# Secret containing provider-specific credentials for account that shall be used to deploy the shoot into. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-provider-account namespace: garden-dev type: Opaque data: # Provider-related secret keys # # Please checkout the documentation and example manifests of your provider to find out which data keys # are expected. # # # DNS-related secret keys # # If you use your own domain (not the default domain of your landscape) then you have to add additional keys to this secret. # The reason is that the DNS management is not part of the Gardener core code base but externalized, hence, it might use other # key names than Gardener itself. # The actual values here depend on the DNS extension that is installed to your landscape. # For example, check out https://github.com/gardener/external-dns-management and find a lot of example secret manifests here: # https://github.com/gardener/external-dns-management/tree/master/examples