[//]: # (Lines in this format are considered as comments and will not be displayed.) [//]: # [//]: # (Before reporting an issue make sure you are running the latest build and checked for duplicate issues!) ### What behaviour is observed: [//]: # (What happened?) ### What behaviour is expected: [//]: # (What did you expect?) ### Steps/models to reproduce: [//]: # (The actions that cause the issue. Please explain it in detail) ### Plugin list: [//]: # (This can be found by running `/pl`) ### Environment description [//]: # (Standalone server/Bungeecord network with version and build number, SQLite/MySQL, ...) ### Plugin version: [//]: # (Don't write latest or the build number with #. #Number is used to reference to other tickets.) [//]: # (This can be found by running `/version plugin-name`.) ### Error Log: [Hastebin](https://hastebin.com/) / [Gist](https://gist.github.com/) link of the error (if any) ### Configuration: [//]: # (Remember to delete any sensitive data) [Hastebin](https://hastebin.com/) / [Gist](https://gist.github.com/) link of your config.yml file