) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 7, 14); (a.lL = function () { this.initialize(h.ScrollRotateArt7) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 11, 14); (a.pcb = function () { this.initialize(h.searchFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.qcb = function () { this.initialize(h.searchIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.jN = function () { this.initialize(h.SelectedIconCircleArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 22); (a.z1a = function () { this.initialize(h.SettingsFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.A1a = function () { this.initialize(h.SettingsIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.ama = function () { this.initialize(h.ShareFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.bma = function () { this.initialize(h.ShareIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.C1a = function () { this.initialize(h.ShareWindow) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 214, 66); (a.n2a = function () { this.initialize(h.SkateIcon1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.Ecb = function () { this.initialize(h.startBG1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 92, 21); (a.X3a = function () { this.initialize(h.StatsMenuBGArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 120, 96); (a.w4a = function () { this.initialize(h.SwimIcon1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 18); (a.K5a = function () { this.initialize(h.ThreeStarArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 6); (a.vB = function () { this.initialize(h.tutBG) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 308, 168); (a.Rcb = function () { this.initialize(h.twitterFocus) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 26, 26); (a.Scb = function () { this.initialize(h.twitterIdle) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24); (a.J8a = function () { this.initialize(h.TwoStarsArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 19, 6); (a.y6 = function () { this.initialize(h.UshiArt) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 20); (a.b9a = function () { this.initialize(h.UshiArt_1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 20); (a.fY = function () { this.initialize(h.UshiArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 19); (a.Cx = function () { this.initialize(h.valueBG) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 70, 13); (a.rN = function () { this.initialize(h.WhiteCircleFrameArt11) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 20); (a.vpa = function () { this.initialize(h.YellowDangoArt1) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30); (a.wpa = function () { this.initialize(h.YellowDangoArt2) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 35, 27); (a.xpa = function () { this.initialize(h.YellowDangoArt3) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 43); (a.$t = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.b9a; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-8, -20); this.g = new a.fY; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -19); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 15).wait(15)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -20, 20, 20); (a.Xt = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.gFa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-8, -20); this.g = new a.bW; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -20); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 15).wait(15)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -20, 20, 20); (a.Mw = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.bFa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-8, -16); this.g = new a.hM; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-8, -17); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 15).wait(15)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-8, -17, 16, 17); (a.Uw = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.OT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-8, -20); this.g = new a.WV; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-8, -18); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 15).wait(15)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-8, -20, 17, 20); (a.cC = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.label = new b.Text("Label", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 11; this.label.lineWidth = 118; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(0, -5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#1d0900").s().p("AprBNIAAiaITXAAIAACag"); this.shape.setTransform(0, -.25); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.cC, new b.Rectangle(-62, -8, 124, 16), null); (a.oC = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(-34.5, 19.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(15).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 9).wait(27).to({ _off: ! 1, x: 16.5 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 9).wait(27).to({_off: ! 1, x: 67.5}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 9).wait(27).to({ _off: ! 1, x: 118.5 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 9).wait(12)); this.instance = new a.ZT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(15).to({y: 3}, 0).wait(9).to({y: 0}, 0).wait(120)); this.g = new a.TT; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(51).to({y: 3}, 0).wait(9).to({y: 0}, 0).wait(84)); this.i = new a.WT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(87).to({y: 3}, 0).wait(9).to({y: 0}, 0).wait(48)); this.o = new a.XT; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(102, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(123).to({y: 3}, 0).wait(9).to({y: 0}, 0).wait(12)); d = new b.Shape; d._off = ! 0; d.graphics.p("AkrHgIAAu/IJXAAIAAO/g"); d.setTransform(-9, -66); this.H = new a.Yua; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-33, -30, 3, 3); this.H._off = ! 0; this.O = new a.Zua; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-33, -30, 3, 3); this.O._off = ! 0; this.$ = new a.$ua; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(-33, -30, 3, 3); this.$._off = ! 0; this.ka = new a.ava; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-33, -30, 3, 3); this.ka._off = ! 0; e = [this.H, this.O, this.$, this.ka]; for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++) e[f].mask = d; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -42}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -54}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -66}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -78}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -90}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -102}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -114}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -126}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -138}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -150}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 3).wait(108)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(39).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -42}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -54}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -66}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -78}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -90}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -102}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -114}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -126}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -138}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -150}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 3).wait(72)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(75).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -42}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -54}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -66}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -78}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -90}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -102}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -114}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -126}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -138}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -150}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 3).wait(36)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(111).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -42}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -54}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -66}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -78}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -90}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -102}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -114}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -126}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -138}, 0).wait(3).to({y: -150}, 0).wait(3)); this.ta = new a.Vua; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(63, -111, 3, 3); this.va = new a.Wua; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(63, -111, 3, 3); this.wa = new a.Xua; this.wa.parent = this; this.wa.setTransform(66, -111, 3, 3); this.ya = new a.bva; this.ya.parent = this; this.ya.setTransform(63, -111, 3, 3); this.Aa = new a.dva; this.Aa.parent = this; this.Aa.setTransform(66, -105, 3, 3); this.Ba = new a.eva; this.Ba.parent = this; this.Ba.setTransform(51, -111, 3, 3); this.Da = new a.fva; this.Da.parent = this; this.Da.setTransform(60, -117, 3, 3); this.Ea = new a.gva; this.Ea.parent = this; this.Ea.setTransform(66, -111, 3, 3); this.Ga = new a.hva; this.Ga.parent = this; this.Ga.setTransform(63, -117, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}).to({state: [{t: this.va}]}, 15).to({state: [{t: this.wa}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.va}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.ya}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.Aa}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.ya}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ba}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.Da}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ba}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ea}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.Ga}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ea}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 3).wait(9)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ta).to({_off: ! 0}, 15).wait(12).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 24).wait(12).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 24).wait(12).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 24).wait(12).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(9)); this.Ha = new a.Tua; this.Ha.parent = this; this.Ha.setTransform(-39, -114, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ha).wait(144)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-51, -117, 186, 153); (a.T5 = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.yva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-15, -31); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.T5, new b.Rectangle(-15, -31, 30, 31), null); (a.R5 = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.xva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-12, -28); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.R5, new b.Rectangle(-12, -28, 24, 28), null); (a.z5 = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.wva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-43, -35); this.g = new a.vva; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(14, -34); this.i = new a.uva; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-10, -27); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}, {t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}]}).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.z5, new b.Rectangle(-43, -35, 80, 34), null); (a.vka = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.zva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-3, -29); this.g = new a.Ava; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-4, -28); this.i = new a.Bva; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-9, -23); this.o = new a.Cva; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-8, -32); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 7).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 4).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 7).wait(5)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-9, -32, 35, 32); (a.pka = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.Dva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11, -29); this.g = new a.Eva; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-8, -33); this.i = new a.Fva; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-5, -20); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance, p: {y: -29}}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.instance, p: {y: -31} }] }, 24).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 1).wait(19)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -33, 40, 43); (a.Bia = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.mva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-3, -22); this.g = new a.nva; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-3, -23); this.i = new a.ova; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-3, -21); this.o = new a.pva; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(0, -22); this.H = new a.qva; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(0, -23); this.O = new a.rva; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-1, -21); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 3).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-3, -23, 20, 24); (a.AW = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.sva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-12, -23); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.AW, new b.Rectangle(-12, -23, 24, 23), null); (a.y3 = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.tva; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11.5, -23); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.y3, new b.Rectangle(-11.5, -23, 23, 23), null); (a.rT = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.mca; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.g = new a.nca; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.i = new a.oca; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.o = new a.qca; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.H = new a.rca; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(305, -111, 3, 3); this.O = new a.sca; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(305, -111, 3, 3); this.$ = new a.tca; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(305, -111, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 3).wait(3)); this.ka = new a.uua; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-10, -111, 3, 3); this.ta = new a.wua; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(-1, -111, 3, 3); this.va = new a.yua; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(8, -111, 3, 3); this.wa = new a.Aua; this.wa.parent = this; this.wa.setTransform(17, -111, 3, 3); this.ya = new a.Cua; this.ya.parent = this; this.ya.setTransform(26, -111, 3, 3); this.Aa = new a.Eua; this.Aa.parent = this; this.Aa.setTransform(35, -111, 3, 3); this.Ba = new a.Gua; this.Ba.parent = this; this.Ba.setTransform(44, -111, 3, 3); this.Da = new a.Iua; this.Da.parent = this; this.Da.setTransform(47, -111, 3, 3); this.Ea = new a.Kua; this.Ea.parent = this; this.Ea.setTransform(38, -111, 3, 3); this.Ga = new a.Mua; this.Ga.parent = this; this.Ga.setTransform(29, -111, 3, 3); this.Ha = new a.Oua; this.Ha.parent = this; this.Ha.setTransform(20, -111, 3, 3); this.Ia = new a.Qua; this.Ia.parent = this; this.Ia.setTransform(11, -111, 3, 3); this.Ja = new a.Sua; this.Ja.parent = this; this.Ja.setTransform(2, -111, 3, 3); this.Ka = new a.sua; this.Ka.parent = this; this.Ka.setTransform(-19, -111, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.ka}]}).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.va}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.wa}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.ya}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Aa}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ba}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Da}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.Ea}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ga}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ha}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ia}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ja}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ka}]}, 3).wait(6)); this.La = new a.RT; this.La.parent = this; this.La.setTransform(316, 3, 2.9999, 2.9999); this.Ma = new a.QT; this.Ma.parent = this; this.Ma.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.La}]}).to({state: [{t: this.Ma}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.La}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.Ma}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Na = new a.UT; this.Na.parent = this; this.Na.setTransform(37, 9, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Na).wait(3).to({x: 49}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 46}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 31}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 19}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 37}, 0).wait(1)); this.Oa = new a.VT; this.Oa.parent = this; this.Oa.setTransform(25, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Oa).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -111, 381, 147); (a.qT = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.mca; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.g = new a.nca; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.i = new a.oca; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.o = new a.qca; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(302, -111, 3, 3); this.H = new a.rca; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(305, -111, 3, 3); this.O = new a.sca; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(305, -111, 3, 3); this.$ = new a.tca; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(305, -111, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 3).wait(3)); this.ka = new a.tua; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-10, -111, 3, 3); this.ta = new a.vua; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(-1, -111, 3, 3); this.va = new a.xua; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(8, -111, 3, 3); this.wa = new a.zua; this.wa.parent = this; this.wa.setTransform(17, -111, 3, 3); this.ya = new a.Bua; this.ya.parent = this; this.ya.setTransform(26, -111, 3, 3); this.Aa = new a.Dua; this.Aa.parent = this; this.Aa.setTransform(35, -111, 3, 3); this.Ba = new a.Fua; this.Ba.parent = this; this.Ba.setTransform(44, -110, 3, 3); this.Da = new a.Hua; this.Da.parent = this; this.Da.setTransform(47, -111, 3, 3); this.Ea = new a.Jua; this.Ea.parent = this; this.Ea.setTransform(38, -111, 3, 3); this.Ga = new a.Lua; this.Ga.parent = this; this.Ga.setTransform(29, -112, 3, 3); this.Ha = new a.Nua; this.Ha.parent = this; this.Ha.setTransform(20, -111, 3, 3); this.Ia = new a.Pua; this.Ia.parent = this; this.Ia.setTransform(11, -111, 3, 3); this.Ja = new a.Rua; this.Ja.parent = this; this.Ja.setTransform(2, -111, 3, 3); this.Ka = new a.rua; this.Ka.parent = this; this.Ka.setTransform(-19, -111, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.ka}]}).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.va}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.wa}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.ya}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Aa}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ba}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Da}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.Ea}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ga}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ha}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ia}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ja}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.Ka}]}, 3).wait(6)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(332.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18)); this.La = new a.ST; this.La.parent = this; this.La.setTransform(316, 3, 3, 3); this.Ma = new a.PT; this.Ma.parent = this; this.Ma.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.La}]}).to({state: [{t: this.Ma}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.La}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.Ma}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.Ze.setTransform(67.5, 19.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).to({_off: ! 0}, 18).wait(6).to({ _off: ! 1, x: 16.5 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 18).wait(6)); this.Na = new a.kbb; this.Na.parent = this; this.Na.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Na).wait(24).to({y: 3}, 0).wait(18).to({y: 0}, 0).wait(6)); this.Oa = new a.lbb; this.Oa.parent = this; this.Oa.setTransform(51, 3, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Oa).wait(18).to({y: 0}, 0).wait(30)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -112, 381, 148); (a.$4a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {blue: 0, red: 1, green: 2, yellow: 3, none: 4}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$PLAYER_TEAM == 'blue'", frame1: "blue", condition2: "$PLAYER_TEAM == 'red'", frame2: "red", condition3: "$PLAYER_TEAM == 'yellow'", frame3: "yellow", condition4: "$PLAYER_TEAM == 'green'", frame4: "green", condition5: "", frame5: "none" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(5)); this.instance = new a.y6; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-8, -20); this.g = new a.aW; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-8, -20); this.i = new a.gM; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-8, -16); this.o = new a.jbb; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-10, -20); this.text = new b.Text("?", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1.1, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.text}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -20, 18, 20); (a.lN = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {"0star": 0, "1star": 1, "2star": 2, "3star": 3}); this.u = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(4)); this.instance = new a.jUa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -5); this.g = new a.fVa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -6); this.i = new a.J8a; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-10, -6); this.o = new a.K5a; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-10, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -6, 20, 6); (a.Dm = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.eL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.fL; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-5, -14); this.i = new a.gL; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-3, -14); this.o = new a.hL; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-5, -14); this.H = new a.iL; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-7, -14); this.O = new a.jL; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-5, -14); this.$ = new a.kL; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(-3.5, -14); this.ka = new a.lL; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-5.5, -14); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 5).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 5).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 5).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 5).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 5).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 5).to({state: [{t: this.ka}]}, 5).wait(5)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.OM = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.OEa; this.instance.parent = this; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).to({_off: ! 0}, 15).wait(16)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 9); (a.nIa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -8); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(30)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -8, 14, 13); (a.JB = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.lM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11, -20); this.g = new a.ZJ; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-11, -20); this.i = new a.$J; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-11, -20); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 27).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 4).wait(23)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -20, 18, 22); (a.Si = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#ff0000").s().p("AwjH+IAAv7MAhHAAAIAAP7g"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Si, new b.Rectangle(-106, -51, 212, 102), null); (a.wV = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.dCa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(0, -4); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.wV, new b.Rectangle(0, -4, 133, 8), null); (a.mJ = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("#ff0000").s().p("AwjH+IAAv7MAhHAAAIAAP7g"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.mJ, new b.Rectangle(-106, -51, 212, 102), null); (a.lX = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.EK; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-1.5, -2.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.lX, new b.Rectangle(-1.5, -2.5, 3, 5), null); (a.Map = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Gf = new a.nIa; this.Gf.name = "player"; this.Gf.parent = this; this.Gf.setTransform(59, 70); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Gf).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.X3a; this.instance.parent = this; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Map, new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 120, 96), null); (a.mB = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "start"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new b.Text("OKAY", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 120; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-2, -22.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-189, -20, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.Ecb; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-141, -32, 3, 3); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-.25, 0, 1.1284, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-189, -32, 324, 63); (a.Doa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutArcheryMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Action Button\nto Shoot", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 242; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(291, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Joystick\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 244; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(1, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Hit targets to outscore the champion before time runs out", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Archery", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.rT = new a.rT; this.rT.name = "archerySpritesMobile"; this.rT.parent = this; this.rT.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.rT).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Doa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Coa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutArcheryDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Spacebar\nto Shoot", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 242; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(291, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Left and Right\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 244; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(1, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Hit targets to outscore the champion before time runs out", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Archery", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.qT = new a.qT; this.qT.name = "archerySpritesDesktop"; this.qT.parent = this; this.qT.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.qT).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Coa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.AU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.T5; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(325, -68, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -15.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(48)); this.g = new a.R5; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(40, -67, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.i = new a.RT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 3, 2.9999, 2.9999); this.o = new a.QT; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.H = new a.UT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(37, 9, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(3).to({x: 49}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 46}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 31}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 19}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 37}, 0).wait(1)); this.O = new a.VT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(25, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -114.5, 389, 150.5); (a.zU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.T5; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(325, -68, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -15.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(48)); this.g = new a.R5; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(40, -67, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(332.5, 16.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(24).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18)); this.i = new a.PT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.o = new a.ST; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 3, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.Ze.setTransform(-34.5, 19.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(48)); this.H = new a.ZT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(48)); this.O = new a.TT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)); this.$ = new a.WT; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(48)); this.ka = new a.XT; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(102, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-51, -114.5, 421, 150.5); (a.xU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.z5; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(332.5, -48, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -13); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(48)); this.g = new a.y3; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(33, -57, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.i = new a.RT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 3, 2.9999, 2.9999); this.o = new a.QT; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.H = new a.UT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(37, 9, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(3).to({x: 49}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 46}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 31}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 19}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 37}, 0).wait(1)); this.O = new a.VT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(25, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -114, 462.5, 150); (a.wU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.z5; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(332.5, -48, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -13); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(48)); this.g = new a.y3; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(33, -57, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(332.5, 16.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(24).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18)); this.i = new a.PT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.o = new a.ST; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 3, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.Ze.setTransform(-34.5, 19.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(48)); this.H = new a.ZT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(48)); this.O = new a.TT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)); this.$ = new a.WT; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(48)); this.ka = new a.XT; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(102, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-51, -114, 494.5, 150); (a.qU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.pka; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(312, -76, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(48)); this.g = new a.vka; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(17, -65, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.i = new a.RT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 3, 2.9999, 2.9999); this.o = new a.QT; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.H = new a.UT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(37, 9, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(3).to({x: 49}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 46}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 31}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 19}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 37}, 0).wait(1)); this.O = new a.VT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(25, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -119.5, 381, 155.5); (a.pU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.pka; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(312, -76, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(48)); this.g = new a.vka; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(17, -65, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(332.5, 16.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(24).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18)); this.i = new a.PT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.o = new a.ST; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 3, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.Ze.setTransform(-34.5, 19.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(48)); this.H = new a.ZT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(48)); this.O = new a.TT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)); this.$ = new a.WT; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(48)); this.ka = new a.XT; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(102, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-51, -119.5, 413, 155.5); (a.mU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.AW; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(323, -58, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(24).to({alpha: .3008}, 0).wait(24)); this.g = new a.AW; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(35, -56, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.i = new a.RT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 3, 2.9999, 2.9999); this.o = new a.QT; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.H = new a.UT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(37, 9, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(3).to({x: 49}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 46}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 31}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 19}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 37}, 0).wait(1)); this.O = new a.VT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(25, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -112, 381, 148); (a.lU = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.AW; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(323, -58, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(24).to({alpha: .3008}, 0).wait(24)); this.g = new a.AW; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(35, -56, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(48)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(332.5, 16.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(24).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18)); this.i = new a.PT; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.o = new a.ST; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(316, 3, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.Ze.setTransform(-34.5, 19.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(48)); this.H = new a.ZT; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(48)); this.O = new a.TT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(48)); this.$ = new a.WT; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(48)); this.ka = new a.XT; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(102, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-51, -112, 413, 148); (a.yT = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.uca; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(301, -82, 3, 3); this.g = new a.vca; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(295, -73, 3, 3); this.i = new a.wca; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(301, -118, 3, 3); this.o = new a.xca; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(307, -125, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 4).to({ state: [{ t: this.o, p: {y: -125} }] }, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o, p: {y: -128}}]}, 3).to({ state: [{ t: this.o, p: {y: -125} }] }, 3).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 4).wait(4)); this.H = new a.Bia; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(20.5, -112, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -33); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(48)); this.O = new a.RT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(316, 3, 2.9999, 2.9999); this.$ = new a.QT; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 6).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.ka = new a.UT; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(37, 9, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(3).to({x: 49}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 46}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 31}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 19}, 0).wait(12).to({x: 22}, 0).wait(3).to({x: 34}, 0).wait(5).to({x: 37}, 0).wait(1)); this.ta = new a.VT; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(25, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ta).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-19, -128, 383, 164); (a.xT = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.uca; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(301, -82, 3, 3); this.g = new a.vca; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(295, -73, 3, 3); this.i = new a.wca; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(301, -118, 3, 3); this.o = new a.xca; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(307, -125, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 4).to({ state: [{ t: this.o, p: {y: -125} }] }, 3).to({state: [{t: this.o, p: {y: -128}}]}, 3).to({ state: [{ t: this.o, p: {y: -125} }] }, 3).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 3).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 4).wait(4)); this.H = new a.Bia; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(20.5, -112, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -33); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(48)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.shape.setTransform(332.5, 16.5); this.shape._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(24).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 6).wait(18)); this.O = new a.PT; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(316, 0, 3, 3); this.$ = new a.ST; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(316, 3, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 6).wait(18)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(29,9,0,0.247)").s().p("AikClIAAlJIFJAAIAAFJg"); this.Ze.setTransform(-34.5, 19.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(48)); this.ka = new a.ZT; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ka).wait(48)); this.ta = new a.TT; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(0, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ta).wait(48)); this.va = new a.WT; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(51, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.va).wait(48)); this.wa = new a.XT; this.wa.parent = this; this.wa.setTransform(102, 0, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.wa).wait(48)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-51, -128, 415, 164); (a.p4a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "swim"}, keyboardNav: {order: 3}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(75, 74); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(34, 10.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.5); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -8); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -7}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -6}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.w4a; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -5}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, 2.9, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-13, -8, 150, 90); (a.c2a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "skate"}, keyboardNav: {order: 4}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(75, 46); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(48, 12.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.5); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -10); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -9}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -8}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.n2a; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -8); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -7}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, .9, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-13, -10, 150, 64); (a.M0a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "rugby"}, keyboardNav: {order: 7}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-79, 45); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-52.1, -5.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -.1, -.1); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -11); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -10}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -10); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -9}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Z0a; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -8}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, -.1, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-141, -11, 151, 64); (a.xWa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = { button: {eventId: "pingpong"}, keyboardNav: {order: 6} }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-79, 72); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-56.5, 4, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4.5, 5); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -10); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -9}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -8}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.TWa; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -8); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -7}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, .9, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-141, -10, 151, 90); (a.KOa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "marathon"}, keyboardNav: {order: 8}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-79, 18); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-61.5, -7.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4.5, 4.5); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -12); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -11}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -10}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.POa; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -10); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -9}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, -1.1, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-141, -12, 151, 38); (a.BAa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "climbing"}, keyboardNav: {order: 5}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-79, 98); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-84, 13.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.5); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -10); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -9}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -8}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.xAa; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -8); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -7}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, .9, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-141, -10, 151, 116); (a.Gra = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "archery"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(75, 98); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.OM; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(30, .5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.5); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.jN; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -10); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({y: -9}, 0).wait(1)); this.i = new a.rN; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-12, -9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(2).to({y: -8}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Mra; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-11, -8); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(2).to({y: -7}, 0).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-1.95, .9, .104, .2155, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.5); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-13, -10, 150, 116); (a.y4a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$swim_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.r2a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$skate_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.c1a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$rugby_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.dXa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$pingpong_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.TOa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$marathon_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.zAa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$climbing_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.Sra = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {noScroll: 0, scroll: 1}); this.u = function () { this.T = { storageSprite: { condition1: "$archery_rating == 3", frame1: "scroll", condition2: "", frame2: "noScroll", condition3: "", frame3: "", condition4: "", frame4: "", condition5: "", frame5: "" } }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.YL; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-7, -14); this.g = new a.Dm; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-7, -14, 14, 14); (a.v1a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "srp"}, keyboardNav: {order: 6}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.qcb; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-10, -10); this.g = new a.pcb; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-11, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -11} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(2.1, 1.9, .113, .2353, 0, 0, 0, .9, -.4); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -11, 26, 27); (a.$la = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "share"}, keyboardNav: {order: 13}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-50, -29); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.bma; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-12, -11); this.g = new a.ama; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -12} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -11}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, 1, .1132, .2352, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-112, -37, 125, 52); (a.Xla = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "settings"}, keyboardNav: {order: 10}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(50, -29); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.A1a; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-12, -11); this.g = new a.z1a; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -12} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -11}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, 1, .1132, .2352, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-13, -37, 125, 52); (a.Sfa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "leader"}, keyboardNav: {order: 12}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-17, -29); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.qGa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-12, -11); this.g = new a.pGa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -12} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -11}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, 1, .1132, .2352, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-79, -37, 124, 52); (a.Ida = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "controls"}, keyboardNav: {order: 11}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new a.cC; this.label.name = "label"; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(16, -29); this.label.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({visible: ! 0}, 0).wait(2)); this.instance = new a.xBa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-12, -11); this.g = new a.wBa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-13, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -12} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -11}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, .95, .1132, .2352, 0, 0, 0, .5, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-46, -37, 124, 52); (a.HK = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "close"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Vt; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11, -12); this.g = new a.Lpa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-11, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -12}}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, -1, .1029, .2161, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -12, 22, 24); (a.e1 = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "back"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.back; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11, -12); this.g = new a.T$a; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-11, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -12} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, -1, .1029, .2161, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -12, 22, 24); (a.I8a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "twitter"}, keyboardNav: {order: 4}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Scb; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -10); this.g = new a.Rcb; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -11} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(3.1, 1.95, .113, .2351, 0, 0, 0, .9, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -11, 26, 27); (a.HOa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "mail"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Cab; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -10); this.g = new a.Bab; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -11} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(3.1, 1.95, .113, .2351, 0, 0, 0, .9, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -11, 26, 27); (a.GDa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "facebook"}, keyboardNav: {order: 3}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Iab; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -10); this.g = new a.Hab; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -11} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(3.1, 1.95, .113, .2351, 0, 0, 0, .9, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -11, 26, 27); (a.DBa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "copy"}, keyboardNav: {order: 5}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.nab; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -10); this.g = new a.mab; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-10, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -11} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(3.1, 1.95, .113, .2351, 0, 0, 0, .9, -.2); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-10, -11, 26, 27); (a.dBa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "closeShare"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Vt; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-11, -12); this.g = new a.Lpa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-11, -12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -12} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -10}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.05, -1, .1029, .2161, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-11, -12, 22, 24); (a.B1a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "share"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.bma; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-36, -36, 3, 3); this.g = new a.ama; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-39, -39, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -39} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -36}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.1, -.05, .3396, .7057, 0, 0, 0, .3, -.1); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-39, -39, 78, 81); (a.u0a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "replay"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ocb; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-36, -36, 3, 3); this.g = new a.ncb; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-39, -39, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -39} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -36}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.1, -.05, .3396, .7057, 0, 0, 0, .3, -.1); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-39, -39, 78, 81); (a.E_a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Vab = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).wait(33).call(this.Vab).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.FWa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(108, -16); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.g = new a.GWa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-7, -22); this.i = new a.EWa; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(16, -15); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: []}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 24).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({ state: [{ t: this.i, p: {x: 16, y: -15} }] }, 2).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 2).to({ state: [{ t: this.i, p: {x: 21, y: -16} }] }, 2).wait(1)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(24).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({ x: 56, y: -15 }, 0).wait(1).to({x: 17}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(4).to({ _off: ! 1, x: 19, y: -14 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(1)); this.o = new a.wpa; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(136, -15); this.o._off = ! 0; this.H = new a.xpa; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-31, -22); this.O = new a.vpa; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-19, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: []}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 18).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({ state: [{ t: this.H, p: {x: -31} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.O, p: {x: -19, y: -16}}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({ state: [{ t: this.O, p: {x: -15, y: -16} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.H, p: {x: -29}}]}, 2).to({ state: [{ t: this.O, p: {x: -17, y: -15} }] }, 2).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.O, p: {x: -15, y: -16}}]}, 2).wait(2)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(18).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 56}, 0).wait(1).to({x: -5}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(3).to({ _off: ! 