# SublimeBart ## Get real time BART arrival and departure data directly from sublime text #### [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/) #### [BART](http://www.bart.gov/) ## About Integrates with the BART api to allow you to check real time BART arrival and departure times. ## Usage Type 'ctrl+shift+p' and type BART to search for the available commands. 1. `Get Schedule` Prompts the user for an origin and destination. Shows a popup of the next 4 routes from the selected origin and destination. If the route includes transfers, the user may select the row in the list for a more detailed list of each transfer. 2. `Go Home` Same as Get Schedule, but skips the prompting process, and uses the users preferences for work and home. 3. `Go To Work` Same as Go Home but origin and destination are switched. 4. `Set Home Station` Allows user to choose home station from list of stations, and updates the preferences file. 5. `Set Work Station` Allows user to choose work station from list of stations, and updates the preferences file. NOTE: Commands 4 and 5 currently will only work if the user SublimeBart.sublime-settings file is not open. ## Options `SublimeBart` exposes two useful options: home, and work. These are available under `Preferences -> Package Settings -> Sublime Bart` or search for `SublimeBart: Set plugin options` Example `User Plugin Preferences` ```json { "home": "ashb", "work": "civc", } ``` The following show a map of abbreviations to station names. ```json { "12th": "12th St. Oakland City Center", "16th": "16th St. Mission (SF)", "19th": "19th St. Oakland", "24th": "24th St. Mission (SF)", "ashb": "Ashby (Berkeley)", "balb": "Balboa Park (SF)", "bayf": "Bay Fair (San Leandro)", "cast": "Castro Valley", "civc": "Civic Center (SF)", "cols": "Coliseum/Oakland Airport", "colm": "Colma", "conc": "Concord", "daly": "Daly City", "dbrk": "Downtown Berkeley", "dubl": "Dublin/Pleasanton", "deln": "El Cerrito del Norte", "plza": "El Cerrito Plaza", "embr": "Embarcadero (SF)", "frmt": "Fremont", "ftvl": "Fruitvale (Oakland)", "glen": "Glen Park (SF)", "hayw": "Hayward", "lafy": "Lafayette", "lake": "Lake Merritt (Oakland)", "mcar": "MacArthur (Oakland)", "mlbr": "Millbrae", "mont": "Montgomery St. (SF)", "nbrk": "North Berkeley", "ncon": "North Concord/Martinez", "orin": "Orinda", "pitt": "Pittsburg/Bay Point", "phil": "Pleasant Hill", "powl": "Powell St. (SF)", "rich": "Richmond", "rock": "Rockridge (Oakland)", "sbrn": "San Bruno", "sfia": "San Francisco Int\"l Airport", "sanl": "San Leandro", "shay": "South Hayward", "ssan": "South San Francisco", "ucty": "Union City", "wcrk": "Walnut Creek", "wdub": "West Dublin", "woak": "West Oakland" } ``` ## Installation ### Through [Sublime Package Manager](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) * `Ctrl+Shift+P` or `Cmd+Shift+P` in Linux/Windows/OS X * type `install`, select `Package Control: Install Package` * type `SublimeBart`, select `SublimeBart` ### Manually Make sure you use the right Sublime Text folder. For example, on OS X, packages for version 2 are in `~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2`, while version 3 is labeled `~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3`. These are for Sublime Text 3: #### Mac `git clone https://github.com/ganemone/SublimeBart.git ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/SublimeBart` #### Linux `git clone https://github.com/ganemone/SublimeBart.git ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeBart` #### Windows `git clone https://github.com/ganemone/SublimeBart.git "%APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/SublimeBart"`