Rebol [ file: %what-commit.reb date: 22-Mar-2017 author: "Graham Chiu" Notes: {attempts to return the commit url for a ren-c downloaded travis binary} ] what-commit: function [{attempts to return the commit url for a ren-c downloaded travis binary}][ builds: copy [] page: to string! read version: unspaced [rebol/version/3 "." rebol/version/4 "." rebol/version/5] directory: unspaced ["href=" version "/"] build-rule: [thru directory copy binary to ">" thru binary thru copy date to thru "" thru ">" copy build-no to "<" (repend builds [build-no date]) ] parse page [some build-rule] commit: diffcandidate: _ diff: 24:00 * 365 ; make it a year - really pessimistic for-each [build-no date] builds [ date: to date! date ; d will always be older then rebol/build, so if negative .. quit diffcandidate: min diff d: difference date rebol/build if negative? d [break] if diffcandidate < diff [ diff: diffcandidate commit: unspaced [ "/" build-no] ] ] either diff > 0:05:00 [ print "This binary is no longer listed so commit can not be ascertained!" ][ to url! commit ] ]