var item = new Object(); if (typeof (format) == 'undefined') { var format = '{itm_quantity}[URL="{itm_url}"]{itm_name}[/URL] {itm_price}' } if (typeof (before) == 'undefined') { var before = '' } if (typeof (after) == 'undefined') { var after = '' } function replaceVars(a) { var b = format; for (key in a) { b = b.replace("{" + key + "}", a[key]) } return b } function hwvs() { var a = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]; if (typeof (a) != 'undefined') { var b = a.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0]; var c = b.rows; var d = new Array(); var e = $(a.getElementsByTagName("p")[0]).text(); d.push("Total build cost: €" + hwvsFixPrice(e.substring(0, e.length - 2)) + " + €11.99 shipping"); for (var i = 1; i < c.length; i += 2) { var f = c[i].cells[0]; item.itm_url = f.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href; item.itm_name = $(f).text().trim(); item.itm_price = $(c[i].cells[2]).text().trim(); log("Item_" + i + " price: " + item.itm_price); item.itm_quantity = parseInt(c[i].cells[3].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value, 10); item.itm_quantity = (item.itm_quantity > 1 ? item.itm_quantity + ' x ' : ''); item.itm_price = "€" + hwvsFixPrice(item.itm_price.substring(0, item.itm_price.length - 2)); log("Item_" + i + " fixed price: " + item.itm_price); d.push(replaceVars(item)) } } else { alert("You must place an item in your basket first.") } return d } function hwvsFixPrice(a) { return a.replace(",", "'").replace(".", ",").replace("'", ".") } function scan() { var b = new Array(); var c = $('div.btRight').text(); var d = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_labelTotalCarriage').text(); var e = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_labelTotalVat').text(); b.push("Total build cost: " + c + " (inc Delivery £" + d + " and VAT £" + e + ")"); $('.btRow').each(function (a) { item.itm_url = $('.btDesc a', this).attr('href'); item.itm_name = $('.btDesc a', this).text().trim(); item.itm_price = $('.btInc', this).text().trim(); item.itm_quantity = parseInt($('.btQty input', this).val(), 10); item.itm_quantity = (item.itm_quantity > 1 ? item.itm_quantity + ' x ' : ''); b.push(replaceVars(item)) }); return b } function dabs() { var b = new Array(); var c = $('td[class="total-bg lprice"]').text().trim(); b.push("Total build cost: " + c + " (inc delivery " + $('#delivery').text().trim() + ")"); $('table.basktbl tr:contains("Quicklinx")').each(function (a) { item.itm_url = "" + $(' p a', this).attr('href'); item.itm_name = $(' p a', this).text().trim(); item.itm_price = $('td.lprice:eq(1) span', this).text(); item.itm_quantity = parseInt($('td:eq(2) input', this).val(), 10); item.itm_quantity = (item.itm_quantity > 1 ? item.itm_quantity + ' x ' : ''); b.push(replaceVars(item)) }); return b } function memoryc() { var b = new Array(); var c = jQuery('#bctotal_price').text(); b.push("Total build cost: " + c); jQuery('.blue_border_tr:eq(0) tr:contains("Item Number")').each(function (a) { item.itm_url = jQuery('.prod_desc', this).attr('href'); item.itm_name = jQuery('.title_green_font', this).text(); item.itm_price = jQuery('span[id^="cart_vat"]', this).text().match(/VAT(.\s[^\s]+)/i)[1]; item.itm_quantity = parseInt(jQuery('input[name^="quantity"]', this).val(), 10); item.itm_quantity = (item.itm_quantity > 1 ? item.itm_quantity + ' x ' : ''); b.push(replaceVars(item)) }); return b } function overclockers() { var a = new Array(); var b = document.getElementById("orderTotal").cells[2].innerHTML; a.push("Total build cost: " + b); var c = document.getElementById("shoppingBkt"); var d = c.rows; for (var i = 1; i < d.length - 4; i++) { item.itm_url = d[i].cells[1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href; item.itm_name = d[i].cells[1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML; item.itm_price = d[i].cells[4].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML; item.itm_quantity = parseInt(d[i].cells[2].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value, 10); item.itm_quantity = (item.itm_quantity > 1 ? item.itm_quantity + ' x ' : ''); a.push(replaceVars(item)) }; return a } function specialtech() { var a = new Array(); var b = document.getElementsByClassName('ProductPriceSmall')[5].innerHTML; var c = document.getElementsByClassName('ProductPriceSmall')[4].innerHTML; var d = document.getElementsByClassName('ProductPriceSmall')[3].innerHTML; var e = document.getElementsByClassName('ProductPriceSmall')[2].innerHTML; a.push("Total build cost: " + b + " (inc Vat "+ e+ ", Shipping " + d + " and VAT on Shippig " + c + ")"); var c = document.forms.cartform.