1, x: -17 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(5).to({_off: ! 1, y: -14}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(2)); this.$ = new a.w2; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(136, -15); this.$._off = ! 0; this.ka = new a.v2; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(-53, -22); this.ta = new a.u2; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(-51, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: []}).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 11).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 1).to({ state: [{ t: this.ka, p: {x: -53} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 2).to({ state: [{ t: this.ka, p: {x: -53} }] }, 2).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 1).to({ state: [{ t: this.ka, p: {x: -51} }] }, 3).to({state: [{t: this.$}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.ta}]}, 2).wait(3)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(11).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 89}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 42}, 0).wait(1).to({x: -14}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(2).to({ _off: ! 1, x: -51 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(4).to({_off: ! 1, x: -53}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(5).to({ _off: ! 1, x: -51, y: -14 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(3)); this.va = new a.wV; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(-203.5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 66.5, 0); this.va._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.va).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({x: -9.35}, 8, b.Ease.backOut).wait(23)); this.wa = new a.WB; this.wa.parent = this; this.wa.setTransform(26, -11); this.ya = new a.WB; this.ya.parent = this; this.ya.setTransform(-10, -11); this.Aa = new a.WB; this.Aa.parent = this; this.Aa.setTransform(-46, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.Aa}, {t: this.ya}, {t: this.wa}]}).wait(34)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-270, -22, 441, 43); (a.D_a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Pab = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).wait(25).call(this.Pab).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.wpa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(136, -15); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.g = new a.xpa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-31, -22); this.i = new a.vpa; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-19, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: []}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 17).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({ state: [{ t: this.i, p: {x: -19} }] }, 2).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.i, p: {x: -15}}]}, 2).wait(1)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(17).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 56}, 0).wait(1).to({x: -5}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(3).to({ _off: ! 1, x: -17 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(1)); this.o = new a.w2; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(136, -15); this.o._off = ! 0; this.H = new a.v2; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-53, -22); this.O = new a.u2; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-51, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: []}).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 10).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.H}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.o}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.O}]}, 2).wait(2)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(10).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 89}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 42}, 0).wait(1).to({x: -14}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(2).to({ _off: ! 1, x: -51 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(4).to({_off: ! 1, x: -53}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(2)); this.$ = new a.wV; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(-210.5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 66.5, 0); this.$._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.$).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({x: -9.35}, 7, b.Ease.backOut).wait(16)); this.ka = new a.WB; this.ka.parent = this; this.ka.setTransform(26, -11); this.ta = new a.WB; this.ta.parent = this; this.ta.setTransform(-10, -11); this.va = new a.WB; this.va.parent = this; this.va.setTransform(-46, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.va}, {t: this.ta}, {t: this.ka}]}).wait(26)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-277, -22, 448, 43); (a.C_a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Nab = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).wait(19).call(this.Nab).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.w2; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(136, -15); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.g = new a.v2; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-53, -22); this.i = new a.u2; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-51, -16); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: []}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 11).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 2).to({state: [{t: this.i}]}, 2).wait(1)); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(11).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 89}, 0).wait(1).to({x: 42}, 0).wait(1).to({x: -14}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(2).to({ _off: ! 1, x: -51 }, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 2).wait(1)); this.o = new a.wV; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-170.5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 66.5, 0); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({x: -9.35}, 8, b.Ease.backOut).wait(9)); this.H = new a.WB; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(26, -11); this.O = new a.WB; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-10, -11); this.$ = new a.WB; this.$.parent = this; this.$.setTransform(-46, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.$}, {t: this.O}, {t: this.H}]}).wait(20)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-237, -22, 407, 43); (a.B_a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.Lab = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).wait(11).call(this.Lab).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.wV; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-168.5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 66.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({x: -9.35}, 6, b.Ease.backOut).wait(3)); this.g = new a.WB; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(26, -11); this.i = new a.WB; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-10, -11); this.o = new a.WB; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-46, -11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.o}, {t: this.i}, {t: this.g}]}).wait(12)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-235, -11, 306.3, 20); (a.QVa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = { button: {eventId: "overworld"}, keyboardNav: {order: 3} }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Gab; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-36, -36, 3, 3); this.g = new a.Fab; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-39, -39, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({ state: [{ t: this.g, p: {y: -39} }] }, 1).to({state: [{t: this.g, p: {y: -36}}]}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(.1, -.05, .3396, .7057, 0, 0, 0, .3, -.1); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-39, -39, 78, 81); (a.zpa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "yes"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-257, -17, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.label = new b.Text("YES", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 218; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-.05, -19.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-2.85, 0, 1.1284, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-257, -25, 472, 54); (a.w0a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "resume"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-257, -19, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.label = new b.Text("CONTINUE", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 218; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-.05, -21.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-2.85, 0, 1.1284, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-257, -25, 472, 52); (a.v0a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "restart"}, keyboardNav: {order: 3}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-257, -19, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.label = new b.Text("RESTART", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 218; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-.05, -21.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-3.35, 0, 1.1332, .4912, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-257, -25, 472, 52); (a.ZZa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "quit"}, keyboardNav: {order: 4}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-257, -19, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.label = new b.Text("QUIT", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 218; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-.05, -21.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-3.35, 0, 1.1329, .4912, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-257, -25, 472, 52); (a.oja = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "no"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-257, -17, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.label = new b.Text("NO", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 218; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-.05, -19.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-2.85, 0, 1.1284, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-257, -25, 472, 54); (a.nja = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "newgame"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.title = new b.Text(" Start a new game?", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 924; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(0, -189); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.title).wait(1)); this.prompt = new b.Text("This will erase your progress permanetly and start you over from the beginning.", "40px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.prompt.name = "prompt"; this.prompt.textAlign = "center"; this.prompt.lineHeight = 46; this.prompt.lineWidth = 924; this.prompt.parent = this; this.prompt.setTransform(0, -109); this.N_ = new a.oja; this.N_.name = "no"; this.N_.parent = this; this.N_.setTransform(.1, 95.4, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .1, .4); this.H0 = new a.zpa; this.H0.name = "yes"; this.H0.parent = this; this.H0.setTransform(.1, 177.4, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .1, .4); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.H0}, {t: this.N_}, {t: this.prompt}]}).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.nja, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.TEa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "how"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-257, -17, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.label = new b.Text("HOW TO PLAY", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 218; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-.05, -19.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-2.85, 0, 1.1284, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-257, -25, 472, 54); (a.Ufa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "leaderboard"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.back = new a.e1; this.back.name = "back"; this.back.parent = this; this.back.setTransform(-148, -77.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.back).wait(1)); this.title = new b.Text("Leaderboard", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 24; this.title.lineWidth = 282; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(0, -75); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.title).wait(1)); this.qS = new b.Text("***", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.qS.name = "teamScore3"; this.qS.textAlign = "right"; this.qS.lineHeight = 18; this.qS.lineWidth = 126; this.qS.parent = this; this.qS.setTransform(139.35, 46); this.pS = new b.Text("***", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.pS.name = "teamScore2"; this.pS.textAlign = "right"; this.pS.lineHeight = 18; this.pS.lineWidth = 126; this.pS.parent = this; this.pS.setTransform(139.35, 18); this.oS = new b.Text("***", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.oS.name = "teamScore1"; this.oS.textAlign = "right"; this.oS.lineHeight = 18; this.oS.lineWidth = 126; this.oS.parent = this; this.oS.setTransform(139.35, -10); this.nS = new b.Text("***", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.nS.name = "teamScore0"; this.nS.textAlign = "right"; this.nS.lineHeight = 18; this.nS.lineWidth = 126; this.nS.parent = this; this.nS.setTransform(139, -38); this.HU = new b.Text("Team Name", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.HU.name = "teamName3"; this.HU.lineHeight = 18; this.HU.lineWidth = 126; this.HU.parent = this; this.HU.setTransform(-115.85, 46); this.GU = new b.Text("Team Name", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.GU.name = "teamName2"; this.GU.lineHeight = 18; this.GU.lineWidth = 126; this.GU.parent = this; this.GU.setTransform(-115.85, 18); this.FU = new b.Text("Team Name", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.FU.name = "teamName1"; this.FU.lineHeight = 18; this.FU.lineWidth = 126; this.FU.parent = this; this.FU.setTransform(-115.85, -10); this.EU = new b.Text("Team Name", "16px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.EU.name = "teamName0"; this.EU.lineHeight = 18; this.EU.lineWidth = 126; this.EU.parent = this; this.EU.setTransform(-116, -38); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.EU}, {t: this.FU}, {t: this.GU}, {t: this.HU}, {t: this.nS}, {t: this.oS}, {t: this.pS}, {t: this.qS}]}).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Mw; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-130, 26, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8); this.g = new a.Xt; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-130, -2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10); this.i = new a.Uw; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-132, 52, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10); this.o = new a.$t; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-130, -30, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.o}, {t: this.i}, {t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}]}).wait(1)); this.CJ = new b.Text("Loading...", "12px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.CJ.name = "loading"; this.CJ.textAlign = "center"; this.CJ.lineHeight = 13; this.CJ.lineWidth = 291; this.CJ.parent = this; this.CJ.setTransform(0, -2); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.CJ).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.498)").s().p("A3lJYIAAyvMAvLAAAIAASvg"); this.shape.setTransform(0, 12); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)); this.H = new a.K_; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-154, -84); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.H).wait(1)); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("A4/OEIAA8HMAx/AAAIAAcHg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Ze).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Ufa, new b.Rectangle(-160, -90, 320, 180), null); (a.ct = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.lX; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-1.5, 0); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(5).to({alpha: .5898}, 0).wait(5)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-3, -2.5, 3, 5); (a.xbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.gU; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -35); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-166, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-166, -35, 202, 42); (a.wbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.gU; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -77); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-166, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-166, -77, 202, 84); (a.vbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.gU; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -63); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-166, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({text: "Selecting", color: "#483218"}, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-166, -63, 202, 70); (a.tbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.gU; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -49); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-166, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-166, -49, 202, 56); (a.sbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.gU; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -105); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-166, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-166, -105, 202, 112); (a.rbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.gU; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -91); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-166, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-166, -91, 202, 98); (a.hbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.AT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -35); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-250, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-250, -35, 286, 42); (a.gbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.AT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -77); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-250, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-250, -77, 286, 84); (a.fbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.AT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -63); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-250, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-250, -63, 286, 70); (a.ebb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.AT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -49); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-250, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-250, -49, 286, 56); (a.dbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.AT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -105); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-250, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-250, -105, 286, 112); (a.cbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: ""}, keyboardNav: {order: 0}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.AT; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-9, -91); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.ct; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Ep; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-250, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.text = new b.Text("Space", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({ text: "Selecting", color: "#483218" }, 0).wait(1)); this.o = new a.Cx; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(-34, -7); this.o._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.o).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-250, -91, 286, 98); (a.lab = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2 }); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "defaults"}, keyboardNav: {order: 7}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new b.Text("DEFAULTS", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 180; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(-3.1, -22.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(1).to({x: -2.989}, 0).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-227, -20, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.Jda; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-180, -33, 3, 3); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-.1, 0, 1.6501, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.1, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-227, -33, 404, 63); (a.kab = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "okay"}, keyboardNav: {order: 6}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.label = new b.Text("OKAY", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 24; this.label.lineWidth = 180; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(2.45, -22.15, 1.9341, 1.9341); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1).to({ x: 2.4626, color: "#ffffff" }, 0).wait(1).to({x: 2.45}, 0).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.Ep; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-221, -20, 3, 3); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.g = new a.Jda; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-175, -32, 3, 3); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.mJ; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-.1, 0, 1.5555, .49, 0, 0, 0, -.1, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-221, -32, 403, 63); (a.yma = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "skip"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.AK = new a.Xla; this.AK.name = "settings"; this.AK.parent = this; this.AK.setTransform(-151.45, 192.55, 2.9998, 2.9998); this.share = new a.$la; this.share.name = "share"; this.share.parent = this; this.share.setTransform(148.85, 192.85, 2.9998, 2.9998, 0, 0, 0, .1, .1); this.wK = new a.Sfa; this.wK.name = "leader"; this.wK.parent = this; this.wK.setTransform(49.55, 192.55, 2.9998, 2.9998); this.controls = new a.Ida; this.controls.name = "controls"; this.controls.parent = this; this.controls.setTransform(-49.75, 192.85, 2.9998, 2.9998, 0, 0, 0, -.1, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.controls}, {t: this.wK}, {t: this.share}, {t: this.AK}] }).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.oja; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(.15, -16, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2); this.g = new a.zpa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, 50, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2); this.label = new b.Text("SKIP TUTORIAL?", "40px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 46; this.label.lineWidth = 924; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(0, -155); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.label}, {t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}] }).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.yma, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Toa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutSwimMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Avoid hitting wrong Beats", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(291, -30.5); this.Ad = new b.Text("Tap Arrow Buttons", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Hit the matching beats in time with the music for a high score", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Synchronized Swimming", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.oC = new a.oC; this.oC.name = "swimSpritesDesktop"; this.oC.parent = this; this.oC.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.oC).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Toa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Soa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutSwimDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Avoid hitting wrong Beats", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(291, -30.5); this.Ad = new b.Text("Direction Keys\nfor Arrow Beats", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Hit the matching beats in time with the music for a high score", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Synchronized Swimming", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.oC = new a.oC; this.oC.name = "swimSpritesDesktop"; this.oC.parent = this; this.oC.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.oC).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Soa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Roa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutSkateMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Action Button\nto Jump / Tricks", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Joystick\nto Move / Tricks", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Do tricks for a high score before time runs out", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Skating", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}] }).wait(1)); this.AU = new a.AU; this.AU.name = "skateSpritesMobile"; this.AU.parent = this; this.AU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.AU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Roa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Qoa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutSkateDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.j0 = new a.mB; this.j0.name = "startButton"; this.j0.parent = this; this.j0.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.j0).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Spacebar\nto Jump / Tricks", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Direction Keys\nto Move / Tricks", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Do tricks for a high score before time runs out", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Skating", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.zU = new a.zU; this.zU.name = "skateSpritesDesktop"; this.zU.parent = this; this.zU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.zU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Qoa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Poa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutRugbyMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Action Button\nto Pass", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Joystick\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Avoid obstacles and enemies to get the ball across the field", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Rugby", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.xU = new a.xU; this.xU.name = "rugbySpritesMobile"; this.xU.parent = this; this.xU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.xU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Poa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Ooa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutRugbyDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Spacebar\nto Pass", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Direction Keys\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Avoid obstacles and enemies to get the ball across the field", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Rugby", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.wU = new a.wU; this.wU.name = "rugbySpritesDesktop"; this.wU.parent = this; this.wU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.wU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Ooa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Loa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutPingpongMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Action Button\nfor Power Shot", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Joystick\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Move to the ball to return shots, first to 30 wins the match ", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Table Tennis", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.qU = new a.qU; this.qU.name = "pingpongSpritesMobile"; this.qU.parent = this; this.qU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.qU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Loa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Koa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutPingpongDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Spacebar\nfor Power Shot", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Direction Keys\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Move to the ball to return shots, first to 30 wins the match ", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Table Tennis", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}] }).wait(1)); this.pU = new a.pU; this.pU.name = "pingpongSpritesDesktop"; this.pU.parent = this; this.pU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.pU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Koa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Ioa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutMarathonMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Action Button\nto Dodge", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Joystick\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Avoid obstacles to go faster and win the race", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Marathon", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}] }).wait(1)); this.mU = new a.mU; this.mU.name = "marathonSpritesMobile"; this.mU.parent = this; this.mU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.mU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Ioa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Hoa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutMarathonDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Spacebar\nto Dodge", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Direction Keys\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Avoid obstacles to go faster and win the race", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Marathon", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.lU = new a.lU; this.lU.name = "marathonSpritesDesktop"; this.lU.parent = this; this.lU.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.lU).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Hoa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Foa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutClimbingMobile"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Action Button\nto Jump", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Joystick\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Climb to the top as fast as you can and avoid obstacles", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Climbing", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.yT = new a.yT; this.yT.name = "climbingSpritesMobile"; this.yT.parent = this; this.yT.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.yT).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Foa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Eoa = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "tutClimbingDesktop"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.Bf = new a.mB; this.Bf.name = "continueButton"; this.Bf.parent = this; this.Bf.setTransform(3, 194.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Bf).wait(1)); this.Bd = new b.Text("Spacebar\nto Jump", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Bd.name = "control2"; this.Bd.textAlign = "center"; this.Bd.lineHeight = 36; this.Bd.lineWidth = 241; this.Bd.parent = this; this.Bd.setTransform(290.5, 51); this.Ad = new b.Text("Direction Keys\nto Move", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Ad.name = "control1"; this.Ad.textAlign = "center"; this.Ad.lineHeight = 36; this.Ad.lineWidth = 241; this.Ad.parent = this; this.Ad.setTransform(-.5, 51); this.Cd = new b.Text("Climb to the top as fast as you can and avoid obstacles", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af8147"); this.Cd.name = "rulesContent"; this.Cd.textAlign = "center"; this.Cd.lineHeight = 36; this.Cd.lineWidth = 241; this.Cd.parent = this; this.Cd.setTransform(-291.5, -57); this.Dd = new b.Text("Rules", "30px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.Dd.name = "rulesLabel"; this.Dd.textAlign = "center"; this.Dd.lineHeight = 36; this.Dd.lineWidth = 241; this.Dd.parent = this; this.Dd.setTransform(-291.5, -111); this.title = new b.Text("Climbing", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 853; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(-.5, -225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.title}, {t: this.Dd}, {t: this.Cd}, {t: this.Ad}, {t: this.Bd}]}).wait(1)); this.xT = new a.xT; this.xT.name = "climbingSpritesDesktop"; this.xT.parent = this; this.xT.setTransform(-25.5, 16.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 16.5, 16.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.xT).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.vB; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-462, -252, 3, 3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Eoa, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Ina = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "stats"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.AK = new a.Xla; this.AK.name = "settings"; this.AK.parent = this; this.AK.setTransform(-50, 62, .9999, .9999); this.share = new a.$la; this.share.name = "share"; this.share.parent = this; this.share.setTransform(50.1, 62.1, .9999, .9999, 0, 0, 0, .1, .1); this.wK = new a.Sfa; this.wK.name = "leader"; this.wK.parent = this; this.wK.setTransform(17, 62, .9999, .9999); this.controls = new a.Ida; this.controls.name = "controls"; this.controls.parent = this; this.controls.setTransform(-16.1, 62.1, .9999, .9999, 0, 0, 0, -.1, .1); this.close = new a.HK; this.close.name = "close"; this.close.parent = this; this.close.setTransform(-148, -77.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -.5); this.c0 = new a.c2a; this.c0.name = "skating"; this.c0.parent = this; this.c0.setTransform(-75, -14, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); this.o0 = new a.xWa; this.o0.name = "tennis"; this.o0.parent = this; this.o0.setTransform(79, -40, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); this.l0 = new a.p4a; this.l0.name = "swimming"; this.l0.parent = this; this.l0.setTransform(-75.05, -41); this.vU = new a.M0a; this.vU.name = "rugby"; this.vU.parent = this; this.vU.setTransform(79, -12); this.pT = new a.Gra; this.pT.name = "archery"; this.pT.parent = this; this.pT.setTransform(-75, -66, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); this.kU = new a.KOa; this.kU.name = "marathon"; this.kU.parent = this; this.kU.setTransform(79, 14, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); this.wT = new a.BAa; this.wT.name = "climbing"; this.wT.parent = this; this.wT.setTransform(79, -66, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.wT}, {t: this.kU}, {t: this.pT}, {t: this.vU}, {t: this.l0}, {t: this.o0}, {t: this.c0}, {t: this.close}, {t: this.controls}, {t: this.wK}, {t: this.share}, {t: this.AK}]}).wait(1)); this.label = new b.Text("Champion Island", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ae8046"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 11; this.label.lineWidth = 118; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(0, 28); this.GL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.GL.name = "marathonScore"; this.GL.textAlign = "center"; this.GL.lineHeight = 11; this.GL.lineWidth = 40; this.GL.parent = this; this.GL.setTransform(112, 4); this.QL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.QL.name = "syncswimScore"; this.QL.textAlign = "center"; this.QL.lineHeight = 11; this.QL.lineWidth = 40; this.QL.parent = this; this.QL.setTransform(-111, -48); this.JL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.JL.name = "rugbyScore"; this.JL.textAlign = "center"; this.JL.lineHeight = 11; this.JL.lineWidth = 40; this.JL.parent = this; this.JL.setTransform(112, -22); this.wL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.wL.name = "archeryScore"; this.wL.textAlign = "center"; this.wL.lineHeight = 11; this.wL.lineWidth = 40; this.wL.parent = this; this.wL.setTransform(-111, -74); this.HL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.HL.name = "pingpongScore"; this.HL.textAlign = "center"; this.HL.lineHeight = 11; this.HL.lineWidth = 40; this.HL.parent = this; this.HL.setTransform(112, -48); this.NL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.NL.name = "skateScore"; this.NL.textAlign = "center"; this.NL.lineHeight = 11; this.NL.lineWidth = 40; this.NL.parent = this; this.NL.setTransform(-111, -22); this.yL = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ffffff"); this.yL.name = "climbingScore"; this.yL.textAlign = "center"; this.yL.lineHeight = 11; this.yL.lineWidth = 40; this.yL.parent = this; this.yL.setTransform(112, -74); this.BK = new b.Text("???", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.BK.name = "teamName"; this.BK.textAlign = "center"; this.BK.lineHeight = 11; this.BK.lineWidth = 64; this.BK.parent = this; this.BK.setTransform(102, 58); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.BK}, {t: this.yL}, {t: this.NL}, {t: this.HL}, {t: this.wL}, {t: this.JL}, {t: this.QL}, {t: this.GL}, {t: this.label}]}).wait(1)); this.J_ = new a.TOa; this.J_.name = "marathonScroll"; this.J_.parent = this; this.J_.setTransform(-93, 65, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.r_ = new a.zAa; this.r_.name = "climbingScroll"; this.r_.parent = this; this.r_.setTransform(-103, 21, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.i_ = new a.Sra; this.i_.name = "archeryScroll"; this.i_.parent = this; this.i_.setTransform(-120, 30, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.k0 = new a.y4a; this.k0.name = "swimScroll"; this.k0.parent = this; this.k0.setTransform(-124, 50, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.b0 = new a.r2a; this.b0.name = "skateScroll"; this.b0.parent = this; this.b0.setTransform(-114, 65, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.Z_ = new a.c1a; this.Z_.name = "rubgyScroll"; this.Z_.parent = this; this.Z_.setTransform(-82, 50, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.T_ = new a.dXa; this.T_.name = "pingpongScroll"; this.T_.parent = this; this.T_.setTransform(-86, 30, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.T_}, {t: this.Z_}, {t: this.b0}, {t: this.k0}, {t: this.i_}, {t: this.r_}, {t: this.J_}]}).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.$4a; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(101, 46, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.g = new a.JB; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-105, 42.9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -2, -9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1)); this.BY = new a.lN; this.BY.name = "marathonStars"; this.BY.parent = this; this.BY.setTransform(110.8, 19, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.JY = new a.lN; this.JY.name = "rugbyStars"; this.JY.parent = this; this.JY.setTransform(110.8, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.EY = new a.lN; this.EY.name = "pingpongStars"; this.EY.parent = this; this.EY.setTransform(110.8, -33, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.qY = new a.lN; this.qY.name = "climbingStars"; this.qY.parent = this; this.qY.setTransform(110.8, -59, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.LY = new a.lN; this.LY.name = "skateStars"; this.LY.parent = this; this.LY.setTransform(-112, -7, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.NY = new a.lN; this.NY.name = "syncswimStars"; this.NY.parent = this; this.NY.setTransform(-112, -33, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.nY = new a.lN; this.nY.name = "archeryStars"; this.nY.parent = this; this.nY.setTransform(-112, -59, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.nY}, {t: this.NY}, {t: this.LY}, {t: this.qY}, {t: this.EY}, {t: this.JY}, {t: this.BY}] }).wait(1)); this.map = new a.Map; this.map.name = "map"; this.map.parent = this; this.map.setTransform(-60, -73); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.map).wait(1)); this.i = new a.Nbb; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-154, -84); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("A4/OEIAA8HMAx/AAAIAAcHg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Ina, new b.Rectangle(-160, -90, 320, 180), null); (a.cma = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "share"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.s_ = new a.dBa; this.s_.name = "closeShareButton"; this.s_.parent = this; this.s_.setTransform(-98, -46, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1); this.instance = new a.v1a; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(68.5, -9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 2); this.g = new a.DBa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(35.5, -7.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 3.5); this.i = new a.HOa; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-60.5, -7.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 3.5); this.o = new a.I8a; this.o.parent = this; this.o.setTransform(3.5, -7.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 3.5); this.H = new a.GDa; this.H.parent = this; this.H.setTransform(-28.5, -7.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 3.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.H}, {t: this.o}, {t: this.i}, {t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}, {t: this.s_}]}).wait(1)); this.label = new b.Text("Share", "12px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.label.name = "label"; this.label.textAlign = "center"; this.label.lineHeight = 13; this.label.lineWidth = 201; this.label.parent = this; this.label.setTransform(2.8, -43); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.label).wait(1)); this.O = new a.C1a; this.O.parent = this; this.O.setTransform(-104, -52); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.O).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.cma, new b.Rectangle(-109, -57, 219, 71), null); (a.Ncb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "textRetro"}, keyboardNav: {order: 5}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.g = new a.Ep; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-149, -7); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.text = new b.Text("Retro", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Cx; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-34, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-149, -8, 185, 15); (a.Mcb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "textModern"}, keyboardNav: {order: 6}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.g = new a.Ep; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-233, -7); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.text = new b.Text("Modern", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Cx; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-34, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-233, -8, 269, 15); (a.Acb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "soundOn"}, keyboardNav: {order: 3}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.g = new a.Ep; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-149, -7); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.text = new b.Text("On", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Cx; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-34, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-149, -8, 185, 15); (a.zcb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = { button: {eventId: "soundOff"}, keyboardNav: {order: 4} }; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-38.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.g = new a.Ep; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-233, -7); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.text = new b.Text("Off", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 66; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(1, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.i = new a.Cx; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-34, -7); this.i._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(1.45, -.5, .3301, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.4, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-233, -8, 269, 15); (a.Sbb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "newGame"}, keyboardNav: {order: 2}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(3)); this.instance = new a.ct; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-128.5, -.5, 1, 1, 180, 0, 0, -1.5, 0); this.instance._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.g = new a.Ep; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-149, -7); this.g._off = ! 0; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).to({_off: ! 0}, 1).wait(1)); this.text = new b.Text("Start a new game", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.text.name = "text"; this.text.lineHeight = 11; this.text.lineWidth = 228; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(-114.45, -6); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.text).wait(1).to({color: "#ffffff"}, 0).wait(2)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(-73, -.5, .4009, .1467, 0, 0, 0, 1.2, 0); this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-149, -8, 265, 16.1); (a.F_a = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {zero: 0, rating1: 1, rating2: 2, rating3: 3}); this.u = function () { this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(4)); this.LQ = new a.B_a; this.LQ.name = "rating0"; this.LQ.parent = this; this.LQ.setTransform(-66, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -66, -1); this.MQ = new a.C_a; this.MQ.name = "rating1"; this.MQ.parent = this; this.MQ.setTransform(-66, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -66, -1); this.NQ = new a.D_a; this.NQ.name = "rating2"; this.NQ.parent = this; this.NQ.setTransform(-66, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -66, -1); this.OQ = new a.E_a; this.OQ.name = "rating3"; this.OQ.parent = this; this.OQ.setTransform(-66, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -66, -1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.LQ}]}).to({state: [{t: this.MQ}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.NQ}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.OQ}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-46, -11, 92, 20); (a.lka = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "pause"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.title = new b.Text("Paused", "60px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 68; this.title.lineWidth = 924; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(0, -189); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.title).wait(1)); this.B_ = new a.TEa; this.B_.name = "how"; this.B_.parent = this; this.B_.setTransform(.1, -5.6, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .1, .4); this.Y_ = new a.v0a; this.Y_.name = "restart"; this.Y_.parent = this; this.Y_.setTransform(-3.1, 68, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -3.1, 0); this.resume = new a.w0a; this.resume.name = "resume"; this.resume.parent = this; this.resume.setTransform(-3.1, -76, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -3.1, 0); this.BL = new a.ZZa; this.BL.name = "exit"; this.BL.parent = this; this.BL.setTransform(0, 140); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.BL}, {t: this.resume}, {t: this.Y_}, {t: this.B_}]}).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("EhK/AqMMAAAhUXMCV/AAAMAAABUXg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.lka, new b.Rectangle(-480, -270, 960, 540), null); (a.Kda = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "controls"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.zT = new a.kab; this.zT.name = "confirmButton"; this.zT.parent = this; this.zT.setTransform(-76.4, 65.05, .3332, .3327, 0, 0, 0, -1.2, .1); this.BT = new a.lab; this.BT.name = "defaultsButton"; this.BT.parent = this; this.BT.setTransform(77.05, 65, .3332, .3327, 0, 0, 0, .1, 0); this.back = new a.e1; this.back.name = "back"; this.back.parent = this; this.back.setTransform(-148, -77.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.back}, {t: this.BT}, {t: this.zT}] }).wait(1)); this.sT = new b.Text("Cancel", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.sT.name = "cancelLabel"; this.sT.lineHeight = 11; this.sT.lineWidth = 76; this.sT.parent = this; this.sT.setTransform(-115, 31.05, 1, 1.0225); this.oT = new b.Text("Action", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.oT.name = "actionLabel"; this.oT.lineHeight = 11; this.oT.lineWidth = 76; this.oT.parent = this; this.oT.setTransform(-115, 17.05, 1, 1.0225); this.uU = new b.Text("Right", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.uU.name = "rightLabel"; this.uU.lineHeight = 11; this.uU.lineWidth = 76; this.uU.parent = this; this.uU.setTransform(-115, 3.05, 1, 1.0225); this.iU = new b.Text("Left", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.iU.name = "leftLabel"; this.iU.lineHeight = 11; this.iU.lineWidth = 76; this.iU.parent = this; this.iU.setTransform(-115, -10.95, 1, 1.0225); this.downLabel = new b.Text("Down", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.downLabel.name = "downLabel"; this.downLabel.lineHeight = 11; this.downLabel.lineWidth = 76; this.downLabel.parent = this; this.downLabel.setTransform(-115, -24.95, 1, 1.0225); this.PU = new b.Text("Up", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.PU.name = "upLabel"; this.PU.lineHeight = 11; this.PU.lineWidth = 76; this.PU.parent = this; this.PU.setTransform(-115, -38.95, 1, 1.0225); this.yN = new b.Text("Controls", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.yN.name = "controlsLabel"; this.yN.lineHeight = 24; this.yN.lineWidth = 116; this.yN.parent = this; this.yN.setTransform(-115, -75); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({ state: [{t: this.yN}, {t: this.PU}, {t: this.downLabel}, {t: this.iU}, {t: this.uU}, {t: this.oT}, {t: this.sT}] }).wait(1)); this.FT = new a.dbb; this.FT.name = "gpCancel"; this.FT.parent = this; this.FT.setTransform(112, 36.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.ET = new a.cbb; this.ET.name = "gpAction"; this.ET.parent = this; this.ET.setTransform(112, 22.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.IT = new a.gbb; this.IT.name = "gpRight"; this.IT.parent = this; this.IT.setTransform(112, 8.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.HT = new a.fbb; this.HT.name = "gpLeft"; this.HT.parent = this; this.HT.setTransform(112, -5.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.GT = new a.ebb; this.GT.name = "gpDown"; this.GT.parent = this; this.GT.setTransform(112, -19.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.JT = new a.hbb; this.JT.name = "gpUp"; this.JT.parent = this; this.JT.setTransform(112, -33.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.bU = new a.sbb; this.bU.name = "kbCancel"; this.bU.parent = this; this.bU.setTransform(28, 36.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.aU = new a.rbb; this.aU.name = "kbAction"; this.aU.parent = this; this.aU.setTransform(28, 22.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.eU = new a.wbb; this.eU.name = "kbRight"; this.eU.parent = this; this.eU.setTransform(28, 8.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.dU = new a.vbb; this.dU.name = "kbLeft"; this.dU.parent = this; this.dU.setTransform(28, -5.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.cU = new a.tbb; this.cU.name = "kbDown"; this.cU.parent = this; this.cU.setTransform(28, -19.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.fU = new a.xbb; this.fU.name = "kbUp"; this.fU.parent = this; this.fU.setTransform(30.5, -31.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 1.9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.fU}, {t: this.cU}, {t: this.dU}, {t: this.eU}, {t: this.aU}, {t: this.bU}, {t: this.JT}, {t: this.GT}, {t: this.HT}, {t: this.IT}, {t: this.ET}, {t: this.FT}]}).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.jab; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(102, -68); this.g = new a.ubb; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(18, -68); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}]}).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#582e11").s().dr(-.5, -10.5, 1, 21); this.shape.setTransform(-.5, 64.5); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("#1d0900").s().dr(-14.5, -14.5, 29, 29); this.Ze.setTransform(.0025, 1.5051, 10.4307, 3.2078); this.i = new a.K_; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-154, -84); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.i}, {t: this.Ze}, {t: this.shape}]}).wait(1)); this.Zs = new b.Shape; this.Zs.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("A4/OEIAA8HMAx/AAAIAAcHg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Zs).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Kda, new b.Rectangle(-160, -90, 320, 180), null); (a.dma = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.share = new a.cma; this.share.name = "share"; this.share.parent = this; this.share.setTransform(466, 348.5, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -23.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.share).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.dma, new b.Rectangle(139, 248, 657, 213), null); (a.Yla = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "settings"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.rS = new b.Text("Text Style", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.rS.name = "textStyleLabel"; this.rS.lineHeight = 11; this.rS.lineWidth = 76; this.rS.parent = this; this.rS.setTransform(-115, 25.05, 1, 1.0225); this.hS = new b.Text("Sound", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.hS.name = "soundLabel"; this.hS.lineHeight = 11; this.hS.lineWidth = 76; this.hS.parent = this; this.hS.setTransform(-115, 4.05, 1, 1.0225); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.hS}, {t: this.rS}]}).wait(1)); this.p0 = new a.Mcb; this.p0.name = "textStyleModern"; this.p0.parent = this; this.p0.setTransform(95, 30.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.d0 = new a.zcb; this.d0.name = "soundOff"; this.d0.parent = this; this.d0.setTransform(95, 9.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.L_ = new a.Sbb; this.L_.name = "newGame"; this.L_.parent = this; this.L_.setTransform(.45, -26.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.q0 = new a.Ncb; this.q0.name = "textStyleRetro"; this.q0.parent = this; this.q0.setTransform(11, 30.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.5); this.e0 = new a.Acb; this.e0.name = "soundOn"; this.e0.parent = this; this.e0.setTransform(13.5, 11.9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3.5, 1.9); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.e0}, {t: this.q0}, {t: this.L_}, {t: this.d0}, {t: this.p0}]}).wait(1)); this.back = new a.e1; this.back.name = "back"; this.back.parent = this; this.back.setTransform(-148, -77.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.back).wait(1)); this.ML = new b.Text("Settings", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.ML.name = "settingsLabel"; this.ML.textAlign = "center"; this.ML.lineHeight = 24; this.ML.lineWidth = 282; this.ML.parent = this; this.ML.setTransform(0, -75); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.ML).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#582e11").s().p("AiFABIAAgCIELAAIAAACg"); this.shape.setTransform(.0085, -7.5035, 10.4291, 3.3682); this.Ze = new b.Shape; this.Ze.graphics.f("#1d0900").s().p("AiQCRIAAkhIEhAAIAAEhg"); this.Ze.setTransform(.0025, 1.5051, 10.4307, 3.2078); this.instance = new a.K_; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-154, -84); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}, {t: this.Ze}, {t: this.shape}]}).wait(1)); this.Zs = new b.Shape; this.Zs.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("A4/OEIAA8HMAx/AAAIAAcHg"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.Zs).