apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1 kind: CloudProfile metadata: name: cloudprofile1 spec: type: # {aws,azure,gcp,...} providerConfig: # Please checkout the documentation and example manifests of your provider to find out which provider config # is needed here. # Optional list of labels on `Seed` resources that marks those seeds whose shoots may use this provider profile. # An empty list means that all seeds of the same provider type are supported. # This is useful for environments that are of the same type (like openstack) but may have different "instances"/landscapes. # seedSelector: # matchLabels: # foo: bar kubernetes: versions: - version: 1.28.1 - version: 1.27.2 - version: 1.26.3 - version: 1.25.8 expirationDate: 2022-11-30T01:02:03Z # optional machineImages: - name: suse-chost # updateStrategy: "major" # optional, either {patch,minor,major} versions: - version: 15.4.20220818 - version: 15.4.20220620 expirationDate: "2023-02-28T23:59:59Z" # classification: deprecated # architectures: # optional # - amd64 # - arm64 # cri: # Even though gardener doesn't support docker CRI, gardener requires machine images to have the docker daemon installed. See https://github.com/gardener/gardener/issues/4673 for more information. # - name: containerd # containerRuntimes: # - type: gvisor # kubeletVersionConstraint: "< 1.26" # optional - name: ubuntu versions: - version: 18.04.201906170 # cri: # - name: containerd # containerRuntimes: # - type: gvisor # - type: kata-containers machineTypes: - name: m5.large cpu: "2" gpu: "0" memory: 8Gi # storage: # optional (not needed in every environment, may only be specified if no volumeTypes have been specified) # class: standard # type: default # size: 20Gi # optional, either size or minSize must be configured # minSize: 10Gi # optional, either size or minSize must be configured usable: true # architecture: amd64 # optional volumeTypes: # optional (not needed in every environment, may only be specified if no machineType has a `storage` field) - name: gp3 class: standard usable: true # minSize: # optional - name: io1 class: premium usable: true regions: - name: europe-central-1 zones: # optional (not needed in every environment) - name: europe-central-1a - name: europe-central-1b - name: europe-central-1c # unavailableMachineTypes: # optional, list of machine types defined above that are not available in this zone # - m5.large # unavailableVolumeTypes: # optional, list of volume types defined above that are not available in this zone # - io1 # labels: # optional, arbitrary key-value pairs to provide additional (meta) information about this region # seed.gardener.cloud/eu-access: "true" # CA bundle that will be installed onto every shoot machine that is using this provider profile. # caBundle: | # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # ... # -----END CERTIFICATE-----