replicaCount: 2 revisionHistoryLimit: 2 serviceAccountName: gardenlet invalidateServiceAccountToken: true image: repository: tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi # podAnnotations: # YAML formated annotations used for pod template # podLabels: # YAML formated labels used for pod template additionalVolumes: [] additionalVolumeMounts: [] env: [] vpa: false # imageVectorOverwrite: | # Please find documentation in docs/deployment/ # componentImageVectorOverwrites: | # Please find documentation in docs/deployment/ config: gardenClientConnection: # acceptContentTypes: application/json # contentType: application/json qps: 100 burst: 130 # gardenClusterAddress: https://some-external-ip-address-to-garden-cluster # gardenClusterCACert: # bootstrapKubeconfig: # bootstrapKubeconfig contains the kubeconfig that is used to initiate the bootstrap process, i.e., # that is used to request a client certificate for the garden cluster. # If the kubeconfig is provided inline, the name and namespace fields # are a reference to a secret that will store this bootstrap kubeconfig. If `kubeconfig` is given # then only this kubeconfig will be considered. # If you already have a boostrap kubeconfig you can reference it with # and secretRef.namespace. # name: gardenlet-kubeconfig-bootstrap # namespace: garden # secretRef: # name: secretName # namespace: secretNamespace # kubeconfig: | # some-kubeconfig-for-bootstrapping # kubeconfigSecret: # kubeconfigSecret is the reference to a secret object that stores the gardenlet's kubeconfig that # is used to communicate with the garden cluster. This kubeconfig is derived out of the bootstrap # process. If `kubeconfig` is given then only this kubeconfig will be considered. # name: gardenlet-kubeconfig # namespace: garden # kubeconfigValidity: # validity: 24h # autoRotationJitterPercentageMin: 70 # autoRotationJitterPercentageMax: 90 # kubeconfig: | # Specify a kubeconfig here if you don't want the Gardenlet to use TLS bootstrapping (if you provide # `bootstrapKubeconfig` and `kubeconfigSecret` then it will try to create a CertificateSigningRequest # and to procure a client certificate. seedClientConnection: # acceptContentTypes: application/json # contentType: application/json qps: 100 burst: 130 # kubeconfig: | # Specify a kubeconfig for the seed cluster here if you don't want to use the Gardenlet's service account. shootClientConnection: # acceptContentTypes: application/json # contentType: application/json qps: 25 burst: 50 controllers: backupBucket: concurrentSyncs: 20 backupEntry: concurrentSyncs: 20 # deletionGracePeriodHours: 24 # deletionGracePeriodShootPurposes: # - production bastion: concurrentSyncs: 20 seed: syncPeriod: 1h # leaseResyncSeconds: 2 # leaseResyncMissThreshold: 10 seedCare: syncPeriod: 30s conditionThresholds: - type: SeedSystemComponentsHealthy duration: 1m shoot: concurrentSyncs: 20 syncPeriod: 1h retryDuration: 12h respectSyncPeriodOverwrite: false reconcileInMaintenanceOnly: false # progressReportPeriod: 5s # dnsEntryTTLSeconds: 120 shootCare: concurrentSyncs: 5 syncPeriod: 30s staleExtensionHealthChecks: enabled: true # threshold: 5m managedResourceProgressingThreshold: 1h conditionThresholds: - type: APIServerAvailable duration: 1m - type: ControlPlaneHealthy duration: 1m - type: ObservabilityComponentsHealthy duration: 1m - type: SystemComponentsHealthy duration: 1m - type: EveryNodeReady duration: 5m webhookRemediatorEnabled: false shootState: concurrentSyncs: 5 syncPeriod: 6h managedSeed: concurrentSyncs: 5 syncPeriod: 1h waitSyncPeriod: 15s syncJitterPeriod: 5m jitterUpdates: false networkPolicy: concurrentSyncs: 5 # additionalNamespaceSelectors: # - matchLabels: # foo: bar tokenRequestor: concurrentSyncs: 5 vpaEvictionRequirements: concurrentSyncs: 5 resources: capacity: shoots: 250 leaderElection: leaderElect: true leaseDuration: 15s renewDeadline: 10s retryPeriod: 2s resourceLock: leases # resourceName: gardenlet-leader-election # resourceNamespace: garden logLevel: info logFormat: json server: healthProbes: # health probes should be disabled for debugging purposes only enable: true port: 2728 metrics: port: 2729 debugging: enableProfiling: false enableContentionProfiling: false featureGates: {} seedConfig: {} # sni: # ingress: # serviceName: istio-ingress # namespace: istio-ingress # labels: # istio: ingressgateway # exposureClassHandlers: # - name: handler-1 # loadBalancerService: # annotations: # test: handler-1 # - name: handler-2 # loadBalancerService: # annotations: # test: handler-2 # sni: # ingress: # serviceName: istio-ingress # namespace: istio-ingress-handler-2 # labels: # istio: ingressgateway-handler-2 # etcdConfig: # etcdController: # workers: 3 # custodianController: # workers: 3 # backupCompactionController: # workers: 3 # enableBackupCompaction: false # eventsThreshold: 1000000 # activeDeadlineDuration: "3h" # metricsScrapeWaitDuration: "60s" # backupLeaderElection: # reelectionPeriod: 5s # etcdConnectionTimeout: 5s # featureGates: # UseEtcdWrapper: true # logging: # enabled: false # monitoring: # shoot: # remoteWrite: # url: https://remoteWriteUrl # remote write URL # keep: # metrics that should be forwarded to the external write endpoint. If empty all metrics get forwarded # - kube_pod_container_info # queueConfig: | # queue_config of prometheus remote write as multiline string # max_shards: 100 # batch_send_deadline: 20s # min_backoff: 500ms # max_backoff: 60s # externalLabels: # add additional labels to metrics to identify it on the central instance # additional: label nodeToleration: defaultNotReadyTolerationSeconds: 60 defaultUnreachableTolerationSeconds: 60