This module is protected by a specific license because it integrates the HighCharts & HighStock software, developed by the HighSoft company and protected by a specific licence granted to GatlingCorp in the context of the Gatling software project.

GatlingCorp grants this license allowing the use, free-of-charge of the report generation module as delivered. No code modification is authorised, no re-use of the code, no copying of all or any part of the code is allowed. The components generated by the report generation module of the Gatling product can not be modified or re-used even partially.

In particular, it is forbidden to re-use, copy or modify the HighSoft javascript components. For all use of the HighSoft components outside of the Gatling report generation module, please contact HighSoft company directly.

This license does not permit the transfer of the intellectual rights associated with the software to the user of the licence of the Gatling software report generation module, or any of the other components within the software.

This module is provided in its current state:
no complaints will be managed by GatlingCorp
no guarantee is provided by GatlingCorp for the correct working of the module, its potential impact on the beneficiary's information systems, the accuracy of the results or any problem found as a result of the direct or indirect use of the Gatling software report generation module.
The beneficiary uses the Gatling software report generation module at his own risk, any issues found as a result of the use of this software are his responsibility.
If any of the clauses in this present licence are declared null and void or inapplicable by the law, a ruling or as a result of decision of justice, then this clause would be excluded from the licence but all the other clauses would remain valid.

This license and its terms and conditions are issued in accordance with French law. The involved parties agree that all disputes or controversies arising from the agreement as a result of interpretation, execution and/or termination of the license should be resolved amicably, out of court.

If this is not possible, any resulting claim will be submitted to the Nanterre Court of Justice, it remains the only legal authority considered competent to deal with these claims, this includes claims relating to incidents, guarantees or multiple party claims. All claims must be notified and handled in French.