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; var d = c.rows; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i = i+2) { item.itm_url = d[i].cells[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href; item.itm_name = d[i].cells[1].getElementsByClassName("ProductTitle")[0].innerHTML; item.itm_price = d[i].cells[1].getElementsByClassName("ProductPrice")[0].innerHTML; item.itm_quantity = parseInt(d[i].cells[1].getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value, 10); item.itm_quantity = (item.itm_quantity > 1 ? item.itm_quantity + ' x ' : ''); a.push(replaceVars(item)) }; return a } function hideBuildBox() { document.getElementById("darkDiv").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("build_info").style.display = "none"; return false } function popoutTextarea(a) { window.document.onkeydown = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { hideBuildBox() } }; a = before + "\n" + a + "\n" + after; if (document.getElementById("build_info") != null) { document.getElementById("build_post").innerHTML = a; document.getElementById("darkDiv").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("build_info").style.display = "block" } else { var b = 500; var c = 300; var d = document.createElement("div"); d.setAttribute("id", "darkDiv"); d.setAttribute("onclick", "hideBuildBox()"); d.setAttribute("style", "top: 0px; left: 0px; background: #000000; position: absolute; z-index: 998; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0.5;"); var f = document.createElement("div"); f.setAttribute("id", "build_info"); var g = "position: absolute;"; g += "z-index: 999;"; g += "top: " + (screen.availHeight / 2 - c) + "px;"; g += "left: " + (screen.availWidth / 2 - b / 2) + "px;"; g += "height: " + c + "px;"; g += "width: " + b + "px;"; g += "background: #f4a223;"; g += "border: 10px solid #f4a223;"; g += "box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #222;"; g += "border-radius: 20px;"; g += "-webkit-border-radius: 20px;"; g += "-moz-border-radius: 20px;"; f.setAttribute("style", g); var h = document.createElement("div"); h.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 20px; font-weight: 900;"); h.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Your build info")); var i = document.createElement("a"); i.setAttribute("style", "float: right; margin: -20px auto;"); i.setAttribute("onclick", "return hideBuildBox();"); i.appendChild(document.createTextNode("close")); var j = document.createElement("textarea"); j.setAttribute("id", "build_post"); j.setAttribute("onclick", "select();"); j.setAttribute("cols", "1"); j.setAttribute("rows", "1"); j.setAttribute("style", "width: " + (b - 5) + "px; height: " + (c - 50) + "px;"); j.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)); f.appendChild(h); f.appendChild(i); f.appendChild(j); document.body.appendChild(f); document.body.appendChild(d) } window.location.hash = "#" } function init_script() { var a = window.location.hostname; var b = window.location.pathname; if (a.match(/scan\.co\.uk/i)) { if (b.match(/basket/i)) { popoutTextarea(scan().join("\n")) } else { var c = confirm("Would you like to be redirected to your basket?"); if (c) { window.location.href = '' } } } else if (a.match(/hardwareversand\.de/i)) { if (b.match(/basket\.jsp/i)) { popoutTextarea(hwvs().join("\n")) } else { var c = confirm("Would you like to be redirected to your basket?"); if (c) { window.location.pathname = 'basket.jsp' } } } else if (a.match(/dabs\.ie/i)) { if (b.match(/basket/i)) { popoutTextarea(dabs().join("\n")) } else { var c = confirm("Would you like to be redirected to your basket?"); if (c) { window.location.pathname = 'basket' } } } else if (a.match(/specialtech\.co\.uk/i)) { if (b.match(/cart/i)) { popoutTextarea(specialtech().join("\n")) } else { var c = confirm("Would you like to be redirected to your basket?"); if (c) { window.location.pathname = 'basket' } } } else if (a.match(/memoryc\.com/i)) { if (b.match(/checkout/i)) { popoutTextarea(memoryc().join("\n")) } else { var c = confirm("Would you like to be redirected to your basket?"); if (c) { window.location.pathname = 'buy/checkout.html' } } } else if (a.match(/overclockers\.co\.uk/i)) { if (b.match(/viewcart/i)) { popoutTextarea(overclockers().join("\n")) } else { var c = confirm("Would you like to be redirected to your basket?"); if (c) { window.location.pathname = 'viewcart.php' } } } else { alert("Sorry this tool does not work with this website.") } }