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Yla, new b.Rectangle(-160, -90, 320, 180), null); (a.nla = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {id: "results"}} }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.share = new a.B1a; this.share.name = "share"; this.share.parent = this; this.share.setTransform(144.05, 145.05, .3333, .3333, 0, 0, 0, .1, .1); this.oU = new a.QVa; this.oU.name = "overworld"; this.oU.parent = this; this.oU.setTransform(175.95, 145.05, .3333, .3333, 0, 0, 0, -.1, .1); this.X_ = new a.u0a; this.X_.name = "replay"; this.X_.parent = this; this.X_.setTransform(111.95, 145.05, .3333, .3333, 0, 0, 0, -.1, .1); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.X_}, {t: this.oU}, {t: this.share}]}).wait(1)); this.title = new b.Text("Results", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#ede4b5"); this.title.name = "title"; this.title.textAlign = "center"; this.title.lineHeight = 24; this.title.lineWidth = 282; this.title.parent = this; this.title.setTransform(144.05, 7.05); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.title).wait(1)); this.CL = new b.Text("Your High Score", "10px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.CL.name = "highScoreLabel"; this.CL.textAlign = "center"; this.CL.lineHeight = 13; this.CL.lineWidth = 156; this.CL.parent = this; this.CL.setTransform(143.95, 35.95); this.mC = new b.Text("???", "12px 'PixelMplus10'", "#af824a"); this.mC.name = "highScore"; this.mC.textAlign = "center"; this.mC.lineHeight = 15; this.mC.lineWidth = 156; this.mC.parent = this; this.mC.setTransform(144, 51); this.Hf = new b.Text("???", "20px 'PixelMplus10'", "#f4fff0"); this.Hf.name = "score"; this.Hf.textAlign = "center"; this.Hf.lineHeight = 24; this.Hf.lineWidth = 156; this.Hf.parent = this; this.Hf.setTransform(144, 69); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.Hf}, {t: this.mC}, {t: this.CL}]}).wait(1)); this.zK = new a.F_a; this.zK.name = "ratings"; this.zK.parent = this; this.zK.setTransform(144.2, 113.1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, .2, .1); this.instance = new a.yFa; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(215, 13); this.g = new a.AFa; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-17, 11); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.g}, {t: this.instance}, {t: this.zK}]}).wait(1)); this.i = new a.K_; this.i.parent = this; this.i.setTransform(-10, -2); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.i).wait(1)); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("rgba(0,0,0,0.749)").s().p("A4/OEIAA8HMAx/AAAIAAcHg"); this.shape.setTransform(144, 82); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.nla, new b.Rectangle(-17, -8, 331, 180), null); (a.Obb = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, { stats: 0, skip: 1, results: 2, pause: 3, newgame: 4, leaderboard: 5, controls: 6, settings: 7, tutArcheryDesktop: 8, tutArcheryMobile: 9, tutClimbingDesktop: 10, tutClimbingMobile: 11, tutMarathonDesktop: 12, tutMarathonMobile: 13, tutRugbyDesktop: 14, tutRugbyMobile: 15, tutSkateDesktop: 16, tutSkateMobile: 17, tutSwimDesktop: 18, tutSwimMobile: 19, tutPingpongDesktop: 20, tutPingpongMobile: 21 }); this.u = function () { }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(22)); this.kS = new a.Ina; this.kS.name = "statsMenu"; this.kS.parent = this; this.kS.setTransform(480, 270, 3, 3); this.instance = new a.yma; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(479.85, 270); this.Jw = new a.nla; this.Jw.name = "resultsMenu"; this.Jw.parent = this; this.Jw.setTransform(480, 270, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 144, 82); this.S_ = new a.lka; this.S_.name = "pauseMenu"; this.S_.parent = this; this.S_.setTransform(480, 270); this.M_ = new a.nja; this.M_.name = "newGameMenu"; this.M_.parent = this; this.M_.setTransform(480, 270); this.AY = new a.Ufa; this.AY.name = "leaderboardMenu"; this.AY.parent = this; this.AY.setTransform(480.1, 270.1, 3, 3); this.t_ = new a.Kda; this.t_.name = "controlsMenu"; this.t_.parent = this; this.t_.setTransform(479.7, 267.6, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, -.1, -.8); this.a0 = new a.Yla; this.a0.name = "settingsMenu"; this.a0.parent = this; this.a0.setTransform(480, 270, 3, 3); this.s0 = new a.Coa; this.s0.name = "tutArcheryDesktopPause"; this.s0.parent = this; this.s0.setTransform(480, 270); this.t0 = new a.Doa; this.t0.name = "tutArcheryMobilePause"; this.t0.parent = this; this.t0.setTransform(480, 270); this.u0 = new a.Eoa; this.u0.name = "tutClimbingDesktopPause"; this.u0.parent = this; this.u0.setTransform(480, 270); this.v0 = new a.Foa; this.v0.name = "tutClimbingMobilePause"; this.v0.parent = this; this.v0.setTransform(480, 270); this.w0 = new a.Hoa; this.w0.name = "tutMarathonDesktopPause"; this.w0.parent = this; this.w0.setTransform(480, 270); this.x0 = new a.Ioa; this.x0.name = "tutMarathonMobilePause"; this.x0.parent = this; this.x0.setTransform(480, 270); this.A0 = new a.Ooa; this.A0.name = "tutRugbyDesktopPause"; this.A0.parent = this; this.A0.setTransform(480, 270); this.text = new b.Text("", "20px 'PixelMplus10-Regular'", "#af824a"); this.text.textAlign = "center"; this.text.lineHeight = 24; this.text.lineWidth = 100; this.text.parent = this; this.text.setTransform(517, 456); this.B0 = new a.Poa; this.B0.name = "tutRugbyMobilePause"; this.B0.parent = this; this.B0.setTransform(480, 270); this.C0 = new a.Qoa; this.C0.name = "tutSkateDesktopPause"; this.C0.parent = this; this.C0.setTransform(480, 270); this.D0 = new a.Roa; this.D0.name = "tutSkateMobilePause"; this.D0.parent = this; this.D0.setTransform(480, 270); this.E0 = new a.Soa; this.E0.name = "tutSwimDesktopPause"; this.E0.parent = this; this.E0.setTransform(480, 270); this.F0 = new a.Toa; this.F0.name = "tutSwimMobilePause"; this.F0.parent = this; this.F0.setTransform(480, 270); this.y0 = new a.Koa; this.y0.name = "tutPingpongDesktopPause"; this.y0.parent = this; this.y0.setTransform(480, 270); this.z0 = new a.Loa; this.z0.name = "tutPingpongMobilePause"; this.z0.parent = this; this.z0.setTransform(480, 270); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.kS}]}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.Jw}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.S_}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.M_}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.AY}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.t_}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.a0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.s0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.t0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.u0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.v0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.w0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.x0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.A0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.B0}, {t: this.text}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.C0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.D0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.E0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.F0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.y0}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.z0}]}, 1).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(477, 270, 513, 270.1); a.properties = { id: "1754741A4A3841C2AB73BD915D793487", width: 960, height: 540, fps: 31, color: "#666666", opacity: 1, aB: [{src: "images_menus/ArcheryIcon.png", id: "ArcheryIcon"}, { src: "images_menus/ArrowArt.png", id: "ArrowArt" }, {src: "images_menus/back.png", id: "back"}, { src: "images_menus/backfocus.png", id: "backfocus" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap129.png", id: "Bitmap129"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap129_1.png", id: "Bitmap129_1" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap131.png", id: "Bitmap131"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap131_1.png", id: "Bitmap131_1" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap132.png", id: "Bitmap132"}, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap132_1.png", id: "Bitmap132_1"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap133.png", id: "Bitmap133" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap133_1.png", id: "Bitmap133_1"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap134.png", id: "Bitmap134" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap134_1.png", id: "Bitmap134_1"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap135.png", id: "Bitmap135" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap135_1.png", id: "Bitmap135_1"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap136.png", id: "Bitmap136" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap136_1.png", id: "Bitmap136_1"}, { src: "images_menus/Bitmap137.png", id: "Bitmap137" }, {src: "images_menus/Bitmap137_1.png", id: 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"images_menus/UshiArt2.png", id: "UshiArt2"}, { src: "images_menus/valueBG.png", id: "valueBG" }, { src: "images_menus/WhiteCircleFrameArt11.png", id: "WhiteCircleFrameArt11" }, {src: "images_menus/YellowDangoArt1.png", id: "YellowDangoArt1"}, { src: "images_menus/YellowDangoArt2.png", id: "YellowDangoArt2" }, {src: "images_menus/YellowDangoArt3.png", id: "YellowDangoArt3"}], tB: [] }; (a.Stage = function (d) { createjs.Stage.call(this, d) }).prototype = c = new createjs.Stage; c.Ca = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = d }; c.play = function () { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndPlay(this.vp()) }; c.stop = function (d) { d && this.seek(d); this.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; c.seek = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(a.properties.fps * d / 1E3) }; c.getDuration = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).totalFrames / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; c.vp = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).currentFrame / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; g.Zd = g.Zd || []; g.Ve || (g.Ve = []); g.oB = function (d) { g.Ve.push(d); if (0 < g.Zd.length) for (var e = 0; e < g.Zd.length; ++e) d(g.Zd[e]) }; g.Kf = g.Kf || {}; g.Kf["1754741A4A3841C2AB73BD915D793487"] = { getStage: function () { return (void 0).getStage() }, getLibrary: function () { return a }, pB: function () { return n }, Sx: function () { return h } }; g.Px = function (d) { g.Zd.push(d); for (var e = 0; e < g.Ve.length; e++) g.Ve[e](d) }; g.kp = function (d) { return g.Kf[d] }; g.rB = function (d, e, f, v, u) { function E() { var F = a.properties.width, H = a.properties.height, I = window.innerWidth, J = window.innerHeight, U = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, O = I / F, R = J / H, w = 1; if (d) if ("width" == e && P == I || "height" == e && K == J) w = T; else if (f) 1 == v ? w = Math.min(O, R) : 2 == v && (w = Math.max(O, R)); else if (I < F || J < H) w = Math.min(O, R); u[0].width = F * U * w; u[0].height = H * U * w; u.forEach(function (W) { W.style.width = F * w + "px"; W.style.height = H * w + "px" }); P = I; K = J; T = w; (void 0).update() } var P, K, T = 1; window.addEventListener("resize", E); E() } })(createjs = createjs || {}, Wk = Wk || {}); var Xk = Sk; (function (b, g) { function m() { var d = this._cloneProps(new this.constructor(this.mode, this.startPosition, this.loop)); d.gotoAndStop(this.currentFrame); d.paused = this.paused; d.framerate = this.framerate; return d } function k(d, e, f) { d = b.extend(d, b.MovieClip); d.clone = m; d.j = e; d.frameBounds = f; return d } var c, a = {}, n = {}, h = {}; a.uB = []; (a.pV = function () { this.initialize(h.CloseIcon) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 7); (a.cba = function () { this.initialize(h.videoframe) }).prototype = c = new b.Bitmap; c.j = new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 180); (a.qV = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.instance = new a.pV; this.instance.parent = this; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.qV, new b.Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 7), null); (a.Si = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.shape = new b.Shape; this.shape.graphics.f("#ff0000").s().p("AwjH+IAAv7MAhHAAAIAAP7g"); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.Si, new b.Rectangle(-106, -51, 212, 102), null); (a.HK = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {idle: 0, focus: 1, down: 2}); this.u = function () { this.T = {button: {eventId: "close"}, keyboardNav: {order: 1}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(4)); this.instance = new a.pV; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(-4, -4); this.g = new a.qV; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(0, -.5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3.5); this.g.alpha = .5; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get({}).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}).to({state: [{t: this.g}]}, 1).to({state: [{t: this.instance}]}, 1).to({state: []}, 1).wait(1)); this.hitArea = new a.Si; this.hitArea.name = "hitArea"; this.hitArea.parent = this; this.hitArea.setTransform(0, -.5, .1183, .1866, 0, 0, 0, .4, 0); this.hitArea._off = ! 0; this.hitArea.visible = ! 1; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.hitArea).wait(3).to({_off: ! 1}, 0).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(-12.6, -10, 25.1, 19); (a.hY = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { this.T = {menu: {}}; this.stop() }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.HK; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(7.25, 7.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -.5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)); this.g = new a.cba; this.g.parent = this; this.g.setTransform(-300, -161); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.g).wait(1)) }).prototype = k(a.hY, new b.Rectangle(-300, -161, 320, 180), null); (a.video = function (d, e, f) { this.initialize(d, e, f, {}); this.u = function () { }; this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this).call(this.u).wait(1)); this.instance = new a.hY; this.instance.parent = this; this.instance.setTransform(901.9, 485.7, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, .5, .5); this.timeline.addTween(b.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(1)) }).prototype = c = new b.MovieClip; c.j = new b.Rectangle(480.4, 271.2, 480, 270.00000000000006); a.properties = { id: "462CEA9764EE4C8D86AB0BDFEAEB1BF9", width: 960, height: 540, fps: 30, color: "#999999", opacity: 1, aB: [{src: "images_video/CloseIcon.png", id: "CloseIcon"}, {src: "images_video/videoframe.png", id: "videoframe"}], tB: [] }; (a.Stage = function (d) { createjs.Stage.call(this, d) }).prototype = c = new createjs.Stage; c.Ca = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = d }; c.play = function () { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndPlay(this.vp()) }; c.stop = function (d) { d && this.seek(d); this.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; c.seek = function (d) { this.tickEnabled = ! 0; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(a.properties.fps * d / 1E3) }; c.getDuration = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).totalFrames / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; c.vp = function () { return this.getChildAt(0).currentFrame / a.properties.fps * 1E3 }; g.Zd = g.Zd || []; g.Ve || (g.Ve = []); g.oB = function (d) { g.Ve.push(d); if (0 < g.Zd.length) for (var e = 0; e < g.Zd.length; ++e) d(g.Zd[e]) }; g.Kf = g.Kf || {}; g.Kf["462CEA9764EE4C8D86AB0BDFEAEB1BF9"] = { getStage: function () { return (void 0).getStage() }, getLibrary: function () { return a }, pB: function () { return n }, Sx: function () { return h } }; g.Px = function (d) { g.Zd.push(d); for (var e = 0; e < g.Ve.length; e++) g.Ve[e](d) }; g.kp = function (d) { return g.Kf[d] }; g.rB = function (d, e, f, v, u) { function E() { var F = a.properties.width, H = a.properties.height, I = window.innerWidth, J = window.innerHeight, U = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, O = I / F, R = J / H, w = 1; if (d) if ("width" == e && P == I || "height" == e && K == J) w = T; else if (f) 1 == v ? w = Math.min(O, R) : 2 == v && (w = Math.max(O, R)); else if (I < F || J < H) w = Math.min(O, R); u[0].width = F * U * w; u[0].height = H * U * w; u.forEach(function (W) { W.style.width = F * w + "px"; W.style.height = H * w + "px" }); P = I; K = J; T = w; (void 0).update() } var P, K, T = 1; window.addEventListener("resize", E); E() } })(createjs = createjs || {}, Xk = Xk || {}); var Yk = new Map, Zk = new Map, $k = function (b, g, m, k) { this.Spa = b; this.next = g; this.text = m; this.ha = L(b.V + b.nodeName + "opt" + k, m || "") || null }, al = function (b, g, m, k, c) { this.V = b; this.nodeName = g; this.text = m; this.ha = L(b + g, m); this.U = []; for (b = 0; b < k.length; b++) this.U.push(new $k(this, k[b].next, k[b].text, b)); this.tags = c }, bl = function (b) { return 1 == b.U.length && ! b.U[0].text }, cl = function () { for (var b = p(Ok), g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) a:{ var m = g.value; if (m) { g = m[0]; m = p(m); for (var k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { var c = k.value; k = c.V + c.nodeName; if (Yk.has(k)) break a; c = new al(c.V, c.nodeName, c.text, c.U, c.tags); Yk.set(k, c) } Zk.has(g.V) || Zk.set(g.V, []); Zk.get(g.V).push(g.nodeName) } } }; var S = function (b) { this.ha = b }; l = S.prototype; l.enable = function () { }; l.disable = function () { }; l.gu = function () { }; l.fu = function () { }; l.gqa = function () { }; l.P_ = function () { }; var dl = function () { if (pf()) throw""; return qf() || nf() }, el = function () { if (pf()) throw""; return of() || lf() || kf() && ! ff() }, fl = function () { if (pf()) throw""; return gf() ? ! 1 : of() && ! (jf() || hf() && ! gf()) || lf() && kf() }, gl = function () { return pf() ? "1" == df.ha.get("ccta") : of() && ! nf() || lf() && kf() && ! qf() }, hl = function () { var b = ! kf() && qf() && 600 >= window.innerHeight; return qf() || b }; var il = function (b) { Qa.call(this, b); this.ha = new Image }; q(il, Qa); il.prototype.Bb = function () { var b = this; if (this.ha.src) return Promise.resolve(this.ha); var g, m = new Promise(function (c) { return g = c }), k = function () { Ra(b); g(b.ha) }; this.ha.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; this.ha.decode ? (this.ha.src = this.oc, this.ha.decode().then(k, function () { b.ha.removeAttribute("crossOrigin"); b.ha.src = b.oc; b.ha.decode().then(k, function (c) { console.error(c); k() }) })) : (this.ha.onload = k, this.ha.onerror = function () { b.ha.removeAttribute("crossOrigin"); b.ha.removeAttribute("onerror"); b.ha.src = b.ha.src }, this.ha.src = this.oc); (this.ha.complete || "complete" == this.ha.readyState) && k(); return m }; var jl = function (b, g, m) { m = void 0 === m ? ! 1 : m; this.xY = []; this.ha = []; if (m) { var k = document.createElement("canvas"); k.width = 1; k.height = 1; k = -1 < k.toDataURL("image/webp").indexOf("image/webp") } else k = ! 1; g = p(g); for (var c = g.next(); ! c.done; c = g.next()) { c = c.value; var a = b + c.filename; m && k && (a = a.replace(/(\.jpg|\.png)/, ".webp")); a = new il(a); c = c.size; this.xY.push(a); this.ha.push(c) } }, Rk = function (b) { return "number" === typeof b ? b : b[0] }, kl = function (b, g) { var m = b.xY[Rk(g)]; return (new Promise(function (k) { m.Ca ? k() : m.kb.push(k); m.Bb() })).then(function () { }) }; var ml = function () { jl.call(this, window.root, ll, ! 1) }; q(ml, jl); Ga(ml); var ll = [{filename: "preload-sprite.png", size: [320, 197]}, { filename: "shared-sprite.png", size: [728, 844] }, {filename: "cutscene-sprite.png", size: [704, 593]}, { filename: "overworld-sprite.png", size: [3243, 3455] }, {filename: "archery-sprite.png", size: [499, 233]}, { filename: "climbing-sprite.png", size: [892, 1007] }, {filename: "marathon-sprite.png", size: [601, 374]}, { filename: "pingpong-sprite.png", size: [403, 490] }, {filename: "rugby-sprite.png", size: [459, 641]}, {filename: "skate-sprite.png", size: [803, 649]}, { filename: "swim-sprite.png", size: [746, 686] }], nl = [1, 724, 0, 3, 5], ol = [3, 3108, 3359, 16, 26], pl = [3, 441, 3360, 16, 26], ql = [3, 941, 3365, 16, 16], rl = [3, 3186, 56, 54, 62], sl = [3, 1996, 3097, 18, 19], tl = [3, 3137, 478, 103, 38], ul = [3, 2620, 1406, 103, 38], vl = [3, 2620, 1447, 103, 38], wl = [3, 1389, 1707, 103, 38], xl = [3, 2058, 3206, 48, 48], yl = [3, 1199, 3213, 48, 48], zl = [3, 1569, 3365, 16, 16], Al = [3, 2139, 3365, 16, 16], Bl = [3, 2158, 3365, 16, 16], Cl = [3, 1346, 721, 14, 7], Dl = [3, 3229, 1576, 13, 7], El = [3, 736, 293, 14, 6], Fl = [3, 2499, 1787, 14, 9], Gl = [3, 2177, 3366, 16, 16], Hl = [3, 714, 293, 19, 5], Il = [3, 2469, 874, 19, 7], Jl = [3, 2278, 1315, 17, 7], Kl = [3, 2619, 511, 19, 8], Ll = [3, 988, 3362, 16, 22], Ml = [3, 2654, 3362, 16, 22], Nl = [3, 2726, 3356, 18, 20], Ol = [3, 1085, 3340, 20, 21], Pl = [3, 1098, 3169, 21, 21], Ql = [3, 2849, 3356, 18, 19], Rl = [3, 171, 3341, 20, 21], Sl = [3, 2726, 3332, 21, 21], Tl = [3, 811, 3331, 17, 21], Ul = [3, 1080, 3364, 16, 20], Vl = [3, 1223, 3364, 16, 20], Wl = [3, 3230, 2458, 12, 20], Xl = [3, 784, 3379, 14, 21], Yl = [3, 3227, 3341, 15, 20], Zl = [3, 1099, 3377, 15, 20], $l = [3, 1374, 3377, 15, 20], am = [3, 2055, 3377, 15, 20], bm = [3, 76, 3378, 15, 19], cm = [3, 386, 3363, 16, 21], dm = [3, 3230, 2481, 12, 20], em = [3, 2747, 3356, 18, 20], fm = [3, 194, 3341, 20, 21], gm = [3, 1254, 3333, 21, 21], hm = [3, 783, 3357, 18, 19], im = [3, 217, 3341, 20, 21], jm = [3, 2328, 3335, 21, 21], km = [3, 3230, 2504, 12, 17], lm = [3, 1599, 2536, 12, 17], mm = [3, 1301, 3213, 12, 17], nm = [3, 767, 3379, 14, 22], om = [3, 801, 3379, 14, 21], pm = [3, 804, 3357, 18, 19], qm = [3, 1840, 3357, 18, 18], rm = [3, 1902, 3346, 18, 30], sm = [3, 1923, 3346, 18, 30], tm = [3, 344, 3336, 20, 25], um = [3, 1446, 3337, 20, 25], vm = [3, 304, 2727, 15, 21], wm = [3, 1421, 3364, 16, 20], xm = [3, 990, 3169, 72, 72], ym = [3, 506, 294, 12, 3], zm = [3, 1979, 3363, 16, 20], Am = [3, 2096, 3358, 17, 18], Bm = [3, 1007, 3365, 16, 16], Cm = [3, 3195, 3364, 16, 17], Dm = [3, 1061, 3364, 16, 20], Em = [3, 2969, 3331, 20, 27], Fm = [3, 2619, 424, 22, 26], Gm = [3, 3214, 3364, 16, 17], Hm = [3, 2558, 2741, 18, 19], Im = [3, 253, 3293, 43, 42], Jm = [3, 3196, 2646, 45, 41], Km = [3, 1250, 3213, 48, 48], Lm = [3, 2750, 3332, 16, 21], Mm = [3, 726, 3352, 18, 22], Nm = [3, 2427, 3353, 18, 22], Om = [3, 1944, 3377, 15, 20], Pm = [3, 2481, 3217, 48, 48], Qm = [3, 745, 1301, 17, 9], Rm = [3, 747, 3358, 17, 24], Sm = [3, 1572, 2804, 23, 23], Tm = [3, 2799, 3358, 17, 17], Um = [3, 1278, 3333, 17, 21], Vm = [3, 2196, 3366, 16, 16], Wm = [3, 2215, 3365, 16, 16], Xm = [3, 2346, 3365, 16, 16], Ym = [3, 2630, 3365, 16, 16], Zm = [3, 934, 2835, 20, 19], $m = [3, 2177, 3009, 90, 101], an = [3, 1916, 3379, 14, 19], bn = [3, 2096, 3379, 14, 19], cn = [3, 2113, 3379, 14, 19], dn = [3, 2394, 3379, 14, 19], en = [3, 547, 294, 3, 3], fn = [3, 541, 294, 3, 5], gn = [3, 586, 3379, 14, 28], hn = [3, 725, 3204, 59, 66], jn = [3, 1756, 3330, 25, 26], kn = [3, 1784, 3330, 25, 26], ln = [3, 1810, 3296, 21, 30], mn = [3, 2630, 3332, 21, 30], nn = [3, 2258, 3339, 20, 22], on = [3, 2281, 3339, 20, 22], pn = [3, 1469, 3337, 20, 24], qn = [3, 245, 3338, 20, 24], rn = [3, 3242, 159, 1, 1], sn = [3, 2491, 874, 19, 7], tn = [3, 2298, 1315, 17, 7], un = [3, 461, 570, 19, 8], vn = [3, 1324, 721, 19, 5], wn = [3, 1688, 731, 67, 20], V = new Map; V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt0.png", [0, 0, 183, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt1.png", [0, 48, 183, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt2.png", [0, 109, 183, 6, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt3.png", [0, 61, 183, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt4.png", [0, 17, 183, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt5.png", [0, 74, 183, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt6.png", [0, 99, 183, 7, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_loading/ScrollRotateArt7.png", [0, 34, 183, 11, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_video/CloseIcon.png", [0, 87, 183, 9, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_video/videoframe.png", [0, 0, 0, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/ArrowArt.png", nl); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/ArrowCollectorNeutralArt.png", [1, 447, 359, 56, 68]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/Baker_Portrait_001.png", [1, 160, 550, 48, 59]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitMomoDog.png", [1, 661, 657, 44, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitMomoMonkey.png", [1, 52, 599, 46, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitMomobird.png", [1, 195, 658, 44, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitMomodadneutral.png", [1, 0, 659, 44, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitMomomomneutral.png", [1, 0, 712, 44, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitMomotaro.png", [1, 213, 549, 49, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitOtohimeNeutral.png", [1, 641, 602, 44, 52]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitRacerAmad.png", [1, 115, 445, 51, 53]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitRacerAneutral.png", [1, 0, 447, 51, 53]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitSupermountaingirl.png", [1, 54, 449, 51, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/PortraitWolfie.png", [1, 471, 589, 46, 47]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/Portraitbirthdaykidhappy.png", [1, 624, 385, 55, 53]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/UshiNeutralArt1.png", [1, 125, 393, 54, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/WhiteOniAvatarArt.png", [1, 619, 441, 52, 59]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/YouichiNeutralArt.png", [1, 506, 413, 54, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/YoungArcherNeutralArt.png", [1, 125, 342, 58, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/deer_portrait.png", [1, 665, 182, 62, 56]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/gatekeeper_portrait.png", [1, 141, 666, 44, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/kijimunaNeutralArt.png", [1, 58, 397, 54, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/locksmith_portrait.png", [1, 0, 550, 49, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/luckyCuriousArt.png", [1, 507, 661, 44, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/momoBlueArt.png", [1, 47, 700, 44, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/otter_portrait.png", [1, 211, 601, 44, 54]); V.set("animate_exports/images_dialog/porcupine_portrait.png", [1, 528, 305, 71, 52]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeField1SideEdge1Art.png", [2, 693, 403, 9, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeField1SideEdge1Art11.png", [2, 114, 322, 10, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeField2Art.png", [2, 0, 370, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeField2SideEdgeArt.png", [2, 536, 513, 9, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGardenGrassBottomEdgeArt.png", [2, 102, 440, 48, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass1Art.png", [2, 188, 371, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass1Art_1.png", [2, 188, 371, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass1Side1Art.png", [2, 433, 489, 18, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass1SideEdge2Art.png", [2, 445, 540, 4, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass1TopEdge1Art.png", [2, 102, 427, 48, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass1TopEdge1Art_1.png", [2, 102, 427, 48, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeGrass2TopEdgeArt.png", [2, 290, 439, 48, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeHotSpringArt2.png", [2, 204, 463, 43, 42]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeHotSpringArt3.png", [2, 102, 451, 45, 41]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeMountain2Art2.png", [2, 51, 372, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeMountain2TopEdgeShadowArt.png", [2, 351, 423, 48, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeMountainBottomEdgeWaterArt2.png", [2, 457, 446, 48, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWa.png", [2, 355, 372, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater1Art2.png", [2, 102, 376, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater1Art3.png", [2, 300, 388, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater1Art4.png", [2, 102, 376, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater1Art5.png", [2, 472, 395, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater2Art1.png", [2, 642, 403, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater3Art1.png", [2, 355, 372, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LargeWater3Art2.png", [2, 523, 408, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyAnnoyedArt1.png", [2, 625, 454, 44, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyIdleNArt.png", [2, 688, 33, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyIdleS.png", [2, 645, 508, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyNeutralArt.png", [2, 457, 457, 44, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyWalkSArt4.png", [2, 149, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyWinArt.png", [2, 454, 511, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/LuckyWorriedArt.png", [2, 504, 459, 44, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MapArt.png", [2, 557, 0, 128, 106]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MapDotsArt.png", [2, 444, 172, 77, 69]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MapleTree.png", [2, 106, 183, 96, 84]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MapleTree2.png", [2, 128, 303, 57, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MossyRockArt.png", [2, 540, 343, 24, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Mountain2Art.png", [2, 57, 527, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Mountain2SideEdge2Art.png", [2, 292, 287, 2, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Mountain2TopEdgeShadow1Art.png", [2, 363, 543, 16, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MountainBottomEdgeWaterArt1.png", [2, 567, 343, 16, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/MountainBottomEdgeWaterArt2.png", [2, 204, 448, 16, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/NewLArgeWater1Art1.png", [2, 574, 408, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/NewLargeWater1Art2.png", [2, 239, 412, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/NewLargeWater2Art.png", [2, 406, 417, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/NewWater1Art1.png", [2, 475, 533, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/NewWater1Art2.png", [2, 516, 533, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/OtohimeArt1.png", [2, 341, 451, 44, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/OtohimeArt2.png", [2, 290, 452, 44, 69]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PavementArt1.png", [2, 645, 533, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PavementArt1111.png", [2, 645, 533, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PineTree2Art11.png", [2, 688, 0, 16, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PineTree3Art11.png", [2, 593, 506, 28, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PineTreeArt111.png", [2, 672, 454, 30, 57]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PingPongBall.png", [2, 432, 276, 4, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PingPongTable1Art.png", [2, 298, 259, 64, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PlayButtonArt1.png", [2, 682, 207, 22, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PortalCircle.png", [2, 536, 95, 17, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PortalGlowArt.png", [2, 536, 68, 17, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PortalSparklesArt1.png", [2, 204, 422, 23, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PortalSparklesArt2.png", [2, 516, 513, 17, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/PortalSparklesArt3.png", [2, 496, 513, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RedBridgeRail1Art.png", [2, 688, 78, 16, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RedCircleArt.png", [2, 598, 459, 22, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RedGate1Art.png", [2, 0, 262, 61, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RedOniIdleArt1.png", [2, 250, 504, 34, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RedOniIdleArt2.png", [2, 250, 463, 36, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Rock1SideShadowSmallArt.png", [2, 95, 544, 15, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RockPeak1Art.png", [2, 551, 506, 39, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/RockSideEdge1Art.png", [2, 113, 544, 7, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Sand2WaveArt.png", [2, 0, 523, 16, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Sand2WaveArt2.png", [2, 625, 408, 13, 13]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Sand2WaveArt3.png", [2, 664, 534, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Sand2WaveArt4.png", [2, 683, 534, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt0.png", [2, 388, 451, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt1.png", [2, 472, 366, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt2.png", [2, 355, 325, 6, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt3.png", [2, 406, 372, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt4.png", [2, 250, 546, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt5.png", [2, 406, 389, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt6.png", [2, 432, 259, 7, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/ScrollRotateArt7.png", [2, 429, 289, 11, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/SpeechBubbleArt1.png", [2, 130, 535, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/SpeechBubbleArt2.png", [2, 454, 535, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/SpeechBubbleArt3.png", [2, 624, 536, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/SpeechBubbleArt4.png", [2, 214, 537, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Stone3Art.png", [2, 667, 151, 37, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/StoneGateArt11.png", [2, 64, 270, 61, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/StoneLantern1Art.png", [2, 193, 508, 18, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/StoneLantern1Art11.png", [2, 193, 508, 18, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/StoneStairs2Art.png", [2, 494, 537, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/SwimSignArt.png", [2, 298, 234, 19, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/TableTennisSignArt.png", [2, 433, 468, 19, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/TargetArt2.png", [2, 624, 508, 18, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/TargetArt2copy.png", [2, 214, 508, 18, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Tengu1.png", [2, 604, 191, 75, 52]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Tengu2.png", [2, 524, 191, 77, 52]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/UshiNeutralArt.png", [2, 188, 319, 54, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Water1Art2.png", [2, 426, 540, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Water1Art4.png", [2, 19, 542, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/Water1Art5.png", [2, 382, 542, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/WillowTree1Art.png", [2, 205, 183, 90, 101]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/WoodLanternPoleArt.png", [2, 38, 546, 14, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/WoodLanternPoleArt_1.png", [2, 38, 546, 14, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/_1x1DarkSand1.png", [2, 401, 542, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/_3x3GardenGrass.png", [2, 0, 421, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/_3x3Syncwater.png", [2, 153, 422, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/_3x3water.png", [2, 51, 423, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/grass1art.png", [2, 0, 543, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_cutscene/videoframe.png", [2, 0, 0, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ARcadeBGArt.png", [3, 1123, 2962, 193, 157]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ARcadeBackCabinetARt.png", [3, 1223, 3315, 28, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ARcadeDomeArt.png", [3, 1084, 1402, 51, 40]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ARcadeYarnGlowArt.png", [3, 2994, 1779, 29, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/AaprtmentKitchenArt.png", [3, 3140, 2310, 50, 35]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/AbandonedHouseBGArt.png", [3, 2707, 2862, 200, 117]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ApartmentBGArt.png", [3, 1066, 1529, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ApartmentBookshelfArt.png", [3, 3096, 873, 24, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ApartmentFrameArt.png", [3, 1962, 765, 157, 83]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/AquaWaterfallArt1.png", [3, 490, 3005, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/AquaWaterfallArt2.png", [3, 222, 3365, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/AquaWaterfallArt3.png", [3, 241, 3365, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/AquaWaterfallArt4.png", [3, 260, 3365, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Ar.png", [3, 1399, 3290, 44, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcadeCabinetArt.png", [3, 637, 3317, 28, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcadeCabinetGlowArt.png", [3, 1065, 3169, 30, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcadeChangeMachineArt.png", [3, 1374, 3351, 18, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcadeFrameArt.png", [3, 2176, 1638, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcadeSideCabinetArt.png", [3, 2577, 3319, 26, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcadeSideCabinetGlowArt.png", [3, 3232, 620, 9, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcheryBoat1FrameArt.png", [3, 2961, 1490, 265, 123]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcheryBoatBGArt.png", [3, 1066, 1712, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArcheryShipWindowLightArt.png", [3, 2707, 2763, 149, 43]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ArrowDisplayArt.png", [3, 2462, 2120, 33, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BackBigCatArt1.png", [3, 1727, 3325, 26, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BackBigCatArt2.png", [3, 1144, 1246, 24, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BackeryBGArt.png", [3, 2069, 2890, 199, 116]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BackeryShelf1Art.png", [3, 3131, 2723, 101, 36]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Baker_Retired_Small_001.png", [3, 1835, 3245, 16, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Baker_Retired_Small_002.png", [3, 1786, 3359, 16, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Baker_Small_001.png", [3, 342, 1454, 17, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Baker_Small_002.png", [3, 3046, 3345, 17, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BakeryCounterArt.png", [3, 510, 2751, 99, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BakeryShelf2Art.png", [3, 1938, 2114, 83, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BakeryShelf3Art.png", [3, 1123, 3122, 95, 68]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BambooTree1Art1.png", [3, 68, 3184, 64, 108]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BambooTree3Art1.png", [3, 1084, 1315, 52, 84]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BanyanTreeFrameArt.png", [3, 0, 1727, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BanyanTreeLeavesArt.png", [3, 2122, 826, 29, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BanyanTreeMapArt.png", [3, 323, 1737, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BanyanTreeRootsArt.png", [3, 2961, 1616, 251, 84]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BanyanTreeSunArt.png", [3, 2943, 709, 291, 161]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BeachHouseLArgeBGArt2.png", [3, 2910, 2862, 200, 117]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BeachLargeRoomBGArt.png", [3, 622, 2724, 240, 135]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigBlueFrameArt.png", [3, 646, 1741, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigBlueLanternArt.png", [3, 1639, 3089, 20, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigBlueRoomBGArt.png", [3, 2499, 1800, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigBlueRoomDoorBGArt.png", [3, 2822, 1800, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigCatArt1.png", [3, 2118, 3332, 25, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigInari.png", [3, 1979, 3326, 25, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigInariArt2.png", [3, 413, 3327, 25, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigKappaArt.png", [3, 312, 3348, 18, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigKappaArt2.png", [3, 469, 3351, 18, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigKarasuArt2.png", [3, 475, 3315, 30, 33]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigKarasuImage.png", [3, 3032, 3308, 32, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigRedRoom2TatamiArt.png", [3, 1389, 1804, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigRoomBGArt2.png", [3, 2176, 1821, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigRoomCenterTatamiBGArt.png", [3, 1712, 1835, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigTable.png", [3, 1399, 3010, 32, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BigUshiArt.png", [3, 541, 3315, 30, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BirthdayBallonsArt.png", [3, 622, 2679, 20, 35]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BirthdayCakeTableArt.png", [3, 3181, 2816, 44, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueBannerArt.png", [3, 2469, 854, 74, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueBookArt.png", [3, 1557, 1141, 7, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueCushionsArt.png", [3, 394, 570, 64, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueHallwayFrameArt.png", [3, 969, 1895, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueOniIdleArt1.png", [3, 1951, 3326, 25, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueOniIdleArt2.png", [3, 865, 3311, 29, 47]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueTableArt.png", [3, 1957, 3244, 32, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueWeight1Art.png", [3, 1979, 2162, 36, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BlueWeight2Art.png", [3, 3232, 1051, 8, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BoatBGArt.png", [3, 0, 1910, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BonsaiArt.png", [3, 269, 3212, 21, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BookshelfImage111.png", [3, 171, 3306, 34, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BookstoreBG1.png", [3, 1866, 2727, 240, 135]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BoundBitmap.png", xm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BoundBitmap_1.png", [3, 990, 3169, 72, 72]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BullStatue1Art.png", [3, 2224, 2626, 33, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BullStatue2Art.png", [3, 1299, 3312, 30, 57]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BullStatue3Art.png", [3, 3202, 2964, 40, 56]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/BuoyArt.png", [3, 2055, 3346, 18, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CashRegisterImage.png", [3, 3229, 1551, 13, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CaveBGArt.png", [3, 323, 1920, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CaveFrameArt.png", [3, 646, 1924, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CaveRock1Art.png", [3, 2303, 2330, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ChampionFacingPlayer_011.png", [3, 3202, 3023, 40, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ChampionFacingPlayer_1.png", [3, 3202, 3076, 40, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ChampionStandin.png", [3, 681, 1493, 39, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CharacterShadowArt.png", ym); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CherryBlossomVaseArt.png", [3, 1557, 1067, 8, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ClimbingGymArt.png", [3, 2176, 1525, 97, 88]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ClimbingGymBGArt.png", [3, 2499, 1983, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ClimbingGymFrameArt.png", [3, 3004, 2166, 213, 141]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ComputerArt1.png", [3, 2906, 3377, 15, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ConveneineceStore1BGArt.png", [3, 1663, 2967, 193, 157]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ConvenienceCounter1Art.png", [3, 2261, 2283, 80, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ConvenienceStore1BorderArt.png", [3, 721, 2862, 202, 162]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/CounterImage.png", [3, 969, 1837, 88, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/DarknessOLArt.png", [3, 1663, 2847, 200, 117]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/DarumaArt.png", [3, 847, 3207, 57, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/DebrisArt1.png", [3, 3132, 873, 110, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/DumbassCat1.png", [3, 934, 2811, 27, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/DumbbellArt.png", [3, 2176, 1616, 41, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ExclaimationMarkBubbleArt1.png", ql); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Freezer1Art.png", [3, 3130, 676, 111, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Frond.png", rl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/GhostMomArt1.png", [3, 2981, 3378, 14, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/GhostMomArt2.png", [3, 2787, 3378, 14, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/GoBoard.png", [3, 3057, 1779, 25, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/GondolaBGArt.png", [3, 2822, 1983, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/GreenBookImage.png", [3, 2727, 1154, 7, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/HotFood1Art.png", [3, 3230, 2434, 12, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariArt2.png", Am); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariBladRunArt.png", [3, 562, 3356, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariBladeRunArt2.png", [3, 583, 3356, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariImage.png", [3, 1979, 3363, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariSideFrame1.png", [3, 333, 3364, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariSideFrame2.png", [3, 2076, 3358, 17, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/InariStatueArt.png", [3, 1636, 3313, 30, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KappaArt.png", Bm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KappaArt2.png", Cm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KappaRunArt.png", [3, 3013, 3364, 16, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KappaSideFrame1.png", [3, 478, 3378, 15, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KappaSideFrame2.png", [3, 88, 3359, 17, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KarasuArt.png", Dm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KarasuArt2.png", [3, 3204, 3341, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KarasuSideFrame1.png", [3, 2090, 3308, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KarasuSideFrame2.png", [3, 1532, 3379, 14, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KijimunaIdleArt1.png", Em); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KijimunaIdleArt2.png", Fm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Koma1Art1.png", [3, 3066, 3364, 16, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Koma1Art2.png", Gm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Koma2Art1.png", Hm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Koma2Art2.png", sl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KomaHouseBGArt11.png", [3, 1866, 2865, 200, 117]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/KotatsuArt.png", [3, 1062, 3340, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LArgeRoomBGArt11.png", [3, 1292, 1987, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LanternStringBlueArt.png", tl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LanternStringGreenArt.png", ul); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LanternStringRedArt.png", vl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LanternStringYellowArt.png", wl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LanternsArt.png", [3, 323, 2469, 320, 76]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeBallPileArt.png", [3, 267, 2727, 34, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeHotSpringArt2.png", Im); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeHotSpringArt3.png", Jm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeLava1Art1.png", [3, 724, 1250, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeLava1Art2.png", [3, 1232, 2714, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeLava1Art3.png", [3, 2831, 2809, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeLava1Art4.png", [3, 1232, 2714, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeLavaArt.png", xl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeLavaArt2.png", yl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeWallArt.png", [3, 2035, 2004, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeWater1Art5.png", Km); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeWater1RippleArt1.png", [3, 633, 293, 47, 3]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeWater1RippleArt2.png", [3, 582, 293, 48, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LargeWeightArt.png", [3, 2018, 2985, 33, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1Art2.png", zl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1Art3.png", Al); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1Art4.png", Bl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1HighlightArt1.png", Cl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1HighlightArt2.png", Dl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1HighlightArt3.png", El); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1Waterfall1HighlightArt4.png", Fl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Lava1WaterfallArt1.png", Gl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LavafallBottomArt1.png", Hl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LavafallBottomArt2.png", Il); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LavafallBottomArt3.png", Jl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LavafallBottomArt4.png", Kl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LittleTable.png", [3, 413, 3362, 16, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithBGArt1.png", [3, 3079, 1379, 156, 107]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithCounterArt.png", [3, 3131, 2762, 99, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithShelvesArt.png", [3, 3131, 2816, 47, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithSmallTableArt.png", [3, 2155, 652, 50, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithTable2Art.png", [3, 582, 275, 31, 13]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithTableArt.png", [3, 3087, 2310, 50, 36]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithTree2Art.png", [3, 1572, 2767, 23, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithTreeArt.png", [3, 783, 3331, 25, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LocksmithWallArt.png", [3, 2018, 3009, 156, 107]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LongFrameArt1.png", [3, 1615, 2018, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LongTredmillArt.png", [3, 1712, 1804, 58, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LostBookArt.png", [3, 3232, 570, 10, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyIdleEArt.png", Ll); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyIdleNArt.png", Lm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyIdleS1111.png", [3, 1669, 3351, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyIdleSArt2.png", Mm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyIdleSArt3.png", Nm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyIdleWArt.png", Ml); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckySculptureArt1.png", [3, 1324, 547, 37, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkEArt1.png", Nl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkEArt2.png", Ol); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkEArt3.png", Pl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkEArt4.png", Ql); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkEArt5.png", Rl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkEArt6.png", Sl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkNArt1.png", Tl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkNArt2.png", Ul); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkNArt3.png", Vl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkNArt4.png", Wl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt1.png", Yl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt2.png", Zl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt3.png", $l); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt4.png", Om); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt5.png", am); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt6.png", bm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt7.png", cm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkSArt8.png", dm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkWArt1.png", em); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkWArt2.png", fm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkWArt3.png", gm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkWArt4.png", hm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkWArt5.png", im); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalkWArt6.png", jm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/LuckyWalknArt5.png", Xl); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MediumLanternBlueArt.png", km); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MediumLanternGreenArt.png", lm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MediumLanternYellowArt.png", mm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MediumWeightRackArt.png", [3, 2961, 1779, 30, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MomoBGArt1.png", [3, 969, 2078, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MomoBGArt2.png", [3, 0, 2093, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MomoBlueIdleArt1.png", [3, 1548, 3355, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MomoBlueIdleArt2.png", [3, 1492, 3358, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MomoIdleArt1.png", [3, 2118, 3355, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/MomoIdleArt2.png", [3, 1512, 3358, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCRacerAframe1.png", rm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCRacerAframe2.png", sm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCRacerBframe1.png", tm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCRacerBframe2.png", um); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCWolfieFrame1.png", vm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCWolfieFrame2.png", wm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCmomotarodadframe1.png", nm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCmomotarodadframe2.png", om); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCmomotaromomframe1.png", pm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NPCmomotaromomframe2.png", qm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NewLArgeWater1Art11.png", [3, 2430, 3217, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NewLargeWater1Art2.png", Pm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NiceTableArt.png", [3, 3023, 3108, 15, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleBarArt.png", [3, 1476, 3166, 73, 117]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleChefArt1.png", [3, 726, 3324, 26, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleChefArt2.png", [3, 1840, 3330, 25, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleKitchenArt.png", [3, 2069, 2865, 35, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodlePotArt1.png", [3, 897, 3342, 19, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleShopMapArt.png", [3, 323, 2103, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleShopWallArt.png", [3, 3042, 2982, 157, 163]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/NoodleStoolArt.png", [3, 728, 3377, 15, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Ogre_Baker_Small_001.png", [3, 1332, 3314, 30, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Ogre_Baker_Small_002.png", [3, 1365, 3314, 30, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Ogre_small_001.png", [3, 2993, 3317, 28, 33]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Ogre_small_002.png", [3, 2396, 3319, 28, 33]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OldTrophiesArt.png", [3, 297, 3121, 29, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBakerArt2.png", [3, 1859, 2985, 156, 109]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBakerBedArt.png", [3, 1324, 600, 37, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBakerBreadTableArt.png", [3, 1938, 2162, 38, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBakerJarsArt.png", [3, 2220, 1616, 39, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBakerPotArt.png", [3, 622, 2548, 20, 68]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBakerWeightsArt.png", [3, 