--- title: "Embed file contents within PrismJS blocks" date: "2017-04-05" draft: false author: Daisy Buchanan tags: - remark - Code Highlighting - embed snippets --- You can embed the contents of existing files within your Markdown using the [`gatsby-remark-embed-snippet`][1] with [`gatsby-remark-prismjs`][2]. Let's start by displaying file contents as a highlighted code block, then see how to control line highlighting and visibility from within the source file. ## Embedding files After installing the required plugins you can embed a file within your Markdown by using `embed` snippets. To embed the file `src/code-examples/plain.js` you could write the following:
This will look like: `embed:plain.js` ## Highlight lines You can highlight specific lines by adding special comments to the source file. Let's see how this works in `src/code-examples/highlight-lines.js`. Take a look at the `highlight-line` comment on line 4 and the `highlight-range` comment on line 8: ```jsx{numberLines: true} import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" const name = `Brian` // highlight-line ReactDOM.render(
{/* highlight-range{1-2} */}

Hello, ${name}!

Welcome to this example

, document.getElementById(`root`) ) ``` When the file is embedded with:
it will display like this: `embed:highlight-lines.js` ## Hide lines You can use similar comments to hide specific lines. Here's another example, this time using `src/code-examples/hide-lines.js`. Check out the `hide-line` comments on lines 1, 7, 13 and 14: ```jsx{numberLines: true} /* hide-range{1-3} */ import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" const name = `Brian` // hide-next-line ReactDOM.render(

Hello, ${name}!

Welcome to this example

, document.getElementById(`root`) // hide-line ) // hide-line ``` Which will display like this: `embed:hide-lines.js` ## All together now You can mix line highlighting and hiding in the same file. This is from `src/code-examples/hide-and-highlight-lines.js` ``` /* hide-range{1-3} */ import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" // highlight-next-line const name = `Brian` // highlight-range{4-5} // hide-next-line ReactDOM.render(

Hello, ${name}!

Welcome to this example

, document.getElementById(`root`) // hide-line ) // hide-line ``` It'll look like this: `embed:hide-and-highlight-lines.js` ## Related info You've learnt how to embed the contents of existing files into your Markdown using [`gatsby-remark-embed-snippet`][1] with [`gatsby-remark-prismjs`][2]. Hurray! If you'd prefer to write your code blocks directly within your Markdown, take a look at the example [Code and Syntax Highlighting with PrismJS][4]. [1]: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-remark-embed-snippet/ [2]: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-remark-prismjs/ [3]: http://prismjs.com/ [4]: /code-and-syntax-highlighting/