# Shoot Cluster Purpose The `Shoot` resource contains a `.spec.purpose` field indicating how the shoot is used, whose allowed values are as follows: * `evaluation` (default): Indicates that the shoot cluster is for evaluation scenarios. * `development`: Indicates that the shoot cluster is for development scenarios. * `testing`: Indicates that the shoot cluster is for testing scenarios. * `production`: Indicates that the shoot cluster is for production scenarios. * `infrastructure`: Indicates that the shoot cluster is for infrastructure scenarios (only allowed for shoots in the `garden` namespace). ## Behavioral Differences The following enlists the differences in the way the shoot clusters are set up based on the selected purpose: * `testing` shoot clusters **do not** get a monitoring or a logging stack as part of their control planes. * `production` shoot clusters get at least two replicas of the `kube-apiserver` for their control planes. Auto-scaling scale down of the main ETCD is disabled for such clusters. There are also differences with respect to how `testing` shoots are scheduled after creation, please consult the [Scheduler documentation](../concepts/scheduler.md). ## Future Steps We might introduce more behavioral difference depending on the shoot purpose in the future. As of today, there are no plans yet.