2055, 3308, 32, 35]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniBrotherHouseBGArt.png", [3, 198, 3009, 156, 109]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OniRunArt.png", [3, 490, 3351, 18, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet2Art5.png", [3, 1552, 3166, 36, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet2Art6.png", [3, 470, 2968, 36, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet3Art1.png", [3, 1504, 1410, 49, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet3Art2.png", [3, 1773, 1804, 50, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet3Art3.png", [3, 267, 2695, 50, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet3Art4.png", [3, 1504, 1344, 49, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet3Art5.png", [3, 1504, 1377, 49, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet3Art6.png", [3, 1504, 1442, 49, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet4Art1.png", [3, 2993, 3280, 36, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet4Art2.png", [3, 1874, 3295, 36, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet4Art3.png", [3, 1324, 684, 37, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet4Art4.png", [3, 989, 3295, 36, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet4Art5.png", [3, 1772, 3296, 35, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponenet4Art6.png", [3, 1761, 546, 35, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponent2Art1.png", [3, 2430, 3170, 35, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponent2Art2.png", [3, 2109, 3298, 35, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponent2Art3.png", [3, 1835, 3295, 36, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Opponent2Art4.png", [3, 3205, 1703, 37, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OtohimeArt1.png", [3, 2008, 3275, 44, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OtohimeArt2.png", [3, 1501, 3286, 44, 69]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OtohimeBenchArt.png", [3, 1084, 1445, 50, 37]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OtohimeFrame.png", [3, 646, 2107, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/OtohimeMapArt.png", [3, 2358, 2166, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PingPongBall.png", [3, 3237, 250, 4, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PingPongTableBlueArt.png", [3, 2155, 586, 64, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PingPongTableRedArt.png", [3, 202, 3189, 64, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PinkTeasetArt.png", [3, 1440, 3365, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PointyRockArt.png", [3, 2606, 3332, 21, 47]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PortalCircle.png", Qm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PortalGlowArt.png", Rm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PortalSparklesArt1.png", Sm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PortalSparklesArt2.png", Tm); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/PortalSparklesArt3.png", Um); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/QuestCoachBGMapArt1.png", [3, 2681, 2166, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/QuestCoachCoachArt1.png", [3, 1918, 1250, 36, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/QuestCoachTraineeRunArt1.png", [3, 2941, 3331, 25, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/QuestCoachTraineeSitArt1.png", [3, 1812, 3330, 25, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/QuestCoachTraineeSitArt2.png", [3, 591, 2805, 27, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/QuestionMArkBubbleArt1.png", [3, 941, 3365, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Rabbit1Art1.png", [3, 367, 3336, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Rabbit1Art2.png", [3, 1693, 3378, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Rabbit1Art3.png", [3, 1242, 3379, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RabbitRunArt.png", [3, 2258, 3304, 15, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RamenBowl1Art.png", [3, 3232, 609, 10, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RampArt1111.png", [3, 3145, 2041, 96, 86]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RedBigRoomBGArt.png", [3, 1292, 2170, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RedBookArt.png", [3, 1557, 1155, 7, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RedBookshelfArt.png", [3, 208, 3306, 34, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RedLanternTableArt.png", [3, 3089, 3359, 16, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RedOniIdleArt1.png", [3, 134, 3300, 34, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RedOniIdleArt2.png", [3, 470, 2889, 36, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RockinWater2.png", [3, 1669, 3325, 26, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RockinWater3.png", [3, 470, 2930, 36, 35]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Rockinwater1.png", [3, 681, 1589, 39, 36]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RubgyDojoMainRoomBGArt2.png", [3, 1938, 2187, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RugbyDojoHallwayBNG.png", [3, 1615, 2201, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RugbyDojoHallwayFrameArt.png", [3, 969, 2261, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/RugbyDojoMainRoomFrameArt.png", [3, 0, 2276, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Seat.png", [3, 3229, 1489, 13, 13]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Shelf1Art.png", [3, 3215, 1616, 27, 71]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Shelf2Art.png", [3, 1130, 3310, 28, 71]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/Shelf3Art.png", [3, 2458, 3319, 27, 71]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/ShoeRackArt.png", [3, 2109, 2727, 100, 95]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SignBubbleFrame1.png", [3, 2324, 2330, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SignBubbleFrame2.png", [3, 1572, 2830, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SignBubbleImage3.png", [3, 3131, 2846, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SignBubbleImage4.png", [3, 3152, 2846, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SkateDojoBGArt.png", [3, 323, 2286, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SkateDojoHallwayBGArt.png", [3, 646, 2290, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SkateDojoHallwayFrameArt.png", [3, 2261, 2349, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SkateWallArt.png", [3, 2584, 2349, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SkaterNArt.png", [3, 2654, 3332, 21, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SkaterSArt.png", [3, 2593, 1764, 23, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SmalWindowLightArt.png", [3, 510, 2805, 78, 43]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SmallBallPileArt.png", [3, 1389, 1789, 16, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_interior/SmallBoatBGArt.png", [3, 2907, 2349, 320, 180]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/MountainBottomEdgeWaterArt1.png", [3, 1408, 1789, 16, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/MountainBottomEdgeWaterArt2.png", [3, 1427, 1789, 16, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCBlackWolfieFrame1.png", [3, 1276, 3379, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCBlackWolfieFrame2.png", [3, 1459, 3365, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCFroggyframe1.png", [3, 385, 3327, 25, 33]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCFroggyframe2.png", [3, 2770, 3323, 26, 33]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCKijiDad.png", [3, 2352, 3335, 20, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCKijiDadframe2.png", [3, 363, 1174, 22, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCKijiKid.png", [3, 3220, 2164, 22, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCKijiKidframe2.png", [3, 3220, 2282, 22, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCRacerAframe1.png", rm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCRacerAframe2.png", sm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCRacerBframe1.png", tm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCRacerBframe2.png", um); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCWolfieFrame1.png", vm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCWolfieFrame2.png", wm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCmomotarodadframe1.png", nm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCmomotarodadframe2.png", om); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCmomotaromomframe1.png", pm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NPCmomotaromomframe2.png", qm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NewLArgeWater1Art1.png", [3, 2430, 3217, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NewLargeWater1Art2.png", Pm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NewLargeWater2Art.png", [3, 2668, 3281, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NoodleShopArt.png", [3, 3145, 1779, 96, 128]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/NoodleSignArt.png", [3, 2702, 3332, 21, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OctupusIdleArt1.png", [3, 1254, 3357, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OctupusIdleArt2.png", [3, 2678, 3357, 18, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldBuildingArt1.png", [3, 3145, 1910, 96, 128]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldBuildingArt2.png", [3, 2564, 3134, 92, 80]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldBuildingArt3.png", [3, 198, 2905, 65, 87]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldBuildingArt4.png", [3, 1221, 3122, 93, 88]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldBuildingArt5.png", [3, 1317, 3158, 79, 100]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldDoorArt.png", [3, 494, 3245, 16, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldHouseRoofBackArt1.png", [3, 3113, 2913, 120, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldHouseWallDoorOpenArt.png", [3, 3137, 444, 104, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldHouseWallOpenDoorArt.png", [3, 3145, 2130, 80, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldHouseWallWindowsArt1.png", [3, 3004, 2310, 80, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OldRoofFrontArt1.png", [3, 631, 263, 120, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/OniIslandRock1Art.png", [3, 755, 3331, 25, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Pagoda.png", [3, 3068, 3148, 80, 106]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PeachPowerupArt.png", [3, 269, 3189, 23, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PineTree2Art.png", [3, 2327, 3359, 16, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PineTree3Art.png", [3, 1192, 3315, 28, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PineTreeArt1.png", [3, 1603, 3313, 30, 57]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PingPongIconArt.png", [3, 3232, 650, 9, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PingPongTable1Art.png", [3, 1065, 3193, 64, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Plant1.png", [3, 3033, 3229, 29, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PlayButtonArt1.png", [3, 3220, 2188, 22, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongN_01.png", [3, 363, 1250, 358, 240]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongN_02.png", [3, 724, 1315, 357, 171]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongN_03.png", [3, 1557, 1250, 358, 240]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongN_04.png", [3, 1144, 1286, 357, 240]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongS_01.png", [3, 342, 1493, 336, 241]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongS_02.png", [3, 1172, 1033, 382, 250]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongS_03.png", [3, 2727, 1326, 349, 161]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongS_04.png", [3, 2742, 1073, 381, 250]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongS_05.png", [3, 1958, 1041, 382, 238]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongS_06.png", [3, 2343, 1074, 381, 250]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongTableBlackArt.png", [3, 1132, 3193, 64, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PongTableRedArt.png", [3, 1552, 3200, 64, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PortalCircle.png", Qm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PortalGlowArt.png", Rm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PortalSparklesArt1.png", Sm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PortalSparklesArt2.png", Tm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PortalSparklesArt3.png", Um); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Powerline1Art.png", [3, 3186, 240, 48, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Powerline2Art.png", [3, 3193, 2310, 48, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/PowerlinePoleArt.png", [3, 2548, 3319, 26, 102]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/QuestCoachShoesArt.png", [3, 1504, 1474, 21, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/QuestConstructionWorkerArt.png", [3, 2244, 3364, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RailroadCrossingPoleArt.png", [3, 0, 3184, 65, 56]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RailroadCrsssLightGlow1.png", [3, 683, 293, 28, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RainBoyIdleArt1.png", [3, 668, 3355, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RainBoyIdleArt2.png", [3, 3136, 3355, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RainLoopArt1.png", [3, 2719, 3281, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RainLoopArt2.png", [3, 2345, 3284, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RampRail1Art.png", [3, 1557, 1033, 8, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedBridgeRail1Art.png", [3, 3157, 3364, 16, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedCircleArt.png", [3, 3220, 2212, 22, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedGate1Art.png", [3, 2789, 3117, 61, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedLanternArt.png", [3, 3228, 2816, 14, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedOniArt1.png", [3, 134, 3300, 34, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedOniArt2.png", [3, 470, 2889, 36, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedRoofBuilding.png", [3, 1448, 2767, 121, 76]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedTeamHQExterior.png", [3, 1319, 3042, 136, 113]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RedTeamHQStatues.png", [3, 1615, 1987, 48, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RockPeak1Art.png", [3, 681, 1542, 39, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RockPeak2Art.png", [3, 2768, 3359, 16, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RockSideEdge1Art.png", [3, 1557, 1090, 7, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RockTop1NoShadowArt.png", [3, 2184, 3298, 34, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RockTopEdge1Art.png", [3, 3132, 1051, 48, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Roof1FullArt.png", [3, 2707, 2809, 121, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Roof2FullArt.png", [3, 1389, 1656, 106, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyBirdArt2.png", [3, 689, 3355, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyDogArt2.png", [3, 604, 3363, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyDojoArt.png", [3, 2666, 3117, 120, 110]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyDojoDoorArt.png", [3, 279, 3377, 16, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyE_01.png", [3, 2271, 2890, 195, 277]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyE_02.png", [3, 2469, 2958, 194, 173]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyE_03.png", [3, 0, 2905, 195, 276]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyE_04.png", [3, 926, 2906, 194, 260]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyIconArt.png", [3, 3229, 1565, 13, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyMonkeyArt2.png", [3, 2514, 2741, 19, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbySignArt.png", [3, 22, 3345, 19, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyW_01.png", [3, 2224, 2694, 264, 193]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyW_02.png", [3, 1599, 2567, 264, 277]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyW_03.png", [3, 0, 2642, 264, 260]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RugbyW_04.png", [3, 965, 2627, 264, 276]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RyugujoPart1.png", [3, 969, 1741, 93, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RyugujoPart2.png", [3, 1938, 2018, 93, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RyugujoPart3.png", [3, 1692, 3127, 92, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/RyugujoPart4.png", [3, 2261, 2187, 93, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SakteDojoArt.png", [3, 662, 3027, 140, 174]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Sand2WaveArt.png", [3, 203, 3365, 16, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Sand2WaveArt2.png", [3, 3229, 1505, 13, 13]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Sand2WaveArt3.png", [3, 1026, 3375, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Sand2WaveArt4.png", [3, 312, 3376, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt0.png", [3, 3130, 2964, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt1.png", [3, 3232, 519, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt2.png", [3, 2727, 1182, 6, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt3.png", [3, 3232, 536, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt4.png", [3, 3147, 2964, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt5.png", [3, 3232, 553, 10, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt6.png", [3, 2727, 1105, 7, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ScrollRotateArt7.png", [3, 2208, 652, 11, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SignBubbleArt1.png", [3, 3152, 2846, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SignBubbleArt2.png", [3, 3131, 2846, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SignBubbleArt3.png", [3, 1572, 2830, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SignBubbleArt4.png", [3, 2324, 2330, 18, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SignSideArt.png", [3, 2221, 3341, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SignUpArt.png", [3, 2304, 3339, 20, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateDojoShadowArt.png", [3, 3015, 676, 112, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateDojoShadowArt2.png", [3, 3079, 1326, 157, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateE_01.png", [3, 0, 263, 484, 304]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateE_02.png", [3, 389, 943, 384, 304]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateE_03.png", [3, 1571, 943, 384, 304]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateIconArt.png", [3, 3229, 1586, 13, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateSignArt.png", [3, 44, 3346, 19, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateW_01.png", [3, 724, 1489, 339, 249]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateW_02.png", [3, 2620, 1490, 338, 307]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateW_03.png", [3, 2278, 1327, 339, 308]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateW_04.png", [3, 1504, 1493, 333, 308]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateW_05.png", [3, 0, 1417, 339, 307]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SkateW_06.png", [3, 1840, 1525, 333, 307]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SleepyCatArt1.png", [3, 363, 1227, 22, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SleepyCatArt2.png", [3, 3085, 1779, 21, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmallTree.png", [3, 1504, 1286, 49, 55]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmileSignArt.png", [3, 1557, 1169, 7, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmokeEntranceArt1.png", [3, 3229, 1606, 12, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmokeEntranceArt2.png", [3, 470, 3005, 17, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmokeEntranceArt3.png", [3, 1040, 3341, 18, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmokeEntranceArt4.png", [3, 1144, 1156, 24, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmokeEntranceArt5.png", [3, 3204, 3308, 31, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SmokeEntranceArt6.png", [3, 2942, 3255, 28, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Snow1BottomEdge2Art.png", [3, 3215, 1690, 16, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SnowballArt.png", [3, 3196, 2690, 43, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Sparkle1.png", en); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Sparkle2.png", fn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SpeechBubbleArt1.png", Vm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SpeechBubbleArt2.png", Wm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SpeechBubbleArt3.png", Xm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SpeechBubbleArt4.png", Ym); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Stairs1Art.png", [3, 1655, 3376, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StarSignArt.png", [3, 2534, 874, 9, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueArcheryArt.png", [3, 2518, 3319, 27, 66]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueClimbingArt.png", [3, 1264, 3264, 32, 66]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueMararthonArt.png", [3, 2488, 3319, 27, 69]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatuePingPongArt.png", [3, 2224, 2553, 33, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueRugbyArt.png", [3, 2147, 3298, 34, 64]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueShadowArt.png", [3, 2908, 3306, 30, 68]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueSkaeboardingArt.png", [3, 832, 3311, 30, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StatueSwimmingArt.png", [3, 1161, 3315, 28, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Stone3Art.png", [3, 1359, 3010, 37, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StoneGateArt.png", [3, 2789, 3169, 61, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StoneInariArt.png", [3, 2263, 3364, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/StoneLantern1Art.png", [3, 1108, 3340, 18, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SunkenGateArt.png", [3, 1596, 3042, 63, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimE_01.png", [3, 2580, 2532, 305, 228]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimE_02.png", [3, 2666, 2982, 185, 132]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimE_03.png", [3, 1292, 2536, 304, 228]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimE_04.png", [3, 2888, 2532, 305, 188]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimIconArt.png", [3, 3229, 1536, 13, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimSignArt.png", [3, 66, 3346, 19, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimW_01.png", [3, 2261, 2532, 316, 159]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimW_02.png", [3, 646, 2473, 316, 248]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimW_03.png", [3, 510, 2862, 208, 159]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/SwimW_04.png", [3, 323, 2548, 296, 200]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TableTennisDojoStatueArt.png", hn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TableTennisSignArt.png", [3, 2184, 3345, 19, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TargetArt2.png", [3, 541, 3350, 18, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TargetArt2copy.png", [3, 291, 3348, 18, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TennisRacketArt1.png", [3, 3230, 2345, 12, 61]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TennisRacketArt2.png", [3, 1767, 3359, 16, 61]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TennisRacketArt3.png", [3, 1144, 1092, 24, 61]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TennisRacketArt4.png", [3, 2189, 2825, 31, 61]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TennisRacketArt5.png", [3, 90, 3295, 41, 61]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TennisRacketHandleArt.png", [3, 1666, 1987, 38, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ThreeScreenArt1.png", [3, 1144, 1197, 24, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ThreeScreenArt2.png", [3, 1028, 3310, 31, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ThreeScreenArt3.png", [3, 2090, 3332, 25, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ThreeScreenArt4.png", [3, 1315, 3378, 15, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/ToichiCastleEntranceArt.png", [3, 1787, 3183, 65, 59]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_fish_handicap_small_01.png", jn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_fish_handicap_small_02.png", kn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_grandpa_small_001.png", [3, 268, 3338, 20, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_grandpa_small_002.png", [3, 1398, 3338, 20, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_hare_small_01.png", ln); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_hare_small_02.png", mn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_kid_small_001.png", nn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_kid_small_002.png", on); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_nova_small_001.png", pn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_nova_small_002.png", qn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_pango_small_01.png", [3, 668, 3324, 26, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Town_people_pango_small_02.png", [3, 697, 3324, 26, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TrafficConeArt.png", [3, 1698, 3350, 18, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TrainCar1Art1.png", [3, 198, 3121, 96, 65]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TrainStationArt.png", [3, 2499, 1638, 107, 123]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TriggerBitmap.png", rn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TrophyHouseArt.png", [3, 3151, 3148, 79, 106]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/TutorialPingPongTableArt1.png", [3, 1866, 2567, 68, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Tutorial_01.png", [3, 1800, 303, 420, 280]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Tutorial_02.png", [3, 487, 302, 440, 280]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/UrashimaLetterArt1.png", [3, 2483, 2147, 12, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/UshiArt.png", [3, 1395, 3365, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/UshiArt2.png", Zm); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/VolcanoFloorBottomEdgeArt.png", [3, 681, 1730, 16, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/VolcanoFloorSideEdgeArt.png", [3, 1557, 1179, 6, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/VolcanoGround1Art.png", [3, 1674, 3376, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Water.png", [3, 1719, 3376, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Water1WaterfallHighlight1.png", [3, 323, 1727, 14, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Water1WaterfallHighlight3.png", [3, 700, 1730, 14, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Water1WaterfallHighlightArt1.png", [3, 3229, 1596, 13, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Water1WaterfallHighlightArt4.png", [3, 2516, 1787, 14, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Waterfall1Art1.png", [3, 0, 3366, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Waterfall1Art2.png", [3, 1998, 3376, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/Waterfall1Art3.png", [3, 2017, 3376, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WaterfallBottomArt2.png", sn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WaterfallBottomArt3.png", tn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WaterfallBottomArt4.png", un); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WaterfallBtoomArt1.png", vn); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WelcomeE_01.png", [3, 755, 0, 652, 299]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WelcomeE_011.png", [3, 1410, 0, 652, 299]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WelcomeE_02.png", [3, 2065, 0, 577, 300]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WelcomeE_03.png", [3, 1180, 731, 388, 299]); V.set("animate_exports/images_overworld/WelcomeW_01.png", [3, 2645, 0, 538, 259]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/ExplosionAnim_4.png", [4, 344, 0, 64, 64]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/ExplosionAnim_6.png", [4, 411, 0, 64, 64]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/ExplosionAnim_8.png", [4, 0, 63, 64, 64]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0000.png", [4, 485, 202, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0007.png", [4, 0, 209, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0008.png", [4, 329, 209, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0011.png", [4, 242, 210, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0013.png", [4, 259, 210, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0017.png", [4, 276, 210, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0019.png", [4, 293, 210, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FanAppear0027.png", [4, 310, 210, 14, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/FrenzyTarget.png", [4, 204, 157, 48, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/Gradient1.png", [4, 329, 157, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/GreenArrowArt.png", [4, 489, 83, 7, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/InfinitySignArt.png", [4, 51, 145, 11, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/LuckyUIArt1.png", [4, 51, 130, 12, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/LuckyUIHlighlightArt.png", [4, 369, 211, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/NewLArgeWater1Art1.png", [4, 102, 157, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/NewLargeWater1Art2.png", [4, 153, 157, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/ObstacleBitmap.png", [4, 356, 157, 23, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/PierceArrowFloat.png", [4, 449, 173, 18, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/PlayerN.png", [4, 0, 181, 18, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/SushiBitmap.png", [4, 137, 208, 16, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/TargetBitmap.png", [4, 470, 173, 18, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/TargetHit1.png", [4, 478, 0, 20, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/TargetHit2.png", [4, 478, 31, 20, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/TargetHit3.png", [4, 382, 157, 20, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_archery/UIBGArt1.png", [4, 0, 0, 140, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/Bitmap97.png", [5, 877, 0, 15, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/BlueHoldArt.png", [5, 877, 350, 11, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/BoundBitmap.png", [5, 435, 730, 72, 72]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/ChampionArt1.png", [5, 435, 0, 218, 143]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/GateArt1.png", [5, 510, 730, 58, 41]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/GreenHoldArt.png", [5, 877, 412, 7, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LargeGrassArt.png", [5, 686, 730, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LargeMountainTileArt.png", [5, 737, 730, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LargeSnowArt.png", [5, 788, 730, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LargeWater1Art2.png", [5, 839, 730, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LargeWater1Art3.png", [5, 510, 774, 48, 48]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyIdleNArt.png", [5, 819, 839, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyIdleNArt2.png", [5, 670, 832, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyIdleS.png", [5, 649, 820, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyIdleSArt2.png", [5, 561, 821, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyIdleSArt3.png", [5, 582, 821, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyIdleWArt.png", [5, 800, 837, 16, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyWalkEArt1.png", [5, 504, 825, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyWalkEArt2.png", [5, 561, 797, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyWalkEArt3.png", [5, 737, 795, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyWalkEArt4.png", [5, 481, 826, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyWalkEArt5.png", [5, 584, 797, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_climbing/LuckyWalkEArt6.png", [5, 761, 795, 21, 21]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyNarutoArt4.png", [6, 39, 288, 32, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunEArt1.png", [6, 279, 327, 25, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunEArt2.png", [6, 291, 304, 26, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunEArt3.png", [6, 90, 322, 25, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunEArt4.png", [6, 81, 344, 24, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunEArt5.png", [6, 196, 343, 22, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunMarathonFast0000.png", [6, 0, 328, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunMarathonFast0001.png", [6, 222, 328, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunMarathonFast0002.png", [6, 334, 328, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunMarathonFast0003.png", [6, 489, 328, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunMarathonFast0005.png", [6, 27, 330, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyRunMarathonFast0006.png", [6, 361, 332, 24, 24]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckySlowRun0013.png", [6, 570, 342, 24, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStartingArt.png", [6, 108, 344, 24, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt1.png", [6, 521, 277, 28, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt2.png", [6, 33, 307, 26, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt3.png", [6, 222, 304, 26, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt4.png", [6, 169, 343, 24, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt5.png", [6, 251, 319, 25, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt6.png", [6, 431, 310, 26, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/LuckyStumbleArt7.png", [6, 336, 303, 26, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/NeedleArt1.png", [6, 148, 176, 4, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/NeedleArt10.png", [6, 498, 73, 2, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_marathon/NeedleArt11.png", [6, 179, 176, 1, 8]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/ArrowArt.png", [8, 438, 490, 16, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdIdleEArt.png", [8, 0, 535, 15, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdIdleNArt.png", [8, 36, 560, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdIdleSArt11.png", [8, 0, 561, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdSadArt.png", [8, 429, 569, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkEArt1.png", [8, 273, 238, 16, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkEArt2.png", [8, 36, 536, 15, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkEArt3.png", [8, 300, 495, 16, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkNArt1.png", [8, 0, 390, 20, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkNArt2.png", [8, 0, 439, 18, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkNArt3.png", [8, 301, 568, 14, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkSArt1.png", [8, 247, 392, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkSArt2.png", [8, 206, 441, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWalkSArt3.png", [8, 318, 568, 14, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BirdWinArt.png", [8, 247, 568, 14, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueBallArt.png", [8, 153, 75, 11, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackEArt1.png", [8, 232, 0, 58, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackEArt2.png", [8, 304, 110, 45, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackEArt3.png", [8, 204, 103, 47, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackNArt1.png", [8, 345, 203, 40, 47]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackNArt2.png", [8, 388, 203, 40, 47]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackSArt1.png", [8, 40, 226, 37, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniAttackSArt2.png", [8, 0, 162, 41, 55]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniBallArt.png", [8, 0, 220, 37, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunEArt11.png", [8, 341, 298, 28, 42]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunEArt21.png", [8, 168, 0, 61, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunEArt3.png", [8, 351, 0, 51, 47]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunEArt41.png", [8, 40, 280, 32, 42]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunNArt11.png", [8, 190, 193, 40, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunNArt21.png", [8, 310, 298, 28, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunSArt11.png", [8, 0, 283, 31, 56]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BlueOniRunSArt4111.png", [8, 80, 271, 33, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BoundBitmap.png", [8, 93, 0, 72, 72]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BrownBallArt.png", [8, 190, 157, 7, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BrownBallHorizontalArt.png", [8, 153, 85, 11, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BrownBallVerticalArt.png", [8, 190, 157, 7, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BubbleFXArt1.png", [8, 372, 302, 28, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BubbleFXArt2.png", [8, 116, 296, 29, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/BubbleFXArt3.png", [8, 256, 314, 28, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/CharacterShadowArt.png", [8, 76, 63, 12, 3]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/CircleEmptyArt.png", [8, 51, 63, 22, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/CircleFullArt.png", [8, 341, 343, 22, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DodgeInArt1.png", [8, 369, 589, 14, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DodgeInArt2.png", [8, 202, 321, 26, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DodgeInArt3.png", [8, 223, 287, 30, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DodgeInArt4.png", [8, 169, 293, 30, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DodgeInArt5.png", [8, 413, 295, 30, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogHandArt.png", [8, 440, 102, 3, 5]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogIdleEArt.png", [8, 202, 293, 17, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogIdleNArt.png", [8, 17, 561, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogIdleSArt111.png", [8, 111, 567, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogSadArt.png", [8, 398, 469, 14, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkEArt1.png", [8, 181, 326, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkEArt2.png", [8, 117, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkEArt3.png", [8, 231, 321, 21, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkEArt4.png", [8, 153, 469, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkEArt5.png", [8, 138, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkEArt6.png", [8, 416, 445, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt1.png", [8, 17, 588, 14, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt2.png", [8, 72, 571, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt3.png", [8, 53, 575, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt4.png", [8, 214, 576, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt5.png", [8, 335, 568, 14, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt6.png", [8, 187, 577, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt7.png", [8, 412, 569, 14, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkSArt8.png", [8, 34, 587, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkWArt1.png", [8, 98, 536, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkWArt2.png", [8, 178, 535, 15, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkWArt3.png", [8, 405, 535, 15, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkWArt4.png", [8, 162, 589, 14, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkWArt5.png", [8, 18, 536, 15, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWalkWArt6.png", [8, 395, 587, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/DogWinArt.png", [8, 264, 568, 14, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/EndzoneEdgeArt.png", [8, 231, 576, 9, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/EndzoneFieldArt.png", [8, 405, 0, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/FireFXArt1.png", [8, 321, 56, 26, 37]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/FireFXArt2.png", [8, 431, 203, 27, 37]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/FireFXArt3.png", [8, 75, 322, 25, 36]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeField1SideEdge1Art11.png", [8, 446, 569, 10, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeField2Art.png", [8, 351, 50, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeField2SideEdgeArt.png", [8, 334, 593, 9, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeLava1Art1.png", [8, 402, 51, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeLava1Art2.png", [8, 168, 51, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeLava1Art3.png", [8, 219, 52, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeLava1Art4.png", [8, 168, 51, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeLavaArt.png", [8, 270, 56, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeLavaArt2.png", [8, 0, 63, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeVolcanoFloorBottomEdgeArt.png", [8, 321, 101, 48, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeVolcanoFloorSideEdgeArt.png", [8, 453, 51, 5, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeVolcanoFloorToEdgeArt.png", [8, 153, 102, 48, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeVolcanoGround1Art.png", [8, 51, 75, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LargeVolcanoWallBottomEdgeArt.png", [8, 372, 102, 48, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LightingFXArt1.png", [8, 335, 253, 37, 42]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LightingFXArt2.png", [8, 352, 111, 45, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LightingFXArt3.png", [8, 0, 114, 45, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LightingFXArt4.png", [8, 140, 205, 40, 41]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LightingFXArt5.png", [8, 400, 111, 45, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LightingFXArt6.png", [8, 48, 126, 45, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyIdleEArt.png", [8, 83, 501, 16, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyIdleNArt.png", [8, 213, 510, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyIdleS111.png", [8, 46, 443, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyIdleSArt2.png", [8, 21, 444, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyIdleSArt3.png", [8, 275, 444, 18, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyIdleWArt.png", [8, 60, 506, 16, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckySadArt.png", [8, 112, 469, 18, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallEArt1.png", [8, 48, 373, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallEArt2.png", [8, 270, 392, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallEArt3.png", [8, 255, 344, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallEArt4.png", [8, 227, 465, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallEArt5.png", [8, 279, 344, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallEArt6.png", [8, 34, 325, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallNArt1.png", [8, 287, 314, 19, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallNArt2.png", [8, 98, 374, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallNArt3.png", [8, 375, 399, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallNArt4.png", [8, 159, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallNArt5.png", [8, 173, 469, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallNArt6.png", [8, 19, 513, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt1.png", [8, 376, 536, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt2.png", [8, 270, 523, 16, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt3.png", [8, 232, 510, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt4.png", [8, 116, 544, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt5.png", [8, 184, 422, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt6.png", [8, 309, 472, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt7.png", [8, 287, 421, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallSArt8.png", [8, 88, 478, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallWArt1.png", [8, 316, 401, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallWArt2.png", [8, 231, 346, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallWArt3.png", [8, 103, 326, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallWArt4.png", [8, 399, 376, 21, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallWArt5.png", [8, 218, 394, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBlueBallWArt6.png", [8, 26, 349, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallEArt1.png", [8, 122, 374, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallEArt2.png", [8, 48, 396, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallEArt3.png", [8, 50, 349, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallEArt4.png", [8, 248, 465, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallEArt5.png", [8, 103, 350, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallEArt6.png", [8, 129, 326, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallNArt1.png", [8, 118, 421, 19, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallNArt2.png", [8, 146, 374, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallNArt3.png", [8, 339, 403, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallNArt4.png", [8, 180, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallNArt5.png", [8, 269, 469, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallNArt6.png", [8, 38, 513, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt1.png", [8, 134, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt2.png", [8, 437, 524, 16, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt3.png", [8, 0, 511, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt4.png", [8, 152, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt5.png", [8, 362, 422, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt6.png", [8, 63, 483, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt7.png", [8, 384, 422, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallSArt8.png", [8, 222, 487, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallWArt1.png", [8, 0, 416, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallWArt2.png", [8, 127, 350, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallWArt3.png", [8, 155, 326, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallWArt4.png", [8, 423, 376, 21, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallWArt5.png", [8, 23, 397, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkBrownBallWArt6.png", [8, 151, 350, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkEArt1.png", [8, 437, 445, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkEArt2.png", [8, 95, 397, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkEArt3.png", [8, 175, 350, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkEArt4.png", [8, 0, 466, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkEArt5.png", [8, 118, 397, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkEArt6.png", [8, 303, 350, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkNArt1.png", [8, 289, 470, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkNArt2.png", [8, 386, 513, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkNArt3.png", [8, 121, 521, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkNArt4.png", [8, 446, 352, 12, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallEArt1.png", [8, 170, 374, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallEArt2.png", [8, 141, 397, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallEArt3.png", [8, 199, 351, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallEArt4.png", [8, 201, 466, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallEArt5.png", [8, 398, 352, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallEArt6.png", [8, 403, 328, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallNArt1.png", [8, 140, 421, 19, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallNArt2.png", [8, 303, 374, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallNArt3.png", [8, 241, 416, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallNArt4.png", [8, 353, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallNArt5.png", [8, 338, 469, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallNArt6.png", [8, 140, 522, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt1.png", [8, 289, 544, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt2.png", [8, 79, 526, 16, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt3.png", [8, 191, 511, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt4.png", [8, 248, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt5.png", [8, 406, 422, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt6.png", [8, 242, 487, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt7.png", [8, 428, 422, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallSArt8.png", [8, 0, 488, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallWArt1.png", [8, 264, 416, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallWArt2.png", [8, 422, 352, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallWArt3.png", [8, 429, 328, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallWArt4.png", [8, 327, 379, 21, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallWArt5.png", [8, 164, 397, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkRedBallWArt6.png", [8, 327, 355, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt1.png", [8, 266, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt2.png", [8, 307, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt3.png", [8, 325, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt4.png", [8, 343, 545, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt5.png", [8, 423, 546, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt6.png", [8, 54, 553, 15, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt7.png", [8, 418, 511, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkSArt8.png", [8, 447, 375, 12, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkWArt111.png", [8, 296, 447, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkWArt2.png", [8, 187, 398, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkWArt3.png", [8, 351, 357, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkWArt4.png", [8, 42, 468, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkWArt5.png", [8, 293, 397, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkWArt6.png", [8, 74, 361, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowEBallArt1.png", [8, 194, 375, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowEBallArt2.png", [8, 399, 398, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowEBallArt3.png", [8, 0, 366, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowEBallArt4.png", [8, 416, 468, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowEBallArt5.png", [8, 255, 368, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowEBallArt6.png", [8, 372, 333, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowNBallArt1.png", [8, 162, 421, 19, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowNBallArt2.png", [8, 375, 376, 21, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowNBallArt3.png", [8, 210, 418, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowNBallArt4.png", [8, 374, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowNBallArt5.png", [8, 358, 469, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowNBallArt6.png", [8, 159, 522, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt1.png", [8, 441, 546, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt2.png", [8, 57, 531, 16, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt3.png", [8, 102, 512, 16, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt4.png", [8, 76, 548, 15, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt5.png", [8, 309, 424, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt6.png", [8, 193, 488, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt7.png", [8, 331, 426, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowSBallArt8.png", [8, 108, 489, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowWBallArt1.png", [8, 46, 420, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowWBallArt2.png", [8, 279, 368, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowWBallArt3.png", [8, 0, 342, 23, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowWBallArt4.png", [8, 351, 381, 21, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowWBallArt5.png", [8, 422, 398, 20, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalkYellowWBallArt6.png", [8, 223, 370, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWalknArt5.png", [8, 0, 588, 14, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/LuckyWinArt.png", [8, 395, 445, 18, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomoSadArt.png", [8, 128, 568, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomoWinArt.png", [8, 153, 493, 16, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroHandArt.png", [8, 144, 145, 3, 5]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroIdleEArt.png", [8, 443, 160, 15, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroIdleNArt.png", [8, 172, 493, 16, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroIdleSArt11.png", [8, 262, 493, 16, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkEArt1.png", [8, 89, 590, 13, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkEArt2.png", [8, 128, 494, 16, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkEArt3.png", [8, 148, 296, 17, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkEArt4.png", [8, 318, 593, 13, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkEArt5.png", [8, 233, 439, 18, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkEArt6.png", [8, 133, 469, 17, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkNArt1.png", [8, 233, 193, 12, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkNArt2.png", [8, 145, 568, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkNArt3.png", [8, 94, 559, 14, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkNArt4.png", [8, 446, 295, 12, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkNArt5.png", [8, 395, 559, 14, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkNArt6.png", [8, 284, 567, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt.png", [8, 348, 493, 16, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt1.png", [8, 170, 559, 14, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt2.png", [8, 256, 287, 12, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt3.png", [8, 361, 559, 14, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt4.png", [8, 378, 559, 14, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt5.png", [8, 281, 494, 16, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt6.png", [8, 367, 493, 16, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MomotaroWalkSArt7.png", [8, 329, 493, 16, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyHandArt.png", [8, 448, 149, 3, 5]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyIsleEArt.png", [8, 378, 469, 17, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyIsleNArt.png", [8, 20, 490, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyIsleSArt111.png", [8, 317, 449, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeySadArt.png", [8, 21, 469, 18, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt1.png", [8, 95, 432, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt10.png", [8, 