# ControllerRegistration object allows to register external controllers. # See https://github.com/gardener/gardener/blob/master/docs/proposals/01-extensibility.md. --- apiVersion: core.gardener.cloud/v1beta1 kind: ControllerRegistration metadata: name: os-gardenlinux spec: resources: - kind: OperatingSystemConfig type: gardenlinux # primary: true|false # globallyEnabled: true|false # only valid if kind=Extension # reconcileTimeout: 30s # only valid if kind=Extension # workerlessSupported: true|false # only valid if kind=Extension deployment: deploymentRefs: - name: os-gardenlinux # reference to ControllerDeployment # policy: OnDemand|Always|AlwaysExceptNoShoots # seedSelector: # matchLabels: # foo: bar