# DefaultPlus v2 The DefaultPlus v2 theme, is 12 themes in one! It includes a UI theme that matches every default color scheme (only dark schemes supported for now). ## Preview ### All Hallow's Eve ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/all-hallows-eve.png) ### Blackboard ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/blackboard.png) ### Amy ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/amy.png) ### Cobalt ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/cobalt.png) ### Espresso Libre ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/espresso-libre.png) ### Monokai ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/monokai.png) ### Pastels on Dark ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/pastels-on-dark.png) ### Solarized ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/solarized.png) ### SpaceCadet ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/spacecadet.png) ### Sunburst ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/sunburst.png) ### Twilight ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/twilight.png) ### Zenburnesque ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme/master/previews/zenburnesque.png) ## Installation ### Package Control (Recommended) If you have [sublime package control](https://packagecontrol.io) installed, it's a breeze to install DefaultPlus. If you don't have it installed, [go here](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) to learn how to install it. I really can't recommend it enough. 1. Open up the `Tools->Command Pallette`(⇧⌘P on OSX) 2. Type in `install` and select the `Package Control: Install Package` option. 3. Find `Theme - DefaultPlus`and hit `Enter` to install. ### Git Install You can install the theme and keep it updated by cloning the repo into your `Packages` directory. To get to your packages directory, go into SublimeText and click on `Preferences -> Browse Packages...`. Now open up a terminal window and change your current directory to the packages folder you opened `cd /path/to/packages/folder` Then clone the repository into the current directory under the name "Theme - DefaultPlus". `git clone https://github.com/mediachicken/sublimetext-defaultplus-theme "Theme - DefaultPlus"` ## Using the theme - Open up your settings `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User` - Add (or change) the theme entry to `"theme": "DefaultPlus Monokai.sublime-theme"` - You can replace Monokai with any of the included themes. Make sure to change the color scheme too! ## Theme Options - `dplus_fat_tabs` - If enabled, it will render large sized tabs. - `dplus_bright_fonts` - if enabled, it will use more legible fonts in the tabs/sidebar. - `dplus_bright_minimap` - if enabled, the minimap will be more vibrant in color. - `dplus_bright_status_bar` - if enabled, the bottom status bar will be vibrant in color. ## Changelog ### 6.13.2015 - Removed unexpected comma on line 175 of all themes. ### 4.9.2015 - 2.0 release. - Added Blackboard theme. - Added Cobalt theme. - Aded Espresso Libre theme. - Added Pastels on Dark theme. - Added SpaceCadet theme. - Added Sunburst theme. - Added Twilight theme. - Added Zenburnesque theme. - Changed folder open/closed icons. ### 4.3.2015 - Added Solarized theme. - Added Amy theme. - Added All Hallow's Eve theme. ### 4.2.2015 - First 2.0 preview build is done. ### 3.5.2014 - Added theme options for tab label styles ### 3.4.2014 - Added theme options for sidebar label styles ### 11.28.2013 - Updated the look and feel of the block tabs - Updated the look of input elements - Changed the color of button highlights - Made the side bar's color scheme easier on the eyes. ### 11.25.2013 - Added block-styled tabs