69, 437, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt11.png", [8, 23, 421, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt12.png", [8, 24, 373, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt2.png", [8, 91, 455, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt3.png", [8, 310, 263, 21, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt4.png", [8, 69, 437, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt5.png", [8, 23, 421, 20, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt6.png", [8, 24, 373, 21, 21]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt7.png", [8, 95, 432, 19, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt8.png", [8, 91, 455, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkEArt9.png", [8, 310, 263, 21, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkNArt1.png", [8, 40, 490, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkNArt2.png", [8, 437, 468, 18, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkNArt3.png", [8, 418, 490, 17, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkNArt4.png", [8, 300, 521, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkNArt5.png", [8, 251, 522, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkNArt6.png", [8, 352, 589, 14, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt1.png", [8, 398, 490, 17, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt2.png", [8, 210, 534, 16, 19]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt3.png", [8, 229, 534, 16, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt4.png", [8, 319, 522, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt5.png", [8, 338, 522, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt6.png", [8, 229, 555, 15, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt7.png", [8, 357, 521, 16, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWalkSArt8.png", [8, 196, 556, 15, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/MonkeyWinArt.png", [8, 67, 460, 18, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/NoclipPowerup.png", [8, 443, 188, 15, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/OniShadowArt.png", [8, 95, 421, 20, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/PacmanPowerup.png", [8, 233, 220, 12, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/PassCursorArt.png", [8, 448, 102, 10, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedBallArt.png", [8, 60, 325, 11, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackEArt1.png", [8, 88, 217, 38, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackEArt2.png", [8, 233, 238, 37, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackEArt3.png", [8, 254, 148, 44, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackNArt1.png", [8, 44, 174, 41, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackNArt2.png", [8, 352, 160, 43, 40]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackSArt1.png", [8, 153, 109, 46, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniAttackSArt2.png", [8, 249, 190, 41, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniBallArt.png", [8, 301, 162, 41, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunEArt11.png", [8, 293, 215, 39, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunEArt2.png", [8, 96, 164, 41, 50]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunEArt3.png", [8, 183, 246, 37, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunEArt4.png", [8, 202, 155, 44, 35]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunEArt5.png", [8, 96, 126, 45, 35]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunEArt6.png", [8, 129, 249, 37, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunNArt11.png", [8, 144, 157, 43, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunNArt2.png", [8, 254, 107, 47, 38]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunNArt4.png", [8, 398, 160, 42, 40]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunSArt1.png", [8, 375, 253, 35, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunSArt2.png", [8, 273, 263, 34, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RedOniRunSArt3.png", [8, 293, 0, 55, 53]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/RockArt.png", [8, 254, 439, 18, 23]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/SpeedPowerupArt.png", [8, 448, 116, 9, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/SweatdropArt1.png", [8, 448, 137, 8, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/SweatdropArt2.png", [8, 423, 102, 7, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/SweatdropArt3.png", [8, 433, 102, 4, 4]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/SweatdropArt4.png", [8, 153, 95, 3, 3]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/TileLightFieldArt.png", [8, 102, 75, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/TreeBitmap.png", [8, 72, 385, 20, 49]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/UIBGArt11.png", [8, 0, 0, 90, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/VolcanoSide1Art.png", [8, 375, 357, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/VolcanoWallSideEdgeArt.png", [8, 144, 126, 3, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/WideRockArt.png", [8, 413, 253, 35, 39]); V.set("animate_exports/images_rugby/YellowBallArt1.png", [8, 60, 335, 11, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ArrowArt.png", [9, 216, 548, 11, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ArrowsArt.png", [9, 680, 396, 46, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/BarrierXArt.png", [9, 190, 443, 16, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/BarrierYArt.png", [9, 373, 364, 6, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/BoundBitmap.png", [9, 730, 274, 72, 72]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ButtonArt.png", [9, 259, 582, 11, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ButtonBaseArt.png", [9, 204, 485, 32, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CoinArt1.png", [9, 117, 500, 12, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CoinArt2.png", [9, 798, 349, 4, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CoinArt3.png", [9, 563, 481, 10, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CoinShadow2Art.png", [9, 787, 265, 6, 5]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CoinShadow3Art.png", [9, 796, 265, 4, 5]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrosswalkLineArt.png", [9, 390, 240, 44, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0001.png", [9, 390, 267, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0004.png", [9, 634, 274, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0005.png", [9, 0, 291, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0006.png", [9, 96, 291, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0007.png", [9, 192, 291, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0008.png", [9, 288, 303, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0009.png", [9, 384, 328, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdAnimals0010.png", [9, 634, 335, 93, 58]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/CrowdStand1Art.png", [9, 538, 153, 96, 96]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/DoorBubbleArt1.png", [9, 149, 620, 14, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/DoorBubbleArt2.png", [9, 132, 620, 14, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/Grafitti1Art.png", [9, 579, 0, 112, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/Grafitti2Art.png", [9, 579, 51, 112, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/Grafitti3Art.png", [9, 579, 102, 112, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt1.png", [9, 343, 466, 25, 10]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt2.png", [9, 538, 136, 28, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt3.png", [9, 390, 489, 30, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt4.png", [9, 662, 558, 20, 13]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt5.png", [9, 802, 127, 1, 1]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt6.png", [9, 231, 514, 23, 15]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/GrindSparksArt7.png", [9, 362, 608, 17, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/InstructionBuildingArt1.png", [9, 439, 0, 137, 133]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LargeMossyTilesArt.png", [9, 220, 352, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LargeRoad1Art.png", [9, 271, 364, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LargeSidewalkTile1Art.png", [9, 322, 364, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LatnernArt.png", [9, 793, 487, 9, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyCrashArt.png", [9, 526, 442, 32, 20]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindEArt1.png", [9, 699, 556, 20, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindEArt2.png", [9, 74, 544, 21, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindEArt3.png", [9, 50, 536, 21, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindNArt1.png", [9, 142, 521, 22, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindNArt2.png", [9, 167, 521, 22, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindNArt3.png", [9, 731, 521, 22, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindSArt1.png", [9, 700, 523, 22, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindSArt2.png", [9, 651, 524, 22, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindSArt3.png", [9, 565, 526, 22, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindWArt1.png", [9, 98, 556, 20, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindWArt2.png", [9, 192, 548, 21, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyGrindWArt3.png", [9, 368, 537, 21, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyKickFlipEArt1.png", [9, 190, 415, 25, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyKickFlipWArt1.png", [9, 390, 509, 25, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveEArt2.png", [9, 343, 535, 22, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveEArt3.png", [9, 590, 526, 22, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveEArt4.png", [9, 418, 529, 22, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNArt1.png", [9, 264, 618, 12, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNArt2.png", [9, 790, 578, 13, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNArt3.png", [9, 362, 620, 13, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNArt4.png", [9, 362, 620, 13, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNEArt1.png", [9, 561, 559, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNEArt2.png", [9, 748, 578, 18, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNEArt3.png", [9, 132, 588, 18, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNEArt4.png", [9, 416, 560, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNWArt1.png", [9, 216, 563, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNWArt2.png", [9, 769, 578, 18, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNWArt3.png", [9, 153, 588, 18, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveNWArt4.png", [9, 279, 564, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSEArt1.png", [9, 301, 579, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSEArt2.png", [9, 188, 580, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSEArt3.png", [9, 662, 574, 18, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSEArt4.png", [9, 438, 564, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSWArt1.png", [9, 238, 582, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSWArt2.png", [9, 69, 576, 18, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSWArt3.png", [9, 460, 564, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveSWArt4.png", [9, 583, 584, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveWArt1.png", [9, 25, 536, 22, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveWArt2.png", [9, 0, 536, 22, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveWArt3.png", [9, 231, 532, 22, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyMoveWArt4.png", [9, 443, 533, 22, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyNosegrabArt1.png", [9, 731, 490, 28, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyNosegrabArt2.png", [9, 623, 510, 25, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyRideEArt11.png", [9, 204, 514, 24, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyRideNArt111.png", [9, 468, 533, 14, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckyRideSArt1.png", [9, 174, 613, 14, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt.png", [9, 88, 500, 26, 41]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt1.png", [9, 700, 490, 28, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt2.png", [9, 526, 481, 34, 36]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt31.png", [9, 133, 485, 33, 33]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt5.png", [9, 423, 489, 29, 37]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt6.png", [9, 782, 439, 21, 36]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt7.png", [9, 669, 490, 28, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateBarrelRollArt8.png", [9, 356, 489, 31, 43]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateIdkeNArt.png", [9, 191, 613, 14, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt1.png", [9, 756, 550, 21, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt2.png", [9, 590, 557, 20, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt3.png", [9, 515, 588, 18, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt4.png", [9, 0, 566, 19, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt5.png", [9, 676, 524, 20, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt6.png", [9, 257, 514, 20, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpEArt7.png", [9, 256, 548, 20, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt1.png", [9, 230, 615, 14, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt2.png", [9, 765, 612, 15, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt3.png", [9, 635, 584, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt4.png", [9, 635, 584, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt5.png", [9, 20, 598, 17, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt6.png", [9, 322, 579, 17, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNArt7.png", [9, 385, 602, 17, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt1.png", [9, 47, 570, 19, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt2.png", [9, 414, 593, 18, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt3.png", [9, 683, 587, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt4.png", [9, 25, 565, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt5.png", [9, 392, 537, 21, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt6.png", [9, 515, 555, 20, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNEArt7.png", [9, 704, 587, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt1.png", [9, 392, 570, 19, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt2.png", [9, 209, 596, 18, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt3.png", [9, 90, 588, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt4.png", [9, 342, 565, 19, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt5.png", [9, 615, 537, 21, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt6.png", [9, 538, 555, 20, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpNWArt7.png", [9, 111, 588, 18, 30]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt1.png", [9, 578, 617, 14, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt2.png", [9, 783, 612, 15, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt3.png", [9, 318, 515, 22, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt4.png", [9, 762, 515, 22, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt5.png", [9, 515, 520, 22, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt6.png", [9, 540, 520, 22, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSArt7.png", [9, 117, 521, 22, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt1.png", [9, 536, 588, 18, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt2.png", [9, 121, 556, 17, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt3.png", [9, 656, 609, 16, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt4.png", [9, 787, 211, 16, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt5.png", [9, 280, 597, 17, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt6.png", [9, 435, 597, 17, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSEArt7.png", [9, 342, 598, 17, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt1.png", [9, 725, 588, 18, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt2.png", [9, 604, 602, 17, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt3.png", [9, 60, 611, 16, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt4.png", [9, 787, 515, 16, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt5.png", [9, 455, 597, 17, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt6.png", [9, 0, 598, 17, 32]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpSWArt7.png", [9, 40, 602, 17, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt1.png", [9, 780, 550, 21, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt2.png", [9, 639, 557, 20, 24]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt3.png", [9, 557, 592, 18, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt4.png", [9, 613, 570, 19, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt5.png", [9, 142, 554, 20, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt6.png", [9, 165, 554, 20, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateJumpWArt7.png", [9, 725, 554, 20, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateMoveSArt2.png", [9, 503, 620, 13, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateMoveSArt3.png", [9, 519, 620, 12, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateStillArt2.png", [9, 534, 620, 12, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateStillArt3.png", [9, 675, 620, 12, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateStopEArt.png", [9, 318, 550, 21, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateStopNW1Art.png", [9, 624, 617, 14, 26]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateStopSArt.png", [9, 690, 620, 12, 27]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/LuckySkateStopSEArt.png", [9, 247, 618, 14, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ModernBuilding1Art.png", [9, 480, 343, 87, 96]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ModernBuilding2Art.png", [9, 694, 127, 105, 81]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ModernBuilding3Art.png", [9, 694, 0, 107, 124]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ModernCityBuildingCluster2Art1.png", [9, 291, 0, 145, 237]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/ModernCityBuildingClusterArt1.png", [9, 0, 352, 85, 181]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/OldBuildingArt1.png", [9, 439, 136, 96, 128]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/OldBuildingArt3.png", [9, 730, 349, 65, 87]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/OldBuildingArt4.png", [9, 538, 252, 93, 88]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/PainStarArt1.png", [9, 277, 352, 3, 3]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SkateboardTrick1Art4.png", [9, 711, 423, 15, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SkateboardTrick1Art5.png", [9, 782, 478, 16, 6]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SkateboardTrick1Art6.png", [9, 98, 544, 15, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt1.png", [9, 241, 454, 25, 8]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt2.png", [9, 139, 398, 26, 11]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt3.png", [9, 455, 491, 28, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt4.png", [9, 259, 597, 18, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt5.png", [9, 577, 466, 21, 9]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt6.png", [9, 798, 364, 3, 14]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt7.png", [9, 455, 512, 25, 18]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt8.png", [9, 802, 127, 1, 1]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SparksEArt9.png", [9, 802, 127, 1, 1]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/SquareShadowArt.png", [9, 746, 612, 16, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/StoneLantern1Art.png", [9, 364, 571, 18, 34]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TVLinesArt.png", [9, 291, 240, 96, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TanookiDisappearArt6.png", [9, 318, 481, 35, 31]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TanookiDisappearArt7.png", [9, 623, 478, 43, 29]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TanookiDisappearArt8.png", [9, 88, 480, 42, 17]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TanookiDisappearArt9.png", [9, 480, 330, 40, 7]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TrafficConeArt.png", [9, 482, 596, 18, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/TriggerBitmap.png", [9, 802, 131, 1, 1]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/VendingMachine1Art.png", [9, 300, 612, 16, 25]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/WireArt.png", [9, 637, 196, 48, 2]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_12Platform1Art.png", [9, 373, 389, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_12Platform2Art.png", [9, 424, 389, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_12Platform3Art.png", [9, 629, 396, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_12Wall2Art.png", [9, 241, 466, 48, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_12Wall3Art.png", [9, 292, 466, 48, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_18Wall1Art.png", [9, 526, 466, 48, 12]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_28Platform1Art.png", [9, 88, 398, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_28Platform2Art.png", [9, 220, 403, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_28Platform3Art.png", [9, 139, 415, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_28Wall1Art.png", [9, 621, 447, 48, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_28Wall2Art.png", [9, 88, 449, 48, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_28Wall3Art.png", [9, 190, 454, 48, 28]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_30DegreeDiagonalWireArt.png", [9, 139, 466, 48, 16]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_46Platform1Art.png", [9, 271, 415, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_46Platform2Art.png", [9, 322, 415, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_46Platform3Art.png", [9, 570, 415, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_46Wall1Art.png", [9, 373, 440, 48, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_46Wall2Art.png", [9, 424, 440, 48, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_46Wall3Art.png", [9, 475, 442, 48, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_60Platform1Art.png", [9, 680, 439, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_60Platform3Art.png", [9, 731, 439, 48, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_60Wall1Art.png", [9, 736, 211, 48, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_60Wall2Art.png", [9, 486, 267, 48, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_60Wall3Art.png", [9, 169, 352, 48, 60]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/_6x6PavementArt.png", [9, 0, 0, 288, 288]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/championart11.png", [9, 88, 352, 78, 43]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/championart2.png", [9, 577, 478, 43, 45]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/championart3.png", [9, 637, 153, 53, 40]); V.set("animate_exports/images_skate/championskateboardart1.png", [9, 680, 423, 28, 7]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyDown0005_trim.png", [10, 361, 546, 33, 44]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyDown0015_trim.png", [10, 528, 533, 34, 55]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyIdle0000_trim.png", [10, 409, 506, 36, 54]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0001_trim.png", [10, 569, 507, 36, 53]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0003_trim.png", [10, 709, 0, 37, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0004_trim.png", [10, 704, 505, 37, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0005_trim.png", [10, 528, 482, 38, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0012_trim.png", [10, 255, 488, 38, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0014_trim.png", [10, 680, 554, 30, 53]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0015_trim.png", [10, 298, 556, 29, 51]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyRight0016_trim.png", [10, 713, 554, 29, 56]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyUp0003_trim.png", [10, 111, 531, 35, 55]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyUp0005_trim.png", [10, 262, 539, 33, 56]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/LuckyUp0015_trim.png", [10, 149, 531, 35, 55]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0002_trim.png", [10, 0, 507, 36, 54]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0003_trim.png", [10, 647, 554, 30, 57]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0004_trim.png", [10, 564, 207, 41, 48]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0005_trim.png", [10, 663, 505, 38, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0007_trim.png", [10, 608, 507, 36, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0012_trim.png", [10, 187, 532, 35, 46]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Luckyleft0015_trim.png", [10, 225, 539, 34, 54]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManIdle0000_trim.png", [10, 69, 275, 65, 92]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldMandown0003_trim.png", [10, 356, 207, 67, 91]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldMandown0005_trim.png", [10, 0, 183, 70, 87]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManleft0002_trim.png", [10, 63, 370, 58, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManleft0004_trim.png", [10, 495, 207, 66, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManleft0015_trim.png", [10, 356, 301, 60, 93]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManright0002_trim.png", [10, 482, 382, 58, 91]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManright0004_trim.png", [10, 137, 275, 63, 88]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManup0003_trim.png", [10, 137, 366, 59, 92]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OldManup0005_trim.png", [10, 625, 169, 70, 92]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoDown_0003_trim.png", [10, 426, 207, 66, 100]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoDown_0005_trim.png", [10, 625, 0, 81, 91]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoDown_0006_trim.png", [10, 543, 388, 58, 91]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoIdle0000_trim.png", [10, 0, 397, 54, 107]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoLeft0003_trim.png", [10, 57, 466, 51, 117]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoLeft0005_trim.png", [10, 663, 388, 56, 114]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoRight0003_trim.png", [10, 419, 389, 56, 114]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoRight0005_trim.png", [10, 286, 207, 67, 114]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoRight0015_trim.png", [10, 604, 388, 56, 116]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoUp0003_trim.png", [10, 203, 275, 62, 113]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/OtoUp0005_trim.png", [10, 478, 476, 47, 129]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/PortraitLucky.png", [10, 388, 397, 22, 22]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/SyncSwimGameNewBG.png", [10, 0, 0, 320, 180]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtledown0003_trim.png", [10, 199, 391, 55, 66]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtledown0005_trim.png", [10, 361, 480, 45, 63]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtledown0015_trim.png", [10, 199, 391, 55, 66]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleidle_trim.png", [10, 124, 461, 53, 67]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleleft0003_trim.png", [10, 698, 169, 47, 75]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleleft0005_trim.png", [10, 257, 403, 53, 82]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleleft0015_trim.png", [10, 698, 169, 47, 75]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleright0003_trim.png", [10, 700, 94, 46, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleright0005_trim.png", [10, 331, 397, 54, 80]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleright0015_trim.png", [10, 700, 94, 46, 70]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleup0003_trim.png", [10, 199, 460, 53, 69]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleup0005_trim.png", [10, 313, 480, 45, 73]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Turtleup0015_trim.png", [10, 199, 460, 53, 69]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Uparrowbubbles0004.png", [10, 73, 230, 66, 42]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Uparrowbubbles0005.png", [10, 142, 230, 66, 42]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/Uparrowbubbles0008.png", [10, 211, 230, 66, 42]); 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V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/koifishspotted0016.png", [10, 474, 138, 148, 66]); V.set("animate_exports/images_syncswim/spark.png", [10, 728, 247, 17, 19]); var xn = function (b) { if (void 0 === b) { b = ! 0; b = void 0 === b ? ! 1 : b; var g = document.createElement("video"); g.setAttribute("webkit-playsinline", ""); g.setAttribute("playsinline", ""); g.preload = "none"; g.muted = ! 0; g.controls = ! 1; b && (g.style.position = "absolute", g.style.left = "0", g.style.top = "0", g.style.width = "100%", g.style.height = "100%"); b = g } Qc.call(this); this.ha = b; this.loaded = this.Bb = ! 1; this.oc = this.Sc = this.Xd = this.Af = null; this.Jk = ! 1 }; q(xn, Qc); l = xn.prototype; l.load = function (b) { var g = this; if ( ! this.Xs) { var m = function () { }; this.Xs = new Promise(function (n) { m = n }); var k = null, c = function () { null !== k && (clearInterval(k), k = null); g.loaded = ! 0; m(g) }; k = setInterval(function () { g.ha.readyState === g.ha.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA && c() }, 32); var a = function () { g.ha.removeEventListener("error", a); c() }; this.ha.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function () { g.ha.removeEventListener("error", a); c() }); this.ha.addEventListener("error", a); this.ha.src = b; this.ha.preload = "auto"; this.ha.load() } return this.Xs }; l.play = function () { var b = this; this.Xd = new Promise(function (c) { b.Af = function () { c(); b.Af = null; b.Xd = null } }); this.oc = new Promise(function (c) { b.Sc = function () { c(); b.Sc = null; b.oc = null } }); var g = function () { var c; b.ha.removeEventListener("timeupdate", g); Rc(b, "play", ! 1, {}); null === (c = b.Af) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.call(b) }; this.ha.addEventListener("timeupdate", g); var m = function () { var c; b.ha.removeEventListener("ended", m); b.Bb = ! 1; Rc(b, "ended", ! 1, {}); null === (c = b.Sc) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.call(b) }; this.ha.addEventListener("ended", m); var k = function () { var c, a; b.ha.removeEventListener("error", k); b.Bb = ! 1; Rc(b, "play", ! 1, {}); null === (c = b.Af) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.call(b); Rc(b, "ended", ! 1, {}); null === (a = b.Sc) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.call(b) }; this.ha.addEventListener("error", k); this.Bb = ! 0; this.ha.play().catch(function (c) { console.error("playback failed", b.ha.src); k(c) }); return {bcb: this.Xd, kqa: this.oc} }; l.bcb = function () { return this.Xd }; l.kqa = function () { return this.oc }; l.resume = function () { return this.Bb ? this.ha.play() : Promise.resolve() }; var yn = function (b) { b.Bb = ! 1; b.ha.pause(); Rc(b, "play", ! 1, {}); Rc(b, "ended", ! 1, {}) }, zn = function (b) { var g = ! th("MUTED", ! 1); b.ha.muted = ! g }; var An = function () { this.kb = document.getElementById("hplogovideo"); this.ha = this.Ca = null; this.Bb = {} }; An.prototype.clear = function () { for (; this.kb.firstChild;) this.kb.removeChild(this.kb.firstChild); this.Ca = this.ha = null }; An.prototype.load = function (b) { var g = this, m, k, c; return ya(function (a) { if (1 == a.ha) { g.kb.style.background = "#000"; m = window.root + b + ".mp4"; if (m in g.Bb) return k = g.Bb[m], g.ha = k, a.return(k); c = new xn; g.ha = c; g.Bb[m] = c; return ra(a, c.load(m), 3) } return a.return(c) }) }; var Bn = function (b) { if ( ! b.Jk) { b.Jk = ! 0; var g = b.ha, m = g.muted; g.muted = ! 0; g.play().then(function () { g.pause(); g.currentTime = 0; g.muted = m }) } }, Cn = function (b) { if ( ! b.Jk) { var g = function () { Bn(b); document.body.removeEventListener("touchend", g, ! 1) }; document.body.addEventListener("touchend", g, ! 1) } }; An.prototype.play = function (b) { if (this.ha == b) { var g = b.ha; g.src in this.Bb && delete this.Bb[g.src]; this.Ca = b; this.kb.appendChild(g); b.play() } }; An.prototype.resume = function () { this.Ca && this.Ca.resume() };/* Portions of this code are from MochiKit, received by The Closure Authors under the MIT license. All other code is Copyright 2005-2009 The Closure Authors. All Rights Reserved. */ var En = function (b) { var g = Dn; this.oc = []; this.Xs = g; this.Jk = b || null; this.Bb = this.kb = ! 1; this.Ca = void 0; this.Af = this.Wt = this.le = ! 1; this.Sc = 0; this.ha = null; this.Xd = 0 }; En.prototype.cancel = function (b) { if (this.kb) this.Ca instanceof En && this.Ca.cancel(); else { if (this.ha) { var g = this.ha; delete this.ha; b ? g.cancel(b) : (g.Xd--, 0 >= g.Xd && g.cancel()) } this.Xs ? this.Xs.call(this.Jk, this) : this.Af = ! 0; this.kb || (b = new Fn(this), Gn(this), Hn(this, ! 1, b)) } }; En.prototype.Pk = function (b, g) { this.le = ! 1; Hn(this, b, g) }; var Hn = function (b, g, m) { b.kb = ! 0; b.Ca = m; b.Bb = ! g; In(b) }, Gn = function (b) { if (b.kb) { if ( ! b.Af) throw new Jn(b); b.Af = ! 1 } }, Kn = function (b, g, m, k) { b.oc.push([g, m, k]); b.kb && In(b) }; En.prototype.then = function (b, g, m) { var k, c, a = new Jd(function (n, h) { c = n; k = h }); Kn(this, c, function (n) { n instanceof Fn ? a.cancel() : k(n) }); return a.then(b, g, m) }; En.prototype.$goog_Thenable = ! 0; var Ln = function (b) { return Va(b.oc, function (g) { return "function" === typeof g[1] }) }, In = function (b) { if (b.Sc && b.kb && Ln(b)) { var g = b.Sc, m = Mn[g]; m && (r.clearTimeout(m.ha), delete Mn[g]); b.Sc = 0 } b.ha && (b.ha.Xd--, delete b.ha); g = b.Ca; for (var k = m = ! 1; b.oc.length && ! b.le;) { var c = b.oc.shift(), a = c[0], n = c[1]; c = c[2]; if (a = b.Bb ? n : a) try { var h = a.call(c || b.Jk, g); void 0 !== h && (b.Bb = b.Bb && (h == g || h instanceof Error), b.Ca = g = h); if (Hd(g) || "function" === typeof r.Promise && g instanceof r.Promise) k = ! 0, b.le = ! 0 } catch (d) { g = d, b.Bb = ! 0, Ln(b) || (m = ! 0) } } b.Ca = g; k && (h = La(b.Pk, b, ! 0), k = La(b.Pk, b, ! 1), g instanceof En ? (Kn(g, h, k), g.Wt = ! 0) : g.then(h, k)); m && (g = new Nn(g), Mn[g.ha] = g, b.Sc = g.ha) }, Jn = function () { Sa.call(this) }; Oa(Jn, Sa); Jn.prototype.message = "Deferred has already fired"; Jn.prototype.name = "AlreadyCalledError"; var Fn = function () { Sa.call(this) }; Oa(Fn, Sa); Fn.prototype.message = "Deferred was canceled"; Fn.prototype.name = "CanceledError"; var Nn = function (b) { this.ha = r.setTimeout(La(this.kb, this), 0); this.Ca = b }; Nn.prototype.kb = function () { delete Mn[this.ha]; throw this.Ca; }; var Mn = {}; var Rn = function () { var b = Hb(), g = {}, m = g.document || document, k = Fb(b).toString(), c = td(new sd(m), "SCRIPT"), a = {lqa: c, OY: void 0}, n = new En(a), h = null, d = null != g.timeout ? g.timeout : 5E3; 0 < d && (h = window.setTimeout(function () { On(c, ! 0); var e = new Pn(1, "Timeout reached for loading script " + k); Gn(n); Hn(n, ! 1, e) }, d), a.OY = h); c.onload = c.onreadystatechange = function () { c.readyState && "loaded" != c.readyState && "complete" != c.readyState || (On(c, g.vdb || ! 1, h), Gn(n), Hn(n, ! 0, null)) }; c.onerror = function () { On(c, ! 0, h); var e = new Pn(0, "Error while loading script " + k); Gn(n); Hn(n, ! 1, e) }; a = g.attributes || {}; qb(a, {type: "text/javascript", charset: "UTF-8"}); qd(c, a); c.src = Fb(b); Ub(c); Qn(m).appendChild(c); return n }, Qn = function (b) { var g; return (g = (b || document).getElementsByTagName("HEAD")) && 0 !== g.length ? g[0] : b.documentElement }, Dn = function () { if (this && this.lqa) { var b = this.lqa; b && "SCRIPT" == b.tagName && On(b, ! 0, this.OY) } }, On = function (b, g, m) { null != m && r.clearTimeout(m); b.onload = Fa; b.onerror = Fa; b.onreadystatechange = Fa; g && window.setTimeout(function () { b && b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b) }, 0) }, Pn = function (b, g) { var m = "Jsloader error (code #" + b + ")"; g && (m += ": " + g); Sa.call(this, m); this.code = b }; Oa(Pn, Sa); var Sn = function (b) { var g = (0, Sk.kp)(b), m = g.getLibrary().properties.aB, k = ml.AJ(); if ( ! V) throw Error("L"); g = g.Sx(); m = p(m); for (var c = m.next(); ! c.done; c = m.next()) { var a = c.value; c = a.id; a = 0 < a.src.indexOf("?") ? a.src.substring(0, a.src.indexOf("?")) : a.src; (a = V.get("animate_exports/" + a)) && (g[c] = {sheet: k, sprite: a}) } (0, Sk.Px)(b) }, Tn = function (b) { return function () { return kl(ml.AJ(), b) } }, Un = function (b) { return function () { return b.le.Bb() } }, Vn = {}, Wn = function () { return function () { var b = Gb.toString(); b in Vn || (Vn[b] = new Promise(function (g) { var m = Rn(); Kn(m, g, null, void 0) })); return Vn[b] } }; var X = function (b) { this.ha = b; this.le = ! 0 }; X.prototype.enable = function () { this.le = ! 0 }; X.prototype.disable = function () { this.le = ! 1 }; X.prototype.tick = function () { }; var Xn = function (b, g, m) { this.name = b; this.ha = void 0 === g ? null : g; this.Ca = void 0 === m ? null : m }; Xn.prototype.toString = function () { var b = this.name; this.ha && (b += ":" + this.ha); this.Ca && (b += "@" + this.Ca); return b }; var Yn = function (b) { var g = null, m = null, k = b.split("@"); if (2 == k.length) { b = k[0]; if (k[1].includes(":")) throw Error("M`" + b); m = k[1] } else if (1 == k.length) b = k[0]; else throw Error("M`" + b); k = b.split(":"); if (2 == k.length) b = k[0], g = k[1]; else if (1 == k.length) b = k[0]; else throw Error("N`" + b); return new Xn(b, g, m) }, Zn = function (b, g, m) { m = void 0 === m ? [] : m; this.Cc = b; this.Xw = void 0 === g ? "" : g; this.Jk = m; this.Wt = ! 1; this.ha = null; this.Ca = new createjs.MovieClip; this.oc = []; this.Sc = []; this.kb = {}; this.le = ! 0; this.Xd = new Map; this.Pk = 0 }; Zn.prototype.start = function () { }; Zn.prototype.end = function () { }; var $n = function (b) { Promise.all([].concat(ha(b.Jk.map(function (g) { return g() })))).then(function () { Sn(b.Xw); b.Wt = ! 0 }) }, ao = function (b) { return 0 === b.Jk.length || b.Wt }; Zn.prototype.tick = function (b) { this.Pk = 0; this.Xd.clear(); Mj(this, this.Ca); if (this.le && this.Ca.stage && this.Ca.stage.tickEnabled) for (var g = p(this.oc), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) if (m = m.value, this.le && m.le) try { m.tick(b) } catch (k) { console.error(k) } }; var Pj = function (b, g) { g = new g; Mj(b, g, ! 1, ! 0); return g }, Qj = function (b, g, m) { m.addChild(g); if (g.ec) { m = p(b.Sc); for (var k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) k.value.gqa(g) } qi(g, function (c) { bo(b, c) }) }, co = function (b) { b.oc = b.parent; b.parent.removeChild(b) }, Mj = function (b, g, m, k) { m = void 0 === m ? ! 0 : m; k = void 0 === k ? ! 1 : k; if (g instanceof createjs.Bitmap) g.tickEnabled = ! 1; else if (g instanceof createjs.Text) b = Bh[Of] || .66, g.size || (g.size = parseInt(g.font.split(" ")[0], 10)), m = Ch || "modern" == th("FONT", "retro"), g.font = Math.round(g.size * b) + "px" + (m ? " Sans-Serif" : " PixelMplus10, Sans-Serif"), g.Ca || (g.Ca = g.lineHeight), g.lineHeight = g.Ca * b; else { k && g.advance && g.advance(0); if (g.T && ! g.ec) { if (g.T && ! g.ec) for (e in g.ec = new Map, g.T) try { var c = void 0, a = e, n = g.T[e]; if ( ! (a in mg)) throw Error("D`" + a); var h = {}; for (c in n) h[c] = void 0 !== n[c].x && "number" == typeof n[c].x && void 0 !== n[c].y && "number" == typeof n[c].y ? B(n[c].x, n[c].y) : n[c]; var d = new mg[a](h); g.ec.set(d.constructor, d) } catch (f) { console.error(f) } var e = ! 0 } else e = ! 1; b.Pk++; m && bo(b, g); g.oc = g.parent; if (e) for (a = p(b.Sc), c = a.next(); ! c.done; c = a.next()) c.value.gu(g); eo(b, g); if (g.children && ! pi(g, gi)) for (c = p(g.children), a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) Mj(b, a.value, m, k); if (e) for (b = p(b.Sc), c = b.next(); ! c.done; c = b.next()) c.value.fu(g) } }, eo = function (b, g) { g.T && ! g.hasEventListener("removed") && g.addEventListener("removed", function () { g.oc && (g.parent = g.oc); for (var m = p(b.Sc), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) k.value.P_(g); if (g.ec) for (m = p(g.ec.keys()), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = b.Xd.get(k.value); var c = g; if (k) for (var a = 0; -1 < (a = k.indexOf(c, a));) k.splice(a, 1) } g.parent = null }) }, bo = function (b, g) { if (g.ec) for (var m = p(g.ec.keys()), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) k = k.value, g.ec.get(k).IC && (b.Xd.get(k) || b.Xd.set(k, []), b.Xd.get(k).includes(g) || b.Xd.get(k).push(g)) }; Zn.prototype.Xs = function (b) { this.Ca.gotoAndStop(b) }; var fo = function (b, g) { return b.oc.find(function (m) { return m instanceof g }) }; l = Zn.prototype; l.disable = function () { this.le = ! 1 }; l.enable = function () { this.le = ! 0 }; l.JS = function () { this.Ca.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; l.OU = function () { this.Ca.tickEnabled = ! 0 }; l.paused = function () { return ! this.Ca.tickEnabled }; l.find = function (b) { Array.isArray(b) || (b = [b]); var g = b; b = []; for (var m = p(g), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = this.Xd.get(k.value); if ( ! k) return []; b.push(k) } b.sort(function (c, a) { return c.length - a.length }); return b[0].filter(function (c) { return pi(c, g) }) }; var Y = function (b, g, m) { b = b.find(g); b = p(b); for (g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) m(g.value) }, Q = function (b, g) { return b.find(g)[0] }; var go = function (b) { return b ? fg.includes(b) : ! 1 }, ho = function (b) { return "overworld" == b || "interior" == b }, io = function (b) { return !! th(b + "_VIDEO_SEEN", ! 1) }, jo = function (b) { return go(b) ? b + "intro" : "" }, ko = function (b) { return go(b) ? b + "outro" : "" }, lo = function (b) { if (kf()) switch (b) { case "archery": return "tutArcheryMobile"; case "climbing": return "tutClimbingMobile"; case "marathon": return "tutMarathonMobile"; case "pingpong": return "tutPingpongMobile"; case "rugby": return "tutRugbyMobile"; case "skate": return "tutSkateMobile"; case "swim": return "tutSwimMobile" } else switch (b) { case "archery": return "tutArcheryDesktop"; case "climbing": return "tutClimbingDesktop"; case "marathon": return "tutMarathonDesktop"; case "pingpong": return "tutPingpongDesktop"; case "rugby": return "tutRugbyDesktop"; case "skate": return "tutSkateDesktop"; case "swim": return "tutSwimDesktop" } return null }; var mo = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16], no = 0, oo = ! 1, po = {}, qo = [], ro = function (b, g, m) { po[b] = g; (void 0 === m ? 0 : m) && ! qo.includes(b) && qo.push(b) }, so = function (b) { var g = Date.now(); 0 == b && (no = g); po.e = b; po.t = 0 == no ? -1 : Math.floor(g - no); po.l = ef || lf() ? 0 : 1; g = []; for (var m in po) po.hasOwnProperty(m) && g.push(m + ":" + po[m]); m = g.join(","); g = 10 == b; var k = 0 <= mo.indexOf(b); nf() && (m += "&ntp=1"); g ? (g = Xf()) && (m += "&ved=" + g) : k && (Uf || ((g = document.getElementById("hplogoshareved")) ? Uf = g.getAttribute("data-ved") : pf() && bf(df.ha, "sved") && (Uf = df.ha.get("sved"))), (g = Uf) && (m += "&ved=" + g)); -1 == m.search("&ei=") && (m += "&ei=", (g = Wf()) && (m += g)); // for (window.google && window.google.log ? window.google.log("doodle", m) : Je(m); 0 < qo.length;) delete po[qo.pop()]; oo || 0 != b || gl() || (oo = ! 0, so(10)) }; var to = function (b) { b && (ro("d2", b, ! 0), so(101)) }, uo = function (b, g, m) { m = void 0 === m ? ! 1 : m; ro("d6", b, ! 0); ro("d7", g, ! 0); so(109); m && (ro("d6", b, ! 0), ro("d7", g, ! 0), so(110)) }, vo = function (b, g) { ro("d4", b, ! 0); ro("d5", g, ! 0); so(106) }; var wo = { archery: {type: "points", Jt: -4E3, Kt: -2E3, It: 0}, climbing: {type: "points", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, "climbing:hard": {type: "points", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, marathon: {type: "time", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, "marathon:400m": {type: "time", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, "marathon:800m": {type: "time", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, "marathon:1500m": {type: "time", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, "marathon:5000m": {type: "time", Jt: 100, Kt: 200, It: 300}, pingpong: {type: "points", Jt: 25, Kt: 15, It: 1}, "pingpong:game": {type: "points", Jt: 25, Kt: 15, It: 1}, "pingpong:tutorial": { type: "points", Jt: 3, Kt: 2, It: 1 }, "pingpong:hard": {type: "points", Jt: 50, Kt: 40, It: 30}, "pingpong:ultra": {type: "points", Jt: 100, Kt: 90, It: 60}, rugby: {type: "points", Jt: 5E3, Kt: 1400, It: 800}, skate: {type: "points", Jt: 3500, Kt: 2E3, It: 800}, "skate:park1": {type: "points", Jt: 3500, Kt: 2E3, It: 800}, "skate:park2": {type: "points", Jt: 2E4, Kt: 1E4, It: 5E3}, "skate:park3": {type: "points", Jt: 3E4, Kt: 2E4, It: 1E4}, swim: {type: "points", Jt: 5E3, Kt: 2E3, It: 1E3}, "swim:ballad": {type: "points", Jt: 35E3, Kt: 2E4, It: 1E4}, "swim:disco": {type: "points", Jt: 35E3, Kt: 2E4, It: 1E4}, "swim:rock": {type: "points", Jt: 35E3, Kt: 2E4, It: 1E4} }; function xo(b) { return void 0 !== b && null !== b && Number.isFinite(b) && Number.isInteger(b) } var yo = function (b) { return th(b + "_score", null) }, zo = function (b) { return th(b + "_rating", 0) }, Ao = function (b, g) { b = wo[b]; return "time" == b ? g < b.Jt ? 3 : g < b.Kt ? 2 : g < b.It ? 1 : 0 : g > b.Jt ? 3 : g > b.Kt ? 2 : g > b.It ? 1 : 0 }, Bo = function () { for (var b = p(fg), g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (3 > zo(g.value)) return ! 1; return ! 0 }, Co = function () { for (var b = 0, g = p(fg), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) 3 > zo(m.value) && b++; return 1 >= b }, Do = function (b, g, m) { var k = ! 1; if ("points" == wo[b].type && yo(b) < g || "time" == wo[b].type && (null == yo(b) || yo(b) > g)) uh(b + "_score", g), k = ! 0; if (0 >= m) return k; zo(b) < m && uh(b + "_rating", m); var c = Number.parseInt(th("SUBMITTED_SCORES", 0), 10); uh("SUBMITTED_SCORES", c + m); c = hg.get(th("PLAYER_TEAM", "")); b = gg.get(b); var a = Lf("submitScoreUrl", void 0); a && xo(c) && xo(b) && xo(m) && 0 < m && 3 >= m && fe(a, function (n) { ne(n.target) }, "POST", JSON.stringify({team: c, event: b, score: Math.trunc(m)}), {"content-type": "application/json"}); uo(g, m, k); return k }, Ho = function () { var b = Eo(); if (b) return Promise.resolve(b); var g = Lf("leaderboardUrl", void 0); if ( ! g) if (b = Lf("defaultLeaderboard", void 0)) try { var m = Fo(JSON.parse(b)); return Promise.resolve(m) } catch (k) { return Promise.resolve(Go()) } else return Promise.resolve(Go()); return new Promise(function (k) { fe(g, function (c) { if (ne(c.target)) try { var a = c.target; if (a.ha) b:{ var n = a.ha.responseText; if (r.JSON) try { var h = r.JSON.parse(n); break b } catch (f) { } h = Sc(n) } else h = void 0; var d = h; if (d) { var e = Fo(d.GlobalScoresTotal); uh("CACHED_LEADERBOARD", JSON.stringify({timestamp: Date.now(), data: e})); k(e) } else k(Go()) } catch (f) { k(Go()) } else k(Go()) }, "GET") }) }; function Eo(b) { b = void 0 === b ? ! 1 : b; var g = th("CACHED_LEADERBOARD", void 0); if (g) { try { g = JSON.parse(g) } catch (a) { return } var m = g.timestamp; g = g.data; if (m && g) { var k = Date.now(), c = Io(Lf("leaderboardCacheIntervalMs", 1E4)); return k < m + c || b ? g : void 0 } } } function Go() { var b = Eo( ! 0); return b ? b : eg } function Fo(b) { if ( ! b || ! b.length || 4 !== b.length) return Go(); for (var g = p(b), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) if (m = m.value, m.TeamId = Io(m.TeamId, 0, null, 3, null), m.GlobalScore = Io(m.GlobalScore, 0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), null === m.TeamId || null === m.GlobalScore) return Go(); return b } function Io(b, g, m, k, c) { g = void 0 === g ? 0 : g; m = void 0 === m ? 0 : m; k = void 0 === k ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : k; c = void 0 === c ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : c; if (void 0 === b || null === b) return null; if ("number" !== typeof b) try { b = Number.parseInt(b, 10) } catch (a) { return null } if ( ! Number.isInteger(b)) { if ( ! Number.isFinite(b)) return null; b = Math.trunc(b) } b < g && (b = m); b > k && (b = c); return b };var Jo = function () { return Jf("shortlink", "http://www.google.com/?doodle=" + Yf) }; var Ko = new Map([["archery", "ARCHERY_GAME"], ["climbing", "CLIMBING_GAME"], ["marathon", "MARATHON_GAME"], ["pingpong", "PINGPONG_GAME"], ["rugby", "RUGBY_GAME"], ["skate", "SKATEBOARDING_GAME"], ["swim", "SWIM_GAME"], ["overworld", "OVERWORLD_GAME"], ["interior", "INTERIOR_GAME"]]), Lo = [], Mo = [], Oo = function () { var b = No(Lo.join(".\n")), g = document.getElementById("hplogoaria"); b && g && g.textContent != b && (g.textContent = b); b = No(Mo.join(".\n")); g = document.getElementById("hplogogamearia"); b && g && g.textContent != b && (g.textContent = b) }, No = function (b) { b = b.replaceAll("\u202a", ""); b = b.replaceAll("\u202b", ""); return b = b.replaceAll("\u202c", "") }, Po = function (b, g) { (void 0 === g ? 0 : g) ? Mo.push(b) : Lo.push(b) }, Z = function (b, g) { b && (pi(b, wi) ? b.ec.get(wi).pK = g : pi(b, yi) && (b.ec.get(yi).pK = g)) }, Qo = function (b, g) { g = void 0 === g ? ! 1 : g; var m = b.ec.get(yi); if (m.j_) { g && (m.C_ = ! 0); b = ti(b, wi).filter(function (a) { return a.visible }); g = m.lC; var k = m.pK; if (0 < b.length && g.ec.get(wi).pK) { var c = L("ARIA_BUTTON_SELECTED").replace("{{}}", g.ec.get(wi).pK); m.C_ ? (Po(c), Po(k)) : (Po(k), Po(c)); g.ec.has(zi) && (m = g.ec.get(wi).pK, g = g.text.text, g == L("MAPPING_LABEL") ? Po(L("ARIA_PRESS_TO_MAP").replace("{{}}", m)) : Po(L("ARIA_CURRENT_MAPPING").replace("{{}}", m).replace("{{}}", g))); 1 < b.length && Po(L("ARIA_OTHER_OPTIONS")); Po(L("ARIA_SELECT_OPTION")) } else k && (Po(k), Po(L("ARIA_NO_OPTIONS"))) } }; var Ro = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b); this.Bb = null }; q(Ro, Zn); var To = function (b, g, m, k) { m = void 0 === m ? {} : m; k = void 0 === k ? ! 0 : k; b.Bb && (co(b.Bb), b.Bb = null); var c = m.size || 60, a = m.scale || 2, n = m.Qw || B(480, 540 * .28), h = m.duration || 2E3; b.Bb = new createjs.MovieClip; b.Bb.mouseEnabled = ! 1; if (m.shadow) { var d = So(b, g, c, m.shadow); d.alpha = .8; d.y += c / 12 } m.outline && (So(b, g, c, m.outline).outline = 2 * m.Hw || 2); So(b, g, c, m.color || "#fff"); k && Po(g); Qj(b, b.Bb, b.Ca); b.Bb.cache(-g.length * c, 2 * -c, g.length * c * 2, 4 * c); Dj(b.Bb, n); "scale" == m.type ? (b.Bb.scaleX = a, b.Bb.scaleY = a, createjs.Tween.get(b.Bb).to({ scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, 500, createjs.Ease.quintOut).wait(h).to({alpha: 0}, 300)) : "scroll_right" == m.type ? (g = b.Bb.x, b.Bb.x -= 1E3, createjs.Tween.get(b.Bb).to({x: g}, 400, createjs.Ease.cubicOut).wait(h).to({x: g + 1E3}, 300, createjs.Ease.cubicIn)) : (g = b.Bb.x, b.Bb.x += 1E3, createjs.Tween.get(b.Bb).to({x: g}, 400, createjs.Ease.cubicOut).wait(h).to({x: g - 1E3}, 300, createjs.Ease.cubicIn)) }, So = function (b, g, m, k) { g = new createjs.Text(g, m + "px PixelMplus10", k); g.textAlign = "center"; g.y = -m / 2; b.Bb.addChild(g); return g }; var Uo = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Uo, X); Uo.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.Cc.Ca.name, g = lo(b); b && ! th(b + "_TUTORIAL_SEEN", ! 1) && g && (uh(b + "_TUTORIAL_SEEN", ! 0), Vo(this.ha.Cc.ha, g)); this.disable() }; var Wo = function (b, g) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = 105; this.kb = g }; q(Wo, X); Wo.prototype.tick = function () { for (var b = p(this.kb), g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) fo(this.ha, g.value).disable(); if (90 == this.Ca) To(this.ha.Cc.kb, "3", { size: 100, shadow: "#222", outline: "#aaa", Hw: 2, type: "scroll_left" }), A.d1.play(); else if (60 == this.Ca) To(this.ha.Cc.kb, "2", { size: 100, shadow: "#222", outline: "#aaa", Hw: 2, type: "scroll_left" }), A.d1.play(); else if (30 == this.Ca) To(this.ha.Cc.kb, "1", { size: 100, shadow: "#222", outline: "#aaa", Hw: 2, type: "scroll_left" }), A.d1.play(); else if (0 == this.Ca) { To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("GO"), {size: 100, shadow: "#222", outline: "#aaa", Hw: 2, type: "scroll_left"}); A.Asa.play(); b = p(this.kb); for (g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) fo(this.ha, g.value).enable(); this.disable() } 0 < this.Ca && this.Ca-- }; var Yo = function (b, g, m) { m = void 0 === m ? null : m; X.call(this, b); var k = this; this.Sc = g; this.oc = 80; this.Ca = ! 1; this.kb = this.Bb = 0; this.Xd = m || function () { return Xo(k.ha.Cc.ha, k.Bb, k.kb) } }; q(Yo, X); var Zo = function (b, g, m) { if ( ! b.Ca) for (b.Bb = g, b.kb = void 0 === m ? null : m, b.Ca = ! 0, A.$Za.play(), g = p(b.Sc), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) fo(b.ha, m.value).disable() }; Yo.prototype.update = function (b, g) { this.Bb = b; this.kb = void 0 === g ? null : g }; Yo.prototype.tick = function () { this.Ca && this.oc--; 0 >= this.oc && this.Xd() }; var $o = function (b, g, m, k) { k = void 0 === k ? "none" : k; var c = Q(b, Vh); if (c) { var a = Pj(b, b.ha.f5); Qj(b, a, c); Fj(a, g); a.Tx.text.text = m; a.Tx.text.color = "#ffffff"; "player" == k ? a.Tx.text.color = "#33ff33" : "champ" == k && (a.Tx.text.color = "#ff3333") } }, ap = function (b, g, m, k) { switch (m) { case "bomb": m = b.ha.sya; break; case "pierce": m = b.ha.Y4; break; default: m = b.ha.VL } m = Pj(b, m); var c = Q(b, Vh); c && (Qj(b, m, c), b = m.ec.get(og), c = m.ec.get(M), b.Bx = k, c.velocity = "champ" == k ? B(0, -13) : B(0, -10), Fj(m, g)) }, bp = function (b, g, m, k) { this.kb = b; this.oc = g; this.Bb = m; this.RL = k; this.Pw = 0; this.Ca = ! 0; this.ha = 100 }, cp = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = []; this.oc = new bp("both", 35, 57, ["normal"]); this.Ca.push(this.oc); this.kb = new bp("both", 45, 60, ["explosive"]); this.Ca.push(this.kb); this.Bb = new bp("random", 60, 125, ["fan"]); this.Ca.push(this.Bb) }; q(cp, X); cp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, pg).ec.get(pg); b.zx = 2 - b.tick / 1799; b.zx *= 1.2; b.zx -= .2; b.zx = ch(1, b.zx, 2); this.oc.ha = Math.floor(100 - 38 * b.zx); this.kb.ha = Math.floor(450 - 90 * b.zx); this.kb.Ca = 1.05 < b.zx; this.Bb.ha = Math.floor(60 - 25 * b.zx); this.Bb.Ca = 1 < b.zx; b = p(this.Ca); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (g = g.value, g.Ca) { if (0 == g.Pw) { var m = Q(this.ha, [Vh, pg]); m.ec.get(pg); var k = Pj(this.ha, dp(this, rh(g.RL))); if (k && m) { Qj(this.ha, k, m); m = k.ec.get(tg); var c = Gj(k), a = N(k); a = B(a.x - c.x, a.y - c.y); c = a.x - c.width; a = 320 + a.x; var n = ph(30, 290); switch (g.kb) { case "both": n = .5 < Math.random() ? c : a; break; case "left": n = c; break; case "right": n = a } m.left = 160 > n; Fj(k, B(n, ph(g.oc, g.Bb))) } g.Pw = g.ha } g.Pw = Math.max(0, g.Pw - 1) } }; var dp = function (b, g) { switch (g) { case "obstacle": return b.ha.ha.wja; case "addBomb": return b.ha.ha.Nqa; case "addPierce": return b.ha.ha.jba; case "fan": return b.ha.ha.a2; case "explosive": return b.ha.ha.FDa } return b.ha.ha.a_ }, ep = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ep, X); ep.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, pg).ec.get(pg); Y(this.ha, [tg, M], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(M), k = g.ec.get(tg), c = N(g); c = (8 + c.y) / 80 * Math.pow(b.zx, .8) * .8; m.velocity = B(k.left ? c : -c, 0); "fan" == k.type && (m.velocity = kg(m.velocity, .5)); k = Gj(g); (k.x < -k.width - 5 && 0 > m.velocity.x || 325 < k.x && 0 < m.velocity.x) && co(g) }) }; var fp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(fp, X); fp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = this.ha.find(tg).sort(function (m, k) { return N(k).y - N(m).y }); Y(this.ha, og, function (m) { m.ec.get(og); if (-13 > m.y) { var k = m.ec.get(og), c = Q(b.ha, Vh); 0 == k.RL.length && "player" == k.Bx && 0 == c.vT.alpha && (k = N(m), k.y = 40, $o(b.ha, k, L("MISS"))); co(m) } k = p(g); for (c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) if (c = c.value, Ej(m) && Ej(c) && Sj(c, m)) { gp(b, m, c); break } }) }; var gp = function (b, g, m) { var k = g.ec.get(og), c = m.ec.get(tg), a = N(m), n = Q(b.ha, qg).ec.get(qg), h = Q(b.ha, pg).ec.get(pg), d = Q(b.ha, rg).ec.get(rg); if ("bomb" == k.type) hp(b, N(m), k.Bx), co(g); else { var e = ""; "player" == k.Bx ? n.ut = Math.min(n.ut + 1, 45) : "champ" == k.Bx && (d.ut = Math.min(d.ut + 1, 30)); k.RL.push(c.type); d = 0; switch (c.type) { case "obstacle": if ("pierce" == k.type || "explosive" == k.type) d = 50 * k.RL.length, e = "" + d, co(m); else { A.Bqa.play(); m = N(m); "player" == k.Bx && m && $o(b.ha, m, "BLOCKED", k.Bx); k.RL = []; co(g); return } break; case "normal": d = 100 * k.RL.length; e = "" + d; "pierce" != k.type && "explosive" != k.type && co(g); co(m); break; case "fan": d = 50 * k.RL.length; e = "" + d; co(m); break; case "addBomb": "player" == k.Bx ? (n.u_ = "bomb", e = "+BOMB") : "champ" == k.Bx && (d = 50, e = "" + d); co(m); break; case "addPierce": "player" == k.Bx ? (n.u_ = "pierce", e = "+PIERCE") : "champ" == k.Bx && (d = 50, e = "" + d); co(m); break; case "explosive": c = N(m), co(m), hp(b, c, k.Bx), "pierce" != k.type && "explosive" != k.type && co(g) } A.zqa.play(); "player" == k.Bx ? h.bB += d : "champ" == k.Bx && (h.jC += d); a && $o(b.ha, a, e, k.Bx) } }, hp = function (b, g, m) { var k = Q(b.ha, Vh), c = Pj(b.ha, b.ha.ha.Y4); if (k && g) { A.yqa.play(); Qj(b.ha, c, k); var a = c.ec.get(og); a.Bx = m; a.type = "explosive"; Fj(c, g); m = b.ha.find(tg); m = p(m); for (a = m.next(); ! a.done; a = m.next()) a = a.value, Ej(a) && g && 35 > C(N(a).sub(g)) && gp(b, c, a); m = Pj(b.ha, b.ha.ha.yDa); k && g && (Qj(b.ha, m, k), Fj(m, g)); co(c) } }, ip = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ip, X); ip.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, sg), g = Q(this.ha, pg).ec.get(pg), m = Q(this.ha, qg).ec.get(qg), k = Q(this.ha, rg).ec.get(rg); b.time.text = Math.ceil(g.tick / 30).toString().padStart(2, "0"); b.Bp.text = b.time.text; b.bB.text = "" + g.bB; b.jC.text = "" + g.jC; b.sU.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((b.sU.totalFrames - 1) * Math.min(1, m.ut / 45))); b.uT.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((b.uT.totalFrames - 1) * Math.min(1, k.ut / 30))); b.IQ.visible = ! 0; b.rU.visible = ! 1; b.IQ.gotoAndStop((b.IQ.totalFrames - 1) * (1 - m.Pw / m.zN)); b.tT.gotoAndStop((b.tT.totalFrames - 1) * (1 - k.Pw / k.zN)) }; var jp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(jp, X); jp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, pg).ec.get(pg), g = Q(this.ha, [rg, M]); if (g) { var m = N(g), k = g.ec.get(rg), c = g.ec.get(M); k.Pw = Math.max(0, k.Pw - 1); if (0 >= k.Pw) { var a = this.ha.find(tg); a = p(a); for (var n = a.next(); ! n.done; n = a.next()) { n = n.value; var h = N(n), d = (m.y - h.y) / 13; h = h.x + n.ec.get(M).velocity.x * d; if (n && 5 > Math.abs(h - m.x)) { ap(this.ha, m, "pierce", "champ"); g.yU.gotoAndPlay(0); k.zN = 20 / Math.pow(b.zx, 1.5); k.Pw = k.zN; break } } } 0 == C(c.velocity) && (c = g.ec.get(mi), c || (c = new mi, g.ec.set(mi, c)), 0 >= k.Caa ? (a = B(Math.round(ph(40, 280)), 169.2), 20 < C(a.sub(m)) && (c.n0 = a, c.speed = 2.5 * Math.pow(b.zx, .5), g.gotoAndStop(c.n0.x < m.x ? "w" : "e"), k.Caa = 90 / Math.pow(b.zx, 1.5))) : (k.Caa--, Nj(g, "shoot", this.ha), g.yU.gotoAndStop(0))) } }; var kp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(kp, X); kp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, qg), g = b.ec.get(M), m = b.ec.get(qg), k = this.ha.Cc.ak.ha, c = 2; c += c * m.ut / 45; g.velocity = kg(B(k.x, 0), c); 0 == k.x ? Nj(b, "idle", this.ha) : 0 < k.x ? Nj(b, "right", this.ha) : Nj(b, "left", this.ha); m.Pw = Math.max(0, m.Pw - 1); this.ha.Cc.ak.kb[4] && 0 == m.Pw && (m.zN = Math.ceil(30 * (1 - m.ut / 45 * .77)), m.Pw = m.zN, b = N(b)) && (A.Aqa.play(), ap(this.ha, b, m.u_, "player"), m.u_ = "normal") }; var lp = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [cp]) }; q(lp, Yo); lp.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); var b = Q(this.ha, pg).ec.get(pg); b.tick = Math.max(0, b.tick - 1); if (0 == b.tick) { var g = b.bB - b.jC, m = 0 < g ? 3 : -2E3 < g ? 2 : -4E3 < g ? 1 : 0; if (this.Ca) this.update(b.bB, m); else { var k = Q(this.ha, qg).ec.get(qg), c = Q(this.ha, rg).ec.get(rg); k.Pw = 9999999; c.Pw = 9999999; Zo(this, b.bB, m); To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L(0 < g ? "YOU_WIN" : "YOICHI_WINS"), {size: 80, shadow: "#111", outline: "#555", Hw: 2}) } } }; var mp = function (b, g) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = g }; q(mp, X); mp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.Ca; var g = void 0 === g ? 0 : g; Ae(b); b.kb && b.kb.gain.setValueAtTime(.2, b.ha.currentTime + g); this.Ca.play(0, ! 0); this.disable() }; var np = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(np, X); np.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find([M, ei, Ui]), g = this.ha.find(Ui); b = p(b); for (var m = b.next(); ! m.done; m = b.next()) { m = m.value; var k = B(m.ec.get(M).velocity); if (k && ! (0 >= C(k))) { for (var c = p(g), a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) { var n = a.value; if (n != m) { a = N(m); var h = a.add(k), d = Gj(n); if (null != d) { if (n = Gj(m)) d.x += a.x - n.width - n.x, d.y += a.y - n.height - n.y, d.width += n.width, d.height += n.height; if (d.contains(h.x, h.y)) { n = d.x; var e = d.x + d.width, f = d.y; d = d.y + d.height; var v = 1, u = 1; 0 > k.x ? v = fh(a.x, e, h.x) : 0 < k.x && (v = fh(a.x, n, h.x)); 0 > k.y ? u = fh(a.y, d, h.y) : 0 < k.y && (u = fh(a.y, f, h.y)); (0 > v || 1 < v ? 1 : v) < (0 > u || 1 < u ? 1 : u) ? k.x = 0 : k.y = 0 } } } } m.ec.get(M).velocity = k } } }; var op = function (b) { pc.call(this); this.kb = b; this.ha = {} }; Oa(op, pc); var pp = [], qp = function (b, g) { var m = document, k = "mousedown mouseout touchstart mouseup mousemove touchend touchmove contextmenu keypress keydown keyup".split(" "); Array.isArray(k) || (k && (pp[0] = k.toString()), k = pp); for (var c = 0; c < k.length; c++) { var a = Fc(m, k[c], g || b.handleEvent, ! 0, b.kb || b); if ( ! a) break; b.ha[a.key] = a } }, rp = function (b) { ob(b.ha, function (g, m) { this.ha.hasOwnProperty(m) && Oc(g) }, b); b.ha = {} }; op.prototype.Ca = function () { op.lS.Ca.call(this); rp(this) }; op.prototype.handleEvent = function () { throw Error("O"); }; var sp = gf() && cf.includes("OS 12_"), tp = function () { this.Wt = this.Xw = this.Jk = this.ha = this.le = null; this.qB = ! 1; this.Xd = null; this.oc = this.Af = this.kb = this.Bb = ! 1; this.Sc = ! 0; this.Pk = this.Xs = ! 1; this.Ca = null }; tp.prototype.reset = function () { this.Wt = this.Xw = this.Jk = this.ha = this.le = null; this.qB = ! 1; this.Xd = null; this.oc = this.Af = this.kb = this.Bb = ! 1; this.Sc = ! 0; this.Pk = this.Xs = ! 1; this.Ca = null }; var wp = function () { var b = xh(tp); b.Ca = "landscape"; document[up] && vp(b) }, vp = function (b) { b.Ca && (window.screen.lockOrientation && window.screen.lockOrientation(b.Ca), window.screen.orientation && window.screen.orientation.lock && window.screen.orientation.lock(b.Ca).catch(Fa)) }, yp = function (b) { b.Bb && (b.Pk ? (xp.call(document), b.Pk = ! 1) : (b.Xd.call(b.ha), vp(b))) }, Ap = function (b, g, m) { var k = void 0 === k ? ! 0 : k; b.ha = g; b.le = m; b.Jk = function () { }; b.oc = ! 1; b.Xd = g[Gf(g, "requestFullscreen")]; g = !! (document[Gf(document, "fullscreenEnabled")] && b.Xd && xp); b.Bb = fl() && g; b.kb = k && el(); b.Af = ! k && el(); b.Sc = ! 0; if (b.Bb || b.kb) Af(document.body, "margin", "0"), Af(b.ha, "overflow", "visible", "width", "100%", "height", "100%"), document.body.scrollLeft = 0, Fc(window, "scroll", zp, ! 0) }; tp.prototype.close = function () { this.Pk = ! 0; yp(this) }; tp.prototype.update = function () { if (this.Bb || this.kb || this.Af) { var b = !! document[up], g = window.innerWidth, m = window.innerHeight; 0 == window.scrollX && 0 == window.scrollY || window.scrollTo(0, 0); if (g != this.Xw || m != this.Wt || b != this.qB || this.Sc) { this.Xs = g < m; for (var k = ! 1, c = 0; c < this.le.length; ++c) { var a = this.le[c], n = a.width || parseInt(a.dataset.width, 10), h = a.height || parseInt(a.dataset.height, 10); if (this.kb) { if (pf()) throw""; el() && kf() && ! qf() && ! jf() && 0 == c && (k = n < h != this.Xs); var d = k ? Math.min(g / h, m / n) : Math.min(g / n, m / h), e = d * n, f = d * h, v = this.oc ? "scale(" + d + ") " : ""; if (k) { d = (g - f) / 2 + f; var u = (m - e) / 2; v += "rotate(90deg)" } else d = (g - e) / 2, u = (m - f) / 2; n = this.oc ? n : e; h = this.oc ? h : f; Ef(a, "TransformOrigin", "0 0"); Ef(a, "Transform", v); Af(a, "position", "absolute", "width", n + "px", "height", h + "px", "left", d + "px", "top", u + "px") } else gf() && Af(a, "height", m + "px") } sp && (c = document.documentElement, a = c.getBoundingClientRect(), a.width == g && a.height == m || Af(c, "width", g + "px", "height", m + "px")); ! this.Af && ! cf.includes("CriOS") && 0 < g && document.body.clientWidth !== g && (document.body.clientWidth < document.body.scrollWidth && Af(document.body, "width", Math.min(document.body.scrollWidth, g) + "px"), document.body.clientWidth > g && Af(document.body, "width", g + "px")); Af(this.ha, "height", "100%", "width", "100%"); this.Jk(k); this.Xw = g; this.Wt = m; this.qB = b; this.Sc = ! 1 } } }; var Bp = function (b, g, m) { b = document.createElement("div"); b.style.pointerEvents = "none"; b.style.position = "absolute"; b.style.top = "0"; b.style.left = "0"; b.style.width = "100%"; b.style.height = "100%"; b.style.direction = "ltr"; b.dataset.width = g.toString(); b.dataset.height = m.toString(); return b }, up = Gf(document, "fullscreenElement"), xp = document[Gf(document, "exitFullscreen")], zp = function (b) { b.preventDefault(); b.stopPropagation(); return ! 1 }; var Cp = function (b) { return go(b) || ho(b) }, Dp = function (b) { return 0 == b.ha.Ca.alpha && 0 == b.Sc.Ca.alpha && !! b.Bb && ao(b.Bb) }, Ep = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ep, X); Ep.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.Cc.ak; b.Ca[5] && (b.Ca[5] = ! 1, Vo(this.ha.Cc.ha, "pause")) }; var Fp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Fp, X); Fp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.Cc.ak; b.Ca[5] && (b.Ca[5] = ! 1, th("TUTORIAL_DONE", ! 1) ? Gp(this.ha.Cc.ha) : Vo(this.ha.Cc.ha, "skip")) }; var Hp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Hp, X); Hp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = Q(this.ha, Lg); g && (Dp(this.ha.Cc) && "swim" != this.ha.Cc.Ca.name && kf() && Cp(this.ha.Cc.Ca.name) ? (g.visible = ! 0, si(g, function (m) { var k = m.ec.get(Mg).fcb, c = b.ha.Cc.ak; Aj(m, kg(c.ha, k)); Aj(g, c.le.le) })) : g.visible = ! 1) }; var Ip = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ip, X); Ip.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Ng); b && (b.visible = Dp(this.ha.Cc) && "swim" != this.ha.Cc.Ca.name && kf() && Cp(this.ha.Cc.Ca.name)) }; var Jp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Jp, X); Jp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Og); b && (b.visible = Dp(this.ha.Cc) && go(this.ha.Cc.Ca.name) && "tutorial" != this.ha.Cc.Ca.ha) }; var Kp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Kp, X); Kp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Pg); b && (b.visible = Dp(this.ha.Cc) && ho(this.ha.Cc.Ca.name)) }; var Lp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Lp, X); Lp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Qg); if (b) { var g = tp ? xh(tp) : null; b.visible = !! g && !! document[up] } }; var Mp = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Mp, S); Mp.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.get(Og)) b.button.on("click", function () { Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "pause") }); if (b.ec.get(Pg)) b.button.on("click", function () { th("TUTORIAL_DONE", ! 1) ? Gp(g.ha.Cc.ha) : Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "skip") }); if (b.ec.get(Qg)) b.button.on("click", function () { xh(tp).close() }) }; var Np = function (b) { return b.ec && b.ec.has(Wh) ? b.ec.get(Wh).Tpa : b.visible ? N(b).y : -999999999999999 }, Op = function (b) { if ( ! b.ec) return N(b).y; var g = b.ec.get(Wh); if (g) return g.Tpa; var m = b.ec.get(ei); g = b.ec.get(aj); var k = b.ec.get(bj), c = b.ec.get(M); return g && m && k ? (b = Gj(b), c ? b.y + k.height + g.KT : b.y + k.height + g.z) : N(b).y }, Pp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Pp, X); Pp.prototype.tick = function () { Q(this.ha, Vh).sortChildren(function (b, g) { return Np(b) - Np(g) }) }; var Qp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Qp, X); Qp.prototype.tick = function () { Q(this.ha, Vh).sortChildren(function (b, g) { return Op(b) - Op(g) }) }; var Rp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Rp, X); Rp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, [li, M], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(li); g = g.ec.get(M); var k = b.ha.Cc.ak.ha; g.velocity = lg(k, m.speed * C(k)) }) }; var Sp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Sp, X); Sp.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, [mi, M], function (b) { var g = N(b), m = b.ec.get(mi); b = b.ec.get(M); g && m.n0 && m.speed && (g = m.n0.sub(g), b.velocity = C(g) > m.speed ? lg(g, m.speed) : g, .01 > C(b.velocity) && (b.velocity = B(0, 0))) }) }; var Tp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Tp, X); Tp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, [li, M], function (g) { g = g.ec.get(bi); var m = b.ha.Cc.ak.ha; 0 < C(m) && (g.direction = mh(m)) }) }; var Up = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Up, X); Up.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, Zh, function (b) { var g = 1440; g = void 0 === g ? 0 : g; var m = b.localToGlobal(0, 0); m = null != m ? B(m) : B(NaN, NaN); g = Hj(bg, g).contains(m.x, m.y); g || co(b) }) }; var Vp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Vp, X); Vp.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, ii, function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(ii); b.currentFrame == (0 <= g.Qpa ? g.Qpa : b.totalFrames - 1) && co(b) }) }; var Wp = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Wp, X); Wp.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, $h, function (g) { var m = g.ec.get($h), k = m.hJ; k.O_ || (k.O_ = function () { var c = Pj(b.ha, m.aba), a = g.ec.get(aj); a ? Aj(c, B(g.x, g.y - a.z)) : Aj(c, B(g.x, g.y)); g.parent && Qj(b.ha, c, g.parent) }); k.tick() }) }; var Xp = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Xp, S); Xp.prototype.gqa = function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(ji); if (g && g.CY) { var m = b.parent, k = Cj(b); g = Pj(this.ha, g.CY); m && k && (Qj(this.ha, g, m), Dj(g, k), b = b.ec.get(aj), m = g.ec.get(aj), b && m && (m.z = b.z)) } }; var Yp = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Yp, S); Yp.prototype.P_ = function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(ki); if (g && g.CY) { var m = b.parent, k = Cj(b); g = Pj(this.ha, g.CY); m && k && (Qj(this.ha, g, m), Dj(g, k), b = b.ec.get(aj), m = g.ec.get(aj), b && m && (m.z = b.z)) } }; var Zp = function (b) { return b.find(di).concat(b.find(ci)) }, $p = function (b, g) { return pi(b, g) ? b : vi(b, g, 3) }, aq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(aq, X); aq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Zp(this.ha); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (g = g.value, g.visible) { var m = $p(g, [ci, bi]), k; if (k = m) k = Jj(g), k = k.includes("n") && k.includes("s") && k.includes("e") && k.includes("w"); k && (m = m.ec.get(bi).direction, Lj(g, m)) } }; var bq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(bq, X); bq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(Ik); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (g = g.value, g.visible) { var m = $p(g, Gk).ec.get(Gk), k = g.ec.get(Ik); 0 < m.ex.length ? Nj(g, k.Qcb, this.ha) : Nj(g, k.Tcb, this.ha) } }; var cq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(cq, X); cq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Zp(this.ha); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (g = g.value, g.visible) { var m; if (m = $p(g, [ci, bi])) m = Jj(g), m = m.includes("walk") && m.includes("idle"); m && (0 < C(this.ha.Cc.ak.ha) ? Nj(g, "walk", this.ha) : Nj(g, "idle", this.ha)) } }; var dq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(dq, X); dq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(Zi); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (g = g.value, g.visible) { var m = vi(g, aj, 3); m && (m = m.ec.get(aj), Dj(g, B(0, -m.z))) } }; var fq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(fq, X); fq.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, M, function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(M), m = Cj(b); Dj(b, B(m.x + g.velocity.x, m.y + g.velocity.y)) }) }; var gq = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "1F5F819ABC834FD88AEB5AFCEFF8263B", [Tn(4), Un(A.dba), Wn()]) }; q(gq, Zn); gq.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("1F5F819ABC834FD88AEB5AFCEFF8263B").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.pT; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Uo(this), new mp(this, A.dba), new Wo(this, [Sp, lp, Vp, kp, fp, jp, np, aq]), new Sp(this), new Vp(this), new kp(this), new cp(this), new fp(this), new ep(this), new ip(this), new jp(this), new np(this), new aq(this), new fq(this), new lp(this), new Pp(this)]; this.Sc = [new Xp(this), new Yp(this)]; if (gf) { var b = this.Cc.oc; b.load("archeryoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }); Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }) } }; var hq = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b); this.Af = document.getElementById("hpcanvas"); this.Bb = new createjs.MovieClip; this.Bb.mouseEnabled = ! 1; this.Ca.addChild(this.Bb) }; q(hq, Zn); var iq = function (b) { b.Bb.alpha = 1; b.Af.style.opacity = "0%"; createjs.Tween.removeTweens(b.Bb); createjs.Tween.get(b.Bb, { useTicks: ! 0, override: ! 0 }).wait(2).to({alpha: 0}, 8).addEventListener("change", function () { b.Af.style.opacity = 1 - b.Bb.alpha }) }; var jq = B(0, -27), kq = function (b, g) { b = ch(g.v_, b, g.PL); return -Math.floor((b - g.PL) / 16) }, lq = function (b) { Q(b, ug).visible = ! 1; Q(b, Fg).visible = ! 1 }, mq = function (b, g, m) { m.push(ei); g = ri(g, m).find(function (k) { return Oj(k, k.parent, ! 1).contains(b.x, b.y) }); return void 0 === g ? null : g }, nq = function () { this.Ca = new createjs.DisplayObject; this.kb = ! 1; this.ha = ! 0 }, oq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(oq, X); oq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Fg), g = b.ec.get(Fg); g.KY -= $f; var m = Math.max(0, Math.floor(g.KY / 60)); g = Math.max(0, Math.floor(g.KY) - 60 * m); b.ax.text = m + ":" + (10 > g ? 0 : "") + g }; var pq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(pq, X); pq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, Dg, function (g) { var m = Q(b.ha, ug), k = m.ec.get(ug); if (isNaN(k.v_)) { var c = Q(b.ha, wg); c = Oj(c, c.parent, ! 1); k.v_ = c.y + c.height; k.PL = N(g).y - k.acb } k.altitude = kq(N(g).y, k); m.ax.text = k.altitude + " m / " + kq(k.v_, k) + " m" }) }; var qq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(qq, X); var sq = function (b, g) { var m = g.ec.get(Dg); m.zY = 0; m.zaa = ! 0; m.mode = "jump"; rq(b, g, "jumpHold", ! 0); A.nza.play() }, rq = function (b, g, m, k) { k = void 0 === k ? ! 1 : k; Nj(g, m, b.ha); b = ti(g, [di])[0]; k && b.gotoAndPlay(0) }; qq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, Dg, function (g) { var m = tq(b, g), k = g.ec.get(Dg); if ("grab_cooldown" == k.mode) m = g.ec.get(Dg), g.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0), uq(g, m.DY), m.d7--, 0 >= m.d7 && (m.mode = "hang_on_hold"), m.EL = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; else if ("hang_on_hold" == k.mode) { m = g.ec.get(Dg); var c = g.ec.get(M), a = b.ha.Cc.ak.ha; c.velocity = B(0, 0); uq(g, m.DY); b.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[4] && (c.velocity = B(1.5 * a.x, -7), sq(b, g)); .84 < a.y && sq(b, g) } else if ("jump" == k.mode) { c = g.ec.get(Dg); a = g.ec.get(M); c.zY++; if (c.zaa) { if (a.velocity.y = -7 * (1 - fh(0, c.zY, 35)), ! b.ha.Cc.ak.kb[4] || 10 < c.zY) c.zaa = ! 1 } else a.velocity.y = Math.min(13.3, a.velocity.y - -.5); var n = b.ha.Cc.ak.ha; if (0 != n.x) { var h = (1 + Math.abs(n.x)) / (1 + Math.sqrt(.5)); a.velocity.x = ch(-2.8 * h, a.velocity.x + n.x * h * 1.5, 2.8 * h) } else a.velocity.x *= .5; (16 < c.zY || m.Ca !== c.DY) && m.kb && m.ha && (c.mode = "grab_cooldown", A.lza.play(), c.d7 = 3, rq(b, g, "hold", ! 0), uq(g, m.Ca)) } else "ground" == k.mode ? (m = g.ec.get(Dg), n = g.ec.get(bi), c = g.ec.get(M), c.velocity = B(0, 0), a = b.ha.Cc.ak.ha, 0 < C(a) ? (c.velocity = kg(a, 2), n.direction = mh(a), 0 > a.y && (n = zj(g).add(c.velocity), mq(n, b.ha.Ca, [vg]) || (c.velocity.y = 0)), rq(b, g, "walk")) : rq(b, g, "idle"), m.Y6 = 0 < C(a), m.DY = null, b.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[4] && (c.velocity = B(1.5 * a.x, -7), sq(b, g), m.EL = g.y, m.D_ = mq(zj(g), b.ha.Ca, [vg]))) : "fall" == k.mode && (m = g.ec.get(M), m.velocity.x = 0, m.velocity.y = Math.min(6.7, m.velocity.y - -.5), rq(b, g, "fall")); m = g.ec.get(Dg); c = g.ec.get(M); "jump" === m.mode && 0 > c.velocity.y || "fall" === m.mode || ((a = mq(zj(g), b.ha.Ca, [vg])) ? "ground" !== m.mode && (m.EL === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || g.y > m.EL - c.velocity.y || a !== m.D_) && (m.mode = "ground", c.velocity.y = 0, a === m.D_ && m.EL !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && m.EL + c.velocity.y >= g.y && Aj(g, B(zj(g).x, m.EL)), m.D_ = null, m.EL = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : "ground" === m.mode && (m.mode = "jump")); (m = mq(N(g), b.ha.Ca, [Cg])) && k.kC !== m && (m.hU && (A.kza.play(), m.hU.gotoAndStop("on")), ! k.kC || N(m).y < N(k.kC).y) && (k.kC = m); k.kC && (m = k.kC.ec.get(Cg), m.mY ? (m.delay -= $f, 0 >= m.delay && (m.mY = ! 1, k.mode = "ground", Fj(g, N(k.kC)))) : N(g).y > N(k.kC).y + m.Jab && (m.mY = ! 0, m.delay = m.Rpa, k.mode = "fall", A.jda.play())) }) }; var uq = function (b, g) { var m = b.ec.get(Dg); if (g.ec.has(Bg)) { var k = g.ec.get(Bg); if (k.$T && 0 >= k.CT) { m.mode = "jump"; return } k.$T || (k.CT = k.Kab, k.$T = ! 0) } Fj(b, zj(g).sub(jq)); m.DY = g }, tq = function (b, g) { var m = new nq, k = 9999999999999, c = N(g).add(jq); Y(b.ha, yg, function (a) { var n = N(a); n && c && (n = dh(n, c), n < k && (k = n, m.Ca = a), 15 > n && (m.kb = ! 0), a.ec.has(Bg) ? (a = a.ec.get(Bg), m.ha = ! (a.$T && 0 >= a.CT)) : m.ha = ! 0) }); return m }, vq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(vq, X); vq.prototype.tick = function () { wq(this); xq(this); var b = Q(this.ha, Dg), g = b.ec.get(Dg); if ("ground" != g.mode && mq(zj(b), this.ha.Ca, [xg])) { if (g.kC) { var m = g.kC.ec.get(Cg); m.mY = ! 0; m.delay = m.Rpa } b.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, -4); g.mode = "fall"; A.mza.play(); A.jda.play() } b = Q(this.ha, Dg).ec.get(Dg); b.b7--; if (0 >= b.b7) { m = Q(this.ha, ug).ec.get(ug); g = 0; 43 < m.altitude ? g = 3 : 25 < m.altitude ? g = 2 : 15 < m.altitude && (g = 1); m = Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.sx); var k = Q(this.ha, Dg), c = Q(this.ha, Vh); Qj(this.ha, m, c); c = (Math.random() - .5) * [300, 300, 300, 300][g]; c += (0 > c ? -1 : 1) * [60, 30, 0, 0][g]; Fj(m, N(k).sub(B(c, 300))); b.b7 = [60, 50, 40, 30][g] } }; var wq = function (b) { Y(b.ha, Bg, function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Bg); m.$T && (0 < m.CT ? (--m.CT, 0 === m.CT && (m.PL = g.y, createjs.Tween.get(g, { override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0 }).to({ alpha: 0, y: m.PL + 180 }, 30, createjs.Ease.getPowIn(2.2)), m.W_ = m.mcb)) : 0 < m.W_ && (--m.W_, 0 === m.W_ && (g.alpha = 1, g.y = m.PL, m.$T = ! 1))) }) }, xq = function (b) { Y(b.ha, zg, function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(zg); null === m.jS && (m.jS = N(g)); m.hJ = (m.hJ + m.speed * $f) % 1; Fj(g, m.jS.add(lg(m.sab, (Math.sin(m.hJ * Math.PI * 2) + 1) / 2 * m.distance))) }); Y(b.ha, Ag, function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Ag); null === m.jS && (m.jS = N(g)); m.hJ = (m.hJ + m.speed * $f) % 1; var k = m.gab ? 1 - m.hJ : m.hJ; k = B(Math.sin(k * Math.PI * 2), Math.cos(k * Math.PI * 2)); k = lg(k, m.radius); Fj(g, m.jS.add(k)) }) }, yq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(yq, X); yq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = Q(this.ha, Yh), m = g.ec.get(Eg), k = Q(this.ha, Dg); if (0 == m.state) { lq(this.ha); fo(this.ha, qq).disable(); fo(this.ha, oq).disable(); m.state = 1; var c = Q(this.ha, Xh), a = c.ec.get(Xh), n = a.Upa; a.Upa = 1; Fj(g, Bj(g, c)); N(g); k = N(k); createjs.Tween.get(g.kb).wait(1200).to({x: k.x, y: k.y}, 1600, createjs.Ease.quadInOut).call(function () { a.Upa = n; m.state = 2; b.ha.oc.push(new Wo(b.ha, [qq, oq])); var h = b.ha; Q(h, ug).visible = ! 0; Q(h, Fg).visible = ! 0 }) } else 2 == m.state && (c = k.ec.get(Dg), c.kC && c.kC.ec.get(Cg).mY || Fj(g, N(k))) }; var zq = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [pq, qq, yq, vq]) }; q(zq, Yo); zq.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); if ( ! this.Ca) { var b = Q(this.ha, Fg).ec.get(Fg), g = Q(this.ha, Dg); if (mq(zj(g), this.ha.Ca, [wg])) To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("YOU_WIN"), { size: 80, shadow: "#222", Hw: 2 }), b = kq(N(g).y, Q(this.ha, ug).ec.get(ug)), Zo(this, b, 3), g.ec.get(Dg).Y6 = ! 1, g.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0); else if (0 > b.KY) { To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("TIMES_UP"), {size: 80, shadow: "#222", Hw: 2}); b = kq(N(g).y, Q(this.ha, ug).ec.get(ug)); var m = 0; 60 < b ? m = 2 : 30 < b && (m = 1); Zo(this, b, m); g.ec.get(Dg).Y6 = ! 1; g.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0) } } }; var Aq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Aq, X); Aq.prototype.tick = function () { for (var b = Q(this.ha, Xh), g = p(this.ha.find(Gg)), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) { m = m.value; var k = m.ec.get(Gg); k.yY || (k.yY = ! 0, k.Daa = zj(m), k.Hpa = zj(b)); var c = k.Hpa.sub(zj(b)); m.x = k.Daa.x - k.Vpa.x * c.x; m.y = k.Daa.y - k.Vpa.y * c.y } }; var Bq = function (b, g, m) { var k = N(g), c = m.localToLocal(480, 270, b); c = B(k.x - c.x, k.y - c.y); k = b.localToLocal(0, 0, m); m = b.localToLocal(c.x, c.y, m); g = g.ec.get(aj); g = B(m.x - k.x, m.y - k.y - (g ? .6 * g.z * 3 : 0)); .1 > Math.abs(g.x) && (g.x = 0); .1 > Math.abs(g.y) && (g.y = 0); return B(b.x - g.x, b.y - g.y) }, Cq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Cq, X); Cq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Xh), g = b.ec.get(Xh), m = Q(this.ha, Yh), k = m.ec.get(Yh); b = Bq(b, m, this.ha.Ca); g.Qw = b.sub(k.offset) }; var Dq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Dq, X); Dq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Xh), g = b.ec.get(Xh), m = C(g.Qw.sub(zj(b))); (m = Math.min(g.Aab * m, g.speed) / m) && g.Baa && (m = gh(zj(b), m, g.Qw), Aj(b, m)); m = b.globalToLocal(0, 0); b = b.globalToLocal(960, 540); b = new createjs.Rectangle(m.x, m.y, b.x - m.x, b.y - m.y); g.viewport = b }; var Eq = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Eq, S); Eq.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(Xh)) { var g = Q(this.ha, Yh), m = this.ha.Ca; g && (g = Bq(b, g, m), Aj(b, g)) } }; var Fq = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "7B2C344CB74B48B4AFAEBCF1D033F55A", [Tn(5), Un(A.kda), Wn()]) }; q(Fq, Zn); Fq.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("7B2C344CB74B48B4AFAEBCF1D033F55A").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.wT; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Uo(this), new mp(this, A.kda), new Wp(this), new Pp(this), new pq(this), new oq(this), new vq(this), new yq(this), new qq(this), new aq(this), new fq(this), new Cq(this), new Dq(this), new Up(this), new Aq(this), new zq(this)]; if (gf) { var b = this.Cc.oc; b.load("climbingoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }); Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }) } }; var Gq = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Gq, S); Gq.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = this; b.ec.has(oi) && b.addEventListener("tick", function () { b.currentFrame + 1 >= b.totalFrames && Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld")) }) }; var Iq = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Iq, S); Iq.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = this; b.ec.has(yi) && (b.addEventListener("close", function () { return Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld")) }), b.addEventListener("skip", function () { return Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld")) })) }; var Jq = function (b, g, m) { b = Cj(b); m = kh(m); return b && null != m ? (b = Cj(g).sub(b), g = C(b), b = kh(b), 0 == g || null == b ? -1 : g * Math.pow(1 + Math.abs(ih(m, b)) / 45, 3)) : -1 }, Kq = function (b, g, m) { var k = Cj(b); return g.filter(function (c) { if (b == c) return ! 1; if (k) switch (c = Cj(c).sub(k), m) { case "e": return 0 < c.x; case "w": return 0 > c.x; case "n": return 0 > c.y; case "s": return 0 < c.y } return ! 1 }) }, Lq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Lq, X); Lq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.Cc.ak; Y(this.ha, yi, function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(yi); if (g.mouseEnabled) { var k = ti(g, wi).filter(function (e) { return e.visible }); g.stop(); for (var c = {}, a = p(k), n = a.next(); ! n.done; c = { dB: c.dB, QU: c.QU }, n = a.next()) c.dB = n.value, c.dB.cursor = "pointer", c.QU = c.dB.ec.get(wi), c.dB.stop(), c.dB.hasEventListener("mouseover") || c.dB.addEventListener("mouseover", function (e) { return function () { return m.lC = e.dB } }(c)), c.dB.hasEventListener("mousedown") || c.dB.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { return function () { return e.QU.HC = ! 0 } }(c)), c.dB.hasEventListener("pressup") || c.dB.addEventListener("pressup", function (e) { return function () { return e.QU.HC = ! 1 } }(c)), c.dB.hasEventListener("click") || c.dB.addEventListener("click", function (e) { return function () { g.dispatchEvent(e.QU.eventId); A.H3.play() } }(c)); m.lC && m.lC.visible || (m.lC = Mq(g)[0]); Qo(g); k = p(k); for (n = k.next(); ! n.done; n = k.next()) n = n.value, n.ec.get(wi).HC ? n.gotoAndStop("down") : m.lC == n ? n.gotoAndStop("focus") : n.gotoAndStop("idle"); if (b.Ca[4] && m.lC) { if (n = m.lC.ec.get(wi)) b.Ca[4] = ! 1, g.dispatchEvent(n.eventId), A.H3.play() } else if (k = b.ha, n = b.Sc, 0 < C(k) && (1 == n || 15 < n && 0 == n % 3)) { A.H3.play(); n = Mq(g); var h = m.lC, d = mh(k, ! 0); if ("n" == d || "s" == d) for (k = 0; k < n.length; k++) { if (n[k] == m.lC && (c = 0, "n" == d ? c = k - 1 : "s" == d && (c = k + 1), 0 <= c && c < n.length)) { m.lC = n[c]; break } } else Cj(h), k = n.filter(function (e) { return e != h }), n = k.sort(function (e, f) { return Jq(h, f, d) - Jq(h, e, d) }), n = Kq(h, n, d), 0 < n.length && (m.lC = n[n.length - 1]); Qo(g, ! 0) } } }) }; var Mq = function (b) { b = ti(b, Ai); b = b.filter(function (g) { return g.visible }); b.sort(function (g, m) { return g.ec.get(Ai).order - m.ec.get(Ai).order }); return b }, Nq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Nq, X); Nq.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = this.ha.Cc.ak; Y(this.ha, yi, function (m) { g.Ca[5] && "results" != b.ha.Ca.currentLabel && (g.Ca[5] = ! 1, m.ec.get(yi).C_ = ! 1, b.ha.Cc.ha.close()) }) }; var Oq = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Oq, S); Oq.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(ni)) { var g = b.ec.get(ni).id; g = L(g); b.text.text = g; "cutscene" == this.ha.Cc.Ca.name && Po(g) } }; var Pq = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Pq, X); Pq.prototype.tick = function () { this.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[5] && Y(this.ha, yi, function (b) { b.dispatchEvent("skip") }) }; var Qq = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "641FECB93B7041208934B77EA1084BE4", [Tn(2), Wn()]) }; q(Qq, Zn); Qq.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("641FECB93B7041208934B77EA1084BE4").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.pab; this.oc = [new Lq(this), new Pq(this)]; this.Sc = [new Gq(this), new Iq(this), new Oq(this)] }; var Rq = function (b) { return (b.ha ? b.ha : b.text) || "" }, Sq = "karasu ushi tengu trophyMaster coach oni racer momoDad locksmith grandpa blueOni redOni leader".split(" "), Tq = "lucky inari otohime littleMonkey rainBoy convini TaroMom sleepyCat kijiKid gatekeeper birthdayKid crab momoMom momo dangoKid shiba otter snowOwl".split(" "), Uq = "TaroMom Urashima arrowCollector bat bigCat birthdayKid birthdayMom blueOni coach convini crab dangoKid darkWolfie deer fish1 fish2 froggy gatekeeper grandpa hare inari invisibleOctopus kappa karasu kijiDad kijiKid kijimuna koma1 koma2 leaderBlue leaderGreen leaderRed leaderYellow littleMonkey locksmith lucky momoBird momoBlue momoDad momoDog momoMom momoMonkey momo momotaro monkeyBaker monkeyRetired noodleCook nova oniBaker oniDreamer otohime otter pango porcupine racerA racerB rainBoy redOni scroll seahorse shiba sister1 sister2 sister3 sleepingCat sleepyCat snowOwl statueArchery statueClimbing statueMarathon statueRugby statueSkate statueSwim statueTableTennis superMountainGirl tanooki tengu trainWorker traineeNoodle traineeRun trophyMaster ushi whiteOni wolfie yoichi youngArcher".split(" "), Vq = function (b) { var g = A.Dia; b && b.tags.W && b.tags.W[0] && (Sq.forEach(function (m) { b.tags.W[0].startsWith(m) && (g = A.bCa) }), Tq.forEach(function (m) { b.tags.W[0].startsWith(m) && (g = A.A2) })); return g }, Wq = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.V = this.node = null; this.Ca = 0; this.text = ""; this.kb = [0, 0, 0]; this.Bb = ["", "", ""] }; q(Wq, X); Wq.prototype.tick = function () { if (this.Ca < this.text.length - 1) { var b = Math.min(2, this.text.length - this.Ca - 1); this.Ca += b; 0 < b && Vq(this.node).play() } b = Q(this.ha, Hg); b.text.text = this.text.substring(0, this.Ca); var g = b.qK.getBounds(), m = Math.max(b.text.getMeasuredHeight() + 20, 68), k = Q(this.ha, Jg); k.visible = ! 0; if (this.Ca >= this.text.length - 1) if (0 == this.node.U.length || bl(this.node)) b.JQ.y = m - 5, b.JQ.visible = ! 0; else { k.visible = ! 1; k = this.getOptions(); for (var c = 0, a = 0; a < this.node.U.length; a++) { var n = k[a]; n.y = m - 8 + 12 * a; c = n.y; if (n.visible) this.kb[a] < this.Bb[a].length && (this.kb[a]++, n.text.text = this.Bb[a].substring(0, this.kb[a])); else { if (void 0 == this.kb[a - 1] || this.kb[a - 1] == this.Bb[a - 1].length) n.visible = ! 0, this.kb[a] = 0; break } } m = c + 8 } b.qK.scaleY = eh(b.qK.scaleY, .8, m / g.height); b = Q(this.ha, [Hg, yi]).ec.get(yi); b.j_ || 0 !== this.node.U.length && ! bl(this.node) && this.kb[this.node.U.length - 1] !== this.Bb[this.node.U.length - 1].length || (b.j_ = ! 0) }; Wq.prototype.getOptions = function () { return this.ha.find([Ig, wi]).sort(function (b, g) { return b.ec.get(wi).eventId.localeCompare(g.ec.get(wi).eventId) }) }; var Xq = function (b) { for (var g = b.tags.W ? b.tags.W[0] : "", m = p("Curious Happy Mad Neutral Sad Shocked Worried".split(" ")), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) if (k = g.replace(k.value, ""), k != g) { g = k; break } return Uq.includes(g) ? L(g) : Uq.includes(b.V) ? L(b.V) : "" }, Yq = function (b, g, m) { b.V = g; b.node = Yk.get(g + m); if (b.node) { var k = Q(b.ha, [Hg, yi]), c = Q(b.ha, Kg); c && b.node.tags.W && void 0 != c.labels.find(function (n) { return n.label == b.node.tags.W[0] }) ? (c.visible = ! 0, Kj(c, b.node.tags.W[0]), k.text.x = 60, k.text.lineWidth = 167) : (c.visible = ! 1, k.text.x = 10, k.text.lineWidth = 217); Mj(b.ha, k, ! 0, ! 0); k.text.text = Dh(Rq(b.node)); Qf && (k.text.x = 225, k.text.textAlign = "right"); k.qK.scaleY = 1; c = k.text.getMetrics().lines; b.text = ""; c = p(c); for (var a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) b.text += a.value + "\n"; c = Xq(b.node); a = k.ec.get(yi); a.pK = c + ": " + Rq(b.node); a.j_ = ! 1; a.C_ = ! 1; b.Ca = 0; k.text.text = ""; Q(b.ha, Jg).visible = ! 1; k.JQ.visible = ! 1; k = b.getOptions(); b.kb = [0, 0, 0]; for (c = 0; c < k.length; c++) a = k[c], b.node.U[c] && (b.Bb[c] = Rq(b.node.U[c]), a.text.text = "", a.ec.get(wi).pK = Rq(b.node.U[c])), a.visible = ! 1; b.node.tags.zd && uh(b.node.tags.zd[0], b.node.tags.zd[1]); vo(g, m) } else console.error("Dialog for NPC: " + g + " and Node: " + m + " not found.") }, Zq = function (b, g) { b.Ca < b.text.length - 1 ? b.Ca = b.text.length - 1 : (g = b.node.U[g]) ? Yq(b, b.node.V, g.next) : (b = b.ha.Cc.Sc, b.Cc.Bb.enable(), b.Cc.Bb.OU(), b.disable(), b.Ca.alpha = 0) }, $q = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q($q, S); $q.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (pi(b, [yi, Hg])) { var g = fo(this.ha.Cc.Sc, Wq); b.addEventListener("next", function () { return Zq(g, 0) }); b.addEventListener("option1", function () { return Zq(g, 0) }); b.addEventListener("option2", function () { return Zq(g, 1) }); b.addEventListener("option3", function () { return Zq(g, 2) }) } }; var ar = function () { Zn.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ar, Zn); ar.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("B6B0DC09A20D455BAB815F8FE24BCF08").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.Spa; this.oc = [new Wq(this), new Lq(this)]; this.Sc = [new $q(this)] }; var br = function (b, g, m) { Yk.get(g + m) ? (b.enable(), b.Ca.alpha = 1, b.Ca.advance(0), Mj(b, b.Ca), b.Cc.Bb.disable(), b.Cc.Bb.JS(), Yq(fo(b, Wq), g, m)) : console.error("Dialog for NPC: " + g + " and Node: " + m + " not found.") }; var cr = function () { Zn.apply(this, arguments) }; q(cr, Zn); cr.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("0E30EA04F8F04E9B8B08CAC42EEA149E").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.Ap; this.oc = [new Hp(this), new Ip(this), new Jp(this), new Kp(this), new Lp(this)]; this.Sc = [new Mp(this)] }; var er = function (b) { var g = dr(b); b = Q(b, Bi); b = N(b); uh("PLAYER_LOC", g.ec.get(Ki).name); uh("PLAYER_POS", b.toJSON()) }, dr = function (b) { var g = Q(b, Bi), m = N(g); return b.find(Ki).sort(function (k, c) { return C(N(k).sub(m)) - C(N(c).sub(m)) })[0] }, fr = function (b, g) { var m = Q(b, Bi); if (b = b.find(Ki).filter(function (c) { return c.ec.get(Ki).name == g })[0]) { var k = Gj(b); b = k ? B(k.x + k.width / 2, k.y + k.height) : N(b); Fj(m, b) } }, hr = function (b, g) { var m = Q(b, [Bi, M]), k = b.find(Ki).filter(function (d) { return d.ec.get(Ki).name == g })[0], c = Q(b, Xh); if (k && ! createjs.Tween.hasActiveTweens(c)) { var a = Gj(k), n = N(m), h = a ? B(a.x + a.width / 2, a.y + a.height) : N(k); Rj(b.ha.X5, b, n).ec.set(ii, new ii); Fj(m, h); m.alpha = 0; k = Bq(c, m, b.Ca); m.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0); Nj(m, "idle", b); fo(b, gr).disable(); c.ec.get(Xh).Baa = ! 1; createjs.Tween.get(c, {useTicks: ! 0}).wait(18).to({x: k.x, y: k.y}, 30, createjs.Ease.quadInOut).call(function () { m.alpha = 1; var d = Rj(b.ha.X5, b, h.add(B(0, .1))); d.gotoAndPlay(2); d.ec.set(ii, new ii); fo(b, gr).enable(); c.ec.get(Xh).Baa = ! 0; A.uja.play() }) } }, jr = function (b) { X.call(this, b); var g = this; Lh(b.Cc.ak, function () { return ir(g) }) }; q(jr, X); jr.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, [Ci, Gk], function (b) { var g = 0 < b.ec.get(Gk).ex.length; b.ec.has(Hi) && (b.ec.get(Hi).IC = g) }) }; var ir = function (b) { Y(b.ha, [Ci, Gk], function (g) { var m = 0 < g.ec.get(Gk).ex.length; g = g.ec.get(Ci); m && (m = Yn(g.name), go(m.name) && null == m.ha && (g = jo(m.name), io(g) || (m = new Xn("video", g))), er(b.ha), Hq(b.ha.Cc, m)) }) }, kr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(kr, X); kr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, [Di, Gk], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Gk); g.ec.get(Di); 0 < m.ex.length && b.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[4] && lr(b.ha.Cc.ha) }) }; var mr = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = 0 }; q(mr, X); mr.prototype.tick = function () { this.Ca++; 0 == this.Ca % 60 && er(this.ha) }; var gr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(gr, X); gr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, [Bi, M, bi], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Bi), k = g.ec.get(M), c = g.ec.get(bi), a = b.ha.Cc.ak, n = a.ha, h = Math.round(8 * C(n)) / 8, d = mh(n); 0 < m.Jaa ? m.Jaa-- : 0 < C(n) ? a.Ca[4] ? (Nj(g, "roll", b.ha), m.Jaa = 9, k.velocity = lg(n, 5), c.direction = d, A.uja.play()) : (Nj(g, "walk", b.ha), k.velocity = lg(n, 3 * h), c.direction = d) : (Nj(g, "idle", b.ha), k.velocity = B(0, 0)) }) }; var nr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(nr, X); nr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Vh); b && (b = b.ec.get(Vh), 0 === b.currentFrame % 5400 && Ho().then(function (g) { g.sort(function (m, k) { return k.GlobalScore - m.GlobalScore }); uh("FIRST_PLACE", ig[g[0].TeamId]) }), b.currentFrame = Math.max(b.currentFrame + 1, 0)) }; var or = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(or, X); or.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, [Gi, Gk], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Gi), k = g.ec.get(Gk), c = b.ha.Cc.ak; 0 < k.ex.length && ! m.R_ && 3 > m.R6 && (A.Dia.play(), m.R6++); if ( ! (0 < C(c.ha))) if (c.kb[4] || (m.R_ = ! 1), m.R_ || 0 >= k.ex.length || ! c.Ca[4]) 0 >= k.ex.length && (m.R6 = 0); else { a:{ k = g.ec.get(Gi); if (c = g.ec.get(qk)) for (var a = 0; a < c.conditions.length; a++) if (c.conditions[a] && pk(c.conditions[a])) { g.ec.get(Gi).node = c.nodes[a]; break a } k.fqa ? k.node = k.fqa : (g = Zk.get(k.name)) && 0 < g.length && (k.node = g[0]) } m.node ? (g = b.ha.Cc.Sc, m.R_ = ! 0, br(g, m.name, m.node)) : console.error("No dialog available for NPC: " + m.name) } }) }; var pr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(pr, X); pr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Bi); b = N(b); var g = this.ha.find(Hi); if (0 < g.length) { var m = g[0], k = dh(b, N(m)); g = p(g); for (var c = g.next(); ! c.done; c = g.next()) { c = c.value; var a = dh(b, N(c)); a < k && (m = c, k = a) } 50 > k && Po(L(m.ec.get(Hi).label)) } }; var qr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(qr, X); qr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Vh), g = zj(b); Y(this.ha, [Li], function (m) { var k = m.ec.get(Li), c = Math.round(k.Pcb * b.scaleX); k = Math.round(k.Ocb * b.scaleY); m.x = (g.x % c + c) % c - c; m.y = (g.y % k + k) % k - k }) }; var rr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(rr, X); rr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = Q(this.ha, Bi), m = N(g); g = this.ha.find(Li).filter(function (c) { return c instanceof b.ha.ha.bca })[0]; var k = this.ha.find(Ei).filter(function (c) { return c instanceof b.ha.ha.bT })[0]; g && k && (k = Gj(k, ! 0), k = B(k.x, k.y + k.height), m = Math.min(ch(0, (m.x - k.x - 250) / 300, 1), ch(0, (k.y - m.y) / 400, 1)), g.alpha *= .8, g.alpha += .2 * m) }; var sr = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(sr, S); sr.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(Vh)) { b = this.ha.find(Ki); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g.ec.get(ei) || (g.alpha = 0); (b = this.ha.Cc.Ca.Ca || th("PLAYER_LOC", null)) && fr(this.ha, b) } }; var tr = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(tr, S); tr.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = this; if (pi(b, [Gk, Ii])) { var m = b.ec.get(Ii); b.on("trigger", function () { br(g.ha.Cc.Sc, m.Tbb, m.node) }) } }; var ur = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ur, S); ur.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = this; if (pi(b, [Gk, Ji])) { var m = b.ec.get(Ji); b.on("trigger", function () { Hq(g.ha.Cc, Yn(m.name)) }) } }; var vr = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(vr, S); vr.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = this; if (pi(b, [Ci, Gk])) { var m = b.ec.get(Gk), k = b.ec.get(Ci); b.on("click", function () { if (0 < m.ex.length) { var c = Yn(k.name); if (go(c.name) && null == c.ha) { var a = jo(c.name); io(a) || (c = new Xn("video", a)) } er(g.ha); Hq(g.ha.Cc, c) } }) } }; var wr = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(wr, S); wr.prototype.gu = function (b) { b.ec.has(Xi) && (b = b.ec.get(Xi), b.Yaa = 1, b.world.solver.iterations = 20) }; var xr = function (b) { var g = Gj(b), m = b.ec.get(aj); b = b.ec.get(bj); var k = !! m && !! b; return new CANNON.Vec3(g.x + g.width / 2, g.y + g.height / 2, (k ? m.z : 0) + (k ? b.height : 100) / 2) }, yr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(yr, X); yr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, [Vh, Xi]).ec.get(Xi), g = b.world, m = new Map; Y(this.ha, [ei, Ui], function (f) { var v = f.ec.get(M), u = Gj(f), E = f.ec.get(Ui), P = !! v; if (u && ! E.Gp) { var K = f.ec.get(aj), T = f.ec.get(bj); K = !! K && !! T; u = new CANNON.Vec3(u.width, u.height, K ? T.height : 100); T = K ? T.shape : "box"; K = E.Gp; if ( ! K) { K = E.l_ ? E.l_ : P ? "character" : "prop"; var F = b.Ffa.get(K); if ( ! F) throw Error("P`" + K); F = K = new CANNON.Body(F); var H = F.addShape; if ("leftRamp" == T || "rightRamp" == T) { var I = new CANNON.Vec3(-u.x / 2, -u.y / 2, -u.z / 2), J = new CANNON.Vec3(-u.x / 2, -u.y / 2, u.z / 2), U = new CANNON.Vec3(-u.x / 2, u.y / 2, -u.z / 2), O = new CANNON.Vec3(-u.x / 2, u.y / 2, u.z / 2), R = new CANNON.Vec3(u.x / 2, -u.y / 2, -u.z / 2), w = new CANNON.Vec3(u.x / 2, -u.y / 2, u.z / 2), W = new CANNON.Vec3(u.x / 2, u.y / 2, -u.z / 2); u = new CANNON.Vec3(u.x / 2, u.y / 2, u.z / 2); u = new CANNON.ConvexPolyhedron("leftRamp" == T ? [I, U, R, W, w, u] : [I, U, R, W, J, O], [[0, 1, 3, 2], [5, 3, 1], [2, 4, 0], [3, 5, 4, 2], [4, 5, 1, 0]], null) } else u = new CANNON.Box(u.clone().scale(.5)); H.call(F, u) } u = xr(f); K.position = u; K.fixedRotation = ! 0; K.updateMassProperties(); E.Gp = K } else ! u && E.Gp && (g.removeBody(E.Gp), E.NT = ! 1, E.Gp = null); E.Gp && (f.visible ? (E.NT || (g.addBody(E.Gp), E.NT = ! 0), m.set(E.Gp.id, f), P && (E.Gp.position = xr(f), E.Gp.velocity.set(30 * v.velocity.x, 30 * v.velocity.y, 30 * v.pC))) : E.NT && (g.removeBody(E.Gp), E.NT = ! 1)) }); for (var k = 0; k < b.Yaa; k++) g.step($f / b.Yaa); k = new Map; for (var c = p(g.contacts), a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) { var n = a.value; k.has(n.bi.id) || k.set(n.bi.id, []); k.get(n.bi.id).push(n); k.has(n.bj.id) || k.set(n.bj.id, []); k.get(n.bj.id).push(n) } Y(this.ha, [ei, Ui, M], function (f) { var v = f.ec.get(Ui).Gp; if (v) { var u = f.ec.get(M); u.velocity = B(v.velocity.x / 30, v.velocity.y / 30); u.pC = v.velocity.z / 30; u = Gj(f); var E = N(f); u = B(v.position.x, v.position.y).add(E.sub(B(u.x + u.width / 2, u.y + u.height / 2))); Fj(f, u); u = f.ec.get(aj); f = f.ec.get(bj); u && (u.z = v.position.z - f.height / 2) } }); c = p(m.keys()); for (n = c.next(); ! n.done; n = c.next()) { var h = n.value; n = m.get(h).ec.get(Ui); n.contacts.clear(); if (k.has(h)) for (h = k.get(h), h = p(h), a = h.next(); ! a.done; a = h.next()) { var d = a.value; a = n.Gp.id == d.bi.id ? d.bj.id : d.bi.id; var e = m.get(a); d = new CANNON.Vec3(d.bi.position.x + d.ri.x, d.bi.position.y + d.ri.y, d.bi.position.z + d.ri.z); n.contacts.has(a) || n.contacts.set(a, new Yi(e)); n.contacts.get(a).Iaa.push(d) } } }; var zr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(zr, X); zr.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, M, function (b) { if ( ! b.ec.has(Ui) || ! b.ec.has(ei)) { var g = b.ec.get(M).velocity, m = N(b); m && Fj(b, B(m.x + g.x, m.y + g.y)) } }) }; var Ar = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ar, X); Ar.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Xi).ec.get(Xi).world; Y(this.ha, [aj], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(aj); if (g.ec.get(M) || null == m.KT) { var k = Gj(g); k = k ? [B(k.x, k.y), B(k.x + k.width, k.y), B(k.x, k.y + k.height), B(k.x + k.width, k.y + k.height)] : [N(g)]; g = 0; k = p(k); for (var c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) { var a = c.value; c = new CANNON.Vec3(a.x, a.y, m.z + 9); a = new CANNON.Vec3(a.x, a.y, m.z - 1E3); var n = new CANNON.RaycastResult; b.raycastClosest(c, a, {collisionFilterMask: 3}, n); g = ch(g, n.hitPointWorld.z, m.z) } m.KT = g } }) }; var Br = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Br, S); Br.prototype.P_ = function (b) { b.ec.has(fi) && b.parent && b.parent.ec.has(ei) && xj(b.parent) }; var Cr = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Cr, S); Cr.prototype.P_ = function (b) { (b = b.ec.get(Ui)) && b.Gp && b.Gp.world && (b.Gp.world.removeBody(b.Gp), b.NT = ! 1, b.Gp = null) }; var Dr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Dr, X); Dr.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, [uk], function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(uk); g.Mpa && (g.visible = pk(g.Mpa), wj(b, g.visible)) }) }; var Er = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = 0 }; q(Er, X); Er.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(rk); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) if (g = g.value, 0 == this.Ca || g.id % 4 == this.Ca % 4) for (var m = g.ec.get(rk), k = 0; k < m.conditions.length; k++) if (m.conditions[k] && pk(m.conditions[k])) { Kj(g, m.frames[k]) && Mj(this.ha, g, ! 0, ! 0); break } this.Ca++ }; var Fr = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Fr, S); Fr.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (pi(b, [Gk, sk])) { var g = b.ec.get(sk); b.on("trigger", function () { uh(g.key, g.value) }) } }; var Gr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Gr, X); Gr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, [tk, Gk], function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Gk); g = g.ec.get(tk); 0 < m.ex.length && b.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[4] && uh(g.key, g.value) }) }; var Hr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Hr, X); Hr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, Gk, function (g) { var m = g.ec.get(Gk); if ( ! (0 >= m.tqa.length)) { for (var k = p(m.ex), c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) if (c = c.value, ! c.parent || ! b.Tc(g, c)) { Wa(m.ex, c); var a = new createjs.Event("untrigger", ! 1, ! 1); a.NU = c; g.dispatchEvent(a) } k = p(m.tqa); for (c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) for (c = b.ha.find(c.value), c = p(c), a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) if (a = a.value, b.Tc(g, a) && ! (0 <= Ua(m.ex, a))) { m.ex.push(a); c = new createjs.Event("trigger", ! 1, ! 1); c.NU = a; g.dispatchEvent(c); break } } }) }; Hr.prototype.Tc = function (b, g) { var m = b.ec.get(Gk); if ( ! b.visible) return ! 1; a:{ b = ti(b, Hk); b = p(b); for (var k = b.next(); ! k.done; k = b.next()) { k = k.value; k.visible = ! 0; var c = g.localToLocal(0, 0, k); if (k.hitTest(c.x, c.y)) { k.visible = ! 1; b = ! 0; break a } k.visible = ! 1 } b = ! 1 } if (b) if (g.ec && g.ec.has(aj)) { if ((g = g.ec.get(aj)) && bh(m.bdb, g.z, m.adb)) return ! 0 } else return ! 0; return ! 1 }; var Ir = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "61DFBEFE7BBA42719310DD5484391B9B", [Tn(3), Un(A.zfa), Un(A.A2), Wn()]) }; q(Ir, Zn); Ir.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("61DFBEFE7BBA42719310DD5484391B9B").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.mbb; this.oc = [new Fp(this), new mp(this, A.zfa), new Gr(this), new Pp(this), new Hr(this), new Rp(this), new Tp(this), new bq(this), new cq(this), new Er(this), new aq(this), new yr(this), new Ar(this), new jr(this), new kr(this), new or(this)]; this.Sc = [new Br(this), new Cr(this), new sr(this), new tr(this), new ur(this), new Fr(this), new Oq(this)] }; var Jr = function (b, g, m) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = g; this.kb = m }; q(Jr, X); Jr.prototype.tick = function () { ao(this.Ca) && Kr(this.ha.Cc, this.Ca, this.kb) }; var Lr = function (b, g, m) { Zn.call(this, b); this.Af = g; this.Bb = m }; q(Lr, Zn); Lr.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("348D233EE4ED48398F13A42B3BD73D9C").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.CJ; this.oc = [new Jr(this, this.Af, this.Bb), new Ep(this)] }; var Mr = 180 * .55, Nr = [A.EOa, A.DOa, A.BOa, A.zOa, A.AOa], Or = [65, 30, 9, 5, 0], Pr = function (b) { return 0 == b ? 0 : 5 > b ? 1 : 6 > b ? 2 : 7.5 > b ? 3 : 4 }, Qr = function (b, g) { g = Q(g, Ug).ec.get(Ug); return N(b).x + g.$_ - 27 }, Rr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Rr, X); Rr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, [Sg, Ui]), g = b.ec.get(Sg), m = N(b), k = Q(this.ha, Ug).ec.get(Ug), c = this.ha.Cc.ak; g.Q_ = ! 1; Y(this.ha, ah, function (h) { 0 < h.ec.get(Gk).ex.length && (g.Q_ = ! 0) }); Y(this.ha, $g, function (h) { 0 < h.ec.get(Gk).ex.length && 0 == g.vK && 0 == g.KQ && (A.COa.play(), g.vK = 30, k.LL = .25 * k.LL) }); 0 < g.vK ? (g.vK--, Vi(b, 3)) : 0 < g.KQ ? (g.KQ--, Vi(b, 3), 4 == g.KQ && Qj(this.ha, Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.kXa), b)) : (Vi(b, 19), g.Q_ ? k.LL++ : k.LL = .9 * k.LL); 0 < g.U_ ? g.U_-- : 0 == g.vK && 0 == g.KQ && c.Ca[4] && (g.KQ = 40, g.U_ = 150, Qj(this.ha, Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.iXa), b)); k.UB = Math.sqrt(111 + k.LL) / 3; g.eqa = Math.min(2.5, .45 * k.UB); var a = ti(b, di); a = p(a); for (var n = a.next(); ! n.done; n = a.next()) n.value.alpha = 4 > g.vK % 8 && 0 == g.KQ ? 1 : .3; k.$_ += k.UB; c = c.ha; 0 < C(c) ? (b.ec.get(M).velocity = lg(c, g.eqa * C(c)), a = ch(0, (m.x / 320 - .2) / .2, 1), n = 0 == g.vK ? Math.pow(1 - a, 2) : 0, 0 < b.ec.get(M).velocity.x && (b.ec.get(M).velocity.x *= n, k.LL += a * a * .4)) : b.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0); if (0 == C(c) || 0 < g.vK) m = 5 * ch(0, m.x / 320 - .1, .4), b.ec.get(M).velocity.x -= m; m = Pr(k.UB); 0 < g.vK ? Kj(b, "stumble") : Kj(b, ["idle", "walk", "run", "naruto", "supernaruto"][m]); Sr(m); k.tick++ }; var Sr = function (b) { b--; for (var g = 0; g < Nr.length; g++) { var m = Nr[g], k = Or[g]; b == g ? Be(m) || m.play(k) : m.stop() } }, Tr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Tr, X); Tr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = Q(this.ha, Sg), m = g.ec.get(Sg), k = N(g), c = this.ha.find(Yg), a = Q(this.ha, Ug).ec.get(Ug); Y(this.ha, Xg, function (n) { var h = N(n), d = n.ec.get(Xg); n.gotoAndStop("idle"); d.nC || (d.nC = h); var e = .85 * (d.nC.y - Mr), f = n.ec.get(M), v = kg(N(n).sub(k), 1 / 24), u = 1; 4 > v.x && (u = Math.pow(1 + ch(0, Math.abs(v.x - 4), 12) / 100, 1.5)); switch (d.name) { case 3: u *= 1.02; break; case 4: u *= 1.04 } var E = Qr(n, b.ha) / 24; n = b.ha.kb.TOTAL_METER - Qr(n, b.ha) / 24; 100 > n && 0 < n && (u += .1 * Math.sqrt(1 - n / 100)); 100 > E && (u += E / 100 * .05); 3 > E && (u *= .4 + .6 * E / 3); d = d.speed; 20 < E && 5 > v.x && (n = Math.pow((6 - Math.abs(ch(-5, v.x + 1, 6))) / 9, 1.5), d = d * (1 - n) + a.UB * n); n = B(d * u, 0); (n = c.filter(function (P) { return !! Ej(P) && N(P).x > h.x }).sort(function (P, K) { return N(P).x - N(K).x })[0]) ? (e = N(n).add(B(0, e)).sub(h), u += .15 * lg(e, 1).y, n = lg(e, Math.min(d * u, C(e)))) : n = lg(B(1, 0), .7 * d * u); m.Q_ && 20 < E && 1.5 > Math.abs(v.y) && 5 > v.x && 0 < v.x && (n.y = eh(n.y, Math.pow(.25 - v.x / 5 * .22, 1.4), k.y - h.y)); f.velocity = gh(f.velocity, .2, n) }) }; var Ur = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ur, X); Ur.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Ug).ec.get(Ug); Y(this.ha, Vg, function (g) { var m = N(g); m.x -= b.UB; Fj(g, m) }); Y(this.ha, hi, function (g) { var m = N(g); m.x %= 32; Fj(g, m) }) }; var Vr = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = this.kb = 200 }; q(Vr, X); Vr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Ug), g = b.ec.get(Ug), m = 5 / Math.pow(g.UB, 1.5); if ( ! (g.$_ / 24 + 30 > this.ha.kb.TOTAL_METER)) { this.kb--; if (4.5 < g.UB && 0 >= this.kb) { this.kb = qh(80, 140) * m; var k = Pj(this.ha, rh(this.ha.kb.SPAWNERS)); Qj(this.ha, k, b); var c = k.ec.get(Zg); "s" == c.direction ? Fj(k, B(340, 20)) : "n" == c.direction && Fj(k, B(340, 160)) } this.Ca--; 4.5 < g.UB && 0 >= this.Ca && (this.Ca = qh(170, 200) * m, g = Pj(this.ha, rh(this.ha.kb.OBSTACLES)), Qj(this.ha, g, b), Fj(g, B(340, qh(40, 140)))) } }; var Wr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Wr, X); Wr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Ug), g = Pr(b.ec.get(Ug).UB), m = [0, 0, .3, .4, .5], k = [0, 0, 1, 1.5, 2], c = [0, 0, -20, -25, -30], a = [0, 0, 1, 2, 4][g]; a = Math.random() > a % 1 ? Math.ceil(a) : Math.floor(a); for (var n = 0; n < a; n++) { var h = Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.Cna); Qj(this.ha, h, b); Fj(h, B(340 - qh(1, 10), qh(5, 175))); h.alpha = m[g]; h.scaleX = k[g]; h.ec.get(M).velocity.x = c[g] } }; var Xr = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Xr, X); Xr.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Y(this.ha, Zg, function (g) { var m = N(g), k = g.ec.get(Zg); g.currentFrame == k.Dcb && m && (g = Q(b.ha, Ug), k = Pj(b.ha, k.aba), Qj(b.ha, k, g), Fj(k, m)) }) }; var Yr = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Iw = []; this.Ca = new Map; this.Ca.set("a", [this.ha.ha.aL, this.ha.ha.Zja, this.ha.ha.$ja]); this.Ca.set("b", [this.ha.ha.aka, this.ha.ha.bka, this.ha.ha.cka]); this.Ca.set("c", [this.ha.ha.eka, this.ha.ha.fka, this.ha.ha.gka]) }; q(Yr, X); Yr.prototype.tick = function () { this.Iw = this.ha.find(ah).sort(function (k, c) { return N(k).x - N(c).x }); var b = this.Iw.filter(function (k) { return N(k).x < -k.ec.get(ah).width }); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, co(g), Wa(this.Iw, g); g = this.Iw[this.Iw.length - 1]; var m = g.ec.get(ah).width; b = N(g).x + m; 800 > b && ((Qr(g, this.ha) + m) / 24 > this.ha.kb.TOTAL_METER ? Zr(this, this.ha.ha.hka, B(b, 0)) : (g = g.ec.get(ah).end, g = rh(this.Ca.get(g)), Zr(this, g, B(b, 0)))) }; var Zr = function (b, g, m) { var k = Q(b.ha, Ug); g = Pj(b.ha, g); Qj(b.ha, g, k); Fj(g, m); b.Iw.push(g) }, as = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [Rr, Tr, Vr, Yr, $r]) }; q(as, Yo); as.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); var b = Q(this.ha, Sg), g = Q(this.ha, Ug).ec.get(Ug); if (Qr(b, this.ha) / 24 > this.ha.kb.TOTAL_METER && ! this.Ca) { Vi(b, 1); b.ec.get(M).velocity = lg(B(1, 0), C(b.ec.get(M).velocity) + g.UB); g.UB = 0; for (var m = this.ha.find(Xg), k = p(m), c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) c = c.value, c.ec.get(M).velocity = lg(B(1, 0), C(c.ec.get(M).velocity)); m = m.filter(function (a) { return N(a).x > N(b).x }).length; 0 == m ? To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("FIRST_PLACE"), { size: 80, shadow: "#111", color: "#ffde38", outline: "#a18722", Hw: 2 }) : 1 == m ? To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("SECOND_PLACE"), { size: 80, shadow: "#111", color: "#a1a4a6", outline: "#5f6263", Hw: 2 }) : 2 == m ? To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("THIRD_PLACE"), { size: 80, shadow: "#111", color: "#b58657", outline: "#6b4a29", Hw: 2 }) : To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("FINISH"), {size: 80, shadow: "#111", outline: "#555", Hw: 2}); Zo(this, g.tick, Math.max(0, 3 - m)) } }; var $r = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q($r, X); $r.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Sg), g = b.ec.get(Sg), m = Q(this.ha, Ug), k = m.ec.get(Ug), c = Q(this.ha, Tg), a = this.ha.find(Xg), n = k.UB / 24 * 108, h = n.toFixed(1) + "km/h"; c.speed.text = h; c.OL.text = h; h = Qr(b, this.ha) / 24; var d = Math.round(h) + "m/" + this.ha.kb.TOTAL_METER + "m"; c.AL.text = d; c.rK.text = d; n = Math.floor(22 * ch(0, (n - 18) / 20, 1)); n = Math.round(eh(c.DU.nU.currentFrame, .3, n)); 22 == n && .5 > Math.random() && n--; c.DU.nU.gotoAndStop(n); c.GY.gotoAndStop(Math.round(10 * (1 - g.U_ / 150))); g = lk(k.tick); c.time.text = g; c.Bp.text = g; a = [b].concat(ha(a)).sort(function (E, P) { return E.x - P.x }); g = a.indexOf(b); n = Math.max(0, g - (a.length - 5)); m.tU && 1 == k.tick && m.tU.play(); m = p(a); for (d = m.next(); ! d.done; d = m.next()) { var e = d.value; d = null; e == b ? d = c.IL.Gf : (d = e.ec.get(Xg), d.cursor || (d.cursor = Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.JWa), Qj(this.ha, d.cursor, c.IL), d.cursor.gotoAndStop(d.oab)), d = d.cursor); var f = a.indexOf(e), v = n + (f - g), u = 6 + 105 * ch(0, v, 4); v == n ? d.Ot.text = "" + (a.length - f) : (d.Ot.text = Math.min(99, Math.abs(Math.round(Qr(e, this.ha) / 24 - h))) + "m", v > n ? (u -= 30, d.Ot.text = "+" + d.Ot.text, d.Ot.color = "#1c1") : (d.Ot.text = "-" + d.Ot.text, d.Ot.color = "#c11")); e = 0 <= v && 5 > v ? 1 : 0; f = Cj(d); Dj(d, gh(f, .5, B(u, 0))); d.alpha = eh(d.alpha, .5, e) } c.IL.alpha = ch(0, (k.tick - 45) / 30, 1) }; var bs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(bs, S); bs.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (pi(b, [Ug])) { var g = Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.dfa); Qj(this.ha, g, b); Fj(g, B(24 * this.ha.kb.TOTAL_METER + 20, 34)) } }; var cs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(cs, S); cs.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(Ug)) { var g = this.ha.kb.OPPONENT_COUNT; b = this.ha.find(Xg).sort(function (c, a) { return c.x - a.x }); g = b.splice(g); g = p(g); for (var m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) co(m.value); bb(b); g = this.ha.kb.OPPONENT_MIN_SPEED; m = this.ha.kb.OPPONENT_MAX_SPEED; for (var k = 0; k < b.length; k++) b[k].ec.get(Xg).speed = eh(g, Math.pow(k / b.length, .85), m) } }; var ds = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ds, S); ds.prototype.gu = function (b) { b.ec.has(Xi) ? (b = b.ec.get(Xi), Wi(b, "character", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 40, collisionFilterGroup: 4, collisionFilterMask: 19, linearDamping: 0 }), Wi(b, "prop", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 0, collisionFilterGroup: 2, collisionFilterMask: 4, linearDamping: 0 }), Wi(b, "opponent", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 10, collisionFilterGroup: 16, collisionFilterMask: 5, linearDamping: 0 })) : b.ec.has(Xg) && (b.ec.get(Ui).l_ = "opponent") }; var es = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "6A005E6C90D74E9A971A793C2ECC526F", [Tn(6), Un(A.Cia), Wn()]) }; q(es, Zn); es.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("6A005E6C90D74E9A971A793C2ECC526F").getLibrary(); switch (this.Cc.Ca.ha) { case "800m": this.kb = { TOTAL_METER: 800, OPPONENT_COUNT: 6, OPPONENT_MAX_SPEED: 7.6, OPPONENT_MIN_SPEED: 4.2, SPAWNERS: [this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK], OBSTACLES: [this.ha.kY, this.ha.lY] }; break; case "1500m": this.kb = { TOTAL_METER: 1500, OPPONENT_COUNT: 8, OPPONENT_MAX_SPEED: 7.8, OPPONENT_MIN_SPEED: 4.5, SPAWNERS: [this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK, this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK, this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK, this.ha.mja], OBSTACLES: [this.ha.kY, this.ha.lY] }; break; case "5000m": this.kb = { TOTAL_METER: 5E3, OPPONENT_COUNT: 12, OPPONENT_MAX_SPEED: 8.4, OPPONENT_MIN_SPEED: 4.7, SPAWNERS: [this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK, this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK, this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK, this.ha.mja], OBSTACLES: [this.ha.kY, this.ha.lY] }; break; default: this.kb = { TOTAL_METER: 400, OPPONENT_COUNT: 6, OPPONENT_MAX_SPEED: 7, OPPONENT_MIN_SPEED: 4, SPAWNERS: [this.ha.dL, this.ha.ZK], OBSTACLES: [this.ha.kY, this.ha.lY] } } this.Ca = new this.ha.kU; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Uo(this), new mp(this, A.Cia), new Wo(this, [Hr, Ur, Yr, Rr, Vr, Wr, Xr, Tr, as, Tp, aq, zr, yr, Ar, Up]), new Hr(this), new Ur(this), new Yr(this), new Rr(this), new Vr(this), new Wr(this), new Xr(this), new Tr(this), new Tp(this), new aq(this), new zr(this), new yr(this), new Ar(this), new $r(this), new as(this), new Up(this), new Vp(this), new Pp(this)]; this.Sc = [new Br(this), new Cr(this), new bs(this), new cs(this), new ds(this)]; if (gf) { var b = this.Cc.oc; b.load("marathonoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }); Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }) } }; var fs = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(fs, X); fs.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(yi).filter(function (g) { return "controls" == g.ec.get(yi).id }); b[0] && gs(this, b[0]) }; var gs = function (b, g) { var m = b.ha.Cc.ak; b = function (k, c) { var a = k.ec.get(zi).button; k = k.text; c ? (c = m.oc, a == c.ha ? a = L("MAPPING_LABEL") : (a = c.Ca[a], 0 == a.length ? a = "" : (a = c.Sc[a[0]], " " == a && (a = "Spacebar")))) : (c = m.Bb, a == c.ha ? a = L("MAPPING_LABEL") : (a = c.Ca[a], 0 == a.length ? a = "" : (a = a[0], a = 0 == a.type ? (0 > a.eJ ? "-" : "+") + " Axis " + Math.abs(a.eJ) : "Button " + a.eJ))); k.text = a }; b(g.fU, ! 0); b(g.cU, ! 0); b(g.dU, ! 0); b(g.eU, ! 0); b(g.aU, ! 0); b(g.bU, ! 0); b(g.JT, ! 1); b(g.GT, ! 1); b(g.HT, ! 1); b(g.IT, ! 1); b(g.ET, ! 1); b(g.FT, ! 1) }, hs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(hs, S); hs.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "controls" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { Z(b, L("CONTROLS_MENU")); b.yN.text = L("CONTROLS"); b.addEventListener("click", function (c) { if (null != m.oc.ha || null != m.Bb.ha) c.stopImmediatePropagation(), m.oc.ha = null, m.Bb.ha = null }, ! 0); var m = this.ha.Cc.ak, k = function (c, a, n, h) { c.ec.get(wi).eventId = a; var d = new zi; d.button = n; c.ec.set(zi, d); b.addEventListener(a, function () { if (null == m.oc.ha && null == m.Bb.ha) if (h) { var e = m.oc; null == e.ha && (e.ha = n) } else e = m.Bb, null == e.ha && (e.ha = n) }); Z(c, L(a)) }; b.addEventListener("back", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); Z(b.back, L("BACK")); b.addEventListener("okay", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); Z(b.zT, L("CONFIRM")); b.zT.label.text = L("CONFIRM"); b.addEventListener("defaults", function () { Ph(m.oc); Th(m.Bb) }); Z(b.BT, L("DEFAULTS")); b.BT.label.text = L("DEFAULTS"); k(b.fU, "KEYBOARD_UP", 2, ! 0); k(b.cU, "KEYBOARD_DOWN", 3, ! 0); k(b.dU, "KEYBOARD_LEFT", 0, ! 0); k(b.eU, "KEYBOARD_RIGHT", 1, ! 0); k(b.aU, "KEYBOARD_ACTION", 4, ! 0); k(b.bU, "KEYBOARD_CANCEL", 5, ! 0); k(b.JT, "GAMEPAD_UP", 2, ! 1); k(b.GT, "GAMEPAD_DOWN", 3, ! 1); k(b.HT, "GAMEPAD_LEFT", 0, ! 1); k(b.IT, "GAMEPAD_RIGHT", 1, ! 1); k(b.ET, "GAMEPAD_ACTION", 4, ! 1); k(b.FT, "GAMEPAD_CANCEL", 5, ! 1) } }; var is = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(is, S); is.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "leaderboard" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { b.addEventListener("back", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); var m = xi(b, "back"); Z(m, L("CLOSE")); b.title.text = L("LEADERBOARD"); b.CJ.text = L("LOADING") } }; var js = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(js, S); js.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "newgame" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { Z(b, L("NEW_GAME")); b.title.text = L("NEW_GAME"); b.prompt.text = Dh(L("NEW_GAME_PROMPT")); b.addEventListener("no", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); var m = xi(b, "no"); m.label.text = L("NO"); Z(m, L("NO")); b.addEventListener("yes", function () { vh(); ks(); Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld")); var k = g.ha.Cc.ha; k.Bb.splice(0, k.Bb.length); ls(k) }); b = xi(b, "yes"); b.label.text = L("YES"); Z(b, L("YES")) } }; var ms = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ms, S); ms.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "pause" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { Z(b, L("PAUSE_MENU")); b.title.text = L("PAUSED"); var m = xi(b, "resume"); m.label.text = L("CONTINUE"); Z(m, m.label.text); m = xi(b, "how"); m.label.text = L("HOW_TO_PLAY"); Z(m, m.label.text); m = xi(b, "restart"); m.label.text = L("RESTART"); Z(m, m.label.text); m = xi(b, "quit"); m.label.text = L("QUIT"); Z(m, m.label.text); b.addEventListener("quit", function () { Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld")); g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); b.addEventListener("how", function () { var k = g.ha.Cc.Ca.name, c = lo(k); c && k && Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, c) }); b.addEventListener("restart", function () { Hq(g.ha.Cc, g.ha.Cc.Ca); g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); b.addEventListener("resume", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }) } }; var qs = function (b) { var g = void 0 === g ? ! 0 : g; var m, k, c, a; return ya(function (n) { switch (n.ha) { case 1: return m = "string" === typeof b ? b : b.value, ra(n, ns(m), 2); case 2: var h; if ( ! (h = n.kb)) if (document.execCommand) { "string" === typeof b ? (os || (os = document.createElement("input"), os.readOnly = ! 0, Af(os, "position", "absolute", "opacity", 0, "left", 0, "top", 0, "pointerEvents", "none"), document.body.appendChild(os)), os.value = b, h = os) : h = b; h !== document.activeElement && h.focus(); var d = h.contentEditable, e = h.readOnly; h.contentEditable = ! 0; h.readOnly = ! 1; var f = document.createRange(); f.selectNodeContents(h); var v = window.getSelection(); v.removeAllRanges(); v.addRange(f); try { h.select(), h.setSelectionRange(0, h.value.length) } catch (E) { } h.contentEditable = d; h.readOnly = e; try { var u = document.execCommand("copy") } catch (E) { u = ! 1 } window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); h.blur(); os && os.remove(); h = u } else h = ! 1; if (k = h) { n.ha = 3; break } if ( ! (c = g)) { n.ha = 4; break } return ra(n, ps(), 5); case 5: c = n.kb; case 4: if ( ! (a = c)) { n.ha = 6; break } return ra(n, ns(m), 7); case 7: a = n.kb; case 6: k = a; case 3: return k ? n.return(Promise.resolve()) : n.return(Promise.reject()) } }) }, ns = function (b) { return ya(function (g) { return navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.writeText ? g.return(navigator.clipboard.writeText(b).then(function () { return ! 0 }, function () { return ! 1 })) : g.return( ! 1) }) }, rs = function (b) { return ya(function (g) { switch (b.state) { case "granted": return g.return( ! 0); case "denied": return g.return( ! 1) } return g.return(new Promise(function (m) { b.onchange = function () { return m(rs(b)) } })) }) }, ps = function () { var b; return ya(function (g) { if (1 == g.ha) { if ( ! navigator.permissions || ! navigator.permissions.query) return g.return( ! 1); b = rs; return ra(g, navigator.permissions.query({name: "clipboard-write"}), 2) } return g.return(b(g.kb)) }) }, os = null; rb(); Wb() || x("iPod"); x("iPad"); ! x("Android") || sb() || rb() || x("Opera") || x("Silk"); sb(); ! x("Safari") || sb() || x("Coast") || x("Opera") || x("Edge") || x("Edg/") || x("OPR") || rb() || x("Silk") || x("Android") || Xb(); var ss = {}, ts = null; var us = function (b) { return 0 == b.indexOf("//") ? "https:" + b : b }, vs = function () { var b = Jo(), g = Jf("share", ""); Mf() || (so(9), b = us(b), window.location = "http://www.google.com/doodles/_SHARE?description=" + encodeURIComponent(g) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(b)) }, ws = function () { return null != window.agsa_ext && null != window.agsa_ext.share }, xs = function () { var b = Jo(), g = Jf("share", ""); ! Mf() && ws() && (so(15), window.agsa_ext.share(g + " " + b, null)) }, ys = function (b, g) { var m = new Pe, k; for (k in g) m.add(k, g[k]); b = new Ke(b); Ne(b, m); return b.toString() }, zs = function (b) { ya(function (g) { if (Mf()) return g.return(Promise.reject()); so(16); return g.return(qs(b)) }) }; var As = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(As, S); As.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "results" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { var m = xi(b, "overworld"); Z(m, L("OVERWORLD")); m = xi(b, "replay"); Z(m, L("REPLAY")); m = xi(b, "share"); Z(m, L("SHARE")); b.title.text = L("RESULTS"); b.CL.text = L("HIGH_SCORE"); var k = function () { return 5 < b.zK.LQ.currentFrame || 5 < b.zK.MQ.currentFrame || 5 < b.zK.NQ.currentFrame || 5 < b.zK.OQ.currentFrame }; b.addEventListener("overworld", function () { k() && (Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld")), g.ha.Cc.ha.close()) }); b.addEventListener("replay", function () { k() && (Hq(g.ha.Cc, g.ha.Cc.Ca), g.ha.Cc.ha.close()) }); b.addEventListener("share", function () { k() && (jf() && ! lf() ? vs() : ws() ? xs() : Bs(g.ha.Cc.ha)) }) } }; var Cs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Cs, S); Cs.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "settings" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { Z(b, L("SETTINGS")); b.ML.text = L("SETTINGS"); b.addEventListener("back", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); var m = xi(b, "back"); Z(m, L("CLOSE")); b.addEventListener("newGame", function () { Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "newgame") }); m = xi(b, "newGame"); Z(m, L("NEW_GAME")); m.text.text = L("NEW_GAME"); b.addEventListener("soundOn", function () { uh("MUTED", ! 1); ks() }); m = xi(b, "soundOn"); m.text.text = L("SOUND_ON"); Z(m, L("SOUND_ON")); b.hS.text = L("SOUND"); b.addEventListener("soundOff", function () { uh("MUTED", ! 0); ks() }); m = xi(b, "soundOff"); m.text.text = L("SOUND_OFF"); Z(m, L("SOUND_OFF")); b.rS.text = L("TEXT_STYLE"); b.addEventListener("textRetro", function () { uh("FONT", "retro") }); m = xi(b, "textRetro"); m.text.text = L("TEXT_STYLE_RETRO"); Z(m, L("TEXT_STYLE_RETRO")); b.addEventListener("textModern", function () { uh("FONT", "modern") }); b = xi(b, "textModern"); b.text.text = L("TEXT_STYLE_MODERN"); Z(b, L("TEXT_STYLE_MODERN")) } }; var Ds = new Map([["archery", "ARCHERY_SHARE_MSG"], ["climbing", "CLIMBING_SHARE_MSG"], ["marathon", "MARATHON_SHARE_MSG"], ["pingpong", "PINGPONG_SHARE_MSG"], ["rugby", "RUGBY_SHARE_MSG"], ["skate", "SKATEBOARDING_SHARE_MSG"], ["swim", "SWIM_SHARE_MSG"]]), Es = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Es, S); Es.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; b.ec.has(yi) && "share" == b.ec.get(yi).id && (Z(b, L("SHARE_YOUR_SCORE")), b.label.text = L("SHARE_YOUR_SCORE"), b.addEventListener("closeShare", function () { var m = g.ha.Cc.ha; m.Af && (co(m.Af), m.Af = null, m.Ca.kS.mouseEnabled = ! 0, m.Ca.Jw.mouseEnabled = ! 0) }), Z(xi(b, "closeShare"), L("CLOSE")), b.addEventListener("facebook", function () { var m = Jo(); Mf() || (m = us(m), m = ys("https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share", { app_id: "738026486351791", href: m, hashtag: "#GoogleDoodle" }), Vb(m), so(5)) }), Z(xi(b, "facebook"), L("SHARE_FB")), b.addEventListener("twitter", function () { var m = Jo(), k = Fs(g); Mf() || (m = us(m), m = "text=" + encodeURIComponent(k + "\n" + m), Vb("http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?" + m), so(6)) }), Z(xi(b, "twitter"), L("SHARE_TW")), b.addEventListener("mail", function () { var m = Jo(), k = Fs(g); if ( ! Mf()) { so(8); var c = window.top.location, a = void 0; a = void 0 === a ? Nf : a; m = us(m); k = ys("mailto:", {subject: a, body: k + "\n" + m}); c.href = k } }), Z(xi(b, "mail"), L("SHARE_EM")), b.addEventListener("srp", function () { var m = google.doodle ? google.doodle.url : ""; m && Hf(m, ! 0) }), Z(xi(b, "srp"), L("SEARCH")), b.addEventListener("copy", function () { var m = Jo(); m = us(m); zs(m); To(g.ha.Cc.kb, L("LINK_COPIED"), {size: 30, outline: "#1b0a01", color: "#ece3ba", Hw: 4}) }), Z(xi(b, "copy"), L("SHARE_CP"))) }; var Fs = function (b) { var g = Ds.get(b.ha.Cc.Ca.name); return g && 0 != b.ha.Ca.Jw.Hf.eJ ? L(g).replace("{{}}", b.ha.Ca.Jw.Hf.text) : L("SHARE_MSG") }; var Gs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Gs, S); Gs.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "skip" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { Z(b, L("SKIP_TUTORIAL")); b.label.text = L("SKIP_TUTORIAL"); b.addEventListener("no", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); var m = xi(b, "no"); m.label.text = L("NO"); Z(m, L("NO")); b.addEventListener("yes", function () { uh("TUTORIAL_BEGIN", ! 0); uh("TUTORIAL_DONE", ! 0); g.ha.Cc.ha.close(); var k = g.ha.Cc.Bb; k && hr(k, "hub") }); m = xi(b, "yes"); m.label.text = L("YES"); Z(m, L("YES")); b.addEventListener("share", function () { jf() && ! lf() ? vs() : ws() ? xs() : Bs(g.ha.Cc.ha) }); m = xi(b, "share"); m.label.label.text = L("SHARE"); Z(m, L("SHARE")); b.addEventListener("controls", function () { Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "controls") }); m = xi(b, "controls"); m.label.label.text = L("CONTROLS"); Z(m, L("CONTROLS")); b.addEventListener("leader", function () { lr(g.ha.Cc.ha) }); m = xi(b, "leader"); m.label.label.text = L("LEADERBOARD"); Z(m, L("LEADERBOARD")); b.addEventListener("settings", function () { Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "settings") }); b = xi(b, "settings"); b.label.label.text = L("SETTINGS"); Z(b, L("SETTINGS")) } }; var Hs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Hs, S); Hs.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && "stats" == b.ec.get(yi).id) { Z(b, L("STATS_MENU")); b.label.text = L("CHAMPION_ISLAND"); b.addEventListener("close", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); var m = xi(b, "close"); Z(m, L("CLOSE")); b.addEventListener("share", function () { jf() && ! lf() ? vs() : ws() ? xs() : Bs(g.ha.Cc.ha) }); m = xi(b, "share"); m.label.label.text = L("SHARE"); Z(m, L("SHARE")); b.addEventListener("controls", function () { Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "controls") }); m = xi(b, "controls"); m.label.label.text = L("CONTROLS"); Z(m, L("CONTROLS")); b.addEventListener("leader", function () { lr(g.ha.Cc.ha) }); m = xi(b, "leader"); m.label.label.text = L("LEADERBOARD"); Z(m, L("LEADERBOARD")); b.addEventListener("settings", function () { Vo(g.ha.Cc.ha, "settings") }); m = xi(b, "settings"); m.label.label.text = L("SETTINGS"); Z(m, L("SETTINGS")); m = {}; for (var k = p([["climbing", "climbing"], ["skate", "skate"], ["rugby", "rugby"], ["archery", "archery"], ["pingpong", "pingpong"], ["swim", "swim"], ["marathon", "marathon"]]), c = k.next(); ! c.done; m = {PY: m.PY}, c = k.next()) { var a = p(c.value); c = a.next().value; m.PY = a.next().value; b.addEventListener(c, function (n) { return function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close(); var h = g.ha.Cc.Bb; "overworld" == g.ha.Cc.Ca.name && h ? hr(h, n.PY) : Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("overworld", null, n.PY)) } }(m)); a = xi(b, c); a.label.label.text = L(c.toUpperCase()); Z(a, L(c.toUpperCase())) } } }; var Is = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Is, S); Is.prototype.fu = function (b) { var g = this; if (b.ec.has(yi) && this.ha.Ca.currentLabel.startsWith("tut")) { b.addEventListener("start", function () { g.ha.Cc.ha.close() }); var m = xi(b, "start"); Z(m, L("OK")); m.label.text = L("OK"); var k = m = "", c = "", a = ""; switch (this.ha.Ca.currentLabel) { case "tutArcheryDesktop": m = "archery"; k = "TUT_ARCHERY"; c = "TUT_ARCHERY_DESKTOP_MOVE"; a = "TUT_ARCHERY_DESKTOP_ACTION"; break; case "tutArcheryMobile": m = "archery"; k = "TUT_ARCHERY"; c = "TUT_JOYSTICK_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_ARCHERY_MOBILE_ACTION"; break; case "tutClimbingDesktop": m = "climbing"; k = "TUT_CLIMBING"; c = "TUT_DIR_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_CLIMBING_DESKTOP_ACTION"; break; case "tutClimbingMobile": m = "climbing"; k = "TUT_CLIMBING"; c = "TUT_JOYSTICK_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_CLIMBING_MOBILE_ACTION"; break; case "tutMarathonDesktop": m = "marathon"; k = "TUT_MARATHON"; c = "TUT_DIR_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_MARATHON_DESKTOP_ACTION"; break; case "tutMarathonMobile": m = "marathon"; k = "TUT_MARATHON"; c = "TUT_JOYSTICK_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_MARATHON_MOBILE_ACTION"; break; case "tutPingpongDesktop": m = "pingpong"; k = "TUT_PINGPONG"; c = "TUT_DIR_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_PINGPONG_DESKTOP_ACTION"; break; case "tutPingpongMobile": m = "pingpong"; k = "TUT_PINGPONG"; c = "TUT_JOYSTICK_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_PINGPONG_MOBILE_ACTION"; break; case "tutRugbyDesktop": m = "rugby"; k = "TUT_RUGBY"; c = "TUT_DIR_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_RUGBY_DESKTOP_ACTION"; break; case "tutRugbyMobile": m = "rugby"; k = "TUT_RUGBY"; c = "TUT_JOYSTICK_TO_MOVE"; a = "TUT_RUGBY_MOBILE_ACTION"; break; case "tutSkateDesktop": m = "skate"; k = "TUT_SKATE"; c = "TUT_SKATE_DESKTOP_MOVE"; a = "TUT_SKATE_DESKTOP_ACTION"; break; case "tutSkateMobile": m = "skate"; k = "TUT_SKATE"; c = "TUT_SKATE_MOBILE_MOVE"; a = "TUT_SKATE_MOBILE_ACTION"; break; case "tutSwimDesktop": m = "swim"; k = "TUT_SWIM"; c = "TUT_SWIM_DESKTOP_MOVE"; a = "TUT_SWIM_ACTION"; break; case "tutSwimMobile": m = "swim", k = "TUT_SWIM", c = "TUT_SWIM_MOBILE_MOVE", a = "TUT_SWIM_ACTION" } b.title.text = L(m.toUpperCase()); b.Dd.text = L("RULES"); b.Cd.text = Dh(L(k)); b.Ad.text = Dh(L(c)); b.Bd.text = Dh(L(a)); Z(b, [b.title.text, b.Cd.text, b.Ad.text, b.Bd.text].join(". ")) } }; var Js = {left: 240, right: 240, top: 216, bottom: 432}, Ks = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ks, X); Ks.prototype.tick = function () { if (dg) { var b = Q(this.ha, Vh), g = this.ha.find(Ei), m = this.ha.find(hi); this.ha.Ca.Ca || (this.ha.Ca.Ca = new createjs.Text("", "30px Arial", "#f00"), this.ha.Ca.addChild(this.ha.Ca.Ca), this.ha.Ca.Ca.x = 200); g = g.filter(function (k) { return ! k.ec.get(Ei).Eaa }).length; m = m.filter(function (k) { return k.visible && k.parent == b }).length; this.ha.Ca.Ca.text = "Entity: " + this.ha.Pk + " Children: " + b.children.length + " BGs: " + (m + " Regions: " + g) } }; var Ls = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = 0 }; q(Ls, X); Ls.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = Q(this.ha, [Vh, Xh]); qi(g, function (m) { if (m == g) return ! 1; if ( ! m.ec || m.parent != g) return ! 0; if (m.ec.has(hi)) return wj(m, Ij(g, m, 0, ! 0, ! 0)), ! 0; if (m.ec.has(Ei) || m.ec.has(Bi) || m.id % 4 != b.Ca % 4 || m.ec.has(uk) && ! m.ec.get(uk).visible) return ! 0; wj(m, Ij(g, m, Js)); return ! 0 }); this.Ca++ }; var Ms = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = new Map }; q(Ms, X); var Ns = function (b, g) { var m = Ej(g), k = [].concat(ha(g.children)); b.Ca.set(g, []); k = p(k); for (var c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) { c = c.value; var a = N(c); co(c); a && m && (Qj(b.ha, c, m), Fj(c, a), b.Ca.get(g).push(c)) } g.ec.get(Ei).Eaa = ! 1 }; Ms.prototype.tick = function () { for (var b = Q(this.ha, [Vh, Xh]), g = this.ha.find(Ei), m = p(g), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) if (k = k.value, ! k.ec.has(gi)) { var c = k.getBounds(); k.setBounds(c.x, c.y, c.width, c.height); k.ec.set(gi, new gi); wj(k, ! 1); Ns(this, k) } g = p(g); for (k = g.next(); ! k.done; k = g.next()) if (m = k.value, (k = Ij(b, m, 0, ! 0, ! 0)) && ! this.Ca.has(m)) Ns(this, m); else if ( ! k && this.Ca.has(m)) { k = this.Ca.get(m); k = p(k); for (c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) { c = c.value; var a = N(c); co(c); m.addChild(c); Fj(c, a) } m.ec.get(Ei).Eaa = ! 0; this.Ca.delete(m) } }; var Os = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Os, X); Os.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, hi, function (b) { b = b.ec.get(hi); if (0 < b.uY && b.frames && 0 < b.frames.length) { b.tick++; for (var g = Math.floor(b.tick / b.Wpa) % b.uY, m = 0; m < b.uY; m++) b.frames[m].visible = m == g } }) }; var Ps = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ps, S); Ps.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(hi)) { var g = b.ec.get(hi), m = b.getBounds(); if (0 < g.uY && 0 == g.frames.length && m) { for (var k = new createjs.MovieClip, c = 0, a = [].concat(ha(b.children)), n = p(a), h = n.next(); ! h.done; h = n.next()) h = h.value, b.removeChild(h), k.addChild(h), c++; for (c = 0; c < g.uY; c++) { n = c * g.Wpa; var d = new createjs.MovieClip; d.addChild(k); var e = p(a); for (h = e.next(); ! h.done; h = e.next()) h = h.value, h.gotoAndStop && h.gotoAndStop(n); d.cache(m.x, m.y, m.width, m.height); d.removeChild(k); d.tickEnabled = ! 1; g.frames.push(d); b.addChild(d) } } } }; var Qs = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Qs, S); Qs.prototype.gu = function (b) { if ( ! b.ec.has(ci) && ! b.ec.has(hi)) { b = b.children.filter(function (m) { return 1 == m.totalFrames }); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g.value.tickEnabled = ! 1 } }; var Rs = ["0star", "1star", "2star", "3star"], Ss = ["ZERO_STARS", "ONE_STAR", "TWO_STARS", "THREE_STARS"], Ts = new Map([["BLUE", "#60adf7"], ["GREEN", "#6bf368"], ["RED", "#ff5a5a"], ["YELLOW", "#f3e868"], ["NO_TEAM", "#ffffff"]]), Us = new Map([["BLUE", "BLUE_SCORE"], ["GREEN", "GREEN_SCORE"], ["RED", "RED_SCORE"], ["YELLOW", "YELLOW_SCORE"]]), Vs = new createjs.Rectangle(-1536, -833, 3088, 1600), Ws = new createjs.Rectangle(0, 0, 120, 96), Xs = function (b) { var g = parseInt(b / 30 % 60, 10); b = parseInt(b / 1800 % 60, 10); return 0 < b ? L("TIME_IS_MIN_SEC").replace("{{}}", b.toString()).replace("{{}}", g.toString()) : L("TIME_IS_SEC").replace("{{}}", g.toString()) }, Ys = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b); this.Bb = [] }; q(Ys, Zn); Ys.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("1754741A4A3841C2AB73BD915D793487").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.Obb; this.oc = [new Lq(this), new Nq(this), new fs(this), new Er(this)]; this.Sc = [new is(this), new Is(this), new ms(this), new Hs(this), new As(this), new Gs(this), new Es(this), new hs(this), new Cs(this), new js(this), new Qs(this)]; this.Af = null }; var Vo = function (b, g) { Zs(b, g) && b.Bb.push(g) }, Zs = function (b, g) { if ( ! yj(b.Ca, g)) return ! 1; b.Cc.Bb.JS(); b.Cc.Bb.disable(); b.Ca.alpha = 1; b.enable(); b.OU(); A.GOa.play(); b.Ca.gotoAndStop(g); ro("d3", g, ! 0); so(107); return ! 0 }; Ys.prototype.close = function () { this.Bb.pop(); 0 == this.Bb.length ? ls(this) : Zs(this, this.Bb[this.Bb.length - 1]) }; var ls = function (b) { b.Ca.alpha = 0; b.JS(); b.disable(); b.Cc.Bb.enable(); b.Cc.Bb.OU(); A.FOa.play(); ro("d3", b.Ca.currentLabel, ! 0); so(108) }, Gp = function (b) { Vo(b, "stats"); b = b.Ca.kS; for (var g = p([["archery", b.wL, b.nY], ["climbing", b.yL, b.qY], ["marathon", b.GL, b.BY], ["pingpong", b.HL, b.EY], ["rugby", b.JL, b.JY], ["skate", b.NL, b.LY], ["swim", b.QL, b.NY]]), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) { var k = p(m.value); m = k.next().value; var c = k.next().value; k = k.next().value; var a = yo(m); null != a ? c.text = "time" == wo[m].type ? lk(a) : a : c.text = "???"; k.gotoAndStop(Rs[zo(m)]) } g = th("PLAYER_TEAM", "NO_TEAM").toUpperCase(); b.BK.text = L(g); b.BK.color = Ts.get(g); (g = th("PLAYER_POS", null)) && g instanceof Object && (g = B(g), g = B(fh(Vs.x, g.x, Vs.x + Vs.width), fh(Vs.y, g.y, Vs.y + Vs.height)), Aj(b.map.Gf, B(eh(Ws.x, ch(.1, g.x, .9), Ws.x + Ws.width), eh(Ws.y, ch(.1, g.y, .85), Ws.y + Ws.height)))) }, Xo = function (b, g, m) { m = void 0 === m ? null : m; var k = (new Xn(b.Cc.Ca.name, b.Cc.Ca.ha)).toString(); if (k) { var c = ko(b.Cc.Ca.name); null == m && (m = Ao(k, g)); var a = Do(k, g, m); if (3 == m) { if ( ! io(c)) { Hq(b.Cc, new Xn("video", c)); return } if ( ! io("outro") && Bo()) { Hq(b.Cc, new Xn("video", "outro")); return } } Vo(b, "results"); var n = wo[k].type; c = L("GAME_OVER") + "\n"; c += L(Ss[m]) + "\n"; c += "time" == n ? Xs(g) : L("SCORE_IS").replace("{{}}", g.toString()); Z(b.Ca.Jw, c); var h = function (e) { return "time" == n ? lk(e) : Math.ceil(e) }; k = yo(k); var d = b.Ca.Jw.zK; d.gotoAndStop(m); d.LQ.gotoAndStop(0); d.MQ.gotoAndStop(0); d.NQ.gotoAndStop(0); d.OQ.gotoAndStop(0); b.Ca.Jw.Hf.eJ = 0; createjs.Tween.get(b.Ca.Jw.Hf, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({eJ: g}, 20).call(function () { d.LQ.gotoAndPlay(1); d.MQ.gotoAndPlay(1); d.NQ.gotoAndPlay(1); d.OQ.gotoAndPlay(1) }).addEventListener("change", function () { b.Ca.Jw.Hf.text = h(b.Ca.Jw.Hf.eJ) }); b.Ca.Jw.mC.eJ = k || 0; b.Ca.Jw.mC.text = h(k); a && createjs.Tween.get(b.Ca.Jw.mC, { override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0 }).to({eJ: g}, 20).addEventListener("change", function () { b.Ca.Jw.mC.text = h(b.Ca.Jw.mC.eJ) }) } }, Bs = function (b) { b.Af || (b.Af = Pj(b, b.ha.dma), Qj(b, b.Af, b.Ca), b.Ca.kS.mouseEnabled = ! 1, b.Ca.Jw.mouseEnabled = ! 1) }, lr = function (b) { Vo(b, "leaderboard"); var g = b.Ca.AY; Vj(g, "loading").visible = ! 0; for (b = 0; 4 > b; b++) Vj(g, "teamName" + b).visible = ! 1, Vj(g, "teamScore" + b).visible = ! 1; Ho().then(function (m) { var k = L("LEADERBOARD_MENU"); g.children.find(function (f) { return "loading" === f.name }).visible = ! 1; for (var c = 0; 4 > c; c++) Vj(g, "teamName" + c).visible = ! 0, Vj(g, "teamScore" + c).visible = ! 0; c = {}; m = p(m); for (var a = m.next(); ! a.done; c = {GJ: c.GJ, QY: c.QY}, a = m.next()) { c.GJ = a.value; a = c.GJ.GlobalScore; c.QY = {Hf: 0}; createjs.Tween.get(c.QY, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({Hf: a}, 10).addEventListener("change", function (f) { return function () { Vj(g, "teamScore" + f.GJ.TeamId).text = "" + Math.ceil(f.QY.Hf) } }(c)); var n = L(ig[c.GJ.TeamId].toUpperCase()), h = Ts.get(ig[c.GJ.TeamId].toUpperCase()), d = Vj(g, "teamName" + c.GJ.TeamId), e = Vj(g, "teamScore" + c.GJ.TeamId); k += " " + L(Us.get(ig[c.GJ.TeamId].toUpperCase())).replace("{{}}", "" + a); d.text = "" + n; e.text = "" + a; d.color = h; e.color = h } Z(g, k) }) }; Ys.prototype.JS = function () { this.Ca.tickEnabled = ! 1 }; Ys.prototype.OU = function () { this.Ca.tickEnabled = ! 0 }; var $s = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "6B325686132B46298EE25D130F14A658", [Tn(3), Un(A.vja), Un(A.A2), Wn()]) }; q($s, Zn); $s.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("6B325686132B46298EE25D130F14A658").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.oU; this.oc = [new Fp(this), new mp(this, A.vja), new gr(this), new Cq(this), new Dq(this), new Ms(this), new Os(this), new nr(this), new Er(this), new Dr(this), new Gr(this), new Pp(this), new Ls(this), new Hr(this), new bq(this), new aq(this), new yr(this), new Ar(this), new jr(this), new pr(this), new kr(this), new mr(this), new or(this), new rr(this), new qr(this), new Ks(this)]; this.Sc = [new Br(this), new Cr(this), new sr(this), new vr(this), new Eq(this), new wr(this), new Yp(this), new Ps(this), new Qs(this), new tr(this), new ur(this), new Fr(this), new Oq(this)] }; var at = -135 * $f * $f, bt = new jg(22, 0), ct = new jg(-22, 0), dt = [0, 1, 5, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25], et = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(et, X); et.prototype.tick = function () { ft(this) || (gt(this, gj), gt(this, hj)) }; var gt = function (b, g) { var m = Q(b.ha, [dj, g]), k = m.ec.get(dj), c = Q(b.ha, ij).ec.get(ij), a = Q(b.ha, kj), n = b.ha.find(cj), h = Gj(Q(b.ha, [g, fj])); n = p(n); for (var d = n.next(); ! d.done; d = n.next()) { d = d.value; var e = g, f = k.state, v = N(d); v.y -= d.ec.get(aj).z; var u = d.ec.get(cj); if (u.jU && 3 != u.state && ! d.ec.has(e) && h && h.contains(v.x, v.y) && (e === gj || 3 > u.DL) && (0 === f || e === hj && 0 === u.DL)) { f = b; e = g; d.ec.delete(gj); d.ec.delete(hj); d.ec.set(e, new e); v = d.ec.get(cj); u = 0; e === gj && (v.DL++, v = d.ec.get(cj), 3 <= v.DL ? (v.Taa *= 6, v.state = 2, Kj(d, "flaming")) : 2 <= v.DL && (v.state = 1, Kj(d, "smoking")), u = d.ec.get(cj).Taa); v = C(d.ec.get(M).velocity) + u; f = f.ha.Ca; if (e === gj) e = hj; else if (e === hj) e = gj; else throw Error("S"); f = ht(f, e); e = d.ec.get(M); if (u = N(d)) f = f.sub(u), e.velocity = lg(f, v), f = C(f) / v, v = d.ec.get(aj).z, u = a.ec.get(aj).z + a.ec.get(bj).height, e.pC = (u - .5 * at * f * f - v) / f; m.gotoAndStop("swing"); m.ec.get(dj).state = 1; if (e = m.ec.get(li)) e.IC = ! 1, m.ec.get(M).velocity = new jg(0, 0); if (g === gj) c.Haa++, c.MY = ch(0, c.MY + 1 / (6 + 1.2 * it(c)), 1), A.dWa.play(); else if (g === hj) { c.Dab++; A.cWa.play(); e = m.parent; f = N(m); d = N(d); if ( ! e || ! f || ! d) throw Error("Q"); 15 < dh(f, d) && (m instanceof b.ha.ha.bga ? Rj(b.ha.ha.RGa, b.ha, f) : Rj(b.ha.ha.xDa, b.ha, f), Fj(m, d)) } } } }, ft = function (b) { if ( ! b.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[4]) return ! 1; var g = Q(b.ha, [dj, gj]), m = g.ec.get(dj), k = Q(b.ha, ij).ec.get(ij); if (2 === m.state || 3 === m.state || 1 > k.MY) return ! 1; A.gWa.play(); m.state = 2; m.DL = 0; g.gotoAndPlay("super"); var c = g.ec.get(li); c.IC = ! 1; g.ec.get(M).velocity = new jg(0, 0); var a = Q(b.ha, [dj, hj]), n = a.ec.get(dj); n.state = 3; for (var h = b.ha.find(cj), d = p(h), e = d.next(); ! e.done; e = d.next()) { e = e.value; var f = e.ec.get(Ui); f.Gp && e.ec.get(cj).jU && (f.Gp.sleep(), e.ec.get(cj).sleep = ! 0) } k.Haa += h.length; k.MY = 0; k.tY = -1E6; a.tickEnabled = ! 1; var v = Q(b.ha, nj); createjs.Tween.get(v, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({alpha: 1}, 10); g.on("super_swing", function () { A.hWa.play(); for (var u = p(h), E = u.next(); ! E.done; E = u.next()) { E = E.value; var P = E.ec.get(Ui), K = E.ec.get(cj); K.state = 3; E.GC.gotoAndPlay("flaming"); K.DL = 3; P.Gp && K.jU && (P.Gp.wakeUp(), K.sleep = ! 1, P = E.ec.get(M), P.velocity = new jg(20, 0), P.pC = 0, E.ec.delete(gj), E.ec.delete(hj), E.ec.set(gj, new gj)) } }, null, ! 0); g.on("super_end", function () { m.state = 0; c.IC = ! 0; g.gotoAndStop("walk"); k.tY = 0; n.state = 0; a.tickEnabled = ! 0; v.alpha = 0 }, null, ! 0); return ! 0 }, jt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(jt, X); jt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, ij).ec.get(ij), g = Q(this.ha, [dj, hj]); b.tY++; var m = this.ha.find(cj), k = it(b); 20 < b.tY && m.length < k && (b.tY = 0, b = Rj(this.ha.ha.Qba, this.ha, N(g)), Mj(this.ha, b, ! 0, ! 0)) }; var kt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(kt, X); kt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(cj); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) { var m = g.value; g = m.ec.get(cj); var k = m.ec.get(M); g.sleep || (m = ti(m, di).filter(function (c) { return ! pi(c, [$i]) }), m = N(m[0]), g.iS && (2 == g.state ? (15 < C(k.velocity) ? (Rj(this.ha.ha.UV, this.ha, gh(m, .33, g.iS)), Rj(this.ha.ha.UV, this.ha, gh(m, .66, g.iS))) : Rj(this.ha.ha.UV, this.ha, gh(m, .5, g.iS)), Rj(this.ha.ha.UV, this.ha, g.iS)) : 1 != g.state && 3 != g.state || Rj(this.ha.ha.mna, this.ha, g.iS)), g.iS = m) } }; var lt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(lt, X); lt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Gj(Q(this.ha, jj)), g = Q(this.ha, ij).ec.get(ij), m = this.ha.Ca.G0, k = this.ha.find(cj); k = p(k); for (var c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) { var a = c.value; c = a.ec.get(cj); var n = N(a); c.jU && b && ! b.contains(n.x, n.y) && (a.ec.has(gj) ? (A.fWa.play(), mt(this.ha, n.add(ct), "+100"), g.wp++) : a.ec.has(hj) && (A.eWa.play(), a = 40 - 10 * c.DL, mt(this.ha, n.add(bt), "-" + a, "#ff3333"), g.eu++), c.jU = ! 1) } 10 <= g.dJ ? (m.wp.text = g.wp.toString().padStart(2, "0") + " / " + g.dJ, m.eu.text = g.eu.toString().padStart(2, "0") + " / " + g.dJ) : (m.wp.text = g.wp + " / " + g.dJ, m.eu.text = g.eu + " / " + g.dJ); m.xK.text = "" + 100 * Math.max(0, g.wp - g.eu); Uj(m.FY, g.wp / g.dJ); Uj(m.sY, g.eu / g.dJ); Uj(m.mS, g.MY); m.mS.EJ && (m.mS.EJ.text = kf() ? L("TUT_PINGPONG_MOBILE_ACTION") : L("TUT_PINGPONG_DESKTOP_ACTION")) }; var nt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(nt, X); nt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(cj); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) { var m = g.value; g = !! m.ec.get(aj).KT; var k = m.ec.get(M).pC; m = m.ec.get(cj); k = 0 > k; g && ! k && m.vqa && A.bWa.play(); m.vqa = k } }; var ot = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ot, X); ot.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find(cj); b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g.ec.get(cj).jU || co(g) }; var pt = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [et, jt, nt, lt]) }; q(pt, Yo); pt.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); var b = Q(this.ha, ij).ec.get(ij); if (b.wp >= b.dJ || b.eu >= b.dJ) { var g = 0; 30 <= b.wp ? g = 3 : 20 <= b.wp ? g = 2 : 10 <= b.wp && (g = 1); var m = 100 * (b.wp + Math.max(0, b.wp - b.eu)); this.Ca || (To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L(b.wp > b.eu ? "YOU_WIN" : "TENGU_WINS"), { size: 80, shadow: "#111", outline: "#555", Hw: 2 }), Zo(this, m, g)) } }; var qt = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [et, jt, nt], function () { return Hq(g.ha.Cc, new Xn("cutscene", "intro")) }); var g = this }; q(qt, Yo); qt.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); var b = Q(this.ha, ij).ec.get(ij); (b.wp >= b.dJ || b.eu >= b.dJ) && ! this.Ca && (To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L(b.wp > b.eu ? "YOU_WIN" : "YOU_LOSE"), { size: 80, shadow: "#111", outline: "#555", Hw: 2 }), Zo(this, 1, 3), uh("TUTORIAL_DONE", ! 0)) }; var rt = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(rt, S); rt.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(Xi)) { b = b.ec.get(Xi); b.world.gravity.set(0, 0, -135); Wi(b, "ball", "ballMaterial", {mass: 10, linearDamping: 0, collisionFilterGroup: 8, collisionFilterMask: 17}); Wi(b, "table", "tableMaterial", {mass: 0, linearDamping: .4, collisionFilterGroup: 18, collisionFilterMask: 8}); var g = {friction: 0, restitution: 1, contactEquationStiffness: 1E7, contactEquationRelaxation: 3}; b.addContactMaterial("ballMaterial", "tableMaterial", g); b.addContactMaterial("groundMaterial", "ballMaterial", g) } }; var st = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(st, S); st.prototype.gu = function (b) { b.ec.has(dj) && b.addEventListener("swing_finished", function () { b.gotoAndStop("walk"); b.ec.get(dj).state = 0; var g = b.ec.get(li); g && (g.IC = ! 0) }) }; var ht = function (b, g) { var m = ui(b, [g, ej]); b = Gj(m); if ( ! b) throw Error("R"); if (g === hj) return Tj(b); if (m.currentTarget) return m.currentTarget.add(new jg(0, 4 * Math.random() - 2)); g = Tj(b); m.currentTarget = g; setTimeout(function () { m.currentTarget = null }, 500); return g }, it = function (b) { for (var g = 1, m = 0; m < dt.length && ! (b.ha <= g); m++) if (dt[m] <= b.wp) g = m + 1; else break; return g }, mt = function (b, g, m, k) { k = void 0 === k ? "#ffffff" : k; b = Rj(b.ha.f5, b, g); b.Tx.text.text = m; b.Tx.text.color = k }; var tt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(tt, X); tt.prototype.tick = function () { Q(this.ha, Xi).ec.get(Xi); Y(this.ha, [aj, ci], function (b) { N(b); var g = ti(b, [$i, di]); b = b.ec.get(aj); g = p(g); for (var m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) Dj(m.value, B(0, -b.KT)) }) }; var ut = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "53A3DF4EA6694858812E8CA9B4AB07DC", [Tn(7), Un(A.Sja), Wn()]) }; q(ut, Zn); ut.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("53A3DF4EA6694858812E8CA9B4AB07DC").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.$bb; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Uo(this), new mp(this, A.Sja), new Wo(this, [et, nt, jt, kt, Ar, tt, dq, Up]), "tutorial" == this.Cc.Ca.ha ? new qt(this) : new pt(this), new ot(this), new jt(this), new Rp(this), new et(this), new nt(this), new yr(this), new Ar(this), new lt(this), new tt(this), new dq(this), new Qp(this), new Up(this), new Vp(this), new kt(this)]; this.Sc = [new Br(this), new Cr(this), new rt(this), new st(this)]; if (gf) { var b = this.Cc.oc; b.load("pingpongoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }); Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }) } }; var vt = { red: {speed: 2.2, pY: 200, vN: 50}, blue: {speed: 3, pY: 200, vN: 3}, charge: {speed: 6, pY: 200, vN: 100}, heavy: {speed: 2.5, pY: 200, vN: 20} }, wt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(wt, X); wt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, [oj, bi, M]), g = b.ec.get(oj), m = N(b), k = b.ec.get(M); g.tick++; b.ec.get(Ti).IC = ! 1; 0 < g.V_ && (g.V_--, 0 == g.V_ && (g.sB = null)); g.nC || (g.nC = m); g.distance = Math.max(m.x - g.nC.x, g.distance); var c = this.ha.Cc.ak.ha; C(c) ? (k.velocity = lg(c, "speed" == g.sB ? 4 : 2.5), b.ec.get(bi).direction = mh(c)) : k.velocity = B(0, 0); var a = kh(b.ec.get(bi).direction), n = "idle"; 0 < C(k.velocity) && (n = "walk"); g.LT && (n = "speed" == g.sB ? n + "Speed" : "pacman" == g.sB ? n + "Pacman" : "noclip" == g.sB ? n + "Noclip" : n + "Ball"); Nj(b, n, this.ha); g.LT && "noclip" == g.sB ? Vi(b, 1) : Vi(b, 3); b.Ss.DJ.visible = ! 1; b.Ss.SL.visible = ! 0; b.Ss.vL.visible = ! 1; k = this.ha.find(pj); n = p(k); for (var h = n.next(); ! h.done; h = n.next()) h.value.Ss.DJ.visible = ! 1; g.LT && (0 != c.y && (g.Aaa = c), k = k.filter(function (d) { d = N(d).sub(m); return 110 > C(d) && 0 >= d.x }).sort(function (d, e) { return C(N(d).sub(m)) - C(N(e).sub(m)) }), n = k[0], g.Aaa && (k = k.filter(function (d) { return 0 < g.Aaa.y ? N(d).y > m.y : N(d).y < m.y }), k[0] && (n = k[0])), 0 > c.x && (k = k.filter(function (d) { return 70 > Math.abs(ih(a, N(d).sub(m))) }), k[0] && (n = k[0])), n && (n.Ss.DJ.visible = ! 0, this.ha.Cc.ak.Ca[4] && this.DJ(b, n))) }; wt.prototype.DJ = function (b, g) { var m = Q(this.ha, Vh), k = b.ec.get(oj), c = N(b); g.ec.set(oj, k); g.ec.set(Yh, b.ec.get(Yh)); g.ec.delete(pj); b.ec.delete(oj); b.ec.delete(Yh); b.ec.set(pj, new pj); k.LT = ! 1; Wa(k.FC, g); Wa(k.iJ, g); Mj(this.ha, b, ! 0, ! 1); Mj(this.ha, g, ! 0, ! 1); b = Pj(this.ha, this.ha.ha.H0a); Qj(this.ha, b, m); Fj(b, c); A.d_a.play() }; var xt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(xt, X); xt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, rj); if (b) { var g = Q(this.ha, oj), m = g.ec.get(oj), k = N(g), c = N(b), a = b.ec.get(rj); a.nC || (a.nC = c); var n = k.sub(a.nC); c = k.sub(c); var h = C(n) - C(c) + 7; b.ec.get(bi).direction = mh(c); c = h / C(n); h = "normal"; "speed" == m.sB ? h = "speed" : "pacman" == m.sB ? h = "pacman" : "noclip" == m.sB && (h = "noclip"); Nj(b, h, this.ha); 1 < c ? (g.ec.get(oj).LT = ! 0, co(b), A.a_a.play()) : (g = gh(a.nC, c, k), Fj(b, g), n = 8 + Math.sin(c * Math.PI) * C(n) / 10, b.ec.get(aj).z = n) } }; var yt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(yt, X); yt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, oj), g = b.ec.get(oj), m = N(b), k = Q(this.ha, Si).ec.get(Si), c = this.ha.find([pj, Ui, M]); c = p(c); for (var a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) { a = a.value; var n = N(a), h = a.ec.get(M), d = a.ec.get(Ti); a.Ss.SL.visible = ! 1; a.Ss.vL.visible = ! 0; if (n.x - 100 > m.x) d.IC = ! 1; else { d.IC = ! 0; if ( ! g.iJ.includes(a) && ! g.FC.includes(a)) { var e = [a].concat(ha(g.iJ), ha(g.FC), [b]).sort(function (u, E) { return N(u).y - N(E).y }), f = e.indexOf(b); g.iJ = e.slice(0, f).reverse(); g.FC = e.slice(f + 1) } e = g.iJ.indexOf(a); f = g.FC.indexOf(a); if (0 <= e) d.target = m.add(kg(B(-20, -55), 1 + e)); else if (0 <= f) d.target = m.add(kg(B(-20, 55), 1 + f)); else continue; d = d.path; h.velocity = B(0, 0); if (0 < d.length) { e = "speed" == g.sB ? 4 : 2.5; f = d[0]; var v = f.sub(n); C(v) < e && 1 < d.length && (f = d[1], v = f.sub(n)); C(v) > e && (h.velocity = lg(f.sub(n), Math.min(e, C(v))), a.ec.get(bi).direction = mh(h.velocity)) } 0 < C(h.velocity) ? Nj(a, "walk", this.ha) : Nj(a, "idle", this.ha) } } 1 < g.iJ.length && 2 > g.FC.length && g.iJ[g.iJ.length - 1].ec.get(Ti).target.y < k.Pa.y && g.FC.push(g.iJ.pop()); 1 < g.FC.length && 2 > g.iJ.length && g.FC[g.FC.length - 1].ec.get(Ti).target.y > k.Pa.y + k.Pa.height && g.iJ.push(g.FC.pop()) }; var zt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(zt, X); zt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this, g = Q(this.ha, oj), m = N(g); Y(this.ha, [sj, M], function (k) { var c = k.ec.get(sj), a = vt[c.type], n = N(k), h = k.ec.get(M), d = g.ec.get(oj); m && n && (n = m.sub(n), "charge" == c.type ? 0 == c.p_ ? (c.p_ = 60, C(n) < a.pY && (A.b_a.play(), h.velocity = lg(n, a.speed), Nj(k, "walk", b.ha))) : (c.p_--, 30 > c.p_ && (h.velocity = kg(h.velocity, .9), Nj(k, "idle", b.ha))) : (c = B(0, 0), C(n) < a.pY && (c = lg(n, a.speed), d && "pacman" == d.sB ? (c = kg(c, -1), Nj(k, "scared", b.ha)) : Nj(k, "walk", b.ha)), 0 < C(h.velocity) && 0 < C(c) && (c = ih(h.velocity, c), d = kh(h.velocity), c > a.vN ? d += a.vN : c < -a.vN && (d -= a.vN), c = lg(oh(d % 360 || 0), eh(C(h.velocity), .2, a.speed))), h.velocity = c), k.ec.get(bi).direction = mh(h.velocity)) }) }; var At = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(At, X); At.prototype.tick = function () { Y(this.ha, [sj, Ui], function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(sj); b = b.ec.get(Ui).contacts.values(); if ("heavy" == g.type || "charge" == g.type) for (g = p(b), b = g.next(); ! b.done; b = g.next()) b = b.value, b.U6 && b.U6.ec.has(qj) && co(b.U6) }) }; var Bt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Bt, X); Bt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, oj), g = this.ha.find(sj), m = b.ec.get(oj); g = p(g); for (var k = g.next(); ! k.done; k = g.next()) { k = k.value; var c = k.ec.get(sj); Sj(k, b) ? "pacman" == m.sB ? (co(k), m.Zpa++) : "noclip" != m.sB && (c.S6++, Nj(k, "attack", this.ha, ! 0), 6 == c.S6 && m.LT && (m.Ppa = ! 0, b.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0), Nj(b, "dead", this.ha), k.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0), Nj(k, "ball", this.ha))) : c.S6 = 0 } }; var Ct = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ct, X); Ct.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, oj).ec.get(oj), g = Q(this.ha, tj); 1 == b.tick && (g.wN.visible = ! 0, g.wN.gotoAndPlay(0)); b.Hf = 10 * Math.round(b.distance / 10) + 100 * b.Zpa; g.text.text = b.Hf; var m = 100 / b.r0; g.distance.text = Math.round(b.distance * m) + "m/" + Math.round(b.r0 * m) + "m" }; var Dt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Dt, X); Dt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, oj), g = b.ec.get(oj), m = N(b); Y(this.ha, uj, function (k) { var c = k.ec.get(uj), a = N(k); a && m && 11 > C(a.sub(m)) && (g.sB = c.name, g.V_ = 150, co(k), A.c_a.play()) }) }; var Et = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [wt, zt, At, yt, Bt]) }; q(Et, Yo); Et.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this; Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); if ( ! this.Ca) { var g = Q(this.ha, oj), m = g.ec.get(oj), k = this.ha.find(pj); if (m.Ppa) To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("ONIS_WIN"), { size: 100, shadow: "#222", outline: "#aaa", Hw: 2 }), Zo(this, m.Hf), k.map(function (a) { a.ec.get(M).velocity = B(0, 0); Nj(a, "dead", b.ha) }); else { var c = Q(this.ha, [vj, Gk]); m.r0 || (m.r0 = Gj(c).x - N(g).x); 0 < c.ec.get(Gk).ex.length && (createjs.Tween.get(g, {useTicks: ! 0}).wait(5).call(function () { return Nj(g, "win", b.ha) }), k.map(function (a) { return Nj(a, "idle", b.ha) }), Zo(this, m.Hf, 3), A.e_a.play(), To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("YOU_WIN"), { size: 100, shadow: "#222", outline: "#aaa", Hw: 2 })) } } }; var Ft = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Ft, S); Ft.prototype.fu = function (b) { b.ec.has(Xi) ? (b = b.ec.get(Xi), Wi(b, "character", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 10, collisionFilterGroup: 4, collisionFilterMask: 3, linearDamping: .97 }), Wi(b, "prop", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 0, collisionFilterGroup: 2, collisionFilterMask: 20, linearDamping: 0 }), Wi(b, "enemy", "bodyMaterial", { mass: 40, collisionFilterGroup: 16, collisionFilterMask: 19, linearDamping: .5 })) : b.ec.has(sj) && (b.ec.get(Ui).l_ = "enemy") }; var Gt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Gt, X); Gt.prototype.tick = function () { this.DN(); Ht(this); if (dg) { var b = Q(this.ha, Si).ec.get(Si), g = Q(this.ha, Vh); if ( ! g.ha) { g.ha = new createjs.MovieClip; g.ha.nodes = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics); g.ha.Iw = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics); g.addChild(g.ha); g.ha.addChild(g.ha.nodes); g.ha.addChild(g.ha.Iw); for (var m = p(b.DN.rm), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = p(k.value); for (var c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) { c = c.value; var a = Ni(b, c.Qw); g.ha.nodes.graphics.beginFill(1 == c.type ? "#0f0" : "#f00"); g.ha.nodes.graphics.drawCircle(a.x, a.y, 1) } } g.ha.nodes.cache(b.Pa.x, b.Pa.y, b.Pa.width, b.Pa.height, 3) } g.ha.Iw.graphics.clear(); m = this.ha.find(Ti); m = p(m); for (k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = k.value.ec.get(Ti); c = null; a = p(k.path); for (var n = a.next(); ! n.done; n = a.next()) n = n.value, c && (g.ha.Iw.graphics.setStrokeStyle(.5).beginStroke("#00f"), g.ha.Iw.graphics.moveTo(n.x, n.y), g.ha.Iw.graphics.lineTo(c.x, c.y), g.ha.Iw.graphics.endStroke()), g.ha.Iw.graphics.beginFill("#00f"), g.ha.Iw.graphics.drawCircle(n.x, n.y, 1), c = n; k.start && (c = Ni(b, k.start.Qw), g.ha.Iw.graphics.beginFill("#ff0"), g.ha.Iw.graphics.drawCircle(c.x, c.y, 1)); k.end && (k = Ni(b, k.end.Qw), g.ha.Iw.graphics.beginFill("#f0f"), g.ha.Iw.graphics.drawCircle(k.x, k.y, 1)) } } }; Gt.prototype.DN = function () { var b = this.ha.find(Ui), g = Q(this.ha, Si), m = g.ec.get(Si); m.Pa = Gj(g); m.width = Math.round(m.Pa.width / 10); m.height = Math.round(m.Pa.height / 10); if (0 == m.rm.length) { m.rm = Array(m.width).fill([]).map(function () { return Array(m.height).fill(1) }); b = p(b); for (g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) { g = g.value; var k = Gj(g); if (k) { k = Hj(k, 2); var c = g.ec.get(Ui); if (g && k && c.Gp && c.Gp.collisionFilterGroup & 2) for (g = Mi(m, B(k.x, k.y)), k = Mi(m, B(k.x + k.width, k.y + k.height)), c = g.x; c <= k.x; c++) for (var a = g.y; a <= k.y; a++) bh(0, c, m.width - 1) && bh(0, a, m.height - 1) && (m.rm[c][a] = 0) } } m.DN = new Ri(m.rm) } }; var Ht = function (b) { var g = Q(b.ha, Si).ec.get(Si); b = b.ha.find(Ti); b = p(b); for (var m = b.next(); ! m.done; m = b.next()) { var k = m.value, c = k.ec.get(Ti).target; c && (m = k.ec.get(Ti), k = Mi(g, N(k)), c = Mi(g, c), c.x = ch(0, c.x, g.width - 1), c.y = ch(0, c.y, g.height - 1), m.start = g.DN.rm[k.x][k.y], m.end = g.DN.rm[c.x][c.y], m.start && m.end && (c = Pi(g.DN, m.start, m.end), m.nodes = c, m.path = c.map(function (a) { return Ni(g, a.Qw) }))) } }; var It = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "6CC3977E663B4BA1A079CF41822948DB", [Tn(8), Un(A.Rka), Wn()]) }; q(It, Zn); It.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("6CC3977E663B4BA1A079CF41822948DB").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.vU; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Uo(this), new mp(this, A.Rka), new Wo(this, [Vp, Hr, wt, At, xt, Dt, zt, yt, Bt, aq, dq, Ls]), new Vp(this), new Hr(this), new Os(this), new Ls(this), new Pp(this), new At(this), new wt(this), new xt(this), new Dt(this), new zt(this), new yt(this), new Bt(this), new dq(this), new yr(this), new Ar(this), new Gt(this), new Cq(this), new Dq(this), new aq(this), new Ct(this), new Et(this)]; this.Sc = [new Ps(this), new Br(this), new Cr(this), new Yp(this), new Ft(this)]; if (gf) { var b = this.Cc.oc; b.load("rugbyoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }); Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }) } }; var Jt = ["n", "s", "e", "w", "action"], Kt = [Yj, { name: "kickFlip", Hf: 200, multiplier: 1, text: "Kick Flip", frame: "kick_flip_e", actions: ["e", "action"], duration: 15 }, { name: "kickFlip", Hf: 200, multiplier: 1, text: "Kick Flip", frame: "kick_flip_w", actions: ["w", "action"], duration: 15 }, { name: "barrelRoll", Hf: 300, multiplier: 1, text: "Barrel Roll", frame: "barrel_roll_e", actions: ["w", "n", "action"], duration: 24 }, { name: "barrelRoll", Hf: 300, multiplier: 1, text: "Barrel Roll", frame: "barrel_roll_w", actions: ["e", "n", "action"], duration: 24 }, { name: "bsOneEighty", Hf: 300, multiplier: 1, text: "BS 180", frame: null, actions: ["e", "n", "w"], duration: 1 }, { name: "bsOneEighty", Hf: 300, multiplier: 1, text: "BS 180", frame: null, actions: ["w", "n", "e"], duration: 1 }, { name: "fsOneEighty", Hf: 300, multiplier: 1, text: "FS 180", frame: null, actions: ["e", "s", "w"], duration: 1 }, { name: "fsOneEighty", Hf: 300, multiplier: 1, text: "FS 180", frame: null, actions: ["w", "s", "e"], duration: 1 }, { name: "headstandTrick", Hf: 500, multiplier: 1, text: "Headstand", frame: "super_trick", actions: ["s", "w", "n", "action"], duration: 35 }, { name: "headstandTrick", Hf: 500, multiplier: 1, text: "Headstand", frame: "super_trick", actions: ["s", "e", "n", "action"], duration: 35 }, { name: "helicopterTrick", Hf: 500, multiplier: 1, text: "Helicopter", frame: "helicopter", actions: ["e", "w", "e", "action"], duration: 35 }, { name: "helicopterTrick", Hf: 500, multiplier: 1, text: "Helicopter", frame: "helicopter", actions: ["w", "e", "w", "action"], duration: 35 }], Lt = function (b) { for (var g = 0, m = p(b), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) g += k.value.ha.Hf; m = p(b); for (k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) g *= k.value.ha.multiplier; return g *= b.length }, Mt = function (b) { return ti(b, fk).map(function (g) { g.alpha = 0; var m = g.ec.get(fk); g = N(g); return new CANNON.Vec3(g.x, g.y, m.z) }) }, Nt = function (b, g, m, k) { k = void 0 === k ? ! 1 : k; var c = g.vsub(b, null); g = c.unit(null); c = c.norm(); m = m.vsub(b, null); k = k ? m.dot(g) : ch(0, m.dot(g), c); return b.vadd(g.scale(k, null), null) }, Ot = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ap = new createjs.MovieClip; this.Gf = new createjs.MovieClip; this.oc = this.Sc = this.kb = this.Xd = this.Ca = this.Bb = null }; q(Ot, X); Ot.prototype.tick = function () { this.Ap = Q(this.ha, ck); this.Gf = Q(this.ha, [ak, Ui, M, bi]); this.Bb = this.Ap.ec.get(ck); this.Ca = this.Gf.ec.get(ak); this.Xd = this.Gf.ec.get(Ui); this.kb = this.Gf.ec.get(M); this.Sc = this.Gf.ec.get(bi); this.oc = this.Gf.ec.get(aj); if ( ! this.Ca.ha) { var b = this.Ca.TB; this.Ca.TB = ! 1; for (var g = p(this.Xd.contacts.values()), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) { m = m.value; for (var k = ! 0, c = p(m.Iaa), a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) m.Iaa[0].z != a.value.z && (k = ! 1); if (k) { this.Ca.TB = ! 0; this.Ca.Bb = 0; this.Ca.Ca = 0; break } } ! b && this.Ca.TB ? (this.Ca.actions = [], 0 < this.Ca.kb ? (A.u1a.play(), this.Ca.sK = 30, this.Ca.ha = null, this.Ca.CK = [], this.Ap.bx.color = "#ff1111", this.Ap.cB.color = "#ff1111", createjs.Tween.get(this.Ap.bx, { override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0 }).to({alpha: 0}, 30), createjs.Tween.get(this.Ap.cB, { override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0 }).to({alpha: 0}, 30)) : (Pt(this, "land"), this.Ca.oc = 8)) : b && ! this.Ca.TB && (Qt(this), Pt(this, "air")) } if ( ! (0 < this.Ca.sK || 0 < this.Ca.kb)) { b = N(this.Gf); b = new CANNON.Vec3(b.x, b.y, this.oc.z); g = this.kb.velocity; m = this.ha.find(ek); m = p(m); for (k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = k.value; c = Mt(k); a = c[1].vsub(c[0], null); a = B(a.x, a.y); var n = b.distanceTo(Nt(c[0], c[1], b, ! 1)), h = Nt(c[0], c[1], b); this.Ca.ha ? (n = this.ha.Cc.ak.ha, this.Ca.ha != k && (5 > c[0].distanceTo(b) ? 30 > Math.abs(ih(a, g)) ? Rt(this, k) : 0 < C(n) && 30 > Math.abs(ih(a, n)) && 120 > Math.abs(ih(a, g)) && (this.kb.velocity = a, Rt(this, k)) : 5 > c[1].distanceTo(b) && (30 > Math.abs(ih(kg(a, -1), g)) ? Rt(this, k) : 0 < C(n) && 30 > Math.abs(ih(kg(a, -1), n)) && 120 > Math.abs(ih(kg(a, -1), g)) && (this.kb.velocity = kg(a, -1), Rt(this, k))))) : ! this.Ca.TB && 0 >= this.kb.pC && 0 < C(g) && 14 > n && this.oc.z - 3 <= h.z && (60 > Math.abs(ih(a, g)) || 60 > Math.abs(ih(kg(a, -1), g))) && Rt(this, k) } this.Ca.ha && (g = Mt(this.Ca.ha), b = b.distanceTo(Nt(g[0], g[1], b, ! 1)), this.Ca.IY++, St(this), 14 < b && Qt(this)) } this.Ca.ha || (0 < this.Ca.sK ? (this.Ca.sK = Math.max(0, this.Ca.sK - 1), this.kb.velocity = kg(this.kb.velocity, .8)) : 0 < this.Ca.kb || (b = this.ha.Cc.ak, m = b.ha, 1 != b.Sc || this.Ca.TB || (b = mh(m)) && 1 == b.length && Pt(this, b), b = C(this.kb.velocity), c = kh(this.kb.velocity), g = lg(m, 5 * C(m)), k = C(g), 0 < C(m) && (g = g.sub(this.kb.velocity), m = ih(c, m), k = Math.max(0, k - b), this.Ca.TB ? (c = Math.min(.75, k), k = (25 - Math.min(3 + b, 25)) / 25, a = 30 * k, a = kh(this.kb.velocity) + ch(-a, m, a), g = this.kb.velocity.add(lg(g, c)), b = lg(oh(a), b + Math.max(c, 0)), m = k * ch(0, fh(180, Math.abs(m), 100), 1), this.kb.velocity = isNaN(b.x) || isNaN(b.y) ? g : gh(g, m, b)) : (b = Math.min(.07 * 5, k), 0 < b && (b = this.kb.velocity.add(lg(g, b)), this.kb.velocity = b))))); b = this.ha.Cc.ak; g = Q(this.ha, Xi).ec.get(Xi); g.world.gravity.set(0, 0, -300); 0 < this.Ca.Bb && (this.Ca.Bb++, b.kb[4] && g.world.gravity.set(0, 0, -210)); 0 < this.Ca.Ca && this.Ca.Ca++; ! b.Ca[4] || 0 < this.Ca.kb || 0 < this.Ca.sK || (Pt(this, "action"), this.Ca.TB && Pt(this, "air"), 0 != this.Ca.Bb && 0 != this.Ca.Ca) || (this.kb.pC = 6, this.oc.z += 1, b = b.ha, this.Ca.Ca && 0 < C(b) && (this.kb.velocity = kg(b, 4)), this.Ca.ha && Qt(this), 0 == this.Ca.Bb ? (this.Ca.Bb = 1, A.s1a.play()) : this.Ca.Ca || (this.Ca.Ca = 1, A.r1a.play())); Tt(this); g = this.kb.velocity; m = this.ha.Cc.ak.ha; b = mh(m) || this.Sc.direction; this.Ca.TB && 1 < C(g) ? (g = mh(g), this.Sc.direction = g && g != Rg(b) && g != b ? g : b) : 0 < C(m) && b && (this.Sc.direction = b); g = this.ha.Cc.ak.ha; b = ! 1; if (0 < this.Ca.sK) b = Kj(this.Gf, "fall"); else if (0 < this.Ca.kb) g = this.Ca.CK[this.Ca.CK.length - 1], g.ha.frame && (b = Kj(this.Gf, g.ha.frame)); else if (this.Ca.ha) b = Kj(this.Gf, "grind"); else if (0 < this.Ca.Bb || 0 < this.Ca.Ca) { if (1 == this.Ca.Bb || 1 == this.Ca.Ca) for (b = ti(this.Gf, di), b = p(b), g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) for (g = p(g.value.children), m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) m = m.value, void 0 != m.currentFrame && m.gotoAndPlay(0); b = Kj(this.Gf, "jump") } else b = 0 == C(g) && .3 > C(this.kb.velocity) ? Kj(this.Gf, "stop") : 2 > C(this.kb.velocity) ? Kj(this.Gf, "slow") : Kj(this.Gf, "fast"); b && Mj(this.ha, this.Gf, ! 0, ! 0); b = ti(this.Gf, di); b = p(b); for (g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g.visible && Lj(g, this.Sc.direction); this.Gf.ec.get(Yh).offset.y = -this.oc.z / 2 }; var St = function (b) { var g = N(b.Gf), m = new CANNON.Vec3(g.x, g.y, b.oc.z); if (g = b.Ca.ha) { var k = Mt(g), c = k[1].vsub(k[0], null); g = B(c.x, c.y); m = Nt(k[0], k[1], m, ! 0); Fj(b.Gf, B(m.x, m.y)); b.oc.z = m.z + 2; b.oc.KT = b.oc.z; m = c.unit(null).scale(5, null); 90 < Math.abs(ih(g, b.kb.velocity)) && (m = m.scale(-1)); b.kb.velocity.x = m.x; b.kb.velocity.y = m.y; b.kb.pC = m.z } }, Rt = function (b, g) { Be(A.F5) || A.F5.play(0, ! 0); Ut(b); b.Ca.ha = g; b.Ca.Bb = 0; b.Ca.Ca = 0; b.Ca.IY++; Pt(b, "grindStart"); Vt(b); St(b) }, Qt = function (b) { A.F5.stop(); b.Ca.ha && (b.Ca.ha = null, Pt(b, "grindEnd")) }, Pt = function (b, g) { b.Ca.actions.push(new bk(b.Gf, g)); if (Jt.includes(g)) { var m = Pj(b.ha, b.ha.ha.Lqa); Qj(b.ha, m, b.Ap.prompt); m.gotoAndStop(g); b.Bb.ha.push(m); g = b.Bb.ha.length; for (var k = 4 < g, c = [].concat(ha(b.Bb.ha)), a = 0; a < g; a++) { var n = c[a], h = k ? eh(-60, (a - 1) / 3, 60) : eh(20 * -(g - 1), a / (g - 1), 20 * (g - 1)) || 0; n == m ? m.x = h : (createjs.Tween.removeTweens(n), createjs.Tween.get(n, { override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0 }).to({x: h}, 5, createjs.Ease.cubicOut), k && 0 == a && (createjs.Tween.get(n, {useTicks: ! 0}).to({alpha: 0}, 5), b.Bb.ha.shift())) } } }, Tt = function (b) { 0 < b.Ca.kb && (b.Ca.kb = Math.max(0, b.Ca.kb - 1), 0 == b.Ca.kb && Ut(b)); b.Ca.TB && 0 < b.Ca.oc && (b.Ca.oc = Math.max(0, b.Ca.oc - 1), 0 == b.Ca.oc && (Wt(b), Ut(b))); var g = b.Ca.actions.length; if (0 != g) { var m = b.Ca.actions[g - 1], k = m.direction, c = mh(m.velocity); "land" == m.type && k == Rg(c) && 1 < C(m.velocity) && Xt(b, Wj, [m]); b.Ca.a7 && (b.Ca.a7 = ! 1, Xt(b, Xj, [])); var a; m = p(Kt); for (k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) k = k.value, c = k.actions.length, g < c || a && a.Hf >= k.Hf || (c = b.Ca.actions.slice(-c).map(function (n) { return n.type }), mk(k.actions, c) && (a = k)); a && (a === Yj && (a.frame = "e" == b.Sc.direction || "n" == b.Sc.direction ? "nose_grab_e" : "nose_grab_w"), Xt(b, a, b.Ca.actions.slice(-a.actions.length))) } }, Xt = function (b, g, m) { b.Ca.CK.push(new Zj(g, m)); 0 < g.duration && (b.Ca.kb = g.duration); b.Ca.actions = []; uh(g.name + "_COMPLETE", ! 0); Vt(b); if (0 != b.Bb.ha.length) { m = b.Bb.ha.length; g = g.actions.length; for (var k = [].concat(ha(b.Bb.ha)), c = m - g, a = 0; a < m; a++) { var n = eh(20 * -(g - 1), (a - c) / (g - 1), 20 * (g - 1)) || 0, h = k[a]; createjs.Tween.removeTweens(h); createjs.Tween.get(h, { override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0 }).to({x: n}, 5, createjs.Ease.cubicOut); a < c ? createjs.Tween.get(h, {useTicks: ! 0}).to({alpha: 0}, 5) : (h.filters = [new createjs.ColorFilter(.2, 1, .2)], h.cache(-20, -20, 40, 40)) } b.Bb.ha = b.Bb.ha.slice(c) } }, Ut = function (b) { if (0 != b.Bb.ha.length) { var g = [].concat(ha(b.Bb.ha)); g = p(g); for (var m = g.next(); ! m.done; m = g.next()) createjs.Tween.get(m.value, {useTicks: ! 0}).to({alpha: 0}, 5); b.Bb.ha = [] } }, Vt = function (b) { b.Ap.BU.gotoAndPlay(1); b.Ap.CU.gotoAndPlay(1); createjs.Tween.removeTweens(b.Ap.bx); createjs.Tween.removeTweens(b.Ap.cB); b.Ap.bx.color = "#ffffff"; b.Ap.cB.color = "#ffffff"; b.Ap.bx.alpha = 1; b.Ap.cB.alpha = 1 }, Wt = function (b) { var g = b.Ca.IY + Lt(b.Ca.CK); b.Ca.Hf += g; b.Ca.IY = 0; b.Ap.Hf.text = b.Ca.Hf; b.Ap.FJ.text = b.Ca.Hf; createjs.Tween.get(b.Ap.bx, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({alpha: 0}, 30); createjs.Tween.get(b.Ap.cB, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({alpha: 0}, 30); 0 == b.Ca.sK && 0 < g && (createjs.Tween.get(b.Ap.Hf, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({ scaleX: 1.2, scaleY: 1.2 }, 2, createjs.Ease.cubicOut).to({scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, 20, createjs.Ease.cubicInOut), createjs.Tween.get(b.Ap.FJ, {override: ! 0, useTicks: ! 0}).to({ scaleX: 1.2, scaleY: 1.2 }, 2, createjs.Ease.cubicOut).to({scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, 20, createjs.Ease.cubicInOut)); b.Ca.CK = [] }, Yt = function (b) { X.call(this, b); this.Ca = null }; q(Yt, X); Yt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = this.ha.find([gk, Gk]); if (this.Ca) 0 < this.Ca.ec.get(Gk).ex.length && (Q(this.ha, ak).ec.get(ak).a7 = ! 0, b = rh(b.filter(function (m) { return ! m.active })), this.Ca.active = ! 1, this.Ca.gotoAndStop("out"), this.Ca = null, b && (b.alpha = 1, b.ec.get(gk).active = ! 0, this.Ca = b)); else if (this.Ca = rh(b)) { b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g.alpha = g == this.Ca ? 1 : 0, g.ec.get(gk).active = g == this.Ca } }; var Zt = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Zt, X); Zt.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, ak).ec.get(ak), g = Q(this.ha, ck); g.time.text = lk(b.CN); g.Bp.text = lk(b.CN); g.Hf.text = b.Hf; var m = b.IY + Lt(b.CK); if (m) { var k = b.CK.length; g.bx.text = 1 < k ? "x" + k + "! " + m : "" + m; m = g.cB; k = new Map; for (var c = p(b.CK), a = c.next(); ! a.done; a = c.next()) a = a.value, k.has(a.ha.text) ? k.set(a.ha.text, k.get(a.ha.text) + 1) : k.set(a.ha.text, 1); c = ""; a = k.keys(); a = p(a); for (var n = a.next(); ! n.done; n = a.next()) { n = n.value; c && (c += " + "); var h = k.get(n); c += n; 1 < h && (c += " x " + h) } m.text = c; m = g.bx.getTransformedBounds(); g.BU.x = m.x - 45; g.CU.x = m.x + m.width + 30 } m = "#ffffff"; 450 > b.CN && 0 == Math.floor(b.CN / 15) % 2 && (m = "#ff3030"); g.time.color = m }; var $t = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, [Yt, Zt]) }; q($t, Yo); $t.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); var b = Q(this.ha, ak).ec.get(ak), g = Q(this.ha, ck); b.CN = Math.max(0, b.CN - 1); this.Ca || 0 != b.CN || (g.time.text = lk(0), g.Bp.text = lk(0), To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("TIMES_UP"), { size: 80, shadow: "#111", outline: "#555", Hw: 2 }), Zo(this, b.Hf)) }; var au = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(au, S); au.prototype.fu = function (b) { b.ec.has(Xi) && b.ec.get(Xi).world.gravity.set(0, 0, -300) }; var bu = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(bu, S); bu.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (pi(b, [hk, Gk])) { var g = b.ec.get(hk); b.addEventListener("trigger", function (m) { var k = m.NU.ec.get(bi); m = m.NU.ec.get(M); g.direction == k.direction && 2 < C(m.velocity) && (m.velocity = m.velocity.add(kg(oh(g.direction), g.speed / 3)), A.t1a.play()) }) } }; var cu = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(cu, S); cu.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (pi(b, [ik, Gk])) { var g = b.ec.get(ik); b.addEventListener("trigger", function (m) { var k = m.NU.ec.get(M); 0 == m.NU.ec.get(ak).sK && (k.pC = Math.max(0, k.pC) + g.speed) }) } }; var du = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(du, S); du.prototype.gu = function (b) { if (pi(b, [dk, Gk])) { var g = b.ec.get(dk); b.addEventListener("trigger", function (m) { b.ec.get(Gk); m.NU.ec.get(ak).Hf += g.points; co(b) }) } }; var eu = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "8AB206B0C8EC450BA137F5272C53C5F0", [Tn(9), Un(A.Kla), Wn()]) }; q(eu, Zn); eu.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("8AB206B0C8EC450BA137F5272C53C5F0").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.ycb; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Uo(this), new mp(this, A.Kla), new Wo(this, [Ot, $t, Ar, tt, dq]), new Hr(this), new Yt(this), new Vp(this), new yr(this), new Ar(this), new Ot(this), new Zt(this), new Cq(this), new Dq(this), new bq(this), new dq(this), new tt(this), new Ls(this), new Qp(this), new Os(this), new $t(this)]; this.Sc = [new Br(this), new Cr(this), new au(this), new Qs(this), new Ps(this), new bu(this), new cu(this), new du(this), new Xp(this), new Yp(this)]; if (gf) { var b = this.Cc.oc; b.load("skateoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }); Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }) } }; var fu = Fe.AJ(), gu = new Map([[0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 3], [3, 0]]), hu = new Map([[0, "up"], [1, "right"], [2, "down"], [3, "left"]]), iu = [0, 2, 1, 3], ju = new Map([[-5, {text: "MISS", color: "#f01d1d", outline: "#6e0505", scale: 1.2}], [-50, { text: "MISS", color: "#f01d1d", outline: "#6e0505", scale: 1.2 }], [50, {text: "GOOD", color: "#ffd500", outline: "#965000", scale: 1.4}], [100, { text: "PERFECT", color: "#0bd60b", outline: "#055e05", scale: 1.5 }]]), ku = function (b) { Yo.call(this, b, []) }; q(ku, Yo); ku.prototype.tick = function () { Yo.prototype.tick.call(this); var b = Q(this.ha, Vh), g = b.ec.get(zk), m = b.ec.get(vk), k = this.ha.kb.MOVES; if ( ! g.yY) { g.yY = ! 0; var c = void 0 === c ? 3500 : c; fu.ha ? (m.FL = 1E3 * fu.ha.currentTime, m.T6 = m.FL + c) : self.performance && self.performance.now ? (m.FL = performance.now(), m.Faa = m.FL + c) : (m.FL = createjs.Ticker.getTime() + c, m.rqa = m.FL + c); this.ha.kb.AUDIO.play(c) } b = b.ec.get(wk); b.rY < k.length && (b = k[b.rY], 10 === b.type && m.RB >= b.time && (m = Math.round(g.sqa / (k.length - 1) * 3), this.Ca || (Zo(this, g.wp, m), To(this.ha.Cc.kb, L("NICE_MOVES"), {size: 80, shadow: "#111", outline: "#555", Hw: 2})))) }; var lu = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(lu, X); lu.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, vk).ec.get(vk); b.currentFrame++; if (null !== b.T6 && fu.ha) b.zL = 1E3 * fu.ha.currentTime, b.RB = b.zL - b.T6; else if (b.Faa) b.zL = performance.now(), b.RB = b.zL - b.Faa; else if (b.zdb) b.zL = createjs.Ticker.getTime(), b.RB = b.zL - b.rqa; else throw Error("T"); b.rab = b.zL - b.FL; b.FL = b.zL }; var mu = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(mu, X); mu.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Vh), g = b.ec.get(vk), m = b.ec.get(wk), k = this.ha.kb.MOVES; for (b.snapToPixel = ! 0; m.rY < k.length;) { var c = k[m.rY]; if (c.time > g.RB + 2E3 || 10 === c.type) break; if (10 !== c.type) switch (c.type) { case 3: nu(this, c.type, c.time, b.left); break; case 1: nu(this, c.type, c.time, b.right); break; case 0: nu(this, c.type, c.time, b.up); break; case 2: nu(this, c.type, c.time, b.HC) } m.rY++ } }; var nu = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = Pj(b.ha, b.ha.ha.ysa); Qj(b.ha, c, k); var a = c.ec.get(xk); a.type = g; a.time = m; b = b.ha; m = c.ec.get(xk); g = hu.get(g); Kj(c, g); Mj(b, c, ! 0, ! 0); m.Ts = ui(c, di); if ( ! m.Ts) throw Error("U"); ou(m.Ts, "default"); Kj(a.Ts, "default"); a.track = k; c.y = -1E3 }, pu = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(pu, X); pu.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Vh).ec.get(vk), g = Q(this.ha, zk).ec.get(zk), m = this.ha.kb.SPEED, k = this.ha.find(xk); k = p(k); for (var c = k.next(); ! c.done; c = k.next()) { c = c.value; var a = c.ec.get(xk); if (2 != a.state) { var n = b.RB - a.time; c.y = n / 1E3 * m; 130 < n && 0 == a.state && (a.state = 1, Kj(c, "miss"), qu(c, g, -5, this.ha)) } } }; var ru = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(ru, X); ru.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, Vh).ec.get(vk), g = Q(this.ha, zk).ec.get(zk), m = this.ha.find(Ek); m.sort(function (d, e) { return d.x - e.x }); for (var k = [1, 0, -2, 3], c = 0; c < m.length; c++) { var a = m[c], n = a.ec.get(Ek), h = 0; 0 >= g.GQ && ! a.ec.has(Ak) && (h = Math.abs(g.GQ) / 10 * k[c]); Fj(a, n.Ypa.add(B(0, su(20 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 60 * b.currentFrame + h))))) } if (m = Q(this.ha, yk)) m.alpha = -5 > g.GQ ? (Math.sin(Math.PI / 60 * b.currentFrame) + 1) / 2 : 0 }; var tu = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(tu, X); tu.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, vk).ec.get(vk), g = this.ha.find(xk).filter(function (a) { a = a.ec.get(xk); return ! a.Opa && a.time > b.RB }).sort(function (a, n) { return a.ec.get(xk).time - n.ec.get(xk).time }); if (0 < g.length && (g = g[0].ec.get(xk), 150 > g.time - b.RB)) { g.Opa = ! 0; for (var m = p([Bk, Ck, Dk]), k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) { k = Q(this.ha, [Ek, k.value]); var c = hu.get(g.type); Kj(k, c, ! 1); Mj(this.ha, k, ! 0, ! 0); ui(k, di).gotoAndPlay(0) } } }; var uu = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(uu, X); uu.prototype.tick = function () { for (var b = this.ha.Cc.ak, g = Q(this.ha, Vh), m = Q(this.ha, [Ak, Ek]), k = m.ec.get(Ak), c = Q(this.ha, zk).ec.get(zk), a = Q(this.ha, vk).ec.get(vk), n = null, h = function (v) { switch (v) { case 3: return g.left; case 1: return g.right; case 0: return g.up; case 2: return g.HC } }, d = p(iu), e = d.next(); ! e.done; e = d.next()) { var f = e.value; e = gu.get(f); f = h(f); b.Ca[e] ? f.target.dispatchEvent("mousedown") : b.kb[e] || f.target.dispatchEvent("pressup") } b = p(iu); for (e = b.next(); ! e.done; e = b.next()) if (h = e.value, 50 > Math.abs(a.RB - c.xL[h])) { n = hu.get(h); break } n && n !== k.V6 && (k.V6 = n, Kj(m, n), Mj(this.ha, m, ! 0, ! 0), ui(m, di).gotoAndPlay(0)); m = this.ha.find(xk); vu(m); m = p(m); for (k = m.next(); ! k.done; k = m.next()) k = k.value, n = k.ec.get(xk), 0 == n.state && (a = n.type, n = Math.abs(n.time - c.xL[a]), 70 > n ? (qu(k, c, 100, this.ha), c.xL[a] = 0) : 130 > n && (qu(k, c, 50, this.ha), c.xL[a] = 0)) }; var qu = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = b.ec.get(xk); if (50 === m || 100 === m) { c.state = 2; b.ec.delete(M); Kj(c.Ts, "success"); var a = c.Ts; ou(a, "success"); a.addEventListener("animation_finished", function () { co(b); a.removeAllEventListeners("animation_finished") }) } else { c.state = 1; Kj(c.Ts, "miss"); var n = c.Ts; ou(n, "miss"); n.addEventListener("animation_finished", function () { n.removeAllEventListeners("animation_finished") }) } wu(k, m); xu(m, g) }, xu = function (b, g) { var m = 1, k = 50 === b || 100 === b; k && 10 < g.ut && 20 >= g.ut ? m = 3 : k && 20 < g.ut && (m = 5); g.wp = Math.max(0, g.wp + b * m); k ? (g.sqa++, g.ut++, g.GQ = Math.min(5, g.GQ + 1)) : (g.ut = 0, g.GQ = Math.max(-10, g.GQ - 1)) }, wu = function (b, g) { g = ju.get(g); To(b.Cc.kb, L(g.text), { size: 40, type: "scale", scale: g.scale, color: g.color, outline: g.outline, Hw: 2, duration: 200 }, ! 1) }, yu = function () { X.apply(this, arguments) }; q(yu, X); yu.prototype.tick = function () { var b = Q(this.ha, zk).ec.get(zk), g = this.ha.Ca.children.find(function (m) { return "score" === m.name }); g.children.find(function (m) { return "scoreText" === m.name }).text = "" + b.wp; g = g.children.find(function (m) { return "combo" === m.name }); 3 <= b.ut ? (g.visible = ! 0, g.children.find(function (m) { return "comboText" === m.name }).text = "" + b.ut) : g.visible = ! 1 }; var zu = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(zu, S); zu.prototype.gu = function (b) { var g = b.ec.get(Ek); if (g) { b.addEventListener("move_finished", function () { Kj(b, "idle", ! 1); ui(b, di).gotoAndPlay(0) }); var m = b.ec.get(Ak); m && b.addEventListener("move_finished", function () { m.V6 = null }); g.Ypa = N(b) } }; var Au = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Au, S); Au.prototype.gu = function (b) { b.ec.has(Fk) && (b.addEventListener("beat_finished", function () { b.gotoAndStop(0) }), b.gotoAndStop(0)) }; var Bu = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Bu, S); Bu.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(Vh)) { var g = b.ec.get(zk); b.left.target.on("mousedown", function () { var m = b.ec.get(vk); g.xL[3] = m.RB }); b.right.target.on("mousedown", function () { var m = b.ec.get(vk); g.xL[1] = m.RB }); b.up.target.on("mousedown", function () { var m = b.ec.get(vk); g.xL[0] = m.RB }); b.HC.target.on("mousedown", function () { var m = b.ec.get(vk); g.xL[2] = m.RB }) } }; var vu = function (b) { b.sort(function (g, m) { return g.y - m.y }) }, su = function (b) { return 0 < b ? Math.floor(b) : Math.ceil(b) }, ou = function (b, g) { Kj(b, g); b = p(b.children); for (g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g = g.value, g.gotoAndPlay && g.gotoAndPlay(0) }; var Cu = Fe.AJ(), Du = function (b, g) { b = p(b); for (var m = b.next(); ! m.done; m = b.next()) m.value.time += g }, Eu = [{type: 0, time: 100}, {type: 0, time: 3680}, {type: 0, time: 4383}, {type: 0, time: 5114}, { type: 0, time: 5846 }, {type: 0, time: 6548}, {type: 3, time: 7616}, {type: 1, time: 8017}, {type: 1, time: 8185}, { type: 1, time: 8754 }, {type: 1, time: 9468}, {type: 3, time: 9799}, {type: 3, time: 10600}, {type: 1, time: 11685}, { type: 0, time: 12399 }, {type: 0, time: 12736}, {type: 3, time: 13299}, {type: 2, time: 13468}, {type: 2, time: 14582}, { type: 2, time: 15180 }, {type: 2, time: 15348}, {type: 1, time: 15482}, {type: 1, time: 15650}, {type: 1, time: 15819}, {type: 3, time: 16382}, { type: 0, time: 16747 }, {type: 1, time: 17113}, {type: 3, time: 17450}, {type: 2, time: 18251}, {type: 1, time: 18953}, { type: 3, time: 19656 }, {type: 0, time: 20364}, {type: 0, time: 21101}, {type: 3, time: 21444}, {type: 1, time: 22181}, { type: 0, time: 23284 }, {type: 0, time: 24021}, {type: 1, time: 24358}, {type: 1, time: 24735}, {type: 3, time: 25101}, { type: 0, time: 26256 }, {type: 2, time: 26970}, {type: 2, time: 27336}, {type: 0, time: 28050}, {type: 0, time: 28415}, { type: 0, time: 28752 }, { type: 3, time: 29129 }, {type: 1, time: 29797}, {type: 1, time: 30563}, {type: 0, time: 31231}, {type: 3, time: 31968}, { type: 3, time: 32729 }, {type: 1, time: 33065}, {type: 0, time: 33733}, {type: 3, time: 34934}, {type: 3, time: 35683}, { type: 3, time: 35979 }, {type: 1, time: 36612}, {type: 1, time: 36780}, {type: 0, time: 37866}, {type: 3, time: 38197}, { type: 2, time: 38580 }, {type: 2, time: 38946}, {type: 2, time: 39323}, {type: 2, time: 40078}, {type: 3, time: 40728}, { type: 2, time: 41070 }, {type: 1, time: 41442}, {type: 1, time: 41813}, {type: 2, time: 42150}, {type: 2, time: 42551}, { type: 3, time: 43265 }, {type: 2, time: 43636}, {type: 2, time: 44344}, {type: 3, time: 45128}, {type: 2, time: 45796}, { type: 2, time: 46533 }, {type: 1, time: 46933}, {type: 1, time: 47299}, {type: 3, time: 47607}, {type: 3, time: 47949}, { type: 0, time: 48350 }, {type: 1, time: 48721}, {type: 3, time: 49099}, {type: 2, time: 50434}, {type: 2, time: 50805}, { type: 2, time: 52053 }, {type: 2, time: 52396}, {type: 2, time: 53441}, {type: 2, time: 53812}, {type: 10, time: 54E3}]; Du(Eu, 50); var Fu = [{type: 2, time: 100}, {type: 2, time: 2757}, {type: 2, time: 2926}, {type: 2, time: 3094}, { type: 2, time: 3262 }, {type: 2, time: 3396}, {type: 2, time: 3558}, {type: 2, time: 3727}, {type: 2, time: 3895}, { type: 1, time: 4058 }, {type: 1, time: 4226}, {type: 1, time: 4394}, {type: 1, time: 4557}, {type: 3, time: 4690}, { type: 3, time: 4894 }, {type: 3, time: 5062}, {type: 3, time: 5224}, {type: 0, time: 5393}, {type: 0, time: 5590}, { type: 0, time: 5759 }, {type: 0, time: 5892}, {type: 0, time: 6060}, {type: 0, time: 6223}, {type: 1, time: 6391}, { type: 0, time: 6560 }, {type: 2, time: 8092}, {type: 2, time: 8226}, {type: 2, time: 8394}, {type: 2, time: 8557}, {type: 2, time: 8725}, { type: 2, time: 8893 }, {type: 2, time: 9062}, {type: 2, time: 9195}, {type: 3, time: 9398}, {type: 3, time: 9561}, { type: 3, time: 9700 }, {type: 3, time: 9868}, {type: 1, time: 10106}, {type: 1, time: 10240}, {type: 1, time: 10408}, { type: 2, time: 10681 }, {type: 1, time: 11012}, {type: 0, time: 11146}, {type: 3, time: 12655}, {type: 0, time: 13038}, { type: 1, time: 13380 }, {type: 0, time: 13746}, {type: 3, time: 14083}, {type: 3, time: 14216}, {type: 1, time: 14524}, { type: 0, time: 14861 }, {type: 3, time: 14994}, {type: 1, time: 15464}, {type: 0, time: 16028}, {type: 0, time: 16393}, {type: 0, time: 16562}, { type: 0, time: 16997 }, {type: 1, time: 17984}, {type: 0, time: 18361}, {type: 3, time: 18663}, {type: 0, time: 19029}, { type: 1, time: 19360 }, {type: 0, time: 19528}, {type: 3, time: 19859}, {type: 0, time: 20660}, {type: 1, time: 21037}, { type: 0, time: 21415 }, {type: 0, time: 21745}, {type: 0, time: 21914}, {type: 1, time: 23342}, {type: 0, time: 23713}, { type: 3, time: 24015 }, {type: 0, time: 24381}, {type: 1, time: 24718}, {type: 0, time: 24886}, {type: 3, time: 25165}, { type: 0, time: 25530 }, { type: 1, time: 25664 }, {type: 0, time: 26070}, {type: 3, time: 26680}, {type: 0, time: 27011}, {type: 0, time: 27179}, { type: 0, time: 27678 }, {type: 1, time: 28648}, {type: 0, time: 29013}, {type: 3, time: 29379}, {type: 0, time: 29710}, { type: 1, time: 30012 }, {type: 2, time: 30244}, {type: 3, time: 30679}, {type: 2, time: 31376}, {type: 2, time: 32078}, { type: 2, time: 32247 }, {type: 3, time: 32583}, {type: 2, time: 32885}, {type: 1, time: 33228}, {type: 2, time: 34029}, { type: 3, time: 34331 }, {type: 2, time: 34696}, {type: 2, time: 35062}, {type: 2, time: 35230}, {type: 1, time: 35730}, { type: 0, time: 35927 }, {type: 0, time: 36293}, {type: 0, time: 36426}, {type: 0, time: 36595}, {type: 0, time: 36763}, { type: 0, time: 36897 }, {type: 0, time: 37065}, {type: 0, time: 37227}, {type: 0, time: 37431}, {type: 0, time: 38063}, { type: 1, time: 38528 }, {type: 3, time: 39329}, {type: 0, time: 39695}, {type: 1, time: 40031}, {type: 2, time: 40635}, { type: 3, time: 40844 }, {type: 0, time: 41047}, {type: 1, time: 41244}, {type: 0, time: 42028}, {type: 0, time: 42742}, { type: 3, time: 43056 }, {type: 0, time: 43224}, {type: 1, time: 43595}, {type: 0, time: 43926}, {type: 3, time: 44681}, { type: 0, time: 45047 }, { type: 1, time: 45383 }, {type: 0, time: 45755}, {type: 0, time: 45923}, {type: 3, time: 46695}, {type: 0, time: 47026}, { type: 1, time: 47398 }, {type: 2, time: 47694}, {type: 2, time: 48060}, {type: 3, time: 48396}, {type: 2, time: 48570}, { type: 1, time: 48739 }, {type: 0, time: 48878}, {type: 3, time: 49244}, {type: 0, time: 49580}, {type: 1, time: 49778}, { type: 0, time: 49946 }, {type: 3, time: 50242}, {type: 0, time: 50445}, {type: 1, time: 50747}, {type: 1, time: 51078}, { type: 1, time: 51415 }, {type: 2, time: 51746}, {type: 3, time: 51914}, {type: 0, time: 52680}, {type: 3, time: 53377}, { type: 3, time: 53743 }, {type: 1, time: 54079}, {type: 1, time: 54248}, {type: 1, time: 54579}, {type: 0, time: 55380}, { type: 10, time: 56E3 }]; Du(Fu, 120); var Gu = [{type: 2, time: 3951}, {type: 2, time: 5320}, {type: 3, time: 6735}, {type: 2, time: 7470}, { type: 1, time: 8156 }, {type: 0, time: 9580}, {type: 3, time: 11003}, {type: 0, time: 12749}, {type: 0, time: 13308}, { type: 0, time: 13683 }, {type: 0, time: 14457}, {type: 0, time: 14883}, {type: 3, time: 15248}, {type: 3, time: 15579}, { type: 1, time: 15947 }, {type: 1, time: 16216}, {type: 1, time: 16447}, {type: 2, time: 16846}, {type: 2, time: 17027}, { type: 0, time: 17371 }, {type: 0, time: 17606}, {type: 0, time: 17856}, {type: 3, time: 18053}, {type: 3, time: 18384}, { type: 0, time: 18747 }, {type: 0, time: 18987}, {type: 0, time: 19272}, {type: 1, time: 19824}, {type: 2, time: 20206}, { type: 2, time: 20504 }, {type: 3, time: 20871}, {type: 3, time: 21249}, {type: 1, time: 21572}, {type: 1, time: 21840}, { type: 1, time: 22085 }, {type: 0, time: 22451}, {type: 0, time: 22638}, {type: 3, time: 22980}, {type: 3, time: 23246}, { type: 3, time: 23484 }, {type: 2, time: 23716}, {type: 2, time: 24057}, {type: 0, time: 24422}, {type: 0, time: 24670}, { type: 0, time: 24922 }, {type: 1, time: 26850}, {type: 1, time: 27216}, {type: 2, time: 27552}, {type: 2, time: 27757}, { type: 0, time: 28103 }, { type: 0, time: 28276 }, {type: 0, time: 28484}, {type: 0, time: 28821}, {type: 0, time: 29010}, {type: 1, time: 29350}, { type: 3, time: 30072 }, {type: 3, time: 30423}, {type: 1, time: 30760}, {type: 1, time: 32140}, {type: 0, time: 32871}, { type: 3, time: 33384 }, {type: 1, time: 33738}, {type: 1, time: 33912}, {type: 3, time: 34305}, {type: 3, time: 34623}, { type: 1, time: 35004 }, {type: 1, time: 35350}, {type: 1, time: 35707}, {type: 1, time: 36058}, {type: 1, time: 36224}, { type: 3, time: 37800 }, {type: 0, time: 38155}, {type: 1, time: 38517}, {type: 0, time: 38704}, {type: 0, time: 39044}, { type: 3, time: 39903 }, {type: 1, time: 40274}, {type: 0, time: 40614}, {type: 0, time: 40985}, {type: 0, time: 41172}, { type: 0, time: 41690 }, {type: 0, time: 41885}, {type: 1, time: 42403}, {type: 3, time: 42780}, {type: 1, time: 43121}, { type: 0, time: 43472 }, {type: 0, time: 43802}, {type: 3, time: 44171}, {type: 0, time: 44350}, {type: 0, time: 44647}, { type: 3, time: 45569 }, {type: 3, time: 45958}, {type: 0, time: 46282}, {type: 0, time: 46454}, {type: 0, time: 46646}, { type: 0, time: 46839 }, {type: 0, time: 47017}, {type: 0, time: 47204}, {type: 0, time: 47374}, {type: 0, time: 47527}, { type: 0, time: 47709 }, { type: 0, time: 48412 }, {type: 1, time: 49115}, {type: 3, time: 49453}, {type: 0, time: 49827}, {type: 1, time: 49999}, { type: 0, time: 50321 }, {type: 0, time: 51221}, {type: 0, time: 51554}, {type: 3, time: 51938}, {type: 3, time: 52287}, { type: 3, time: 52475 }, {type: 1, time: 52818}, {type: 1, time: 52990}, {type: 1, time: 53171}, {type: 0, time: 53546}, { type: 0, time: 53725 }, {type: 0, time: 53905}, {type: 3, time: 54267}, {type: 3, time: 54442}, {type: 3, time: 54624}, { type: 0, time: 54808 }, {type: 0, time: 55147}, {type: 1, time: 55503}, {type: 1, time: 55871}, {type: 0, time: 56204}, { type: 0, time: 56558 }, {type: 3, time: 56909}, {type: 3, time: 57246}, {type: 2, time: 57590}, {type: 1, time: 57956}, { type: 0, time: 58323 }, {type: 3, time: 58679}, {type: 2, time: 59028}, {type: 1, time: 59701}, {type: 0, time: 60390}, { type: 0, time: 60971 }, {type: 0, time: 61508}, {type: 0, time: 63259}, {type: 10, time: 64259}]; Du(Gu, -3900); var Hu = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "81A4DDA62E6C4693B3A00E8A0484897E", [Tn(10), Wn()]); switch (this.Cc.Ca.ha) { case "rock": this.kb.AUDIO = A.j5; this.kb.MOVES = Fu; this.kb.SPEED = 130; break; case "ballad": this.kb.AUDIO = A.c1; this.kb.MOVES = Eu; this.kb.SPEED = 100; break; default: this.kb.AUDIO = A.K1, this.kb.MOVES = Gu, this.kb.SPEED = 120 } this.Jk.push(Un(this.kb.AUDIO)); gf && (b = this.Cc.oc, b.load("swimoutro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) }), Co() && b.load("outro").then(function (g) { return Cn(g) })) }; q(Hu, Zn); Hu.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("81A4DDA62E6C4693B3A00E8A0484897E").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.Gcb; this.oc = [new Ep(this), new Wo(this, []), new Uo(this), new ku(this), new lu(this), new mu(this), new pu(this), new ru(this), new uu(this), new tu(this), new yu(this), new Vp(this), new Up(this)]; this.Sc = [new zu(this), new Au(this), new Bu(this)] }; Hu.prototype.JS = function () { Zn.prototype.JS.call(this); Cu.Bb || (Cu.Bb || Cu.ha.suspend(), Cu.Bb = ! 0) }; Hu.prototype.OU = function () { Zn.prototype.OU.call(this); Cu.Bb && ye(Cu) }; var Iu = function (b) { if ( ! b) return new Xn("overworld"); if (fg.map(function (g) { return ko(g) }).includes(b) && Bo() && ! io("outro")) return new Xn("video", "outro"); switch (b) { case "archeryintro": return new Xn("archery"); case "climbingintro": return new Xn("climbing"); case "marathonintro": return new Xn("marathon"); case "pingpongintro": return new Xn("pingpong"); case "rugbyintro": return new Xn("rugby"); case "skateintro": return new Xn("skate"); case "swimintro": return new Xn("swim"); default: return new Xn("overworld") } }, Ju = function (b) { return b ? b + "VideoDescription" : "" }, Ku = function (b) { Zn.call(this, b, "462CEA9764EE4C8D86AB0BDFEAEB1BF9", []); this.Bb = "" }; q(Ku, Zn); Ku.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = (0, Sk.kp)("462CEA9764EE4C8D86AB0BDFEAEB1BF9").getLibrary(); this.Ca = new this.ha.video; this.oc = [new Lq(this), new Pq(this)]; this.Sc = [new Lu(this)]; this.video = null; var b = this.Cc.Ca.ha; if (b) { var g = this.Cc; if (b = Iu(b)) g.Pk = b, g.Xd = new (Mu(b.name))(g), $n(g.Xd) } }; Ku.prototype.Xs = function (b) { var g = this; this.Bb = b; this.Cc.oc.load(b).then(function (m) { return Nu(g, m) }) }; var Nu = function (b, g) { b.video = g; zn(b.video); b.Cc.oc.play(g); if (g = g.kqa()) g.then(function () { return b.BL() }), to(b.Cc.Ca.ha) }; Ku.prototype.BL = function (b) { var g = this.Cc.Ca.ha; g && ((void 0 === b ? 0 : b) || uh(g + "_VIDEO_SEEN", ! 0), this.Cc.oc.clear(), Hq(this.Cc, Iu(g)), g && (ro("d2", g, ! 0), so(102))) }; var Lu = function () { S.apply(this, arguments) }; q(Lu, S); Lu.prototype.fu = function (b) { if (b.ec.has(yi)) if ("skippable" == this.ha.Cc.Ca.Ca) { var g = this.ha.Cc.oc, m = this.ha; if (m.Bb) { var k = Ju(m.Bb); k ? Z(b, L(k)) : console.error("Invalid video description key.") } b.addEventListener("close", function () { g.ha && yn(g.ha); g.Ca = null; m.BL( ! 0) }); b.addEventListener("skip", function () { g.ha && yn(g.ha); g.Ca = null; m.BL( ! 0) }) } else if (b = xi(b, "close")) b.visible = ! 1 }; var Ou = function () { return createjs.Stage.apply(this, arguments) || this }; q(Ou, createjs.Stage); Ou.prototype._updatePointerPosition = function (b, g) { var m = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(), k; var c; k = (k = g || window.event) ? (c = c || k.targetTouches && k.targetTouches[0] || k.changedTouches && k.changedTouches[0]) && void 0 !== c.clientX ? [c.clientX, c.clientY] : void 0 !== k.clientX ? [k.clientX, k.clientY] : void 0 !== k.pageX ? [k.pageX, k.pageY] : [0, 0] : [0, 0]; var a = k; k = (a[0] - m.x) / (m.width / this.canvas.width); c = (a[1] - m.y) / (m.height / this.canvas.height); m.width < m.height && (k = (a[1] - m.y) / (m.height / this.canvas.width), c = (m.width - a[0] + m.x) / (m.width / this.canvas.height)); m = this._getPointerData(b); m.inBounds = 0 <= k && 0 <= c && k <= this.canvas.width - 1 && c <= this.canvas.height - 1; m.inBounds ? (m.x = k, m.y = c) : this.mouseMoveOutside && (m.x = 0 > k ? 0 : k > this.canvas.width - 1 ? this.canvas.width - 1 : k, m.y = 0 > c ? 0 : c > this.canvas.height - 1 ? this.canvas.height - 1 : c); m.posEvtObj = g; m.rawX = k; m.rawY = c; if (b == this._primaryPointerID || -1 === b) this.mouseX = m.x, this.mouseY = m.y, this.mouseInBounds = m.inBounds }; var Qu = function () { pc.call(this); this.Jk = ! 0; this.Af = ! 1; this.Sc = []; this.Xd = ! 1; this.ha = this.Bb = this.kb = 0; this.oc = Pu }; q(Qu, pc); var Tu = function (b, g) { g = new Ru(g); Su(b, g) }, Su = function (b, g) { b.Sc.push(g); b.Xd = ! 0 }, Wu = function (b) { if (b.Jk) b.Af = ! 1; else { b.Af = ! 0; Uu(b); b.Xd && (b.Sc.sort(function (c, a) { return c.ha == a.ha ? a.Ca - c.Ca : c.ha - a.ha }), b.Xd = ! 1); for (var g = 0, m, k = 0; m = b.Sc[k]; k++) if (m.ha <= b.kb) Vu(m) && Su(b, m), g++; else break; b.Sc.splice(0, g); b.kb++; requestAnimationFrame(function () { Wu(b) }) } }, Uu = function (b) { var g = (new Date).getTime(); 30 < b.kb && b.Bb && (g - b.Bb >= 1.05 * b.oc ? b.ha++ : b.ha >>= 1, 20 < b.ha && (b.oc = Math.min(50, 1.2 * b.oc), b.ha = 0)); b.Bb = g }; Qu.prototype.start = function () { this.Jk = ! 1; this.Af || Wu(this) }; Qu.prototype.stop = function () { this.Jk = ! 0; this.Bb = this.ha = 0 }; Qu.prototype.Ca = function () { this.reset(); pc.prototype.Ca.call(this) }; Qu.prototype.reset = function () { this.stop(); this.Sc = []; this.kb = 0; this.Xd = ! 1; this.oc = Pu; this.Bb = this.ha = 0 }; var Pu = 1E3 / 60, Ru = function (b) { var g = void 0; g = void 0 === g ? null : g; this.Ca = 1E3 / 60; this.kb = b; this.ha = xh(Qu).kb; this.oc = 0; this.Bb = g }, Vu = function (b) { var g = b.kb(b.oc); b.oc++; b.ha = xh(Qu).kb + b.Ca / xh(Qu).oc; ! g && b.Bb && b.Bb(); return g }; Ru.prototype.cancel = function () { this.kb = function () { return ! 1 } }; var Xu = function (b, g, m, k, c, a, n, h) { this.ha = b; this.le = g; this.kb = m; this.oc = k; this.Bb = c; this.Sc = a; this.Ca = n; this.Xd = h }; Xu.prototype.clone = function () { return new Xu(this.ha, this.le, this.kb, this.oc, this.Bb, this.Sc, this.Ca, this.Xd) }; var Yu = function (b, g) { if (0 == g) return b.ha; if (1 == g) return b.Ca; var m = $c(b.ha, b.kb, g), k = $c(b.kb, b.Bb, g); b = $c(b.Bb, b.Ca, g); m = $c(m, k, g); k = $c(k, b, g); return $c(m, k, g) }, Zu = function (b, g) { var m = (g - b.ha) / (b.Ca - b.ha); if (0 >= m) return 0; if (1 <= m) return 1; for (var k = 0, c = 1, a = 0, n = 0; 8 > n; n++) { a = Yu(b, m); var h = (Yu(b, m + 1E-6) - a) / 1E-6; if (1E-6 > Math.abs(a - g)) return m; if (1E-6 > Math.abs(h)) break; else a < g ? k = m : c = m, m -= (a - g) / h } for (n = 0; 1E-6 < Math.abs(a - g) && 8 > n; n++) a < g ? (k = m, m = (m + c) / 2) : (c = m, m = (m + k) / 2), a = Yu(b, m); return m }; var $u = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = new Xu(0, 0, b, g, m, k, 1, 1); return function (a) { a = Zu(c, a); if (0 == a) a = c.le; else if (1 == a) a = c.Xd; else { var n = $c(c.le, c.oc, a), h = $c(c.oc, c.Sc, a), d = $c(c.Sc, c.Xd, a); n = $c(n, h, a); h = $c(h, d, a); a = $c(n, h, a) } return a } }(.25, .1, .25, 1); var bv = function (b, g, m) { var k = av; k = void 0 === k ? $u : k; m = void 0 === m ? Cf : m; this.Bb = b; this.oc = g; this.Sc = {}; this.duration = 400; this.le = k; this.kb = m; this.ha = null; this.Ca = ! 1 }, dv = function (b) { var g = Math.min(Math.max(cv(b) / b.duration, 0), 1); b.Ca && (g = 1 - g); for (var m in b.Bb) if (b.oc.hasOwnProperty(m)) { var k = b.Sc, c = m; var a = b.Bb[m]; var n = b.oc[m], h = b.le; h = void 0 === h ? $u : h; a += h(g) * (n - a); k[c] = a } return b.Sc }, cv = function (b) { return null === b.ha ? 0 : b.kb() - b.ha }; bv.prototype.start = function () { this.ha = this.kb(); this.Ca = ! 1 }; bv.prototype.resume = function () { if (null !== this.ha) { if (this.Ca) { var b = Math.min(this.duration, cv(this)); this.ha = this.kb() - (this.duration - b); this.Ca = ! 1 } } else this.start() }; bv.prototype.reset = function () { this.ha = null }; var av = function (b) { return 3 * b * b - 2 * b * b * b }; var ev = function (b, g) { g = void 0 === g ? function () { } : g; pc.call(this); this.kb = ! 1; this.Xd = g; this.ha = b; this.Sc = "1" === df.ha.get("ntp"); this.oc = function () { return ! 1 }; this.Bb = null; dl() && (this.ha.style.willChange = "width,height") }; q(ev, pc); var gv = function (b, g) { var m = ! 0; g = void 0 === g ? function () { } : g; m = void 0 === m ? ! 1 : m; var k = void 0 === k ? 0 : k; var c = void 0 === c ? ! 1 : c; if (b.ha && dl() && ! b.kb) { var a = b.ha; if (mf()) fv(b, g); else { document.getElementById("fkbx") && Af(a.parentElement, "width", "100%"); var n = a.offsetHeight, h = a.offsetWidth; k = Math.min(960, a.parentElement.clientWidth) - 2 * k; c = c ? 540 : k / (960 / 540); var d = xh(Qu), e = Cf(), f = new bv({height: n, width: h}, {height: c, width: k}, function () { return e }); f.start(); b.kb = ! 0; b.oc = function (v) { e = void 0 !== v ? e + v : Cf(); v = dv(f); Sf(a, Math.round(v.width), Math.round(v.height)); b.Xd(); return cv(f) >= f.duration ? (g(), b.ha.style.willChange = "unset", b.oc = function () { return ! 1 }, ! 1) : ! 0 }; m || Tu(d, function () { return b.oc() }) } } }, fv = function (b, g) { var m, k, c; ya(function (a) { if (1 == a.ha) return ra(a, hv(b), 2); m = {cmd: "resizeDoodle", width: "960px", height: "540px", duration: "400ms"}; "1" === df.ha.get("ntp") ? window.parent.postMessage(m, "chrome-search://local-ntp") : window.top.postMessage(m, "chrome://new-tab-page"); b.kb = ! 0; k = ! 1; c = function () { b.Sc && b.ha.classList.remove("expanderHide"); k = ! 0; g() }; b.Bb = setTimeout(c, 500); window.addEventListener("message", function (n) { "resizeComplete" === n.data.wdb && (null !== b.Bb && (clearTimeout(b.Bb), b.Bb = null), k || c()) }); return a.return() }) }, hv = function (b) { if ( ! b.Sc) return Promise.resolve(); b.ha.classList.add("expanderHide"); return new Promise(function (g) { setTimeout(g, 200) }) }; ev.prototype.Ca = function () { pc.prototype.Ca.call(this); this.reset(); this.ha = null }; ev.prototype.reset = function () { this.kb && (Af(this.ha, "width", "", "height", ""), Rf(0), this.ha.style.width = "", this.ha.style.height = ""); this.kb = ! 1 }; ev.prototype.update = function (b) { this.oc(b) }; var mv = function (b, g, m) { pc.call(this); this.Jk = b; this.qB = g; this.HQ = m; this.oc = ! 1; this.ha = function () { }; this.Af = Bf(); this.Xs = Gf(document, "hidden"); this.kb = (this.Xd = Gf(document, "visibilityState")) ? this.Xd.replace(/state$/i, "change").toLowerCase() : null; this.Sc = this.Bb = iv(this); this.Xw = new op; jv(this); kv(this); lv(this) }; q(mv, pc); var kv = function (b) { qp(b.Xw, function () { nv(b) }) }, jv = function (b) { b.kb ? ov(b) : hf() && ! gf() && pv(b, function () { ov(b) }) }, ov = function (b) { b.ha = function () { b.Bb = iv(b); b.Bb ? qv(b) : nv(b) }; var g = window.agsa_ext; b.kb ? document.addEventListener(b.kb, b.ha, ! 1) : g && g.registerPageVisibilityListener && (Kf(function () { b.ha && b.ha() }), g.registerPageVisibilityListener("google.doodle.pvc();")) }, pv = function (b, g) { window.agsa_ext ? g() : b.Wt = setTimeout(function () { jv(b) }, 100) }; mv.prototype.Ca = function () { clearTimeout(this.timeout); clearTimeout(this.Wt); this.ha && (this.kb && document.removeEventListener ? document.removeEventListener(this.kb, this.ha, ! 1) : window.agsa_ext && window.agsa_ext.registerPageVisibilityListener && (this.ha = function () { })); pc.prototype.Ca.call(this) }; var iv = function (b) { var g = window.agsa_ext; if ( ! b.Xs && ! b.Xd && g && g.getPageVisibility) return "hidden" === g.getPageVisibility(); g = document[b.Xd]; return document[b.Xs] || "hidden" === g }, qv = function (b) { var g = b.Bb || b.oc; b.Sc && ! g ? (b.Sc = ! 1, b.HQ(), lv(b)) : ! b.Sc && g && (b.Sc = ! 0, b.qB()) }, lv = function (b) { b.timeout && clearTimeout(b.timeout); b.timeout = setTimeout(function () { b.timeout = void 0; b.oc = Bf() - b.Af >= b.Jk; b.oc || lv(b); qv(b) }, Math.max(100, b.Jk - (Bf() - b.Af))) }, nv = function (b) { b.Af = Bf(); b.oc = ! 1; qv(b) }; var rv = function (b, g, m, k) { this.ha = 0; this.Ca = b; this.Bb = void 0 === m ? 3 : m; this.kb = g; this.oc = void 0 === k ? 2E3 : k }, tv = function (b, g, m, k) { m = void 0 === m ? function () { } : m; k = (void 0 === k ? 0 : k) ? "//www.google.com" : ""; k = new Ke(b.Ca.startsWith("/") ? "" + k + b.Ca : k + "/async/" + b.Ca); Ne(k, g); k = k.toString(); b.ha++; m(b.ha); return sv(b, k).catch(function (c) { return b.ha < b.Bb ? b.kb(b.oc * Math.pow(2, b.ha - 1)).then(function () { return tv(b, g, m) }) : Promise.reject(c) }).finally(function () { return b.ha = 0 }) }, sv = function (b, g) { var m = new XMLHttpRequest; m.open("GET", g); return new Promise(function (k, c) { m.send(); m.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 == m.readyState) if (200 == m.status && m.responseText) a:{ var a = m.responseText; a.startsWith(")]}'\n") && (a = a.substring(5)); var n = {}; try { n = JSON.parse(a) } catch (h) { c(a); break a } n.hasOwnProperty(b.Ca) && (n = n[b.Ca]); n.hasOwnProperty("__err__") ? c(n.__err__) : k(n) } else c(m) } }) }; var uv = function (b, g, m) { rv.call(this, b, function (k) { return new Promise(function (c) { return setTimeout(c, k) }) }, void 0 === g ? 3 : g, void 0 === m ? 2E3 : m) }; q(uv, rv); var vv = "function" === typeof Uint8Array; function wv(b) { return xv(b, function (g) { return g }, function (g) { return new Uint8Array(g) }) } function yv(b, g, m) { return "object" === typeof b ? vv && ! Array.isArray(b) && b instanceof Uint8Array ? m(b) : xv(b, g, m) : g(b) } function xv(b, g, m) { if (Array.isArray(b)) { for (var k = Array(b.length), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var a = b[c]; null != a && (k[c] = yv(a, g, m)) } Array.isArray(b) && b.pbb && zv(k); return k } k = {}; for (c in b) a = b[c], null != a && (k[c] = yv(a, g, m)); return k } function Av(b) { return xv(b, function (g) { return "number" === typeof g ? isFinite(g) ? g : String(g) : g }, function (g) { var m; void 0 === m && (m = 0); if ( ! ts) { ts = {}; for (var k = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".split(""), c = ["+/=", "+/", "-_=", "-_.", "-_"], a = 0; 5 > a; a++) { var n = k.concat(c[a].split("")); ss[a] = n; for (var h = 0; h < n.length; h++) { var d = n[h]; void 0 === ts[d] && (ts[d] = h) } } } m = ss[m]; k = Array(Math.floor(g.length / 3)); c = m[64] || ""; for (a = n = 0; n < g.length - 2; n += 3) { var e = g[n], f = g[n + 1]; d = g[n + 2]; h = m[e >> 2]; e = m[(e & 3) << 4 | f >> 4]; f = m[(f & 15) << 2 | d >> 6]; d = m[d & 63]; k[a++] = "" + h + e + f + d } h = 0; d = c; switch (g.length - n) { case 2: h = g[n + 1], d = m[(h & 15) << 2] || c; case 1: g = g[n], k[a] = "" + m[g >> 2] + m[(g & 3) << 4 | h >> 4] + d + c } return k.join("") }) } var Bv = {pbb: {value: ! 0, configurable: ! 0}}, zv = function (b) { Array.isArray(b) && ! Object.isFrozen(b) && Object.defineProperties(b, Bv); return b }; var Cv; var Hv = function (b, g, m, k) { var c = Cv; Cv = null; b || (b = c); c = this.constructor.xdb; b || (b = c ? [c] : []); this.kb = c ? 0 : -1; this.ha = b; a:{ c = this.ha.length; b = c - 1; if (c && (c = this.ha[b], ! (null === c || "object" != typeof c || Array.isArray(c) || vv && c instanceof Uint8Array))) { this.Bb = b - this.kb; this.Ca = c; break a } void 0 !== g && -1 < g ? (this.Bb = Math.max(g, b + 1 - this.kb), this.Ca = null) : this.Bb = Number.MAX_VALUE } if (m) for (g = 0; g < m.length; g++) b = m[g], b < this.Bb ? (b += this.kb, (c = this.ha[b]) ? zv(c) : this.ha[b] = Dv) : (Ev(this), (c = this.Ca[b]) ? zv(c) : this.Ca[b] = Dv); if (k && k.length) for (m = 0; m < k.length; m++) { b = g = void 0; c = k[m]; for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { var n = c[a], h = Fv(this, n); null != h && (b = n, g = h, Gv(this, n, void 0)) } b && Gv(this, b, g) } }, Dv = Object.freeze(zv([])), Ev = function (b) { var g = b.Bb + b.kb; b.ha[g] || (b.Ca = b.ha[g] = {}) }, Fv = function (b, g) { if (g < b.Bb) { g += b.kb; var m = b.ha[g]; return m !== Dv ? m : b.ha[g] = zv([]) } if (b.Ca) return m = b.Ca[g], m !== Dv ? m : b.Ca[g] = zv([]) }, Gv = function (b, g, m) { g < b.Bb ? b.ha[g + b.kb] = m : (Ev(b), b.Ca[g] = m) }; Hv.prototype.toJSON = function () { return Av(this.ha) }; Hv.prototype.toString = function () { return this.ha.toString() }; Hv.prototype.clone = function () { var b = this.constructor, g = wv(this.ha); Cv = g; b = new b(g); Cv = null; return b }; var Iv = function (b) { Hv.call(this, b) }; q(Iv, Hv); var Jv = function () { var b = Yf; var g = void 0 === g ? ! 1 : g; if (Xf() && Wf()) return Promise.resolve(); b = "_fmt:jspb,doodle:" + b + ",slot:0,type:3,cta:1"; nf() && (b += ",ntp:1"); if (Xf() || g) b += ",impr:0"; g = new Pe; g.add("async", b); return tv(new uv("ddllog", 1), g, void 0, ! 1).then(function (m) { m = new Iv(m); if ( ! Xf() && Fv(m, 2)) { var k = Fv(m, 2); Tf = (new Ke(k)).ha.get("ved", "") } ! Wf() && Fv(m, 3) && (Vf = Fv(m, 3)) }).catch(function () { return Promise.resolve() }) }; var Lv = function (b, g) { var m = void 0 === m ? 52 : m; this.Vt = Kv(m * (window.devicePixelRatio || 1)); this.Vt.style.top = "10px"; this.Vt.style.right = "10px"; this.Vt.style.width = m + "px"; this.Vt.style.height = m + "px"; this.Vt.style.cursor = "pointer"; this.Vt.style.position = "absolute"; this.Vt.style.pointerEvents = "all"; this.Vt.style.background = "transparent"; this.Vt.style.display = "none"; this.Vt.setAttribute("role", "button"); this.Vt.setAttribute("aria-label", "Close"); this.Vt.tabIndex = 0; Fc(this.Vt, "click", g); Fc(this.Vt, "keydown", function (k) { 32 !== k.keyCode && 13 !== k.keyCode || g() }); b.appendChild(this.Vt) }, Kv = function (b) { var g = document.createElement("canvas"); g.width = b; g.height = b; var m = g.getContext("2d"); m.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,.3)"; m.arc(b / 2, b / 2, b / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); m.fill(); m.strokeStyle = "#fff"; m.lineWidth = b / 52 * 3.5; var k = b / 52 * 2; m.beginPath(); m.moveTo(b / 4 + k, b / 4 + k); m.lineTo(3 * b / 4 - k, 3 * b / 4 - k); m.stroke(); m.beginPath(); m.moveTo(3 * b / 4 - k, b / 4 + k); m.lineTo(b / 4 + k, 3 * b / 4 - k); m.stroke(); return g }; var Mv = function (b) { if (gf()) { b = p(b); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) Fc(g.value, "touchmove", function (m) { 1 !== m.scale && m.preventDefault() }, {passive: ! 1}) } }, Nv = function (b) { var g = p(b); for (b = g.next(); ! b.done; b = g.next()) Fc(b.value, "contextmenu", function (m) { m.preventDefault() }, {passive: ! 1}) }; var Ov = function (b) { return new Promise(function (g) { return setTimeout(g, b) }) }, Qv = function (b, g, m) { this.Sc = b; this.Bb = void 0 === g ? function () { } : g; this.oc = void 0 === m ? function () { } : m; b = Pv(this, b); g = b.hab; this.ha = b.Hbb; this.kb = g; this.Ca = null }, Tv = function (b) { return ya(function (g) { if (1 == g.ha) return document.body.appendChild(b.ha), ra(g, Ov(0), 2); Ef(b.ha, "Transition", "500ms"); Rv(b); b.ha.classList.add("ddl-lightboxEnabled_"); b.Ca = Fc(document, "keydown", function (m) { 27 == m.keyCode && Sv(b) }); return ra(g, Ov(500), 0) }) }, Sv = function (b) { return ya(function (g) { if (1 == g.ha) return Oc(b.Ca), Ef(b.ha, "Transition", "0ms"), b.ha.classList.remove("ddl-lightboxEnabled_"), b.oc(), ra(g, Ov(0), 2); document.body.removeChild(b.ha); g.ha = 0 }) }, Pv = function (b, g) { var m = document.createElement("div"); m.classList.add("ddl-lightbox_"); Nv([m]); m.setAttribute("aria-modal", "true"); var k = document.createElement("div"); k.classList.add("ddl-lightboxContainer_"); Af(k, "maxWidth", "960px", "maxHeight", "540px"); m.appendChild(k); g.classList.add("ddl-lightboxContent_"); Af(g, "width", "960px", "height", "540px", "position", "relative", "left", "50%", "top", "50%"); k.appendChild(g); window.addEventListener("resize", function () { return Rv(b) }); g = new Lv(g, function () { return Sv(b) }); g.Vt.style.display = "block"; m.appendChild(g.Vt); return {Vt: g, Hbb: m, hab: k} }, Rv = function (b) { var g = b.Sc, m = b.kb; Ef(g, "Transform", "scale(" + Math.min(m.clientHeight / g.clientHeight, m.clientWidth / g.clientWidth) + ") translate(-50%,-50%)"); b.Bb() }; var Uv = function (b, g) { g = void 0 === g ? 50 : g; pc.call(this); this.Xd = b; this.Sc = g; this.oc = 0; this.Bb = this.kb = this.ha = ! 1; this.Xd = b }; q(Uv, pc); Uv.prototype.start = function () { this.oc = Date.now(); var b = ! this.kb && ! this.ha; this.kb = ! 1; this.ha = ! 0; this.Bb = ! 1; b && Vv(this) }; Uv.prototype.resume = function () { this.Bb && this.start() }; var Vv = function (b) { b.kb ? b.kb = ! 1 : (requestAnimationFrame(function () { return Vv(b) }), Wv(b)) }, Wv = function (b) { var g = Date.now(), m = g - b.oc; 0 > m || (m = b.Sc ? Math.min(m, b.Sc) : m, b.oc = g, b.Xd(m)) }; Uv.prototype.Ca = function () { this.ha && (this.kb = ! 0, this.ha = ! 1); pc.prototype.Ca.call(this) }; var ve = Fe.AJ(), Xv = Xe("game"), Yv = Xe("newGame") || "", Zv = function (b) { this.Ca = this.Bb = null; this.le = b; this.ak = new Kh; this.oc = new An; this.Af = new cr(this); this.Sc = new ar(this); this.ha = new Ys(this); this.kb = new Ro(this); this.Jk = new hq(this); this.Xd = this.Pk = null }; Zv.prototype.tick = function (b) { Lo = []; Mo = []; this.ak.tick(); (0 != this.ak.ha.x || 0 != this.ak.ha.y || this.ak.kb[4] || this.ak.kb[5]) && nv($v.Sc); this.Sc.le || this.ha.le || "swim" == this.Ca.name ? this.ak.le.disable() : this.ak.le.enable(); this.Sc.tick(b); this.ha.tick(b); this.Af.tick(b); if (this.Bb && this.Bb.le) { var g = this.Ca.name; g && (g = Ko.get(g)) && (g = L(g)) && Po(g, ! 0); this.Bb.tick(b) } Oo() }; var Hq = function (b, g) { if (g) { b.Ca = g; var m = ve.oc; for (var k in m) m[k].stop(); ve.Bb && ye(ve); b.oc.clear(); b.ak.Xd = []; m = b.kb; m.Bb && (co(m.Bb), m.Bb = null); (go(g.name) || ho(g.name)) && aw(b); b.Pk == g ? m = b.Xd : (m = new (Mu(g.name))(b), $n(m)); b.Pk = null; b.Xd = null; ao(m) ? Kr(b, m, g) : Kr(b, new Lr(b, m, g), g) } }, aw = function (b) { ml.AJ().xY[Rk(1)].Ca || kl(ml.AJ(), 1).then(function () { cl(); ["B6B0DC09A20D455BAB815F8FE24BCF08", "0E30EA04F8F04E9B8B08CAC42EEA149E", "1754741A4A3841C2AB73BD915D793487"].map(function (g) { return Sn(g) }); b.Af.start(); b.le.addChild(b.Af.Ca); b.Sc.start(); b.le.addChild(b.Sc.Ca); b.Sc.Ca.alpha = 0; b.Sc.disable(); b.ha.start(); b.le.addChild(b.ha.Ca); b.ha.Ca.alpha = 0; b.ha.disable(); b.le.addChild(b.kb.Ca); b.le.addChild(b.Jk.Ca) }) }, ks = function () { th("MUTED", ! 1) ? we() : xe() }, Kr = function (b, g, m) { b.Bb && (b.Bb.end(), b.le.removeChild(b.Bb.Ca)); var k = b.Ca; "cta" != k.name && (ro("d1", k.toString()), so(105), go(k.name) && so(2)); g.start(); b.Bb = g; m.ha && g.Xs(m.ha); b.le.addChildAt(b.Bb.Ca, 0); iq(b.Jk); b = b.Ca; "cta" != b.name && (ro("d1", b.toString()), so(104), go(b.name) && so(0)) }, Mu = function (b) { switch (b) { case "archery": return gq; case "climbing": return Fq; case "interior": return Ir; case "marathon": return es; case "menus": return Ys; case "pingpong": return ut; case "rugby": return It; case "skate": return eu; case "swim": return Hu; case "overworld": return $s; case "cutscene": return Qq; case "video": return Ku; default: throw Error("V"); } }, hw = function (b, g) { pc.call(this); var m = this; Yv && vh(); uh("DEVICE", kf() ? "mobile" : "desktop"); this.Bb = document.getElementById("hpcta"); this.Jk = document.getElementById("hplogo2"); this.kb = g; b.appendChild(Nk()); this.Xd = b; this.Xw = document.getElementById("hplogovideo"); this.Xw.dataset.width = 960; this.Xw.dataset.height = 540; this.HQ = g.getContext("2d"); this.HQ.imageSmoothingEnabled = ! 1; this.Sc = new mv(3E5, function () { return bw(m) }, function () { return cw(m) }); qc(this, Ma(oc, this.Sc)); dw(this); this.Xs = new ev(b); qc(this, Ma(oc, this.Xs)); this.Wt = new Uv(function (k) { m.Xs.update(k); xh(tp).update() }); ew(this); Eh(this.Xd); te(Fe.AJ(), b); this.ha = new Ou(this.kb); this.oc = new Zv(this.ha); this.Af = this.qB = ! 1; fw(this); Xv && Yn(Xv) && (Hq(this.oc, Yn(Xv)), gw(this)); if (g = document.getElementById("hpctaplay")) g.style.visibility = "inherit"; Mv([b]) }; q(hw, pc); var bw = function (b) { createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener("tick", b.ha); var g = b.Wt; g.ha && (g.Bb = ! 0, g.ha = ! 1, g.kb = ! 0); b.ha.tickEnabled = ! 1; Lo = []; Mo = []; Po(L("ARIA_HIBERNATOR")); Oo(); b = b.oc.oc; b.Ca && b.Ca.ha.pause(); we() }, cw = function (b) { b.Af && (b.qB && (b.qB = ! 0, createjs.Ticker.init()), ve.ha && ve.ha.resume(), createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", b.ha), b.Wt.start(), b.ha.tickEnabled = ! 0, b.oc.oc.resume(), th("MUTED", ! 1) || xe()) }, dw = function (b) { b.kb.addEventListener("touchstart", function () { return nv(b.Sc) }); b.kb.addEventListener("touchend", function () { return nv(b.Sc) }); b.kb.addEventListener("touchmove", function () { return nv(b.Sc) }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function () { return nv(b.Sc) }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function () { return nv(b.Sc) }) }, iw = function (b) { b.Bb.addEventListener("touchend", function () { return gw(b) }); b.Bb.addEventListener("mousedown", function () { return gw(b) }); b.Xd.addEventListener("keyup", function (g) { "keyup" !== g.type || "Enter" !== g.key && " " !== g.key || gw(b) }); b.Xd.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (g) { g.preventDefault() }) }, ew = function (b) { iw(b); var g = Bp(xh(tp), b.kb.width, b.kb.height); b.Xd.appendChild(g); Ap(xh(tp), b.Xd, [b.Xw, b.kb, g]); fl() && b.Xd.addEventListener("touchend", function () { yp(xh(tp)) }); wp(); b.Wt.start() }, gw = function (b) { if (rf) Zf(); else { b.Jk.style.backgroundColor = "#000"; var g = b.Bb.getAttribute("title"); b.Bb.removeAttribute("title"); if (hl()) { if ( ! b.Af) { var m = new Qv(b.Jk, function () { }, function () { bw(b); b.Af = ! 1; b.Bb.setAttribute("title", g) }); b.Af = ! 0; Tv(m).then(function () { b.Jk.focus(); jw(b); cw(b) }) } } else dl() ? (b.Bb.style.visibility = "hidden", gv(b.Xs, function () { b.Af = ! 0; jw(b); cw(b) })) : (b.Af = ! 0, b.Bb.style.visibility = "hidden", jw(b), cw(b)); so(0); po.c = 0; so(1) } }, jw = function (b) { b.oc.Bb || (ks(), io("intro") ? Hq(b.oc, new Xn("overworld")) : Hq(b.oc, new Xn("video", "intro", "skippable"))) }, fw = function (b) { b.ha.preventSelection = ! 1; b.ha.snapToPixelEnabled = ! 0; createjs.Touch.enable(b.ha); createjs.Ticker.interval = ag; b.ha.enableMouseOver(); b.ha.addEventListener("drawstart", function (g) { g.paused || b.oc.tick(g) }) }, $v = null, kw = function () { var b = document.getElementById("hplogo"), g = document.getElementById("hpcanvas"); if (b && g) { po.d = Yf; ! oo && gl() && (oo = ! 0, so(10)); var m = [Jv(), kl(ml.AJ(), 0), xh(yh).load(Of, Pf, Ge, window.root)]; Promise.all(m).then(function () { ["348D233EE4ED48398F13A42B3BD73D9C", "462CEA9764EE4C8D86AB0BDFEAEB1BF9"].map(function (k) { return Sn(k) }); $v = new hw(b, g) }) } }; (function (b, g) { window.google && google.doodle && (g && Na("google.doodle.cpDestroy", g), Na("google.doodle.cpInit", function () { g && g(); b() })) })(kw, function () { var b = ml.AJ(); b = p(b.xY); for (var g = b.next(); ! g.done; g = b.next()) g.value.kb = []; oc($v) }); kw();